fip: -- -' '' ''jr:x-ABWillife r ... "hh - -- --! - . :'S Velnme XVI-Ne. 116. Priee Twe Gaits. 3 . LANCASTEK, PA. THURSDAY, JAISTJARY 15, 1880. TERMS. THE DAILYINTELLIGENOER, PUBLISHED BVEBY EVBBIHO, BY STEINMAN & HENSEL, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner or Centre Square. The Iailt Intelligencer is furnished te subscribers In the City of Lancaster and sur rounding towns, accessible by Railroad and Daily Stage Lines at Te Cents Per Week, payable te the Carriers, weekly. By Mail, $5 a year in advance ; otherwise, 9. Entered at the pest office at Lancaster, Pa., as second class mail matter. S-The STKAM JOB PRINTING DEPART DEPART MKSTef this establishment possesses unsur passed facilities for the execution of all kinds of Plain and r'ancv Printing. CLOTHING. NEW GOODS FOR FALL & WINTER. We are new prepared te show the public one of the largest stocks of COAL. B. It. MAItTIN, Wholesale un d Itctail Dealer in all kinds of LUMBER AXD COAL. S-Vard: Ne. 420 North Water anil Prince itreet, above Lemen, Lancaster. n3-lyd COAL! - - - COAL!! OO TO GORREOHT & CO., Yard 1 Iarrisbu rg Fer Geed and Cheap Ceal Pike. Office Jfi'A East Chestnut Street. P. W. GOBKECHT, Agt. J. B. KILEY. e'J-lyd W. A. KELLER. C0H0 & WILEY, . :S.'M XOllTll WATElt ST., Lancaster, i'a., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. AIhe, Contractors and Iluilders. Estimates made and contracts undertaken en all kinds of buildings. Branch Office: Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. febia-lyd READYMADE CLOTHING ever exhibited in the city el Lancaster. Geed Working Suits for men $G.O0. Geed Stvles Cassimere Suits for men $7.50. Our All Weel Men's Suits that we arc selling ter $9.00 are as iroed as veu can buv elsewhere for $12.00. Our stock of Overcoat are Immense. All grades and every variety of styles and colors, for men, boys and youths, all our own manufac ture. 1-nil line of Men's, Youths' and Beys' Suits. Full line of Men's, Youths' and Beys' Overcoats. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT ! We are prepared te show one et the best stocks of Piece Goods te select from and have made te order ever shown in the city. They arc all arranged en tables fitted up expressly se that every piece can be examined before making a selection. All our goods have been purchased before the rise in woolens. We are prepared te make up in geed stvlc and at short notice and at bottom prices. We wake te or- Lancaster intelligencer. THURSDAY EVENING, JAN, 15, 1880 The Exterior Planets. Mara Jupiter Saturn uranus Xeptune Asteroids. Lecture der an All Weel Suit for your goods at E12.00. By buyin COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! Ceal of the Best Quality put up expressly ler lamily use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. 3- YAKD ISO SOUTH TVATKK, ST. tic-JU-lyrt PHILIP SCIIUM, SOX & CO. J' UST K1XKI VKI A FINK LOT OF 1JALKI) TIMOTHY HAY, at M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, DKAI.K118 IN COAL. ! FLOUR ! ! GRAIN ! ! ! FAMILY COAL UXDER COVER. Minnesota PatentPrecessFamilv and Baker's Fleur. Ruled Hiiyuiid Feed of all kinds. WaiHieuse and Yard : 224 Xerth Water St s27-lyd CENTRE HALL you save one profit, as we manufacture all our own Clothing and give employment te about one hundred hands. Call and examine our stock and be convinced us te the truth et which weallinn. MYERS & RATHFOX, Centre Hall, Ne. 12 Fast King Street. 1880 1880 TOITCE TO THE l'UHLIC. X G. SENER & SONS. Will continue te sell only GEXUINE L TKEKS VALLEY and WILKESBA1UIE COALS which are the best in the market, and sell as LOW xis the LOWEST, and net only GUAR AXTEE FULL WEIGHT, butallew te WEIGH OX AXY scale in geed order. Alse Rough and Dressed Lumber, Sash' Deem, Blinds, Ve., at Lewest Market Prices. Ollice and yard northeast corner Prince and Walnut streets, Lancaster, Pa. janl-tfd HOOKS AND STATIONERY. II OLIDAY FANCY GOODS. HOLIDAY BOOKS. Autograph anil Photograph Albums, Writ ing Desks and Werk Bexes, Christmas and Xew Year Cards. PAPETERIES, L. M. FLYNN'S, Ne. 42 WEST KING STKEET. ROOTS AND SHOES. )ELIAULE BOOTS AND SHOES. We guarantee every pair we sell. We keep the most perfect fitting, best style and well wearing shoes, and sell them at the very LOWEST PRICES. Our stock was purchased last summer before the late advance in leather and material, and we eirer te give te our customers the advan tage of our successful speculation by selling our present stock at lower prices than we could te-day buy again. Wc also continue te make Custom Werk at short notice, stylish and durable, and at lower prices than any ether shoemaker here or elsewhere. 49-Mending done promptly and ncatly.5& Give us a call. A. ADLER, 43 WEST KING STREET. 01 JA1MY PRICE LIST. Great reduction in price te cle-e out a large invoice et PANTALOON STUFFS, Consisting of ever 500 PATTERNS. ENGLISH AND FRENCH NOVELTIES Reduced te $8.00 PER PAIR. Large Let et SCOTCH, ENGLISH AXD FIXE AMERI CAS CASSIMERES, Fer Genteel Wear, of the Latest and Best Styles, at $7.00. Demestic Goods of the leading Standard Brands, at $1 te $5 per pair. A Large Line of Imported Suitings at a Sacrifice Do De mestic Suitings at all prices. Persons in want of a Geed OVEECOAT Will de well te call and examine the stock. Plain as well as the most Ultra Styles at les than Cost Price. We want te elbse them te make room for our SPRING STOCK. Call early and secure bargains. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 North Queen Street. niar8-lydS&W at a mean This orbit, Kepler has CEITEE HALL, 2i CENTRE SQUAEE. Closing out our WINTER STOCK Greatly MH Prices TINWARE, &C- TEW r AKTNEBSHIP. Shertzer, Huniphreville & Kieffer, (the latter employed by Jacob Gable as practi al plumber ler a dozen years past), having teruied a ce-partlnership and purchased the entire stock, fixtures and geed will of JACOB GABLE in the GAS FITTING AXD PLUMBING BUSI NESS, would respcctfullv announce te a liitherte .generous public tlilit thev arc new prepared te attend, in addition te their IIOUSEFURNISIIING AND TINSMITII ING, GAS FITTING AND PLUMB ING IN EVERY FORM. Call and examine stock and ascertain prices before going elsewhere. Satisfaction guaran iced. ELI SHERTZER. THOS. HUMPHREVILLE, d20-lmd VM. A. KIEFFFR. navingseld the entire stock, fixtures and geed will of my Gas Fitting and Plumbing Es tablishment, at Ne. 30 East King street, te Messrs. Shertzer, Ilnmphreville & Kieffer (the latter of whom was my practical pi umber for a dozen years or mere), I take this opportunity vi reeuuiiueimiii); uieiu 10 uic liuuiic as de serving of patronage, and also of thanking the public for thelrgenereslty te me in the past as well as asking a continuance of the same for lucnewnrm. JACOB GABLE, s dec20-lydj In order te lnauc room for the Large Spring Stock, Which wc arc new manut.icturing. Overcoats, Suits and Suitings, Te be sold at the Lewest Prices. 0. B. Hestener & Seb, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, afi-lyd LANCASTER, PA. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. EDUCATION. THE ACADERUl CONNECTED WITH Fry ti-j--n and. Marshall college offers su perUr advantages te young men and boys who xlcsire either tenrepare for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send for circulars. Address REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, eUl-lyd Lancaster. Pa. X ANCASTEB BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STRFAT, Opposite ihk Locemotivf-"vorks. The subscriber continue te manufacture BOILERS AMW STEAM ENGINES, Fer canning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twicrs, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and IHacksmithing generally. W Jobbing promptly attended te. augis-lyd JOHN BEST. M ABCUS U. SEHNEK, HOUSE CARPENTER, Ne. 120 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paid te al Uratlen and repairs- 813-lyd MARBLE WORKS. WE P. PRAILEY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 7S8 Nertn yueen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES. GARDEN STATUAKY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, 4a All work guaranteed and satisfaction given In every particular. fvr7,lememuerwerk8atthe extreme end of North Queen street. m301 TOY LOCHEU'S COUGH SYRUP. Delivered by A. S. liershey, ee.. ISefere the Star Club. The exterior planets are se-called be cause they revolve above the sun in orbits exterior te that of the Earth. They are sometimes called superior planets for the same reason. At present the heavens present a fine opportunity for the study of these brilliant orbs. In the early part of the evening three most prominent of the superior planets may be seen following each ether through the heavens, with Ju piter in the lead, Saturn with his rings close upon him, while burning Mars brings up the rear. "What a grand opportunity for the astronomer ! If he tires of Jupiter and his moons, that are ever changing in position, with their transits across the disk of the planet and their constantly recurring eclipses, he can direct his instrument te Saturn with his rings and satellites, or view the landscapes of Mais. Slars. Mars was named after one of the ancient deities who was the god of war. Ne doubt the astronomer gave the planet this name from its ruddy appearance. The Jews gave it the name of " blazing " from its red color. Mars docs net always appear te us of the same size ; at conjunction it is much smaller than when in opposition ; this is owing te the difference in the plan et's distance from us. "When at the point nearest te us in its orbit its diameter is mere than seven times greater than when at its most distant point. It revolves around the sun distance of 140,000,000 miles. like these of all the planets, as demonstrated, is in the form of an ellipse. and in censeqquence thereof the planet is nearer the sun in some parts of its orbit than in ethers. The orbit of Mars is flat tened out considerably, and it has been estimated that its perihelion distance is twenty-six million miles nearer the sun than its aphelion distance. The Earth's orbit varies only three million miles, thus making the variation of the orbit of Mars about nine times as great as that of the Earth. Mars was the planet upon which Kepler decided te make his observations en the motion and orbits of the planets. Finally, after experimenting and watching the planet for seventeen long years, he an nounced his grand discovery, the three great laws of motion. Mars sweeps around the sun in its orbit with an average velocity of fifteen miles per second, which is three miles less per second than the rate at which wc, upon the Earth, are hurried through space. It makes a revolution en its axis in 24 hours and 40 minutes. This makes the Martial day but forty minutes longer than our own, and since its year contains CCS day?, this would be equal te G87 terrcstial days, or nearly two of our years. The diameter of Mars is about 5,000 miles and the circumference, as a matter of course, is 13,708 miles. The volume of Mars has been estimated te be one-fourth that of the Earth, aud its density only one-half; hence its mass or weight is only one-eighth as great as that of the Earth's, or 758 quintillions of tens. The light and heat of the Sun at this planet is less than one-fourth that which we enjoy, being twice our distance from the Sun. Its axis is inclined 28. 703 te the place of its orbit ; therefore seasons can net differ very much from ours, as the Earth's axis is inclined 23 degrees. Its days are nearly equal te ours, but there must be a greater change in the length of night and day in the different seasons of the year, owing te its greater angle of in clination. The seasons of Mars must be about twice as long as ours, because the year is equal te two terrcstial years, Shadows or dark bodies are efteen seen passing ever its surface. Iheseare sup posed te be clouds passing through the at mosphere. Until quite recently Mars was supposed te be without moons, but in August, 1877, Prof. Hall, of the naval observatory at Washington, discovered two satellites re volving around the planet ; the outer one, at a distance of about 12,000 miles, making its revolution in thirty hours and eighteen minutes, traveling almost as rapidly as the planet en its axis, se that when once in sight te an inhabitant en the planet it could be seen for a lenjr time before it sets. The ether is but 3, GOO miles from the sur face of the planet. This is only COO miles farther than the distance from New Yerk te San Francisce. There is one peculiarity about this satellite. As it passes round the planet, in 7 hours and 40 minutes, it will be seen that it travels faster than Mars rotates en its axis, and in it course overtakes an object en the planet, and since it travels iu the same direction, it passes by the object and sinks out of sight in the east, and rises in the west. This rapid motion of the moon causes also, te the inhabitant of Mars, an apparent motion of two moons in opposite directions. As we leek at Mars in the heavens he appears te us only as a red star ; but under the telescope he presents a novel appearance, and astronomers claim that they have discovered land and water, and also " ice-caps " at the poles, which are supposed, like our own polar regions, te be covered with perpetual snow. These spots grew larger and become smaller, de creasing with the return el" summer and increasing with the return of winter. Il lustrated by maps and diagrams. We all knew that there is three times as much water as land surface en our glebe ; en Mars this order is reversed and there is three times as much land as water. Prof. Procter says the elder a planet gets the less water will be visible, that tt Jfenly double the puaaca uikw mu uuuj ui lue uiaiiet ; illlJJ :as proof of this he cites Mercury and. H enus, which are supposed te have" very little water. Mars, like the-"iarth, is net a perfect sphere, butris' somewhat flattend at the peles,,"ciuscd no doubt by its rapid revolu tion en its axis, which tends te bulge it out along the line of the equator. It has slight phases which proves that the planet like the Earth is an opaque body, and shines with borrowed light. The gibbous phase of the planet and its appar ent retrograde motion wcie illustrated by diagrams. Jupiter. Passing outward from the Sun, the next planet in our course is Jupiter, named after the king of the gods. Jupiter is the largest planet of the solar system. lie can easily be distinguished from the ether planets and the fixed stars around, from his great brilliancy. This was one of the earliest discovered planets, and was cre dited by the anc:eats with extraordinary power and influence in mundane affairs. The average distance of Jupiter from the Sun is 475,000,000. The orbit of this planet has much less eccentricity than these of the planets nearer the Sun ; a wise prevision of nature, because if his orbit were less circular, the influence of the Sun would be insufficient te held him in it. If we leek at Jupiter we find that he changes his place but little with reference te the fixed stars. We observe that ether planets move ever the surface of the heavens, overtake Jupiter and pass him by, while he apparently moves slowly along. Yet he gees at the rate of 500 miles a minute or from Philadelphia te Pittsburgh and back again in less than a minute ; his year is equal te twelve of our years, and he passes tlneugh one sign of the zodiac each year. While he moves slowly iu his orbit en his axis he revolves very rapidly, com pleting a revolution in ten Hours, any object en the equator revolving with a velocity of 4G7 miles per minute against the Earth's seventeen miles per minute. This must produce a powerful centrifugal force, which must greatly diminish the weight of a body en the surface near the equator. The diameter of Jupiter is about 88,000 miles, or one-tenth of the Sun's diameter. Its volume is one thousand four hundred times as great as the Earth's, and much greater than all the ether planets put te gether. If it should take the place of the Moen in the heavens, it would appear te us one thousand two hundred times as large as our full moon, giving us light enough te dispense with gas during full moon. Its density is only one-fourth that of the Earth. The equatorial diameter exceeds its polar diameter by about 5,000 miles, which is equal te the diameter of Mars. This is caused by its rapid motion en its axis, which must have continued since the crea tien of the planet. As the inclination of the axis of Jupiter is slight, it fellows that days and nights aie almost equal length throughent the year five hours from sunrise te sunset. With se little inclination of the axis there can be little change of seasons there must be perpetual summer at the equator, con tinueus springs iu the temperate zones, and winter reigns supreme in the polar re gions. The heat aud light of Jupiter are only ene-twenty-seveuth of that which we re ceive ; se that unless taere is some ether means unknown te us, compensating for the less of heat and light, it would net be a very inviting place of residence for man. But if the Jovian citizen does net enjoy our bright and genial sunshine he can beast of a magnificent night. In five hours he can see all the constellations that pass ever our heads during the night, besides witnessing four moons with their divers phases in dif- lerent parts et the heavens. These moons were fiist discovered by Galilee in the year tutu tnreugn the telescope, although there arc instances en record where they have been seen with the naked eye. They re volve at the following distances from Ju piter : Ne. 1270,000 miles ; Ne. 2423, 000 miles ; Ne. 3 G78.000 miles, and Ne. 41,200,000 miles. The diameter of the smallest is 2,100 miles and of the largest 3,300 miles. Illustrated by a diagram showing the eclipses, occultatiens and tran sits of the moons. They must revolve with great rapidity te overcome the attrac tion of Jupiter upon them, otherwise they would be drawn in te the planet. The nearest moon gees through all its phases in one and three-fourth days, and the most distant in less than twenty days. If Jupi ter is inhabited, its citizens can witness during a Jovian year 4,300 lunar eclipses and about the same number of solar eclipses. Velocity or Light Discovered. There is a circumstance worth mention ing in connection with the moons of Jupi ter. It was observed that the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, which occurred while the Earth and planet were at their least distance from each ether, always came en sooner than the time predicted by the tables ; while en the contrary, these these wnicli took place when the planets were most remote from each ether occurred later than the computed time. Kejmer, a Danish astronomer, finally solved the problem ; he found that these irregulari ties arose from the fact