maiMLiiWirTftirrWM (Ojje ,mtf aW VllAVV Volume XVI-Ne. 132. LANCASTER, PA. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1880. Price Twe Cents. V -. ' i , i.VnuiiiiwuwCTffwg'WWW" TERMS. THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER, PUBLISHED EVEUY EVENING, BY STEINMAN & HENSEL, Intelligencer Ituilding, Southwest Cerner of Centre Square. The Daily Iktellieescer Is furnished te subscribers In the City of Lancaster and sur rounding towns, accessible by Railroad and Daily Stage Lines ut Ten Cents Pek AVekk, payuble te tliu Carriers, weekly. IJy Mail, $. a year in arlvance : otherwise, fi. Entered rit tbe pest elllceat Lancaster, Pa., as -i-end class mail matter. -Thi; STEAM JOB PKIXTIXG DEPART M EXT of this establishment possesses iin-ur-I uiM'il facilities ler the execution of all Kinds .! Plain and Fancy Printing. COAL. I It. MAItTlX, J. Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in all kinds of LUMBER AXD COAL. tfB-Yurd : Xe. 420 Xertli Water and Prince stieets, abee Lemen, Jancaster. n3-lyd COAL! - - - GOAL!! GORREOHT & CO., Fer Geed and Cheap Ceal. Yard Harri-burg Pike. Ollicc ai Kilst Chestnut .Street. P. W. GORRECHT, AgL J. Jl. RILEY. e!)-lyd AV. A. KELLEIt. COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! Ceal of tin; Itest Ouallty put up expressly ler family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. ir YAItU l.-.O SOUTH WATER ST. neil-lyd PHILIP SCIIUM, SOX & CO. Tr.vr received a fink let of balkd t TIMOTHY HAY, at M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, DKALEI'.S IN COAL ! FLOUR ! ! GRAIN ! ! ! FAMILY COAL UXDEi: COVER. Minnesota Patent Precess Family anil Raker's Fleur. Haled Hay and Feed of all kinds. AVai.limis,, anil Yard : 34 North Water St sJ7-lyd COHO' & WILEY, " ::.-. XORTII WATER ST., Ismcastcr, J'a., Wholesale and Ketail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Alse, Contractors and lluilders. L-timatcs made and contracts undertaken en all kinds et buildings. Branch Ouicc : Xe. :) XOKTII DUKE ST. JebJS-iyii te nc j: te th 1: puislic. T G. SENER & SONS. Will continue te sell only GEN UIXE L YKEXS 1 1 1 LL EY and WrnCESIJAllIlE COALS which are the best in the maiket, and sell as LOW as the LOWEST, and net only GUAR ANTEE FCLL WEIGHT, but allow te WEIGH OX AXY scale in geed order. Alse Kough and Dressed Lumber, sa-h' Deers, Blinds, Ac, at Lewest Market Prices. Olliceand yard northeast corner Prince and Walnut streets, Lancaster, Pa. janl-tfd HOOKS AXD STA TIUXj:ttY. "i 7ali:ntini:s! valentines : : VALENTINES ! A GREAT VARIETY, L. M. fLyNN'S HOOK AM) STATIONERY STOKE, Ne. -12 WEST KING STREET. 1880. 1880. VALENTINES! ELEGANT LINES SENTIMENTAL VALENTINES BOOK STOKE JOOT BAER'S SOIS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER. PA. CARJ'ETS. pi KKAT KARGAINS. A Large Assortment of all kinds et CARPETS Are still sold at lower rates than ever at the CARPET HALL OF H. S. SHIRK, 2i)i WEST KING STREET. Call ami examine our steckand satisfy your sell that we can show the largest assortment of Bru-els, Three plies and Ingmins at all prices at the lowest Philadelphia prices. Alse en hand a large and complete assortment et HAG CARPETS. Satisiaetien guanmtecd both as te price and quality. Yeu are invited tecall and see mv goods. Xe trouble in showing liiein, ;vcn"if you de net want te purchase. Don't terget this netice: Yeu can save ineuev bi-ie ifveu want te buy. Particular attention given te custom work. Alse en hand a full assortment of Counter panes, oil Cleths anil Blankets of every va riety. mySS-tldSw evrxitvre. A SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL. Te examine my stock of Parler Suits. Cham ber Suits, Patent Keckcrs. Easy Chairs, Katun Keckcrs. Hat Hacks, Marble Tep Tables, Ex tension Tables, Sideboards, Hair, Husk, Wire and Common