Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 30, 1880, Image 3

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ted in -court anil tbc act of 1836 took away
all powers of courts te punish, as con cen
tempts, publications out of courts he
passed te the second subject of consid
eration the rules te disbar. Fer the
same reasons as lcfere given, .it was un
necessary te consider the question as te
whether there was any breach of profes
sional fidelity in what occurred in court.
It seemed te be admitted that there was
none. Hence it was only necessary 10 ex
amine the question as te whether a cjurt
had power te summarily punish a lawyer,
for an alleged libelleus publication, made
as au editor, concerning a case in which
he was net interested in any professional
way, and which was ne:
nor un-
detct mined.
Upen this most vital part of the case he
adopted the line of argument above given
and quoted from a most exhaustive brief,
involving probably a hundred English and
American authoritative judicial opinions.
In the course of his argument he said :
" I claim that when I became a lawyer I
did net lese a single right of citizenship.
I claim it is my right outside of the court
loom te .speak of any judge or court as
any ether citizen. If this were net se
hew pewci less members of the bar would
be in discussing the merits of aspirants te
the judgeship. While ignorant editors or
the meanest laymen could discuss this
matter the lawyers best qualified te speak
concerning and most deeply interested in
it could make no criticism upon a corrupt
or unfit judge, who aspired te re-election,
lest they be arraigned at his bar and sum
marily stricken down in their profession."
Judge Patterson : It cannot be assumed
that any criticism is meant in the authori
ties quoted except such as calls in question
the integrity of the court. Te ordinary
criticism it is of course liable, but when its
integrity is attacked its powers are larger.
Mr. .Shapley : I will try and convince the
court that it has no power even in such
cases, beyond its presence, te punish offi
cers of court, except as it may punish any
ether citizen. Au attorney's office is his
property net te be taken from him upon
a charge made by a court, determined by
a judge as complainant, prosecutor, court
and jury, but only after a constitutional
trial in which the euene shall be legally
In au eloquent and logical conclusion,
Mr. Shapley dwelt upon the relations of
bench and bar, and the importance te the
bench as well as te the bar of maintaining
the independence of the attorney in his
ellice. Te establish the rule that he should
be restricted where all ethers have free
dom would be a stab at Justice, en her
very altar by her own high priest. Te deny
te the great body of educated lawyers,
most competent te judge of the fitness and
integrity of the judiciary, the right te ex
press their opinions of it, at the proper time
and in the proper place, and when and
where all ether people have a right te ex
press such opinion, would be a blew at the
judiciary itself, and at the independence of
the lawyer and the freedom of the press.
Te a remark by Mr. Shapley that nearly
all leading newspapers bad some lawyers
en their stall', whom the doctrine depended
en te make these rules absolute would dis
bar, Judge I'attcrsen answered that news
papers tee often discussed legal questions
in a prejudiced and partisan manner.
Te which Mr. Shapley rejoined that such
reports or comments were generally made
by editors who were net lawyers.
After the argument had been finished
Judge Patterson took the papers in the
case and adjourned court until 2 p. in.
Wilkesbarre I'liieu-LcadiM.
Judge Patterson's law, which holds a
lawyer responsible as a lawyer for what he
says as an editor, is novel law, and bad
law. When a lawyer, Who is also an editor,
shall have been formally convicted of crim
inal libel, then he, perhaps, ought te be
disbarred. Hut a lawyer, who cheeses te
be an editor as well, has rights and re
sponsibilities as a lawyer, and rights and
responsibilities as an editor. What wrong
he does as a lawyer be can be punished for
as a lawyer. What wrong he does as an
editor, he can be punished for as an editor.
IJiit it is in conflict with common sense te
assume that he can be punished as a law
yer for what he docs as an editor, and just
as lidiculeus as te assume that he can be
punished as an editor for such violations of
court ethics as he may be guilty of in bis
capacity as a member of the bar.
Contempt or Court.
Philadelphia Tress.
The case of Messrs. Stcinmau and Hen
sel, editors of tins Lancaster Intklligkn
ckr and members of the Lancaster
county bar, who have been ruled te show
cause why their names should net be
stricken from the list of attorneys, will be
argued at Lancaster te-day. The re
spondents, in their paper, charged that
certain acquittals before Judge Patterson
weie procured by " a prostitution of the
machinery of justice," and intimated that
the judge was a party thereto. This his
honor considers a contempt of court, and
he proposes te disbar the journalistic at
torneys. The common law gave courts
large discretionary powers te punish for
contempt, but in this state their powers in
that respect have been largely curtailed.
It appears te be somewhat an open ques
tion, however, whether these laws are
applicable te attorneys who, as officers of
the court, occupy a relation te it distinct
from ether men, and whether the special
authority of the court ever the as attorneys
will extend te them in their actions in a
different sphere.
The law relative te contempt of court,
and what docs net fall within it, was ex
haustively considered pre and con. in the
impeachment trial of Judge Peck of the
Cnited States district court for the district
of Missouri before the United StatesSenate
in lSul). In this case one Luke E. Law
less, a practicing attorney in Judge Peck's
court, published in a St. Leuis paper a
criticism of one of the judge's opinions, and
enumerated eighteen separate errors in law
or in fact into which he claimed the court
had fallen. Judge Peck immediately cited
the publishers of the paper before him te
auswer for contempt, but it appearing that
Lawless was the author of the offending
article, he was substituted, and subse
quently sentenced te one day's imprison
ment, and was suspended from practice at
that court for eighteen months.
