" . - ... .. , .: - -x..!. J" : : .-. r T . v ! LANCASTER DAILY INTELLlGENCEll.THimSDAY. JANUARY 8, 1880. THE CLUBS OF LANCASTER. Sonic of the Phases or Our Secial Devclop Devclep raents. Notwithstanding the increasing popula tion of Lancaster and its rapid advance ment in all the refinements of modem society, it lias thus far lceu singularly free from that sort of club life which in se many cities of greater or less importance exer cises a demoralizing social inilu2nce, often tending te the ruin of individual members and frequently going far te break up family life or entirely change that domes tic order which experience has proved te be the best for the general purposes of rightly organized society. Nevertheless, the elegance, hospitality and general high tone which have always characterized society in this city are steadily maintained generation after generation and never were mere ma:kcd than at present. The passing season has witnessed some out growths of this social development which are worthy of special notice, no less be cause of their intrinsic excellence than because of some enduring qualities which premise te make them permanent features of Lancaster polite society. The Heek Cluus. Fer a number of years a party of ladies and gentlemen of congenial literary tastes, residing at a convenient distance for the interchange of periodicals, fcc, have had a Itouudaheut " club, which subscribes for a number of the standard English, French and American publications ( about as many as there are members) and passes them around from one member te the ether, in an order determined at the begin ning of the year, slight lines being imposed for any detention ever a specified time and members desiring them for second reading being allowed this privilege after they have made the complete circuit. Occasionally a new book is bought and passed around iu the same way and at the close of the year the yearly volumes of unbound periodicals and the books are sold te the highest bid ders in the club. This arrangement secures te each member the use of a large number of periodicals at the priec of a single one and has been found te work admirably in all its details. The secretary of the club leccivcs all the publications, covers them with stout pajier, encloses the rules and or der of the circuit and delivers each respec tively te its starting place. The success of the ''Itouudaheut" and its enlarging membership led te the forma tion of several ethers en its pattern, and the " West End Revolver" and another down town club of the same kind are well established and iu successful operation. The three aggregate a membership of ever lifty persons. TIhj Thursday Club. This is a social organization of nearly lifty members, mostly unmarried people, which meets successively at the residences of its members, en the Thursday evenings of alternate weeks, and has for its object the amusement and diversion of its mem bers and of invited guests at special enter tainments. Its dill'erent. evenings are oc cupied with a variety of amusements such as dancing, phantom parties, charades, illustrated ballads, private theatricals, mii sicalcs and ether diversions of the highest order of reliued and intelligent social amusements. Early hours and moderate entertainments are some of the features of the club which have done much te make it success this winter and give premise of its permanency. The Conking Club. A dozen young ladies of commendable domestic ambition and household accom plishments compose the " (Je-iking Club," ane every E-aumiay aiteruoeu they give a i luncheon, in courses, at the residence of , some one of the members. Each member contributes one dish, exclusively pre- FKANKLIN AND MARSHALL. Opening or the Winter Term This Morning. At ten o'clock this morning the winter or middle term of the institutions at Franklin and Marshall college was form ally opened. After the usual chapel ser vices, consisting of the singing of a hymn, the reading of the scriptures and prayer, led by Rev. Dr. T. G. Apple, president of the college, Rev. E. V. Gerhart, D. D., of the theological seminary, delivered the opening address en "The Conflict Between Reason and Faith." Dr. Gerhart said that a prominent char acteristic of our progressive age is the con flict between Reason and Faith. Faithful Christians stand aghast at the blasphemies of spiritual things indulged in by the ma lignant enemies of Christianity. The argu ments of Christians are net and cannot be en a plane with these of their rationalistic enemies. Materialism uses reason and logic, but the arguments el Christianity are above and beyond reason and logic. The strongholds of the Christian's reasoning have been mere than historical and geog raphical strongholds. The victories of Christianity have always been wen by a power that is in and of itself. Christ, the author of Christianity, from His own ful ness continually imparts geed te the world, and gives strength te His champions te upheld the geed. Paul, as Saul of Tarsus, persecuted the church of Christ, but when the Sen was revealed in his heart, his word and works were changed. Peter, the first great preacher of the gospel, who at Pentecost converted thousands te the Christian faith, had at that time no true insight into the gospel ; net until he saw the wonderful vision at Jeppa did