Mattresses, Heek Cases, Ward robes, Escriteirs, Upholstered Cane and Weed Seat Chairs, Cupboards, sinks, Deughtrays, Brcakla-t Tables, Dining Tables, &c., alwavs en hand, at prices that are ackneu ledged te be as cheap as the cheapest. UPHOLSTERING IX ALL ITS IJRAXCHES. REPAIRING PROMPTLY AXD XEATLYDOXE. Picture Framrs en hand and made te ordei erdei Regildiug done at Reasonable Rates at the New Picture Frame and Furniture Stere, 15 EAST KING STREET, (Over Bursk's Grocery and Sprccher's Slate Stere.) WALTER A. HEINITSH, (Schindlcr's Old Stand), JIAXKIXti. xin TO rnr AXI' wishing te d1U 3UJkJ make money in Wall hi. should deal with the undersigned. Write ler explanatory circulars, sent free by WSmm&-'tSB CLOTIIIXG. NEW GOODS FOU FALL & WINTER. We are new prepared te show the public one of the largest stocks of READY5IADE CLOTHING ever exhibited in the city el Lancaster. Geed Working Suits for men $0.00. Geed Styles Casslmere Suits for men $7.50. Our All Aeel Men's Suits that we are selling ler $9.00 are us geed as you can buy elsewhere for $12.00. Our stock of Overcoats are immense. All grades and every variety of styles and colors, for men, boy and youths, all our own manufac ture. Full line of Men's, Youths' and Beys' Suits. Full line of Men's, Youths' anil Heys' Overcoats. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT ! We are prepared te show one et the best stocks of Piece Goods te select from anil have made te order ever shown in the city. They are all arranged en tables lltted up expressly se mat every piece can be examined oeiere making a selection. All our goods have been purchased before the rise in woolens. We are prepared te make up in geed stvle and at short notice and at bottom prices. AVc make te or der an All Weel Suit ter $1-2.00. Iiy buying your goods at CENTRE HALL j-eu save one profit, as we manutactuie all our own Clothing and give employment te about one hundred hands. Call and examine our stock and be convinced as te the truth et which weatllrm. . MYERS & RATHFON, Centre Hall, Ne. 13 East King Street. 1880. FEBRUARY. 1880. The GREAT REDUCTION' in Price con tinued until MARCH te close out a Large and Splendid Line et HEAVY WEIGHTS, te make room for our SPRING GOODS. Over SOO PANTALOON PATTERNS of the Leading Styles, in English, French and American Novelties, At a Reduction of ii percent. Scotch, English and Amer ican Suitings AT COKUESPOXDIXGLY LOW PRICES. A Let el Choice Styles in OVERCOATINGS, at a Gieat Sacrifice. All are invited te secure these Gieat Bargain. Our prices ate all marked en Plain Cards as low as consistent with llrst-class weik. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 North Queen Street. marS-lydS&W CENTRE HALL, -..-...' 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Closing out our WINTER STOCK In order te m:U;c loom ter the Large Spring Stock, IWhich we aie new manufacturing. Overcoats, Suits and Suitings, Te be sold at the Le-ivet Price. ! D. B. Hestener & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE- I 3IMyil LAXCASTER, PA. JiOOTS AXJi SHOES. -pELIAIILE BOOTS AND SHOES. We guarantee every pair e .sell. AVe keep the most perfect fitting, best style and well wearing shoes, and sell them at the very LOWEST PRICES. Our stock was purchased last summer before the late advance in leather and material, and we offer te give te our customers the advan tage of our successful speculation by selling our present stock at lower prices than we could te-day buy again. We aise continue te make Custom Werk at short notice, stylish and durable, and at lower prices than any ether shoemaker here or elsewhere. 