-.ttJ-A -. LANCASTER DA1LY lOTELtJGENOER, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1880 Lancaster ihtteUigencet. MONDAY EVENING, FEB, 2, 1880. The Municipal Nominations. -The Democratic primaries of Saturday evening were largely attended, but quiet, orderly gatherings, whose result was ac complished through a fair expression of the wishes of the Democracy and will commend itself te the party as a whole. The ward and council nominations are geed and in the wards which have hith erto generally been Republican the Democratic nominations are such as te encourage the hope of gains that will make at least the popular branch of councils mere nearly representative of the best interests and the political differences of the voters of the city. The re-election of the four .retiring school directors, all worthy and efficient, was in accordance with the best civil service notions, while the two new members are well-known and intelligent citizens, who will make useful, progres sive school directors. The unanimous renominatien of Mayer MacGenigle by a most remarkably full vote, te be polled when there was scarce ly a contest save in one ward though net unexpected, is none the less notewor thy of the positive recognition by the Democracy of the merits of his adminis tration. While he has in no respect been guided nor contrelled: by partisan censid eratiens in discharge of his duties, it is the pleasure and privilege of the party which has elected him te make this em phatic public acknowledgment of the faithfulness with which he has met its expectations of an honest, industrious, impartial and dignified executive. In all the leading points of his official record he has fulfilled the expectations of these who confidently entrusted him with responsibility and power. His efforts te procure a refunding of the city debt at a reduced rate of interest; his persistent opposition te an increase of the perma nent debt for temporary purposes, and te expenditures in excess of the apprepria tiens; his interest in the promotion of all laudable and timely improvements; his zeal in securing the erection of the Lime street bridge, water works improve ments, opening and improvement of streets where induced for the public need and net private interests ; his im partial exercise of police discipline, and his general and unabated policy of re trenchment and a business-like system in municipal affairs, have made for him a record upon which hi", party can well afford te be unanimous and te go before the public for its approval. - - m Oimi psttwmed contemporaries in dif- ceeding en his assumption, the editors of the IxTELUGEXCER have net felt bound te answer him nor Mr. MacPher sdu as te "what is in their mind.'' That is a privilege wiiich for the present they reserve, meanwhile amusing them selves with watching ether people's trifling in " interpreting language " and in publishing what is in the mind aud en the lips of these who are viewing the matter with interest. great Den ferent parts of the state continue te dis cuss the contempt case with a freedom and variety of opinion that make the re publication of their sentiments interest ing, and we give such extracts from them as our space will allow en our first page te-day. It will be seen that a special editorial contributor te the New Helland Clarien is quite anxious that the ease will net be given up until its core be removed. His desire will be gratified. The legal ' Listener '" who reports te the Examiner what he failed te hear in Mr. Shapley's argument furnishes nothing new te the law of the case.. Mr. Shapley does net deny that 4i it is a breach of professional fidelity te attack the proceedings of the court for impure and improper purposes, through the me dium of the public press." If "Lis tener " heard his argument and were :illc te fieinnrehend it. he would knew that what Mr. Shapley contended was that the court was net te be the judge of whether an alleged attack upon it was made for " impure and improper pur poses." That is a question of fact, te be determined by a jury, under the law of the land, net te be assumed by the prosecutor nor determined by him acting as district attorney, judge and jury, all in one person. PERSONAL. Paul Devacx, the Belgian politician, aud the Marquis of Anglesey, Liberal member of the Heuse of Peers, are dead. The Pittsburgh Pest invites Mr. Chas. E. Wolfe te come out as a candidate for United States senator. The Duke of Newcastle is 1G ycais old, MarquLs Camden is 8, Earl Russell is 15, and Lord Southampton is 13. Donald G. Mitchell is in failing health. He has recently been in liosten under medical treatment, but has returned, unimproved, te his home, near New Haven. Seme of the papers arc making fun of the Ciceronian effort of Cameren te pronounce a senatorial eulogy en Chandler, which they say he 'read for five minutes from two sheets of paper. Den's effort te join the noble army of "litcrcry fellers" should net be made light of. New Yerk is having quite an influx of Pacific coast millionaires, following Mr. Kcene somewhat in their tastes. Mr. D. O. Mills, of California bank fame, has come and Mr. James C. Floed, the Bonanza king; the family of the late Mr. O'Brien and ethers, it is said, arc