Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 26, 1880, Image 2

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Lancaster Intelligencer.
Presidential Candidates.
The third term boom having shown its
weakness, we are favored with an an
nouncement that General Grant proposes
te make a public declaration that his
business engagements forbid him te lie
, ., urfiiifnt i:il candidate. Such a
proclamation is quite unnecessary and
we doubt whether it will be formally
made. The general's friends may make it,
but the general himself cannot new with
propriety speak when he has heretofore
been silent. Te refuse what it is new man
ifest he is net likely te get, would be a
xvery ungraceful and foolish thing te de.
But the politicians who have liecn third
term men are compelled, in view of the
failure of their idea, te put their ships
about and te proclaim their belief that
Grant will net take the place which tnej
have but lately been clamorously claim
ing for him. It is a sharp turn te make,
but none of the gang will hesitate
when they see the break in the ice ahead
of them. Senater Cameren will skate
away in the direction that premises best
for Cameren, and if he gets his delega
tien may even be bold enough te set up
as a presidential candidate himself with
the expectation of dropping into the
vice presidency, which is an office that
would suit his talents very well, being
one of dignity and ornament and net
much else. If such is his ambition his
wife's relations cannot count en his sup
port of the Sherman boom, te which it
is generally supposed that he will be
kindly affected with a view te place tne
power of the country in the Sherman Sherman
Cameren family connection. But Sena Sena
eor Cameren probably knew. Secretary
Sherman tee well te trust him.
IT inav have geed reason te
susnect that President Sherman's care
of the freundschaft would begin and end
with Ne. Land that when he is safely
seated he might be tempted te as
sume in public the Human virtue which
would send his nephews and nepliews-m- ,
l-.w te thei-pur. Senater Cameren may i
net wish te be exposed te tlie danger of t
e,.!, intrv l.hit from bis uncle of !
till . ""- I
the icv heart, and as he cannot run en ,
the ticket with him for the second ellice. i
Secretary Sherman's prospects for the
Pennsylvania delegation are net brilliant.
Senater Cameren possibly has done all
for the Sherman family that he thinks it
wise te de. in taking a peer but beautiful
daughter off its hands and introducing
her te the luxuries which his unworthily ;
earned million buy and te the ,
great exj-ectatiens which she is at i
liberty te entertain of a future ascent te j
a er.t of honor as the first or second lady
in the capital, and perchance even te the ;
hope that a red-headed son of the Hume
may be a prince or a duke under an em-1
pile. -f which Donald I. is ruler. As the
chief henchman of Grant our senator
may claim heirship te all his possible
honors. and if the general cheeses te go
te the wilderness te dig a canal, the
senator when he gets up his empire.cannet
reasonably be expected te hunt him up
te resign te him the throne.
Tlii-i-fi :iri- several gentlemen m uie
liepublican parly who think with the
senator that none of its honors are tee
geed for them. Mr. Blaine considers
that, hr- has groomed himself for the
presidential nomination in first-class
style by his exploits in Maine ; and prob
ably lie has, for it is success at such
schemes of fraud that dearly recommend
apoliticiantea liepublican convention.
A man cannot have such an evil repute
for general rascality and rottenness as te
ba hurt by it in such a body. Blaine was
net stepped by the Mulligan letters from
going through at Cincinnati last time,
and would certainly have been nominated
if his illness had net prevented him from
superintending his canvass and counter
mining his fees.
Then there is Conkling, who comes te
t'ae front as a candidate as Grant disap
pears from view. An important move
ment iu his campaign, which is also the
initial one, is a loving meeting between
li:s wife and Mrs. Sprague at the dinner
table of the latter iu the presence of the
senator and five ether witnesses and with
the associated press reporter as the chron
icler of its beauty. The loveliest flowers
in the most beautiful chalices of the
strangest devices adorned the table ;
and the high regard of the sen
ator's wife for the woman
whose husband put the senator
out of his house at the end of his shot
gun is testified te before the country.
That Connecticut lawyer who declared in
the Hayden trial that a woman would de
anything te save her husband's life may
be encouraged by Mrs. Conkling's conde
scension te the belief that there is no
humiliation a wife will shrink from te
save her husband's political fortunes.
Mrs. Conkling is evidently thrust by her
husband into Mrs. Sprague's arms te
cleanse him from the suspicion of having
bsen her predecessor there, but only with
the result of proving the meekness of the
senator's wife and of demonstrating his
own utter depravity in forcing her into
such an odious situation. If Mrs. Conk
ling had met Mrs. Sprague casually in a
public place and treated her with cordi
ality the movement would have been ef
fective ; but prepared and trumpeted
such as this, has no tonic in it for Mr.
Conkling's moral character.
Tin: editor of the Tobacco Junrnul is
very wroth because the price of tobacco
stays up. He seems te have been in
Lancaster a few days age te find out for
himself the reason of it and te have gene
away no wiser nor mere amiable than
when lie came. The only idea he seems
te have in his ravings is that the Intel
ligence", is the cause of the high price
at which the present crop is selling. We
are thankful for the complimentary
opinion, but we fear it is net deserved.
Tobacco is high because the buyers are
willing te pay high prices for it, the
farmers are willing te take them, and the
Intelligenceu is willing te report
the sales when made. That is the only
influence we exercise ever the market.
There may be a speculation in the pur
chase of the present crop at ruling figures,
but unless the 1SS0 crop is a failure it is
as likely te be a losing as a gaining one.