that light traveled through space with a finite and measur able velocity. When Jupiter and the Earth are at their least distance from each ether, the stream of light flowing from the satellite of the planet fraverses a shorter space te reach the eye of the observer en the Earth by nearly 200,000, 000 of miles than when the planets are mere remote from each ether. In case this stream of light is in any way cut off, it will run out sooner in the first than in the second position, by the time required te pass ever the diameter of the Earth's orbit. The stream of light is actually shorter by 200,000,000 miles in the first than in the second position. New, the statellitcs of Jupiter receive their light from the Sun ; they reflect this light te the Earth, and when Jupiter is interposed between them and their source of light, they are eclipsed tncir light is cut oft. And when the stream of light starting from them, at the instant the supply is cut off, shall have run out, then and net till then does the satellite become invisible. By this means light was found te travel the entire diam eter of the earth's orbit or 190,000,000 miles in about 1G minutes, giving a veloc ity of 12,000,000 per minute. The telescope reveals te the observer a number of belts upon the surface of Jupi ter of different colors, constantly varying in size, but all seeming te take a parallel course across the equatorial regions. Di agram. The dark belts are supposed by some te be large masses of clouds, and the bright belts are mere fissures, laying bare the surface below ; and the parallel ap pearance of the belts is supposed te be caused by equatorial winds, similar te our trade winds. Seme two years age a large red spot was noticed en Jupiter, which has been gradually increasing in size. Position and size indicated in diagram. Saturn. Leaving Jupiter and centinuw our out ward course, wc next strilKe Saturn, the most distant worlck'Knewn te the ancients, aud in rcauy respects the most remarkable pkwilet of the solar system. It has net number of satellites of Jupiter, but has, in addition, a number of rings encircling it, some shining with a golden light and ethers transparent. This planet performs its revolution round the sun in 29 years, at a mean distance of 872,000.000 miles in an orbit considerably flattened. The diameter of Saturn is about G8,G30 miles, or about nine times that of the Earth, and it would require 750 glebes like the Earth te make a bulk equal te Saturn. It moves through space at the rate of 21, 000 miles per hour, and yet, as we leek at it night after night, we can scarcely detect any change of place. The Saturnian year comprises about 2,500 Saturnian days, and is equal te about thirty of our years. In 1793, Sir William Herschel saw a quintuple belt, and by frequent examina tion of this belt he found Saturn's rotation a little ever 10 hours, making Saturn's day about 10 hours. He also noticed that the polar regions changed their appearance as they were turned toward or from the Sun, which, as in 3Iars, might be owing te snow at the poles. Saturn has eight moons, all varying in size and distance from their primary, and their eclipses and occultatiens are somewhat similar te these of Jupiter. Galileerfirst noticed something peculiar in the shape of Saturn. Through his im perfect telescope, it seemed as though sev eral smaller planets had nestled close te each side of old Saturn, and he first thought Saturn was three-fold ; but as the planet approached the equinoxes, this strange appearance vanished altogether. This perplexed Galilee very much, and he died before the mystery was solved. The rings, seen again at a later period, appear ed as though they were handles attached te the planet, but for what purpose no one knew. This nppearance was due te a break in the luminous rings made by the projected shadow of the planet l lie plane of the rings is inclined twenty- eight degrees te the ecliptic. In its revo lution round the Sun, owing te this inclin ation, the ring is sometimes observed as a bread ellipse, at ether times as a straight line, barely discernablc with the most powerful telescope. The rings are three in number, about one mile in thickness, and of equal breadth surrounding the planet at the equator. The exterior ring is separated from the middle ring by a distinct break, while the interior is joined te the middle one. 1 fie exterior ring is of a grayish tint. the middle one is the most brilliant and mere luminous than Satuin himself. The ring is. dusky and has a purplish tint. The exterior and middle rings are both opaque and cast en the surface of the planet a distinct shadow, while the interior one is se transparent that it appears upon the glebe of Saturn as a dark band through which the surface is readily seen. Dia gram. Procter, in speaking of Saturn and his rings, said we had in them an illustration et the nebular hypothesis in miniature, and that probably these rings would at some future time change into globular form and add three mere te the number of satellites of this planet. Uranus. Saturn was for a long time supposed te be the most distant of the planets, and it was net until 1781, en the 13th day of March, that Sir William Herschel discov ered a new planet and named it after Ura nus, the most ancient of the gods. Uranus revolves around the sun at a mean distance of 1,734,000,000 miles. Its vear exceeds 84 of ours. Its diameter is about 33,000 miles, and is about Gl times as large as the Earih. This planet has four satellites, which differ in their motion from the ether mem bers of our system in this respect, that in stead of revolving around the planet from west te east, the order is reversed and they move irem east te icest. Anether peculiar ity about these moons is, that their orbits are inclined almost at right angles with that of the planet's orbit. Neptune. Wc new come te the last and most dis tant planet of the solar system. Neptune, the god of the sea. Astronomers in ob serving Uranus, noticed slight perturba tions, and came te the conclusion that there must be a planet in existence beyond Uranus that had some influence upon him. Mr. Adams, of England, and Leverrier, of France, calculated the position of the planet, which result was announced te the Academy of Science, at Paris, in the sum mer of 1846. Very little is known of this planet, but it has been ascertained that it revolves around the Sun in a period of 1G4 years at a .distance of about three billion miles. Its di ameter is given as 39,000 miles, its bulk 121 times that of the Earth. Ne spots can be detected en his disk, and therefore we knew nothing about his time of rota tion en the inclination of his axis. One satellite has been discovered, and like the moons of Uranus, it has a retrograde mo tion. The Asteroids. Planets have another division, besides that into interior and exterior, known as major aud miner planets, the latter being sometimes called Asteroids. Bede's law would make the distance of any planet from the Sun about double that of the next interior, and half that of the first ex terior one. But this law seems te fail, leaving a chasm between Mars and Jupi ter, which was therefore supposed for many years te contain a planet, and which finally proved te be occupied by a very large number of planetoids. Piazzi dis covered the small planet Ceres en Jan. 1, 1801, the first night of the present century. This discovery was seen followed by ethers, until the number is new about 200. Le verrier thinks it possible that there are ever 150,000 in all. These planets are all very small, Pallas being the largest, with a diameter of 600 miles, while some could be covered ever with a country village. They all revolve around the Sun in regular orbits comprising a zone of 100,000,000 miles in width. Their orbits are variously inclined te the ecliptic ; Massilius is inclined only 41 minutes while the inclination of Pallas is 340. The true theory of these bodies is un known, and a great many astronomers have speculated as te their origin. One theory is that at some remote period a planet circled around the Sun, and by some great force was rent asunder and its frag ments hurled into space. This may ac count for the great angle of inclination of Pallas te the ecliptic. The explosion may have forced it far out of the angle of in clination of the planet of which it formed a part. Anether theory is that of the nebular hypothesis, that nebulous matter revolved in the orbits of the miner planets for aes, and that it gradually formed itself into these small bodies, and that these bodies will eventually group them selves together and form a large planet like the ethers of the solar system. Conclnsien. Whether or net any of these planets are inhabited is a matter for speculation. This will for ever remain a mystery te us. But it is net very likely that the Earth alone, which forms be small a part of the snhuri-system, should be the abode of life. It has been well said, that it is altogether probable, that an all-wise Ged has created beings, and peopled every planet with in telligent creatures provided with organs suitable for the condition of each. Procter thinks that the elements and conditions of material and life are very much the same throughout the solar sys tem, that Mars perhaps would be the only planet upon which life such as we knew could he possible, and that the ether planets are gradually undergoing changes which will eventually