lfr?F m i wmi m imiim i i i i ! i i i ii i ifi-jw ri jt(Mj.-".4 j..'W.,a. fnri t -' . - - r.r .tfJ.' w-' r - ? kj-ir .":! (-u: ;..- - t .. " -. - i . v- -j - - . - -- ,. r '. r --v .' , LANCASTER DAILt USTELLIGENC JER. TUESDX V, JANUARY 13, 1880; V v J Lancaster intelligencer. TUESDAY EVENING, JAN. 13, 1880. Running the "Machine." The Examiner deludes itself.er at least seeks te delude some of its mere simple minded readers, with the idea that the Grant movement lias its inspiration with the people, and euly makes its way among the politicians of its party against their real wishes. It has net, however, the shamelessness te deny that Conkling and Cameren are avowedly for a third term, and in conceding even this much it gives away its whole case. Fer these two men are in supreme command of the political machinery of the greatest two states of thejjnien and their train bands in a national convention, joined with the scalawag delegations from the Seuth,who cannot command an electoral vote for Grant or any ether Republican nominee, can and likely will make Grant the can didate of his party. It may be that he will be named by acclamation, but if this should come te pass it will net le by rea son of popular enthusiasm for him, but because the Sherman and Blaine men, seeing his nomination a foregone conclu sion and themselves powerless te prevent it,will want te make the lest of the situa tion and te keep themselves in counte nance with the dominancy in their party. Cameren and Conkling being in such absolute control of the political machine in their respective states, the manner in which that machine is lxiing worked is the best indication of what the managers desire ; and by " machine " and "mana gers " we mean that element in politics which enforces the will of a clique, ol faction, or set-up of a few men, against the great drift of sentiment in their party. New, in both New Yerk and Pennsyl vania the Republicans are en record against a third term and the masses of the party continue in that feeling, but the linwer of this " machine," of these "managers," is being exercised te-day in its favor. Hew this power is and can be successfully exercised against the will of the masses of the party is aptly shown in this state and in this county. The state committee is hastily and al most secretly summoned te Philadelphia ; nearly half of its scats are Tilled by sub stitutes, most of them non-residents of the districts they pretend te represent ; the date of the convention is fixed at a most unseasonable and unprccedentedly early time ; by the same tactics it is ex pected te pack and control the local se lection of delegates te state and national conventions. In this county the rules of the party are being ignored, and though the state convention is only three weeks off, and the local party organ publishes the call for the state and national con ventions, no public move has yet been made by the county chairman te provide for the calling of a primary election or ether means te elect delegates. This apparent quietude is only super ficial, however, and as seen as everything has been duly " fixed " in this county, the committee, packed if necessary, wil1 be assembled and a delegation te carry nut. l)nn C:ininmn"s wishes will 1)0 sol emnly appointed in the name of the lie publican party of Lancaster county. In the accomplishment of this end net only will the rules of the party be violated, but every principle of equity will be ig nored. Fer, while the delegates te the state convention represent representative and senatorial districts, their selection will net be left te the committeemen of these several districts, but are te be chosen by the whole committee. If the committeemen of the " lower end "' were allowed as is obviously their right te select the delegates from the Thirteenth senatorial and the First and Second rep resentative districts of Lancaster county there would be at least three anti-Cameeon delegates te the Republican state convention from this county, and one te the national convention. If the anti-Cameren element has any spine here is the place te show it, by in sisting that the " Bull Ringers " from the northern district shall net interfere in cheesing the lower end delegates. If these obvious rights should be refused them they will have a geed case te take te Harrisburg and even te Chicago. Oun esteemed Rull Ring contemporary who thinks that interest in the third term movement is confined te the Sun, the Intelligence!, and the soreheads of its own ranks, may find in the views of Senater Sharen some reasons why ether people should participate in the ag itation. "When a man who holds his seat in the United States Senate by pur chase from a rotten pocket borough, in which he does net even live, talks about the wealth of the country demanding Grant and a strong government te " turn loose canister and grape " upon the peo ple, avows that capital bears the burdens of the people and should de the voting, and that the Republicans will net sur render control of affaire without " rivers of bloodshed," it is likely that concern ever the dangers threatened will spread .and become general. But. when it comes te talking about capital doing the voting, it is te be remembered that the trackman has as many votes as the railway presi dent, and the Democratic blacksmith, or honest laborer of any calling,has as much bleed te shed in maintaining a free re public as the Republican shoddy million aire has te spare for the establishment of his " strong government." According te the estimate of the Philadelphia