fcttMigfefpItttellixi J"I vllAV LANCASTER, PA.' MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1880. Price Twe Cents. Yelume XVI-Ne. 125. mt tehms. THE DAILYINTELLIGENCER, rCBLIBHID ETEItY EYXHIKO, feV STEINMAK & HBNSBL, Intelligencer Building, Seuthwent Cerner of Centre Square. Tue Daily ljrriai.iaEj.cEn is furnished te subscribers in the City of Lancaster and sur sur leiiuding towns, accessible by llailread and Dally Stage Lines at Ten Ckxts 1'er Week, payable te the Carriers, v. cckly. By Mail, $5 a yt ar in advance ; otherwise, $;. Kntered at the pest elllceat Lancaster, Ta.t as ytcend class mall matter. JK6" The STEAM JOB PRINTING DEPART MENT of this establishment possesses unsur passed lacililies ter the execution of all kinds t l'lnin and Kuncv Printing. COAL. 1) II. MAItTIN, J. lieli-salc and Retail Dealer in all kinds of LUMBER ASD COAL. S-Yard: Ne. 430 North Water andPiince sticcts, above Lemen, Lancaster. nS-lyd COALl - "- COAL!! GO TO GORREOHT & CO., Fer Geed and Cheap Ceal. Yard Hariisburg Pike. OtHcc 20 East Chestnut Sticet. P. W. GORRECIIT, Agt. J. B. U1LEY. ti'Uytl W. A. KELLER. COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! Ceal or the lU-ht Quality put up expressly for family use, and at the low est mat ket pi ice. TRY A SAMPLE TON. JKS" VAICU ISO SOUTH WATEK ST. iiei)-lyd PHILIP SCIIUM.SOX & CO. 7 UST RECEIVED A FIXE LOT OF EAEED t TIMOTHY HAY, at M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, DKALEItS IN COAL. ! FLOUR ! ! GRAIN I ! ! FAMILY COAL UN D Lit COVER. Minnesota PateutPrecevFainiIy and llukei's Fleiu. Baled Hay and Feed erall kinds. Win cIimiim) and Yard : 2:54 North Water St s27-lytl CO HO & WILEY"" .;.70 SOUTH WATEK ST., lAincaaler, i'a., Y hele-silc and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Alse, Contractors and lluildcrs. INtim.itcs nude and contracts undcitakcn en all kinds el buildings. Eranch Olhee : Ne. a NORTH DUKE ST. JcbJS-lyd XTOl'ICE TO THE PUBLIC. GL SENER & SOXS. Will continue te sell only GKyUTNK LYKKNS VALLEY and WfLh'I'JSnARlU-J COALS which uie the best in the mat ket, and sell as LOWnstheLOWEVr, and net only GUAR ANTEE FULLWEIGIIT, butallew te WEIGH OX ANY scale in geed tinier. Alse Rough and Dressed Lumber, Sash, Deers, Blinds, Ve.,at Lewest Maiket Pi ices. Olllceand j aid northeast coiner Pi nice and Walnut stieets, Lancaster, Pa. j.uil-tfii hoots ash siiers. 1 )i:t.iAiti.i: t BOOTS AND SHOES. We guarantee eveiy pair wc sell. We keep the most peilcct lit ting, best style and well eai ing shoes, and sell them at the eiy LOWEST PRICES. Our stock was puichased last suiinnei beleie the late advance in leather ami inateiial, and wetitrei te give te our custemeis the ndnn tage of eui successful speculation by selling our piesent stock at lower prices than we euld today buy again. We also continue te make Custom Werk tit slieit notice, stjllsh and durable, and at lower pilces than an ether shoemaker heie in t'lscwheie. jejf-Mendingilene pimnptly and neiitly.'ya Gic us a call. A. ADLER, 43 WEST KING STREET. anecKiurs. w IIOLESALE A.NU FvETAlL. LEVAN'S FLOUR AT Ke. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. dl7-ld .AHNESTOCKS FAKINA FLOUR. GIVE IT A TRIAL. 1UY Till: HECKEK'S SELF-RAISING ORIDDLE CAICE& BUCKWHEAT FLOIE yfOll THE REST COFFEES, FIIESII JtOASTED DAILY, I MIR THE 15EST GROCERIES OF EVERY I liesconptien. no te BURSK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. .1 TTOKSHI'S-A T-I.A II' A. J. STEINMAN, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cemer Cen tre Squill e, Lancaster, Pa W. U. HENSEL, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner Cen treSquaie. Laneastei, Pa. VII AS. R. KLINE, Atterney-at-Ijiw, Ne. 11 North Dukestieet, Lancaster, Pa. All kinds of Conveyances promptly drawn. maiKMyd&w HENRY A. RILEY, Attorney and Comisciiei-aHjiw 21 Park Rew, New- Ytn k. Collections inatle in all naits of the United States-, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by pel mission teSteinman & lleiist-l. linuis STOIU.S. rrRUSSES! TRUSSES'! TRUSSES THE Safest, Easiest aiid Rest, VOVL