r-; ,j Jt,- ' 1 ' Lancaster intelligencer. THDESDAY EVENING, JAN. 15, 1880. Early Spring Vegetables. "We suppose that net CTen the most practical epicures enjoy their dainty dishes mere than the average human being does his' early vegetables; and considering hew comparatively easy it is te have some of these the wonder is that mere is net done te tret them. The reason, perhaps, is that few think of it till the springtime semes, when it is tee late te de much in the way of getting them, This is the time te begin te think of these things. Many vegetables start into growth with very little heat, and even the protection of a fence will often bring things forward some days before the; e which have ground and bleak winds te contend with. We knew a garden near this city which has but a low wall about four feet high around it ; but even this is a wonderful screen from cold winds. Up under the north wall of the little garden, in the full southern sun, is the rhubarb and the asparagus, and this advantage alone gives them near two weeks' start en their .neighbors with these two vegetables. It is net always convenient, or even desirable, tsiiiavn n. wall like this, but almost anyone can have a thick arbor-vitas hedge, which will answer nearly as well. Besides this, much can be done by hot bed frames, as they are generally called, although when no manure is used te make an artificial warmth they are by gardeners called cold frames. These placed ever crops -bring them forward considerably. Beds of asparagus can be made with an especial view te having them covered with sash in this manmcr, and when the spring comes both radishes and lettuce can be sewn en the earth under the glass, and will grew en and de well without much interference from the asparagus growing up between them. Se with strawberries. A few sash set ever the plants in a warm and dry situa tion brings them en wonderfully. Of course when one begins these practices borne judgment will be required in the management. As a general rule the sash should be let efT in het days, putting them nn enlv at nicrlits te keen off the white frosts and keep the ground warm. This warmth is also aided by putting en the sash early in the evening, se as te enclose a body of warm air before the sun entirely gees down. If the sash is kept en all the time the plants become weak for want of air during the growing day time, and arc then mere liable te injury by night. It is en these little matters that Jsemc judgment is required, but it seen comes as natural te one with a little experience as swimming does te a young duck. Just as in the case of a duck, tee, it is a sort of judgment which no newspaper nor any thing but natural tact can teach. Let all who have gardens leek around just new ami see when it can be done. They will find mere chances for these little family enjoyments than many of them ever dreamed of, and no doubt will thank us for the suggestion when they find hew their tlieughtfulncss new is rewarded by the fullness of early spring garden things. Germanleicn Telegraph. NERVE. It is a great thing te have what is called nerve, anY nothing contributes mere te the power of physical control thus named than Warner's Safe Nervine. It nKe relieves all kinds et pain, and cure headache and neu ralgia. j!5-2wd Father Is dotting Well. My daughters say, " Hew much hotter father Is since he used Hep Hitters." He is getting well after his long suffering from a disease de clared incurable, and we are se glad that he used your Bitters. A lady of Rochester, N. Y. jl.V2wd dry goods, Jtv. WE CANNOT ADVERTISE Reduction of Prices, As many kinds of goods are going up in price every week, but we held a large stock of desirable Dry Goods that are . selling at rates proportionate te cost some time age. In the matter of MUSLINS we secured and MUSLINS stored! away an immense MUSLINS quantity, se that our sales- MUSLIN'S rooms and reserve stock- MUSLINS rooms leek like wholesale MUSLINS stores. These standard MUSLINS goods are new retailing