Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 06, 1880, Image 3

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LANCASTER DAlL? lOTEtilGMefck, EfclDAt, FEBROAM tf, 1880.
Tribute te the Memery of lr. Welchens.
Yesterday was the stated time for the
meeting of the Harris dental association,
hut owing te the death of Dr. S. "Welchens,
one of the pioneer members of the associa
tion, the meeting was postponed until
te-day te give the members an opportunity
te attend the funeral of Dr. Welchens this
I he association met in G. A. Ii. hall,
this city, at 10J o'clock this forenoon. In
the absence of Dr. J. G. Moere, president,
Dr. Jehn McCalla was called te the chair.
The roll was called and the following
members answered te their names :
Drs. Jehn McCalla, W. N. Amer, E.
K. Yeung. D. R. Hertz, R. II. Moffett,
M. II. Webb, T. R. Pixten, J. A. Martin,
J. U. Weltmer, A. W. Rogers, G. A.
Herting. J. S. Smith, P. W. Hiestand, J.
M. Dunlap. ..
After some rout ine business had been
transacted Dr. McCalla announced te the
convention the death of Dr. Samuel Welchens.
On motion a committee consisting of
Drs. McCalla, Martin and Weltmer were
appointed te draft resolutions expressive
of the sense of the meeting en the sad
event announced.
The committee retired and after a short
absence returned and reported the follow
ing :
Whkp.kas, It has pleased our Heavenly
Father te remove from our midst, by
death, our highly esteemed and beloved
brother and fellow laborer, Dr. Samuel
Welchens. Therefore,
Rexelced, That while we acknowledge
the Father's hand, and bow in humble sub
mission te His holy will in this afflicting
dispensation of His Providence, we cannot
but deeply mourn the less of our friend and
Rcselccd. TliMt in the death of Dr.
VVeIcliens the Harris dental associa
tion has lust one of its earliest
and most useful members. With a
mature judgment, and strict sense of
justice, he combined a mild and amiable
disposition, which rendered him an able
advocate and safe counciller in the correct
principles of his chosen profession.
Rexelced, That we tender our heartfelt
sympathies 10 tnc aiinctcd lamiiy ei our
deceased associate ; commending them te
the watchful care of him who is the father
of the fatherless and the widow's friend.
J'c-iehcd, That these proceedings be en
tered upon the minutes of the association,
and a copy of the same transmitted te the
family of the deceased.
Jehn McCalla,
J. A. Maktin,
.?. (i. AVki.tmek,
resolutions and niov niev
Dr. McCalla paid a
Academy of the Sacred Heart.
A line musical entertainment was given
last evening at the Academy of the Sacred
Ileart, corner of Ann and Orange streets,
by the pupils of the academy. A large
number of patrons and friends of the
school were present, and the singing and
playing by the pupils was of a high order j
of excellence.
The pregramme was as fellows : Instru
mental duett, by M. SafTer and C. Mur
ray; vocal sole, "Sing te me, Nera," A
Wendereth ; Instrumental sole, ' La Dame
Blanche," K. Haberbush; instrumental
sole, "Echoes from the Green Isle," M.
Anders ; vocal sole. "Rebert le Diable,"
C. Murray ; instrumental sole, capricie
brilliant Mcndelsshen, Miss Kate Diller ;
Vflpnl vilk Qmnfe T.nmn " AT" P-llliUin
instrumental sole, " Cujus Animam," M.
Casser ; instrumental sole, " Feast of the
Reses," A. Floed; vocal sole, "The
Message, " R. Casser ; instrumental
sole, "Ye Merry Birds," A. Wen Wen
deeoth : vocal sole, "Ged Bless Yeu."
M. Obcrt ; instrumental sole, fantasic,
brilliant, S. Grumbly ; vocal sole, " Scena
and Prayer, " " Freischutz, ' C. Murray :
instrumental sole, fantasic, "Irish
Diamonds, " 31. Sailer ; vocal sole,
" Mary of Argyle, " A. Wendereth ; in
strumental sole, " La Campenella, " Kate
Diller ; vocal duct, M. Sailer and C. Mur
ray. While all the pieces were highly ciijej'-
eu, the first vocal sole sung by Miss A.
Wendereth, the sole bv little Miss Anders.
the instrumental sole from Mendelssohn
by Miss Kate Diller, and the vocal sole by
Miss C. Murray, were especially line.
At the conclusion of the concert Rev.
Father Kaul, of St. Antheny's compli
mented the pupils en their nreliccncv.
Precious as an Heir Leem ami family
Esther M. Pewnall, wife of Simeon B.
Pewuall, near Christiana, has in her pos
session an old Bible. On the fly leaf is
written " Cerdelia Webb her book given
te her by her mother, Sarah Jenes, in the
year 1772." Cerdelia was the wife of Eze
kiel Webb, who lived near Chadd's ford at
the time of the battle of the Brandywine
en its banks when Lafayette received
a wound for American freedom.
