Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 22, 1880, Image 2

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Lancaster Intelligencer.
Manufacturing His Case.
Judge Patterson read te us this morn
ing, in open court, a rule which he has
drawn up requiring us te answer for
contempt of court, in which he em em
bedied his version of what occurred yes-
terlnvTTinrninrr in COUrt. Upen that
morning in oeuii. u. """ fc of
the judge seemed te base hisrule, p.
affectine te treat what wc then said as a
re-affirmation of what we had said in the
Intelligencer. "Wc said there noth
ing but what wc believed te be true, but
we neither affirmed nor denied its truth
when called upon yesterday te answer
for it as attorneys, because we did net
propose te give Judge Patterson an op
pertunity te exercise his summary power
ever members of the bar for contempt of
court manifested in its presence. "When
we are te be tried for the truth of what
we say as editors, we want it te be
before a jury, with all the rights
the law gives us te maintain
our innocence, and net before a
judge who is prosecutor, judge, jury and
executioner all in one. "We prefer te
have a little mere chance for life and
liberty than any such tribunal will be
apt te furnish us. And therefore it was
that we carefully avoided giving Judge
Patterson the chance he sought, with
such cunning and malice, te secure an
excuse te lay his hand upon us.
Yet he has had the unblushing eff rentei y
te put into our mouths what wc did net
say and te seek te found his rule upon
his own invention. He hits bungled the
job. "While he was about it he might
better have made a mere complete inven
tion and have written down that we had
called him an ignorant and unfit judge,
who secured his place en the bench by
low devices, and who has disgraced it
ever since he ascended it by a manifesta
tien of a lack of judicial learning, temper
and bearing, which has been wholly with
out precedent in this county and wc be
lieve has never been matched in any
Judge Patterson, while he is a Clevel
and agreeable gentleman, with many
qualities te attract the esteem and affec
tion of his fellow man in his private life,
has none of the talents or qualifications
of a geed judge, and is net esteemed as
one by the bar ever which he presides,
lie might rule all its members, without
exception, 10 answer for contempt of
court, as readily as he might, se rule us,
if they would be guilty because et their
thought, unuttered in the judicial pres
ence. Judge Patterson has. in his pres
ent flagrant exhibition of himself, fully
demonstrated even te his warmest
friends that the public interests and his
own fair name can in no way be se served
by him as they would be by his resigna
tion from an office which nature has net
fitted him te fill. Most fortunately the
law has made him impotent against the
just accusers of his judicial conduct,who
use the legitimate channels of public dis dis dis
cussion.eutside his court,in which te crit
icise it. "We de net fear him, because we
knew we are fully paneplied by the
pmistitntinn and laws of our state
in the
expression of our
the method and
as te
of his
discharge of his
public duty. Te his rule we answe r that
in his court we give him the deference
which the law secures te his dignity ;
that outside of it we give him the con
sideration, as a judge, which in our opin
ion he earns by the manner of the dis
charge of his official duties and that as a
man we will judge him as we read his
private life. In each relation he is enti
tled te a different treatment ; and he will
learn tee, ere long we trust, that te us
as lawyers in, and as editors without his
court, different rules apply.
Anether Judge's Judgment Upset.
Nothing is mere natural than the feel
ing of the average citizen that the judge
of a court is the fountain of wisdom and
justice, invested with dignity that is te
be respected, authority that is te be fear
ed, knowledge that is te be reverenced,
and inspired with a zeal for the
right that should command for
him the confidence and support
of the whole community. One who sits
upon the bench is popularly regarded
with something of the adoration that
makes the Hindoe admit that though he
knows his god is ugly he feels that he is
Consequently the average beholder
leeks unen the nidge net as a school
master te keep his bar in order, nor as a
mere preliminary trier of causes, whose
rulings if erroneous can be reversed by a
higher and wiser court, but as a vindica
tor of all rights and punisher of all
wrongs that are connected with the ad
ministration of the law and the dispsnsa dispsnsa
tien of justice. Every judge can bear
witness te the many times he is beset
by simple-minded people who mean no
harm in presenting him with their griev
ances and appealing te him for what they
conceive te be their rights. They can
easily be admonished by a righteous
judge and shown, without resort te harsh
means, the impropriety of their conduct
which at most is far less than that of
some intelligent and sworn attorneys who
tamper with courts in various devious
ways, or than even that of judges them
selves who steep from their high estate
te peddle their opinions among these
who have a mercantile interest in them
or seek judicial inspiration in private
conferences with one of two sides te a
pending issue.
Fer which reason it seems te us that
Judge Elcock, of Philadelphia, has been
quite unnecessarily disturbed ever a very
natural letter addressed te him by a
peer and apparently ignorant man, with
a sick family, who has been denied his
witness fees, en technical grounds, for
enforced attendance in court during
which and owing te which he lest his
situation and the means te earn bread
for the living and comforts for the dying
members of his household. This man was
dragged from his daily work by the pro
cess of the court, and he incurred, by no
fault of his, the less of his situation.
