iSn f.- - I i H : " Lancaster iAi;5t intelligence ".v : '. -" ' :' i T - .Tinrir f ,. . 1 1 , , . - ,f ,- n - .., . ,.. . - . - --- ... , -- .,.,. , . - . i . .. . ... . !- ... .. - Lancaster Intelligencer. FRIDAY EVENING, JANUABT 16, 1880. Neatness at the Barn. Country Gentleman. It is net necessary for the farmer te build a highly ornamental edifice in order te have a neat and attractive appearance in his barn and about his barnyard. Spec imens of nearness and purity arc some times seen where the owner could afford only cheap and imperfect structures. The management depends en the man, net se much en the character of his buildings. Nevertheless, when the owner takes the pains and incurs the expense of finished erections, he will be mere likely te feel an interest in keeping every thing in and about them in geed condition. It must be confessed that there is great room for improvement in the majority of fanners in this country, although much progress has been made, and a number happily a very large number are models in this respect. We have seen barns and stables kept as neat as a parlor. Seme men think this is attended with tee much trouble and labor like the boy who combed his hair once a month, and finding it difficult and painful, was unable te comprehend hew any one could endure te de it every day. It is net the process of cleaning that we recommend, but kecpiny clean. A nurseryman was asked hew he killed the weeds in his 35-acrc grounds. " I de net kill them, " was his answer ; " I allow none te enter or grew. " We mention a few examples of deficient care in this particular. Among geed managers, the common recommendation and use et manure cellars is a frequent cause of foul air, which meie or less per vades the building, injures the swectnebs of the hay, and compels cattle and horses te breathe noxious odors. Manure should never be kept in a barn basement without the constant use of absorbent, in the shape of straw, chopped stalks, sand or dry peat, te held all the effluvia. The difficulty will be much lessened as farmers learn the advantages of drawing and spreading" manure in winter, as we have frequently recommended. But care is necessary, even for the small daily accu mulation. Ne animal is se badly abused as the pig, in being thrust into apartments which arc permitted te bceemc polluted from neglect. The hired man, te whom we gave the pigs in charge, thought it a great hardship that we required him te clean their lloer thor oughly twice a day. But he ultimately found it much the easiest en the long run, as each daily cleaning was a mere nothing. Pigs arc naturally cleanly, if they arc only jicnnittcd te be se, and when comfortably provided for, thrive better and fatten fas ter ; and one would think the farmer would prefer te eat such perk te that taken out of a manure hole. Sweep the barn lloer often, sweep out the horse stalls at least twice a day, pro vide clean and dry litter for all animals, give them pure water, let their feed be sweet and nourishing, avoid all fetid accu mulations, shelter your barn yard from cold winds by evergreens, and keep every square feet of ground about your build ings free from offensive rubbish, and you will net only preserve mere self-respect for this care, but will enjoy the pleasure of giving comfort te the living creatures un der your control, and what is net least in the eyes of money-making managers, you will derive a greater profit, preserve your buildings from decay, and have a place that will sell at a higher price if you should wish te dispose of it. NEBVK. It is a great tiling" te liave what is callPd nerve, and nothing contribute mere te the power of physical control thus namctl than Warner's Safe Nervine. It also relieves all kinds et pain, and cures headache and neu ralgia. JIS-SwiI Father is Getting: Well. My daughters say, " Hew much better father is since lie used nep Bitters." He Is gelling well alter his long suffering from u