. ' " .. ' ' ' " the ..meutain KALMIA." Capture W Kpe. raUread is en fire and cannot be saved. Ne gSSSFSSSSlS amusemexts. f mTTTT) T Tfl'nT'PTfltf majcketS. , g , . , ., On Fiiday evening last two men took further particulars are given, but from the plaint, without extra charge. Price 50 cents. T7ULTON OPERA HOUSE. I J-jj.axj u-uaaj-w11i Philadelphia Market! " " f S-Sta!H wncjiltr te Krcita's store, East Lam- description bo,e si, it is beliercd that &ttriBb'ttSSSliS'fc,,S?- TdsnAT jASOAIff 13 1880 .JrS"JSSf5ISS1'X',S21 ""5S ' Xb "tretieni. , t jw-.- ..tiwa.n SrSv, MOHBAv events, JAM. ,3, M80. SSffASSjrSS- '1 Nevertheless, "from the lord of the for- The tstey organ te lie giv en awa b I ret. iLlrd Keiner, in the 54th year et his age. ' "TTMTTJr rtinf p A CT TPUT Washington Jan. 12. Fer the Middle "ve flour unchanged, j- cst te the monster of the deepfrem the the men were met by a person wlie icce Lippettathisentcitainmcnt en Iriday even- ni, ,iatiTc and fiiends, nlsoPeltM.G. A. UNDER THE GASLIGHT, A flint... Bt,t..,n,l VnirVn..hml nii. Cornmeal-BranlywtaennchangI. VV hubtlcty of the serpent te the innocence of nized them as Paul Quigley and Adam AI- lug, will be exhibited en the streets in an ei- J are respectfully invited 'te attend the .un- rMrrin"ed rewritten and Vexll ly , - England, south- H heat 'Sj -e3teru Ke.1 $l se ; thedovc-frem the cclastic embrace of biJLMit. wheare known in Police chcles as namcnul wagon to-mei row about neon. eal fiem his late residence. Ne. 130 Derwart fiS fro? 'aS& Is 1! efflter erlv wmds fch,ftmS te celdcr nertn and te d, ll VSielSS'nited 3te " . the mountain kahnia te the descending fructification of the lily of the plain, all nature bows submissively te the primeval law" of mixing ! Turning te its eiiginal publication in our contemporary, they were net enlight ened by finding that it was punted m an unintelligible ai tide about the Philadel phia Tunis almanac mixing up B. F. W. Uiban with B. F. Eshlemanasdistiict at torney for this county. TJic language is taken fiein a charge te the jury in the Lancaster eeuit of com mon pleas by the late Judge Lewis in the case of com' th vs. Staulier, in which the point atesc whether the testator could, in the disposition of his estate, validly impose upon his widow the condition of icmaiiiing unmarried. The eeuit below, en a cast stated, decided against such a condition against the libeity of maniage, as a le straiut en the natural liberty of mankind, and in an opinion te be found iu 10 Barr, paj;c J!3u, concluded as fellows : The piineiple of leproductien stands next iu impeitance te its elder borncoi berncoi borncei rclativc, self-preservation, and is equally a iundamcntal law of existence. It is the blessing which tempered with meicy the justice of expulsion fiem Paradise. It was impressed upon the human ci catien by a beneficent Providence, te multiply the im ages of himself, and thus te piomete His own gleiy and the happiness of His cica tures. Net man alone, but the whole an imal and vegetable kingdom aie under an impel inus necessity te obey its mandates. Fiem the leid of the forest te the menstei of the deep fiem the subtlety of the sei pent te the innocence of the dove fiein the cclastic embrace of the mountain I:al I:al miate the descending fi unification of the lily of the plain, all natuic bows submis sively te this piiiuev.il law. Even the tleweis which pel fume the air with then fragrance, and decorate the feiests and fields with their hues, aie but "curtains te the nuptial bed." The piinciples of .nienihu the policy of the nation the ilecti iecs of the common law the law of u ttuie and the law of Ged unite in con cen "leinuiug as void, the condition attempted te be imposed by this U'statei upon his widow. Tin- com I below was mveiscd by the supieme oeuit. Judge Gibsen delivciiug the able opinion contra. Dees the Km, by its rather blunt inti mation mean te "convey the impiessien" that somebody has been npprepiiating Judge Lewis's language as his own '.' If se, who.' wheie.' what? when? which B. F.? Lutlieian Cltiirili elcs. Hev.. I)i. Greenvvald will lcctiueiu Tiin ity chapel, Duke street, this evening, en "Incidents in the Lite of Gcuei.tl L.i Favcllc.' Dr. Uicciivvald'h seimens en Catholicism are te be piintcd and pub lished in book feim by Jehn lien's and .v leply te them has also been Sens pub- lished. Hev. Di. E. V. Geih.ut, of the Kefeimcd thcolegie.il .seiniii.iiy, preached in Grace Lutheran chinch jesteiday nieming. Hev. F. W. Cenrad, I). I)., of Phil.i d'lphi.i, fenueily pastor of the Chinch of the lleli Tiinity in Lancaster, who was indisposed fei some time, is se far jesteicd telic.illli as te be able te icsunie a pait of his duties. A general coiigiegatien.il meeting of the members of Chi ist Lutheran chinch will be held in the chapel, West King stieet. this evening. It v. ill be icmcmbeicd that this congiegatien has lTet accepted the lesigu.Uien of Hev. C. E. Ileupr, elected te the pastorate of Grace Lutheran, vacat td by Hev. Gcissingei. Last evening theie were picscnt at f'hiist Lutliei.m chapel thice elcigjmcn v'ne iuinistei-ed in legulai elder te the congivgatien, namely : Hev. C. E. Ileiipt, who pix-aelied; Kcv. 1). II. Gcis Miigei, late pastor of Grace Luthcian ehiuch, who has been called' te a pastorate in Xew Yeik city, and Hev. J. W. Rum ple, who is new pui-siiing a pest-giaduatc cemsa in the Union tholegical seminary in Xew Yeik. 3.1st of unclaimed I.citcrs. The fellow ing is a list of unclaimed let ters i-einaining in the Lancaster posteflicc, for the week ending Monday, Januaiy 12, 18S0 : Ladies List Mr. L. X. Bany, Cluistie Ihewcr, Lizzie Hcrr, Sallic Hill, Kate Heirman, Mrs. Marg. Larner, llaibara G. Lcchncr, Mis. Nathan Schefield, Minnie E. Simmons, Mrs. Wm. Steighclman. La viuia Stcrrett, Mary S. Yeung. Gents' List Stephen Bumgaitnci. Jas. S. li leeks, Ilaield Cadwalladei, C. G. Ceukliug, Gee. Dennis. Frank Daugheity, E. E. Ei ben, M. M. Ebcily. Jehn Esh bach, Frank Eichman, Aden Ebcrler, Jehn Y. Fitzpatrick, ManusG. Fiiel, Mr. Gal chei, Itebt. Hcisher, A. D. Ueishey. Henry F. Heir, Heniy Heir, Th. Johnsten, ChailevKlett, Frank Leck, Abm. Longe Lenge neekei! Jehn McCalibs, D. B. Mayer, Gee. Hehr, Even Heeds (for.), W. W. Shaipley, V ICHIJII tjliwi.il, Jl., i".ij F. Snively, Jacob Sweigart, J. -T. F. Whiteside, Isaac Y. Wc Fielding Smith, jr., Henry Smith. Jenj. li. Williams, ,re!fe. Tiic Lecture Platform. Mr. Wallace Bruce, who was te lectin e in Lancaster en the evening of January 10 en "Womanhood in Shakspeaie," has erdcied a postponement of the leetuie by telegraph. Mr. Egbcit F. Cleabc, of Ohie, Catholic lecturer and late Pietestaut minister, was gieeted by large audiences, eh'iclly non Catholic, including three of the Piotest Pietest aut cleigy, at Middletown and Eli.abeth Eli.abeth tewnycsteiday afternoon and evening xe speetively, te licar his lectures "Why I became a Catholic,'' and "Wheieis the one true church.' Amount Due the Scheel. Supciintciulent Wickciham is prepar in" and will this week issue wai rants te school distiicts in the state coveting the year ending June, 1879, for 1,000,000, the amount due them fiein the state for that pciied. Acceiding te the supeiin tendent's estimate the commonwealth ewes the schools about $2,500,000. State Treasuicr Xeyes avers that the ticasury w ill be iu condition te cash about half the amount of warrants the present month, aud the remainder will be honeicd by the 1st of June next. O. U. A. 31. Jehn W. Bainhaitand J. P. Winewer, of this city, went te Yerk te-day te attend the ninth anniversary of Coderus ledge Ne. 115 Jr. O. U. A. M. Yesterday Messrs. Fiuley, Welsh, Gotwald and Hcckcrt, of that ledge, spent the day in this city. biight, who are known in police chcles as chicken thieves. Information was given te Constable Henry Ncuman, who en Sat day came te Lincaster, get Alderman Don Den nelly te issue warrants for the ai rest of Quigley and Albright, and accompanied by Officer Dcichlei, went iu search of the men. They came upon Quigley near the Penn iien weiks and Deichler at once took held of him. A stiuggle ensued and both men fell; Quigley was fust te get upon his feet, and sti iking Ncuman a heavy blew, he made a dash for libeity aud escaped. Neunian called after him te halt or he would sheet him, te which Quigley an swered : "sheet and be ." He has thus far eluded arrest. l'elitict! Interviews. On S.ituiday Mr. A. D. Feul, a lepeiter of the Philadelphia Pre, was in this city en an interviewing expedition. He was taken mound town by Themas F. McEcl McEcl Iiget, of the New Era, and he talked with all the piemincnt Hepublicans for the pur pose of ascei tabling their choices for the presidential chair. The result of the in- tei views will be published iu the Press of Wednesday meining. Mr. Feld is quite a voting man. and for several yeais was connected with the New Yeik Sun. He went fiem this city te Hanisbuig and visits Heading, Williamsport. Pettsvillc anil several ether towns en the same busi ness which hi ought him here. It is said that the only candidates who have any following here aie Grant and Blaine, and theieaic plenty of fiiendsef both. The Walking IKatcli. Tiiis altcinoen about half-past one o'clock a go-avjeu-plea-e jicdcstiian match of 1:J0 heui.s began at Fi-mkc's win ter gai den. The cntiics are James Mc Caffrey and Lewis Haivev, Philadelphia James Mm ray, of 2vew Yeik ; Albeit II. Pieice, of Xew Jeisey. and Fiank Scheid. of Lancaastcr. The stage has been taken out of the huge loom and a saw dust track made, 2S Japs te the mile. The men are all cl.nl iu neat fitting suits, mid are doing goedwoik. McCafi'iey is a miner, jind Munav, who is a muscular jeung man, is a walkei of some repute. At about half past 2 o'clock the score steed as fellow s : McCain ey, 10 miles and 13 laps; Mm ray, !l miles and 18 laps; Haivcy, 8 miles and 19 laps; Seheid, D miles and II laps; Pierce, 7 miles and 21 laps. Little Locals. This meining Chailcs Spai maker, a lad employed in the jobbing dep.utmeut of the Lifjitii e r eflice, had his right hand badly crushed by having it caught in a press while at weik. This afternoon the pay car of the Penn sylvania laihead cempanj passed west thieugh this city. The employees received their piy fei the mouth of December. Yestci day about neon a litt'c child of Lewis Sweitzer, who resides at Xe. 142 Middle stieet, wandered off fiem home. She was found about 4 o'clock en East Walnut street. County Commissieuci.s Mentg.nnciy aud Bushong, a majei ity of the be.ud, have tiken an appeal fiem the decision of the aibitrateis in the ease of Cei ener Mishler against the county te re cover fees for holding an inquest. Com Cem Com mmissiencr Ceble refuses te join in the ap peal. Directors i;iecte:. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Faimeis Xeithem maiket company the following named directeis weie elected te seivc fei the ensuing year : Jehn Hess, Benjamin L. Landis. Jehn Buckwaltei, Jehn K. Stener, David L. Hess, Israel L. Landis, Cenrad Gast, Chiistian Zcchcr, Jeseph Samson. The diiccteis-clcct met and eigauiicd by cheesing Chiistian Zecher president of the beaid, Jeseph Samson secretary and Benjamin L. Landis treasurer. The beaid reappointed Wm. II. Ilich Ilich ardsen maiket master. ObItu.tr. KciuhaidBcincr, tailor by trade, a sol dier of the late war, an earnest Democrat, and an esteemed citizen of the Eighth waid, is dead. He had been in health for some time. Peace failing te his ashes. James Xve, the boy who was se teiribly injured en the raihead at Baiulnidge, en Thin sday last, died last night about 12 o'clock of his injuiies. S.ilciu Church of tie.I. Last evening there was a very large at tendance at Salem church. Rev. J. B. Seule, pastor, administered the communion and Kcv. Elliett, foimeilyef Xew Jciscy, new of Hohrcrstew n, delivered an address. Hev. Elliett will preach at Antioch mis sion, connected with Salem chmch, en Sunday ev cuing net. At Bethany mis sion. Seuth Beaver street, also connected with Salem, there is an active revival in p: egress. Large I'uncrul. The funeral of Mis. Elizabeth Ilassel bach, aged 00, which took place yesterday fiem the residence of Ilemy C. Geiter, Xcvin stieet, was very laigcly attended by the fiiends of the family and by Union Xe. 1, and the Independent Older of Philoza Phileza tlieans, of which eidcr she was one of the eldest nieinbeis. Lamp Explosion. On Saturdaj evening a coal oil lamp ex ploded in the room of Mis Mary Harding, at Xe. 337 Chestnut street. The lady had gene down stiiis for some pin pose and while there the lamp exploded. A girl who was in the house hastened te the room and smothered the flames with the bed clothes. The cat pet, chahs, &c., were considerably burned. Smashing a Shew Case. On Saturday evening as Hairy Gun daker w as engaged in washing the pave ment in fient of his store, 142 and 144 Xeith Queen stieet, he accidentally upset the beautiful plate glass showcase in front of the store and smashed it into hundreds of pieces. Less, about $00. Pire. As we go te pi ess news reaches us that a double two-story frame dwelling house at Paradise junction en the Pennsylvania Schafer Beats Sexten. The City Metel Billiard Keem is net the only place in Lancaster where the scientific game is plajed. Hut it is the only place in Lancaster te llnd the best tablc- ucd in America, kneu n as the Iirunmvicl. t lialke Company's Monarch Cushion Table. The professionals of Lancaster are new con tending for three elegant prizes w leth can new be seen in the window of Sliultz A. ISre.'s mammoth hat and fur establishment en North Queen street. They are the finest billiard prizes ever offered in this city and are as fol fel lows : First prize, a geld-beaded snakewoed cane ; second, a geld headed ebony tane ; and third, a beautiful billiard cue. ltd ir. ii. ievi:n. Amusement. " Fatinitza." We have had the opera of "Fatinitza" by Ferd's juvenile company and new we arc te hear it sung by one of the best opera troupes traveling. Malm's Xew Yerk company will be here en Thursday evening next. Their pretty pesters and lithographs w ere put out te-day. Under the Gaslight. -Te-morrow evening the "OoftyGeft" combination plays "Under the Gaslight" in this city. Gtis Phillips who is known as "Oelty" assumes the charactci of Snerkey, an old soldier, and new a railroad messenger. The press peakes v cry highly of the plaj and the performance, and the puces aie low enough te draw a large house. New Advehtisements. Sample Tags at the Intelligencer Oillce. Blank Beeks at Baei's. r or Sale. Lest. C2?Fer fuithcr details sec advertising column. Don't Rub Oir tlie Enamel el the teeth with gutty picpaiatiens. The teeth aie tee v ; tillable te be tiilled vv ith. When gene, jeu must have lalse ones or 'gum" jeurselt thieugh life. Use SO.ODOXT, which contains no grit. It cleanses the mouth and vitalizes the secietien. jl'Mudced A WONDERFUL RECORD. M ii. ids of se called "specifics'' and "cures" or Bheumatisiu have already been hi ought befeie the jiublic, anil many et themhaveeveu been mdeised by the certificates et respect able and prominent eitiem, who have de rived benefit fiem such preparations. Tliuic is no doubt that a gieat many el these ' Lini ments," " Oils," etc., se w tdelv adv ertiscd and freely recommended for Ithcuinatisiu and painful complaints of a similar nature, have genuine merit, and will relieve ccitain tvpes et the complaints named; but when Kheuma tism. Neuralgia, aud kidney diseases have be come chronic and thieattu sciieus lesiilts, jeu may rest assuied that they will help but veiy little. Although net lecemmendid as " infallible," the peculiar qualities et s,T. Jacobs Oil especially adapt it te these cases which may be termed "chronic" ami which have pievieiislj withstood all known ' spe cifics" its well as the picsciiptiouset the best phv sicians. VVu would mention, as an example, the case el Mr. A. Ilcilman, Editor et thu Pittsbuili Republican, who suttered with Bheumatisiu lortwe jeais. Alter v. duly using all the best recommended lemedus, and exhausting the skill et the most experienced phv sicians, w ith ith eut even temporary relict, it required only two bottles et &t.Jacebs Oil te elleet a perma nent cuic. Mr. C. llanni, a well-known citien et oungstewn. Ohie, secuied ler his wite, w he ler t elv e years had been a constant sul leier liem Neuralgia in the head, the seiv ices et the ablest pli sicians et the laud, but they weie unable te de anything for her: halt a bottle of sT. Jaceiis Oil cured hei. Mr. Wm. Keiuhart, L'lmoie, Wis.icperts the case et a neighbor vv he tei t cut -tour je.ns had sul lered se ternbly with Kliciuiiatisin that, at tunes, he could hudly move meund: a lew bottles of Sr. Jacobs Oil cured him. "Te cap the climax," however, Mr. A. Xeiger. et T.ij T.ij lerville, Pa.. v rites, that his mother, w he has been a continual sufferer with Ithciniiatisiu ler the past thirty yeais, used one bottle et ST. Jacobs Oil and was immediately lelicved et all pain. These aie lesults which truly ile sei veto be brought te public notice ; but they are net exceptions, .is will be seen by the nuineieiis ether cettllicatcs from all putset the United Mates. It should be the dutj et every one te call the attention of his sulleimg liiendsandueighbeis te this wendeiliiily etli etli cteieus preparation, especially as the low puce el f0 centsa bottle places itwilhin the leach of allpeisens, neli and peer. SVECIAl, A'OTIVJJS. Ne Mere Hard Times. If you will step spending se much en flue clothes, rich feed and st le, buy geed, healthy loed, cheap and better clothing : gctmeie leal and substantial things of 'ife eveiy way, and especially step the toelish habit et emplejing expensive quack docteis or using se much of the vile humbug medicine that does en only harm, but put your tiust in that simple, puic remedy, Hep JSitters, that cuies always, at a ti nling cost, and jeu vtiII si e geed times and have geed health, bee another column. jl-2wd Try Lecher's Cough Sj rup It is impossible te overestimate the value of a remedy which se peifeetly controls the an an nej ing and dangerens atlectiens of the pulmo nary organs. Dr. Browning's C. &. C. Cordial never fails w hen taken strictly in acceidance with directions. Dr. Biewning, proprietor, 1117 Arch stieet, Philadelphia, sold bj all druggists. Pi ice 50 cents per bottle. jS-lwd&vv Use Lecher's Herse and Cattle Powders " Sellers' Liver Pills" ai e the secret te pel lect health, long life, and absolute happiness. Sold by all druggists. A Democrat Cured. A leading Democratef Builingten, Mr. K. M. Sutten speaks in the highest terms of the cura tive power of the celebrated Kidney-Wert. It flrst cured him et a distressing Kidney disease, and he new uses it w henevcr he has any sj mp mp tems of biliousness or needs toning up. It acts efficiently en the bowels, and cures the w erst cases et piles. jl2 1ud&w Sensible Canadian. Mr. Gadbois, of Brockville, Canada, alter be ing cured et a piestrating malarial disease ton ten tiactcd in Texas, by means of Warner's Sate Pills and Safe Bitters, writes te us: "I shall nev er travel in that climate vv itUeut our Safe Pills and Safe Bitters as part of my outfit." jl-2wd Pine Spices at Lechci's Ding Stere. Feit Allaviise HeAnsKNESs'und Iintatien et the Threat it is daily pieved that "Jlrewn's Iiienchial Troches" aie a mild remedy jet v crj- efficacious. jVlu dTThs&w "Is there a man with soul se dead,," who hath suffered the miseries et a cough or cold, yet neglected te try "Scllcis' Cough Sjrup?'' Don't Ge te the Seashore. unless j ou aie able ; but if j en need a tonic te ev crceme the depression caused bj the sum mer heat use the celebrated Kidnej - Wert. It has wonderful invigorating propel ties, but acts en natural principles as it is prepared w itheut the use of liquors. j!2-lwd&w Trj' Lecher's Cough Syrup. Statistics prove that twenty-live per cent, of the deaths In our laigcr cities aie caused by consumption. and when wc reflect that this terrible disease in its w erst stage vv ill yield te a bottle of Lecher's Renowned Cough Sjuup, shall we condemn the suffei cis ter their neg ligence, or pit' them for their igneiance? A Mether's Grief. The pride of a mother, the life and joy of a home, aie her children, hence her gnefwhen sickness enters and takes them away. Take wanting then, that yeuare running a tenible l isk, if they hav e a Cough, Croup or Whooping Cough, vv Inch lead te Consumption, if j ou de net attend te it at once. Shiloh's Consump tion Cure is guaranteed tecuie them. Puce 10 cents, M cents' and" SI. Fer lame Back, Side, ei Chest, use Shiloh's Poieus Plaster. Puce Si cents. Sold by D. Heltshu, Lancastei, and M. L. Davis, Millers vllle. The Vest I Kier Knew OL J. C. Starkey, a prominent and Influential Citien of Iowa Cttv, saj's: "I have had the Djspepsia, and Liver Complaint for several ears, and have used ev ery Kemcilj I could hear of, without any reliet w hatever. until I saw your Shiloh's V'ltallzer advertised in our paper, and was persuaded te try it. Iemliappy te state that it lias entirelj cured me. It is cei-talulj- the best Remedy I ever knew of." Price 75 cents. Sold bv D. llcttshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, MUlersviUe. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A marvelous Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria Canker Meuth, and Head Ache, with each street, en Wednesday morning, at 9 o'clock. High mass at St. Jeseph's church. Interment in St. Jeseph's cemetery. Jtd XEIV AH VEJlTISEMEXTHi TOST. j ACuffandGeld Cuff Butten, with the ini tial " II." upon it. The finder vv ill be liberally rewarded by leaving it at Adams Express Oillce. ltd INSURE lOUIlPlterEUl'VIN THE HEST COMPANlESat CVUsMAX & BTJBXS. 21-tteedi: Iflice : Xe. 10 West Orange M. L MtCASTEO, Dec. 12, 1879. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN RELIABLE COMPANIES at BBNJ. P. SHENK'S, Oflice : 10J West King Street. decl2-3mdB "P'lRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. HKKK & STAUFFER. Reat Estate & Ins. Agts., 3 X. Duke St. occ3U-3mUKeed T?OR SALE. r A BROWN DRIVING MAKE, 8 vears old, sound, kind and gentle, diiv es single and dou ble, splendid roadster. Alse a new "White Chapel " buggy, built bj- Edgerlev Ce., ler exhibition at 1 eik ceiintj- fair, and has nev er been used. Inquire at Xe. 20 SOUTH (JUELX STREET. janl2.ltd rpeBACCO FOR SALE. One hundred acres of prime Pennsylvania Seeil Le.if Tobacco ler sale. Apply te B. F. KOIILER, Shrewsbury. Yerk count-. Pa. jmi j-iweuuifr IOR SALE. . s,tock and Fixtures of n Bakery and Con Cen Con lectienerj' doing a geed business iu a thriv ing v lllage, near the cit Fer particulars addiess CONFECTIONER. janl0-2td InteUIgencer Office. TOBACCO PACKERS' SAMPLE TAGS ritlXTED ev CHECK BOARD (Same as used bj' Tobacco Samplers), Heavy Railiead Heard an j Celer. Alse, Contract and Receipt Beeks at the Lewest Prices, AT THE Intelligencer Office. janl'tfd rpilE OLD GERARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. 81,131,838. All invested in the best securities. Lesses piemptly paid. Fet policies call en RIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. 1Q East King St.. Lancaster, Pa. 8-MWAsGmdU BLANK BOOKS LEDGERS. DAY BOOKS, CAII BOOKS, COPYING BOOKS, PASS BOOKS. MKMORVNDUMS, MANIFOLD LETTER WRITERS, FOOLSCAP PAPER, LEGAL CAP, LETTER AND NOTE PAPERS. BLANK DEEDS, WRITING FLUID AND INK, STEEL PENS, GOLD PENS, Anil a general assortment of Statienciy, ter sale by JOHI BAEE'S SOIS, 15 and 17 NORTH QDEEN STREET, LANCASTER. PA. PRIKTDTG AtfDBfflDLNG AT THE SAME PRICE. Having purchased the excluslrc right of Lancaster city and county te utanufactuie and use Reynolds's Metallic Stationery and Reek Rinder, THE ONLY DEVICE GIVING ENTIRE SAT ISFACTION, wc aie new prepared te furnish Check Beeks, Letter heads, Nete Heads, State ments, Bill Heads, all sizes; Notes of all kinds. Contract Beeks, Receipt Beeks, Order Beeks, and, iu tact any kind et work in which binding is necessary printed en the very best paper at the lowest figures. This invention, for the use of which wc hare obtained the sole right in Lancaster city and county, enables us te hind the above named or any ethei kind el blank and memoranda books at the cost el printing alone, and in a style that ler neatness and durability is net equalled by any ether device of a similar character. Din ing the time that Reynolds's Metallic Station ery and Boek Binder has been before the pub lic it has acquired a high reputation among punters and ethers who have had occasion te make use et it. ler the extreme simplicity of its construction and the ease and accuracy of its operation, while business men and ethers w hose experience enables them te speak w here of they knew pi eneunce its work te be super ior in the essential points of cheapness con v cuience and durability te that of the old pro cess, and we are willing te give our patiens a guarantee et the perfectly satisfactory char acter of its work. Specimens et Binding may be seen at the Ix TtLLic.ENCKK eflice, and all persons desiring a neat and substantial piece of work In this line arc invited te call and inspect the numerous adv antages w e have te offer, and which enable us te turn out Geed and Durable Weik at prices low er than any ether printing establish ment in the city. ltd WAXTJEli. ITrANTED, YY Everybody te advertise, free of charge. iu the Im.LLieKcEit, who wants something te de. rANTED AT THIS OFFICE. YV Copies of the daily IirntM.ieENCfcK of Api il 3 and July 19, 1879. jan2-tfd ASSIGNED KSrATE OF WILLIAM HUN TER FURGUSOX and wife, et Providence tow nsliip, Lancaster county. William Hunter Furgiisen and w ite, et Providence township, having by deed of voluntary assignment assigned and transferred all their es tate and effects te the undersigned, ter the benefit of the ci editors of the said William Hunter Furgiisen, he therefore gives notice te all persons indebted te said assigner, te make payment te the undersigned without delay, and these having claims te present them te JOHN H1LDEBRAND, Assignee. dccl7-6tw New Pievidcncc. INSTATE OF JACOB STOTT, LATE OF 2i el Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in ebted thereto are requested te make imme diate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same wiU present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing in West Chester, or te his at torney, J. W. V. Swift, Lancaster. Pa. WM.W.STOTT, deel-lt 15lir Administrator. inc autner, acgustix dait, expressly ier OOFTY GOOFT, (MB. GUS PHILLIPS, the eminent German Dialect Comedian), who will positively appear at each performance, supported by a LARGE AND TALENTED COMPANY. Xew Scenery and Great Mechanical Effects Bail read Sensation, the East Hirer Bridge Scene &c SPECIAL PRICES!, Te enable all w he may desire te witness this great performance, Gallery. S3cents: First Fleer, 35 and 50 cets. Keserved Seats at usual place. 50 cents, ter sale at the Opera Heuse Oflice. janlO-Std 4 CARD. 1 feel especial pride In presentlug the Oper atic Event of the Season, a performance that deserves the special patronage of all admirers ei nrsi-ciass periennances. an entertainment that w HI afford as much entire satisfaction as did Robson and Crane. MAIIX'S ORIGINAL AND ONLY FATI NITZA OPERA COMPANY. Franz Suppe's Comic Opera, in 3 acts, "FATINITZA," THURSDAY, JANUARY 15th, 1880. The same cast that fiiNt produced it in Xew Yerk and Philadelphia: Miss Jeannie Winsten, Miss Sallie Reber, Mis Alice Hesmer. Vincent Hegan, W. A. Morgan, Russell Glever, F. Dixen, A. H. Bell, and Thirty ethers. The Largest and Most Expensive Company in America. Yours Respectfullj-, JOHN D. MISHLBR. Notwithstanding the gieat expense there will be no advance in prices. RESERVED SEATS, 75 Cts. GALLERY, SO Cts. Diagram at Yeckei's Oflice. junlO-Jtd MEDICAL. Brandy as a Medicine. The following ai tide vVas voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. slaymaker, Agent ler Keigart's Old Wine Stoie, by a prominent practising physi cian et this count , w he has cxtensiv ely used the Brandy leferied te in Ids regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, lint te be used as a medicine of ureat netencv iu the cuic et some et the destructive diseases which sv eep aw ay their annual thousands of victims. With a purely philantluepic motive we pie sent te the favorable notice et Invalids espe cially these mulcted vv ith that miserable dis ease Djspepsia, a specific leiuedy, which Is nothing meie or less than Brandy. The aged, with feeble appetite and meie or less debility, will And this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy erall their ills and aches. Be it, however, stuctly understood that we pi escribe aud use but one article, and thut is. REIGART'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enteipiising young friend, II. E.SLAYMAKER. This Brandy has steed the test for trade maiik. years, and has never tailed, as far as our cxpeiience extends, and we theietere give It the pielerence ever all ether Brandies, no matter w ith hew many jaw-breaking French titles they aie branded. Oiie-feuith of the money that is yeaily thrown away en vaiieus impotent dj spepsia specillcs would siitlice te biij all the Brandy te cine any such case or cases. I it pi oef et the curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, In eases et Dyspepsia, w e can summon nun ben. of witnesses one case in paitieular we clte: A hard-weiklng tanner had been alllicted w ith an exhaustive Dyspepsia ler a number of years; his stomach would leject almost every Kind et foed: he had sour ciuctatiens con stantly no appetite in tact, he was obliged te lestiiethis diet te crackers ami stale tite.nl. and as a beverage he used MeGrann's Reet Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, pleached at tunes, anil m his discourses eltcn declaimed earnestly against all kindset stieng drink. When adv iscd te try Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment, but after healing et its wenilerlul elleets in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at hist consented te fellow our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the flrst bottle giving him un appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound ni.iu.w ith a stomach capableef digcstinganj thing vv Inch lie chose te eat. He still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since lie has this medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Puactisine Puvsician. II. E. SLAY3IAKER, AOEKT FOR Reigart's Old AYmc Stere, Established in 1785, IMPORTER AM) DEALER IN FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIES SUPE RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported iu lSls, 1827 and l&B,) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER, BROWN STOUT. Ne. 29 EAST KINO ST.. LasCASTEU. PA MISCELZAXEOVS. A. S. KOSENIIAUM & CO., PACKERS OF LEAF TOBACCO. Xe. 223 i mice sircci, Lancaster, ra. J. ROSENMYER, jan"-3md Manager. AN EXPERIENCED ItUVKK OF LEAF Tobacco w ill make an arrangement vv ith a geed house te buy or te buy and pack any quantltv of Leaf Tobacco. Addiess "II. P." jan9-Jtdl Intelligencer Oflice. rpURNPIKE DIVIDEND. X The President and Managers et the Lan caster, Elizabethtew n and Middletown Turn pike Read have this day declat ed a div idend of one dollar and seventy-five cents ($1.7'i), en eacli share of steik paj able alter the 5th day et JANUARY, lb80. janll-Sfcleaw DIVIDEND NOTICE. The pi esident and managers of the Lan caster and Susquehanna turnpike read have declared u div idend of three and one-twelfth per cent, en the capital stock of the company, payable en demand at the eflice et the tie.es uier. W. P. BRIXTON, Treasurer. janJ-3td 33 Seuth Queen street. OIET JtttA WISUS. AUTHORIZED UX THE COMMON WEALTH OF KY., and Faiiest in the World. 16th Popular Monthly Drawing: OF TUE COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley'a Theatre, in the City of Lonis Lenis vUle, en JANUARY 31st, 1880. These Drawings, authorized by act et the Legislature et 186U, and sustained by all the courts et Kentucky (all fraudulent adv ertise ertise mentsef ether lottery companies who claim the sole ew nershlp el "mi the grants in Ken tucky," te the contrary, notwithstanding), oc cur legularlyen the last day of every month (sunduvs excepted), and are supervised by prominent citi.ens et the State. Every ticket-holder can be his own supervisor, call out his number and see it placed in the w heel. The management call at tentien te the grand opportunity presented of obtaining, ler only $J, any et the following prizes : lprlze $ 30,001 1 prize 10,000 lprle 5,000 10 prizes l,000cach lo.eoo 20 prizes 500 each 10,000 100 prizes, 100 each 10,000 200 prizes 50 each 10,000 600 prizes 20 each 12,000 1000 prizes 10 each 10,000 9 prizes 300 each, approximation pt lzes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " ' l.bOO 9 prizes 100 each, " " X) 1,960 prizes $112,400 Whole tickels, $2; hall tickets.!; 27 tickets $30; 55 tickets, $100. All applications for club rates should be made te the home eflice. Remit by bank draft or express. Orders of $5 and upward, by express, can be sent at our expense. Full list of drawing published in Louisville Courier-Journal and New Yerk Herald and mailed te all ticket-holders. Fer tickets and information address T. J. COMMERFORD, Courier-Journal BuUding, Louisville, Ky., or 1(3 Broadway, New Yerk. U-TuT4SAw (.Jfcfcl g wres:, wicli tailing iollewcu by rising bar ometer, cloudy weather, with rain or snow, followed by clearing weather. MAINE. Te-Day'H Session of the Legislature son Assumes the Gov ernersliip, pre. La in tern. Auugusta, Me., Jan. 12. On the as sembling of the Senate this morning. Pi es ident Lamson sent in a letter anneuncinsr that he had assumed the duties of gover nor. The letter is the same as that tele graphed last night. Senater Ellis, of Walde, was chosen as piesident cx-tcm-peie. The committee en gubernatorial votes reported the following votes were tin own at the election held in September last : Whole number of votes, 103.807 : neces sary, for a choice, 09,404. Daniel F. Davis received e'S,770, Jeseph L. Smith 47,G40, Alenzo Garcelon 21,84 1, Bien Bradbury 203, Daniel F. David 200. The remainder is scatteiing. The constitutional candidates weie Dan iel F. Davis. Jeseph L. Smith. Alenzo Gar celon and Bien Bradbury. On the prene? sitien of the Senate te held a joint conven tion for the pui pose of qualifv ing the act ing governor, Mr. Lecke, of Cumberland, made a lengthy speech, in which he re viewed the action of the governor and coun cil, and took up the cases of the counted-out membeis and the counts upon which they were counted out. Mr. Lecke claimed that the certificates issued by the governor and council te theso net chosen were net legal, the acts passed by such a body would net be recognized by the ceuits or observed by the people. Mr. Barker and 3Ir. Strickland leplied, claiming that te all intents and purposes there is a legal Legislature, the members holding certificates from the governor and council. They meant as honorable gentle men te de the fair thing when an investi gation should take place befeie a proper committee of the Legislattue. The joint convention was formed and in the presence of the secictary of state and several membeis of council, Jehn D. Lam son took the oath and was proclaimed as acting governor of the state of Maine. But sixty members weie present in the Heuse, and that body adjourned without the transaction of any business. PIIIL'A & READING It. K. Annual Review of its Operations. The shareholders of the Reading railroad company held their annual meeting te-day, at which the reports of the raihead com. pany and of the coal and iien company were read, show ing a cash deficit in the two companies of 970,938.57, an incieascd deficit ever last year of $140,008.0:5. Te this cash deficit must be added 1,81G,899, being the amount of the year's iKcd chaigcs previously paid in scrip. The deficit is due te the low pi ices of coal pievailing dining the year and the managcis picscnt estimates for the com ing year based upon the improved condi tion of the coal trade and the general levival of manufactuiing industiy, show ing an earning capacity for 1880 equal te twelve per cent, en the share capital of the company. An election was held for eflieers an-l all the old eiliceis elected. weie re- I1Y WIKE. The Afternoon TelegratiK. On Sattuday, at Belleville, hid., while "William Milliken and Henry Ciane vvcic fighting about a deg, Elwood Milliken, son of the former, came te the assistance of his father, fatally stabbed Crane, and escaped. The Washington police have anestcd Babe Bedford, Edward Queen, Sandy Piim and Ben Jehnsen, all colored, charg ed with the minder of Geeige Iliith in that city, en "Wednesday last. They weie taken te jail under a strong guard of mounted police, and followed by a laigc crowd of men and boys. Gi cat excitenn nt prevails ever the affair. The steamship Arragon, from Biistel, Eng., Dec. 19, believed te be lest, anived at New Yeik this morning. The Schuylkill county Iiejmhlican con vention te-day elected Gen. Jack Siegfried chairman and instructed for J. A. M. Pass Pass mere for auditor general. The Parncll Irish relief meeting in Phil adelphia en Satuiday night was a giaud success. Gee. "W. Childs sent his check for 61,000. Fever is epidemic in the neithcin prov inces of the former Kingdom of Naples, wheie in a population of 02,000, the sick number 32,000, and since July the mortali ty reached 3,423. In Yerk en Saturday night an alterca. tien took place in fient of Welsh's saloon between Constable AV. B. Kuby and Otte Steiningcr, in which Steiningcr was shot in the right side by lluby. Twe hours afterwards AI. L. Carsen's cigar store was burned out and Henry Hubley's adjoining saddlery badly damaged by fire. Near Bcalville, Montgomery county Md., en Saturday, Gee. Peck, a negre, at tempted te outrage Miss Ida Hayes, a well known young lady. Yesterday morning the lynchers took him out of the jail and hung him te a tree in front of the Presby terian church. The Senate te day passed the military academy appropriation bill and then went into executive session. In the Heuse bills were offered and duly referred. Jeseph Halfner, who killed Jacob Gerber at Andalusia, Bucks county, in a dispute about beard money, committed suicide in the county jail last night by cutting his threat,ymd was found dead by his wife when she was admitted te his cell this morning. ASSIGNKD KSTATK OF GL'OROK DECK BKG'K, of the borough of Columbia, Lan caster county. Pa. The undersigned Auditor appointed te distribute the balance remaining iu the hands et William Harm, assignee, te und among these legally entitled te the same, will sit ter that purpose en TUKsDAY, JAN UARY 11, 10, at 10 o'clock a. in., in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the city of Lan caster, where all persons inteiestcd in said dis tribution may attend. W. II. ROLAND, dccl"-8tw Auditor. ELECTION. The Annual Election for Trustees of the Lancaster Cemetery, will be held en TUES DAY, FEIIRUAR1 3, 1880, between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock, a. m., at the Grape Hetel. DANIEL UEITSHU, jKMtdS President. ., jvuvv '. ltlVkC7l iUC. yaw quiet and dull ; Southern and Penn'tf white 4Ss'50c: Western white 4SK50c; H cstern mixed 474Sc. -tw-. Rye neglected ; T cstern 9Sc ; Pa. 9Sc 1 revisions dull; mtss perk $14 00: beer hams flfioeffilGSO; India iness beef ' icon smoked shoulders 5ic: saltde4Vc: SeS?1 1Uns 9Uiei Pickled temfS I..I aril linn: eltv tutti.. kia . ,, , .... . t in .,H, ;.:...." wX "' ' '""" uu.c-uera C ? ii ri m ttttMttri tin ;JsV. .' .. JtlT,a "emann ; creamery ex tra.t2SS4e: Bradford county and N. Y. extra 2i2sc; Western reserve extra at 24325c de geed te choice lS23c : rolls quiet Penn'a extra 22i?ile: western reserve iitm If lltf dLW 1 aamh ..m.1 - . v Eggs drooping ; Choice Punu'a 13c ; We cm 17c. rest- Cheese stronger : N. V. factory 13Kc ; western full cream 12JiJc;de ler geed l!12c;de iiait-skiuis ifcjye. Petroleum dull ; Refined 7Jc. Whisky $1 ijl New erk3Iarltet. i 'j-w Yerk, Jan. U-Fleur-State and Western .-LU""-". iu ,,Hyw' favor; superflnu state $j 0U. M ; extra de $5 505 U5 ; choice de $6 OOO i-Ua,!c' l! W407 73; round hoop Ohie $.Wt,j0: choice de $r 557 73; superflue wt's'''rn,()e3'",5n: common te geed extra de JjSOgU 00; choice dodo $COSS50; choice white wheat de $4 507: Southern quiet; common !S-nX,ixtra w 75? Koea cholce de $0 S.S 50. .VIlJ-''l,sl,rlnS1uiet awl nominal; Winter ifS?cA!;,r..amlVL'ry ,lu"; - - White Feb. $ olffll51vj:e.2 Iced Feb.Jl SSJiQl 54; de Coine lower and dull: Mixed Western spin Jesrjjyic : no I future 5s3yi c. Oats dull and heavv atate 4s51c; West- cm 4$S3Ic. stock Marketn. PlItLADKU'illA, Jan. Ii. e. , 12.30 p.m. Stocks steady. Pennab's- (thha issue) 103 Philadelphia & Eric. IS ! Keuiung 34'.' Pennsylvania 50 Lehigh Valley. 52' United Ces. of N.J IV, Xeitlieiu Pacific J3 " Preferred 57 Aerthern Central si Lehigh Navigation :i7Vf Nonistewn 102!i Central Transmutation Ce. 41! litis., iiiusviue Jt liiillale. i.i'f Little Schuylkill. 50ji XBW OKIE, .Ian. 12. Stocks huev ant. Meney r N. Y. Central 1st i ric... .....a....... ........ 4t3 2 ivu.iins repress juj Michigan Central W Michigan Southern lei'J Illinois Central el' Cleveland & Pittsburgh 10SJ? Chicago. Recklsl.md 152 " Pittsbuigh & Fett Wayne.. ll.4 Western Union Tel. Ce leJ'i Teledo A Wali.Mh 44)J Aew Jerscv Central biy. Cattle Market. Piiilaiilli'iiia, Jan. 12. Cattle market falrlv active; receipts 2,000 head ; prime 6c; goedSg 5-;4c; ; medium 4J-3c; common 3!J4c. Micep market active ; receipts 2,300 head ; piimebjc; geed 3'40e; medium 55c; common 45c. Heg maiket dull ; receipts 4,530 head ; inline 7J7c ; geed 7c; fair 0c; com mon l)lJiC. LEGAL XOTIVES. I,-!TATi: OF 1'IIILIP FINGEK, LATE OP li the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the estate et said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in said city. CATHARINE FINGER. Wm. Aue. Atlee, Attorney. n22-0tdeaw INSTATE OF PETER LONG, OF LANCAS Jj TER City, Penn'a, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Rev. Wil liam T. Gerhard, Executer of the last will and testament of Peter Leng, deceased, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit ler that purpose en SATURDAY, JANU ARY 31, lt0, at le o'clock a. in., in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the city of Lan caster, where all persons interested iu said dis dis tubutien may attend. jauC-itdl REN J. F. DA Vis, Auditor. ESTATE OFCIIAKLES E. itl AILLY, LATE of Lancaster city, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance rem. lining iu the hands et J. W. V. hwitt, administrator et said estate, te and among these legally entitcd te the same, will sit for that purpose en WEDN ESDAY. the 21st dayet JANUARY, lsse, at 10 o'clock, a. m., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, Iu the eitj et Lancaster, wheie all persons Interested in said distiibiitien may attend. W. U. IIENSEL, dcc2l-3tdeaw Auditor. ESTATE OF GEORGE W. ZELL, LATE of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of ad ministration en saiii estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent aie requested te make immedi ate pa incut, and these having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay ler settlement te the under signed, residing In Lancaster city. EMANUEL SWOPE, Administrator. Alex. Harris, Attorney. nl4-tdeaw ESTATE OF IIAR1IARA ROSENFELD, late or Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, ail persons indebted te said dcccdcnture rcquesteit te makciiniuedi tte settlement and these havingclaluiserdcinatids against the estate et said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing In Lancaster city, Jlli. JS. .L.K1S RICHER, J. W. F. Swift, bxecuter. dcc20-r.tdeawr Attorney. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by tin: Court et Common Pleas of Lancaster coun ty te distribute the b.il.mee remaining iu the hands of William A. Atlee, surviving trustee under a mortgage given by the Lancaster Ag ricultural Park association, dated May C, 1S71, recorded lit the Rcceruer's office et Lancaster county, in mortgage book Ne. 21, page 2M), te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en WEDNESDAY, DEC. 31, 1879, at 10 o'clock, a in.. In the library room et the coin t house. In the City of Lancas ter, where all persons interested in said distri bution may attend. GEORGE NAUMAN, dS-3tdlaw Auditor. 4 SSIGNED INSTATE OF EDWARD S J. 1SRYAX and v. ite, of Ceney township Lancaster county. Ihe undersigned auditor appointed te distribute thu balance rem. lining in tiie hands et Jehn II. Epler, assignee, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en SATURDAY, JANU ARY 17, IHdO, at 10 o'clock a. m., iu the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in thu city et Lan caster, where all persons interested in said dis tribution may attend. 11. F. MONTGOMERY. dce21-3twl Auditor. INSTATE OF JOHN JOHNS, LATE OF !i Maner township, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Christian Jehns, administrator of thu estate of Jehn Jehns, ilec'd. te and among these legally en titled te thu same, will sit ter that purpose en FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, A. D. 1880, at 2 o'clock p. m., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuac, in the city of Lancaster, where ail persons in terested in said distribution may attend. decKKltw E. II. YUNDl'.Audlter. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF MARY E. KEN NEDY, of btr.Lsburg borough, Lancaster county Mary E. Kennedy, et btrasburg borough, liaving by deed of voluntary assign ment, assigned anil transferred ad her estate and effects te the undersigned, ler the benefit of the creditors of the said Mary E. Kenned y,he therclers gives neticu te all persons indebted te said assigner, te make pa ment te the un dersigned without delay, and these having claims te present them te SAMUEL S. EWING, Assignee. J. W. F Swiit, Att'y. lecl7-0tw SSIGNED ESTATE OF THOMjvS N. Mcsparran and wife, of Drumore tow n ship, Lancaster county. Themas N. Mcspar ran and wife, of Drumore township, having by deed of voluntary assignment, dates December 23, 187J, assigned and transferred all their cs tate and effects te the undersigned, fertius ben efit of the creditors of the said Themas N. M Sparran. lie therefore gives notice te all ier ier sens Indebted te said assigner, te make pay ment te the undersigned without delay, and these having claims te present them te JAMES G. McsPARRAN, Assignee. Residing in Drumore Twp. II. B. Swark. Att'y. dec31-CtwS LOCHER'S COUGH SYRUP CURES CONSUMPTION. i vl v S 1 HI 1 J