The family record of Ezekiel and
Cerdelia is in this book written by-
Cerdelia. She must have been a hijrh-
y educated woman for that time. The
writing and the figures of the date are like
an engraving. The eldest child was Eliz
abeth, born 1773, (married te a Pierce) ;
2d child Rebecca, born 1773 and died 1770 ;
3d Sarah, born 1777, (married a Copeland) ;
4th Hannah, born 1779, (married a Har
lan) ; 5th Themas Webb, lived near
Lnienville, born 1781 ; 6th Jehn, born
1783 ; 7th Ezekiel, born 1784. Cor Cer
delia died in 1783 and her ashes
lie in the old Kennet burying grounds ;
Ezekiel died in 1828. This Bible was
Grand Depot, - - - Jehn Wanamaker.
Washington, Feb G. Fer the Middle
States, slightly warmer southeast te
southwest winds, clear or partly cloudy
weather, during the rest ei Friday fol
lowed by falling barometer and in the
northern portions light snow.
New Yerk Market.
N"w Yerk. February C Fleur State ana
Western without decided change and very
moderate expert and home trade inqulrv
"J? Ve , e05 w- extra Se
$lote50: choice de SO.UMiKnn. rnnm. ,i v m
60O; round hoop Ohie 5 4O590; chelc
de $t OugC 73; superfine western OOffle 10 :
common te Reed extra de $0 135 60 ; choice
dodo $5 ia 7 15; choice white wheat de $3 633
t '-i; Southern quiet; common te fair extra
:jG15; geed te choice de 237 75.
n ueat fcpnnsr quiet and neminal: winter
Klc better : N e. 1 white March $1 W1 I4 ; -,i-
?' ?eb,v $1 WU de 3Iarcn $1 47
8i'j& ? $ APl! WS1 M J de May $H9.
Cern Xe. -2 Anril 1. Imttui. !. jii
in presenting the
ing their adoption
high tribute te the worth of Dr. Welchens
in his professional and social life.
Dr. Amer in seconding the icsolutieiis
spoke eloquently, at some length, in eu
logy of deceased. He had known him for
many years, had met him net only at the
meetings of the association, but almost daily
in social or professional intercourse, and
had always found him te be a firm friend,
or when they difleied an honorable op
ponent, a skilled dentist, a true man and a
geed citizen, Dr. Amer spoke earnestly
and was much affected during the delivery
of his eulogy.
Highly complimentary remark were
made also by Drs. Webb, Martin, Yeung,
MefTett, Smith, Hertz, Pixten and Hies
tand, after which the resolutions were
unanimously adopted.
Dr. Amer announced that it was the de
sire of the willow of their deceased brother
that the society should appoint from
among its members pall-bearers, te take
charge of the remains during the funeral.
On motion the following were appointed :
Drs. Jehn McCalla, Win. X. Amer, T. R.
Pixten, E. K. Yeung. J. A. Martin and P.
W. Hiestand.
On motion the association adjourned te
attend the funeral in a beilv.
Court of Common Pleas.
In the case of Abraham E. Leng and
Susan E. Leng, vs. the Pennsylvania rail
road company, the plaintiffs called witnesses
m prove me extent ei the damages sus
tain by the plaiuti.Ts from the construction
of the railroad ever their nreimriw TW
defense ecucd their ease shortly before
neon te-day, and they allege that the
damages are net as great as the plaintiffs
claim. Nine of the jurors visited the
lann through which tiic railroad runs, last
week, and the ether three were there this
morning. They left this city at 7:3., re
turning at 10 o'clock. Court did net meet
therefore until the latter hour. Rki
In (he case of Isaac Staub vs. Augustus
RehiGehl and B. F. Ehcrly, trading as Au
gustus Reinrehl & Ce., judgment was en
tered in favor of plaintiff for $211. 17agaiiibt
Euurly, there being no cause for action
against ReinejhI.
Adam Erlichcr vs. Adelph ScJiIett. This
was an action te recover damages en ac
count of the alleged seduction of a miner
daughter of the plaintiff by the defendant.
This case was compromised by the parties
without going te trial.
1 he railroad case being the last one
ready for trial during the week, the ether
jurors were discharged yesterday afternoon.
Heath or Samuel Showers.
Samuel Showers, a well-known citizen,
died last night, after a short illness, at his
residence, Ne. 22!) Seuth Queen street.
On Tuesday last he was attacked with se
vere pneuomenia, and, although every
thing possible was done te alleviate his
sufferings, he grew rapidly worse and died
as above staled. Mr. Showers was, we be
lieve, a native of West Cocaliee township,
where, in his earlier life, he followed fann
ing. Coming te Lancaster he leased the
Keystone hotel, shortly after it was built,
and kept it for some time. Subsequently
he kept a hotel at the corner of Xerth
Queen and Walnut streets, en the site new
occupied as a hardware store by Stencr,
Shreincr & Ce. He was afterwards en
gaged extensively in the manufacture of
vinegar, in partnership with James L.