SALE BT ANDREW G. FREY'S City Pharmacy, Southeast Cor. Xerlli Queen &, Orange Sts., Lancaster. aplfl-ly w VLOTHISG. NEW GOODS FOR FALL & WINTER. We aic new pieparcd te show the public one of the largest stocks of READYMADE CLOTHING ever exhibited in the city ei Lancaster. Geed Weiking Suits for mtn $0.00. Geed Style-, Cassimeie Suits for men $7.50. Our All oel Men's Suits that we are selling ler SO.OO arc as geed as you can buy elsewhere for JliOO. Our fteck of Ovci coats are iinmenf-e. All grades and every variety of styles anil colors, for inen,besand jeutlis, all our own maiiufac tuie. Full line of Men's, Youths' and Beys' Suits. Full line of Men's, Yeutlis' and Beys' Ovei coats. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT ! We aic prepaid! te show one et the best stocks of Piece Goods te select from and have made te order ever shown in the city. They aic all arranged en tables fitted up cxpre-sly se that cery piece can be examined beleie making a selection. All our goods have been pin chased befeie the lise in -woolens. Weaie piepaied te make up in geed sUleand at slieit notice and at bottom prices. Wc make te ol el der an All Weel Suit lei $12.00. By buying your goods at CENTRE HALL you save one piellt, as we manufacture all our own Clothing and gic employment te ulwmt one bundled ImiiiK Call and examine our stock and bccenincfdas tethctiuth el which weatliim. MYEKS & RATHFOK, Centre JIall, u. 12 Ka-t King Street. 1SS0 1S80 01 JAMEY PRICE LIST. Great i eductien in puce te ele-e out a laige invoice el PAXTAL00K" STUFFS, Consisting of e er 500 JATTi:RNS. ' ENGLISH AND FRENCH NOVELTIES I Reduced te $8.00 PER l'AIi:. Large Let et SCOTCH, ENGLISH AM) FINE AMERI CAN CASSIMERES, Ptir Genteel Wear, of the Latest and Best Styles, at $7.00. Demestic Goods et the leading St. iiul. ml Brands, at $ te $."i per pair. A Laige Lint'et Impeited suitings at a Saciiliee Do De mestic Suitings at all pi ices. Peisensin want et a Geed OYEllCOlVT Will de well te call and examine the stock. PI Unas well as the most L'ltia stjlcs at less th.m Cot l'nce. We want te cIem- them te m.ikeioeui let our SPRING STOCK. Call eail j and secure lrug.ims. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 North Queen Street. mars-lydS&W CMTEE HALL," 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Closing out 0111 WINTER STOCK AT is, In 01 dei te m.il.e 100111 for the Large Spring Stock, Which w e aic new lnaiiul.ictming. Overcoats, Suits and Suitings, Te be sold at the Lewest Pi ices. 1 B. Hostetter 4 Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE- 30-lyd LANCASTER, PA. JfOVSJtJJJIS ASH JIACUJS1ST. L AXCASTER BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OrresiTKiiiu Locomotive Weuks. The subscriber continue te manufactuie BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether pui poses ; Furnace Twiers, Ilellews Pipes, Sheet-iien Weik, and Klacksmithing generally. -Jobbing promptly attended te. auglS-lyd JOHN IIEsl. JIVUVATIOSAL. ri'Ili: ACADEMY CONNECTED WITH X Franklin and Marshall College offers sii perier advantages te j eung men and bej s who desiie either tepiepaic lorcellcge or te obtain a thoieugh academic educitien. Students le eened at any time during the school year Send ler eiiculnr Addiess REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ectll-lyd Lancaster. Pa. - I"ARCUS G. SEUNER, HOUSE CABPKNTBB, Ne. VM North Prince street. Prompt anil particular attention paid te al tcratien and repairs. sl3-lyd Greatly mm Prii CLOTJima. H. GERHART, TAILOR, Having just returned trem New Yerk with a larc and CHOICE STOCK OP ElM ifl Demestic Woolens FOR HEN'S VEAR, Would respectfully announce te his eusteini is and the public that he w ill have his lcgalar FALL OPENING ew MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2tli. LARGEST ASSOHTjIENT, LATEST STYLES AND PRICES AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IX THIS CITY AT H. GBRHAET'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. SPECIAL NOTICE 66. 68. D.Gansman&Bre. GRAND GL0BH6 SALE! or OVERCOATS AND HEAVY SUITINGS. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS te buyeiset Clothing in elder te make loom for a laige SPRING &TOCK new bun-; iiianii-laetui-ed. and we aic needing 100111. We etlei well-made and si lish Cletliii)"" for Men and Beys LOWER PRICES than ever heal il of beleie, although Goods aic going up eeiy day. We will sell, ler we must liae the room. Loek at Oar Astonishingly Lew Pike List: OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! OVERCOTS! for $2.0.), terfASi, for$3.:a, fei $(i.7.". OVERCOATS ! OVEItCOATS ! OVERCOATS ler$7.7.1. fer$a.7"i, for $10.7."). OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! for $12, $14, $10 and $J0. These are hcarv-lincd 0erceits, eaielully made ami splendidly ti lmiued. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOAT, ! OVERCOAT'S for $7.50, ler $S.'rf), for ;) .V), ler l '. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOAT'S. ! for $15, fer$ls, for $20. These are Plaul-Uack 0ei coats, canal te CUstOIll weik-. HEAVY, MEN'S SUITS ! for $.1.50, $4.00, $.".00, $7.00, $'J.0O, $10.00. MEN'S SUITS FOR FIXE DRESS ! ler $12.00, $14.00, $15.00, $1G 00, $1S.00 and $20,00. I10YS' SUITS AXD OVERCOATS ! ROYS' SUITS iiein $2.25 te $10.00. BOYS' OVERCOATS VERY LOW. We sell only our own make and guarantee satisfaction. Meney returned en all goods net leund as lcpieseiited. .SSS-Pleiise call, wlietlieryeu w ish te imichae ei net. m Is stocked with the latest styles, which we make te measure at the lowest cash puces and guarantee a perfect lit. SUITS TO ORDER from $12 upwards. PAXTs TO ORDER fiem $.! 50upwaiiK D.GANSMAN&BRO., MERCHAXT TAILORS AXD CLOTHIERS, G6 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., S. W. Cerner et Orange, Lancaster, Pa. (15ausnmn'3 Ceiner.) mix oeohs. Te Tolacce Buyers ! Opened this day ONE BALE OF GRAY BLANKETS LOW PRICE. EAHIESTOGK'S, Next Doer te the Court Ueune. JiASKISG. cym TO 2Knn A1Aj WISHING TO tJJLU &OUU. niakc money in Wall st. should deal w ith the undersigned. Write for explanatory circulars, sent free by rrrmrTTKn tr rt Hankers and Brokers, HICKLINU & tO., 42 Exchange Place, New Yerk. ieliWindeetl Lancaster fritclligcnret. MONDAY EVENING, JAN. 26, 1880. Study of the Stars. SEVENTH .MEETING Or THE STAKCLUR Increased Interest The Bull. HyadeH, Plei ades, The Kam, The 'Whale, Fishes, Hare, Deg Star, Nebular Hy Hy eothesisWarren's Lec ture, Etc. The meeting of the Star club en Fiiday evening at tbe rooms of the Yeung Men's Christian association was very largely at tended. The constellations given arc found above and the list of individual stats has nearly reached the hundred. In the constellation Taurus, the Bull of which only the head, neck and fore-shoulders are shown in the charts we have two small hut beautiful groups, the Pleiades and Ilyadcs, both of which have been well-known te successive generations for thousands of years. They may readily be fixed by a line extended in a northwesterly direction fiem the three stars in the Belt of Orien te Almaach in Andiemcda. This line will pass first through the V-shaped cluster in the head or the Bull, which the Reman pect Virgil calls the " rainy Ily adcs' The very bright star of the fust magnitude in the cluster is Aldebaran, the ' Eye of the Bull." The remaining four stars are small, but aid in making a clearly defined figure. Eleven degrees fiem the Ilyadcs, upon our line extending towards thcneitliMCSt. we find the Pleiades. This faint cluster with which Jeb and David were familiar, ami which suggested te Tennyson the happy fancy " fire-llies tangled in a silver braid," is also known as the ''Virgins of Spring," the ''Seven Sis ters" and the " Seven Stars." The bright est star of this group, of which but six stars are visible and all of them small, is named Alcj one, which is known also as the " Light of the Pleiades." This star is said te be twelve hundred times as large as the Sun. When we remember that JJeO glebes the size of our Earth might be stiung about the equator eftheSunas a girdle like monster beads upon a mam moth cord wc are oppressed with his cnoimeus magnitude