43Mcuiling done promptly and neally.'SS Give us a call. A ADT.RR 43 WEST KING STREET. Greatly Mrt Prices CLOTHIXG. H. GERHART, TAILOR, Having just returned trem Xew Yerk with a large and CHOICE STOCK FOR MEN'S WEAR, Would respectfully announce te his customers and the public that he will have his regular FALL OPENING ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29tli. LARGEST ASSORTMENT, LATEST STYLES AXD PRICES AS LOW AS AXY HOUSE JX THIS CITY AT H. GERHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. OPECIAL NOTICK. 66. 68. Mansman&Bre. GRAND MM SALE! OF OVERCOATS AND HEAVY SUITINGS. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS te buyers of Clethinjr in order te make room feralai-fjeSPUIXG STOCK new being manu factured, and we arc needing room. We offer well-made and sdylMi Clothing for Men and Beys LOWER PRICES than ever heard of beletv, although (Joeds arc going up every day. We will ell, for e must have the room. Loek at Our Astonishingly Lew Price List : OVEKCOATS! OVERCOATS! OVEKCOATS : ler $2.00, ler $.$.&), for $5.35, fer$G.T5. OVEKCOATS ! OVEKCOATS ! OVEKCOATS for $7.75. for$'J.7e, for $10.75. OVEKCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS I for $12, $14, $1C and $20. These arc heavy-lined Overcoats, caret iilly made and hplemlidly trimmed. OVEKCOATS ! OVEKCOATS ! OVERCOATS for $7.50, ler $3.50, for $3.50, for $12. OVEKCOATS ! OVEKCOATS ! OVEKCOATS ! for $15, for $1S, for $20. These are Plaid-Ilack Overcoats, equal te custom work. HEAVY, MEN'S SUITS ! ler $3.50, $1.00, $5.00, $7.00, $'.).00, $10.00. MEN'S SUITS FOR FIXE DRESS ! for $12.00, $14.00, $15.00, $10.00, $18.00 and $20,00. P.OYS' SUITS AXD OVERCOATS ROYS' SUITS from $2.25 te $10.01). HOYS' OVERCOATS VERY LOW. Wc sell only our own make and guarantee S itisfaclien. Meney returned en all goods net leund as represented. JttB-Please call, whether you wish te purchase or net. T Is stocked with the latest styles, which wc make te measure at the lowest cash prices and guarantee a perfect Ut. SUITS TO ORDER from $12 upwards. PAXTS TO ORDER from $3.50 upwards. D. GANSMAN & BRO., MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, G6 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., S. W. Cerner et Orange, Lancaster, Pa. (Kausman's Cerner.) FOVXIiEHS AXD MACHIXISTS. T ANCASTEK J BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OrresiTETHK Locomotive Works. The subscriber continues te manufacture BOILERS AND eTEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twiers, Hollows Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and Itlacksmithing generally. 3 Jobbing promptly attended te. nuglS-lyil JOHN 1JEST. Eli UVA Tl OXAL. rpiIK ACADEMY CONNECTED WITH J Franklin and Marshall College offers su perier advantages te yenng men and boys who desire either te prepare forcellcge or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send ler circulars. Address KEY. JAMES CRAWFORD, ectll-lyd Lancaster. Pa. TAKCUS G. SEHNEK, HOUSE CARPENTER, Ne. 120 Xerth Trince street. Prompt and particular attention paid te al ternlien and repairs. slS-lyil Enpsa ILaiuastrr Intelligencer. TUESDAY BVENING, FEB. 3, 1880. DRYBCRGH ABBEY. BV CUAULE3 SWAIX. PART I. 'Twos morn, but net the ray which falls the summer boughs among, When beauty walks In gladness forth with all her light and song. 'Twas merut but mist and cloud hung deep upon the lonely vale. And shadows, like the wings of death, were out upon the gale. Fer he whose spirit" woke the dust of nations into life That o'er the waste and barren earth spread flowers and fruitage rife Whose genius, like the sun, Illumed the mighty realms of mind Had fled forever from the lame, love, irk-nd- ship of mankind. Te wear a wreath in glory wrought, his spirit swept afar, Ueyend the searing wing of thought, the light of moon or star; Te drink immortal waters, free from every taint of earth earth Te breathe belerc the shrine of life, the sdurce whence worlds had birth, There was wailing