fit them for the hab itation of man. CLOTHING. IT IS SAID THAT 500,000 PERSONS Witnessed the Grant Reception in Philadelphia. WE WOULD T.TK"F, ALL THE mar afd boys te call at oak iah Immediately and Equip Themselves for the COLD W A YES OF 1880. The Singularly Small Prices we started the Annual Winter Sales with have stirred all the stores te de their best. But. we eclipsed them all, and they knew it, and the People see it, tee. These are the Prices for Our Own Carefully Manufactured Goods, net bought in the JNew Yerk Wholesale Stores : A few left of the $30 Fine Overcoat, reduced te... iceyai iceversible I'luid BacVx, sold everywhere at $25 (Full Indigo Celers and Woven Hacks). Our l'rlce T.. sext enuic..... Kxtru isizes in IJlueaiid Brown Worumbe Beaver Overcoats Next Grade A Geed btreng Serviceable Cleth-Bound Overcoat KverydavJJ erkjns Overcoat The "Auburn " 1). l. Suit, for Business and Drcs fcxtra Quality "Sawyer" Suitings iiiuriueiui uiissinierc mihs Ijress Suits of Best Imported Cleths reduced te Men's Everyday Pants All-wool Business and Dress Pants Kxtra tine Dress Pantaloons, formerly $10, new. (.enuine Harris Cassimere Pants 1 he err l.;itst Stvliw in Pliiiir..n v iimn.ntu The Deuble-Shouldered Cape Keyul Keversible Back Overcoats 3.00 ,, ., . (?',,c Nlcest Little Beys' Overcoats Oak Hall ever produced.) Children's Suits as low as 3.50 iiigiicr unities mid .Mere Klaberately Trimmed Suits 5.00 A ureat Specialty In Beys' and Youths' Pants i50 $30.00 18.00 16.50 liOO 10.00 8.30 5.00 10.00 1-2.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 1.50 3.50 5.00 5.00 3.00 WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, S. E. CORiYER SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS, -PHILADELPHIA. THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN AMERICA. jan 1 tfd MILLINERY AND TRIMMINO GOODS. OPENING OF NEW GOODS -AT- QUNDAKBR'S ULLHERY &TBH1IM STORE. WIn4"v"lvtftsWtiul0ent0layKCWKeV0U,i3,n Bennet9 1Iutd- 'n. Plumes, Fancy cm w? wMpPcn te-day an elegant line et Black and Colored Silk Fringes, New Styles et SilkandJet Buttens, Ornaments, Striped Velvets, Satins, &c. 1 ,V.C. w11' Pn te-day new and beautiful lines of Ladies' and Children's Hese In Cashmere and Cotten, Merine ests for Ladies and Children In all sizes, Woolen Caps, Ac, geed ami cheaper than ever. sets every AVe will open te-day New Laces, ICuchings, Ties, Scarfs, Kit! and Lisle Thread Gloves, Cor 111 all the best makes and at lowest prices. Ask te see our Speen Bust Corset at 50 ct. We will open a lull line of Crape Veils, Crape Bennets and Hats. Crape by the yard, and rtning else that Is new, desirable and cheap in'Millinery anil Trimmings. Call and examine our stock at GMJsrrA.K:Eii's, 142 and 144 I0RTH QUEM STEEET. WATCHES, JEWELRY, JCe. EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, Lancaster. Pa., DEALEU IN AMERICAN & FOREIGN WATCHES, Sterling Silver and Silver-plated Ware, Ctt, Jewelry anil Mel Tlilei Spectacles. Wc offer our patrons the benefit of our long experience in business, by which we are able te aid them in making the best use of their money in any department of our business. manufacture a large part of the goods we sell, and buy only Irem First-Class Houses. article sold accompanied with a bill stating iU ff uality. 2,First-Class Watch and General Repairing given special attention. We Every ZAHM'S COENEHfc, LANCASTER; i'AT DRY GOODS. Te Tobacco Buyers ! CARRIAGES, PHAETONS. Jte. SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! We have new in stock a large let et Sleighs, consisting et PONY, PORTLAND AND ALBANYS. TWO FINE FOUR-PASSENGER SLEIGHS, By STREIT A LOCKWOOD. of 'Poughkeepsie, N. Y. One Fine Four-Passenger PORTLAND SLK1UH. TBIMMKD AND UNTIUMMKDj b PORTLAND CUTTERS. ALBANY CUTTERS, Finished in the highest style and sold at one-half the usual price. Alse, a line let of Buggtc and Carriages of our own make and celebrated city makers. One Fine Second-hand EXTENSION PHAETON, By Brewster, one by Gregg &Bowe, and a variety of ethers, second-hand. All te be sold at half their value. Opened this day ONE BALE OF GRAY BLANKETS AT A LOW PRICE. FAOESTOCK'S, Next Doer te tbe Cemrt Heuse. S. E. BAILY & Ce., ., 430 & 432 North (Juccn and 431 & 433 Market Streets, Lancaster,?. eclMyd WINES AND LIQUORS. S. CLAY MILLER p ESPECJTJj' U LLTT calls the attention of his friends as well as Ew the public in general te his Superior Stock of Old Whiskies; Gibsen's, Dougherty's, Gughenheimer, Hannlssville, Overhelt and Gaft's Pure Bye, from four te eight years old, which he has recently bought from first hands for Gash, and will sell from the original package at reasonable prices, at Ne. 33 Penn Square. fin v i:i -Li rvH vtl i I ".M . 31 . m -j