yBaiwbBarri-affrf.afSOBnggraw - 1 SJ.7tj---T,iai.fJ-rtiTirin4iwJn1 -f- "''-"T':-''v israsaai LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1880. twwt1 Viwy L rim myymaaqsccF snaccaiaawrttggaaiB.TBaeaa . MwrtWw- ,i -..-.- .-,.... lr ili llllTlr --- ,, W, jV,i,i,,hW' , t-,ur-,jr,1-TtiimifTm-"ii-:i lf 'S Lancaster intelligencer. THURSDAY EVENING, FEB. 5, 1880.' The Urcat "reds." These That Have Harvested a Fortune sunt These That Arc Plodding in l'evcrly. "With the purpose of getting an idea of the financial condition of some of the pedestrians who have achieved fame during the past five years, a Bosten Jferdd re porter called en a gentleman, of that city, who is well acquainted with the subject. He has had a line opportunity of observing what has been going en among pedestrians and, in a general way, remarked : " The time for the making of great stakes is about at an end. There arc loe many specu lators new, many of whom have become t-e unscrupulous that the result of a race does net at all depend upon the merits of the men. It is a fact, that no man en the inside will deny that the gamblers in the pool peel box have the control of the result, and that nearly every dollar they invest is placed en almost a surety. The great Madisen Car den races are "tilings of the past and the nearest possible approach te them in the future will be the Astlcy belt contests which are te occur there ; and they, tee, will cease te be interesting when the public at large learn the history of that belt and the jobs put up te have it brought here new and then. Itewell is the greatest pe destrian in the world, and 1 knew it te be a fact that he can beat all records thus far, even if COO or mei-c miles were necessary. lie is te-day worth CI 7, 000. all of which he earned in this country in his two grci.t races and subsequent exhibitions. Edward 1'aysen "Westen has seen his best day, by virtue of age. In his prime he was one of the best 'pods' that ever struck saw-dust. Xe professional walker has made mere money, and none have spent it faster. Te-day he has. perhaps 1000 or $100(1 in his wife's name, but no mere, lie has always been 'a strange man,' both en and elf the track, and, if he had net been a .spendthrift, would be worth 6100,000 or meie te-day. Hisday is now new passed, and what great achievement he performs in the future will be en paper, and will be considered with a great deal of allowance. Dan O'Lcary has proven himself one of the iinest of pedestrians, but his time has also gene by, at least as a go-as-you-please man. He is te-day, probably, the gieat est square heel-and-tee man in the world at long distance. He has been sharp and shrewd, although his geed na ture at times has led him te be a little reckless of his physical condition. He is te-day the wealthiest of all pedestrians, and his possessions amount te at least a round $100,000, most of which he acquired by exhibitions and as a manager of races. Blewer Brown may have a few thousand dollars, but no mere, and what he has get he has earned by hard plodding. He is rather inclined te be wild at times, a weak ness that has caused a serious depletion in his earnings. CScerge llazacl is still a "geed man" and one of the speediest that has ever en gaged in races, but his time has passed, owing te physical defects, the result of ever-exertion, lie is comparatively peer. " Honest"' .1 eh n Kniiis. formerly of Chi cago, and later of New Yerk, of whom a great deal was expected, may new be said te have sizzled out. He made $10,000 or $12,000 in the Asllev belt race in New- Yerk, but. owing l piKir ventures, lias net ' et late added much te Ins wealth. lie is new weith perhaps $S,()00. Charles A. Harrimau is a geed square heel-and-tee man. but no runner. He made most of his money in the Astley belt race, when he covered -loll miles and walk ed away with $7,0(10. He is new worth perhaps $e,000. O'I.earv, J'niiis and llai rimaii were formerly looked upon as the representative pedestrians of this country, but new they stand but littlechancealong littlechancealeng side of the younger men who have sprung up of late. Frank Hart, the cehued boy of Bosten, I consider the