moving Getham- ward. Dr. Levis has recovered a claim of $300, with interest, from a Mr. Lipps, whom he had successfully treated for cataract, re storing te Mr. Lipps the use of his eyes. Dr. Levis restored one eye and saved the ether, the whole treatment covering a period of three- years, and the surgeon's charge being $300. Lipps refused te pay mere than $200, but the jury took a cicar view of the case and awarded te Dr. Levis the fee that he had se fairly earned. General Sherman', in conversation re garding the charges and specifications filed with the secretary of war by General Boynton, of the Cincinnati Gazette, roundly denounced newspapers and newspaper men as a class, and said that if Boynton would get any commissioned officer te in dorse his charges he would call for a court. The inference from Sherman's words was that without such indersement lie would net ask for a court. Gerome, the painter, is new lifty-live years old, but is remarkable young in spirit. He is an indefatigable student in his art, and carefully notes and profits by competent criticism. He is said te be overwhelmingly ambitious, but he rarely lets it be perceived. His father was a rniilmitli .ithI wished te rear the boy in his trade, but the "latter was from child hood an artist, spending most of his time at school in drawing men and animals and rude portraits of his schoolmates en his slate. He declared ever and ever again that he would de nothing but paint, if he had te bet: his feed en his way te Paris and the best instruction. Se his father yielded, and the young Jean, in the years that have followed, has wen fame, a beau tiful home, and a fortune of $300,000. LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. The chess congress was terminated en Saturday, when Captain Mackenzie and Mr. Grundy played off the tie. Mackenzie wen. A man named Sabourin went te his home in Ottawa the ether night, drunk. He quarreled with his wife and she brained him with an axe. The Indian appropriation bill lias been completed in committee and will be re ported te the Heuse as seen possible. It appropriates $4,493,64e. The third trial of Jennie R. Smith and Cevert D. Bennett, for the murder of the firmer' s husband, in Jersey City, resulted en Saturday in a verdict of net guilty. Geerge Cummings was drowned by breaking through the ice at Watertown, N. Y., en Friday night. Anether man man was rescued from a floating cake el ice after seven hours exposure. The Meers at Fez, Morocco, have at tacked the Jews, wounding several. They covered an old man, ever 70 years el age, with petroleum and burned him alive, amidst shouts of joy. Twe of the wound ed Jews arc French subjects. A violent wind storm raged at Albany, N. Y., all day yesterday. The tin reefs were blown off Tayler's brewery, Story Brethers' malt house, the Delaware and Hudsen canal company's machine shop, the Central railroad freight platform, aud two private residences. The weather last night was very cold. Rev. Mr. Cowley, the wolf in sheep's clothing who kept the Shepherd's Feld in New Yerk, is hew safely ledged in the Tombs, in default of the bail required for his appearance te answer the twenty -five indictments found against him by the grand jury and will net have another chance te beat and starve a let of babies. A dispatch yesterday from Mount Wash Wash in'ten says there was the greatest change in3 the wcather ever known en that mountain in the same length of time, the thermometer at neon being nineteen de grees above and at 9 o'clock in the evening twenty-seven below zero. The wind was blowing at the rate of ninety-nine miles an hour. temporary peace," which, it was thought, might be broken at any moment. The commander of the sleep-of-war Jamestown sent assistance te the settlers. Mining operations were pregrcessing favorably, but the mills had been closed by the severity of the weather. OBITUARY. 'the shaft at His body STATE ITEMS. .Tneeli Haber. while sinking a Tuscarora. was buried alive. was recovered. Mrs. Kries, aged 00, of Emlenton, Ve nango county, was taken with a hemor rhage while washing dishes and died in stantly. The park commission decided te give the permanent exhibition company six months time te raise $100,000 for the restoration of the main building. Allegheny county elected eightecndcle ates and pledged them te Grant. North- The DUTerenae. yew Era. The Examiner eives its friends. best workers in the ward," this somewhat peculiar "elastic embrace : "The Ixtelueescer anil the Xew Era must be verv much shocked at the way the ' best workers' in the Fourth ward of Philadelphia have been dealt with in the Philadelphia courts. That innocent lamb, 'Squire McMul len, who is never without a six-shooter and never hesitates te use it, was tried, and se was Ryan, another of the 'best workers' en the Democratic side, and both were acquitted, nil under the management et a Democratic uia trict attorney. As it is the special province et these journals te regulate judges and courts and lay down the law for tnem te lollew, are thev net a little slew in coming up te the scratch in this instance?" The New Era did net find fault with District Attorney Eshlcman, nor attempt " te regulate judges and courts " because they tried one of