wmmmmmmezmmmmmm!mmmmmmmmmmmmm I' 1- "' K - H. cT-----.' -"i M-- fancaster intelligencer. 8A.TUBDAY EVENING, JAN. 17, 1880. The Maine Muddle. The Maine muddle has get beyond our comprehension :uid we doubt whether anyone outside the state, or ierhaps in It, understands the fight of the matter or the law of it, which ought te amount te thosame thing. A great many people have had a great deal te say about it, th! it. is net for the lack of words and opinions that understanding of it is net reached ; Lut rather because of them. We assumed in the outset that the gov ernor and council knew what they were about and that their decisions were founded upon thelaws of the state. The supreme court afterwards came along with its interpretation and it did net agroe with that of the governor and council. The conclusions of the su su nreine court upon the submitted points of law, if they were net right, were at least authoritative and entitled te be re spected accordingly in a law abiding community. But it se happened that when the deci sion of the court was reached the matter had passed out of the control of the governor and council, who had al ready delivered their certificates of elec tion te the requisite number of members of the Legislature ; and these members assembled and organized and took upon themselves the functions of the legisla tute of Maine in the form prescribed bv its constitution and laws. In this state ami in all the states of which we have knowledge, and in the Congress of the United States, the representatives are the judges of the qualifications of their own members. It is se even in the councils of cities. The court here has refused te interfere with the decision of the councils of Lancaster in sealing its members, although probably made in dis regard of the vote of the people of the ward. It is the very commonest occur rence te see representatives turned out of Congress and the different state legisla tures, who seem te have been elected, but who lKileng te the minority party, their places being taken by men who will help te swell the majority vote. The ad vantage te the majority in allowing their partisan feeling te control their de cisien m tnese mailers is se euvnmn that we hardly expect te see a contestant seated by the voice of his political oppo nents, and when it is done, his right must be very clear and their virtue exceptionally strong. Of course it is wrong that the will of the people of a district should net be always respected by the Legislature in seating its members, but it is a wrong absolutely without remedy under the law, when it is committed. The courts are net allowed te interfere with the de. cihien of the representative body. And se it happens that we read with surprise thai t lie minority of the Maine Legisla ture, having set itself up as the state Legislature, has asked certain questions of the court concerning the election of the members, and that the answer re ceived by it is claimed te settle the dis puted issues and te bind the regularly constituted Legislature which has net asked these questions. Tiiis could net 1h5 held in thu statu or in the country generally. We de net un derstand whether or no the Maine constitution gives this unusual control ever the Legislature te its courts. We believe- that it does net. It is cer tainly proper for any Legislature te ask the legal opinion of the court if it desires it ; and when it asks and receives the opinion it should obey it. But that any ether body of men but these bearing the certificates of election, and therefore at least the prima facie right te be seated, gheuld claim te be the Legislature and ask the court's opinion of their election, and expect the regularly constituted Legislature te accede te the decision, is most preposterously absurd. The Maine court in granting an opinion thus asked from it by these net authorized te seek it has se demeaned itself and se displayed its partisan bias as te deprive itself and its conclusion of all title te respect. And the matter of its decision is net calculated te give it an authority which the manner of its delivery does net gain for it. The first question is answered by the declaration that the governor and council have no right te summon a per son te attend and take his seat in the Senate or Heuse of Representatives who by the returns before them was net voted for, or being voted for was defeated, which is the heighth of silliness te say. Of course it is the governor's and coun cil's duty te summon the duly elected members, but it is their own interpreta tion of the returns that must control their conclusions; and if they are wrong they must be corrected in the regular methods prescribed by the law. Tun tedious Seventh ward contested election of constable draws toward a conclusion as the time approaches for another election ; and since the decision has been se long delayed it must be highly gratifying te the contestant, Erisman, te find that there is no possible chance for it te be in his favor. It would have been yery aggravating, indeed, te have had the office awarded te him when it was tee late for him te enjoy its profits or its honors. It is equally gratifying te Mr. Merringer te find that his claims te the rightful possession of llie office are stengthened by a calculation that will certainly figure him out a much larger "majority than was originally returned for him. We speak with this confidence because,according te the votes upon whose legality the court has already passed, his majority is increased from one te six new; and of the thirteen yet te lie ex aminednine of them of "colored voters " wc knew that nearly all, if net all, were cast and