wn !, niwi w i fii 7FT p-yii ., rj-Mf(c(MragfflTT i - . . . . -. -r v 'r.ijrr. K'ipy',,. .. .- -, -- . tt z r ?'" ' J- . i nin cftft&aU 'jpjgffifrggj JUTf J fcMPyfcJii j- "-r"T-- J-..,. ; trv&&tntjzvHmmmtiimjmnl i', 11111 MHM"1wi'iwawj.i.V.-rTi)ly,i. f'rT. Hancaster Intelligencer. THUCSDAY EVENING, FEB, 5, 1880. What It Means. The result of the Ilarrisburg conven tion has been as foreshadowed, and Sena Sena eor Cameren and his ring associates come out "with an apparent victory, which is, however, se much less than complete as te be in fact a defeat. These men have been ruling the politics of the Re publican party for many years autocrati cally and this convention was especially manufactured te suit their purposes. Yet in a body se constituted they secure a hare majority of twenty votes. The issue nominally be fore the convention was the presidential candidacy of Grant and Blaine, but the real issue was the continued dominance ever the party of the men who new rule it. It would seem from the statement of Mr. Bingham, who claimed te be Mr. Blaine's friend and representative, that Blaine did net desire te be set in opposi tion te Grant in Pennsylvania ; and this is the policy which it has been n-mmmlltr lulim-nl llldtim n'mtM .t,,.r.,n . R,Y,...wj ty.Av...i jituiiu nuum 1'iuaiuj the value of it te him consisting in the fact that Grant is net a real candidate, and that it is well for him te keep en amiable terms with the men who think they own the vote of the state. The fact that Mr. Bingman steed alone among the Blaine men in the convention, in his de sire te conciliate these who were nursing the Grant boom, shows either that he did net represent Blaine, or that the ether Blaine delegates had net se much at heart the success of Blaine as the defeat of Cameren. And this latter seems te us te be the true inwardness of the matter. The popular dislike of the third term idea swelled the number of the anti-Cameren party, and se did the popular liking for Blaine But the core of the anti-Grant vote was disgust with Cameren dictation. That distinguished young senator is en his last legs as a political leader, lie has net the needed qualities. Bull-headedness without sagacity won't de. His felly in taking up the third term idea, whether he lias done it in geed faith or as a means te secure the control of the delegation, has been made manifest. It weakened, instead of strengthening his hand : and if all the carrion birds of the party had net come te his help te secure the carcass, he would have been shutout of any share in it. They have obtained a delegation te Chicago that will soil out the state at atthehighe.it price: and Blaine being the most available bidder, and the one best able te give security for the faithful performance of the contract, will shortly appear in the character of Pennsylvania's favorite son. lVIiy They"wiii. General Koentz made the most telling peech in the Ilarrisburg convention yesterday when he referred te the incon sistency of the men who new ask for a third term endorsement, while the same men had passed the anti-third-term reso lutions of 1S75 and 1S7G: and the men who new demand the unit rule had violated that rule in 1S0S. The most re markable thing about the Cameren dom ination in Pennsylvania and its almost unbroken tenure of control ever its party is the success with which it appeals te the party spirit and the pride of political organization, whenever its purposes are te be served in the election of the party candidates. Every time that the Cameren faction succeed in controlling state or lo cal conventions as they succeeded yester day, by packing them against the will of the Republican masses no matter hew disreputable nor improper their nomina tions are, they invoke the aid of the elfended and injured majority, en the ground that a common party interest de mands the united support of the " regu lar" ticket and an endorsement of the acts of a " regular "' convention. And they generally get it. Se that experi ence has taught them that by whatever means they control the party machine they can safely depend en their oppo nents help te ratify its decrees. Year after year here, in ether coun ties, in the state and in national politics, we have seen the anti-Cameren wing submit themselves te the joke, until this year the ether side felt encouraged te perpetrate the most shameless imposition en the popular will and the most flagrant majority of the popular rights. "Without the Philadelphia, Allegheny and Lan caster delegates yesterday, Cameren would have been powerless ; and yet had the Republican voters chosen the dele gates in these counties Cameren would net have had a quarter of them. Se it gees in local affairs and some mysterious obligation of party fealty assures the Camerons, every time, that that their op ponents will in the end be their cats- paAvs. , . That this. nJIigSue7i is net considered "eciprecal, might easily be demonstrated. The Cameren wing rarely exert them selves te elect Republican nominees who are distasteful te them, and de net scru ple any time te sell out Republicans whose election they de net desire. They were glad te nominate Passmore when they knew he would be defeated ; they refuse te nominate him when they think he could be elected. They are for the unit rule when it suits them and against it when it hurts. They are for a third term when they have a bargain te their advantage ; they are against it when they were in the market. They run the Re publican party as they please, and they will de it se long as their opponents teach them that they can de as they please. " Wk declare a firm, unqualified adher ence te the tmtcrillcn law of the republic ichich wisely and, under the .sanction fi the most venerable examples limits the presi ilcnlial term of any citizen te two terms, and v:c, the Republicans of Pennsylvania, in recognition of the law, arc uxalteka itLY opposed te the election te the presiden cy of any person for a third term." Pennsylvania Republican convention of 187:3. ' It will be seen that both the delegates te the national convention from this county are from the upper end, Lancas ter city and the lower district are slighted. The Bull Ring does net get its I .majorities in this section. Tiieke is nothing particularly new in the exposure of the rottenness of the Re publican party in Lancaster county that has been made in the Turniss-Breneman case. The testimony that was given proves an abuse of the office of county treasurer in the service of a corrupt pol itical ringjeperating for corrupt political purposes, and that all engaged in it were tarred with the same stick. Had the loquacious plaintiff net been stepped in his interesting revelations by Judge Patterson, he would only have told what has long been known, that Sheriff Breneman and Register Ress each paid the Sensenig-Furniss combination 4,000 for securing their nominations and that in dividing the profits of that peel Furniss was skinned by his wicked partners. But as these officials have net been the only ones elected by such means and who took the solemn oath of office te the contrary, the revelations in this case form only one chapter in a long story that will keep for future telling when it will net be interrupted by objec tion of the counsel nor by ruling of the court. Tiikkic is a vacancy en the list of Re publican electors,for thisdistrict.becau.se of a disagreement among the Bull Ring politicians. Seme of them wanted Gee. Calder, jr., ethers favored Jehn M. Steli nian. The latter were the most influ ential and secured the certificate of the delegates from this county in favor of Stehman's selection. His nomination is only with held for prudential reasons : if he wants the electership lie can have it, we are confidently informed. B. Frank Fshleman and S. S. Clair are slated as members of the Republican state central committee from Lancaster ceuntv. Givk the devil his due. On the me. tien te instruct for Grant. Tath. Kll maker. jr.. and Jehn E. "Wiley, of this county, voted "no." There were enough without them. MINOR TOPICS. Passmore V Wni.isi. " U.Ai.Ti:n.r.i.Y was the word. Ir Andy Kauffman and Hilly Seltzer will ceime out at the primaries hew they will get dressed oil"! Tun somewhat notorious "mountain kalniia " and its ''celastic embrace" re ceive interesting scientific treatment en our first page te-day. Lady teachers in the Chicago schools arc disgusted at the action of the beard of education in declaring that marriage will he construed as a resignation. At Clinten. Tenn., last week 491 intel ligent men were examined as jurors and rejected before twelve idiots could be found te trv the ease. Isn't it a little odd that Lancaster county, which produces mere smoking to bacco than any ether county in the Union, should he against Grant, the greatest smoker. Tin: Republicans of Xew Yerk. Massa chusetts. Pennsylvania. Ohie and "Wiscon sin were against a third term in ISTi! and they are "ferninst" it new. Grant cannot carry any one of these states. Talking about tilling Indian Commis sioner llayt's place Sehurz has said that a majority of the names suggested were these of broken-down party hacks and po litical fungi from the Eastern and Middle states, who were utterly unfit for any ether occupation, but were willing te accept this position. AVe have had " reformed gamblers "' and "reformed drunkards" and "reformed pugilists"' and the like, but new a down East city rejoices in a "reformed ath lete," who is preaching te the people. What would Themas Hughes say te the notion that an athlete couldn't he a Christian without " reforming '.'"' Thk new senator from Mississippi, James Z. Geerge, will, the Vieksburg Herald predicts, be an able coadjutor te Senater Lamar "in that policy of recon ciliation between the sections which has been the chief end of his public services, and te the importance of which all ether questions have been uniformly subordi nated by him, regardless of consequences in the way of censure or criticism at home." STATU; ITEMS. Jonathan "Watsen, a big oil operator of Titusville is dying from ill luck and self administrated laudanum. The supreme court is asked te say whether Rebert Ralston ought, te have a divorce en the grounds of Mrs. R.'s desertion because she lives with her mother in Wilmington and will net come te her husband in Philadelphia. The success of the late show of the Red mar pigeonjiiue, ni -i .;;;iC:;Mriipattcsts thc gi'tt'ngpepuIarity of carrier pigeons in this country. It is net many years age that the llight of a pigeon from Xew Yerk te Philadelphia created a sensation ; but already there arc many clubs and individual fanciers in various parts of the Union, and one or two 500-mile races have been at tempted. Belgium is the great centre of carrier pigeon sport. Last year a race from Reme te Belgium, 780 miles in a straight line, was flown for a series of prizes, the first being $700. The starters numbered 1,100, but a great storm came up, making the passage of the Alps almost impossible, and hundreds were lest or per ished. The first two birds reached home nine davs after the start. A Horrible Crime. At Lucan, Out., en Tuesday night, a gang of men, with blackened and masked laces, entered the dwelling of a "some what notorious family," named Dennelly, and murdered the father, mother, son ai:d niece. A boy named Cenner escaped by hiding under a bed. The murderers set lire te the house, which was consumed, with the bodies of their victims. A seu of Dennelly, who lived three miles from the homestead, was called te his deer and shot dead about the same hour thcethcis were murdered. Talk is cheap. IlarrKburg Dispatch. The struggle of the Blaine clement is very vigorously conducted, and the speeches were listened te by the Cameren people, who simply said: "When they get through talking wc will vote them down." A Happy Organ. New Yerk Tribune. At first sight it might seem that both wings of the Republican party in Pennsyl vania had reason te be satisfied with the results of yesterday's convention. LAJVCASTEll J)A1LY 1NTELLIGENCEK, THUKSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1880. PERSONAL. 