he knew that the middle wall of partition between the Old and the New had been broken down. Christ him self said: "Ye shall bear wit- witness because ye have been trtth jfe from the beginning." By nature men are receptive te the truth of the gospel. The world has denied, however, the truths and traditions of the Christian faith. The hatred of scribes and Pharisees te Jesus of Nazareth has been seen in ether men in the Christian era. The sacred writings have been committed te the flames as abominable, and men who-have held te the truth have paid the sacrifice of their lives iu heathen amphitheatres,tlie prey of wild beasts, and en the rack of torture. Hut iu Christian countries the genius of the gospel has been softening the temper of infidels, of hostile kings and princes. The predominant at titude of men te the gospel in the present age is that of skepticism. Skeptics, how ever, aic indebted te Christianity for all the depths of their claimed insight into things that are geed. Naturalism, espe cially mateiialistic naturalism, blots out the entire spiritual realm. The whole an tagonism of the modern world te the holy scriptures reveals the ignorance of man's wisdom, and the impotence of mau's strength. Te such as have spiritual per ception the word of the Lord is being ful filled every hour, net by might but by the spirit of the Lord. Every epoch and every event testifies unmistakably that the I!ib!c has been shining into the darkness by the power of its own light. The Bible has been fructifying genius, and aiding learning ; it has been attracting all things by its central truth and has been lighting all things by its holy rays. The Bible has been te the church through the ages a well-spring of knowledge, but it still remains full and unfathomed. Ne Apology gives strength te the Werd ; the "Werd gives strength te all Apologies. The apologist can only aim legitimately at men and make effort te cor rect their follies. Man has no strength te THE DOCTORS. Meeting or the Medical Societies. Yesterday afternoon the regular monthly meeting of the medical society was held. The attendance was unusually large, the following members being present : Drs. Atlee, of Lancaster : Alexander, Marietta ; Albright, Lancaster; Brunei, Col umbia ; BIciler, Union Station ; Bolenius, Lancaster; Brackbill, Strasburg; Bean, Bainbridge ; Buckius, Columbia ; Bern- theisel, Columbia : Black, Strasburg ; Car penter, Lancaster; Compten, Lancaster; Craig. Columbia ; Cox, Lancister ; Dun lap, Manheim ; Davis, M. L., Millers vilie : Dunlap, Manheim ; Davis, S. T., Lancaster; Ehlcr, Lancaster; Hies tand, Mount Jey ; Ilerst, Earlville ; Ilcrr, M. L., and Hen, A. J.. Lancaster ; Ilerr, B. F., Strasburg; Hertz. Litiz ; Kenuig, Saluuga ; Kehler, New Helland ; Line-weaver. Columbia : Livingston. Meuntville ; Lightner, Ephrata ; Mavcs, Willow Street ; Musser, F. M., Witnier ; Musser, J. II., Lampeter ; Miller, Bird-in-Hand ; McCaa, Ephrata : Mowery, C'on C'en C'on estega Centre ; Norris, Marietta ; Parke, Gap ; Roebuck, Litiz ; Reland, Lancas ter ; Sheller, Mount Jey : Stehman, Lan ter ; Trabert, ReamsUnvn : Treichler, Elizabethtown ; Thompson, Wrightsville ; Weisman. Bainbridge ; "Welchans. Lan caster : Yest, Bethesda ; Ziegler, Mount Jey, Blackwood, Lancaster. The following eflicers were elected te serve during the ensuing year : President Dr. Thompson. Vice Presidents Drs. Miller and Al bright. Recording Secretary Dr. Blackwood. Corresponding Secretary Dr. Welchans. Treasurar Dr. Elder. Librarian Dr. B. F. ilerr. B.iard of Censers Drs. Compten. Siiel ler and Trabert. Beard of Examiners Drs. Zeigler, Atlee and Carpenter. Dr. Zeigler, upon retiring from the presidential chair,madea neat little speech ami presented his successor with a new gavel. A number of new members were elected after which a considerable amount of busi ness, of a private nature, and which would be of no interest te the public, was trans acted. A resolution was passed te the effect that the April meeting of the society be held in Columbia. me mommy meeting will be heid in this city as usual en the first Wednesday of next month. The Il'tinci-up'iths. The llomejopathio medical society met in Dr. Reich's eflice, Marietta, yesterday, ten members being present. In the discussion of the report of the bu reau of obstetrics, Drs. Bellinger, llucbcner, Tayler and Harry, described a iiumeer 01 very interesting cases, and the subject of obstetrical treatment re ceived full discussion. Dr. Frantz report ed suceesstul treatment of a number of cases of chronic asthma. After a free in terchange of opinion en topics of general medieal principles, the society adjourned te meet in this city en the ."ith of April next. Ileld Fer Postage. Letters addressed te the following named persons are held at the Lancaster post pest office because the senders have net put upon them postage stamps : Mrs. M. Paulitsch, 131 East Fifty-fourth street, N. Y. ; E. S. German's Sens, Sun day school book store, 23 Seuth Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. ; Jes. C. Grubb & Ce., Ne. 712 Market street, Philadelphia, (stamp once used). New Advertisements. Public Sale of Brick Building. I'ahnosteck's Farina Fleur. Grand Sheeting Match. Public Sale. Netice. CsTTer further details see advertising column. 3 -VEfT AJtrJUtTISJOLEXTS. INSURE "TOUR PROPERTY IN THE BEST COMPAXIESat BAUSMAX A RUHXS. 