the "best workers of the ward, " but because the district attorney and his assistant, J. Hay Brown, refused or neglected te try him, at a time when the cvidence was at hand for a conviction, and deceived the court into consenting te a ver dict of net guilty by representing they had examined the witnesses and found the case could net be made out. Had our district attorney placed the defendant en trial as promptly as the Philadelphia dis trict attorney did, instead of deceiving the court as te the real facts of the case, this journal would have had no cause of nnmnlainr.. no matter what the jury might have done. Or, had he accepted Judge Patterson's offer when the case was en trial with a certainty et an acquittal of the defendant by the plea of autrefeis acquit, te call the witnesses te the first offense te show that they have been examined in due form before the verdict of acquittal was taken, and that fact had been established, we weum nave Decn iercvar csioepeu mu attempting te "regulate " such irregu larities in the public prosecutor of the ceuntv as this ene which has made " the Lancaster succcsfully the begiu- hc enlisted MINOR TOPICS. Ground Heg day. The Pittsburgh Dispatch knows : " An ' uninstructed delegation ' either te Harrisburg or Chicago is a phrase which, when employed with reference te Pennsyl vania, is perfectly intelligible te every body. It means that the instructions arc te come from Senater Cameren." By the defiant and irregular use of the party machinery in Allegheny, Dauphin and Lancaster counties, Den Cameren and his henchmen have added i dele gates te the 48 from Philadelphia, as a solid power in the Republican state con vention te control its action in the Cam Cam eeon interest. Wherever the selection of delegates, or the expression of a popular choice for president has been left te the masses of the party, their verdict has been against Cameren and his presumed support of a third term. Nothwithstand Nethwithstand ing this, his manipulations have put him in control of the convention, and he is reported te nourish the disposition te run it te suit himself. His henchmen will be there and they will make the nomina tions and name the delegates te suit themselves. The Republican party of Pennsylvania is te be assembled in con vention en Wednesday, net because its business has net already been done, but merely te show the people of ether states that it wears a brass cellar, like that of Gurth, en which is inscribed : " Rem thrall of the Cameren Family." It is said that Mr. Themas B. Coch ran, of this city ,'has undertaken te deliv er the delegation from Lancaster county te the Republican state convention te the support of Jehn A. Lemen for audi tor general, against Passmore, if they are needed te nominate Lemen. When there was a geed chance of Passmore being beaten, Cameren had him nominated ; new that it is expected te elect the nom inee, they de' net propose te give Pass Pass mere a chance. Nevertheless, there is a general feeling of sympathy with him among the Lancaster county Republi cans, and even the packed county com mittee would probably have endorsed him had it net been se hastily adjourned last Tuesday. Under this state of affairs it is curious te see hew its vote will be recorded in the state convention. There seems te be no doubt that in the general result Piissinere will be flattened out. Mr. Edward MacPiiersex, of the Philadelphia J'rcss, does " net propose te be trifled within interpreting language," and se he calls upon the editors of the In'TELLIek.vcicr te "state explicitly what was in their mind" when they published the article of which Judge Patterson took cognizance. Inasmuch as St. Leins Globe-Demecrat: "The Sher man party of Missouri came West a few days age in a lower berth of a sleeping car, and there was room for another pelitica organization of similar dimensions under the same blanket." It will shrink te about that size in Harrisburg en Wednesday. Philadelphia News, sarcastic Cameron Cameren Grant organ! "The Lancaster New Era has a telephone with sixty-seven connec tions running all ever the state. It says ' Frem every section of this bread com monwealth the cry of the popular heart is that chivalrous, stout-hearted Blaine shall lead the Republican hosts te victory in the coining campaign.' " Judge Patterson what was " in has assumed te knew I heir mind" and is pre- Tiie Philadelphia Eccning Newt, a roar rear ing Grant organ, has the candor te admit the existence of a popular impression that the Republican state convention which is te asscmble at Harrisburg, en Wednesday, "is net te be a convention, that the sover eign voice of the party, as expressed in the choice of the delegates, is te be stifled be fore it is declared, and that the honors and powers of this most important party agency arc te be usurped and carried off by a faction of bold and designing men." The Neict ought te knew. Mr. R. B. Roosevelt is quoted as say ing that "the man of the future has get te knew the language of beasts and birds and fishes," and Mr. Seth Green is described as adding : "Why, I tell you, I knew they held their conversation just as regularly as we de. How'd these trout of mine out there at the ponds knew the difference