3Ir. Ole Bcix'te-dav is seventy years old. J. Hay Brown is McMaues's alternate delcgate-at-Iarge. But 3Ic3Ianes will be there. Tem Cochuan is the new "boss"' around these parts. Temmy's " slv. devilish sly." President 3Ionuee"s tomb has been des ecrated in se far that the brass plate has been stolen from it. Mrs. Chandleii has been very ill since the death of her husband, but is new re covering. Her daughter, Mrs. Hale, is still with her. Dr. Comptex should have packed his carpet-bag, off te Washington, and get Jee Samson confirmed, while Den Cameren was busy at Ilarrisburg. The sale of the pictures and drawings of the late Wm. Hunt shows a handsome return of $03,000. This did net include the two pictures of greatest value, which found no purchasers at the price asked. Lin Baktiiolemew was detained by a sun stroke from being present at the con vention te help his neighbor Passmore; and the family kindly prescribe for him the place of delegate at large te the na tional convention and the honor of nomi nating Grant in a Bartholemcwian speech. The Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce has adopted a resolution heartily endorsing a preposition made by a number of promi nent women te raise a popular subscrip tion for the purpose of placing a marble statue of Relt.ex R. Srnixc.Kn in the ves tibule of the Music hall. The work will be executed by Preston Powers, son of the late Hiram Powers. A large audience listened te the Hen. E. B. Wasiiul'kx'k, ex-minister te France, who delivered a lecture in Brooklyn last evening before the Leng Island historical society. The speaker was introduced by the Rev. Dr. Richard S. Sterrs. The sub ject of the greater part of the address was " The Siege and Uprising of the Commune of Paris,'" and the terrible scenes of '71 were described in picturesque language. At the close of the address Mr. Washburne was given a reception. Mr. Longfellow, in a pretty letter te a little Cincinnati school girl, says : "Yes, indeed it will be very pleasant for me te remember that the school girls of Cin cinnati arc thinking of me en my birthday. Few things could be mere pleasant, and I assure you that when the day comes I will think of you all with equal kindness. The old can understand the young, having once been young themselves. But the young cannot se well undcrstend the old, having never themselves been old. Se perhaps you will net quite understand with hew much sympathy I can enter into your feelings, and particularly when you tell me you arc going te celebrate my birth day.' LATEST NEWS By MAIL. The Republican state committee of Mas sachusetts have decided te call the state convention at Worcester April 15, te cheese delegates-at-largc te the national conven tion. A fire at Fert Cellins, Cel., destroyed Welch's block. The less is 650,000 and insurance $20,000. A. F. Hepkins and Miss Tillie Irwin, who was sleeping in the building, were burned te death, while eight ethers who also roomed there es caped. Jehn Morrissey died en Wednesday at Leng Island college hospital from fracture of the skull. He was struck en the head with an axe by his brother, William Mor rissey, en Monday night, the 25th of Jan unary, at Ne. 2. Jay street, Brooklyn, in a quarrel ever liquor. The confirmation of Lieut. WoedhuU's nomination te be captain and quarter master in the marine corps hangs lire for the reason that the proposed promotion involves the jumping of between thirty and forty of Woedlmll's seniors, who, of course, are highly indignant. Later reports of the destruction worked by the storm show an increase in the num ber of wrecks and a less of life. Twe mere wrecks are found near Leng Branch, making six within a distance of six miles. Five persons arc believed te have lest their lives ; the number saved by the life-saving crews is forty-one. Henry Munroe, lately a prisoner in the Merris county (X. J.) jail, charges the keeper of the jail with gross misdemeanor in the conduct of that institution. The keeper makes no discrimination between the lowest vagrant and the prisoners who are placed there te await trial, and tramps are recommitted when their terms expire, if they de net wish te leave. The historical society of Tennessee has purchased from Clark Mills the bronze equestrian statue of Gen. Jacksen which Mills had made from the same mould as the ones opposite the White Heuse, and en Jacksen square at Xew Orleans, were cast. Mills has had the third en at his studio for a long time. He con cluded te let it go for $5,000 much less than the cost of the ether two. Dr. Pcrsennct, one of the eldest and best-known medical practitioners in Essex county, X. J., was returning from a social call upon the family of Mr. DcWitt Bald win. As he was driving down Butternut lanejiis horse bcCftffie-UUinanagcable "Uld plunged the carriage ever the side of the bridge at the feet of the hill. Beth car riage and driver were thrown upon the rocks below. Mrs. Pcrsennct was also thrown out, but only slightly hurt. The doctor was almost instantly killed. He was prominent in town and church affairs in the village where he had lived for evor thirty years. Dismayed and at a Disadvantage. Ilarrisburg Dispatch. Mr. Wolfe was dismayed and placed at a great disadvantage when the delegation from Union (his own county), named Grant members of the committees en or ganization and resolutions. "Mr. Chair man," said he, " there has been no meet ing and these peeple describing a few about him have no right te submit these names.'" "Xcverthcless," one answered, "we met and agreed." "But I was net notified," said Mr. Wolfe. "Xe," was the reply." Yeu were training with the ether house." The laugh was turned against Mr. Wolfe. A Hint te Cameren. We.