23-tfeedR Office : Xe. 10 West Orange St. AS. KOSEXHAUM & CO., . PACKERS OF LEAF TOBACCO, Xe. 22.1 Prince street. Lancaster, Pa. . , J. KOSEXMYEi:, jan,-3nidi Manager. TILED EDITION GREAT EXCITEMENT AT JOHX SCHOEXBERGER'S. Xe. 15!) Xerth Queen street. The Berguer Jt Engel Brewing Com pany's Celebrated Premium Lager .Beer en tap. Lunch morning and evening. ltd THURSDAY EVENING, JAN. 8, 1880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Jan. 7. Fer the Middle Atlantic and New England states, station ary followed by risiug barometer, north east winds, partly cloudy weather, sta tieuary followed by lower temperature. JCAJLKETS. Lancaster. Dec. 12, 1S79. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN RELIABLE COMPAXIESat BENJ. P deel2-3mdR Office SHENK'S, 10S West King Street. Vec can't afford te laugh, dear girt, Unless your teeth are white as pearls Unless your mouth is pink and sweet. And your two lips in rosebuds meet ; And you cannot supply this want. But through the use el SOZODONT ! jj-lwdeeil Fkem the Rockport, I nil.. Banner. There is no medicine iu the world which has gained si-ch lame as St. Jacou's Oil: this is. Imuvrar net in the least astonishing, when we consider its truly wonderful curative powers. Mr F Kedenberg, of Grandview, called at our office last week and related the following circum stance: I sum-red with Rheumatism ler ever six years : consulted many phvsicians and tried hundreds of remedies, but without avail Having seen St. Jaceii's Oil advertised in your paper, ami heard of some most usteiiishin---cures, I sent te Rockport ler a bottle of the Oil, anil used it according te directions. The relief I felt was almost "electric." I get bet ter at once, and new there is net a trace el Rneiimatism left in my body. SPECIAL XUTICES. 7IRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. H Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. HERR & STAUFFER. Reat Estate & Ins. Agts., 3 X. Duke St. dec."0-3indReed MAINE. THE LEGISLATURE IX SESSION. T HIBACCO FOR SALE. One hundred acres of nrime PennsvU-niii.i Seed Leaf Tobacco for sale. Apply te R. F. KOHLER. Shrewsbury. Yerk ceuntv. Pa. jan 1-lweedR It ICY GOODS, AC. Ne Mere Hard Times. If you will step spending se much en line clothes, rich feed and style, buy geed, healthy feed, cheap and better clothing : get mere real and substantial tilings of life every way, and especially step the foolish habit of employing expensive quack doctors or using se much el the vile humbug medicine that does you euly hai-iii, but put your trust in that simple, pure remedy. Hep Bitters, that cures always, at a trilling cost, and you will see geed times and have geed health. See another column. Jl-2wd Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. WE CANNOT ADVERTISE Reduction of Prices, As many kinds of goods are going up in price every week, but we held a large stock of desirable Dry Goods that are selling at rates proportionate te cost some time age. In the matter et" MLSLIXSwe secured and stored away an immense quantity, se that our sales rooms and leserye stock rooms leek like wholesale stores. These standard goods are new retailing largely at less than future price-.. " Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup" will ensure you a geed night's rest. It is the best cough medi cine in the market. Price 23 cents. IseJ.eclier's Herse anil Cattle Powders, l'eit Ai.i.ayise Heaiwk.ness ami Irritation of the ihreat it is daily proved that "Brown's ISrunehitil Treches''1 are a mild remedy yet very efficacious. jG-lwdTThS&w Heat relaxes the system and opens the way for dNcases te attack the depressed and weary body. People of judgment and experience at such times make use of Kidney-Wert a? this great remedy keeps up the tone of the whole body by enabling the Liver, Bowels and Kid neys te perfem their functions perfectly. j.Vlwd IMPORTANT IF TRUE, lias Smith .Joined tlic ISuIl Ring? Dr. Compten the l'mver Tin-cue ? IScliiml the pared and served by herself, and though ' de work Divinely geed except when I)i these meetings are entirely private, the , vincly guided. The holy scriptures ehal ehal savery reports of toothsome compounds i lenge continually a closer attention. They which have reached the hapless disbarred, , illumine with new light the enlightened ip. tell of accomplishments that are an essen tial and esteemed feature of female educa tion. The Cliosepliie Society. Of a mere weighty if net mere attrac tive character than any of its contempora ries is the ' Cliosephic society."' Its mem bership runs up te aneut thirty-live, em bracing the families of the college and theological seminary professors and a number of ether residents of this city and its suburbs, of literary tastes and studious habits. It is the pur pose of the club te adept each winter some general historical theme of investigation I must stand as He stands, forever, and discussion, that its members in turn At the close of Dr. Gerhart's remarks shall prepare and read an essay of about l Dr. Apple congratulated the students en thirty minutes length en some phase of ', their safe return te college, and also en the the general topic under review, itsjeadiug ; bright prospects for the institutions in te be followed with a free discussion by the future iu view of the