Downey, new of the Louisiana Journal,
Missouri. The factory was accidentally
burned down and Mr. Showers became a
salesman in the liquor business. At the
time of his death he was in the employ
of S. Clay Miller. He was the father of
Gee. II. Showers, of the IntelIjIeexckk,
Wm. II. Showers, late of the 79th Pa.
vels., and several ether children. He was
for many years, and at the time of his
death, a member of the Cocaliee ledge of
Odd Fellows. lie was 74 years of age.
His funeral will take place en Sunday af
ternoon ; interment at Shrciners cemetery.
Tem Cochran's Puppets.
A X. Y. Tribune dispatch from Ilari-h-burg
says : " It was noticeable that the
.strong anti-Grant sentiment in the conven
tion came from the rural counties, that
furnish heavy Republican majorities. The
only exception was Lancaster, where the
county committee made up a delegation te
support tne uameren pregramme, and
where there is, I am told, such indignation
ever the way the county was misrepresent
ed that a convention will be held and dele
gates sent te Chicago with credentials di
rectly from the people. Nine-tenths of the
Republicans of Lancaster are repotted te
be hostile te the third term scheme.'"
Or. Weleliens' Funeral.
The funeral of Dr. S. Welchens, which
took place this afternoon was very hugely
attended. The religious services weic
conducted by Rev. J. Y. Mitchell, of the
Presbyterian church, assisted by Rev.
Jehn A. Peters, of the First Reformed,
and Rev. J. 1). Shumakcr, I). I)., of St.
Paul's Reformed church. Rev. Mitchell
based his discourse en the leth chapter of
1st Corinthians, his theme being the res
urrection of the dead. The discourse was
an able one and in the course of it Rev.
Mitchell paid a deserved tribute te the
Christian character of Dr. Welchens.
The remains of the doctor, encased in a
handsome burial case, were viewed by
hundreds of his friends, and the solemn
precession mevsd te Lancaster cemetery
where the body was interred.
given te Themas, the eldest son, whose
family record is also in it. He had ten
children, recorded in his hand : Matilda
born 2803, Ezekiel born 1801, Henry born
180G, Elizabeth born 1807, Mary born
1809, Jane S. born 1811, Themas J. bem
1813, Esther born 1815, Sarah born 1817,
William born 1820. There are six of these
children living at the present time.
Henry is in the 74th year of his age,
lives in Coleraine, Lancaster county, and
celebrated the 50th anniversary of his
married life last 12th me., has 9 children,
there has never been a death in his family.
Twe of his sons arc in California, the
eldest son has been there 20 years. In 187G
he owned 1000 acres of land, and was en
gaged in stock raising and growing wheat.
The 2d son, Themas Jenes, has been there
20 years. Last year he was nominated for
treasurer of Shasta county. The 3d son is
in Dcs Moines, Iowa. The rest of his family
are near him. He could see them all in
one hour's time. The rest of Themas
Webb's children arc in Chester county :
Themas J., near Elkvicw ; William owns
and occupies the old homestead near
Unienvillc : Jane S., wife of William Tav-
ler, lives near Kcnnelt Square; Sarah
is a wife of James Cloud, of Clif Clif
eon farms; Esther, wife of Ruel X.
Jeffries, Remansvillc ; Jehn R. Bald
win's wife was a granddaughter and
Brinten W. Woodward, of Kansas, a
grand-son ; Dr. Heward W. Pewnall, of
Atglcn, is a great grandson. Frem this
old Bible we can trace from a house en
the Brandywine, 1770, one child that was
all at that date. At the present time we find
they are scattered through many states,
where arc the Pierces, Harlans and Cope Cepe
lands. This old Bible has net been lying
en the shelf all this time its pages tell
that in many places. It is worn in holes
and neatly mended. This old book may be
the key te unlock treasures yet. There is
silverware in the family with Cerdelia's
maidens name, Jenes, en it yet. It must
he considerably ever a hundred years old.
The delicate and rare styles of Underwear we are new showing merit
mere than passing notice.
With the improved assortment of fine lace-trimmed tyoeds. finish
ji .-.. '-""-
wiLnrare suk ana mceness, we introduce
and pretty things made in the suburbs of Paris, and en the Swiss border
line by the peasants in the small homes, in the same way as shawls are "'5, ?S t
made. These who have traveled will remember the exauisite handiwnrlr ,"'... ShtTs
they have found in the cottages of the peasants.
A peculiarly desirable article in
Being simply the patterns, embroidered by hand in elegant styles, and
ready for making up. We certainly have new
Moderate prices are as noticeable as the refined character of the goods.
"We have a full stock of
Wliat Protection IJe Tlieyel?
CixciNx.vrr, O., Feb. 6. The national
letter carriers' convention, which has been
in secret session here since Monday, ad
journed last evening te meet again at In
dianapolis en November 16, 1880.