He knows that the court was paid for
net hearing the case, that the district
attorney get his fees for net trying it,
that all the counsel were handsomely
compensated for getting it settled, and
probably that the prosecutor, who had
summoned the commonwealth te aid
him, was paid te sell out all the interest
that the state had in the case. "What
mere natural, under such circumstances,
than that the man should write the let
ter he did te the judge ? On the face of it,
it is scarcely susceptible of being con
strued into contempt, and in the light of
the writer's frank and intelligent expla.
nations, no such reasonable construction
it Is possible in
k,s conduct i
a fair mind. Judge
Elcock's conduct in holding the man in
custody for want of bail, and keeping
their protector awity from a sick and
starving family, is only another demon
stration of hew very common men
"dressed in a little brief authority,
play such fantastic tricks before high
heaven as make the very angels weep.
The JVcic Era published by a member
of Judge Patterson's court with a legal
acumen and courage which would have
served it well in its wrecked libel suits
points out hew the previous acquittal of
Michael Snyder operated te his benefitl
It fellows in the wake of the Intelli
gencer in maintaining that the first ac.
quittal was secured for a corrupt consid
eration, and it must adeitt our legica-
conclusion that if the second clearance
was accomplished through the first and
the first bv "prostituting the machinery
of justice," the final acquittal is as dis
creditable te the administrators of the
law as was the first.
If it is conceded then that such a
fraud and imposition were practised
upon the court and that the powers of
the court were exercised as they would
net have been if fairness and honesty had
characterized the dealings with it, the
question that affects the court's dignity
and the public safety is whether there
has been such contempt of it and such
abuse of its confidence as te call for an
By its failure te order any such in
quiry the court has declared either that
no contempt of it is possible or that in
this case the gross indignity put upon it
shall be unnoticed.
In either case the legitimate query is
whv is this thus ?
Although the riot bribery cases
were net forced en te trial yesterday, as
was anticipated, a very important point
was gained in the way of their dispatch.
The defendants were compelled te plead
and hereafter no mere dilatory pleas can
be interposed nor any technical delays be
invoked. The cases must be heard m
March and all the obstacles placed in the
way of their disposal thus far by the de
fendants only go te confirm the public
judgment that the thing they most fear
is a prompt and fair trial.
A complimentary dinner has been given
te General Gaufiku) by Congressman
Tewnscud, of Ohie.
Ex-Governer Barley, of Michigan, has
just celebrated his silver wedding in a
pleasing manner. He distributed 300 in
silver coin among live charitable institu
tions. The Springfield (Mass.) Republican says:
"Jehn Suekmax is the passive obstacle,
the rock en which the leading and the
most dangerous Republican candidates
arc likely te wreck before or during the
convention. "
Rev. II. S. McMukdie, for many years
director of the seminary and professor of
moral philosophy and theology in Mount
St. Mary's college, at Emmittsburg, Md.,
died en Tuesday afternoon, in the. 50th
year of his age. lie was born in Londen,
Leuis "W. Hall, of counsel for the de
fense in the legislative bribery cases, en
tertained, last night, counsel en both
sides, and Governer Heyt and Judges
Pearson and Hendersen. Among the law
yers present were Messrs. Gewen, Mann
and Cassidy.
It is affirmed in European diplomatic
cirlcs that the cx-Khcdivc, Ismail Pasha,
has suspended all relations with his son,
the present Khedive, en account of the
course pursued by the latter in depriving
his father of the enjoyment of his private
fortune. The cx-Khcdivc continues his
negotiations with a view te prove the in
justice of his son's conduct towards him.
Mrs. Maky Kyle Dallas, whose pro
lific writings thus for have been confined
te short .stories, sketches and essays in the
newspapers but who is new engaged en a
novel, is net yet 40 years of age, having
been married between the ages of 1G and
17, and left a widow before most girls arc
graduated from school. She is of medium
height and of slender, but net thin, figure.
She has speaking gray eyes, delicately
fair skin and bright color. Her hair is
her crown of glory. Time, forgetting that
she is yet ou the sunny side of life, has
hastened te make it snow-white, and she
dresses with exquisite taste and beauty.
Her yearly income from the work of her
pen is about $G,000.
Miss Harriet Lane, who, in the days
of James Buchanan, was mistress of the
White Heuse, is the wife of Rebert John John Jehn
eon, a wealthy banker of Baltimore. Mrs.
Jehnsen has recently purchased the place
where her uncle was born in Pennsylvania,
and will there erect a memorial worthy of
him. Mrs. Jehnsen is expected te visit
old friends here this winter. I have been
told by these who have known all the
ladies who have presided at the "White
Heuse, from Mrs. Madisen te the present,
that Mrs. Jehnsen was the most elegant
and high-bred lady of them all. Her
charms of manner were irresistibly win
ning. Washington Letter.
"Eveent that Miss Lane is the wife of
Mr. Henry E. Johnsten ; she has net yet
purchased the birthplace of her uncle
because of the attempted extortion of its
owners ; and the se-called " Wheatlands,"
which has been figuring in a newspaper
item, as this birthplace, is the old home of
the ex-prcsident, and has been the prop prep
city of Mrs. Johnsten ever since his death.