liberal endow the members of the subject presented, iu ments from the AVilhelm estate, and the its historical and philosophical relations. , profes-ers made their ami-ninrements te i mind. The truth of revelation, by direct , action en the mind of the church, bears the I community of believers en from higher te higher planes of life. Scripture is net sci ence ; it docs net catalogue external facts : . nor is science revelation. Each has its own realm. Scientific quest ions alone come within the jurisdiction of the scientific ' court ; and it is futile for men te show that Genesis or any part of scripture or of Chris- iianuy is unweniiy ei neiiei irem a sci entific point of view ; the arguments of unbelievers rathci indicate that nil these things are net of man but of Ged, and Kev. Dr. T. G. Apple is president of the club, and at its first meeting outlined in a general way the plan of the organization and the logical order of the special topics te be treated. In accordance with this idea the club adopted the subject of the Mcdiajval period of history and its relation te Modern times for this winter's study ; and there have already been read before the club a paper by Hev. Dr. Dubbs en "The Mcdiasval Uemancc ;" by Prof. AVm. M. Nevin en "The Ucginnnings of English Literature ;" by E.K. Martin, esq., en ''The Feudal Systein,'"and future essays arc announced in preparation by Kev. Dr. T. G. Apple en "Scholasticism iu the Mid dle Ages ;" by "V. U. Ilenscl, esq., en the '"Crusades," and en topics of kindred inter est by Profs. Stahr and Sinythe, IJev. Drs. Gerhart and Thee. Appel, Dr. Illackwoed and ether members of the club. Besides the above, the private character of which forbids a mere detailed publica tion of their workings, there are a number ei -smaiier social clubs, card parties, as semblies, &e.,in Lancaster, which brighten society and of which the association with rooms ever Uair & Shcnk's bank, compos ed entirely of gentlemen, is the strongest. Each of them fills its own sphere, nearly all overlap in their membership, and. taken altogether, form a system which makes .social life in Lancaster during the present season mere brilliant and versatile than it has been for years, radiating an influence in which many visitors have delighted already, and which will extend itself for years te come. Drunk and Disorderly. RjMichael McMce and his wife Maria were before Alderman McConeiny this morning, charged with drunken and dis orderly conduct and quarreling en the street. They were "sent up" for l."i days te cool oil". Tiie Soup Heuse. The soup house is being well-patronized this week. Yesterday 442 persons were .served with soup and this morning the number reached 401, besides about fifty pounds of pudding, which was distributed. the various classes. I'ioeu Sheeting. At the Park house, yesterday, a number of sportsmen assembled te participate in pigeon sheeting. It was intended te sheet for a fat hog, but the entries were net suffi cient te warrant it. and se two sweepstake matches were arranged among seven marksmen, the entry fee being J2 each. Fer the first prize Messrs. S. and Me. tried each sheeting six out of seven birds. With out sheeting oil" they divided first and sec ond money. Fer the second sweepstake, seven contestants, three birds each, the same gentlemen again tied and divided second menev. Malicious Prosecution. Jeseph Ileuser has brought suit against Jeseph Stark for malicious prosecution. The plaintiff alleges that defendant mali ciously and wickedly brought three sev eral suits against him, the first charging him with larceny, the second with trever and conversion, and the third being a suit of replevin, all the said suits against Ileuser having been based en the same act. He lays his damage at $500. Lecture. Rev. J. E. Bewers, late of Terente, Can ada, a Swedcnbergian minister, will de liver a lecture en Friday evening, the 9th inst., in the third story, ever Leng's drug store, North Queen street, at 7 o'clock. Admission free. Subject, "The Mystery Revealed The Change of Death ; Man's Resurectien in the Spirit ; Hew and "When it Takes Place."" Next Week's Amusements. This morning Jehn D. Mishlcr booked Malm's famous "Fatinitza" company at the opera house, te appear en January 15. Gottheld's company will, for the first time in this city, play "The Octoroon," en Sat urday, January 17. Gene te Columbia. The county commissioners and Solicitor Fulton went te Columbia, this afternoon, te be present at the assessment of damages caused by the opening of new streets. A Washington dispatch te the Philadel phia Ledyer says : " Dr. Themas II. Sher wood is named in connection with the eflice of supervisor of the census for the First district of Pennsylvania, which con sists of the city of Philadelphia. Fer the Second district, consisting of Chester, Delaware and Lancaster counties, Repre sentative Ward is urging the appointment of Henry C. Snewdcn, of Delaware, and Representative Smith is urging Jeseph Samson, of Lancaster. It is considered that the appointment for this district will go te Lancaster. " It will be remembered that some weeks age it was announced that Mr. Smith was urging the appointment of Frank P. Le fever for this position. The report set the politicians all agog te knew who " this Lefever'' was ; and they discovered that he hed