disease de clared incurable, uud we are se glad that lie used your Bitters. A lady of Rochester, X. Y. J 15 2wd JEWELERS. B. F. BOWMAN, WHOLESALE ns and Clocks, 106 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. SPECIAL NOTICE TO HOUSEKEEPERS Where te make their selections from an Kutirc New Stock of Goods. Tea and Table Spoons. Knives & Ferks. Casters & Butter Dishes. A. RHOADS'S, JEWELER, Where sterling te Buy Silver Where d, te Buy Ripple J Silver Where Plated te Buy Ware. Where te buy Clocks, at 13 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. janl-lyd DRY GOODS. Te Tobacco Buyers ! Opened this day ONE BALE OP GRAYBLANKETS LOW PEICE. FAIIESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. MEDICAL. HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP JlOP nOP BIT BIT BIT .BIT BIT BIT BIT EBS EB3 KItS EBS KRS ERS EES HOP HOP BIT -p. JmCm BIT ERS J is all absolute and irresMI- EKS op bio cure for ,OP ! DRUNKENNESS, ! HOP Intemperance and the uscef Opi-HOP BIT inn. Tobacco, Naicetics and Stiniu- BIT ERS lants, removing all taste.dcsircund jjKS habit of using any of them, render HOP ing the taste or desire foruuyef nep BIT them perfectly odious and disgust- BIT EKS ing. Giving everyone perfect and EKS irresistible control of the sobriety HOP of themselves or their friends. HOP BIT It prevents thatabselute physical BIT EKS and moral prostration that fellows EKS the sudden brcakingofffrem using HOP stimulants or narcotics. HOP BIT Package, prepaid, te cure I te 5 BIT EKS persons, $i or at your druggist's, EKS $1.75 per lwittlc. Temperance soeie seeie IIOP tics should recommend it. It is HOP BIT perfectly harmless and never-tail- BIT EKS ing. Hep Bitters Mnnfacturing Ce., EKS Rochester, N. Y., Sele Agents. HOP Hep Cough Cure destroys all HOP BIT pain, loosens the cough, quiets the BIT EKS nerves, produces rest, and never EKS fails te cine. HOP The Hep Patl for Stomach, Liver HOP BIT and Kidneys, is superior te all BIT EKS ethers. Cures by absorption. It is EKS perlect asK druggists. BOP The Hen Bittern Mfg. Ce., of Ke-HOP BIT Chester, N. Y., only prepare these BIT EKS lemedies, also the Hep Hitlers, EKS which are in no sense a beverageer HOP intoxicant, but the Purest and Best HOP BIT Medicine ever made, making mere BIT EKS cures than all ether remedies. EKS FOR SALE BY ALL DI.TGGLSTS. HOP C HOP KIT KIT EKS EKS CLOTHJXG. HOP HOP BIT BIT EKS EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT ERS HOP HOP BIT BIT EKS EKS K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K- MEY I0RT ! K-W K-W K-W K-W PERMANENTLY CURES K-W KIDNEY DISEASES, K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W LIVER COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION And PILES, Because it acts en the Liver, the j. Bowels uud Kidneys at the same time. k Because it cleanses the system of the poisonous humors 1 hat" develop j. in Kidney and Urinary I)i-easc,Bif-ieusiiess. Jaundice, Constipation, k Piles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Female Disorder-. rc. KIDNEY WORT is a dry vege table compound and can be sent by k mail prepaid. One package will make six quart k of medicine. Try it new. Buy gist's. Pi ice fl.oe. Dr. R. II. Clark, Seuth Here, Vt., savs. "In cases of Kidncv Troubles, it has acted like a charm. It has cured many very bud cases of Piles, ana lias never laueu 10 act cmcicni lv." Nelsen Fuirchild, of St. Albans, Vt., says, "It is of priceless value. After sixteen years of great suffer ing from Piles and Cesliveucsa it completely cured me." C. S. Hogaben, et Berkshire, says, "One package has done wonders ler me in completely curing a severe Liver and Kidney Complaint." WONDERFUL WHY.' POWER. it at the Drug- K-' WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors, 3 Burlington, Vt, K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W FVRXITURE. A SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL. Te examine my stock of Parler Suits. Cham ber Suits, Patent Rockers, Easy Chairs, Ratan Rockers. Hat Racks. Marble Tep Tables, Ex tension Tables, Sideboards, Hair, Husk, Wire and Common Mattresses, Boek Cases, Ward robes, Escriteirs, Upholstered Cane and Woeil Scat Chairs, Clipboards, Sinks, Deughtniys, Brcaklast Tables, Dining Tables, Ac., always en hand, at prices that are acknowledged te be as cheap ;is the cheapest. UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. REPAIRING PROMPTLY AND NEATLY DONE. Picture Frames en liand and made te order Kegilding done at Reasonable Rates at tiie New Picture Frame and Furniture Stere, I5y, EAST KING STREET, (Over Bunk's Grocery and Sprccher's Slate Stere.) WALTER A. HEINITSH, (Schindlcr's Old Stand), PRIXTIXG AXD BINDING. TOBACCO PACKERS' SAMPLE TAGS riUSTED ON CHECK BOARD (Same as used by Tobacco Samplers), Heavy Railroad Beard any Celer. Alse, Contract and Receipt Beeks at the Lewest Prices, AT THE Intelligencer Office. janlMfd PRINTING AID BIMMG AT TUK INSURANCE. rilHK OLD GERARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. $1,131,838. All invested In the best securities. Lesses promptly paid. Fer policies call en KIFE A KAUFMAN, Ne. 19 East King St.. Lancaster, Pa. 8-MWASGmdB SAME PRICE. Having purchased the exclusive right of Lancaster city and county te manufacture and use Reynolds's Metallic Stationery and Boek Binder, THE ONLY' DEVICE GIVING ENTIRE SAT ISFACTION, we are new prepared te lurnish Check Beeks, Letter heads, Nete Heads, State ments, Bill Heads, all sizes ; Notes of all kind. Contract Beeks, Receipt Beeks, Order Beeks, and, in fact any kind et work in which binding is necessary printed en the very best paper at lUOlUWCSLUgUIQS. This invention, ferthc use of which we have obtained the sole right in Lancaster city and county, enables us te bind the above named or any ether kind of blank and memoranda books at the cost of printing alone, and in a style that ler neatness and durability is net equalled by any ether device of a similar character. Dur ing the time that Reynolds's Metallic Station ery and Boek Binder has been before the pub lic it has acquired a high reputation among printers and ethers who have had occasion te make use of it. for the extreme simplicity of its construction and the case and accuracy of its operation, while business men ami ethers whose experience enables them te speak where of they knew pronounce its work te be super ior in the essential neints of dii-:intirs rnr.. venience and durability te that of the old pro cess, and we are willing te give our patrons a guarantee of the perfectly sutislactery char acter of its work. Specimens et Binding may be seen at the Ix Ix tellieescek efiicc, ami all persons desiring a neat and substantial piece of work in this line arc invited te call and inspect the numerous advantages we haTC te eiler, and which enable us te turn out Geed and Durable Werk at prices lower than any ether printing establish ment in the citv. ltd IT IS SAID THAT 500,000 PERSONS Witnessed the Grant Reception in Philadelphia. WE "WOULD LIKE ALL THE MM AM BOYS TO CALL AT OAK HALL Immediately and Equip Themselves for the COLD WAVES OF 1SS0. The Singularly Small Prices we started the Annual Winter Sales -with have stirred all the stores te de their best. But -we eclipsed them all, and they knew it, and the People see it, tee. These are the Prices for Our Own Carefully Manufactured Goods, net bought in the New Yerk Wholesale Stores : A few left et the $30 Fine Overcoats, reduced te $30.00 Royal Reversible Plaid Backs, sold everywhere at $25 (Full Indigo Celers and Woven Backs). Our Price 18.00 Next Grade...... ..........................................-... 16.-j0 Extra, Sizes in Blue and Brown Worumbe Beaver Overcoats liOO Next Grade 10.00 A Geed Streng Serviceable Cleth-Bound Overcoat 8.50 Everyday Working Overeeut 5.00 Men's All Weel Suits 10.00 The "Auburn" D. P. Suits, for Business and Dress 12.00 Extra Quality " Sawyer " Suitings 15.00 The Finest of Casstmcre Suits 20.00 Dress Suits of Best Imported Cleths reduced te 2e.00 Men's Everyday Pants 1.50 All-wool Business and Dress Pants 15.50 Extra Fine Dress Pautaloens, formerly $10, new. 5.00 Genuine Harris Cassimere Punts 5.00 The Very Latest Styles in Children's Overcoats 3.00 The Deuble-Shouldered Cape Royal Keversible Back Overcoats 5.00 (The Nicest Little Beys' Overcoats Oak Hall ever produced.) Children's Suits as low as 3.50 Higher Grades and Mere Elaborately Trimmed Suits 5.00 A Great Specialty In Beys' and Youths' Pants 2.50 WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, S. E. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, jan 1 tfd TIIE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IX AMERICA. MILLINERY AXD HUMMING GOODS. OPENING OF NEW GOODS -AT- QUNDAKER'S ULLIIERT &TEHHM STORE. LADIES, we will open te-day New Novelties iu Bennets, Hats, Frames, Plumes, Fancy Wings, Velvets, Satins, &e. We will open te-day an elegant line et Black and Colored Silk Fringes, New Styles et Silk and Jet Buttens, Ornaments, Striped Velvets, Satins, &c. We will open te-day new and bountiful lines of Ladies' and Children's Hese in Cashmere and Cotten, Merine Vests for Ladies and Children in all sizes, Woolen Caps, Ac., geed and cheaper than ever. We will open te-day New Laces, Riichings, Ties, Scarfs, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Cor sets in all the best makes and at lowest prices. Ask te see our Speen Bust Corset at 50 cts. We will open a lull line of Crape Veils, Crape Bennets and Hats. Crape by the yard, and everything else that is new, desirable and cheap in Millinery and Trimmings. Call and examine our stock at GUNDAKERB, 142 and 144 MRTH QUEM STMET. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster, Pa., DEALER IN AMERICAN & FOREIGN WATCHES, Sterling Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, Clocks, Jewelry ai Arundel Tinted Spectacles. We offer our patrons the benefit of our long experience in business, by which we are able te aid them in making the best use of their money in any department of our business. We manufacture a large part efthe goods we sell, and buy only Irem First-Class Houses. Every article sold accompanied with a bill stating its quality. r5First-Class Watch and General Repairing given special attention. ZAHM'S COENER, LANCASTER, PA. CARRIAGES, PHAETONS. &c. SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! We have new in stock a large let of Sleighs, consisting et PONY, PORTLAND AND ALBANYb. TWO FINE FOUR-PASSENGER SLEIGHS, BJT.1.II'5rK,WOOI' of rKhfcecpsic, N. Y. One Fine Four-Passenger PORTLAND SLEIGH. TKIMMED AND UNTKIMMEDJ PORTLAND CUTTERS. ALBANY CUTTERS, Finished in the highest style and sold at one-half the usual price. Alse, a line let of Buggies and Carriages of our own make and celebrated city makers. One Fine Second-hand EXTENSION PHAETON, By Brewster, encby Gregg & Be we, and a variety of ethers, second-hand. All te be seid at half their value. S. E. BAILY & Ce., 430 & 432 Xerth queen and 431 & 433 Market Streets, Lancaster, Pa. eel3-lyd zurr goods. DOMESTIC DRY GOODS ! AN IMMENSE STOCK OFFERING AT LOWEST PRICES. i in Having purchased largely before the advance in prices in Cotten Goods, wc are able te offer extra inducements i Sheeting, Shirting and Pillow Case Muslins, Tickings, Checks, Table linens, Cotten Table Diapers, Crashes, Towels, Napkins, Comforts, Quilts, Counterpanes, Blankets, &c. ,SiKr'Lt0 $Lr BIR5fDH?EMENTS in BRUSSELS AND INGRAIN CARPETS, having a large stock hand before the advance. We invite examination en FEES & HTJE8T, 25 EAST KING STREET. FOR REXT. FOE RENT. A TKUY DESIRABLE TIIREE-STOKY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, ONE ROOM BEING A STORE-ROOM, Het and Celd Water, Bath, Gas, Range. Alse, GOOD BRICK STABLE, Fer 4 Horses and Carriage Heuse, almost in rear of Dwelling, situate en the southeast corner of North Slulberry and West Lemen street. Immediate posessien of house. Rent reasonable. Would sell or exchange for city property. BAUSMAN & BURNS, KEAL ESTATE AGENTS, 10 WEST ORANGE STREET. CARPETS. ""I KKAT BARGAINS. A Large Assortment of all kinds et CARPETS Are still sela at lower rates tliau ever at the CARPET HALL OF H. S. SHIRK, 202 WEST KIXG STREET. Call ami examine our steckand satisfy your self that, we can show the largest assortment of BrubseN, Three plies and Ingrains at all prices at the lowest Philadelphia prices. Alse en hand a large and complete assortment et RAG CARPETS. Satisfaction guaranteed both as te price and quality. Yeuareinvited tecall and sec my goods. Ne trouble in showing them, even if you de net want te purchase. Don't lerget this netice: Yeu can save money here iryeu want te buy. Particular attention given te custom work. Alse en hand a full assertmeut of Counter panes. Oil Cleths and lilankcU of every va riety. my28-tld&w DRY GOODS. 1-KW STOICK. Philip Scimm, Sen & Ce. HAVE OX HAND Nes. 38 & 40 WEST KING ST., (Formerly II. Z. Rhoads & Bre.'s,) a line selection of the Well-known, Gen uine LANCASTER QUILTS, Woolen and Half Woolen COVERLETS. CARPETS. Carpet Chain, Yarns of all kinds, u complete line et Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Notions. &c. Scouring and Dyeing promptly attended te. In order te accommodate the public we have located our Ceal Oilice at the above place. PHILIP SCIIUM, SON & CO., e31-3md&w 38 & 40 West King St.. Lancaster WALL PAPERS, Jtr. IXTE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE ALL KINDS OF WINDOW CORNICES In the best manner and Lew Prices. Gimp Bands, Curtain Leeps, Heeks, &c. FULL STOCK OF WALL PAPER, Seme very Choice New Patterns, WINDOW SHADES, FRINGES, FIXTURES, &c. Measures or Windows taken and shades put up promptly. Call and see. PHARES W. PRY, G3 North yueen Street. 1880.-- COTTONS AXD LINENS ! COTTONS AND LINENS ! HAGER & BROTHER Are ettering at less than present value Large Lines of BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED SHEETINGS. TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS, LINEN TOWELS AND TO WE LINGS, TURKEY RED DAMASKS. MA.H3A.TLt.E3 AND OADDaar Q0"IL,T3, BLjA-NKErS, TIOKINOS, CHECKS, PRINTS AND GINGHAMS, The above goods were purchased several months since In anticipation of an advance and will be sold while they hut at low prices. We invite the special attention of housekeepers and ethers. HAGER & BRO. -1880- FIRST IMPORTATION -OF- EMBEOIDEEIES. Just opened a Choice Assortment et Hamburg Edgings and Insertings at Popular Prelcs. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. MUSLINS, MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, SHEETINGS, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS, ETC., ETC. GROCERIES. WATT SHAND & TEOIFS01I Own a Large Stock efthese Goods, bought previous te the late great advance in Cotten anit Linens, which will be sold at Lewest Possible Prices. NEW YORK STORE, 20 & 22 EAST KING STREET. WALL PAPERS. 1 SSO. 1 sse. SPRING TRADE. :e:- IIOLKSALE AD KKTAIL. MEDICAL, T IRY LOCHER'S COUGH SYRUP. AS. KOSENBAUM & CO., . PACKERS OF LEAF-TOBACCO. Ne. 293 Prince street, Lancaster, Pa. . .. J.ROSENMYER, jan.-SmttJ Manager. BROWNING'S C. & C. CORDIAL, Fer COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, TICKLING or DRYNESS of the THROAT, SORE THROAT, COLD in the HEAD, CROUP, INFLU ENZA, WHOOPING COUGH. COLD in the BOWELS, ASTHMATIC COUGHS, and RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVES. Db. BROWNING is a regular graduate of medicine, a skillful pharmacist, and a thorough chemist. His "C. A C." (Cough and Celd) Cordial Is net the result of mere chance, but of long scientific research in chemistry and medicine, as is plainly seen by the rapidity of its action and Its unparalleled efficacy. The expense in its manufacture is at least five times as great as that of any ether medicine upon the market, and yet it is sold at the exceedingly low price of 50c. 4&- Sample bottles (for a short time only) 85c. W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., Proprietor, 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. dl-lydcew&w - FOR SALE BY THE PROPRIETOR AND ALL DRUGGISTS. w LEVAN'S FLOUB AT Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. diT-i) a (1 IVE IT A TRIAL. Bftntaft Farina M Ten years age Fahnestock's Farina Fleur had a sale of 10,000 lbs. per week in Lancaster, and wan considered VERY SUPERIOR. Mr. Fahncsteck has net been milling for ten yunrc, uui nes again laKcn cnarge of bis mill, and is making the Farina Fleur. Levers of Geed Fleur and buyers of New Precess and Western Fleur are invited te give the Farina 1 lour a trial. It is sold at a lower price than ether Fancy Brands of Fleur. SOLE AGENT FOR LANCASTER, D. S. BURSK, GROCER, 17 East King Street, Lancaster, ra. WALL PAPERS CARPETS FOR THE SPRE TRADE. We ener one of the Largest Stocks of WALL PAPERS ever shown in this city. Fine Gelds, Colored Bronzes, Plain Bronzes, Embossed Bronzes, Flats, Satins, Common Papers, with Dades, Borders, Friezes and Ceilings te match. Estimates made and work done by Jirst class workmen. Full lines of Oil Hollands, for Window Shades. Shades hung at hert notice. BRUSSELS AND INGRAIN CARPETS, IN LATEST STYLES. J. B. MAETIE" & CO., WEST KING AND PRINCE STREETS. TIXWARE, CC- GEXTS' GOODS. MARBLE WORKS. WM. P. FRAD'.EY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nerm yeeen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES. GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given in every particular. N. B. Remember, works at the extreme end of North Queen street. m301 HAPPY EELIEF Te all suffering from chronic diseases of all kinds. Confidential consultation invited per sonally or by mall. New method of trcatmen t. New and reliable remedies. Boek and circu lars sent free in scaled envelopes. Address iiewara Association, 419 N. Ninth street, Phil adelphia, Pa., an institution having a htek reputation for honorable conduct and profes sional skill. mar-lyil VEW PARTNERSHIP. Shertzer, Hnmphrerillc & Kieffer, (the latter employed by Jacob Gable as practi cal plumber ler a dozen years past), having """cu n cir-Muruuersiim uni purchased me entire stock, fixtures and geed will of JACOB GABLE iu the GAS FITTING AXD PLUMB IXC RUSI XESS, would respectfully announce te a hitherto generous public that they are new prepared nOUSEFURXISHIXG AXD TIXSMITIf- IX G, GAS FITTIXG AXD PLUMIS- IXG IX EVERY FORM. Call and examine stock and ascertain prices before going elsewhere. Satisfaction guaran teed. ELI SHERTZER. , . , TIIOS.IIUMPHREVILLE. 120-lmd WM. A. KIEFFFR. Having sold the entire stock, fixtures and geed will of my Gas Fitting and Plumbing Es tablishment, at Ne. 30 East King street, te .Messrs. Jsliertzer, Hnmphrcvillc A Kieffer (the latter of whom was my practical plumberfera dozen years or mere), I take this opportunity of recommending them te the public as de serving of patronage, and also of thanking the public for their generosity te me in the past as well as asking a continuance of the same for the new firm. JACOB GABLE. dccSMydj HANDSOME PRESENTS. CLATJDENT SCARFS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, LADIES' "WORK BOXES, SILK SUSPENDERS, E. J. EEISMAN'S, 56 NORTH UEKN STREET. ItOBESBLAXKETsZicT A E. McC'ANN, AUCTIONEER"eF REAL left at Ne. 35 Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 North Queen, street, will receive prompt attention. Bills made out and attended te without additional cost. e27-ly OICN OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS!! I have new en hand the Largest. Bsst asd Cheapkst Assertmmt of Lined and Unlined BUFFALO ROBES In the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line or Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. 49-Repairing neatly and promptly done.-S A. MILEY, 108 Xerth Queen St., Lancaster. e25-lydM WASASm w .. -