Fifteen practicing physicians at Johns
town occupy ever six columns of space in
the Tribune with replies te the circular
letter addressed te the medical fraternity
of that place by Hen. D. J. Merrcll, gen
eral manager of the Cambria works, re
questing their opinions regarding the prev
alence of diphtheria in the community ; its
causes, the best preventive means te abate
its virulence, etc. In every instance the
doctors agree upon the point that filthy
surroundings and the use of well water
instead of hydrant water are prime factors
in spreading the ailment and in rendering
it mere generally fatal in its consequences.
In Southern Louisiana the orange, peach
aid plum trees are budding, and the straw
berries are in bloom.
The crop report of the beard of agricul
ture of Illinois shows that the wheat acre
age of that state is 2,G38,82C acres, or 25
per cent, mere than last year, and consid censid
ably larger than the average of any previ
eus year.
Bv a most singular condition el ailairs,
every judge upon the bench of the supreme
court of Rhede Island found himself, dis
qualified from sitting en the case of the
People's saving bank against Zachariah
Chafcc as agent or trustee of the Messrs.
The Viscount Ferdinand dc Lesseps has
been received with great cordiality at Pan
ama, and has set en feet the surveys for
the proposed canal. He speaks with con
fidence of the enterprise, and considers
that the cost will net exceed the estimate
announced at Paris. He says he will have
only a tide-level canal, and declares that
he could raise twice the amount of money
needed for the project in France.
The New Yerk Herald admits that Grant
parted with Belknap "with regret;"
thought Delane a whitc-seulcd man ; ap
pointed Williams te the chief justiceship,
and made Bess Shepherd governor of the
District of Columbia. All of which, it
thinks, " might prove embarrassing te a
party which should nominate him for a
third term.'' But at present Grant is only
a private citizen and the Herald seems te
want his faults condoned until neini nated
and then whacked into him.
There is trouble brewing in Erie among
the Republicans. They are generally op
posed te the nomination of Grant. Know Knew
ing this fact the Cameren managers are
determined net te trust a county conven
tion te select the delegates te the coming
state convention, but te have them ap
pointed by the county committee, wheaic
supple tools of the Cameren ring. The
bleed of Blaine's friends is up ami they
threaten that if Grant's nomination is se
cured by tricks of this kind, the county,
which usually gees heavily Republican,
shall give an overwhelming majority
against Grant next fall.
The vintage of 1879 in France proves te
have been a very peer one. The yield has
turned out te be as low as 23,700,000 hec hec
eolitres, or 23,000,000 less than that of
1878, and nearly 30,000,000 hectelitres
under the average of the ten preceding
years. The districts which have suffered
most are Burgundy and Champagne, where
the yield has been next te nothing, and
the two Charcntes, where the return
scarcely reached a third of that of 1878.
The central departments have net conic off
much better, and in the eastern department
Doubs, Mcuse and Mcurthc-ct-Meselle
scarcely a tenth of the yield of 1878 has
been obtained. The southern departments
have suffered less. Audc, Ilerault and
Pyrenees Oricntales even show a light in
crease en the prcccdingvintage.Fortunate prcccdingvintage.Fertunate
ly for America, which drinks twice as
much champagne as England, the dealers
have 20, 000,000 bottles en hand, and the.
California vintage is yearly imprevcing in
Geerge Duncan, living alone, near
"Wichita, Kansas, was found en the pra
ric yesterday morning with his threat cut.
Geerge Franklin Faulk was arrested at
Springfield, 111., for bigamy, having mar
ried six wives. He is 33 years old and geed
Jennie Sails, the eldest colored woman
in Kansas, died at "Wyandotte yesterday,
aged 115 years. She has been blind for
the last thirty-five years, and was a mem
ber of the Baptist church ninety years.
The Democratic caucus of the Louisiana
Legislature nominated R. L. Gibsen for U.
S. senator en the second ballet, last night.
He will be elected te succeed Kellogg,
whose term will expire in 1883.
"Walter R. Irwin, of Illinois, chief of
the private land office, was found dead in
bed at Mobile, Alabama, yesterday morn
ing. It is supposed he died of heart dis
ease. J. Frest Celeman, a prominent citizen
of Bayvillc, L. I., while excavating for the
removal of a large boulder en his farm,
Tuesday afternoon, was buried alive. He
was rescued in a dying condition and can
not recover.
The boiler at D. R. Carrell's plantation
in Louisiana has exploded, killing Willis
Wright (colored), Arthur Parrier, the
engineer, and a colored man, name un
known, and seriously wounding thirteen
Mrs. May and her daughter Kate were
burned te death, and Mrs. Ilernden. an
other daughter of Mrs. May, was danger
ously if net fatally bnr.icd by the explo
sion of a coal oil lamp, near Danville, Va..
en Monday night.
The third, fourth and attic floors of
Patrick Gugurty's knitting mill, at Cohoes,
N. Y., a brick building running five sets
of machinery and employing 150 hands,
were destroyed by fire yesterday morning.
The less is estimated at $30,000. which is
fully covered by insurance.
In Pittsficld, Mass., the trial of Web
ster for the assault en Chester Goodale,
resulted in a verdict of assault with intent
te kill. This verdict fastens upon Web
ster two assaults with intent te kill and
seven burglaries, te which he had pleaded
guilty. The sentences for his crimes ag
gregate thirty-one years in all.