be tween a plain, long stick and a regular fishing red, as they de, if they didn't talk it ever and compare notes '.' Why, they'll most break their heads bumping them to gether te get out of the way of a fish-pole, and you see I couldn't scare them at all with that long stick te-day. They knew the difference, tee, between the man who car ries a pail about dinner time and the one who don't, I can tell you." Le the Foer Freedman ? The select committee of the benatc en the Frecdmen's bank is still taking testi mony in regard te the management, or rather the mismanagement that defunct concern. It is understood that the com mittee will report that, "in consequence of the deaths of some of the persons re sponsible for the bank's bad management, and the present impecuniesity of the re mainder, nothing can new be done for the further relief of the depositors except te consummate the proposed purchase of the Frecdmen's bank building" in Washing ton by the United States government. A bill for this purpose has once been passed by the Senate. The price asked is $275, 000. The bank building is new rented for the department of justice and the court of claims. ampten elected four delegates, uninstruct i. but resolutions favoring Blaine were passed. The product of the Bessemer department of the Pennsylvania steel weiks ier wm month of January was 9,774 tens steel in gots. The rail mill for the same time turned 7,623 tens finished rails. In a saloon fracas in Erie William Welsh, of the revenue cutter Perry, stabbed Jehn Leenard just under the heart. Welsh was arrested and committed without bail te await the result of Leenard's injuries, which arc considered fatal. In Reading a son of Henry Lecb was stabbed in the back by a son of Henry A. TTeff and is thought te be mortally wounded. The boys, who are between the ages of twelve and fifteen years, were bandying epithets with each ether at the time. In Chester yesterday morning Heury Grant, Geerge Addis and Win. Rhoads, all of whom reside in the vicinity of Kowlten, was struck by a locomotive attached te the Washington express at the Kcrlcn street crossing. Grant was se badly injured that he died two hours afterwards. Addis re ceived fatal wounds about the head and Rhoads was severely hurt. The bicycle race which came off in iew Yerk en Saturday night between repre sentatives of Philadelphia and New Yerk and in which there were four entries was wen by W. S. Clark, of New Yerk. In the match between teams of Philadelphia and New Yerk the prize was carried oil by C. F. Coke, of Philadelphia. A one-mile race between boys of Philadelphia and New Yerk was wen by S. Lefi'et, of New Yerk. Time, 3 minutes and 42 seconds. It is whispered around in West Chester that W. II. Robinson, otherwise known as " Gopher Bill," the man convicted several days age of being ene of the robbers of the Bailey brothers' safe, at Taggart's Cerner, ncarKennett Square, in JMovemeer last, has made overtures te "squeal," or, in ether words, te betray the names of the ether men engaged in the enterprise in exchange for his own freedom. Negotia tions have also been breached, it is said, for the return of the few securities the dis appointed rascals carried away from the safe en the night when they anticipated a haul of about $300,000, and only secured $3,000, abandoning a roll of $150,000 in railway bends, etc. In Little Germany, Perry county, Mr. Hoever, formerly of Cumberland county, had been out hunting, had seen game and snnnnnH his srun. but the weapon failed te go off. This defect en the part of the gun was repeated and spoiled the hunt, and he returned home with the charge still in the gun. In making an examination of the piece he did net take the precaution te draw the lead. His wife was near by "at the time he was fixingthc gun. While fe engaged the lead was accidentally dis charged and his wife dropped te the fleer lifeless, the contents of the weapon having passed into her body, killing her instantly. best workers of the word " an expressive synonym of the prostitution of the machinery of justice. 'Squire McMullen had a prompt, and, se far as we arc able te judge at this distance, a fair trial, aim was acquitted by a jury of the vicinage. Our " best worker of the ward " was net tried until the district attorney had ren dered his escape certain by the plea of a previous acquittal, and even then he was very "slew in coming up te the scratch.' . Ravages of Fire. On the 10th ult. 400 bandits having ex pelled the Brazilian authorities from Janu aria, in the province of Minas Geraes, sacked the town and burned 22 houses. They threaten te attack ether towns. Jehn Maxwell's rubbing stone works, at Maiden en the Hudsen, were totally des des des toeyed by lire yesterday. The less will amount te $50,000. A large number of men arc thrown out of employment. In surance net stated. A fire at Lafargeville, N. Y., en Satur day night, burned R. S. Lingenfelter's building. Less, $1,500. Several elliccs were burned out, and a building owned by B. B. Biddlecum was also destroyed at a less of $0,500 ; insurance, $4,500. Nicmaim,Lcns & Ce.'s furniture factory en West Erie street, Chicago, was burned en Saturday night. The less, which is es timated at $12,000, is partly covered