-t Chester Village ltecerd, Iloeten Organ. Charles Wolfe, of Union, had a short and easy pregramme yesterday. He learned first what Scuater Cameren didn't want and then proposed instantly te have that precise thing done. A very wiry, resolute, troublesome fellow is Wolfe, and it might be cheaper in the end te give him some taffy instead of se much vinegar. Ne Contempt el Court. Philadelphia Times. It will gratify the ergaus te he assured that Senater Cameren's convention is in favor of " the perfect security of free speech and free press." This is net meant as a rebuke te Judge Patterson. It is a noble assertion of the. rural editor's right te support Blaine. THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. CAMERON COMES OFF CONQUEROR. The Delegation te Chicago Instructed Support Grant for President and te Vete as a Unit. te Confusion and Uproar Bitter Speeches Against the Third Term. Before the first session of the Republi can state convention adjourned yesterday the committees were appointed, that en contested seats numbering seven, of whom one was Thes. B. Cochran, of this city. X. Ellmakcr and Celin Cameren were en the permanent organization com mittee, and A. L. Eshleman and J. F. Wit mer en the resolutions committee. At the afternoon session the committee en contests reported and there was a fight ever A. X. Brice and Dr. Thornten of the 28th district and Gen. W. H. Koentz and D. S. Elliett, of the 30th. The Grant Grant Cameren men were admitted, but a Blaine man from Somerset substituted Koentz for himself. Mr. Cessna again offered his resolution for a committee of nine te select delegates te the national convention and presidential electors and Mr. Stewart came forward once mere with the Blaine amendment. Mr. Stewart said, in advocating his amendment, that he believed that the ap pointment of delegates te the national con vention ought te be entrusted te the dele gates from each congressional district, in order that the will of the people may be fairly reflected. The convention had "the right te select the delegates in this way and it had no right te go any further. Mr. Stewart's remarks were greeted with ap plause by the Blaine delegates and the galleries. The yeas and nays were then called en the amendment and it was lest by a vote of 100 yeas te 150 nays. The original resolution offered by Mr. Cessna was then agreed te. Senater Ilerr offered the following reso lution : "Jleselccd, That the delegates elected te the Republican national convention from tliis-state are hereby instructed te support General U. S. Grant for the presi dential nomination, and te vote as a unit en that and all questions that may come before the convention."' This was the signal for a furious out break en the part of the Blaine and anti Grant element. One enthusiastic Blaine man proposed three cheers for his candi date, but the anti-Grant delegates were tee excited and angry te respond. They gave vent te their feelings in hisses, whistles and groans. Fer a time the con fusion and uproar exceeded even that of the general caucus the night previous. When order was restored Mr. Stene of Crawford, offered the following as an amendment : "Jieseleed, That, while we pledge our selves te support the nomination of the Republican party, we sec no geed reason for abandoning the position taken by the party in our own and ether states in 1870 of opposition te a third presidential term, and we hereby indorse and reaffirm the resolutions passed by our own state convention held in this city in 187(5 upon tins question." A storm of applause, hisses and groans also greeted this preposition. Senater Ilerr, however, get the lloer and spoke quite eloquently iu defense of his resolu tion. He was loudly applauded by the Grant men aud hissed quite vigorously by the ether side. Gen. Albright, of Carben, and Gen. Koentz, of Somerset, then spoke in oppo sition te instructions for Grant. The for mer said that no man had a mere profound respect for Gen. Grant than himself, but there were ethers who could fill the presi dential chair with honor and who could he elected by the Republican party. In this connection he would name Elihu B. Wash burne and James G. Blaine. The utter ance of these names by the speaker evoked applause and that of Blaine was loudly cheered. Gen. Albright concluded by say ing that the convention must respect the popular wish ; if it did net defeat would surely fellow. General Koentz said he opposed both the prepositions and the resolution. He was net in favor of instructing the delegation te Chicago te support Grant, nor could he laver the idea that the delegation must he compelled te vote as a unit. He was op posed te the third term because the rule established at the close of Washington's second term has net since been broken and he was net in favor of breaking it new. Besides it is well understood that the ad ministration of General Grant had net proved satisfactory te the Republican party, but had done the party frequent injury. He