-' fr Pi 'r LANCASTER DAILY- INTELLIGENCER. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1880. N Lancaster intelligencer. MONDAY EVENING, FEB. 2, 1880. MILES KEOGH'S HORSE. On tlie blutt of the Little Big Hern, At tlie de5c of a wefnl day, Custer ana his Three Hundred In death and silence lay. Three hundred te three thousand ! They had "bravely fought and hied : Fer such lb the will of Congress When the "White Man meets the Red. The White Men are ten millions, The thriftiest under the sun ; The Reds arc fifty thousands, And -warriors every one.; Se Custer and all his fighting men Lay under the evening skies, staring up at the traniuil heaven With wide, accusing eyes. And of all that steed at noonday In that fiery scorpion ring, Miles Keogh's home at evening Wa the only living thing. Alene lrem that field of slaughter, Where lay the three hundred slain. The horse Comanche wandered, With Keogh's bleed en his mane. And Sturgis i-sued this order, Which future times shall read, While the love and honor el comrades Arc the soul of the soldier's cieed. He said : Let Hie horse Comanche, Jlcnceferthlill he shall die, He kindly cherished and cared for Jiy the Seventh Cavalry. JTe shall de no labor; lie shull ncier I. new The touch of spur or rein ; Xer shall Jiis back be ever crossed' Jly living rider again. And at regimental formation Of the Seventh Cavalry, Comanche, draped in mourning, and led Jly a trooper of Company I, Shall parade with the regiment .' Thus it was Commanded, and thus done, By order el General Murgis, signed J!y Adjutant Garlington. Even as the suerd et Custer. In his disastrous fall, riashed out iibluzu that charmed the werlib And glorified his pall, This order, issued amid the gloom That shrouds our Army's name, When all leul beasts are tree te lend And tear its honest lame, shall prove te a callous people That the m-iisc of a soldier's worth. That tin- love or comrades, the honor efaims, I Live net yet perished from earth. .Itrs. Partington Sajs Don't lake anv of the quack rostrums, as they aie regimental te the human cistern ; but put veiirtiiist in Hep Hitters, which will cure gen eral dilapidation, costive habits and all comic disease. They saved Isaac lrem a severe ex tract of tripe'd tcver. They are the nc plus unnmet medicine-). 12-2vd .Montreal Heard I'reni. I!. I.. Me-ely, of Montreal, Canada, certified scpt.'JT. IsT'j, that he had suffered terribly trem dspepsi.i, mid was oempletely cured by tak ing Warner's safe Hitters. He. says: "My ap petite is geed, and I new sutler no inconveni ence from eating heartv meals." These Bit ters nic also u specific ler all skin diseases. 12-2wd j'rxtixg axd jsixdixg TOBACCO PACKERS' SAMPLE TAGS i'i:inti:d e:." CHECK BOAKD (same as used by Tobacco Mimpler). Heavy ltailre.nl Heard any Celer. Alse, Contract and Receipt Beeks at the Lewest Prices, Intelligencer Office. jaul'2-tfd PBITIG& BINDING AT tiii: SAME PRICE. Having purchased ;the exclusive right et Lancaster city and county temanufacturc and use llcyneIuVs Metallic Stationery and Heek liinder, Till: ONLY DEVICE GIVING ENTIRE SAT-I-l'ALTION. we are new prepared te furnish Cheek Beeks, Letter Heads, Xete Heads, State ments, Hill Heads, all sizes, Xotcsef all kinds, Contract Heeks, Receipt Heeks, Order Beeks, and, in fact any kind et work in which binding is necessary