On the plea that he was outraged and
oppressed by this action of the court, Law
less memorialized the Heuse of Represent
atives, but th judiciary committee, Daniel
Webster, chairman, reported adversely en
his petition After Webster's transfer te
the Senate Geerge McDuffic of Seuth Car
olina took up the matter in behalf of Law
less, and finally the Heuse voted te im
peach Judge Peck for a high misdemeanor.
James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania, was
chairman of the managers, and William
Wirt senior counsel for Judge Peck. By a
vote of twenty-one te twenty-two the Sen
ate refused te sustain the impeachment,
.Mr. Webster's name appearing among
these who voted net guilty.
It appears te have been settled in this
case that it is the inherent power of all
courts te vindicate themselves against
insult and contempt. Disbarring attor
neys forpublicatiens tending te bring the
court into discredit has net been of infre
quent occurrence in this country. The
-propriety of such a measure is one in
2;gard te which men reach conclusions
mere through the natural cast and bias
of their minds than through strictly
logical reasoning. These of whom the
liberty of the press seems of such supreme
moment that its occasional license should
be winked at, sooner than its perfect free
dem imperiled, will incline te one view of
the case, while these who sec in the re
spect paid te Law and the authority exer
cised by judicial tribunals the best guar
antees of stability and safety, will
be slew te approve anything
which tends te compromise or
belittle the courts or the judges. If a d
cisien is founded in error it can be re
versed ; if in corruption, the judges can be
removed and punished, but te allege error
and corruption before the public, or ether
wise te denounce the judiciary, is out te
invite a disregard of the law and the man
dates of the court, and prompt men te set
up against them their own untutored judg
mei ts.
IIew It Strike Him.
Venango Spectator.
Judge Patterson of Lancaster county has
arrested the editors of the Lancaster Ix-
tem.igencek, who both happeu te be
members of the bar, for editorial ar
ticles criticising his action as a judge.
Though they published the article as
editors, Judge Patterfen wishes te held
them responsible as lawyers for an infrac
tion of the dignity of the court. It strikes
us mat ins Hener lias done mere te impair
respect for his court by his arbitrary pro
ceedings tl an could be done by all the
newspaper articles that ever were written.
Waked up tl'IVrenc Passenger.
Democratic Sentinei, Kittanning, Pa.
A Judge Patterson, of Lancaster, has
seen lit te take umbrage at the editors of
the Intklligkncer of that city for a
criticism printed in that paper recently, in
reference te the proper administration of
justice in Judge Patterson's quarter ses
sions court. His honor directed an order
te issue te Messrs. Steinman and Hensel,
the editors of the paper, who are also
lawyers, te show cause, why they should
net be stricken from the list of attorneys
for contempt of court ! Contempt of court,
in criticising the acts of a district attorney
and a judge of the court tlneugh a news
paper ! This is an unparalleled procedure
in a court of justice ; ami is net author
ized either by the law or the constitution.
On the contrary this very right
is guaranteed by act of Assembly and the
organic law. Judge Patterson must think
himself the Czar of all the Lancasters and
that attorneys have no rights and editors
no privileges beyond that of vcssals, that
he in his supreme dignity is bound te re
spect. If Judge Patterson has been wrong
ed he lias his remedy like all ether .citi
zens. It lie has been libeled let him pros
ecute for libel. If he has been slandered,
let him sue for slander, just like ether
men, and let a jury of his countrymen de
termine the extent of the injury he has or
may sustain from the publication of the
proceedings in his court and the comments
thereon. If he is simply mad, and wishes
te vent his spleen upon the editors of the
Intklmeiznckk he has "put his feet in
it " most effectually ; and has evidently
"awakened up the wrong passengers."
The Ifrewn-Myers Nuptial.
In yesterday's iNTELLiacscEii were
briefly noticed the nuptials of Mr. Clement
IJ. Brown, of Philadelphia, and Miss Emily
Myers of Norwood, near Columbia. The
ceremony took place in the Presbyterian
church, the pastor, Rev. Jehn McCoy, offi
ciating, assisted by Rev. Dr. Heffman, of
Philadelphia. The party in attendance at
church was very large and brilliant, em
bracing the most select society of Colum
bia and Lancaster, and many friends from
Philadelphia, Washington and ether cities.
The bride was elegantly attired and was
attended by the following named brides
maids : Miss Clara B. Myers (sister of
the bride), Miss Davenport, of Erie,
Pa. ; and Miss Mess, of Washing
ton, Pa., all of whom looked charm
ing. At the conclusion of the wedding
services a reception was given at Norwood,
where a magnificent banquet, arranged by
Augustine, of Philadelphia, was spread.
The presents te the bride were many and
costly, embracing gems, silverware,
bronzes, &c, &c. Among the guests
were Hen. Jehn W. Ferney, editor
of Progress, Alexander Brown, Phil
adelphia, Mrs. Mess and daughter, Wash Wash
ten, D. C, Rev. Dr. Heffman and wife,
Philadelphia, Samuel Schech, Columbia,
and scores of ethers. The reception lasted
from 2:"i0 te e:50 p. m., at which time the
bridal party took a special car for Phila
delphia. Te-day they go te New Yerk,
and their wedding trip will take in Bosten
and ether places of interest.
Democratic Declination, etc.
Jehn M. McCulIcy, nominated for judge
in the Sixth ward, declines.
Philip Zecher declines running for com
mon council in the Ninth ward.
Henry Ransing declines being, a candi
date for common council in the Second
Uriah Bitzcr declines running for coun
cil in the Ninth ward.
Frank Brinkman declines running for
assessor in the Fourth ward.
Jacob Nerbcck declines running for
council in the Fourth ward.
David Zecher declines being a candidate
for alderman in the Ninth ward.
By a misprint the name of Jehn Yackly,
candidate for council in the Seventh ward,
was made te read Henry Yackly
James McKcnna declines being a candi
date for school director.
Henry Wolf declines te be a candidate
for select council in the Third ward.
Frank Conrey'sname is te be added te
the general nominations for alderman in
he 4th ward.
Gcerge Wall withdraws his name as a
candidate for common council in the
Third ward en account of business engage
ments, but announces that he shall use
his best endeavors te promote the success
of the ticket.
By an unintentional oversight the name
of Geerge Bees was emitted from the list
of the Democratic general nominations for
common council in the Eighth ward,
printed last night. Mr. Bees is a candi
date for renominatien.
In Luck.
This morning Mrs. Margaretta Wall,
mother of Geerge and Philip Wall, of this
city, received, an official communication
from the court at Vilbel, Gress Hess
Darmstadt, notifying them te appear be
fore the court and establish their claim te
a valuable property held by said
court in trust for some forty
years past. The property, it appears, be
longed te a brother of Mrs. Wall's father,
and falls te her as next of kin. During
the coining summer Mr. Philir Wall will
visit Germany and take the necessary steps
te secure the property.
Yerk Rolling 31111 Sold.
Yesterday the managers of the Farmers'
fire insurance company disposed of the
Yerk rolling mill property, including ma
chinery and everything en the premises, te
Messrs. Truscott & Ce., of Columbia, for
$15,000. What disposition or use the pur
chasers intend te make of it, is net known.
Corrected List or Candidate.
The following is a corrected list of can
didates for nomination for ward officers
and school directors at the Democratic
primaries, te be held te-morrow. The
polls will be open from 6 te 8 o'clock p. m.
in all the wards except the Eighth, where
they will remain open from 4 te 8,
Jehn T. MacGenigle.
Scheel Directors.
Dr. Jehn Levergood, 6th ward.
Cel. E. McGovern, Gth ward.
Geerge W. Zecher, Gth ward.
A. Z. Ringwalt, 1st ward.
Prof. F. W. Haas, 5th ward.
Henry Z. Rhoads, 8th ward.
Prof. William B. Hall, 4th ward.
I'eter JucConemy, eth ward.
Adam Oblender, 3d ward.
Jehn Ochs, 4th ward.
O. B. Shertzer, 5th ward.
Frederick Hartnryer, 5th ward.
Geerge Yeisley, 4tlr ward.
Dr. S. H. Metzger, 2d ward.
Ames Ringwalt, 2d ward.
First Ward.
Select Council Jacob Reese.
Common Council Samuel K. Lichty,
Jehn F. Reith, Geerge W. Brown.
Assessor Jeseph Pyle.
Constable Gee. Ganse.
Judge J. "W, F. Swift.
Inspector Theodere Trout.
City Executive Committee Jehn A.
Second Ward.
Select Council Simen W. Raub, Abrm.
Common Council David McMulIcn, Dr.
F. G. Albright, Wm. II. Garrecht, Cenrad
Gasser, Jehn A. Snyder, II. E. Slaymaker,
J. M. Westhaeffer, Thee. Wenditz, Chas.
M. Hewell.
Assessor J. B. Lichty.
Judge Harry N. Hewell.
Inspector Jehn B. McGinnis.
City Executive Committee Jehn K.
Third Ward.
Select Council
Common Council Peter Landau, "Jacob
Assessor Franz Neuderff.
Constable Jehn F. Deichler.
Judge B. F. Davis.
Inspector Harry L. Hartmyer.
City Executive Committee B,
Fourth Ward.
Select Council Eli Shertzer.
Common Council Charles G. Rhoads,
R. E. Bruce, Geerge Wolf, William Wisncr,
II. W. Harbenrcr.
Alderman. Frank Conrey.
Constable. James Ceyle.
Judge .lames A. McElliene.
Inspectors Emanuel Wilhelm, Charles
C. Biggs. -
City Executive Committee Geerge W.
FUth Ward.
Common Council Abraham Erisman,
Geerge Hacker.
Assessor A. Brescy.
Constable James Kautz.
Judge William Vcisscr.
Inspector O. B. Shertzer, Harry L.
City Executive Committee William B.
Sixth Ward.
Select Council Geerge W. Zecher.
Common Council Dr. Jehn Levergood,
II. B. Springer, J. Henry Widmyer, Will
iam Jehnsen.
Assessor Jacob Herzeg.
Constable Gee. Lcntz, Martin Daily.
Judge Byren J. Brown.
Inspector Henry Leenard.
City Executive Committee Charles
Seventh Ward.
Common Council Jehn Yackly, Geej
M. Berger, Henry Smeych, Wm. Hubcr.
Assessor Jas. 11. Garvin.
Constable Jehn Mcrringer.
Judge Henry T. Yackly.
Inspector Wm. McLaughlin.
City Executive Committee William Mc
Laughlin. Eighth Ward.
Select Council Fred. Judith, Jacob
Adams, Henry E. Decker.
Common Council Benjamin Philips,
Jeseph A. Albert, J. J. Hartley, A. J. Sny
der, Leuis Dickel, Edward Krcckcl, Benj.
Huber, Geerge Bees.
Assessor C. A. Oblandcr.
Constable Jehn Harman, Gee. Shay.
Judge Peter Dichl, Jacob F. Kautz.
Inspector Jehn St. Clair.
City Executive Committee Peter
Rehrich, Frank Myers.
Ninth Ward.
Common Council J. II. Ostcrmyer,
Elam G. bnyder.
Alderman H. A. Miley, Wm. V.
Assessor Peter Lutz, Frederick
Constable Adam Ditlow.
Judge Jehn N. Nixderf.
Inspector Chas. F. Smith.
City Executive Committee Jacob Metz
ger. Church Finger Heards.
Church registers of unique design and
in handsome frames have been suspended
in prominent positions in five of the prin
cipal hotels of this city. They are chiefly
for the benefit of travelers, giving the lo
cations of churches and hours of service,
and extending te them a kindly invitation
te attend. They are alterable, and changes
arc made as they occur. As a church
guide it meets a want felt by strangers.
The Llnmcan.
A sbitcd meeting of the Linnamn leclety
will be held in the T. M. C. room A., at 2
o'clock p. m., en Saturday, the 31st Inst.
I thankfully acknowledge, that the use of
St. Jacob's Oil has been of great service te
me. I suttercd with Rheumatic Pain in the
Face and Ears; induced te try St. Jacob's Oil,
I found immediate relict, and it effected an
entire cure. Moved by a sense et duty, it there
fore gives me great pleasure te recommend te
suffering mankind tltc St. Jacob's Oil, as a
remedy worthy the highest praise and un
limited patronage.
Wsr. Revscheh, Notary Pnblic.
3 Mercer street, Xew Yerk.
When the lips arc dry or scarrcu.
When the teeth are dark or dull,
When the tongue is het and hard,
And fills the tainted mouth tee full,
The magic SOZODONT supply,
And all these ills before it lly.
New Advertisements.
Situation Wanted. -"""
t"i?Fer further details see advertising
Answer Thin.
Did you ever knew any person te be ill,
without inaction of the Stenjach, Liver or Kid
neys, or did you ever knew nne who was well
when cither was obstructed or inactive ; and
did you ever knew or hear of any case of the
kind that Hep Bitters would net cure. .Ask
your neighbor this same question.
Use Lecher's Herse anil Cattle Powders.
Regulate the Secretion.
In our endeavors te preserve health itiset
the utmost importance that we keep the sec
retory system in perfect condition. The well
known remedy Kidney-Wert, lias specific
action upon the kidneys, liver and bowels.
Use It instead of dosing with vile bitters or
drastic pills. It Is purely vegetable and Is
prompt but mild In action. jaC-lwd&w
And the Best Grades of American Electro-Plata en White Metal.
Complete Mantel Sets of Centre and Side Pieces in Marble or Bronze.
Musical Bexes with Accompaniments and Mounted en Fine Library Writing:
A fine general assortment of Jewelry, comprising all the Newest Designs.
Designs and estimate of cost given for mounting Diamonds and ether
Special care taken in the execution of Fine Monograms and Inscription
Engraving. Alse, in complicated and ordinary watch and jewelry repairing.
H. Z. RHOADS 8c BRO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 West King Street.
Hoarseness All suffering from Irritation of
the Threat and Hoarseness will be agreeably
surprised at the almost immediate relief afford
ed by the use of "Brown's Bronchial Troches."
CTry Lecher's Cough Syrup.
"Sellers' Liver Pills" stand unrivaled in the
United States for curing biliousness, sick head
ache, &c.
l'lles! Tiles! Files!
De you knew what it is te suffer with Piles?
If you de, you knew what is one of the worst
torments of the human frame. It cures con
stipation, and then its tonic action restores
Ileal th te the diseased bowels, and prevents re
currence of the disease. Try it without de
lay. j25-lwd&w
Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!!
Are you disturbed at night and broken el
your rest by a sick child suffering and crying
with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth?
It se, go at once and geta bottle of MHS. WINS
LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the
peer little sufferer immediately depend upon
it ; there is no mistake about it. There is net a
mother en earth who has ever used it, who will
net tell you at once that It will regulate the
bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief
and health te the child, operating like magic.
It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas
ant te the taste, and is the prescription of one
et the eldest and best female physicians and
nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere
25 cents a bottle. jl7-ryd&wM,WAS
Never let a cold run. Take it In time. All
that is necessary is te procure a bottle of
" Sellers' Cough Syrup," and be cured.
Try Lecher's Cough Syrup.
An Important Personal Item.
Charles S. Prentice, of Teledo, Ohie, went te
Paris and thence te England te be treated for
Blight's disease, and ufter the best physicians
of both countries hail done what they could
ferjhiij:; gave up in despair and returned te
"America te die. Here he received further
treatment from ether skillful physicians with
out benefit, and while "listlessly lingering in
pain and anguish," as he says, heard et the
Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, took it, and was
completely cured in a few weeks. He gives
circumstantial details of his painful experi
ence and astonishing cure, in a long letter te
H. H. Warner & Ce., which will be forwarded
en application. jl5-2wd
Puns Spices at, Lecher's Drug Stere.
Statistics prove that twenty-five per cent,
of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by
consumption, and when we reflect that this
terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te
a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup,
shall wc condemn the sufferers ter their neg
ligence, or pity them for their ignorance?
Try Lecher's Cough Syrup.
A Mether's Grlet.
The pride of a mother, the life and joy of a
home, are her children, hence her grief when
sickness enters and takes them away. Take
warning then, that you are running a terrible
risk, if they have a Cough, Croup or Whooping
Cough, which lead te Consumption, if you de
net attend te it at once. Shiloh's Consump
tion Cure is guaranteed te cure them. Price 10
cents, 50 cents and! $1. Fer lame Back, Side,
or Chest, use Shiloh's Pereus Plaster. Price
25 cents. Sold by D. Heitshu, Lancaster, and
M. L. Davis, MiUcrsville.
The Best I Ever Knew OL
J. G. Starkey, a prominent and influential
Citizen of Iowa City, says: "I have had the
Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint for several
years, and have used every Remedy I'ceuld
hear of, without anv relief whatever, until I
saw your Shiloh's Vitalizer advertised in our
paper, and was persuaded te try it lam happy
te .state that it has entirely cured me. It is cer
tainly the best Remedy I ever knew of." Price
7" cents. Sold by I). Heitshu, Lancaster, and
M. L. D.ivis, Millersville.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.
A marvelous Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria
Canker Meuth, and Head Ache. With each
bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector for
the mere successful treatment of tne com
plaint, without extra chargp. Price 50 cents.
Seli! by D. Heitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis,
MiUcrsville. s2S-codD&cewW
Best Kautz. On Thursday, Jan. 2!, 18S0, by
Rev. C. Elvin Houpt. Mr. James B. Rest te
Miss Mary E. Kautz, all of this city. ltd
Mykiis. Iii this city, en the 29th Inst., Ann
Maria Myers, aged 83 years, 5 months and 1 day.
The relatives and Iriends are respectfully in
vited te attend her funeral from the residence
et her son-in-law, Edward SIcGcehan, 414
North Mulberry street, Saturday afternoon, at
2 o'clock. jSVJtd
sons in singing te private pupils or te
classes of four persons. Applv at 30 West
King street, en FRIDAY or SATURDAY.
2!l-tfcedR Office : Ne. 10 West Orange St.
Lascabtke, Dec. 12, 1879.
Office : 103 West King Street.
dtJl2-3iadR -
Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli
able Companies. HERR & STAUFFER,
Reat Estate & Ins. Agts., 3 N. Duke St.
Three-sterv Brick Dwelling, with 10
rooms and 2 Stere rooms, en corner of Lemen
ami aenu ijueen streets, Lancaster, ra.
Ne. 19 East King Street,
j-24-3td-S,MWRl - Second Fleer.
11 Is hereby given that C. K. Mellinger is no
longer authorized te act for me as agent. The
public is hereby notified that I am no longer
responsible for any contracts he may make.
jan23-3td Lancaster, Pa.
the Leepard Hetel, en East King street, will be
sold a geed two-story BRICK DWELLING,
with two-story Brick Back Building, situate
Ne. 357 East Chestnut street. The house con
tains a hall, fllvc rooms,kitchen, garret and ex
cellent cellar, is well built, in geed repair
and conveniently arranged with closets, etc.;
gas through the house, hydrant water in yard
and kitchen ; also, cistern with pump. Let 18
feet and 5 Inches front, and 91J feet deep.
This property being located in a rapidly Im
proving portion of the city. In the immediate
vicinity of a large Cotten Factory, Penn Iren
Ce.'s Vv erks, Rest's Machine Sheps and ether
industrial establishments, and must always
command a geed rent or ready sale. Here Is a
chance te buy a cheap property, as the owner
is determined te sell.
Sale tq commence at 7 o'clock p. m., when at
tendance will be given and terms made known
II. Shubekt, Auct. 3 Nei th Duke Street.
Helders of Woodward Hill Cemetery for
election of Trustees will be held en MONDAY,
FEBRUARY 2, 1860, at 7 o'clock p. m., at office
et Gee. D. Sprecher.
By order of President.
j2(J-ttd J.B MARTIN, Sec'y.
TT Everybody te advertise, free of charge,
in the IsTKLLieK.NCKit, who wants something
te de.
TT A foreman in a Tobacco Warehouse.
.Must be well recommended. Apply at
TT A young colored man
wants te j.ct a
situation te take care of horses or de ge ral
work. J. II. F., lit! Herwart street.
Removed te Ne. 4 West King street, first
fleer, Kheads A Bre.'s new building.
U The qualified electors or the city of Lan
caster are hereby notified that an election will
be held in the several wards at the usual places
of holding state and county elections, en
TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 17, 1880, between the
hours of 6 o'clock in the morning and 7 o'clock
in the evening of said day, for the purpose of
electing twelve Scheel Directors for the term of
three years, from the first Thursday et Novem
ber next. And the election etlicers In the sev
eral wards are hereby requireil te make the
necessary official returns el the election, and
te notify the persons elected within twenty twenty
fenr hours arter such election shall have been
closed ami the number of votes for each candi
date or person voted for ascertained.
J. II. WARFEL, President.
C. F. Ebkrmax, Sec'y. J28-3td
ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred
and Thirty-one Thousand Eight
Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars.
All invested In the best securities. Lesses
promptly paid. Fer policies call en
Ne. 10 East King St.. Lancaster, Pa.
The Democracy et Lancaster city and all
who are willing te co-operate with them In se
curing an economical, honest and progressive
municipal government are invited te meet at
the ward houses in their respective wards
from 0 te 8 o'clock, en
te make general nominations for the offices te
be filled at the approaching municipal elec
tions. One person for Mayer and six persons
for Scheel Directors en a general ticket.
Ward Officers as fellows :
1st Ward, Shober's Hetel. One Select Coun
cilman, four Common Councilmen, Judge, In
spector, Constable and City Cemmitteman.