recently come te town from Oxford, prier te that having been in Lewisbtirg, Pa. ; that in politics he was a Temperance man of vaguely Republican antecedents. Mr. Smith, in explanation te the benified politics mongers, said he didn't knew it : Lefever had been recommended te him highly, and, being the only candidate, he had endorsed him ; of course it would net de te recommend any ether than a straight Republican, and se Lefever withdrew. Being largely indebted te Dr. Compten for his narrow escape from a fatal political mistake, Mr. Smith may, in his gratitude, have fallen upon the doctor's friend, Jee Samson ; or ether high considerations of a pure civil service" may have prevailed. Samson is well known as an ex-prison in spector and school director (in both of which capacities he illegally sells his brushes te the public whom he otherwise serves) ami a Bull Ring politician gener ally. His appointment will raise a breeze and it will take geed management te keep biuith s iat out of the lire. Ymi de Swear." One of our rotund aldermen made a point yesterday en one of our festive oys eys termen. The dealer in bivalves presented te the alderman a little bill for certain coves that had entered and assisted in enlarging the alderman's stomach. The dispenser of justice geed humeredly disputed the bill, which the ether averred te be correct. Handing a Bible te the deal er in shellfish, the alderman said solemnly, " Yeu de swear that this bill is correct, te the best of your knowledge and belief, se help you Ged." The dealer kissed the book, the alderman charged him 25 cents for administering the oath, and, deducting that amount from the bill, paid it like a little man. Caugl.t a Heg Ter a Hawk. Jacob Loraw, son of Jehn E. Loraw, residing several miles north of Mount Jey, set a steel trap te catch a chicken-hawk which was committing depredations around the premises. Hearing one of their hogs squeal very painfully they were astonished te find it entrapped in the trap set for the hewk. Sensible Canadian. Mr. Gadbois, of Brockville, Canada, alter be ing cured of a prostrating malarial diseasecon diseasecen tnictcil in Texas, by means of Warner's Sate Pills and Sale Bitters, writes te us: "I shall never travel in that climate without your Safe Pills and Safe Bitters as part of my outfit." jl-'Jwd Ml.'SLIXS MTSI.IXS ML'SLIXS MUSLIXS MUSL1XS Ml'SLIXS MUSLIXS MUSLIXS MUSLIXS Vfe also bought freely of FLANNELS, And can show the geed results of out eut bargaining en inquiry at the Flannel Counter. We are also selling CALICOES Cheaper than they can be bought at. The people will have te pay higher for many kinds of dry goods after the pres ent stock are sold out. Jehn Wanamaker, GRAND DEPOT 13TH ST., 1'MlIL.AltEI.i'llIA. Passage of a Resolution Providing for Inves tigating the Bribery Charges. Augusta, Jan. S. Beth branches of the Legislature assembled quietly te-dav. In the Senate a resolution was offered te ap point a joint select cemmitte te investigate charges of bribery and intimidation at tempted en members of the Legislature. This was opposed by the Republican sena tors, but was finally passed. Neise and Confusion In the Heuse. After the opening of the session in the Heuse the speaker invoked geed order, but an impatient crowd broke into the building and created much confusion. Quiut was finally restored, but at one time trouble seemed imminent. The reading of yesterday's record re vealed the fact that net mere than seventy two votes were cast for anv candidate. The Republicans who withdrew yester day, then presented themselves te be sworn in, but the acting governor refused te qualify them, as he was net sure of the extent of his power. The Heuse then quietly adjourned. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia. January S. Fleur dull; superfine W 5005 00; extra S3 306 00; Ohie and Indiana family pi 7507 35; Penn' lamily -Hi 737 00 ; St. Leuis family $7 007SO i ' Minnesota Family $S 733700; patent and high grades 17 504JS 23. Kye Heur unchanged. Cornmeal Brandy wine unchanged. Wheat firmer; Xe. 2 Western Red $149; Penu'a red SI t'JK ; Amber 1 lit-;. Cem linn; steamer 5Sc; yellow KH-'fJGOc; mixed 5S($30c. Oats quiet anil firm ; Southern and Penn'a white fj3ic ; Western white 1951c; Western mixed 47J4Se. Kye firm ; Western 9Sc ; Pa. 9Sc. rrovislens firmer; mtss perk $14 00; beet hauis $1050; India mess beef $2130; bacon smoked shoulders ai:yc; salt de 45cr smoked hams l()g!llc; pickled hauis ueWc. Lard firm; city kettle Sc; loose butchers' 7c; prime steam 7;,,Sc. Butter steady te firm ; creamery extra 32 Sic; Bradford county aud X. Y. extra 272Se; Western reserve extra at 24JJ2.ie ; de geed te choice lS22c : rolls firm Penn'a extra 22 2tc; western reserrr extra 2224c. Eggs dull and declining; Choice Penn'a 19 20e: Western 17l'Je. Cheese firm : X. V. factory 13Si:iJJc; western full cream 12J..lJe ; de l'6r geed 113 12c; de skims 7He. Petroleum dull ; Keflncd Sc. Whisky 1 1.5. I. A 31 PS, XV. T ItJIIT. Pure Spices at Lecher's Drug Stere. It was a happy circumstance for t'eerge M. Cobb, of West ford. Vt that Kidney-Wert found its way into his dwelling, no less than three members of the family having been cured. As a eat hart icand diuretic it acts surely and without paiu and cures obstinate eases of liver complaints. Kidney disease and piles. Constipation, sick headache, and biliousness cured by " Sellers' Liver Pills." Try them. i" cents per box. Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. statistics prove that twenty-five per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by constiuiptien, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in its worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Kcnewncd Cough Syrup, shall we cenilemn the sull'erers ter their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance? Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. A Strange People De you knew that there are strange peo ple in our community, we say strange becau-.e they seem te prefer te sutler and pass their days miserably, made se bv Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Constipation and Cenei-.d Debility, when Shiloh's Vilalizer is guaranteed te cure them. Sold by I). Ilcil slm, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Miileisvilie. l-'ivc Hundred Thousand Streng. In the past few months there have been mere than .-KtiUKMl bottles of Shiloh's Cure sold. Out of the vast number of people who have used it, mere than 2,i)iki cases el Consumption have been cured. All Coughs, Croup, Asthma and Bronchitis yield at once, hence it is that every body speaks in its praise. Te these who have net used it, let us say, if vim have a cough, or your child the cough, and you value lite, don't tail te try it. Fer lame back, side or chest use Shiloh's Pereus Plaster. Sold by veur ilrug- gists. I. Ilcitshu, Lancaster, and Jt. L. Davis Millersvillc. PLUS" & BREGMAS" JAKH OVFEIUXC GREAT BARGAINS IN Ceal Oil Lamps, Chandeliers and Lanterns. These goods are entirely new and handsomer than ever before ettered aud prices lower. FLINN & BRENEMAN 152 North Queen Street, LAXCASTKI:, PA. COXtJKKSS. Proceedings in the Senate- Keeiisaut Wit nesses The Legal Tender Act. "Washington, Jan. 8. The sergeant at arms brought te the bar of the Senate three witnesses who refused te obey sum mens te testify in the Ingalls case, and a discussion ensued with regard te dieharg ing them from custody. Mr. Wallace presented the petition of Drexel &Ce., and ethers of Pennsylvania, for withdrawal of legal tender quality of treasury notes. On doing se he desired te say that the gentlemen signing the petition represented the leading commercial, bank ing and shipping interests of Pennsylvania, aud their opinions en the subject were en titled te attention by the Senate. In the Heuse Investigating the Pesial Service. in the Heuse a resolution has been adopted directing the committee en appro priations te inquire into the causes and ex tent of the probable deficiency in the pos tal Star service for the liscal year of 1870 1880. The committees arc new being call ed for reports. THE MINJXK 1UIO.-I. New Yerk Market. New Yeuk,. Ian. s.-Kleur State and Western - ".without decided change : superfine state . hvjm -i ; extra no . ,.,c lu ; choice de $C 15 ,.,.i;4',IU'" ''" ' -","-: round hoop Ohie (i 00ti,t7.-: choice de $; sejgj 75; superfine western -. 3. 70; common te geed extra de ii'gi: 7.1 ; choice dodo $ Jtl,,j!S .V) ; choice white wheat de -?;.ia7; Southern dull and un changed: common te fair extra SO (JOS'. 75; geed te choice de (. Sigs .la. Wheat Spring quiet and linn; Winter I f?l)-.c better and fairly active; .Ne.l WhiteJan. by Central $2.-.l ; Feb. by Central 2..i3l Xl:; X e. 2 Bed r eb. $1 .ll.'l M ; inside price early M a re 1 1 " 1 jS1 1 Q 1 5--a.,. Cern a shade easier; Mixed Western spot Xt0c ; de luture 3S&V.c. Oats drooping ; state IS&Mc; Western 4S51c" stock Markets. PlIILAKELVItlA. Jan. S. l-'L-ai e v Stocks steady. Pennati's (third issue) KHUh Philadelphia & Erie is Beading :.-.-. Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley. United Ces. of X.. I... Northern Pacific Preferred . Northern Central Lehigh Navigation... Xorristewn Central Transportation Ce. . .11 -! .1511 321' Ul?-s ycntral Transportation Ce. 45i itts.. Titusville .V Binnde. l:si ? I 1.41.. 12.. 1 21 ... iiLUt; cuuujlKlll Stocks buoyant. Meney X'.Y. Central Krie , Adams Kxpress Michigan Central Michigan Southern Illinois Central Cleveland & Pittsburgh.. Chicago As Ueck Island Plttsliiifs.il V I,,,,.. 11.... i,. - ... -.-...,1. IV nii .1 11U. . ! Western Union Tel. Ce KKf Teledo A: Wabash It New Jersey Central si?' W Xkw tonic, Jan. 8. .. SSC ..i::i .. 4X ..107 .. !l!l .. y., 'i ..1017s ..Iiks;. .i.i-i WASTE1K ISSUJtASVJi. Strike Ter Higher AVages in New Jersey. Mouicistewx, X. J., Jan. 8. The miners in four of the mines near Dever, Merris county, have struck for an advance of from $1.23 te $1.75 per day. The strike began in the Baker mines, aud it is thought it will be general. At the mines the orders for ere are largely in excess of the amount mined, and it is expected the men will get the desired advance. Xe violence is apprehended. ISasis Wages Kcsiimi-d sit lla.leten. Philadelphia, Jan. 8. A special from Hazleton, Pa., says that region has re turned te basis wages for mining coal. "llTANTKIt. y V Everybody te advertise, free of charge. me i-stclliuenci!-, who wants something in te de. VirANTKn AT THIS OFFICK. TT Copies of the Hailv Ixtkluee-ncku of April :i ami J uly l'J, 1S71. jan2-tfd W AXTKI). man who is exnerieneed te .