by in surance. A Polish boy who was asleep in the upper story was suffocated. Death of Dr. William Whiteside. Between 10 and 11 o'clock Saturday evening Dr. Wm. M. Whiteside, dentist, died at his residence en East King street near the court house in the 49th year of his age his death having been caused by an aneurism of one of the large bleed vessels near the heart, from which he had suffered much for many years but which did net confine him te his house until within r. few weeks past. Dr. AYhiteside was born in Lcaceuk township, this ceunty.and educated at Oak Hill academy, near Leaman Place. He studed dentistry with Dr. Jehn MeCalla, of this city, and after taking a proiessienai course of study was for several years em ployed bv Dr. White, the noted Philadcl- nhiii dentist. On returning te he opened an office and practiced dentistry untill niny of the war, when in the three-months service, serving as 2d Lieut, in Ce. E. 10th Regt Pa Vels., Judge D. W. Patterson being captain of the company aud the late O. J. Dickey, Lieut Colonel. The regiment first an- campedat Chambersburg, and marciieu thence te join Gen. Patterson's army at Harper's Ferry and vincmity. .Mustered out of service at the expiration of his three months term, Dr. Whiteside almost im midiatcly set about enlisting a company for the 79th regiment, then about being organized. He was mustered into service as captain of company I and served for three years, mostly in Kentucky and Ten nessee, resigning September 30th, 18C4. Captain Whiteside was a strict disciplinarian and was regarded as the best " officer of the day " in the regiment. Being remarkably neat and tidy, he insisted en the same clean liness in ethers, and when his turn came te serve as officer of the day, there was sure te be a general overhauling and renovation of the camp. At inspection of arms, no matter what might be the state of the weather, Capt. Whiteside's men were as tidy and their arms shone as brightly as when en dress parade. Owing te his pecu liar qualifications for the duty, he was for a considerable portion of his term of ser vice detached from his regiment and served en courts martial and military beards at Nashville and ether points. He was thus prevented from sharing the dangers of several of the battles in which his company participated. He was with his command, however, at the bloody battle of Chicka mauga, and bore himself as a chivalric officer. At the close of the war he resumed his profession of dentistry and practiced it successfully until a few weeks age, when impaired health compelled him te leave it. Politically Dr. Whiteside was a pronounced Republican and was two or three times a candidate for the Republican nomination for register, but failed te secure it, as he would net connect himself with cither of the "rings" into which that party is divid ed. While he was warm in his friendship aud generous te a fault, he was " a geed hater," and showed no quarter te trickeries and shams political or otherwise. He was esteemed by a large circle of friends, professional, civil and military. He leaves a wife and enlv daughter te mourn his less. THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. Candidates A Large Tn; n-ent and Geed Chesen. The Democratic primary elections, te nominate candidates for mayor, school directors, ceuneilmen and ward officers, took place en Saturday evening, and con sidering the fact that there was no oppo sition te the lcnominatien of his honor Mayer MacGenigle, and little or no contest for the ward offices in most of the wants, the turnout of the sturdy Democracy was l-r nml tbe lipst; of feeliii"- nrevniled at the several polling places. As will be I seen by tne ngurcs priuieu oeiew mere than 1,400 votes were cast for mayor. The contest for school directors was spirited and resulted in the nomination of four of the retiring members, and two ether warm friends of popular education Messrs. Haas and Oblendcr. The nominations for council are exceptionally strong, and it is believed there will be Democratic gains in several of the wants. The ward tickets also have been carefully chosen. The City Ticket. The full Democratic ticket as nominated, together with the occupation and place of residence of the candidates, will be found below : Mayer. Jehn T. MacGenigle, mayor, Stevens house. Scheel Directors. II. Z. Rhoads, jeweler, 738 .Maner street. Peter McConemy, banker, 421 West Orange street. Dr. Jehn Lcvcrgoed, physician, 323 North Lime street. Geerge W. Zecher, liveryman, 13 Esi&t Lmnen street. F. W. Haas, journalist, 120 North Mul berrv street. Adam Oblcnder, cigar dealer, 53:5 .Church street. TDK AVAUD TICKETS. FlrntWarri. Select Council, Jacob Reese, liveryman, 15s North Queen street. Common Council. Samuel K. Lichty, cutter, 114 West Chestnut street. Jehn F. Rcith, carpenter, 38 North Water street. Geerge W. Brown, house painter, 202 West Chestnut street. Jehn A. Shebcr, paper manufacturer. North Queen and Orange streets. Assessor. Je-ephPylc, laborer, 241 North Mul berry street. Uenstauie Assessor. James R. Garvin, printer. 301 Seuth Queen street. Constable. Jehn Mcrrjnger, constable, 51(5 Neith street. Judge. Henry T. Yackly, carpenter, 25 Middle street. Inspector. William McLaughlin, carpenter, 39 Mid dle street. Eighth Ward. Select Council. Judith, weed bender. 