printed en the very best paper at the lowest figures. This invention, for the uc of which we have obtained the sole right in Lancaster city and c. unity, enables us te bind the above named or any ether kind el blank and memoranda books at the cost el printing alone, and in a style that ler neatness and durability is net equalled by any ether device of a similar character. Dur ing the time that Reynolds's Metallic Station ery and Heek Hinder lias been before the pub lic it has acquired a high leputatien among printers and ethers who have had occasion te make u-e efit, for the extreme simplicity of its construction aud the case and accuracy el its operation, while business men and ethers v. hose experience enables them te speak where of they knew pronounce its work te be super ior in the essential points et cheapness, con venience ami durability te that of the old pre cess, and we are willing te give our patrons a guarantee or the perleetly satisfactory char acter of its work. .specimens et Hnnling may be seen at the Ix-TrxLier-xcKi: office, ami all "persons desiring a neat and substantial piece of work in tills line are invited te call ami inspect the numerous advantages w e have te offer, and which enable us te turn out Geed and Durable Werk at prices lower than any ether printing establish ment in the city. ROllES, JtLAXKETS, tf. 8 IGN OF TIIK 1UIFFALO HEAD. KOBES ! ROBES ! ! BLANKETS ! BLANKETS I ! I have new en hand the Largest, Ukst asd Chku-kst Assortment of Lined and Unlined BUFFALO KOHKS in Use city. Alse LAP AXIi HOUSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A lull line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. 3Rcp:iiring neatly anil promptly dene.-ffia A. MILEY, JOS Xerth Queen St., Lancaster. e25-lyd M W&S&3IU w Aj:. McCASN, auctioneer of real . Estate und Personal Property. Orders let l at Xe. 35 Charlette street, or at the black Herse Hetel, 41 and 4fi Xerth Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Hills made eutami .attended te without additional cost. e27-ly BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, ONE ROOM BEING A STORE-ROOM, Het and Celd Water, Bath, Gas, Range. Alse, GOOD BRICK STABLE, Fer 4 Horses and Carriage Heuse, almost in rear of Dwelling, situate en the southeast corner of North Mulberry and West Lemen street. Immediate posessien of house. Rent reasonable. "Would sell or exchange for city property. Apply te BAUSMAN & BURNS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 10 WEST ORANGE STREET. BLACK SILKS, BLACK CASHMERES, FANCY DRESS GOODS, IN CHOICE ASSORTMENTS. SHAWLS anl SKIRTS in Choice Assortment. A few LADIES' CLOAKS te be sold at a Bargain, tlie balance of our stock of this season. Muslins, Shootings. Tabic Linens, Tickings, Checks, Crashes, etc., IN FULL ASLORTMEXT, AT LOWEST PRICES. In order te save money new is the the above goods wc arc yet selling at old We invite examination te our large GIVLEK, C'LOTJIIXU. IT IS SAID THAT 500,000 Witnessed the Grant WE WOULD LIKE ALL THE MEI AID BOYS TO CALL AT OAK HALL Immediately and Equip Themselves for the COLD WA YES OF 1SS0. The Singularly Small Prices -we started the Annual Winter Sales with have stirred all the stores te de their best. But we eclipsed them all, and they knew it, and the People see it, tee. These are the Prices for Our Own Carefully Manufactured Goods, net bought in the New Yerk Wholesale Stores : . few left of tlieSSO Fine Overcoats, Keyul Kever-.ilie lMnid l!uel, sold ueicrs :iim woven JiiicKSj. uur l-nce Xext Grade Kxti-.i Silt's in ISIue and Ilrewn Worumue Heaver Overcoats Next Grade A Geed Streng Serviceable Cloth-lieund Overcoat Kverydav Working Overcoat Men's All Weel Suits The ' Auburn " 1). V. Suit.