-Lsslst. ouyingieuacco. .Aimrcss "?.l." ltd This Olliee. in JjEUAIj XOTlVJiS. ISTATK OF PHILIP I'INtJEIC, LATE OF .J the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the estate of said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing iu said city. CATHABIXE KIXCRU, Wm. Ace. Atlee, Attorney. ii22-(;tdeaw Unfurlin-; TIIE JSEO CKOSS. Alleviate Distress riijts: e I. 1) Khavc a speedy and positive cure for Ca tarrh. Diphtheria. Caiikcrmeulliaud Headache in -shileh's. Catarrh Bemeilv. A nasal injector tree witli each bottle. L'se it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price M cents. Sold bv 1). Ilcitshu, Lancaster, and M. L, Davis, Mii leisvilie. 3eit25-eediU"tw j: r . 1 1 vj:i: tisj:m j:ts. "VreTicE. 1 The regular monthly meeting of the Pa citicClul) will be held in their hall this even ing. AH members are invited te atend. By order of the President. ltd Kelcased en Bail. Last evening Benjamin BihI. who is charged with being the man who cut Claude Butler some time age in a fight, was released from jail last evening en his furnishing bail in the sum of $1,000, be fore Judge Livingston for his appearance at court. First of the Season. This afternoon the first lead of Susque hanna fish of the season was brought te town by Sellers & Ilcrchelreth. It con sisted of pike, suckers, perch and cat-fish. They were leaded at Pert Deposit. iL'ltLlC SALE. On KBIDAY, JAXVAItY'.!, ISSfl, at Xe, 27 Arch alley, between Water and Mulberry streets, near Orange, a let or Household ami Kitchen Furniture, consisting or Bedsteads, Chairs, Carpets, Wire ami Husk Mattresses, Bange. Cook Steve. &c. which have been in use for about two weeks. Alse, two Hunting Case Silver Watches. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock!, m. ltd JACOB OCXDAKEIl, Auct. PUICLIC SALE. On TUESDAY EVENING, JAXUABY 13, IsSO, will be sold at the Leepard Hetel, East King street, a two-story Brick Dwelling, con taining S looms, situated en the north side et Last Lemen street, Xe. 133; let ft-ents 21 f"et, and iu depth 213 feet, te a H-feet wide alley. This property has a two-story Brick Back Building and two-story Frame flack Building. .Nile te commence at 7 o'clock i). m. Condi Condi liens made known by T. IS. IBEDALE. IIi-xi-y Siiui-Eirr, Auct. tJnnS-.Md GIRARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. 51,131,338. All invested in the best securities promptly paid. Fer policies call en Lesses 8-MW&SCmdK B1FE & KAUFMAN', N'e. in East King St.. Lancaster, Pa. POlt SATjE OK REST. OltPHANS' COUItT SALE On SATURDAY, JAXUAI OF CITY LOTS. AKYlO.l&O. will be sold at public sale, in pursuance of an order or the Orphans'' Court et" Lancaster county, by the undersigned e.xecutorsef Henry C. Lecher deceased, at the public houseef Martin Kempt', corner of Poplar and Filbert streets, t'.ie fol lowing described real estate, viz.: All these TWENTY LOTS OF OBOUXD, sit uated en the southeast side of Poplar street, between Strawberry and Filbert streets, iu the City el Lancaster, each let containing in front en said Poplar street twenty feet. and in depth te a 14 feet wide public alley, one hundred feet numbered en the plan et" lets laid out by the said Henry C. Lecher, by Xe. 16 te 35, both in clusive. These lets are under geed fences and are sit uated in an improving part el the citv Sale te commence at 2 o'clock et" said day, when the conditions of sale will be made known and attendance given bv CHAS. A. HEIX1TSII, WM.L. PEIPEB, MOUKIS ZOOK, Executers et Henry C. Lecher, deceased. He.nuv Siujijert, Auctioneer. ilecl7ltd-17.27jan3.t9. t KAN1 SHOOTING MATCH FOlt A THIRTY-EIGHT POUND TURKEY, At F. Weehrle's (Selium Herse Hetel, 114 East King Street, FBIDAYand SATURDAY, JAN.!) and II), 1SS0- This Turkey was crowned with the prize at the Poultry Exhibition. Tickets, ii CENTS, te be had at sheeting. tin- place of ltd GIVE Ten had a : IT A TRIAL. tiffs year- ale of age Fahnc-steck's Farina Fleur Ii),HX) K.S. pL.r week in Lancaster, and was considered VERY SUPERIOR. Mr. Fahnestock has net been milling for ten years, but has again taken charge of his mill, and is making the Farina Fleur. Levers of (pod i lour and buyers or New Precess and "estein Fleur are invited te give the Farina Heur a trial. It Is sold at a lower price than ether i ancy Brands of Fleur. SOLE AGENT FOB LANCASTER, D. S. BURSK, GROCER, 17 East King Street, "Lancaster, Fa. ,4 SSIONEE'S SALE OF VALUA15LE IV PROPERTY. ON SATURDAY, JANU ARY 21, 18.S0. The undersigned assignees of Patrick Can-and wife, of Lancaster city, Pa., will expose te public sale, at Michael's hotel, North (jucen street, the following valuable properties, viz : Xe, 1. All that certain one and a half sterv BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, and Let or Piece et Ground thereto belonging, situated en the north side of West King street, Lancas ter city, said let having a front ei 1!) feet 3 inches, and extending in deptn 100 feet, mere or less, and being Xe. 033 West King street, bounded en the west by property, new or late of Mary Campbell, en the north by an alley, en the east by property new or late of .leremiah Campbell, and en the south by West King street aforesaid. Xe. 2. All that certain two-story BRICK DWELL1XG HOUSE, and let or piece of ground, thereto belonging, situate en the west side of Xerth Plum street, Lancaster city, N'e. 38, said let measuring seventeen feet, mere or less, en Plum street, and