Volume XVI-Ne. 136. ' 5, TERMS. THE DAILYINTELLIGENOER, PUBLISHED EVERT EVESISO, BY STEINMAN & HENSEL, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner of Centre Square. The Daily Intelligencer ts furnished te MiliMM-iberb in the City of Lancaster and sur rounding town, accessible by Railroad and Dally Stage Lines at Tex Cente Per Week, payable te the Carriers, weekly. By Mall, $5 a J i-ar in advance : otherwise, V. Kntcred at the pest efllceat Lancaster, Pa., as i-ecend elas-H mail matter. 37TliebTKAM JOB FRIXTIXG DEPART DEPART MKXTef this establishment possesses uiiflur pnssfd lacilities for the execution of all kinds I Plain and rancvPiintimr. CLOTHIXG. COAL. B. JI. MAET1S, Whole-ale and Retail Dealer in all kind? of LUMBER AXD COAL. 5Yard : Xe. 420 Xerth Water and Prince Miceti, above Lemen, Lancaster. nS-lyd COAL! - - - COAL!! GO TO GORREOHT & CO. Fer Geed Pike. e3-lyd :inil Clieap Ceal. Yard Han Kburjj OHIcc '2U Eabt Ciiestnut Ml cut. P. W. UORRECHT, Ati .1. B. K1LEY. W. A. KELLER. ,'t. COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! Ceal of the ltcst Oimllty put up expressly ler family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. Kjf YAItD 150 SOUTH WATKK ST. !ii--".Mjd PHILIP SCHUM.SOX & CO. TII.ST ltKCi:iVi:i AFINK LOT OF ItALKD TIMOTHY HAY, at M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, DEALEItS IN COAL ! FLOUR ! ! GRAIN ! ! ! FAMILY COAL UNDER COVER. M imie-etu Patent Precess Family and ISakei 's Fleur. Baled Hay and Feed of all kinds. Warehouse .-mil Yard : 234 North Water St h27-lyd CO HO & WILEY, ;;.7 XORTII WATER ST., iMiiraster, fa., Wholesale and Retail Dealer. in LUMBER AND COAL. Alse, Contractors and Builders. I.Mimatfs limilf and contracts uiiilerlaken en .ill kinds i buildings. Branch Ollice : -Ne. ;: NORTH NEW GOODS FOR FALL & WINTER. We are new prepared te show the public one of the largest stocks of READYMADE CLOTHING ever exhibited in the city of Lancaster. Geed Werkinsr Suita for men 46.00. Geed Stvles Cassimerc Suits for men $7.50. Our All Weel Men's Suits that we are selling ler $9.00 are as geed as you can buy elsewhere for $12.00. Our stock of Overcoats are immense. All grades and every variety of styles and colors, for men, boys and youths, all our own manufac ture. Full line of Men's, Youths' and Bevs' Suits. Full line of Men's, Youths' and Beys' Overcoats. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT ! Ve are prepared te show one et the best stocks of Piece Goods te select from and have made te order ever shown in the city. They are all arranged en tables litted up expressly se that every piece can be examined betere making a selection. All our goods have been purchased before the rise in woolens. Weaie prepared te make up in geed stvle and at short notice and at bottom prices. We make te or der an All Weel Suit ter $12.00. By buying your goods at CENTRE HALL you save one nrefit. as wc manufacture all our own Clothing and give employment te about one hundred hands. - Call and examine our stock and be convinced as te the truth et which we all I rin. Lancaster Intelligencer. SATUEDAT EVENING, FEB. 7, 1880. Flerida's Resources. MYERS fc RATHFOX, Centre JIall, Ne. 12 Kat King Street. I) UK EST. !cbs-lyd N rici: te Tin: public. n 1880. FEBRUARY. 1880. The GREAT REDUCTION ill Prices con tinued until MARCH te cleie out a Large ami Splendid Line of HEAVY WEIGHTS, te make room for our SPRING GOODS. Over .100 PANTALOON PATTERN'S of the Leading Styles, in English, French and American Novelties, At a Reduction of il percent. Scotch, English and Amer ican Suitings AT CORRESPONDINGLY LOW PRICES. A Let of Choice Styles in OVERCOATINGS, at a Great Sacrifice. All these Gic.it Bargains, umi ked en Plain Card;, with first-class weik. ;ire invited te secure Our prices are all :is low as consistent J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 North Queen Street. marS-lydP&W cmxTriTi p cistl.tci or. rrjiji(Xi cv VAJsr?. Will continue te sell enlv GEXUTXE LYKENS VALLEY j and WTLKESBAIIRE COALS which an: the, best iu the market, and .sell as i LOU' as the LOWEST, and net only GUAR- AXTEE FULL WEIGHT, butallew te WEIGH ON ANY cale in geed elder. i Alse Rough and Dressed Lumber, S.ish. Deers, Blimls, Ac, at Lewest .Market Pi ices. Office and yard northeast corner Piinccand Walnut stieefs, Lancaster, Pa. janl-tfd hooks axd stationery. "v-alentines! valkntinks : : VALENTINES ! A GREAT VARIETY, L. M. FLYNN'S K00K AM) STATIONERY STOKE, Ne. 42 "WEST KING STKKET. 