JV,Hr- -'- '.tWi.CTTI 'IJ?7 :-$;' y$wx .I up ii , . I a ..fctj.p.!. ,:.- '.'J ' '. ,'.".'- I.' ', .v...;a..a' .-- -j.'n.ir . --.- 's-5trVTwiBiMPji;u.7,-c,1r-i,Tv!7; :;?' .'- - -7A -r?t ?nM-.-'-? SS&t'ZSS'- ?--" W ;."-i-.i' ".-r-yiir- j1-.., j i ' ',-,-;-'"': r .ct--v-, -;, .'.7x-" r -. -' r- -'&?- . ' sr--? j :-i"r- :r -r-f :j--i-''.i; -vv;-....r- , j V. . J K. . ' .5 . . ,r- v" " " - "- , '" ', '-"''' ' V LANOt V '1 rj. tT i m u Lancaster ntelligencer. FRIDAY EVENING, JANUABY16, 1880. Carlisle's Murder Case. It has been noteworthy that while the people and papers of Carlisle have re sented any outside interference in the case of Mrs. Zell, under sentence of death for what seems te be scarcely a half-proven charge of murder, they have thus far failed te show circumstantially that there was any material evidence te justify her conviction. Fer the third time the case has been investigated by foreign newspaper enterprise, and the re port of the Philadelphia Telegraph's re porter confirms the conclusions of its contemieraries, who decided that the woman under sentence, if net entirely innocent, was far from proven guilty. It seems that the dead woman had a little property which she had given te a man named Wynkoop en condition that he provide for her for the rest of her life. Sometime before her death she quarreled with Wynkoop and manifested a desire te rescind the nencupative will she had made in his favor, saying te Mrs. Heed, who was a sort of charm doctor, and who sold spells and incantations for various diseases, that she would see her lawyer and get her property from Wynkoop and give it te Mrs. Reed herself. The inter, est that Mrs. Heed and Wynkoop thus had in her was shared by a third party, her daughter, whom she had quarreled with. When she died se suddenly the daughter raised the suspicions of foul play, and they pointed te Mrs Iteed, who had waited en her and had grabbed at her effects, as guilty of her murder. Then, the Tclcyraph reporter says, Mrs. Iteed speedily came te the front with the assertion that Mrs. Zell, a peer neighbor of Mrs. Kiehl, had for a long time been in the habit of visiting the house daily and taking te the old woman beef-tea, gruels, etc., and declared that en the Wednesday preceding Mrs. Kiehl's death, Mrs. Zell had brought coffee te the house, of which both she (Mrs. Heed) and the old lady had par taken, and which made them violently sick. Eight respectable citizens of Car lisle swore that the character of Mrs. Heed for truth and veracity was se bad that they would net lielicve her under oath ; yet en her testimony alone Mrs. Zell was arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced te be hung, " the idea being suggested"' that she had been in the pay of Wynkoop te get the old lady out of the way and enable him te keep the money he had belonging te her, and the property of which he had given her life possession. Net a scintilla of evi dence was produced te connect Mrs. Zell in any way with Wynkoop, nor was any motive shown for the murder by her. On the ether hand, two months after Mrs. Kiehl s death a package of arsenic was found under a bed up-stairs, having writ ten en it the name of Mrs. Heed, and two coffee-pets, having in them some grounds were also discovered at the same time, wliich,being analyzed, were discovered te contain arsenic. And it is upon the testimony of this Heed woman, impeached for her veraci ty, connected with the crime by circum stance and disclosed motive, that Mr. Zell new rests in the shadow of the gal lows : it is even said , that of $200 neces sary te take her case te the supreme court net a penny could be raised in Carlisle. If the people up there have a different story te tell, it is time they were getting it before the public. True, But Jiet Timely. Were an election for members of the Legislature pending in this state we dare say that most organic of organs, the Philadelphia Bulletin, would net venture upon such a bold and scathing indict ment of its party as we republish from it. Its assault upon the Republican misman agement of the charge it has in the po litical control of this commonwealth is none the less well founded and deserved, because it comes at a time when the Bulletin calculates that it can de its party no practical harm. Year after year Philadelphia contributes mere than its quota of the legislators who work the demoralization that the Bulletin de picts. Its Davises and Iluhns and Dou Deu glasses and Petreffs are returned in one capacity or the ether without any effect ive pretest from the Bulletin, when their candidacy is a live issue ; and new they are doing the Cameren bidding in the field of national politics because they knew that in return the federal patron age will be invoked te make their elec tien sure ; and in their support of the " machine" they find an ally in the Bul letin. Den Cameren having transferred him self and his aspirations from stale te na tional politics, keeps the geed common wealth of Pennsylvania as a rotten bor ough en whose spoliation he feeds his henchmen and satisfies them for their support of his federal schemes. Te the low estate which the Bulletin pictures has the state government fallen and en its carcass the vultures gorge themselves. Year after year is it disgraced by the in famous character of its chosen legisla tures ; by the arrogance of corporate power that defies its fundamental law ; by the servility of a judiciary that takes favors from these between whose cause and that of the people it is called upon te judge ; by the scandal of jobs that reek with cor ruption, and by an overflowing treasury that dishonors the warrants of the public schools anu sends its mendicant chari ties adrift with empty purses. The pres ent system has been established, support