en the early breeze, and darkness in the sky, When with sable plume, and coat, and pall, a funeral train swept by ! Metheught St. Mary shield us well-that ether forms moved there Than these el mortal brotherhood ; the noble, young and fair. Was it a dream ? Hew oft in sleep we ask " Can this be true V" Whilst warm imagination paints her marvels te our Ticw, Earth's glory seems a tarnished crown te that which we beheld. When dreams enchant our sight with things whose meanest garb is geld. Was it a dream ? Metheught the dauntless " Hareld" passed me by ! The proud " Fitz-James," with martial step and dark, intrepid eye ; That " Marmien's" haughty crest was there, a mourner for his sake. And she, the bold, the beautiful, sweet " Lady of the Lake." The " Minstrel," whose last lay was o'er,whose whose broken harp lay low. And with 1dm, glorious " Wavcrley," with glance and step of wee ; And " Stuart's" voice rose there. a when, midst fate's disastrous war. He led the wild, ambitious, proud, and brave " Ich Ian Vehr." Next, marveling at his sable suit, " the Dom Dem inie" stalked past. With " Bertram"" Julia" by his s ide, whose tears were flowing fast ; " Guy Mannering," tee, moved there o'erpow e'erpow o'erpew cred by that atllicting sight ; And " Merillic," as when she swept o'er Kllangewan's height, Solemn and grave, " Menkbarns " approached amidst the burial line ; And " Ochiltree " leant o'er his staff, and mourned for "Auld Lang Syne ;" Slew inarched the gallant " Mclutyrc," whilst Levell " mused alone ; Fer once " Miss Wardour's " inmgc left that besom's faithful throne ! With corenach and arms reversed, came forth "MaeOregerV clan ; 'Red Douglas'" cry pealed shrill and wild ; "Reb Rey's" bold brew looked wan ; The fair " Diana " kissed her cress and blessed its sainted ray ; And " wae is me," the" Uailie" sighed, " that I should bee this day !" Xe.Ttrede in mclanchely guise, with sembie vest and scarf. Sir Edward, Laird of Ellislaw, the !ar renown" ed "Rlack Dwarf," Upen his left in bonnet blue, and white locks flowing free The pious sculptor et the grave was "Old Mor tality." "ISalfourei Hurley." "ClaTcrheuse."thc "Lord of Evandale ;" And stately " Lady Margaret, " whose wee might naught avail ; Fierce " llethwcll, " en his charger black, as from the conflict wen, And pale "Habakkuk Mucklewrath." who cried "Ged's will be done !" And, like a rose, a young white roe, that blooms mid wildest scenes ; Passed she, the modest, eloquent and virtuous " Jeanuie Deans :" With " Dumbicdikes," that silent laird, in love tee deep te smile ! And "Eflle," with her noble lricnd, the geed " Duke of Argyle." With lefty brew, and bearing high, dark " Ka Ka Ka venswoed " advanced. Who en the false "Lord Keeper's " mien with eye indignant glanced ; Whilst, gracclul as a lovely fawn, 'neath cov ert close and sure, Approached the beauty of all hearts the " Rride of Lammcrmoer." Then " Annet Lyle," the fairy ciucen of light and seug drew near. The 'Knight el Arden vehr," and he, the gifted "Highland Seer;" " Dalgctty Duncan," " Lord Menticth," and " Ranald," met my view, The hapless "Children of the Mist," and bold " Mhich Connel Dim." On swept "Ilois Gilbert;" "Frent dc lSucuf;" " De IJracy's " plume of wee. And " Cceur de Lien's " crest shone near the valiant " Ivanhoe ;" While soft as glides a summer cloud "Rewcna'' closer draw, With the beaut it ul "Rebecca," peerless daugh ter of the Jew. Still onward, like the gathering night, ad vanced that funeral train Like billows when the tempest sweep across the shadowy main Where'er the eager gaze might reach, in noble ranks were seen Dark plumes, and glittering mail and crest, and woman's beauteous mien. PART II. I saw the courtly "Euphuist," with "Halbcrt of the Dell;" And like a ray et moonlight passed the "White Maid of ATcnel !" "Lord Morten," "Deugluss," "Ilolten," and the " Royal Earl " marched there Te the slew and solemn funeral chant of the " Monks of Kennaquhair." And she, eh whose imperial brew a Ged had set his seal. The glory of whose loveliness grief might net all conceal. The loved in high and princely halls, in lone and lowly cots, Came "Mary," the illustrious, yet hapless " Queen of Scots." The Arm devoted "Catharine," the sentimen tal "Graeme," "Lechlevan," whose worn brew revealed an early blighted name ; The enthusiastic "Magdalen," the pilgrim of that shrine, Whose spirit triumphs o'er the tomb, and makes it's dust divine. With "Leicester," Lord of " Kenilworth," in mournful robes arc seen The gifted, great "Elizabeth," high England's matchless Queen : "Tressilian's" wild but manly glance and "Varney's" darker gaze Sought " Amy Kebsart's " brilliant form, tee fair for earthly praUc. Xext. " Xerma " of the " Fitful Head," the wild " Jteinkeiniar" came. But shivered lay her magic wand.'and dim her eye of flame; Yeung " Minna Treil," the lofty-seulcd, whom "Cleveland's" love betrayed. The generous old " Udaller," and " Mordaunt's Island Maid." Slew followed "Lord Glenvarlech," first of Scotia's gallant names. With the fair romantic Margaret, and the erudite "King James;" The wooed and wronged "Hermiene." whose lord all hearts despise ; Sarcaster " Malagrowther," and the faithful "Moneplies," Then stout " Sir Geoffrey of the Peak and Pev- cril " swept near. Stern " Bridgenorth," and the "Fiery Duke with Knight and Cavalier;" There, fairest of fantastic elves, " Fcnclia," glided en ; And " Alice," from whose beauteous eyes the light of joy had gene. And " Quentin's" haughty helm was there, " La Balafre's" stout lance ; "Orleans," " Crcveceenr" and brave "Du- neis," the noblest Knight of France ; The wild "Hayraddin," followed by the silent " Jean-de-Treycs ;" The mournful " Ladies Hammeline," and " Is- abel-de-Creyes." Pale sorrow marked young " Tyrrel's" mien ; grief dimmed sweet "Clara's" eye. And " Renan's Laird" breathed many a pray er for days and triends gene By ; " Oh, mourn net," pious " Cargill" cried ! -' should Ills death wee impart, Whose cenotaph's the Universe, whose elegy's the Heart?,' " De Lacy," lamed " Cadwallen," and the fierce " Gwcnwyn" marched en ; While horn and helmet, pike and bow, dart, glaive and javelin shone ; "Sir Damian," and the fair young " Eveline" passed there, Stout "Wilkin" and the hopeless "Rese," with wild, disheveled hair. Along in solemn grandeur swept the banners of the brave, And deep and far the clarion waked the wild dirge of the grave ; On came the " Champien et the Cress," and near him, like a star. Shene the regal " Bercngaria," queenly daugh ter of "Navarre," The high heroic "Saladin," of proud and prince ly mien, The rich and gorgeous "Saracen," and the fiery "Nazarene :" There "Edith," and her "Nubian Slave,'. breathed many a thought divine, While rank en rank, a glorious train, rode the "Knights et Palestine." Ferth bore the gallant " Fairford" his fasci nating bride, The lovely " Lilixs, " with the brave " Red. gauntlet" by her side ; " Black Campbell, " and the bold, redeubted "Maxwell" met my view. And ' Wandering Willie's " solemn wraith of dark funereal yew. Straight followed " Zcrubbabcl,"aud "Joliffe of the Tower ;" " Edward," " Wlldrake," " Hazeldine," and the forest maid, " Mayflower ;" The democratic " Cromwell," stem, resolute, and free ; The " Knight of Woodstock," and the lair and lovely " Alies Lae." And there the crafty " Preudfutc" for once true sorrow lclt ; "Craigdalc," " Chartrcss," and the recrean4 " Connacher," the " Celt ;" And he whose chivalry hail graced a mere ex alted birth, The noble-minded "Henry," and the famed " Fair Maid of Perth." The intrepid " Anne el Guerstein," and the lalse " Lerraine" stepped near ; Proud " Margaret, of Anjou," and the faithful brave " De Verc ;" There " Arneld," and the " King Rene," and " Charles the Beld," had met ; The dauntless " Denner-lugel," and the grace- lul young "Lizette." Ferth rode the gallant " Godfrey," by the glo rious " Hugh the Great," While wept the brave and beautiful their no ble Minstrel's fate; There was "Hcrcward the A'angarian,'" with " Bertha " by his side, The valorous "Count of Paris," and'his "Ama. zenian bride." And last amid that princely trained waved high " De Walten's " plume, Xear fair "Augusta's" laurel wreath which time ne'er shall consume ; And "Antheny," with quiver void, his last fleet arrow sped. Steed leaning en his broken bow, and mused upon the dead ! As fees, who meet upon some wild, some far and foreign shore ; Wrecked by the same tempestuous surge, re call past feuds no mere ; Thus Prince and Peasant Peer and Slave thus friend and fee combine Te pour the homage of their hearts upon one common shrine ! A sound thrilled through that lengthening host ! metheught the vault was closed. While, in his glory and renown, fair Scotia's bard reposed A sound thrilled through that lengthening host ! and forth my vision fled But ah ! that mournful dream proved true the immortal Scettwas dead. The vision and the voice are o'er, their influ ence waned away. Like music en a summer lake at the golden close of day ; The vision and the voice are o'er but when will be forget The buried " Genius of Remance the imper ishable Scott. JEWELERS. -THE- LANCASTER WATCH, IN 14k. & 18k. Geld Stem-Winding Cases, With NICKEL or BRASS MOVEMENTS. ALSO Lancaster Watches, Silver Cases, Stem & Key-Winding. AUGUSTUS RH0ADS, JEWELER, 13 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. DRUG STORES. rpitUSSES! TKUSSES!! TRUSSES THE Safest, Easiest and Best, for sale by ANDREW G. FRETS City Pharmacy, Southeast Cor. Xerth Queen & Orange Sts., Lancaster. apl9-lyd q-'RY LOCnER'S COUGH STKUP. DRY GOODS, CC. WE CANNOT ADVERTISE Reduction of Prices, As many kinds of goods are going up in price every week, but we held a large stock of desirable Dry Goods that are selling at rates proportionate te cost some time age. In the matter of MUSLIXSwe secured and MUSLIN'S stored? away an immense MUSLINS quantity, se that our sales- MUSLINS rooms and reserye stock- MUSLINS rooms leek like wholesale MUSLINS stores. These standard MUSLINS goods are new retailing MUSLIN'S largely at less than future .MUSLIN'S prices. MUSLINS Wc also bought freely et FLANNELS, And can show the geed results of our bargaining en inquiry at the Flannel Counter. We are also selling CALICOES Cheaper than they can be bought at. The people will have te pay higher for many kinds of dry goods utter the pres ent stock are sold out. Jehn Wanamaker, GRAND DEP0T-13TH ST., I'UILADELrillA. WALL J'AVERS, r. -T7"E HAVE LEASED THE LAKOE AN1 IT COMMODIOUS STORE ROOM, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST., Just three doers below u-j, which we will oc cupy en or belerc the FIRST OP FEBRUARY. It is new in course et alteration and as seen as practicable we will move our stock. "WALL PAPER WINDOW SHADES Have advanced in price like every ether class of goods. Anticipating a ri-.e, we placed orders for all our goods early in the fall, and are pre pared te sell at old prices. We have ends and odd lets of Taper, which will be sold at half value in order te close out before removal. PHARES W. FRY, C3 North Ouecn Street. GROCERIES. w IIOLESALE AMD KETAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUR AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRIXCE STREET. 