1880. 1880. VALENTINES! A CHOICE STOCK OF mareus ward & oe's WINTER STOCK Valentines and Valentine CARDS, Unsurpassed in variety of design and beauty FOIl SALE AT BOOK STORE OF JOM BAER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET,- LANCASTER, PA. CENTRE IALL, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Closing out our Greatly rani Prices j In order te make loom lei the WALL, fAf JiJtS, f r. TJKMOVAL. PTTATfcES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST., We have moved oursteck te the above num ber, tlin-e doers below oureld location, w heie we shall be pleased te see our friends and pa trons. We ha e a very large and attractive stock et WALL PAPER WINDOW SHADES FOR THE SPRING TRADE, which orders were placed early in the fall, be be lerc the advance in price, which enables n te sell at the old juices. We also make WALNUT and GILT COR NICES, CORNICE POLES and TRIMMING1?. GIMP RANDS, LOOPS, NAILS, AC. PAPER HUNG and SHADES put up in the best manner. ZW CALL. AND SEE US. ""2 Large Spring Stock, Which we aic new manufacturing. Overcoats, Suits and Suitings, Te be sold at the Lewest Prices. 0. B. Hestener k Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE- 30-lyd LANCASTER, PA. HOOTS AXD SHOES. IlKCU.nSTANCKS WILL NOT PERMIT FO VXDERS AXD 31 A CiUXIS TS. T ANCASTKK J BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OrresiTKiHE Locomotive Weiiks. The subscriber continues te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twiers, bellows Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and Blacksmithing generally. S-Jobbing promptly attended te. auglS-lyd JOIIN'BEST. IIAXKIXG. $10 TO $500. ALL WISHING Tl make inenev in Wi.n .i should deal with the undersigned. Write for explanatory circulars, sent free by HICKLING & CO., xecT,eB,T& New Yerk. 1el3mdeed c TO AIIVKUTISK A REDUCTION IN PRICES, but wc will de the next tiling te it. viz : We will call the attention of our friends and customers te the fact that we have en hand a very Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, purchased beteic we will sell at the late ADVANCE, which Strictly Old Prices. ftJUGivc us a call. A. ADLER, 43 WEST KING- STEEBT ABOUT ORANGE AND LEMON CULT CUE. Draining the Everglades and Overflowed Lands. Enterprise, Flerida, Correspondence of the Bosten Herald. The patch of territory in this state upon which oranges can be grown js net a large section of the state. There is mere worth less swamp land in the south end of the commonwealth than the whole of the orange country and much of the cotton re gion combined ; but the orange section is large enough te amply supply the United State and England with the delicious fruit. There is scarcely any agricultural product in the world se prelilic in yield as the orange ; there is none that se handsomely rewards the raiser. It is a grateful and a graceful little fellow. Ne one need fear from what has been said here of the nar row limits of the orange country, that he is likely te be shut out, if he contemplates going into the business from an opportun ity or securing land. Just new there are many thousand acics of excellent orange lauds in the market, and railroads and canals ate opening up mere. Orange county alone probably has the fewest run nets and solicters. This is a charming strip of land, located back of the' St. Jehn's, marketing at S.mferd its yearly yield of oranges. The future product from this county, according te calculations based en the number of young trees approaching their bearing yeais, will equal the total yield of Flerida a year or two age. It is settled chiclly by northern people and the county absolutely consists of orange groves. Sauford is the depot of supplies, and a railroad, under process of construc tion, out of Northern capital, will, when completed, ejxm up the whole region for 40 miles back of the river, and concentrate the productions of the section upon the St. Jehn's. Orange county and its neighborhood, including part of Va- lusia, have remarkable gifts. They are destined te be the great orange counties of the future, as they arc already. 