best man in America te-day. and he will prove se if he is prepcrh handled. He is in danger, however, of falling into bad hands, owing te a disposi tion te be guided by ether people instead of relying upon his own knowledge. lie is, I am informed, worth te-day $.".0l)0. but that, in my opinion, does net represent all that was his just earnings. He thinks he has been cheated, in mere than one in stance, by men who were net ever scrup uleus. Hart is new his own backer, and He cannot recover from the strain of that exertion, and, mere than that, 1 am sorry te say. he has developed habits that must surely lead te a weakened constitution in a short time. He is worth, perhaps, .some HOOd, and is being backed by Mr. Winant, a hotel keeper of JIavcrstraw. Merritt, of Connecticut. I consider, is possessed of "Wcstenian grit, and physical endurance. He is a young man, and I predict he will yet beat all American records. He takes line care of himself, and is worth, perhaps, a few thousands. Campana, or "Old Spert,' of Bridge port, Conn., has been a geed man, but is new only a relic of his former self. He never has made ."i00 miles, although he claims he litis, but his assertion has never been backed up by a record, lie has within a few years, made mere money than most ether men, chielly in small races and is new worth about $lL0()0. "Leppcr" Hughes will never amount te much in the future, and will never reach an elevated position en the ladder of fame. He is a wreck new, and will, probably, withdraw very seen from the sawdust arena, with a few thousands of dollars. The ether 'peds," among whom there are many geed men in New England. I knew aie very peer, financially, and live, for the most part, en what they get from their backers, who are net very generous, ex cept when their men get a geed ' rake.' Such men as the i'anehet brothers, Duteher, Begram, and the hundred or mere ethers, including some who have made fair records, have net a dollar of their own. and live en with the hope of some day makinga bonanza. The majority of them will never be wealthy, as they are of an easy and liberal nature, which will net allow them te held en te a dollar when they get one.' Mrs. Partington Says Don't take any of the quack rostrums asthev are regimental te the human cistern : but put your trust in Hep Kilters, which will cure gen eral dilapidation, costive habits and all comic diseases. 1 hey saved Isaac lreni a severe ex tract el tripod fever. They are the iic plux vmnii of medicines. fi-i'ud illunti-eal Heard Frem. K. L. Mosely, of Montreal. Canada, certilicil Sent. -'T. 1ST!), that lie l.i.l ,,!r..,,..i ......n.i.. .'..' dyspepsia, and was completely cured bv tak ing arners Sale Kitteis. He savs: "Mvap petlte is geed, and 1 new sutler no inconveni ence Hern eating heart v meals.'' These ;it lci are also :i specific for all skin diseases. l-.'-wd CII1XA AXJ ULASSWAIUi. CHINA H ALL? CHEAP WARE, CHEAP WARE. ODD and DAMAGED WAKE sold at a " . SACRIFICE. Ware Sold Kndcr Price te Save Mevin" Xew is your time for I5AKGAINS. "' HIGH & MARTIN'S, Ne. 8 Sast King Street. takes geed care of himself. j 1 I I ! P i l h'tl iWll t Xerth Duke street, between Chestnut and Nick Murphy of llaverstraw. in my j K-W K U N Y IV 1 1 K I I -w Wbu,t. -Mu-y at opinion, -will never make the man that it ' . ... .iVJ IJ J.i Ji ,1 ff Uil i. ,-. -- - -- was expected he would. He was tee young ,v" "IJUISI.IC sali: )F stocks of TUKN when he accomplished his late great feat K-W rEIKIAXEXTLY ITRES K-W ,4- I'lKI' 1'OAD COMPAXIliSewned by the -v- a- i i ",,i ., Commonwealth et Pennsylvania. In pursu it! JNcw lerl;, by covering ever elIO miles. ... . ,,T m T . ... ..,. r u,,. .,,.,. ( j,,,,,. -i ists the Auditor VJtr GOODS, AC. 1VE CANNOT ADVERTISE Reduction of Prices, As many kinds of goods are going up in price every week, but we held :i large sleck of ricinihlc Dry Goods that arc selling at rates proportionate toee-t some time age. In the matter of MfSIJXSwe secured and 3IU.SI.I.NS stored I away an iininen.se MUSLIN:? quantity, se that our sales- MUSLINS rooms and rc-erye stock- MUSLIN'S rooms leek like wholesale MUSLIN'S store-:. The-e standard MUSLlN's goods