34 Geerge Cause, street. shoemaker, 30 N. Water Judge. Shadle, attorney-at- law, Grape LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. CANDLEMAS. The In Ills Mind." l'hiladclphia Tress. The Lancaster Intelligencer charges the Press with misstating the fact en which the pending proceeding against its editors for contempt of court is based. That jour nal charged that certain acquittals were secured by "a prostitution of the machinery of justice te serve the exigencies of the Republican party," and it added : " But as all the parties im plicated, as well as the judges them selves, are members of the Republican party, the court is unanimous for once that'it need take no cognizance of the imposition practiced upon it, or the dis grace attaching te it. " We stated that the Intelligencer thus "intimated" that Judge Patterson was a party te this "prostitution of the machinery of justice, and we still main tain 'that the language used by the In telligencer, though somewhat ambigu ous, fairly conveys that idea. It would seem, also, that this was the construction which the court put en it when it cited the edi tors te answer for contempt. If the edi tors of the Intelligencer did net intend reflection en the court, they were either deficient in perception or were purposely vague in language, se as te escape through a loophole. Of course, we desire net te misstate the case or any fact touching it ; neither de we propose te be trifled with in internrethiff language. If the editors of the Intelligencer object te our inter pretation, will they please state explicitly what was in their mind when they lugged into the indictment the phrase : "As well as the judges themselves, the court," and se en? Our Ice-bound Territory. The steamship California arrived at San Francisce en Saturday from Sitka and WrangcL and she reports the weather in Alaska very severe. There was war between two Indian tribes at AVrangel, and a fight en the 13th ult. resulted in the killing of I several en both sides. The whites formed a company of eighty men, and "enforced a Court of Common Fleas. The second week of common pleas court began this morning with Judge Patterson en the bench. There arc thirty cases down en the list, nineteen of which are ready for trial. In two cases of Jehn M. Amwcg vs. Samuel J. Dcmuth, verdicts were taken in favor of the defendant. The case of Margaretta Griffith vs. II. L. Eckcrt was settled by the parties them selves. On Friday, as noticed before, a writ of estrapement was served en H. S. Shirk and Jacob Peters, lessees of the Beaver street cotton mill, by the owners of said mill, who allege that the machinery, &c, is being injured and wasted by the mill being worked at night. This morning the defendants made answer te the petition of the plaintiff. They admit leasing the mill and that they have been running it night and day, with two sets of hands, but claim that there is no clause in their agreement with the owners te prevent them from doing se and they therefore have a right te de it. They employ between 130 and 140 hands, half of whom would be thrown out of em pleyment if they were obliged te step run ning the mill at night. They further claim that te fill their or ders for manufactured yarn they arc com? polled te run the mill at night. That they use but about one-half of the machinery leased from the plaintiffs, the remainder being unavailable te them. That the running of the mill at night docs net injure the machinery used, it being always kept in lirst-class condition by being repaired, and that it is in better condition te-day than when they took it ; the same being run together with ether machinery put there by themselves. They, therefore, pray the court te dissolve the writ of estrapement or make such order as may seem just and right. The court after hearing the argument, by counsel, representing the parties, took the papers and reserved their decision. I.arge Trees. On the farm of U. Carpenter, in War wick township, there is a chestnut tree measuring as follews: Circumference of trunk en the ground, 27 feet ; 3 feet above ground, 19 feet ; a circle around extremity of limbs, 90 yards. On the same farm there were lately cut two white oaks, aged respectively 251 and 249 years, and a walnut 189 years, count ing the sap rings. While Mr. Carpenter is utilizing trees that have attained full maturity, he is carefully preserving the younger timber en his farm and rc-plauting his weeds. Geed Shows Coining. The "Galley Slave" will be played here by a New Yerk company en February 10th, and the Helman opera troupe will be here in April. Annie Pixley, who has made as much money this season as any star in the country, will appear in "M'liss" shortly. . Fex Chase. A fox chase took place at Landisville en Saturday, and, after a run of about two or three hours, Reynard was captured at the saw mill between Landisville and Catfish (irouiid-lles Saw his Shadow Loek Out l'e'r Celd Weather. Te-day is Candlemas, and is being ob served in the Catholic churches in the orthodox manner. Outside the church the day is regarded by many geed people as ena that surcly forcshadews the condition of the weather for the ensuing six weeks. Their faith is founded en an old prophecy : Yfyc vruddy-chtikke sccz hys shaddeinnyc stinnc, Six wekes of wynterre shell have begunne : Yfye wmlde-ehukke hvs shadde doe nettsee. Six wekes el" spryn-je-hke weather thayr shall be. Let the ice-men take heart ; if there be any truth in the above ancient prophecy and who in the light of experience will doubt it a splendid ice harvest is in pros pect. Last night was as clear as a bell ; the stars shone with unwonted brilliancy ; the mercury fell almost te zero ; at sunrise this morning "ye wudde chukkc" that is the ground hog came out of his hole saw his "shadde" in the sun, and know knew what is in store for him, as well as for less favored mortals, crawled back into his cozy hole, far beneath the line of the most penetrating frost, and wrapping the dra pery of his couch about him, lay down te pleasant dreams. TOHACCO. Thfi New Yerk Seed Leaf Market. The U. S. Tobacco Journal, which has all along been vainly trying te bear the market, new says that it has private re ports that geed '79 crops are selling here at 15, 5 and 3, and in "a few weeks the sell ing prices in Pennsylvania will be 10, e and 3 cents for geed goods a fact that was predicted by us three months age." Of com se the Journal knows this is net true. Last week's sales sum up as fol fel lows : Pennsylvania Crep '78 : 538 cases ; fill ers, 12 cents ; medium running, 14 te 15 cents ; fine, 20 cents. Connecticut Crep '78 : 100 cases ; sec onds, 13 cents. Crep '78 ; 2G0 cases run ning 15 te 17i cents. Ohie Crep '78 : 98 cases ; wrappers, 13 te 14 cents. Havana Market lively. Sales 800 bales. Prices are lower in New Yerk than in Ha vana, where rapid and extensive purchases of the '7S crop are being made. The sales of seed leaf tobacco reported by J.S. Gans's Sen & Ce.,tobacco brokers, Nes. 81 and 80 Wall street, New Yerk, for the week ending Feb. 2d, 1880, arc as follews: 450 cases 1878 Pennsylvania fillers, 9 te lOic, asserted, 11 te 18c; 150 cases 1878 New England, 12 te 2c; 450 cases Wisconsin, 6 te 12c; 50 cases 1878 Ohie, G te 14c ; 50 cases sundries, 9 te 17c. Total, 1,150 cases. Unclaimed Letters. The following is a list of unclaimed let ters remaining in the Lancaster posteffice for the week ending February 2d : Ladies' List. Miss Amelia Busscr, Christiana Brecht, Miss Sarah E. Fisher, Miss Cath. Fisher, Miss Hannah Ferick, Miss Eliza Gcrvin, Miss Mary E. Kecch, Miss Kate M. McLaughlin, Miss Ellen Miller, Miss Ann Pyfer, Miss Alice With ered Mrs. Peter Weaver. Gent's List. Isaac Beck, Rev. J. E. Bewers, P. B. Buchcr, Dr. Cooper, Robt. Celeman. Sam'l Clime (2), Martin Dieafenbauch, Harper Foreman, Charles E. Gilsen, B. Gender, A. L. Harding, Wm. Harrison, II. II. Hcrshey, Seward Hubcr, James II. Kirk, Jacob S. Landis, Benjamin Miller. Geerge Pratt. Mr. Rapp, Gcercc Ress. Pat. Sarvens, Wheel Cem pany, Michael Shriner, ElishaSmarl, Jacob bv Hiram Brackbill. Brisbin Skiles, the famous hunter, wasprcscnt with a pack of ! Seurbccr, A. M. Stephen (for.), W. Brad nineteen dogs. fenl Williams. S. W. hotel. Inspector. Theodere Trout, clerk, 220 West Orange street. Second Ward. Select Council. Abrm. Ilirsh, merchant, 129 North Duke street. Common Council. Charles M. Hewell, marble mason. 133 North Queen street. Willam J. Ferdncv. merchant, 49 East Orange street. David McMullen, alterney-at-law, 222 East Orange street. Assessor. J. 11. Lielity, elerk, 521 East King .street. Constable. Charles'II. Helman, policeman, 19 Plum street. Judge. Harry N. Hewell, marble cutter, 133 North Queen street. Inspector. Jehn B. McGinnes, cigar dealer, 43 Plum street. Third Ward. Select Council. Geerge F. Sprcnger, bottler, 31 Seuth Lime street. Common Council. Peter Landau, grocer, 319 Seuth Lime street. Philip Doersom, carriage maker, 42 Seuth Lime street. Isaac Diller, hardware dealer, 141 Seuth Queen street. Assessor. Franz NcuderH", shoemaker, 310 Seuth Duke street. Constable. Jehn F. Deichler, policeman, 317 Seuth Queen street. Judge. B. F. Davis, attorney-at-law. 5 Seuth Duke street. Inspector. Harry L. Ilartmyer, printer, 320 Seuth Duke street. Fourth Ward. Select Council. Eli Sheitzer, tinsmith, 45 Seuth Prince street. Common Council. Charles G. Rhoads, jeweler, 131 Seuth Prince street. II. E. Bruce, shoemaker, 502 Seuth Queen street. II. W. Harbcrgcr, machinist, 1KJ Seuth Queen street. Alderman. Frank Conrey, law student, 22 Hazel street. Assessor. Jehn Dugan, shoemaker, 314 Beaver street. Constable. James Ceyle, machinist, 33 West Ger man street. Judge. James A. McElhene, hook-keeper, 40 West King street. Inspector. Emanuel Wilhclm, painter, 332 Seuth Prince street. Fifth Ward. Common Council. Abraham Erismau, carpenter, 414 West Orange street. Gee. Hacker, harness-maker, 220 North Mulberry street. Assessor. A. G. Brescy, local delivery, 053 West King street. Constable. James Kautz, policeman, 12 North Mary street. Judge. Wm. Vcis?cr, cigar-maker, 311 .Marietta avenue. Inspector. Harry L. Simons, book-binder, 34 North Mary street. Sixth Ward. Select Council. Geerge W. Zecher, liveryman, 13 East Lemen street. Common Council. Dr. Jehn Lcvcrgoed, physician, 323 North Lime street. Wm. JohnseUjCarpenter, 253 East Chest nut street. II. B. Springer, cigar-dealer, 439 North Queen street. Assessor. Jacob He r.eg, assessor, 523 North Queen street. Constable. Geerge Lentz,constable,539 North Queen street. Judge. Byren Brown, painter,13 East Frederick street. Inspector. Henry Leenard, bricklayer, 233 East Fulton street. Seventh Ward. Common Council. Jehn Yackly, shoemaker, 23 Middle street. Geerge M. Berger, cigar-maker, 222 Lo cust street. Henry Smcych, carpenter, 413 Seuth Queen street. Frederick Hiirh street. Common Council. Geerge Bees, dairyman, Leve Lane near furnace. Jeseph A. Albert, box-maker, 444 High street. J. J. Hartley, brick maker, 044 Maner street. Assessor. C. A. Oblendcr, grocer, 50G High street. Constable. Geerge Shay, policeman, 121 Derwart street. Judge. Jacob Kautz, pump maker. 