1 hey are located in a climate favorable te the growth of every sort of tropical fruit. I have seen bunches of bananas hanging upon the tress at Enterprise as large and plump as any raised in Nassau. I have seen monstrous pineapple plants, and had the assurance of a skillful and scientific grower that they would bear. I have, en New Year's day, plucked strawberries as large as our "Wilsons from vines whei e they were plenty and red ripe. Side by side with them grew, with bursting pods, sweet peas and string beans ; lettuce, turnips and the like were also in a state et maturity. In fact, the fanner in Orange county can raise anything he cheeses. In deed, one gentleman was expecting some seeds or seedlings from China, acceiding te the landlord of the Breck house. It was some plant peculiar te China and Ceylon, but whether it was tea I failed te asceitain. The work of some of these gentlemen farmers is intensely scicntilic. One farmer, if such he could be called, said that he had received pineapple seeds from the "tropics" 4000 miles away and that, if money, care and knowledge of all the conditions surreuudins its growth could de it, he was going te pro duce in Flerida, where hitherto it has net been supposed the pineapple could be rais ed, the iinest fiuit in the world. "I hae already," he said, "satisfied myself that the pineapple will grew here, and I am going te produce a perfect one." The same gentleman is an agricultural "exquis ite" in all ether directions. lie is im proving his oranges, adding flavor te his strawberries, strengthening and improving his banana trees. It costs him a geed deal of money, but he he prefers this hobby te some ether man's. The Breck house at Enterprise is a large, oblong, white hotel, with verandas overlooking Lake Menree a continuation of the St. Jehn's. The house commands beautifnl tropical views of large fcins, wild bananas, oaks with that silvery, ancient-looking mess droop ing from them, and tall palmettos baie te the top, and ending in a freuzy bunch of long green fern-like leaves. The hotel is the principal part of the town, which is, te all appearances, simply a steamboat lauding. The house is part of a large farm which reminds one of some place or scene in the "ultra" tropics, since it produces every thing I have named above, and ligs and lemons, the citron and the guava in addition. Everything consumed en the tables is raised or manufactured en the farm, and yet delicacies are daily presented which would be inaccessible at any price te the Fifth Avenue hotel. The farmer's wife makes excellent guava jelly from the pro duct of the garden, and several of the guests, in my hearing, ordered large quan tities of it te send home. The best if net all the guava jelly used among us is sent from Cuba ; but, if Flerida can, as I have observed, make an article as geed, she has certainly diverted te herself an important branch of trade. Bananas have never been grown for any practical purpose, and these in the garden of the hotel, although as plump, had net the flavor of the Nassau banana. This, however, could be reached by cultivation. All these things aic in their infancy. Indeed, every semi-tropical fruit in Flerida is ; the orange itself is crude and undeveloped, compared te what culture and time can make it. Strawbcr tics are grown here plentifully, and doubt less, may reach New Yerk in the winter season, but they seem te lack the flavor of our fine fruit. It is felly, however, te say that cultivation cannot accomplish this re sult. Flerida has really" only been " dis covered " a few years. The winter immi gration here new from the North is enor mous ; the population is nearly doubled. Flerida is a beautiful, smilingyeung thing who has just "come out." Let us wait five years before ranking Flerida ; it is a state with a marvelous endowment of ag ricultural genius. All the products enu merated may be found growing in Orange county. It is the true orange section of the state. The climate is a material im provement en Jacksonville. During sev eral days spent at Entctprise, while I had all the beautiful features of the climate they love, I saw no mosquites or sand-flics, and I was in formed that they were scarcely trouble some enough te be annoying iu any weather. On this great farm some twenty five springs have declared themselves within a few years, some of considerable size and force. Many arc mineral sulphur, soda or iron ; ethers arc tasteless. Occasionally, one disappears and reap pears some distance away. The growth of the lemon in Flerida seems net te have been attended with the excitement of the orange culture. . The truth is, the lemon is net altogether a success. It can be grown, nevertheless, as well as the orange, in some parts of the orange section, notably Orange county. In the economy of life the orange is a luxury, the