are new retailing MUSLIN'S largely at less than future MUSLIN'S prices. MUSLIN'S We also bought freely et FLAXXELS, Andean show the geed re-ults of out eut bargaining en inquiry at the Flannel Counter. We are al-e selling CALICOES Cheaper than they can be bought at. The people will have te pay higher for many kinds of dry goods alter the pres ent .stock are sold out. Jehn Wanamaker, GRAND DEP0T-13TH ST., vnn..iii:i.vniA. STA KTLING ASSERTIONS. C IHt. GREENE is ready te cure all diseases by external applications of medicine. During Is months practice in Reading. lie lias treated ever 1,'X) patients, many et them from ether cities and towns in the United Slates, TO el tliein from Lancaster; hundreds, are cured, and no one lias died under his charge, anil only three persons have died during thai time who have been treated by him, and they died away from Heading and under their physician's care. Over 1.150 deaths occurred in Wending during his sojourn there. Having taken up his residence ili Lancaster, he will be in hisellicesall day. Call and see him and he will give you a list of eases cured of all dis'-ases of the body. -. A. Mcllesc. of Heading, N'ev. IS, ls7!l, says: Dr. Greene removed Irein inv neck a tumor of the M.e of a lien's egg, in 15 days, without cut ting or causing me any pain or the less of a drop el bleed, ills eertilicate is en dorsed by the autographs et .Jesse G. Hawley, proprietor of the 1'jujle ; T. C. Zimmerman, proprietor of The Times titnl Dispatch ; G. W. Grunt, pestmaster: II. A. Tyson, mayor, and ex-Mayer Kvans, all of Heading. Consultation free. Catarrh cured for .VI cents. Cuie quick ler Catarrh sent te any ad dress for ."',l cents, p; page pamphlet tree. Will seen commence a course el lectures en l'hvsiolegv. DR. C. A. GREENE, (::i Years Experience), 13-enidTii.Tln'iSl N'e. 23f! N. Queen St. nep BIT ! KRs HOP HIT KltS JIMP HIT i:i:s HOP KIT i:hs HOP KIT LMW HOP I SIT i;ks HOP INT ERS HOI' BIT MOP 1S1T tens HOP KIT KKS HOP KIT Kits HOP KIT Kits HOP KIT ers HOP V: an absolute and irre-i-ti- KHS ble cure for HOP KIT LKS DRUNKENNESS, Intemperance and the use of Opi- HOP uni. Tobacco, Narcotics and stimu- BIT l.nils, rciue ingall lasle,desireand ERS habit of using any of them, render ing the taste or desire ferany of HOP tli-m perlcctly odious and disgust- kit ing. Hiving everyone perfect and Kits irresistible control of the sobriety of themselves or their lriends. HOP It prevents thatubselutcphysieal kit and moral prostration that fellows KltS tin' sudden breakingotrfreiu Using stimulants or narcotics. HOP Package, prepaid, te cure 1 te 5 BIT persons. .i. or at your druggist's. Kits $1.75 per bottle. Temperance socie ties should recommend it. It is HOP perfectly harmless anil never-tail-KIT ing. Hep Kitlers ManfacturiugCe., ERS Iteeheslcr. N'. V.. Sele Agents. Hep Cough Cure destroys all HOP pain, loosens the cough, quiets the KIT nerves, produces rest, and never Kits fails te cuie. The Hep Pad for Stomach, Liver HOP and Kidneys, is superior te all KIT ethers. Lilies by absorption. It is KHS perlcct ask druggists. The Hep Kilter-. Mfg. Ce.. of lte-HOP Chester. N. V., only prepare these KIT lemedics, also the Hep Hitlers, KHS which arc in ntwiwa bevcragcer intoxicant, but the Purest and Kcst HOP lIT i ers nep KIT I'l.'S, nep KIT lilts HOP KIT KltS HOP KIT I.Hs Hep KIT lilts HOI IS IT er- HOP KIT i:r- Medicine ever made, making mere KIT cure- I OK 5 than all ether lcinrdir KKS .:.:: i:v am. nisrtieM's, HOP KIT KKS HOP KIT MOP i:rr Ki: HOP KIT iiKs HOP KIT KKS HOP KIT KKS HOP KIT KUS KKS K-W K-W K-w K-W K-W LIVER COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION And PILES. IC-W K-W K-W K-W IC-W K-W K-W Dr. U. II. Clark. Seuth Here. Vt., iys. -In eases of Kidnev Troubles. K-W it has acted like a charm. It has K-W cured many very bad eases of Piles, and has, neer failed te act ellieient- K-W l.v." K'-W Xelsen Fail-child, of St. Albans, K-W Vt., says. "It is of priceless value. K-W After sixteen years of great suller-K-W 'e from Piles and Cestivencss it kv completely cured me." IC-W IC-W IC-W K-W K-W K-W K-W C. ft. Hogaben. et Kerkshire. savs, K-W 'One package has done wonders inl ine in completely curing a severe j.y Liverand Kidney Complaint."' K-W WONDERFUL. W H Y K"v POWER. w Kecaiisc it acts en the Liver, the ;-y Kowels and Kidneys at the same U'r- ... .. .K-W jec:iusi-u cicanscs me system Ol K-1'"' poisonous humors that'develep K-W in Kidney and Urinary Discascs.Kil-K-W ieusiiess, .Jaundice. Constipation, j;.y Piles, or in Khcumatisin, Neuralgia K-W and FemalerDierders. i.