3-1 West Strawberry street. Inspector. Jehn St. Clair, cigarmakcr. 433 High street. Ninth Ward. Common Council. J. II. Ostermyer, cigar manufacturer. 55G North Queen street. Elam G. Snyder, salesman, 309 West Lemen street. Charles E. Downey, elerk. 343 North Mulberry street. Alderman. II. A. Mi ley, saddler, 072 North Queen street. Assessor. Peter Lutz, assessor, 445 North Prince street. Constable. Adam Ditlow, carpenter. 541 North Prince street. Judge. Jehn N. Nixderf, shoemaker, 450 North Prince street. Inspector. Charles F. Smith, cigarmakcr, 33! West James street. City Kxceutlvu Committee. 1. Jehn A. Schaum, carriage maker. Black Herse hotel. 2. Jehn K. Metzger, solicitor. 29 Shippen street. 3. B. Frank Leaman, tobacco packer. 538 Middle street. 4. Gee. W. Harris, student, 10 Conestoga street. 5. Wm. B. Strine. printer. 315 et King street. G." Charles Green, saddler, 535 Christian street. 7. Win. McLaughlin, carpenter, 39 Mid die street. 8. Peter Rehricb. laborer. 72S High street. 9. Jacob Metzger, oeach trimmer. H Harrisburg pike. - i-.ri--r-,i .:ixti - - - e- scirTi s SirtTQ -iV;-" - ra ci ra'jCic --Ci S3 O -r f- ' z? n cira i .I.ae TisacjtrttSM --:- i- rr r 2-:ii.s-"'2 ", S1' - x !BCl5l-20- """ - -t3e-- - ti . - u - - l5lI-sS?IIll2lig OUK scientists. The Llnna-an Society In Ses-slesi. The Linnasan society held their staiul meeting, Saturday January 31, lSSO. Presi dent J. S. Stahr in the chair. The pre liminary business being attended te, the donations te the museum were examined and found te consist of six bottles of specimens in alcohol. One was a common house mouse, infested with a scurvy dis ease involving the tissues of the head, this being at least one of a-half dozen .similar cases found during the last few ycais past in this city, and had been submitted te Dr. M. L. Davis, of Millcrsville, for ex amination. This mouse was given by E. J. Zahin, of this city. Twe Batrachean specimens of the salamander family the Noteptlialmous Minuatas, per Prof. Stahr. The Nolephthalmus Millepunctatus, per J. Stauffcr ; bottle larvae of the Iometh. Twe geld fish ; a small, rather peculiar sun fish ; a package, Ne.-40, of prepared corundum from Chester county, per Mr Rathven ; a line specimen of brown oxide of iron (Hematite), per Mr. C M. . I less, of Quarryvillc ; a large sized stone Indian implement of the stone age, found in the grounds of the Woodward Hill cemetery, this city, per Mr. Win. Devcrter, a kind of wedge or pick-axe ; a number of-very large chestnuts, grown by Mr. David Hcrr. from specimens received from France. These are en an average three times as large as our native chestnuts. I)DITIONS TO THE LIKRAUZ. Proceedings of the American philosoph ical society of Philadelphia, vel. XVIII., Ne. 104, July and December, 1879. Pam phlets, one en butterflies and moths, icr Mr. II. Strecker, Reading, Pa. Reports upon the condition of crops, December 1st, 1879. U. S. Patent Offue Gazette up te January 27th, 1880. Specimen papers of the Scientific American and contents of supplement, as also a small hand-book. The Lancaster Farmer for January 1880, besides books, catalogues and circulars. Historical section, 4 envelopes containing 02 scraps of historical interest, per S. S. R. PAPERS READ. Dr. M. L. Davis simply read from a slip notes and observations en the diseased mouse. As the matter was of interest the doctor was urged te write them out at full length and deposit the copy among the archives of the society. The disease is known as the Porri'je Fautesa.vtcW known as a species of fungus, analageus te the fungus, called yeast plant. Mice, in snu fl ing around breweries or larders, may come in contact with the sperules and become inoculated, and they may impart it te cats, as cats, dogs and children are occa sionally subject te this fungus growth. Dr. Rathven read a paper entitled, "Zoological Notes, " Ne. 530, descriptive of the salamanders and their relations, and some personal observations of his own at " Hunter's Lake," in Lycoming county. Pa., in 1847. SCIENTIFIC 3HSCELLANY. Hev. J. S. Stahr, Rev. Dr. J. H. Dubbs, M. L. Davis, M. D., Wilmcr Bolten and J. Stauffer discussed fungeids and their prolific growth. Dr. Rathven relcrred te a late author, who proposes te destroy noxious insects by inoculating them with a kind of fungus, such as is known e kill flics, grass-hoppers, &c, inducing fatal cpazetic disease among them. A word of caution might be seasonable en this sub- fl D r f p. f ii 1 Nsa.