..'r &&&&mte&if kjewjauji jrTrjripimi- mt 551' ttntL-jx.fw lMpymlfTTtrm ? V!?. J - ir tui-i i -VV .- S - ' vf i." ?..; , i m ww J'aftMjamu.fc,JiiyyyipiCctlia;fcgwlaaMWli,j VrmmKlrtuOiJnmtmzfl&JUiH6jBHKBU rYTTr" - "-rrtrr-Tr -r -i 1 -",, -':. ' . . I- LANCASlEk DAILY IlsELLi&teN(M, JFBttfAW fEBfttlAKt 6; 1880, r Lancaster ftitelligencer. FRIDAY EVENING, FEBEUABY 6, 1880. The Presidential Directory. As the days pass en we are getting te knew who are presidential candidates, and we are beginning te find out, tee, who are net. The Xew Yerk Sun seems te be of the opinion that pretty much everybody is a candidate and prints a list of them beginning with Ir. Tilden and Horatio Seymour, and winding up with General Grant. Its list might be ex tended greatly, for it does net include all the people, by any means, who think that they are candidates ; and all such arc entitled te be named in a complete direc tory of the grand army. One emission we note is that of the name of Hugh J. Jewett, the Rochester Union'. eandi "date; a man witli a paper Itehind him and a railroad under him. is quite tee important an aspirant te be overlooked : though just why Mr. Jewett should claim te be elevated from the charge of a bank rupt railroad te that of a prosperous coun try, we de net see. When he gets Erie stock up te a dividend paying business, he can retire en his laurels and ask for promotion. There are sundry ether rail road presidents in a similar state of pro bation, who no doubt would like very much te exchange their presidencies for that of the United States, but who have by no means yet worked out their title clear te claim such reward. Pennsylva nia has one or two that can rival Jewett in the desperate state of their companies and who will want a showing when he comes te the fore. But we observe in the uV brief list of candidates one or two trees that seem in this vernal season te be quite dead at the root .and as there is scarcely a chance of their reviving they may as well be cut down. Chief of these is Gen. Grant, who can hardly even consider himself a candidate after the showing of the liar, risburg convention. And it is a mere act of deference te Mr. Tilden s own opinion of his candidacy te keep him en the list ; for there is really no respect able ground for counting him as one These two old trees have exhausted their once vigorous vitality and cannot possi bly blossom and bear fruit. Jehn Sherman is entitled te be consid ered a candidate because he certainly thinks he is and because there was one delegate at least te the Ilarrisburg con vention that agreed with him. It is said there was still another of the same mind, but his name is net divulged and it is feared that he is a myth. Hut these people who believe in Sherman can find a geed deal mere company, it is said, in the Southern states, te which attention has been espe cially given by the secretary of the treas ury : and he will have votes at Chicago ; but hardly enough te make his candida cy serious te Blaine. On the Democratic side the list is still open for the candidates ; and probably the whole let will have a cheerful hope of the prize until the last horn blows. The Sun is for Chief Justice Church, a very geed man. indeed, who will net be the candidate. We are for Horatio Sey mour, a still better man who does net want te be the candidate. But any lien, est man will suit us ; and. by the way, we de Jiet see in the Sun's list the name of Senater Eaten, of Connecticut, who alwavs votes right and is always sound. It was McManes who saved the day. McManes was net an original Grant man, and he had the Philadelphia dele gation well in hand. Of its forty-eight members probably forty would have done anything McManes asked ; there were net eight of them who would have done anything that McManes opposed. Mc Manes was a big man. He was the big gest man in the convention. But he was net a Grant man and his band of hench men were net Grant men. They were above all things McManes men. Mc Manes went ever te "Washington and talked it ever with Den. He wrestled with him. Den would net let him go. McManes is even reported te have sworn it would net de te pass a Grant rese. lufien. Cameren insisted that it must be done, net for Grant's sake, but for his own ; that this was his life and death battle, and out of this consideration Mc Manes relented and consented. "With Philadelphia in hand, Cameren could be defiant. But it is te be calculated that McManes did net barter his delegation cheaply. He is a high-priced Mc Manes, Tiieke are two distinctly cenllicling statements as te Blaine's feeling about the work of the Pennsylvania conven tion. One report is that, seeing new how hew close he get te a majority, he is much offended at the oflicieusness of Bingham and ether pretended friends of his cause, for weakening in the fight against Cam Cam eeon when braver generalship could have wen it. The ether is that he had a per fect understanding witli Cameren net te antagonize him in Pennsylvania and does net want te lie held responsible for the onslaught of his friends en the Lo Le chiel clan. The latter seems mere plausi ble. Blaine is afraid te make battle against Conkling and Cameren joining their forces for Grant. He is a bravado, but, like all ether braggarts, a coward, and he would rather make terms for sec ond choice with Cameren than lead a charge against him. Cameren wants te put himself in such posiiienthat if Grant is te be nominated it will be due te him, and if Grant is net in the fight Pennsyl vania's vote can only be cast for Blaine en terms dictated by the Carncrens and net by reason of the original Blaine men. Under the rules of the Republican party and the call for its national con vention tiie Republicans of Lancaster county are entitled te send two