Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 03, 1880, Image 3
: - jh ' i, ... - ..- "- ii,iM,innm Kijimi linn finiirnnrrrnn-nH" irT"' ' '.M . - ' Ki - . -! r, ii.nn. mi n iiMiwiiiniinniniTrTii 'T-" " " ' "" s . - T . flB ' . i "' ...i---.-nrMiinl1JtflllOTnirl-ri.riri-r-,i..-ini.- ... - , s. . . -s . .UH iWimnr-r.fTT- T-" If nil " '"-t '-j-' -r LANCASTER DAILY 1NTELL1GEN0EE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1880. - - tT i i - M -" "- I. COURT OF COMMON TLK AS. He-fore Judge Patterson. In the case of Philip P. Sunnerv.s. Eliza beth Misliler, administratrix of Benjamin Jlishler, deceased, a verdict was taken in favor of the plaintiff for $47 and court costs. In the case of A. W. .Slielier vs. Chas. P. Slneiner, Miivivinjj defendant, and Clara K. Slneiner, Uhas. P. Shrciner, and Hiram Yeung, exccuteis of Philip Shieinei, deceased, and with notice te Mary E. Yeung, Clara I?. Shr.'e ler, Chas. P. Shrciner, heir and devisees, judgment was ent.'ied in favor of the plaintiff for 61,7.i."i.ri(). ISaibara Liudcniuth, for the use of Mar tin Lindeinuth, trustee, vs. Leander J. Liudeinuth. Verdict taken in favor of the plaintiff for $2.."0, with stay of execution until April 1st, 1830. Chas. J. ltheads vs. Hiiam Geith, of Yerk county, replevin te- recover a bay colt weith $150. It was shown that when defendant's father, Hiram Gcrth, sr., was sold out at sheiifTs sale, in 1870, ltheads bought the personal p:epeity in for him and left the stock en the faun, and in 1S7.1, when Oeitli put the stock up at s lie again, ltheads rcplcvined the piepeity, but the colt in dispute had been foaled in the meantime by one of the mates, the piepeity of ltheads. IJein claimed by defendant, ltheads bi ought this suit and the juiy found for him. Chas. .. ltheads vs. Heniy Miller, re plevin for a bay colt which ltheads claimed en the same gieunds as in the foicgeing issue. Dependent claimed te have bought it fiein Hiram Gcrth and gave the sheriff bail in the replevin piececdings. Verdict for plaintiff. Heferu Judge Livingston. lehn M. Ilei.shey vs. Gcoige II. Moeie, action en a piotnisseiy note for $."00 gien by Moei e te Daniel L. Wttmyer en Jann aiy S, 1872 and endorsed by the latter te Shc p'aintiff. This note which was pre tested was ettered in evidence and the .signature pieen. It was shown that this note given te satisfy a judgment, ei at for pait consideration. This judg ment was against Geeige II. Moeie for "?.)()()) ie November tetni, 1871, and was held by Aaion II. Dannei who altetvvaids transfi'iitd it te Daniel L. Witinjci. The defense is that Geeige II. Moere at the time of this liansactien was of unsound mind and inu.ipable of tians acting business. IIegae this judgment t ii Dauner without any coiisiilemtien vvhatcvei, although theie was some trans action in which Witnijcr was intetestcd. When Michael and .Jehn Moeie, two broth or.-, of the defendant, learned of the judg ments entered against him, they began piececdings In open the judgment en the gieun I nothing had been received fin it and because theii biothei was a lunatic. While these piececdings weie pending Danner tiansfeiied the judgment te "Wit in ei without any considciatien. In 1872 Moeie was dcclated a lunatic by an inquisi tion, and they found that he had been cra.y for tluce yeai.s. At the time of the giving of the note live etheis weie gicn for the same amount. The defense thcic thcic fet c allege that Moei e was pi e vailed upon te make these notes by Witinvci, who, upon leeching them would be able te negotiate them and did se .se. On tti.ll. KiiKiNc a:aint Tin: pricks. The Views et hiinu) of Statesmen. The cei l espendeht of the l'reti, w l iting fiein this city te that paper, says : Believing that the people of Lancaster county would declaie liyal.nge majeiity l'ei Blaine, and knowing the .studied and dclci mined cffeit of the dominant faction te give the county te Grant,your conespon cenespon conespen dentintct viewed a number of well-known Republicans te-day en this issue with the following lesult : Geeige K. Heed, senior member of the linn of 1 teed, MeGranu & Ce., bankeis : 'The lesult of my obseivatien is that the county is I.ugely for Blaine, and the dele gates should se declaie." Piofesser B. F. Shaub, county supeiin tendent of public schools : " Asa icsult of my inteiicTs with school diiecteis, teacher? and educateis generally thiougl. thieugl. thiougl. eut this county, I have no hesitation in de claim; that, while I meet a geed many Grant men, I believe the Blaine men aie se Iaigcly in the majeiity that their dcsiic ought t be respected." lien. .1. B. Livingston, pi evident judge of the ceuits : "I knew veiy little about the question, having paid but little atten tion te politics lately; but I believe the people of this county, if allowed te express themselves, would be for Blaine because of their opposition te the thitd teini. Poli tics don't bother me."' Dr. J. It. Meri is, lately of Philadelphia, but new of Lancaster, who takes an active part in politics, says : " I'm for Giant, but net for him all the time, and I believe if the delegates fiein this county want te represent their constituency they will be for Blaine. I like Grant formally teasens one of which is that you always knew wheic te lind him." Ames S. lleiidcisen, of the lit m of Itced & Hendeisen, bankets : " The duty of the delegates from this county will be te vote for the strongest man ; but they will vote ter Grant, although Blaine could command