Sixty cities were represented. The ob
ject of the meeting was te perfect a plan
ier tlie mutual benefit of letter carriers.
An organization was effected with T. C.
Dennis, of Bosten, nresident: AVm r.
' 7
vice president
m. T. Wild, of Rroeklvn. tre.isnnr mil
Uus. A. Wimmcr, of Philadelphia, secre
tary, ine convention adopted the title,
"Letter Carriers' Mutual Benefit associa
tion." By the assessment of one dollar en
each member of the association the sum of
$1,000 will be provided for a member's
family in the event of his death.
The association also undertakes te pro
vide for members and their families during
sickness. Ne action was taken, te urge
certain legislation by Congress as was
first represented as the object of the mect-injr.
Anril Zt luitfiip l.... iIhII
?ntntHla-i,J'ea Western spot W61c ; de
Oats dull; giate 4aj33c; Western 4S352c
Philadelphia Market.
an.i'U,Lr.H,A'rebruilrJ' G--our inactive
me err iienvv? .miwr-H,... iim.
nu,n--'3i 01, t IfiStaSi
lemilj b ,j, i,; lvnn'u family 650700:
fu- U.i-uii,y 7 U)75,) MiiinesetaiW
"7 23SS50 : r'ate,,t a,Ul WgU KraUe3
Uye flour $4 7ji5 00.
Cernnieal Brun.lywinc unchanged.
heat flrm ; Xe. 2 Western Kedtt 421 r
Pcnn'a de $lgn i : Amber $1 4tl 45. ' '
mixed 57cW,,,y '' "taimvr Sc ; jrellew.SSc;
OUtS flUipf llllll f1f,Wl... Cn..!. T. -
Whit.. ,.r.7i ii- . ""?; eraiuciu, ICUII'U
de jUMBiitf. "1estL'Ir" ,"'' WQiUc; Western
ue 4b4iic; de mixed U!7e.
lfVC tClUl- We.iTi.i-n IKl. . !.. iui.
Irr.v.l....' .1 ",. ."" "- ."
- .u.ieiiMi-, linn : i
hams ilii 73(5)17 en :
con smoked iIm.mI.i..,
43 ; smoked hh 7 is rnn IS?:''! "1,?$
&UC. --,:- ..... .!.: e;a
butchers' 7c ; prime steam 7ie. '
1'rwiS.i ur,!,e;; creamery extra 32S4c;
3Mav?"l-i0.un,y rtnl Ncw Yerk "l
-i.c; Western reserve extm at 2as:-i-w.
tiu i:ihhi imniiuk i -.ifc i .
Ii'Tf P. TlraT .7 . . "w ru," cneice renn'a
cxii.l MglSe; western reserve extra 17iffl''le
Jjggs sternly ; Pcnn'u 18c ; Western 17e.
Cheese linn; X. Y. factory MfcCfflrk;
western lull cream Mkfauaje : doctor $$ lj
J4 ; de hair-skims I'JKgMUc.
w.tF.Ieum 1,Uct ? Keflned'TKc.
Whisky ut$l(W. '
Either Embroidered or Plain Night Dresses, and all the little things
wanted in a Baby's "Wardrobe.
Underwear made te order by our own werkladies, when desired.
13th ST.
ut Spirits, Hut Clever Tricks.
Coeke gave another exhibition at Fulton
hall last evening, disclaiming all aid from
the "spirits."' Miss Crawford, the clair
voyant, being indisposed, could net give
an exhibition of her ability te answer
test questions. The tying and loosing
business, ring trick, conversion of wine
te water and water te wine, and ethers
were admirably performed. A dozen or
meie jicntlcmcn in the audience accented
Mr. Coeke's invitation te remain after the
performance, and paid him a geed round
price for teaching them hew te de some
of the tiicks. The entertainment through
out was highly enjoyable and was deserv
ing of a mere liberal patronage than was
accorded it.
Bey Iluriied.
This foieneon Jehn Overly a boy about
11 years of age residing at the extreme
end of North Queen was badly burned by
the explosion of a gasoline lamp en Fred
erick street. He was engaged at filling and
cleaning the lamp. After lighting it for
the purpose of testing it and while ex
tinguishing it, it exploded. The burning
oil was thrown ever his face and clothes.
Ue started te inn and was met by a man
in a sleigh, who jumped out and threw
him in a snow bank, thus extinguishing the
fire. His face was terribly burned and se
were his clothes.
That Settles It.
The West Chester Village Recerd, Rep.,
says : "The failure te confirm several of
the census supervisors named for Pennsyl
vania is understood in Washington te 1 e
notice that ether names must be sent in
Among the number is the nominee for this
district, Samson, our own Samson, who, it
seems, has net strength enough te pull
through, notwithstanding his name." Se
thinks a smart organ that has net heard
from Dr. Compten. Up here the rumor is
that it is " all fixed," Compten fixed it,
Samson will be confirmed, Smith will n
back te Congress and Compten will be
The Bricklayers.