--, for lSusiness and Dress Kxtra Quality "Sawyer" huitings The Finest of CasMmere Suits Irc-s Suits et Uest Imported Cleths reduced te Men's Everyday l'ants All-wool Ilusiness and Dress l'ants KxtraFine Dress I'antaloens, lennerly $10, new Genuine Harris Cassimere l'ants Tlie Very Latest Styles in Children's Overcoats The Deuble-Shouldered Cajie Koyal lleversible Hack Overcoats , (The Nicest Little Ueys' Overcoats Oak Hall ever produced Children's Suits as low as , Higher Grades ami Mere Elaborately Trimmed Suits A Great Specialty in Heys' and Youths' l'ants WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, S. E. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. jan 1 tfil THE LARGEST CL0THLNG HOUSE IX AMERICA. MILLIXJ2KY AJfD OPENING OF NEW GOODS GUNDAKEBS 1ILLHEEY &TEM1IM STOKE, LADIES, we will open te-day New Novelties in Bennets, Hats, Frames, Plumes, Fancy Wings, Velvets, Satins, &c. Wc will open te-day an elegant line et Black and Colored Silk Fringes, New Styles et Silk and Jet Buttens, Ornaments, Striped Velvet , Satins, &c. Wc will open te-day new and beautiful lines of Ladies' anil Children's Hese in Cashmere and Cotten. Merine Vests for Ladies and Children in all sizes, Woolen Caps, &c, geed and cheaper than ever. We will open te-day New Laces, Uuchiugs, Ties, Scarfs, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Cor sets in all the best makes aud at lowest priees. Ask te see our Speen Bust Corset at 50 cts. We will open a full line of Crape Veils Crape Bennets and Hats, Crape by the yard, and everything else Unit is new, desirable and cheap In Millinery and Trimmings. Call and examine our stock at GUNDAKER'8, 142 and 144 I0RTI QUEM STREET. MEDICAL, BROWNING'S C. & C. CORDIAL, Fer COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, TICKLING or DRYNESS of the THROAT, SORE THROAT, COLD in the HEAD, CROUP, INFLU ENZA, WHOOPING COUGH, COLD in the BOWELS, ASTHMATIC COUGHS, and RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVES. Dr. BROWNING is a regular graduate of medicine, a skillful pharmacist, and a thorough chemist. His " C. & C." (Cough and Celd) Cordial is net the result of mere chance, but of long scientific research in chemistry und medicine, as Is plainly seen by the rapidity of Its action and its unparalleled efficacy. The expense in Its manufacture is at least five times as great as that et any ether medicine upon the market, and yet it is sold at the exceedingly low price of flOc. " Sample bottles (for a short time only) S5c. W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., Proprietor, 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. dl-lydcew&w) 43- FOR SALE BY THE PROPRIETOR AND ALL DRUGGISTS. FOlt ItEXT. FOR REISTT. A VERY DESIRABLE TUREE-STORY DRY GOODS. time te buy these goods, as they vrill certainly prices. stock of Carpets, just opened, which include the newest and best styles in the market. BOWEKS & HTJEST, 25 EAST KING STREET. PERSONS Reception in Philadelphia. reduced te .