Lawyer Little, of Tunkhannock, has en
tered suit for damages against the Wilkcs
barre Recerd for libel alleged te have been
published by that paper calculated te in
jure his reputation and practice. The
Recerdhad retracted its charge prier te
this step en the part of the offended attor
ney. It is the Recerd's first libel suit and
it seems quite proud of it.
Twe prisoners, Patrick Gulford, alias
Manning, and Edward Connelly, quarreled
in the hall of the Newport, Ky.. jail. In
the heat of the anger Connelly drew a
razor and seized Guilferd by the threat.
The latter wrested the razor from Con
nelly's hand and with one slash across his
threat almost severed Connelly's head from
his body. The jugular vein was severed
and death followed instantly. The two
prisoners were in jail awaiting trial for
miner offences.
Vanwcrt, Ohie, has been greatly excited
bythe horse-whipping of Rev. J. R. Hen Hen
dereon, pastor of the M. E. church, by Miss
Nerma Cemer, organist of that church.
Miss Cemer had been attending dances
during the week for which the reverend
gentleman censured her publicly in church
en Sunday. He called en her te apologize
and was met by her in her father's store,
and received the chastisement, which was
quite severely administered. He offered
no resistance aud repaired te his home
after she had her satisfaction.
The Cambria county Democrats instruct
for nanceck.
What the Players are Doing.
llaverly's Mastodons are in Bosten.
There are only two shows booked at the
Columbia opera house.
Barlew, "Wilsen, Primrose and "West's
minstrels were in Harrisburg last night.
James Melville will be equestrian director
of Coup's circus the coining season.
Gottheld's "Octoroon " company is per
forming in Albany this week.
Barney Macauley is in his second week
at the Bread streetthcatre, Phila.
Kiralfys will present " Enchantment "
here, and net " Black Creek," as before
Billy Glen, the comedian, who is wfcll wfcll
knewfi here, is performing at Tooker s va
rieties, Norfolk.
Clara Merris is under an eight weeks'
engagement with Manager Maguire of San
Fraucisco $3, 000.
A new nlav is announced as written by
Mr. Jehn Habberton, author of " Helen's
Babies," and entitled " ueauwoeu
It is said that Lester Wallack's terms at
the Grand opera house, New Yerk, arc
$3,000 per week.
McKce Rankin and " The Danites" open
in Londen at Sadler's "Wells theatre, en
the 28th of May.
E. Slocum is writing a burlesque en the
"Pirates of Penzance" for Carncross's
J. II. Havcrly has leased the Filth Ave
nue theatre, New Yerk, for a term of
Prof. Parker and his troupe of educated
dogs have been engaged ler a year te
travel with llaverly's minstrels.
Mrs. Teny Paster, aided by ether ladies,
is preparing te give a matinee at her hus
band's theatre for the benefit of Ireland's
Tem Jeffersen, son of Jeseph, has made
a very laverauie impression as jmamu,
"A Scrap of Paper," at Wallack's, New
Three miners, resisting arrest for disor
derly conduct at Alpine, Cel., en Monday
night, were shot by Constable Stanten.
One was killed,, and the ethers were fatal
ly wounded.
Harry Bernard, the female minstrel
manager, will be business and stage mana mana mana
gerofthe International Cemiquc, Philadel
phia, which will shortly reopen.
A Chicago paper truthfully remarks:
It has become an easy matter, during the
current season, te leave New Yerk as the
leading man of a combination, and return,
unexpectedly, as a walking gentleman.
Charlie Ellis, the Dutch comedian, has
new separated from his partner, Harry
Watsen, for geed. He has left the Wat-sen-Ellis-Kerncll
company, and he and his
wife, who is known as Clara Moere, will
travel together, doing sketches.
Mr. W. E. Sheridan, prier te sailing for
Europe with Mr. Rankin's company, will
star for a week at the Philadelphia Arch
street theatre as Leuis XL, Shylock and
Richard III. The plays will be mounted
elegantly, and as Mr. Sheridan is a great
favorite in Philadelphia, a large engage
ment is anticipated.
Recently Teny Denier, the "Humpty
Dunipty" manager, purchased a fierce
ring-tailed monkey in Mobile, Ala. Ne
one could go near him but Frank Ilil
dreth, the treasurer of the company.
When the troupe arrived in Charleston,
and while Messrs. Denier, Hildrcth and
Geerge 11. Adams were sitting in their
room talking, the monkey suddenly sprang
at the threat of Mr. Hildrcth and bit him
severely. It was some time before they
could get the animal loose. The monkey is
new subdued and does whatever he is
Lawyer Wai-rel's Paper Has a Say.
New Era.
A correspondent wants te knew what
the plea of autrefeis acquit, entered by the
defense in the Snyder case, by which the
defendant escaped justice, means anyhow.
Auticfeis acquit simply means that when
the district attorney and his acting deputy
in October, 1878, took a verdict of net
guilty in the Snyder liquor case, without
having previously examined the witnesses
en whose testimony the indictment had
been found, for the purpose of
screening "the best workers in the
ward," thereby prostituting the machinery
of justice te the basest of purposes, they
se thoroughly salted the case away, that
under the plea of autrefeis acquit the
defendant could net be convicted of
the original offense, the evidence
of which by the admission of this
plea was ruled out. Had a net. pros.
merely been entered the proceedings could
have been reviewed and reopened. Hence
the precaution te take a verdict of net
guilty, te make sure that net only " the
best workers of the ward, " but also the
fellows who profited by their labors, should
be saved from the legal consequences of
their lawlessness and official malfeasance.