believed that James G. Blaine would be much mere acceptable te Repub licans as their candidate for president than General Grant. lie would favor the unit rule if it was for the geed of the party ; but if it was te be used in dickering for cabinet appointments he would oppose it. He believed it wrong te take away the power of the people by the power of might and would therefore oppose the resolution. Mr. Mercland, of Allegheny, advocated the resolution, and Messrs. Darlington (Chester) and Harvey (Clinten) supported the amendment. Mr. Stene, after some remarks,, with drew his amendment, whereupon Mr. Strang (Tiega) moved te strike out the name of U. S. Grant and insert that of James G. Blaine. Mr. Wolfe, of Union, then addressed the convention in favor of Blaine. He de nounced the "unit rule " and "ring rule." He declared that the voices of four millions of Pennsylvania people was "for the man from Maine." He desired that the dele gates should go te Chicago free and un trammelcd. Congressman Bingham, of Philadelphia, then took the lloer. In 1870 he was one of the Blaine delegates at Cincinnati who asistcd Edward McPhcrsen in breaking the unit rule. But when Mr. Bingham had spoken yesterday there seemed some doubt in the minds of the Blaine men whether he was really the same Bingham who smashed things at Cincinnati. The voice was the voice of Jacob, but the hands were the hands of Esau. Mr. Bingham took the ground, as a friend of Blaine, that inas much as the Blaine delegates had been shown te be a minority of the convention by a number of test votes they ought te submit gracefully te the will of the major ity and cease further resistance. Mr. Strang's motion was voted down, yeas 95, nays 154. On request of Mr. Stewart of Franklin, a division of the question was ordered and a vote was taken en that part of the reso lution instructing the delegates te Chicago for U. S. Grant. Carried by a vote of 132 yeas te 113 nays. The unit clause was then adopted by a vita voce vote. The following report was then made by the committee en permanent organizatien: President A. G. Olmsted, of Petter; vice presidents one from each senatorial dis trict; secretaries, Henry Iluhn, Samuel A. Hitncr, P. D. Buckncr, Themas B. Coch ran, Jeseph A. Scranton, Themas M. Gil lespie, W. II. Swansey, L. C. Beech and D. W. Smith. Mr. Olmsted en taking the chair made a brief speech of the usual order, and then Andrew Jacksen Heir reported the reso lutions as fellows : 1. Rejoicing, as wc de, ever the steady growth of the national prosperity, which began in 1876 with the change of the bal ance of trade in our favor, and ever the successful resumption and maintenance of specie payments, we may reasonably claim the financial soundness and prosperity of the country as the natural result of the financial policy we, as a party, have sus tained. 2. The resumption of specie payments having been accomplished, at the time ap- pointed by law, and the finances of the country being in a thoroughly healthy con dition, we regard it as unwise te engage in any new attempts at financial legislation The country is prosperous under our finan cial system as it is, and we knew of no geed reason why that system should be new disturbed. The persistent efforts of the free traders te destroy our tariff, piecemeal, by legisla tion te repeal the duties en special arti cles, admonish us of the necessity of ad hering mere strongly than ever te the tar iff policy of the past twenty years, which has built up our grand systenTef manufac tures, festered the revenues of the govern ment and promoted our national prosper ity. The business of the country will net bear this tinkering of the tariff"; and if any revision of that tariff' is te be made at all, it should be done through a commission of capable men, after a patient and thorough hearing of all parties te the interests in volved. 4. We object most decidedly te all at tempts te enact a new tariff" through the agency of commercial treaties. A treaty framed, negotiated, discussed aud ratified in secret, is net a proper method et regu lating the revenues of the government. 5. In view of recent events in Congress and in the Southern states, and latterly in the state of Maine, we deem this a fitting opportunity te reaffirm our adherence te the following principles, viz. : I. The union of the states with equal rights indestructible by any constitu tional means. II. Protection te the person, liberty and property te the citizen of the United States, in each and every portion of our common country, wherever he may cheese te move, demanding of him only obedience te the laws and proper respect for the rights of ethers. III. Strict integrity in fulfilling all our obligations, state or national. IV. The perfect security office thought, free speech and a free press, and of equal rights and privileges te all men, every where, irrespective of nationality, of color or religion. V. A pure and free ballet, thoroughly protected, se that every man entitled te cast a vote may de se, just once, at each election, without fear of molestation,moral or physical, en account of his political faith, nativity, or the hue of his skin. VI. Honest elections, I he people have the virtue and the patriotism te govern themselves, our government must depend for its stability upon honest elections. Until a man is considered infamous who casts an illegal vote, our government will net be safe, and whoever deprives a citi zen of his right te vote, is a traitor te our government. VII. An honest count of all votes legal ly cast, and an honest return of whoever is elected, free from all attempts te defraud the people of their choice through techni calities or by an arbitrary rejection