MUSLINS largely at less than future MUSLINS prices. MUSLINS We also bought freely et FLANNELS, And can show the geed results of our bargaining en iuquiry at the Flannel Counter. We are also selling CALICOES Cheaper than they can be bought at. The people will have te pay higher for many kinds of dry goods alter the pres ent stock are sold out. Jehn Wanamaker, GRAND DEP0T-13TH ST., VniLADELVDZIA. KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE. WARNER'S SAFE Kidney and Liver CUBE. The greatest of Modern Medical Disoeverlcs. A Vegetable Preparation and the ONLY SURE REMEDY in the world ler Bright's Disease, Diabetes and all Kidney, Liver and Urinary Diseases. There are a large number of testi monials of the highest character in support e 1 these statements. Prof. Green, a distinguished allopathic physician of the Seuth, in an article In the Medical Recerd, gives an account of the cure of two cases of Chronic Itright's Disease by this remedy, and advises all his brother physicians te use it in practice. It. Caulkins, M. D., of Kechester, N. Y., writes that he would iircscribe the remedy te all afflicted with serious Kidney and Liver Diseases. Rev. J. E. Rankin. D. D. of Washington, D. C. tells et permanent cures effected by it y it, and says : "I :at virtue." I). W. de net doubt that it has great virtue." Bartinc. M. 11.. 11. D.. of East Orange. N. J.. certifies that it cured him et chronic Itright's Disease in two weeks, ltcv. C. A. Harvey, D. D., Secretary of Heward University, certifies i "lam convinced that no remedy hcrctolere used or described can be held ter one moment in comparison with this." These are sample testimonials. Twe compounds ; Fer the cure et Diabetes call for Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure. Fer cure of Itright's and the ether diseases call for War ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Warner's Safe Bitters, Safe Tonic, Safe Pills and Safe Nervine are also sunerier remedies. unequalled in their respective fields of disease. warner sonic uemeuics are sela by drus gists and medicine dealers generally through' out me country, ecna ier pampnici anu testi monials. II. IL WARNER & CO., Rochester, N. T. 1 d2-TuTh4Sd&w GENTS' GOODS. HANDSOME PRESENTS. CLATJDENT SCARFS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, LADIES' "WORK BOXES, SILK SUSPENDERS, E..J. ERISMAKTS, 56 NOBTH O.UEKN STREET. AS. ROSENBACM A CO., . PACKERS OF LEAF TOBACCO, Ne. 2B Prince street, Lancaster, Pa. J. ROSENMYER, Jan7-3md Manager. clothing. H. GERHART, TAILOR, llavingjust returned lrem New Yerk with a large and CHOICE STOCK EiM ni Demestic Woolens FOR MEN'S WEAR, Would respectfully announce te Ins customers and the public that he will have his regular FALL OPENING ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th. LARGEST ASSORTMENT, LATEST STYLES AND PRICES AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THIS CITY AT H. GEEHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. riPECIAL NOTICE 66. 68. Mansman&Bre. GRAUD CLOSING SALE ! OF OVERCOATS AND HEAVY SUITINGS. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS te buyers el Clothing in order te make room for a large SPRING STOCK new being manu factured, and we arc needing room. W e offer veil-made anil Mylish Clethiiiu; for Men and Beys LOWER PRICES than ever heard or beierc, although Goods are going up every day. We will sell, for we must have the loom. Loek at Our Astonishingly List: Lew Price OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! for $2.90, ler$iS3, for $3.33, for $0.73. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! ler $7.75. for $9.73, for $10.75. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! for $1-2, $14, $1C and $20. These are heavv-lincd Overcoats, carefully made and splendidly trimmed. OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS ler $7.50, ler $8.30, for $9.50. for $12. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS .' for $13, for $13, for $20. These are Plaid-Rack Overcoats, equal te custom work. HEAVY, MEN'S SUITS ! for $3.30, $1.00, $5.00, $7.00, $9.00, $10.00. MEN'S SUITS FOR FINE DRESS ! for $12.00, $14.00, $15.00, $10.00, $18.00 and $20,00. BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS ! BOYS' SUITS from $2.23 te $10.00. BOYS' OVERCOATS VERY LOW. We sell only our own make and guarantee satisfaction. Meney returned en all goods net leund as represented. 43Plcase call, whether you wish te purchase or net. Is stocked with the latest stvles. which we make te measure at the lewc-it cash prices and4 guarantee a pcrieci lit. SUITS TO ORDER from $12 upwards. PANTS TO ORDER from $3.50 upwards. D. GANSMAN & BRO., MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, 6G & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., S. W. Cerner et Orange, Lancaster, I'a. iBausman's Cerner.) CHINA AND GLASSWARE. 1IIINA, GLASS, yCEENSWAKB. HOUSEKEEPERS, Loek te your interest. BUY YOUR QUEENSWARE at CHINA HALL. THE LARGEST STOCK IN LANCASTER Damaged Ware ! Damaged Ware ! Special attention given te HOUSESTIRES. HIGH & MARTIN'S, Ne. 8 East King Street. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW A. J. STEINMAN, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner Cen tre Square, Lancaster, Pa W. V. HENSEL, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner Ccn trc Square. Lancaster, Pa. CHAS. B. KLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Ne. 15 North Duke street, Lancaster, Pa. All kinds of Conveyances promptly drawn. niarlS-lyd&w HENRY A. RILEY, Attorney and Counscller-at-Law 21 Park .Rew, New Yerk. Collections made in all parts or the United Slates, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by permission te Steinman & Henael. HAPPY BELIEF Te all suffering from chronic diseases of all kinds. Confidential consultation invited per sonally or by mall. New method or treatment. New and reliable remedies. Boek and circu lars sent free in sealed envelopes. Address Heward Association, 419 N. Ninth street, Phil adelphia, Pa., an institution having a high reputation for honorable conduct and proles preles proles lenal skill. mar-lyd medical. OTAKTLING ASSERTIONS. DR. GREENE Is ready te cure all diseases by external applications of medicine. During 18 months practice in Reading, he has treated ever 1,600 patients, many et them from ether cities and towns in the United States, 70 of them from Lancaster; hundreds are cured, and no one has died under his charge, and only three persons liave died during that time who have lMjen treated by him, and they died away from Reading and under their physician's care. Over 1,150 deaths occurred in Reading during his sojourn there. Having taken up his residence in Lancaster, he will be in his offices all day. Call ami sec him air.: he will give you a list of cases cured of all diseases of the body. A. A. McIIese, of Reading, Nev. IS, 1879, says: Dr. Greene removed from my neck a tumor of the size or a hen's egg, in 15 days, without cut ting or causing me any pain or the less of a drop et bleed. His certificate is en dorsed by the autographs et Jesse G. Hawley, proprietor of the Eagle; T. C. Zimmerman, proprietor of The Times and Dispatch ; G. Vi . Grant, postmaster; II. A. Tyson, mayor, and ex-Mayer Evans, all of Reading. Consultation free. Catarrh cured for 50 cents. Cure quick ler Catarrh sent te any ad dress for 50 cents. 10 page pamphlet tree. Will seen commence a course et lectures en Physiology. DR. C. A. GREENE, (31 Years Experience), 13-CmdT 11.TI1&S Ne. 236 N. Queen St. HOP BIT ERS nep BIT ERS HOP BIT HOP HIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT KltS HOP HIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT II Tn ..n l.llttk 11lH iffn..lH- ItS blc care for HOP HIT ERS DRUNKENNESS, ERS HOP BIT ERS Intemperance and the useefOpi-HOP um. Tobacco. Narcotics and Stiniu- BIT lants, removing all taste,dcslreand ERS habit ei using any ei mem, renuer HOP ing the taste or .desire for any of HOP BIT them perfectly odious and disgust- BIT ERS