delegates te the Chicago convention. Their right te select them lias hitherto been consid ered undisputed, but turning te the pro ceedings of the Ilarrisburg conven tion we find that it was net Lan caster county nor any of her representatives who picked them out this yaar, but a committee composed of Jehn Cessna, chairman, A. L. Pearson, H. C. Patterson, J. M. Dickey, "W. Elwood Rewan, David II. Lane, H. L. Barbour P. D. Bucker, X. C. Elsbree. Net one of these men has any interest in Lancaster county j lier any knowledge of its politics. But they are the lads who said that A. J. Kauffman and W. K. Seltzer shall cast its vote for Grant. "What are you going te de about it? It is telegraphed this morning te the Philadelphia paiers that Jehn M. Steh man has been chosen Republican elector for this district. This is adding insult te injury of the anti-Cameren people. "Take any shape but that.'" And of the three national distinctions the city and lower end get net one 1 MINOR TOPICS. Tukkk will be two delegates te the na tional Republican convention chosen from Lancasterceuntyatthe May priniaries,and they will net be Kauflman ami Seltzer. They will go te Chicago and light for their admission. " Ri:sei.vi;i, That in the opinion of this Heuse the precedent established by Wash ington and ether presidents of the I'lnted States, in retiring from the presidential office after their second term, has become by universal concurrence a part of our re publican system of government, and that any departure from this time-honored cus tom would be unwise, unpatriotic and fraught with peril te our free institutions. Resolution adopted by the lleutt of Jiepre nenUitires. wider tititpeiifien of the rule. Jieeenher 15. 1:7. te a rote of 'J;!-', te IS. Tin: pressure for an early convention in Pennsylvania is te lead the way for Grant. It is arranged that when Cameren puts in Pennsylvania. Conkling is te fellow with New Yerk. The postelfiec machine is be ing worked by General Tyner te bring In diana next te the front, and Legan and Washburne are competing for primacy in the boom in Illinois. The calculation is that with Pennsylvania, New Yerk, In diana and Illinois for Grant, Republican ism can be made a matter personal te Grant." Cincinnati Commercial (I2ep.). Tin: Ilarrisburg Telegraph thus cruelly disposes of the anti-Cameren people : "Blaine, of Maine, may well cry out in grief and despair, 'Save mc from my friends !' Frem two at least, yea, three of his champions in yesterday's convention, anybody might pray te be saved. These were "Wolfe, of Union, who probably bought his substitution into the convention, and Christian Kauflman, of Lancaster, who could net get into the convention without a ticket, and who get into the Senate by a scratch many believing when voting for him that they were voting for his popular brother Andy. The ether member of this precious trio was Koeutz, of Somerset. Hew he get in has net yet been made clear. Fer a long time before the convention assembled, Kauflman had been going about as much like a rearing lien as a little monkey could be, button holing all whose time was of no value te them, te prove that Hayes Rutherford B. and he alone, was the proper man for the Republicans of Pennsylvania te nemi nate for re-election. Mr. Wolfe's prefer ence has long been Geerge Francis Train. And, se far as wc arc able te discover, Mr. Koeutz has a warm side for the Hen. A. G. Curtin. But the circumstances con fronting these three worthies (and that unseilcd patriot, Hen. Gee. V. Lawrence, of Washington) were tee tempting te be re jected." PERSONAL. General Gkaxt and his party went te Mantanzas by special train yesterday, where they will visit the caves and return en Saturday. Judge S. II. Huntington, formerly of the United States court of claims, the eldest member of the Hartferd (Conn.) bar, died en AVcdncsday night. Miss Cei.i.v Moui.ten. the daughter of Mr. C. W. Moulten, and the niece of Gen eral Sherman, was married, at neon yes terday te Lieutenant Rockwell, U. S. A., at Glcndalc, near Cincinnati, the residence of the bride's father. Ex-Senater Stkang told the state con vention that the delegates selected te represent his district at Chicago hadn't been recommended by the district, but as they were acceptable te Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, he presumed that he shouldn't complain about it. Gov. SwAYNEand his wifc,having agreed te disagree and live apart, it is disclosed that there was a marriage settlement, by which the wife was invested with a half ownership in all his Newport and Wash. ingteu estate, real and personal, during their joint lives. A party of prominent Ilarrisburgcrs.con Ilarrisburgcrs.cen sisting of Gen. Cameren, W. W. Jennings, Wm. Calder, Laue S. Hart, Thee. Calder, C. O. Zimmerman and Majer Garvin of the Mercer Press, left yesterday for New Or leans, where they intend spending several weeks. They left Baltimore by steamer for Norfolk and thence proceed te New Orleans. The Republican senators arc generally hostile te Jehn Sherman. The feeling among them is that he has lest Ins head since lie decided te stand for the presiden tial nomination, and has fallen into the same blunder that Mr. Bristow did four years age when he tried te bring about his nomination by manipulating federal offices throughout the Seuth. It is maintained that in the long run Mr. Sherman will lese strength by this course, and fail te secure the coveted prize because he estranges himself from all the ether candidates, and is net in a position te make combinations. A DISASTROUS SLEIGH HIDE. Nine Merry Yeung l'eeple Run Over Dy a Catawissa Train. A terrible accident occurred at West Mil Mil eon last evening. As the G:14 p. m., Cata wissa accomedation train going cast was about te cress Heffman's