117-lyd TJ'AHXESTOCK'.S FAIUX'A 1'LOUIt. GIVE IT A TRIAL. "IWY THE IIECKEK'S SELF-1CAISIXG GRIDDLE CAKE& BUCKWHEAT FLOUR TlOB THE KEST COFFEES, FllESII BOASTED DAILY, IOIt THE KEST OKOCEKIES OFEVEKY . Dcscoriptien, oe TO BURSK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. J'RIXTIXU AXD JUXDIXG. I AT THE SAME PRICE. Having purchased ;thc exclusive right et Lancaster city and county temanufacture and use Reynolds's Metallic Stationery and Boek Binder, THE ONLY DEVICE GIVING ENTIRE SAT ISFACTION, we arc new prepared te furnish Check Beeks, Letter Heads, Nete Heads, State ments, Bill Heads, all sizes, Xotcsef all kinds, Contract Beeks, Receipt Beeks, Order Beeks, and, in fact any kind et work in which binding is necessary printed en the very best paper ut the lowest figures. This invention, for the use el which wc have obtained the sole right in Lancaster city and county, enables us te bind the above named or any ether kind of blank and memoranda books at the cost el printing alone, and in a style that for neatness and durability is net equalled by any ether device of a similar character. Dur ing the time that Reynolds' Metallic Station ery and Boek Binder has been before the pub lic it h:ts acquired a high reputation among printers and ethers who have had occasion te make use of it, for the extreme simplicity of its construction and the case and accuracy el it! operation, while business men and ethers whose experience enables them te speak where of they knew pronounce its work te be super ior in the essential points of cheapness, con venience and durability te that of the old pre CC3S, and we arc willing te give our patrons a guarantee of the pertcctly satistactery char acter of its work. Specimens et Binding may be seen at the Ix Ix tellieencek efllcc, and all persons desiring a neat and substantial piece of work in this line arc invited te call and inspect the numerous advantages we have te etTer, and which enable us te turn out Geed and Durable Werk at prices lower than any ether printing establish ment In the city. ltd ROBES, RJjAXKETS, &C. s; IGX OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS!! I have new en hand the Largest, Best and Cheapest Assortment of Lined and Unlined BUFFALO UOBES in the city. Alse LAI' AXD HORSE BLAXKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. 49Rcpairing neatly and promptly denee A. MILEY, 108 Xerth Queen St., Lancaster. e25-lydMWAS43mw PM inni MEDICAL. OTAKTLIXG ASSERTIONS. DR. GREEXE Is ready te cure all diseases byexternal applications of medicine. Dnrins is months practice in Beading, he has treated eveil,600 patients, many et thein from ether cities and towns in the United States, 70 et them from Lancaster; hundreiU are cured, and no one has died under his charge, and only three persons have died during that time who have been treated by him, and they died away from Reading and under their physician's care. Over 1,130 deaths occurred in Reading during his sojourn there. Having taken im his residence in Lancaster, he will be in his etlices all day. Call and see him 'and he will give you a list of cases cured of all diseases of the body. A. A. Mcllese, of Reading, Xev. 13, 1S79, says : Dr. Greene removed from mv neck a tumor of the size efu lien's egg, in 15 days, without cut ting or causing me any pain or the less of a drop et bleed. His certificate is en dorsed by the autographs et Jesse G. Hawley, proprietor of the Eagle: T. C. Zimmerman, proprietor of The Times and Dispatch : G. W. Grant, pestmaster: II. A. Tvsen, mayor, and ex-Mayer Evans, all of Reading. Consultation free. Catarrh cured for 90 cents. Cure quick ter Catarrh sent te any ad dress for 50 cents. 