At a meeting of the bricklayers, held en
Monday evening at II. Trewitz's saloon, en
Locust street, the following resolutions
were read aud ordered te be laid ever until
Saturday evening, February 7, when all
the bricklayers in the city arc requested
te be present at the same place :
Resolved, That en and after the 15th of
March, 1880, the journeymen bricklayers
will demand for a day's wages (10 hours
work) the sum of $2.25.
Rcselccd. further, That we de also pro pre
test against all trade work .
InxprctiiiK a Bridge.
The county commissioners, accompanied
by James C. Carpenter, Samuel Sprecher,
William McCemsey aud William M. Slay
makcr, of this city, Emanuel P. Keller, of
Manheim township, and Jacob Henry, of
Concstega township, who were appointed
inspectors by the court, left this city to
day te examine a new wooden biidgc
which has been constructed ever the Big
Chiqucs creek at Moere's mill in West
Hcmpficld township.
The Kecklaiid Undenominational Sunday
This Sunday sehoel had a free entertain
ment in the East Orange street public
school last evening, which was vciy
largely attended by young and adult per
sons. There were singing, Bible reading,
recitations, dialogues, instrumental music
and addresses, and the whole affair was a
highly satisfactory entertainment.
Shew This te Your Docter.
Cleveland, Xevcmlicr 1, l?7.-.
Editors " Wuchlcr am Erie," Cleveland, Ohie
Gentlembs: Allew me, as an old reader of
your valuable journal, herewith te send you u
low lines, which please insert in your next is
sue. I will vouch for their truth, and knew
that bv their publication a great deal of geed
will be accomplished. Having been a reader
or your paper for many years, 1 hope you will
kindly grant my request.
Fer twelve years I liudstillcrcd. from time te
time, terribly witli UhciiinutiMii, tesuchun ex
tent that I was unable te move about and le-,t
the use of my limbs. I tried everything ic ic
ceinmcndcd te effect a cure, consulted some of
the most prominent physicians and expended
large sums of money, hoping te find relief, but
without any success. Glancing ever the col
umns of the " Wackier," I read about the St.
Jacob's Oil and the jiajy cures this remedy
had effected. Having been disappointed se
many time-,. I le5t all faith in any remedy, the
St. J.ceu's Oil included, until I saw one day
that it had cured a well-known citizen with
whom I am acquainted. Other parties fully
endorsed the value and wonderful power of
the Oil, telling me that it hail cured them of
different ailments in a very short time: This
brought me te a conclusion. I said te mysell,
"Schweizer, fifty cents won't break you :'"' sol
went te my druggist, Mr. Heck, bought a bottle
of the Oil, and must new c-enless that the re
suit was truly wonderful. I u-ed it every two
hours, and found relief immediately upon the
first application, and the pain ceased entirely
after a few mere applications. Fearing a new
attack, I remained in bed and continued te use
the remedy every three hours. All p.un hav
ing left me, I arose from my bed and walked
down stairs without any trouble.
Since that time 1 have been able te fellow my
occupation and feel no pains or inconveni
ence, however disagreeable flic changes or the
weather may be. Having thoroughly tested
the St. Jacob's Oil, I can conscientiously re
commend it te all afflicted with Uheumatisui.
Fitly cents is a small expense when the ser
vices for se trilling an outlay are considered.
If I was one thousand miles away from all hu
man habitation, I should, nevertheless, pro
cure this remedy and keep it always In my
house. Leuis Schweizeb,
Cor. Merrill and Centre S!s . Cleveland. O.
And the Best Grades of American Electro-Plate en White Metal.
Complete Mantel Sets of Centre and Side Pieces in Marble or Brenae.
Musical Bexes with Accompaniments and Mounted en Fine Library Writing
A fine general assortment of Jewelry, comprising all the Newest Designs.
Designs and estimate of cost given for mounting Diamonds and ether
Special care taken in the execution of Fine Monograms and Inscription
Engraving. Alse, in complicated and ordinary watch and jewelry repairing.
H. Z. RHOADS Ss BRO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 West King Street.
STKIKIXG OltE mixers.
A Terrible Tale from Berks County.
Reading, Pa., Feb. C The Eagle to
day publishes the following special dis
patch from Topton : "There is great ex
citement te-day among the ere miners along
the East Penn read and fears arc
entertained that strikers will de terrible
work if their demands arc net acceded te.
The strikers held a meeting at East Texas
and passed resolutions ; first, te go from
mine te mine compelling miners te suspend;
second, should they resume work te draw
the fires from under the boilers; third,
threatening te burn down the building if
ether efforts de net avail. It is rumored
that the men near Topton have struck and
atter joining the strikers at East Texas
they will visit every mine between the two
places. Seme of the men, however,
arc satisfied and will net join the
strikers. It is probable that
iron ere operators will appeal
the sheriff for protection. Many
them arc new under arms, and if
tnreatened outbreak should occur it
stock Markets.