The " flashes of wit " that are seen in
Congress when the humorists of that
body come into contact, in accordance
with previous arrangement, de net daz
zle the average reader nearly se much
as they seem te delight these who hear
them. There may be something exces
sively funny in the appearance and man
ner of these funny men that the cold
types de net reproduce, for en no ether
ground can we understand the ' laugh-
ter " ' ntwise merriment ami maih-
ed interest" that pervade the assem
blage when Mr. Cox and Mr. Herr male
their sallies upon each ether. Their
poems and epitaphs read like the thin
nest and coarsest kind of trash. If
these have any redeeming or interesting
quality Congress ought te provide means
te inform the public ' why we laugh."
A ri!ff weeks age the Cameren folks
hereabouts were boasting very largely
that they had the power te elect third
term delegates te the liepublican na
tional convention from this count and
would de it. Tin: boom, however, is
slightly splintered even here. and a prom
inent third termer who was offered the
place of delegate declined it with the re
flection that if he took it lie knew he
would net represent his constituents and
he did net want te misrepresent them.
Banjo playing is the fashionable accom
plishment new of .society girls of Wash
ington, D. C
Rei-i-iilicans arc ungrateful Philip D.
Baker was rejected by the delegates of his
own ward.
Tin: Tribune' c regular correspondent at
Washington believes that the recent
events in Maine have advanced Senater
lll:iiiin"s urnsnects as a candidate for the
Tim: machine convention which nomi
nated Bering exemplified its appreciation of
the free school system by giving Jee.
Samson a unanimous vote (20 members),
and net a single vote for Marriett Brosius.
Ok course Adam Ebcrly
didn't want
te be reneminated as school director.
His present duties as select councilman of
the Fifth ward will be sufficient te engage
his surplus talent until such time as he
shall be railed upon te act as district
Tuk Republican school beard has twice
done itself honor, and aided, the cause of
education, by electing Marriett Brosius a
member of the heard te till vacancies, and
twice has the convention, composed of
the best workers of the wards." kicked
him out. " Insatiate archer, would net
enrc suffice -.'"
A -oiti:i-:M-e.NUi:x-r of the Washington
llcunhlic claims that it was Zach Chandler
wj10 0ri-iiiatetl Sherman's grand march te
tne sca as caiiy as December, 1801, in a
j letter te Simen Cameren, as secretary of
var j t-liis letter, which was rccently
j discovered among the correspondence of
, tjic v.u. department, when searching for
niatcri.xl t() 1)C used for Mr. Chandler's
j bieapi, the great stalwart, who was as
j .,: .im blunt and energetic in 18G1 as he
i .
was in 1S70, suggested that while the army
of the Potomac kept the Confederates
around Richmond engaged, a hundred
thousand men be sent down the Missis
sippi river en barges te New Orleans, and
then inarched back across tewaid Rich
mond, subsisting upon the country which
was then well supplied.
The official banquet te General Gkaxt
at Havana was tendered en Friday night.
After the banquet he attended the opera.
General Grant has invited his old cem-nvmdc-r
in Mexico, General Reukkt Pat-
ti:i:sex, te spend the winter with him
in Mexico, and the latter has accepted the
Mrs. Kate Chasi: Si-i:aeui: gave a
dinner party last week te a few gentlemen
and ladies, among whom were several
members of the supreme court. Senater
Conkling and Mrs. Conkling were present.
It is said by a gentleman well qualified te
knew that immediately after the affair at
Caneiichet last .summer, Mrs. Conkling
wrote a letter te Mrs. Sprague inviting
her te accept the hospitalities of the Conk
ling house at Utiea.
General Gorden has received a long
dispatch from Walthall, Lamar's law
L partner, saying that he wishes the friends
of Lamau te understand that Geerge s
election te the Senate is a triumph of the
former's friends, and that the two sena
tors will be in perfect accord en all
national questions,. The dispatch further
states that Lamar is rapidly recovering
and will be able te resume his seat in the
Senate in a short time.
Gen. IIekack Pektki:, formerly en
Grant's staff, has made about $:500,000
in Xcw Yerk since he left the president's
household. Frem his father's estates and
salaries he had acquired about $40,000.
Mr. Pullman wanted te sec him succeed
and put him into the elevated railroads.
He first invested all he had of every sort
there, and when it had increased put the
whole sum as a margin for mere stock,
and as the stock did net decline he was
able te held the amount he had purchased
en margin, and made $240,000 out of that
Tlie Grant lleum.
Washington Dispatch te New Yerk Herald.
It is reported here, en what is believed
te be trustworthy authority, that the per
sonal friends of the ex-president in Phila
delphia who arc nearest te him state te
persons interested that before the meeting
of the Pennsylvania convention, ten days
hence, an authoritative declaration will be
made in behalf of the cx-prcsident conclu
sively taking him from the field as a con
testant for the presidential nomination. It
is given out by persons in the ex-president's
confidence that he proposes te en
gage in an important business, which he
prefers te any attempt te re-enter political
life. ,
Such an authoritative announcement,
ifitshenldbc made, would be a great
relief te the Republican political managcis
in Pennsylvania, who have begun of late
te fear that the third term policy would
cause serious disturbance in the conven
tion and among the Republicans of the
state. The convention was called at an
usually early date, with the confident ex
pectation that it would instruct the
Chicago delegation te demand the re
nomination of the ex-president en the
third term policy. When the call was issued
there was a general impression that this
would be done without trouble, but in the
last ten days it has become certain that the
third term policy lacks popular strength in
the state, and that au attempt te make the
convention instruct the delegation for it
would create troublesome and dangerous'
dissensions. This development has placed
the third term men in aa embarrassing sit
uation, from which such an announcement
by authority as is new reported would hap
pily relieve them.