live votes te his one in this county." Chtistian Ceble, county connnissienci : 'The delegates ought te declaie for Blaine. Mere than two-thirds of the peo ple of this county would be for Blaine if they had their own way." Captain Klias McMellen. : ' The duty of the delegates is plain. Lan caster county is for Blaine live te one against any ether man, I have made it my business te ask the views of jiceplc coming into the prothenotary's office fiem all sec tions of the county, and this is the result of my investigations. William B. Wiley, Republican aldciman of Waul 2 for the past 20 years : " I think the delegates w ill vote as Den Canieten tells them, but they ought te vote just the ethi,i wav. This county isii'tfer Cameion by a long .shet: and, although the Garnet ens have caiiied it for jeais, I don't believe they could de it in a fair, squat c, stand-up light with the people." Majer B. F. Cox, superintendent of the county hospital and insane depaitmcnt: I think think the delegates should have been elected by the people, and if they had been they would have been instructed for Blaine. This ceujity is undoubtedly for Blaine."' A. K. Spunier, Republican alderman of Waid 4 : ' Personally, I am net for Grant or Blaine, but for Washbui nc. I think Grant has been sufficiently honored by the people of this country. I believe Blaine te be a great man and a strong man, but lie has bean in the United States Senate long enough te make enemies. I think Wash butne the best man in whom te unite all the elements of the patty, but if the dele gates fiem this county obey the will of the people they will declaie for Blaine." Jalwaid Welchans, city tieisurcr: " Had I been a member of the county committee I would have voted for J. W. Jehnsen's tesolutieu te submit the question of in junction te a vote of the people. If the people want Blaine, let them have Blaine; if they want Grant, let them have Grant." Dr. It. M. Belcnius, physician te the county hospital and almshouse : " I think that net only the delegates te the state convention should be elected by the pee- pic, but that tlie members of the beard of school directors should also be chosen by a direct vote of the people, instead of by a let of fellows in convention. This county was for Blaine before, and it is se yet." OlIITUAKV. Death or Or. Samuel AVelchaiis. About neon te-day Dr. Samuel "Wel- elicits, surgeon dentist, died at his resi dence, Ne. 119 Neith Queen street, from an affection of the kidney, with which he had for three months past been afflicted, but which did net confine him te his bed until one week age. Deceased was a. son of the late Reuben Welchens, of Matictta, and passed his early boyhood in that boreujrh. He came came te Lancaster and was appi enticed te Jehn I). Bering, carpen ter, becoming a very ex pet t workman. At the end of his apprenticeship he entered Marshall college, at Meicersburg, and lcmaincd theie for two or thiee ycais, but did net graduate. Returning te Lancas ter, he commenced the study of dentistry with the late Dr. S. P. Van Patten, then practicing in Kiamph's building, in tl.e looms immediately ever Kiamph's stete (new Rathven & Fislur's). After the death of Dr. Van Patten, which took place about 18 lit, Dr. Welchens continued the business in his own name. A fev jeais later he was elected city tieasuier, took looms in the National hotel building, and opened a drug stete, but continued te practice den tist: y. Giving up the drug business, he went te Baltimore, cntcted the Baltimore cel'ee of dental suigeiy (the fust institu tion of the kind in the wetld ), took a thoieugh of instiiictien therein, and graduated with hotiei. Reluming te Lancaster, he again engaged in the practice of his piofessien, f', we believe, in connection with Di. Piigg, in Kraniph's building, and aftci Pi iirir's death in West Oranc street. Sub sequently he removed te Xeith Queen street above Oiange, thence te Hewell's building, where he remained for many ycais, and last spring removed te his pre sent location, 11!) Xeith He had a laige practice and was lLgatded by his piofessienal brethren and the public at laige as a very skillful opciatei, one of his most successful branches being the ad ministration of an.esthttics. lie was one of the eiigiual membeisand for some jeais president of the Hanis dental association, which new embraces in its lULinbciship neaily ail the suigeen dentists of this county, lie was a dele gate te the dental convention held in Philadelphia in 1871, at which the Penn sylvania stale dental association was fenned. lie was also a few age delegate te the national dental convention that met at Niagara and St. Leuis, lie originated and for three jeais published in this city the Jein mil of Dental Science, a periodical that ranked high among der t tl magazines. In many ethci matte: s pci taining te his piofessien, he lock ac tive interest and held a leading position. Di. Welchens was a man of veiy de cided convictions, and he clung te them with leinatknble tenacity. In poli tics lie was a Dcineciat and held the most ultra vievv.s en the ques tion of state tights, individual libeity and a stiiet constiuctien of the constitution especially as te the peweis of Congress and the president. I lis eti erne views in politics elten hi ought him into antagonism with his best fiiends, and was peihaps one reason fei his seveiing his connection vitlii'ic Refeimed chinch and uniting with the Piesbvtenan. In e.uly life he belonged te the Fiist