- v 1CIDXKV WOKT is a dry vege-K-W fable compound and can be sent by ir.- niail prepaid. K-W ""c package will make six quarts K-W of medicine. JV " K-W irynnew. isuy it at the Drug gist's. Price $1.0(1. IC-W WKLI.P, IMCHAKDSOX & CO., IC-W l'roprieteis, '" P.urlingten, Vt K-W K-W K-W JC-W K-W K-W IC-W K-W K-W K-AV BOUTS AX J NMlUi:s. 'UICCUMSTAXCKS will net fj:i:mit Te aiivi:i:tisi: A REDUCTION I PHI but we will de the next tiling te it. vi. : We will call the attention of our friends and customers te the fact that we have en hand a very Large stock of BOOTS AND SHOE D, purchased before the late ADVANCE, which we will sell at Strictly Old Prices. 2Give us a call, A. ADLER, 43 WEST KING STREET USE LOOKER'S POWDERS. HORSE AND CATTLE ! K-W K-W K-V; K-tV K-W K-W K'-W k-., iviimui iyieiiiii.OiLO. - BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, ONE ROOM BEING A STORE-ROOM, Het and Celd Water, Bath, Gas, Range. Alse, GOOD BRICK STABLE, Fer 4 Horses and Carriage Heuse, almost in rear of Dwelling, situate en the southeast corner of North Mulberry and West Lemen street. Immediate poscssien of house. Rent reasonable. Would sell or exchange for city property. Apply te BAUSMAN & BURNS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 10 WEST ORANGE STREET. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, Muslins, Sheetings, Tickings, CARPETS! An Elegant Line Just Opened, comprising all the NEWEST STYLES OF BRUSSELS AND INGRAINS, irH-l'lease cull and examine before purchasing elsewhere. GIVLEE, BOWEBS & HTJEST, 25 EAST KING STREET. l'Oll SALE OK REXT. OTOKK IIOU.U FOK KENT, NO. 114 X. J Queen street. Possession given January- Is!. Apply al d'J-tfdl Xe. 112 North Queen Street. 1?OK KENT. Union Hetel, East Chestnut street, oppo site Penn'a Depot. Applv at the jic-ttd intelligencer office. 1yit i:i:st. . Twe rooms. Ne. 43J. Xerth" Queen .street, .suitable for photograph "gallery, new occupied by. I S. Saurniau. Apply te deciiMid TIIOS. UAUMGARDNER. 17OU KKXT. A The LITIZ SPRINGS HOTEL for rent. Will lie leased for one or live years at a reason able rent. The hotel is furnished in the very het style. Fer particulars call en or address I. G. PFAUTZ, j.ll-lwd&Hw Litiz, l'a. F UK BENT. I-' mi 11 April 1st, a new Twe-story Dwel ling Heuse, corner of Green and Rockland streets. About ? of an acre of ground with it. tl-2td 1 )K1VATK sale or A TWO-STORY .." Seuth l'rince J Itriek Dwelling, Xe. street, containing S rooms, cistern and well of water and well built. Tenus easy. Infuireel HENRY SHUBERT. Ileal Estate Agt., Xe. 0 Court Avenue, fl-lwd l?OUSAl.K J. and boiler. Alse a lanre Dinner, almost new: a small lloeringand matching machine, and a tending and power mortising machine. Address FIIII.II I.KIIZKI.TKK, Kagle Speke and llending Works. nevl0-tfdtw Lancaster, l'a. 171K1-: ritoer safe von salf. " A Fire Proof Safe (Mesler, ISakman & Ce., Cincinnati make), :l inches high, -!J wide and '. deep, weight 1.3K) pounds, -with" Sargent's Patent Xight and Day Combination Leck, for sale cheap, aiiiiiv at tin: jan-Mfd IX T KLL1GKXCKK OFFICE. re HOCK ANI FIXTUKKS OF A FLOUK O i'ag Manufactory for sale, consisting of a Cylinder Printing Press, size of bed 4UX.VJ inches, a one and a-half Herse Power Engine, Type. Cuts, and a let of geed Fleur Kag Paper. i inquire 01 .i.tw. .makki.i-.i ,v i:ke. i.;i-lwd ill W. Walnut St., Lancaster. I Oil KKXT. A three-sterv Krielc Heuse, en X'erth Prince street, above Chestnut; a one-story Frame Heuse, en Christian street. below Chest nut street: a three-sterv Kriek Heuse, en Ceneral will expose te sale at the Merchants' Exchange, in the citv of Philadelphia, en Tues day, the 24th day of February, lsse.at 12 o'clock m., lS.si.") siiaresef Turnpike IJead Stock, new owned bv the Commonwealth, among which arelUOSHAKKSDOWXIXUTOWX.KPilKATA aiiilHAKKISKri'G TCKXPIKK. The certili eates for all these stocks cannot be found, but the interest of the Commonwealth willbe sold. The purchaser will be entitled te the same number of votes as theeriginal owner. Terms, 10 per cent, en day of sale : the balance within thirty days te the State Treasurer, -when :i transfer will be given. WILLIAM P.SCIIKLL, ji!