i. ' " - . 51 . "" -TS 3 R .: LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, FRIDAY. JANUARY 9, 1880. s V, l -" "- K -fVV?i Seme Mere Clubs. Among the club organizations of the city, mention of which was inadvertently emitted in the article en this phase of social life that appeared in our columns yester day, is the new well-known Star club, whose weekly meetings and inquiry into the mysteries of astronomy arc followed with great interest by these who lc.id the newspaper reports of its operations. The membeiship of the club includes, be sides many of our most intelligent business men, lavvyci.s and ether professional gentlemen ami cducateis, a large number of ladies, and young folks, pupils of the high school, whose interest having been enlisted in the study of the stars increases with their acquirement of knowledge in this boundless field of in estimation. The moving spiiit of tliis entcipiise, and the one who lias been chieily instiumental in placing it en its present substantial basis and at tracting te it se much of pepuhu interest and encouragement, is Pi of. J. P. Mo Me Caskey, piincipal of the boys' high school, whose lectures en the subject constituted one of the most entertaining and instinc tive features of the late teachers institute in this city. The widening influence of the club is filt in its giewingmcinbciship, and the cenipliiiicutaiy notice it recched from Pief. Pioctei, the great Ungiish as as as tioueiner, en the occasion of his recent visit here, was a deseivcd tiibute te its value in the establishment of pepulai in terest in astiouemy and the dissemination of knew ledge. The club meets this even ing in the hall of the Y. 31. C. A., and all interested in the object represented by the oig.miatien are ceidially welcome. The Gymnasium club, whose looms are in the thiid story of the Iliish building, en East King street, includes in its membei ship about thirty gentlemen. Efferts that have recently been making te pi tee it en a pcimaucut basis, premise entirely success ful results, ami the club apparatus is vei v complete. The High Scheel Alumni club, the eilert te eiganuc which was noticed in our col umns a few evenings since, continues te gain reciuits. The piclimhuuy meeting which was te hae beeu held in the high school building this evening, has been postponed en account of the meeting of the Stai club, above noticed, whose mcmhci mcmhci sliipceinpiises a nuinbei of gentlemen in terested in this ineement. Anether curling Ainiiiei s.ti . On Thin sday, Jami.iiy 8, about seventy of the relatives and liiends of Mr. James J. McSpanan and wife (ui Miss Salhe Cellins) of Faiilield, Diiimeic township, plid then an unexpected isit. The occa sion was the fifteenth anniversary of theii wedding. The worthy couple were taken quite by Miipiise when this I.uge company of liiends eamc in suddenly upon them with their hearty greetings, congratula tions and many geed wishes. The ladies .stun spread a bountiful feast at which the appetites of all weie fully Mtislied. All then retired te the pailei where a couple of benis were spent in an exceedingly pleasant way. Mi. James Cellins read some comic selections fiein Maik Twain, Mi. Will McSpaiian recited '"The Yankee lllanl.cts" and Miss Clara Kuttei gne Mis. Caudle's famous lecture en "TueShiit Uiitten." Mi.Me Spai ran addiess(l liis liiends, thanking them IV,: the houei paid him and his wife, assuiiug them it was eiy much enjoyed' h, lheiii. Hev. Jehn M. (i.ilbre.ith. in a .short I'ddiess in behalf of all, congiatu cengiatu latcd lheiii en theii fifteen je.us of piospei piespei piospei eus and happy m.uiicd life and wished them many mere such jear-. together. It was with gieat pleasure also that all pies cut gieeted Mi. Jehn McSp.ui an, the worthy fat lier of the werthj son, whose home is with his son. and whose presence and geed humor :dded much te the occa sion. 1'leuin ill Wmlur. As an evidence of the unusually mild weathei with which the present winlei is being maiked, it is only necessaiyte say that out lauueis are engaged in plowing up theii tobacco lieldsfei nct jeai'scieii. Yestcidaj two ei three teams were en gaged in plowing en Mr. Hausman's faun, between Lancaster and Milleisville. There is no host in the gieund except in some northern slopes. The icemen have net se emed a pound of ice ; and fish wei ins are found at the suifaceef the gieund undei eeiy beaid ei leg that may be tinned up. The Keftisllt esMsiiili it liiipiewMiiuut. Twe men and a half, superintended by one ether man and a half, after weikin one day and a half, have succeeded in lad ing down the several ciessing stones anl a few aids of IJelgian block pavement that had te be taken upon the Centre square ciessing of Seuth Queen street, by reason of the sinking of the sewer. Anether weiknian, with a pick, is industiieusly grubbing at the bumps in the street, which for months have offended the suif.icu of the street between the JTur JJrn and Is- TKf.MRKXCEIt efiicCS. Lancaster County Educators Abroad. The teachcis of Il.uiisbiirg were se well enteitained with Pief. Montgemciy'.s jiiac tical lessens in drawing, that he has been invited te attend their institute again in December. The tcaeheisef Meieei county pay 1'ief. A. X. Raub, piincipal of the state neimal school at Leck Haven, a well niciited com pliment in a resolution recommending that hi seiviees be secured for future we; k. Kctivul Meetings. Revival meetings were commenced in St. Paul's M. 11. clunch en Sunday last and have been inci easing in interest fiem that date. Seven penitents have been at the altar and three have piefessed conver sion. The meetings will be continued eveiy evening next week, except Sunday. Larceny. William Williams, colored, was arrested te-day and committed for a heaiing en Wednesday ev cuing next, te answ cr the charge of stealing from Samuel L. Uaily two lap blankets. The stolen piepcity was found in possession of a man te whom Williams had sold it. A Winter I'ansi,. We weie this meining shown a pmsy, which was plucked fiem a stalk in the jaitl of IJ. Frank Savier, en East King street. It was net in a het bed. but grew in the open yaid, and it looked as fresh as though giewn in the middle of summei. Scr..ling the Mini en. The mud was -craped fiem Seuth '.liiccn street te-day and carted oil. It had been evci shoe top in depth and its removal is a joy te all concerned. The Station Heuse. This meining there were five bums and -a di unk before the mayor. They were all diseharecd. Want te Jein the Eleventh Regiment. Cel. Al. Rupert, of West Chester, has re ceived information that the Lancaster peo ple are making efforts te organize a mili tary cempanv. A roll of mere than 2e names has already been formed and the or ganization is likely te be effected, in which case they want the new company te be at tached te the Eleventh regiment. Se sas the "Vc-t Chester Republican. Preparatory 5c ice. At M. Paul's Reformed church . this evening, there will be interesting services preparatory te the Hely Communion which wilfbe celebrated en Sunday next. Three members will be received bycon bycen bycon fiimatien, two by a renewal of confession, and one by letter. The sci vices w ill be conducted by the pastor. Hev. Dr. Shu makei . Assault and Ilatlerj. "William JJutler, colored, who has been wanted by the police officers for a couple of weeks te answer the charge of assault and battel y en "Buz" Helsiugei, also colored, but who has managed te keep out of their way, was ai rested by Officer Lent en Mifllin street this meinmg. He was locked up for a heaiing before Alder nmi McConemy. Where is This? A New Yeik engiaer get out some wedding cauls in these words : " Mr. and Mis. requests your presents at the maiiiage of thei daughter. Lvncvstki. Inti:llh;i:nci:i:. Which is no worse than the inscription en a Lancastei tombstone : " Theii 's i est in Ilciven."" Sunburn Democrat. Suit ler Slander. Samuel IJedger has entered in the pio pie pio theuotai y's efhee a suit for slander against Ileniy McQuade, the allegation being that McQuade chatged IJedger with the lareeny of a quantity of clever seed. Ueth parties te the suit reside in West Coe.iliee town ship. lireki Jacob Sti inc. ii.. Ills Arm. son of Sheiifl" Strine, fell while placing at school this afternoon and bieke his aim near the elbow 'Meeting ul Mar Club. The utfiil. u meeting el the star club will be held at V2 o'clock this evening, at the Yeung Men'-, Cliii-.li m A-eci itien looms. Inteie-t in the work el this lulha-iilieml '-piead fai bejen 1 it, lnuinbeishi) I.e ture lij Dr. ii eunu.ilil. 15e. I)i. (. i ecu u. till will dclivei a It dure en Monday evening net, in lunilj l.uthci.in (hijM'l His Milijid will lie "Incidents in the I.IIeel ; n. I,.lactte " The Docter Ii t-i spi m sonic tunc in i!c).mng thN It ctuie and piein-lM-s te make 11 enlei t.iimng and mti uctiv e te 111 ill IM'Is Xi:W AlIVhUTIshMLNTi. Watches, A.C., at ahm- Ceinci. Gill- Wanted. Fer Uent. Netice. S2T"Fer further details see adveitising celumi'. Sr. .1 ' con'-, Oil chics U.ukaclic. Ver can't alFeid te laugh, deal gills, t'nle join teeth aie white as jieail I'nlt our mouth is junk and -weet, Audveui two lip-in le-ebud-meet : Aniljimi innet supply this want. Hut thieugh the u-e or sO.ODONT ! )" Ivvi'ced ttl'J'Vl.ii. XOTIvI.S Ne Mere Haul 'limes. It j en will -top spending -e much en line clot In-, lich loed and -tjle, buj geed, he ilthv loed, cheap and lx ttei clothing : get meie leal and siib-t mti il thing-el lite eveiy i.i,aml e-pcci ill v -top the loeh-h habit el iinplevmg 'pen-ive ii ick doctei- or u-ing -einue!iit the v lie hunib.ig uiediiiue 111 it doe-veuolilv h.iiin. but iut eui tin-tin tint -imple, jiuie ii'ineilv. Hep Uittei-. Jh it euic- alw n-. at a tiillmgce-t, and jeu will -ce geed tune-and have-geed health. ce .inelhei ieluinu. tl .'ml 1 1 y I-ecliei'-" ( engh sj i up II ou t ike en i adv i von vi ill le-e no time in ( tiling en jeu diuggi-t lei -elleis' Cough .sjmp' wit!iul an ciju.il. I'nic i"i cent- Ii i- iniie-s ible te iv eie-timate the value et a ii mi tly w lu h -e pcifittlv contiel- the an an nev ing and d mgeiens atlection-et tlie pulme naiv eigtii-. Di. lJiewning'- C. A. C. Cot dial novel lails when taken stnctlyin acceidanee with dire. tinni. Dr. Iliewning, propueter, 1117 .uli stmt, riuladelphia. old by all ill uggi-t-. I'i ice M cents pel bottle js iwil&vv I -e LecIiki's Ilei and (' tttle I'ewilei-. He i' it I ie- the -v-tein and open- the way lei di-ta-e-, te attack the depress eil ami weaiy liedv. I'eeple of judgment anil epciience at such tunc- in ike Use el Kidiicv-Weil as this gieat leniedv keeps up the tone of the whole lietlv bv enabling the Liver, ltew els and Kid nejs te poi loin then Inactions pcilectlv. jVlwd sensible Canadian. 51 1. Uatlbei-, of Uieckv die, Canada, attei be ing euied et a piestniting malan tl tli-e,isuceu-tnictctlin Te.ts, bv means el Wuinei- sale I'lltsund alc ISittcis. vmtcs te us: "I shall nevei ti i vel in th it clnn ite w itheut join '-ate 1'ills and S.le IlitteisiL- pait t)f nij" eutlit." jl-Jwd l'mcbpicesat I.eeher's Diugbtere. It was a happy ciicunistaiice lei (. eei go J! . Cobb el Westieid. Vt.. ill it Kidnev-Weit leuiid its v.aj into his dwelling, nole--than three meinb'i- 1 the fimilv" hiving been ctued. As a c ,.th utieaiid dim elicit acts -u. el j and without pain and t uies eb-tinate cases' et liv ci cenipl tints, hnliicv tli-ca-e and ilc-. Te regulate the hvei, stomach, anil bowel bewel bowel Useenlj stlleis" Livei I'lll- "' Take no ether. i" t en Is a box. All til uggists sell them. Tij Lec hoi's Cough sJiup "-tvtistics jiievc lb it tvventv-live pel cent, el the deaths m eui laigei cities me caused bj" Loiisinuptien, and when we ltlltct that this tei l ible lis( a-e in it- w ei -,t stage w ill j ield te a battle of Let lit i's Uoiiewucd Cough syrnp, sh ill we temlcmii the suileieis ler then ncg ligerce, or pit y tin m lei their lgnoiiince .' Tiy Leehei'- tough sj nip. A Mrangc 1'cnplr De j'en knew th it theie sue stnmgc pee pie lu'eiir ceiumuuilj, vie s.i Mnmge beutu-e ihev -eem te piciei te sijllei ami jia th-ii tli- mi-ei-iblj", niatle -e bj Dvspep-.a anil Liver Cenipl unt, Indigo-lien. Constipitien and Genenil Dtbintj, when Mnlelfs italier l-gu.imnteetl te cure them. .eltl by 1). lleit shu. Lancastei, ami M. L. Uai-, Milleisville. I'ne Iliiutlrctt Tlieiisantl Streng. In the pa-t lew mouths there li lvebecn mere th in. IikuhW bottles el shileh's Cine -eltl. Out et the v ast numbei el jiceplc vv he have u-etl it, mere thin 'itKl ca-e- et consumption have been em oil. All Coughs, Cieup, Asthma ami ilienehitis leltl at once, hence it is that eveiy eveiy bedj speaks in Us pmlse. Totlie-e vi he ha.e net u-etl it, let us-aj, it jeu have a cough, or join child the cough, and jeu value lite, don't tail It) tiv it. I'ei lame bat k. snleei che-t u-e shileh's I'oieu-I'la-tei. 1.1 lx veurdmg-gi-1-. D. Ileil-hu, Lanca-tei.antl M. L. Davi-, Jliller-viUc. V i haveasptetlv anil positive cine for C i taiih. Diphtheiia. "Cankei ineiilli.uiil Ilcatlache liilnlehsCalaiili llemedj". A ii.is.il injecler 'tocMitheachbettle. l-eil iljru tle-iie health anil -weet bieath. l'uee SO cents. j?eltl bv D. Honshu, Lancastei, and .M. L. Davis. Mil leisMlle -eptii ee.lil.Vw J i:tiis. Dilt. .Jan. s. is), in Lancaster, I'a., Anna 31 in i 1)1017, in the .Mth jcarel ncrae. The icl.it ivcs.mil lucndsaie respect 1 nil j" m vitctl teattentl tlu luneial liem the residence el lui lathei, Xe .r(.7 i.'ecklantl street, en fcun. tl.iy alteinenn, at '2 o'clock, feciviccs at "-I. .Stephen's chinch. itd Hev. vr.u At 3Iillpeit, Lancaster eeiintj", I'a. en j.in 8, lsti, Cathaiine, daughter et Jesi.ih Hew. ml. The relatives and ft lends aie respectfully m v Ucd te attend the luncrat lrein the residence elliei lathci.atOo'cleckon Sunday morning. Funeral services and interment at Melllugei's meeting house, at It) o'clock. WA.TC1IES, EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, Zahm's Cerner, AMERICAN & FOREIGN WATCHES, Sterling Silver and Jewelry We offer our patrons the benefit of our long experience in business, by winch we aie able te aid them in making the best use of their money in any department or our business. We manufacture a luige pait of the goods we sell, and buv only Irem Fiist-Cliss Houses. Eveiy article sold accompanied with a bill stating il- quality. t2-First-Cliiss Watch and Genciul Kepau ing given special attention. ZAIIM'S COKNER, SOLID SILVERWAEE, GORHAM PLATED WARE, And the Best Grades of American Electro-Plate en White Metal. FRENCH CLOCKS WITH SILVER BELL, FRENCH CLOCKS WITH CATHEDRAL BELL. Complete Mantel Sets of Centre and Side Pieces in Marble or Bronze. MUSICAL BOXES WITH HARP, MUSICAL BOXES "WITH BELLS, DRUM AND CASTAGNETTE, Musical Bexes with Accompaniments and Mounted en Fine Library Writing: Cabinet. A fine general assortment of Jewelry, cemprising: all the Newe3t Designs. Designs and estimate of cost given for mounting Diamonds and ether Gems. Special care taken in the execution of Fine Monograms and Inscription Engraving. Alse, in complicated and ordinary watch and jewelry repairing. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. yj: ii' a j ri:t: tisj:mj:xts Owl ises7ai'I,iv at" misiii7i:k- Miiilding, "Centie square, at 4 o'clock, en fcatuiday. llil OTKVfcNS HOUSE BII.MAllD KOOM O opens t night. TwoCeIlendei Table- and one l.iunswick' l'oel Table. Ijan't -Id Inuici: ouiti'i:ei'i;KiYiN tim: ih.st COMl'AXIKsat ISAUSJIAX A, r.UKNs". l tleedl! Otllee: Xe. it) W e-tOi-ange -!. .4 S. ItOtKNKAUSI .V CO.. il. l'ACKKItb OK I.I:aFTeI5ACCO, Xe 'ii! i'i nice stiect, I.ancastci, I'a. .1. K()Si:XMVI i:. junT-.:intl .Vlanigtr. Vn i:xri:nn:xci:e ihi:i: or li:ai' Tobacco w ill make an ai iaug Hit ut with a geed heu-e te buv ei te buv and iatk anv i ijiiainiivei i.cai rotiacce Addle "ii. r." rencei Olhcc. j in') It.ll IntelM, I. NCS"11 It, Die. IJ. Is;-) 7 xsuiti: yeui: ikei'i:ki in ici:liai:li: X COM TAX 1 1. at BENJ. P. SHENK'S, Oflicc: ls We-t King'-tictt declJ-'JiiiiIIl Iiki:, Lirr ami accidi:xt. Insiiianceut lewe-t rate-. Geed ami Hell- I I able Companies. IlhlCIt X Vl'Ari-1 i:i. ! I l.'eat K-tate .1 In-. Agl-., .! X. Duk- st. declO-liuiUlentl , i rnoi:.cce l'en sali:. i -- ' I One ImndiKl acie-et piinic I'c iiiwj '. "tiiia I eed I.eat 'tobacco lei - tie. I Appij. te r.. k. 1v)iili:i:. j Sinew -lnuv. eik teuiitv. I'a. jan 1-lwcedU I?OK KKNT. I . The house and let of gieunil, situattil en ' Last King stieet, Xe. llx'. Three l.nge loem-oii-etoiitl-toi will bureifted-ep n-ite liemilie b.it k building'it tle-ncil. or the heu-e will lie lentt il a-u wliele. Kt nt et w hole heu-e. i'M. Applj te I). Mc VU'LLLN, Atteinev at Liw,UJL. KingMieet. j.in')2td MAS rj.it. Lveij bedv toadveili-e. fiee et chn go. in the Intl.llic.1 sci is, vi l.e want- something te lit). AV axti:i at this errici:. Conic- of the imilv IvTUW-ivnr. of Api il 3 ami J ul j IS), l&T'.l. jan'2-tld "17"ANTi:i) T O ;OOI OIKLs AT A First-Class Hetel. One let Dining IIoeui and one Chambciinaid. Iniiiiic at the ltd S-I'LV LNh HOUbL. JjAVI'S, AC. T 1C1IT. '.vue en l rajit. GREAT BARGAINS IX Ceal Oil Lamps, Chandeliers and Lanterns. These geed me cut iiel j" new and lund-emei than evei beleie etreietl iinil puce- lewci. FLINN & BRENEMAN 152 North Queen Street. LAXc.Wi'Li:, I'A. ren sal,j: ei: jii:xt. AsjsIenkk's saia: of val,uai:l,i; I'ltOl'KUTV. OX SYTCIIDAY, JAXC A1JV it. 1SS). The undei signed assignee- et I'at lick Can and wie, et L inca-tci citj, I'a., will ejie-e te public -ale, at Michael's hotel, Xeith Queen street, the lollewmg valuable piepeities. v iz : Xe. 1. All that cci tain one anil a half steiv I5UICK DWELLING IIOl'SE, and Let ei l'icceet Gieund thereto belonging, situattil en the lieith -nle et We-t Ivmg -ticet, Laut.i ter citv", said let hiving a Iient el 1") leel :. niche-, ami extending in tlcjitn 100 loot, mere ei lc , and being Xe. .!; V e-t Ivingstitet, beuniled en the vicst bvpiepeilj, new ei late et 31.il J" Campbell, en the neith bj .tnallej", en the ea-tbj' piepcitj" new ei late et Jcicmiah Campbell, and en the south by West King street aleies.iid. Ne. i All that ecu lam two ,teij- I'.KIClv DWELLING HOUSE, and let ei puce et gieund, thereto belonging, situate en the west sitle et Xeith riiini stieet, L inca-tei citj, Xe. .". said let mcasiiiing -eventet'n leet. mere or le . en I'linn stieet, anil extending in depth we-lwaid et that witltli, 7") leet ( incl'c-. mere ei It, bounded en the cast bj" l'luui -ticet.en the -eutl. bj piepertj" new ei latent Jehn J. Dei -ch, en the west bv'piepcitv et 31. ti tin (.l.ill, ami en the neilhbj a comihen alley, 'llu-i-a le-nable piepcity located in one el the best pail- el the citj Xe. J. All thp-e two ccitain LOTs OF GKOUX'D -ltuate en the -euthwcst corner ei East Chestnut and Miu-liall -ticet-, Lane is tcr citv. I'a . nicasuiing in lient en said La-t Che-tnut stieet 41 leet, meie or les-, anil c '.ending in dcpthseutliwaidlj" lis feet teanallcj--ml lets being Nes. 91 and 'rl en Che-tiuit stitet tiact; bounded en the neiih bv said Ea-t Che-tnut -ticet, en the east bv s.uil 3I.li shall, en the south by a 14-teet viideallev. and en Ithe vc-t bj" Xe. !)1 et -aid Che-tnut stieet tract. The-caie veij" tle-n.ible builtling let-, -ltuatcd in a new anil rupnlly linpieving p.uiet the citj". sale te ceinniencc at 7 o'clock, p. in., et -aid daj". when attendance will be given and tonus made knew n bj" E3IANUEL E. MILLElt. Aslgnee et l'atiick Cur ami V lie, Ilcnrv Sluibcrt, Auctioneer, Ian lV&SdijanliM.ttl JEWEZJZY, AC. Lancaster, Pa., DEALER IN Silver-Plated Ware, m LANCASTER, PA. HKY V.OOHS, JLV. ii .Vl." riVYftT K ItVVIITIUV Reduction of Prices, As in inv kind- et gtieds aie going up m pi ice ev cry week, but v.e held a large stock el tlc-irable Diy Goods that aie sellrig at lates piopei donate te ce-t -eme time age. In the matter et JIL'sI.IXs vie secured and MUSLIXs stored away an immense tin mtity, se that our salcs- MUSLIX-. MUSLIXs. Ml'SMX"? MU-sLlX I loenis and le-eiye stock-loom- leek like wholesale store-. These stanil.inl geed- aie new retailing I tigely al less thin Inline pi ices. MI'SLI.NS ML'sLIXS Ml'M.IXs. "UUsLINs, v e al-e liengiit lieely et FLAXXJ2LS, And cm show the geed le-ult- e! out bugainiiig en uniuii.v at the I'laiiiii 1 Ceuntu!. Wcaie al-e st ilmg CALICOES l ncvpei than thej cm be bought at. 'I he people will hive te pay highei for m mv kinds el thy goods a ttei the pie-, cut -lock aie sold out. Jehn "Wanamaker, GRAND DEP0T-13TH ST., VIlU.AltlZJA'llIA. jij:iical. Brandy as a Medicine. The let lowing article was voluntarily sent te Mi. II. E. sliMii.ikei, Agent ler iteig.ut'- Old me Meie, by a pinnnnent practising phj-i cian et this count', w he has oMensiv elj' u-etl the lli-antlj" leleiit'tl tein ln-iegulir pi act ice. It l-t euimeniled te the attention et these af llicted w lth Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. Tin-new much abu-etl Alcoholic Mlinulant was nevei lnlended a- a beverage, but te be Used .isainedicineel gieat potency in thet me et some et the tlcstnittive diseases which sweepawavtheirannual tliousaiul-et v ictmi-. ith a purely philantluepic motive we pie sent te the taverahlc notice et invnlul e-pe-ciallj- these alllicletl w ith that nu-erible tti e i-e Dj-pep-ia, a siiecilic ltinetlj, which is nothing meie ei less than Brandy. The aged, with lceble appetite and meie or le-s tlebilitj. vi ill lintl tins simple medicine, w hen used pieperly, A Sovereign Remedy ei all their ills anil aches. lie it, hoivevei, -tnctlj undeistoed that we picscnbe and u-e but one .allele, and that is. REIGART'S OLD BRANDY, sold bj" our enterprising jeung lncnil, ll. L. -j,Al -UAlvl.li. lllls lii-andv" has steed the test fei TUAiit mark, j e.u s, and has never failed, a- t.u sis our expenence extends, and we there-lore give it the pi etcienc cover all ether 15i-andies, nemattei with hew man yjavv-bi caking Fieuch titles thej- aie bninded. One-leuith of the meucv that is yeaily tin own away en v.uieus inil)etenttIj-pep-ia -iiecilics would -ullice te buj" all the ISnmdy te cine anj"stich ca-e or ca-e-. In proof of the curative pew crs el Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases et D j spepsia, vv c can summon nunij beis et v itnesses one case in particulai vie cite: A h ml weiking larnier had been alllictetl with an exhaustive Djspep-ia tei a number et ve.ii-; his stomach would l eject alme-t evei y kind et loed; he had sem (nictatiens con cen st.intlv mi appetite in tact, he was obliged te re-tnctlus diet te cnickcis and stale bread, and as a beverage he used 3IcGi-ann's Keet Ueer. lie is a Methodist, and then, as new, pieichcd at times, and m his disceuiscs elten tlcclaimetl eaincstlj" against all kinds et stieng drink. When adv isctl te try Reigart's Old Brandy, In hi case, lie looked up with a-tenl-'inicnt, but after heaiing et its wemlerlul cllccts in the ca-cs et some of Ids near acquaintances, he at la-t consented te lollevr our advice. He used the lirantlj" faithtiillj- ami steadily; the Hist bottle giving him an appel te, and before the second was taken he was a sound nian.vvitli a stomach cap tbloet digestinganj thing winch he chose te eat. He still keeps it and use- a lit tle occasionally; and since lie has this medi cine he has been et veij" little peciiniarj benc ht te the dot tei. V I'ltACTislMi rnvsleiv. IL E. SLAllLUiER, AOET TOR Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Eslahh-licd in 1785, IMPORTER ASD HEALER IS FIXE OLD IIUAXDIEb, SHEUUIE:?, MfrE- KIOU OLD 3IADEIUA, (Impeitcd in lSls, IS17 and ISis-,) CHA3IIAOXK'5 O EVERY I5UAXD, SCOTCH ALE l'OKTEIt, EIIOWX bTOL'T. Xe. iO EAST KING ST.. LAACASTKK, I'A I.-TATEOI'SI3IOX 311XMUM, LATE III' j La-t Ilempticlil tow liship, dee'd. Lettei-s te-tamentaij" en -aitl estate having been granted te t fie undei -igneil, all pel sons indebt ed thereto aie requested se make immediate p ij-inent, and these hav nig claims or demands a.cainst the -.line villi present them without delay ter settlement te the undersigned, re siding m Laudisv die. M310X IJ. 3IIXXICH, JACOIJ E. 311XMCH. n'J6-6tw Exccutei -. JA Is heicbv given that application will be made te the Court et Common l'ie.is til Lan caster county, or Monday. Jamiaiyl!', 1&0,. it lu o'clock a. m., loraincntlmcntef the chaitei el the "North Atlantic Express Company, bj" changing the name et said corporation te that of the "Ocean Feed Curing Express Com pany," anil that the same vv ill be granted, it no sufficient reason be shown te the contrary. IIEXKY CAKl'ENTEK, hee'y. Lancaster, Dec. 22, 1879.; dec-iWt vv mm 89-S6XCr II gg TIIED EMTIO!. FRIDAY EVENING, JAN. 9, 1880. WEATI1EK INDICATIONS. Washington, Jan. 9. Fer the Middle Atlantic and Xew England states, falling barometer, northeast veering te southeast winds, stationary followed by higher temperauie, increasing cloudiness, pessr bly followed by snow or rain. MAINE. NO ABATEMENT OF THE EXCITEMENT The .Military Iteady for Kinergencies Ite publlcau Kepresentatiieii Absent Tlicin Tlicin Tlieinselves Legislator Snan Imposes the Xanie of Ills Atteiuptetl Ilriber. Bostex, Jan. 9. A despatch from Au gusta sajsthe feeling of tleulit aLil dis tiust has increased lather than diminished and military power is becoming unusually conspicuous. The conference at air. Blaine's house lasted until a late hour this morning. Vhcn the Heuse met this meining no Republican were present. Mr. Swan aiese and gave the.steiy of his attempted biib eiy. The name of the accused p.uty is Wal lace R. "White, a Republican lawyer of "Wiiitlnep. AfGUsrv, Me., Jan. 0. This liieining General Chamberlain issued a general eidcr, stating in view of the extraeulinaiy situation new presented, he would assume command and piotect the publie piepeity until the governor's successor duly qualified. By this eidcr Gen. Chainbeilain assumes tempeiaiily the office of governor and commander-in-chief. The entire police fei co at the state house was changed this nieining. The change was quietly made. At the opening of the session but one Republican apeared. The vote en the biibcry eidcr was reconsidered and the elder laid en the table. The committee en senateii.il votes will piececd at once vv ith its duty. Seventy -two lnenibcis only appealed in their seats in the Heuse all Fusionists. The Heuse attempted te exclude all but the official repeitcis, but seveial were smuggled in. Themas IJ. Swan, of Jlinet, lese and lead a statement that SI, 000 had been paid him net te appear at, the oiganizatien of the Legislature. He stated that the money had been paid him by "Wallace R. White, of AVinthiep, and that he (Swan) should net claim it. Jlr. Haiiiman, of Kenncbuuk, testified that the same offer had been made him by Mr. AVhite. ISI.tiuc's Seiieus Illness Denied. Bostex, Januaiy 9. Despatches fiem Augusta, Maine, eentiadict lepeits of the seiieus illness of Senater Blaine. OVEIi THE OCEAN". The Laud Agitation in Ireland. Londen, Jan. 9. A conference of f.uin eis' clubs has been held at Mallow, Ceik county, te consider the land question. Several menibeis of Pailiament were pres ent, amongst them nieinbeis for Ceik, who said the question was whether a mil lion people should live cpmfeitably in Ii eland or be swept away te Ameiica. 31 r. Mackonechic's Tribulations. The Bishop of Londen has signed lettci s of request te the aiehes ceuit, in a fresh suit against Rev. Alexander Mackonechie of St. Alban's chinch. The new piocced piecced ings vv ill be for depi iv atien of Mr. Mack Mack Mack onechie's lights of piiesthoed. I'lnladelphia's cneresity Invelictl. PuiLxiiLLi'iiiv, Jan. '.). Majer Stokley leceived a message fiem the leid major of Londen te day, asking relief for the Iiish poei . THE OKEKNltACKEISS. Thej Listen te a Spevrli by Denis Kear nej, ami 1 iv. Time and 1'l.ice of Tiicir Na tional Convention. WwuxcTev, Jan. 9. The Greenback conference met this morning at 10 o'clock. "While waiting for the re peit of the committee en "call and address " the conference listened te a short address by Gen. Weaver, Green, back member of Congress, and also te an address by Denis Keainey, who made one of his characteristic speeches denouncing bondheldcis, bankets and capitalists gen erally. At 1 p m. the committee en call pre sented their repeit, fixing upon June 9th and Chicago as the time and place for the meeting of the national convention. The repeit was unanimously adopted. our. 1'ketectivi; TAisirr, Lord ISerby 1'ays Hisltespects te the United States. Loxdex, Jan. 9. Leid Derby speaking at the banquet last night said : "The United States might be our most for midable rivals, but Americans de net face us in the open. They fight entrenched behind a protective tariff, even with the help of which they have have net wholly cheeked the impoitatien of English manufactures into America. Still American competition is net te be lightly spoken of."' COXUKKV,. In the Heuse. Ne business of impeitaucc was transact ed dm ing the morning hour, and at its cx pii atien the Heuse went into committee of the whole en the private calendar. Consideration of the case of Cm tin vs. Yecuni was postponed till Monday, when General Blair, of Pennsylvania, in behalf of Mr. Cuitin, will close the ar guments in the case. Decision w ill prob ably be made sometime during the coining week. THE sjTAK IteUTE. Investigation of the 1'estal Service te be I'ressed. Wasium'.tex, Jan 9. The Heuse com mittee en appiopiiatiens discussed the posteftice appiepri.it ion infeiinally this meining and decided te go en at once with the investigation into the Star leute seivice, authorized by resolution adopted in the Heuse jestci day. Representatives Blackburn, Blount, Cannen. Cljmerand H.vwley were appointed a committee te make the investigation. VTKUCK BY A LOCOMOTIVE. One ll.ui Killed A Yeung Ladj Vt X.irieu Escape. Stisati ei;i), Conn., Jan. 9. A train this meining shuck and demolished a carriage in which were T. IJ. Richaids, father of Pief. Richards, of Yale, Miss Eva Tweedy, and a coachman. Mr. Richards was fatally injured. The coachman was seriously huit, but Miss Tweedy escaped iinhuit. OBITCABV. Death of Mrs. Catlvv alader. Philadelphia. Jan. I). Mrs. Geerge Cadwalader, relict of General Geerge Cadwalader, died at her residence en West Spruce street at an early hour this meining after a protracted illness. Mr. Cadwalader was the daughter of Dr..Ta.mcs Mease, and the granddaughter of Majer Pierce Butler, of Georgia. GKAXT TO DECLINE. Net a Third Term, Hut the Canal Tre-iden special te the Press. It is stated, en the authority of a waun personal friend of General Grant, who has been deeply interested in the inter-oceanic canal scheme, that there is no longer any chance of the cc-president's becoming con nected with the pieject. The man who is credited with having hi ought about this result is Secretary Evaits. and this is the way et it : The secretai v of state is counsel for the stoekheldeis of the Panama raihead. which is owned in Xew Yerk, and is one of the most valuable piepeities in the win Id, paying enormous iiiviuends. i ins pi epei ty w wild become almost weithless weie a eaii.il te be ceiistmeted across Nicaragua, and se 3Ir. Evarts set out te prevent such a result. In pursuance of this purpose it is stated that the secretary lias done ever thing in his power te dissuade capitalists fiem invest ing in the .Nicaragua piqjeet. When He France, the agent of the French capitalists was here a few weeks age, Mr. Evarts sui piiscd him by pointing out a number of reasons why it would be peer policy te put money line me piopesed canal, among them the statement that under the laws of Nicaragua that government could net grant tlie concession for any puipese for ever 100 eais, after which the canal would revert te the government, and the fuither declar ation that a concession must also be ob tained fiem Cesta Rice en account of some ancient treaty lights concerning the waters of the isthmus. In suppeit of these state ments Mr. Evaits shewed He France a rc rc peit fiem Mr. Legan, our minister te Central Amcnca, made at the in stance of the state dep.iitment, which gave the autheiities regarding the Nicar agua law en concessions and the Cesta Rice treaty, which repeit has since been confirmed by Commander Meade of the United States steamer Vand.ilia. who was sent te Nicaragua by Secretary Thompson te make fuither inquiiies. Minister Legan alsoicpeitcd that agents of ether French capitalists in the interest of De I Lesscps were m .Nicaragua trying te prevent De France fiem obtaining the concession and ready te buy it out light lather than allow him te get it. Aimed with these arguments Mr. Evarts is said te have devoted all his cneigies during Grant's long inteiview with him te dissuading him fiem lending his name te the Nicaragui pieject. lie uiged that these obstacles were insurmountable, and that the enterpiise must ccit.iinly prove a failure,and with such success that.as stated in the outset, it is no longer believed that Grant will have anything te de with it. Sccietaiy Evaits is represented te be se much in earnest in this matter, that, while net a third-tcim man, he would rather see Grant president of the United States than president of the Nicaragua canal company. He advocates the Teh.iuntepec leute for the canal or the projected De Lessens one ever Panama, because he does net believe the former will succeed, while if the ether iscanicd out, thcrailieul of his client can be profitably disposed of. Cenie Heme te Keost. Ilarusbiug Patriot. The way in which evil precedents return te plague theii inventeis was never mere stukingly illustrated than in this Maine eentlict. In 1S77 a Democrat named Mad igan was elected state senator fiem a Re publican district in Maine. There was no dispute about his election, but for some reason or ethci, proba bly because the name el" Madigan was slightly suggestive of Mulligan, Blaine's fellow cis were deteiiiiincd te eject him. It appeals that altei a minute investigation it was discovered that tlie signature of the cleik te the ceitilicatc of Madigan's election was written in the w long place. The chaiiinan of the com mittee was ''Coiperal " Davis, the Repub lican candidate for governor of the last election. It develvetl en this statesman te furnish the legal and constitutional rea sons for the l ejection of Madigan and he did it in his repeit in this fashion : "In all the cases cited there was no question as te the popular will as detei niined by the number of v etes cist. There was no pi oef or even suggestion of fraud. The votes in all cases cited were rejected because of a non-compliance with the con stitution and niand.iteiy previsions of law. ' The design of a representative govern ment is net merely that the people should express their will at the polls, but that that will should be legally and constitutionally expressed." Fer cais the Republicans of Maine have been piling up precedents like this in the Legislature and in their courts for the purpose of applying them te Democrats. These villainous piecents, like chickens, have come home rest. Senater Davis w he was se nice and scrupulous in his leg.ud te the " constitution and mandatory piovis pievis piovis iensof law" as te report against the admis sion of a member because of the infinitesi maHy small eneis in the signature of a cleik te an election return, new finds these simc mandatory previsions of law invoked te bar his way te the office of governor. He is fairly caught in his own toils. Never was a mere striking instance of retributive justice in politics. While Blaine indulges in memories of Mulligan let "Coiperal" Davis, in his privacy, think of Madigan, the Democratic senator, again-t whom he reported because of the wrong signature of an election cleik. Kicking in the Traces. E.isten Free I'i ess. Hep. Next winter when tlie Republican Legis lature comes te elect a United States sena tor te succeed Wallace, the Republican caucus will have te decide pi ebably be tween Galusha A. Grew and M. S. Quay. It is already lieely statctl both in and out of the paity that the caucus has been "fixed" in advance for Quay, because if Mr. Grew should be elected te the Senate, his colleague, J. D. Cameion, will have te yield the leadei ship of tlie Pennsylvania Republicans te him. On the ether hand, Mr. Quay will be content te accept a subordinate position and, keeping in the traces, allow the jeunger Cameren te lead. According te the piegiauime Pennsylvania is te be deprived ui mt; services in n tiisiiuguisiictl aim able statesman like Mr. Grew, a man of eloquence and valuable ideas, one who as speaker of the Heuse of Representatives in the critical period of" the war of the Re bellion was linn in his duty anil held the country steady by his prompt de cision of all questions in the debates of the Heuse in favor of preset v ing the Union and piesecuting the war this man is te be kept out of the Senate in Older te admit a politician whose demand for a fat Philadelphia of fice has already strained the patience of the party almost past en durance. We have no quaii el with Mr. Quay, but in the prespeet of his attempt te crewtl Galusha A. Grew out of the United States senatership we are fereed te sound a note of ahum and te express the opinion that while Mr. Grew is in the field Mr. Quay can only be sent te the Senate at the expense of the party. A VERY INDIGNANT CLERGYMAN. He Thinks He is in Bad Company and Ka slgns His Charge. A correspondent writing from Baltimore, says : Advices from Pocomoke City note a curious sequel te the sensation caused a fortnight age by the scaudaleus charges brought by Mrs. Polk, against .ex State Senater Aydclette, of entering her house during the absence of her husband. Aydclette is a conspic uous pillar of the Presbyterian church. The Uev. Mr. Brown is n (dnntiAnt speaker and popular pastor of the Presby-'""- tleck, having accepted a call from the Uest te take the Pocemoko City charge. The congregation has been vio lently agitated by the charges against Ay Ay delette, and a split is threatened. On Sunday the church was crowded, but in place of a sermon the Rev. Mr. Brown gave fiem the pulpit a scathing diatribe de neuncing Aydclette and the whole com munity. He came there, he said, supposing he was coming into a Christian, moral community, but found himself among a people without principle or morality, lestr te all scuse of shame, rotten te the core. He was ashamed te acknowledge his residence there, and recently in Phila delphia he could net acknowledge te a bi ether elergvinan that he belonged te Pocomoke. lie ended by resigning his pastorate, and the congregation dispersed in high dudgeon. The excitement through out the county is intense A TKKK1ULK DEATH. A Twelve-Year-Old ltej's Fatal Itlde en a liuiiavvay Herse. A shocking accident occurred near Sykcs ville, Md., .vcstciday, resulting in the kill ing of Charles F. Caulk, a lad 12 years old, who was en a visit te Mr. James Grant. Yeung Caulk was scut te M.iniottsville en heisebaek for the mail. the animal given him being considered perfectly gentle and safe. When about two miles above Maniettsville a large deg baiked at the horse, which became fright ened and ran aw ay. Several passers-by en the toad made unsuccessful attempts te step the maddened animal, which only dashed along at an accelerated pace, with the uufeitunate lad clinging te his back and screaming for help. When the mad llight had con tinued about a half a mile young Caulk lest his seat en the animal's back and fell te the gieund. His feet remained last in the stiirup and in this position he was dragged ever the stone ie.ul for about three hundred yaids, when the frightened heise was finally stepied. Upen examina tion it was found that the boy's neck, left leg and left arm had been broken, kill ing him instantly. The body was also shockingly mutilated, the breast having been eiitslictl in by a kick fiem the hoof of the runaway. The body was removed te the home of Mr. Grant, who notified the parents of the unfortunate lad. MARKETS. l'lilladelpliia Market. I'iiiladelimiia, January 0. Fleur linn ; superilne, $1 fligl Ml; extra Stlfi 00: Ohie and Indiana l.unilv $i; 7"72.": I'l'im'.i family 737 00; M. Leuis lamily 7(H)7e0; Minnesota Kaiuilv ."i()g7 1)0 : patent and hijlh tirades 7 OOffiS 50. Eye Heur unchanged. Cernmcal llrandywine uiichaut tl. Wheat dull; Xe. -J Western Ked ?l !)'; I'eiin'.i red $1 ry ; Amber 1 .V). Cern dull ; steamer OSc ; yellow Zaic : lniTcd .V)c. Oats quiet and dull ; Southern and I'enn'a wliite -I'l'ilc ; Western white t'Kt.'ilc; Western liiiTtd 47(!)c. Eye til m ; Western 03c; I'a. OSc. Piovisiens tending uim mils; inisspeilcfUOO ; heel h.nns $li; M ; India mess beet J2I50; baton smoked slieiildeis O'fQjJ'Ce: salt de 4j(o5."e; smoked hams 10llc: pit k I oil hams '.j'JJic Lard lirm ; city kettle Se ; loose butclieis' 7.J 'c; prime steam Ce. Butter steady te tirm ; cre-imery cxtnitM 3Sc; r.rudteid county and X. T. extra '27fi'2se ; Western ioseitc extra at illSi'.e; de jjoed te choice ISSiJe; mils linn IN nn'a exlia J-2 2le; western roservc est ra 2iJ? Jlc. hs tlemnralicil; Choice I'enn'a IDc ; t slum 17l'.le. Cheese Hi ni : X. Y. lat terv I'MjlVie: uestprn full ci cam l-yff I lu ; de ter fj,Md"lll-e; de skuns 7)!lc. relreleiimilull ; Ill-lined leie. Whisky 1 1 1. ew Yerk .Market. Xkw Tork, Jan. !).-! loin bliite anil Western quiet without ill t ided cluiiifje; siipeillne state :?" I0(fj") i"; extra de " TWii', lu ; choice de (; IVy) 3.1; tancy de ( WTy, IS ; round hoop Ohie l (Htfii, 73; choice de f! se7 7.1; superilne wtstei u f." :i"i", 70; t oinineii te ;etd extra de $.'7iriJ 7.'; choice ilotle $.;.)5TS.rjii; choice white vvlit.it tle fC ,M)7; seTitheui tlull mid steady; common teldr extra $; Otx7(; 75; get Ml tocheici-do f(. K"is 51). Wheat dull; hpnn'iieuiinul ; Wi-itcr J-J (??Ic loner; Xe. 1 White Jan. by Central $2 31 : reb. bv Central f 1 5.l 3.:y,:Xe. litd Feb. $1 TtXy.'ijll ,y. ; inside pi ice e.n ly March 1 M'i 1 5." Ce. n y,nKr better anil quiet: lies S3,)C) bushels: Mixed Western spot MihtHjj'; tle lilture 3S.Vi;Cc. Oats steady Vales Si,!) bushels; state I'tg'de ; Western 48iJc. stock Marketx. I'liieAOKl.riiiA IJ JO r. m. .Stocks sti en;;. I'ennaii's (thiid issue) IN". riiiladelphia & Erie 17 Kc.idiii :'y Pennsylvania 51 Lehigh Valley. 5JJ United Cos.eI X.J IV!', Xeithcin i'acilie .'.J1, " l'lcleiietl OiJ-J Northern Central :tiy. Jan. D Lehigh Navigation... X'ornstewn. Central Transpoilatien Ce. Vt Pitts.. Titusville A ISiUIale. 1IJ Little bchuvlkill. Ml Xkwt Yeiiic, Jan. !). Stocks strong. Meney X. Y. Central 5f?C '"H ....1 Adams Express Michigan Central Michigan Seutlici n Illinois Central Cleveland A Pittsburgh.. Chicago A Keck Nland Pittsburgh & Feit Wayne Western Union Tel. Ce .107 S'I ' .101 .13.:); .Km'' i'-ii Teledo A Wabash Xew Jcrdev Central SIJi kiuxj:y axi iAvr.ii cum.. WARNER'S SAFE EEIEDIES! WAIO'EIfs SAFK PILLS Areau iiinnt diate stimulus ler a Torpid Liver cine Costiveness, Dyspepsia, I.ineiisuess. Iblieus Di.irrl-ee.i. M.d.iiia, Fever and Ague and aie useful at tunes in nearly nil Diseases te o.iusea fieeand legularuotienol thel'owels. The best antidote ler .ill Malalial Poison. These Pills aie the discovery eT an English army physiclai. ami have been ued with the greatest success among the IJritish tioeps in India. Thov art: enlv uiaiiutactuicd in this country by II. II. WAItXLIt A CO. TOAItXJ:K' 1AFE NKKVINJ', The impievcil di-eovervet probably the meM skilltul nerve doctor in the world, quiekly givcs rest ami sleep te the sum-ring, enies Headache and Xeiiralgia. prevents Epileptic Fits, anil is the best remedy ter Xcrv eus Pros tration bioiightoiibyexcessive.Iriiiklng.over bieiightoiibyexcessive.Iriiiklng.over bioiighteiibyexcessive.Iriiiklng.over vi ei k,mental shocksaiidetlier eaii-es. Itreiiev t s tlie Pains et all I)is(ases,aiiilisiieverinjiir!iiH te tlie sv stem. The bis,t of all Nervines. Uottlcseftwosiiit s; prices, 50 cents and $1. "Warner's Sjafe Kidney and Liver Cure. .Safe Diabetes Cure, Safe Hitters and Safe Tonic are iiNe supci ler remedies, unequalled in their respective Hi Ids of disease. Warner' Safe ICeiiicilie are sold by Drug gists and Medicine Dcalcis generally through out tlie country. 'send for p imphlct and testimonials. II. II. WAKXEK A CO., Rochester, X. Y. 3 rdllTii,TIi&5d&w- 4 SSIGXUD ESTATE OF fDWAItl) S. J I'.UYAX and wife, el Ceney township, Lancaster county. Tlie undersigned amlitei, appointed te distribute tlie balance remaining in the hands et Jehn II. Enler, assignee, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit ter that purpose en SATUKDAY, JANU ARY 17, 18S, lit 10 o'clock a. m . in the Library Keem of the Court Heuse, in the city et Lan caster, where all persons Interested m said (lis (lis tributien may attend. y MOXTGOMEn dcc21-3twl Auditor. . - s; ' Ml " ' -"I v 41 r-'VI. L