Press, Judge Patterson? Legislator Demuth, Editor Iliestand, Revenue Office Clerk Eberman, District Attorney Eshleman and Chairman Brown are net among the " influential and thoughtful leaders of Republican thought, up here, whatever that means. They should subscribe for a mere appre ciative paper than the Press. It is mani festly a Heg Ring organ. Who is the "lone fisherman" that would bait with Wm. M. Evarts ? He must expect te angle in dark waters for blind catfish. Geist, Hiestand and Martin are the Washburne men. When shall we three meet again. . m m THEceuntry waits breathlessly te hear from Tem Davis, Bill Dean aad " the .best workers in the 8th ward." We cannot congratulate the Philadel phia Times en the success which has at tended its efforts te find out hew the po litical " organs " of Pennsylvania stand en the presidential question. With all of our esteemed contemporary's fine scorn for organs it would hardly claim that Republican "sentiment was averaged by the views of the Warren Jiej,ertcr and Farmer, the Milten Miltenian, the Mill Village Herald, or the Conneautville Courier ; nor that any large impression could le made en Democratic opinion by the views of the Millheim Jevmal, the Reading Pest, the Hamburg Sdmell Sdmell pesl, the Linesville Leader, or the Ash land Advocate. The Times' list is chielly remarkable for what it does net show. We wait te hear from McPhcrsen's young man. The dove that went out from the Press ark has get back te his cote. He says that the drift of Republican senti ment is for Blaine ; the " thoughtful and inlluential leaders of Republican thought" are against a third term and the national banks are divided. Lkaxkii political thrown out than that ideas an; lteing of .sending te the Heuse the Democrats likely te be seen lest te their party from the Senate. Messrs. Wallace, Whyte, Thurman and Kernan Would be of far mere use te the Democracy and the country en the lloer of the Heuse than in any private station they are likely te adorn. m Hew mildly Fshlcman puts it, and te think of Hay Brown possibly " joining hands with the anti-Cameren men!" And the Heg Ring and the Bull Ring shall lie down together and Dr. Compten shall lead them. "Xew, it se happens that the editor of the Xew Era, of all ether persons, finds himself te be in a position te knew mere about Ed. Martin's" preference for Washburnc " than any ether person," m m The Press man seems te think that Postmaster Marshall. McMellen, Ment zer and Sensenig are net te be consulted. He ought te come up te a primary elec tion. By the single rule of three it can be figured out, if "Grant would be tee heavy a lead te cany," what are J. W. Jehnsen's chances for a second term. " Don't you forget it" that, while Charley Eberman is emphatic, his chief, Tem Wiley reports no observation of the weather. Never? Maj. Rciwehl " precious seldom." ? Yeu mean Why was Judge Patterson taken and his "brother Jehn B." left? PERSONAL. Senater Dawes is ill, and seems te be overworked. Colonel Mesnv, who is United States consul at Heng Keng, will start for home this month. Bret IIarte arrived in Londen in deli cate health, and left en a visit te Xcwstead Abbey. Gen. Jacksen saved the bacon of his country when he went te Packcnham at Clialmcttc. JVi'M Orleans Picayune. Mr. Algernon Sartoris, son in-law of Grant, arrived from Europe yesterday in the steamship Britannic. Miss Garci:len, daughter of the ex-gev erner, is m wasiimgten, tne guest ei .Mrs. Congressman Frye, of Maine. Mrs. Mrit.v Clark Gaines has bough in Washington a building site en Massachu setts avenue, near the Themas statue. A number of Misseuriaus have organ ized themselves into a society, having for its object the erection of a monument in memory of Gen. Frank P. Blair. The new Senater, German, of Mary land, used te be president of the National base ball club of Washington, and is re nowned as a geed "catcher." The Duke of Marlborough has inti mated te Lord Bcacensficld his wish te retire from the lord lieutenancy of Ireland this year, whatever may be the result of the general election. Senater Conkling was net en speaking terms with the late Zachariah Chandler, but he will nevertheless deliver a eulogy en Senater Chandler en Thursday of this week. Tem Tayler is described as a kindly, domestic man, many of whose dearest friends are Americans who, he says, have an independence and freshness which he enjoys. He often talks of visiting this county. Mr. Spurgeon is still at Mentenc, and is very much better, the sunny weather taking, as he says, the rheumatism out of him. "Surely," he adds, "I have the best of people, te deal se lovingly with their peer cripple of a minister." Sir Julius Benedict's wedding attire consisted of a dark-blue frock-coat, a white waistcoat with white buttons, a sky-blue tic and pearl-gray inexpressibles. The bride is a very distinguished, attractive and clever looking young lady of twenty-two. Kearney says Mr. Parnell is an "intel ligent giant 'and a bold man," who must succeed. "I'm with him," he says, "heart and soul, body and bleed. If I were in Ireland, I'd believe in hacking the heads off these iron-hoofed masters that were shed in hell." Signora Bersa, a young lady of the Swiss Canten of Ticino, has just attained te the dignity of the degree of "Laurcata in belles lcttres," bestowed by the Univer sity of Pavia. The degree had the always highly prized appendix of "cum summa laudc." Her examination extended ever seven days, and must therefore, have been tolerably severe. Rev. Dr. Lcavitt, president of Lehigh university, Bethlehem Pa., has tendered his resignation, and a committee of the trustees, te whom was entrusted the selec tion of a successor, has tendered the presi dency te Hen. R. A. Lamberton, of Har risburg. It is said that Mr. Lamberton has net yet cxprsscd his action in tbc matter, but is holding it under considera tion. Mrs. Scott Siddons has thrown the modest members of the faculty of Asbury university, Greencastle, Ind., into a panic. She recently delivered readings in the town, and complimented her audience by appearing in a handsome party dress, which the college faculty denounced at prayers, while the students, of course, side with the mistress of, Mrs. Siddons's silky poodle. It was IIepwektu Diven who first be friended indeed "discovered" Gerald Massey, and the friendship which was thereby engendered between editor and poet led te the hitter's joining the Athc nwnn staff. With the first batch of books which he sent te Massey for review he also sent a letter of instructions, which he couched in these terms : "Be just ; he generous ; hut if you de meet with a deadly ass, sling him up !" The Duke of Argyll was once giving evidence before a committee of the Heuse of Commens en the temperance question. "But," said a member inquiringly, "one Bailie MacPhcrsen, apparently a person of authority, deposes that he never saw any one drunk in his district '.' " "Very like ly," replied his grace ; "Scetchmen will hardly allow a man te be drunk se long as he can lie still en the fleer." When the Marchioness of Leme came te Invcrary castle the Duke of Argyll made his tenants a great feast, and himself called en them te give "three cheers for the princess, my daughter." Gladstone has received from the em ployees of the Holyrood hat works a satin hat. When in Edinburgh, he was waited en by a deputation for the purpose of as certaining his size, and he stated that his head was of such a form that his Londen hatter had te work upon a special block. In acknowledging the receipt of the gift, Mr. Gladstone says : ' When I found it fit me se exceedingly well. I was sorry te think hew much trouble you must have had without the usual facilities in meeting the case of my head, in the peculiar form of which the most charitable among our opponents might perhaps find an apology for my political aberration." Mrs. Glad stone is " touched" by the fine linen re ceived from the Sceth female workers. MINOR TOPICS. The ladies of Illinois have scored a vie. tery for temperance by preventing the sale of liquor at the next state fair. Did you get your gas If se you will net cat cows get te grass. bill this menh ? butter until the " Red as a rose is she" is from Cole ridge's " Rime of the Ancient Mariner ;" se is the line, " A sadder and a wiser man." The world keeps en moving. Bewcn's Independent publishes some of Theodere Tilton's verses, and Bccchcr's Christian Union gives his last book a kindly review. Grace, Mercy and Peace ! Denis Kearney's national platform is summed up by the Xew Yerk Star in this wise : 1. Grccnbackcrs must step spouting. 2. The White Heuse must be captured. 3. All Republicans and Democrats must be " buried in the sub-cellar of hell." When, in sight of the audience and re porters, a man turns his glass down at a public banquet, tells the Methodist clergy men that the Methodist church was always en the right side during the war, that Sherman's burned chimneys may be seen along the railways he has just ridden upon, while his can't, the Detroit Free Press is sure that man is net thinking about the presidency of the Nicaragua ship canal. The erudite "M. W. II.," book reviewer of the Xew Yerk Sun, seems te think that Gladstone is "booming" in the estimation of Americans and se he recalls in detail Gladstone's pre-slavery, pre-confederacy and Tery public record, concluding that " the great Liberal orator's expulsion from office was owing rather te moral than te political causes. It was due te the fact that the dullest men in England had found out that Mr. Gladstone could conscien tiously de precisely what he liked." Thus does the Xew Yerk Ilcralil again puncture our swelling state pride : " Meantime it is net safe te depend tee much en the state conventions ; they de net always carry the vote of the state with them. In 185G, for instance, the Pennsyl vania delegation was for Judge McLean, who was net nominated. In 18C0 it was solid and instructed for Mr. Cameren, who was net nominated. In 1872 it was for Grant, but when election day came General Grant received several thousand votes less in Pennsylvania than General nartranft, the candidate for governor. In 187G the delegation was instructed for Hartranft, who was net nominated. In such delicate matters you cannot always tell. " A Temperance Alan's Wines. Many men have drawn an elephant in a lottery, but Dr. Benjamin Ward Richard son, the distinguished English teetotaler, has obtained his no less a bequest than Sir Walter Trevelyan's wine cellar by legacy. Seme of the bottles arc stamped 1752 and nearly all bear the dates of a hundred years back. The wines arc tee choice te be used en the table ; they can not be applied te scientific purposes ; the present owner is tee conscientious te drink them en the sly, and, some of his friends, without success, have attempted te come te his rescue, by volunteering te submit them te the test of their mature judgment. An enthusiastic temperance man wanted te carry the wine en a Thames steamer opposite the two houses of Parliament, and discharge the whole cargo, while the heuscr were sitting, into the Thames, bot tle by