1(1 page pamphlet free. Will seen commence n course et lectures en Physiology. DR. G. A. GREENE, (31 Years Experience), 13-GmdTu.Tli&Sl Xe. 336 X. Queen St. HOP HOI HOP HOI' HOI' HOI" HOP BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT ERS ERS ERS EKS ERS ERS ERS HOP HOP BIT -p. j. c BIT ERS JJ Js ', aijSeiute and irresisti- Elss HOP ""--"" iIO BIT DRUNKENNESS, BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP ERS HOP Intemperance and the use of Opi um, Tobacco, Narcotics and Stimu lants, removing all tast e.deslre and habit of using any of them, render BIT ERS ing the taste or desire for any of HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT Tiiem perieciiy onions ami iiisgusi ing. Giving everyone perfect and irresistible control of the sobriety of themselves or th.Mr frieniN. It prevents thatabselute physical and moral prostration that fellows the sudden breakingetf trem using stimulants or narcotics. Package, prepaid, te cure 1 te 5 persons, $i or at your druggist's, $1.75 per bottle. Temperance socie ties should recommend it. It is perfectly harmless and never-lulling. Hep Bitters ManfactiiringCe., Rochester, X. Y.. Sele Agents. Hep Ceugli Cure destroys all pain, loosens the cough, quiets the nerves, produces rest, and never fails te cure. ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP MIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT EKS nor BIT ERS The Hep Pad for Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, is superior te all ethers. Cures by absorption. It Is perfect ask dmggist.s. The Hen Bitters Mfg. Ce., of Ro chester, X. Y., only prepare these icmedies, also the Hep Bitters, which are In nesense a bevcrageer intoxicant, but the Purest and Best Medicine ever made, making mere cures than all ether remedies. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. C BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS nep BIT ERS HOP HOP BIT BIT ERS ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP HOP BIT BIT ERS ERS K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W 1C-W w w w Y W0BT! W W K- K- K-' W W s-w PERMANENTLY CURES W KIDNEY DISEASES, W" LIVER COMPLAINTS, K K K W W W W W W AV W W W W W W W W W W W w w v w w w AV AV AV CONSTIPATION And PILES. K K Dr. K.II. Clark, Seuth Here, Vt., v .V says, "In cases of Kidney Troubles, k. it has acted like a churni. It has y cured many very bad eases of Piles, j. anil has never tailed te act efficient' W Jy-" I" Xelsen Fairchild, of St. Albans, ' yVt., says, "It Is el priceless value, jj. After sixteen years of great siiffer .V iug from Piles and Cestivencss it k. completely cured me." V C. S. Hogaben, et Berkshire, says, jj. "One package lias done wonders ler W me in completely curing a severe jf. jjivci mm jiiuucy iuuipiuiiit. ' W K- w WONDERFUL, WHY .' K w POWER. K .V" Because it acts en the Liver, the k. Bowels and Kidneys at the same y time. K. Because it cleanses the system of y the poisonous humors Unit develop jj. in jviuney ana urinary uiscascs,in- lrv vc .y table compound and can be sent by j. mail prepaid. W" One paekage will make six quarts j;. of medicine. ,y Try it new. Bny it at the Drug- if. gist's. Price $1.00. WELLS, BICHARDSOX& CO., K' w Proprietors, tr. 3 Burlington. Vt. W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K DRY GOODS. Te Tobacco Buyers ! Opened this day ONE BALE OP GRAY BLANKETS AT A LOW PRICE. FAIIESTOCK'S, Next Doer te tlie Court Ileune. GEXTtf GOODS. HANDSOME PRESENTS. GLATJDENT SCARPS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, LADIES' WORK BOXES, SILK SUSPENDERS, E. J. EEISMABTS, S6 XORTH O.UEKX STUEET. CHIXA AXD GLASSWARE. CHINA HALL. CHEAP WARE, CHEAP WARE. ODD and DAMAGED AVAUE sold at a SACRIFICE. AVare Sold Under Price te Save Moving. Xew is your time for BARGAINS. HIGH & MARTIN'S, Ne. 8 East Kinff Street. y inusness, Jaundice, Constipation, jj Piles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia W and Female Disorder. w KIDXEY WORT is a drv vcire- fin i S I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers