f?f Z 'v x , " -i -; -v1: ' ' -. LAN(iTJBR DAILY iyTEll,iGMckiHURSDAk JANllikYiS, l&Q. Z-K.2 MUNICIPAL MATTERS. Reading ud Lancaster. New Era. "We -wish exceedingly there was $34,723. 70 in our city treasury, as there is in theirs, and we wish quite as earnestly our own mayor could show a reduction of $17,450 In our city debt as Mayer Tyson does in that of Beading. All this has been done in the lace of a reduction in taxation amounting te $18,000. These are facts our councils will de well te ponder en. A reduced tax rate, a handsome reduction of the city dibt, besides $34,72:j.70 in the treasury, are matters which we hope they will take into earnest consideration. By the way, what has become of the project of the fund ing of our city debt at 5 per cent, as has been tugjjested a number of times? That it can be done there is no manner of doubt. The City finances. Mayer's Lust Mosaj. The opinion expressed in my last annual message, "that the amount te pay for the new pump contemplated, the necessary sum for deficiencies new existing, and the 200, 000 subject te redemption at the option of the city," could be obtained at live percent, has been partly realized ; the new leans re ferred te having been negotiated at an av erage of about two per cent, premium at five per cent. There is net the slightest doubt that the whole amount redeemable could have been refunded at the same rate were it net for the prevision of the act of May 8, 1870, P. L. page 128, which makes it necessary te provide for the payment of the principal en such refunded leans in twenty years, thereby imposing very heavy additional burdens upon our taxpayers, who are already everladen in this respect. Under these circumstances, and in censid eratien of the fact that the finance com mittee have thought it necessary te increase the tax rate for city purposes from sixty te seventy cents en the one hundred dollar valuation, I de net urge the refunding process at a diminution of one per cent, in the interest rate at this time. Te redeem a pre rata amount of $200,000, the tax rate would have te be in creahcd te nearly eighty cents en the one hundred dollars. This increase would be tee seriously oppressive in view of the de pressed condition of all of our business in terests. An ec inemical administration of the iliU'erciit departments of the city govern ment for this year, I believe, will enable us te return next year te a rate of sixty cents en the one hundred dollars; but the sys tem lately practised of charging the de ficiencies of one year against the receipts of the next must be abandoned, or, in ether weids, there must be no deficiencies allowed. Last year $0,000 of the deficiencies of the year before in the lighting eity department were made a charge against the re ceipts of 1878. This year there is an item .of $4,500 due for repairs of streets te June 3. 37D, incurred principally for work or dered te he done after the appropriation (or stmcjLs was known te be exhausted, and work tee which might very easily have been postponed without sirieus incenveni ence te our people. SHgbt Fire S.t the Peas Iren Works. .This afternoon between 1 and 2 o'clock a slight fire took place in the puddling mill of the Penn iron works. It appears that by some means a small quantity of water get into a mass of molten cinders that weie being taken jn an iron hand-wagon away from the furnaces. The water caused the molten cinders te explode and some of thciri were thrown up and set lire te the timbers supporting the slate reef of the building. The flames were extinguished by the employees of the works, who, with the company's hose, threw a plug stream of water en the flames before the arrival of the firemen. The less is very slight and the employees were all at work within a short time after the fire. rare Spices at Lecher's Drug Stere. Ceughs.1 Brown's Bronchial Trechet" arc used witn advantage te alleviate Cenens, Sere Tiieeat, Hearsktess, and Bronchial Xrrao Xrrae Xrrao tiews. Fer thirty years these Troches liave been in use, with annually increasing favor. They are net new and untried, but, having been tested bj' wide and constant use for near ly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the few staple rerac dies of the age. jKS-lwdTThS&w WATCHES, JJEITJELJjr, C. Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. ISrakeman Injured. This morning Geerge Millard, of M id id dlctewn, who is employed as a brakeman en engine Ne. e51 of the Pennsylvania railroad, had a portion of the flesh tern from his right arm by having it caught be tween the bumper of two cars, which he was coupling at Dillcrvillc. Xe bones were broken, and he was brought te this city where Dr. Atlee attended him and he left for his home en fast line this afternoon. Hall Te-night. The Bohemian el ub will give a ball in Roth Reth weilcr's hall this evening, which premises te be a large affair. The managers understand their duties thoroughly, anil thee who go will .spend a pleasant evening. A Mether's Grief. The pride of a mother, the life and jovefa home, are her children, hence her grief when sickness enters and takes them away. Take warning then, that you are running a terrible risk, if they have a Cough, Croup or whooping Cough, which lead te Consumption, if you de net attend te it atones. Shiinh' rmwnmn. tien Cure is guaranteed te cure them. Price 10 cents, 50 cents and . Fer lame Back, Side, or Chest, use Shiloh's Pereus Plaster. Price ri cenls- oeiu by D. Heitshu, Lancaster, and 31. 1.. Davis, Milfersville. The Best I Ever Knew Of. J. G. Starkey, a prominent and Influential Citizen of Iowa City, says: "I have had the Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint for several vears, und have used every Remedy I could Hear of, without any relief whatever, until I saw your Shiloh's Vitalizer advertised in our paper, and was persuaded te try it. Ium happy luaweuiM it was entirely curen me. it is cer tainly the best Remedy I ever knew of." Price ..cents. Sold by I), lleitshu, Lancaster, and 31. L. Davis, Millersville. Shiloh's Catarrh Kemedy. A marvelous Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria Canker Meuth, and Head Ache. With each bottle there is an infrnnimw nn.ni ini,.,.tr... i, the mere successful treatment of tne com plaint, without extra charge. Price 50 cents ..,. hy l- Heitshu, Lancaster. and 31. L. Davis. Millers viUc. s-y-eodD&eewW SOLID SILVERWARE, GORHAM PLATED WARE, And the Best Grades of American Electro-Plate en White Metal. FRENCH CLOCKS WITH SILVER BELL, FRENCH CLOCKS WITH CATHEDRAL BELL. Complete Mantel Sets of Centre and Side Pieces in Marble or Bronze. MUSICAL BOXES WITH HARP, MUSICAL BOXES WITH BELLS, DRUM AND CASTAGNETTE, Musical Bexes with Accompaniments and Mounted en Fine Library Writing Cabinet. A fine general assortment of Jewelry, comprising- all the Newest Designs. Designs and estimate of cost given for mounting Diamonds and ether Gems. Special care taken in the execution of Fine Monograms and Inscription Engraving. Alse, in complicated and ordinary watch and Jewelry repairing H. Z. BHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King- Street. THIRD EDI-TIOI. THURSDAY EVENING, JAN. 15, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington; Jan. 13. Fer the Middle Atlantic states and Xew England, falling uaiuiueier, seumcriy winds, warmer part. ly cloudy weather, followed by rising barometer, with westerly winds and cooler, cloudy weather and in the northern portion snow. CONGRESS. Geerge Aegut Sals ra Pl. . Baltimore Letter te the Londen Telegraph. "Candy" and "Caramels" are institu tions m this country. Candy tempers the bitterness of scandal and mniiiflea t.a .... acer bat ion of political controversy. It even counteracts, te some extent, the deleter vus luiiucnces et pie pronounced "pey" and clings with the shoulders Old Man of the is the transatlantic inimhne UZSVELLAXXO US. LSUMPTION.UGU STUUP CURES COX" A 31 USEHJiXTS. CABO. Amusement. " 77ie Octoroon." Ot Gottheld'.s company, which appears here en Saturday evening, the St. Leuis Republican says: "The 'Octoroon,' by the (lottheld combination is proving a strong attraction and it richly deserves its suc cess. Its presentation is complete in cist and scenery, stage pictures anil musical accesso ries. The Old Dominion colored vocalists are a strong teature of the entertainment." " Fatinilzn" Te-nigM.TUe production et Ven Supne's sparkling comic opera of "Fati- nitxa" at Fulton opera house te-night prom prem ises te be a most welcome break in thedullness that has prevailed in amusement circles here ler some time past, and 3Iuuager Mishlur will have the thanks et the community for aflbrd aflbrd ingse tinea treat us will be comprised in this entertainment. Malm's company, including the great original east under which the opera attained its widest popularity, and which will produce the work here in all its line musical, scenic and mechanical eHccts, is one of the best light opera companies traveling, and will open in a prolonged engagement at the Arch Street theatre, Philadelphia, next week. The music of '"Kutinitza" is charming and the lun continuous. We feel safe in predicting a first class entertainment. JtJCATJIS. Jes It pems. In this city, en Jan. 14, I860, Char i. Kengier, in theC8th year of his aire. His relatives and lriends are respectfully in vited te attend the funeral lrem his late "resi dence. Ne. 4S Seuth Prince street, en Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. til Albuieiit. In this city, en Jan. 15, 1880, Cyrus J. Albright, in the 37th year of his age. Ills relatives and friends are respectfully in vited te attend the funeral Hern the residence of his brother, Dr. F. G. Albright, Ne. 40 Last Chestnut street, en 3Ienday atternoen, at 'iy2 o'clock. ril5-''tdTlis pOLLENDER BILLIARD TABLES. The Only Tables te Play On, FULMEE'S, ltd CENTRE SQUARE. VTOTICE IS UKItEBI GIVEN THAT AN ll application will be made for a charter for a corporation te be known as the " Lancaster J.ignt and lleat Company." under the actor J!)tli of April, 1874, entitled " An act te provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations." The object of said corporation is te manufacture and supply light (ether than gas) and heat within the county of Lancaster 11. FRANK ESIILES1AN, jl'1-Stdeaw Solicitor for Applicant. r Seselu Reported Adversely S.int Fln?nce Cemmlttee-The Hard pert. ChamPlen SnbinlU a Minority Re- Washington, D, C, Jan. 13. In the Senate Mr. Allisen, from the finanen mm. j mittee, reported adversely ou the joint res- nnirinn . A .J.W. i . "muuilJur ue wiEiuirawal of the compul sory legal tenderpewer of the United States treasury notes. The committee made a verbal amendment te the resolution changing the words " United Stan trMJ ury notes" te " United States notes," and f it was ordered te be placed en the calendar Mr. Bayard, from the same committee. presented the minority views te the effect I feel especial pride in presenting the Oper atic Event of the Season, a performance that ? pertermances an entertainment I that treasury notes should be receivable that will alferd as much entire satisfaftim. , I e , . uu uttivauii, .a ft IUI.T I flllACi -rt l. !.- J7. j -.. UUk.e w llle uuueu etatcs except auties or imports, and shall net be ether- ...faai luuucr. i ue minority report saw Ai)vi:jiTisji3ij:sTs. JNSUKE VOUK PROPERTY IN THE ISK.VT C'03IPANIESat 1JAUS3IAN & JtURNS. St-ttcedi: Office : Ne. 10 West Orange St COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. The Lung Trump. The six-day's walk continues te attract the people te Franke's garden. Last night, the mayor, city treasurer and ether high officials formed part of the crowd, and their presence inspired the pedestrians te make unusual exertions, and some bril liant bursts of spued were made by all the men, Murray especially distinguishing himself, and taking a leading position. This morning there was a geed but net u full attendance. At 2 o'clock this afternoon the score was as fellows. Ztfurray, 2e."i ; Slicid, 24!); Tearce, 249; McCaffrey 2:51; Harvey, 213. All the men appeared te be in geed form, and Mc Caffrey, who is 24 miles behind the leader, made a "spurt" at clean hccl-aud-tee walking at 2 o'clock this afternoon that would have done credit te any profes sional. His wonderful speed showed that lie is net yet by any means "counted out." The leaders may yet have te leek te their laurels. Sixteenth Popular Drawing at Macauley'e Theatre, Louisville, Ky en Saturday, January 31. Always prompt and regular always " fair and square," and with constantly increasing sales, this popular Company will held its six teenth drawing ou 31st inst. $112,400 as usual will be distributed. Tickets, $2; halves, $1 Send by money or bank draft in letter, or by express: don't send by registered letter or postal order. Address R. 31. JIOARDMAN or T. J. C03I3IERFORD, Courier-Journal lluild ing, Louisville, Ky., or either person at IG3 Broadway, N. V. ltd New Advertisements. Grand Sheeting 3Iatch Fer Turkeys. Grand Billiard Exhibition. Public Side. Wanted. Wanted. E-Fer column. L.:tcASTi:i:. Dec 1 IST'l TXS,UKK YOUK PKOPEUTV IN RELIABLE JL COMPANIES at BENJ. F. SHBNK'S, i ,,., ... '"co : 10S West King Street. decl2-3mdR U1KE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. IIERR & STAUFFER UcO 1,,S- A8te" 3 X-I,Uk St' PUBLIC SALE OF HOUSEHOLD. AND .4- .J.utche Furniture, en Friday. Januarv in at l o'clock p. in., at Ne. 214 West Chestnut street, tables, chairs, Bureau, bedsteads. 3 stoves and pipe. Ne. 8 Fulton Range. S.dv feeder, carpet by the yard, glass and .piecus. vr!ircA&S; W 31. KEYSER. t. II. illiams, Auct. H,J TOBACCO PACKERS' SAMPLE TAGS rmsTED ex CHECK BOARD Contract and Receipt Beeks at the Lewest Prices, AT THE Intelligencer Office. Janl2-tfd did Rebion and Crane, 3lAHN'S ORIGINAL AND ONLY FATI NITZA OPERA COMPANY. Franz Suppe's Comic Opsra, in 3 act, "PATINITZA," THURSDAY, JANUARY 15th, 1880. The same cast that first produced it in New TerkandPhladelpnla: MissJeannie Winsten,- -''" "" "cuci, -Hiss .Auce iiesmer. Vincent Ilegan, W. A. 3Iergan, Russell Glever, F. Dixen, A. II. Bell, and Thirty ethers. The Largest and Most Expensive Company in America. Your Respectfully, JOHN D. MISHLER. Notwithstanding the great expense there will be no advance in prices. RESERVED SEATS 75 CU. GALLERY", SO Cts. Diagram at Yecker's OHIce. jnl0-:td OTICE OF INSURANCE ELECTION. ANNUAL JIEETING further details see advertising Washington Borough News. The river is falling and the ice has all &eiie. Hen. Newton Simmons, United States fish commissioner, paid us a visit en "Wednesday. lie arrived here en the 8:20 a. in. train north from Pert Deposit, Md. His object in visiting this place was te ascertain the names of parties who arc the owners of lisli batteries, the number of shad caught dining the last five years, te t5VC a statistical report for the United States government. lie speaks very i highly (.if the citizens who are engaged in "(the iislntig business and the amount of information, .derived from them. He is a very peasant .and agreeable young man. He has Jiceu traveling for two years ou the above mission and only lately returned from Texas. His present loca tion is at Havre de Grace, 3jd.; his home jit Washington, D. C. An Eariy Morning Runaway. This morning between 3 and 4 o'clock a lierse belonging te Henry Reland, colored, who resides at the Sumner house en Middle street, and which was attached te a night cart, while being driven round in the eastern section of this city, frightened and started te run. The stable where the horse is kept is situated en an alley running in from Church street. "When he arrived at the alley he had nethiug left of the wagon except the front axle and wheels. He turned into the alley, but ran past the stable and fell into an old wagon bed which was lying en the ground. Officer Deichlcr hearing the noise went into the alley, where he found the horse struggling in the old wagon bed. He held the animal down, te prevent him from injuring him self, until assistance arrived, when he was GrsT.w A. IIeilmann, esq., editor of Pitts burgh Daily Republican, suffered with Itheu Itheu matixmfer two years, and lay many a night un able te sleep en account of terrible pains. Twe bottles of st. Jacou's Oil cured him. Don't Rub Off the Enamel of the teeth with gritty preparations. The teeth are tee valuable te be trilled with. When gene, you must have talse ones or 'gtnu" yeurseit through lite. Use SOZODONT, which contains no grit. It cleanses the mouth and vitalizes the secretion. jld-lwdced Sl'EVIAZ. NOTICES. Fi-tt?' ' ' - : . Don't Ge te the Seashore. unless you are able; but if you need a tonic te overcome the depression caused by the sum mer heat use the celebrated Kidney-Wert. It has wonderful invigorating properties, but acts en natural principles as it is prepared without the use of liquors. jl2-lwd&w Answer Thin. Did you ever knew any person te be ill, without inaction of the Stomach, Liver or Kid neys, or did you ever knew nne who was well when either was obstructed or inactive ; and did you ever knew or hear of any case of the kind that Hep Bitters would net cure. Ask your neighbor this same question. rpOBACCO GROWERS NOTICE. A- . Ipniestly request these who have sold their Tobacco te me or my agents, that have net yet delivered, te keep their goods in their cellars ten days or two weeks yet. as I am crowded. JOHN S. ROHRER. janl4-4tdR GRAND SHOOTING MATCH FOR TWO LARGE TURKEYS, weighing 39 and SO luuiius (largest turkey llrst prize), at F. V eehrle's Gelden Hei-se Hetel. 144 East King street, Thursday. Fridav and Saturday. Janu ary 13, IS and 17, 18S0, Tickets 50 cents. Te be bad at the place et sheeting. ltd rjRAND BILLIAIUrEXUlBITIOjT BETWEEN JACOB SOHAPER, the Champien or the World and Champien ct Champions, and EUGENE CARTER, the Renowned Expert and Cushion Carem Champien, at the City Hetel Billiard Roem, en MONDAY, JANUARY ltli, 1880, Under the management of II. It. Power. Tick ets can be purchased at the Ollicc of the Citv Hetel, but a limited number will be sold se as te make it pleasant for all. ADMISSION, f.OCtB. Fer further particular sec pesters. jl3-3td The 18th annual meetingef the members will uc iicki ni i no emce et in Jvist King street, Li ,1... tll. .In. ." T . I liiu JULII nil, Ul ' A.l U Alil. JSfiU. HI i n'pnnL r in., at which meeting an election for three Db' Lancaster Heme Mutual Fire Insurance Ce. neetingef the members will ce et the Company, Ne. 137 aneaster, I'a., en FRIDAY. IUARY,18S0,at7 o'clock p! inr an election for thn in. rectors, te serve for the ensujng three years, will be held between the heus of 7 and M o'clock p. m., of said day. The Annual Repert et the Ollicers et the Cemnanv ami nlsn timt r the Auditing Committee, will be submitted ite said meeting, and such business transacted as may be presented or called ler. All persons in sured in said Company are members thcreef, and entitled te participate in the election and ether proceedings, ami arc respectfnlly invited te attend. By order of the Beard et Directors. JW-2W C. II, LEFEVRE. Sec'v. FULTON OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Saturday Evening, Jan. 17th, 1880. Engagement of the GOTTHOLD DRAMATIC COMBINATION And OLD DOMINION JUBILEE SINGERS. THE OCTOROON. J. N. GOTTHOLD, as Salem Scuddcr, L. It. STOCKWELL, as Old Pete. Supported by a Specially Selected Company Bcautitul and Pictiin-aminsWTii vr....c v-... and Original Music. The Famous Old Domin ion Jubilee Singers. ADMISSION, - - . 35. 80 A 75 Cta. Reserved seats for sale at the Opera Heuse Olhce. janl4-4td rOJt SALE OH KENT. 1OR SALE. An EIGHT geed ER, in apply at -HORSE PORTABLE BOIL condition. Fer particulars THIS OFFICE. was also placed en the calendar Mr. Jlenran nresentpd tin. nn,ia..fmi. .r I Luke Pryer, and he was sworn in as sena ter from Alabama. Mr. Merrill then called for the consider ation of his resolution, instructing the finance committee te inquire into the practicability of refunding the public debt at a less Kite of interest thau four Der cent. He addressed the Senate at great length. Upen the conclusion of Mr. Merrill's speech the bill for clearing Delaware breakwater harbor was passed, and at 2:15 the Senate adjourned until Monday. business in the Heuse. This morning the Heuse resumed consid eration of the bill requiring half of the re serves of national banks te be kept in geld and silver coin of the United States. "Mr. Pricb (Iowa) spoke in favor thereof. The bill went ever, with the expiration of the morning hour and the Heuse went into committee of the whole en the report of the committee en rules. The Refunding Scheme. The ways and means committee con sidered Mr. Weed's refunding bill tc-day, but no definite action taken. its deushtr leira. nvm of Columbia like an &V1 ilmwf mrfl.:.- that t fi.iu.i.1 iz 7zr: rrrrr '."""? . uu.u ,u una wenuenui country eears traces of improvement and reform-1 cvery thing except pie. The national man ners have become softened the men folks chew less, expectorate less, curse less - newspapers are net half se scurrilous as our own ; the ait idea is becoming rapidly" developed; culture is made mere and mere manifest, and the ena ahtntn topic of conversation is no longer the almighty dollar but te the tyranny of pie there is no surcease. It is a fetish. It is Behwani. Men may . .uuiucu may gu ; me urant Deem" may be succeeded by the Sherman boom;" but the pie gees en forever, i no tramp and the scalawag, in trousers of looped and windowed raggedness, hun ger for pie, and impetuously demand nickel cents wherewith te purchase it; and the president of the United statn e:j i. chastened splendor of the White Heuse . .ujujr uu mere iestive fare. They gave me pie at the Brevoort, and I am new fresh from the con sumption of pie at the Mount Vernen. oaiumere. two mere aristocratic hotels .no uei te ee teunil en this continent. I battled strongly against this dyspepsia dealing pastry at first ; but a mulatto waiter held me with his glittering eye and I yielded as though I had been a two- years' child. The worst of this dreadful pie apple or cranberry, pumpkin or squash" is that it is se nice. It is made delusively Hat and thin, se that you can cut it into convenient-sized trianmlar wedges, which slip down easily. Parden this disgressien ; but it really forms as im portant a factor in American civilization as the pet-au-fcu does in France. STORE ROOM Oueen street. 1st. Apply at dO-tfdl FOR RENT, NO. Possession given 114 N. January Ne. 112 North Queen Street. WASTEIi. "VirANTED. T , Everybody te advertise, free of charge, in the Ixtelligenceis, who wants something te de. " " Father am) mother being alllicted with asthma, two bottles of 'Sellers' Cough Syrup' has given them a new lease of live." Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. A Democrat Cured. A leading Democrat of Burlington, Mr. E. M. Sutten speaks in the highest terms of the cura tive power of the celebrated Kidney-Wert. It lirst cured him of a distressing Kidney disease, and he new uses it whenever he has any symp toms of biliousness or needs toning up. It acts clllciently en the bowels, and cures the worst cases et piles. jl2-lwd&w Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. "II r ANTED. 11 A geed girl te de general Country girl preferred. A ltd INTELLIGEX pply at the IENCER housework. he OFFICE, ITrANTED. U A; Yfllinf Tllfln IT'intu 1 a1fl,l41rin ac rnl.i man or clerk in a store. Address "O. P.I!" It" Intelligencer Olllce COURT PROCLAMATION. Wiieueas, The Honorable JOHN B. L1V- kr'TaVilv ,VviI,l!e,,t' UIU Honerablo DAVID V. PATTERSON, Associate Judge et the Court of Common lMeas,inandforthe county of Lancaster, and Assistant Justicranf tlmi-v..,,-.. or Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De livery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and ler the county of Lancaster, have Issued their precept, te me directed, reeuirintr mi.: among oilier things, te make public proclama tion throughout my bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer and a General Jail Deliv ery, also a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court Heuse, in the eity of Lancaster in ,1,(,'.V,V."nwnw.C!lltl1 of lV"nslvania, en the THIRD MONDAV IX JAN'UARV (19), 18S0. In pursuance of which precept public notice is hereby given te the Mayer and Aldermen et the city of Lancaster, in the said county, and all the Justices of the Peace, thn ('nrnm.; .....i Constables, of the said city and county of Lan caster, timt they be thou and there in their own proper persons, with their rolls, n-mmk i....t examinations, and Inquisitions, and their ether remembrances, te de these things which te their eilicesappertaln In theirbehafif tobedene ; and also all these who will prosecute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be in the jail et said county of Lancaster, are te be then and there te prosecute against them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster the 27th day of Decem- l.nr 1ST'. " ., .,.,. T?OR RENT, L Twe rooms. Ne. 43. North Ouecn street suitable for photograph gallery, new ece by J s. Saurman. Apply te dec2G-tfd T1IOS. BAUMOARDN upicd ARDNER. FOR RENT. Stere Roem. Ne. 1.1 Fast King street, new occupied by Augustus Rhoads. Iimuim ntll G. Lipp, Millersville Avenue or within; also, the upstairs rooms for rent. lfan5-M&Stld41tw 170R SALE. " 'S'N DRIVING MARE, 8 years old, sound, kind and gentle, drives single and dou ble, splendid roadster. Alse a new "White Cu,ul'c:1' buggy, built by Edgerlcy & Ce., ler exhibition at erk ceuniy fair, and has never aS.?.?,??.1' Il,fluireatNe.2U jsOUTII QUEEN MLhbl. janl2-3td dcc27-3tdTuUtwl JACOB S. STRINE, ShrifT. HA III DKESSIXU. 1JURE PROOF SAFE FOR SALE. A Fire Proof Safe fMnsl.'r I !mL-.... .. r Cincinnati make). 34 inches high, zy wide and H ,,,cPa weight 1,300 pound, with Sargent's .u"i ijjufc unu .uuy uomeinatlou L( SENATOR GARFIELD. His Reception Last Night and Hai.dsome Tribute te Senater Thurnian. Columbus, Ohie, Jan. 15. A reception was given te General Garfield, United States senator-elect, in tl, v.nitr.i ... night. General Garfield was introduced by Governer Fester, and after some hand. snaising, made a speech in which he re ferred te the gratification he felt at his election and this rccceptien. He then spoke of the memories that the Ohie capitol recalled te him in connection with scenes of the civil war. He paid a warm tribute te Senater Thurman, saying that the flowers that bloom ever the "arden wall of party politics arc the sweetest and most fragrant that bloom in the gardens of this world. New Versen or an Old Fable. Figare has a new version of the fable of the deg who saw his visage reflected in the brook, which is mere applicable te modern life than the eriginal: A deg carry ing a stolen beefsteak in bin mnnti. comes te a limpid stream which re flee'.s surrounding objects as clearly as a mirror. Perceiving the reflect image et himself, he thinks of seizing the piece of meat it holds, which he Kiinnose tni real, but concludes that it would be mere prudent first te devour his own piece. Ihen he leeks again in the stream. The reflected deg has nothing in his teeth, and expresses the satisfaction of a contented stomach. "Ha!" says the deg, "that lellew had the same idea that I had." And he runs away laughing. MAJCKETS. MAINE. sale chear janj cheap. i2-tfd Dav Combination r.nnir fm- Apply at the ' Intelligencer office. J?OR SALE. A twelve te lltteen and boiler. Alse a larsru a small lloeriuiraiul mate tending and power mertisim' iii.iphl.... Address PHILIP LEBZELTER, , .,, tusle 3Peke tul Uendjng Works, nevl0-tfd&y Lancaster. lJa. herse-newer encrlnn planer, almost new; liing machine, and a -T ANTED TO RENT. I T Reems suitable for a Photograph 'i-'j. in nea permanent tenant, the TIN TYPE GALLERY, nnrm-r and Chestnut street, Lancaster, Pa. ONE OR TWO Gal- Apply at ei uiiKe jl4-2td JEWELEUS. liberated without being huit. was badly wrecked. The wagon Silver Wedding. Last eveniug the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Gibbs, te the number of about fifty persons, called upon them at their residence, Ne. S43 North Mulberry street, te congratulate them upon the com pletion of twenty-five years of married life. The party was a very pleasant one and re mained assembled until after midnight, feasting, drinking, singing and otherwise enjoying themselves. Mr. Gibbs was mar ried te Miss Eliza Ann Bair, at Yerk Fur nace, en the 14th of January, 1853, Rct. Jehn McKinley, of Airville, being the officiating clergyman. Dauphin County Officials. This afternoon J. Brisbin Boyd, W: K. Cowden, Dr. Geerge W. Perter, Cel. W. W. Jennings and Jacob K. Eaby, prison inspectors of Dauphin county, accompanied by Dr. W. H. Eagle, physician, and H. B. Heffman, warden, arrived iu this city en the 1:23 train this afternoon. They took dinner at the Stevens house and visited the prison this afternoon. They contem plate making some changes in their prison and desire te make an examination of ours before doing se. An Important Personal Item. Charles S. Prentice, of Teledo, Ohie, went te Paris and thence te England te be treated for Bright's disease, and after the best physicians of both countries had done what they could for him, gave up in despair and returned te America te die. Here lie received further treatment from ether skillful physicians with out benefit, and while "listlessly lingering in pain and anguish," as lie says, heard of the Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, took It, and was completely cured in a few weeks. He gives circumstantial details of his painful experi ence and astonishing cure, in a long letter te II. II. Warner & Ce., which will be forwarded en application. jl.V2wd Sick headaches incessantly distract many. Let such use "Sellers' Liver Pills." 23 cents a box. Statistics prove that twenty- live per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sutrcrers ler their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance? B. F. BOWMAN, WHOLESALE watts and Clocks, Mrs. O. LTT.LER. LADIES' HAIRDRESSER, Manufacturer and Dealer in Hair Werk, Gents' nigs. Combings straightened and made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made up. Alse ivid Gloves and Feathers cleaned and dyed at Nes. 225 227 NORTH QUEEN ST., nl-2ui(! 4 uoera n oeve P. R. R, Depot. LAMPS, SV. T IGHT. FLIO & BREffEMAH" AM5 OKFKP.ISO 106 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. Use Lecher's Herse and Cattle Powders. Brown's Household Panacea Is the most effective Pain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally or applied externally, and thereby mere certainly RELIEVE PAIX, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength of any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache and ALL ACHES, and is the GREAT RELIEVER OF PAIN. "BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANA CEA " should be in every family. A tcaspoon tcaspeon tcaspoen tulof the Panacea in a tumbler of het water (sweetened, if preferred), taken at bedtime, will BREAK UP A COLD. 25 cents a bottle. Much Sickness, Undoubtedly with children, attributed toether causes, is occasioned by Worms. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS, or Werm Lozenges, although effectual in destroying worms, can de no pesible injury te the most delicate child This valuable combination lias been success fully used by physicians, and found te be ab solutely sure in eradicating worms. Twenty live cents a box. jamS-lyd&wTuTh&S Sensible Canadian. Mr. Gadbois, of Brockville, Canada, after be ing cured of a prostrating malarial disease con tracted in Texas, by means of Warner's Safe Pills and Safe Bitters, writes te us : "I shall never travel In that climate without your Safe Pills and Safe Bitters as part of my outfit." jl-2wd SPECIAL NOTICE HOUSEKEEPERS Whereto make their selections from an Entire New Stock of Goods. Tea and Table Spoons. Knives & Ferks. Casters & Butter Dishes. Where te buy Clocks, at A. RHOADS'S, JEWELER, 13 East King Street, Lnncaster, Pa. janl-lyd Where sterling te Buy Silver Where te Buy Ripple J Silver Where Plated te Buy Ware. GREAT BARGAINS t Ceal Oil Lamps, Chandeliers and Lanterns, These goods nre entirely new and handsomer than ever before offered and prices lower. FLINN & BRENEMAN 152 North Queen Street, IOB KENT. ..