In Indianapolis a burglar named Henry
Stevenson, while in the act of robbing a
store, was fatally shot by a policeman.
Bush & Beiling's oil manufactory en
Provest street, Jersey City, was destroyed
by lire at an early hour yesterday morning.
Less, $20,000 ; insurance, $3,000.
The citizens of Macen. Ga., have sent
700 te the Irish sufferers. It was mostly
sent te Tuam, one of the most afflicted
The house of a shoemaker named Chas.
Brown, iu Windser, Conn., was burned,
and Brown, who was 75 years of age, was
burned te death. It is supposed that he
set lire te the place while intoxicated.
A bar of geld weighing 23."i ounces, val
ued at about $4G,000, has been brought te
Halifax from the Sherry and Kennedy
ledge, at Montague. It is the result of
three weeks' work of fourteen men.
In Elizabeth, N. J., Themas Quinn,
aged 8 years ; Jeseph Sullivan, aged 0
years, and Edward Ulrich, aged 1) years,
were arrested for breaking into and rob
bing Newcomb's grocery store at Crane
and Union streets. They effected an en
trance at an early hour, collected all the
candy in the place, and cleaned out the
money drawer. ine money suiuvau
pocket and with it purchased a heavy
amethyst ring.
Four well-dressed men, apparrcnlry or
dinary travelers, arrived by train at Dan
fort h, Iroquois county, 111., the ether
night, and seen afterwards masked them
selves and entered the lodgings of a Mr.
Webber, an old man of ever sixty years,
and after knocking him down and gagging
him blew ejxm the safe in his room and
secured $4,'J00 in cash, after which they
cscajcd, leaving him- securely fastened.
He was released tne next morning auer a
night of terrible sulteriug.
In Detroit, Mich., two men, each named
Henry Kachcn, uncle and nephew, who
had been drinking together for several
lavs, enrra-rcd in a dispute while in a
--".I ec - --
dispute in a grocery, which ended
in both drawing revolvers and sheeting at
each ether. Five or six shots were inter
changed, two of which passed through
the body of the elder Kachcn, from the
effects of which he died. The nephew,
who was net hurt, was promptly arrested.
A prize fight occurred en Saturday be
tween Prof. Clark, of Cleveland, Ohie, and
Dick Murray, of New Yerk, for $100 a
side. The contestants, together with a
small party of their friends, went te Dun
dee, Mich., and proceeded into the weeds,
where a ring was formed and at half-past
ten o'clock a. m. the battle was com
menced. Twenty-nine rounds were fought
in 1 hour and 12 minutes, when Clark was
declared the winner. Murray was roughly
handled. There was no interruption te the
fight ami it is net thought any arrests will
be made.
The rrebable Winter in the Arctic.
Although no intelligence has been re
cently brought te us from the Arctic
ocean north of Behring strait directly in
dicating the character of the winter which
the American Arctic expedition is there
experiencing, there arc net wholly want
ing the means of forming some idea
of the present season in that region.
The officers of the Swedish North
cast passage expedition reported last
winter, spent by them very near the
supposed present winter quarters of the
Jcannctte, as " abnormally cold ;" but
they could then see " almost constantly a
blue water sky from true northwest te
cast" that is, "in the direction of Wrang
cll Land and they further report, "the
coldest winds came the Siberian plain " te
the southward of the Vega's position and
net from the direction of Wrangcll Land.
These facts agree in showing the improba
bility of an cxtrerdinarily severe winter
occurring there.
But the evidence new presented of the
recent barometric and ether atmospheric
conditions prevailing en the Pacific coast
of the United States points te a similar
conclusion. The latest "Monthly Weather
Review" of the signal service contains
some significant data which threw light en
the current meteorology of the North Pa
cific and the closely related southern basin
of the Arctic Sea. These data show that dur
ing December the barometer pressure rang
ed generally lower in the Recky Moun
tain region, while en the extreme north
western part of our Pacific coast it was
about or slightly below the normal In
Washington territory they show a preva
lence of southerly winds, with an unusually
heavy rainfall in California. The winds in
Washington territory are these which an
nually prevail and in which, as Professer
Woeikef says, wc must sec a continuation
of the great equatorial current of the Pa
cific, which sweeps te the North beyond
These carefully prepared observations
are fingerboards pointing toward the me
teorological conditions prevalent in the far
north. Had the excessively high baro
metric pressures which causes the intciiscst
cold in the Arctic regions prevailed north
of Behring Strait it seems physically cer
tain that the undulations from them would
have been felt and recorded en our Pacific
coast as exceptionally "high pressures," in
stead of which the official observations show
that the pressures were about normal. It
is highly probable that, as Nordenskjeld's
observations indicate, the coldest winters
may be launched en our Pacific coast from
" the great Siberian plain" without affect
ing the temperature of Wrangcll Land,
near which the Jcannetta is wintering
But, looking at all the indications im
mcdiatly at hand bearing en the point, we
arc led te conclude that the outstanding
American Arctic expedition has se far ex
perienced in all probability a milder win
ter than that endured by the late Swecdi: h
Wilkesbarrc rejoices in the prospect for
a free postal delivery.
Geerge Dull was struck by a train en the
North Pennsylvania R. R. at Hellertown
and instantly killed.
Themas Manly was found dead in a va
cant let oneno of the principal streets in
Scranton, having died from the ell'ects of
injuries sustained by falling down an em
bankment while intoxicated.
A. W. Fester has died at Bellcfield,
Pittsburgh, aged sixty years. He was one
of the founders of the Daily Dispatch, and
was a member of the Allegheny county
bar, having been admitted before reaching
the age of twcnty-er.e. He was president of
common council and for a number of years
was solicitor for the city. He was also
state attorney for the county in 1311,
having been appointed by the then attor
ney general. His death resulted after only
about twenty hours' illness.
Rebert Jehnsen, about twenty years of
age, is lying at the Lackawanna hospital,
Scranton, where he was earned yesterday
morning by a few young men, who said
they were companions. Jehnsen was shot
in the abdomen and the bullet is in his
intestines. He made a dying statement in
which he says that he and Ed. Conners,
William Lease, Jehn Kerrigan and Henry
Campbell while passing along Washington
avenue flats met a stranger whom they
stepped and attacked. The stranger fired
and the ball took effect en Jehnsen as
stated. After firing the shot the un
.known man fled and has net been heard'ef
The Shepherd' Feld.
Just new an asvlum for children called
"The Shepherd's Feld'?' is undergoing;
investigation in JNew xerK oeiere one ei
the judges of the supreme court, sitting in
chambers. The superintendent of this
institution is the Rev. Mr. Cowley, who
seems te have the unctuous piety of Mr.
Chadband, the thrift of Mr. Bumble and
the meanness of Mr. Squeers. The beard
of managers is composed of highly respec
table persons, and the object of the asy
lum, as set forth in the auswer te the writ
filed by the respondent's counsel, is "the
rcceivingandadoptingefchildrcnaiul youth
of both sexes between the ages of twelve
months and fifteen years who are orphans,
half orphans or otherwise friendless, these
te keep, support, educate, apprentice and
place out te service, trades and schools ;
also te receive such children of peer cler
irvmcn deemed eligible, and te receive
ether children and youth for education and
training te such extent as in the judgment
of the trustees may be expedient.' This
appears te be a passage from the charter
of the society, but from the testimony of
thi witnesses before Judge Donehuc it
would seem that the "Shepherd's Feld,"
as it actually exists, was a very different
institution from the one contemplated in
the act of incorporation.
At the time the New Yerk society for
the prevention of cruelty te children made
complaint against the superintendent of
the "Shepherd's Feld" it contained
twenty-seven inmates, some of whom
were placed there by their parents,
who paid $4 a week for their subsistence
and tuition. The witness who testified
against the Hcv. Mr. Cowley were the
parents of the children who had been cn
truscd te his care, the teachers of
the public schools te which some of
the inmates of the "Feld" had been
sent, and three or four of the larger
children, who gaveagraphie account of the
internal management of the asylum. The
testimony of the parents and teachers was
te the effect that the children were liter
ally starved, and that they were allowed
te become filthy in appearance for want of
proper attention te their persons. Twe
little girls of 15, Fannie and Bessie,
orphan inmates, did all the work of the
household, including the washing of the
children's clothes and bedding, and the
washing for the Rev. Mr. Cowley's own
family. There "was one comb for the
twenty-seven children. The breakfast
consisted of one cup of condensed milk,
diluted with as many cups of water as
there were children in the " Feld." Mr.
Cowley and his wife dined sumptuously at
a private table, and in response te a ques
tien asKeu ey one ei uie i;hvji.t inkjuuui
who waited en the table test'fied that the
reverend gentleman always asked a bless
According te the testimony, Mr. Cowley
is a man of impulsive temper and is much
given te punching the boys with his walk
ing stick, kicking them, knocking them
down with his fist and stamping them with
his feet after they were down. But notwith
standing his brutal modes of punishment
the discipline maintained at the " Feld "
was very lax. Seme -of the larger boys
.....n S.. 4-1... 1. ..!.- ..r i.iiimr infft tltt iril'lc
dormitory at night ; iu fact, there was no
wav of keeping them out, and
the young rascals made the most
of their opportunity. The attention of the
superintendent's wife was called te the
matter, but she was incredulous and sum
marily dismissed the little girl who made
the complaint. Take it all in all, the
"Shepherd's Feld," presided ever by the
Rev. Dr. Crowley, is the worst travesty en
a sacred name of which we have ever read.
These painful revelations ought te stir up
the trustees and managers of similar insti
tutions in ether cities te inquire iute their
management. They might take a hint
from the following passage in the testimo
ny of ene of the little orphan girls who
assisted in the drudgery at the Shepherd's
Q. Did you ever suffer in the niidit from
cold'.' A. Yes, sir.
Q. Frem want of sufficient clothing '.
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Were there no coverlets en the bed?
A. Yes, sir ; but they were never put en
only en reception days.
Q. De you mean by reception day occa
sions when visitors came te the houses?
A. Yes, sir. 1'rcss.
Tlie New V.nx e:i l'eriug.
Jan. 13.
A candidate of their own selection, who,
if successful, is expected te use the official
patronage at his disposal te aid the present
senator of the southern district in securing
the vote of the city next fall.
The party lash will be cracked in vain te
drive men into the support of an objection
able candidate, especially since our Repub
lican governor has set the example of de
ciding between a geed Republican and a
geed Democrat in favor of the Democrat
when he had a judge te appoint.
Jan. 2i
Our duty as a public journalist would net
justify us in making war upon a passably
geed officer unless wc were prepared te of
fer a better one, or one at least equally
unobjectionable. Wc shall wash
our hands of the consequences te the earty.
Kvculs Acress Uie County Line.
Early this morning the Elder street
Presbyterian church (colored), Ilarrisburg,
was burned te the ground. Less, $1,000.
Eli Jacksen, aged 10 years, a servant in
the family of Mrs. Ella Andrews, residing
at Ne. Ill North street, Ilarrisburg, com
mitted suicide by hanging himself in the
passage, or stairway, leading from the
dining room of the house into the cellar.
Seme excitement was caused yesterday
afternoon by the finding of a male infant
in a cesspool in West Chester. Officer
Jenes was notified of the fact and com
municated it te Corener Lear. The occu
pants of the house were questioned, and a
girl of twenty-one years, living in the
family as a servant, admitted that en the
evening previous she had given birth te
the child and threw it in the above place.
It is reported that the girl is of feeble in
tellect. At twenty minutes after three yester
day afternoon Fairmount Park Guard
Jehn .Peck saw a man jump off" Lans Lans
dewne bridge te the valley below, a dis
tance of fifty feet. When Peck approached
the suicide he was still living, and whilst
trying te carry him te the River read the
man died. A discharge was found en the
body, made out in the name of Daniel
Lesey, private, company II, Seventh
Pennsylvania veteran cavalry. He is
about e feet 5 inches in height, gray hair,
gray and red mixed moustache and chin
whiskers, brown stiff hat, pluni-coleied
cravat and vest, brown pants, and were
gaiters. Age, about 50 years.
Nermal Anniversary.
On Friday evening next 30th hist., the
Nermal literary society of the Millersville
normal school, will held its anniversary
entertainment in the chapel building.
Heward Jacobs, esq., of Reading, will pre
side, and MissJunkins, of Wilkesbarrc, act
as secretary. The anniversary oration will
be delivered by Congressman F. E. Beltz Beltz Beltz
hoever, of Carlisle ; the normal oration by
B. Lehman, of Media, Pa., an essay, will
be read by Miss Overheltzer, of Denver,
Cel., and a recitation will be delivered by
Miss McCurdy, of Philadelphia.
The New Yerk Market.
The Tobacco Leaf says: "There has
been an increased demand for seed leaf
1878, Pennsylvania and New Yerk state
being the favorites. The sales for the
week amounted te 2,?S cases.
Sales of seed leaf tobacco reported by
J. S. Gans's Sen fc Ce., tobacco brokers,
Nes. 81 and 8(5 Wall street, New Yerk, for
the week ending Jan. 20, 1880 : 300 cases
1878 New England, seconds, 10(.HAc ;
wrappers, le2.1c. 800 cases 1878 Penn
sylvania, lOllec. 800 cases 187S New
Yerk, Oi&lOjc. 1.10 cases 1878 Ohie. d(a,
10e Total 2,050 cases.
Mr. Oscar Hammerstein, editor of the
Journal, who has been doing everything in
his power, fairly and unfairly, te break
down the prices of Pennsylvania, and
failed miserably, came en te Lancaster
last week, and in two columns and a-half
of drivelling nonsense professes te give his
readers an account of what he saw and the
condition of our local market. He reiter
ates his oft-repeated statements that the
buyers of the '70 crop arc idiots and
feels; qualifies this statement by
another that they have net paid
mere than half as much for the crop
as has been reported : then lies outright
by declaring that there remains ;j.j,000 or
40,000 cases as yet unsold, that prices are
fast diminishing, and that within a few
weeks geed crops will be purchased at 12,
3 and :) cents, or even less. The Journal
acknowledges the New Yerk market te be
" lively,' quotes 1878 Pennsylvania as be
ing " the best tobacco next te Havana,"
and quotes the prices at lOi for fillers, 14
for running lets, and 10 for wrappers. The
187!) crop is reported " a magnificent one
in size of leaf and appearance, and that
manufacturers will in the near future he
supplied with a cheap and extraordinarily
profitable tobacco !"
About the only paragraph in Mr. Ham
mcrstein's rambling letter worth repreduc
ing is that in which he frankly states the
opinion entertained of him by leading to
bacco men. He says :
They were bent upon proving te ine that
my occupation as editor et a paper was a
distressing failure. Mr. M. Lachenbruch, of
New Yerk ; Mr. Bunzl, of New Yerk; Cel.
Teller, of Philadelphia ; Mr. Pentlrage, of
New Yerk, and a goodly number of ethers,
but all tobacco packers, began the recital
of all iny mental and editorial deficiencies,
at 12 midnight, and stepped two hours
later. Did I dream that Mr. Lachenbruch
had called me " no editor nor a gentle
man "-. that the colonel of Philadelphia
had referred te me as "a feel"? that the
sembre Mr. Bunzl had mentioned a "cer
tain institution where I could be treated
gratuitously " ? and that the rest of the
argumentative and demonstrative assem
blage had moved uncomfortably close and
expressed the desire of seeing sonic one
"hit him ever the head " ?
Tobacco Notes.
There is an increasing demand for 1878
Jehn Kautz sold te Fat man & Ce. three
acres of tobacco for 22, 8 and 3.
C. Blessington, of Strasburg,has sold his
crop of tobacco of 4 acres te Jehn Moere
for 24, 10 and ."i ; he sold and delivered one
te Jeseph Altchuc for 25 and 5.
Martin K. Mylin, Leacock twewnship,
sold J acre of tobacco te Jehn Moere at 19
and :5, and ! acre at 1G and 15
The Harford Democrat published at
Bel Air, Md., says : "Last week Andrew
Beyle sold a farm of 75 acres, with fair
improvements, te Arthur Themas, of Lan
caster county, Pa., for $2,900. Mr.
Themas will establish a carriage factory en
part of the property and devote the
balance of the cleared laml te raising
tobacco. Mr. Beyle has leased part of
another farm te another gentleman for the
same purpose."
Our Lecal Trade.
Of our local market there is little te add
te what was said en Saturday. Creps arc
being received at several of the warehouses,
but there is no rush and crush as there
was two or three weeks age. Packing
continues active at all the warehouses,
giving employment te hundreds of men.
Buyers are yet in the field, picking up
everything that is elfered at prices te suit
their views. Prices arc a shade lower.
Many of the packers having secured their
supply from the choicest grewings, the
competition among them has been lessened.
A portion of the crop remaining unsold is
first-class, but a larger proportion of it
is net of as high grade as that
which has been bought. Estimates differ
as te the amount remaining unsold ; some
affirming that there is net mere than 0,000
or 8,000 cases in the county, and ethers
that there is mere than twice that quan
tity. It is difficult te determine with any
decree of accuracy the quantity in the
state as yet unsold, but the wild estimate
of the New Yerk Journal that there is
from 35,000 te 40,000 cases is generally
laughed at. There is, heweqer, a fair
supply of geed tobacco for these who
cheese te hunt it up and pay for it.
O Ulcers Elected.
At a meeting of the American Mechan
ics" building and lean association the fol
lowing officers were elected te serve for
the ensuing year :
President Richard Blickendcrfcr.
Vice Presidents E. J. Erisman, Henry
Treasurer -Jehn D. Skilcs.
Secretary William T. Jefferics.
Directors Henry Baumgardner, Ames
Milcv, J. Willis Wcstlake, Jehn Z. Ken
dig, M. M. Barten, Geerge W. Cenncny,
David T. Robinson, Oliver Reland, Daniel
G. Baker.
Auditors Jehn II. Baumgardner, Henry
Garrecht, Daniel G. Baker.
The third series of the association's
stock, which is nearly nine years old, has
just matured and the value is $202.02.
The association made 20 per cent, en their
capital stock for 1879.
At a meeting of the Lancaster Typo
graphical Union, Ne. 70. the following
officers were elected :
President Win. II. Cleppcr.
First Vice President J. S. Daveler.
Second Vice President B. F. Metzgcr.
Recording Secretary Percy Carpenter.
Financial Secretary Wm. A. Laverty.
Treasurer J. M. Gaintncr.
Business Committee J. L. Vegan, J.
R. Widmycr, B. F. Metzgcr.
Scrgeant-at-Arms G. W. Brown.
Sale of Iteal Estate.
Henry Shubert, auctioneer anil real
estate agent, sold at public sale en last
Saturday evening, at Michael's hotel, for
Emanuel E. Miller, assignee of Patrick
Can- and wife, the following properties :
Ne. 1, a one and a-half story brick dwel
ling, situated at Ne. Gile West King street,
te 11. E. Miller for 730. Ne. 2, a two
story brick dwelling, situated en the west
side of Plum street, Ne. 38, te Christian
Gitlich for $1,57G. Ne. 3, two building
lets, situated en the southwest corner of
Chestnut and Marshall streets, te R. J.
Housten for $291.
Ouarter Sessions and Common Pleas.
Henry Overly, of this city, was charged
with desertion by his wife who swore that
he refused te support her. He was ordered
te pay her $1 per week, pay costs of prose prese prose
ccutien and give bail in the sum of $200
for the faithful performance of the same.
Amelia Eiscnberger was charged with
surety of the peace by Mary Ann Eiscn
berger, her sister-in-law, who, by reason
of the many threats made, was afraid of
the defendant. Amelia a'te preferred a
charge of the same nature against Mary
Ann and her husband. Christian Eiscn
berger. After hearing both stories the
court sustained the suit against Amelia
and ordered her te give bail te keep the
peace and te pay the costs. The ether
case was dismissed at the defendant's
com t.
I'lNen Kepurt.
The annual report of the prison inspec
tors was presented and filed.
Common I'leiis.
This morning the first week of common
pleas court began with Judge Livingston
presiding. After the list had been called
the jurors were discharged until 2 o'clock
this afternoon.
In the case of Sebastian Miller and Levi
Miller, assignee of Esaias Billingfelt, vs.
Jacob Maucr, judgment was given in
favor of the plaintiffs for 280.
Current IStismenH.
Annie L. Piukerten, wife of W. G.
Pinkerton, of Columbia, en her own peti
tion was made nfemctelc trader under the
act of April :, 1872.
Wayne Shay and W. II. Oldham, who
had both bjen sent te jail for desertion
and were there for a month, presented
their petitions te the court stating that
they are incapable of complying with the
sentence. They were therefore discharged.
Jehn C. O'Brien was granted a divorce
from his wife, Emma O'Brien, en the
grounds of desertion.
Fer the same cause Eliza Wielaud was
divorced from her husband, Henry Wie
1 md.
Viewers Appointed Reports Continued.
Te view and lay out a read from a point
en the Maytown and Mount Jey read te a
public read leading from Vinegar Ferry
te the Colebrook read in East Done Dene
gal township : William Spencer, of Stras
burg ; Reuben A. Bacr, of Lancaster, and
Abraham Clinc, of Manheim.
Te vacate a read from Asbury meeting
house and ending at the Old Philadelphia
and Lancaster turnpike, in Salisbury and
Sadsbury townships : A. F. Slaymakcrand
Geerge D. Mellvaine, of Salisbury, and
Win. F. Ilea, of Sadsbury township.
Te lay eat a public read leading from
Stener's saw mill te the Beaver Valley turn
pike in West Lampeter township : Jehn
B. Kreider, Levi Huher and Adam G.
Gruff (miller).
Te lay out a new read from Ilahnstev.n
te Reamstewu, where it intci sects the
public read that leads from "llahnstewn te
the Reading read, in East Cocalico town
ship : Jehn B. Geckley. Adam Ven Neida
and Cyrus Ream.
Te lay out a public read in East Cocali
co township, leading from Reamstewu
station te Shirk's mills, by nearest and
best route until it intersects the public
read leading from Union station, near
Reamstown : J. R. Garman, Adam R.
Reycrand Jehn B. Geckley.
Te review a read in Sadsbury township
from the terminus of New read, te the
read leading from Smyrna te the Bart
meeting house : Jeseph MeClure, of Bart,
and N. Ellmaker and Jehn ('. Linville, of
Te lay out a new read from Mt. Jey te
Brencman's school house : Jacob Missi
mcr, JehnK. Brandt and Daniel Hit-stand.
Te vacate part of read in West Lani)c
ter township from Willow Street turnpike
tellarnish statien: Jehn B. My in, Jehn
AV. Esh'cmaii (miller), and Ames Bol Bel
linger, of West Lampeter.
Te review a read from a point near
Charlette and Prince streets, Millersville,
te the land of Abraham Eshleman, in
Maner township : Michael L. Hoever, of
Lancaster township, Jehn J. Evans, of
West Lampeter, and Emanuel P. Keller,
of Manheim.
Te inspect a newly built bridge ever the
Big duckies creek where the public read
from Salunga te the Marietta pike cresses
the creek, near Jehn II. Moere's mill, in
West lleinpfield township ; William Mc Mc
Cemscy, James C. Carpenter and Jacob
Reports Continued Absolutely.
Repert of viewers for a read in East
Cocalico township, beginning at Union
station, te the public read leading from
Union station te the Blaek Herse tavern
at Brickcr's meeting house.
Repert of viewers for a read in Diu Diu
niere township, from a point near the
junction of Stewart's run, te a point en the
read leading from the Catholic church te
Puseyville and Mechanics Greve read.
Repert of views te vacate the read
leading from Reinlieldsvillc te Shacffcrs Shacffcrs
tewn, Lebanon county, te a point near the
lands of Jacob B. Flickinger and Ames
White in West Cocalico tawnsliip.
Repert of viewers te lay out a read iu
Penn township, leading from Unienville te
Mt. Hepe, te the public read leading from
Graybill's mill te Salun's store.
Repert of viewers te lay out a read in
Warwick township, leading from Reths
ville te Millport, at or near the dwelling of
Jehn Saltzer te a read leading from XcJFs
mill te Litiz.
Repert of viewers te lay out a lead
leading from the Laucaster and Marietta
turnpike te the Lancaster and Susque
hanna turnpike en the public read leading
from Mountville te Ironville in West
lleinpfield township.
Repert of commissioners changing the
beuuderies of the 10th and 17th election
districts, and transferring the voting
place of such residents of the districts te
the voting place of 53l district within the
bounds described in the petition.
Heme Acain.
Mr. Willis B. Musscr,whedid net accept
the position tendered him in Cincinnati
en his arrival there, and who afterwards
took a trip te Chicago, Sterling, Kan., and
ether points west has returned te Lancas
ter, Drunk and Disorderly.
On Saturday Alderman Ban- com
mitted Celliim McCIeud, Eliza McCIeud
and Patrick Daley (net Pat, the sexton)
r.T-ir. rlnv-.ich for drunk and disorderly
conduct. This morning Daniel O'Neil, I
for similar misconduct was committed for I
20 days.
The Drift or Public Opinion Expressed
AVithln and Without 111 Claimed Jnrix Jnrix
dlctlen. Extra eriliuary
Development of Judicial
functions. "
Philadelphia Sunday Mercury.
Judge Patterson, of the Lancaster beneh.
has developed judicial functions of a veiy
cxtraerdinaiy nature.
Ne Hench Warrant.
Sunday Mercury's "Tin Ear" Man.
Of course everybody knows that the
least solved problem of this or, or any ether
age, has been, " Who struck Billy Patter
son ?' but the question new is whether
Judge Patterson has struck ile or anything
else in his rule te disbar the Laxcastku
Intelligencer editors, because they
chanced te be lawyers. The T. E. listened
attentively, and is under the impression
that there was no bench warrant for the
decidedly bar sinister proceeding.
ITp te Rollins Beat.
Altoeim Tribune.