PHILADELrillA.'Feb. Ii.
c, , , ,, l30r. si.
Stocks dull.
PennaU's (tliiiii ii.i imr
i'iiiii.1i,.ii.i,i.. . .",' r-Y1!
Lehigh Valley.
United Ces. et X. J
Northern I'acillc
" Preferred
Northern Central
Lehigh Navigation
. 52
. SlJ.f
Central Transnortutlen i:. i?
'.?. Titusville & lluUale. 1SK
uiiuu ecuuyiKlll
Xkw Yeu':
become necessary te call upon a military
company te restore order.
Stocks strong.
X. Y. Central
Adams Kxpress
Michigan Central
Michigan Southern
Illinois Central
Cleveland & Pittsburgh..
Clliflifn A: Ifrmb- lul.,...l
Pittsburgh & Fert Wuyiie..ll5-
WesternTJnien Tel. Ce Kvpx
Teledo Wabash &
New Jcrsev Central 82
Feb. P.
Monday Evening, February 9tli, 1S80.
Mr. Jehn I). Mishlcr commends the neveltv
and excellence of the Musical
Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers.'!!
Are you disturbed at night and broken et
your re.-t by a sick child suffering and crying
with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth
II -e, goat once and gctabettlc efMRS. WIN'S
LOW'S SOOl'lIIXU M RUIV Itwill relieve the
peer little sufferer immediately depend upon
it ; there is no nii-take about it. There is net a
mother en earth who has ever used it, who will
net tell you at once that it will regulate the
bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief
and health te the child, operating like magic.
It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas
ant te the taste, and is the prescription of one
et the eldest and best female physicians and
nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere
ii cents a bottle. jl7-lyd&wM,W&S
lour liver is out of order and you knew it;
se take "Sellers' Liver Pills." Sold by all
Showers. In this city, en Feb. 5. 1880, Samuel
.Shower, in the 74th year of his age.
His relatives and friends are respectfully in
vited te attend the funeral from his late resi
dence, Xe. 22!) Seuth Queen street, en Sunday
afternoon, at :So'cleck. Intermcntat Shreiner's
cemetery. ul
Try LecherV Cough Syrup.
My Oetid Weman
Why are you se out of sorts, never able te tell
folks that yen are well? Ten te one it's all
caused in the llrst place by habitual constipa
tion, which has no doubt finally caused de
ranged Kidneys and Liver. The sure cure for
Constipation, is the celebrated Kidney-Wert.
It is also a specitlc remedy for all Kidney and
Liver diseases. Thousands are cured by it
every month. Try it once.
Lancaster, ucc " IST'i
, ,,.. ... eftict;: '03 West King Street.
Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Hell
able Companies. IIERK A STAUFFKR,
dec30-3m,a,uf,tC AgtS" 3 X' Duke St'
Private Rills Under Consideration.
WAsm.N-r.Te.v, Feb. C The Heuse after
transacting sonic miscellaneous business,
proceeded te the consideration of private
The Heuse narrowly escaped political
discussion ever a political disability bill,
but after Mr. Coedc (Va.) and Mr. Con Cen
ger (Mich.) had spoken briefly Mr. F.
Weed (X. Y.) objected te further debate
and the bill was passed.
Aektcii's Case.
ine iieuse lereign aflairs committee
postponed consideration of Acklcn's case
until Tuesday next.
2)-tIeedU Office
a uunxs'.
Xe 10 West Orange St.
L'se Lechcr's Herse and Cattle Powders.
Kidney-Wert radically cures
Piles and nervous diseases.
It Is Abominable!
te go through life with "snags'' In the mouth.
Abominable net mere te the buflerer than his
friends. Buy SOZODOXT and cleanse the
teeth which remain, or, better still, use it new
and save your teeth. SOZODOXT is economic
cal. f2-lweed
in the Lecture Roem of the Church,
On Friday and Saturday Evenings.
Tickets ier supper, including admission, 3e
cenU. General mlm.ssien, 10 cents. if4-ld
Twe Organs
Regulate first the stomach, second the liver;
especially the first, se as te perform their func
tions perfectly and yen will remove at least
nineteen twentieths ei all the ills that man
kind is heir te, in this or any ether clinuite.H
Hep Hitters is the enlv thing that will give
perfectly healthy natural action te these two
organs. f2-2wdAw
Try Lechcr's Cough Syrup.
some or our readers have noticed Dr. Brown
ing's advertisment in this paper, and wonder
what the word above quoted mean. It is ex
plained as follews: " l)r. Browning has dis
covered a sure and rapid cure for Coughs,
Colds, und all the attending complications, the
neglect te instantly chuck which causes se
much misery te the human race. Beginning
at the end, the last word means he uses only
the purest drugs, the next word means they
are accurately compounded, and the lirst word
(strength) means that his C. A C. Cordial is
net adulterated, but contains all of a quantity
of medicine necessary te produce a certain
cure in all conditions resulting from a cold.
Fer sale by all druggists at 50c. per bottle.