crossing about one hundred and fifty yards from the depot, it ran into a two-horse sled, containing nine young ladies and gentlemen. Miss Sue Benagc, who sat en the front scat, was in stantly killed. Jehn Shcdlc was fatally injured, his skull being fractured and left arm broken. He is new insensible and there are no hopes of his recovery. Themas Criswell sustains two severe flesh wounds above the left eye and en the left arm. The remaining six escaped unhurt. One of the horses was also killed and the ether se badly hurt that he was shot. The young folks were in the height of merriment, en their way te the Suuday school teachers institute, and heard no alarm whistle given by the coming train. Whether the engineer gave the proper signal is unknown. The people living about there, however, say no one heard any signal. It is hardly pos sible, however, that some indication would net be given when both crossing a premi- I nent country roan ana nearmga station. STATE ITEMS. A two year old baby, richly dressed, has been found in a pew of St. Augustine Catholic church, Philadelphia after ser vice. The llcpuliean nominations for supreme judge and auditor general will be known as the Green Lemen ticket. It is just possible that it may sour en the Republican stomach. In Bradford, Maud Jeffersen, a milliner, shot herself in a restaurant, and probably will net recover. She addressed a note te her lever reproaching him for neglect, and chanrimr him with having driven her te her death. The reiwrtcd discovery of a well gushing 100 barrels of oil daily, near Rcyneldsvillc, JelVersen county, has set the people of Clearfield county te thinking that there may be oil in their land. The new dis covery is only about one mile and a-half from the Clearfield county line. There has been a meeting of the pur chasers of the franchises of the Pennsyl vania and Delaware- railroad company, for the purpose of effecting a new organization There were present about a dozen gentle men, and it was decided that the title of the new organzatien would be the Ponie Penie Ponie rey ami State Line railroad company, and would occupy that portion of the Penn svlvania and Delaware railroad situated in the state of Pennsylvania, and rmimiig between Pomeroy and Landenburg, with a capital of $500,000, and a Pennsylvania railroad organization was chosen. LATEST NEWS BV MAIL. Near Leng Branch, N. J., Jeseph lhewn, well-known resident, was waylaid by two unknown men and fatally assault ed. In Fredericksburg, Va., Captain Ed ward L. Haynes, of the steamer Anthra cite, leading railroad material for Phila delphia, fell dead en the street of heart disease. Captain Haynes resided in Cam den, N. J. The Dallas (Texas) county court house was burned en Wednesday, together with many valuable papers. The building cost $100,000, and the less is about half that amount. It is believed that the lire was of incendiary origin. The precession of the Knights of Memus in New Orleans yesterday was a very at tractive aflair, and was witnessed by great crowds. A scriesef grand tableaux and a ball at the opera house closed the enter tainment of the day. New Yerk will probably have no parade this year en St. Patrick's day, the feeling being in favor of devoting te sufl'ering Ire land the money usually spent in such a demonstration. This course has also been determined upon at ether points. The Aftermath. Ilarrisburg despatch te Recerd. The most disgusted let of all the dele gates were these from Philadelphia, meet ing in the Lechicl house corridor. One who remained ever was asked what he thought of things wiice he had slept ever it. "I think wc made feels of our- selves," was his reply. "I den t care, though. Wc showed Den Cameren what the Philadelphia boys can de. and if Mc Manes had suddenly taken it in his head net te indorse Grant he would have con trolled the convention in five minutes, and Mr. Cameren would have becnclcaned out. Our reward for this will be, I suppose, as seen as there is a vacancy in one the fed eral offices in Philadelphia, some country man will be sent down te take it. New. you mark that." An Infamous Nomination. Times. The nomination of Mr. A. C. Wells, son of J. Madisen Wells, te the survcyership of the pert of New Orleans, is an insult te every instinct of public decency. He is the present, deputy surveyor, and his brother, S. S. Wells, is another subordinate in the office. The father, one of the in famous returning beard of Louisiana, has been the surveyor for a term, and he new demands the office again from Hayes as the unpaid balance of the price of his flagrant frauds of 1870. The president lias been restrained from appointing the father by the fear of public opinion ; but he has proposed te pay the debt demanded by one of the chief criminals of the land by the appointment of the son. FIRES THAT WERE FATAL. Twe of Them, in "Which Nineteen 1'crsens Were Burned co Death. A negre cabin en the plantation of Capt. Wm. Stack, 13 miles north of Columbia, S. C, was destroyed by fire about 10 o'clock, Tuesday night. Twe men, a woman and six children perished in the flames. The lire was discovered bv a colored woman, who ran te the burning building and pulled off a beard, when she heard one el the chil dren attempting te awaken its father, without success. Before ether assistance arrived the cabin and its occupants were burned up. The chimney, a crude aflair, made of clay and stick, is supposed te have ignited while the negrees were asleep. The cabin had but one deer and no windows. In San Francisce, a Chinese wash house en Pine street, near Tayler, was destroyed by fire. The number of its occupants is net known, but the bodies of ten Chinamen have been recovered from the ruins. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Surprise l'arty. Mrs. Gee. M. Bergcr, sr., was made the subject of a pleasant surprise last evening the occasion being her 03d birth-day. By an innocent deception she was induced te visit a neighbor's te attend a supposi tious carpet-rag party that did net come off. During her absence the family had net been idle, and en her return home Mrs. Bergcr was astonished te find her house illuminated and filled with her sons, daughters, grandchildren, and ether relatives numbering a score or mere, and a table spread with all sorts of geed things. After congratulations had been extended her she was presented with an elegant frame containing likenesses of her six children. The party was a pleasant surprise te Mrs. Bergcr, and was much enjoyed by all in attendance. Fell Frem a Sled. Yesterday afternoon Cenrad Kcmpf, aged G or 7 years, son of Cenrad Kcmpf, proprietor of the Union hotel en West Chestnut street, while coasting en Dinah's hill, fell from a sled which struck, against a lamp pest. He received ti very ugly cut above the right eye, and was taken te the office of Dr. Foreman, who dressed the wound. Meeting of the Star Club Te-Night. The Star Club of the Yeung Men's Christian association will held its eighth regular meeting at 7:30 o'clock. The list of a hundred stars, originally contem plated, will be carried te 125 or mere, se that each member can afford te lese some of these less prominent and still make geed the hundred. Sent te Jail. Emma Archcy and 3Iaze Tayler, colored, were sent te jail for five days each last evening, by Alderman Dennelly, of the Seventh ward They had been drunk and disorderly. THE SCHOOL BOARD. AX IMPORTANT MEETING . Full Attendance Sew Buildings Contem Centem platedMr. Gelsslnger's Resignation. The beard of directors of Lancaster school district met statedly last evening in common council chamber, the following named members being present : Messrs. D. G. Baker, P. D. Baker, Brp sius, Carpenter. Cochran, Eberly, Ebcr man, Erisman, Evans, Geissinger, Harris, D. Hartman, 4, LIIartinau, Johnsten, Lcvcrgoed, Marshall, McCemsey, McCon McCen McCon emv. Morten, Reimcnsnyder, Rlieads, Richards, Schmidt, Schwebcl, -Samson Smeyeh, Slaymakcr, Snyder, Spurrier, Wcsthacflcr, Ycislcy, C. Zccher. !ee. W. Zccher, Warfel, president. Committee Itcperlx. The reports of the visiting cenimittccs were net read. Following is an abstract showing the attendance of pupils at the several shoels. 'A C. - C5 ? 9 n r 2 n '. e a I : : Mr. McCaskey's heys' hijli school. 1... 7S 7M 73 ... 118 113 112 iel.. 140 13S lSi .. 1.-S1 127 122 .. 41 41 :w .. ll'.l 11.". 107 . . ir.l 142 140 .. 131 130 li- an 201 i7'.t 151 133 127 148 134 15 147 130 i:i 150 130 110 14 143 132 157 14S 138 108 1H1 02 lfiS 1SS 145 llil 140 143 I1G1 113 134 153 128 121 170 153 143 33 31 30 51! 51 41 70 !7 54 St 42 31 31 23 17 Miss ittiiidcU's trills' " Mr. Herr's bevs' hueeudarv school.. Mr. Uutes s " Miss llantclfs ' Miss 1 1 uber's girls' Miss llundeU's jrlrls' Miss llrubakcr's irirls'" Mr. Matz.'s German ami KnlNh. Miss Chainiclrs com. primary Miss IJiuidakcr's " ' Miss Marshall's ' Miss Buckius's ' Miss Etter's Miss Downey's Miss Stahl's Miss Musscliiian's ' Miss Ztifr's ' Miss Dougherty's ' Miss Derwart's Miss Johnsten's " Miss Clarksen's single ' Miss Hair's Mr. Couzzins's colored school Mule night school Female night school Colored " Mr. D. G. Baker, from the superintend ing committee, reported adversely te the employment of an assistant teacher in the African school en the ground that there are net enough pupils sufficiently ad vanced te warrant it. The report also re commended that the musical instructor be directed te hereafter give lessens of one hour's duration in each school once a week instead of two lessens of a half-hour each. The report also stated that the committee had organized a new division in Miss Hurler's secondary school. Mr. Baker, from the same committee, reported verbally that the school building at the corner of Prince and Chestnut street, was in an unsafe and dangerous condition in case there should be an alarm of fire. The outside doers open inwardly and arc generally closed, and the stairway is narrow and inconvenient. He suggested that the building might be made safe by having alterations made in the doers and stairways and having a fire-escape erected at one of the upstairs windows eh the south side of the building. On motion of Dr. Levergood the several recommendations of the committee were approved, and the property committee di rected te have the alterations made forth with. RUN I'aid. Mr. Evans, from the finance committee, reported the following bills which, having been examined by the committee and ap proved, were ordered te be paid : Edward Price, renairiiur school-house, $1 : Albert Yest, repairing and painting chairs, $1.80 D. B. Couzzins. tcachinjr colored night school, $27.30 ; Peter 3Iuller, lamps and oil, $3.47 ; Rexy Bair, teaching female night school, $30 ; Hagcr & Bre., matting and carpet, $17.87 ; Flinn & Breueman, heater, &e., $21.33 ; Levi Powell, carpen- tcry and glazing, $8,73; F. Medcnbach, kindling weed, $2 ; Jehn Bacr's Sens, books, &c, $2(5.30; Chas. H. Barr, l;oeks and stationery, $23.03. Mr. Erisman, from the book committee, reported that the committee had furnished Miss Gill's school with crayon drawing models, and Miss Johnsten's school with a map of the United States, as they had been directed te de by the beard. Dr. Lcvcrgoed from the committee te revise rules, reported progress and asked that the committee be continued. Agreed te. New Scheel Rulldiiigs. On motion of Mr. Brosius the report of the special committee te erect new school buildings and reorganize the schools, pre sented at last meeting, was taken up, and the several recommendations of the com mittee considered seriatien, as