ing. Giving everyone perfect and ERS irresistible control of the sobriety HOP of themselves or their triends. HOP BIT It prevents thatabselutephybical BIT ERS and moral prostration that fellows ERS the sudden breaking off from using HOP stimulants or narcotics. HOP BIT Package, prepaid, te cure 1 te 5 BIT ERS persons, $2. or at your druggist's, ERS $1.73 per bottle. Temperance socle secle HOP ties should recommend it. It is HOP BIT perfectly harmless and never-tail-BIT ERS ing. Hep Bitters Manfacturing Ce., ERS Rochester, N. Y., Sele Agents. HOP Hep Ceugb Cure destroys all HOP BIT pain, loosens the cough, quiets the BIT ERS nerves, produces rest, and never ERS fails te cure. HOP The Mop Pad for Stomach, Liver HOP BIT and Kidneys, is superior te all BIT ERS ethers. Cures by absorption. It is ERS periect ask druggists. HOP The Hei) Bittern Mfg. Ce., of Re- HOP BIT Chester, N. Y., only prepare these BIT ERS lemedles, also the Hep Bitters, ERS which ait; in no sense a beverage or HOP intoxicant, but the Purest and Rest HOP BIT Medicine ever made, making mere BIT EUS cures than all ether remedies. ERS FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. hop 6 nep BIT BIT ERS EUS HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT EUS K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W KIDHEY IUT ! K-W K-W K-W K-W PERMANENTLY CURES K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W KIDNEY DISEASES, K-W LIVER COMPLAINTS, K-W K-W K-W K-W CONSTIPATION K-W And PILES. K-W K-W rM ir rin..b- citii m., vt K-W says, "In cases of Kidney Troueles, k-W it lias acted like a charm. It has K-W cured many very bad cases of Piles, K-W and has never railed te act efflcient- K W lv." K-Vir Nelsen Fairchild, of St. Albans, K-W vt-, says, "It is ei priceless value. k-W After sixteen years or great suffer-K-W Ing from Piles and Costiveness it K-W completely cured me." K-w c- s- Hogaben, et Berkshire, says, k-W "One package has done wonders ter K-W ,llc n completely curing a severe k-W Liver and Kidney Complaint." K-W WONDERFUL W JUL I 1 KW POWER. K-W K-W K-W Because it acts en the Liver, the k-W Bowels and Kidneys at the same K-W time. K-W Because it cleanses the system of K-W tnc poisonous humors that develop K-W in Kidney and Urinary Discases.ltil-K-W ieusness, Jaundice, Constipation, jj-W Piles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia K-W and Female Disorders. K-W KIDNEY WORT is a dry vegc-K-W table compound and can be sent by K-W mail prepaid. K-W ne package will make six quart k-W of medicine. K-W Try it new. Buy it at the Drug- K.y gist's. Price $1.00. K"W WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., K' 1C1V Proprietors, K-W 3 Burlington, Vt. K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS LEDGERS, DAY BOOKS, CASH ROOKS, COPYING BOOKS, PASS ROOKS, MEMORANDUMS,! MANIFOLD LETTER WRITERS, FOOLSCAP PAPER, LEGAL CAP, LETTER AND NOTE PAPERS, BLANK DEEDS, WRITING FLUID AND INK, STEEL PENS, GOLD PENS, And a general assortment et Stationery, ter sale by JOM BAER'S SOIS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. VIET DRAWINGS. AUTHORIZED ItV THE COMMON WEALTH OF KY., and Fairest in the World. 16th Popular Monthly Drawing OF THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macaulcy's Theatre, in the City or Louis ville, en JANUARY 31st, 1880. These Drawings, authorized by act et the Legislature et 1869, and sustained by all the courts or Kentucky (all fraudulent advertise ments et ether lottery companies who claim the sole ownership or "all the grants in Ken tucky," te the contrary, notwithstanding), oc cur regularly en the last day of every month (Sundays excepted), and are supervised by prominent citizens of the State. Every ticket-holder can be his own supervisor, call out his number and see it placed in the wheel. The management call at tentien te the grand opportunity presented of obtaining, .for only $2, any et the following prizes : 1 prize $30,000 1 prize... 