Refeimed chinch, and was an earnest wet ket in the election of the present chinch building. Owing ta difference of opinion as te the piepticty of having the sei vices conducted entirely in the Hnglish language, the congregation divided, and the friends of Lnglish ser vices, including Di. Welchens, withdrew and fenned the St. Paul's congregation. Again Dr. Welchens was found te be one of the most earnest vveikeis in building up the new congregation and the house in which it wet ships. Fei reasons satisfac tory te himself, he returned te the chinch, but some jeais age severed his connection with it and joined the Ptcsby tctians, and ever since his connection with it was one of its most devoted meinbcis. Dining the late remodeling of the chinch he gave niiieli of his Mine and labor te the fin thcranee of the hnpievcmcnts. He was an active fiiend of the Sunday-school cause and at one time held the office of su peiintendent. He was a member of several secret societies, having been a charter member of Monterey ledge, I. O. of 0. F., a member of Washington encampment, I. O. of (). F., of r.c-shah-ke-nee tiibc, I. 0. 11. M., and peihaps of some ether eidcis. He was at one time a Masen, but left the elder some jeais age. Dr. Welchens was a man of unimpeach able morality and intcgiity, a geed and an exceptionally alfectienate and prev alent husband and fathci. At the age of 28ore0 he niiuie.l Miss Lizzie Yun It, daughtei of the late Heniy Yundl. of Blue Ball. By this union he had live children, of whom two sons and two diughters sitt vivchim. His stiickcu wife and family will receive in this hour of affliction the nccie condolence of a laige ciiclc of friends. rri:3i rneii tiii: lemxi: i.xd. I'rein Our Regular Correspondent The new car lint by the Peach Botttent narrow-gauge railroad has been lccently put en the track, and the old one sent te the Shamokin tepair shops te be evei haul ed. The new double-seated car is a line one; much mete convenient than the old one for the "traveling public." The contractor for the county biidge across Pcteis' cieck, at Peach Bettem, has begun the et cctien of t he bi idgc. Cat pen tci.s aie busyjat thesupeistiuctuic and men arc quart ying locks fiem the hillside with which te ctcet the abutments. When com pleted this will be the fust county biidge south of Pequca and the Ooterato. On Satin day, January 21, considerable excitement and intetcst was felt among the f at met h of Fulton, ever the sale often mustang ponies. These little specimens of horse flesh were net very highly appre ciated, as but three weie sold. They will de bcttci out among the Utes or Airapa Airapa hecs. Net less than four of our citizens desiie the ciuinbs that aie te fall in this section fiem Supervisor Samson's table. At this wtiting four Republican worthies aie candidates for enumeration of the census, in Fulton township. This new and the old position of constable aie the great sin ecuic.s of this locality. The Shiftier Kail. The hall of the Shinier flre company will lc held in Rethwcilci's hall, instead of the engine house, as hcietolere stated. Fine Ojstcrs. Philip J. Dieter, who kicps the rcstauiaiit under the Black Heise hotel, has laid en our table some of the finest eystets we have seen t lis season, and Keeps that kind en hand all the tune "st. Jacoh's OiLisiigieatblcssni';. It Is Abominable! te go through life with "snags" in the mouth. Abominable net mere te the suflcrer than hi friends. Buy SOZODOXT and cleanse the teeth which remain, or, hotter still, use it new and save our teetli. sOZODOXT ii economic cal. fMvTeed Amusement. SpiritunUshu Te morrow night, at the opera house, vre are te hav e an entertainment by Prel. Coeke, assisted by Miss Ctawferd, who arc te appear in then celebrated expee of modern spirituulism. He will produce all the leading tests as given by spirit mediums, and expose the same in the bread light. The parties have been in Ueadingfer several days, and ate well spoken of by the pies. New ADVEimsEMENT. Gift Entertainment en Satunlay. Meeting of G. A. R. Wanted. Netice. C3FFer futtlicr details see adveitising column. bl'UVIAL XOTIVES. Frem a Distinguished Physician. I'ref. Green, u distinguished allopathic phy sician, wi ete te the Medieal Kecerd ei Atlanta, G:t , te the etrect that after all ether means had failed, he sent ler the Kidney Cure (bate Kid ney and Liver Cure), and te his astonishment cured a serious case el JJright's Disease by ad uiinisteiing it, and ultervvaids found it equally benellcial in ether cases. He advised his bioth bieth er physicians te use it in preference te any thing else for kidney diserdeis. ii iwdivv Ceccus ami CeLDsare elten overlooked. A continuance for any length of time causes ir ritation el the Lungs or some Disease. " Jlrewn's Bronchial Troches" aie an Cecnii KtMi.nv. n-lwdTThs&w Tiy I.ecliei's Ceugli Jjtup. It is simply marvelous heu quickly consti pation, biliousness, anil sick headache ate c uied bv ' Sellers' Iavcr Pills." My Geed Weman Why are you se out of setts, never able te tell telks that you are well? Ten te one it's all caused in the tlrst place by habitual constipa tion, vi Inch has no doubt iln.illy caused de ranged Kidneys anil I.iv er. The sure cure for Constipation, is the celebrated Kidney-Wert. It is also uspccillc remedy for all Kidney and Livei diseases. Thousands aie cured bv it evei j mouth. Tiyitence. iJMvwI&vr I'st; I.echei's Ileisc and Cattle l'ewdcis. llreun's Household Panacea Is the most cilcctive Pain Destrejer in the vveild. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally or applied i'teiirill, and thereby mere certainly HUMEVK PAI.V, ; hether chronic or acute, than any ether p un alleviator, and it is wui ranted double the strength of any similar preparation. It cuies pain in the bide. Hack ei ISeucH, SoieTlueat, Rheumatism, Toothache anil ALL ACIIEs, and is the UK EAT KLI.IKVKK OF PA1X. "l!i:OlV."s IIOUlsKIIOLI) PANA CEA " should be in ev erj l.imily. A teaspoon teaspeon teaspoen tulofthu Panacea m a tumbler et het vv.itci (sweet eni-il, it iictencd), taken at bedtime, will IIKKAIC '! A COLD. i'i cents a bottle. Fei II. I. Cechian ,1 CeS Ding Stete Neith tjiieen stieet, Lanc.istCi. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly withclnldien.atttibuteiltoetliei causes, is occasioned by Wet ms. P.KOWN's A'IZKMIFUUi: COMFIT:?, or Werm Lozenges. although ellectual in destiejing weinis, e.m de no pesible injiity te the most delicate child llus valuable combination has been siiccess lullj used by phjsicians, and leiiuil te be ab solutely sine in eradicating vveimi. Twcntj li e cents a box. j.tul.'i lv dw TuTlnVS Act wisely be teadv have en hand ' Di . Selleis' Cough Sj tup," and en will have noth ing te fear noteveiiadectoi's bill. Kidney-Weit radically cities IMles and nei veus diseases. Tiy Leehei's Cough Sj i up. Kilieiisiicss, fJlwd&vv Twe Organs Kcgulatc lirst the stomach, second the liver: especially the first, se as te peileiintheii 1 unc unc teons pet fectly and you will remove at least nineteen twentieths et all the ills tliatnim kiinl is heir te, in this ei any ether climate. HepKitteis is the only thing tint will give pel fectly healthy natural action te these two eig.nis. 1J2vviKVvv Pure Spices at Leehei's Diujj Stoic. twenty-live per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities aie caused by consumption, and when wc lcllect that this temble disease in its worst stage will jielil te a bottle of Lecher's Kenewned Cough Syiup, shall we condemn the sutreicTs ler their neg ligence, ei pity them for their igneiance? Tiy Leehei's Cough Syiup. A Strange People De j en knew that there are trance pee pie ln'eitr community, we say strange because thej seem te pieler te sutler and pass tin n d iv"s miserably, made e bj Dyspejisia and Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Constipation and Debility, when Shiloh's it.ilin is guarantied te cine them. sold by D. Ileil shu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millcrsvillc. l'ie Hundred Thousand Streng. In the past tew months there h ive been meie than .100,000 bottles et Shiloh's Cuie sold. Out et the vast mimbei of people who have used it, mine than 2,000 cases et Consumption hive been cuied. All Coughs, Cieup, Asthma and Kienchitis yield at once, hence it is that evei body speaks in its piaise. Te these who have net used it, let us say, it v en hav e a cough, ei join child the cough, and en value lile, don't i.ultetij it. Fei lame back, side or chest use Shiloh's "Poieus Plaster. Sold by veur diug gists, I). Heitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Milleisville. We have a speedy and positive cuie ler ta tai ill, Diphtheiia. Cankermeuthand Headache in shileh's Catai ill Kemedy. A nasal mjeetei 1 1 ee w lth each bottle. Use it if j en desii e heal 111 and sweet breath. Pine 50 cents, sold bv D. Heitshu, Lancaster, and M. L, Dav is, Mil leisville. oCDtijceddSw JUSATJIS. WiiiTtsiHE Satuidav erening. .I.iini.uv .SI, in this city. Dr. Win. M. Whiteside, in the."(!lh vi ai of his age. The relatives and liientls of the family, as well as the members et the (irand Anny et the Kcpublic, ate lcspccttully invited te attend the Itinera! fiem his late residence, en East King stieet, near the com t house, en Wednes day afternoon, at 2 e' lock. Services at St. James Episcopal chinch, lnteiinentat Wood ward Hill cemeteiy. 2td Miller. Feb. 2d, lSsO, in this city, Cecelia Sarah, daughteret William anil Anna Maltha Miller, in thc2Jd yeai et liei age. The relatives and fiiends ate respectfully in vited te attend the funeral liem the residence et her patents, Ne. l.5 East King feticet, en Thuisday afternoon at 2 o'clock. 2td XJ-JU Alt rj2j:TIki:MEXTS. IVSUKi: VOURl'ROI'ERTVIN THE IJEsT UAUSMAX X P.UKX.S'. 2'ftleedi: Office: Ne 10 West Orange St. G. A. R. The members of Ceeige II. Themas Pest hi, aie requested te meet at their hall at 1 o'clock shaip, Wednesday afternoon, te attend tne iuni'iai ei tlietr late comrade, in, vv in. ji. Whiteside. Uniform, d.nk oieiceat, cap and white gloves. JJyoideiet II. McELKOY. Ceiiim.inder. II. C. Weidler, Adj. rd TULTON OPERA HOUSE. Saturday Evening, February 7ih. MAKVELS AND WOXDEKS. (.1UND RELIAIILi: $100 GIFT $100 $100 GIFT $100 ENTERTAINMENT, Under the auspices et the PYTHIAS CLUB. 100 Valuable Presents Given Aw uj. 100 100 Valuable Presents Given Away. 100 Hav ing secured the engagement of PROP. UPPOTT, The Kenewned Prestiditjitatcur, in his Won derful Cabinet of ENCHANTMENT. NOTE The Managers of the Pythias Club propose te make this one of the grandest, most novel and satisfactory Presentation Kntci tainmeuts ev er presented te the public of Lan caster. Tickets et admission only 85 cents. feb3-2tdTu&F YEW ADVEIITISEMESTS. SOLID SILVERWARE, GORHAM PLATED WARE, And the Best Grades of American Electro-Plate en White Metal. FRENCH CLOCKS WITH SILVER BELL, FRENCH CLOCKS WITH CATHEDRAL BELL. Complete Mantel Sets of Centre and Side Pieces in Marble or Bronze. MUSICAL BOXES WITH HARP, MUSICAL BOXES WITH BELLS, DRUM AND CASTAGNETTE, Musical Bexes with Accompaniments and Mounted en Fine Library Writing: Cabinet. A line general assortment of Jewelry, comprising all the Newest Designs. Designs and estimate of cost given for mounting Diamonds and ether Gems. Special care taken in the execution of Fine Monograms and Inscription Engraving. Alse, in complicated and ordinary watch and jewelry repairing. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. U C AJNTDEE " BACK STRAP ARCTIC. Great Improvement Oyer Common Arctics. Lisiei te Buckle ; exclude wet and snow mere perfectly; neater in appeaiauee ; bet- tet fitting; extra heavy sole, giving double set vice. Try one en and you will never w car any ether. Sold by tcbJ-imd xj;ir jiiri-:uTisi:3u:xTs, LANCASTER, DOC 12, WI. INSURE OUR l'ROPERTYINREMAHI.i: COM BBNJ. P. SHENK'S, enice: 18 West King Street. decU-anilK 11 RE, Ml'E AND ACCIDENT. Iiisiuanir at lowest rates. Geed and Keli able Ciimp lines. IIKKK & STAUFFLK. E-tate & Iiw. Agts., .i X. Duke St. dec'W-JmdKeed "VTOTICK. 1.1 111 .icceid.inee with our announcement el lanuaiy 1, we herewith submit the lolleuing iiilueeil piues et COALen our yauls, ter the month of Febi nary ei until ltiithcr netice: Lv kens Vallej Itrekcn, Lgg and Steve SIM Nut 4.W Medium and II ltd Kiekcn, Egg and Nut 4.10 " " tevc 4 20 All grades Ne. 1 Pea, !.10 Hauling pel ten 23 ltd II. Jt.VUMU AKDNEK & CO. TOBACCO PACKERS' SAMPLE TAGS 1'I1ITED OS CHECK BOAJRD (Same as used by Tobacco Samplers), Heavy Kuliead Keaidauj Celer. Alse, sTKUNU TAI.S FOK L VIIELINU OF TOKACCO. P.ALE.s Contract and Receipt Beeks at the Lewest Prices, Intelligencer Office. l.inlJtfd ME HI VAT.. Brandy as a ledicine. The fellow ing article was voluntarily sent te Mi. II. E. Sl.ijmaki'i, Agent for Keigart's Old Wine Stele, by :i pieiuinent practising phjsl et this ceuiit, who has extensively iisul the Knindy leleired tein his legal. ir practice. It is eemmeudeil te the attention et these al llictnl with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended .is u beverage, but te bi ll sed as a medicine et great potency in the en re et sonic et the ilestiuetive diseases which sw cep away then annual thousands et v ictinis. itha puielj pliil.intluepic motive we pre sent te the t.iv in-able notice et invalid espe cially these ulUictcil with that miserable dis ease Djspepsia, a spccitlc remedv, which is nothing mine ei less than Brandy. The aged, with feeble appetite and mere ei less di lulity, will lind this simple medicine, w hen used piepeily, A Sovereign Remedy ei all their ills and aches. I5c it, he a ever stuctly understood that we piesciibe and use but one atticle. and that is: RBIGART'S OLD BRANDY, sold by our enterprising young fnentl, II. E.SLAYMAKLK. This II rand v has steed the test ter TiiAUh m uk. j eats, and has never tailed, as far as our evpeiience extends, and we therefore give it the pieleience overall ether Kr.indies, noniatterwithhew niaiiyjaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-feutth et the money that is j early tin own away en vai ions impotent dj spepsia specifics would suffice te buy all the Itrandy te cute any such case or eases. In pioel et the curative pew ers et Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases of Djspepsin, wc can summon nuin; beis of witnesses one c.ise in particul.n we cite: A haid-wetking fanner had been affiicted vv lth an cxh.uistiv e Dyspepsia ter a number et veils; his stomach would reject almost e veiy kind et teod; he had sour eiuetatiens con stantly ue appetite in fact, he w as obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale biead, and as a beverage he used MclJrann's Keet Iieer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, pleached at times, and in Ins disceuises elten declaimed earnestly against all kinds of stieug di ink. When adv lsud te try Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment, but after healing of its wemleitul ctlects in the cases et some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the ISrandy faithfully and steadily: the Hist bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound m.m.w lth a stomach capable et digesting unv thing w Inch he chose te eat. He still keeps it uml uses a lit tle occasionally; and since he has this medi cine he has been of very little pecuni.iiy bene fit te the docte:. A Puactisine Phvsicia. H. E. SLA.YUAXER, AOENT FOR Reigart's Old inc Stere, Established In 1785, IJireRTEU AND DEALER IN FINE OLD KKANDIES, SHEKKIEs, UPE- KIOK OLD MADEIKA, (Imported in lsl?, ISiT and 1SJ8,) CHAMPAGNES O EVEKY BKAXD, SCOTCH ALE POKTEK, UKOWN STOUT. Ne. 29 EAST KING ST.. LANCASTER. I'A ""HAPPY KELIEF" Te all suffering from clnenic discacsef all kinds. Confidential consultation invited pei pei senally or by mail. New-method of treatment. New and reliable remedies. Boek and ciicu l.ns sent fiee in scaled envelopes. Addicts Hewiuil Association, 418 N. Ninth street, Phil adelphia, Pa., an institution having a hign reputation fei honorable conduct and pretcv tonal skill . pi HAS. IUUMMEB. liemeved te Ne. 4 West King street, first fleer, Klieads & Ilre.'s new building. j27-lnuU CKAYOX POKTUAITS, SIGNS. AM U&UMJIXTS. TUETOX OPERA HOUSE. Wednesday Evening, Eebruary 4, 1880. SEANCE EXTRAORDINARY! STAKTL1NU SCENES IX KEAL AXD SPIK. IT LIFE, PROP. H. COOKE, In his famous LIGHT SEAXCES, assisted by Miss Si The distinguished Cl.iitvejant and Matenali ing Medium, will appeal a's above m a grand