$20.00 everywhere sit $"25 (Full In dige 18.00 K..30 12.00 10.00 a.rie 5.00 10.00 1-2.00 15.00 '20.00 33.00 1.50 :t.50 5.00 5.00 ::.oe 5.00 .1.50 5.00 2.50 TJCL3IMIXO GOODS. advance still mere before long. Most of l?01l SALE OK HEX1. STOItfc K0031 Queen street. FOlt HUNT, NO. 114 N. Possession given January Xe. 112 North Queen Street. 1st. Apply at dO-tfdl T70U KENT JP Union Hetel, E:ist Chestnut btreet, oppe site i-enna uepet. Apply at me jlC-tfd INTEJ il.iL.lG Em JCEK OFFICE. E OK KENT. Twe rooms. Ne. 43 North Queen Htrect. suitable for photograph gallery, new eccu by.I S. Saurman. Aoelvto lucti dec20-tfd TIIOS. BAUMGAKDNElt. F OK KENT. Stere Keem. Ne. 13 East Kine street, new occupied by Augustus Kheads. Inquire of II. G. Lfpp, Millersville Avenue or within; also, the upstairs rooms for rent. funS-M&Stld<w F OK KENT. A Urst-class Bakcrv for rent. The liouse contains ciglitOems without the llakeheuse. and Is situated en North Queen street, nearly opposite the Northern Market. There is geed stabling upon the premises. Call upon ALEX. HAUHIS. Atterney-at-I.aw, Otlice in Grant Ilnll. j27-lwd F OK SAI.E. A twelve te fifteen herse-newer engine and boiler. Alse a large planer, almost new ; a small flooring and matching machine, and a tcneting and power mortising machine. Address PHILIP LE11ZELTEU, Eagle Speke and Hending Works, nevlO-tfd&w Lancaster. Pa. 7IKE PROOF SAFE FOK SALE. Cincinnati make), :I4 inches high,'2C wide and '24 deep, weight 1,200 pound-", with Sargent's - : lj M. ..FVF. Jttj JlllOIVIf A.l.ll.l.!. ... Jr. raicnt a lgiit una uay comuinaueu j.eck, 101- saie cheap. jan2-tfd Aenlvatthc INTELLIGENCER OFFICE. TUBL.IC SALE OF STOCKS OF TURN- X PIKE ltOAD COMPANIES owned by the Coniinenweallh of Pennsylvania. In pursu ance of the act of June 12, 1S78 the Auditor General will expose te sale at the .Merchants' Exchange, in thecitv of Philadelphia, en Tues day, the 24th day of February, ISSO.at 12 o'clock in., 18,815 snares of Turnpike lteud Stock, new owned by the Commonwealth, among which arcGJOSHAliF.SDOWNINGTOWN.EPIIRATA and HAUUIS1S17KG TURNPIKE. Tlie certifi cates for all these stocks cannot be found, but the interest of tlie Commonwealth will be sold. The purchaser will be entitled te tlie same number of votes as the original owner. Terms, 10 Tier cent, en davef sale: the balance within thirty days te the State Treasurer, when a iransicr win ue given. WILLIAM P.SCHELL, j23-3tdeaw Auditor General. POSITIVE rUBLIC SALE OF CITY PROPERTY. On WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4. 18S0, at the Leepard Hetel, en East King street, wilt be sold a geed two-story BRICK DWELLING, with two-story Brick Back Building, situate Ne. 357 East Chestnut street. The house con tains a hall. Hive roems.kitchcn. srarretand.cx- celient cellar, is well built, in geed repair aim conveniently arrangeu wun ciescis, eic.; gas through tlie house, hydrant water in yard mid kitchen ; also, cistern with pump. Let 18 feet and 5 incites front, and U1J4 feet deep. This property being located in a rapidly im proving portion of tlie city, in the immediate vicinity of a large Cotten Factory, Pcnn Iren Ce.'s Works, Best's Machine Sheps and ether industrial establishments, and must always command a geed rent cr ready sale. Here Is a chance te buy a cheap property, as the owner is determined te sell. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in., when at tendance will be given and terms made known by HERR & STAUFFER, H. Siujbeiit, Auct. 3 Nei th Duke Street. LJZUld IXSUJtAXCE. mil; OLD G-IRARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. $1,131,838. All invested in the best securities. Lesses promptly paid. Fer policies call en RIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. 19 East King St.. Lancaster, Pa. 8-MW&S6mdR ATTOliNEYS-AT-LAW A . J. STEINMAN, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner Cen tre Sfiuarc.Xancuster, Pa W. U. HENSEL, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner Ccn trc Square, Lancaster, Pa. CII AS. K. KLIN;, Attorney-at-Law, Ne. 15 North Duke street, Lancaster, Pa. All kinds of Conveyances promptly drawn. marl3-lydiw HENKV A. RILEY, Attorney and Counscller-at-Law 21 Park Rew. New Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United Slates, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by permission te Steinman & Hcnsel. LEGAL XOTICES. J7STATE OF ISAAC O. SMOKER, LATE II of Lancaster city, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in tlie hands of Jehn J. Smoker, Administrator, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purposeenTUESDAY,thcl7thofFEBRUARY, 18S0, at 10 o'clock a. m., in tlie Library Roem et the Court Heuse, In the City of Lancaster, where till persons interested in said distribu tion may attend. M. BROSIUS, J10-3tdeaw Auditor. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF GEO. COONLEY and wife, of Lancaster City, The under signed Auditor appointed te pass upon excep tions and distribute the moneys in hands of accountant as well as moneys that aits new in court arising from sale of assigned real es tate, will meet nil parties interested en SATURDA Y.FEBRUARY 14, A. D.1880, utlO o'clock a. m.,in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all per sons interested in sum tusiriuuuen may at tend. GEO. M. KLINE, j24-3tdeaw Auditor. DRY WALL 1880. WALL PAPERS, WALL HAGER & Arc receiving all the NEW SPRING STYLES of PAPEE HANGINGS, In large assortment or EMBOSSED GILT, BRONZE, SATINS, GROUNDED and BLACK PAPER, with Dude Frieze and Borders te mutch, for Parlors, Halls, Libraries. Dining-rooms and Chambers. As our orders for the above were placed before the advance, we shall continue te sell at tlie old low price. Estimates made and paper hung by experienced paper hangers. Window Shades, Shading and Fixtures, in full assortment. Alse. Weel Terrvs ami Cretonnes, Nottingham Lace and Lace Curtains, Walnut and Gilt Window Headings and Cornice Poles, etc. Call and examine. HAGER & BRO. EXTRAORDINARY SALES -OF- luslins and Housekeeping Goods -AT NEW YORK STORE. 35 CASES AND BALES OP MUSLINS AND SHEETINGS, Selling by the piece or yard at less than Manufacturer's Prices. Special Bargains in MARSEILLES QUILTS, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND TOWELINGS. fill, Slill 4 THOMPSON, 20 & 22 EAST KING STREET. IMPORTANT NOTICE HOUSEKEEPERS. nk Iiigliug made Heavy Purchases of ere t' ing bV 9USE-EUMISHIM GOODS, aly " Li untlet' .Campbi Wt $ xweI1 "-cd te offer all the Standard Brands et Sheeting Mu-,hn-., Shirting Muslin-, Tick , lg, au(Ielln8 -isles, Linens, Tewelings, &c, at clark funereal j thTewcVIRY LOW PRICES. 