of course without comprehending it, save in a very slight de gree by comparison. But think for a mo ment of a Sun twelve hundred times larger than even this ! Alcyone has been supposed by some though it be no mero than the bold guess of the enthusiastic astronomer te be the central sun of our stellar sys tem, that about which all the ether stars (suns), with their attendant planets, ic ic velve. By the mysterious influence of gravity, it l caches out te our Sun, as te ethcis, aciess the measureless depths of space, seizes it with a giip of iron and huils it ferwaid in its eibitwith unifeim but inconceivable velocity. Our Moen moves each day through some thiitcen degrees of its monthly orbit about the Sun, thus causing the stais te pass the meiidian four minutes earlier each evening. But se rast is this orbit of the Sun about Alcyone that it travel scs but one minute of its tremendous ciicuit in a thousand years although the distance it moves each year is estimated at 154,000,000 miles. There being SCO degrees in a ciicle and sixty minutes te each degree, it will icadily be seen that for the Sun te move through a single de gree of its eibit it will require 60,000 yeais, or meie than 21,000,000 years te complete a single l evolution around the great cen tral sun, the '"Light of the Pleiades. " . If all this be tiue, is it likely that the plan of the Creater se far as our system is concerned contemplates but a single revolution of this grand secondary orb about its grander piimary? May it net lather be laiily assumed tliat many such i evolutions have already been made and that many arc ye't te be made, - each oc cupying its mere than 20,000,000 years of time, as reckoned by man's arithmetic? When wc think of the earth in this rela tion, it grows elder, by far, in its astrono my than even in its geology ! Our next constellation is Aiics, the Ram, which is the liist of the twelve con stellations of the Zodiac, the Bull being the second. While the head of the Bull is eastwards tewaids Orien, who is repre sented en the charts as about te stiikc him with an upraised club, the head of the Ram is in the opposite direction tewaids the West, though he is represented as looking eastwartls, along the path of the Sun. The leading stars may readily be fixed by extending a line from Aldebaran in the Hyades, te Alpheratz, in Andiom Andiem cda, at the neithcast angle of the Great Square of Pegasus. On this line, which we divide into three parts, we have new at the first point of division, the brilliant planet Mars, and at the next point three stars in the head of the Ram, the two biightest of which are four degiccs apai t, that te the north being Arictis and te the south Shciatan. Seuth of Shcratan, at the distance of ene and a half degrees, is a fainter star named Mesartim. Arictis is in the middle of the forehead and Shcratan in a coil of one of the horns. The first named star is ene from which Iongitude is reckoned. These stars are new en the meridian about 6 o'clock in the evening. Seuth of the Ram will be found Cetus, the whale, occupying some 30 degrees of the heavens from cast te west, though it is net a very conspicuous constellation. The double star Diphda in the tail is promptly fixed bv a line carried south waul through Alpheratz and Algcnib, the cast tern side of the Great Square of Pegasus. It is the brightest star in this pait of the heavens and may be readily distinguished. The gieat planet Saturn is at present near the line from Algcnib te Diphda. Jlenkar in the head of the Whale is forty degrees cast from Diphda and is about twenty-five degrees west of the Hyades. It makes a rude isosceles triangle with Aldebaran and Saiph (in Orien), Aldebaran at the vcitex, and Mcnkar at the angle farthest south. It also makes nearly an equilateral tiiangle with the Pleiades and Shcratan, in the head of the Ram, or an irregular quadrilat eral with the Pleiades, Shcratan and Algel in the head of Medusa. It also makes a large isosceles triangle with Alpheratz anil Diphda with Mcnkar at the vertex. There aie also five stars in the