sei ics el the most wemleitul and injstciieus manifestations of SPIRITUALISM IX OPEX LIUHT. Clan vej .nice, ion. Mind Ke.ul in;r. etc. spliit tenns walk out in theliht and shake hands with the audience. Pepulai it ices el admission. Kesei vnl Seats without cur.i chaise, at Open Heuse Ollke. rj.niil-ltil l.AMi'S, AC. T IUHT. FLIJfS" & BREU EMAB" AUE OFFEKIa GREAT BARGAINS -m Ceal Oil Lamps, Chandeliers and Lanterns. These goods ai e entirely new and handsomer than evei bcleie elleiedand pnees levvei. FLINN & BRENEMAN 152 North Queen Street, L.AXCASTEK, PA. FOK SALE OJIJIEXT. IO!: KENT. T The LITIZ SINKINGS HOTEL for rent. Will be leased ler one or live yeaisata reason able lent. The hotel is tuinished in the veiy best st vie. Fer ti.ii ticulais c ill en eraddrcss I. G PFAUTZ, jil-lwiLUtw Litiz, Pa. QTOCK AND FIXTUKES OK A FLOUK O Iag M.iiiulaeteiy for sale, consisting et a Cylinder Printing Press, sie et bed 40x"2 inches, a one and a-half Herse Power Engine, Tj pe, Cuts and a let et geed Fleur l!.ig Paper. Iiuiuiie et J.IW. M AKKLEY A UKO., iJi-lwd ill W. Walnut St., Lancastei. IOU KENT. . A three-steiy Knck Heuse, en North Prince stieet, above Chestnut; a one story Frame Heuse, en Chi isti.m stieet. below Chest nut stieet; a three steiy ISuck Heuse, en Xeith Duke street, between Chestnut and Walnut. Applj at jJl-ttd THIS OFFICE. IIXWAJU:, AC- C1AI.E ON SIlEKTZEi:, HU1IPHKEVIELE A, K1EFFEK, uiauulactuteis of TIN AXD SHEET-IKOX WOKK, and dealers in GAS FIXTUKEs AXD HOUsE FU KMIIING GOODS. Special attention given te PLUM KING, GAS and STEAM FITTING Ne. 40 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. H'AXTEJK WAJSTED. Ev ei j body toad veitise, fiee of charge, in the lNTi-LLieL;ckii, who wants .something te de. "ArATEl. 1 A Geed Weed Tuinln" Lathe and a Five-Heise Power Engine with Keiler. Apply ltd EJjECTIOX.S. "pKOCLAMATION. CITY ELECTION. The qualified vetcts of the City of Lancaster nie hereby notified that an election will be Held in tne several wards, at tne usual places et holding elections, en TUESDAY, the 17th day el FLIiKUAKY, 13.S0, between the hours et li a. in. and 7 p. in., of s.anl day, for thu puipe-e et electing en a ticket one Maver and twelve Scheel Director, and the qualified voters et the several wauls shall at tint same tune and place elect additional officers as fol fel lows : FIKST WARD. One member of Select Council, four members of Common Council,one Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable and one SECOX:D WAKI). Que member of Select Council, three members et Common Council, one Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable and one Assessor. THIRD WARD. One member of Select Coun cil, three tnembcis of Common Council, one Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable ami one Assessor. FOURTH WARD. One member of Select Council, three members of Common Council, ee Alderman, one Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable and one Assessor. FIFTH WARD. Twe mcmbcis el Common Council, one Judge, two Inspectors, one Con stable and one Assessor. SIXTH WARD. One member of Select Council, three members of Common Council, one Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable and one Assessor. SEVENTH WARD. Three members of Com mon Council, one Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable and one Assessor. EIGHTH WARD. one member of Select Council, three members of Common Council, one Judge, tw e Inspectors, one Constable and one Assessor. NINTH WARD. Three members of Com mon Council, one Alderman, one Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable and one Assessor. JOHN T MacGONIGLE, J24 3tdS Mayer. THIRD EDITIOI. TUESDAY EVENING, FEB. 3, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Feb 3. Fer the Middle states, rain and snow, variable winds, shifting te north and west, probably fol lowed during the night by clearing and colder weather, and rising barometer. .STARVING IRELAND. Anether Call fur Help by the l'hiladclphia Committee. PuiLVDELi'iiiA, Feb. 3. Anether meet ing of the Citizens' Irish relief committee was held in the mayor's office this after noon. Additional reports of existing dis tress were read and it was agreed te issue another public call for aid. Additional subscriptions te the amount of $320 were acknowledged, making the to tal te date $9,224. Of this amount there is about $3,000 en hand, which will be for warded te the Royal bank of Ireland for distribution. Reported Cases of Starvation Denied. Loxden, Feb. 3. The Duchess of Mail borough's Irish relief fund committee yesterday investigated the reported cases of starvation in the neighborhood of Parson town and found that the reports aie untrue. There have been no cases of starvation there and no coroner's ci diets, rendered of death fiem starvation such as have been recently lefened te. iiv win.. Afternoon Telegrams Condensed. Iii the Sabevriti murder case at Ottawa, Ont., the coroner's jury last night returned a verdict of " wilful murder " against Mrs. Sabevrin. An Austrian steamer, with a cargo of fresh meat, has anived in the Thame-. The meat is in perfect condition. While laboring under a fit of delirium tremens, at Halifax, a soldier said he had killed a companion vv he has been myster ieusly missing for sevcial days,and tin own his body into the fire. The story is net credited but will be investigated-. In the Maine Heuse of Representatives tc-day an eidcr was passed directing the biibery committee te pie'-ecute its investi gations at once, and lepeit aseaily as pos siblc. The judiciary committee will in. quire into the advisability of limiting the elective franchise te persons who can lead and write the English language. Jeseph Dunu-, captain of the bark Ivy, diewucd while beaiding his vessel at Xe.v Yeik last ni;ht. Steps aie being taken te feim a petro leum boring company te weik the newly discovered oil wells in the Hanover (Ger many) petroleum region, the preseut bores yielding an aveiage interest of 22 percent, upon the capital invested, against 1!) per cent, realized in Ameiica. CONt.KEs)S. 