bottle, te the tuneful measure of a minute gun ; the doctor says that lie never before knew, as long as he has practised the healing art, te what a number of cura tive uses old pert can be applied in the treatment of disease. Meanwhile the wines have been removed from their orig inal vault te a similar one elsewhere, and the question new is : Hew can one total abstainer make use of wine which another total abstainer has left him, in trust, for the purpose of science. A Strike Ordered. Secretary Jenes of the Miners' union in Western Pennsylvania, is out in a card ad dressed as "Order 5" te the railroad miners, declaring that the convention held en Thursday last adopted the scale by a legal majority, and calling upon all the railroad miners te strike for the scale. This scale demands 4 cents per bushel for digging, an advance of three-quarters of a cent, ever the present wages. The railroad coal exchange at a recent meeting refused te allow the scale, se that a general strike of the railroad miners will be inaug urated. Stricken with Paralysis. Senater Lamar, of Mississippi, was stricken with paralysis at Jacksen, in that state, en Sunday night. The - attending physicians say his case is hopeful. THE REPUBLIC'S PERIL. WHOWAHT ATHISD TERM. Plain Talk Frem Senater Sharen " Crape and Canister" Hirer of Meed Shed. Xew Yerk Sun. Mr. Sharen is a bonanza king. He struck it rich in the Comstock lode, and made one of these fabulous fortunes that dazzle the owners and the world besides. He lives in San Francisce, where he owns the water monopoly, two grand hotels, Ralston's great palace of Belmont, and what else remains of that splendid estate. He is net a resident of Nevada, but he be came the purchaser from the Legislature of that state of a seat in the United States Senate, which he still owns, but seldom condescends te occupy. Of course he is for Grant and the third term; ajl such men are. But he expresses his views with a frankness which few of them will imi tate, and which certainly ought te startle the people of the country from their pleas ant dreams of security with regard te the safety of the republic Traveling in state through his barony of Nevada, he was encountered by a repre sentative of the Vinncmucca Silver Slate which he graciously permits te be printed in these parts, and being asked who would be the Republican candidate for president, he replied as fellows : "General Grant will be without doubt, if he will accept it. We need a stronger central government the wealth of the country demands it ; without capital and capitalists our government would net be worth a ng, the capital ei the country uc mands protection, Its rights arc as sacred as the rights of the paupers who arc con tinually prating about the encroachments of capital and against centralization. We have tried Grant and knew him te be the man above all ethers for the place. lie has nerve. As president he would be com mander in chief of the army and navy, and when the communistic tramps of the country raised mobs te tear up railroad tracks and te sack cities en the sham cry of 'bread or bleed, 'he would net hesitate te turu loose upon them canister and grape. The wealth of the country has te pay the burdens of government, and it should control it. The people are becom ing educated up te this theory, and the sooner this theory is recognized in the con stitution and laws the better it will be for the people." Here we have the piinciplc upon which the third term is te be secured and the empire erected, laid down in plain terms. The wealth of the country must control it te the exclusion of the people, and this preposition must be embodied in the con stitution and laws. When Mr. Sharen and his friends get the power, they will sub vert our present government by the people and substitute the " strong government" of the soldier, backed by a large standing army, and prepped up by a vulgar aristo cracy of money. The central government will be the fountain of honors, and all ether dignities will be purchased as easily for cash as Mr. Sharen pur chased his senatership. When the people become discentcd, the aris tocracy will, in Mr. Sharen's exulting language, "turn loose upon them grape and canister." Workmen will net dare te go out en a strike, for strikers will be taken as mobs, aud mobs as insurrections. There will be no waiting for the call of state authorities before sending in the federal army for the suppression of "do mestic insurrection." for it is one of the prime objects of the movement te wipe out "states' rights," with all their reserva tions of power. It was this same idea that Cel. Scott elaborated in a paper pub lished in the North American llcciein short ly after the railway riots of 1877. He wished the federal government te be armed with power te meet "disorders" whenever and wherever they might occur, without preliminaries of any sort en the part of the states, in which cases railway strikes might be met at once by the bayo nets of "a strong government," and the men driven back te their work en the tonus of their masters. Mr. Scott will no doubt be gratified te learn that Mr. Sharen net only agrees with him, but announces authoritatively that such is the purpose of the third-term conspiracy. Being reminded that the people might sec fit net te trust the Republican party with the administration for another term, but te replace the existing fraud with a Democratic president honestly elected, Mr. Sharen continued with equal candor : "Without bloodshed and rivers of it there will be no change of administration ; the moneyed interests of the country, for self-preservation, must sustain the Repub lican party. The railroads, the manufac turers, the heavy importers and all classes of business in which millions are invested, will maintain the supremacy of the Repub lican party. Democratic success would be bankruptcy te them. Te avert bloodshed, a strong central government should be es tablished as seen as possible." This is a fair notice that the political power wrested from the people by the fraud of 1870 is never te be peacefully re turned te them. The "moneyed interest" will stand with the political conspirators, powerful corporations, and corrupt rings, resisting change te the point of revolution and bloodshed. Mr. Sharen admits very freely that the present republic is net what they want, or intend te telerate hereafter, when he says " a strong central government should be established as seen as possible." Mr. Sharen said in 1870 that lie would willingly lay down a million of dollars out of his own purse te secure a third term of Grant. He and all his kind are even mere eager new. He is net only very rich and therefore very powerful, but he is a United States senator, and en very intimate terms with Grant and his managers. He knows what he is talking about, aud is net afraid of defeating his purpose by exposing it,be- cause he eeueves in tne omnipotence el money te accomplish any political scheme. If with all the grave warnings, past and present, sounding in their cars, the free men of this country suffer the third-term conspirators te seize the presidency, they will deserve the fate of which they are se minutely advised. Intelligencer, San and Soreheads. Examiner, Bull King Organ. We have net thought it up te this time of consequence enough te intrude the dis cussion of the questions involved in the movement te make Gen. Grant the Re publican cendidate for president en the readers of the Examiner and Express. Up te this time the people who have been most interested in the subject were Demo cratic organs like in the New Yerk Sun and Lancaster Intelligekcer, and here and there a Republican "8orehead"whe had net forgotten the raid outside of the party lines in 1872. STA'iJS ITEMS. The Norristewu Defender leeks very neat in a new suit of type. Judge McCandless, of Pittsburgh, who had been ailing for two months, is con valescent. The Pittsburgh police raided a cock pit and it cost twenty-one spectateis each $10 net te see the main finished. The Pittsburgh teachers' inssitute will be held next Friday evening and Saturday morning. Capt. Chas. L. Pierce, a brilliant but in temperate lawyer, of Erie, choked te death while ravenously eating meat. Fred. Krouse, of Glenden, Northamp ton county, threw his wife down stairs be cause she put Parisgrecn in his pie. Cel. Rebert P. Ncvin, of the Pittsburgh Lcaicr, is about te start a two cent morn ing Times. It will be stalwart and for Grant, of course. During the progress of a Catholic fair iu the Iren City en Saturday evening a gang of roughs turned off the gas and made a desderatc effort te rob the bazaar tables and coffers. Alice Beers, the beautiful daughter of a leading citizen of Bath, Northampton coun ty, fell dead en being told than her runaway marriage with a strange printer was illegal, he having a wife and two children in New Yerk. The Philadelphia grand jury lias indict ed "Bill McMuIlin" for sheeting Lyens, found true bills against the Trenwiths and against Jehn McManus for killing Ber nard Riley, and ignored the indictment against Themas Ryan for murder Mayer Steklcy proposes te dispose of the Philadelphia and Erie railroad stock held by the city, amounting te $2,500,000. A party of capitalists have offered $20 per share for the entire stock, but it is thought that the city is net authorized te take less than par for the stock. The Times continues this morning the publication of returns from the news papers of the state showing their choice for presidential candidates, giving the reports of sixty-eight Democratic papers. Tilden leads Uayard slightly in this list, while Hancock and Seymour stand exceed ingly well. The president of a Murphy meeting in Pittsburgh says he get the following en closing two $100 notes : " Mr. Jeseph Hunter : Please have this two hundred dollars used te maintain current expenses of the temperence work in your charge. Acknowledge in paper as from "An Anonymous Contributor. " January 9, 1S80." The fight between James I. Bennett, president, and Dr. David Hestettcr, director, of the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie railroad, resulted in a victory for Bennett, who, with all the old ameers, was re elected. Hestettcr charges that Bennett wanted te place the Lake Erie read under the Yanderbilts' control, and Bennett charged that Hostetter was working in the interest of the Pennsylvania railroad company. The differences were about healed up yesterday. LA.TEST NEWS Br MAIL. Jehn Atkins, section boss en the Wor cester railroad, was crushed te death while colliding cars at Quaponce, Mary laud. A tire at Salem Depot, N. 1L, burned Evans's patent cloth works, and Meade's building and the large storehouses adjoin ing. The Russian budget for the year 1880 shows an exact balance between the in conic and expenditure of the empire, each being eG0,000,000 reubles. The weather is colder in the West. Dur ing the last 21 hours the thermometer has fallen as fellows : Chicago, 27: Indianap olis, 23: Madisen, Wis., 41 ;St. Leuis, 2!P. Captain W. G. Wilkinson, leader of the baud at the National Soldiers' home, Day ton, Ohie, shot and killed his wife and then killed himself. Demestic trouble is supposed te have caused the tragedy. Christopher Rciuhardt, 24 years old, of Grcenpeint, jumped after the 6:15 beat at the Thirty-fourth street ferry, New Yerk, yesterday. The beat was about ten feet from the bridge and Rcinhardt fell against the stem and was killed. The Tebe & Cargcll woolen mills at Ash Ash crten, N. II., were burned yesterday. The buildings were owned by Colony & Dick Dick ineon. The less en stock is $12,000, and en the building $5,000. The insurance is unknown. In Atlanta, Ga., a German named Geerge Craiglcr, a butcher, while intoxicated, placed a pistol te his temple and pulling the trigger, blew out his brains in the presence of his wife and child. Ne ether cause is assigned for the act except his being crazed from drink. Pelice all ever the state are en the look out for a soiled dove, known as Amy Bur dctte, who has fallen heir te a $15,000 for tune in Albany. Her real name is Anna Cele, and a few years age she was a bright vivacious young girl in her teens, a resi dent of a small town just outside Albany. Secretary Evarts has informed the sec retary of the treasury that according te dispatches received from the United States minister at Lima, Peru, the newspapers of that place en the 17th ultimo contained telegrams showing that the pert of Tie (or Yie)was then blockaded by three Chil ian vessels. The Senate in executive session yester day confirmed the following nominations : Geerge B. Corkhill, te be United States attorney for the District of Columbia; United States Attorneys Charles S. Varien, for the district of Nevada ; Jehn K. Valentine, for the Eastern district of Pennsylvania. An unknown man, found in the Ohie river, near Davis Island dam, was appar ently twenty-three or twenty-four years of age, had black hair, mustache and im perial, five feet five inches in height, weighed about 160 pounds, and had "J. Mack " iu India ink en his right shoulder. He was dressed in duck coat, pants and vest, the goods having a red stripe in it. At Weir City, Kansas, Charles L. Wal lace, a lawyer, was waylaid, shot and mor tally wounded while passing along the street. Wallace refuses te give any ac count of the sheeting or any information regarding its cause. It is stated, how ever, that there is a lady in the case and the sheeting was the result et a cenllict for her hand. Advices have been received at the war department that the renegade Apache In dians recently followed across the border into Mexico by General Merrow have re turned. Mexican authorities have re quested that they be permitted te assist in the pursuit of these Indians en the American side. The secretary of war has granted the request. Dispatches from several points in the Seventh congressional district of Missouri say the election te cheese a congressman te fill the vacancy occasioned by the recent death of A. M. Lay, has resulted in the election of Jehn F. Phillips, Democrat, ever ex-Governer McClurg, Republican, and a Greenback candidate. Cel. Phillips lias represented the district before. Phil lips's majority will be from two te three thousand. m Maine. The Republican members of the Senate and Heuse last evening took possession of the state house, and organized a Legisla ture. After organizing, both houses adopted a resolution for the appointment of a committee te ask the opinion of the supreme court as te the legality of the organization. An Old Man Thrown Inte the Susquehanna". A man of advanced age was passing the "Red Bridge" of the Delaware and Hud Hud eon canal company's railroad, ever the Susquehanna river, when he was ap proached by a couple of young men who belong te geed families in Wilkesbarrc. The young men bantered the old man for some time, till they discovered two ether men appreachiug, when they left. The ethers, who appeared te have been tramps intercepted the old man, robbing him cf his watch anil chain, lie was knocked sense less and then lifted up and thrown ever the railing of the bridge. ThN is the story of the young men who saw the afi'n nt, but the officers find upon the body of deceased knife wounds, which warrant the suspi cion that he was first murdered and then precipitated te the river bed. An Ojster IVur. Governer I Ielliday yesterday sent te the Virginia Legislature petitions from the offi cials and people of Lancaster county, ask ing piotectieu from marauding oystermen, wlie have invaded the Rappahannock river in armed vessels, and driven citizens from the oyster beds. Twe citizens have been killed in fights with the invaders. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. LAFAYETTE. Ill', Life and Character ! Htcrcst l:i;j l.f cttire by Rev. Dr. tirecuwulu. Last evening Rev. Dr. Grccirnald de livered an entertaining and instructive lec ture in Trinity Lutheran church en ' Inci dents in the Life of Lafayette." Consid ering the stormy condition of the weather the audience was a large one. The exer cises were opened with a piano sole by Prof. Haas, and this was followed by a cavatiua from "Rebert Lc Diable" by Mi's 3Iaggie Potts, of Coatesville. Br. Grecn wakl commenced by remarking that very few names arc held in higher regard by Americans man mat ei Laiaycue. in his present lecture he proposed net te give a full biography of this illustreus man, but te select some of the most prominent inci dents of the many of which his life con sists, and present them for the instruction and entertainment of his hearers. He then related in detail Lafayette's determination te embark in the cauc of American liberty ; his arrival in this coun try ; his participation in the battle of Brandywine in Chester county. Pa. ; the skill with which he saved himself and army from capture at Barren Hill, near Philadelphia, and particularly his masterly manejuvres in Virginia with his small armys until he was strong enough te shut up Cornwallis in Yorktown, where he was compelled te surrender. The lecturer then followed Lafayette te another scene where his fine talents wre employed and his noble character dis played. He described with considerable minuteness the part which he took in the first revolution in France when the effei t was made te restrain the despotic power of the king by giving a constitution te France ; the destruction of the IJastile ; the appointment of Lafayette te the com mand of the National Guard; his success in rescuing the royal family from the mob at Versailles and the prominent part which he took at the Champ de 3Iars, when the king, the army and the nation took the oath te support the constitution decreed by the National Assembly. The efforts of the Jacobins te overthrew the constitution and destroy Lafayette for his defense of constitutional liberty, re sulting iu his final overthrew, were then detailed. His imprisonment at Olmuty ; his attempt te escape from prison ; his le anest ; the voluntary confinement in the prison with him of Madame de Lafayette and her two daughters ; and finally his lib eratien after five years imnrisenment of himself and twenty-two months' confine ment of his wife aud daughters, were re lated at length. The lecture closed with the following personal reminiscence of Lafayette's visit te this country : On the 4th of February, 1824, Congress, having learned that Gen. Lafayette had expressed the intention te revisit this coun try, resolved that a national vessel, with suitable accommodations, should be employed te bring him te the United States. The modest, unas suming patriot declined the honor of a na tional vessel and preferred passage in a private ship. He landed at New Yerk en the 10th day of August, 1824. His tour in the United States was a continued ovation from his landing in New Yerk te his re embarkation at Washington, September 7, 1825, en his return te his native land. When he was expected at Frederick, Mil., my native place, the whole population, far and wide, poured te town te greet the dis tinguished friend of his country. The number of volunteer military companies that assembled te pay their respects te the great soldier was greater than I ever saw together en any occasion. The artillery companies were stationed en Barrack Hill, at the south end of Market street, te fire a salute as Lafayette approached the town. They had sent a squad mere than two miles down the Baltimore read with a cannon te give the signal of three discharges, when Lafayette's carriage should be seen te turn into the Monocacy river bridge, from the opposite side. It was before the era of railroads, and he was compelled te travel from Baltimore, forty-five miles, in a carriage. It was thought he would ar rive at 2 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and the artillery companies were en Barrack Hill, and the squad near the Monocacy biidgc, punctually at the time, waiting for his coming. I was then a lad of thirteen years of age, and looked upon all this prep aration with curious and awed emotion. I steed en Barrack Hill, attracted by the movement of the artillerists. Heur after hour passed, aud the cavalcade from Balti more did net make its appearance. Anxiety and disappointment had begun te appear en the faces around me, when at 0 o'clock, a puff of smoke in the direction of the Monocacy bridge, followed by a boom of the cannon, arrested all eyes and cars. Anether aim another loiiewcu, ana we knew that Lafayette was less than three miles away. Then followed discharge after discharge from Barrack Hill, led off by Leng Tem, an immense cannon that, lay out doers in its deep trough, and the city poured its entire population into the streets te get a glimpse of the great man as he passed along the route laid down in the pregramme. In a very short time a long string of carriages, escorted by a troop of light horsemen, swept into the town and through the streets, wel comed by shout' after shout from the immense multitude of people all along the line, as the open barouche that contained Lafayette appeared. It was quite dark as Lafayette took the stand en a covered platform, illuminated with torches, that had been erected at the in tersection of Market and Church streets, and the immense line of military filed past. He steed with uncovered head, and bowed te the soldiers, as, with arms pre sented, they marched past him. I steed net twenty yards from him as the military were nearly an hour in passing. I had a geed opportunity te see him, and his tall form, long face, and high forehead, were dagucrreetyped en my memory, and they will never be forgotten. The lecture occupied about an hour and a-half in delivery and was listened te with the closest attention. It was written with the careful preparation which marks all Dr. Grecnwald's compositions and was de livered with a fervor that showed the ora tor was was deeply interested in his subject. Ilamane Fire Company Officer. At a meeting of this company I;u,t even ing the following officers were elected for the ensuing year': President Jehn Lerenz. Vice President Philip Wall. Treasurer Gee. M. Steiumau. Secretary Albert Sutcr. Ass't Secretary Christian K. Frailey. Chief Eugineer Orian Alenzo Ge iett- shall. Ass't Engineers Samuel Kissinger, Am brose Herkenreidcr. Chief Hese Director Peter Ritchey. Ass't Hese Directors Michael Maney. Harry Kulp, Jehn Bradel, Charles Simeii. Foreman Win. W. Simen. Ass't Foreman Jehn Pentz. Firemen Martin 3Ietzreth, Andrew Metzreth. Trustee Jehn Lerenz. Janitor David Hardy. After the election Gen. Steinman read a sketch of the company, of which he has been treasurer for 41 years. He insisted en being allowed te decline this last elec tion, but the "boys" would net hear te it at all. After the meeting the members were handsomely entertained by the offi cers elect. Delicate Siircicul Uueratiei). J. Q. Landram who had his skull frac tured by a kick from a vicious mare some ten days age, and who has been lying in a semi-comatose state ever since, was oper ated upon yesterday by Dr. S. T. Davis, assisted ey the Drs. Atlee and Vr. iseyd. The compressed portion of the skull was trepanned, and a portion of it, an inch and a-half or two inches in diameter, was removed. It was found that a pa it of the fractured bone had penetrated the dura-mater, or living membrane of tjte brain itself. The surgical operation was successfully performed, but Mr. Land ram's jnjuries aie of such a serious character that it is by no means certain that he will recover. He has the advantage of a powerful physical constitution iu his favor. ijkstkuctivi: viiti:. I'raine Ilmtse Uuriii'tS by a I.eeiimttit Spark. Yesterday about neon a house belonging te A. B. Witmer, situated at Witnier's Junction, en the Pennsylvania railroad, near Leanian Place, was set en lire by a spark from a locomotive, jis it is supposed, and was entirely consumed. It was occu pied by the families of two men named Melvany and Weeds, and they succeeded in saving almost all of their furniture and ether household goods. The building was a one-and-a-half-story frame stiuctuie. which at one time was used as a grain warehouse. It had steed in that place for upwards of thirty years, and although it had a shingle reef, was never before damaged by fire. An Old Journal. Mr. Lawrence Falck has laid upon our table a copy of the Bosten Gazette and County Journal for March 12, 1770, belong ing te Wm. II. Lauuing, which contains "the freshest advices foreign and domestic" of that date. Among its interesting items are the resolutions of the Roxbury free holders te sustain the hands of the mer chants in their non-impertatiou agreement, similar action by the people of Acton, a lengthy account, with lines of mourning, of collisions between the people and the troops and the demand of the citizens for their removal, together with ether inter esting matter relating te the exciting events of that pre-Itcvolutienary epoch. ISuiik Directors Klected. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Lancaster County national bank te-day the following directors for the ensuing year were elected : Christian I. llerr. David Ilubcr, Isaac C. Weidler, Israel L. Landis, David C. Kieady, Jehn I. Hait man, Henry B. Rcsh, David Graybill, Jacob Bachmau. Martin G. Landis, Jehn R. Bitner, Henry Shcnck, Jacob C Kready. The following are the directors elected by the First national bank : U. Datiin gardner. A. S. Bard, C. B. Grubb. M. II. Moere, I.. H. Moere, Peter S. Ruisr, Solo Selo Sole mon Sprecher, A. Herr- Smith, N. M Weeds. Celnmuia Neten. At a meeting of the beard of directors of the First national bank of Columbia a semi-annual dividend of ? per cent, was declared. The first raft of this year has passed down the river bound for Peach Bettem, Md., an occurrence that has net happened se early for many years. The rafting sea son generally begins about the last week in March. Four mere arc reported te be en tlifO way from Leck Haven te Marietta. Our Lecal Railroads. In the annual report of the management of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad company appears this cheerful item : "The working of the Reading and Columbia railroad company, including its leased line te Quarryville, shows an increase of $20, 522.11." The Hanover Junction and Susquehanna railroad will be sold at sheriff's sale in the court house en Saturday next at 2 o'clock. A Snow Storm. The drizzling rain of yesterday was fol lowed last night by a snow storm which, commencing before 10 o'clock, continued until daybreak, covering the ground te a depth of about four indies. The ground being entirely free from frost caused the snow te melt rapidly and prevented any general enjoyment of sleigh-riding. The warm sunshine new prevailing giTCs premise of an immense crop of slush and mud. Court. On Saturday morning court will meet at 10 o'clock, when the opinions will be de livered in the cases heard at the last argu ment court. On Monday morning the regular January quarter sessions court will begin, the trial list for which is already out. Following the quarter sessions there will be four weeks of common pleas and one week of adjourned quarter sessions court. Sale of Horses. B. F. Rewe, auctioneer, sold yesterday afternoon at the Franklin beuse, for Jacob Sener, fifteen head of Western horses, averaging $143 apiece. Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers, sold at public sale yesterday at the 3rerrimac house, for Daniel Legan, 10 head of horses at an average of $134 per head. Fatally Injured by Fall. While walking along the Colebrookdale branch of the Reading railroad, Geerge Fecht, of Earl township, Berks county, fell through the trestle work, a distance of thirty feet, and received fatal injuries. He was 44 years old and unmairicd. A. ,-. 4-. .1 . nt. -rxu'i, ',' Zyt r 1 ?wy.7-'