hca, 1 of the Whale, four or five degrees apart from one another, which are se situated as te form a regular pentagon. The brightest of these is Mcnkar. Thirteen degrees west from Mcnkar towards Diphda is the variable star Mira. This becomes invisi ble once in every 331 days. It is known as "the wonderful star of 159G," because it disappeared wholly from sight that year. The Fishes, a straggling constellation of faint stars, are the twelfth sign of the Zodiac. They lie directly west of the Ram and south of Andromeda and Pegasus, The star of note here is El Rischa which may be found some seven or eight degiees from Mira tewaids Shcratan, about three degrees west of a straight line cbnnecting these stars. It is ncai ly ever the equator. We turn new te the Hare, a small con stellation a few degrees south of Orien. Here the four prominent stars make a quadrilateral net unlike the bowl of Great Dipper, the two stars en the western side being the pointers te Saiph. Of these the star nearest Saiph is Arneb, and the ether, which is farthest south en the western side, is Nibal. The star Arneb is eleven degrees south of Rigel, Our last constellation for the evening Canis Majer,' the -Greater Deg has per haps been one of the best known te man kind in all ages of the past, containing, as it does, the resplendent Deg Star, Sirius, the largest and brightest orb in the heavens. The ancients thought it was the heat of this star added te that of the Sun that caused the increased temperature of mid-summer. Hence this season became known as the "deg days," or the time "when the Deg Star rages." The Remans were accustomed yearly te sacrifice a deg te Sirius te propitiate his favor towards their herds and fields. This star is about ten degrees cast of the Hare and twenty three degrees southeast from the Belt of Oiien. It is twenty-six degrees fiem Betelguese and the same distance from Procyen, with which stars it makes a beau tiful equilateral triangle, all of them being stars of the first magnitude. The diameter of the Sun is about 880,000 miles, that of Sirius is estimated at ticelce millions, te that while Alcyone would make 1200 suns like ours, Sirius would make meic than 2500 ! Its proper motion in its orbit is 840 miles per minute, and its distance from our earth is reckoned at 22 light years ! Sirius is in the head of Canis Majer ; five and a half degrees te the west is Mirzan, iu the fore-paw of the deg ; and in the neck, at a distance of five degrees te the cast, is Muliphan, a star that disappeared in 1070 and was net again seen for twenty years, but has shone steadily ever since. Eleven degrees southeast from Siiiuswill be found a beautiful triangle formed of bright stars all of which are named. That at the vertex of the triangle, nearest Sir ius is Wesen ; te the east, in the base of the triangle, is Aludra, and te the west Adhara. These last named stars are about five and a half degrees apart. Te recapitulate, continuing our numeri cal list from last meeting, we have : .Ne. 81, Aldebaran, iu the Hyades ; 82, Al cyone, in the Pleiades, both stars and star clusters belonging te Taurus, the Bull ; 83, Arictis ; 84, Sheratan; 85, Mesaitim, in Aries, the Ram ; 80, Diphda ; 87, Mcn kar ; 88, Mira, iu Cetus, the Whale ; 89, El Rischa, in the Fishes ; 90, Arneb ; 91, Xi- bal, in the Ilaie ; 92, Sinus, the Deg btar ; 93, Mirzam ; 94, Muliphan ; 9j Wcsen ; 90, Aludra, and 97, Adhara, in Canis Majer, the Greater Deg. Mr. Frank Giiest then, for three-quarters of an hour, discussed Ihe Nebular Hypothesis, making a very clear and effective presentment of this grand theory. He had net only consulted many authorities, both modem and less recent, but, iu order te have the latest opinions of our ablest American astionemcrs, had also been iu correspond ence with Profs. Ncwcemb, Pierce and Langlcy, from all of whom interesting let ters were lead at the close of the lectin c. It was stated by Mr. McCaskcy that he had engaged Rev. Henry W. Wan en te deliver a lecture, illustrated with the calci um light, en "Recreations in Astronomy," in Fulton hall, Thursday evening, Fcbiu ary 20. Prof. Procter, the foremost lec turer in the world upon this science, had been in Lancaster one memorable evening early in the Star Club course, and the lec tin e anticipated would come in appropri ately at its close. Procter is au astronomer by piofessien and speaks ett'eetivcly anil with atithei ity from the scientific stand point. Rev. Mr. Wancn is by profession a clergyman, one of the ablest in America, but has for a lifetime pursued the study of astronomy with all the enthusiasm of a devotee of the science. He is mere elo quent than Procter, indeed the most elo quent lecturer upon astionemy who has appeared upon the platform since the death of Mitchell. He is also author of the most popular weik en the subject that has recently been published. Mr. Wanen has already been heard twice in Lancaster, within the past few years, once en the "Forces of a Sunbeam," and again en a "Trip te the Stars." But the lecture premised which will be doubly interest ing from its movable illustrations, with the same gentleman te handle the calcium light as at the Procter lecture will greatly suipjss in interst cither of these just named. Coming near "the close of the Star Club ceuisc te supplement with vciy different treatment that of Prof. Piocter, this evening also in Fulton hall can safely be reckoned upon as one that will never be forgotten by these who arc se feitunate te be present. In a letter of a day or two since Mr. Warren writes : " The astronomical work doing in Lancaster county has surprised me and new that I see the published re ports in the Scheel Jeurnnland elsewhere I am delighted. I received my first lessens iu astionemy before I knew the four fund amental iu!cs in arithmetic. These lessens I have never forgotten. They have made me feci at home whenever I have tinned my face te the skies, though I was en the gi cat ocean, among the Alps, en the Pyra mid, or under the clear sky of the East, where Ged, seeking te lift Abraham up te his own lefty thought, said unto him, ' Loek new towards heaven and tell ine the stars if thou be able.' Perhaps I did net thank the district school teacher as I should at the time, but I have blessed her ev cr since, and am glad te say any weid of en couragement te any that aic following in her footsteps." The next meeting of the club will be held en Friday evening, Febiuary G, when the Zodiac w ill be the special subject for discussion. WALT, I'Al'XltS, Sc. IS JV. HAVE LEASED THE LAIUSE AXD COMMODIOUS STORE ItOOM, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST., Just tin ee doers below us, which we will ec enpy tin or befoie the FIRST OF FEBRUARY. It is new in course of alteration and as seen as practicable w e ill me e our stock. WALL PAPEE WINDOW SHADES Have advanced in pi iec like every ether class of goods. Anticipating a ri-.e, we placed elder-, for all our goods early in the fail, and arc pie p.in d te sell at old price-". We have ends and odd lets or Paper, which will be old at halt value in eidcr te clee out beleie removal. PHARES W. FRY, 03 'erth Oneen Street. 31 VSICAL ISS Til U31ESTS. CHICKERING PIANOS! 1 would respectfully call the attention ei persons w anting a lir-.t-cl.is3 I'iane that 1 hav e l.t en appointed sole agent ter Lancaster coun ty, ler Chickering & Sen's Celebrated Pianos, Of Bosten, Mass. rianes can be seen nt my Organ Manutactuiing Warcroeins, J3U erth Queen street. ALEX. McKILIiIPS, decSS-Stdefiwdiftwtfl Lancaster, Pa. riVKY LOCHEli'S COUGH SYUUP. czernrsu. IT IS SAID THAT 500,000 Witnessed the Grant WE "WOULD LIKE ALL THE MM AM BOYS TO CALL AT OAK BALL Immediately and Equip Themselves for the COLD "WAVES OF 1880. The Singularly Small Prices we started the Annual Winter Sales with have stirred all the stores te de their best. But we eclipsed them " all, and they knew it, and the People see it, tee. These are the Prices for Our Own Carefully Manufactured Goods, net bought in the New Yerk Wholesale Stores : Afewleftet the $30 rinc Overcoats, reduced te Koyal lleversible Plaid llacl. Mild everywhere at $5 (Full