'he Warner Silver Itill ICeperted Adversely. "Washimitev, Feb. 3. Mr. Bayard, fiem the finance committee, lcpeitcd the Warner silver bill adveiscly. Mr. Reck stated that the lepeit was net a unani mous one and the inineiity hoped te be heard in regard te the bill at some future time. The bill was placed en the calen dar. In the finance committee en the Waincr silver bill the vote was as fellows : In favor of the bill : Senators Voeihecs and Beck; against it: Senators Bavaid, Ker nan, Meri ill, Fciry and Allisen ; absent : Senatets Wallace and Jenes of Nevada. PEIULs, OI- Till: SKA. Mr. l'liinsell Tells His Constituents Hew They Maybe Lessened. Londen, Feb. 3. Mr. Samuel Plimsell, member of the Heuse of Commens, ad dressing his constituents at Derby yester day, referred te the less of life and piop piep eity caused by the shifting of caigees, and said that it could be effectually remedied at a tiilling expense. The remedy which he intended te biing before Parliament was the leading of grain in sacks. OBITVAKV. Gen. Jehn I'risbin, ex-Congressman. Xkvvakk. X. J., Teh. 3. General Jehn Biiabin, fermcily a member of Congress from Pennsylvania and recently a director of and counsel for the Delaware. Lacka wanna and Western raihead, died here to day. David Stuart. PiniADEi.Piiiv, Feb. 3. Gee. II. Stuart received a cable dispatch te-day, announc ing the death this morning of his brother David Stuait, near Manchester, England. THE SINKING FUND. A Large Purchase I Bends. Washington, Feb. 3. Secretary Sher man has decided te purchase $11,000,000 of bends for the sinking fund in the usual manner, bids te be opened Wednesday, the 11th hist. Xe limit been fixed as te the pi ice te be paid the bends offered. en has for Dwelling ISurned anil Hey Killed. Beverly, Mass., Feb. 3. The summer residence of W. B. Pickman, was binned thismeining. Less, $20,000. By the fall-' ing of a chimney a boy was killed and sev eral firemen weie injured. MAKKETS. Philadelphia Markist. Philadelphia. February 3. Fleur dull and stead v ; supeitine $1 J05(3 m ; extra S"50J 00 ; Ohie "and Indiana family $6 7"7 25 : l'eiin'a family $ 507 00 ; St. Leuis family $7 007 50 : Minnesota Family $fi ."07 00 ; patent and high grades $7 50ffi8 50. Rye Heur $t75"00. Cornmeal I!i-anily wine unchanged. Wheat dull, easv; Ne. 2 V estein Red $1 41J ; Penn'a de SI ii ; Amber I 4 I. Coin flnn : -steamer 5j"ic ; yellow 57,54'fj! 5Sc ; mixed 5657c. Oats quiet and steady ; Southern, Penn'a white and Western white 47l'Jc; Western mixed 4C4(c. Rye quiet ; Western 00c ; Pa. 90c. Previsions linn; mess pink $1,150; beef Iiama $10 0010 50 ; India mess beef $21 50; It.icen smoked shoulders rKc ; salt de 43c : smoked hams logiee; pickled hams 6lt 9c. Laid quiet; city kettle 8c ; loe3ebulchcrs' Vfi ; pi hue steam 7e. Kutter steady, dull ;. creamery extra fJ.Mc; r.r.ulfetd county and New lerk extra 252i.c ; Wcstei n resci vc extra at St'fic ; de geed te choice 1722c : rolls dull Penn'a extra 14lfic; western reserve extra ISS'JOc. Kggs linncr ; Penn'a '17c ; Western life. Cheese stieng; N. Y. factory ltgJlSc; western lull cream 14!14c; de ter geed 13i 14; de half skims Yiy.'M. Petroleum dull ; Relfued 7Jc. Whisky utllGS. He. Yerk Market. New Yerk. February .'.Fleur Slat e and Western dull ; prices witheutdecided change ; superfine stale $1 005 10; extra de $5155 50; choice de $5 55600; fancy de $610 700; round hoop Ohie $5 405 9e: cheicu de $6 006 75; superfine western $4 (jO 10 ; common te geed extra de $5 r5 00 ; choice dodo $5 65 7 13; choice white wheat de $5 63 0 25; Southern quiet, unchanged ; common te lair extra $6 00&650; geed te choice de $6 00 8 00. Wheat Spring quiet and nominal ; winter YjC lower and quiet ; Ne. 1 white March $1 1 VMM ? " '- rel -'b- 1 ; de March 1 47j 147K. May $14$. Cern dull and slishtlv in buvers favor r Mixed Western spot fa061c; de luture 54 Oats quiet urd unchanged; state 4352c; Western 47S31e. stock Market. Philadblvhia, Feb. :;. I30r.M. Stocks dull. Penna t's (third Issue) 106 Philadelphia A Erie 17 Pennsylvania 51J Lehigh VaUey. 5 United Ces. et X. J 156 Northern Pacific H " Preferred 53 Xerthern Central 3JK Lehigh Navigation :57'i Nornstewn lei Central Transportation Ce. 4t3i Pitts., TitusvIIIe & Ruffole. is Little Schuylkill 51 Nkvv leiiK, Feb. 3. Stocks dull. Meney 5C X'. Y. Central ISiVjJ - riv. " s m Adams Express 11W Michigan Central ft! Michigan Southern 104 Illinois Central 104H Cleveland & Pittsburgh... ..11J Chicago Keck Island I49JJ Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.. 115 Western Union Tel. Ce UUK Teledo & Wabash 4(. New Jersev Central Ss Cattle Market. JIexniT. Feb. i The receipts or cattle at the various Philadelphia janls ler the past week were: Reeves, J.241 "head ; sheep anil lambs, 7,000 de. ; hogs, 5,00J de. ; fresh cows, ISO de. Reef Cattle The market was dull and prices were ,4c lower than hist reported, although the rate West was unchanged. We quote Extra at 5-AJGc: geed at 5(fi5c : medium. 