counted for Erisman. If these are also taken from Erisman 's vote Merringcr's majority will be in creased te nineteen ; the largest possible number of tainted votes for Merringer can scarcely reduce his majeriiy below fifteen. Inlfis exposition of the law Judge Pat terson seems te have been guided by safe and approved precedents and by fairness and'eommmeu sense. The costs of the contest will run up te .thousands of dollars and for inflicting them upon the public these who started it will get no thanks ; they will be a live issue te confront Mr. Erisman if he should run for office again. J. W. Jehnsen, esq., who engineered the contest, finds himself again heist by his own petard, and realizes for the sec ond time, under similar circumstances, that they who go out wool gathering often come home shorn. PERSONAL. Franc Lksi.ie's disinherited sons will contest their father's will. Mr. Jens Baku, of this city, is new with Bailey, Banks and Biddle, late Bailey & Ce., the jewelers of Philadelphia. Mrs. Garkikmj is said te be devoting herself te the education of her sons, her self in a great measure carrying forward heir studies and fitting them for college. The Republican committee of Bergen county, N. J., have requested the resigna tion of Hen. Chas. II. Voenms, Repub lican representative in Congress from the Fifth New Jersey district. The widow of ex-President Tylei: has has asked Congress for a pension, en the lrrnund of the immense denrcssien of her real estat, the mortgages en her Northern property having been foreclosed, and these en her Southern probity constantly troubling her. 31. G.YMUETTA eating, and has : new-laid eggs. is a connoisseur of geed n marked preference for Net the eggs of hens, however. The president of the Chamber condescends te eat eggs of the lap-wing only, and, as these birds are rare in France, he has rented a large furze-heath near Osnabruck, in Hanover, where these creatures will be raised te supply eggs te this French Lucullus. Queen Victeria is said te have a long memory for persons and faces. Her whole thoughts new seem centred in her soldiers, especially in these who have been wound weund pil in her service, and in looking ever paintings of subjects in the recent wars she knows and remembers the names of all these solders even privates en whom she has conferred the Victeria Cress or ether honors, at once picking them out in the painting and asking after them by name. Mr. Berinc "dciuges of it" that he is set up for the Republican nomination of mayor as the Bull-Riiig-Mylin candidate, and the Examiner, with supiuieus zeal, backs him up, let the hm finds "nothing whatever in his rejoinder te jus tify us in modifying the conclusions reach ed or the suggestions made in our article, in regard te the importance of the issue and the proper manner in which it should be presented te the Republicans of Lancas ter city.' Mrs. Yix.nik Ream llexii:, in a big gingham apron, superintends everyday at the foundry of the Washington navy yard the preiKiratiens that arc making te cast in bronze her statue of Admiral Farragut,for which the irevernnient contracted at a cost of $20,000. The model is ten feet high.and represents the admiral en the deck el a ship, standing with his feet upon a coil of rope, and in his baud a marine glass which he is in the act of raising te his eyes. The statue will be put up next summer in Far- rag ut square, a plot in the aristocratic part of Washington, en which sonic of the finest dwellings front. Lieutenant IIexic has just, built a handsome house fronting this park, and he and his wife will always have the statue visible from the windows. Jehn Welsh, Lite United States min ister at the court of St. James, has received a letter signed by one hundred gentlemen, mestlv bankers and business men of New Yerk city, tendering him a dinner at Del monice's. The Reme correspondent of the Phila delphia Eccnimj Bulletin writes thus about the author of ' Kismet :" Miss Fletcher I am sorry te say, is very ill with brain fever. Three doctors were in consultation the ether afternoon. Te-day I have net inquired hew she is, but I fear the bul letins arc net mere premising than they were the last time I heard from her. The peer girl, since her engagement te Lord Wcntwerth, has been subjected te all kinds of annoyances from envious mothers and spinsters, who were enraged at net having secured the matrimonial prize themselves. And thev attacked herself and her family most unmercifully. Ne doubt this has been the cause of Miss Fletcher's present illness. Let us hope that Lord Wcntwerth will net be weak enough te be iniluenccd by what envious tongues may utter. He is of an age when a man generally knows his own mind and is firm in purpose, notwithstanding all rebuffs'; if net, I pity peer Miss Fletcher! Hewever, let me net be premature in my fears. May she recover speedily in body and mind and give a loud denial te the mischievous rumors which ' envy, malice and all uneharitablcness" arc new setting afloat." THE CUKTIX-YOCUM CONTEST. The Election Committee Decide te Refer the Matter Hack te the People. The Heuse committee en elections have decided te report in favor of sub mitting the Curtin-Yocum case te a new vote of the people of the district at the election hi February. In the conflict of views the committee could arrive at no ether practical conclusion. There is no doubt that the report will be adopted by the Heuse, as a number of the Republican delegation from Penn sylvania, including Judge Kcllcy, Harmcr, Harry White, Ward. O'Neill and Fisher will vote in favor of this mode of settling the contest. It is probable that the report of the committee will be made early next week. A new election can be held in February. The old Democratic conference will meet again and likely nominate Gov. Curtin with unanim ity. Whether this will be the course of the Republicans of the district in regard te Yocum is open te some doubt, since his record in the present Congress has been by no means satisfactory te a large portion of them. The Stream Cannet IMse Above itx Fountain. Philadelphia Clireniclc-IlcraUI. The governor virtually asks Judge Woodward for a receipt in full when he says, " any personal motives of my own in this matter must, as you readily appre ciate, terminate with this act." He wants this act te balance-the open account which showed him te be Woodward's debtor. What business has the governor te be in fluenced by "personal motives" in the performance of se delicate a duty as the selection of a judge? It is id:e te talk about preserving the sources of justice undefilcd when personal debts are paid with judgeships and the whole disgraceful dicker is shamlcssly flaunted before the public. The equal of Gov. Ileyt's per formance would be liard te find in these times. SOCIAL, LITERARY AND RELIGIOUS TOPICS, Fer Saturday Night Perusal and Sunday Reflection. Rev. Dn. Blackwood, of the Ninth Presbyterian church, Philadelphia, ap pears in his pulpit in a handsome black gown, such as is worn by Presbyterian pastors in Great Britain. Rev. B. F. Balceji and Rev. Gcerge Balcom, who were brotheis and Baptist ministers, died en the 20th of Deccmlier. the former in Corning, N. Y., and the lat ter in Cawker City, Kan. At the beginning of last year the Bap tist churches in the United States number ed 23,908. This year the number is 24, 449, an increase of 5C1. The total mem bership last year was 2,024,224. This year it is 2,102,031 ; being a gain of 77,807. The Missionary Herald estimates that ever $3,000,000 within the past year has been given te the missionary enterprises of the Presbyterian, Episcopal, Baptist, Weslcyan and Congregational churches only by a dozen givers. The Fiji Islands, which are new a dis trict of the Australasian Wesleyan Methe dist church, have 841 chapels and 191 ether preaching places ; 10 missionaries, 48 native missionaries, and 23,274 mem bers, exclusive of 39 European members. There are besides "5,431 probationary mem bers. Charles O'Coxen thinks our country is going te the dogs because it is getting An glicized, and the Duke of Somerset things his country is going te the dogs because it is getting Americanized. Countries are al ways going te the dogs, according te croak ers ; but, as a matter of fact, they arc gen erally improving. Feuit of the higher schools of the Pres byterian church in the Smith have fifty one colored students preparing for the ministry, and the colored students in Rid dle university pay ever $3,300, and the girls in Scotia seminary ever $3,000 a year for their own education. The whole amount reported as paid last year by the churches and schools was $18,(511. Pei'E Lee XIII. has approved the ap pointment of Right Rev. Dr. Elder, here tofore bishop of Natchez, te be coadjutor, with the right of succession te the Arch bishop of Cincinnati and te be administra tor of the arch-diocese. Archbishop Pur cell has been failing very fast of late and has returned te the convent in Brown county, and entirely given up administer ing the work of the church. He is report ed very weak and prayers for the rcstora rcstera rcstora atien of his health arc offered in all the churches. It is new mere than 200 years that the Catholics have been in China, and although they suffered for a long period from severe persecution they have been able, since the French treaty of 1800, te regain much that they have lest. Great properties which had been confiscated were restored te them, and new they have secured a po sition in nearly all the provincial capitals of the empire. In many places the mis sions support themselves, while ether mis sions have very large revenues and are able te support the weaker ones. Theke are several societies in Londen which furnish wedding portions te Jewish girls of the poorer classes. They are en. dewed by wealthy members of the faith, and peer Jews with daughters make week ly contributions, from sixpence down te a penny, in the names of the girls. Once a year, before the Passover, or before New Year's day, there is a drawing by young women engaged te be married, the prizes ranging from $250 te 1,000, according te the capital of the society and the number of candidates. There arc no blanks ; each candidate draws something. On the oc casion of a wedding the Jews of the neigh borhood often contribute towards the bride's dowry. Yeung men, en seeking wives, make a point of learning whether the girls they fancy belong te any of these societies. Mysterious Death. A young man named Patrick Fitzgerald, who resides at Great Falls, Md., was found lying in the'eabin of his canal packet beat Ella, at the feet of Congress street, Georgetown, in an unconscious, dying con dition, with a pistol shot near the right temple and an injury te the back of the head, bleeding from both wounds. Rezlcr Webster, the engineer of the beat, who found him, had seen him, he said, en the wharf, near the beat, in perfect health an hour before. On the bloody fleer of the little steamer's cabin lay a Celt's six-shooter, with one barrel dis charged and the hammer raised but caught near the next barrel. One of Fitzgerald's bauds seemed a little bruised. Dr. Sheck clls, who attended speedily, pronounced the case hopeless, and the wounded man was carried te Providcnce hospital, where he died. His body was carried back te the station at Georgetown and the coroner made arrangements fer holding an inquest. The deceased was the pilot of the steamer Ella and is associated with Lorenze Hill in the contract for carrying the mail between Georgetown and Great Falls. He has borne a geed name both in Georgetown and at Great Falls. There are some cir cumstances notably that he is a left handed man, and the pistol, if he shot himself, must have been held in the right hand which arc supposed by some te show that the case is net one of suicide, but the general belief is that the deceased died by his own hand. An Kx-O facial of Allegheny County a De faulter. Allegheny county comes te the fore with a sensation in the shape of a defalcation of the late prothenotary, B. F. Kennedy. The late official has gene west, as is alleged with a well known female, the objective point being either Colerado or Mexico. It is alleged that there is a deficit in the funds under the care of the official aggregating $2G,000, but the county authorities state that the deficit, if any, exists in the funds of the registry of the county courts. The rumors oil the street, se far as can be as certained, cannot be corroborated as te public funds. Intimate friends, however, who arc his bondsmen, have no hesitation in asserting that Kennedy is a defaulter. He leaves behind him a wife and family. Heavy Damages. In New Yerk, in 1877, William Sclmltz, a boy 14 years of age, jumped en the rear platform of a Third avenue car, in tending te pay his fare, but without ask ing for the fare the conductor pushed him violently te the ground, and before he could get up a car coming from an oppo site direction ran ever him, breaking both arms, one leg and his cellar bone, besides which he suffered internal injuries. His guardian brought suit against the railroad company, and a verdict for $15,000 was rendered in the superior court of that city. MENACED MAINE. Inauguration of Governer Smith The Su preme Court Decides .Against the FuleaUU. After the election of Mr. Smith as gover nor, executive councillers, were chosen and the Senate took a recess. On reassembling the committee appointed te wait upon Mr. Smith and inform him of his election re ported Mr. Smith's acceptance of the eftice. At 4:30 p. m. a joint convention was held in the hall of the Heuse for the purpose of administering the oath of office. A com mittee was appointed te wait upon the governor and forthwith Mr. Smith ap peared accompanied by the heads of the departments, the outgoing council and the attorney general. The oath was then ad ministered by-Acting President Ellis, of the Senate, after which proclamation was made by the secretary or the Senate and Governer Smith delivered his message. Gov. Smith referring te the present state of affairs in Maine, says: "The charges of violence and intimidation in various state elections I would refer te as a matter that causes great anxiety in every patriotic breast. Even in our own state there are like charges of fraudulent and oppressive means employed te control the action of voters, supported by evidence tee strong and direct te admit of reasonable doubt that such is the lamentable fact, and further, it is tee notorious te deny that net content with the employment of such criminal methods as charged in elections, there was devised and actually put into operation a scheme te overawe and intimidate our late chief magis trate in the constitutional aud legal discharge of the duties of his high office. The firm and dignified man ner in winch uc and the councillers, under the abuse and indignities heaped upon them, discharged their responsible duties in con formity with the constitution, laws and pre cedents established by his predecessors in office, is worthy of and will receive the highest encomiums of all citizens who truly have the welfare of the state at heart. The practical denial of the free right of suffrage or of undue influence ever the ex ercises of that right, whether effected by bribes, by actual or threatened personal vi olence, or by threats of withdrawal of em ployment or patronage, is equally repre hensible. I would recommend that you " First, sec that our laws arc se framed as te protect the purity of the ballet box in our own state. " Second, that you express by a declara tory resolve the convictions of the Legis laturc in that behalf." The balance of the message is mainly devoted te the exposition of the Green back movement. A large nnmbcr of spectators were in attendance, and fre quent applause given. The galleries were filled with special policemen, and extra precautions were taken by Mayer Nash te preserve order, but there was no trouble of any sort, and everything passed along quietly and smoothly. The ether state officers were also elected. The new state officers have all had experience in the duties te which they have been elected. The excitement last night was intense. At a late hour the supreme judicial court forwarded their answers te the questions propounded by the Republican Legislature and they sustain the position of the Re publicans in every point. It is probable the Rump Legislature will new go ahead and elect Davis, and a full set of state officers. The Fusionists claim that they expected nothing mere than a Republican stump speech similar te their last opinion of the court and assert with spirit that they will appeal from the court of Maine te the Congress of the United States. Fight ing is strongly talked of by many Repub lican, if the Fusionists refuse te comply w'.th the court's decision. Sveilir.l Kullxvays. It is said of Swedish railways that sumo are managed by the state, while ethers, like our own, are private undertakings for the benefit of shareholders. In either case, the motto, ' Slew and sure, " seems that adopted by the management. The trains are always slew, and generally sure te be behind at the terminus. In cither case, moreover, the arrangement of the trains seems specially adapted te the pub lic inconvenience. The time-tables appear te be constructed en the plan of discomforting the traveler as much as it possible, and giving him the fullest chance te exercise his patience. As a rule, he has the option of a couple of trains a day, and must be thankful for the privilege He may take, say, an express, which starts at 5 a. in., te carry him half way, with the chance of his just missing a train that may convey him the remainder of his journey ; or he may elect te wait till somewhat later in the day, when a through train is provided, which will go at a snail's pace, and laud him at his destination about mid night. If he wants te catch a steamboat, which nominally plies in conjunction with this railroad, his fate may be far worse, and a day or two may pass ere the transit be completed. Seen simply en the map, and studied in the time-tables, the journey may seem facile and feasible enough, but when put in ex ecution, "the plans which have been formed with an infinitude of trouble may prove of little profit. Obstacles start up at every stage along the route. Trains arc se de layed that they fail te fit in as they are an nounced ; a rattletrap vehicle breaks down upon the read, between the rail way and the beat, or seme ingenious mis print is discovered when tee late, which is fatal te the hope of accomplishing the jour ney within the time appointed. Grumblers, who growl ever the bewilderments of Bradshaw, should set themselves the task of working out the problem of a short cross cress cross eountry trip by the figures which are fur nished in the " Svcriges Kommunikation Kemmunikation Kommunikatien cr ;" the travelers who complain when the tidal train from Paris is some five minutes late should learn te exercise their patience by a little tour in Sweden. STATE ITEMS. Jehn McGewen, who bad his feet cut off by a street car en the Chestnut and Wal nut street line, Philadelphia, has obtained a verdict against the company for $1,000. James Cain, millwright at the Vesuvius iron works, Allegheny, while adjusting a belt en a pulley, fell sixteen feet alighting en his head en a pile of metal, breaking his neck. He was 45 years of age and 1 jfj a family. Yesterday there w;is a destructive fire at New Brighten. Beaver county. It started in the dry goods store of J. A. Whitla, de stroying it also the millinary establishment of D. Hanauer. The building was a large one and the stock was extensive. The less will be $18,0000. The body of a middle-aged woman was founding floating in the river opposite Freedom, Beaver county, en Wednesday. Twe men were out in a beat after drift weed and found the body. It was poorly dressed and had been in the water some time. Jehn Naylor, aged about 70 vears, re siding at 2412 Warnock street, 'Philadel phia, was walking en the New Yerk branch of the Reading railroad, near Tenth and Diamond streets, about six o'clock last evening, when he was struck by the engine of a New Yerk train and received injuries from which he died. Efferts arc being made te secure the holding of the Democratic national con vention in Philadelphia this year, and the officers of the permanent exhibition have made a tender of the free use of the build inir, and a number of well-known gentle men, headed by Jere. McKibbcn, of the Girard house, will offer te the Democratic national executive committee the use of the Academy of Music for whatever time the convention may need, and free enter tainment for all the delegates. Gustave Kuppel, a lad aged eleven years, was instantly kiled by a passing train near Twelfth street; Seuth Side Pittsburgh, The little fellow came out of the house and did net hear the! train. He was" running at the time, and is crossing the track he tripped and fell, his head falling directly across one of the rails and the engine and three passenger cars passed ever him, entirely severing his head from the body. His remains were gathered up by persons who had witnessed the sickning accident, and carried into the house. The Timei continues its publication of the presidential preferences of the state press. Thirteen Democratic newspapers are recapitulated as fellows : Fer Tilden, 2 ; for Hendricks, 1 ; for Hancock, 2 ; for Bayard, 1 ; for anybody, 2 ; no choice, 3 ; for Western man, 1 ; for Seymour, 1. Ten independent papers are quoted with the following result : Fer Blaine, 3 ; for Sherman, 1 ; for Hendricks, 1 ; for Wash burnc. 1 ; for a Grcenbacker, 1 ; no choice, 3. The Lancaster county papers included in this list are Elizabethtown Chronicle, for Blaine ; Strasburg Free Press, for Blaine ; Die Laterne for Hendricks and Seymour. LATE3T NEWS BY MAIL. The Mississippi Legislature is still try ing te elect a successor te Senater Bruce, with no signs of a break in the dead lock. Patrick McNamara, a farm laborer, of Nelsen county, Va., was crushed and in stantly killed under a tree which he was felling. O'Leary writes from Chicago that he won't go te Louden te walk with Weston, but will walk him 142 hours for $3,000 a side anywhere in America cast of the Recky mountains. In an altercation between a colored cart driver and Themas Smith, employed en the Midland railroad extension, Virginia, Smith was struck behind the right ear with a rock thrown by the former, sustain ing serious, perhaps fatal injuries. The Montenegrins attacked a village near Plava and took 200 head of cattle. The next day they advanced towards Gu jinje and Plava, when the Albanians attacked them and drove them across the frontier The Albanians lest forty killed and sixty wounded. The Stevedores' association at Pensocola, Fla., resolved yesterday net te furnish labor for vessels which are being leaded by "Que beckers.'' This will delay many vessels for a few days. 17(5 vessels, two-thirds of them square rigged, are new in Pcnsacela Bay. The directors of the Lockwood company of Watcrville, Me., at a meeting yesterday unanimously resolved, in the present con dition of affairs in that state, net te ask capitalists te join them in the erection of a new mill, and indefinitely postponed the question of its erection. Mr. MacTcar, the chemist, who has been experimenting te produce artificial dia- monds.new admits that he was mistaken m supposing that the crystalline substance he produced was carbon in that condition, and thinks it is imprahable that diamonds of any size can be produced artificially. The ship Formosa, of Salem, Captain Reynolds, from the Philippine Isles for Bosten, has been lest near the Java Sea. All hands were saved. The vessel and cargo, which are a total less, were valued at $240,000, fully insured in Bosten and Philadelphia offices. She had 8,508 bales of hemp en beard. Jacob Miller, proprietor of a saloon at 543 Archer avenue, Chicago, get up about 5 o'clock and was sweeping the saloon. "When he opened the front deer two men steed there and tried te force their way in but being prevented one fired a pistol at Miller, the ball entering his right temple. He fell without uttering a word and expir ed in two hours. The eleventh annual report of the rail road service in Massachusetts shows that during the year ending September 30, last, only 11 miles of additional railroads were completed in the state. The gross income for the year of all the corporations amounts te thirty million dellarss The whole number of persons injured during the year, including the accident at Wollas Wellas Wollas ten, was 405 ; fatal injuries, 45. Yesterday in Baltimore was prolific 'a alarming fires. The first occurred as twenty minutes after five o'clock in one of the Jehns Hepkins university buildings en Heward street and resulted in the de struction of many valuable scientific works ; the second was in the sub-cellar of the old Masonic temple buildiug, new oc cupied by the city and circuit courts ; and the third was a fierce blaze in one of the chimneys of Barnum's hotel. Brigadier General Ord has sent te the war department a letter from Lieutenant Bayler, commanding a detachment of Tex as volunteers, which confirms the report, already published, of the ambuscade and slaughter of 15 of the principal Mexican citizens of Cariscal, by Victeria's band of Apache Indians. Thirty-five mere citizens of Cariscal went out te search for their fellow-citizens and were also caught in am bush, and 11 of them were killed, making 20 in all. AGItEED TO FIGHT. Jee (less and Paddy ltyan In Canada, te Cress Dukes Jee Gess, of England, and Paddy Ryan, of New Yerk, signed an agreement, and put up forfeits in the Clipper office, Thursday, te fight for J 1000 aside in Canada en the 18th of May next. James Elliett was there te get Ryan te accept his challenge, but the latter said he would fight Gess first. Elliett said he would deposit money te fight the win ner of the Gess-Ryan light. Mike Dono Deno Done van then covered Geerge Roekc's deposit, and agreed te meet him te-day te ar range for a fight ; and a letter from Jim Mace was shown, in which he offers te match his pupil, Lawrence Feley, of Aus tralia, against Billy Edwards. LOCAL INmiJGENCE. Neighborhood News. William Duttcrs, near Littlcstewn, has a Poland China hog, which weighed 820 pounds a week age. He intends te make it weigh 1,000 pounds in a month's time. On Thursday evening in the First M. E. church, Yerk, Rev. J. Ellis Bell, of Wil Wil liamspert, was married te Miss Juniata Waters, of Yerk, step-daughter of Rev. James McGarrah, the officiating clergy man. Seme unprincipled scoundrel has been poisoning the dogs belonging te citizens of Dauphin. Valuable dogs belonging te Messrs. Jacob Gayman, Mr. Reed, and ether citizens, have been poisoned two of the dogs died and their owners thereof have taken steps te hunt up the brute who killed them, in order te make an example of him. In Harrisburg yesterday, Master Harry Kauffmau had four lingers of the right hand se badly lacerated as te require amputation. Harry was employed at the planing mill of the Harrisburg car com pany, removing sawed lumber from the end of one of the circular saws, and allow ing a strip or beard te drop from his hands, en reaching forward the right hand came in contact with the saw. Telephone Being Erected. A telephone is new being erected be tween the Penn iron works and the Western Union telegraph office, Stcinman's hardware store, the Pennsylvania railroad freight depot, King street depot of the Reading railroad, and the Intelligencer building. comer. Opinions Delivered aad Current Business. Court met this morning after the holi day vacation and opinions were delivered as fellows : By Livingston, P. J. Exception te taxation of costs in Harmen & Ce. vs. Malene, Painter & Ce.; sus tained. Bernervs. Dunlap. Rule te strike off non suit ; discharged. Bair vs. Rohrer. Rule upon plaintiff te pay costs, because of tender of full amount recovered; defendant ordered te pay all costs previous te trial when the first legal tender was made ; plaintiff te pay costs after Dec. 1, 1879. Jno. J. Miller and wife's assigued estate; auditor's report referred back te auditor te take into consideration the bend of in demnity given te Jacob Griel. Fred. Hines's estate. Rule upon local guardian te pay ever distributee's share te guardian appointed in Ohie ; made ab solute and guardian directed te pay ever by third Monday in April. Jehn L. Polk, dee'd., estate. Rule te set aside sale ; discharged. Andersen vs. Philadelphia and Reading railroad company. Rule for new trial ; discharged. James Leecc and wife, assigned estate ; Exceptions te fee of assignee and counsel ; fees fixed at $400 for counsel and $285 for assignee and increasing fund for distribu tion by $200 te be awarded te lien credi tors; report otherwise corrected and af firmed. C. F. Binkley and wife's assigned estate. Exceptions te auditor's report ; overruled. Jacob Meishy's trust estate, lunatic ; petition te have report of auditor recom mitted te hear trustee's testimony ; grant ed. James Armstrong, dee'd. Supplement ary report of auditor confirmed ; excep tions dismissed. Michael Scell's estate. Exceptions te auditors' report sustained se far as shares of distributees were awarded te adminis trator in trust ; otherwise confirmed. Michael McGrann, dee'd. Exceptions te auditor's report ; overruled and report confirmed. Columbia bere. vs. Columbia water com pany. Bill in equity and demurrer ; de murrer sustained. Elizabeth Reyer, dee'd. Exceptions te auditor's report ; overruled and report confirmed. Harris's use vs. Jehns. Rule te open judgment ; discharged. Shreiuer's estate. Exceptions te audi tor's report ; overruled and report con firmed. Ada Brown vs. Levi K. Brown. Appeal from taxation of costs refused te witnesses after notice net te attend. Appeal sus tained and witness fees allowed and mile age ordered te be set out in detail. Samuel Neff, dee'd. Rule upon execu execu eor te set aside widow's $300 ; made ab solute. Read in Pequea township. Repert of viewers adopted. Jacob ileilinger, dee'd. Twe differing auditors' reports presented as te the ques tion te whom the fourth of widow's dower it te be paid ; report confirmed which award.-. .aid amount te Jacob Ileilinger. By Patterson .J. Daniel W. Greff, vs. C. S. Musslcman and Jehn Reland. Rule for a new trial ; discharged. Mrs. Mary T. Hiester vs. Kirk Brown. Certiorari sustained and proceedings set aside for informality of record. Hogenteblcr vs. Edgcrly. Case stated, te determine whether the register of Lan caster county can exact a fee of $1 for copy of executer's account certified te orphans court. Judgment for plaintiff, court deciding that register is net enti tled te $1 fee. Christian Shcnk vs. C. P. Williams. Rule for new trial. Discharged. Mary Ann Eckman, lunatic. Rule for attachment en trustee, Hiram Herting, Made absolute and attachment ordered te issue. Geerge . Rinehart vs. Chester county Mutual fire insurance company. Rule te set aside writ of service. Made absolute and service set aside as "net geed." Henry Zimmerman's estate. Rule te recommit auditor's report, made absolute. At Last. Seventh ward election case. After briefly reciting the facts as our readers are are familiar with them and the pleadings in the case, the court decided first that re jected votes could net be counted even if their validity were established ; then re viewing the testimony the court said that as te the opening of the ballet box it was of the opinion that the statutory previsions must be strictly followed, and they gave the court plenary power te open the ballet box if, by that alone, the merits of the case could be determined; but lower courts had held that such an order should net issue until it was shown by the evidence that the result would thereby be changed. As te the charge of an incorrect count it could hardly be sustained without a re count. The point raised by Mr. Stcin mctz, that persons whose names are net en the registry must make and furnish te the election officers full legal and formal proof, by certificate, of their residence is fully sustained. As te the validity of taxes paid in due time in the name of the voter by committees or ether persons than the voters, the court holds that the payment of a tax for a voter by another and a receipt taken in his name are cer tainly lawful, and can be ratified at any time afterwards ; (Judge Livingston non concurs) "a stranger cannot object that an agent exceeds his power. " Philip Gerz's vote, attacked for non-naturalization, was admitted by respondents te be illegal. The conclusion of the court in accordance with its exposition of the law and en the evidence as presented, was that six illegal votes were shown te have been cast for Merringer, and that eleven illegal votes were cast for Erisman, and that thirteen ether illegal votes were cast, for which candidate it is net shown. As these thirteen votes might change the result, they aud no ethers must be examined. Without them Mer riger has 274 legal votes, Erisman has 2G8. The ballet box must new be opened te ascertain for whom the ether 13 were cast for constable, and all the ballets must be counted, but net examined. The six votes cast for Merringer, de clared by the court te have been illegal, were these of Jehn McGrann, Aug. Waitz, Philip Gerz, Jehn McMauus, Jeseph Bryer and Jehn F. Myerle, jr. The eleven votes cast for II. M. Erisman declared te be illegal are these of Allen Wilsen (cel'd), David Wilsen (cel'd), 31. Resh, Adam Ripple, Wm. Themas, Reb't. Orr, Samuel Gray (cel'd), James Walters (cel'd), Peter HHIard (cel'd), C. W. Swebel and E. Pinefreck. ' The thirteen votes declared te be illegal, net ascertained for whom cast, are these of Edward Sanders, Edward Clark (col ored), Spencer Weed (colored), Lemuel Peters, G. L. Parks (colored), Franklin Archey (colored), Frank Hart (colored), Chas. Butler (colored), Geerge Asten (colored), Philip Thompson (colored), Geerge Brown, Jeseph Turner (colored). S. J. Davidsen. Judge Livingston "said that he occurred in the epinihn except with relation te taxes paid by ethers than voters them selves or without their direction or their ratification thirty days before election. He did net consider such payment lawful. The contrary construction of the law sub jected it te the abuse of politicians paying taxes wholesale and their refusing te give voters their receipts unless they voted as they desired. THE FIRE LADDIES. Election of O nicer by the Sun. Friendship and Shiftier Ceinnaniex. The officers of tne Sun fire company Ne. 1. elected last evening for the ensuing year, are as fellows : President Jacob Gable. Vice President James Thackcra. Secretary Isaac Carpenter. Treasurer Samuel B. Cox. Assistant Secretary Wm. Shirley. Chief Engineer Geerge Anne. Assistant Engineers Kernard Betbaeh.. Lawrence Beyle, Geerge Shirley, Henry Shaub, Fred Sencr, Geerge Rudy. Firemen Bernard Belbaeh, Charles. EUinger, Charles Kautz. Foreman Patrick Shields. Assistant Foreman Jere Dc Merrow. Electing Committee Lawrence Beyle. Geerge Anne, Isaac Carpenter. Chief Hese Director Jehn Keller, Assistants B. Zeek, Isaac Carpenter. Jacob Belbaeh, A. Heidich, Francis IL Kilburn, L. Frank, Gee. Deehr, II. Mer ger, jr., Gee. Miller, Jeseph Gettshalt, A, Raub, Gee. Rieter, II. Haughton, 11. Scheid, Samuel King. Janitor J. B. Wilhelm, Collector Geerge Anne. At a meeting of the Friendship fire com pany Ne. 2, held last evening, the follow ing officers were elected for the ensuing year : President Jehn S. Gable. Vice Presidents J. M. MeCulIey. Sher Smith. Secretary Jacob Reese. Treasurer Jehn W. Jacksen. Chief Engineer James Fellenbaunr. Assistant Engineers Rebert Gardner. Daniel Trcwitz, jr., James Best. Wm. Nor Ner beck, Win. Stermfeltz. Firemen Andrew Meixell, Win. Haldy. Edward Gartlner. Hese Directors Slier Smith, Geerge S. Landis, Samuel Lcvan, Albert Zell, Chas. Brcen, Wm. Queen, Geerge Wilsen, Jacob Hartman. Trustees J. W. Jacksen, II. E. Lcmau. Daniel Trcwitz, J. 31. McCulley, I). 1 Reseiuuiller. jr., James Fellenbaum. Janitor Wm. Grant. Delegates te Firemen's Convention Slier Smith, Gee. S. Landis, Wm. Haldy, Daniel Trcwitz, James Flagg. Auditing Committee Gee. S. Landis,. Sher Smith, Wm. Haldy. Investigating Committee Win. Storm Sterm feltz, Harvey Knight, James Fellenbaum. The Shillier fire company, Ne. 7. ducted the following officers : President Gee. 31. Franklin. Vice Presidents A. K. Spurrier, Sam'L Fritz, sr. Secretary II. W. Villec. Assistant Secretary Jehn E. Zvchei. Treasurer Reed A. Fisher. Chief Foreman Chas. Franciscus. Assistant Foremen Charles E. Phillips,. Jehn E. Zccher. Chief Engineer Themas Andersen. Assistant Engineers .lames Franciscus. Harry Haag, Gee. Wcitzel. Henry Speng-. Firemen William Wenninger, Daniel Yeung. Chief Hose Director Augustus For Fer rest. Hese Directors Harry Giunpf, Elmer Caldwell, Marien Wills, Abram Erisman, Adam Gerhart, Wm. Derwart, Win. Vcr mand, Leveret 31. Wolf, Jacob Shertz, Jehn Franciscus, Harry Gruel, Charles Ochs. Finance Committee Wm. Speng. Wiir Andersen, llarrv Smeych. Trustees H. W. Ville, Gee. Wall, Harry Smeych. Delegates te Firemen's Convention Wm. Andersen, Reed A. Fisher, Win. Speng. Charles Franciscus, Jehn (.'raw ford. Janitor and Collector Levi Eshe'breiu. ner. FKOF. LIl'POTT. His Entertainment Last Night. Last evening Prof. Lippett, the prcsti; diiritatcur, gave an entertainment in the opera house te a large audience. Almest every seat down stairs was occupied, but the gallery was net full. The entertain ment was of the kind usually given by sleight-of-hand performers aud magicians. The tricks were all very well-performed and were greatly appreciated by the audi ence, judging from the loud applause which greeted the professor at the close. The decapitation act was net jicrferined, as the young man who was te have his Lead chopped off did net put in an appearance. As advertised, a $100 Estcy ergau was given away. Each person was given ait envelope, and the one entitling the holder te the organ was received by a little child of II. B. Shank, shirt manufacturer. These envelopes were closed lcfere the performance opened, after which they wcre mixed up se that it was unable te telt which was the lucky one. This was dene in the presence of a committee and every thing was very fair. Again Victorious. Six pairs of ISantams part of the collec tion exhibited by Chas. E. Leng at our late poultry show, and which secured se many honors have just returned from a trip hv the Franklin county poultry exhibition, held in Chambersburg this week. The- judging was done by Dr. A. 31. Dickie, of Doylcstewn, Pa., an exrt, appointed by the Americ-an poultry association. Mr. Leng secured four first, two second ami two special premiums en the six jens. and his line pair of Black Rese Comb Bantams. Det and Dinah, secured the nnusual core of 194 points out of a possible 200, and were awarded the honor of being the most, perfect fowls en exhibition. Carry the news te " Brahma." Died of Hi Injuries. L. Q. Landram, of North Queen street, who was se seriously injured a short time age by being kicked en the head by a horse, as is supposed, died of his inju ries last night at 10 o'clock. He was un conscious at the time of his death and for some time previous. Corener 3Iishlcr impaneled a jury ami after viewing the body they adjourned te meet en 3Ienday at half-past one o'clock. Mayer's Court. This morning the mayor had Ave bums and a drunk before him. The former wcre discharged and the latter was sent te jail for 30 days. f , i -rNV-