'ard," " Wildrake," ''.e forest maid, " Ma:. ,,,., T t t v-i- m -...i. ..-. , LLL LIN LS Ol ratic " Cremwtl. QUEJilWearAIW, GLASSWARE, CAlll'ETS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL l'APERS AX1) PRIME FEATHERS. S- Wc respectfully solicit a call. J. B. MABTIN & CO. WATCHES, .JEWELRY, .Cr. EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, DKALUi: IN AMERICAN & FOREIGN WATCHES, Sterling Silver anil Silver-Plated Ware, Clocks, Jewelry ana Ami Tinted Spectacles. Wc offer our patrons the benefit of our long experience in business, by which we are able te aid them in making the best use of their money in any department of our business. We manufacture a large part et the goods we sell, and buy only lrem First-Class Houses. Kvcry article sold accompanied with a bill stating its quality. CB.Klrst-CIass Watch and General Uepairing given special attention. ZAHM'S COENEll, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! We have new in stock a large let of Sleighs, consisting et POXY, PORTLAND AND ALBAN'YS. TWO FIXE FOUR-PASSENGER SLEIGHS, By STRKIT & LOCKWOOD, et "Poughkeepsie, X. Y. One Fine Four-Passenger PORTLAND SLK1UH. TRIMMKD AND UNTRIMMEWJ PORTLAND CUTTERS. ALBANY CUTTERS, Finished in the highest style nnd sold at one-halt the usual price. Alse, a line let of Buggies and Carriages of our own make and celebrated city makers. One Fine Second-hand EXTENSION PHAETON, By Brewster, one by Gregg &Bowe, and a variety et ethers, second-hand. All te be sold at half their value. S. E. BAILY & Ce., 430 & 432 Xerth Queen and 431 & 433 Market Streets, Lancaster, Pa. eclS-lyd JEWELERS. --THE-- LANCASTER WATCH, IX 14k. & 18k. Geld Stem-Winding Cases, With NICKEL or BRASS MOVEMENTS. ILSO Lancaster Watches, Silver Cases, Stem & Key-Winding. AUGUSTUS RHOADS, JEWELER, 1 :t Kast King Street, Lancaster, Pa. GOODS. PAPER. 1880. PAPEES, WALL PAPERS. BROTHER THE- -TO- Lancaster, Pa., LANCASTER, PA. 1'HAETOXS. Xe. LAMPS, JtC. T ICIIT. FLIJTAT&BREA7EMAJT ARE OFFEKIXO GREAT BARGAINS lie Ceal Oil Lamps, Chandeliers and Lanterns. These goods are entirely new and handsomer than ever before offered and prices lower. FLINN & BRENEMAN 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, I'A. TJIAVELEKS' GUIDE, LANCASTER AND MJU.L.KKSVIL.L.E. R. K Cars run as fellows : Leave Lancaster (I. R. Depot), at 7. 9, un-t 11:30 a. m., and 2, 4. 6 and 8:3e p. m., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves ut 9:30 p. m. Leave Millersville (lower end) at 5, 8, and a, M., and 1,3, 5 and 7 p. ni. Cars run daily en above time except en Sun day. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SEW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY. NOV. 9th, 1S79, trains en the Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive and leave the Lanc:itt'r and Philadelphia depots as fellows : Leave Lanc'tei Arrive Phliud'a Eastwards Atlantic Express, Philadelphia Express, Fast Line Yerk Accein. Arrives;... Harrlsbunr Exeress 12ri" a.m. 3:00 a.. 7:00 -7:U ' 10:00 "' liJlV.M 3:40"" 5:tJ0 5: 7r.M " 9SW " 4:10 " 5:Si " 7:30 " 7:35 " :45 " 9:10 " law " Dillerville Accem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pacific Express, Sunday Mall Johnstown Express, Day Express, Harrisburg Aeconiuiedafn 1 2:00 3:05 5rJ0 Ur.25 1M. Leave I Arrive Philad'a Lanc'tcr Westward. Way Passenger, Niagara Express Hanover Accommodation,. Mail Train Ne. l.via M t.Jey, Mail Train Ne. 2,vla Cel'bia, Sunday Mall, V il9L 11 lit f. . Frederick Accommodation, Dillerville I.eeal.via MLJey Harrisburg Accommedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Express, Pittsburg Express Cincinnati Express, Pacitlc Express, Ii30j 8:00 8.00 8:00" llUA) 5:0(1 . 