Autrefeis acquit is net a " primeval law, "
but, in this case, it was certainly a prime
evil law, te which court and jury "bowed
submissively, " because it is the law. And
thus was concluded the work begun by
District Attorney Eshlcman and Hay
Brown in October, 1878, in behalf of "the
best workers of the ward " and these for
whom they labored se efficiently in June
of that year !
Hen- It Availed.
After the defense had closed their case
the teurt asked District Attorney Eshlc
manwhether it would net be competent
for him te call witnesses in rebuttal te
show that the witnesses en whose testi
mony the indictment had been found in
August, 1878, aud en which a verdict of
net guilty was taken in October, had
net been examined under oath before
that verdict was taken. Here was a
grand opportunity for the district
attorney te show that the very foun
dation en which the JVcic Era based
its charge was net true. But instead of
accepting the kind offer of the court, the
district attorney argued that the plea of
autrefeis acquit could net avail the defend
ant, because he had net shown that he had
previously been placed in jeopardy. Of
course, this was as bad law as it was in bad
taste for one who had made a flourish of
seeking " vindication" in
" every county
in the state." Mr. Reynolds
was (puck te
take advantage of it te show that the
plea of previous acquittal was valid,
and the authorities being en his side, the
court had se te rule. But the district at
torney could have availed himself of the
generous offer of the court te vindicate
himself, and Mr. Reynolds could have con
sented te it without prejudice te his cli
ent, as the relevancy of that testimony
could have been argued after the " vindi
cation" as well as before, and rilled out
by the court before the case was given te
the jury. This course was due alike te the
court, te Messrs. Brown and Eshlcman,
and above all te the cause of public jus
tice. Airs. Zell'H Case.
Twe hundred women of Philadelphia
have held a meeting te consider what
might be done te save Mrs. Catherine Zell,
of Carlisle, who is under conviction of
murder. Miss Annie E. McDowell having
had her sympathies aroused by reading an
an account of Mrs. Zell's trial, went te
Carlisle and became mere convinced of
Mrs. Zell's innocence and it was she who
inspired the meeting. Speeches were made
by several women. Mrs. Pratt suggested
that it was no use te de things half way,
and if the woman was te have a new trial
she should have new counsel, tee. The
information was then given that Rufiis E.
Shapley had veluntered his services. Be
fore adjourning $55 was raised.
Tlie Appeal of a Penniless Man With a Sick
Family Locked Up Fer It
At the opening of the court of eyer and
terminer in Philadelphia yesterday Judge
Elcock had brought before him Henry
Rahe, and said te him : " Yeu nave writ
ten me a letter, and I propose te learn
from you under oath what the meaning of
i:s contents is." Mr. Rahe was then sworn
and examined upon the letter, which is as
"Philadelphia, Jan. 20, 1880. Hen.
Jugde Elcock, Esq. Dear Sir : lesterday
I get certificate for my witnes feessighned
by Mr. Hcnesey and Distrikt Attorney
Kerr, and you refused te sighn it. I was
taken away from my place of employment
by one of your eficers, Mr. Brady, before
Christmas," and made te stay in court
every day, old court house, telling me that
if I was net present when called I would
be lined twenty-five dollars, etc. Could
get no satisfaction from Mr. Read when
trial would cemencc, but for me te
stay in court, be when the buisy
time in store was ever I was told by my
employer that as I could net be in store en
buisy ocasiens I would be no use in dull
times, and I lest my situation. I am out
of money and have a sick wife and
one of me children sick. As this was a
case of assault and battery with intent te
kill I am certainly entitled te my fees, for
it was a most dastardly ackt, as I seen the
whole of it. This man McCoy, who has a
very bad reputation who has
been in prison often, struck
an old man, and when McCelgan
came te step McCoy from abusing the old
gentlemen he turned en McCelgan, drew
his revolver and put it te head and said I
am going te kill you and fired. Anether
man who steed there knekt up McCoy's
hand and the ball went past McCelgan's
head and nearly Idled the cashier at the
table en the platform ; he felt the bulct
burn his face. The case was in old court
house. I heard rumors that they were
trying te setle it. McCelgan had Cassi-
day and McCoy had Hevcrin as their attor
neys. On Friday morning the bill
was taken ever te your court, and
there allowed te render a verdict
of net guilty and the man left te
go free te sheet or kill again. If it were a
peer man who stele a leaf of bread te sup
port the starving family, he would cer
tainly have been prosecuted te the bitter
end. New hew much money the lawyers
and court house officials get out of the
transaction I am as yet net aware of but
understood it was considerable, and hew
you could let a man slip out of law's
clutches perpetrating such a crime, and
the best of evidence, I am yet at a less te
kne ; but be that as it will, for all I require
is my witness fee wich according te law I
am entitled te just as well as your court
house officials and me beliving that the
case has been misrepresented te you and
you arc at least a just and upright man
and sec that I am paid. Hoping te hear
from your honeur before I speak any
further en this matter te any one else.
' I remain respectfully yours
" Henry Rahe,
"2018 North Twentieth street."