- TJe heu.se and let of ground, situated en Last King street, Ne. 122. Three large rooms en second story will be rented separate from the back building if desired, or the house will be rented as a whole. Rent of whole house, $300. Apply te d. Mcmullen, , , , Attorney at Law, 1 22 E. King Street. jan'J-2td The Ouestiens Submitted by the 15e-u Lcir isluture Fusionists Firm. Augusta, Me., Jan. 15. The Bally Standard, the Democratic organ, discus sing the expected oninien nF tlw. u preme court, declares that it has no concern about the questions or answers, and that the state authorities are indifferent te both. There will be retreat until they arc bombarded with something mere than paper bullets. In the Heuse te-day a committee re port giving the seat of Donnells, of "West Breeke. Republican, te Styles, Demo crat, was adopted. Styles qualified and took his seat. LEGAL NOTICES. INSTATE OF PHILIP FINGER, LATE OF J the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons indebted te said decedent arc requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the estate of said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in said CATHARINE FINGER, Atlee, Attorney. n22-6tdeaw Wk. Aue, LANCASTER, PA. EUmriTURE. INSURANCE. rilHE OLD GIRARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. $1,131,838. All invested in the best securities. Lesses promptly paid. Fer policies call en ItlFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. 10 East King SL. Lancaster, Pa. 8-MWASGmdB X OCHER'S COUGH SYRUP IS THE BEST. A SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL. Te examine my stock of Parler SuiU, Cham ber Suits, Patent Rockers, Easy Chairs, Ratan Rockers. Hat Racks. Marble Tep Tables, Ex tension Tables, Sideboards, Hair, Husk, Wire and Common Mattresses, Boek Cases, Ward robes, Escriteirs, Upholstered Cane and Weed Seat Chairs, Cupboards, SinkB, Deughtrays, Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, &c, always en hand, at prices that are acknowledged te be as cheap as the cheapest. UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. REPAIRING PROMPTLY AND NEATLY DONE. Picture Frames en hand and made te order erder Regilding done at Reasonable Rates at the New Picture Frame and Furniture Stere, 15J EAST KING STREET, (Over Bursk's Grocery and Sprechcr's Slate Stere.) WALTER A. HEINITSH, (Schlndler's Old Stand), INSTATE OF PETEU LONG, OF LANCAS J TER City, Penn'a, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Rev. Wil liam T. Gerhard, Executer of the last will anil testament of Peter Leng, deceased, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will B..0V. tlSkt PurPOse en SATURDAY, JANU ARY Jl, 1880. at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the city of Lun. caster, where all persons interested in wild dis- uiuuuuu way aiienu. janC-4tdl BENJ. F. DAVIS, Auditor. ESTATE OFCHAKLES E. MAILLY, LATE of Lancaster city, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of J. W. F. Swift, administrator of said estate, te and among these legally entited te the same, will sit for that purpose en WEDNESDAY, the 21st day of JANUARY, 1880, at 10 o'clock, a. m.. in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution may attend. . e. . W.U.HENSEL, dcc24-3tdeaw Auditor. ESTATE OF BARBARA ROSENFELD, late of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, ail persons indebted te said decedentare requested te make immediate settlement and these havingclaimserdemands uguiiisb me estate ei said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without JOHN B. LEBKICHER, Kxecntnr Attorney. dcc20-6tdeaw FEASTING AND FIGHTING. An Unexpected Tnrn In a Dinner Party The Guest Return Under Escort. Berlin, Jan. 15. A German newspaper publishes a sensational story of a recent quarrel between Russian aud German offi cers in Poland Officers of a Russian regi ment invited these of a Prussian regiment en the opposite side of the frontier te a dinnffr, and during a political discussion ine uermans were insulted by the Rus sians. Bloodshed was averted by the Rus sian colonel sending the German officers home under escort. New Yerk Market. ,iiHi ? nl? , M'ln-lJ--Fleur-State and Western !L"mn m "";" favor; snpertlne state 4 90. 40 ; extra de 3 as ; choice de oea BSn? ' ?J5 1?FV J P Ohie && WM comrnenTo' goeVSSo' whSG ?i LcJKiloite ? 038 50: choice wheat de t 507; Southern dull and scarcely se firm common te fair extra $G 00G 73; geed te cheice de $G 738 00. , iiUSnt Spltns 'lulet a,,rt nominal; winter Iclower;Ne. 1 WhiteFeb.$l 47J2'H3; Ne. 102X. Latter iirieem!irlv. " CernCash and Sanuary firm, ethers dull and a shade asier; Mixed Western spot 58 01c ; de luture58Glc. v w Oats dull ; state 4719c; Western 443 Wc. Philadelphia Market. FiiiLADKLrHiA, January 15. Fleur dull -JJfPerllne W 505 00; extra 3 50C0O:' Ohie and Indiana familv TiVrPenu'a family $C 73700 ; St. Leuis family $7 00.5)750 Minnesota amiiy ju 500700; patent and high grades $7 508 50. ' Rye flour unchanged. Cornmeal Brundywine unchanged. VL'SJ.J10.5 Se' - Western Red$l 41; Pa. red $1 4 1 ; Amber 1 44J. Cern dull; steamer 5sc; yellow 58c; mixed Oats quiet and dull ; Southern and Penn'a Rye firm ; Western OSc ; Pa. 98c. 1 revisions dull; miss perk 140OS!I450: heel hams $1GOOQ1G50; India mess beef $22 00; Bacen smoked shoulders 5Jc; salt de 4-V5e; 9i?c mS la1Ic' lMIed hania 9 Lard dull ; city kettle 8Jc ; loose butchers' iXc ; prime steam 8c. Butter quiet and geed demand ; creamery ex JT:&WV 1""erd county u k. T. extra 728c; Western reserve extra at 2!25e de geed te choice is23c : rolls Arm Penn'a extra 22Q24e; western reserve extra 2--824e Lgs steadier;; Choice Punn'a 18lUc; West- Cheese buoyant; N. Y. factory U14Kc; western lull cream 13i:c; de for geed 12 Uc ; de balf-skims none here. witrJCUm nelectel1 ? "ellucd 7Jic Stocks weak. PennaG's (third issue) Philadelphia & Erie Reading Pennsylvania , Lehigh Valley. , United Ces. of N. J..... Northern Pacific " Preferred.. Northern Central Lehigh Navigation .luiiiaiuwji. stock Markets. PllILADKLl-niA. .lull. I.V 12.-30 p. M. ALDEKMANIC ASPIRANTS. Philadelphia Republican Magisterial Neinl- im liens. Philadelphia, Jan. 15. The follow ing nominations were made by the police magisterial convention te-day: Jeseph S. Riley, Themas Randall, Geerge Krickbaum, B. O. Severn, Henry Everly, Jehn F. Pele, William H. List, Charles Brown, Henry Myers, Jehn Mc Mc Cliateck, R. R. Smith, Themas Seuth, Jeseph Allen, Ezra Lukens. Central Transportation Ce. ruts., xitusville Bulfale. 10G ..... eI'm . .... "IVf 52 58?.J 103 4K Mi. Little Sehuylklll 513i . . , Nuw leitu Jau. 15.. Stocks weak. Meney g N. Y. Central 154!' Erie uQ Adams Express kkh Michigan Central 00 Michigan Southern leij Illinois Central 10;; Cleveland A Pittsburgh.. ..110 Chicago Reck Island. 152K Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne.. 1142 Western Union Tel. Ce 102- Teledo & Wabash 43f New Jersey Central 83 delay, residing in Lancaster city. F. Swift. J. W. ELECTION. The Annual Election for Trustees of the Lancaster Cemetery, will be held en TUES DAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1880, between the heura of JO and U o'clock, a. m., at the Grape Hetel. 1T8MU. jlO-ltdS DANIEL HEI President, ESTATE OF MARY HULL, LATE OF Lancaster City, dee'd. Letters of admin istration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for ev.i.i.uicui w iiiu uuucrsigncu,rcsiuing in saiu JUHA HULL. Administrator. city. deo23-6tdeaw ESTATE OF JACOB STOTT, LATE OF of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate having been H ranted te the undersigned, all persons in ebted thereto are requested te make imme diate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing in West Chester, or te his at torney, J. W. F. Swift, Lancaster. Pa. WM. W. STOTT, decl-ltd5tw Administrator. ESTATE OF JOHN JOHNS, LATE OF Maner township, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the bands of Christian Jehns, administrator of the estate of Jehn Jehns, dee'd. te and among these legally en titled te the same, will sit ler that purpose en FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, A. D. 1880, at 2o'cleck J. m., in the Library Beem of the Court Heuse a the city of Lancaster, where all persons In terested in said distribution may attend, decawtw E.H.TUNDT, Auditor. LIVELY DAMAGES. Wnat a Little Cinder Kindled. Terente, Jan. 15. At the assizes court here last night the Canada Central railway was condemned te pay Peter McLaren, a lumber merchant, $100,000 damages for property destroyed by a lire, caused by a cinder from one of their locomotives. NOT GUILTY. End of an Alabama Murder Trial. Mobile, Ala., Jan. 15. The jury in the case of Daniel Crawford, who was tried for killing Costelle, a member of the Cleburne Guards, returned a verdict of net guilty. END OF A STRIKE. PRIMTGANDBlJSTDmG XT THE 10,000 Belgian Miners Back te Werk. Londen, Jan. 15. The strike of ten thousand coal miners at Meiis, Belgium, has terminated. Pasturing Wheat. Germantown Telegraph. A correspondent asks us if pasturing his wheat will damage the crop. That depends upon circumstances. If the growth in fall or early spring is tee rampant and likely te be troubled with the fly, it is better te be pastured by cattle, net sheep, while the ground is net solid enough te bear the weight of the animals without sinking in tee deeply. Sheep, if allowed much upon the wheat, cUp it tee closely ar.d may injure the crown of the plant. While we have never heard of any less being suffered by judicious pasturing, we nave no uouec mac as a rule it is bene ficial. The plants may tUler mere, and as suredly grew up thicker and stronger and stand the storms better. SAME PRICE. Having purchased the exclusive right of Lancaster city and county te manufacture and use Reynolds's Metallic Stationery and Boek Hinder, ?JK85.1&rDEVUJEGlvIsrc E3rTK at- J,. A,C?:10r we are new prepared te furnish Check Beeks. Letter heads. Nnt Utua stj,t... ments, Bill Heads, all sizes; Notes of all kind. Contract Beeks, Receipt Beeks, Order Beeks, and, in fact any kind et work in which binding is necessary printed en the very best paper at the lowest figure. This invention, for the use of which we have obtained the sole right in Lancaster city and county, enables us te bind the above named or any ether kind or blank and memoranda books at the cost of printing alone, and in a style that for ncataess and durability U net equalled by any ether device of a similar character. Dur ing the time that Reynolds's Metallic Station ery and Boek Binder has been before the pub lic it has acquired a high reputation among printers and ethers who have had occasion te make use of it. for the extreme simplicity of its construction and the ease and accuracy of its operation, while business men and ethers whose experience enables them te speak where of they knew pronounce its work te be super ior in the essential points of cheapness con venience and durability te that of the old pro cess, and we are willing te give enr patrons a guarantee of the perfectly satisfactory cliar cliar acterefits work. Specimens et Binding may be seen at the Ix telliqexczr efllce, and all persons desiring a neat and substantial piece of work in tills line are invited te call and Inspect the numerous advantages we have te offer, and which enable us te turn out Geed and Durable Werk at prices lower than any ether printing establish ment in the city. ltd .-: m il - r- - i a -VI v A t ' M -. l r vtl --l r'V