10,000 i pnze. ................................... e.iaju 10 prizes $l,000each 10,000 20 prizes 500 each 10,000 100 prizes, $100 each 10,000 200 prizes 50 each lo,eoo COO prizes 20 each 12,000 1000 prizes 10 each 10,000 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " " 1,800 9 prizes 100 each, " " 900 1,960 prizes $112,400 Whole lickcls,$2; hair tickets, $1; 27 tickets $50; 55 tickets, $100. All applications for club rates should be made te the home office. Remit by bank draft or express. Orders of $5 and upward, by express, can be sent at our exnense. Full list of drawing published in Louisville Courier-Journal and New Yerk Herald and mailed te aU ticket-holders. Fer tickets and information address T. J. COMMERFORD, Courier-Journal Building, Leuis vUle, Ky., or 163 Broadway, New Yerk. dl-TuT&S&w TOY LOCHER'S COUGH STRUP. USE LOCHER'S POWDERS. HORSE AND CATTLE DOMESTIC DRY GOODS! AN IMMENSE STOCK OFFERING AT LOWEST PRICES. Having purchased largely before tbc advance in prices in Cotten Goods, we are able te offer extra inducements in Sheeting, Shirting and Pillow Case Muslins, Tickings, Checks, Table Linens, Cotten Table Diapers, Crashes, Towels, Napkins, Comforts, Quilts, Counterpanes, Blankets, &c. We are prepared te offer EXTRA INDUCEMENTS in BRUSSELS AND INGRAIN CARPETS, having a large stock en hand before the advance. "We invite examination. GrrVLEK, BOWEBS & HTJEST, 2S EAST KING STREET. FOE RENT. A VERY DESIIZARLE THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, ONE ROOM BEING A STORE-ROOM, Het and Celd Water, Bath, Gas, Range. Alse, GOOD BRICK STABLE, Fer 4 Horses and Carriage Heuse, almost in rear of Dwelling, situate en the southeast coiner of North Mulberry and West Lemen street. Immediate posessien of house. Rent reasonable. Would sell or exchange for city property. Apply te BAUSMAN & BURNS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 10 WEST ORANGE STREET. CARPETS. 1 ItEAT BARGAINS. A Large Assortment of all kinds et CARPETS Arc still sold at lower rates than ever at the CARPET HALL, OF H. S. SHIRK, 202 WEST KING STREET. Call and examine our steckand satisfy your self that we can show the largest assortment of Brussels, Three piles and Ingrains at all prices at the lowest I'hiladelphia prices. Alse en hand a large and complete assortment et RAG CARPETS. Sati9raetien guaranteed both as te price and quality. Yeu are Invited tecall and see my geed'?. Se trouble in showing them, eyen iryeu de net want te purchase. Don't lerget this notice : Yeu can save money here iryeu want te buy. Particular attention given te custom work. Alse en hand a full assortment or Counter panes, Oil Cleths and Blankets or every va riety. my28-tld&w -VTKW STORE. Philip Schiim, Sen & Ce. UAVK OS UAND Nes. 38 & 40 WEST KING ST., (Formerly II. Z. Rhoads & Bre.'s,) a line selection et the Well-known, Gen nine LANCASTER QUILTS, Woolen and Hair Woolen COVERLETS. CARPETS, Carpet Chain, Yarns or all kinds, a complete line of Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Notions. &c. Scouring and Dyeing promptly attended te. In order te accommodate the public we have located our Ceal Office at the above place. PHILIP SCnUM, SON & CO., e31-3md&w 33 & 40 West Kins St.. Lancaster IVAHj EAEERS, &c. w E ARE PREPARED TO MAKE ALL KINDS OF WINDOW CORNICES In the best manner and Lew Prices. Gimp Bands, Curtain Leeps, Heeks, &c. FULL STOCK OF WALL PAPER, Seme very Choice New Patterns, WINDOW SHADES, FRINGES, FIXTURES, &c. Measures or Windows taken and shades put up promptly. Call and see. PHARES W. FRY, C3 North Queen Street. GROCERIES. TTTnOLESAXE AND RETAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUR Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. dl7-lyd G IVE IT A TRIAL. Fl Ten years nge Fahnestock's Farina Fleur had a sale or 10,000 fts. per week in Lancaster, and was considered. VERY SUPERIOR. Mr. Fahncsteck has net been milling rer ten years, but has again taken charge of his mill, and is making the Farina Fleur. Levers of Geed Fleur and buyers or New Precess and Western Fleur arc invited te give the Farina Fleur a trial. It is sold at a lower price than ether Fancy Brands or Fleur. SOLE AGENT FOR LANCASTER, D. S. BURSK, GROCER, 17 East King Street, Lancaster, Fa. ROBES, BLANKETS, JtC. QIGN OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES ! ROBES ! ! BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! ! I have new en hand the Largest, Best ahd Cheapest Assortment or Lined and Unlined BUFFALO ROBES in the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS or every descrip tion. AfuUlineef Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. S-Repalrlng neatly and promptly done.-S A. MILEY, 108 North Queen St., Lancaster. 025-lydMWaS43mw AE. McCANN, AUCTIONEER OF REAL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Ne. 35 Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 North Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills made eutand attended te without additional cost. e2T-ly BUY GOO&S. EOR RENT. DRT 1880. COTTOKS AND LIKENS ! COTTONS AND LINENS ! HAGER & BROTHER Arc offering at les-, than present value Large Lines or BLKACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED SHEETINGS. TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS, LINEN TOWELS AND TOWELIXUS, TURKEY RED DAMASKS. MA.R3A.ILLE3 AND OROOkST QTJILT3, BLA.NKET3, TICKINGS, CHECKS, PRINTS AND GINGHAMS, The above geed were purchased several months since in anticipation or an advance and will be sold while they hut at low prices. We invite the special attention of housekeepers ami ethers. -1880- FIRST IMPORTATION EMBEOIDEEIES. Just opened a Choice Assortment et Hamburg Edgings and Inserting at Popular Prcies. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. MUSLINS, MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, SHEETINGS, IATT, SHAH H i THOMPSON Own a Large Stock erthce Goods, bought previous te the late great advance in Cotten and Linens, which will be sold at Lewest Possible Prices. NEW YORK STORE, 20 & 22 EAST KING STREET. WALL 1SSO. SPRING WALL PAPERS & CARPETS FOR THE SPRING TRADE. We efler one or the Largest Stocks or WALL PAPERS ever shown In this city. Fine Gelds, Colored Bronzes, Plain Bronzes, Embossed Bronzes, Flats, Satins, Common Papers, with Dades, Borders, Friezes and Ceilings te match. Estimates made and work done by fl rat class workmen. Full lines or Oil Hollands, rer Window Shades. Shades hung at short notice. BRUSSELS AND INGRAIN CARPETS, IN LATEST STYLES. J. B. MAETIN" & CO., WEST KLNGAND PRINCE STREETS. MEDICAL, BROWNING'S C. & C. CORDIAL, Fer COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, TICKLING or DRYNESS of the THROAT, SORE THROAT, COLD in the HEAD, CROUP, INFLU ENZA, WHOOPING COUGH, COLD in the BOWELS, ASTHMATIC COUGHS, and RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVES. Dr. BROWNING is a regular chemist. His " C. & C." (Ceuirh am scientific research In chcraistrv and medicine, and its unparalleled efficacy. The expense in its manufacture Is at least live times a great as that or any ether medicine upon the market, ami yet it is sold at the exceedingly low price or 50c. JKg Sample bottles (for a short time only) 2flc. W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. DM Proprietor, 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. d-I-lydeew&w g FOR SALE BV BANKING. 2-f)rkri returns In 30 days en SlOO invest 3lUUed. Official reports free. Like profits weekly en Stock ;options or 910 te $30. Address T. POTTER WIGHT & CO., Rankers. 35 Wall Street, N. Y. e3MydAw -t TO Jienn AM. WISHING TO 1U yUU. make money in Wall st. euld deal with the undersigned. Write for explanatory circulars, sent free by hickling & co., Kxce?,ss?eBrpte New Yerk. lefo3mdeed GOODS. HAGER & BRO. OF- TABLE LINENS, TOWELS, ETC., ETC. PAPERS 1SSO. TRADE. :e:- r graduate ermedlcine, a skillful pharmacist, and a thorough nd Celd) Cordial Is net the result or mere chance, but of ion t; as Lsnlainlvsecn bv the nmi.Htvef in neiinn THE PROPRIETOR AND ALL DRUGGISTS. DRUG STORES. 1UIE KMPORIUM FOR . and New Styles or FINK, USEFUL HOLIDAY PRESENTS 13 AT THE CITY PHARMACY, S. E. Cor. N. Queen and Orange Streets. N. B. Please call and examine. TRAVELERS' GO IDE LANCASTER AND SIUXERSVU.LK K. 11 Cars ran as fellows : Leave Lancaster (P. R. Depot), at 7, 9, and 11:30 a.m., and 2, 4. 6 and 8JU p. m., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at ffM p. m Leave Millersville (lower end) at 5, 8, and 10 a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars rnn daily en above time except en Sen day. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY. NOV. 9th, 18?J, trains en the Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive and leave the Lancaster and Philadelphia depots as follews: Eastward. Arrive Phllad'a 3:00 a.m. 7:00 " 7:40 " 10:00 """ li0iV..M 3: te"" 5:00 -5:30 " 7r20 " 9:30 Atlantic Express, Philadelphia Express Fast Line. Yerk Accem. Arrives; Harrisburg Express, Dillervllle Accem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pacific Express, Sunday JIail Johnstown Express, Day Express, Harrisburg Accommedat'n Leave Phllad'a Arrive Lanc'ter Westward. Way Passenger, Niagara Express Hanover Accommodation,. JIail Train Ne.l.vla Mt.Jey, JIail Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia, Sunday Mail, Fast Line, Frederick Accommodation, Dillervllle Lecal.via Mt.Jey Harrisburg Accomtuedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Kxpress, Pittsburg Express, Cincinnati Express, Pacific Express, 12:30 a.m. 8:00 " S.UJ"" 8:00"" 11:50 " 5:00 a.v. 10:03 " 10:10 " 11:05 " 11:07 " 10:50 2:10 r.M 15 " 2:30 " 3:43 " 7r-T 7:25 8:30 11.30 " 2.40 a.M. 2:30 r.M. 4:00 " 5:00 " 6:25 " 9:10 " 11:55 " Pacifie Express, east, en Sundav, when Hag ged, will step at Mlddletewn. Ellrabethtewn Jit. Jey, LandisTillc, Bird-in-llatul, Leiiian Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Coate ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sundav, when flagged, will stonatDewuini:town.(:n:'itpsvillp I'.i'rLi.. . .". . . J-.-----, .-..... . UU11T, J1I. ', Elizabcthtewn and Middle-town. Le.ive Lanc'ter 12:23 a.V. 4:10 ' 5rJI ' 7:30 " 7:35 " 8:45 " 9:10 " lr20 " 1:2a l'.M. 3:05 " 5sW " Uri5 " jiunever Accommodation, west, connects nt Lancaster with Niagara Express, west, at lusw, a. x., and will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 r. m., and will run through te Frederick. COLUMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT IJ. K. Trains new run regnlai ly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en thu follewuiR time: Stations-Nertuwakd. Ea,,'- ''ji1"- PortDepesit G:30 2:13 Peachbottem. 7:07 3:1.1 File's Eddy. 7:20 4 oe JlcCall's Ferry 7:31 -1:17- Shenk's Ferry. 7:51 4:41 hare Harber. 7:57 4:l Columbia 8:30 5:35 Statiess Southward. Accem. Express. Columbia 11:00 6:20 bare Harber. 11. 5T, tj'j r.M. Shenk's Ferry. 12:03 6:54 JlcCall's Ferry 12:31 7:0-J Fite's Eddy 1-51 7:20 Peachbottem 1:11 7:32 Pei-t Deposit 2:15 8.D., EEADINO AND COLUMBIA RAILROAD. On and after SIONDAY. OCT. Btu, IS?, passenger trains will run en this read as foleows: Trails Gewq Seuth. Heading, , Reinholds Ephmta, Akren, JjlLlf , Jlaiihcim, , Lancaster Junction,.. LandLsvillc, Columbia, , Dillervllle, Lancaster, , King Street, , Harnish, West Willow, Kaumgardner, X I'll ULH Relton, , New Providence, llLwy a' Quarryvillc, r. m. r. m. 6:10 6:13 7:iG 7:15 7:25 7:38 7:43 7:50 8:2.) 8:1 8:10 8:20 8:34 8:42 8:47 8:55 9:01 9:12 9:19 9:25 Trains Geins North. Quurryville, m New Providence, Lvlll 4 Pequea, Baumgardner, West Willow 1 tarnish, King Street, Lancaster, Dillervllle, Columbia Landisville, Lancaster Junction,.. . Munheini, -JlLJf Akren, Ephrata, Rcinheldsville, Reading, A.sr. I A.M. 7:30 11:33 r.M. 8:01 12a! I 8:18 12:40 8:24 12:15 8:43 1:02 9:02 1:13 9:05 1:40 y-.iG i::x 9:45 1:55 9:27 2:02 9:33 2:05 9:45 .... 10:05 '.'.'.'. 10:09 .... 10:17 .... 10:23 .... 10:34 10:42 .... 10:50 a. m. v. it. r. M. 6:45 .... 2.35 6:52 .... 2.41 6:59 2:1 7:11 .... 2:59 7:18 .... 3:05 7:26 3:13 7:32 .... 3:18 7:41 3:26 7:55 3:40 8:05 1:00 3:50 8:08 1:03 31 8:00 1:00 3 A3 8:30 1:30 4.04 8:30 1:25 4:15 8:49 1:48 4:20 9:00 2:00 4:30 9:16 2:18 4:47 9r23 2:25 4:53 9:42 2:46 5:14 10:05 3:20 5:50 A.M. 7:50 7:58 8:13 8r27 H:.;" 8:13 8:19 9:00 9r 9:33 Trains connect at Reading with trains te ami from Philadelphia, Pottsville, Harrisburg. Al Al lentewn and New Yerk. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Baltimore. A. 31. WILSON, Supt. T OCAL MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS. RY RAILROAD. New Yerk tiiuoueii mail, 7:00 a m, T30 p m, 4:45 p m and 11:30 p m. Way Mail, east, 7 am. Gordekvillk, Dowuingtewn, Leaman l'lacw. Gap 6 p in. Philadelphia, through mail, 7 and 9 a in, 12:50, 4:45 and 11:30 p in. Pittsburgh and west, 1-J0 and 11:30 p m. Harrisbure Mail, 10 a in, 1:30, 5:15 ami 11:30 p in. Wat Mail, west, 10 a m. Baltimore ad Washington, via Philadel phia, 4:50 p m. Baltimore and Washington, via Yerk, 1:30 p m. Baltimore and Washington, via Harrisburg, 11:30 pm. Ceatksville, 4:45 p m. Columbia, 10 a m, 1:30 and 5:15 p m. Yerk and Yerk wav, 1:30 and 11:30 p in. jm erthern central, 10 a in, 130 and 11:30 p m. Rkadine. via Reading and Columbia R R, 7:30 u in uuu i-.w p Ul. Reading, via Harrisburg, 5:15 and 11:30 p in. 1? v . n, nr , u. . r vf. . ,.,. 1 1,1.. XI ....!.. .1... East Hempfleld and Ephrata, 3 p in. Quarrxville. Cainanre. Relton. New Provi dence, West Willow. Lime Valley and Jlurtin.s ville, 9:30 a in, and 7:30 pm. New Helland, Churchtown, Greenbank, Rlue Ball, Geedville, Beartown, by way el Downingtown, at 7 a m and 6 p m. Save IIarber, via Columbia. 10 a m. BY STAGE Millersville and Slackwater, te Safe Harber, daily, at 2:30 p in. Te Millersville, 8 and 11 a m, and 4 pm. lilnkley's Bridge, Lcaceck, Rareville, Ntw Helland, 2:30 pm. Willow Street, Smlthvllle, Buck, Chestnut Level, Green, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Greve. Reck Springs. Fairmount and Rowlandsville, Md, dally, at 7 a m. Landis Valley, Oregon, West Earl, Farmers vilie, Hinkletown, Terrc Hill, Martindale, daily, at 2:30 p m. Fertility, Lampeter and Wheatland Mills, te Strasburg, daily, at 4 pm. Greenland and Soudersburg, te Paradise daily, at 4 p in.. Netlsville, daily,a"t 4pm. New Danville, Conestejra, Marticville, Ccle manville, JIountNcbe.Rawlin.svillc, Bethesiia and LibertV Square, dallv. at 2:30 p in. WHEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY. .ARRIVING BY RAIL. Eastern mail, 7 a ru. 10:45 u in, 3 anil 6:30 p m. , Eastern way mail, 10:45 a m. Western mail, 7 and 10 a m, 2 and 6:30 p in. Reading, via Reading and Columbia, '30 p m. Western way mail, 8 a m. Reading way mail, 10-.30 a ni. ARRIVING BY STAGE.-Frem Safe Harboi Harbei and Millersville, at 9 a m, daily. r reiu iuuiersviiie, i ana v u in, anil 4 p ni. Frem New Helland, at 9-.30 a ni, daily. Frem Rowlandsville, Md. at 230 p m. Reatling way mail, at 10-J0 a in, daily. Frem Strasburg, ut 9-.30 a m, daily. Frem Paradise te Lancaster, 10 u in, daliy Frem Nensville at 1 p in, dally. Frem Rawlinsville. at 11 a m. DELIVERIES RY CARRIERS. There are four mail deliveries by letter car riers each day, and en their return trips thev takc up the muil matter deposited in the letter boxes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the office at 6:30 a m; second delivery at 10 a m-. third delivery at 11 a in ; fourth delivery at 3 p ni. SUNDAY POSTOFFICE HOURS. On Sunday the postefflce Is open from ApriL 1 te October 1. from 8 te 9 a m. ami from 6 te 7 p in : from October 1 teApril l,f rem 9 te 10 a in. and from 6 te 7 D in. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. CHICKERINGPIANOSF I would respectrully call the attention el' persons wnntlnga first-class Piane that 1 have been appointed sole agent for Lancaster coun ty, for Ghickering & Sen's Celebrated Pianos, or Bosten, Mess. Piane, can be seen at nnr Organ Manufacturing Warerooms, 320 North Queen street. ALEX. MnKTTiTJPS, dcc26-stdeawd&wtf L&neaater, P. 5:00 5:10 5:311 5:39 5:45 5:53 :02 6:15 erJS ;- ,f . - , -.i-.f-.