lemon is a necessity ; the orange is a beauty and wins admiration, the lemon is a plain sister and exacts respect. In sickness, wheu gloom lowers ever the bedside together with an 31. D., and a Rev., the orange is rammed out of sight, but the lemon tucks up its sleeves and gees te work, and it is no hospital nurse of the Betsey Prig order cither. In sickness, as 3Iark Taplcy had it, the lemon "comes out strong." In geed health, the lemon is a reue. It gets into disreputable com pany, and loves te sit in bar rooms, and get into punches and cocktails, It calmly allows itself te come into the pre sence of a wife and mother as part of agin teddy, lending its whole existence te bear out the husband's le-assurancc that it was only a lemonade. I have no faith in the private character of the lemon, hue com mercially, it is net a potato. The lemon is net te be sneezed at (except when it is be ing softened). Its present intrinsic value is greater than that of the orange, and there is no question about its stavin Dual ities. The rich juices of the Flerida orange are its enemies in the matter of preserva tion, but the lemon has none but the sour est essences te contend with, and, under these influences, it can be trusted te keep. It is estimated that nearly 200,000,000 lem ons come into New Yerk in a year. They bring stiff prices, even at first hands. I de net see why their culture in Flerida has net assumed greater proportions. A lemon is a necessity ; an orange is a luxury. This is the situation. A necessity com mands a place : a luxury simply occupies it for the present. Several gentlemen have assured me that lemons could be grown iu Flerida as well as anywhere, but I am afraid they prevaricated, for, if they could, they doubtless would have been te a greater extent than they have been. I did see a large lemon tree at Enterprise in bearing, and was shown a monstrous lemon which had been picked from it. The lemon leaf, crushed in your hand, emits a line fragrance resembling that of a verbena leaf. I de net knew if there arc ether valuable tropical or foreign fruits and productions that can be produced in Flerida ; but wc certainly ought te bj proud of a state that can de se much fjr us. It is the queen state of the 8 in a natural sense, because it will grew any thing the ethers de, and compete with the tropics besides. A lew weeks age I looked upon the state as an alluvial and vegetable deposit consisting of fog, malaria and alli alli gateis. I find the nightlyj fog a beneficent institution, and the malaria confined te certain districts pronounced uninhabitable and net in the market or offered for sale. The semi-tropical growths need constant and heavy visitations of dew and water in some shape. Oranges must be well watered iu a dry season or any period of drought, and, the mere tropical the nature of the fruit, the mere moisture it needs. n.i a ,i ... . j.uciu is use 10 which oranges win ne put in the future, of which I have net spoken yet. Already the bitter-sour oranges are made into marmalade. Pee pic in Flerida are practicing making wine with them, and the results have exceeded the expectations of the orange-raisers. There is no question that a fine article of wine can be made of these eramrcs. I tasted some at this place, which had a remarkable resemblance te the "old Armadillo" sherry, sold in wholesale liquor stores. If the insect with the unpro nounceable name continues te devour the French graics, as he is doing new, there will certainly be a draft en oranges te take their place. The sour orange, it seems te me, would make as creditable wine as the grape, basing my statement simply en the wines I have seen produced from it in this state. Formerly, these oranges were de stroyed ; new, they arc discovered te be of value. Every year adds materially te the development of this wonderful state. The authorities aie anxious te reclaim some of the immense territory of the everglades, which, though new a worthless swamp, is declared te be capable of improvement. This land is almost at the south end of the Flowery Land. If reclaimed, it would be of immense value te the state. It would even he mere valuable for the purpose of raising tropical fruits than the lands under culti vatien farther north. This land is a sort of basin comprising most of the everglades and the swamps and savannahs en both sides of the Kissince river and Lake Okee chobee, embracing millions of acres of overflowed lands. The draining of this large