rr'- V ' VSi MHMMPMMMWaBn it ' TfX -tT -' - ?srssTMr -. . - " e"5'? ' "SS? - 51 LAdASTEli t1Arf iitf MxigNgM. MekdM; S0ti&km, i860. ; LB Lancaster intelligencer. MONDAY EVENING, JAN. 28, 1880. Why Arc Wives What They Are! Why arc wives what they arc, and net what they might, could, and should be? Because in nine cases out of ten it is for want of temper or judgment in the man. "We have all heard of the cautious indivi dual who would sec his wife's grandmother before he took the irrevocable vow. He was quite right. A man desiring te enjoy the delight and consolations unknown te a single condition, prepared te love and cherish under all calamities and changes, would de well, if possible, te learn a little of the early training of the woman he de sires te make the partner of his joys and the consoler of his sorrows, and te have some knowledge of her in a domestic rela tion. , It seems hard in this our day te hud the medium between the fasienablc wife, all frivolity, dress and excitement, and the femalcvirtuose, or the woman without tact; but there arc women, of many of whom it may be truly said in Scriptual language, "the heart of her hnsband both surely trust in her." Hew often arc these women linked te the vicious and the unstable, are obliged te shut their eyes te facts, and when love is gene, live en enduring ? Mar riage te tlicm lias been a desperate uimg, a curse and slavery, instead of the nearest approach te perfect happiness permitted en earth. Of the drunken ruffian, quick with blew, we have nothing te say he is scarcely one remove from the beasts that perish, and as a rule, belongs te the extreme lower class ; but among the se-called gentlemen there is the overbearing, tyrannical husband at whose voice children and servants lice, soured probably by difficulties in his busi ness or profession, but surlily keeping his trials from his wife, and snappishly resent ing all her attempts te win his confidence. Who se capable as she te seethe and te aid by her womanly tact and discrimination, made keener by its concentration in her little world home ; and have we net sacred warrant that the wife is a helpmeet for the man, net a slave te minister te his material wants only, whilst he grudgingly deles out his money, never dreaming that the order of his house is only arrived at by a thousand little domestic cares, se heavy in the total, yet a labor of love when light ened by kind, husbandly interest. J his man acts as if he were devoid of affection himself and grossly presumes en his wife's early inculcated sense of duty. Then we have the henpecked husband. Ivow the censorious world contemptuously laughs at his name, and discusses.thc anx ious, irritable wife ; it never troubles it self te consider the weak, vacillating man he must necessarily be in his safest condi tion. He is a never-ceasing anxiety te his wife, who knows he must either be a feel or a scoundrel. She toils early or late with brain and fingers te rectify his sins of emission. Her pitiful tenderness must always fellow him and held his wavering mind in cheek lest his selfish felly should bring mere troubles into the household im poverished by his careless indifference, leaving his wife te light the battle of life single-handed. He is only amiable when gratified, loving when spared a difficulty, giving a few flattering words of praise te his wife's clever management meie pain ful than pleasing, for she knows their value ill-tempered if forced te de any thing he dislikes, and coarse in his taunts about nagging and bickering. 11 she is righteously and sternly compelled te give ugly names te his procrastination he will occasionally cry 2icrr"c'i thereby thinly be lieving he has washed out all his sins and may begin them again en the morrow. With such a man a wife cannot take the inferior attitude which all womanly women really delight in, but must unpeetirally fullill Wordsworth's picture of "A ported woman nobly planned, Te warn, te comfort, and command." Then last, but net least, we have the silt of the earh great and gifted, tender and true men, whose lives are spent in making strong resolutions which they seldom fail te carry out. A husband from this class is at peace with himself; there fore gives joy te ethers, bringing home light and coin fort at all times and under all circumstances. Self governed, he justly exercises rule ever his wife, whose happiness is te anticipate his wishes and acknowledge his suremacy. Excepting the few in whom the taint of moral base ness is heriditary, men knew full well that women, through their strong affec tions, are what men make them. It is also a want of faith in man that makes women unjust te each ether, pre venting the friendships there might be between them, se sacred and helpful, for woman only knows woman as she really is. As IJyren says "Man te man se oft unjust is always se te woman." Lewland Water. .Engagements. Ought engagements te lie long or .short:' It has often been said that nothing helps se much a steady young man as the being engaged te the girl whom he loves and for whom lie vows te prepare a suitable home. The solicitude of David Ceppcrlield'.s friend, Traddlcs, te buy bits of furniture, flower pets and such like for the house where he and his betrothed were te dwell was a pretty thing and much te be com mended ; but en the ether hand it is unde niable that long engagements have their drawbaeks,espceially if the young people see much of each ether during the period of probation. In this case much of the bloom is taken off the poetry of courtship, and no less gilding eJl the prospects of marriage. There may be a great deal te say against the policy of wedding in haistc, but young people who take each ether for better or for worse, in all the illusion of mutual trust and admiration, go through a time of ecstasy unknown te these who marry quilu rationally. The honeymoons of such pairs are halcyon epochs te be remembered all a life long, and if the after period seem dull and loveless by comparison, yet it is something te have lived for however brief a time up te the Highest ideal ei lencity. Besides, there is no little sweetness in having faced the first hardships of life together! If a young couple have te encounter poverty, and if they conquer it side by side, lightening all their labors by sharing them and diminishing their troubles by mutual consolation and en couragement, they forge links which must bind their hearts closer and closer to gether. I like te see a smug young man stacking up money in a bank against his wedding day, while his future wife leeks en complacently at the operation, as who should say, " Themas must earn a geed many mere pounds before he can furnish a house gqed enough te ledge ?c;" but I like still mere te sec a young husband and wife who have feathered their little nest together. It is pleasant te hear a smiling woman remark: "AVe had noth ing at all when wc married ; but see new hew cesy wc have made our house." This means that there has been cheerful haul work en the one side, thrift and self-denial en the ether in fact, union. After all, the yoke of marriage is an apparatus that should sit en two pairs of shoulders ; and there is nothing very seemly in seeing a girl wait te wear her own part of it until it has been nicely padded with quilted satin. My advice te young people who must pass through long engagements is te see as little of each ether as possible, and like wise te correspond sparingly. Quarrels arc easily hatched, even en paper, and they arc almost sure te arise if an exchange of love-letters be commenced at the dan gerous rate of one a day, or week. This pace is tee fast te last. I should say that one letter a fortnight was ample. If this wise abstemiousness from the use of pen and ink be tried ; if the loving pair see. each ether but two or three times a year at Christmas, at Easter, for per haps half a week during the summer ard if, during their separation, they remind one another prettily of their reciprocal af fection by gifts or flowers, trinkets, nicely hemmed pocket handkerchiefs and well worked slippers in worsted, then the rocky time of a long engagement may possibly; be sailed through without accident. Never theless, all this leads up te repeating that, when young people have made up their minds'te marry, the sooner they de se the better. Londen. Truth. NEKVE. It is a grout thing te have what is called nerve, and nothing contributes mere te the power of phvsical control thus named than Warner's Safe Nervine. It also relieves all kinds et pain, and cures headache and neu ralgia. jl.1-2wd Father is Getting Well. My daughter, sav, " Hew much better fattier is since he used Hep Hitter.-." He i- getting well after his long .suffering from a di-case de clared incurable, and we are se glad that he used your Bitters. A lady of Rochester. N. l . jl.12wd 1KY noens, &c. WE CANNOT AD.VE11TLSE Reduction of Prices, As many kinds of goods arc going up in price every week, but we held a large stock of desirable Dry Goods that arc selling at rales proportionate te cost some time age. In the matter of ML'SUXS we secured and stored ' away an immense quantity, se that our sales rooms and reserve stock- MI) a LIN'S MUSLIN'S MUSLIN'S MUSLIN'S MUSLIN'S MUSLIN'S MUSLINS MUSLIN'S rooms stores, goods leek like wholesale These .standard are new retailing largely price-.. a! le-s than future MUSLINS We also bought freely el FLANNELS, Andean show the geed results of our bargaining en inquiry at the Flannel Counter. We are also selling CALICOES Cheaper than they can be bought at. The people will have te pay higher for many kinds of dry goods alter the pre.--rut stock are sold out. Jehn Wanamaker, GRAND DEP0T-13TH-ST., vuizadezmia. medical. nor HIT EIIS nep HIT EKS HOI' HIT EKS nor HIT EKS HOI HIT EUS HOP HIT EKS HOI' HIT KRs nor HIT ers IIOI' HIT EKS nor HIT Ell's IIOI' HIT EKS IIOI HIT EKS nor HIT EKs IIOI HIT EUS HOI' HIT EKS IIOI" KIT EKS IIOI KIT EKS nor HIT EKS IIOI' HIT EKS nor HIT EKS nor HIT D. Ms'iin ble cure ler absolute and irre-i-ti- EKS IIOI HIT EKS DRUNKENNESS, Intemperance ami the use of OpI- HOP mil. Tobacco. Narcotics and Stimu-15 IT hints, removing all tastc,dcircaud EKS habit el using any of them, render ing -the tusie or de.-irc for any et" HOP tlumi perfectly odious and disgust- ISIT ing. Giving everyone perfect and EKS irresistible control of tin; .-ebricty of themselves or their friends. HOP It prevent lliatabselute physical HIT and moral prostration that fellows EKS the sudden breakingoll'frem using stimulants or narcotics. HOP Package, prepaid, te cure 1 te 5 BIT persons, $2. or at your druggist's, EKS ?-l.7.' per bottle. Temperance socie ties should recommend it. It is HOI' perlcctly harmless and never-tail-KIT ing. Hep Hitters Mnufacturlug Ce., EKS Keehcster, N. V.. Sele Agents. Hep Ceiigii Cure destroys all HOP pain, loosens the cough, quiets the KIT nerves, produce- rest, and never EKS fails te cine. The Hep Pad for Stomach, Liver HOP and Kidneys, is superior te all KIT ether.-. Cuies by absorption. It is EKS pcrtccl ask druggists. Tin; Hep Hitters .Mfg. Ce., of Ue-HOP che-ter, N. Y., only prepare these HIT lemedle.s, also tfie Hep Hitlers, EKS which are in no sense a beverage or intoxicant, but the Purest and Best HOP .Medicine ever made, making mere HIT cures than all ether remedies. Kill! S l.r. HV MA. DIM'GGISTS. ; EKS HOP JUT EKS HOP P.IT EKS nep BIT EKS HOP KIT Elts IIOI' HIT EKS IIOI' P.IT EKS HOI HIT EKS K W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W HDIEYIORTHi THE ONLY MEDICINE K-W K-W That Acta at the Same Time en K'w K-W K-W ''The LIVER, K-W K-W K-W K-W The BOWELS, And the KIDNEYS K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W Tin ;rcal organs are the Natural K-W n....i..aiL. ,.r i... i:....4,... i" (bev work well health will be perfect : it iv''' they become flogged, dreadful dis eases are sure te fellow with K-W K-W K-W TERRIBLE SUFFERING. K-W .. . . l.ilieusnes. Headache, Dyspep- Ky .Jaundice, Constipation and Plies, or K-W JudneyCeinplaints.C ravel, Diabetes, Ky Sediment in the Urine, .Milky or K-W Kenv Trine ; or Kheumatie Pains K-W !M"! Aches, are developed because, the bleed is poisoned with the hu K-W mers that should have been ex pelled naturally. K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W JvlJDJNEY WOltJL K-W K-W w'" restore the natural action and K-W all these destroying evils will be K-W banished neglect them and you will K-W live but te sutler. Thousands have K-W been cured. Try it and you will K-W add one mere te the number. Take K-W ' ""' health will once mere gladden K-W your heart. K-W Why sutler longer from the ter-K-W ment'efau aching heart? Why bear K-W such distress Irein Censtiputhin and K-W Piles? Why be se fear! ill because K-W "I" Disordered I'rine? Kidney Wert K-W will cure you. Try apackageiit once K-W anil be satislied. K-W It is a dry vegetable compound. K-W and one package makes six quarts K-W el" medicine. Your druggist has it, K-W or will get it for von. Insist upon K-W having it. Price $l.(Kl K-W Wixi.s, Kiciiaudse.v & Ce., Prep.. K-W liUULIMSTON, VI. K.W (Will send pos paid.) jul5-lyd&w K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W Jv-W ""HAPPY 11ELIEF Te all suffering from chronic diseases of nil kinds. Confidential consultation invited per sonally or by mail. New method of treatment. Xew and reliable remedies. Heek and circu lars sent free in scaled envelopes. Address Heward Association, 41!) N. Ninth .street, Phil adelphia, Pa., an institution having a high reputation for honorable conduct and pre reg ional skill. irmr-lyd -uj:xituj:j:. A SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL. Te examine niv stock of Parler Suits, Cham ber Suits, Patent Kockers. Easv Chairs. Katan Kockers. Hat Hacks. Marble Tep Tables, Ex-ten-ion Tables. Sideboards. Hair, Husk, Wire and Common Mattresses, Heek Cases. Ward robes, Kseriteirs. Upholstered Cain; and Weed Sent Chairs, Cupboards, Sinks, Deughtrays, Kreakfast Tables, Dining Tables, Ac., always en hand, at prices that arc acknowledged te be as cheap as the cheapest. UPHOLSTEUING IN ALL ITS KKANCHES. KEI'AIKING PKOMl'TLY AND NEATLY DONE. Picture! Frames en hand and made te order Kegilding done at Kcasenable ltatcs at the New Picture Frame and Furniture Stere, :i EAST KING STUKET, (Over Kursk's Grocery and Sprcchcr's Slate Grocery and Stere.) WALTER A. HEIXITSH, (Scliindlcr's Old Stand), CARPETS! CARPETS!! JlT OPENED AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT IX THE NEWEST STYLES OK Bedy Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Three-Ply Carpets, Extra Super Ingrain Carpets, Brussels, Hall and Stair Carpets, Venetian, Hall and Stair Carpets, Rag and Hemp Carpets, TO WHICH WE INVITE EXAMINATION. JH.We guarantee these Goods te be ei the Best Makes and of the very Latest Styles. In Muslins, Sheetings, Tickings, Checks, Table Linens, Towels, etc., we have an unusually Large Stock, which wc arc eiTering at Lewest Prices. WE INVITE EXAMINATION. GIVLEB, BOWEKS & HUEST, 2S EAST KING STREET. FOR RENT. A VERY DESIKADLE THHEE-STOItY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, ONE ROOM BEING- A STORE-ROOM, Net and Celd AVatcr, Bath, Gas, I tango. Alse, GOOD BRICK STABLE, Fer 4 Nerses and Carriage Heuse, almost in rear of Dwelling, situate en the southeast corner of North Mulberry and "West Lemen street. Immediate posessien of house. Rent reasonable. "Would sell or exchange for city property. Apply te BAUSMAN & BURNS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 10 WEST 01SAXGE STREET. j)i:r -1880- FIRST IMPORTATION -OF- EMBEOIDEEIES. lust opened a Choice Assortment et Hamburg Edgings and Insertings at Popular Prcics. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. MUSLINS, MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, SHEETINGS, WATT. SHAW Own a Lincn Large Stock of these Goods bought previous te the late , which will be sold at Lewest Possible Prices. NEW YORK STORE, 20 & 22 EAST KING STREET. WALL 1880. "WALL PAPERS, WALL PAPERS, WALL PAPERS. HAGER & BROTHER Arc receiving all the NKW SPUING STYLES of PAPEE HANGINGS, In large assortment of EMBOSSED GILT, UKONZK, SATINS, G HOUNDED and I'.LACK PAPEK, with Dade Frieze and Kerders te mutch, for Parlors, Halls, Libraries, Dining-rooms and Chambers. As our orders for the above were placed beterc the advance, wc shall continue te sell at the old low price. Estimates made and paper hung by experienced paper hangers. Window Shades, Shading and Fixtures, in full assortment. Alse, Weel Terrys.and Cretonnes, Nottingham Lace and Lace Curtains, Walnut and Gilt Window Headings and Cornice Poles, etc. Call and zamine. HAGER & BRO. SPETO. WALL PAPERS -FOU SPRING TRADE. We have placed Large Orders for WALL PAPERS, And arc prepared te offer Full Lines et Latest Designs at OLD PKICES. Endless line te Select from. Embossed Gelds, Plain and Colored Jlren.es, Satins, Flata and P.lanks. ml Eis of Estimates made and work done by Practical Workmen. J. B. MAETIN & CO. JtOBES, JtUASKETS, &V. OIGN OV THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES ! ROBES ! ! BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! ! I have new en hand the Largest, Hkst and CiiKArEST Assortment of Lined and Uulined HUFFALO HOHES in the city. Alse LAP AND HOUSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. 5"Hcpairing neatly and promptly dencsa A. MILEY, JOS Xerth Queen St., Laticttstcr. e'23-lydMW&S&3mw TlXWAIiJ-:, &t SHEKTZKK, HUMFHREVILLE St K1EF FER, manufacturers of TIN and SHEET-IRON WORK, Tin Rooting and Spouting. Alse, successors te Jacob Gable in PLUMBING, GAS and STEAM FITTING, Gas Fixtures, Housekeeping Goods, Steves, Heaters, Ranges, &c.. at Ne. 40 EAST KING STREET, Opposite Court Heuse. Lancaster, Pa. j22-llmd AE. McCANN, AUCTIONEER OF REAL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Ne. 3- Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 4G Xerth Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills made out and attended te without additional cost, e'27-ly DKY GOODS. iron jcext. oeovs. TABLE LINENS, TOWELS, ETC., ETC. Treat advance in Cotten and PAPER. 18S0. 4 TI1IPS0I 1880. SPEIM. THE- Papers at Lew Prices. IS8V11ASCE. ry h E OLD GIRARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. S1.131.83S. All invested in the best securities. Lesses promptly paid. Fer policies call en HIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. in East King St.. Lancaster, Pa. S-MW&SGmdU C1ILXA AX1) ULASSH'AHj;. CHINA HALL. CHEAP WARE, CHEAP WARE. OLD and DAMAGED WARE sold at a SACRIFICE. Ware Sold Under Trice te Save Moving. New is your time for BARGAINS. HIGH &MARTIN'S, Ne. 8 East King Street. FOll SAT,E OK IIUXT. IT'OK SALE. . A twelve te fifteen horse-power engine and boiler. Alse a large planer, almost new ; a small flooring and mateliing machine, and a teneting and power mortising machine. Address PHILIP LEHZELTEK, Eagle Speke and Bending Works, nevlO-tfd&w Lancaster. Pa. I OR SALE. 1 An EIGHT-HOUSE PORTABLE BOIL ER, in geed condition. Fer particulars apply at THIS OFFICE. STORK ROOM Queen street. FOR RENT, NO. 114 N. Possession given Januarv 1st. Apply at dO-tfdl Ne. 112 North Queen Street. 170R RENT. Union Hetel, East Chestnut street, oppo site Pcnn'a Depot. Apply at the jlG-tfd INTELLIGENCER OFFICE. OR RENT. "Pm."- vcryS Vn .1?! Cewi It Hiienn tf root J. t r iuviiie, i j, "2 vyn 111,1,11 .Tii.ii. suitable for photograph gallery, new occupied by J s. saurman. Apply te dec2C-tfd TUOS. BAUMGARDNEH. F ?OR RENT. Stere Roem. Ne. 18 East King street, new occupied by Augustus Hheads. Inquire et II. G. Lipp, Millersville Avenue or within ; also, the upstairs rooms for rent. . fan:i-MSttd.tltw 1?IRE PROOF SAFE FOR SALE. . A Fire Proof Safe (Mesler, Hakmau & Ce.. Cincinnati make), .'! inches high, s; wide ami 21 deep, weight 1,310 pounds, with" Sargent's Patent Night and Day Combination Leck, for sale cheap. Applv at the jau'J-tfilJ INTELLIGENCER OFFICE. F UDLIC SALE OF CITY PROPERTY On WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY I. lhSO. at the Leepard Hetel, en East King street, will be sold a geed two-story BRICK DWELLING, with two-story Brick Back Building, situate Ne. 3T7 East Chestnut street. The house con tains a hall, six rooms, kitchen, garret and ex cellent cellar, is well built, in goeil repair and conveniently arranged with closets, etc.: gas through the house, hydrant water in yard and kitchen ; also, cistern with pump. Let IS feet and ." inches front, and U1J tcct dee)). This property being located in a rapidly im proving portion of the city, in the immediate vicinity of a large Cotten'Faetory, Pcim Iren Ce.'s Works, Best's Machine Sheps and ether industrial establishments, and must always command a geed rent or ready sale. Here is a chance te buy a cheap property, as the owner is determined te sell. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., when at tendance will be given and terms made known by HERR&STAUFFER, II. Siiubert, Anct. :i North Duke Street. j23-ird TsEGAZ NOTICES. I STATE OF RARItARA ROSENFELD, i late of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been grant ed te tlie undersigned, ail persons indebted te said decedent arc requested te make immediate settlement and these havingclaimserdemands against the estate of said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in Lancaster city. JOHN H. LEHKICIIEU, J. XT. F. Swift, Executer. Attorney. dec2Mtdeaw I STATE OF ANDREW UHRICII, LATE J of Ephrata township, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto are requested te make immedi ate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay ler settlement te the under signed, residing in Lancaster city. Pa. MARTIN ULUICH, Administrator. D. P. Resenjiiller, Jr., Atfy. jitMJtdeaw "VTOTICE IS IIEKEUY GIVEN THAT AN XI application will be made for a charter for a corporation te be known as the ' Lancaster City Light anil Heat Company," under the act of'JUtherApril,lS74,enUtled" An act te provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations." The object of said corporation is te manufacture and supply light (etuer than gas) and heat within the Citv et Lane-aster. J. ilAY BROWN, J10-3tdeawM Solicitor for Applicants. TSTATE OF ISAAC G. SMOKER. LATE JJJ of Lancaster city. deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Jehn J. Smoker, Administrator, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en TUESDAY.the 17th of FEBRUARY, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. in., in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the City of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribu tion may attend. M. BROSIUS, jllKltdeaw Auditor. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF GEO. COONLEY and wife, of Lancaster City, The under signed Auditor appointed te pass upon excep tions and distribute the moneys in hands of accountant as well as moneys that are new in court arising from sale of assigned rcul es tate, will meet all parties interested en SATUHDAY,FEBRUAHY14, A. D.ISSO, at 10 o'clock a. m..in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the citr of Lancaster, where all per sons interested m said distribution may at tend. GEO. M. KLINE, j-24-3tdeaw Auditor. 1 STATE OF PHILIP FINGER, LATE OF i the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters of administration en said estatu hav ing been grunted te the undersigned, all per sons indebted te said decedent arc requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the estate et said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in said city. CATHARINE FINGER, Vm. Aue. Atlee, Attorney. nlK-Otdeaw 1 STATE OF PETER LONG, OF LANCAS ll TER Citv, Pcnn'a. deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Rev. Wil liam T. Gerhard, Executer of the last will and testament of Peter Leng, deceased, te and nmeng these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en SATURDAY, JANU ARY 31, 1830. at 10 o'clock a. m.. In the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the city of Lan caster, where all persons Interested in said dis tribution may attend. janG-ltdl BEN J. F. DAVIS, Auditor. w STATE OF MARY HULL, LATE OF Lancaster Citv. dec d. Letters of admin istratien en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned. residing in said citv. JOHN HULL. dVcil-Ctdeaw Administrator. L OCHER'S COUGH SYRUP IS THE BEST. Pitisxxsa and dixdixH. Tobacco packers' SAMPLE TAGS I'KIXTED OX CHECK BOABD (Same its used by Tobacco Samplers), Hcavy K-iilread Heard any Celer. Alw, Contract and Receipt Beeks at the Lewest Prices, AT THE Intelligencer Office. ianl-Mfd I AT THE SAME PRICE. Having purchased .the exclusive right of Lancaster city and county te manufacture and use Reynolds's Metallic Stationery and Boek Hinder, THE ONLY DEVICE GIVING EXTIUE SAT ISFACTION, we are new prepared te furnish Cheek Heeks, Letter Heads, Nete Heads, State ments, Hill Heads, all sizes, Notes of all kinds, Contract Heeks, Receipt Heeks, Order Heeks, ami, in fact any kind et work in which binding is necessary printed en the very best paper at the lowest figures. This invention, for the use of which we have obtained the sole right in Lancaster city and county, enables us te bind the above named or any ether kind of blaukandmemeninda books at the cost of printing alone, and in a style that for neatness and durability is net equalled by an j' ether device of a similar character. Dur ing the time that Reynolds's Metallic Station ery and Boek Binder has been before the pub lic it has acquired a high reputation among printers and ethers who have had occasion te make use of It. for the extreme simplicity of its construction and the ease and accuracy of Its operation, while business men and ethers whose experience enables them te speak where of they knew pronounce its work te be super ior in tlie essential points of cheapness, con venience and durability te that of the old pro cess, and we are willing te give our patrons a guarantee of the perfectly satisfactory char acter of its work. Specimens et Binding may be seen at the Ix TKLLiuESCEii elllce, and all persons desiring a neat and substantial piece of work in this line are invited te call and inspect the numerous advantages wc have toeHer,and which enable us te turn out Geed and Durable Werk at prices lower than any ether printing establish ment in tin; city. ltd CAJtJ'ETS. rt REAT BARGAINS. A Large Assortment of all kinds et CARPETS Are slill sold at lower rates than ever at the CARPET HALL H. S. SHIRK, 202 WEST KING STREET. Call and examine our steckand satisfy your self that we can show the largest asseifmcnt of Brussels. Three plies and Ingrains at all prices at the lowest Philadelphia prices. Alse en hand a large and complete assortment et RAG CARPETS. Satisfaction guaranteed both as te price and quality. Yeu are invited tecall and see my goods. Ne trouble in showing them, even if you de net want te purchase. Don't forget this notice : Yen can save money here if you want te buy. Particular attention given te custom work. Alse en hand a full assortment of Counter panes. Oil Cleths and Blankets of every va riety. my2S-tfd&w "VfEW STORK. Philip Sclmm, Seu & (Je. HAVE Olf HAND Nes. 38 & 40 WEST KING ST., (Formerly H. Z. Hheads & Bre.'s,) a fine selection et the Well-known, Gen nine LANCASTER QUILTS, Woolen and Hair Woolen COVERLETS. ' CARPETS, Carpet Chain, Yarns of all kinds, a complete line et Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Notions. &c. Scouring and Dyeing promptly attended te. In order te accommodate the public we have located our Ceal Office at the above plnce. PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO., e31-3md&w 33 & 40 West King St.. Lancastci HOOKS AND STATJOXEKY. "T7-ALENTINES! VALENTINES ! ! VALENTINES ! A GREAT VARIETY, L. M. FLYNM'S BOOK AM) STATIONERY STORE, Ne. 42 WEST KING STKEET. 1880. 1880. V-ALENTINES! ELEGANT LINES OF SENTIMENTAL VALENTINES AT THE BOOK STORE or JOM BAER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QDEEN STREffT, LANCASTER. PA. GEXTS' GOODS. HANDSOME OLAUDBNT SCARFS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, LADIES' WORK BOXES, SILK SUSPENDERS, E. J. ERISMAN'S, 5C NOKTII QUEEN STKEET. AS. KOSENBAUM CO., . PACKERS OF LEAF TOBACCO, Ne. 223 Prince street, Lancaster, Pa. J. KOSENMYEK, jaa7-5mdl iianajjer. u SE LOCHER'S HOUSE AND CATTLE POWDERS. PRINT inn TEArEZEJUf WIDE, LANCASTER AND MILLKRSVILLK K. IS Cars ran as-fellows : Leave Lancaster (P. II. Depot), at 7, 9, an.t 11:30 a. m., and 2, 4. 6 and 8:30 p. m., except en Saturday, when the last car leave at Jfc30 p. n. Leave Millersville (lower pd) at 5, 8, and a. M., and 1,3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run daily en above time except en Snn day. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY. NOV. 9tli, 1879, trains en the Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive and leave the Lancaster and Philadelphia depots as follews: r.,TW.rn Leave Arrive J-AgrwARP. Lanc'ter Philad'a Atlantic Express, lSri5A.it. 3:00a.m. Philadelphia Express 4:10 " 7:00 " Fast Line. 5rJ0 " 7:40 " YorkAccem. Arrives; 7:30 " .... Harrlsburg Express 7:35 " 10:00 " DlUerviileAccem. Arrives, 8:45 " Columbia Accommodation, 9:10 " liOl r.M Frederick Accem. Arrives, IrA) " .... Pacific Express 135 im. 3:40 " Sunday Mail 0t " 5:00 Johnstown Express, 3:05 " 5:30 " Day Express, 5rS " 7KW " Harrisburg Accommedat'n, 6r " 9:30 " tt-e . Leave Arrive Westward. Philad'a Lanc'ter Way Passenger, P30a.m. 5:00 a.m.. Niagara Express S:00 " 10:05 ' Hanover Accommodation,. 10:10 Mail Train Ne. I.via Mt.Jey, 8.00 " U:u" " Mail Train No.2,vlaCel'bia, --- H:7 " Sunday Mail 8:00 " 100 ' Fast Line, 11:50 " ile v.m Frederick Accommodation, 15 ' DillcrvllIeLocaI.viaMt.Jey .... -50 " Harrisburg Accommedat'n, 2:30 r.M. 5:5 ' Columbia Accommodation. & " "ivX Harrisburg Express 5:00 " 7.-r. Pittsburg Express 6:25 " 8-"0 Cincinnati Express 0:10 " 11.30 " Pacific Express H-5 " 2.40a.m. 1 acltlc Express, east, en Sunday, when Hag ceil, will step at Mlddletewn. Klizabethtewn Mt. Jey. Landisville, Ilird-in-lland, Lnmaii llaw. Gap, Christiana, Farkesburg, Coate. ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step atDowningtewn.Coatesville, Parkc burg.Mt. Jey, Klizabethtewn and Middletewii. Hanover Accommodation, west, cennerts at Lancaster with Niagara Express, west, at UKU. a. m., and will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 i i.. and will nin through te Frederick. COLUMBIA AND FOKT DEPOSIT K. K. Trains new run rceularl v en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: Statioss-Nekthwaiid. Express. Aceem. A 91 1 )! Pert Deposit 6:.T0 2:1.1 Peachbotteiu 7:07 :;:;; Fitc's Eddy 7rJt 4:ii McCalPs Ferry 7::'d 4:17 Shenk's Ferry 7:31 4:11 Safe Harber. 7:57 4:U Columbia ::u) ri:Xr Stations Southward. Accem. Expiess. A. M. I. M. Columbia nam iwi Safe Harber. hjwi i;:iu r.M. Shenk's Ferry lilfi i;:.-,t McCnII's Ferry. 12:31 7: Fitc's Eddy. liel 7:20 Peachbottem 1:11 7:: Pert Deposit J:15 S:tCt READING AND COLUMltlA KAILROAD. On and after MONDAY. OCT. Cm, IS7:t, passenger trains will run en tills read as tot lows : Tieaixs Going Seuth. Ueinhelds, Ephrata, l'.SI. Akren,... ............... Litiz, Manheliu, Lancaster Junction,.. Landisville, Columbia, Dillcrvllle, Lancaster, King Street, , llarnisli. Wst Willow, ISaumgardner, Peffiiea, Refton, New Providence, Hess, (Juarryville .1:iie .1:Ii) fcSi .1::,-.) 5:4.1 5:.i:: t;:02 C:15 ifcXI a. m. a. m. r. si. 7:30 llV. :Il) 8:01 lirii fi:4.-i S:ls I2:iii 7:0:: S:24 12:4.1 7:0H s:4.I 1:02 7:21 0:02 1:13 7::W! 11:0.1 l:4(t 7:4.1 0:10 ism 7:-10 '.1:4.1 1-JC, H:20 '.1:27 2:02 8:CR 0::C! 211 8:10 U:4.1 8:20 !):.r8 .... 8:54 10:0.1 8:12 10:0!) S: 17 10:17 9:5.1 10:2:5 11:01 I0:.!4 !:I2 10:42 .... !):!! 10:.1Q 11:2.1 Trains Goise North, a.m. i m. v. si. a.m. Quarryville, fi:l 2..I.1 7:.1U He.-s, ifc'K! : 2.11 7:fc New Providence, 0-r'- 2:18 :i:i Refton 7:11 ! 2iU 8:27 Peqsiea 7:18 t 3:0.1 8::r. Raumgardncr, 7:20 I 3:13 8:4:t West Willow, 7:32 3:18 8:11) Harnish, 7:41 3:25 D-.tm King Street, 7:5.1 3:40 'Jr-iJ Lancaster, 8:0.1 1:00 3:50 i)::a Dillcrvllle 8:01 1:03 3:53 Columbia 8:0e l:tx Sill Landisville, S:30 1:30 4.01 Lancaster Junction,... 8:30 1:25 4:1.1 Manheiin, 8:43 1:18 4:20 Litiz !):) 2:K) 4:30 Akren 0:1C 2:18 4:17 Ephrata, 9:23 2:25 4:53 .... Keinhehlsville, 9:42 2:ir, 5:11 Reading, 10:01 3:20 .r:.10 Trains connect at Reading with trains eand from Philadelphia, Pottsville. II irrisburg, Al- lcntewn and New Yerk. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick anil Baltimore. A. 31. WILSON, Supt. T OCAL MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE JIAILs. I!Y RAILROAD. New Yerk through mai.. 7:00 a in. 12:30 p in, 4:15 p m and 11:30 p 111. Way Mail, cast, 7 a 111. Gor.nejrviLLK, Downingtown, Lcaiuan Place, Gap l! p in. JMiiLADKLruiA, through mail, 7 and 'J a 111, 12:50, 4:4.1 and 11:30 p in. PrrTSUuiwu anil west, 1:39 and lh.'iu p m. Hakieisuuke Mail, 10 a 111, 1:30. 5:1.1 ami 11:30 p in. Wat Mail, west, 10 a m. Raltimerb and Washinoteit, via Philadel phia, 4:50 p 111. Baltimore axd Washington, via Yerk, l:3U p m. Baltimore and Washington, via Harrisburg, 11:30 pm. Coatesville, 4:45 p m. Celumiua, 10 a m, 1:30 and &1.1 p in. Yerk and Yerk way, 1:30 and 11:30 p in. Northern Central, 10 a in. 1:31) and llsai p 111. Reading, via Reading and Columbia R R, 7:30 a 111 and 12:30 p m. Reading. via Harrisburg, 5:1.1 and 11:30 pin. Reading way, via Junction, Litiz, Manlieini, East Hcmpliehl and Ephrata, 3 p in. QUARitxviLLE. Cauiarge, Refton, New Provi dence, West Willow. Lime Valley and Martins ville, 1):30 a m, and 7:30 p 111. New Helland, Churchtown, Greeubank, Blue Ball, Goedvllle, Bcartewn, by way of Downingtown, at 7a m ami ' '" Sake Harber, via Columbia, 10 a m. BY STAGE Millersville and Slackwatur, te. Safe Harber, daily, at 2:30 p 111. Te Millersville, 8 and 11 a 111, and 4 p in. Binklcy's Bridge, Lcaceck, Barevillr, New Helland, 2:30 pm. Willow Street, Sniithville, Buck, Chestnut Level, Green, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Grevp Reck Springs. Fairineunt and Uewlanil.-ville, Mil, daily, at 7 am. Landis Valley, Oregon, West Earl, rarmcrs ville, liinkletewn, Tcrre Hill, Martindale,. daily, at 2:30 p in. Fertility, Lainpctcrand Wheatland Mill, te. Strasburg, dairy, at 4 pm. Greenland ami Soudersburg, te Paradise dally, at 4 p in.. Neilsville, daily, at 4 pm. New Danville, Conestoga, Marticville, CVIe manvillc, Mount Ncbe. Uawlinsvillr. Bcthesvist and Liberty Sipiare. dally, at 2:30 p 111. WHEN OPEN FOlS DELI V BUY. ARRIVING BY KAIL. Eastern mail, 7 a ir. 10:4.1 a 111, 3 and fi: p n. Eastern way mail, 10:15 a in. Western mail, 7 and 10 a m, 2 and tfcSO p m. Reading, via Reading and Columbia, 2:30 p m- .. Western way mall, 8 a in. Reading wa mail, 10:30a m. AURIV1NG"BY STAGE. Frem Safe Harber and Millersville, at I) a m, daily. Frem .Millersville, 7 and 1) a in, and I p in. Frem New Helland, at '.K'Jh a 111, daily. Frem Rowlandsville, Mil. at 2:30 p 111. Reading way mail, at 10.30 a 111, daily. Frem Stntsburg, at 9:30 a m, daily. Frem Paradise te Lancaster, 10 a m, daily Frem Netrsvllle. at 1 p m. daily. Frem Rawlinsville, at 11 am. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. There are four mail deliveries by letter car riers each day, and en their return trip. they take up the mail matter deposited in the letter boxes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the elllce at B-.30 a in; second delivery at 10 am ; third delivery at 11 a m ; fourth delivery at 3 p in. SUNDAY POSTOFFICE HOUItS. On Sunday the postetllce is open from Apr I 1 te October 1. from 8 te 9 a in. and from r te V p 111 ; from October 1 teApril l,f rem 9 te 10 am, and from C te 7i 111. 31AUBZE WOltliS. WM. P. FRATTiKyS MONUMENTAL MARBLE "WORKS 758 Nerm ijueeii Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES. GARDEN STATU AUY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, 4c. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given in every particular. N. B. Remember, works at the extreme end of North Queen street. niStil 'PRY LOCHER'S COUGH SYRUP, - )