fellows : "1. The present arrangement of the Lancaster city school district, into four divisions formed by the intersection of King and Queen streets shall he retained." Adopted. "2. Ample school accommodation shall be provided in each respective division for all the primary and secondary pupils who reside within the limits of the division." Adopted. " 3. The beard shall provide as seen as practicable for the erection of four new school buildings, one in each of the four divisions of the city, with accommodations in each building for both the primary and secondary pupils of said division who are net already, or who may net hereafter, be otherwise" previacu ler. On a motion being made te adept the above resolution the yeas and nays were demanded and resulted as fellows : Yeas Messrs. D. G. Baker, Brosius, Cochran, Erisman, Harris, D. Ilartnian, Johnsten, Lcvcrgoed, McCemsey, McCon McCen McCon emy, Morten, Reiineusnyder, Rhoads, Kicliards, bchwcbcl, bamsen, Smeyeh, Slaymakcr, Snyder, Spurrier, Wcsthaefler, Ycisley, G. W. Zccher and Warfel, presi dent 24. Nays Messrs. P. D. Baker, Eberly, Evans, J. I. Hartman, Marshall, Schmid and C. Zccher 7. The preposition was declared adopted. "4. The new buildings shall be erected upon sites already in the possession of the beard in se far as these sites may be deemed eligible." Adopted. "3. The new buildings shall all be con structed en the single-room plan. They shall be two stories high. The rooms for the primary schools shall have a capacity for GO pupils, with a fleer surfaca te each pupil of at least 9 square feet. The rooms for the secondary schools shall have a capacity for 50 pupils with a fleer surface te each pupil of at least 13 square feet. All the school rooms shall he furnished with single seats and desks for each pupil, and in the construction of the buildings special attcntijn shall te paid te lighting, heating, and ventilation of all the apart ments." Mr. McCemsey moved te strike out all that referred te fleer surface, desks, and scats. Mr. Brosius argued against the amend ment. Mr. Eberly opposed the entire proposi preposi propesi sition, aud moved that it be postponed in definitely. The motion te postpone was voted down. The matter was further discussed by Messrs. Riemenanyder. D. Hartman, Har ris, McCemsey and ethers, aud the question being called en Mr. McCemsey's amend ment it was rejected by the following vote : Yeas Messrs. D. G. Baker, P. D. Baker, Eberly, Ebcrman, Evans, Harris, I). Hart man, .1. I. Hartman, Marshall, McCemsey, Schwclicl, Samson, Slaymakcr, V. Zccher and Warfel, president 15. Nays Messrs. Ilresius, Carpenter, Cochran, Erisman, Johnsten, Levergood, McConemy, Morten, Iteiiiiensuydcr, Rhoads, Richards, Schmid, Smeyeh, Sny der, Spurrier, We.sthaell'cr, Ycisley and G. W. Zccher 18. The above section was then adopted without a division. " U. lhe first new building shall be erected in the northeast division en the let new owned by the beard and located en the northwest corner of Lime and Lemen streets." This preposition was discussed at some length by Messrs. Eberly and D. Hartman, who opposed it, and Messrs. McCemsey, Spurrier and Brosius, who favored it. The question being called it was adopted with with eat a division. The following prepositions were read and adopted without debate : "7. The building te be erected at Lime and Lemen streets shall contain twelve rooms with an aggregate minimum ca pacity for 6G0 pupils. "8. As the necessity may arise ether school buildings of required capacity shall be erected, en the same general plan of the lour large buildings, in districts winch are se situated as te make the central or main building of the division difficult or incon venient of access. " 9. As rapidly as the new buildings provided for in this plan arc completed the primary and secondary schools of Lancas ter city shall be organized en the single room plan, with one teacher for each room." The State Scheel Appropriation. The secretary presented a letter he had received from Dr. Wickersham, superin tendent of public instruction, in answer te a letter written te him by the secretary by direction of the beard, in which the super intendent says in effect, that the reason he has net drawn his warrants for the school appropriations is that there arc no funds iu the state treasury with which te pay them ; but that he is almost tired waiting, Ac, ivc. Mr. Evans moved that the finance com mittee he directed te forthwith institute legal proceedings against Superintendent Wickersham, with a view te compel him te de his duty and draw his warrant for the state appropriation due Lancaster dis trict. Mr. Johnsten suggested that, as Dr. Wickersham had within a few days past, published, in the Scheel Journal, a letter addressed te State Treasurer Neycs, in which he calls the treasurer's attention te the overdue school appropriations and de clares that his duties arc mandatory, and that he will be compelled te draw his war rants en the treasurer whether there be or be net money iu the treasury te meet them, it might be regarded as precipitate en the part of the heard te institute legal pro ceedings until Dr. Wickersham had had an opportunity of fulfilling his premise. It had been reported in the newspapers that he had already drawn warrants for several districts, that some of them had been cashed by the banks, and en reaching the state treasury had net been paid, for want of funds. Mr. Brosius moved te amend by giving notice te the state superintendent that if the warrant was net drawn within thirty days proceedings would be instituted. Mr. Spurrier proposed te amend by mak ing the time five days. President Warfel stated that he had seen Dr. Wickersham at Ilarrisburg within a few days past, and that he assured him that he had given instructions te his clerks te go right en issuing the school warrants, and that many of them had been already issued. Mr. Cochran said that he tee had seen Dr. Wickersham a few days age, and that his answer relative te the school warrants was net satisfactory. After some further discussion Mr. Evans's motion te institute legal proceed ings against Dr. v lckcrsham was carried without a division. Resignations and Elections. Rev. D. II. Geissinger presented his resignation is a member of the beard in the following words : I have the honor herewith te tender my resignation as a member of your beard, having permanently removed from the city. Permit me te acknowledge the courtesy which I have received during my associa tion with you, and te wish you great suc cess in all your efforts te promote the cause of popular education. On motion, Rev. Gcissingcr's resignation was accepted and the beard proceeded te fill the vacancy. Wm. A. Wilsen aud Jehn Ochs wcie nominated. The roll was called with the following result : Messrs. D. G. Baker, P. D. Baker, Bro sius, Cochran, Eberly, Eberman, Erisman, Evans, D. Hartman, J. I. Hartman, 3Iar- shall, Richards, Schwebcl, Samson, Spur rier and Warlcl, president 17 voted ler Mr. Wilsen. Messrs. Carpenter, Harris, Johnsten, Lcvcrgoed, McCemsey, McConemy, Mor Mer Mor eon, Rlieads, Schmid, Slaymakcr, Snyder, Wcsthaclfer, Ycisley, C. Zccher and G. W. Zccher 13 voted for Mr. Ochs. Mr. Wilsen was declared elected. The resignation of Miss Emma Derwart, principal of one of the primary schools, was presented and accepted. On motion Miss Mary Zurchcr, 1st as sistant in same school, was unanimously chosen principal, and Miss Ella Musser, 2d assistant, was chosen 1st assistant. Te till the vacancy caused by Miss Musscr's pro motion, all applicants holding certificates were placed in nomination. A vote being taken resulted as fellows : Messrs. D. G. Baker, P. D. Baker, Cochran, Eberly, Eberman, Erisman. D. Ilartnian, J. I. Hartman, Marshall, Sam son, Smeyeh, Snyder. Yeisley and C. Zccher 14 voted for Miss Dellic Guthrie. Messrs. Brosius, Carpenter, Evans, Morten, Rcimensnydcr, Rlieads, Richards, Slaymakcr, Spurrier, and Warfel, presi dent 10 voted for Miss Saleme Carpen ter. Messrs. Harris, Johnsten, Levergood, McCemsey, McConemy, Schmid, Wcst haefler and G. W. Zecher 8 voted for Miss Sarah F. Harkins. There being no election, a second ballet was had, resulting as fellows : Messrs. D. G. Baker, Brosius, Cochran, Eberly, Eberman, D. Uartinan, J. I. Hart man, Johnsten, Levergood, Marshall, Mc Mc eomsey, McConemy, Richards, Samson, Smeyeh, Snyder, Spurrier, Ycisley, C. Zecher and G. W. Zecher 20 voted for Miss Guthrie. Messrs. Carpenter, Evans, Erisman, Har ris, Morten, Reimcnsnyder, Rhoads, Schmid, Schwebel, Slaymaker, Wcst haefler and Warfel, president 12 voted for Miss Carpenter. Miss Guthrie was declared elected. Mr. Brosius presented the following res olution which was unanimously adopted : liaeked, That this beard hereby convey te Rev. D. ti. Geissinger an. expression of their regret that his new ficlef of labor, has rendered it necessary for him te sever his connection with the beard : and hereby tender te him their sincere thanks for his zeal and efficiency while a member of this body. Secretary Eberman presented te the beard the professional certificates of Misses Dougherty, Suydam, Powers, and Mussehnan which they had held for mere than one year. On motion, the beard recommended that permanent certificates be granted them. Secretary Eberman stated that he had been making endeavors te get together the old minute books of the beard, and had succeeded in getting all of them except the book immediately preceding the one new in use. The first entry in the book new in use is dated September, 18(58. The missing book contains the minutes for some years preceding that date. He hoped that by giving notice in this way the book might be recovered. The president announced the following visiting committee for the ensuing three months : Visiting Committees Southeast Divi sion David Hartman (chairman), Peter McConemy, Geerge W. Zccher. Daniel Smeyeh, A. K. Spurrier. Northeast Division Wm. A. Morten (chairman), Wm. U. Wiley, II. Z. Rlieads, Jeseph Samson, Rev. C. Riemcnsnyder. Southwest Division Marriett Uresius (chairman), Alex. Harris, P. D. Baker, E. G. Snyder, Geerge Ycisley. Northwest Division Dr. J. Lcvcrgoed (chairman), Charles Schwebel, Jeseph Schmid, J. M. Wcsthaciler. President Warfel also appointed Wm. A. Wilsen a member of the book committee, vice Rev. D. II. Geissinger, resigned. Adjourned. Y. .11. V. A. Anniversary Entertainment. The tenth anniversary of the Yeung Men's Christian association of this city was celebrated last evening by giving an entertainment at the court house. The court room was well filled and the pro ceedings were of an interesting character. The pregramme was a fellows : Singing All Hail the I'oweref JissiiViiuni"-. Uy the Congregation. l'eading Scriptures, Kev. J. li. Shuinakcr. I'raycr, Kev. D. A.I... I.avcrty. Music- I.y tli! Mozart ijnartet. Annual report of the President, Mr. D. C. Haverstick, as lollews : Ladies and Gentlemen, Members and Friuiids of tin; Voting Men's Christian Association. Wc have met this evening for the pur nose of celebrating the tenth anniversary of the founding of this most worthy organ izatien, and, as has been the custom here tofore, the president offers his annual re port of the workings of the institution for the past year. In doing se we have en deavored te be as brief and concise as pos sible, and you need net fear having your patience taxed by listening te a lengthy and detailed array of dry facts and figures. In looking ever the labors of the year that is past and gene forever, we feci, that under the guidance of Divine Providence, the friends of the association have much te encourage them in their efforts te establish and maintain this noble institu tion. It is true we have net se favorable a financial report as that of last year ; yet, taken as a whole, our standing financially and otherwise is in improved condition as compared with that of one year age. The falling off in the receipts of the past year, in comparison with these of 1878. is owing te the fact that during that year we had just taken possession of our new building en Seuth Queen street, and we made special efforts te raise money in the way of entertainments and excursions, and by calling en the public for subscriptions. This was net done during the past year, with the exception of a few excursions ; hence the falling off in the item of re ceipts. There were, however, some changes made during the year for the further ac commodation of the public. We allude, first, te the employment of an assistant te the general secretary, whereby the rooms are kept open continuously from 9 o'clock a. m. te 10 p. m. This change also af forded the general secretary an opportu nity te take a mere active part in the out door work of the association, aud in this particular there has been a marked im provement as compared with that of the previous year. Through the efforts of our general sec retary, and the kindness of our profession al men, a course of free lectures and med ical talks has been succcsfully established, and from which a class for the study of astronomy was organized, and which has met with extraordinary success. The pop ularity of this class is largely due te the efficiency and energy of its originator, Prof. J. P. McCaskey, a member of the beard of managers. Meetings for social intercourse have also been held at stated intervals during the fall and winter. About a month age a debating club was organ ized, which meets once every week, with a fair prospect of success. The following statistics are gathered from the general secretary's report : There were 30,194 visits made te the reading rooms during the year, while the number of books drawn from the library in the same time was 12,13(5. I trust the audience will excuse mc if I turn my thoughts from the report for a few moments and give expression te the reflec tion suggested by the contemplation of these ligurcs. 1'ersens nave told us upon mere than one occasion that they could net see what geed we were doing, or of what benefit this institution was te the city of Lancaster. New, can any fair-minded per son leek at the foregoing figures and say that this association docs net supply a very necessary want and merit the warmest sympathy and support of our citizens? Can any one question for a mo ment that these twelve thousand readers were net benefited by the time spent in the rooms or in the read ing of these books, especially when we contemplate the fact that they (our young men, particularly) are surrounded en every hand by influences tending te draw them away from that which is pure and geed ? It will net de te say that our young men and boys de net need a guiding hand, such as this association offers, in providing for them pleasant and comfortable rooms in which they may spend their leisure hours, with free access te a large collection of well selected literature. But for the benefit of these who think they de net need anything of this kind, I will quote from a recent writer en the subject of prevailing vices and crimes. He says: "At no time in the his tory of civilization has there been such a prevalence of crimes as at present ; and we may well tremble for our country and re publican institutions when we remember that Ged is just. It is net alone in the long list of robberies, murders and sins of a similar character, which in their influence for evil arc comparatively venial offenses ; but in high places aud respectable (?) so ciety throughout the world there exists a flagrant disregard of all the rules of de cency and honesty. Men betray the most sacred trusts reposed in them and public, opinion has become se benumbed and demoralized as in many cases te treat the offenders only as ' unfortunates ' and net as criminals." New, the question may be asked, what can he done te check this prevailing ten dency? We answer, by educating the ris ing generation in the moral and religious duties of life. Strive te keep them from the dens of gilded vice abounding en every hand. Encourage them te spend their evenings(ifyeu cannot keep them at home) in a place such as this association provides. The influences thrown around them at these rooms cannot fail te have a beneficial effect. They will lie found mere regularly at the church and Sunday school, and grow grew up te be honored and trusted in any posi tion they may he called upon te fill. Reverting again te the general .secre tary's report, we find that there were also held during the year, under the direction of the devotional committee, forty-four prison services, the attendance at "which was about six hundred ; forty young men's meetings, with an attendance of three hundred and fifty; thirty-five meetings for the study of the Bible, with an attend ance of about four hundred ; fifty-two gospel meetings, attendance two theusar.d two hundred and seventy-one ; twenty-six boy's mctings, attendance two thousand five hundred and fourteen. There were also held during the year sixty miscella neous meetings, embracing business, lec tures, social, &c, at which there was an attendance of two thousand, one hundred and eighty-nine. Wc thus find that during the year 1S79 there was an attendance at the rooms and the various meetings of about 38,582. There were also fourteen hundred ami thirty religious papers and five thousand live hundred anil ten pages of tracts dis tributed at the prison and elsewhere. Twcnty-six'theusand copies of the Hulletin. a .small paper setting forth the work and objects of the association, were printed and distributed. Five persons secured work through the employment burcau.aud twenty-six secured beard by means of the bearding house register. By reference te the treasurer's report, we find that the receipts from all sources, including a balance of $(S8O.G0 en hand January 1, 1879, were $1,670.83. Seme of the principal items of receipts were : Frem membership dues and sub scriptiens te library, tf.JOl.l . Frem rent. $241.07. Feem excursidVs, $315. Dona tions, $11. The main items of expense were for salary" of general secretary and assistant, $473.92 ; paid notes of indebtedness and interest, $384.32 ; interest en mortgage. $302.50 ; binding books, $73 ; gas bills. $72.32 ; papers and magazines, $i53.