Alse by the proprietor, at 1117 Arch street,
Philadelphia, Pa. 15-lwdAw
Why suffer sleepless nights, with a distress
ing cough, while a quarter of a dollar invest d
in "Sellers'
es. Tears, Pine Apples, California Egg
Green Gagee, Nectarines, Apricots,
r, BaLer'sand Excellent Cern.U. A R.
-T..V Aomuees. ,..;se, ather brands Geed To
matoes Green I eas, French Peas, fresh Sal
Vi'mV' f1! elter, Sardines, Condensed
Milk, Ac, at
V Choice
Valencia. li-stivi .n,i rinru.
Oranges, Lemens, Bananas and White Grapes,
r resU Roasted daily, at
Gets a Chance te Finish His Time.
Kew Yeisk, Feb. 0. The notorious
bank burglar," Johnny Debbs, who was
taken into custody in Philadelphia while
endeavoring te negotiate one of the
bends stolen from the Manhattan
bank was te-day handed ever te
detectives from Connecticut who will
convey him te Wcathcrsfield, Conn., from
which place he escaped after serving one
year of a three years sentence.
fiendish Murder of His Itaby.
IJAYTOX, Ohie, Feb. . Julius Kadke
was arrested last evening, charged with
having caused the death of his child, an
infant of four months. He came home
under the influence of liquor and seizing
the child dashed it te the lloer and then
kicked it across the room, crushing its
skull. Anether child six years of age was
in the room and testifies te the crime.
a storj-ef n party of American travelers en the
Kliine, written jiy Mr. u- ,;ILIj ,,. ,
." liilbVs ,n, Jl!C Weed," " Horrors," ' Rumbles,"
Magic slipper," etc., etc. Overwhelming
success everywhere. A curious blending of the
antique with the very modern.
,., ,.!a.te of Gates Opera Ce.
late of Cel ville Felly Ce.
New Scenery, Costumes and Appointment.' 1
"There is no indecency in if, no display e
shapely limb,, and no lllthy jokes." l'hiluilel.
phut Inquirer, Jan. 27.
"The house was packed and the audience
laughed and applauded in such a manner as te
leave no doubt of the taverwith which thev re
garded the performance J'titadelnhia liulle
tin, Jan. 27.
Great credit is due all et the company for the
liearty and genuine burlcsuucsnirit charueter-
.J'nllaueljthut Times,
istle of the performance
Jan. 27.
Ilecause of Official Dereliction.
Fieeki'ekt, L. I., Feb. C The keeper
of the saving station, Ne. 31, opposite this
this place, was yesterday dismissed from
the sen-ice, the charges heretofore pre
ferred against him having been sustained,
and the evidence taken during the investi
gation of the charges having been forward
ed te Washington.
Everybody te advertise, flee of charge,
in the Ixtkllieu.ncki:, who wanLs something
te de.
,.,.. Centre Hall,
f "-! Ne. 12 East King Street.
Cough Syrup" will give instant
New Advertisements.
See Wanamaker's Advertisement.
Canned Goods at Bursk's.
Hands Wanted.
ISFTer further details sec advertising
Frem a Distinguished Physician.
Prof. Green, a distinguished allopathic phy
sician, wrote te the Medical Recerd et Atlanta,
Ga., te the effect that after all ether means had
failed, he sent ter the Kidney Cure (Sale Kid
ney and Liver Cure), and te his astonishment
cured a serious case of Brighfs Disease by ad
ministering it, and afterwards found itcqually
beneficial in ether cases. He at! vised his broth
er physicians te use it in preference te any
thing else for kidney disorders. !2-2wd A w
Try Lechcr's Cough Syrup.
Cocens and Colds arc often overlooked. A
continuance for any length of time causes ir
ritation of the Lungs or some chronic Threat
Disease. " Brown's Bronchial Troches" are an
effectual CetjGn Remedy. f3-lwdTThSAw
Pure Spices at Lechcr's Drug Stere.
A man te assist in buying tobacco.
Must be experienced in the business and well
acquainted in the ceuntv. Applv at the
Diagram for Reserved Seats at usual place,
Saturday Evening, February Till.
$100 GIFT SlOO
$100 GIFT 8100
Under the auspices or the
100 Valuable Presents Given Away.
lOO Valuable I'resents Given Away.
Having secured the engagement of
The Renowned Prestidigitateur, in hi., Won
derful Cabinet of
NOTE The Managers of the Pythias Club te make this one of the grandest, most
novel und satisfactory Presentation Enter
tainments ever presented te the public or Lun -caster.
Tickets of admission only 2. cents.
irniTisu ixks, xc
Statistics prove that twenty-five per cent,
of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by
consumption, and when we reflect that this
terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te
a bottle of Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup,
shall we condemn the sufferers ler their neg
ligence, or pity them for their ignorance?