Judge Elcock said te him: "Yeu have
sent me this letter in which the bill was
submitted without evidence. New, I want
you te tell me, under your oath, what you
mean by it. What court officials received
money in this matter?"
Mr. Rahe "I mean the attorneys."
Mr. Read "There are two kinds of at
torneys. The private attorneys for the
parties and the district attorney.
Mr, Rahe "I mean the private attor
neys, Mr. Cassidy and Mr Hevcrin."
Mr. Read " De you mean that the dis
trict attorney get any money in this case?"
" Ne, sir."
Upen being further questioned, he said
that he is in no business at present ; that
he was formerly a special watchman at
Wanamakcr's and at Southworth's ; that
he had been informed by a man whose
name he didn't knew, but whom he sup
posed was one of the witnesses in the case,
that it had cost between $700 and $S00 te
settle the case ; by his expression that he
was "as much entitled te his witness fees
as the court officials te theirs," he meant
that he was as much entitled te his fees as
they were te their salary. By the ex
pression that "he hoped te hear from his
honor before bespoke te any one else,"
he meant before he spoke te the officers
about the court. In answer te Mr. Iver
he denied that he had gene te McCelgan
and told him that he had seen the whole
transaction and wanted te be a witness.
He said that he told McCelgan that he did
net want te be a witness. Mr. Kcr re
plied that Mr. McCelgan had told him that
Rahe had volunteered te be a witness.
Judge Elcock then said that he would net
permit a letter of such a character te be
written te him, and would therefore enter
a rule against Italic te show cause why he
should net be committed for contempt of
court, which rule will he returnable en
The bail of Rahe was fixed at $800, and
he was taken into custody until he should
be able te give the security. Assistant
District Attorney Read who is referred
te in the letter, states that he never saw
the man at all until yesterday morning.
The English Disaster.
The latest accceunts from the scene of
the colliery explosion at Newcastle-undcr-Tync
fix the number of parsons in the pit
when the explosion occurred, at ninety
seven. It is believed that net mere than
six of the rescued can possibly recover.
Twenty-five corpses have already been
brought up, a majority of them being se
disfigured as te be unrecognizable. The
few who were rescued alive arc dying
rapidly. The scene at the mouth of the pit
is most heartrending.
One of the recovered corpses has lest
part of the head. Seme of the ethers were
burned te cinders, while some appear te
have been killed by concussion. The part
of the Lycctt colliery where the explosion
occurred is known as the Fair Lady pit
and is the same in whicli six men were
killed last autumn. The coal belongs te
the Banbury or fiery scam, in which all
of the great Staffordshire explosions have
A fire has been raging in the pit with
great violence since the disaster, hindering
the efforts of the explorers and precluding
all hopes of any of the victims being res
cued alive.
A later dispatch says the fire is being
subdued and large quantities of debris
have been removed, enabling the ex
plorers te proceed mere rapidly. The
latest report places the total number of
deaths at seventy. Anether explosion is
Five mere bodies have been recovered
from the mine, and twenty ethers have
been found in the pit. They will be
brought up te-night. Ventilation has been
Blaine stock is rising among the Penn
sylvania Republicans. Crawford county
falls into line.
There is new residing in Lawrcncevillc,
Allegheny county, a lady whose face is
covered with almost a full grown beard.
Leuis Bray, a Philadelphia commercial
traveler, committed suicide at Murfrecs Murfrecs Murfrecs
bore' by taking laudanum.
The Pennsylvania returning beard was
in session about an hour and a-half and
managed te spend eight hundred of the
thousand dollars appropriated te meet its
expenses. Of this amount seventy-five
dollars apiece was given te the Western
members for expenses, fifty dollars apiece
te the Eastern members and the four able
clerks received twenty-five dollars a head
for their arduous services. The Demo
crats were allowed one of these twenty
five dollar clerkships.
local intelligence:
Events Acress the County Line.
At the election of the national bank of
Oxford en the 13th inst., the old beard
was reelected as fellows : Samuel
Dickey. W. T. Fulton. W. R. Bingham,
G. D. Armstrong, R. B. Patterson, L. K.
Brown, R. H. Kirk, J. E. Ramsey and
Gee. Gawthrop.
The farm of James Jehnsen, deceased,
Lewer Oxford township, Chester count-,
containing 205 acres, was sold at public
sale by the executers, aud was purchased
by Mrs. Mary Jehnsen, the widow, who
occupies the property, at $43.02 per acre.
T. Miller Patterson, of Little Britain
township, this county, owns a Durham
heifer calf, one year old, which weighs 943
The members of the bar of Chester
county teudered te Judge Clayten, of Del
aware county, at present presiding at the
special court new in session, in West Ches
ter, a public dinner. The invitation was
signed by cvery member of the bar.
The directors and teachers of Dowiimg Dewiimg Dowiimg
tewn and surrounding districts will meet
in the high school building of that ber
eugh en Friday eveuhig, te make arrange
ments for holding a local institute in the
Downingtown hall, en February 2(5th, 27th
and 28th, 1880.
Elias Draper, of Upper Oxford, has a
cow of Durham and Deven stock that has
been giving milk continuously for ever six
years and making an average of four pounds
of butter per week.