of their votes. (!. We extend te the Republicans of Maine our congratulations ever the peace ful and successful resistance te an effort te defraud the people of that state of the right te cheese their own representatives, and te the attempt te steal the government of that state. Our republican form of government will be a signal failure when any political party can succeed in defying ihe public will by the people at the ballet box. 7. We deeply regret the growing ten dency te threw elections aside en mere technicalities and informalities. The right of the people te cheese their public ser vants is tee sacred te be subverted upon any pretext that the returns of elections are deficient in some trivial matters of form. 8. Wc thank our senator and represen tatives at Washington, iu the last Congress and in this, for their firm adhesion te Re publican principles and policy, and for their opposition te Democratic schemes te renew the obsolete doctrine of state rights, and te cripple the government by withholding needed appropriations in order te coerce legislation repealing all na tional laws that protect the purity of the ballet-box. Jleselccd, That the chairman of the Re publican state committee is hereby in structed and required te carefully examine whether any person te-day placed en the electoral ticket be legally disqualified, from any cause, from serving as an elec tor ; and, in case any such legal disability be found, the state committee shall sub stitute another name from the same con gressional district. The following was announced s the committee te select delegates te the na tional convention and presidential electers: Jehn Cessna, chairman ; A. L. Pearson, H. C. Patterson, J. M. Dickey, W. Elwood Rewan, David II. Lane, II. L. Barbour, P. D. Bucker, X. C. Elsbree. Christien Kneass, Philadelphia, moved te proceed te the nomination of candidates for auditor general, and nominated Jehn A. Lemen of Blair. Mr. Garret, of Schuylkill, nominated J. A. M. Passmore, of Schuylkill. Mr. Bell, of Blair, advocated the nomin ation of Mr. Lemen in a speech. The convention took a recess until 7.30 o'clock, te reassemble in the hall of the house of representatives, te give place te Madame llentz's minstrels in the opera house. The Rcntz combination was offered $400 for the use of the opera house by the officers of the Republican conven tion, but refused the bid. The Night Session. On rc-asscmbling the convention pro ceeded te ballet for a candidate for auditor general. Jehn A. Lemen, of Blair coun ty, was nominated en the first ballet, rc ceiying 158 votes te 93 for J. A. 31. Pass Pass mere. Hen. Henry Green, of Easten, was then nominated for supreme Judge by acclama tion. The following delegates te the Chicago convention were then reported from the committee appointed te make the selec tion : At L;.rge. James 3Ic3Ianus, Philadelphia ; 31. S. Quay, Philadelphia ; C. L. 3Iagec, Pitts burgh ; Lin Bartholemew, Schuylkill. Alternates Gen. D. S. Elliett, Henry Bueh, Samuel 31. Jacksen, J. Hay Brown. KIccters at Large. Edward X. Bensen, Henry W. Oliver. District Delegates and -Electors. 1. W. Elliet, AV. S. Douglass ; alter nates, W. J. Pollock, Richard P. Cam pion ; elector, Samuel C. Perkins. 3. Delegates W. R. Leeds, David II. Lane ; alternates, Jeseph II. Ker, Edward Rewe ; elector, Edwin II. Fitlcr. 3. Delegates W. L. Smith, David 3Iewatt ; alternates, W. B. Ahem, Themas Smyth ; elector, 31. Hall Stanten. 4. Delegates W. Ellwood Rewan, Hamilton Disston ; alternates, Wm. II. Kern, David Wallace ; elector, James Dehsen. 5. Delegates Themas J. Powers, Adam Albright ; alternates. Themas 31. Seuth, Geerge W. Benner ; elector, Geerge Dc B. Kcim. 0. Delegates Ames Gaitside. Wm. B. Waddell; alternates, Jacob S. Scrrill, 11. II. Gilkyson ; elector, David F. Hus Hus eon. 7. Delegates Geerge Lear, David O. Hitner; alternate, 3Iark II. Richards; elector, 3Iergan R. Willis. 8. Delegates Chester N. Fair. Samuel R. Deppin ; alternates, Geerge W. Hain, Richard 3Ic3Iichacl ; elector, Jeremiah II. Beene. 9. Delegates A. J. Kauffman, W. K. Seltzer; alternates, James Cellins, Isaac W. Leidigh. Electer net appointed. 10. Delegates Heward J. Rceder, Har rison Berty: alternates. Wm. S. 3Iaier. X". S. Litzenberger ; elector, Isaac S. Jleyer. 11. Delegates C. G. Jacksen, W. A. W. Grier : alternates, S. Y. Thompson. Wm. Lilly ; elector, Edgar Penchet. 12. Delegates J. S. Albright, Alex. Farnham ; alternates, Jeseph Alexander, jr., Theodere Hart ; elector, Jehn Mitchell. 13. Delegates Sunucl A. Lesch, Wm. S. Morehead ; alternates, L. C. Lieb, W. J. Whitctreuse ; elector, Cenrad F. Shin-del. 14. Delegates J. Jehn Kay Clement ; II. Bergner, Samuel Chas. B. Ferney. 15. Delegates O. P. Cameren, Gcft. alternates, Charles J. Packer ; elector, D. Kinny, C. C. James P. Tavler. Jadiem ; alternates, F. C. Bunnell: elector. Nathan C. Ell- shire. 10. Delegates W. II. Armstrong, Thes. L. Kane : alternates, E. G. Shetllin, D. F. Huckle : elector, Jeseph W. Coch rane. 17. Delegates Jehn Cessna, David Over ; alternates, Jehn W. Beachy, W. C. Smith ; elector, Geerge M. Reade. 18. Delegates J. G. Isenberg, B. F. Wagenseller : alternates, W. C. Pomroy, Jehn W. Mattcrn ; elector, Geerge B. Weistling. 19. Delegates .las. Hust, Jehn Hayes ; alternates, Jehn X". Urich, C. Z. Beales ; elector. Michael Schall. 20. Delegates .lames A. Beaver, M. L. Brossius ; alternates,.!. B. McCudley, Jehn R. Rankin ; elector, W. W. Ames. 21. Delegates Geerge B. Hull", Geerge S. M. Bailey; alternates, M. II. House man, J. B. Merris ; elector, J. P. Zeagar tcn. 22. Delegates W. C. Mooreland. James D. McDcvitt ; alternates, A. L. Pearson, William Hill ; elector, Nelsen P. Reed. 23. Delegates William B. Redgers, James II. Lindsay ; alternates, Jehn 3Ie graw, C. B. Shea ; elector, Augustus E. W. Painter. 