(!0 ; in surance premium. $25 ; coal, ice, $25, and a number of sundry bills net deemed nec essary te enumerate, leaving a balance in the hands of the treasurer en January 1. 1880, of $4.30. The library committee, with great can and labor, have had prepared and pi iuted a very complete and comprehensive cata logue of the hooks of the library, ap pended te which is an alphabetical list of authors. I would take occasion before I clesv. en behalf of the association, te return our sincere thanks te the public generally for their assistance during the past year: am! it shall be our aim te se conduct its alfaiis as te merit their co-epration in the future. I also feel indebted te the various officers of the association, who se cheerfully as sisted me in the charge of the duties in cumbent upon me a.- president. Te the efficiency of our general secratery (Mr. Herr) is due the improved condition of the spiritual work of our association. Toth Teth Toth elliccrs and committees I would only say. let us strive te de even better in the futurc than wc have done in the past. I have thus briefly given you an outline of the doings of the association for the past twelve months. Our labors with the year that is past are done, our record has been made, and we have no desire what ever te recall it, unless, indeed, it were for the purpose of correcting our own errors and short-comings. Seme of the results, I trust, are written in the book of eternal rewards. The present is ours te provide for the future. Let us de this with tlu consciousness that we are engaged in a geed work, and that Ged will bless us ac cording te our works and the measures of our faith. At the conclusion of the reading of the report the following exercises were given : Music, On Jerdan's Stormy Hanks I Stand, etc. Address,.... Uy J. HewanfSeal. of l'hiladelpia. Music, I5y the Mozart (Juartct. Basket Collection. Singing, Wonderful Words of Lift-, etc. Doxology and lSenedictien. The address by J. Heward Seal, general secretary of the Philadelphia asso ciation, was an able effort, oc cupying about forty minutes in its delivery, his subject being the general work of the association. Rev. R. W. Huilbrd. who was booked for an address, could net be present. The music by the Mozart Quar tet was finely rendered. The collection lifted was a liberal one. THE MORAVIAN SUM'KK. Handxeinely Arranged Iloem Kxerllent Edibles, and Attractive Attendants. The supper for the benefit of the Mora vian church commenced last evening in the lecture room ill the rear of the church. The room has been very attractively ar ranged. On entering the deer en Market street, is seen te the right along the north wall of the building, a floral table contain ing many rare specimens of flowers, ferns and messes. Frem each corner of the table columns arise, entwined from bot tom te top with pressed fern-leaves and and from the top of the columns are fes tooned pretty tied greens. In the centre of the table is a prettily arranged minia ture rockery. The table is much ad mired by all who have seen it. In the centre of the room, within the equilateral bounded by the four iien pillars which supert the second fleer, is a bounteously spread lunch table, the pillars arc twined with tied laural and the tabic is canopied by a large American flag. At the south end of the room, where the reading desk generally stands, is another lunch table equally attractive, trimmed with cvcrgrecn.and in rear of it, also in ever green, is the word ' Welcome." Beth these tables are suppplted with all the substan tiate and delicacies of the season includ ing roast turkey, chicken, beef and every, thing usually found en the tabic at a first class hotel. A hungry man will find it cheaper te patronize one of these tables than te go home te supper. Along the cast wall, te the left of the Market street entrance, is the confectionery department. The table is a long one. prettily sprigged with box-weed and ether greens, and leaded with every variety of cakes, fruits and confections cheap for cash. Adjoining the confectionery tabln are the ceffee and ice cream tables. Every body is familiar with the excellence of Mo ravian coffee, and the ice cream comes from a first class house. Along the west wall is the oyster depart ment, where may be had oysters" in every approved style, the principal in change having had much experience in that line. All the tables arc under the efficient management of ladies of the congregation, who prefer that their names shall net appear in print. The walls, chandeliers and pictures with which the room is hung, are decked with flags and evergreens, the whole being very artistically arranged. Last evening the attendance was very large, the room being greatly crowded most of the time. This evening there will be an addition al attraction the up-stairs room having been fitted up for a coffee and smoking room, exclusively for gentlemen. $1 HI -' ---1