-.;tdeaw Auditor Ueneral. VlilXTlXti AXD JtlXJtlXO. AT Til U SAME PRICE, Having purchased ;the exclusive right of Lancaster city and county temannfaclure and u-e Kcynelds's Metallic Stationery and Heek Binder, THE OXLY DEVICE GIVING EXTIKE SAT ISFACTION', we are new prepared te furnish Cheek Heeks, Letter Heads, Xete Heads, State ments, Hill Heads, all sizes, Xetes of all kinds, Contract Heeks, Keceipt Heeks, Order Heeks, and, in fact any kind of work in which binding is necessary printed en the very best paper at the lowest Hgures. This invention, for the use of which ivc have obtained the sole right in Lancaster city and county, enables us te bind the above named or any ether kind el blank and memoranda books at the cost of printing alone. and in a style that for neatness and durability is net equalled by any ether device of a similar character. Dur ing Hie time that Keynelds' Metallic Station ery and Heek Kinder has been before the pub lic ii uas acquireu a nign reputation among printers and ethers who have hail occasion te make use of it, for the extreme simplicity efits construction and the case and accuracy of its operation, while business men and ethers whose experience enables them te speak where of they knew pronounce its work te be super ior in the essential points el cheapness, con venience and durability te that of the old pre cess, and we are willing te give our patrons a guarantee of the perlcctly satisfactory char acter of its work. Specimens et I'.inding may be seen at the Ix- ij.LL.iucauE.ii uinee, ami an persons ecsirmg a neat and substantial piece of work in this line are invited te call and inspect the numerous advantages we have te offer, and which enable us te turn out Geed and Durable Werk at prices lower than any ether printing establish ment in the city, ltd AS. KOSENIIAUM & CO., . PACKERS OF LEAF TOBACCO, Xe. 2-28 Prince street, Lancaster, Pa. J. UOSEXMTER, an7-:mtl Manager. illllffll I BUM ran sent. :for rent A VKKY DESIRABLE TIIKEE-STOUY dry goods. IX FULL ASSORTMENT OF Tabic Linens, Checks, Blankets, Comforts, (Jtiilts, Counterpanes. &c. ARCTIC 6t CANDEE " BACK STRAP ARCTIC. Great Imprevemeit Over Common Arctics. Easier te Buckle ; exclude wet and snow mere perfectly; neater in appearance ; bet tcr litting ; extra heavy sole, giving double service. Try one en and you will never wear any ether. Sold by C. A. REECE, 26 j)UY WALL PAPER. 1880. 1880. WALL PAPERS, WALL PAPERS, WALL PAPERS. HAGER & BROTHER Are receiving all the NEW .SPUING STYLES of PAPEE HANGINGS, In large assortment of KMKOSSKD GILT, HUONZK, SATINS, GHOUXDED and KLACK PAPKK, with Dade Frieze and Kerders te match, for Parlors, Halls, Libraries, Dining-rooms an I Chambers. As our orders for the above were placed before the advance, we shall continue te sell at the old low price. Estimates made and wiper hung by experienced paper hangers. Window Shades, Shading and Fixtures, in full assortment. Alse, Weel Terrys and Cretonnes. Nottingham Lace and Lace Curtains, Walnut and Gilt Window Headings and Cornice Poles, etc. Call and examine. HAGER & BRO. EXTRAORDINARY SALES OF luslins and Housekeeping Goods AT THE NEW YORK STORE. 