Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 26, 1880, Image 3

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A Faithful .Copy or the Recerd a Far as it
Is Made.
Following is a terhatim copy of the rule
that has been served upon the editors of
1 1 tie Court of Cuirter Semeus, fcc., of the
County of Lancaster:
In the matter 01
alleged contempt,
&c, of William L.
Ilensel, Esq., an
attorney of said
Whep.eas en January 20, 1880, the said
court being and sitting in open session, the
judge presiding sent a messenger of the
court te inform the said William U. Ilen
sel, esq., he being a sworn attorney and
ellicer of said court, that the court desired
te see him, when, after a short period of
time, he, the said William U. Ilensel, esq.,
and A. Jacksen Steinman, esq., another
attorney and eflicer of this court (who had
also been sent for by the court), both ap
peared and presented themselves before
the ceuit, when the judge presiding (hav
ing suspended ether business in the mean
time) addressed the following question te
the said Mr. Steinman, viz:
Mr. .Steinman, are you the editor, or
one of the editors and proprietors, of the
paper called "The Lancaster daily Intel
i.:ck.T'EK '.' " and he answered, " Yes, I
am one of them. " The following question
was 11: en addressed te said Mr. Hcnsel,
viz. : Mr. Ilensel, arc you the editor, or
me of the editors and proprietors, of "the
Lancaster daily Intelligencer? He
answered: "Yes, lam. " Whereupon the
judge of said court presiding said he
would read from that paper of yesterday's
date (the 20th of Jan., 1880,) the follow fellow follew
ing article, or paragraph te wit : "Michael
Snyder is acquitted, net because he had net
violated the law, but because he had already
been acquitted of the olfense laid in the
present indictment. That first acquittal
was accomplished, as has been shown, by
J. W. J., ex-chairman, J. II. B., ex-chairman,
and District Attorney E., chairman
of the Republican county committee, by
false representations te the court, made for
J he corrupt consideration ; that the Snyders
were the best Republican workers in the
Kighth ward." And, having read thus
far, the judge then said the following par
agraph is what he desired te call their at
tentien te, namely : "Logically the last ac
quittal, like the first, was secured by a
prostitution of the machinery of justice te
serve the exigencies of the Republican
party. But as all the parties implicated as
well as the judges belong te that party the
court is unanimous for once that it need,
take no cognizance of the imposition prac
ticed upon it and the disgrace attaching te
it. Ens. Ixtei.i.ieenckk."
And, tlu sune having been rcil, the
court addressed the following question,
viz :
"Mr. Steinman, did you write that ar
ticle or paragraph'."' Mr. Steinman an
swered: "I am one of of the editors; I
am responsible as such."' The court then
addressed the following question te Mr.
Ilensel: "Mr. Hcnsel, did you write that
article or paragraph'."' .Mr. ilensel an
swered : "It is net customary for us te tell
who writes articles in our paper, but I
accept the reeiisibilit as one of the
The court then addressed the fol
lowing question te Mr. Steinman, viz. :
Mr. Steiinuaii, de you adept the
wording or sentiment of that paragraph '.'
he replied Yes, as editor of the paper I
acknowledge I am responsible I don't in
any ether way." The court then ad
dressed the following question te Mr.
Ilensel, viz :
Mr. Ilensel, de you adept the wording
or sentiment of that paragraph? He re
plied. ' I cheese te stand en my rights as
editor, and in no ether manner am I re
sponsible."' The court then remarked :
Gentlemen, you are unwilling te adept the
article ever your signatures, but you
arc etliccrs of this court, and de net dis
claim it, and under your several admis
sions here in court we will order rules en
you te answer, and show cause why you
should net be disbarred, &e. (or words te
that effect), and remarked further, viz:
That the court could have no rcspest for
itself or for the people who promoted us
te administer the law if we failed te take
notice of the article or paragragh reflect
ing en its integrity. Therefore, new, te
wit : Jan. 22, 1880, the said court enter a
rule en the said William U. Ilensel, esq.,
te show cause why he should net appear,
and answer for contempt of court
And also, at same time, show cause why
he should net be disbarred and his name
stricken from the list of attorneys, for
misbehavior in his ellice as attorney of
this court, and abide the order of this
court in the premises.
It is further ordered that the answer te
this rule, if any, shall be submitted under
oath, and that this rule be returnable en
Friday, the :50th inst., at 10 o'clock a. m.
The court further order, that the clerk of
this court serve a copy of this rule, &c,
en said Win. U. Hcnsel, esq., personally
this day or te-morrow.
rSwi'l. Attest.
Gee. W. Eauy,
Deputy Clerk Quarter Sessions.
Prem Washington Horeugii.
On Sunday morning the only child of
Henry II. and Maggie Fishcl was buried.
Religious services were conducted by Rev
Recvcr and Gaul, in the Bethel church,
which was crowded with sympathizing
In the cemetery here arc the graves e
three physicians lying in a single parallel
line Dr. Abraham Bittncr, aged 47 ; his
brother, Dr. II. II. Bittncr, aged ""i ; and
Dr. Geerge Burg, aged 33.
J. B. Shuman, of Maner, is sinking
shafts en his farm for ere. The prospects
thus far are geed, a number of II113 speci
mens having been analyzed and pro
nounced of geed quality.
The reads in this vicinity arc improving
the mud net being se deep as it was a few
lays age
Tobacco is still moving; a number of
sales in this vicinity were made during last
weelc. Jehn Fcndrich, of Columbia, bought
from William McLane his crop at 22, 12, 8
and (I, and Geerge Wall's crop at 22, 10
aud 4. Andrew Sluiltz has sold his crop
011 private terms.
Win. B. Meixcll, a teacher in the publ'c
school, has engaged in the patent gate bus
iness, having purchased from the geneia
agent the right te operate in fourteen
townships of this county. Jacob Benedict
is his agent at this place.
Died of His Injuries.
Samuel Peters, a brakemau en the Penn
sylvania railroad, who had his arm crushed
and was otherwise severely injured two or
three weeks age while engaged in coupling
cars died in Columbia yesterday afternoon,
from the injuries received. Mr. Peters
was recently married te Mrs. Jane Bair,
widow of Clay Bair, who was killed by a
railroad accident two or three years age.
Mrs. Peters is well-known te the Lancas
ter public as the attentive waiting woman
who recently had change of the ladies'
room in the Pennsylvania depot
this city.
Temperance .Meetings.
Yesterday afternoon a largely attended
temperance meeting was held in Fulton
hall. It was addressed by Rev. William
J. Cennell this evening another will be
held in the court house.
X.. O. O. F.
Medication of Ledge ltoeiu,
On Saturday afternoon District Deputy
Grand Master E. J. Erisman, accompanied
by a number of Odd Fellows of this city,
took coaches and drove te Reamstown for
the purpose of assisting in the dedication
of the new hall of Cocalico ledge Ne. 408.
They were met by a committee en their ar
rival, and escorted te their quarters, where
a bountiful supper .awaited them. After
supper they went te the hall which was
crowded with ladies and gentlemen, Odd
Fellows and citizens "enerally. Acting
Grand Master Erisman announced
the following acting officers as his as
sistants in the dedication : Acting Grand
Marshal, J. A. Steber, of Cocalico ledge
Xe. 403 ; Acting Grand Warden, C. E.
Nics, of Cocalico ledge Xe. 408 ; Acting
Grand Chaplain, D. Mundshewcr, of Cen
tre I edge Xe. 133. Heralds : of the North,
J. P. Ackermau : of the East, Geerjre M.
Miller ; of the Seuth, Adam Oblender
(all of Mentery ledge Xe. 242), and of the
West, J. Elser, of Cocalico ledge Xe. 408.
The acting grand master took position
at the head of the ledge room and the her
alds took their station around a small table
in the centre of the room, upon which was
placed wheat, flowers, water and fire. The
grand master explained the object of the
gathering and announced the singinjr of
the opening ode, after which the grand
chaplain offered a prayer. Past Grand
Jehn S. Xeldc, of Cocalico ledge, then
presented the building for dedication. The
usual form of the ritual was then gene
through, an excellent choir in attendance
furnishing the musicl and the heralds in
turn scattering their emblems te the four
cardinal points of the compass. After the
singing of a hymn the grand master de
clared the ledge duly dedicated and re
turned the keys of the ledge room te the
noble grand. A brief speech was made by
the grand master, relative te the objects
of Odd-Fellowship, the leng-metre doxol dexol doxel
ogy was sung, a benediction was pro
nounced, and the assembly was dismissed.
The ledge the opened in due form, initiated
two new members, transacted ether busi
ness and closed.
The new hall is three stories high, the
first and second floors being occupied by a
furniture dealer, and the third by the
ledge. The room is about 30 feet square,
is handsomely carpeted and papered in
new style design. It is lighted by a hand
some chandelier ; the desks of the ellicers
are of walnut and ash, inlaid with emblems
of the order, as is also the efHcial pedestal.
There were present at the dedication visit
ing members from Clay ledge 913, Fidelity,
138, Centre, 133, and Mentery, 242. Co
calico ledge was instituted in 1830 and has
30 members. The ledge owns its own
hall, $000 worth of furniture and re
galia, and $1,000 invested in safe sccuii
ties. It is in a healthy and prosperous
A Itloedy 1'ight at ltohierxtewn.
Te-day a rather serious fracas occurred
at McShane's rolling mill at Rohrcrstewn.
There had been a fight between two of the
hands and Mr. McShane discharged one of
them. Seme of his friends demanded that
the ether also be discharged, when Mr.
McShane asserted his right te employ and
discharge whom he pleased.
This morning a number of the employees
went te the mill but refused te go te work
unless the objectionable man be discharged.
This Mr. McShane refused te de. About
neon the men, who had been drinking
freely, inarched te the mill, where they
badly beat a man named Hugh O'Donnell
with a pair of tongs and left him bleeding.
Mr. McShane came te this city te secure
assistance te maintain order and protect his
property ; he returned te Rohrerstown
about 3 o'clock, ppreinising te return if the
men persisted in creating a disturbance
In that case the sheriff will take a body of
men te Rohrcrstewu te suppress the riot
ers. Sales of Stocks.
This afternoon Samuel Hess & Sen,
auctioneers, sold at the Cooper house, the
following stocks, bends, &e. :
Fourteen shares of Lancaster and Wil
low street turnpike stock, te J. II. Heir
at $37.7.1 per share.
Four shares of Big Spring and Beaver
Valley turnpike stoek,te Daniel G. Baker,
esq., at $e.25 per share.
Ten shares of Lancaster county bank
stock, te Jacob Myers at $92. e0 per share.
Ten shares of Lancaster and Willow
street turnpike stock, te J. II. Ilerr at
37.33 per share.
Ten shares of Farmers" national bank
stock, te M. X. Biubakcr at $92 per share.
Ten shares of same te same at $92.30
er share.
Twe shares of same te same at $92,03 per
Eight shares of same te J. P. Wicker
sham at $92 per share.
Twe shares of Beaver Valley turnpike
stock te Samuel Hess at $4.70 per share.
Four registered $300 Lancaster city lean
bendf, payable in April, te Jeseph Esben
shadc for $102,30 per $100.
Nine shares of Lancaster and Millersville
street railway stock te Frank Shreder at
$24 per share.
Eleven shares of same te same at $23
per share.
Charged With Stealing Pigeons.
This afternoon Officers Kautz and Lentz
arrested Henry Fisher and Walter Bea
ver, two boys, en a charge of stealing
pigeons belonging te Henry Wolf, barber.
The birds were found in their possession
and the youths were locked up for a hear
ing. The Soup land Shew.
On Saturday evening the show for the
benefit of the soup fund came elf in Fulton
hall te a packed house. The performance was
by almost the same company as that given
at the entertainment en Christmas even
ing. The parties rehearsed but very little
fertius show, but notwithstanding that
fact, they gave a geed show.
Large Production of Iren.
The Penn iron company, limited. Win.
B. Middleton, superintendent, of this city,
turned out last week en their 1G inch mill
130 tens, and en their 18 inch mill 71
tens of finished iron, making a total of 207J
tens of finished iron. This is considered a
very large yield of iron in one week.
Madame Rentz This Evening. This evening
Madame Rcntz's female minstrel company and
band will appear in tlie opera house In one of
their pleasing entertainments. The troupe is
large, containing overtwcntynieinbciM.ameng
whom arc some excellent musicians, com
edians, sketch artists, 4c. The performance
will conclude with the Tjurlcsque of " 1L 31. S.
Pinafore," In which the troupe will appear in
their beautiful costumes.
Kiralfii't "Enchantment." On Wednesday
the large company of the Kiralfy Brethers
will play ."Enchantment" in this city. At
present one et the companies is playing this
piece at the Walnut Street theatre. The troupe
which will visit us has been playing te ira
memse business in Washington, Baltimore and
ether large cities and it is equally as strong as
the one in Philadelphia. It includes Mile. De
Bese, a renowned leader of the ballet :
Mens. Arneld Kiralfy, the famous Ulm Sisters,
the three Ronaldes and Master Carling, the
caricaturist. The cast includes the principal
members of Jehn T. Ferd's company, who are
iaveritcs everywhere.
"Singin Skewl." Aunt Pelly Basset, the
"Slngln Skewl" teacher, will give another of
her popular entertainments in the opera house,
en next Thursday eveninr.
A Blessing te Humanity,
We clip the following from the Republican,
Allentown, Pa. : My wife sutrered ler years
with Rheumatism, and endured great pain.
She used numerous remedies, but nothing
would bring relief. A few months age I pro
cured a bottle of St. Jacob's Oil, and the re
sults from the use thereof give me cause te re
commend the article te these suffering with
the same complaint. The first application act
ed like a charm, and the occasional use of St.
Jacob's Oil prevents the return of the former
great and unbearable pain. I consider St.
Jacob's Oil a blessing, and that net tee much
can be said in its praise.
When the lips are dry or scarreti .
When the teeth arc dark or dull,
When the tongue is het and hard,
And fills the tai 11 ted mouth tee full,
The magic SOZOHONT supply,
And all these ills before it lly.
Xrw Advertisements.
Aunt Pelly Basset's Singin Skewl.
bee Ilcinitslfs Advertisement.
Netice te Stockholders.
Annual Meeting.
Bey Wanted.
Public Sale.
ESTTer further details see advertising
Pure Spices at. I.echcr's Drug Stere.
Answer This.
Did you ever knew any person te be ill,
without inaction of the Stomach, Liver or Kid
neys, or did you ever knew one who was well
when either was obstructed or inactive ; and
diil you ever knew or hear of any eae of the
kind that Hep Hitters would net cure. Ask
your neighbor this same question.
Regulate the Secretion,
in our endeavors te preserve health it ! of
the utmost importance that we keep the sec
retory system in perfect condition. The well-
known remedy Kidney- ort. has specillc
aetien upon the kidneys, liver aud bowels.
Use it instead of dosing with vile bitters or
drastic pills. It is purely vegetable and is
prompt but mild in action. j2C-Iwd&w
Try Leeiicr's Cough Syrup.
A beacon in distress is '-Dr. Sellers' Cough
Syrup," the most ellicaeieus remedy for
coughs, colds, and whooping cough, i'rice 23
An Important Personal Item.
Charles S. Prentice, of Teledo, Ohie, went te
Paris ami thence te .England te be treated for
ISright's disease, and after the best physicians
of both countries had done what they could
for him, gave up in despair and returned te
America te die. Here he received further
treatment from ether skillful physicians with
out benefit, an'" ,-hllc "listlessly lingering in
pain and anr sh," as he says, heard et the
Safe Kidney .old Liver Cure, took it, and wxs
completely cured in a few weeks. He gives
circumstantial details of his painful experi
ence and astonishing cure, in a long letter te
II. II. Warner & Ce., which will be forwarded
en application. jl5-2wd
Try Lecher's Cough Syrup.
Osb teaspoonful et Dr. Browning's C. X C.
Cordial for coughs and colds every three hours
will relieve the severest case. Consumptives
will ilnd satisfactory relief from its use. It is
geed for Asthmatic Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup,
Whooping Cough, Iullucnza, Sere Threat,
Hoarseness, and any troubles et the same
nature. At this time of the year colds arc mere
quickly contracted than at any ether. If peo
ple will be imprudent, they must sufTer the
consequence; but te atone for neglect use Dr.
Browning's C. & C. Cordial, and get reliet. Fer
sale by druggists. Price SO cents. Dr. Brown
ing, Proprietor, 1117 Arch street, Philadelphia.
Piles! Piles! Piles!
De you knew what it is te sutler with Piles?
If you de, you knew what is one of the worst
torments of the human frame. It cures con
stipation, and then its tonic action restores
health te the diseased bowels, and prevents re
currence of tlie disease. Try it without de
lay. j2(Mwd&w
The secret of long life is te keep the liver
perfectly healthy which is best acceinplislich
by using only "Sellers' Liver Pills."
Use Lecher's Herse and Cattle Powders.
Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers'! !
Are you disturbed at night and broken et
your rest by a sick child suffering and crying
with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth?
It se, go at once and getabettle of MKS. WINS
LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the
peer little sufferer immediately depend upon
it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a
mother en earth who has overused it, who will
net tell you at once that it will regulate the
bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief
and health te the child, operating like magic.
It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, and pleas
ant te the taste, and is the prescription of one
of the eldest and best female physicians and
nurses in the United States. Sold evers' where.
25 cents a bottle. jl7-lyd&wM,V&S
Statistics prove that twenty-live per cent,
of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by
consumption, and when we reflect that this
terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te
a bottle of Lecher's Hcnewned Cough Syrup,
shall we condemn the sufferers ler their neg
ligence, or pity them for their ignorance?
Try Lecher's Cough Syrup.
A Mether's Grid.
The pride of a mother, the life and joy of a
home, are her children, hence her grief when
sickness enters and takes them away. Take
warning then, that you arc running a terrible
risk, if they have a Cough, Croup or Whooping
Cough, which lead te Consumption, if you de
net attend te it at once. Shiloh's Consump
tion Cure is guaranteed te cure them. I'rice 10
cents, 50 cents ami' $1. Fer lame Back, Side,
or Chest, use Shiloh's Pereus Plaster. Price
25 cents. Sold by D. HeiUshu, Lancaster, and
31. L. Davis, Millersville.
The Best I Ever Knew Of.
I. G. Starkcy, a prominent anil influential
Citizen of Iowa City, says: "I have had the
Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint for several
vears, and have used every Keinedy I could
hear of, without any relief whatever, until I
saw your Shiloh's Vitalizcr advertised in our
paper, and was pciadedte try it. I am happy
te state that it has entirely cured me. It is cer
tainly the best Remedy I ever knew of." Price
75 cents. Sold by D. ileitshu, LaucMtcr, and
M. L. Davis. Millersville.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.
A marvelous Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria
Canker Meuth, and Head Ache. With each
bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector for
the mere successful treatment of tne com
plaint, without extra charge. Price 50 cents.
Sold bv D. Ileitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis,
Millersville. s26-eodD&eewW
Three-story Brick Dwelling, with 10
rooms and 2 Stere rooms, en corner of Lemen
and North Queen streets, Lancaster, Pa.
Ne. 19 East King Street,
J24-3td-S,M&WK Second Fleer.
Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and IJeli
ablc Companies. HEKK & STAUFFiCU,
Beat Estate & Ins. Agts., 3 N. Duke St.
i should net tail te attend the public sale
of Household Furniture, at ILK. Bredc's, Ne.
31 West James street, en te-morrow (Tuesday)
.lununry, 27, 1SS0. Sale te commence at 1
o'clock. ltd
And the Best Grades of American Electro-Plate en White Metal.
Complete Mantel Sets of Centre and Side Pieces in Marble or Bronze.
Musical Bexes with Accompaniments and Mounted en Fine Library Writing
Cabinet. A fine general assortment of Jewelry, cemprising: all the Newest Designs.
Designs and estimate of cost given for mounting Diamonds and ether
Special care taken in the execution of Fine Monograms and Inscription
Engraving. Alse, in complicated and ordinary watch and jewelry repairing.
H. Z. RHOADS Ss BRO., Jewelers,
Ne. 4 West King Street.
29-tteedR Office: Ne lflkW est Orange St.
Lancaster, Dec. 12, is?j.
Office : 103 AVcst King Street.
Pure and Fresh.frem Ilmer Vaccine Farm,
Chambersburg, Pa., constantly received and
for sale by
Ne. 1H East King Street, Lancaster, Pa.
L Helders of Woodward Hill Cemetery for
election of Trustees will be held en MONDAY,
FEBBUAKY 2, 1SS0, at 7 o'clock p. in., tit ellice
et Gee. D. Sprecher.
By order of President.
J2S-tI J. B. MARTIN, See'y.
The annual niectlnsr of th Stneklmliierv nf
the Columbia and Pert Deposit Baiiread Com
ply will be held at tr ellice of the company.
Ne. 233 Seuth Fourth street, Philadelphia. Pa..
o'clock p. m.
Election for President and Directors same
day and place. JAMES It. McCLUBK,
jesi-attl Secretary.
On TUESDAY', JANUARY 27, 1880. will be
sold at public sale, at Jehn Dess's Swan Hetel
corner of Seuth Queen and Vine streets the
following described real estate, known as' the
Ancher Bending Works, situated at Ne. 113
Seuth Quven street, Lancaster city.
Ne. 1. Containing in trout en Seuth Queen
street, 25 feet '1 inches, mere or less, and in
depth I2G leet, mere or less, en which is erected
a Twe-story FRAME OffEU.IN'i: ,,t ,;.,;.,
six rooms, with Basement Kitchen and Cellar
also Bakeoven, Smoke Heuse and ether neces
sary outbuildings. A never-failing Well of
W ater. Hydrant and Cistern, also Fruit Trees
.urn uiiiju v ines in me ynru.
I." Seuth Christian street, 33 feet 2J4 inches
ana part, 1 mine, une store itoem, nxW teet
and most of the Machinery, as Engine (nearly
new) Beiler, Shattings, Belting, Circular Saw,
Benches, &c.
This is a rare opportunity for parties with a
limited capital te secure agoed business stand
asithas been carried en successfully ter sixteen
years. It is fitted up in the most complete and
convenient manner for business et any kind
easy of access and centrally located in the heart
et the city, only one square from Centre
This property will be sold in parts or as a
whole, as may best suit purchasers. The only
reason for selling tills property is that the bus
iness of the Ancher Bending works lias grown
se great that the proprietor is compelled te en
large his works, and will remove te Reading,
where he has secured works of ample preper-
I'ersens desiring te view the property will
please call en the undersigned.
Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., when
attendance will be given and terms made
known by JACOB A. LE1PPE,
Ne. 113 Seuth Queen Street.
HEsnv Simiinvr, Auct.
J17-5tdl7,20,22,2l,2fi& ltw
The qualified voters of the City of Lancaster
are hereby notified that an election will be
held in the several wards, at the usual places
of holding elections, en TUESDAY, the 17th
day of i EBRUARY, 18S0, between the hours of
C a. m. and 7 p. m., of said dav, ler the purpose
et electing en a general ticket one Mayer
and twelve Scheel Directors, and the qualified
voters of the several wards shall at the sumo
time and place elect additional officers as fol fel
lows :
FIRST WARD. One member of Select
Council, four members of Common Council.ene
Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable and one
SECOND WARD. One member of Select
Council, three members et Common Council,
one Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable and
one Assessor.
THIRD WARD. Oncmemberef Select Coun
cil three members of Common Council, one
Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable and one
FOURTH WARD. One member of Select
Council, three members of Common Council,
one Alderman, one Judge, two Inspectors, one
Constable and one Assessor.
FIFTH WARD. Twe members et Common
Council, one Judge, two Inspectors, one Con
stable and one Assessor.
SIXTH WARD. On member of Select
Council, three members of Common Council,
one Judge, two Inspectors, ene Constable and
one Assessor.
SEVENTH WARD. Three members of Com
mon Council, ene Judge, two Inspectors, one
Constable and one Assessor.
EIGHTH WARD. One member of Select
Council, three members of Common Council,
one Judge, two Inspectors, one Constable and
ene Assessor.
NINTH WARD. Three members et Com
mon Council, one Alderman, one Judge, two
Inspectors, one Constable ami one Assessor.
J2WtdS Mayer.
Stcrliug Silver Triple Silver-plated
Ware, Ware,
Soup Ladles, Tea Spoons,
Oyster Ladles, Coffee Urns,
Ice Cream Knives, Biscuit Jars,
Berrj Spoons, Fruit Stands,
Nut Spoons, Cake Baskets,
Sugar Tongs, Berry Dishes,
Bnlter Knives, Baking Dishes,
ALU. KHOADS, 13 East King St.,
Jeweler. Lancaster, Pa.
T IGI1T. "
Ceal Oil Lamps,
and Lanterns.
These goods are entirely new and handsomer
than ever before ettered and prices lower.
152 North Queen Street,
verybedy te advertise, free of eharse.
in iiie
te de.
ITi;LLUiKxct:i:, who wants something
T T 50 Geed Cigarmakers by Bennett & Hal-
ueuian, .iiaricua, 1 a
Geed wages, in weekly
TT A stout boy te learn Ceachsmithing,
about Hi or 17 years of age, at Philip uoersein's
Carriage Factory, 123 East King street, Laneas-
t :r, Pa.
The Democracy et Lancaster city and all
who are willing te co-operate with them in se
curing an economical, honest and progress i ve
municipal government are invited te meet at
the ward houses in their respoctive wards
from 7 te 8 o'clock, en
te make general nominations for the otlicejte
be filled at the approaching municipal elec
tions. The Ward Houses and the eflices te be
tilled are as fellows :
1st Want, Shober's note!. Select Council
man, Common Ceuncilnien, Judge, Inspector
nun ienstuuie.
2d Ward, Union Hetel. Select Councilman,
Common Couneilmen, Judge, Inspector, Av
sosserand Constable.
3il Ward, Jacob Elnngcrs Saleen. Select
Councilman, Common Ceuncilnien, Judge,
Inspector, Assessor and Constable.
ith Ward, Gee. II. Erisman 's Saleen. Alder
man, Select Council, Common Ceuncilnien,
Judge, Inspector, Assessor and Constable.
5th Ward, Philip Wall's Grceu Tree Hetel.
Common Ceuneilmen, Judge, Inspector, As
sessor and Constable.
Ctli Ward, Jes. Kautz's Saleen. Select Coun
cilman, common Ceuncilnien, Judge, Inspec
tor, Assessor and Constable.
7th Ward, IScrnanl Kuhlman's Saleen. Com
mon Ceuneilmen, Judge, Inspector, Assessor
and Constable.
Sth Ward, Lucas Fritz's Saleen. Select Coun
cilman, Common Ceuneilmen, Judge, Inspec
tor, Assessor and Constable.
9th Ward, Arneld Haas's Saleen. Alderman,
Common Ceuneilmen, Judge, Inspector, As
sessor and Constable.
General nominations for Mayer, Scheel Di
rectors (six te be elected) and City Cemmi ttee
inen will be made in all the wards.
The Primary Meetings te etUethc nominees
or the party will be held en
Chairman City Committee.
Will deliver his lecture en
In Fulton Opera Heuse, Lancaster, en
Tuesday Evening, January 27th, 1880.
The chart is new open at Harry M. Herr's
Loek Stere, EiistKingstrcet, where reserved
cats can be had without extra charge.
Mine, iicntz's Minstrels,
Combined for this season only, with thejustlr
1 lie lamed Union of Skilled Musicians. and
the Equally Eminent VIVANDIEKECOR.VET
,fv . ?mPOscd of 12 Thoroughly Accom
plished Lady Performers. In addition poi-
All popular modern amusements: Music
Mirth Mimicry, Vecal Meledy, ISuriesque.
lravesty. Opera, Parody, Farce, Caricature,
Pageantry, Parade, Wit. Humer, Jollity, Ac. A
Mountain of Massive Mirth, forming beyond
all question the crowning novelty or the pres
ent year. ADMISSION, 75, BO 25 Cents.
Reserved Seats, 75 Cents, for sale at the Opera
Housu Office. j-iWtd
Thursday Evening, January 2tli, 1880. j
Tickets for sale at the Opera Heuse.
The audience was kept in rears of laughter
for ever two hours. Sew Yerk Herald.
The roe3t Beautiful Spectacle ever seen,
Grand Spectacular Production, entitled
A Tale of Enchantment,
On a Scale of Magnificence and Grandeur sur
passing anything ever 'seen in America. En
tirely New and Nevel Costumes. Rrilliant and
Glittering Armors and Jewels. Marvelous Me
chanical Effects. Full Cerps de JInllat. Grand
Cosmopolitan Ballet of 50 young ladles in Glit
tering Armer. Immense Demen Ballet. The
w erld's Greatest Premiers,
And MONS. ARXOJLD KIRALFY, introducing
the following great European Specialty Ar
FAMOUS ULM SISTERS, in their Eccentric
MASTER CARLIXG, the Extraordinary Car
icaturist. Grand Amazen Marcli.led by a beau
tiful and charmingly formed young lady. A
few of the numerous Stage Pictures are :
VDIage in llartz Mountains.
A Wild Cress Path in Breckcn.
The Grotte of Stalacta.
Palace of Lace.
Subterranean Vaults.
The Grand Staircase of the Gelden Terrace.
Burning Ferest.
Grand Transformation Seen The nemes or
the Fairies.
Ne advance in Prices.
Seats new ready at the Opera Heuse. Secure
your scats in advance. Ne extra charge for
Reserved Scats.
The cast will-include Miss Belle Mackenzie,
Mrs. Gormen and Mr. Deuham.
The Annual Election for Trustee of the
Lancaster Cemetery, will be held en TUES
DAY, FEBRUARYS, 1880, between the hour
or 10 and 11 o'clock, a. m., at the Grape Hetel.
JlO-itrtS President.
Washington, Jan. 2G. Fer the Middle
states, partly cloudy weather, with a slight
rise in temperature and northerly winds.
I shifting te cast and south, followed dur
ing the night by slowly falling barometer,
increasing cloudiness and threatening
weather, with rain in the southern por
tion. MAINE.
The Fiery, Untamed Press Agent SlUl
Ulazing Away at the Fusienlsts.
Augusta, ile., Jan. 25. The supreme
Court will assemble at Banger and decide
upon the advisabilty of considering the
Fusionist statement.
The Fusion Senate met with but seven
members this morning, and transacted no
business and took a recess.
The Republican pregramme as outlined
this morning is, after hearing what the su
preme court has te say regarding the Fu
sionist statement, te have the governor
issue a proclamation commanding the dis
persion of the Fusionist government, and
if any one persists in exercising adminis
trative or legislative functions, te arrest
him immediately. Probably the governor
will give ths Fusionists net ever twenty-
four hours warning. The Fusionists ap
pear te have entirely lest heart. It is ex
pected that Wednesday will see the last of
the dual government.
The agent of the associated press at
Augusta is a prominent Republican politi
cian, and the unreliability of his dispatches
has become mere marked every day. lie is
employed by the Republican Legislature te
send out news of the abo'e tenor, with the
express purpose of disheartening the op
position. Eds. Intelligences
The Republican Senate is net in session.
In the Heuse a message from the governor
of Wisconsin was read, transmitting the
congratulations of the Legislature of that
state. An order was also presented pro
viding for an investigation into the disap
pearance of the great seal and records.
Afternoon Telegraphic News.
Over two-thirds of Rick Bres', hardware
meulders in Reading have struck for 25
per cent, advance.
The shoe shop connected with the
Kings county penitentiary at Flatbush,
N. Y., burned te-day. The 423 prisoners
and e(50 outside hands in the building at
time were gotten safely out. The less
will be heavy.
In the Senate te-day Bayard announced
that he will speak en the legal tender
resolution te-morrow. Luther Harrison'
of Pennsylvania, has been centirmed
principal clerk en private land claims.
In a Birmingham speech Jehn Bright
favors a parliamentary commission te go
te Dublin with power te sell landlord's
farms te tenants willing te buy and te ad
vance three-fourths of the principal, prin
cipal and interest te be repaid in five years.
He thinks that would meet all wants.
. At Augusta, Me., Jasen P. Scribncr was
te-day sentenced te imprisonment for life,
for the murder of two of his children in
May, 1878.
A bill te increase the number of supreme
justices te twenty-one, three divisions of
seven each, with a chief and two assistants
was offered in the Heuse te-day ; and
ZSSiE" ""a"a
I TJeloc!ie:i of
Cathellc Pried
te Prutes-
The entire Catholic community of Balti
more has been greatly excited i hiring the
past three days ever rumors which were
circulated, stating that a Catholic prii st
had publicly renounced his adherence te
the church of Keine and had been con
verted te Protestantism. These rumors,
j which at first were generally discredited,
were fullv verified yesterday. It appears
3 that the Rev. Father Jehanu Ilejda, pas
ter et bt. Wences'atts' Catholic church, en
Canal street, near Fayette, en Thursday
last made public confession of his conver
sion te the Protestant faith in Trinity
German Evangelical Lutheran church, en
Trinity street, east of High.
Among these present were Uev. J. Pis
ter, pastor of the church : Kev. X. littrk-
j hart, pastor of St. Jehn's Evangelical Lu-
tlicrai churcn, Uiuctle street, north et Penn
sylvania avenue ; the trustees of both
parishes, and a large congregation. Father
Ileida. seen after the commencement of
j the day's service, stepped out in front of
the chancel, aud announcing his conversa
tion, signed a document setting forth
that fact and rcneuiiciug his ad
herence te the Reman Catholic
church, which was witnessed by the Revs.
Pister and Burkhart and the trustees of
both churches. Information of his change
of religious views was net generally known
among the Catholics until the day follow
ing, when Father Ilejda sent a formal
letteref resignation te Archbishop Gibbens
announcing the step he had taken, which
he said he had felt compelled te de after
long and careful consideration.
Father Ilejda will at once commence a
course of studies of the Protestant doc
trines preparatory te being ordained a
minister. Yesterday the pulpit of St.
Wcuccslaus was filled by Rev. Father P.
Urban, who has been detailed te take charge
of the parish until relieved. Father Ilejda,
who, as his name indicate.-, is a
Bohemian, wasbornatTrhaner, ncarKIat
tan, Bohemia, in 18-47, and is consequently
about 152 years old. About a year age
Archbishop Gibbens, desiring te obtain a
priest for St. "Wcnceslaus, where the con
gregation is almost exclusively Bohemian,
scnta request te1 that effect te the diocese
of Bohemia, which resulted in Father
Ilejda arriving here about eight months
age. He at once took charge of St. Wcn
ceslaus, where he remained until his deci
sive act en last Thursday severed his con
It is understood that a number of the
members of St. Wcnceslaus will fellow
their priest and join the Protestant church,
Fires in Philadelphia.
Stephen F. Whitman & Sens confec
tionary establishment, at Twelfth and
Market streets, was burned yesterday
afternoon, involving a less of .$70,000. The
fire originated in the upper stories, but
lrem what cause is unknown. The third
and fourth were burned out, the reef fell
in and the lower parts of the building
were deluged with water, damaging valu
able machinery in the cellar. The stock
of candies en hand was net very heavy.
The less will be $."",000 en the building
owned by the Patterson estate : Covered
by insurance. The less of S. F. Whitman &
Sens, en machinery, stock, furniture and
fixtures, is estimated by them te be $0.1,
000 ; also covered by insurance.
A fire two hours later in the sash and
meulding factory of Charles A. Deerr &
Sen, situated en Spring Garden street,
above Thirty-eighth, West Philadelphia,
caused a lesr of $3",000. Insurance, S(J,-000.
Charley Kaufman is the statesman
big -with the destiny of his party.
Marriett Bresics was taken and Jeseph
Samson was ieft.
Trey cast out Jacob Rathfon and nemi
nated Andy Ceglcy.
The ball season is at its height and the
wall flowers are languishing for want of
proper husbandry.
Bishop Peck warns the Methodist
brethern against the dangers of thrift,
fashion and the modern literature which
is supplanting the geed old text books..
Spurrier took notice of that, hissing
and se pledged all "the best workers in the
ward" te de their little best for the candi
date. Daniel Barrett, supreme president of
the Catholic Mutual benefit association of
the United States and Canada, died sud
denly at Medina, "X. Y., yesterday.
Dr.Leriiier finds himself in pretty geed
company, new that an English reviewer
is accusing Tennyson of literary absorp
tion. A fine "spiritual demonstratien1' at
Norwich, in the way of bell-ringing, was
spoiled by the accidental discovery that the
bell-wire had get in contact with a curtain
Andrew Jacksen married another man's
wife, and did net find out until two years
afterward that she had never been divorced
He then assisted her te procure a divorce,
and they where re-married.
The exploring expedition under the lead
of Henry M. Stanley has established the
first trading station in Conge, near Gallal
lia, which place is claimed by both Eng
land and Portugal.
Since last July $100,000 have been con- ,
tributed te the Rochester university, and.
$100,000 pledged toward an extra endow
ment of $230,000, which sum, when raised
will give the institution $400,000 produc
tive funds.
The next anniversary of the Lancaster
Bible society will be held en Sunday even
ing, February 8, and there will be two
meetings and ether pastors are asked te
close their churches. At the Duke street
M. E. church Rev. Limlemuth and Rev.
Hufferd and Judge Patterson will speak.
At the Presbyterian church Revs. Peters,
Mitchell aud Dr. Grcenwald will sdeak.
Charles O'Coner wears a rather seedy""
looking hat, a tightly-buttoned frock coat
wraps his body, and his trousers and beets
are half-way between the shabby and gen
teel. His bearing in the street, where he
is often seen, furnishes evidence of his fur
recovery from the illness of four years age,
when the doctors gave him up and he took
his case into his own hands. His hair ders
net seem any whiter new than it did tc n
years age, his back is just as straight as
ever, he never wears glasses out of doers,
as many much younger men ile, an. I
though his step is net quite se active as it
used te be, he can still de very creditable
walking en the down-town sidewalks.
Though he has been out of active practice
for several years, he still keeps his office
en Wall street, and force of habit brings
him down town nearly every day. He oc
casionally takes a retainer in a case involv
ing intricate law points, but his service
gees no further than preparing an opinion,
or suggesting te ether lawyers what course
is best te take with the case.
Philadelphia Market.
Philadelphia, January a;. Fleur dull;
Mi perl! lie 4 50ig5 00; extra ." SB05 75;
Ohie and Indiana familv SC T.'.fJTOO: Venn'a
lamily$C25(5 75; St. Lenis family $7 007'25 ;
Minnesota Family $J ijfi 75 ; patent and
high grades $7 008 -.
Rye flour $5 00ig5 i".
Cornmeal Brandy wine unchanged.
Wheat dull; Ne. 2 Western Red $1 SGV:
Pa. red $1:17; Amber 138.
Cern dull ; steamer none here; yellow 57c;
mixed 56.rCc.
Oats weaker; Southern and Penn'a white VM
Qi',y,c; Western white 454tt7jc'! Western
mixed 4:4fic.
Rye steady ; Western 8300c ; Pa. Vic.
Previsions dull; mtss perk $1."50; beet
hams $1GOU1G50; India mess beef $21 CO;
Bacen smoked shoulders 5Kc; salt de 435c ;
smoked hams 102)10c; pickled bains ayij
' Lard dull; city kettle SSc; loose
butchers' 7 "c ; prime steam 7Je.
Butter quiet and casv ; creamery a a
traIHgaJe: Bradford county and Nr Y. extra
iVa''e ; Western reserve extra at c ;
de geed te choice 17S'J"Jc : rolls dull Penn'a
extra 13l7e; western reserve extra ISgCOc
Eggs easier ; Choice Penn'a 17e ; Western 163
Cheese firmer; N. T. factory HJQlSc;
western lull cream MI4c: de for geed Vi,
fj)l3;de half-skims none here.
Petroleum tirm ; Refined 7'c.
Whisky $1 10.
-lew Yerk Market.
Nw Teiik, January 2C. Fleur State anil
Western dull; prices without decided change ;
su peril no statu $1 705 20; extra de
$5 355 65 ; choice de S5 70C15; fancy de$G20
7 25; round hoop Ohie $5 606 00; choice
de V 007 50; superfine western $i 70f$5 20;
common te geed extra de $5 355TJ ; choice
dodeliSUSOO; choice white wheat de&j(Ka
7 75; Southern dull, heavy: common te fair
extra. $f 003(50: geed te choice de $3 C0& CO.
Wheat feverish and unsettled, opening easier
and afterwards advancing lUe en winter;
Spring nominal ; Ne. 2 red, Feb. $1 iixA ; March
i wmi 45.
Cern dull and c lower : Mixed Western
spot 57ft01c ; de future 53Cf;ic.
Oats dull ; atute 47Q50C; Wustere IV.ftVJe
Cattl Karkat.
PnitADBtrniA, Jan. 95. Cattlcmarketactlve:
receipt 2,200 head; priuie Ce; geed 5c; me
dium 5c; common 4lJc.
Sheep market inactive ; receipts 6,000 head;
prime CGlc; geed 5'iQ,Cc ; medium 5Jfi5-ic;
common 4Xts5c.
Hogs in fair demand; receipts 3,000 head;
geed GiQc ; ;mcdium CJe ; oeinmon Cgfi'ic
tock Market.
Philadelphia, Jan.
12:30 r. n.
Stocks dull.
PennaC's (third issue) 10C'-
Philadelphia A Erie 18
Reading zfA
Pennsylvania 52
Lehigh Valley. :i
United Ces. of N.J 155
Northern Pacific 'JAY.
Preferred 57
Northern Central 32
Lehigh Navigation 37
Norristown 103
Central Transportation Ce.- 4K
Pitts., Titusville & Butrale. 15;
Little Schuylkill 51Ji
Nkw ieiik, Jan.
Stocks Irregular.
Meney 5&0
N. Y. Central 131
Adams Express 107 y.
Michigan Central sa'i
Michigan Southern .104
Illinois Central ...10
Cleveland A Pittsburgh.... 110":
Chicago ft Reck Island 151
Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.. Yt
Western Union Tel. Ce 1034
Teledo Wabash 44J4
New Jartev Central
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In pursu
ance of the act of June 12, 1878 the Auditor
General will expose te sale at the Merchant'
Exchange, in the city of Philadelphia, en Tues
day, the 24th day or February. 18, atl2 o'clock
m., 18.815 snares or Turnpike Read Stock, new
owned by the Commonwealth, among which
cates for all these stocks cannot be feu ml, but
the interest of the Commonwealth will be sold.
The purchaser will be entitled te the same
number of votes as the original owner. Terms,
10 per cent, en dav of sale ; the balance within
thirty days te the State Treasurer, when a
transfer will be given.
j23-5tdeaw Auditor GencraL i
. .l