ed and continued because it affords sus tenance te the freebooter's clan. His re tainers are scattered through every coun ty, ready te de his bidding at his nod and nble te accomplish their purposes,because these who speak out se valiantly when the danger does net threaten put their hands te their mouths and their mouths in the dust when they might speak te some purpose. It is pretty geed advice that the Pitts burgh Pest gives the Democratic sena. ters te quit their dickering with Hayes for a few petty offices, te stiffen their back bones and te reject all the unfit ap pointments that he makes. Marshalls, postmasters and revenue officers who have abused their iositiens te help their party, have no right te exiect confirma tion from the Democracy, when their own Senate rejected such men as Keverdy Johusen and Wm. M. Evarts simply because An drew Jehnsen appointed them. And if it is proposed te put Senater Edmunds en the supreme bench simply te make a majority of that body te declare the con stitutionality of the federal laws, no con siderations of.senaterial courtesy should prevail te prevent the packing of the su preme court. MINOR TOPICS. 3In. Hayes will appoint one Republi can census supervisor in each Southern state. Tin; exodus of negrees te the North from eastern Mississippi has been ever 1,000 during the past three weeks. The library of the late Mr. David Laing of Edinburgh, has been sold in Londen. The sale lasted eleven days, and the total amount realized was $66,000. We repeat the question : " Why has the Heg Ring stepped its clamor for a primary election te cheese delegates te the republi can state convention?" Is it a sell out '.' Gisimiax journals unanimously ascribe the changes in the French Ministry of War te the direct influence of Gambctta, who has for some time been studying the science of war. The capitol of Albany, New Yerk, has cost thus far $10,000,000, and it is an un finished condition. The controller, in his report, says it will cost millions mere. The original est imatc of cost was $4,500, 000. Urex representations made by the Bee keepers' association, the postefiice depart ment has decided te allow queen bees te be " carried in the mails with their neces sary attendants, as long as no person is injured in handling them." Hayes yesterday sent te the Senate nominations for the vacant missions at Londen and St. Petersburg, but the mes did net reach the capitol until after the Senate adjourned, and the nominations were taken back. The names of the persons nominated cannot be ascertained, as the Senate has adjourned until Monday. A Philadelphia exchange, in anticipa tion of the February elections, says what is true of this locality as well : " The people of each ward have their own ticket te elect and every voter who cheeses te de se can have personal knowledge of the men who are ettered for his choice. The merits of every candidate should be known te his neighbors and can easily be known. If in any of the wards men have been nom inated whose past records are bad or even doubtful, the February election is the time for leaving them at home, and the responsibility rests solely with the people of each locality.'" When incoming Governer Cernell bowed out retiring Governer Robinson there was a very pleasant interchange of cordialities, and Mr. Cernell frankly said that his re tiring predecessor had fearlessly exercised his prerogative, and had given his adminis tratien high rank with these that had pre ceded it, and he asked te congratulate him upon the honorable record, and cer dially te wish him continued health and prosperity. The tone was becoming, and the assertion was perfectly true. The pity of it is that the campaign for Cernell was conducted en such a widely different prin ciple, when the Republicans attributed everything that is evil te Robinson's admin istration. Which leads Harper's Weekly te deplore that during a canvass it seems te be thought necessary te stigmatize all opponents as conspirators and criminals from whom it is indispensable that the state should be saved if liberty is te sur vtve. Blackguardism is called vigor, and lying passes for cleverness ; and when all is ever, and the hyenas have been defeated and victory perches upon the banner of the tigers, the course of affairs proceeds as before, and the loudest of the orators would wink if you congratulated him upon the escape of the state and the country from the awful peril that he declared te be se imminent. PERSONAL. Lamak is convalescent. M. Stanislas Hakel, one of the richest men in Rouen, has -just died, leaving his whole fortune of several millions of francs te his valet. Fkaxk Leslie bequeaths all his prop erty, real and personal, te his wife, Miriam Florence Leslie. He gives her the trade mark of all the publications, and pre vides that she shall have absolute control ever the property. Mrs Leslie is execu trix. Mrs. Fkedekic W. Stevens gave her first ball of the season, Wednesday night, at her splendid residence, West Fifty seventh street, New Yerk, for which, with all its contents, it is understood that the sum of $800,000 has just been offered by Mrs. Mackay, of Paris, wife of the well known bonanza king. Senater-elect Gakfelu paid a warmtrib utc te Senater Thurman at a reception in the capitol building at Columbus en Wed nesday night. Referring te the kind words spoken of him by Senater Thurman in the state canvass, he said : "The llewcrs that bloom ever the garden wall of party poli tics are the sweetest and most fragrant that bloom in the gardens of this world, and where wc can pluck them and enjoy their fragrance it is manly and delightful te de se." It is believed that Bismakck is hovering between life and death, with the proba bilities strongly in favor of the pale