V ,A LANCASTER MlLY 13STJaLl(3EK(;Et, TflURSBA Y, JANUARY 29, 1880. I '! Uancastct fntrlligencet. THUBSDAY EVENING,' JAN, 29, 1880. The Judiciary's Lew Estate. It was a bold declaration and a dam aging charge that Mr. Gewen made in "Washington yesterday concerning the supreme court of Pennsylvania, of which i.n ic n nrafisinir attorney, hut Mr. Gewen is known te be a lwld man who is net afraid te meet the responsibility of -what he says, and withal a prudent man, who generally weighs and counts the cost of his utterances. He intimated pretty strongly that some of the supreme judges of this state are under the undue influence of the Pennsylvania railroad company and, if he is reported correctly, he said in se many words that that court bad tamely submitted te a threat made te the court that its adverse decision would be visited by the opposition of the railroad company. Mr. Gewen is doubt less willing te meet the responsibility of his declaration. Tlim-fiisenfc circumstance that gives color te this charge. The Pennsylvania railroad company is known te be a fre quent suitor in the courts of the common wealth, a constant litigant in the su preme court in some shape or another. And yet we knew that some of the mem bers of that court receive and use from this company a free pass for themselves and their families, against the previsions of the constitution which they have sworn te support, and in derogation of the dig nity of a high eilice whose incumbent should net take a favor of money value from one of the parties' te a su it that must be submitted te its adjudication. A Stubborn Man. The Erie and Rucks county Republi cans fellow these of Chester and ether counties of the slate in declaring with great unanimity for Rlaine and against Grant, and every day ap parently adds strength te the opposition te the third term movement and ether Cameren plans in Pennsylvania. The anti-Cameren people are much encour aged at the prospect of smashing the ma chine. The Xcm Era here is waxing het and the Philadelphia Press has found a vi,ir.e in ilnclare that "desperate means are necessary te stille the popular voice, and indecent leadership defiantly rises te the height of the occasion." A delega tion of Philadelphia politicians has been ever te "Washington te persuade Senater Cameren that it will net de and altogeth er his little boom seems te be damaged. Rut we bid our Republican friends net te be tee sanguine. All told, the dele gates elected te the state convention in favor of Rlaine de net yet number one fifth of the whole body, and all in all scarcely equal the Philadel phia delegation alone, which may be. relied en te de the Cameren bidding at the right time. In Lancaster and Allegheny, the ether leading Repub lican districts, the machine has been run and the masses ignored. These three delegations will outweigh very many from the smaller districts in numbers and influence, and moving as a solid pha lanx can hardly be withstood. Den Cam Cam eeon is net the man te weakly yield nor te abandon his fixed purpose unless it ap pear utterly hopeless. The storm new raised around his head is net half as vio lent as that which was created by Hart ranft's candidacy. He nominated him, nevertheless, and told the national com mittee te go teh lif they did net like it. If it is his humor he may de se again : especially if he is assured the co operation of Mr New Yerk. Conkling's influence in The unchallenged and undisputed nomination of Mr. MacGenigle for may or in all the wards last evening means mere than that the Democrats of the city consider him their most available candi date for the chief executive office of the city government. It is an appeal te these of all parties who have in view the pro motion of the best municipal interests te approve an administration that has kept these interests steadily in view. Mayer MacGenigle has attended te the business of his office. He has given it his time and attention ; he has run it en business principles,and he has run it him self. He has been an honest, impartial, intelligent and dignified official, whose personal character, as well as his execu tive discharge of duty, has been a credit te the city. Whoever disputed his re election the people would consider a long time before they would reject him, but when his opponent has none of the quali fications for the place and nearly all the characteristics that unfit him for it, there should be but one possible issue out of a contest which rises far above a partisan struggle. It is a startling fact that notwith standing the vast improvements of large value made in Lancaster during the last year in the way of numerous buildings erected and property otherwise improved the total assessed valuation of the city has fallen off about $700,000. Taxpayers should remember that this is a decrease of about 6 per cent., and that te raise the same amount of current revenue as heretofore, an increase of the tax rate by at least half a mill will be required. Care should therefore betaken in the selection of candidates for council te secure men who will support the policy of Mayer MacGenigle te limit the municipal ex penditures te the appropriations, te cre ate no permanent debts for temporary purposes, and te keep sacred the sinking fund te the uses for which it was estab lished. The annual statement of the assets and liabilities of the city, published to day, is worth studying. Frem this it ap pears that the the total city debt is new $729,412.02 last year at the same time it was $717,089.24, showing an increase dur ing the past year of $12,322.78. The net amount of assets ever the liabilities has been, however, figured up larger in this statement than last year by leaving the assessment of city property at the same valuation as last year and by the increase of the sinking fund. It is only by con sidering the sinking fund as no part of the city debt that the liabilities of the municipality can be reduced bele,w its assets. Were the sinking fund excluded the assets would fall below the liabilities $76,148.41, even putting a valuation, of $442,500 en the water works and $123,000 en the market houses. The Seventh ward election case comes out just as we expected it would. After their year's work, and the involving of the county in thousands of dollars costs, J. W Jehnsen, esq., and his client, II. M. Erisman,andthat fdus Achaitcs, "Win. M. Dean, find that they have increased Mcrringers majority from one te twenty and that out of thirty illegal votes dis covered in the Seventh ward, twenty four were cast by Republicans and six by Democrats. Somehow or ether election contests here de net contest very serious ly, and the only pur-iese they have ever served lias been te show that of frauds or irregularities the Republicans gener ally have the advantage of about four te one. PERSONAL. Jehn Geekgk Bkakazen Ponsenijy, Earl of Rcssboreugh, is dead. Gov. Davis and Gov. Smith, of Maine, arc said te entertain a high opinion of each ether, personally. The civil marriage ceremony between General Gaiiwaldi and Dewner Frances co has been performed. A bill has been introduced in the Heuse for the erection of a monument te Fuancis S. Key, the author of the "Star Spangled PRanncr. " Professer James DkMill, of Dacheusie college, author of the "Dedge Club" and ether works, died at Halifax, X. S., yesterday. T'ic fund raised for Keats's sole survi ving sister, Mmc. II. Llanes, new amounts te mere than $2,250, Tennyson, Browning and Swinburne arc among the subscribers. Miss IIaiiriet Hesmkr is said te be still resolved te discover perpetual motion, and has taken workshops near Westmin ster te pursue her efforts. She expects te be successful by midsummer. A New Yerk politician who has the con fidence of Senater Conkling is authority for the statement that the New Yerk Re publican convention will net be called until April, and that the probability is that the New Yerk delegation te the Chicago con vention will be instructed te vote for Sen Sen aeor Conkling. St. Stephen's Protestant Episcopal church, Philadelphia, was crowded yester day afternoon by an eager throng, drawn together te witness the marriage of How Hew ard Mcnnikhuyskx, of Baltimore, and Miss Bessie J. Pancoast. The geem is a wealthy member of the Baltimore bar and Miss Pancoast is a daughter of Dr. Jeseph Pancoast, the celebrated surgeon. Conkling has never spoken te Blaine since the latter gave him that celebrated scathing in the Heuse years age, and cherishes the bitterest personal hostility te the man from Maine. The war of this administration upon Conkling's friends in the New Yerk custom house has engen dered in the breast of the great Rescoe a feeling of the intensest hatred te Jehn Sherman. Lord Leme and suite have left for Hali fax te meet her royal highness, Princess Louise. The SarHatian will be met by the Bcllcropheu, Northampton and Bacchante, under command of Sir Edward Inglefield. Princes Albert Victer and Geerge Fred erick, sons of the Prince of Wales, are en beard. There will be a number of vessels of the West India licet present te take part in the reception which is expected te be grainier than en the first arrival of the princess. Herace Thompson, of St. Paul, Minne sota, one of the most prominent capitalists of the Northwest, died suddenly of pleuro pleure pleuro pneueonia yesterday neon at the Fifth Avenue hotel, New Yerk. He came East about two weeks age, intending te enjoy a few months' respite from the cares of business life. When he left St. Paul he was apparently in the best of health, but en Saturday last he was suddenly taken sick, and though his illness was net con sidered dangerous at first, he grew worse rapidly until yesterday, when he died. Nearly three hundred ladies and gentle men gathered in Dclmonice's large dining room last evening te celebrate, at a dinner given by a number of prominent citizens, the birthday of Rebert Burns. Mr. David Dudley Field sat at the head of the table, General Hancock sitting at his right and Henry Ward Bccchcr at his left. Near by sat the venerable Peter Cooper, ex-Judge Fancher, Wilsen G. Hunt, Parke Gedwin, Luther R. Marsh, Surrogate Calvin, Gen eral Crittenden, Lieutenant Governer Woodferd, Postmaster James, "William Walter Phelps, Jehn Weed, Patrick S. Gilmerc and many ether well-known men. Mayer Cooper came late, and was sealed at Mr. Field's left. STAT13 ITEMS. Mrs. C. II. Greene, a married woman aged 43 years, committed suicide with laudanum at Rcxferd, twelve miles from Bradford. The cause was her inability te support an invalid husband and four small children. In the matter of the seizure of property of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad for taxes en scrip issued, a preliminary in junction has been granted against the col lector, restraining him from further pro ceedings. At a meeting of the trustees of Lafayette college, yesterday, the degree of LL. D. was conferred upon the Hen. Henry Green of the supreme court of Pennsylvania, and ea the Rev. Alenzo Linn, vice-president of Washington college, Pennsylvania. Themas Wagner, a boy of fourteen while attempting te beard a freight train en' the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie railroad, near the Point bridge, was thrown under the cars, and falling across the track in a peculiar position, had both legs cut efl" at the knees, and both hands severed from his arms at the wrist. The lad lived but two hours after the accident occurred. The Grant men are very sure that they can carry the Pennsylvania delegation when they want it. One of them said that it made no difference what instructions the county committees might give the dele gates te the state convention. When Cam Cam eeon get te Harrisburg that .would all be settled. Instructions would be given there and no ether instructions weu'd be bind ing. The sub-committee te whom was referred the case of Cnrtin vs. Yocum, Twentietli Pennsylvania district, submitted two re ports te the full committee the majority report in favor of declaring the election void and sending the matter back te the people of that district for a new election, and the minority report in favor of Yocum, flia Giffinrr matnHnt fliA si-immiiA n!11 1 raeet again te decide which report shall be submitted te the Heuse. MINOE TOPICS. . Seyenty-fote streets were Len Ien last year. added te " Sentimental slush" is Professer Swing's description of the Moedyand San key songs. One only needs te sheet at the the king of Spain ill order te establish a reputation for insanity or feebleness of intellect. A feel ceases te be a feel the moment that he knows he is a feel. Se that te knew one is a feel it is necessary te cease being a feel. It is evident that a feel can not cease being a feel. The governor of Rhede Island, iu his annual message, recommends that women be given the right te vote en school ques tions, and that prohibition take the place of the present liquor law. Duulin has done well te abandon her banquet, and give the money it would have cost te the peer of Ireland. It would be unseemly te have a feast in a land call ing for aid for a famine-stricken multi tude. The Interior and New Yerk Ecangelist are exchanging courtesies in a very enter taining and highly edifying manner for religious journals. The Interior calls the Evangelist a coward ; the Ecangelist calls for a bill of particulars, with sonic little remarks about the slang-whanging kind of journalism. The Interior replies in a paragraph as "keen as it is mean," ending with the highly remarkable prope sitien te wipe the Interior nose upon the Ecangelist coat cellar. "The nature of man is se frail that whereseever the word of a single person has had the force of a law, the innumer able extravagances and mischiefs it has produced have been se notorious that all nations who arc net stupid, slavish and brutish have alwavs abominated it and made it their principal care te find out remedies against it by se dividing and '".Juicing the powers of their government that one or a few men might net be able te oppress and destroy these they ought te preserve and protect. This has always been as grateful te the best and wisest of princes as necessary te the weakest and worst." Algernon Sidneg. Recent preparations for the increase in the German army have caused commotion in all German capitals, and there is a general feeling of uneasiness in all diplo matic circles. Rumors of a probable col lision between Russia and Germany are seriously discussed, and the relations be tween the two powers arc considered quite precarious. The Czar receives daily re ports from the commanders of armies con ccrning the condition and state of the na tional defenses, and there is a marked activity in military circles. There arc also reports that Russia is endeavoring te negotiate an alliance with France. On the ether baud it is asserted that Bismarck is te secure the co-operation of Austria and Italy in his designs, whatever they maybe. The new United States senator from Mississippi, Hen. J. Z. Geerge, is at pres ent the chief justice of the supreme court of that state. He was a formidable compet itor of Mr. Lamar en the occasion of the lattcr's election te the Senate in 1877, in whose favor, however, he then withdrew from the contest. Of Judge Geerge's fitness for the place, a local newspaper says : " We doubt, indeed, if a wiser selection could possibly have been made. He is recognized throughout the state as a citizen of irre proachable character, as a first-class law yer, and as a gentleman of great ability. He was never prominent in politics until 1874. Then it was as chairman of the Democratic state executive committee he exhibited his great executive ability and did se much te redeem the state from the disgrace and death of Radicalism." The evidence that the senatorial com mittec that is investigating the subject of the negre exodus from North Carolina has thus far secured indicates that the move ment is neither philanthropic nor political in its bearings, but is the result of work done by the immigrant agents of the rail roads ever which the negre families would have te travel en their way te the North west. These men have flooded the state with circulars descriptive of the demand for negre labor that exists in the north western states, te which arc attached copies of letters purporting te be written by negrees who have emigrated thither. They have also-organized secret clubs, for, by giving an air of secrecy te the move ment, they have been able te de mere with the credulous people upon whom they have been working than they could if their canvassing was done in an open manner. Mrs. General Sherman, in a private letter te the editor of the Christian Union. encloses a "cry for help for Ireland," ad dressed te her, from Sister M. F. Clare, of the Convent of Peer Clares, Kenmare, Ireland, which gives very tersely a picture of the distress in the Southwest : "I appeal te all Christian men and women for help for this district, where we have had most maligant fever all the spring and summer of last Jyear ; where at present we have actual starvation ; where many of your fcllow fcllew fcllow crcature are obliged te lie all day en their straw beds te try and keep down the pangs of hunger ; where there are hundreds of men, women and children who have net one sufficient meal a day, even of Indian meal ; there are no potatoes they arc rotten in the ground ; there is no turf it is rotten in the ground ; there is no credit te get the coarsest kind of feed. In the name of the geed Ged make haste and send help; every little helps ; send your little se that you may share in the great work of saving the lives of your fellow-men and women." JelinK. Findlay. Ferney's Progress. Among the Democratic candidates for aldermen in the city of Philadelphia, at the February election, is Hen. Jehn King Findlay, son of William Findlay, governor of Pennsylvania, from 1817 te 1820, and in 1821 senator in Congress from Pennsylvania for six years, and after that treasurer of the United States mint at Philadelphia, by the appointment of President Jacksen. He died at Harrisburg in the seventy-ninth year of his age at the residence of his great son-in-law, Governer Francis R.Shunk, en the 12th of November, 1846. The son of Governer Findlay, new en the Democratic ticket for alderman, has filled many high positions, and is te-day one of our most honored citizens. The office for which he has been nemed is far below his deserving, but his willingness te accept it will make it mero honorable in the eyes of ether men and will be crowned by unanimous election. Machine Usurpation. Philadelphia Times. In the confusion that prevailed at the meeting of the Republican committee of Lancaster county en Tuesday, some things were left in such a cloudy attmespbere that many will be bothered te get at the exact result ; but the marrow of the lessen taught by the committee is net difficult te reach. Under the Republican rules of Lancaster, it is the imperative duty of the cemmitec te submit te the people the election of delegates te state conventions. The call for the state convention was made mere than a month age, giving ample time for the committee te have obeyed its own law ; but Chairman Eshleman decided te be a law unto himself, and postponed the call of the committee until it was tee late te give notice and held primary elections. The primaries of Lancaster are regulated by law, with sworn officers who are amenable for perjury for making false returns as arc regular election officers, and it is fair te presume that political mana gers who fear the people prefer net te run the gauntlet of such primaries. The committee met en Tuesday and usurped the power that the Republican people of Lancaster specifically reserved te themselves, by electing delegates te the state convention. That the delegates were se chosen because it was feared that the primaries would elect a different type of men. must be clear te the most innocent observer ; and the violent suppression of all attempts te eive voice te the known sentiments of the Republicans of the coun ty positively confirms the deliberate pur pose te usurp authority because it was ne cessary te resort te usurpation te secure a machine delegation from Lancaster. And that it is the deliberate purpose of these who usurped the power of the peo ple te elect state dclcgatrs, te pursue their palpable usurpation te the selection of del egates te the national convention, is plain as noonday from the bungling record which the committee made for itself. Mr. McMcllen offered a resolution distinctly re serving te the Republicans of the county the right te elect their delegates te the na tional convention at their regular primary elections in May ; but it was tabled, en motion of Mr. J. Hay Brown, by the deci sive vote of 41 te 29. This was a clear ex pression of the purpose of the committee te have the machine delegates te the state convention select the delegates the na tional convention. Mr. J. W. Jehnsen next made an effort te step the usurping action of the commit tee with the election of delegates te Har risburg. He offered two resolutions; the first directing the chairman of the com mittee te let the Republicans vote directly for their choice for president at the May primaries, and their majority should be regarded as instructions the national dele gates ; and the second directing that the delegates te the state convention " are hereby requested te notify such convention that the Republicans of Lancaster county claim the right te and will elect their own delegates, under the rules of the party, te represent them in the approaching national convention." Mr. Brown was ready with his motion te table the resolution, but lie withdrew it, and the first resolution was adopted by 30 te 32. This vote se alarmed the machine usurpers that that Mr. Brown precipitated a motion te ad journ te meet at the call of the chairman, and it prevailed by 41 te 25. The only apparent point gained ever the machine, was in the adoption of Mr. John John Jehn eon's resolution authorizing a direct vete for president in May ; but it is a Cameren victory. It is manifestly the purpose of the managers that the delegates te Har risburg shall select the delegates te Chic ago, and as Cameren owns the mill, he will be certain te grind out his Chicago grist te suit himself. It is worthy of note that the committee first tabled Mr. Mc Mcllen's resolution declaring that the people should elect their national dele gates at the regular primaries iu May, and that te avoid a vote en a like resolu tion offered by Mr. Jehnsen, the com mittee was hurriedly adjourned, and both times in obedience te motions made by Mr. J. Hay Brown. Whatever else may be in doubt about Lancaster politics, it is new settled that the Republican people of the county are net te have any voice in saying who their delegates te Chicago shall be, or for whom they shall vote for president. But won't the primaries thun der for Blaine in May next ? LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. A number of slight shocks of carthquake were felt in the Vuclta Abajo district of Cuba en Tuesday. Henry Hays, a coal digger, shot and killed Wm. MeDaniel, yesterday, at Car Car Car rolten, O., in a row about a woman. Hays was arrested. Jacob Mills, colored, yesterday, at Wil mington, Del., fell from his cart, laden with bricks, and the wheels passed ever him. causing his death in an hour after ward. Five new lamps have been erected en the way from Mr. Edisen's laboratory te the depot at Mcnle Park, the wires connecting with which arc laid in the ground, incased in boxes. William Crum, aged 21. was hauling a mining pump te the Fester coal bank, near Youngstown, Ohie, when it was jolted from its feet by the rough reads,and it fell, striking him and killing him. Foreign budget : In Berlin, a leading journal admits that the proposed increase in the army results from distrust of Rus sia. The weights which Mr. Lorillard's horses will have te carry at the Epsom spring meetings is announced. A French steamer has arrived at Havre with the car casses of 10,000 sheep preserved by a new process. William Harris, colored, living near Mitchell, Ind., killed his wife with an axe. She gave birth te a child about a week age which was followed by puerperal fever and she became delirious and attempted te get out of bed, te which Harris remon strated under threats, and in the next at tempt he get an axe and plunged it into her head and body three times, causing death almost instantly. On the leth inst., five persons, convicted by court martial of incendiarism and rob bery, were shot at Santiage de Cuba, in accordance with the decree of Dec. 21, condemning persons convicted of these crimes te deatii. Efferts were made te ob tain a pardon for the culprits, but it was censided necessary te fulfil the sentence, as tee many had already been pardoned for similar crimes, without any impression having been made upon the offenders. A Lucky Let. Philadelphia Times. The Republicans of Lancaster county are a lucky let. If the rules of the party had been carried out they would have been put te the trouble of voting en the election of delegates te the state convention, but the county committee, knowing hew much trouble that actually is, did away with all of it and named the delegates itself. Of course no member of the party will be cu rious enough te ask why the rules were net carried out. An Ungallant Act. Philadelphia Recerd. The Lancaster Examiner has been guilty of an ungallant act, In its Sunday edition the names of forty-eight ladies of that city, whose agcs rage from 80 te 98 years, are published, and among these arc six whose names begin with "Miss." THE JUDICIARY, POLITICS AND COB-FORATIONS. What Frnldent Gewen Boldly Charges. Philadelphia llecerd's Washington Despatch. In the course of the hearing regarding inter state commerce before the Heuse cemmittc en commerce yesterday, Mr. F. B. Gewen, president of the Reading railroad com pany, suggested that there would be diffi culty in enforcing in Pennsylvania any law against discriminating corporations, and said : " There is te-day no remedy certain and effective enough for the removal of the evil." Mr. McLaue Under the statutes of Pennsylvania? Mr. Gewen Yes, sir. Anetherdifficulty one of which we should speak with great hesitancy, for I de net care about washing the dirty linen of Pennsylvania in public at all is that the parties interested in this monopoly have such a control ever the politics of Pennsylvania that you must change the heart of the people ; you must send some missionaries among them and endeavor te extirpate the evil at its root. Mr O'Neill Yeu de net mean te say that there arc certain parties in Pennsyl vania who are controlling the judges of the supreme court of Pennsylvania judges se lected and elected by the people a su su prcmeceurt composed of sterling men ? That men such as these can be controlled improperly or induced te prejudice any proceedings before them by delay or ether means'' Mr. Gewen De you knew, Mr. O'Neill, what the fox told the lien when he asked him if his breath smelled badly '.' Mr. O'Neill Ne. sir. Mr. Gewen He said he had a bad cold and could net smell. Mr. O'Neill Very well. All that I want te say is, that I repel any imputation upon the character of the state of Pennsylvania or of its judicial officers. Mr. Gewen The imputation conies from my friends, net for me. Mr. O'Neill Ne, sir. My dear sir, you are insinuating improper .things iu regard te the judiciary in connection with the proceedings of which you have spoken and you have been speaking slightingly of them in intimating that these proceed ings cannot be canned into operation. Mr. Gewen I am asserting facts. I have heard the counsel of the Pennsylva nia railroad stand iu the supreme court and threaten that court with the displeasure et the Pennsylvania railroad company it it decided against it ; and I can tell you all the bleed in my body tingled with shame. And I can tell you for I was a member of the constitutional convention of Pennsyl vaniathat if that convention did any thing effective, it was when it declared that the supreme court should net have juris diction in a criminal case ; and, notwith standing that the constitution of the state contains that declaration, I have seen the judges of -the supreme court lay then hands upon an indictment in a county court and hang it up for what ? That is all I knew of the case. Threatening Kouellien. Xeu- Era. It is new in order for the Republicans of Lancaster county te de what this journal urged from the beginning of this contro versy should be done elect their delegates te the national convention under the rules of the party and in accordance with the settled principle of that convention, which recognizes district representation, at the same time voting instructions te the dele gates then elected. If the chairman per sists in refusing te call the committee to gether in time te de this, which is evident ly the pregramme, ether legitimate means can be found te order an election. With both local law and national usage, as well as precedent, en their side, the Republicans el this county will deserve te wear tnc cellar, new attempted te be forced upon their necks, for the rest of the lives, if they tamely submit. It is for them te say whether "things at the worst" shall new cease. Why They 1. .augli. Harrisburg Patriot. A resolution slipped through the Lancas ter county Republican convention te in struct the delegates te the national conven tion at Chicago at the primary election in May, the voters te indicate their choice for the presidency for the guidance of the del egates. This was a Blaine move, but it will prove unavailing, as it is in the power of the chairman of the county committee te postpone the primary election until tee late te have any influence at Chicago. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. " ENCHANTMKNT." A Packed Heuse and a Geed Play. Last evening the great spectacular play entitled " A Talc of Enchantment" was produced in the opera house by a troupe under the management of the Kiralfys. The play was first produced at Nible's Garden, in New Yerk, where it ran for several months te the largest business ever known there. It was then taken te Bos Bes Bos eon and Philadelphia, and it is new in its third week at the Walnut street theatre, Philadelphia. The company which was here last night has been made up for the smaller towns and it includes nearly all of the members of Jehn T. Ferd's opera troupe. It is managed by one of Kiralfy Brethers, and for the last two weeks has been in Washington and Baltimore. The play is similar te "Black Creek" and ethers of the kind, and depends for its popularity upon its dazzling effects, &c. It is a piece te amuse as well as excite the interest of an audience. The leading characters, with the exception of one, were taken by Mr. Ferd's company. Rebert L. Downing personated Paul La vinge, the here of the piece, in a highly artistic manner, being a pleasing actor. J. F. Peters played Dr. Tertanius, the al chemist, te perfection, and in the first act he signs an agreement en the top of the mountain with Plute, using te de se a pen of fire. Gee. Denham, who is a capital come dian, was admirably suited te the charac ter of Gaspard, the servant of the alchem ist. Miss Belle Mackenzie looked charm ing, and acted well the character of Mar garite. The remaining members of the company were first-class. Leng before 7 o'clock last evening a crowd of men and boys gathered in front of the opera house and when the doers were opened they poured in and filled up the gallery in a short time. Nearly all of the scats down stairs had been sold, and these that were net were occupied by the crowd in an incredibly short time. Before the performance began the heuse was packed from the footlights te the top of the gallery, and standing room could scarcely be obtained. The ballet was led by M'lle De Resa, who is acknowledged te be one of the best dancers in the world, and her graceful step ping was one of the features of the evening. The ballet troupe was composed of about twenty graceful girls and their drilling, marching and dancing were remarkably fine. There was dancing of all kinds and it closed with a grand Amazonian march, in which the ladies appeared in glittering armor. Miss Marie Beckcl looked beauti ful as Azurinc, the queen of the fairies. In the third act the specialties of the variety people were introduced, the three Ulm sisters appearing first and singing a number of German songs in fine style. They were, followed by the three Ronaldes, who perform acts similar te the Majiltens. They are wonderful men, and are capable of twisting their bodies into almost every conceivable shape. Their high kicking was surprising, as indeed, was their whole act. Following these came Master Cart ing, wJie drew with remarkable rapidity several pictures, ending with a very correct likeness of Grant. A puppet introduced was very life-like, the deception of the living head being perfect. The fourth and last act, representing the " Enchanted Heme et the raincs,77 was beautiful, as was all the scenery. The play was well put upon the stage, and every thing worked well. The large audience was delighted and surprised and they unanimously voted it an excellent show. THE CITY DEMOCRACY. General Municipal Nominations Last Night. The Democratic general nominating meetings were held at the several ward houses last evening and the following nominations were made, from which the tickets for the approaching municipal elections will be selected en Saturday even ing next : Mayer. Jehn T. MacGenigle. Scheel Directors. Dr. Jehn Levergood, 6th ward. Cel. E. McGovern, 6th ward. Geerge W. Zecher, 6th ward. A. Z. Ringwalt, 1st ward. Prof. F. W. Haas, eth ward. Henry Z. Rhoads, 8th ward. Prof. William B. Hall, 4th ward. Peter McConemy, 5th ward. Adam Oblendcr, I'd ward. Jehn Ochs, 4th ward. O. B. Shertzer, 3th ward. Frederick Hartmycr, 3th ward. Geerge Yeisley, 4th ward. James McKenna, 2d ward. Dr. S. II. Metzger, 2d ward. Ames Ringwalt, 2d ward. WAKD TICKKTS. First Ward. Select Council .Jacob Reese. Common Council Samuel K. Lichty, Jehn F. Rcith, Geerge W. Brown. Assessor Jeseph Pyle. Constable Gee. Ganse. Judge J. W. F. Swift. Inspector Theodere Trout. City Executive Committee Jehn A. Schaum. Second Ward. Select Council Simen W. Raub, Alum. Hirsh. Common Council David McMnllen, Dr. F. G. Albright, Wm. II. Garrceht, Cenrad Gasser, Jehn A. Snyder, II. E. Slaymaker, J. M. Westhaetler, Thee. Wenditz. Henry Ransing, Chas. M. Hewell. Assessor J. B. Lichty. Constable Judge Harry N. Hewell. Inspector Jehn B. McGiunis. City Executive Committee Jehn I. Mctzgar. Third Ward. Select Council Henry Wolf. Common Council Peter Landau. Geerge Wall, Jacob Kiehl. Assessor Franz Neuderii". Constable .Jehn F. Dciehler. Judge B. F. Davis. Inspector Harry L. Hartrayer. City Executive Committee B. Frank Lcaman. Fourth Ward. Select Council Eli Shertzer. Common Council Charles G. Rhoads, R. E. Bruce, Jacob Norbeck, Geerge Wolf, William Wisner, II. W. Harbcrgcr. Assessor Frank Brinkman. Constable. James Ceyle. Judge James A. McElhenc. Inspectors Emanuel Wilhelm, Charles C. Biggs. City Executive Committee Geerge W. Harris. Fifth Ward. Common Council Abraham Erisman, Geerge Hacker. Assessor A. Brosey. Constable James Kautz. Judge William Vcisser. Inspector O. B. Shertzer, Harry L. Simons. City Executive Committee William B. Strinc. Sixth Ward. Select Council Geerge W. Zecher. Common Council Dr. Jehn Levergood, II. B. Springer, J. Henry Widmyer, Will iam Jehnsen. Assessor Jacob Herzeg. Constable Gee. Lents, Martin Daily. Judge Byren J. Brown, Jehn M. Mc Culley. Inspector Henry Leenard. City Executive Committee Charles Green. Seventh Ward. Common Council Henry Yackly, Gee. M. Berger, Henry Smeych, Wm. Ruber. Assessor Jas. R. Garvin. Constable .Jehn Merringer. Judge Henry T. Yackly. Inspector Wm. McLaughlin. City Executive Committee William Mc Laughlin. Eighth Ward. Select Council Fred. Judith, Jacob Adams, Henry E. Decker. Common Council Benjamin Philips, Jeseph A. Albert, J. J. Hartley. A. J. Sny der, Leuis Dickel, Edward Kreckel, Benj. Hubcr. Assessor C. A. Oblandcr. Constable Jehn Harman, Gee. Shay. Judge Peter Diehl, Jacob F. Kautz. Inspector Jehn St. Clair. City Executive Committee Peter Rehrich. Frank Myers. Ninth Ward. Common Council J. II. Ostermycr, EIa:n G. Snyder, Philip Zecher, Uriah Bit zcr. Alderman II. A. Miley, Wm. V. Con Cen ner, David Zecher. Assessor Peter Lutz, Frederick Nix Nix derf. Constable Adam Ditlow. Judge Jehn N. Nixderf. Inspector Chas. F. Smith. City Executive Committee Jacob Metz ger. XEIGIIIIOKHOOD Ni;V.'. Event Acress the County Line. An unfortunate boy named Shindlcr, residing at Highspirc, had his right feet smashed while attempting te beard a freight train at that place about half-past five o'clock last evening. This is Ilarrisburg's local sensation : "Ripping up rails, war among furnace men and railroads, an exciting scene at Canal and North streets last evening, symptoms of a riot, the war cloud dis persed, the forces retire in geed order, nobody hurt, etc." Yesterday afternoon Medoe engine Ne. ;161 passed up the Pennsylvania railroad track with 173 cars attached, 80 of which were leaded. The engine tugged this train from Red Hill, below Middletown, from which jwint it was necessary te haul it, en account of a freight wreck occurred there. The state beard of agriculture met in Harrisburg yesterday, II. M. Engle repre senting Lancaster county. Dr. J. P. Wickcrsham was elected one of the vice presidents and II. M. Engle a member of the executive committee. The beard re solved that until millers are willing te give quality a greater preference in price, our farmers are justified in raising such kinds of wheat as their experience demon strates will yield the greatest number of bushels. JUDGE PATTERSON. The Drift or Pnbllc Opinion Uxpremed by the Preu. The Office and IU Incumbent. Carlisle Herald. Judge Patterson is said, in the Pre of Jan. 22d, te have remarked te these gen tlemen, that " they surely would net want te practice before a court for which they had no respect. " If Judge Patterson said this, he should simply be ashamed of himself. Can he net distinguish between the court and the person who may happen mere or less worthily te occupy it ? Docs he net knew that the greatest respect for an office as an organ of the state, is compatible with an extreme and most just contempt for the man who, for the time being, sits in it ? He should knew that the only public station, in the kingdom whence we have derived our laws, whose incumbents can net be formally accused of improper con duct, is the august throne. "The king can de no wrong, " but kings' justices and ministers, lords and commons, all can de wrong, and can be punished for it. Let Judge Patterson beware of striving te set up in this country the doctrine of the sanctity of the incumbent of the office of which he happens te enjoy the honors and the emoluments. If he has been guilty of a malversatien, he should net be permit ted te screen his official sin, under the palladium of the office which his sin and net the exposure of it tends te discredit. It is tee late in the century te suggest in America that any of the officers of the commonwealth shall be exempt from criti cism. The highest executive officer in the state or nation is bound te exercise his judgment in perplexing and delicate situa tions. Has any American argued that it should be a penal effese te criticise the mode of his discharge of duties, lest the of fice should be brought into contempt, or the incumbent should be swerved from the independent exercise of his discretion'.' Yet hew much vaster are the interests af fected by his determinations than these which usually come before a county court ! The functions of a legislator desiderate the most nicely poised judgment ami the largest courage. Within the scope of his duties arc brought subjects of almost measureless moment te the commonwealth or nation. And who has been bold enough te suggest penalties for the free expression of opinion in regard te the maimer of his discharge of them, by these who undertake the task of instructing and informing the public judgment? Is the work of the judge mere arduous'.' Is he made of less firm and honest timber, that his integrity is mere likely te be strained by newspaier criti cism '.' Is the decision of a private cause, directly affecting the litigant parties, mere important than the executive and legisla tive decision of questions which affect whole populations .' But the aggravation in the case of Messrs. Steinman and Ilensel is, that for a sentiment expressed in a paper, of which they are editors, the judge, who believes himself insulted, undertakes, without a jury, te punish with a fine, whose magni tude is in his own discretion, and with a deprivation of rights te practice their pro fession, an offense directed against himself, lie will make himself judge in his own cause ! He will visit penalties of immeas urable gravity at the instigation of his own piqued and iasulted majesty ! Such usurp ing and tyrannous effrontery should be hissed down by the whole state. If we are te preserve our liberties, there is no room for such a judge upon any of the benches of the commonwealth. He brings with him the autocratic ideas of a world new two centuries dead and reprobated. If a word, written by an attorney out of court, may be pursued with judicial ven geance, why may net spoken words also? What will prevent the institution of abase system of espionage, by which whispers iu the offices of attorneys may be carried te the prurient ear of the judge, ami then punished as he may think tiie enormity .f the disapprobation of his acts, expressed in speech, mero or less clear and strong, may merit'.' Out upon such an outrageous doctrine ! Until we devise a way of getting judges who cannot de wrong, who aie above sor did or selfish aims, who de net feel dis posed te reward friends and punish enemies, who cannot be swerved from, steady impartiality between friend and fee, between prompters and oppesers of their nomination or election, it is the right and the duty of every gced citizen te be ready te criticise them, en proper occasion, and te sec te it that the power of oppres sive intimidation shall net be put into their hands by winking iu a solitary case at the arrogant assumption of a right te punish, with fine and disbarment an attorney who is courageous enough te utter, net only his; own conviction, but the convictions of a. large portion of the community. The people arc masters. Governors, senators, judges, are but servants, whose proper dis charge of momentous functions can be guaranteed only by the amplest freedom of animadversion and discussion. We hope Messrs. Steinman and Hcnsel will stand firm against the pitiful ami un blushing tyranny of Judge Patteisen. Oueer Judge. Clcarlleld Itepubllcan. It is evident, from what has transpired at Lancaster during the past week, that judges arc no better than ether people. The editor of the Philadelphia Ilecerd, in alluding te the conduct of Judge Patterson, gives our views better than we can de it. Hear him. lie Won't Condone It. Chester County Democrat. Judge Patterson, of the Lancaster county bench, has committed a biunder that will net seen be concened or forgotten by sensible people iu his district. The district attorney was accused, and doubtless properly, of procur ing the discharge of a criminal ou political grounds, by the Lancaster Intelligence!:. This is a very common thing in the courts controlled by the party dominant in the above county, and the newspapers frequently show the crooked ness te the public ; but Steinmaa and Ilensel arc both members of the bar, and the judge calls upon them te show cause why they should net be disbar red for contempt of court. This is an unprecedented aetieu, te call up lawyers professionally te account for what" is said editorially ; and Judge Patteisen has put his feet in it, since the district at torney and his assistants have acknowl edged the truthfulness of the charge. Gradually the ae-called Republican part' is drifting us into imperialism and anetlu r step is toward fettering a free pi ess the greatest power and friend the people have left te them. Before lie Get Ttreush. Perry County ticmecrat. Before Judge Patterson gets through with the editors of the Lancaster Intel Intel lieknceu he will wish he had never ruled them into court te answer for editorial opinions. The judiciary assumes power?, nowadays, that de net belong te court?, and judges must be restricted te their proper sphere. The press must net be overawed by the frowns of anyone dressed in brief authority. Playing wit h ire. Philadelphia Chronicle-Merald. Ne matter what may come of the con troversy between Judge Patterson, of Lan c:tster, and the editors of the Lancaster Intelligencer, Judge Patterson has shown himself unfit te be en the bench. His retaliatory measures are proof that he nas been hit in a vulnerable part. Of course he cannot strike the editors el the InTELLidteNCER from the roll of at torneys; they have done no act te for feit their standing as officers of the ceurtr and little law as Judge Patterson appears appears te knew, he must knew that much. Wha