35 CASES AND BALES OP MUSLINS AND SHEETINGS, Selling by the piece or yard at less than Manufacturer's Prices. Special Kargains in MARSEILLES QUILTS, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND TOWELINGS. f ATT, SEAHD & THOMPSON, 20 & 22 EAST KING STREET. BEST BLACK CASHIERES! J. B. MABTIN & CO. We have at present en hand a large and complete line of 1SKST HLACK CASIIMEKES, all Widths and Qualities. As these goods were pure-hashed prier te the late advance, we shall continue te seU them at the OLD PRICES, and warrant them second te none ler durability and wear. BLACK SILK, Colored Silks, Dress Goods, Suitings, Cieakings, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, &c. SPECIAL: One Case Silk Clocked Kalbriggan IIesc,at 25 cents. LADIES' AND GEXT. FURXISHIXG GOODS. All Standard Knuuls et MUSLINS AND SHEETINGS, AT LOWEST PRICES. J. B. MARTIN & Ce. C 1I1AS. 11KI3I3IBR. Removed te Ne. 4 West Kinar sti-ect, llrst fleer, Itheads & Ilre.'s new building. i27-lmdl CRAYON PORTRAITS, SIGN'S. AE. McCANN, AVUTIONEKR OF BEAL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Ne. 35 Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 anil 46 North Queen street, will receive urenint attention. Bills made eutand attended te without additional cost. e27-Jy SilUES. EAST KING ST. tch-Muiti aoejts. HAPPY EELIEF Te all suffering from chronic r'Jseascs of all kinds. Confidential consultation invited per sonally or by mail. Newinctheci of treatment. New and reliable remedies. Boek and circu lars sent free in sealed envelopes. Address Heward Association, 419 X. Ninth street, Phil adelphia, Pa., an institution having a high reputation for honorable conduct and protes pretes protes jenal skill. mar-lyd CZOTJUNG. H. GERHART, TAILOR Havingjnst returned from Xew Yerk with a large and CHOICE STOCK FOR MEN'S WEAR, Would respectfully announce te his customers ami the public that he will have his regular FALL OPENING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2Mli. LARGEST ASSORTMENT, LATEST STYLES AXD PRICES AS LOW AS ANY HOL'SE IX THIS CITY AT H. GERHAET'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. s SPECIAL NOTICE. 66. 68. rj.&ansman&Bre. GRAND CLOW SALE! OF OVERCOATS AND HEAVY SUITINGS. SPECIAL IXDI.'CEMEXTS te buvcrs of Clothing in order te make room for a large SPRING STOCK new being manu factured, anil we are needing room. We eiler well-made and stylish Cletliiiiii; for Men and Beys LOWER PRICES than ever heard of before, although Goods are going up every day. We will sell, for we must nave the room. Loek at Our Asteiiisliiiigiy List : iOiv I'ricc OVERCOATS' OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! for $2.90, ler $3.8.1, fer$r.3.-, for $0.73. OVERCOATS ! OVEIICOATS ! OVERCOATS for$7.7". fer$'J.7"i, for$10.7.". OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! for $12, $14, $IC and $20. These are heavy-lined Overcoats, carefully made and splendidly trimmed. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS for $7.50, ler $3.50, for $9.50, for $12. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! for $15, for $18, for $20. These are Plaid-Rack Overcoats, equal ie custom work. HEAVY, MEN'S SUITS ! for $3.50, $1.00, $5.00, $7.00, $9.00, $10.00. MEN'S SUITS FOR FIXE DRESS ! for $12.00, $14.00, $15.00, $lli.00, $18.00 and $20,00. ROYS' SUITS AXD OVERCOATS ! HOYS' SUITS from $2.23 te $10.00. HOYS' OVERCOATS VERY LOW We sell only our own make and guarantee satisfaction. Meney returned en all goods net found as represented. j63llca.-e call, whether you wish te purchase or net. T Is stocked wjth the latest styles, which we make te measure at the lowest cash prices and guarantee a perfect lit. SUITS TO ORDER from $12 upwards. PANTS TO ORDER from $1.50 upwards. D. GANSMAN & BRO., MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., S. W. Cerner et Orange, Lancaster, Pa. ( l.ausman's Cerner.) A TTOMtXEYS-A T-LA IV A. J. STEIXMAN, Intelligencer ISuildlng, Southwest Cerner Cen tre square, Lancaster, l'a W. V. IIKNSLL, Intelligencer Ruildiiig, Southwest Cerner Cen trcSguare. Lancaster, Pa. CHAS. K. KLINK, Atterncy-at-Law, Ne. 15 North Duke street, Lancaster, Pa. All kinds of Conveyances promptly drawn. marl3-lyd&w UEXItY A. HI LEY Attorney and CounsclIer-ut-Law 21 Park Rew Xew Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United States, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by permission te Stcinman & Henscl. IXSUJIAXCE. rim E OLD G-IRARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPAXV OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. $1,131,838. All-invested in the best securities. Le.ncs promptly paid. Fer policies call en RIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. 19 East King St.. Lancaster, Pa. 8-MW&S6mdU """ EBUVATIOXAL. fiiJlK ACADEMIC CONNECTED WITH J. Franklin and Marshall College nllVrs su perier advantages te young men and boys who desire either te prepare for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school vcar Send for circulars. Address REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ectll-lyd Lancaster. Pu. n T OCHER'S COUGH SYRUP IS THE BEST, MM TRAVELERS' UUIItE, LANCASTER AN1 ailLLKKSVIIXK K. K Cars run as fellows : Leave Lanuter (P. R. Depot), at 7, 9, and Hull) n. in., and 2, 4. K and S-M p. m., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at icsi 'p m Leave Miilersville (lower end) at 5, S and a. 31., and 1, 3, ,5 and 7 p. m. Cars run daily en above time except en Sun day. TJENNSYLVAMA KA1 1.KO AI X KV X SCHEDULE-On and after SUNDAY. NOV. Dth, 1S?., trains en the Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive and leave the Lancaster ami Philadelphia depots as fellows : FsTWnn Leave Arrive "V!T'tAltP- Lane'ter Philad'a Atlantic Express 12ri" a.m. .".:(X)..m. Philadelphia Express 4:10 ' 7:00 Fast Line 5:20 " 7:le " Yerk Accem. Arrives; 7::"e " llarrisburg Express 7::f " 10:00 DillervilleAccein. Arrives, :.- .. Columbia Accommodation, !:li " 12:01 r.M Frederick Aceem. Arrives, lr2e " Pacillc Express, 1:2.". im., ,1:Ii " Sunday Mail 2:00 " 5:0il Johnstown Express, SM ' asm Day Express 5r20 " 7:20 " Harristmrg Accommedat'n. (Jr25 " ufti " Leave Arrive Philad'a Lane'ter 12:30 a.m. 5:0O a.m. S:00 " 10:05 10:10 " S.00 " II:e.'. 11:07 S:00 " 0:.VI " Ilje " 2:10 cm 2:l,-i 2:.' I 2::0 ii. ,-i:i.'i 4:00 ' 7:2i" .r:00 " 7rr rii ' -M 0:10 " U..-UI 11:.V " 2.40 a.m. Westward. "A ay Passenger, i Niagara- Express j Hanover Accommodation,.! Mail Train Ne. l,via Mt.Jev, -Mail Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia,j Sunday Mail ' Fast Line, r rederick Accommodation,! Dillerville Lecal.via Mt.Jey Harrisburg Accominedat'nJ Columbia Accommodation,. Harrisburg Express, ' Pittsburg :xpress , Cincinnati Express ! Pacitle Express ; Pacific Express, east, en SuiulaV, when il;i ge;'. will step at Midilletewn. Ellzabethtew n V.i .' ""eisTiue, lilril-in-llainl. I. .ce'.,,!',"' "-''""istiaiui. Parkesl.uig, ( vilie, Oakland and Glen I.eeli. ii::iu :ttes- .. fi'i . '"'','"'',. Sunday, when Ihigged, will step at Downingtewn.Coatesville. Pa ikes, burg, Mt..ley, Llizabethtewn and Middleton n Hanover Accommodation, west, connect- :il Lancaster with Niagara Express, west m it:;e a. m., and will run through te Hanover. rederick Aecomiuedatioii. west. eniiin -el-at i..nii.iMi:r, wiin r;l.si Line. west, at 2-li and will run through te Frederick. 1-. 51., 1UI.D.UI11.V ASU I'UJST llKl'OMT K lOLL'31ItI. KJ 1 nuns new run re"iilarlventliei-i!ii1.1l .n and Pert Deposit Railroad en the folleu iu: time: STATIOSS NeKTIIWAltn. Exprcs; A. M. Accem. 1". M. Pert Deposit Pcachhottem Fite's Eddy '. McCidl's Ferry Shenk's Ferry Safe Harber. Columbia ;:.- 7:07 7:20 7:.-; I 7:.-l 7:"7 2:l.' ::: i:: 1:W1 4:17 1:11 1:10 :i::!5 Statiexs SeuTiiWAitn. Accem. Expies a. .m. r. m. Columbia h:iki ,;:-je Salu Harber. n.a; (;:i;. Shenk's Ferrv 12:(V' i:-., McCall's Ferry 12::M 7:et Fite's Eddy 1-J:.11 7:2!i Peachbottem i:n 7-;;. Pert Deposit ;!.-, ,s".,,T, Kr-ADIXG AND CIILU.M1IIA KAII.KOAC. On and alter MONDAY. OCT. lini. 1-7. passenger trains will run en this nuil as : . lows : Tieains Goi.ne Seuth. I a. 51. a.m. j r.M. . cm. Reading, I 7:3e 11:55 i.:le ' .... c 51. Rcinhelds, 8:01 l-j:-j . (i;5 Ephntta, :l,s 12: Ie 1 7:a: ... Akren, y:2l 12:13 1 1: Litiz, s:i:; i;trl 7:25 Manheim, !i:02 1:1:: 7::;; Lancaster Junction,.. 0:O5 l:le ' 7:15 Landisville, '.Mi; i::ai 7:5e Columbia, 0:13 1:.V 1 i Dillerville, !i:27 2:02 W, Lancaster. u-jss 2:05 s:le 5:1) King Street, 11:15 s:-."1 3:i Ilarnish :i:5s s'::;i :,::;t West Willow, 10:05 ) s:i2 5.:::) liaiiiugariluer, 10:0:i 1 s:!7 ' 5:15 l'eiiiea, 10:17 s:.V , 5:5; Relton, 10:2:: :t:el r.:ir. Xew Providence, :0:34 0:12 i;:I5 Hess, 10:12 !i:l: iirjs (juarryville le:.v 0:25 i;sr Tkains Going Xeiith. a. jr. 1 c M. j CM. A.M. 2.35 7:50 2.11 7:3S 2:18 s:i:i 2:50 Sr.7 3:05 s;.-;-, 3:13 s;;;; 3:s ,s:i;i :;.-2i; '.1:00 3:10 0:20 3:50 !:.-; 3:53 .... 3:.5 .... 4.01 .... 4:15 .... 