pppnpiw mi i p.i i" ii v -7r?77M-m BIMHSJli.J.j " S t . .-- & 1 LANCASTER 1)A1L USTELLIGKNCEll, ERIiJlA JJlNUAHY 16, 1880. ' ' ' . : " Fashionable Wedding in Wilmington. I The host remedy for liver complaint Is ' Sel-1 A brilliant wedding, in which the con- Hers' Liver Pills." Only 53 cents per box. Sold OU SALE OJS JtEST. tracting parties are -well known in Lancas ter, was solemnized in Wilmington, Del., en "Wednesday evening, January 14. Mr. Isaac B. Burrewcs, .son of the late Hen. Thes. II. Burrev.es, of this city, was mar ried te Miss Anna, daughter of Chas. II. Gallagher, esq. The ceremony was pro nounced in the Episcopal church, and after its conclusion a largely attended reception was held at the lesidcnce of the bride's parents ; the presents were elegant, and in fill respects the affair was recherche. The bridesmaids en the happy occasion weic Miss Stewart and Miss Clapp, of Baltimore, and MLs Stokes and Miss G.i!!agher(sistcr of the bride), Wilmington, and Miss Saleme Burewcs (sister of the groom), of this city ; the groomsmen were .Messrs. Frank 0. Burrewcs. J. L. Stcin metz, Wilsen Frazcr, Geerge Steinman and W. M. Franklin. National Hank Clint-tern. Ill the list of the Pennsylvania banks whose diallers expire in 1883 appears the First national of this city, the First na tionals of Strasburg, Marietta and GVum- bia. Tlie.su banks were chartered under the act of 18C:. All the ether national banks in the state were organized under the act of 1804, and their charters expire twenty years from their certificates of or-gtnizatie:. by all druggists. Coeqhs. Brown"1 Bronchial Trechein are used witu advantage te alleviate Coueus, Soke TlIliOAT, IIOARSKXESS, and IlltOXCIIIAL Attec- tiexs. Fer thirty year these Troches have been in use, with annually increasing laver. Ihey are net new and untried, but, having been tested by wide and constant use for near ly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the few staple reme dies of the age. J13-lwdTThSAw Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. "TKmsAiE. -I" -An EIGHT-HOUSE PORTABLE BOIL ER, 'in geed condition. Fer particulars apply at this e ice. WATCHES, JEWEUtr, JtC. STORE ROOM Queen street. 1st. Apply i d9-tfdl FOE RENT, NO. 114 N. Pov-essien given January Ne. U2 North Queen Street. FOR RENT. Union Hetel, East Chestnut street, oppe site Penn'a Depot. J1I-IIU AmilY at the INTELLIGENCER OFFICE. Statistics prove tliat twenty-live per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sufferers ler their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance? FOR RENT. Twe rooms. Ne. 43 North Queen street, suitable for photegraph'gallery, new occupied by J S. Saunnan. Apply te dec3C-tfd TIIOS. BAUMGARDNER. Death of a llacknian. William Gardner, a well-known hack man of this city, died at his home in Mid dle street at an early hour this morning. Fer a number of years he was in the em ploy of Frederick Brimmer, liveryman, and during most of that time he drove the cab or baggage wagon. He was an ac commodating and popular fellow, and had many friends. Large Hall. Last evening a very large ball was given in Itethwcilcr's hall by the Bohemian club. Dancing was kept up until a late hour and all piesent enjoyed themselves hugclv. A Mether's Grid. The pride of a mother, the life and joy of a home, are her children, hence her grief when sickness enters and takes them away. Take warning then, that you are running a terrible risk, if they have a Cough, Croup or whooping Ceuirh. winch lead te Consumntien. if veu de net attend te it at once. Shiloh's Consump tion Cure is guaranteedtecure them. Trice 10 cents, 50 cents audi $1. Fer lame Back. Side. or Chest, use Shiloh's Pereus Plaster. Price Si cents. Sold by I). Hcitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millersvillc. The Rest I Ever Knew OL I. G. Starkey, a prominent and influential Citizen of Iowa City, savs: "1 have hud the Iy-.pcpia, and Liver Complaint for several year.-, and have used every Remedy I could hear of, without anv reliel whatever, until I saw your Miileh's Vitalize!- advertised in our paper, arm was pen-nailed te try it. Iain happy te slate that it has entirely cured me. It is cer tainly the best Remedy I ever knew of." Price 75 cents. Sold by I. Ileitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Millersville. FOR RENT. Stere Roem, Ne. 13 East King street, new occupied by Augustus Rhoads. Inquire or H. G. Lfpp, MUlersville Avenue or within ; also, the upstairs rooms for rent. fanS-M&StldAltw T70R SALE. A BROWN DRIVING MARE. 8 years old. seunu, Kinu anu genuc, unves single ami dou ble, splendid roadster. Alse a new "White Chanel" bugger, built by Edgerley & Ce., for exhibition at i erk county fair, ana has never been used. Inquire at Ne. 30 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. janl2-3td SOUD SHiVXRWASB, x GOBHAM PLATED WARE, And the Best Grades of American Electro-Plate en White Metal. FBENCH CLOCKS WITH SILVEB BELL, FRENCH CLOCKS WITH CATHEDRAL BELL. Complete Mantel Sets of Centre and Side Pieces in Marble or Bronze. MUSICAL BOXES WITH HARP, MUSICAL BOXES WITH BELLS, DRUM AND CASTAGNETTE, Musical Bexes with Accompaniments and Mounted en Fine Library Writing Cabinet. A fine general assortment of Jewelry, comprising all tbe Newest Designs. Designs and estimate of cost given for mounting Diamonds and ether Gems. Special care taken in the execution of Fine Monograms and Inscription Engraving. Alse, in complicated and ordinary watch and jewelry repairing. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. TURD EDITION. FRIDAY EVENING, JAN. 16, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Jan. 16. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, warmer, variable and easterly winds, clear, followed by partly cloudy weather, stationary or falling barometer. Gambetta la Power. f At the session of the French Chamber, yesterday, 31. Gambetta, in taking the ' presidential chair, formally thanked the Chamber for the honor they had con ferred upon him in re-electing him. -He was cheered by all the groups of the Left. A Paris despatch te the Times says : " Since installing jiimselt in the Palais Bourbon ' 31. Gambetta, president of the Chamber of ' Deputies, has offended almost everybody by his pompous manners. He influences the ministerial decisions, and if a minister ven- hires tn vne?c .inn r ir ...?. i.-. CHOOSING A GOVERNOR. 1,7" "Tin Vi.l :-, i , u",era " P.ursue.? I...... ..in. wu luipuicuuie resentment until he has overthrown him. At a meeting of tne committee en the general tariff, 31. I ?IKE PROOF SAFE FOR SALE. ? A Fire Proof Safe (Mesler, Rakiuan & Ce., Cincinnati make), 34 inches high, 26 wide and 24 deep, weight 1.200 pound, with Sargent's Patent Night and Day Combination Leck, for aie cneap. .apply at tne 1.SJ janS-tld (TELLIGEXCER OFFJ.CE. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A marvelous Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria Canker -Meuth, and Head Ache. With each bottle there is an ingenious uaal Injector ler Hie mere succes-Iul t rent men t of tiie coin plaint, without extra charge. Price M cents. fid by I). Hcitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davi-, Millet svillc. stM-eodlMcewW Amusements. I'm. I.itpe't.TUlt e flung Prof. LIppett will gi'an enU-ituiuiiient in the opera nmi-e. during hieh in will jicrlnrm his great decapi tation :ic'. A Kstey organ will be given away le Hie party holding the lnekv nuinber. (lettitiUrn " Oeliireun.''' Te-morrow evening Clotthelii's "Octoroon "' company will be here Thi, i-. a strong troupe, including Mr. .I.N. ;ott!ielil, who will apptuir as fflttcm Ncutltler, the heieieand chivalrous Vaneee. They bring j car lead of -cenery. piejiertie-, &i:, and a live donkey, which Uncle J'etc uilliide. This troupe played two eek-' engagements in l'hilalelphi.i and New Yerk t lii sea-ontebig hnne, and thev run in thi-. .-.late te large biiiiniK. litlliartl JCrliibilliin. On Mendny Jacob elialeranil Lugene Caller, the renowned bil liard ilaer-. -will give an exliiltitieii in the ru" I'jeii el II. II. Power, uniler the City hotel. Mr" "eh.ifer is new the champion of the world. His ln-.t run in a match game waslRH), ai.d once in n piaeliee game, with three b.ill, he ui'ide l,(h?.l. Twe exhiliitiens will lie given, one in thealter thealter thealter iioen tuul another in the evening, and persons wi-hlng te -ee the-e wemlerful players should pieeure their tickel- at mice, us only a limited number will be s'd'l. They can be hud at the hotel ellice. 1 iikum it my iluty te .icquaiul snireiing hu manity with the laet that M Jacek's Oil K tlici 1 henclieial n-niedy eer intreduced: tliix I Irne jjiiielicsilly teitd. Fer the past Nixleen yi'.ir-, I hail Milleted with Itheuma-tl-iii, and se severely that I wa el ten robbed of my niglitv re-t. A change of weather would haie the most painlul eneet en me. for then I could move neither hands nor leet. I Hied every Known lenicdy. but e! no avail : at last somebody leeeinincnded St. .Iaoeh's Oil, and 1 concluded te try it, but with little hope. Having hardly used half a bottle, the pains di minished, anil te-day I am well and hardy once mere. The Mn-ill Mini el lifty cents had cured me. Themas Orr, .S7. Jlemacc, J'a. i i:tmis. KKNOir.it. Iii this city, en Jan. 14, 18.S0, Charles V. Reugier, in theOtith year of his age. His relatives and Iriends are respectfully in vited te attend the funeral from his late resi dence, Ne. 48 Seuth Priuca street, en Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. 2td ALiiiiimiT. In this city, en Jan. l"i, is), Cyrus J. Albright, in the 37th year et his age. His relatives and friends aie respectfully in vited te attend the funeral from the residence of his brother. Dr. 1". U. Albright, Ne. 40 East Chestnut street, en Monday altcrnoen, at 2 o'clock. jl5-2tdTh&S STEiMiii. In this city, en the lutli mst., at the residence of Ciiristianoek.i'.iNortliMulberry street, Rachel bteiner, aged 42 years and 5 daj.s. Netice of funeral herealter. xj:v Aivi:nTisi:Mi.sis. INSURE lOmlTatOPEKTYliTTHE ItKST COMI'ANlKSat P.AUSMAX & RURNS'. 2'l-llcedi: flfllce: Ne. 10 West Orange SU J7ORSALE. A twelve te fiiteen horse-power engine and boiler. Alse a larcre nlaner. almost new : a small flooring and matching machine, and a tcneting aud power mortising machine. Address PHILIP LECZELTER, Eagle Speko and Rending Works, evlO-tfd&w Lancaster. Pa. T)UHLIC SALE OF VALUABLE CITY X PROPERTY. Will be sold at the Leepard Hetel, East King street, en TUESDAY. JAN. 39, 1880, a two and a halt story BRICK DWELL ING, with Large Frame Rack Building, con taining hall and 8 rooms, a geed well et water and pump and hydrant in the yard ; let runs in depth te Marien street 245 leet, and has a let of choice fruit trees, etc. This property is sit uated en the north sideet East King street, Ne. 427. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p.m., when conditions will bw made known by MARY L. COOPER. IlKMlY SlICBERT, Auct. j!6-4td MEMCAL. SSIGNEE'S SALE OF A S J. PROPERTY. ON SATURDAY, J. TM X COMPANIES lit BENJ. Ollice decl2-:;uidR Laseastei:, Dec. 12, I87f. F. SHBNK'S, : 10S Wet King Street. TIllE, LIFE ANU ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. HKRR .V STAUFFKR. Heat Estate A. Ins. Agts., 3 N. Duke St. dcc30-3iiidl!cnd T OltACCO CSROWEICS NOTICE. Don't i:ub Oil' Hie Kuainel Ot the teeth with gritty preparations. The teeth are tee valuable te lie tiitled with. When gene, you must have laKe ones or "gum' .euiseif through life. Use SO.ODONT, which contains no grit. It cleanses the mouth and vitalizes the secretion. j!2-lwdeed Xkw Advertisements-. (Ii-.ind Sheeting Match Fer Turkeys. Fiiinke's Sumini'r Garden. Days of Appeal Fer 1SS0. Trusses at i'rey's. Public Sale. Fer lii'iit. Wanted. 3? Fer fuither deUiils sec adveitisinj c iliituu. their Tobacco te me or my agents, that have net yet delivered, le keep their goods in their cellars ten davs or two weeks yet. as I am crowded. JOHN S. ROHRKK. jaul4-4ldi: REAT EXCITEMENT AT TIIE AVALK- uii; Match at Franke's Miuuner Garden. Don't tail te see it this cveninir. Lancaster boy ahead. Admission, 1.1 cents. A band of music this evening. ltd G1 YALUAUL.E DAY. JANU ARY' 24. 1880. The undersigned assignees of Patrick Carr and wile, of Lancaster city, Pa., will expose te public sale, .at Michael's hotel North Queen street, the lollewing valuable properties, viz : Ne, 1. All that certain one and a half story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, and Let or Piece et Ground thereto belonging, situated en the north side of West King street, Lancas ter city, said let having a trout el" 1!) leut 3 inches, and extending in depth 100 feet, mere or less, and being Ne. U33 West King street, bounded en the west by property, new or late of Mary Campbell, en the north by an alley, en the east by property new or late of Jeremiah Campbell, and en the south by West King street aforesaid. Ne. 2. All that certain two-sterv BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, and let or piece of ground, thereto belonging, situate en the west side of North Plum street, Lancaster city. Ne. 38, said let measuring seventeen feet, mere or less, en Plum street, and extending in depth westward et that width, 71) feet (I inches, mere or less, bounded en the east by Plum street, en the south Im properly new or late of Jehn J. Dersch, en the west by property et Martin Giitlf, anil en the north by a common alley. This is a desirable property located in one of the best parts of the city. Ne. 3. All these two certain LOTS OF GROUND situate en the southwest corner of East Chestnut and Marshall streets, Lancas ter city, Pa., measuring in Irent en said East Chestnutstreet 44 leet, mere or Hess, and e.x '. ending in depth seuthwardly 1 18 feet te an alley said lets being Nes. !1 and U2 en Chestnut street tract; bounded en the north by said East Chestnutstreet, en the cast by said Marshall, en the south by a 14-fcet wide alley, ami en ;the west by Ne. ft! of said Chestnut streettract. These are very desirable building lets, situated in a new anil ranidly improving part of the city. Sale te commence at 7 o'eleck, p. m of said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by 1..I1A.MIVL 1'.. Jlll.l.l'.li. Assignee et Patrick Carr and Wile, Henry Shubert, Auctioneer, jan l-W&SdSjanllMild li$fel s&gy GRAND SHOOTING MATCH FOR TWO LARCK TURKEYS, weighing S'J audit; pounds, will be held at F. Weehrie's Gelden Iletsc Hetel. 141 East King stieet, today and te-morrow. Tickets 25 cents. Te lie had at the place el sheeting. ltd rpRUSSES! TRUSSES!! TRUSSED TllC Safest, Easiest aud Ecst, kei: salk nv ANDREW G. FREY'S City Pharmncy. Southeast Cor. North Queen & Orange Sts., "Lancaster. nplO-lyw 1Y AYS Or APPEAL FOR 1880. si'j:ciaj. xetives. Don't Ge te tin: Seashore. unless you are able; but if you need a tonic te overcome the depression caused by the sum mer heat Use the celebrated Kidney-Wert. It ha- wonderful invigorating properties, but acts tin natural principle as it is prepared without the use el liquors. J12-Iwdiw Answer This. Did you ever knew any person te be ill, without inaction of the Stomach, Liver or Kid neys, or did you ever knew one who was well when cither was obstructed or inactive ; and did you ever knew or bear of any case of the kind that Hep Bitters would net cure. Ask veur neighbor this same question. "I gave the child a dose of Dr. Sellers Cough Syrup,' and it was all right in an hour." Sold by druggists at 25 cents per bottle. Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. A Democrat Curctl. A leading Dcmocratef Burlington. Mr. K. M. Sutten speaks In the highest terms of the cura tive power of the celebrated Kidney-Wert. It lirst cured him et a distressing Kidney disease, and he new uses it whenever he has any symp toms of biliousness or needs toning up. It acts cflicienlly en the bowels, and cures the worst eases el piles. jl2-lwd.vw Try Lecher's Cough syrup. An Important Personal Item. Charles S. Prentice, of Teledo, Ohie, went te Pai is and thence te England te be.treated for Rright's disease, and after the best physicians el both countries had done what they could for him, gave up in despair and returned le America le die. Here he received further treatment from ether skillful physicians with out benefit, and while "listlessly lingering in pain and anguish.'' as lie says, heard of the fc-afe Kidney and Liver Cure, took it, and was completely cured in a few weeks. He gives circumstantial details of his painful experi ence and astonishing cure, in a long letter le II. 11. Warner .v Ce.. w hieh will be forwarded en application. jl5-2wd Use Lecher's Herse and Cattle Powders. ISrewn's Hoimclield Panacea Is the most effective Pain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken "the bleed whether taken internally erapplied externally, and thereby mere certainly RELIEVE PAIN, whether chreuic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength of any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bew els, Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and is the GREAT RELIEVER OF PAIN. "BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " should be In every family. A teaspoon teaspeon teaspoen lul el the Panacea in a tumbler of het water (sweetened, if preterm!), taken at bedtime, w ill BREAK UP A COLD. 25 cents a bottle. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed te ether causes, is occasioned by AVemis. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFIT, or Werm Lozenges, although effectual in destroying worms, can de no pesible injury te the most delicate child This valuable combination has been siiccess tully used by physicians, and found te be ab solutely sure in eradicating worms. Twenty Jive cents a box. fjanlS-lyd&wTuTh&S run! Spices at Lecher's Drug Stere. TO THE TAXABLE INHABITANTS OF LANCASTER COUNTY. Pursuant te the previsions of the laws of the Common wealth.the undersigned, Commission ers of Lancaster county, hereby give notice te the taxable inhabitants within the respective city, boroughs and townships of said county that the days of apppal from the assessment of ISM) will beheld in the Commissioners' Ollice, in the city or Lancaster, en thedavs following, te wit : Lancaster City 1st, 2d and "Id wards.... -Tuesday, Feb. 10. 4th, .-th and titli wards. -Wednesday, Feb. 11. 7th, 8th and .Uh wards. .Thursday, Feb. 12. Adauistew n ber ) Washington ber.,2 wards Friday, Feb. 1! .iianeiia nor.. Columbia ber. nnr aoens, sv. Monday, Feb. Hi. Wednesday, Feb. IS. Thursday, Feb. !). Friday, Feb. 20. Monday, Feb. 23. Tuesday, Feb. Wednesday, Feb. 21. :l Thursday, Feb. 20. 3 wards. Bart twp Little Britain twp .. Eden twp Colerain twp Fulton twp Brecknock twp Carnarvon twp Cocalico East twp... Cocalico West twp.. Clay twp Driiinerutwp Martictwp Providence twp Pequeatwp Conestoga twp Denegal East twp . . Denegal West twp.. Ceuey twp Mount Jey twp Pen n twp Ephrata twp Elizabeth twi Warwick twp... Munhcim twp... Paradise twp Siuisbury tw p llemplielil East twp, Hemplleld West twp, Raplie twp , Strasburg twp Lancaster twp Lampeter East twp. . Lampeter West twp.. Lcaceck twp Leacock Upper twp. . Salisbury twp Maner twp , Mount Jey ;ber Elizabetlitewn ber... Manheim ber , Strasburg ber , At the same time and place the appeal from the Military Rolls will be made. C. COBLE. 1AAC Busnexc;, ROUT. MONTGOMERY. jlt!-ltd&3tw Commissioners. '.'.'.'.'.'.'. I Friday, Feb. Wednesday, Mar. 3. Thursday, Mar. 4. ... Friday, Mar. .... ) ... ) ...1 Monday, Mar. f. Tuesday, Mar. 1). Wednesday , Mar. 10 LAMPS, &C. T 1GHT. FLIjStjSt &BREjTEMiJNT Altr. OFFEKINO GREAT BARGAINS -IS Ceal Oil Lamps, Chandeliers and Lanterns. These goods arc entirely new and handsomer than ever before offered and prices lower. FLINN & BRENEMAN 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. WE CANNOT ADVERTISE Boductien of Prices, As many kinds of goods are going up in price every week, but we held a large stock of desirable Dry Goods that are selling at rates proportionate te cost some time age. In the matter of MUSLINS we secured and MUSLINS stored' away an immense MUSLINS quantity, se that our sales- MUSLINS rooms aud reseryc stock- MUSLINS rooms leek like wholesale MUSLINS stores. These standard MUSLINS goods are new retailing MUSLINS largely at less than future MUSLINS piices. MUSLINS We also bought freely et FLANNELS, And can show the geed results of our bargaining en inquiry at the Flannel Counter. We arc also selling CALICOES Cheaper than they can be bought at. The people will have te pay higher for many kinds of dry goods after the pres ent stock are sold out. Jehn Wanamaker, GRAND DEP0T-13TH ST., rillLAVELPHIA. Brandy as a Medicine. The following article was voluntarily sent te 31 r. II. E. Slayinaker, Agent for EeigartV Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who has extensively used the Brandy referred te in his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te be used as a medicine of great potency in the cure of some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of victims. m mi a purely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice et invalids espe cially these alHicted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific reined v. which is 'nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, witli feeble appetite and mere or less debility, will lind tiiis simple medicine, when used properly. A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and aches. Be it, however, strictly understood that we prescribe and use but one article, and that is; RBIGABT'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, II. E. SLAY MAKER. This Brandy lias steed the test for TitADK mark, years, and lias never failed, as far as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the preference ever all ether Brandies, ueinatterwitii hew many jaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various Impotent dyspepsia specifics would suffice te buy all the Brandy te cure any such case er cases. In proof of the curative powers et Beigart's Old Brandy, In cases of Dyspepsia, we can summon num hers of witnesses one case in particular we cite: A hard-working farmer had been afllicted with an cxhausti e Dyspepsia ter a number of years; iiis stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; lie had sour eructatiens con stantly no appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he used McGrann's Reet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, preached at times, and in his discourses often declaimed earnestly against all kinds of strong drink. When advised te try Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment, but after hearing of its wonderful effects in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at bust consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the lirst bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man.witli a stomach capable of digesting anything which lie chose te eat. He still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since lie has this medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A I'kactisixe Physiciajc. LEGAL NOTICES. INSTATE OF PHILIP FINGER, LATE OF !i the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the estate of said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in said city. CATHARINE FINGER. Wjc. Aue. Atlee, Attorney. nii-titdeaw INSTATE OF PETEB LONG, OF LANCAS U TER City, Penn'a. deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in tbe hands of Rev. Wil liam T. Gerhard, Executer of the last will and testament of Peter Leng, deceased, te and among theso legally entitled te the same, will kit for that purpose en SATURDAY, JANU ARY 31, 188e. at le o'clock a. in., in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in tiie city of Lan caster, where all persons interested in aid dis tribution muy attend. jaue-uu i 1IE.1-I. v. DAVIS, Auditor. ESTATK OF CHARLES E.iWAILLY, LATE of Lancaster city, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands et J. W. F. Swift, administrator of said estate, te aud among these legally entited te the same, will sit for that purpose en WEDNESDAY, the 21st ilayefJANUAUY', 1SS0, at 10 o'clock, a. m., in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, iu the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested ia said distribution may attend. W. U.llKNSEh, dec34-3tdeaw Auditor. INSTATE OF BAKIIAKA KOSENFELD, J lute or Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, ail persons indebted te said deeedenture requested te make immediate settlement and theso liavingclaimserdemands against the estate or said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, icsiding in Lancaster city. JOHN B. LEBKICHER, Executer. ilec-JO-Utdeaw J. W. F. Swift. Attorney. TESTATE JCi Lancaster City, dee'd. Letters et OF MAKY HULL, LATE OF ter Citv. dee'd. Letter nl" iwlmin. istratien en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all nersens indebted thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and theso having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay ler settlement te the undersigned, residing in said eity. JOHN HULL. dec23-Ctdeaw Administrator. H. E. SLAYMAKER, AGENT FOR Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established in 1785, IMrOICTER AND DEALER IK FIXE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES, SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in 1S19, 1827 and 18-23,) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER, BROWN STOUT. Ne. 2S EAST KING ST.. LANCASTER. PA INSTATE OF JACOB STOTT, LATE OF J of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters or ad ministration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto are requested te make imme diate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay ter settlement te the under signed, residing In West Chester, or te his at torney, J. W. F. Swift, Lancaster. Pa. WM. W. STOTT, decl-ltdStw Administrator. The Military In Motion Augusta, Me., Jan. 6. The Fusionists have elected Jeseph L. Smith, governor. The Military Ordered Out. Augusta, Me., Jan. 16. At five o'clock this morning the Richards Light Infantry, of Gardiner, were ordered te appear at their armory at nine this morning and the men were jKitherimr there at an e.irlv hour. There were no disturbances at the state house last night. Xe one will he admit ted te-day without a pass. Bosten, Jan. 1C An Augusta special uespatcn says : The Senate and Heuse met at 10 a. m. In the Heuse the first business taken up was the report of the committee en elections declaring "Win. Murray, Fus Fus ienist, entitled toascat.insteadef Rev. Drt Nathaniel Butler, Republican. The report was accepted, but reconsider ation was moved. The motion te recon sider failed, and Murray was escorted te the executive chamber te take the oath. Murray's admission brings the number of members of the Heuse at present up te 77, according te the count of tellers. The Heuse voted te send the names of Jeseph L. Smith and Alenzo Garcclen te the Senate. The number of votes was 70. The report of the committee en guberna terial votes having been read and accepted 'n the Senate it was sent te the Heuse where similar action was taken. The rules were then suspended se that the Heuse might fix the time for choice of four candidates for governor te be sent up te be voted for by the Senate. Augusta, Jan. 16. At 10:."0 the Heufe sent a message te the Senate that Jes. L. Smith and AlonzaGarcclen had been re-elect cd constitutional candidates for governor. After some discussion a vote was taken, which resulted in the unanimous choice of Smith. He will be inaugurated this after noon. A geed deal of feeiing is manifested. It is believed that Smith will net issue any orders te cenlliet with the position of General Chamberlain, preferring te await tlie decision of the supreme court of the questions before them. Chamberlain will net recognize Smith. Tirand, minister of agriculture and com merce, declared himself unreservedly for free trade, and stated that as the policy of tllA frnV'Aiimnnf " Vamu.ah .... i .uuituiti it new uan- the government lum. The first number a new radical ncwsixmer. ger threatens of Lt Justice, started by. 31. Clemenceau, member of the Chamber of Deputies from the de partment of the Seine, made its appear ance in Paris te-day. It demands the adoption by the government of a frankly r"i""' im;j auu ma application et tne principle of equality in all matters, in cluding amnesty. The Paris correspondent of the Time says: "La Justice will be for M. Gambetta what the Itepublique Fnxncaise was for MM. Theirs and Mac Mac Mahen. It will make him unpopular with the democracy before he has consoli dated his power ever the mere moderate element of the eleterate. Our Diplomatic Service. Philadelphia Times. At last it is definitely telegraphed from Washington that S. Kewteu Pettis will resign the important position of minister te iielivia, which he new holds. He has thought ever this matter for a long time, and has hesitated some between his duty te his country and his duty te himself. He has made a very valuable minister te Be- ' livia. He was appointed about a year and a half age, and alter some necessary delay ei a lew months lie started ler his pest of duty. Arriving there without any un necessary or ether kind of delay, he started right back again, ami has been looking around for some bigger thing ever since, nis resignation which will net be sent in until'his leave of absence expires will doubtless be accepted with great re luctance. It is a little unfortunate that under the disarrangement between the ad ministration and the Republican machine, in this state, Pennsylvania is net likely te ber offered one of the vacant first-class for eign missions. THE IMPETUOUS RUSSIANS. AM USEJUEXTS. GRAND BILLIARD EXHIBITION BETWEEX JACOB SOHAPER, the Champien et the World and Champien of Champions, and EUGENE CARTER, the Renowned Expert and Cushion Carem Champien, at the City Hetel Billiard Roem, en MONDAY, JANUARY 19th, 1880, Under the management or H. n. Power. Tick ets can be purchased at the Ofllce or the City Hetel, but a limited nuinber will be sold se as te make it pleasant ler all. ADMISSION, SOCts. Fer rurthcr particulars see pesters. 115-3td 17ULTON OPERA HOUSE. ? ONE NIGHT ONLY. Saturday Erening, Jan. 17th, 1880. Engagement or the GOTTHOLD DRAMATIC COMBINATION And OLD DOMINION JUBILEE SINGERS. Elaborate Revival or BOUCICAULT'S FA MOUS AMERICAN DRAMA, THE OCTOROON. J. N. GOTTnOLD, as Salem Scudder, L. R. STOCKWELL, as Old Pete. Supported by a Specially Selected Company Beautiful and FicturcsqucScenie Effects. Ncw and Original Music. The Famous Old Domin ion Jubilee Singers. ADMISSION, - - - 33. 50 & 75 Cts. Reserved seats Ter sale at the Opera Heuse Ollice. janlt-ltd tt'AXTEB. 11XANTED. TT Everybody te advertise, tree et charge. in i ne te de. Ixtellieksckk, who wants something 11 r ANTED. TV A situation te attend horses, anv kind of laberin ltd INTELL1U Apply at the LlGENC driving or CER OFFICE, ASSIGNED ESTATE OF WILLIAM HUN TER FURGUSON and wife, of Providence township, Lancaster county. William Hunter Furguson and wife, et Providence township, having by deed of voluntary assignment assigned and transferred all their es tate and effects te the undersigned, for the benefit or the creditors or the said William Hunter Furguson, he therefore gives notice te all persons indebted te said assigner, te make payment te the undersigned without delay, and these having claims te present them te JOHN 1IILDEBR AND, Assignee. "dccl7-Ctw New Providence. LOCHER'S CnUGH SYRUP CURES CO SUMPTION. T OCIIER'S COUGH SYRUP IS THE BEST. CUTICURA ! BLOOD AND SKIN HUMORS. CtrricDUA Remedies for the Treatment of Bleed and Skin and Scalp Humors. When or Scrofulous, Cuacereus, syphilitic origin, the Cuticuba Reselvent is the principal remedy, aud if there are at the satne time Ulcers, Seres or ether External Affections, then the Cuti cuua, assisted by the Cuticuka Soai, must be used externally. If the disease is of the Skin and Scalp, the principal remedy will then be the CuncunA, with the Cuticuba Seap, and such use of the Reselvent as is suggested by the following conditiens: In all skin and Scalp Diseases, when the skin is het and dry, the bleed feverish, tile liver torpid, thebowelscon thebewelscon thebowelscen stipated, or when the virus of Scrofula or poi son or Mercury Is known te lurk in tne system, or when the Constitution has been shattered by Malarial and Anti-Periodic Fevers and De bilitating Diseases, always take the Reselvent while using the Ccticuka. A euro thus made will be permanent and satisfactory. ECZEMAR0DENT. The Cutlcura Remedies Succeed Where a Consultation or Physicians Fails. Messrs. Weeks A Petter: Gentlemen. I have suffered ever thirteen years with skin disease in my hands and limbs, causing constant irri tation, depriving me or rest and attention te business. I sought many remedies here and olsewhero, also ue et sulphur baths, without permancnt cure. Last May a physician called my disease Eczema Rodent, spots appeared en my hands, head and race, eyes became much inflamed and granulated, causing at length impaired sight. Internal and external remedies were pre scribed by a leading physician for six months, was then introduced te another, and a consul tation or several leading physicians was had, when a definite plan was decided upon, but all te no purpose. After following advice ler four months with out any permanent cure, I bought two bottles of Cuticuba Reselvent, two boxes or Cuticuba, and some SeAr, and can testify with great pleas ure te the eflect they have had ia my case, in eight days being nearly cured. The physicians pronounced my case tha most aggravated one that has overcome under their experience and practice. I recommend and lilghly indorse the Cuti cuba Remedies. Yours truly. F. n. DRAKE, Agent for Harper fc Bre.'s Publications. Clifferd St. and Woodward Ave., Detueit, Micu., Jan. SI, 1879. SALTRHEUM On Face, Head and Parts of Bedy. Ilea Covered With Scabs and Seres. Messrs, Weeks & Petter. I commenced tn use your Cuticuba last July. Have only used one large and one small box, and one bottle or the Reselvent. My race and head and some parts or my body were amest raw. My head was covered witli scabs and sores, and my sur fering was tearful. I had tried everything I had heard of in the East and West. My case was considered a very bad one. One very skillful physician said he would rather net treat it, and some etthem think new I am only cured temporarily. I think net,tor I have net a particle of Salt Rheum about me, ami my case is considered wonderful. My case has been the means or selling a great many of your Cuticuba Remedies in this part or the country. Respectfully yours, MRS. S. E. WHIPPLE. Decatub, Mich., Nev. 17, 1878. Cutlcura, Cutlcura Reselvent and Cutlcura Seap are prepared by Weeks A Petter. Chem ists and Druggists, 300 Washington street, Bos Bes Bos eon, and are ler sale by all druggists. Price or Cuticura, small boxes, SO cents ; large boxes, containing two and one-hair times the quantity et small, $1. Reselvent, $1 per bottle. Cutlcura Seap, 25 cents per cake ; by mail, 30 cents ; three cakes, 75 cenis. ESTATE OF JOHN JOHNS, LATE OF Maner township, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands or Christian Jehns, administrator or the estate or Jehn Jehns, dee'd. te and among these legally en titled te the same, will sit for that purpose en FRIDAY, JANUARY '23, A. D. 1880, at 2 o'clock p. in., in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, iu the city or Lancaster, t here all persons in terested in said distribution may attend. dec30-3tw E. II. TUNDT, Auditor. A SSIGNED Jt. BRYAN- ESTATE OF EDWARD S. ;iud wife, of Conov Inn-iwliin. Lancaster ceuntv. The undcrah'iini! niiilitnr appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands et Jehn II. Epler, assignee, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit ter that purpose en SATURDAY,-JANUARY 17, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. in., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city et" Lan caster, where all persons interested in said dis tribution muy attend. B. F. MONTGOMERY, dce2t-3tw Auditor. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF MARY E. KEN NEDY, or Strasburg borough, Lancaster county. Mary E. Kennedy, et Strasburg borough, having by deed or voluntary assign ment, assigned and transferred uil her estate and effects te the undersigned, for the benellt of the creditors of thesaid Mary E. Kenncdy.hc thcrcters gives notice te all persons indebted te said assigner, te make payment te the un dersigned without delay, and theso having claims te present them le SAMUEL S. EWING, Assignee, J. W. F Swift, Att'y. deel7-titw COLLIN VOLTAIC I Ne ether remedy in the world can se anieklv as- nrcTBOsuage the most vieleut rl ICTCkI distribute throughout the lSMfc"' nervous system a gentle and continuous current of Electricity, which instantly annihilates Pain, vitalizes Weak and Paralyzed Parts, cures Sere Lungs, Palpita tien of the Heart, Painful Kidneys, Liver com plaint. Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sciatica Get the cenulne. -VTOTICE IS HKKEItr GIVEN THAT AN 1 application will be made for a charter for a corporation te be known as the " I-ancaster Light and Heat Company," under thu actor aatii or April, 1874, entitled " An act te provide ter the incorporation and regulation el certain corporations." The object of said corporation is te manufacture and supply light (ether than gas) and heat within the ceuntv of Lancaster B. FRANK E"SHLEMAN, J13-3tdeaw Solicitor for Applicant. MISCEZLAXEO US. COURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, The Honorable JOHN B. LIV INGSTON, President, and Honorable DAVID W. PATTERSON, Associate Judge el the Court of Common Pleas,in aud for the county or Lancaster, and Assistant Justices of the Courts or Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De livery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the county of Lancaster, have issued their precept, te me directed, requiring me, among ether things, te make public proclama tion throughout my bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer and a General Jail Deliv ery, also a Court of General Quarter Sessions et the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court Heuse, in the city or Lancaster in the Commonwealth or Pennsylvania, en the THIRD MONDAY IN JANUARY.)), 1880. In pursuance or which precept public notice is hereby given te the Mayer and Aldermen of the city or Lancaster, in the said county, and all the Justices et the Peace, the Corener and Constables, or the said city and county et Lan caster, that they be then and there in their own proper persons, with their rolls, records and examinations, and inquisitions, and their ether remembrances, te de these things which te their out cesappertain in their behalf te bedene; and alse.aU these who will prosecute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be iu the jail or said county or Lancaster, are te be then and there te prosecute against them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster the 27th day or Decem ber, 187'J. JACOB S. STRINE, ShsrltT. deeS7-3tdTutwl Sale Bills, Sale Bills, Sale Bills, Sale Bills, Sale Bills, PRINTED CHEAP AT the- Intelligencer Office. Having recently added te our stock a fine se lection or type and the vcrv latest designs e Cuts, appropriate for Sale Bills, we are new prepared te printbillsorunysizenttiicshertest notice and at the very LOWEST PRICES. Send us the articles you want te sell and we will arrange them in proper shape. Orders by mail promptly attended te. Address or call at the INTELLIGENCER OFFICE, ltw LANCASTER, PA. Hew They Treat Their Gussts at the Dinner Table. Londen, Jan. 10. A Berlin dispatch te tbe Times says: "The rumor of a recent disagreeable aftair between Russian and Prussian ellieers at Kaliscbe, Portland, are fully confirmed and elicit strong comments in military circles. The Russians became se excited that they actually drew swords en their guests, and bloodshed was only prevented by the intervention of tbe Rus sian colonel who conducted the Prussians te his ewh quarters, and ordered an es cert of thirty hussars te conduct them te the frontier, as he feared that Russian officers would lay in ambush for them. Profuse apologies will deubtlcs be made at St. Petersburg, but the affair illustrates the feeling prevalent in Russian military circles. It shows the sentiment of the Russian army regarding Germany."' Iren Ore Development. Extensive beds of iron ere have been discovered in the vicinity of Lynchburg, Va., and have occasioned much excitement and considerable speculation ameug iron workers in various parts of the country. It is a peculiar kind of ere, and can be worked te great advantage in consequence of the absence of sulphur and phosphorus. Ahcady large quantities have been shipped from mines en the James river, a short dis tance below Lynchburg, te Pittsburgh and the Pennsylvania steel works, near Har risburg. Several Philadelphia gentlemen arc interested in the development of these ere Dens, anct large purchases et the land near them arc being made. The James River steel manufacturing and mining com. pany, of which Gen. Hartranft, of Phila delphia, is president, is pushing rapidly forward and will seen be doing a large business. MAltKETS. HOMICIDE IN CONEMAUGH. Jeseph Gibbs, a Colerad Citizen, Struck en the Head and Killed. Alteena, Jan. 10. A colored man named Jeseph Gibbs, for several years past a resident of Johnstown, died in the lockup of Conemaugh borough yesterday morn ing, from the effects of a blew upon the head, administered at the hands of another negre, Andrew Malatt. He had been drunk,accused Malatt of taking his shovel, aud in an ensuing fight hit him with the shovel. He was found asleep en the pave ment and was hauled in a wagon te the lockup where he was laid in a bunk. About seven o'clock yesterday morning he was found dead where he had been laid, his skull fractured and the brain lacerated. RAILROAD CASUALTY. Engineer Killed and Fireman Injured. Bethlehem, Pa., Jan. 1G. As the Buf falo express train, Ne. 15, bound north, was approaching North Wales, en the North Pennsylvania division of the Reading railroad this morning, the engine jumped the track. The en gineer, James Daley, was killed, and Fireman Themas Rhcincrt slightly injured. A sleeper was badly wrecked but no pas sengers were injured. THE PISTOL. A Man Shet and Killed at the IJrcnkrust Table. Cincinnati, O., Jan. 10. A special de spatch te the Gazette from Irvington, Illinois, says: "While William Norten sat at breakfast with his family, yesterday morning, Al. Ferbes approached the house and shot him through the window. Nor Nor eon fell and died almost instantly. Little is known of the cause of the murder, except that an old feud existed between the parties. Ferbes was arrested. fire this currying stock te FIRE. 810,000 Damages. WenuiiN, Mass., Jan. 10. A morning in E. M. Blake & Ce.'s shop damaged the building and the amount of $10,000. Business Houses Destroyed. St. Leuis, Jan. 10. About twelve busi ness houses in Carthage, 3Ie., were burned out last night. Most of the goods were damaged mere or less. Less, $20,000. WAITING FOR THE VERDICT. The Jury Out in the Harden Murder Case New Haven, Conn., Jan 10. Chief Justice Park charged the jury in the Haydcn case this morning, occupy ing ever two hours. The charge is generally regarded as unfavorable te the prisoner. The jury retired at 11 :oe, and at 1 o'clock dinner was sent te them. riilliulelpliia Market. PmLAOELrniA, January 1C Fleur dull; snpcrline 4 r05 00; extra $." JHtftl. 06: Ohie and Indiana fiimilv 9: 757SS: Penn'a Uiuily 73700 ; St. Leuis family 7 00750 ; Minnesota Family JC0O7OU; patent and hisili grades $7 508 HO. Rye flour unchanged. Cornmeal Rrandy wine unchanged. Wheat weak; Ne. 2 Western Red i 11; Pa. red $141; Amber 141. Cern heavy; steamer 3Sc; yellow SSc; mixed 5Sc. Oats quiet and dull ; Southern nnd Penn'a while 4S50c; Western white 4s&j0c; West era mixed 474Sc. Rye droepin ; Western OSc ; Pa. DSc. Previsions drooping; nuf-s perk $1100; beet haws I1GOOQ1600; India mess beef $2i(W; Racen suieked shoulders 5c ; ..alt de 4V5; : mnked hams legilc; pickled hams SJrf Lard drooping; citykcttleSc ; loesebutchciV "Me ; prime steam 8c. flutter quiet and geed demand ; creamerv ex tra S!934c: Rradterd county and N. T. c'xtra 27-JSc ; Western rr-i-rve extra at 21Si'iC ; de geed te choice ISgiSc : rolls quiet Penn'a extra 21(9230 : western reserve extra 2I2Ie. Eggs steadier; Choice Penn'a lfrtf2I9e; West ern 18c. Cheese Arm; N. Y. factory 1414c; western full cream i:ii:!c; de ler geed 12 l.'Jc; de hair-skims none here. Petroleum dull ; Refined 75ic. Whisky $1 12. New Kurk .Market. NbwTebk, Jan. IB.-Kleur-Stale and Western dull nnd iu buyeis' laver; sunerline state western $10O5 40; common te geed extra de $."i40COO;choicMledo$i;iO(S8.riO; choice white wneai ue:U07; southern Hull and weak; common te fair extra $0 Wib'i C5 ; goedto ciieicu de f 758 00. Wheat Spring dull and nominal; winter 2 2Mc lower and very heavy ; Ne. 1 White Feb. $1 44M1 45 ; Ne. 2 Red t eb. $1 4i;M I 47 ; de March 91 i'MQ M;. Latter prices carl v. Cern dull and c lower; Mixed Western spot .WifiCle ; de Iuture58G02ic. OaUduil ; atatc46l9e; Western 4:4fc. ateck Markets. Philadelphia, Jan. If). 12:30 p. x. Stocks firm. Peunati's (tliird l.-sue). Philadelphia & Erie... Readim; Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley. United Ces. of N. J.. Northern Pacilic " Preicricd Northern Central.... l.chigu Navigation :;; Norrlstewn UK Central Transportation Ce. 4fi 1-lllS.. -LltU.SVlUC X UUUalO. I4Ji lttiK - 14 - 50 - " .154 ; . St Little Schuylkill.... Stocks strong. X. Y. Central , Adams Express Michigan Central... 31 ichlgan Southern . . . Illinois Central Nkw leitic, Jan. IU. ... 5 ...l."l ... 43 ...117 ... Vi'Xt ...KXte ...KtfJi Cleveland & Pittsburgh 1U) Chicago A Keck Island Viy, Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne. .114 Western Union Tel. Ce 102 Teledo A Wabash 42 New Jerscv Central 82 1TNANCIAL DISASTERS Lead an Editor te Suicide. New Yerk, Jan. 10. It was stated at the office of the Musical and Dramatic Times this morning that Jehn C. Freund, proprietor of that journal, had committed suicide by drowning himself. OTAUTLING ASSERTIONS. DR. GREENE is ready te euro all diseases by external applications r medicine. During 18 months practice iu Heading, lie has treated ever I,i00 patients, many et them from ether cities and towns in the United States, 70 et them lrem Lancaster; hundreds an: cured, and no one hu.s died under his charge, and only three persons have died during that time wiie luive been treated by him, and they died away rrem Heading ami under their filiysician's care. Over 1,150 deaths occurred n Reading during his .sojourn there. Having taken up his residence in Lancaster, he will be in his elfices all day. Call and sve him ami he will give you a li-t or cases cured or all diseases orihebody. A. A. Mcllese, of Reading, Nev. 13, 187'J, says : Dr. Greene removed from my neck a tumor or the size or a hen's egg, In 15 days, without cut ting or causing me any pain or the less et a drop et bioed. His certificate is en dorsed by the autographs et Jesse G. Hawley, proprietor or the Eaijle; T. C Zimmerman, proprietor or The Times and Dispatch ; G. W. Grant, postmaster; IL A. Tyson, mayor, and ex-Mayer Evans, all or Reading. Consultation tree. Catarrh cured for no cents. Cure quick ter Catarrh sent te any ad dress rer 50 cents. 1(J page pamphlet Iree. Will seen commence a course el lecture en Physiology. DR. O. A. GREENE, (31 Tears Experience), IMmdTu.Th&S Ne. 236 N. Queen St. SSIGNED ESTATE Or GEORGE DEEK RECK, or the borough or Columbia, Lan caster comity. Pa. The undersigned Audiler appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands et William Harm, assignee, te and among these legally entitled te the .same, will sit for that purpose en TUESDAY, JAN UARY 13, 18S0, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem or the Court Heuse, in the city or Lan caster, where all persons Interested in said dis tribution may attend. W. II. ROLAND, dec!7-Stw Auditor. - H la. i"i l..1.,-. KZ. njVl-ST- 3 .- . - ' eis.!!?cr. -r.