con- qucrer. His lamiiyarc still at ms ucdsidc, and several physicians have been summon ed in consultation. He has become a vic tim of insomnia in its most aggravated form and this, in addition te his terrible suffer ings, has undoubtedly weakened his great mind, and he is new subject te the most gloomy forebodings and fits of protracted despondency. News is anxiously awaited, and there is the constant fear that the suc ceeding bulletin will bring a confirmation tien of the worst apprehensions. A messenger boy came te the deer of the lobby in the rear of the Heuse chamber one day last week bearing a package and a letter addressed te Speaker Randall. The package and letter were dclivered,and the messenger left the building. He was hardly out of sight before the speakers page ran out bf the Heuse te the door keeper who had received the package from the boy, and placed in his hands the box which had just been opened. It con tained very choice stationery, letter files, &c. "Here," said the page, "give this box te the fellow who brought it. The speaker is net accepting gifts from busi ness houses in Washington. Randall's name is net Grant." A BOLD INDICTMENT. The Business of Government. Philadelphia Bulletin, Rep. If the business of the state of Pennsyl vania could be conducted en the general principles that rule the business affairs of any well-managed corporation or private establishment, no commonwealth in the world would be in a better financial condi tion. Its cxhaustless resources would be se used as te absorb all its debt and at the same time te carry en its government and all its affairs upon a basis of liberal but wise expenditure, for the best welfare of all classes of its people. If, instead of Legislatures reeking with sucli wholesale corruptions as have repeatedly disgraced the capital, the people would send te Harrisburg men chosen for their personal and official honesty, their intel ligence and public spirit, we should have business like financial policies adopted and carried out, and the public money se appropriated, disbursed and spent as money is used in any private and well-ordered business establishment. Wc should net have waste and corruption in the Legislature's expenditures ; favoritism, caprice and uncertainty in the treasury's disbursments, and financial systems and schemes, that keep the state impoverished, virtually bankrupted, continually dis honored, while all around arc the abun dant means for meeting every legitimate necessity. We should net have the public institutions for the care of various defec tive classes struggling year after year te secure their appropriations, sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing, some times crippled by false economy, some times petted by false liberality, some times beggared by the misconduct of leg islative clerks and ether officials, some times left struggling along for months under the false pretence of an empty treas ury, while some favored institution quietly obtains all that it wants, through personal favor or still mere questionable iullucnce. We should net have the public school sys tem dragging along with its insufficient or unpaid appropriations, te the great injury of the schools and the discredit of the state. We should net have the an nual raids upon the Legislature in behalf of huge schemes of public steal ing, with all the demoralizing influences that fellow in their train, whether success ful or net. We should have men appointed te office for what geed they can render te the state, and net for what geed the state can render te them. We should have standards of geed morals, intelligent ca pacity aud practical experience throughout the civil service, just as the business man picks out his clerks and ether subordinates for their supposed possession of these qual ities. Wc should net have men put in places of trust and responsibility, who are unfit for them, merely as a reward of po litical service or an expression of friend ship aud geed fellowship. With Pennsylvania's wonderful oppor tunities for being a model commonwealth financially and throughout her civil ser vice, her educational aud institutional af fairs, it does net seem altogether extrava gant te imagine the possibility of such a state of things. It is a condition far enough away from anything ever realized within her borders. The variation from such high standards have been numerous and very great, under successive genera tions. They have been mere nearly ap proached under some administrations than ethers, but never reached by any. Pennsylvania is se intrinsically rich and powerful that nothing is wanted but a right use of her forces te make her all that the highest ambition of the patriot, the philanthropist, the political economist can desire for her. That she should be se pinched and crippled in the midst of her own plenty and power comes simply from the fact that her people, as a mass, are net yet educated up te the full sense of the duty of self-government. Whenever they become se, and in propor tion as they become se, Harrisburg will become simply the office of a great, well managed business concern, whose mana gers have been placed there by its owners, properly paid for their services aud held te the strictest account for a faithful and successful discharge of their duties. When that state of things comes, there will be money enough for allelic wants of the business. All the ma chinery of the state will be kept in geed repair and running order. There will be well-kept accounts and clean balance sheets There will be no room in such an establish ment for drones or toadies or figure-heads or barnacles or thieves of any grade or class. The people can have it se when ever they will. But there need te be a great awakening of the political conscience and a great education of the intelligence of the people before the government of the state or of any of its subdivisions is lifted up te the bread, firm level of plain, practical, honest business principles. Whatever helps te lift government toward such a level, whether it be the people at large, a political party or the individual citizens working honestly in his own sphere for the public geed, is helping toward the realizing of the highest form of human civilization. Dangers of the Telephone. The introduction of new inventions among the practical requirements of civil ized life brings with it its disadvantages. The telephone is destined te become a most useful agent in daily intercourse ; but Dr. F. M. Pierce, of Manchester, points out, in Brit. Med. Journ., a possible source of in convenience in its use. The following case which came under his notice exhibits a way in which the car may be mere or less injured during the use of the telephone. A woman about 35 years of age, man ageress at a smallware manufactory in Manchester, which was connected with its office, two miles off, by a telephone, was listening te a message wheu a violent clap of thunder took place, and which appeared te be conveyed through the wire. The effect en the listening ear was that of com plete numbness and deafness, accompanied by a sensation of giddiness, slight nausea and tinnitus aurium. These symptoms, with the exception of the deafness, passed away in a few minutes. Dr. P. did net see the patient for three or four days after this occurrence and cannot, of course, speak as te the amount of deafness at first pro duced ; but en the fourth day he examined the left car ( the listening ear ) and found the hearing distance twenty-forty-eighths et an inch, as his patient had always had perfect hearing with both ears and had never experienced any difficulty in hearing before, he thinks it very unlikely that this degree of deafness was due te any previous aflcctien of the car. She stated that she had never had anything the matter with her heariug until using the telephone dur ing thd'sterm. He has examined her late ly and found both cars aud hearing dis tance quite normal ; nearly a fortnight elapsed, however, before perfect hearing returned. This case was no doubt due te a concussion of the auditory nerve. In Huntsville, Tex., J. J, Elkius, cx sheriff, was shot dead by Peter Greer. An old quarrel between the two men was re newed in a bar room, when Greer ran out te a wagon, get a pistol aud shot Elkins four times. Greer was jailed. AJfuSEMENT-WOTES. What tee Playan are Doing. The New Yerk circus is new in Bosten. Milten Nobles opens in Philadelphia for two weeks en Monday night This evening " The Argonauts of 7ft"' will be played in Columbia. A live donkey and a band of colored vo calists appear in Gottheld's " Octoroon."' Teny Paster will commence his annual summer tour early in April, when he will visit this city. Pell and Lewis, song and dance men, join the Watsen-Ellis-Kcrnell combina tion en Monday next. Katie Putnam and company have gene te Key West. They will also visit Cuba aud the Bahama islands. Geerge Cummings, acrobat, of this city, will go out with Sells Brethers' circus this year. There are two parties of acrobats of three, each representing themselves te be the original Leetard Brethers. Will Stuart, a New Yerk journalist, will go en the stage shortly with a traveling company, which will play " The French Flats." F. S. Chanfrau and wife lest $2,000 by the failure of the Grocers' bank of New Yerk. At one time Mr. Chanfrau had $25,000 deposited there. Jehn M. Burke, the popular Irish come dian, who is known as " Dublin Dan, " and has several times visited us, is lying hopelessly ill in St. Jeseph's hospital, Philadelphia. J. M. Hill, the manager of Den Thomp son, who is new performing in Bosten, spent $3,000 en Sunday in advertising the star in newspapers alone. His " ad" in the Bosten Herald occupied a whole page. It should be remembered that the E. B Washburne, the candidate for president, is net the veteran showman, formerly pro prietor of " Washhurne's Sensation, " though E. B. has a son who ran a circus while his father was French minister. The proprietor of the Williamsport opera house is a seusible man. He will net rent his house te " blonde " shows or troupes playing "Uncle Tem's Cabin." He thinks the public has had enough of of both. Capt. Otis Whitceinb, from Swanzey, N. II., new 85 years of age, the man te whom Den man Thompson is indebted for the suggestion et the comedy portion of his character of " Jeshua Whitcomb," oc cupied a box at the Bosten threatre en Monday evening. The Columbia Herald says that Ferd's company will play " A Messenger from Jarvis Section" in that place shortly. It adds that the troupe stands at the head of the heap there and they will have a large house. The troupe presenting that play is Mr. Barney Macauley's own, and it is only managed by Mr. Ferd. The Florences have a new play in which Mrs. Florence can change her dress eleven times. Whenever in the action of the piece the time is taken up by the dialogue of ether characters the madamc rushes behind a screen and makes a change. The play is one that the muddled New Yerk critic would call " a creation of absorbing human interest. ' ' Picayune. At a performance of the cantata of "Esther" in Dallas, Texas, Aha.vicrus was advised by somebody in the audience net te "cut it tee fat " The pcrsonater of the great Assyrian went te the footlights, and said : " This is a religious show, and you'll have te be decent. I'm Ahasuerus just new, but after the show I'm Sam Turner; and, if any duffer would like te cut it fat then, I'll give him a mighty lively welcome." Jeseph II. Mortimer, once a well-known variety theatre manager, in Philadelphia, died in the insane asylum at Harrisburg, a few days age. lie was thirty-eight years of age and was horn in Harrisburg. His last venture was witli "Matt Morgan's Living Art Pictures, " a company which visited this city twice. Ida Merris, the dashing little serio-cemic singer, who was with that troupe, is the wife of Mortimer, who became insane through business troubles. On Tuesday evening, during the play of "Under the Gaslight," one of the young ladies sat down and began reading a letter. After finishing it she took her eyes from the paper and dreamily said: "Who ever heard of anything like that from a lever." A little shaver in the gallery who had been taking in the whole thing yelled : " I did." The young lady was se astonished at the prompt answer te her heavy conundrum that she was unable te proceed for a few moments. The audience loudly applauded the kid, Francis M. Uffner & Ce. will put a geed show en the read, the main feature of which will be Prof. Jehn Tills and his marionettes ; Chas. S. Rogers and Mattic Vickcrs, sketch artists; Miss Jennie Yea mans and Louise Fex, the favorite ac tresses, and J. D. Kelly, the musical won der. Cel. T. R. Teele, who was last season agent of Cooper & Bailey's circus is one of the proprietors, and J. II. Laine, who was ahead of Barlew, Wilsen, Primrose and West for a long time, will be the general agent. They are both geed men and knew hew te run a show. LATEST NEWS By MAIL. A pile of straw was left under a a third story window of the Louisville house of refuge, and seven young girls escaped by jumping down te it. A man named Meyers, of West Albany, a workman en the New Yerk Central R. R., was choked te death while trying te cat a piece of raw fresh perk. Elizabeth Vincent, aged fifty years, ar rested for being drunk and disorderly, hanged herself in a Baltimore station house last night. The steamship Columbia brought the crew of the bark Maria Duncan te New Yerk, twelve in number. Several arc suffering from exhaustion, caused by hard labor. The bank was abandoned in a sink ing condition. The sheriff of Carben county, Wyoming, arrived at Denver Tuesday night, and stated that seventy-five " barrass " or asses leaded with ammunition were dis covered going southeast last Sunday. It is supposed te be for the Utcs and from Utah. The military have been sent out te scout for them. A freight car en the, Bosten, Hoosac tunnel and Western railroad ran off the track at Blackinton, en Wednesday night, compelling a freight train behind it te step. The delayed train was run into by a Trey and Bosten freight train, and an engine and several cars were wrecked. The less is about $20,000. In Kehobeld, Mass., Chas. F. West and and Hiram Kingham were hunting part ridges in the weeds and Kingman was fol lowing West, when in raising his gun hastily it was discharged, blowing off a part of West's head. West was aged thirty-one and leaves a wife and two chil dren. Mrs. General Themas Ewing and Mrs. Colonel Jehn M. Cenncll, of Lancaster, Ohie, are seen te come into possession of sixty or seventy thousand dollars, which falls te them at the expiration of a ninety nine year lease at Brownsville, effected by the Hen. J. II. Cox, the grandfather of the two ladies. Capt. Henry Jacobs, of the schooner E. A.Johnsen, whilst off the mouth of the Chester river, accidentally shot and in stantly killed one of his seamen, named Henry Scluedcr. The captain was about te sheet at sea gulls, which were flying ever, when one barrel of his gun was prem aturely discharged. The mysterious disappcaranc of Gen. Levin L. Miller, of Indianapolis, en the 6th inst., has aroused fears that he was murdered. He had a room at the Bates house en the night of the 5th,- and was called by mistake three, hours before the departure of the 6 o'clock morning train for Fayette, which he wished te take. In stead of returning te bed he went out for a stroll, aud was net afterwards seen. High water in the Wabash river has washed out the New Albany & St. Leuis railroad in several places between Prince ton and Mount Carmcl, and a floating drift has carried away all the false trestle work from under the approaches and bridge ever the Wabash at Mount Carmel, 111. Ne repairs can he made until the water subsides, and then the bridge must be made almost entirely new before traffic can be resumed. STATK ITEMS. W. G. Clark has disposed of his interest in the Brookville Graphic-Democrat te Mr. Hern formerly of the Jeffersonian. The firm is new McMurray & Hern. Hen. Augustus Landis, of Hollidays Hellidays burg, will be presented before the Demo cratic state convention for supreme judge. Mr. Landis served in the constitutional convention of 1873. Samuel Deeds, a coal teamster, collided en the suspension bridge, in Allegheny, with David Butcher, a colored teamster. Whips lashed, lumps of coal crashed, and knives flashed, and when it was ever Deeds was fatally cut. The western Pennsylvania coke men grant the miners' demand and whoop coke up te $3 per ten. The railroad coal ex change offer a scale of their own. The miners stand firm for the Jenes' scale and call a national convention. Washington advices indicate that the Curtin-Yocum contest will be disposed of by the Heuse committee by declaring the seat vacant and remanding the dispute back te the people of the district for their decision. The Passmerc boom is getting se big it will have te be looked after pretty seen. It has already overrun Schuylkill aud Ly coming counties, neither of which could be carried for Passmerc if he were nominated. Den says " go in Lemen." The Shenandoah Herald says that there is a great deal Ned Curley, the Mellie 31a- guire who surrendered himselt at Centra- lia. can tell if he only will. He can tell who cut the ears of a school-master named Green ; who murdered Tem Dougherty in 1874, and Lenchan the same year, aud a number of ether matters that need light. In Pittsburgh, Rev. Themas Campbell appeared before Alderman Jonas Smith en Tuesday, ami entered suit against Rev. C S. Smith, pastor of the St. James's A. M. E. church, East End, for libel. The plain tiff is a local preacher and a member of the East End congregation. He alleges that Smith did most maliciously slander him in the pulpit and among his friends, for which he new seeks redress. The magistrate issued a warrau t for the arrest of the accused. Duty of tlie Senate. Tilt biiigh Pest. It seems te us it is about time that the Democratic senators should cease apolo gizing for being Democrats, quit their in trigues te secure a few scraps of patronage for their friends, and in the matter of con firming appointments te office, held the administration te a rigid accountability. The president has the power te nominate, as the Senate has te confirm, all appoint ments. AVc would have this last power exercised in the public interest and also with some regerd te the interests of the Democratic party. But this cannot be done if senators sell out their free will te se cure a few petty offices or ether favors from the fraudulent administration. They should drop these suspicious personal dealings with the Fraud, and assert their power as representatives of a great politi cal organization. If they want examples and precedents let them turn their atten tion te the way the Republican senators acted toward Andrew Jehnsen, in reject ing his appointments whenever a political point was involved. In this way the Re publican senators prevented some of the foremost Democrats and conservative Re publicans in the country from filling offices for which they were specially qualified. Among the names wc recall, as rejected by the Republican Senate, are these of Evarts, Grecsbeck, Cowan, Reverdy Jehnsen, S. S. Cox, Jehn L. Dawsen, and ethers or dis tinguished ability. Tlie Situation in Maine. answer by the supreme An answer by the supreme court of Maine te the Republican questions is ex pected by te-night or te-morrow. Gen. Chamberlain has issued an address te the people, saying there is no occasion for public alarm at present. Mr. Lainson's order for the removal of the police force from the state house has net been obeyed. The Fusion Heuse unseated a Republican and gave his seat te a Democrat. The Democratic organ in Augusta says the Fusionists care nothing for the expected answer from the supreme court. They held a secret caucus last night. Why "We Laugh. Philadelphia Times. Ex-Naval Officer Hicstaud casually stated in his Lancaster paper yesterday that no indications are givjn in the Phila delphia morning papers as te the presiden tial preferences of the delegates te the Re publican state convention chosen in this city en Wednesday. Majer Hiestand, who is himself a third-term man, probably ex periences no uneasiness en account of the Philadelphia delegation ; he knows it will turn up pretty solid for anybody it-may he needed for when the time comes. Tidings from Abroad. The cable dispatches state that signs of increasing distress are reported from Ire land. The British government renews its premise te make leans for drainage works in that country. Over twenty-live persons have been killed or wounded by riots in Pcsth, Hungary. Gambctta is said te have lest many friends since he became president of the Chamber of Deputies. NKUillUORHOOD NEWS. Kvents Acress ne County Line. A charter has been granted te the Yerk hospital and dispensary association. Wm. Kciper, of Lykcns, Dauphin coun ty, challenges Ahl, the Yerk champion, te a 21 or 3G-heur fair hecland-tec walk for purse of $200 a side. The Keystone state normal school, at Kutztown, is te be enlarged te accommo date the steadily increasing number of students. Anether Yerk woman, lately released from jail, has broken a store window in order that she may be able te rejoin her husband in the county jail. Cel. Chas. II. Klcckner, a clerk in the Philadelphia postefiice, recently caught with stolen letters of value en his person, is the notorious legislative rooster who sued the Intelligenceu for libel some years age. In Harrisburg, yesterday, by an execu tion issued en a judgment in favor of 'Squire Samuel Eaby, of Elizabethtown, for overdue coupons, Sheriff Reel sold the Seuth Mountain railroad, running from Harrisburg te Hamburg, Berks county. It was bought at $50 by the bondholders of whom Iliester Clymer is the surviving trustee. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. THE OPERA. "FatlalUa" at Fullen Hall. Fulton opera house held a fair-sized au dience last evening te witness the produc tion of Ven Suppe's comic opera of " Fati nitza " by Malm's origin:;! New Yerk cast. Our readers arc familiar with the plot of the piece, an outline of which was given in our columns en the occasion of its production here by Ferd's juveniles earlier in the season ; and the humor which per vades it thoughent, combined with the pretty music, embracing charming love songs and ducts, admirably concerted quartets and choruses, and marches that make the feet of the audience patter in sympathy with these en the stage, fully accounts for the great success achieved by the work of the German composer. The fun runs fast and furious from the moment of the rising of the curtain in the spirited scene in which the young Russian cadets are seen engaged in their boyish snowball ing pranks until the last act, when, the cruel war ever, the choleric old gen eral bestows his blessing en the union of his niece and the wicked young man who has had se much fun at his expense in feminine masquerade. The cast, is a strong one, perhaps the most pronounced success being made by Miss Alice Hesmcr in the character of the Princess Lydia ; the lady's voice is a high soprano of geed compass and fine texture, and she acted her part with a vivacity and animation that admirably befitted the part ; her ap pearance in the first act in a very pretty costume trimmed with ermine was the sig nal for a burst of admiration aud ajiplause, that was redoubled at the conclusion of the "sleighing song,' which she ren dered with charming effect, while the en core of the trio in the third act by Lydia, Vladimir and the Special was a deserved tribute te one of the best thiugs of the even ing. Miss Jeannie Winsten, in tlfc dual role of Vladimir and Fatinitza, gave a most at tractive impersonation, and notwithstand ing she was clearly suffering from a cold, her singing was creditable, and improved noticeably toward the close of the per formance. Mr. William Hamilton, as Count Timofey, the gruff old Russian gen eral, carried off a large share of the honors, his splendid bass voice being heard te ad vantage, and his acting was a thoroughly geed piece of work. Mr. Morgan, as Julian Hardy, special correspondent of the New Yerk Herald, scored a hit, his sang freid and imperturbable geed nature in the most trying situations making him a prim favorite with the audience, lie acts better than he sings, although he ren dered his several numbers in creditable style, and the audience complimented him by calling for a a repetiteu of his song in the first act, which, however, he acknowl edged only by a bow. The remaining char acters were well sustained, and altogether the opera fully deserved the favor accorded it, although the audience was compelled te submit te the infliction of unreasonably long waits between the acts and the scenic effects were much inferior te these of the former production of the opera by Ferd's juvenile company. ICAIL1COAD AVKECK. Firemen Injured Trains Delayed. This morning about twenty minutes past seven o'clock a serious collision happened between two eastern bound trains en the Pennsylvania railroad, near Mill Creek. The rear end of the train drawn by engine Ne. 175 was run into by engine Ne. 120. Ten or a dozen freight cars were crushed and piled upon the railroad, blockading both tracks. Engine Ne. 120. a massive modec locomotive, was badly disabled and upset, and had net been removed from the track at neon te-day. Fireman II. White, in jumping from engine Ne. 120, fell upon the iron rails and was badly cut about the head and knees, but his wounds are net considered dangerous. He belongs te Philadelphia. Ne ether person was hurt, though freight aud travel were delayed for several hours. The north track was cleared at half-past 10 o'clock, but the south track will net, probably, be cleared before this evening. The wreck is the worst that has occurred near Lancaster for a long time past. The exact cause of it has net yet been fully ascertained. The morning was very foggy and near the place of the accident is a short curve in the read. It is suppascd the first train had stepped te take water, and by reason of the fog and the short curve the engi neer of the train that followed did net see his danger until it was tee late te avoid the collision. Benes Broken. Last evening Mrs. Lawrence Welbcrt, residing en West King street nearKeikcr's brewery, fell en the icy pavement and broke her wrist. As Israel Kautz, oyster dealer, was pass ing up West Kins street last evening, he met two dogs which were tied together. One of the animals went en either side ei7 him, and in se doing threw him heavily te the pavement, breaking a small bone in his left arm. Dr. M. L. Herr attended his injuries. Manheiin " Sentinel " Notes. At the annual meeting of the Mauheim national bank the following gentiemen were elected directors for the ensuing year : Jacob L. Stchmau, A Bates Grnbb, E. B. Bemberger, Samuel Wolf, Samuel Rice, Samuel G. Keller, A. G. Bewman, Henry Arndt and B. II. Hershey. A six-months-old child of Samuel Hoff Heff man, residing at the Junction, Pcnn town ship, was se severely scalded by upsetting a cup of coffee ever its neck and breast, that it died from the effects en Wednesday night. Oyster Supper. List evening Abraham Setley, propri etor of the Eagle hotel in New Helland, gave his annual supper which was largely attended. Quite a number of prominent politicians from this city were present. They were mostly of the Heg Ring faction and included three candidates for district attorney, namely: Themas J. Davis, Adam J. Ebcrly and J. W. Jehnsen. They returned te this city at an early hour this mernjng and all report a geed time. Leap Year Party. Last evening a very pleasant leap year party was given at the residence of Mrs. W. II. Eagle, in the town of Marietta, by several young ladies of that place. There were GO or 70 couples present, including persons from Lancaster, Columbia and ether places. The music was furnished by Tayler's orchestra, of this city, aud the affair reflected great credit upon the young ladies, who attended te all the management. TUfc 31AVOKAIATV. AShject or Impending Interest. New Era. The citizens of Lancaster will be called upon en the third Tuesday of February (the 17th) te cheese a mayor and ether city officers for the ensuing municipal year. There is no election which mere directly concerns the citizens of Lancaster than this, and there are none in which the aver age citizen usually takes a less active in terest in the essential preliminaries en which the result generally binges. Although we are within a week of the time when candidates willprebably be named for mayor and ether offices, the business men and taxpayers, who have the deepest stakes in a wise and economical administration of our municipal affairs, and who at the same time desire te see these affairs administer ed in a progressive spirit, in harmony with the growing importance of our city, have no idea of whom they will support for the nomination of mayor at the primarymeet ings. Thus far, as is tee often the case, this important duty has been left alto gether te a few men who make politics a trade and generally manage te set up nom inations in the interests of themselves, without caring much as te hew the solid material interests of the city are taken care of. One Who Takes Care or " the SellJ Material Interests or the City." Harrisburg Stents-Zeitunjr, German. We call the attention of our readers in Lancaster te the fact that court will sit there next Saturday, when all these who have net yet completed their citizenship and who desire te be naturalized in time te vote at the spring election wm take the necessary steps. Their witnesses should also be en hand at the same time. It is te be hoped that none will feiget that in Lancaster this February an election will be held, and we trust the present worthy mayor, Mr. MacGenigle, will be chosen a candidate for the office. Mr. MacGenigle has filled the place with such satisfaction that net the least fault can he found with his administration of it. Many Republicans themselves give him the credit of being an upright, faithful and intelli gent official, who has the best interest of the city nearer at heart than any ether consideration. If the people of Lancaster re-elect Mr. MacGenigle, which we sin cerely hope, it will be net only an honor te him but a credit te themselves. Our personal acquaintance with Mr. MacGenigle has taught us that he is a highly worthy and esteemed citizen ; a man who interferes in nothing that is net legitimately the subject of his concern. Fer such reasons he is commonly respected and esteemed. Te have such a man at the head of a municipality is an honor which cannot be overvalued. The Leus Walk. The five contestants in the 130-hour walk at Franku's garden are still en the track and display a great deal of muscle and nerve. Before supper yesterday Sheid made a seven-mile ran without stepping. During the evening he kept up a steady though net lapid walk, which he fol lowed with another run of a mile or twef' and then retired. The best walking done last evening was by McCaffrey and 31 array. Fer mile after mile they moved together at a square heel-and-tee gait. 31c Caffrey, who was in the lead, was fe-1-follewed by 3Iurray like a hound en the scent and he never let him get mere than a Caw yards te the front, no matter hew much steam he put en. I'ierce was as agile as ever and almost as geed humored but once he showed a little temper when he thought the scorer had credited 3lurray with" another mile"' before it had been completed. Harvey slouches along in a rather slovenly way, and one would think him pretty well played out if it was. net that every-new and then he astonishes the spectatersby a splendid run. At 10 o'clock last night the score steed as fellows : Pierce, 298 ; 3Iurray, 2'J3 ; Sheid, 287 ; McCaffrey, 271 ; Harvey, 237. Before midnight Murray, with 290 miles te his credit, retired finally from the track. In the early morning, Sheid, who was second, made a long run while his met formidable competitor was napping, and took the lead from him, and up te the present time holds it. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the score was as fellows : Sheid, 338 ; Pierce, 325 ; McCaffrey, 320 ; Harvey, 257. Real Instate Operations in Liilz. The Litiz Springs hotel, the prepeity of Jehn Butler, of New Yerk, was sold at private sale te Isaac G. Pfautz, residing 1 mile east of Litiz, far $13,000. S. A. Danucr, of Sinking "Springs, has leased Emanuel Kauffman's stone quarry, located near the Litiz railroad station, ler a period of ten years. 3Ir. Danner fur nishes stones for Columbia iron furnaces., and will shortly operate with twelve men-. The property of Edwin L. Kreiter, situ ated en Bread street, Litiz, was sold te II. B. Buch, of New Haven, for $2,000. Mr. Buch will remove thereto en or about April first. The property of 11. W. Stark, situated near the evangelical church, was sold at private sale te Benjamin Tshudy for $(J75. llecerd. Drunk and Disorderly. Alderman 3IcConemy has sent te jail Adam Perry for 30 days and Gee. Hepton for 15 davs, drunken and disorderly con duct. Perry is an old offender and for years past has been a source of great an noyance about the railroad depots. Seme years age lie lest one of his legs by having it crushed under the cars while stealing a ride. He recovered, but still persists in jumping en and off the cars while in mo tion. Before Alderman Ban-: CharlesNichells was committed for live days te the county prison for drunken and disorderly conduct. Constable Fisher, of Columbia, took te jail this afternoon five bummers, who, for drunken and disorderly conduct, had been committed for 30 days each by 'Squires Frank and Evans. Sudden Death. James Clark, who resided in the borough of Mount Jey, died rather sud denly en Tuesday night. He worked all lay and after supper he complained of feeling ill. In a short time he became unconscious, and although two physicians attended him, he died about ten o'clock. Heart disease is supposed te have been the cause of his death as he has been com plaining of it for years, and when he first felt ill he said he thought he was getting one of his old spells. He was about G5 years of age and leaves a wife and family. Revival. The revival, in which a great deal of in terest is manifested, continues in St. Paul's 31. E. church at present. There were quite a number at the altar for prayer last evening, two of whom profess ed religion. ) t-i f 'l21 . . fd&v-yVtZ&k-y -,jMAt-vi. - aJ .--- ...I,.!...