2d Ward, Union Hetel. One Select Council
man, three Common Councilmen, Judge, In
spector, Assesser, Constable and City Com
mitteeman. 3d Ward, Jacob Effinger's Saleen. One
Select Councilman, three Common Council
men, Judge, Inspector, Assessor, Constable
and City Cemmitteman.
4th Ward, Gee. II. Erisman's Saleen. Alder
man, one Select Councilman, three Common
Councilmen, Judge, Inspector, Assessor, Con Cen Con
stableund City Committeeman.
5th Ward, Philip Wall's Green Tree Hetel.
Twe Common Councilmen, Judge, Inspector,
Assessor, Constable and City Cemmitteman.
(itli Ward, Jes. Kautz's Saleen. One Select
Councilman, three Common Councilmen,
Judge, Inspector, Assessor, Constable and
City Committeeman.
7th Ward, Bernard Kuhlman's Saleen. Three
Common Councilmen, Judge, Inspector, As
sessor, Constable and City Committeeman.
8th Ward, Lucas Fritz's Saleen. One Select
Councilman, three Common Councilmen,
Judge, Inspector, Assessor, Constable and
City Committeeman.
In the Eighth Ward the election will be held
from 4 te 8 p. m.
9th Ward, Arneld Haas's Saleen. Alderman,
three Common Councilmen, Judge, Inspector,
Assesser.C enstable and City Committeeman.
The Judges of the Primary election will
meet in Common Council Chamber at 9 p. m..
te tabulate and announce the result of the vete
en Mayer and Scheel Directors.
Chairman City Committee.
In compliance with the Act of Assembly ap
proved April 20, 1874, wc respcctllly submit the
following statement, showing the financial
condition of the city en the first day of Janu
ary, 1880:
City Water Works, steam
pumps and water pumps,
about 31 miles of 4, 6, 8, 10,
12, 20 and 24 Inch mams, 335
plugs, 171 steps, &c.,Beard-
man's property ami watar
rights $442.500 00
City Hall 25,000 00
Market houses 125,000 00
Station house and let 10,000 00
Let en East Chestnut street. 150 00
477 lamps and pests
Pipes, tools, &c, of Water
Hammers, shovels, &c., ler
street work
Safes, furniture, &c., belong
ing te city
Liens ler taxes, water rents.
6,500 00
200 00
1,000 00
paving, ac., uue city ier
1874. 1875, 187ti, 1877, 1878. .... G,".00 00
j.axes lorieoin censiauies
hands, for collection
Water rents for 1879in Alder
12,973 42
man's hands for collection 234 5C
Lancaster city six per cent,
bends in sinking fund 132,958 03
Cash in treasury, Jan. 1, 18S0 21,003 63
Total assets $786,231 67
Funded debt at six per cent.$6C2,5l2 02
Fundeddcbtatflvepercent. 49 000 CO
Amount of bills presented,
improved and unapproved 17,000 00
Total Indebtedness $729,412 02
Assets ever liabilities 50,809 65
The funded debt above mentioned, part has
matured, the balance .matures in AprU. 1880,
18S5andl890, and intermediate periods at the
option of the city. Wc consider the valuation
placed en the water works and market houses
very reasonable, and te assist the public In
judging their true value, we would report that
independent of the city having the use of 335
plugs, and the use of all water required for fire
department and ether city purposes, the water
rent paid by consumers amounts te $33,400 per
year, and rent received from market property
$8,550 per year. The Finance Committee dur
ing the year put into the sinking fund $17,000,
thus reducing the actual debt that amount In
1879. Taxable property, as per adjusted valua
tion for 1872, $11,400,000.
Finance Committee.
E. Welcuass, Treasurer. ltd
318 Seuth Frent St., TMladelphia,Ta.
Dealers and Farmers having Eggs, Poultry,
Butter pound, print, roll and solid or any
kind of Country. Produce, would de well te
hip te us. as we guarantee full prices and
rempt returns. n25-l3tw
Washington, Jan. 30. Fer New Eng.
land and Middle states, easterly te south
erly winds, falling barometer, slowly ris
ing temperature, cloudy weather, and
snow or rain.
Hew a Catholic Organ View It.
Paris, Jan. 30. The Mende, the organ
of the papal nuncio here, referring te the
mission of Mr. Charles S. Parnell te the
United States, says : " By the mouth of a
Protestant Catholic Ireland calls Protestant
England te account. Whoever outrages
justice paves the way for terrible expia
tion." Montreal Don't Want Him.
Montreal, Jan. 30. It is new stated
that Mr. Parnell will net visit Montreal be
fore March 7. A strong feeling has sprung
up against his visit and some of the presi
dents of national societies have stated that
they will take no part in his reception. The
gentlemen appointed te wait upon mer
chants, bankers and principal citizens en
behalf of the Irish relief fund are meetinjr
with great encouragement.
Death from Starvation.
Londen, Jan. 30. Three deaths from
starvation have eccurcd this week in the
neighborhood of Parsontewn, county of
Seuth Ireland.
The Relief Movement in Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Jan. 30. Anether meet
ing of the Citizens' Irish relief committee
was held this afternoon. Additional sub
scriptions te the amount of 423 were
announced, making the total te date,
$8,e8S). A committee was appointed te
make arrangements for a theatrical enter
tainment. IN UKNKRAL.
Wants a Hearing.
Washington, D. C, Jan. 30. Reports
from the Bosten mercantile associations
regarding a bankrupt law have been
placed in the hands of a sub-committee of
the Heuse judiciary committee.
Greenbackers Out In the Celd.
"Wilmington, Jan. 30. Judge Brad,
ford, of the United States circuit court,
has denied the application of the Green
backers of Sussex county praying that the
supervisors of registration be appointed for
them instead of for the Republicans, the
latter having no ticket in the field last
election. The judge has new confirmed
Democratic and Republican supervisors for
the whele state.
An Engine Cresses an Ice Bridge.
Montreal, Jan. 30. The first engine
crossed ever the ice bridge at neon te-day.
New Orleans, Jan. 30. The Louisiana
floated last evening.
Sherman Before die Financn Committee.
Washington, D. C, Jan. 30. Secretary
Sherman was before the Senate finance
committee en funding question te-day and
argued in favor of four per cent, bends.
The Pepe's 111 Health.
Londen, Jan. 30. A dispatch from
Reme te the Pall JMl Gazette says : "The
condition of the Pepe's health is causing
anxiety. He suffers from fits of shivering
and great prostration, but persists in his
usual occupation."
Soldiers Who Want Their Pay.
Calcutta, Jan. 30. Ayoob Khan's Ca
bulesc troops refuse te accompany him and
threaten te return home unless paid.
The Price for February.
Philadelphia, Jan. 30. The Lehigh
coal exchange met here this afternoon.
There was a large representation of
operators and several members of
the Schuylkill coal exchange pres
ent by invitation. After a lengthy
discussion it was decided te make
no change in liue and city prices for
February, except an advance of 23 cents
per ten in furnace. It was contended that
the iron trade was in the best
condition te bear any increase in
price which the market should
warrant. The question of restrict
ing production during the coining month
was considered, and it was finally agreed
te appoint a committee of three te confer
with the Schuylkill trade upon that sub
Providential Discovery of a tirave
Ottawa, Ont., .Jan. 30. A small-pox
patient had a narrow escape from being
buried alive here en Wednesday. It ap
pears he was coffined and placed in the
grave before it was discovered that he was
net dead. The grave digger had thrown
three or four shovels full of sand
en the coffin, when he fancied he
heard a noise. The coffin was immediately
raised and en being opened it was found
that the patient was still alive. lie was
taken back te the hospital. It was a clear
case of suspended animation.
Ten Men Killed. Nine Injured and Nine
Londen, Jan. 30. By the fire damp ex
plosion in the colliery at Meissen, Saxony,
yesterday ten miners were killed and nine
injured. Nine ethers who were in the pit
at the time arc unaccounted for.
8400,000 SUBSIDY.
The Union Pacific Railroad te Run n Branch
te the Black Hills.
Cheyenne, Wy., Jan
election yesterday for
. 30. A special
issuing $400,000
worth of bends te extend a branch of the
Union Pacific railroad te the Black Hills
resulted almost unanimously in favor of
the preposition.
Destruction of an Oakum Factory.
Baltimore, Jan, 30. The Baltimore
oakum manufacturing company's factory,
two and a-half miles from this city, near
Colegate's creek, was totally destroyed by
fire this morning with stock and machinery.
Less, $16,000.
Belgium's Prize for Intellectual Werk.
By an edict of December 14, 1874, his
majesty the king of Belgium established
an annual prize of 25,000 francs te en
courage intellectual works. The prize,
forming the object of an international
competition, will be given in 1881 te tbc
most successful work en the means of im
proving ports en low and sandy coasts
like these of Belgium.
Strangers wishing te take part in the
competition have te send in their printed
works or manuscripts before January 1,
1881, te the minister of the interior at
Brussels. The work of the successful com
petitor will be published during the year
following that the nrize is nmn. Th-
decision in regard te the competition will
be given into the hands of a jury appoint-,
ed his majesty the king of Belgium. This
jury will consist of seven members, three
of whom are te be Belgians and four
strangers of different nationality.
Philadelphia Market.
Philadklvhia. January 3a Fleur mere
doing' ; superfine $4 5005 oe : extra $3 255 75 ;
Ohie and Indiana family $7 00 7 25; Penn'a
family $6 507 00 : St. Leuis family $7 00750 ;
Minnesota KumlU- KuaTm. !t .mt
high grades $7508850.
Rye flour $4 75.
Cernraenl Brandywine unchanged.
Wheat firmer; Ne. i Western Red $145;
Amber 145 146.
Cern firm ; steamer SCaseMc ; yellow 58c :
mixed 57c.
Oats mere active ; Southern and Penn'a
white 474'Jc : Western white 4649c; West
ern mixed 45'i4(ic.
Jtj e sieauy ; western bshec : Pa. 30c.
Previsions dull ; uiiss perk $13 50 ; beet hams
$1600016 50; India mess beef $21 50; Bacon Bacen
smoked shoulders 5ViKc; salt de 4T5c;
smoked hams I010)c ; pickled hams 8J,
Lard dull ; city kettle 8c ; loose butchers'
TJic ; prime steam TJic.
.vSuttcr moving slowly; creamery extra
J234c; lirattferd county ami N. Y. extra
232bc; Western reserve extra at 23325c;
de geed te choice 17322c : rolls dull Penn'a
m ; de half-skims 13tf 13Kc.
Petroleum dull ; ItetTncu VAc.
Whisky dull at$l 00.
New Yerk Market.
Nkw Yekk, January 30 .Fleur State and
Western dull ami ind buyers' favor;
superfine state $4 505 20; extra de
$."iU5tJ5; choice de $5 700615; fancy de$H2U
725; round hoop Ohie $5 606 00; cheicw
de $6 007 50; superfine western $1 705 20;
common te geed extra de $5 305 75 ; choice
dodo$580800; choice white wheat do$eOOJ$
7 75; Southern steady, quiet ; common te fair
extra$60050; geed te choice de $6 608 00.
Wheat Spring quiet and nominal ; winter
I1.0?.? lllul c lower ; Ne. 1 white Feb.
$1 42 ; March $1 .; Ne. 2 red Feb. $1 45U; de
Marcu $1 481 48C.
Cern in betterandquiet: Mixed Western
spot 5!2J4c ; de future 54ifi62Kc.
Oats steady ; state 47J51c ; Western 47fl.
stock Markets.
PniLADKLl-lltA, Jail. 30.
12S0 P. M.
Stocks dull.
PennaG's (third issue) 106
Philadelphia A Erie IS"'
Lehigh Valley..
. 5,
. 37;.',.
United Ces. of N.J...
Northern Pacific.
" Preferred
Northern Central
Lehigh Navigation...
Central Transportation Ce. 4ih;
Pitts.. Tltusville A Buffalo. 15v'.i
Little Schuylkill 5i"
Nkw leitic.Jaii.
Stocks strong.
N. Y. Central
Adams Express. . .
.. si;
Michigan Central
Michigan Southern.
Illinois Central
Cleveland A Pittsburgh
liiucage it itecKlsmml
141) VC
Pittsburgh A Fert Wayne.. 115J4
ttcsiern union j.ei.l0 Il
Teledo A Wabash 46?,;
New Jersey Central H2
Safest, Easiest and Best,
City Pliarmacy, Southeast Cor. North Queen A
Orange Sts., Lancaster. nplO-lyw
The qnalitied voters of the City of Lnncaater
are hereby notified that an election will be
held in the several wards, at the usual places
of holding elections, en TUESDAY, the 17th
day of FEBRUARY, 1SS0, between the hours or
6 a. m. and 7 p. m., of said day, for the purpose
of electing en a general tieket one Maver
and twelve Scheel Directors, anil the qualified
voters of the several wards shall at the same
time and place elect additional officers as fol fel fol
eows: FIRST WARD. One member of Select
Council, four members of Common Cnuncil.ene
Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable ami one
Asscsse i
SECOND WARD. One member of Select
Council, three members et Common Council,
one Judge, two Inspectors, enc Constable and
one Assessor.
THIRD WARD. OnomemberefScIcct Coun
cil, three members of Common Council, one
Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable and one
FOURTH WARD. One member of Select
Council, three members of Common Council,
ene Alderman, one Judge, two Inspectors, ne
Constable and one Assessor.
FIFTH WARD. Twe members et Common
Council, one Judge, two Inspectors, ene Con
stable and one Assessor.
SIXTH WARD. On member of Select
Council, three members of Common Council,
one Judge, two Inspectors, eue Constable and
one Assessor.
SEVENTH WARD. Three members of Com
mon Council, one Judge, two Inspectors, one
Constable ami one Assessor.
EIGHTH WARD. One member of Select
Council, three members of Common Council,
one Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable and
ene Assessor.
NINTH WARD. Three members et Com
mon Council, one Alderman, one Judge, two
Inspectors, one Constable and one Assessor.
J24-3tdS Mayer.
e e
e e
e e
e e
e e
e e
e e
e e
e e
The untold miseries that re re
sultfrem indiscretion inearly
life may be alleviated and
cured. These who doubt th:s
assertion should purchase tlu
new medical work published
INSTITUTE, Bosten, enti
Exhausted vital
ity, nervous and physical debility, or vital
ity impaired by the errors of youth, orteo close
application te business, may be restered and
manhood regained.
Twe hundredth edition, revised and enlarg
ed, just published. It is a standard medical
work, the best in the English language, writ
ten by a physician of great experience, te
whom was awarded a geld and jeweled medal
by the Londen Medical Association. It con cen
tains beautiful and very expensive engravings.
Three hundred pages ; mere than 50 valuable
prescriptions ierall formsef pre vailing disease,
the result of many years of extensive and suc
cessful practice, either one et Which Is worth
ten times the price of the book. Bound in
French cloth ; price euly $1, sent by mall, pest
The Londen Lancet says. "Ne person should
be without this valuable book. The author Is
a noble benefactor."
An illustrated sample sent te all en receipt
of 6 cents for postage.
The author refers, by permission, te Jes. 8.
Fisher, president ; W. I. P. Ingrahm, vice pres
ident; W. Paine, M. I).; C. S. Uauntt, M. D.; II.
J. Doucet, M. I).; R. II. Kline, M. I).; J. R. Hol Hel
comb, M. .; N. R. Lynch, M. I)., and M. U.
O'Connell, M. I)., faculty of the Philadelphia
University of Medicine and Surgery ; also the
faculty of the American University of Philadel
phia; also Hen. P. A. Bissell, M. !., president
ei me national Jleilieai Association.
Address Dr. W. II. PARKER. Ne
4 Bullfinch street. Bosten. Mass.
The author may be consulted en all
diseases requiringskitlandexpcri- TfTYSFT F
Tobacco Cultivators.
Alse, a Large Let of
17-ltdAttwl LANCASTER, PAz'
ci myic; western reservn extra 17SI9C.
ggffsuull; Choice Penn'a 1617c; Western
Cheese strong; N. Y. factory 14M15c;
WCStern full nn-lim mUS'e. .lr fni rn.l.T l.-tl.