tract would of course add immensely te the value of the lands of the state and greatly increase the area of land te be future. It work, however, and you will have te make special arrangements. These are what will cost. Lumber can be had for the freight ; but the freight from the sawmills is a firm figure. Whatever your building, set it well up from the ground. Previsions are about as cheap as in Bosten. Planting can be kept up every month in the year. Such were some facts I culled out of the books of the bureau. In the west, toward tne gun, a gentleman told me he raised corn at the rate of 125 bushels te the acre after cultivating his land only six years. Sea Island or long cotton is raised from the Suwanee river te the ocean. The average product per acre is 150 te 2C0 pounds. This long cotton is only peculiar te tne sea islands alentr south Carolina and Georgia, and in West Flerida. The price is 25 te 50 cents per pound. Short cotton grows abundantly west of the Suwanee and in the northern part of the state. The yield is from 200 te 500 pounds an acre. The cotton crop of Georgia is a very large and generally a steady one. Savannah's claim as the second cotton pert of the United States is based en it. It is from Flerida that she receives most of her invoices. Sugar cane does well in Flerida. It was one of the earliest products grown en tins son; out it is net new extensively cultivated, although Flerida sugar-cane is Known in tne market. The yield of rice is said te average from forty te sixty-five bushels. Tobacco, it is claimed, has never been fairly tried. It is grown here new te some extent, but there are some who insist that tobacco can be raised here equal te the most fragrant leaf of Cuba. The fact is, according te the pamphlets and the pee pie, net only can everything be raised in Flerida, but nothing can be raised se well anywhere else. They de tell, however, of a Cuban who, before the war, raised tobacco in the south of Flerida equal te any in Cuba. He was preparing te go into the msiiiess extensively, when the war busted him, and he dusted for the ever-faithful isle. CARD TO LADIES ! UKDEKWEAK BOOMS. Grand Depot, - - - Jehn Wanamaker. PHILADELPHIA. . The delicate and rare styles of Underwear we are new shewing1 merit mere than passing notice. With the improved assortment of fine lace-trimmed goods, finished with rare silk and niceneas, we introduce THE CONVENT WOEK and pretty things made in the suburbs of Paris, and en the Swiss border line by the peasants in the small homes, in the same way as shawls are made. These who have traveled will remember the exauisita b.ndinir-ir they have found in the cottages of the peasants. A peculiarly desirable article in UNMADE DRAWERS, Being simply the patterns, embroidered by hand in elegant styles, and ready for making up. We certainly have new THE PERFECTION OF UNDERWEAR. Moderate prices are as noticeable as the refined character of the goods. We have a full stock of MEDICAL. taken up by immigrants in the is a thing which, since it has been declared practicable, must and will be done. The question is, When ? There would be no doubt but sources for opening it up would appear. I he Great Southern railroad, running around the everglades en one side te Key West, and the Charlette Harber route en the ether, would be of great value as direct trunk lines te the North. Indeed, if either of these reads is built into that dreary, desolate country of cypress swamps and deadly mangrove marshes, the land will be drained te a certainty, for the reads will have no ether property te offer te settlers. Imagine the Dismal Swamp, a geed deal larger than it is, con verted into a sunshiny cottenfield, and you have these mangrove swamps, where death stalks almost visible, brought back te Ged's kingdom. The railroads arc prob ably waiting te drain the swamps, but the government is net even recommended by its agent te begin the work, or te take the contemplating of it in hand until her title from the United States, from whence came the grant of the lands, is perfected by patent. The state owns a large amount of land below the line of frost, which means where the tropical fruits can be raised, which have been given te her by the United States, but for which no patent of ownership has been received. These lands cannot be sold te settlers with a clear title, and without this the settlers arc leth te buy. The lands need improvement in the shape of drain age, and arc what arc known as overflow lands, The patents of ownership desired by the state have net been obtained, it seems, although they have been repeatedly solicited, and se the matter stands. Ne man can buy land in the tropical part of Flerida and get a clear title with it. Of lands already "approved " te the state of Flerida by the United States, for which no patent has been granted, there arc 3,392, 090.03 acres. Of "selected," but net approved, lands, there are arelG,307,090. 17 acres. Selected lands are these offered by the United States, and selected by an agent of the state from the federal grant. The approved lands arc selected lands, which have been inspected and their seizure approved, by an agent of the United States govern ment. The state lias in the past taken some action te induce immigration by the appointment of traveling solicitors and a bureau of immigration. This bureau has from time te time issued pamphlets en Flerida and its resources. Frem a recent publication I get the following informa inferma informa teon: The average rainfall at Jacksen villc for ten years has been 48 inches the largest fall in August, and tha smallest in November. The state lands comprise 15, 000,000 acres. Thp railroad lands for sale arc as fellows : Atlanta, Gulf and West India transit, with a branch building te Tampa bay, owns C50.000 acres ; the Pen Pen sacela and Georgia owns 200,000 acres ; the Flerida Central, from Jacksonville te Lake City, owns 180,000. These lands are some of the best in the state, and, unim proved, are offered, with the usual terms of railroads, at 81.25 an acre. A leg house can be built for $50 ; a geed frame building from $200 te $400. There are no practical mechanics down here te de the CUTICURA ! HIDIOKS OF THE BLOOD, SKIX AND SCAIP. ,.,CuT,Ilt'v. .Reselvent Js tlie most powerful Meed Purifier and Liver Stimulant ever com pounded. In forty minutes after tnking tbc tirst dose it nrny be detected in the tiuliva. bleed, sweat and mine, showing that it has en tered the bleed and been distributed through out the entire svsteni. Ill ita nn.ni tl-,.,V..I. the circulating fluids it meets with the corrupt particles et matter which fester and maintain disease, with which it chemically unites de stroying and gradually eliminating them from the system. Hence its power te forever expel Scrofulous. Cancerous ami Canker Humors, whieli un checked till the body with foul corruptions, and ret out the delicate machinery of life. Cuticuha, the great external remedy for all Humors or the Scalp and Skin, Ulcers. Seres and Discharging Wounds, is the most sooth seeth ing and healing of outward applications. It speedily destroys funirusuml parasitic growths, restores tl.e oil glands and tubes te a healthy condition, and cures, when assisted by the Utticuka SeAr, Diseases et the Skin and Scalp which have been the torture of a lire time. SKIN DISEASE, Jreat Suffering for Sixteen Years. A Won derful Cure by tlie Cuticura Kemcdies. Messrs. Weeks & Petter: Gentlemen. Vvti ti'itA IJemedies have done me a power of geed. 1 have been atllictcd with skin disease for .six teen years. Seme days it troubled me mere than ethers, but at night the itching nearly drove me wild. J I would scratch until the bleed would run down my limbs. I have had several physicians. Seme said they oeuld cure me. but ethers said net. I will say that before I used the Ccticura Uemedies I was in a fearful state, and had given up all hope et ever having any relief. but, likeadrewninginaiigraspingatastraw, I thought I would try the CiTiruitA. Uemedies, abent which I had read se much. iiiey nave penumed a wonderful cure ler me, and of my own free will and accord I re commend them. Yours trulv, ,. i,- ,- .. ' s- A' STEELE. lX) C,,ren St- cl,icilS. 1"-, March 17, MORE GOOD TIIAX DOCTORS In Three Years of Treatment. INFANTS' SLIPS, INFANTS' DRESSES, INFANTS' SKIRTS, INFANTS SKIRTS, INFANTS' ROBES, INFANTS' SHIRTS, IN FLANNEL, IN CAMBRICS. Either Embroidered or Plain Night Dresses, and all the little things wanted in a Baby's Wardrobe. Underwear made te order by our own werkladies, when desired. JOHN WANAMAKER, GRAND DEPOT, 13th ST. PHILADELPHIA. JUILLIXEIiT AXD TltlMMIXU GOODS. OPENING OF NEW GOODS -AT- GrUNDAKEKS MLLffllRY &TRDOIIM STOEE. Ucntlemen. Please And 50 cents te pay for small box et Ccticuka and direct it te me. The dollar box you sent me has done me mere geed than all the doctors in three vcars. The doc tors have done me no geed. My feet and legs are healing fast. It is indeed Cuticura. i ours truly, , KVAX MOUGAX, P. M. Jloscew. Minn., June 25, 1S7S. CUTICURA SOAP .Superior te Any. Chas Dexnis, Druggist, i irst Place, cer. Court street, i i Brooklyn, March 4, 1879, I can cheerfully speak of the healing quali ties et your Cuticura Seap, and its perfume is superior te any of the standard soaps new in u," CHAS. DEXXIX. Tlie Cuticura Uemedies are prepared by J eeks & Petter, Chemists and Druggists, 3W V ashingten street, Bosten, and are for sale by all druggists. Priee of Cuticura, smaU boxes, i SP.k ' la.rge bexcs. containing two and one ene hairtiiiiesthequantity et small, $1. lteselvent. $1 per bottle. Cuticura Seap, 25 cents per cake by mail, 30 cents ; three cakes 75 cents. Wings AlvtsWfaUn Uat8' Framc9. 1'Iumes, Fancy 5iiir,.?w1,i.epntMAnyancICKantlinc of r,lack and Colored Silk Fringes, Xew Styles et Silkand Jet Buttens, Ornaments, Striped Velvets, Satins, &c. nn.i rntniM.?w!Ila,y "cwTan,'! bca"'nl '"jes or Ladies' and Children's Hese in Cashmere SSmSrw. C1,uarcn In m 9z. Woolen Caps, 4c, geed and WC Will ODCH tO-tLlV VW Tnnne TfiirOiftirru Tina GswiWa L'liUn.iri.lmi. i -i rt sets In all the best makes and at lowest prices'! Ask te see our Speen Bust Corbet at 50 cts'. .vpMnS a u" "ne of Crane Veils Crape Bennets and Hats. Crape by the yard, and everything else that is new, desirable and cheap in Millinery and Trimmings. Call and examine our stock at 142 and 144 I0RTI QDUM STREET. " WATCHES, .JEWELRY, Jte. -QLLlJVS Jy Instantly aflcctin -' thcXcrveusSystem.thei VOLTAIC HElECTB0mflucce ls at- e nceielta H the farthest extremities Pi ACTpfw Hence Pain, which arises ? Trem a disturbance et the Xervcierces. is cured in even-instance as ir by magic. Alse, Palpitation of the Heart, In flammation of the Lungs, Liver and Kidnevs, Irritation of the Stomach and Bowels, Indiges tion, Dyspepsia and Bilious Celic. GROCERIES. TynOLCSALE AD RETAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUR Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. dl7-lyd CANNED GOODS! Peaches, Pears, XX lomatees. Alse, ather bmnils Cned Te. matees. Green Peas, French Peas, Fresh Sal- ViSV' I resh LeU3ter sardines, Condensed Milk, &c., at BURSK'S, Ne. 17 BAST KING STREET. T?RD1T.S L CJlieiee Valencia. Mraslnn nnil Klnrliln Oranges, Lemens, Bananas and White Grapes, at itirnciT's; BEST AXD CHEAPEST COFFEES. Fresh Ueasted daily, at BURSK'S WRITIXO IXKS, &C. IT SE THE BEST. HARRISON'S CELEBRATED WRITIM INKS, FLUIDS AXD MUCILAGE. Give them a trial. Ask yenr stationer for them and take no ether. 43-SPECIAL RATES for inks in bulk for Schools and Colleges. HARRISOX MAXVFACTXJRLXG CO., 512 Broadway, Xew Tork. Please mention this paper. fcb5-lmd4w EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, - Lancaster, Pa.. DEALER IX AMERICAN & FOREIGN WATCHES, Sterling Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, GMs, Jewelry id Ami Tilted Spectacles. Wc offer our patrons tlie benefit of our long experience In business, by which we are able te aid them in making the best use or their money in any department or our business. We manufacture a large part et the goods we sell, and buy only lrem First-Class Houses. Every article sold accompanied with a bill stating iu quality. &.First-Class Watcli and General Repairing given special attention. ZAHM'S CORNER, LANCASTER, PA. CARRIAGES, fUAETOXS. &e SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! We have new in stock a large let et Sleighs, consisting et POXY. PORTLAXD AXD ALBAXYS. TWO FIXE FOUR-PASSENGER SLEIGHS, SSSSSSSS5SSf'y-r' 0n F' ur-Passenger POBTLANI, PORTLAND CUTTERS. ALBANY CUTTERS, Finished in the highest style and sold at one-halt the usual price. Alse, a fine let of Buggies and Carriages of our own make and celebrated city makers. One Fine Secend-haml EXTENSION PHAETON, By Brewster, one by Gregg & Bewc, and a variety of ethers, second-hand, half their value. All te be sold at S. E. BAILY & Ce, 430 & 432 North Queen and 431 & 433 Market Streets, Lancaster, Pa. eclS-lyd WIXES AXD LIQUORS. S. CLAY MILLER T ESPECTFULLY calls the attention of his friends as well as -v the public in general te his Superior Stock of Old Whiskies; Gibsen's, Dougherty's, Gughenheimer, Hannissville, Overhelt and Gaft's Pure Rye, from four te eight years old, which he has recently bought from first hands for Cash, and will sen from tha original package at reasonable prices, at Ne. 33 Penn Square. SI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers