IS(HlpaiHPWrnHIDfv i' rf '-S-- '-J 7 --Y-2 V-" -"" 7i vCS.v xTv5? - - - - - - -s.?i ': -.. ' ' -' ' .- - - - ; - . s - - - . - - - " - v c:4 HL "Jl vllAVV Yelume XVI-Ne. 112. LANCASTER PA. SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1880., Price Twe Cents. -i;wi--".. -"T-t - - . ' ,T.n'. . .v " .- ";:,. .ir' . . .'- -rw.T. .. -vr-.-.... (Ek i . v XOttQUflUjVaiflu r - n -x a -n vapw?,y ( T7 m n l l -- ,vi',-Jr fJHfc: J-S ; - V 1 fl - H - TTrrjiKTTM'aiTYTi irrt tj:j:ms. THE DAILYINTELLIGENCER, rUBLISIIEU EVKHV EVENING, BY STEINMAN & HENSEL, Intelligencer Untitling, Southwest Cerner or Centre Square. TlJK I)MLV IktELLIRENCT.K is furnished te subscribers in tin: Cily of Lancaster unl sur rounding town-,, acceMtible by Itullreail :ml llullv htu; Lines sit Ten Ce.vts 5'eii Week, pnvahta te tin Carrit-rs, weekly. Iiy Mail, $-". a vi'fir in inlvnnci: : etlierwlhe, S-i. Kntereil at tin lK-t elliccatl.ainaister, I'.,its -ecend class mail iiiatti-r. S-TliSTK.M .IOIJ lMSIXTlXtr DKI'AUT DKI'AUT SIKXTer Ibis citalilisliuii-ut possesses uiistir lisscl facilities for the execution of all kimls of 1'laln ami Kancv l'rintiii'r. CO. IT.. I It. MAKTIX, y. Wlieli wile and Uetail Dealer in all kinds of I,CMI.Ki: AXDG'OM.. a-Varl: Xe. 43) North Water ami I'iinc stieet.s, above Lemen, Lancaster. n.'J-lyd COAL! - - - COAL M (JO TO GORRECHT & CO., Fort.eod ami Cheap Ceal. Yard liarrishur-' l'ikc. Olliec -M'i Last Chestnut Street. V. W. GOItKKCJIT, A't. .1. IS. K1I.KY. eiMyil W. A. KKLLKU. C0H0 & WILEY, :t.-,! SOUTH WATllll ST., lAtucaMcr, J'i., Wholesale and Ketail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. AImi, CoiitracterHaiid Ituililers. Kstimales made ami centractu undertaken en all kinds of buildings. r.ranrh Olliec: Xe. :: NOKTII DUKKST. fcbl-Myd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! Ceal of the ISest Oualily put up expres-!y ler family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. K4 VAKD l.-.O SOUTH 1VAT15K ST. ii. -JU-ly.l I'llILir SCIIUM. SOX A CO. i t:vr i:k('i:ivi:i a i'ini: lotef nAi.i:i TIMOTHY HAY, at H. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, I'EAI.KIbi IN COAL. ! FLOUR ! ! GRAIN 1 ! ! JWMILY COAL CXDKU COVK1!. Minncsela l':ilcni I'reccss Family ami l.aker'.s Fleur. Ilaleil Hay ami Feed of all kinds. AVaiclieusc and Yard : :4 Xerlli IVati'r St s-J7-lyd N e net; te Tin: riim.ic. G.KENEK & SONS. Will centinui te sell only GJiXUIXK LYKEXS VALLEY ami WILKESHAmiE COALS which arc I he best in the market, ami sell :i LOW as the ,()Wi:sT. and net only CCAi: AXTKK Fl'LLWKIi.UT, but allow te WKItMl ON ANY scale in j;imiiI order. AUe i:.Mi'h ami DresM'd Lumber. !a-h Hours, I'linds, Ac.. at Lewct Market I'ricc-. Olliec and yard northeast corner I'rineeaml Walnut streets, Lancaster, I'a. janl-tfd r.OOHS .I.V7 STATIOSI'.HY. 11 OI.IDAY FANCY C.OtiDS. HOLIDAY BOOKS. Autograph ami l'liote-rraph Albums, Writ ill!' Desks anil Werk l', Christmas and Xcw Year Cards. PAPETERIES, AT L. M. FLYNN'S, Xe.-! AVKST K1NC STKi:KT. NEW YEAR CARDS. An Kle!ant Assortment at the BOOK STORE JOM BABE'S SOIS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, laxcastku, 1a. hoots ash shoes. 1ki.jai;lk BOOTS AND SHOES. We fruaran tee every pair we sell. We keep the most perfect fitting, best style and well wearint shoes, ami sell thein at the very LOWEST PRICES. Our stock was purchased last summer before the late advance in leather and material, and we offer te give te our customers the advan tage or our successful speculation by selling our present stock at lower prices than we could te-day buy again. We a'.se continue te make Custom Werk at short notice, stylish ami durable, and at lower prices than anyotlicrsheemaker here or .elsewhere. H'g-.Mending done promptly and neatly.'SS Clve ns a call. A. ADLER, 43 WEST KING STREET. HATll JiltJiSSISO. Mrs. C. LILLER, LADIES' IlAIRM.l;Si:i., Manufacttircrand Dealer in Hair Werk, Cents' Wigs. Combings straightened and made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made up. Alse Kill Cleves ami Feathers cleaned ami lycd at Xes. 225 & 227 XOKTH QL KKX ST., nl-'-liut loerw .inevc I'. It. I!. Depot. r.nvcATiexAi.. alHK ACADKM CONNKCTKI) WITH Franklin and Marshall College offers bu perier advantages te young men ami boys who lcsii-e either lepreparc foreellege or te)btain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send for circulars. Address KKV. J AM KS CUA WFORD, ecUl-lvd Lancaster, l'a. fJLOTHISO. H. GERHART, TAILOR, Having just returned irein Xew Yerk with a lare and CHOICE STOCK FOR MEN'S WEAR, Would respect fully announce te his cust and the public that lie will have his re; emcrs :ular FALL OPENINt MONDAY, KKFTEXUKK 2.)lh. LA IIG EST ASSOUTM ENT, LATUS'I' STYLES AXD PKICKS A LOW A- A.N Y HOfSK IV Tills cm AT H. GBRHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. QI'JX'IAI. XOTICK. 6G. G8. D.Gansman&Bre. GRAND CLOSING SALE ! OF OVERCOATS AND HEAVY SUITINGS. Sl'KCIAL IXDl'CKMKXTS te buyers of Clothing in order te make room for a large sriJIXlS .Vl'OCK new being 111:11111 faet tiled, and wc are ueeiling room. We offer well-maile and stylish Clothing for Men and Beys LOWER PRICES than ever heard ofbelere, although Coedsnre going up every day. We will sell, for we must have the room. Loek a Our Astonishingly Lew Price Lisi : OYKWCOATS ! OVKWCOATSI OVKIJCOATS '. for -fi.'.W, ter .'!.S."i, for $"..:.", for$i;.7."i. ovi:i:ceATs: ovkuceats: ovKirce.T: for$7.7."i. for .?'.!. 7."., for $1(1.7.!. OVKUCOATS I OVKUCOATS ! OVKUCOATS '. for $12, sflJ, $11; and $20. The-e am heavy-lined Overcoat-', carelully made and splendidly trimmed. OVKUCOATS ! OVKUCOATS : OVKUCOATS ! for J7..V), ler ....-., for ?'...".(), for $12. OVKUCOATS ! OVKUCOATS OVKUCOATS '. for-fl."., for .f 18, fer$2'J. These are I'laid-Itack Overcoats, eiiial te custom work. HEAVY, MK.VS SKITS .' for -f:;..v), $i.ik), $"1.00, $7.0(i, mm, -fie.iMi. MEN'S SUITS FOR FIXK DUKSS I for $12.00, $U.(K), $13.01), $1C.00, $1s.oe and $20,e0. I'.OYS' SUITS AXD OVKUCOATS ! HOYS' SUIT. lrem $2.2.". te $10.00. HOYS' OVKUCOATS VKIIY LOW. We sell only our own make ami guarantee satisfaction. " Meney returned en all goods net found as represented. JJSM'Ieasc call, whetheryeu wish te purchase or net. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT Is stocked with the latest styles, which we make te measure at the lewc-t cash price, and guarantee a perfect lit. SUITS TO OUDKU from $12 upwards. l'AXT.s TO OUDKU from $.!.50 upwards. D. GANSMAN & BRO., MKUCHAXT TAILOI'S AXD CLOTHIKUS, 00 & G8 NOKTII QUEEN ST., S. AV. Cerner of Orange, Lancaster, l'a. llSausmau's Cerner.) ousts' coons. CLATJDENT SCARFS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, LADIES' WORK BOXES, SILK SUSPENDERS, E. J. ERISMAN'S, eG XOKTH QUEKX STHKKT. HltUO STOllES. riiui-: i:mi'ei:iij31 I'eit I'ixk, xjskmji. X and Xew Styles of HOLIDAY PRESENTS IS AT THE CITY PHARMACY, S. K. Cor. X. Queen and Orange Strcet.s. X. 15. I'lcasc cnll and examine. AK. McCANX, AUCTIOXKKIt OF KKAl. . KsUiteaud Personal Property. Orders leti at Xe. Si Charlette street, or at the Jtluck Herse Hetel, 44 and 4(i Xerth Queen street, will receive prompt attention. IHUs made entanti attended te without additional cost. e27-ly En ill Demestic Wilis ILaiuastrr I-ntrlligntrrr. SATURDAY EVENING, JAN. 10, 1880. A Mystery Solved. The J-reresb of Dying, anil ."Man's Keeurrec- the Spirit, te Life au.l Immortality. A Lecture Delivered in the X'ew (Sweden (Sweden bergian) Cluircn, this City, by jJCev. .1. . Deuers, en Friday Evening, Jan. ii, 18fc0. I CORINTHIANS, XV : aJ-.-.s. "iJcheld ! I shewyeu a mystery : Wc shall net all sleep, but we shall ail be changed ; in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump; ler the trumpet snail sound, and the dead shall be raised, incorruptible, and we shall be changed." 1 Cor. xv : .ii, .V2. This passage isa portion of that notable chapter in which the apostle Paul treats, in such plain terms, en the very interesting and profound, and te many mysterious, .subject of man's resurrection from the dead. And wc may observe, in the out set of our present discourse, that wc sin cerely believe that the apostle, in this por tion of his epistles, teaches the true doc trine respecting the physical death, and spiritual resurrection, and immortal life, and eternal destiny of man. That is te say, all these things are involved in what is there se distinctly taught. We shall find by a close examination of the apostle's real meanings that, in his exposition en the subject before us are involved a vast num ber of particulars a wonderful series of spiritual ideas, a bright and beautiful clus ter of truths that are well calculated te promote rational thought, and thus te en lighten the human mind. But these sub lime things de net appear te the reader at a superficial glance. They arc net seen by these who "de net dispose their minds te engage in inward thoughts, or devout med itations about spiritual and heavenly things. They are net jiereeivcd by these who are engrossed with earthly allairsand worldly pursuits, and who are se bound up in things temporal that they have no time, and no desire, te give any special attention te the eternal verities of the kingdom of Ged. Ner are the numerous particulars, and the spiritual ideas, and the logical truths, which"are involved in the teachings of the apostle, Paul, concerning the resur rection, actually received and believed by these whose minds are tilled up te the brim, as it were, with the erroneous opinions of self-derived intelligence : or with the imaginary sentiments which have been inculcated by :i false theology. These who are prepared te accept, and who are able te understand, the teaching in the leth chapter of 1st Corinthians, arc they that are willing te lay aside at least some of the preconceived opinions whit h arc, at this day, entertained by many. They are these who are desirous te learn what is really taught, in the "Werd of Ged. en the great subject of the resurrection, and the future immortal life of man. That is, te learn what is the true import of the Bible in its entirety ; and net merely what it appears te be from a lew disconnected passages. Fer, in order te obtain a correct knowledge of this or any;ether theme of Divine revelation, it is necessary te take a comprehensive view ; te consider the matter long, earnestly, thoughtfully, thoroughly and prayerfully. It would be impossible te gain an intimate knowledge of either of the sciences of ge ometry, astroneniy,chcmistry, or anatomy, without much patient study and re search. And the man who expects te knew all about the doctrines of Christiani ty, who hopes te understand anything about the grand realities and the sublime mysteries of the kingdom of Ged. without much deep rellectien and careful investi gation, is as much mistaken as the farmer would be who should expect te raise crops of wheat and corn and potatoes by sitting down with folded hands, day after day, in the genial sunshine of spring, the sewing time of the year, and spending the pre cious hours in listless, stupid idleness. It is evident, therefore, that te accomplish anything, mentally, requires the active working of the human laeulties, just as te de anything physically demands the busy employment of the human hands. It is true that the humblest child of earth, that will make a proper use of his or her oppor tunities in this life of piobatien, se as te overcome evil with geed and be made a new creature, shall attain a state of eon een uinc intelligence and wisdom, and finally be associated with the angels in heaven. But, be it remembered, that no human being can ever become intelligent and wise in spiritual things any mere than in natural things without receiving instiu -tien and the cultivation of the faculties ac cordingly. Te have strong hands we must make use of them. Wc have intimated that te be able te intelligently understand what the apostle teaches with regard te the resurrection, it is necessary te remove some of the precon ceived oxiiniens which arc entertained by many en the subject. By preconceived opinions, we mean these notions which have been conceived, and these ideas which have be formed, and these .thoughts which have been imbibed, from the fancies of cer tain poets ; or from the imaginings of cer tain ether idealists ; or from the supersti tions of former ages, which have by tradi tion been handed down te us ; or from the vague, hazy, indefinite theological tenets which have been held anil still are very largely entertained by the people of Christendom. In a word, wc mean by preconceived opinions these sentiments in complex, which are formed in the mind of any one before he becomes familiar with the genuine doc trine, which is taught in that only true source of spiritual light and truly rational knowledge, namely, the 'AVerd of Ged. That is, wc mean, any one's general senti ment or belief, before the Bible has been thoroughly examined, and a comprehen sive view has been obtained of what it ob viously teaches : or, of what may be de duced therefrem, as a whole. And all will admit the fact that multitudes indeed, the vast majority of men and women, are thus in preconceived opinions and net, as yet, in the truth. Multitudes are gliding down the stream of time toward the great ocean of eternity, without any definite knowledge of the one-thousandth part of what is contained in the scriptures re specting their immortal destiny. They have net yet been brought from darkness te light ; from the darkness of ignorance and error te the light of intelligence in spiritual thiiius. They have net passed from the death of various evil affections and wrong desires te the life of righteous ness, which implies a life of love te Ged, and of charity toward the neighbor. But it. is pleasant te think, as the doctrine of the "New Church se bsntttifully teaches, that all the children of men. who de net confirm themselves tn evils of life, or who net make wrong-doing the supicmc de light of their lives, will, in the Lord's own geed time, and in His own wise way, be led into a definite knowledge of the truth, which they will receive, yea. with inmost feelings of joy ; and se be saved with an everlasting salvation. Net only these -of our church are saved. Having defined what we mean by pre conceived opinions, we may new proceed te notice hew this is applicable te thesuo thesue ject under consideration. And we find, en consulting the popular sentiment or belief, and its deeply-seated prejudices, the origin of which has already been alluded te, that various notions arc entertained ; that neither agree with what the Apostle Paul teaches, nor with what is taught in the Bible as a whole, in its most obvious meaning, when rightly interpreted and ra tienally understood. Among these no tions are the following : That the material body of man will be raised again at some future time, but nobody knows when ; that all the original particles of human bodies, which have been dissolved for thousands or perhaps tens of thousands of years, will be gathered together again, but nobody knows hew : that the souls of people exist somewhere from the time of the dissolution of the body until the time of the general resurrection, but nobody knows where ; that the souls of people re main in an unconscious condition in the grave until the sounding of the last trump, but nobody knows why; and at some place en the eaith the Lord will, by-and-by-descend from heaven te cause the dead te come forth from their graves, and te cilect the judgment 01 universal man kind, but nobody knows whether this au gust affair is te take place in Asia, Africa, Europe or America. When the theolo gians were asked te give an intelligent ex planation of these things, they put off the anxious inquirer by saying, "It is a mys tery." When they were requested te show from analogy, or from some ether reason able ground, that it was possible or prob able that the natural body docs really rise again, they said : '"3Iy dear brother, it is a mystery." When some earnest, thinking, doubting Christian desired te knew wlij- the body should ever be raised anil reunit ed te the soul the reply was : " It is a mys tery ; but, dear friend, only have patience, you will learn all about these deep things when you get te heaven." And when some truth-seeking brother wished te be informed as te the manner in which the Lord, who is an infinite, Divine, spiritual being, could ever descend, personally into the material world and be seen with the natural eyes of the people en earth, it was answered ; "-'It is a mystery; but, brother, 'with Ged all things are possible' : I be seech you, therefore, net te allow your faith te be shaken by any strange doctrines you may hear.' Se the thick, heavy, dismal veil of mys- tery was drawn ever the bright and shining features, and ever tlic beautiful and sym metrical form of Divine truth and heavenly love, as personified in the humanity of the Leid Ged, our Saviour and Redeemer. Ah, these men were net fully conscious of what they did. But the theologians who have from time te time undertaken te spread the veil of mystery ever the things concerning which it is perfectly right and proper for people te have an intelligent knowledge have really done nothing less than te hide the glorious light of Divine truth, which proceeds from the Sun of Righteousness, which is exalted above the angelic heavens and beams benignly ever all finite beings. Many long centuries before, the Apostle Paul, in his epistle te the Corinthians, ex claimed: " Jielwhl snow yen a myxtery." And in his doctrine se clearly set forth he did solve what had been for ages regarded by the masses of mankind as an incompre hensible mystery. lie showed hew the dead are raised up, and with what sort of a body they come into the heavenly world te continue inanefermal state of existence. In a general way at least he explained the process of dying and of man's entrance into life and immortality. As plainly as he could, according te the light he had, he declared the manner in which this great change is effected. He showed hew death is swallowed up in victory ; hew death is deprived of its sting; hew the grave is robbed of its terrors ; hew man's cerrupti ble puts en liicorruptieu ; hew his mortal nature puts en immortality, and hew the imaginary dark valley of the shadow of death is illumined by the beauteous light from Ged's own benign countenance. But theologians for the most part knew net, saw net, comprehended, net the real meanings of the apostle ; or did net even wish te de se, which is the most singular thing of all. The Lord Jesus Christ, who in I lis Divine Humanity is none ether but He who is, and who was, and who is te come the Almighty says te His disciples in the gesjiel : "Unto you it is given te knew that is, te understand the mysteries of the kingdom of Ged." But some of these who professed te be Ged's ministers upon earth said te men and women who desired te have an intel ligent understanding of the matters of religion in which they felt a deep interest : " De net inquire tee deeply into these mysteries. Yeu will never be able te com prehend them en this side of heaven. Pray for an increase of faith. Held fast te the faith once delivered te the saints ;" etc. When men and women were hunger ing for the bread of life, namely, the geed things of genuine Christian doctrine, the stones of perverted faith in respect te the word of Ged were offered them. Or, when the people asked for the fish of true natural science, regarded in the light of Divine revelation, the serpents of sensuous ideas and materialistic notions were given them. Is it any wonder, therefore, my friends, that in many cases honest doubt ers and earnest inquirers have been driven into a denial of the dogmas of religion, and into skepticism, with regard te many points of theology'.' Nay, en the contrary is it net rather a wonder that we de net hear of far mere avowed skeptics than we de ? Probably there would be mere if it were a little less unpopular te be a skeptic than it is. We cannot tarry here long enough te offer a plea for the honest doubters, or te make apologies for the sincere skeptics. But in view of the difficulties and per plexities of the prevailing theology ; in view of the notion of the resurrection of the material human bodies, in view of the monstrous contradiction of the idea that Ged is at the same time, all love, mercy, kindness and compassion toward a portion of His creatures, that He is full of hatred, wrath and ven geance towards another portion ; and in view of a thousand ether things which are equally repugnant te enlight ened human thought and equally at vari ance with the obvious teaching of Divine revelation, What shall men de'? we may ask. What can men de who are endowed with the heaven-born faculty of reason and who are moved by irresistible im pulses te exercise that reason '.' Why, we declare it te be our firm conviction that, just as surely as the heavens arc higher than the earth, there arc only two things in general that they can de under the cir cumstances. The one course for them te pursue is te go en doubting the dogmas of religion, and then rejecting one thinjr after another of revealed truth until even the existence of Ged as an infinite. Divine, per sonal Being, is denied, and the idea of the future life and the immortality of man is repudiated, and thus, being se immersed in the treacherous mires of materialism as te become infatuated by the notion that man dies like the beasts, which perish, and then te go out of the world by " taking a fearful leap in the dark." And the ether course te pursue is for the doubter or the sincere seeker after genuine, rational and scriptural truth, te betake himself te a thorough investigation of the system of religious philosophy as wc have it in the Lord's New Church. That is, te devote some time te an earnest perusal of the heavenly doctrines of the Christum relig ion, as these are most lucidly expounded in the theological writings of Emanuel Swedenberg. And we believe that if the doubter is capable of receiving revealed truth, and desirous te have his mind en lightened by means of the truth, and will have the patience te make a faithful exam ination of the system, he will certainly lind quite sufficient spiritual instruction te completely satisfy the interior needs of his higher nature. The grand principles and glorious truths which are there set forth, and which are derived from, and corrobo rated by, and founded upep, the Werd of Ged, will show him the path of life and encourage him te walk therein during his pilgrimage en earth. Fer this system of theology is most fully and perfectly adapt ed te accomplish se momentous a result as te save the world from naturalism and materialism, from rationalism and skepti cism, and from every form of self-conceit which can delude man and divert his feet into the downward way that surely leads te mental darkness and te the abodes of spiritual and eternal death. Te these, therefore, who have weighed the tenets of the prevailing theology in the bal ance of common sense, and have, accord ing te their best judgment, found them wanting, found them almost entirely devoid of these substantial spiritual ele ments, which satisfy the inner hunger and thirst of the mind, and heart, and soul te such we say, de net be discouraged yet, but resolve te leek into the heaven-revealed doctrines of the Xew Jerusalem, in order te sec if they de net contain just what you need for your mental satisfaction, and your spiritual edification, and veur everlasting salvation. But pardon these digressions; and let us new devote ourselves mere directly te a consideration of the subject. Let us en deavor te sec, or te arrive at an intelli gent understanding of the manner in which the apostle Paul has solved the mys tery of man's death, as te his material body, and his resurrection te life and im im immei tality, as te his spiritual body. In our text he says : Beheld, I shew you a mystery ; wc shall net all sleep, but wc shall all be changed, etc." By the words, ' we shall net all sleep,' is evidently meant that man does net remain in an unconscious state or condition in the ! grave ; that the human soul does net sleep in the tomb or in the dust of the earth for centuries, or thousands, or even millions of years, awaiting a future general resurrection of all dead bodies of all the countless myriads of human beings who have lived and died in all lands of all ages of the world. The declaration of Paul in his epistle te the Hebrews is that "it is ap pointed unto men once te die, but after this the judgment ;" showing plainly as words can express it that the resurrection and also the judgment take place immedi ately after death. The next statement of the text is that " we shall all be changed." And the change referred te consists simply in this, namely, in putting oil' the material body and con tinuing te exist by virtue of the spiritual body ; in becoming unconscious as te the things of time and sense, and awakening te a consciousness of the scenes and reali ties of eternity, and leaving the natural world and entering into the spiritual world. Thus, if it is really true, as almost every one in Christendom professes te be lieve, that man is immortal ; that a human being is se created -that, as te his soul, he cannot die te eternity, then it fellows that the death and dissolution of the body must imply the continuation of life as te the soul or spirit. And se we see that the truth of the matter is as truly as it is beautifully expressed by the writer who says : "There is 110 death! what seems se is transi tien ; This life of mortal breatii is but the suburb of lite elysian, Whose portal we call death." This sentiment is in perfect accord with the teachings of the scriptures throughout. Fer example, when the Divine Teacher himself says in Luke xx, 37, '.iii : " Xew, that the dead are risen, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord, the Ged of Abraham, and the Ged of Isaac, and the Ged of Jacob. Fer, he is net a Ged of the dead but of the living ; because all live unto Him." And wc also read in the book of Ecclesi astcs, 12th chapter, that when the windows of the soul that is the eyes of the body arc darkened as te the scenes of the earth, because man geeth te his long home ; and when the silver cord is loosed or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel be broken at the cistern. Then shall the dust return te the earth, as it was; and the spirit shall return unto Ged, who gave it." Hence we learn from the true doctrine of the church, according te the sacred writ ings, that the human soul is manifested by means of the spirit, which is in the perfect human form, constituting a complete spir itual body. This spiritual body, while man lives in the natural world, is clothe I, as it were with a natural body. This spir itual body, is composed of the spiritual substances of which all things of the ether world are formed ; and the natural body is composed of the material substances of whicli the things of this world are made. The spirit, then, is the real man ; the or ganic being ; the immortal intelligence ; that survives the dissolution of the body. That it is se is clearly shown in the account of our Lord's transfiguration before Peter, James and Jehn, as recorded in Luke ix, 28 and following verses. Wc there read that "there talked with him two men, who were .Moses and Elias ; who appeared in glory and spake of His decease, which lie should accomplish at Jerusalem." Xew, as a matter of history, we knew that Moses and Elias had departed this life many long centuries before. Wc cannot step here te discuss the translation of Eli jah, who is meant by Elias in this passage, and te give an explanation of particulars ; but wc must be content by making the general statement that it is a total impos sibility for any human being ever te have gene away from this world and te have en tered into the spiritual world with his ma terial body. While Elijah was translated it is said of Moses, at the close of the Pen tateuch, that he died and was buried. His hotly returned te dust and ashes. It was in the course of a few years completely dis solved. In the form of imponderable gases the particles of material J substances which had composed the body of Moses had for centimes been dispersed te all patts of the physical glebe of the earth. There liad been no resurrection. But notwithstand ing all this, Moses appears as a man, to gether with Elias, en the .mount of trans figuration and talks with the Lord Jcsns. It is said that these two men, namely, Moses and Elias, " appeared in glory ;" by which we understand that they were seen by the three disciples, with their inner sight, in their glorious spiritual bodies, in the light of heaven ; having become angels angelic men after their entrance into the heavenly world. We should observe that the apostle docs net teach us that men will only have a spir itual body after death, which will be given him by the' resurrection and the miracn miracn leus transformation of his natural body ; as lias often been supposed. But you will no tice that he says distinctly, It is sewn a natural body ; it is raised a spiritual body; and there is a spiritual hotly." And we take it, that if these words mean anything it is that every man,, and woman, and child, that lives in the world, having a nat- ural body, liasalse, at the same time, a spir- itualbedy. And when a person dies, it is indeed his or her body which the person has at the time that is raised into the con scious life of the eternal world and state. But be it observed that it is the spiritual body which an individual has that is raised, and net the natural or material body. Se we are taught, in the gospels, that even though a man were physically dead, j-et should he spiritually live. And that man's physical organism, composed of material substances, can never be metamophescd in any manner se as te become a spiritual or ganism, is as plainly taught in this same leth chapter of Paul te the Corinthians as it can be expressed by words. He says, in the verse immediately preceding our text : "Xew, this I say, brethren, that flesh and bleed cannot inherit the kingdom of Ged : neither doth corruption inherit incerrup- tien." Wc see, therefore, my friends, that it is one of the strange and inexplfcable things of an erroneous theology that it has befog ged the mind of the people of the Christiau world generally with the absurd notion with the nesensical idea of the resurrec tion of the material body. We find that, in order te make it appear that such a thing is taught, the theologians have turned the evidences of the sacred scriptures m this subject queerly upside down. They have strangely misappehended and misinter preted the plain teachings of the apostle Paul. They have made the import of Hely Writ te conform te the preconceived opin ions of men ; which opinions have been foisted into the systems of religion as pure gospel truth ; and se, the falsity in ques tion has bees infused into the minds of the great masses of the people. And in many individuals this falsity still remains, float ing about in the mind, se te speak, like a dark cloud, through which the beautiful rays of the true idea en the subject cannot yet be seen. The theologians of the past who have formed the prevailing popular idea of the resurrection of the physical hotly have also overlooked and ignored the facts of science, and the laws and operations of nature, which have an important bearing en the subject, and which are se well calculated te clear it up and make it interesting, and reasonable, and comprehensible, when taken in connection with what is taught in the Werd of Ged. But we can most heart ily congratulate the world, in view of the grand fact that, in the new age whicli has begun, in the new dispensation which has been given, in the new revelations of spiritual knowledge which have been made, in the Lord's Xew Church which has begun te be established, in the new, rational, logical, beautiful and scriptural doctrines of the Christian religion, which arc being promulgated, mere or less, in all lands and among all people throughout the habitable glebe, and in the new thoughts, and feelings, and affections, and perceptions which are being awakened and cultivated ; en account of these things, we say, we can congratulate the world ; for, in view of them, there is hope a bright and glorious hope for the future of humanity. The new light the cheering beneficent light from the Sun of Right eousness, which has already dawned, and will continue te increase is of such a na ture that it will, as time rolls en, disperse the fogs of error, the mists of superstition, the shades of ignorance, and the clouds of falsity, mere and mere. And this light is the truth, which beams, in beauty and glory, from the Werd of Ged, by virtue of its inner meaning or spiritual sense, which is new revealed. I he truth of the erd of Ged is rational in its form and spiritual in its quality, as suited te the minds of these at this day who arc able and willing te receive it, and te strive te live according te it. It is perfectly adapted te enlighten and gladden, te purify and ennoble, te ele vate and bless, the universal family of man kind. But new, in conclusion, a few mere re marks respecting our subject. And let these remarks be about the change of death, or the manner in which man's dis solution is effected. It is said in our own text, that it takes place " in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump ; for, the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." Xew, wc understand the apostle here, by " the last trump," te use a figurative expression, signifying the close of any or every human being's natural life en earth ; the departure from the scenes of time, and the awakening te a conscious life amid the wonderful realities of the eternal world. When we have been sleeping sweetly, we awaken in the morning, it may be said, in the twinkling of an eye. The expression is evidently made use of te mean at once, quickly or immediately ; as it is sometimes employed in common speech. And se death is like a short, sweet, peaceful sleep. In death, a person is in a similar state as in sleep, with the differ ence that perceptible respiration has ceas ed. And we are instructed in the doctrine of the church, that this sleep, in the gener ality of the cases, continues until the third day, and that then the person becomes conscious by awakening in the spirit. The reason why the sleep of death generally lasts until the third day, is, because the spirit of many cannot be resuscitated, that is, be made conscious by being with drawn from, and thus separated from, the body until the two vital motions the re spiratory motion of the lungs, and the systolic motion of the heart have entirely ceased. And these, we arc informed, continue till the third day in most cases of adults. But in the very moment that the marvelous machinery of the physical human frame is brought entirely te a standstill, then, in the twink ling of an eye, the great change is accom plished, and the person is an actual in habitant of the spiritual world. In the case of infants and little children, we are told that their tender spirits are released from the body and carried up into heaven, where they are given into the charge of angel methcrs.immediatcly after their decease. And they are cared for with the utmost tenderness, and grew up and become intelligent, and wise, and pure and lovely angels, according te their genius and latent capacities. That man's resurrection takes place en the third day. as also did our Lord's, is shown from the scriptures in the prophecy of Hosea, viii., 12, where wc read: "Come and let us return unto theLord,ferHchath tern and He will heal us ; He hath smitten and He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us ; in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight." Why then should we have any fear of death'.' Wc need net have any, my friends, if wc se live te make timely preparation for this important change which awaits us all. "Fer we knew that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved wc have a building of Ged, an house net made with hands, eternal in the heavens.',. Amen. HAPPY BELIEF Te all sutrering from chronic diseases of all kinds. Confidential consultation invited per sonally or by mail. Xewmethed of treatment. Xew and reliable remedies, lioek and circu lars sent free in sealed envelopes. Address Heward Association, 419 X. Xinth street, Phil adelphia, Pa., an institution having n high reputation for honorable conduct and profe prefe profe lenai skill. mar-lyd TTSE LOCKER'S HORSE AND CATTLE U ' 1'OWDEUS. MtY aoens, jtc. 1VE CANNOT ADVERTISE Reduction of Prices, As many kinds of goods are going up in price every week, hut we held a large stock of desirable Dry Goods that are selling at rates proportionate te cost some time age. In the matter of MUSLINS we secured and MUSLINS stored' away an immense MUSLIXS quantity, se that our sales- MUSLIXS rooms and rcscrye stock- MUSLIXS rooms leek like wholesale MUSLIXS stores. These standard MUSLINS goods are new retailing MUSLINS largely ut less titan future .MUSLINS prices. MUSLINS We also beugnt freely of FLAXXELS, Ami can show the geed results of our bargaining en inquiry at the Flannel Counter. We are also selling CALICOES Cheaper than they can be bought at. The people will have te pay higher for many kinds of dry goods after the pres ent stock are sold out. Jehn Wanamaker, GRAND DEP0T-13TH ST., I'llILAJHCLfHIA. 3IEH1VAI CUTICURA ! BLOOD AND SKIN HUMORS. CLTicrn.v Kkmehiks for the Treatment of Weed and Skin and Scalp Humors. When or Scrofulous. Cancerous, Syphilitic origin, the Cuticura Keselvent is tile principal remedy, uiid if there are at the same time Ulcers, Sere or ether Kxternul Affections, then the Ccti cuua, assisted by the Cirrici'UA Se.vr, must he used externally. If the disease is of the Skill and Scalp, the principal remedy will then be the CirricuitA, with the Ci'TicuuASeAr.nnd such use of the Keselvkst as is suggested by tin- following conditiens: In all skin and Scalp Diseases, when the skin is het and dry. tiie bleed feverish, the liver torpid, the bowels con stipated, or when the virus of scrofula or poi son of Mercury is known te lurk in tiiesystcm, or when the Constitution has been shattered by Malarial and Anti-Periodic Fevers anil De bilitating Diseases, always take the Ueselvemt while using the Citicitha. A cure thus liiiuli: will be permanent ami satisfactory. ECZEMA 110DEXT. The Cutirurii Kcniedics Succeed Where a Consultation of Physicians rails. Messrs. Weeks Pettkk: Centlcmen.i have suffered ever thirteen years with skin disease in my hands and limbs, causing constant irri tation, depriving me or rest and attention te business. I sought many remedies here ami elsewhere, also use of .sulphur baths, without permanent cure. Last Mav a nlivsician called inv disease Kczcma Undent, spots appeared en my hands, head and face, eves became much lulliimcd and granulated, causing at length impaired sight. Internal and external remedies were pre scribed by a leading physician for six months, was then introduced te another, and a consul tation of several leading physicians was had. when a delinite plan was decided upon, but all te )i purpose. After following advice ler four months with out any permanent cure. 1 bought two bottles of Cuticuka Ueselvemt, two boxes of CtrricuitA, and some SeAiund can testify with great pleas ure te the eilect they have had in my case, in eight days being nearly cured. The physicians pronounced my case the most aggravated one that has ever come under their experience and practice. I recemin I ami liighlv indorse the Clti- cfu.v Kemki-ies. Yours truly, F. II. DKAKK, Aficntfer Harper it Jlre.'s l'ubliattienx. Clikkei:iS)T. axi Woedwako Ave., Detkeit, Mich., Jan. 21, 1h;;. SALT lUIia.'I Face, Head ami Parts of l'etly. Ilea Covered "Willi Scabs anil Seres. Oil Messrs. Weeks & Petteie. I commenced tn use your CirricuitA last. July. Have only used one large and one small box, and one bottle of the Ke.selve.nt. My race and head and some parts of 1113- body were amest raw. My head was covered with scabs and .sores, and 1113- suf fering was fearful. I had tried everything I had heard or in the Kast and West. M3- case was considered a very bad one. One very skillful nlivsician said he would rather net treat it, ami some of them think new I unions-cured tcmperarilv. Itliluk uot,ler I have net a particlcef Salt I'liciim about me, and 1113- case is considered wonderful. 31 v case has been the means of sellingagreat nianj-ofyeurCi-TicuuA Remedies in this part of the country, i'cspcctfiillv veurs, '31KS.S. K. WIIIPPLK. Decatl'k, Mich., Nev. 17, 1S7S. Cuticura, Cuticura Keselvent ami Cuticura Seap ure prepared by Weeks I'etter. Chem ists and Druggists, VM) Washington street. l!os l!os ten, and are ter sale 13- all druggists. Price of Cuticura, small boxes, fle cents ; large be.xes. containing two and one-halt' times thequantity et small,!, ltcselveiit $1 per bottle. Cuticura Seap, i" cents per cake ; by mail, 30 cents ; three cakes, 75 cents. C0LLIJVS Ne ether remedy in the world can se quickly as- VOLTAIC FirCTHIftsuage the most vieleut iMirnriNTiw fiTl'iiIn Til..-.' Pi ICTpR) distributethroiiglieut the fcrw I B nervous system a gentle and continuous current or Klectricitv, which instantly annihilates Pain, vitalizes W'cakanil Paral3zed Parts, cures Sere Lungs, Palpita tion of the Heart, Painful Kidneys, Liver com plaint, i'huumnlisiu. Neuralgia and Sciatica, (iet the trenuine. :nevr.i:ir.s. "lyilOL-KSALK A.NI KKTAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUR AT Xe. 227 NORTH PKIXCE STREET. dI7-lyd Giv K IT A Ti:liL. Ten j-ears age Fulinctecks Farina Fleur had si sale of 10,000 fts. per week in Lancaster, and was considered VERY SUPERIOR. Mr. Fahnestock has net been milling for ten years, but has again taken charge of his mill, and Is making the Farina Fleur. Levers of Heed Fleur and ljiij-en of New Precess anil Western Fleur are Invited te give the Farina Fleur a trial. It is sold at a lower price than ether Fancy IJrands of Fleur. SOLE AGENT FOlt LANCASTER, D. S. BURSK, GROCER, 17 Kant King Street, Lancaster, Pa. J-'O VNHEKS ASH MA VII ISIS TS. T AXCASTEK J BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OjTestTKiHn Locomotive Works. The subscriber centinupa te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes r Furnace Twiers, llcllews Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and Blaeksmi thing generally. O- Jobbing promptly attended te. anglS-lyd JOHN BEST, "A