"- .-,y .j r r.-" 'T--- v: " .- -' i-z-H.i-r r ' i 1 1; ""? k - .- . "..-; a d . s-3 '--l V, c . -i Volume XVI-Ne. 120. LANCASTER, PA. TUESDAY, JAOTARY 20, 1880. Price Twe Ceits. ir.-- S TERMS. THE DAILYINTELLIGENOEE, PUBLISHED XVZBY XVXVUf O, BY STEINMAN & HBN8BL, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner of Centre Square. Tub Daily Iktxllieevckr la furnished te subscribers in the City of Lancaster and sur rounding towns, accessible by Kailread and Daily Stage Lines at Trcr CEirrs Per Week, payable te the Carriers, weekly. By Mall, $5 a year in advance ; otherwise, $b. Entered at the pest office at Lancaster, Pa., as second class mall matter. 49-The STEAM JOB PRINTING DEFART MKXT of this establishment possesses unsur passed facilities for the execution of all kinds of Plain and Fancv Printing. COAL. B. II. MAUTIX, Wholesale and Bctall Denier in all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. -Yard: Ne.30 North Water and Prince streets, above Lemen, Lancaster. n3-lyd COAL! - - - COAL!! OO TO GORREOHT & CO., Fer Geed and Cheap Ceal. Yard Harrisburg Pike. Office 20 East Chestnut Street. I. W. GOKRECHT, Agt. J. B. B1LEY. eS-lyd W. A. KELLER. C0H0 & WILEY, aSO NORTH WATER ST., Lancaster, J'a., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. Alse, Contractors and Builders. Estimates made and centnicts undertaken en all kinds of buildings. Branch Office : Ne. 3 NOUTII DUKE ST. feb28 1yd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! Ceal nf the Best ijuallty put up expressly ter liimily use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. Kg- YAltD ISO SOUTH WATER ST. m-JMyd PHILIP SCIIUM, SON & CO. )UT RECEIVED A FINK LOT OF BALED TIMOTHY HAY, at M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, DKALKKS I If COAL! FLOUR!! GRALNl ! I FAMILY COAL UNDER COVER. Minnesota PatentProcess Family and Baker's Fleur. Baled Hay and Feed of all kinds. Warehouse and Yard : 234 North Water St s27-lyd N TOf ICE TO THE PUBLIC. G. SENER & SONS. Will continue te sell only GEXUIXE LYKENS VALLEY and WILKESBARRE GOALS which are the best in the market, anil sell as LOW as the LOWEST, and net only GUAR ANTEE FULLWE1GHT, but allow te WEIGH OX ANY scale in geed order. Alse Rough and Dressed Lumber, Sash' Deers, Blinds, Ac, at Lewest Market Prices. Office ami yard northeast corner Prince and Walnut Htreet-s, Lancaster, Pa. janl-tfd HOOKS AND STATIONERY. H OLIDAY FANCY GOUDS. HOLIDAY BOOKS. Autograph and Photograph Albums, Writ ing Desks and Werk Bexes, Christmas and New Year Cards. PAPETEEIES, AT L. M. FLYNN'S, Ne. 42 WEST KING STREET. BLANK BOOKS LEDGERS, DAY BOOKS, CASH BOOKS, COPYING BOOKS, PASS BOOKS, MEMORANDUMS,! MANIFOLD LETTER WRITERS, FOOLSCAP PAPER, LEGAL CAP, LETTER AND NOTE PAPERS, BLANK DEEDS, WRITING FLUID AND INK, STEEL PENS, GOLD PENS, And a general assortment et Stationery, ler sale by JOHTT BAER'S SOIS 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER. PA. BOOTS AND SHOES. "OULIABLK BOOTS AND SHOES. We guarantee every pair we sell. We keep the most perfect fitting, best style and well wearing shoes, and sell them at the very LOWEST PRICES. Our stock was purchased hist summer before the late advance in leather and material, and we offer te give te our customers the advan tage of our successful speculation by selling our present stock at lower prices than we could te-day buy again. We also continue te make Custom Werk at short notice, stylish and durable, and at lower prices than any otherhheemaker here or elsewheie. 43-Mending done promptly and neatly. - Give us u call. A. ADLER, 43 WEST KING STREET. A TTORNEYS-A T-LA W A. J. STEINMAN, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner Cen tre Square, Lancaster, Pa W. U. HENSEL, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner Cen ire equurc. jjuiiixisLcr, x a. CUAS. K. KLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Ne. 15 North Duke street, Lancaster, Pa. All kinds of Conveyances promptly drawn. marlS-lyd&w UENRY A. KILEY, Attorney and Counseller-at-Law 21 Park Bew, Ne x Yerk. Collections made In all parts of the United Slates, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by permission te Steinman & Hensel. IT SE LOCHER'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDKKS. CLOTHING. NEW GOODS FOE FALL & WINTER. We are new prepared te show the public one of the largest stocks of READYMADE CIOTHING ever exhibited in the city et Lancaster. Geed Working Suits for men 6.00. Geed Styles Casslmere Suits for men $7.50. Our All Weel Men's Suits that we are selling ter $9.00 arc as geed as you can buy elsewhere for $12.00. Our stock of Overcoats are Immense. All grades and every variety of styles and colors, for men, boys and youths, ulf our own manufac ture. Full line of Men's, Youths' and Beys' Suits. Full line of Men's, Youths' and Beys' Overcoats. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT ! We are prepared te show one et the best stocks of Piece Goods te select from and have made te order ever shown in the city. They are all arranged en tables fitted up expressly se that every piece can e examined before making a selection. All our goods have been purchased before the rise in woolens. We are prepared te make up in geed style and at short notice and at bottom prices. We make te or der an All Weel Suit for $12.00. By buying your goods at CENTRE HAJJ 3'eu save one profit, as we manufacture all our own Clothing and give employment te about one hundred hands. Call and examine out stock and be convinced as te the truth of which we affirm. MYERS & RATHFOK, Centre Hall. Ne. 12 East King Street. 1880 1880 OUR JANUARY PRICE LIST. Great reduction In price te close out a large Invoice of PANTALOON STUFFS, Consisting of ever 500 PATTERNS. ENGLISH AND FRENCH NOVELTIES Reduced te $8.00 PER PAIR. Large Let et SCOTCH, ENGLISH AND FIXE AMERI CAN CASSIMERES, Fer Genteel Wear, of the Latest and Best Styles, at $7.00. Demestic Goods of the leading Standard Brands, at $1 te $3 per pair. A Large Line of Imported Suitings at a Sacrifice Do De mestic Suitings at all pi ices. Persons in want of a Geed OYERCOAT Will de well te call and examine the stock. Plain as well as the most Ultra Styles at lcs than Cost Price. We want te close them te make room for our SPRING STOCK. Call early and secure bargains. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 North Queen Street. mar8-lydS&W CENTRE HAIL, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Closing out our WINTER STOCK In order te make loom for the Large Spring Stock, Which we arc new manufacturing. Overcoats, Suits and Suitings, Te be sold at the Lew est Prices. D. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, 36-lyd LANCASTER, PA. FOUNDERS AXJi MACHINISTS. T AKCASTER 1 BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, Oppesitkthk Locomotive Works. The subscriber continues te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twiers, Bellows Pipes, Shcetriren Werk, and Blacksmlthing generally. 49 Jobbing promptly attended te. augls-lyd JOHN BEST. EUVCATIONAL. TDK ACADEMY CONNECTED WITH Franklin ami Marshall College otters su perler advantages te young men and boys who desire either te prepare for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send ler circulars. Address REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, eettl-lyd Lancaster. Pa. TITARCUS U. SKHNEK, HO.USB CABPENTBB, Ne. 120 North Prince street Prompt and particular attention paid te al toratlen and repairs. sl3-lyd Greatly Retail Prices CLOTHING. H. GERHART, TAILOR, Having just returned from New Yerk with a large and CHOICE STOCK FOR MEN'S WEAR, Would respectfully announce te his customers and the public that he will have his regular FALL OPENING ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th. LARGEST ASSORTMENT, LATEST STYLES AND PRICES AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THIS CITY AT H. GrERHAKTS, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. g ECIAL NOTICE. 66. 68. D.Gransman&Bre. GRIND CLOSING SALE! OF OVERCOATS AND HEAVY SUITINGS. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS te buyers of Clothing in order te make room for a large SPRING STOCK new being manu factured, and we are needing room. We offer well-made and stylish Clothing for Men and Beys AT- LOWER PRICES than ever heard of belere, aithengh Heeds are going up every day. We will -ell, ter w e must liave the room. Loek at Our Astonishingly Lew Price List: OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! for $2.90, ler $3.85, for $5.33, for $0.75. OVERCOATS ! OVERCdATS ! OVERCOATS for $7.75. for $9.75, for $10.75. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! for $12, $14, $16 and $-20. These arc heavy-lined Overcoats, carclully made and splendidly trimmed. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ; for $7.50, ler $3.50, for $9.30, for $12. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! for $15, for $18, for $20. These are Plaid-Back Overcoats, equal te custom work. HEAVY, MEN'S SUITS ! for $3.50, $1.00, $5.00, $7.00, $9.00, $10.00. MEN'S SUITS FOR FINE DRESS ! for $12.00, $14.00, $15.00, $1C00, $18.00 and $20,00. BOY'S' SUITS AND OVERCOATS ! BOYS' SUITS from $2.25 te $10.00. BOYS' OVERCOATS VERY LOW. We sell only our own make ami guarantee satisfaction. Meney returned en all goods net teund as represented. SPlease call, whether you ishte purchase or net. Is stocked with the latest styles, which wc make te measure at the lowest cash prices and guarantee a perfect fit. SUITS TO ORDER from $12 upwards. PANTS TO ORDER from $3.50 upwards. D. GANSMAN & BRO., MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., S. TV. Cerner et Orange, Lancaster, Pa. (Bausman's Cerner.) WALL PATERS, &e. w E ARE PREPARED TO MAKE ALL KINDS OF WINDOW CORNICES In the best manner and Lew Prices. Gimp Bands, Curtain Leeps, Heeks, &c. TULL STOCK OF WALL PAPER, Seme very Choice New Patterns, WINDOW SHADES, FRINGES, FIXTURES, &c. Measures of Windows taken and shades put up promptly. Call and see. PHAEES W. PRY, 63 North Queen street. AE. McCANN, AUCTIONEER OF REAL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Ne. 35 Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 North Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills made entand attended te without additional cost. e27-ly EnpsD Hancastcr Intelligencer. TUESDAY EVENING, JAN. 20, 1880. Beggars' Tricks. Hew Seme of the Mendicant Tribe in Lon Len Lon eon Get Their Living. We take the following from tlie Londen Standard : A very curious tribe of beggars is that whose members torture themselves, net out of view and te excite sympathy when the deed is done by exhibiting the results, but in the sight of everybody who cheeses te leek en, and just te draw contributions by the oddity of the performance. This is one of the eldest and most widespread of mendicant tricks, only in ether days and in distant lands the beggar tried and still tries te dig nify the practice by attaching te it high religious motive and meaning. Anybody walking along the towing-path of the Isis, between Felly bridge and Iffley, en any of the summer days which idle Oxford devotes te rowing matches during the uni versity vacation, will notice in all directions young mendicants Hinging themselves headlong into the water, clothes and all, for the sake of a few coppers. Going round the public houses of the same city he will observe abundance of torture of stomach and nerve by extraordi nary feats of drinking. A fellow will walk into one of these taverns, when it is full, and make an ener, which is seldom re fused, te gulp down at a single draught a pet of ale every ten minutes, for an hour or even longer the pay being a shilling or two and the ale often for the ale alone ; and a second, who does net care for ale, will undertake te deposit a pint of strong spirits in his stomach, at the rate of a glass every Ave minutes, at a similar price. Moreover, all these swillers are prepared te repeat the performance after sleeping a couple of hours in a hayloft. There used te be Oxford taverns each of which retain ed one of these extraordinary beer and spirit bibbers as a special attraction. Such people invariably come te a premature eud and often in form te attract public atten tion, as when some unaccustomed per formance in thejr special line slays them en the spot. Akin te the drinking Log gers are theso who gorge enormous quantities of feed often raw and occasionally of strange seit at a mo ment's notice and for a stipulated sum. Net long age a fellow of this kind was maintained by the landlord of a wayside tavern in Bucks shecrly en account of his inordinate veracity, which drew customers from all sides te witness it in action. This deveuier would make nothing of eating a dozen dinners in succession, and as fast as they would be prepared and only for the sake of the feed, which was paid for by the neighbors. I have met with fellows who made a point of eating a portion of every meal taken in public raw, and one in par ticular in the outskirts of Birmingham an abominable scoundrel who used te delight the low-lived brutes of his neigh borhood by capping every gorging per fermance with what he called chawing up" a live fowl or rabbit. The strangest of all these people, how ever, are these who haunt the waterside taverns of large seaports in order te as tonish Jack by swallowing such "uncon sidered trifles " as the shanks of clay pipes, horn buttons, and even small nails properly blunted. I have known a swal swal lewer of this kind who, in seeking te out do himself, actually "belted" a clasp knife and lived te beast of the achieve ment. Other mendicants make a living by showing hew much pain they can in ilict en themselves, or undergo at the hands of ethers, without wincing. And a great amount of ciuelty is perpetrated en these wretches by the fellows whom they seek te interest. One of this class of beggar that I saw had the tips of his ears seared away by frequent touches of the tap-room poker heated rea-het ; another would bare his calves and run half a dozen pins into them te the heads ; a thiid would strike his knuckles with all his force against a wall ; a fourth was given te suspend ing himself in a halter by the chin for minutes at a time, and there were ethers who would bear te be half roasted, doubled up into excruciating positions, or te have nausseus drugs poured down their threats. And -all this was done and suf fered, and with an appearance of jollity tee, for the sake of the drinks and the coppers that were te fellow. I have even met with a fellow in Lancashire who was always ready te lay his head face downwards en the read, and let the wheel of a light cart run ever it for a small con sideration. There was a spice of trickery in the act, indeed, but still it is perilous enough. He used te lay his skull between two loose bricks or paving stones, and thus escape the first shock of the wheel and a geed deal of the pressure ; and the head being an uncommonly thick one, the rest mattered little. Still I have seen that same head strapped up in all directions in consequence of wounds re ceived in the performance of its owner's special feat. By far the most exceptional beggar I ever encountered the only one, indeed, claiming te be really wonderful is te be seen as for eight or nine years past about eleven miles from where I write. I have heard of several such during the last thirty-live years, as the Irish fasting man, Bernard Cavanagh, as the Welsh fasting girl, but never had the fortune te meet any but her. Still, I ought te be satisfied, for much mere was claimed for her than was claimed for either of the two just mentioned. It is asserted that net only has she spent a great portion of her life in one long, unbroken trance, but that net a single morsel of solid feed has passed her lips during the whole of that time. In ad dition, the imposture has remained un detected all these years and premises se te remain undetected for a geed many years longer. Between nine and ten years age a farm laborer of no repute, lest the woman who passed as his wife. He was left with two daughters, one about twelve and the ether a little elder, and both se alike that they were hardly te be distinguished. Shortly after wards he made a "broomstick marriage" as irregular connections are called in that quarter with a kindred being, a short, stout, resolute-looking woman, with a wicked countenance, unpleasant antece dents, and a mighty capacity for beer-bibbing. She came of a family that had already played off a case of trance, with a geed deal of profit te all concerned, until it came te a premature end by the party exhibited becoming dissatisfied with her part and still mere with her share of the proceeds, and se refusing te perform any longer. This affair suggested the trance at present in progress. Directly after the "broomstick" marriage it was proclaimed that the younger of the laborer's daughters had lallen into the lethargy in which she still remains. A great noise was made about the affair and much attention was drawn te it, especially as it was announced that the disease " ran in the bleed" and that some day or ether nobody could tell when' the girl would recover her senses, speak a few words wonderful of course and incontinently give up the ghost, all after the fashion of her ancestors, who had been similarly " taken." People came from all quarters te beheld, and net a few of the comers entertained and still entertain the desire and hope of being present at the premised revival. I paid a visit te the place en a remarkable day in 1878. A mere pieasant day for such an excursion or mere uninviting excursion for such a day would hardly be selected. Nevertheless there was no break in the stream of visitors that day, and the takings must have amounted te a couple of pounds. On the whole I de net think I shall be at all exaggerating if I estimate the revenues of this particular imposture for which I am sure it is at quite 300 a year. Having purchased the ritrht of way, I was led te the show-room. I need net dcsciibe the de tails of this familiar imposition. On going down stairs I saw the sister, the picture of the ether in all things, notably in fea tures and complexion. It was easy te understand that the two might change places from time te time. Besides, there was a geed deal about the place and its tenants te impress me disagreeably ; everything smacked of imposture. But it must be admitted that it is well carried out, considering the quality of the people. They will allow no one te" interfere with their management of the sleeping girl or te place a linger en her, except under their own supervision. They refuse all the offers of benevolence, would net allow her te enter a hospital or te be attended by a professional nurse. They exhibit her and that is all. Authoritative interference they defy, because, as the woman explained it te myself, they "asks nethin' from no body ; people gives if they likes, and se neither the parish nor the police dare med dle with them." The family is net liked by the leading people about, who enter tain an opinion concerning the case much the same as my own, Most of the mere villagers, however, and notably its small tradesmen, are staunch belivers, in fact they find it te their interest te cry up the whole thing, since there arc few of them who de net derive benefit in one way or another from the everlasting Hew of visi tors. Celestial Customs. Heme and Demestic Arrangements of the CliiiieHe Imperial Family. Tutors and Pupils. The Watchers of the Bed Chamber. The Heng Keng Daily Press gives the following account of the education of the sons of the Chinese emperors and some of the domestic arrangements of the royal la mil' : The sons of the Manchu emperors ( hwangtsz ) undergo from their tenderest youth a system of the strictest education. Rising at about 3 o'clock in the morning, they first take their lessen in Chinese liter ature, under the superintendence of the only tutor who has the title of ship-fu or "master." The tutor rises from his chair as seen as the Imperial pupils enter and re ceives from the latter a curtsey (tu-ch'ien), which is then returned in the same form. The tutor takes the seat of honor, and when the lessen is learned the pupil brimrs up his book, deposits it before his teacher and returns te his seat te repeat the task by heart. If the lessen is net learned the tutor requests a eunuch in attendance te bring the ferule (ch'ing pan), and makes a show of ad ministering correction. But each imperial pupil is accompanied by eight fellow stu dents (pwan-tub), known in Manchu lan guage as ha-ha-chu, who study the same books as their young master. When it becomes necessary te admonish the latter mere seriously the ha-ha-chu arc beaten with the ferule vicariously ; but when the imperial pupil acquits himself well they arc, en the ether hand, commended or re warded. A recalcitrant and obstinate prince is as the last resei t actually himself Hogged, though probably only nominally by the teacher, or taken before the em peror, who directs a eunuch te pinch his cheeks (ch'ih pajeu). The late Emperor T'ung-chih was frequently tweaked in this way by order of the empresses. Scheel Lessens. The Chinese lessens occupies two hours; after this comes the Manchu and Mengel lessens in composition, given by the teach ers who enjoy the less honorable title sefu and who are obliged te meet their pupil at the deer and make the first obeisance. Then come lessens in various spoken lan guages Manchu, Mongul, T'angut and in local Chinese dialects. After these come courses of instruction in feet and horse archery (ma-pu-chien), athletics, fencing, putting the stone, etc. (kung-tau-shih), under the guidance of a class of instructors called an-ta. The whole of the young piinces' day is taken up with mental or physical exercises and they retire te lest at a very early hour. At suitable intervals their meals are weighed out for them, and en no account are they allowed te in dulge in the pleasures of the table. At the early age of fifteen they must marry. One year before a wife i selected for the heir apparent, he is pro vided with a handmaid taken from the families of the inner banners (nei-ch'i) of the imperial household (nc-wu-fu), who must be one year elder than himself, and prepare for his husband's duties. On his accession this handmaid (tach 'iporke) re ceives the title of fci, which is given tejher alone among these inmates of the harem who arc selected from the inner banners. Ne one but the empress is allowed te pas. the night with the emperor. The emperor sleeps with eight handmaids (ch'ang-tsia) sitting upon his bed, and sixteen ethers (ta-ying) underneath the bed. all of them girls from the nei-wu-fu. Their function is te keep watch ever his majesty, and they aie net allowed te sneeze, cough, spit, or utter any sound. A lay In the Palace. The movements of the emperor after awakening in the morning are signalized by a clapping of hands en the part of the eunuch en guard. Once a year en New Year's Day the emperor and empress pre side at a grand banquet, the empress sit ting en the emperor's left hand. This is the only occasion during the year en which the emperor can see his wives to gether and compare their respective merits. The empress presents ai tides of feed (ke shih), te the eunuchs, who receive it from her majesty en their knees, and the em peror performs the same politeness te the women. The emperor is spoken of and te as hwang-chang "Majesty" by all but members of the inner banners who use the term "chu-tsz" "deminus." The emperor, empress, and concubines arc all called by the eunuchs "fe ye" or "chu-tzs" i. c, " Buddha" or " demiuus," and the im perial princess " ye" the latter term equivalent te " sire." They are spoken of as "ake." The three inner gates of the imperial apartments are never entered even by eunuchs, and of men only eunuchs arc allowed te pass the fifth gate, which is watched by a corps of imperial guards (shi-wei), who arc authorized te strike the shins of even the highest officers who may approach without giving the word. If an inmate of the female apartments wishes te purchase anything, or te communicate with the outer world, she must send a handmaid te sound the iron plate (tien), or the clapper (pang-tzs), with which the harem is provided, en which the head eunuch approaches te inquire who is in want of assistance. Having learned who calls, he despatches the under eunuch specially attached te this department, who addresses the handmaid aud takes her or ders, either verbally or en a slip of paper. The cabinet ministers (chun-chi) rise every morning at 2, present themselves at court at 3 a. m., and arc then received in audi ence. Their meals are served up gratis freni the emperor's pantry and the whole day is spent at the palace, until 4 p. m. en "off days and till G p. m. en days when there is military business te discuss. Thus the only time they can call their own is from say 5 p. m. te 2 a. ra. If indisposed, of course, they may obtain leave of absence, which must frequently be a great been. The chnnchi never return the calls of any but the most distinguished provincial officers, and even then this is done en the way from the palace. DRY GOODS, AC. WE CANNOT ADVERTISE Reduction of Prices, As many kinds of goods are geinn up in price every week, but we held a large stock of desirable Dry Goods that are selling at rates proportionate te cost some time age. In the matter of MUSLINS we secured and 3IUSLINS stored? away an immense MUSLINS quantity, se that our sales- MUSLINS rooms and reserve stock- MUSLINS rooms leek like wholesale MUSLINS stores. These standard MUSLINS goods are new retailing MUSLINS largely at less than future MUSLINS prices. MUSLINS Wc also bought freely ei FLANNELS, And can show the geed results of our bargaining en inquiry at the Flannel Counter. We are also selling CALICOES Cheaper than they can be bought at. The people will have te pay higher for many kinds of dry goods atter the pres ent stock are sold out. Jehn Wanamaker, GRAND DEP0T-13TH ST., 1'IIILADELVHIA. JEWELERS. E. F. BOWMA3ST, WHOLKSALE 106 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS. Black Walnut Clocks, ;A11 Styles, at Lew Prices. AUG. RHOADS, JEWELER, 13 East King Street, Lancaster, l:i. jant-lyd DRY GOODS. Te Titace Buyers ! Opened this day ONE BALE OP GRAY BLANKETS LOW PRICE. FAHIBSTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. EURNITVRE. A SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL. Te examine my stock of Parler Suits. Cham ber Suits, Patent Keckcrs, Kay Chairs, Katan Keekers. Hat Hacks, Marble Tep Tables, Ex tension Tables. Sideboards, Hair. Husk, Wire and Common Mattresses, Heek Cases. Ward robes, Kscriteirs. Upholstered Cane and Weed Seat Chairs, Cupboards, Sinks. Deughtrays, Ilreakfast Tables, Dining Tables, c always en hand, at price that are acknowledged te be as cheap as the cheapest. UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS RRANCHES. REPAIRING PROMPTLY AND NEATLY DONE. Picture Frames en hand and made te ordei erdei Regihling done at Reasonable Rates at the New Picture Frame and Furniture Stere, T,yi EAST KING STREET, (Owr llursk's Giecery and Sprcchei's Slate Stere.) WALTER A. HEINITSH, (Schindlcr's Old Stand), MARBLE WORKS. WM. P. FRAILEY'S MONUMENTAL. MARBLE WORKS 7.18 Nertn eneen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given In every particular. N. 11. Remember, works at the extreme end of North Queen street. mSOl RANKING. r- flf returns In SO days en 100 invest tMZUU cd. Official reports free. Like profits weekly en Stock options of $10 te $30. Address T. POTTER WIGHT & CO., Rankers, Wall Street. N. Y. oae-Iyd&w Mn TO c?nn AXI WISHING TO nMU OtlUvi. make money in Wall st. should deal with the undersigned. Write for explanatory circulars, sent free by ITTfK'TT'Vf Sr fA Bankers and Brokers, lillrlLLlilt & LU., a Exchange Place, New Yerk. lel9-3mdeed TRY LOCHER'S COUGH SYRUP. watcnes and Clocks, MEDICAL. HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP BIT T5IT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT ERS EBS ERS EKS EBS ERS EKS HOP HOP B1T "TV I.C. BIT ERS J9 ia mi aU3elute and irreslstl- EKS HOP ulccrefer HOP BIT DRUNKENNESS, BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS Intemperance and the nseefOpI-HOP uui, xouacce. .narcotics ana aumu- bit hints, removing all taste.desireand ERS habit of using any of them, render ing the taste or desire foranyefnOP thsm perfectly odious and disgust- BIT lng. Giving everyone perfect aud EKS irresistible control of the sebrlety of themselves or their friends. HOP It pruvents that absolute physical BIT and moral prostration that fellows ERS the sudden breakiugetT from using stimulants or narcotics. HOI Package, prepaid, te cure I te 5 BIT persons, $i or at your druggist's, EKS $1.75 per bottle. Temperance socle secle ties should recommend it. It Is HOP perfectly harmless and never-tail-BIT lng. Hep Bitters Manfacturing Ce., EKS Rochester, X. Y., Sele Agents. Hep Cough Cure destroys all nOP pain, loosens the cough, quiets the BIT nerves, produces rest, and never EKS fails te cure. The Hep Pad for Stomach, Liver nep and Kidneys, is superior te all BIT ethers. Cures by absorption. It is ERS perfect ask druggists. The Hen Bitters Mfjr. Ce.. of Ke- HOP Chester, .N.Y., only prepare these BIT remedies, also the Hep Bitters, ERS which are in no sense a beverage or intoxicant, but the Purest and Best HOP Medicine ever made, making mere BIT cures than all ether remedies. EKS FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. O HOP BIT EKS EltS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT ERS ERS EKS ERS EKS EKS EKS K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W MEY WORT! THE ONLY REMEDY K-W T1IAT ACTS AT TUB 8AMB TIMK OX K-W THE LIVER, K-W THE BOWELS, K-w and the KIDNEYS. K-W This combined action gives It wenucriui power te cure iui uis-K-W eases. k-w lVhy Are We Sick? K-W Because we allow these great or gans te become clogged or torpid, K-W and poisonous humors are there fore forced Inte the bleed that K-W should be expelled naturally. K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W KIDNEY WORT WILL CURE Itilieusnest, lHles, Constipation, Kidney CemptaintH, Urinary Diseases, Female Weak nesses, and Nervous Disorders, by causing free action of these or gans and restoring their power te threw off disease. Why Suffer "Billens Pains and Aches? Why tormented with Plies and Constipation? Why frightened ever Disordered Kidneys? Why endure Sick or Nervous Headaches? Why have sleepless nights? Use KIDNEY WORT and rejoice in health. It is a dry, vegetable com pound, and one package will make six quarts of medicine. Get It of your Druggist. He will order It for you. Price, $1,00. Wells, Ricuaudsen & Ce., Preps., IJuklimiten, Vt. (Will send pest-paid.) K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W CARPETS. -I HEAT BARGAINS. A Large Assortment of all kinds et CARPETS Arc still sold at lower rates than ever at the CARPET HALL or H. S. SHIRK, 2U2 WEST KING STREET. Call and examine our steckand satisfy your self that we can show the largest assortment of Brussels, Three plies and Ingrains ut all prices at the lowest Philadelphia prices. Alse en hand a large and complete assortment et RAG CARPETS. Satisfaction guaranteed both ns te price and quality. Yeu are invited te call and see my goods. Ne trouble In showing them, even if you de net want te purchase. Don't forget this notice : Yeu can save money here if you want te buy. Particular attention given te custom work. Alse en hand a full assortment of Counter panes, Oil Cleths and Blankets of every va riety. my2S-tfdAw "VTEW STOItt.. Philip Scimm, Sen & Ce. HAVB ON IIASTD Nes. 38 & 40 WEST KING ST., (Formerly II. Z. Rhoads Bre.'s,) a tine selection et the Well-known, Gen uine LANCASTER QLTLTS, Woolen and Half Woolen COVERLETS. CARPETS. Carpet Chain, Yarns of all kinds, a complete line et Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Notions. Ac. Scouring and Dyeing promptly attended te. In order te accommodate the public we have located our Ceal Office at the above place. PHILIP SCHU3I, SON 4 CO., e31-3mdw 38 & 40 West King St.. Lancastet TINW.IRE, A C- "VTEW PARTNERSHIP. Shertzer, Humphreville & Kieffer, (the latter employed by Jacob Gable as practi cal plumber for a dozen years past), having formed a ce-partinership and purchased the entire stock, fixtures and geed will of JACOB GABLE In the GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING BUSI NESS, would respectfully announce te a hitherto generous public that they arc new prepared te attend. In addition te their HOXTSEFURNISHING AND T INS MIT 1 1 IXU, GAS FITTING AND PLUMB ING IN EVERY FORM. Call and examine stock and ascertain prices before going elsewhere. Satisfaction guuran teed. ELI SHERTZER. THOS. HUMPHREVILLE, (120-lmd WM. A. KIEFFFK. Having sold the entire stock, fixtures and geed will of my Gas Fitting and Plumbing Es tablishment, at Ne. SO East King street, te Messrs. Shertzer, Hnmphreville & Kieffer (the latter of whom was my practical pi umber for a dozen years or mere), I take this opertunIty of recommending them te the public as de serving of patronage, and also et tlianking the public for their generosity te me in the past as well as asking u continuance of the same for the new firm. JACOB GABLE. dec-20-lydj MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. CHICKERIN.G PIANOS! I would respectfully call the attention el persons wanting a first-class Piane that 1 have been appointed sole agent for Lancaster coun ty, for Ghickering & Sen's Celebrated Pianos, Of Bosten, Mass. Pianos can be seen at my Organ Manufacturing Warerooms, 320 North Queen street. ALEX. McKTT.T.TPS, decK-2tdeawd4wtfl Lancaster. Pa. 1RY LOCHER'S COUGH SYRUP. 1 "I m! y -4 tX .' . -,..,. - . Xi. am r i ,.ar-a.-iyy- -j -