Judge Patterson, of Lancaster, has his
judicial temper pitched away up te a boil
ing heat, because Messrs. Stcinman and
Hcnsel two lawers practicing in his court,
and who are editors of iIieIntelligencki:.
said something iu hcir editorial capacity
that grated harshly en the judicial ear,
which apj)cars te be of enormous size. He
has served a rule en thani te show cause
why they should net be stricken from the
roll of attorneys. If Judge Patterson had
passed the matter ever, he would have be
trayed mere geed sense. When he gets
through with this tilt against the liberty id"
the prsss he will be wiser.
Prosecutor and Judge.
Ka-ten Argils,
Judge Patterson, of Lancaster county,
a few days age had Messrs. Steinman and
Hcnsel, editors of the Lancaster Intki.i.i
gkncku, brought before him te answer as
attorneys for an article published in their
journal calling attention te the fact that a
criminal had been acquitted, for a corrupt
consideration, in his court. In his efibrt te
maintain his ilianitu Judge Patterson lest
his head, and his blunder in holding editors
re spensible as attorneys proved either his
incempetency or weakness, or both, or meie.
If he had brought suit against the editors
for libel he would have only nianift-Mtt'd
his even new apparent lack of common
sense, but when he essays te act both as
prosecutor and judge the people are inclin
ed te think that the Intelligence! did
n.)t strike wide of the mark if it had express
ed contempt for hiin.
Dees Net Loek DNcrect.
New V.r.i.
The sw.irn testimony of Hay Brown and
FrankEshleman themselves, in tlieAi'iriYfi
libel suits, showed that they one as dis
trict attorney and the ether a his assi.-tant,
and both as lawyers and officers of the court
abused the confidence of the court by a
misrepresentation of the facts, and if this
was net contempt of court, we would like
te knew what constitutes contempt. The
public expectation was that as seen as
these facts were presented te the court,
upon the admission of the parties them
selves, testifying under oath in their own
behalf, a rule would be taken upon them
te show cause why they should net be dis
barred, or at least debarred from such
confidential relations with the personnel
of the court. The maintenance of muIi
relations, as the Intelligenceu se posi
tively asserts, with parties who themselves
ought te be in contempt, certainly does
net leek discreet.
Twe Reys Kilicd by a Fulling Derrick.
Yesterday afternoon, two young men
tramps one giving his name as Themas,
from Pittsburgh, the ether name un
known, from Little Reck, Arkansas, who
have been about Marietta for several days
past, were in company with a son of Eman
uel Emwieht, of Marietta, aged about l:
years. They were playing around the fur
naces of Watts & Sen, Watts station, and
mounting a derrick en a cir, used for
unloading coal and ere from beats en the
canal, were enjoying themselves in swing
ing, when the structure upset, falling en
Emwieht and the Little Reck boy, crush
ing them te dcatlk Themas immediately
after the accident ran away, but was seen
captured and gave evidence at the inquest
held by Deputy Corener AVindelphe
at which the facts as stated
above were elicited. The jury found
that the boys came te their death by being
crushed by the derrick. The skulls of
both boys were crushed and their legs were
broken. Yeung Emwieht lived for a very
short time, but the tramp boy died in
stantly. The tramp was about the same
age as Phnwicht.
Keys Who Should Remain at Heme.
The boys who attend the performance at
the opera house, and especially the kind
given en Saturday evening, when the actors
were home people, have become very un
ruly of late, and the noises made by them
at times have been fearful. Manager
Yccker has done all in his power te abate
the nuisance and he is likely te be .success
ful. On Saturday evening live young nier
who are almost grown, attended the soup
house show, and occupied scats down
stairs. They had tin whistles and fish,
horns with them, which they blew at in
tervals, much te the annoyance of all. Mr.
Yccker set men te work at watching the
offenders, who were seen caught in the act.
They will be arrested in a short time v. hen
their names will be published.
unclaimed Letters.
The following is a list of unclaimed let
ters remaining in the Lancaster jo.stefiice
for the week ending January 2G.
Ladies' List. Miss Leah Barten, Miss
Mary Fasnacht, Miss Lizzie Fisher, .Miss
Lizzie Jehnsen, Emma J. Meyers, Mrs. M.
A. Neble, Miss Louisa Norris, Miss Lizzie
Reist, Miss Sarah E. Sell, Miss Careline
Wangner, Mrs. Mary Weaver, .Miss Laura
Gents' List. David Ferd, Ames M.
Frantz, Jehn B. Geed (farmer). William
Gerber, Elias Hershcy, Abner Hcrr, Robt.
Kennedy, Oscar D. Knerr, Adam Kiehl.
Patrick Longhran, Jacob Mayrats. Samuel
Morns, Mr. Norris, R. G. Piatt. A. S.
Rosenbaum & Ce, Carter Wilder. I.. K.
Weckcr, J. L. Williamson. Atherton B.
Wadlcigh, Ge. W. Williams. Samuel
Kltchn Rurned.
On Saturday afternoon the kitchen (
the dwelling house en the farm of D. I..
Stencr, situated en the Litiz pike, a short
distance north of this city, caug'ittire f r un
a defective flue and was badly damaged he
fore the flames could he extinguished. The The
Iess is net heavy, most of the kitchen fur
niture having been saved.
Yesterday at Elizabcthtewn Rev. Fatlu r r
Fein, of the Elizaliethtewn church, was
presented by about thirty of his friends or
this city, with a handsome reclining chair.
Iskc's patent, Mr. Jehn A. Ceyle, of this
city, making the presentation speech.
Father Fein responded, thanking the
young men for the gilt.
Chief of Police Pentz has placed his.
resignation in the hands of the mayor.
' . t-