4j5c; common, Ji.4V,e; bulls' and cows, 2ac. ; calves, 5'ne. xiiu i.jiiuniug nru 11113 ceiisisiiees iil inu West Philailelplua jards: Reger Mavnes, 275: Owen Minth, 2U-1; ,1. F. b.uller "Ce, 310; O. Se-h.iinberg& Ce., 240; Lewensteiu & Adler, .M)7: F. t-cheetz, 211; James Aull, 1!M; MeArdle A: Murphy. 201 ; all ethers, 425. SVLL3 AT THK WEST l'lULAUBLl'llt V YAUD. Head. iy Reger Maynes, Chicago, gross, 5fe. 101 K. &. & 15. F. McFillen, Western, gross, S5J,c, 141 Owen .smith. Western, gross, 4Gc. 107 A. & J. Christy, Western, gross, 4J3?ic. 250 Ulliuan & Lehman Rres.. Ohie, Lancas ter co. and Vu.. gre w, aji5c. CO .rallies Clenisen, Pa., gross, "nje. 202 Jehn McAldle, Ohie and Western, gres, 4'4siic. 110 Oauii'l Murphy, Western mid Lane, ee., gross, 4U5 ,e. 02 Denis aiuyth. Western and Lancaster co., gross, jffl.-i'c. 208 F. Sheets. Wesici n, gross. l5-;c. 250 Leweiisteia A. Adler, Western, gross, 4 5c. 151 G. schanibeig& Ce., Western, gross, A . 5-c. 28 L. liem, Del. and West Vu., gross, :!,' 5c. 51 II. Chain, jr.. Western, gross. 4J5Jc. 120 Daniel Smith & Rie., Western and Lan caster county, giess, 43jje. J3 Abe Osthcim, H estein ami Yorkceuntv, giess, 45c. li Raehuian & Levi. Western and Lancaster county, gross, .IJ-iifg.'Vjc. 19 S. Dreilus,. Western, gross, xyf'tc. UJ I'. Hathaway, Western. giitss,5fJ5Jc. 31 J. F. s,.uller X Ce., Western, giess, 4 J-s3c. M J.i. All, Western, gross, l?,g 'ijc. 5i; Eustaie, W estein, giess, ili'tyie. 'M M. Levi, Western, Lancaster comity and Virginia, gross, .jjg"(jc. SILIS AT TUB NORTH l'lllLADELl'IUA VMII. 'i'JO IS. Hepe, Western and Va., gross, 4f5'e. ion KieierA,, We'stein. gloss, 4r.'yle. 140 Ruley i Scattergoed, We-stern, giesd, l,'Q S'-'c. 100 Levi Nichols, Western, gross, 4J.5Je. Ot W. W. Tiffany, Western, gross, 4i rc. 78 E. & L. Chandler, WcsJeiii, gross, 4!t'()."0e. 22 Fred. Hasscnfiis, Lincxster countv.'gie."-, 5Ji;c. Sheep The mat ket was active and prin-s were unchanged. We quote Kxtra, l(r te .u lbs., at (KgOc; geed, 'W te 100 lbs, .lgOc ; geed, 80 te UO lbs, 5X5ic ; lair, 70 te 80 lbs, rJ4r'xic ; common, 4i5c. Samuel C. Stewart sold 400 head dressed sheep at Cc te 7c. Lambs were in demand, but theie were few nriivals. We continue last quotations, vi.: Extra, 0if7e ; goed.GJe; medium, 0'c ; com mon, 5.V-ic. Hogs The mm ket dining the past week wan inactive, although prices weie firm. A cheice let of Covington hogs were sold by Wardell & Ce., Myxc. We quote Kxtra at 7c : geed at iy.,e ; incdium at !.c ; common at 0C.'ic. Fresh Cows were ifull and unchanged ; sales vv ere reported fiem $20 te $50 per head. MIS CELL AX EO VS. A. S. & CO., PACKERS OF LEAFTOIJACCO. Ne. 222 Prince stieet, Lancaster, Pa. J. ROSKXMYKR, an7-3mdj ilanager. JN. I.KW1N 31. !.. I.ATK OF 11EICL1N Germanv. -e. 215 West King street. Olllce hour irem 8 te 10 a. m 1 te 2 1. in. and 6 te 8 p. m. j28-2md D AYS OF APPEAL FOK 1880. TO THE TAXARLE INIIARITANTij OF LANCASTER COUNTY. Pursuant te the previsions of the laws of the Cemmniiw ealth.tlie unilersigned, Coiiimission Ceiiimission Coiiimissien ers of Lancaster county, herebv give notice te the taxable inhabitants within the rt spec-live city, boroughs and townships of said county, that tlie daj s et appeal trein the assessment el lSbO will he held in the Commissioners' Ollic-e" in the city or Lancaster, en thedajs following, te w it : Lancaster City 1st, 2d and 3d wards -TuesiIay, Feb. 10. 4th, 5th uuiUith wards. ;-Wednesday, Feb. II 7th, sth and 9th wards. J-Thursday, Feb. 12. Ailainstewn ber 1 Wushnigteii ber.,2 wards ', Friday, Fi li. 1.'. Maiiettaber ) Columbia ber., 3 wards.. J-Memlay, Feb. HI. Rait two Little Riitain twp Wcdiie-sdaj, Feb. 18. r.dcn twp Colerain twp Fulton twp Rrcc-kueck twp Cajrnarven twp , Cocalico K.esttw p..... Cocalico West tw p ... Clay twp Drimieretwp Mai tic twp Providence twp Pequca twp , Concstega tw p Denegal East twp ... Denegal West twp Ceney twp Mount Jey twp Pcnii twp Ephratatwp , Elizabeth twp Warwick twp Manhcnn twp Paradise twp Salisbury twp Ilemptield East twp. Hcmpflcld West twp. Raphe twp Strasburg twp Lancastcrtwp Lampeter East tw p .. Lampeter West tw p.. Lcaceck twp Lcaceck Upper tw p. . . Salisbury twp Maner twp Mount Jey ber Eliabethtewn ber... Manheim ber Slrasburi' ber ) j Thursday, Feb. 10. Friday, Feb. &). ) ) ) Monday, Feb. Tuesday, Feb. 21. Wednesday, Feb. 25. .', Thursday, Feb. 211. X Fm lay, Feb. 27. Wedncndrty, Mar. 3. Thursday, Mar. 4. Friday, Mar. .1. Monday, Mar. 8. " Tuesday, Mar. 9. ... y " L :.:.) At the same time and place the appeal fiem tlie Military ueus win ne mane. C. COI5LE. ISAAC RUSIIONU. ROI5T. MONTGOMERY. JHi-UiKWtvv Conuiiissieners. SELLERS COUGH SYRUP 50 Years Before the Public. Pronounced by all te be the most pleasant and efficacious remedy new in use for the cure of cengtis, colds, croup, hoarseness tickling sensatiea of the threat, whooping cough, etc. Over a million bottles sold within the last few yearn. It gives relief wherever used, and lias the power te impart benefit that cannot be had from the cough mixtures new in use. held by all .druggists at 25 cents pe. bottle. SELLERS' LIVER. PILLS nre also highly highly recommended ler curing liver com plaint, constipation, sick headaches, fever ami ague and all diseases of the stomach and liver Sold by all druggists at 85 cents per box. K. E. SELLERS & CO., el-ly vv Pittsburgc, Pa. I A. I i ' & m li M-l ? h f Uf-I I if i r, Vil .i m