10:05 10:10 Il:ti5 11:07 I0:."sO 10 2:13 2:50 5:15 7:20 7s 8:50 11.30 2.40 i 2M 1:00 5:00 9:10 11:53 Pacific Express, east, en Sunday, when flag ged, will step at Middletown, Elliubctliteun Mt. Jey, LandihVllle, Rird-in-llaud, Leiiuin Place, dap, Christiana, Parkesburg, t'oali t'eali ville, Oakland and Glen I.ecli. Fast Line, west, en Sundav, when flagged, will step atl)owningtewii,CoatcvilIr. Parker burg, Mt. Jey, Elizubethtewn anil Miildlitewn. Hanover Accommodation, wet, connect- at Lancaster with Niagara Express, west, at 10:30. a. St., and will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Umcnster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 i .v., and will run through te Frederick. CWLUMUIA AND PORT DEPOSIT!:. It. J Trains new run regularly en the Celumb.a und Pert Deposit Railroad en the follening time: STATIOKS NORTUWAIID. Express. Accem. a. m. v. i. : 2:15 7:07 3:4:: 7:20 4:l0 7:.M 4;i7 7:51 4:11 7:57 4:4'.t .): 5:33 Accem. Express. a. m. v. v. 11:( Cr.'O 11.5i; Cr.l'.l i". t. IU tl-M 12:31 7:0i 12:51 7:20 1:11 7:32 2:15 s.tC, Pert Deposit... Peachbottem... Fife's Eddy.... McCuIl's Ferry. Shen k's Ferry. Safe Harber. Columbia Stations SeuTiiwAUD. Columbia.... Safe Harber.. Shcnk's Ferry.. McCall's Ferry. FIte's Eddy..... Peachbottem.... Pert Deposit.... EEADING AND COLUMBIA RAII.RUAP. On and after MONDAY. OCT. Ctii, 17.. passenger trains will run en this reud an te -lows : Trains Goihe Seuth, a.m. a. jr. im. v. ji. Reading, 7::i 11:35 :li) r. m. Relnhelds, 8:01 12:21 fi:l5 Enhnita, 8:1S 12:40 ,7:3 ... Akren, 8:21 12:15 7:' Lltiz, 8:t:t l:tK 7ri" Manlieim J:02 1:1.1 7::; Lancaster Junction,.. U:03 1:40 7:45 I Lundisvillc, y:lfi hmi 7:M ' Columbia, 9:45 1:55 8:20 Dillerville, tr27 2:t 8:i Lancaster, 9:33 2i5 8:le 5:W) King Street, 9:45 S:2e 5:le Hurnish, lew 8:34 5:30 West Willow, 10:05 s:42 5::2 ISaumgurdner, 10:09 8:17 5:t" Pequea, 10:17 SAr 5:.Vt Retten lurit 0:01 11:02 New Providence, 10:34 0:12 :I5 Hess, 10:42 .... 9:10 firis Quarryvllle. 10:50 lira t;:33 Trains Uoine Nertu. a. it. p. u. p. ji. a. m. Quarryvllle, 0:15 2.35 7:50 Hess, R-M 2.41 7iVi New Providence, i;:59 .... i 2:48 8:1:: Retten 7:11 I 2:59 -'r-T Pequea, 7:18 3:05 8::t" Ruumgardncr, 7r2S I 3:13 t:l.; West Willow, 7:32 .... , 3:ls K:V. Harnish, 7:41 i 3r26 :i-.(ie King Street, 7:55 I 3:40 'Jr.tl Lancaster, 8:05 1:00 3:50 0:33 Dillerville 8:08 1:03 3:53 Columbia. 8:00 1:00 3::C Landisville, 8:30 1:30 4.et Lancaster Junction,... 8:30 lri5 4:15 Manlieim, 8:49 1:48 4ri0 Litiz, j:e 2:00 4:30 Akren, )-.i 2:18 4:47 Ephrata. 9:23 2:25 4:53 .... Relnheldsvillc, 9:12 2:4 5:14 Rfailinif. 10:05 3:20 5:50 Trains connect at Reading with trains te and from Philadelphia Pottsville, Harrisburg, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Baltimore. A. 31. WILSON, Supt. J" UCAL MAIL ARRANGES! UN TS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS. 1JY RAILROAD. New Yerk tiiroceii mail. 7:00 u 111. 