4:21 .... (Juarryville , Hess, Xew Providence, Refton Pequea l.aumgardncr, West Willow, Ilarnish King Street, Lancaster, Dillerville Columbia Landisville, Lancaster . I unction,. Manheim, Litiz Akren, Ephrata Rcinhelds vilie Reading. 'J:- :52 K-JAt 7:11 7: IS 7:2U 7:32 7:11 7:."5 8:05 8:0S 8:00 8::i 8:30 8:10 '.1:00 !l:li; !:2': !:I2 10:05 !:0(l 1:( 1:0(1 1:3 1:25 I Lis 1 2:00 I 2:I.S 2:25 2:l; 3:20 I Trains connect at Reading with trains te and from Philadelphia, Pottsville, llarrisbuig. Al leutnwn and Xew Yerk. At Celumlii:i with trains te and from Yoi-k,IIanever,Oeltv.sburg, Frederick and llaltimere. A.M. WILSON, Stipt. r OVAL -MAIL AKKANGLMKNTS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS. 15Y RAILROAD. New Yeiik tiiiieucu mail. 7:00 a m, 12:30 p in, 4:45 p m and 11:30 p in. Way Mail, cast, 7 a m. Gokdexvillk, Dowiiingtewii, Lcauian Place, Gapiipm. PiiiLAnELniiA, through mail, 7 and 0 a in, 12:50, 4:45 and 11:30 pin. Pittskukeii and west, 1:30 and 11:30 p in. Haiuusiivuu Mail, 10 a m, 1:30. 5:15 and 11:30 p in. Way Mail, west, 10 a m. Raltimehe ane Washington, via Philadel phia, 4:50 p 111. Haltimeuk and Washington, via Yerk, 1:30 p m. Baltimore and Washington, via Harrisburg, 11:30 p in. Coatesville, 4:43 p m. Columbia, 10 a m, 1:30 and 5:15 p in. Yerk and Yerk way, 1:30 and 11:30 p m. Northern Central, 10a m. I:30nud Il::ti p in. Readine. via Reading and Columbia R R, 7:30 a 111 and 12:30 p in. Readine, via Harrisburg, 5:15 and 11:30 pm. Rkauine way. via .Junction, Litiz, Manlieim, East Hcmpticld and Ephnita, 3 p in. O.UARHXVILLE, Camargo, Refton, New Provi dence, West Willow. Lime Valley and Martins ville, 0:30 a m, and 7:30 p in. Xew Helland, Cliurclitnw-n, Greenbaiik, Blue Ball, Geedville, Beartown, by way of Downingtown, at 7a 111 and 1; p m. Sake Harber, via Columbia. 10 a in. BY STAGE Miilersville and Slaekwater. te Sate Harber, daily, at 2:30 p 111. Te Miilersville, Hand Ha in, and 1 put. Binkley's Bridge, Lcaceck, Bareville, Xew ilelland, 2:30 pm. Willow Street, Smithville, Buck, Chctnut Level, Green, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Greic, Reck Springs. Faimietiut and Rowland-vine, Md, daily, at 7am. Landis Valley, Oregon, West Earl. Farmcr-.-ville, Hinkletown, Terre Hill, 31artiinl.de. daily, at 2:30 p in. Fertility, Lainpeteranil Wheatland Mills, te Stmsbtirg, daily, at 4 p 111. Greenland and Soudersburg. te Panullse daily, at 4 p in.. Xellsville, daily, .it I p m. Xew Danville, Concstega. Marticvillc. Ccle manvillc. Mount Xebe. Rawiiiisville, Bethes.la and Libertv Slimue. daily, at 2:30 p m. WH:X OPEN' FOR DELIVERY. ARRIVING BY RAIL. Eastern mail, 7 a 11. 10:15 a m, 3 and H:30 p m. Eastern wav mail, 10:15 a m. Western mail, 7 and 10 a 111, 2 and iKW p in. Reading, via Reading and Columbia, 2:30 p in. Western way mail, 8 a m. Reading wav mail. M:.'IOa m. ARRIVING'BY STAGE. Frem Safe Ilaiber and Millei-svillc, at 0 a in, daily. Frem Miilersville, 7and0a m, and 1 p m. Frem New Helland, at 9:30 a m. daily. Frem Rowlandsville, Mil. at 2:30 p 111. Reading way mail, at 10:30 a m. daily. Frem Strasburg, at 'J-"M a in, daily. Frem Paradise te Lancaster, 10 a in, dally Frem Neirsvillc. at 1 p 111, daily. Frem Rawlinsville.at 11 a 111. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. There are four mail deliveries bv letter car riers each day, and en their return" trip- they take up the mail matter deposited in the letter boxes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the elllce at i;:30 a m; second delivervat 10a in ; third delivery at II a m ; fourth delivery at 3 p in. SUNDAY POSTOFF1CE HOURS. On Sunday the posteillce is open from Apr. 1 1 te October 1, from S te On m. and from n te 7 p in ; from October 1 teApril l,freni 0 te 10 a in, and from U te 7 11 111. 21VSI CA Z 1XS TR VJIEX T.S. CHECKERING PIANOS! I would respectfully call the attention et persons waiitinga first-class Piane that 1 have been appointed sole agent for Lancaster coun ty, for Chickering & Sen's Celebrated Pianos, Ol Bosten, Mass. Pianos can be seen at my Organ Manufacturing Warerooms. ssi Vrwt Queen street. .. - - -. v vaa ALEX. dec26-2tdeawil&wtri MeKTT.T.TPS, IiHncaater, Pa. iS!Krfs