24. Delegates J. R. Hurrah, Jehn McKinlcy ; alternates, Henry C. Fry, James F. Scott ; elector, Themas T. 31. McKcnnan. 25. Delegates Jeseph Builingten, Jus. E. Leng ; alternates, A. Wilsen Tayler, J. B. Agnew ; elector. Win. 31. Fex. 20 Delegates Themas Robinson, Jehn J. Gorden ; alternates. Geerge W. Haver, A. L. Reichard ; elector, Geerge W. Dela- metcr. 27. Delegates C. M. Allen ; alternates, X. K. Short ; elector Calvin W. Resolutions endorsing Reed, Harrison Russell, C. 31. Gilfillan. the administra- tien of Gov. Ileyt and providing for the selection of the state committee were adopted. After appointing the state com mittee the convention adjourned sine die. An Kmpty Victory. McCliiru te the Time. It was a nominal victory for Cameren, simply because it saved him from absolute defeat ; but it gave him the shadow while it withheld the substance. It was the de feat of Grant, for it stamped the Grant instructions with emptiness. There is but one judgment among dispassionate men here this evening, and that is that the Pennsylvania convention has made Grant's nomination impossible. There arc these who arc net yet willing te con fess itMn publicity,but they deceive neither themselves nor ethers. Jterks County Wit. Reading Times and Dispatch. Grant starts out well as Cassar. His first seizure was the Ilarrisburg convention. A Powerful Kditerial. The X'ew Yerk Herald opened a sub scription for Irish relief, heading it with the sum of 3100,000. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. CITY COUN'CH..S. A Slim Meeting and Little lJii.-iiies,. A stated meeting of select and common councils was held last evening, but no bus iness of much importance was transacted. Select Council. Present 3Iessrs. Andersen. Bering, Deerr, Eberly, Evans. Shcnk, Zechcr. and Franklin, president. 3Ir. Evans presented thc.inenthly re port of the city treasurer and receiver of taxes, from which it appeared that the re ccipts during last month were 62,047, the expenditures $14,(381.34, and the 7 bal- ance in the treasury Feb. 1, $8,909.02. 3Ir. Evans also presented the monthly report of the finance committee, from which it appeared that during the past month the committee had approved bills te the amount of $4,339.88. The report of Jehn I. Hartman, S. S. Spencer and C. Zecher, appointed le view premises and assess damages sustained by property owners by the grading of Seuth 3Iulberry street, was read. The viewers report the damages as fellows : 3Irs. Sarah Drcppard $110 ; 3Iary Derwart $100 ; Gee. A. 3Iartin $100 ; Florence Eiehelhcrger $00 ; J. II. Benewitt $100 ; William Wis ncr $100. The report was laid ever for one mouth. 3Ir. Eberly offered a resolution that the street committee be directed te construct a sewer in West Chestnut street from Pine te Xcvin street, and te pay for the same out of the unexpended balance of last year's deficiency street appropriation. The resolution was adopted by the following vote : Yeas 3Icssrs. Bering Eberly, Evans and Zecher i. Nays 3Iessrs. An dersen, Deerr, Shcnk 3. Common coun cil concurred. The report of the street committee was read .and approved. It con tained a statement of the committee's ex penditures during the past month, and recommended that 3Ir. 3IcTagues bill for extra work en the 3Iulberry and Chestnut street pike be net allowed ; and also that the Ann street pike, made under contract by Kitch, Smith and Shaub, be net accept ed. Common council concurred. Common Council. The following named members were present : 3Icsr,rs. Barr, Beard, Berger, Burk holder, Davis, Differ, Hayes, Kahl, 3Ior 3Ier 3Ior rew, Rathfon, Reist, Sehreyer, Snyder, Sprecher, Stermfcltz, Yackly, Skilcs, president. The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved. 3Ir. Sehreyer reported with an affirma tive recommendation the resolution in troduced at the last meeting, and referred te the committee en fire engine and hose companies, providing for the purchase of overcoats for the chief and assistant en gineers of the fire department ; the resolu tion was thereupon adopted. Select coun cil concurred. Adjourned. Severe Family Affliction. We are sorry te learn that the contin ued absence of S. W. Shadlc, esq., at life home in Reedsvillc, 3Iifllin county, Pa., is owing te sickness and death in his imme diate family. His brother died yesterday with typhoid fever and his father and sister are dangerously ill with the same disease. Committed. Frances Weeds, alias Ellen Stewart,a"iVs Ellen Pearson, a lias 3Iary Wilsen, arrested for drunken and disorderly conduct, was committed for ten day te the ceuntv iail last evening, by Alderman Spurrier. SEASONABLE SPOliT. The Streets Ringing t.. the Merry Music or Sleigh Bells Lively Scenes Yesterduy Af ternoon and Krenlng. Hear the sledges with the hells Silver bells What a world et merriment their uieletlv ter tells ; Hew they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle. In the icy air et night! While the stars that everspriiikle All the heavens seem te tinkle With a crystalline delight ; Keeping time, time, time, In a sort of Kunic rhvme. Te the tintinnabulation that se nuwieiillv swells Frem the bells, bells, bells. bcll, Hells, bells, bells Frem the jingling and the tinkling of the bells. Fer two days past the streets of the city have been alive with every species of con veyance en runners, from the pretty spank ing cutter, bright with all the colors of the rainbow, drawn by the sleek, well-groomed bay or black, sorrel or brown, bearing its snugly ensconccd'ceuple hurried deep in fur and buffalo robes, te the heavy awkward concern whose provincial workmanship bears