Mr. William Ermcntreut. a venerable
citizen or Reading, died in that city yes
terday morning after an indisposition of a
few days-, in the 81st year of his age. lie
was the lather of Senater Daniel Ermen
trout, Prof. JehnS. Ermcntreut and James
N. Ermcntreut, esq. ; four ether sons, two
daughters and his aged widow also survive
him. During his life Mr. Ermcntreut held
a number of public offices. In politics he
was a Democrat, and took a mere or less
active interest in the welfare and success
of the party up te the day of his death.
Jehn Knox Dillen, a student at Lincoln
University, was suddenly seized with de
mentia en Wednesday last and became
uncontrollable. He acted in a violent
manner, requiring several persons te take
care of him, and his shouts and cries were
heard a considerable distance from the
bearding house. Drs. Eves, Kennedy and
E wing were called, but little relief could
be afforded the unfortunate man. He was
taken te the insane asylum at Harrisburg
yesterday. Dillen was one of the ten na
tive Africans from Liberia who entered
the university in 1873, and is said te have
been a close student, of geed mind and in
satiate passion for reading.
A:i Unwonted Hale Illumines the Bench and
UIIikIs the Crier.
Last evening, ere the golden sun sought
his alleged couch beneath the western hor
izon, he took occasion te illumine, with un
wonted brilliance by reflected light, the
honorable court and the distinguished
crier. The rays of the sun reflected from the
windows of the buildings east of the court
house were thrown back into the court
room, causing the bald head of the crier te
glisten like an electric light, and the geld
spectacles of the court te glow with the
effulgence of a band of diamonds. Being
rendered by this glare of light almost as
blind as the wooden figure of justice that
surmounts the dome of the court house,
the honorable court said, pointing te the
window :
" Tipstave, close that blind."
The tipstave did as directed.
" That's net the right blind," said the
crier in commanding tones. " Clese the
blind of the next window."
"Nevermind, tipstave." said the court ;
"the blind you have closed is the right one,
the light docs net shine upon us new."
"But it shines en me," replied the crier.
" That's all right," said the court.
" It may be right enough for you, but it
ain't for me,"' persisted the crier, " and I
want that blind closed."
The tipstave closed it, the crier nodded
approvingly, sank deeply into the soft
cushion of his high-backed chair and the
business of the court proceeded in the sub
dued light.
State Heard of Agriculture.
There was a full attendance of members
of the Pennsylvania state agricultural so
ciety at the society's room, en the occasion
of the annual meeting and election held
yesterday morning. Win. S. Rissel was
elected president ; S. S. Spencer one of
the vice presidents ; ether officers elect arc
corresponding secretary, Elbridge Mc Mc
Cenkcy ; recording secretary, D. W. Sei
ler; chemist and geologist, S. S. Ilaldc
man ; librarian, Wm. H. Eglc ; treasurer,
J. B. Rutherford.
I'azuar at Mount ,ley.
The ladies of St. Mary's chapel, Mount
Jey, have organized a bazaar in the chapel
building, for the sale of useful and fancy
articles many of them quite valuable. The
bazaar opens this evening and will be open
every evening until the 31st of this month.
Among the articles te be voted for arc geld
and silver watches and silk dress pattern,
for which a lively contest is expected be
tween ladies and gentlemen of Mount Jey
and Springvillc.
Telephone Krccted.
The telephone line has been put up be
tween the works of the Pcnii iron company,
WestcrnUnien telegraph office, Steinman &
Ce's. hardwarcJstere,lNTKLLiOEXCRR office,
Philadelphia & Reading railroad office at
West King street and the Pennsylvania
freight depot. It works very well and a
number of messages have been scut ever
the wires te-day.
This morning Officers Sprecher and
Eichholtz took te the insane department of
the county hospital a young man named
Martin Gall, aged 23 years, who for some
time past has exhibited signs of insanity,
and recently has acted in a violent and
dangerous manner. He has been living
with a brother near Manheim and it was
at his instance that the young man was
taken te the hospital.
Change of llase.
Jehn W. Hublcy is removing his grocery
store from Ne. 2."2 North Queen street, te
Ne. 20 Seuth Duke. The North Queen
street building will be occupied as a whole
sale grocery.
Parden Granted.
The beard of pardons yesterday agreed
te recommend for pardon Henry Townsley,
of this county, convicted of felonious as
sault and battery.
r January Regular Trm.
Cem'th vs. E. Diller Clark, malicious
mischief and assault. The commonwealth's
side of the case was te the eff ct that en
the evening of the 17th of April List the
defendant went te the hotel of David Bair,
which is en the New Helland turnpike,
about two miles west of that town ; dur
ing the eveniug a quarrel arose between
two men, aud the defendaut took off his
coat. Bair ordered him te leave the house
as he did net allow any fighting in the
house ; defendant refused te go at first,
but finally Bair succeeded in getting him
outside. Clark then broke the deer by
kicking it, and threw a number of stones
through the windows breaking them te
pieces ; one of the stones hit Bair en the
Fer the defense the defendant was call
ed and testified that he went te a dance at
Bair's hotel; the party was pretty well
livened up with whisky ; Geerge Sprecher
assaulted Peter Hubcr and defendant sepa
rated them ; get Huber away, and then
went te Sprecher who was intoxicated,
and tried te get him away ; while thus en
gaged Bair, the prosecutor, came into the
room with the butt of a wagon whip,
struck the defendant with it and put him
out of the house ; defendant then went in
search of his team, and dreve home ; he
did net threw stones, break windows, or
make anv threats against Bair. A sister
of defendant corroborated his
did several ether witnesses, who were
.present at the time of the disturbance.
The jury rendered a verdict of net guilt- of
assault and battery but te pay costs and
guilty of malicious mischief. Sentenced
te two months' imprisonment,
Samuel Overly and Jehn Gallagher plead
guilty te charges of larceny and were each
sentenced te 30 days imprisonment.
The grand jury returned the following
bills :
True Bills : Margaret Henry, adultery ;
Benjamin Bihl, felonious assault and bat
tery ; Jehn Drachbar, et. al. riot ; Jehn B.
Dennis and J. Harvey Raymond, dissuad
ing witnesses and conspiracy ; Samuel
Overly and Jehn Gallagher, larceny and
malicious mischief ; W. II. Duchman and
Henry Witmer, fornication and bastardy ;
Fred'k Hildebrand, adultery and enticing
a miner ; Charles Charlston, embezzle
ment ; Frank Krctzeberg, entering a
dwelling te commit a felony ; Geerge
Evans, burglary.
Ignored : Jehn Sensenig. larceny ; Fa
Iinda Henry. Margaret Henry and Jehn S.
Henry entering a dwelling house te com
mit a felony.
Thursday Morning. Thelirt case taken
up was that of cem'th vs. Franklin Smith,
assault and battery. The defendant is a
school teacher in Ceney township and it
was charged that en the 14th of October
last he severely whipped and abused :i
pupil named Abraham L. Heffman. Ac
cording te the story of the boy it appears
that en the 13th of October he had a quar
rel with a companion at the school. At
neon the next day he was sitting en the
fence, when the teacher came up and
pulled him down, telling him te go te the
school house ; he asked him.why he should
go there, the teacher did net give any rea
son, but caught held of witness and at
tempted te drag him te the school house.
He finally succeeded in getting loose and
ran away from him ; the teacher followed
and, catching held of him. 'tote his clothes
and started with him for the school ; he
stepped en his hands several times and
otherwise injured him. During the scuttle
a man came along by the school : the
teacher told him te get a whip ; he refused,
but said he would go for a director of the
township ; the director came aud iht told
the teacher te let him go ; afterwards he
told witness that he must take a whipping
or leave school ; when school took in that
day the witness went in as usual, but did
net recite ; at recess the teacher told lum
te remain in ; he then gave him a severe
whipping with two sticks, leaving twenty
marks en the legs and arms ; he was sick
from the effects for thirty-six days.
On cress-examination the boy admitted
that one time he said, in fun, that he aud
his brother intended whipping the teacher ;
after this affair he was expelled from the
school by the directors ; the day after the
whipping he went te Squire Erb who re
fused te take his complaint; he resisted
the teacher en this occacsien because he
did net tell what he wanted with him ; he
was out riding two days after the alleged
A sister and brother of the boy corrobor
ated him and his father testified in regard
te the marks ou his body. Ou trial.
The grand jury returned the following
bills :
True Rill Barbara Laucks. keeping a
disorderly house ; Lewis Cobach, ilenry
Kellcr, Henry My crs and David Lew. en
tering an outhouse te commit a fehmy ;
Herace B. Jehns, false pretense ; Julia
Hoever, murder ; Free Reland, fornica
tion and bastardy.
Commissioner of Bradford County.
Last night Messrs. Daniel Bradford, M.
Firman Ransom and J. AV. Hurst, com
missioners of Bradford county, arrived in
this city and stepped at the Stevens house.
The object of their visit was te take a leek
at our almshouse, as the people of Brad
ford county (who have no almshouse, but
have heretofore bearded their peer in
private families) have determined te
build an almshouse. This morning the
visiting commissienars were taken in charge'
by our county commissioners and were
shown through the poerhousc.Jiiospital and
insane asylum. They expressed them
selves much pleased with the complete
arrangement and apparent geed manage
ment of these several institutions. The
visitors had previously inspected the alms
house of Berks, Schuylkill and some ether
counties, and will inspect ethers before
they resolve en a plan for their new build
ing. They left the city for their homes
this afternoon.
Fashionable Wedding in Paradise.
At about 11 o'clock te-day Miss Ella
Lcidigh, of Paradise, and Mr. G. D. Slay
maker, of Williamstown, both well known
in the social circles of this city, were
married. The occasion was the scene of
brilliant festivities at the residence of the
bride's fattier. Mr. I. W. Lcidigh.
I'late Glass Itrekcu.
Seme days age by the slight sinking of
the foundation of Sehaum's building.
Seuth Queen street, opposite the Fountain
Inn hotel, one of the line large plates of
glass in the front window were broken.
Te-day a new plate has been put in te re
place the old one.
l'ay Day.
This morning a special train having Pay
master Wells of the Reading railroad en
beard, passed down the Quarryville rail
road. The men en this and the Reading
and Celnmbia branches were paid their
waes in cash for the month of December.