Iiullj Celers and Woven Hacks). Our Price Extra Sizes in Elue and lirew n Woruuibe Heaver Overcoats V V VJ I (Mils a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai A Geed stieng Serv Iceable Cleth-Hound Overcoat Evervday Working Overcoat Men's All Weel Suits The " Auburn " 1). P. Suits ler IMisines and Dress Extra Quality "Sawyer" Suitings The Finest of Casiiucre Suits Uiess Suits et Pest Imported Cleths reduced te Men's Everyday Pante All-wool llusiness anil Dress Pants EvtraFine Dress Pantaloons, formerly $10, new Genuine Harris Casslmere Pants The Very Latest Styles in Children's Overcoats The Deuble-Shouldered Cane Kevul Uevcrsible Pack Overcoats (The Nicest Little lleys' Ovei coats Oak Hall ev er produced.) Children's Suits as low as Higher Grades and Mere Elaborately Trimmed Suits A Great specialty in llevs'and Youths' Pants WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, S. E. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. jan 1 tftt THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IX AHERJWA. aiiLLismtr ash OPENING OF GUNDAKER'S IILLDLERY feTEIHHGr STOEE, LADIES, w-e will open te-day New Novelties in Bennets, Iiate, Frames, Plumes, Faney Wings, Vclv cts, satins, Ac. Wcw ill open te day an elegant line et ISlack and Colored Silk Fringes, Xew Styles et Stlkand .let Putteus, Ornaments, stuped Velvets, Satins, &e. We will open te-day new and beautiful lines of Ladies' anil Children's Hese in Cashmere and Cotten, Merine Vests ter Ladles and Clnldieii iu all sizes, Woolen Caps, Ac, geed and cheaper than ev er. We w ill open te-day New Laces, Uuchiiigs, Ties, Scarfs, Kid and LisleThrc.id Cleves, Cor Cer ets in all the best makes ami at lowest pi ices. Ask te see our Speen I.ust Corset at 50 ct.s. We will open a lull line of Crape Veils. Crape Penncts and Hats. Crape by the yard, anil evcrj thing else that is new, desirable and cheap in Millinery and Ti i minings. Call and examine our stock at GUNDAKER'S, 142 aid 144 I0RTI QTJEM STREET. WATCHES, EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, DEALEE IX AMERICAN & FOREIGN WATCHES, Sterling Silver and Clocks, Jewelry M We eHcr our patrons the benefit of our long experience in business, by which we are able te, aid them in making the best use of theirmeney in any department of our business. We manufacture a laige part el the goods we sell, and buy only lrem First-Class Houses. Every aitlelc sold accompanied with a bill stating its quality. t3-Fii.st-Cl:tss Watch and General Kepal ring given special attention. ZAHM'S COEKEK, CAltltlAUES, SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! We hare new In stock a large let et Sleighs, consisting el PONT, PORTLAND AND ALHANYS. TWO FINE FOUR-PASSENGER SLEIGHS, ItySTUEITA LOCKWOOD. of -Peiighkecpsle, X. Y. One Fine Feur-1'a.vsenger l'UKTI.ANI) feMUUII. T1UM.UKU AND UNTICIM.VIKDJ PORTLAND CUTTERS. ALBANY CUTTERS, Finished in the highest style and sold at one-halt the usual price. Alse, a line let of Uuggies ami C.ii i iages of our own make and celebrated city makers. One Fine Second-hand EXTENSION PHAETON, 15y llrewster, one by Gregg & llewc, and a variety of ethers, second-hand. All te be ueld at half their value. S. E. BAILY & Ce., 430 k 432 North queen and 431 & 433 Market Streets, Lancaster, Pa. ee!3-lytl WISES ASH LIQUORS. S. CLAY MILLER pESPECTPULLY calls the attention of Ms friends as well as E" the public in general te his Superior Stock of Old Whiskies; Gibsen's, Dougherty's, Gughenheimer, Hannissville, Overhelt and Gaffs Pure Rye, from four te eight years old, which he has recently bought from first hands for Cash, and will sell from the original package at reasonable prices, at Ne. 33 Penn Square. PERSONS Reception in Philadelphia. ,..$20.00 ... 18.00 .. KJ.50 .. lioe .. 10.00 .. 850 ... 5.00 ... 10.00 .. lioe .. 15 00 .. 31.00 .. i.oe .. 1.50 .. 3.50 .. 5.1-0 .. 5.00 .. .-5.00 .. 5.00 .. :5.i0 .. 5.00 .. i5e tjiijuiiisg oeovs. NEW GOODS -AT- .JEWELKY, &c. Lancaster, Pa., Silver-Plated Ware, Ami Tinted Spectacles. LANCASTER, PA. VHAETOSS. tr. Y-rinfeyN'a.' .."frA-.. . j &