evidence of its being made te keep if less brave in appearance than the tidy structures that are the pride of many a city builder or liveryman. Every one is glad te sec the snow, and every one who can scare up anything that leeks like a sleigh, or can raise the wherewithal te hire one, is making the best of his present op portunities, te indulge in the exciting and exhilarating sport of sleigh-riding, while such as de net belong te either favored class take a sort of wistful pleasure, as they trudge along the icy side-walk, in glancing at the happy-faced parties that go skim ming by them, and listening te the music of the hells. The ringing treble finds response in the mere subdued con tralto or deeper bass tones, as the city "bleed" in his stylish rig passes his coun try cousin in a mere homely but net less comfortable conveyance, and the melody in very truth foretells a world of men i nient which the lines quoted above convey in some measure te such as have been there and knew hew it is themselves. The present excellent sleighing consti tutes a windfall for the liverymen, and a most welcome variation in the dull mono tony that has distinguished their business for the past few weeks, owing te the terri bly muddy condition of the reads which placed driving en the retired list of popu lar diversions. But the mournful expres sion of countenance which the liveryman has been wearing all along has given place te one in which placid satisfaction is evinc ed iu every lineament. And no wonder. Fer the demand during the past forty eight hours for geed teams has far exceed ed the supply, prices are consequently stiff", and the prospect at this writing is that the present line condition of the ground will continue for another day and night at least, if indeed it does net improve during that time. Yesterday afternoon aud last evening almost every available turnout in the city liveries was in service, while private teams went Hying through the streets as though impelled by some force beside the sturdy limbs of the horses, who are never better pleased than when engaged in this service. The sleighing is much better in the city than en most of the country reads, though a number of parties went te adjoining towns. There were parties numbering from a dozen up te fifteen en the streets all of vc.terdav afternoon, and the town of Litiz last even ing was alive with visitors from this city. Twe parties, numbering altogether between thirty and forty, one of them comprising the members of a private dancing and social club, left in large five-seat sleighs, and there were perhaps as many meie in private couples, se that the Litiz pike echoed te the sound of the sleigh bells during the greater portion of the evening, and the sleighs coming and going followed thick ami fast unen each ether, though net a single mishap is reported. The Springs hotel and the the Sturgis house both did a nourishing busi ness in supplying the continuous demand for supper and refreshments that penied in upon them, and everybody reports a splendid time. " There are -a number of similar affairs en the tapis, and the fun premises te reign fast and furious while it may. Hay can be made only when the sun shines, and sleigh-riding can he in dulgcd iu only while the snow lasts. This latter observation is put in for the speeial benefit of the absent-minded young man who has neglected te call en his lady friend for the past two or three evenings. MKIJICAL. Monthly Meeting of the .Tlijsician. The monthly meeting of the Lancaster county medical society was held yesteiday aftcrnoen in the rooms of the Grand Army, ever Bair& Shenk's bank. The following members were present : Doctors Atlcc, J. L., ami Atlce, J. L.T jr., of Lancaster : Albright, Lancaster ; Bruncr, Columbia ; Bolenius, Lancaster ; Bcrnthcisal, Columbia ; Black, Strasburg ; Compten, Lancaster; Craig and Cottrell, Columbia ; Dunlap, 3Ianhcim ; Davis, 31. L., 31illersville ; Davis S. T., Lancaster ; Elder, Lancaster; Ilerr, 31. L., and Ilerr, A. J., Lancaster; Ilerr, B. F. 3IillcrsviIIe : Hertz ; Litiz ; Hand, Columbia ; Kendig. Salunga ; Kehler, New Helland ; Line weaver, Columbia ; Livingston. 3Iount 3Ieunt ville ; 3Iewery, Conestoga ; 3Iusser, Lam peter ; Miller, Bird-in-IIand ; Roebuck. Litiz ; Reimensnydcr, Hiukletewn ; Kol Kel and, Lancaster ; Smith, Intercourse : Stchman, Lancaster : Thompson, Wrights villc ; Wclchans, Lancaster ; Ziegler, 3It. Jey; Blackwood, Lancaster. President Thompson was in the chair, and the first business transacted was the appointment of a sanitary committee for the j-ear 18S0. The members constituting the committee arc Drs. Livingston, Black wood and Craig. Several new members were elected ami ethers nominated, after which there was a discussion en the treatment of dipthciia. This was all the business of a public nature transacted and the society adjourned te meet en the first Wednesday in 3Iareh. Leut and Found. Jeseph Waller, constable of Conestoga township, came te Lancaster yesterday, having in his possession a pocket-book containing about $100 in money and some valuable papers. On his return home and when net mere than two or three miles from his place of residence he discovered that he had lest his pocket-book. Hasten ing back te Lancaster he made inquires at the snvcral places at which he had stepped but heard nothing of his missing valuables. This morning we hear a report that the pocket-book and contents have been re covered. A New Justice of the Feacc. B. F. Greff, esq., of Willow Street and Lancaster, has been appointed by Gover Gover eor Hey t justice of the peace Jef Pequea township, vice Andrew Mehaffey, resigned. g re ''A i f-- a-l m g M i'l i f. &' h ' i?i IT j: A smmmmmgt