12:30 p m, 4:45 p m and 11:30 p in. Way Mail, east, 7 u in. Gordonville, Downingtown, Leainau Place, Gap Op in. Philadelphia, through mail, 7 and 9 a in, 12:50, 4:43 unci 11:30 p m. PiTTSBtrr.en and west, 1:30 and 11:30 p in. Harrisbure Mail. 10 a m, 1:30. 5:13 and 11:30 p m. Wat Mail, west, 10 a in. ISaltimere ahd Washington, via Philadel phia, 4:50 p ui. 1:altimeiie and Washington, via Yerk, 1:30 p in. ISaltimere and Washington, via Ilarrfcbni-g, 11:30 pm. Coatesville, 4:15 p m. Columbia, 10 a in, 1:30 and 5:15 p in. Yerk and Yerk way, 1:30 and 11:30 p m. Northern Central, 10 a m. 1:30 and 1 1:30 p in. Reading, via Reading and Columbia R K, 7:30 a m and 12:30 p m. Readine, via Harrisburg, 5:15 ami 11:30 pin. Reading way, via Junction, Litiz, Maulieiui, East Hemptield and Ephrata, 3 p in. O.UAKKXVILLE, Catuarge, ISeften, New Prori Preri dencc. West Willow. Lime Valley ami Martins ville, 9:30 a in, and 7i0 p in. New Helland, Churchtown, Grcenbaiikt Ulue Rail, Geedville, Rcartewn, by way et Downingtown, ut 7 a m and i p in. Safe Harber, via Columbia. 10 a m. RY STAGE Millersville and Slackwater, te Satu Harber, daily, at 2:30 p in. Te Slillersville, 8 aud II a m, and 4 p in. Uinkley's Bridge, Leaeeck, Rareville, New New Helland, 2:30 p m . Willow Street, Smlthvllle, Ruck, Chestnut Level, Green, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Greve, Keck Springs. Fainiieunt and RewlaiuNrille, Md, daily, at 7 a in. Lundis Valley, Oregon, West Earl, Farmers ville, Ilinkletewn, Tcrre Hill. Martintlale, daily, at 2:30 pin. Fertility, Lampeterand Wheatlanil MilN. te Strasburg, iaily, at 4 p m. Greenland and Seudei-sburg, te Paradise dally, at 4 p in.. Netlsville, daily, at 4 p in. New Danville. Concstega MarticvJHe, Ccle manville. Mount Ncbe. lUwiiiisTilic, Rcthcsda und Libertv Square, daily, at 2:30 p m. WHEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY. ARRIVING RY RAIL. Eastern mail, "an. 10:45 a in, 3 and fi:30 p m. Eastern way mail, 10:43 a m. Western mail, 7 and lOa.ui, 2 and !:30 p m. Reading, via lteadlng and Columbia, 2:30 in. Western way mall, 8 a m. Reading way mail, 10:30 u in. ARRIVING BY STAGE. Frem Safe Harber and Millersville, at 9 a in, daily. Frem Millersville, 7 and 9 a m, and I p in. Frem New Helland, at 9:30 a in. daily. Frem Rewlundsville, Md, at 2:30 p in. Reading way mail, at 10:30 a m, daily. Frem Strasburg, at 9:30 a in, daily. Frem Paradise te Lancaster, lea m, daily Frem NetTsville. at 1 p in, dailv. Frem Kawlinsvillc. ut 11 am." DELIVERIES RY CARRIERS. There are four mail deliveries by letter car riers each day, anil en their return trip they take up the mall matter deposited in the letter bexci. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the office at 6:30 a in; second delivery at 10am; third delivery at 11 a in ; fourth delivery ut3 p in. SUNDAY POSTOFFICE HOURS. On Sunday the postefllce is open from Apr 1 " 1 te October 1. from 8 te 9 u in. and from ; te ', ) m ; from October 1 teApril 1, front 9 te 10 a m, and from 0 te 7 r m. ItAXKIXG. UO TO 8500. ALL. "WISHING TO make menev in Wall st. should deal with the undersigned. Write for explanatory circulars, sent free by IfTf'K'TTVf' 6-f A Bankers and Brokers, minjjli4tx & LU., 42 Exchange Place, New erfc. iei9-mdced TTSE LOCHER'3 HORSE AND CATTLE j p POWDERS. "UY LOCHER'S COUGH SYRUP. i ft m it I M I J 5 l c'iJl I