A Strange People
De you knew that there are strange peo
ple in our community, we say strange because
they seem te prefer te suffer and pass their
days miserably, made se by Dvspepsia and
Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Constipation
and General Debility, when Shiloh's Vitalizer
is guaranteed te cure them. Sold by D. Heit
shu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millersvillc.
Five Hundred Thousand Streng.
In the past few months there have been mere
than 500,1X10 bottles of Shiloh's Cure sold. Out
et the vast number of people who have used it,
mere than 2,000 cases of Consumption have
been cured. All Coughs, Croup, Asthma and
Bronchitis yield at once, hence it is that every
body speaks in its praise. Te these who have
net used it, let us say, if you have a cough, or
your child the cough, and you value life, don't
tall te try it. Fer lame buck, side or chest use
Shiloh's Pereus Plaster. Sold by your drug
gists, D. Heitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis,
We have a speedy and positive cure for Ca
tarrh. Diphtheria. Canker mouth and Headache
in Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A nasal injector
free with each bottle. Use it If you desire health
and sweet breath. Price 60 cents. Sold bv
D. Heitshu, Lancaster, and AT. L, Davis, Mil
lersvillc aepti-i-eeddAw
Geal Oil Lamps,
and Lanterns.
These goods are entirely new and handsomer
than ever before offered and prices lower.
152 North Queen Street,
1 . Germany, Xe. 243 West King street.
Office hours fiem te 10 a. in., 1 te 2 p. in. and
GteSp.m. 2S-2md
Pa., manufacture a Superior Quality of
Single and Deuble Thick, Corrugated, Obscur
ed und Pictured Glass of Extra Thickness
will net Stain or Rust. Fer sal by Lancaster
dealers generally ft-2wd
Give them a trial. Ask yenr stationer for
them and take no ether. 4S-SPECIAL RATES
for inks in bulk for Schools and Colleges.
.r)12 Broadway, New Tork.
Please mention this paper. fclw-lmdAw
j late of Fcnuea township, Luncaster coun
ty deceased. The undersigned Auditor. at at
peintcd te distribute the balance remaining in
the hands of Henry II. Harnish. Administrator
of said deceased, te and among these legally
entitled te the same, will sit for that nurnese
en TUESDAY, the 10th day of FEBRUARY
1880, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem of
the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster'
where all persons interested in said distribu
tion may attend.
j23-3tw CIIAS. R. KLINE, Auditor.
Maner township, Lancaster county. The
undersigned Auditor, appointed te distribute
the balance remaining in the hands of David
Creamer, administrator of said estate te and
DR. GREENE is ready te cure all diseases
byesternal applications of medicine. Duriii"
18 months practice in Reading, he has treated
ever 1,W patients, many et them from ether
eities and towns in the United States, 70 of
them from Lancaster; hundreds are cured, and
no one has died under his charge, und
only three persons have died during that
time who have been treated by him, and
they died away from Reading aud under their
physician's care. Over 1,100 deaths occurred
in Reading (luring Ids sojourn there. Ihivin"
taken up his residence in Lancaster, he will be
in his offices all day.
Call and see liimand he will give you a list
of cases cured of all diseases ei the body.
A. A. McIIese, or Reading, Xev. 18, l87!,Hays:
Dr. Greene removed Irem my neck a tumor of
the size of a hen's egg, in 10 days, without cut
ting or causing me any pain or the les
... .1 uiuji ji iHiwii. ins ceruncaiii is en
dorsed by the autographs et G. Hawley.
proprietor of the Eagle; T. C. Zimmerman,
proprietor of The Times anil Dispatch ; G. W.
Grant, pestmaster: II. A. Tyson, mayor, and
ex-Mayer Evans, all of Reading.
Consultation free. Catarrh cured for 00
cents. Cure quick for Catarrh sent te any ad
dress for 50 cents. V, page pamphlet i ree.
Will seen commence a course et lectures en
(31 Years Experience),
13-CmilTu.ThASl Xe. 2W X. Queen St.
mining uiuscicgauj emuicd te ine same, will
sit for that purpose en WEDNESDAY the
18th of FEBRUARY, 18S0, at 11 o'clock a. m
in the Librarv Roem of the rnnrt iir.,.u i.'
the city of Lancaster, where all persons Inter
ested in said distribution may attend
, ,. . JOHJfM.AMWEG,
jan2S-4tw Auditor.
50 Years Before the Public.
Pronevneed by all te be the most pleasant
and efficacious remedy new in use for the
euro or coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness
tickling sensation of the threat, whooping
cough, etc. Over a million bottles sold within
the last Tew years. It gives relief wherever
used, and has the power te impart bcnellt that
cannot be had from the cough mixtures new
in use. Sold by all druggists at 25 cents pe.
SELLERS' LIVER PILLS are also highly
highly recommended ler curing liver com
plaint, constipation, sick headaches, fever ana
ague and all diseases of the stomach and liver
SeU by all druggists at 25 cents per box.
oily w Plttebnrgb, Pa.
L? I
. $;
iT I
1 V