extending in deptli westward el that width, 7!) feet inches, mere or less, bounded en the east by Plum street, en the south by property new or late of Jehn J. Dersch, en the west bv property et Martin Gratr, and en the north by a common alley. This is a desirable property located in one of the best parts of the city. Xe. 3. All these two certain LOTS OF GROUND situate en the southwest corner of East Chestnut and Marshall streets, Lancas ter city. Pa., measuring in front en said East Chestnut street 44 feet, mere or 'less, and ex '.ending in depthseuthwardly US feet teanalley said lets being Xes. 91 and Ji en Chestnut street tract; bounded en the north by said East Chestnut street, en the cast by said Marshall, en the south by a 14-feet wide alley, anil en ;tlie west by Xe. 03 or slid Chestnut street tract. These are very desirable building lets, situated in a new and rapidly improving part or the city. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock, p. m of said day. when attendance will be given and terms made known by KMAXUEL E. MILLER. Assignee of Patrick Can- and Wife, Henry Sliubeit, Auctioneer, jan l-"W&Sd&janly-Jtd the Standard te in Kussia. Londen, Jan. 8. Diphtheria is alarm ingly prevalent in the province of Khar Khar kefl', Kussia. A St. Petersburg despatch te Ueutcr's telegram company says : "The local Ifcd Cress society of Kharkeir, in view of the terrible distress prevailing in that prov ince, have formed three medical and sani tary detachments te assist the government te attack the epidemic." COWARDLY ASSASSINATION. The Villain Likely te (Jet Justice. Terente, Jan. 8. On Tuesday night at Markham, Geerge Ernest, a farm laborer, shot Mrs. Mary Prebs with a shotgun. The assassin gave her no warning, and the shot took effect in her side and thigh, from the effects of which it is feared she will die. Ernest fled but was captured here last night. INSTATE OF I'KTEK LONG, OK LAXCAS JL TER City, Penn'a deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Rev. Wil liam T. Gerhard, Executer efthe last will and testament et" Peter Leng, deceased, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en SATURDAY, JANU ARY 31, It-SO, at III o'clock a. in., in the Librarv Roem et the Court Heuse, in the city of Liui. caster, where all persons interested in said dis tribution may attend. janG-ltdl BEN'.I. F. DAVIS, Auditor. E 7STATK et Lancaster city, decc:iscd.- OF JACOi; STOTT, LATi: OF :itv. deceased. Letters of Mil. ministration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto arc rciucstcd te make imme diate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing iu West Chester, or te ills at torney, J. W. F. Swift, Iincaster. Pa. W.M. W.sTOTT, dccl-ltil.-tw Administrator. ATE OF MARY HULL. LATE OF incaster City, dee'd. Letters of admin istratien en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto tire requested te make immediate payment, ami these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay Ter settlement te tiie undersigned, residing in said city. JOHN HULL. dec-TKUdeaw Administrator. I7STA' li La: FRKiUTEXEI INTO FITS. Rude Disturbance of the Honeymoon of Spain's New Oiicen. Londen, Jan. 8. A despatch from Paris says that the health of the (jucen of Spain has been affected by the recent attempted assassination, and that she new suffers from epileptic fits, te which she was net previously subject. STRIKING HATTERS. HAPPY EELIEF Te all suffering from chronic diseases of all kinds. Confidential consultation invited per sonally or by mail. New method of treatment. New and reliable remedies. Boek and circu lars sent free in sealed envelopes. Address Heward Association, 419 N. Ninth street, Phil adelphia, Pa., an institution having a high reputation for honorable conduct and profes prefes profes leual skill. mar-lyd Get Their Demands and Ge te "Werk. Heading, Pa., Jan. 8. The employees in the hat factory of Messrs. Mehn Bres., resumed work this morning, the firm granting the advance asked by the men, and for which they have been en a strike. It is expected that the remainder of the hat factories here will resume shortly. A FITTING TESTIMONIAL. S" 10,000 Chapel te the Prince Imperial. Paris, Jan. 8. The subscription for a memorial te the late Prince Imperial has closed, the amount subscribed being two hundred thousand francs. The memorial committee propose te erect a chapel en an elevated point between the Arc de Triemphc, and Hetel des Invalides. THE ILLINOIS HAtVLEV. Aftpiriug te the Gubernatorial Chair. "Washington, Jan. 8. The announce ment is made by authority that Hen. Jehn B. Hawley, assistant secretary of the treas ury, will be a candidate for the nomination for governor of Illinois before the next Re publican state convention. "INSTATE JCj of Lane MacTEAR'S MANIA. Insisting That He Has Made Diamonds. Londen, Jan. 8. Mr. MacTcar writes te the Time giving further evidence that car bon crystals made by him have the quali ties of diamonds. Collision of Freight Trains. Baltimore, Jan. 8.-A collision occurred last night near Martinsburg,"W.V.. between two freight trains en the Baltimore Ohie read, but the particulars are net known here yet except that a number of cars were thrown oft" the track. TTSE LOCHER'S HORSE AND CATTLE U POWDERS. T OCH EIl'S COUGH SYRUP IS TIIE BEST, IASTATKOFCHARLES E.MAILLY, LATE J efL-ini-ustcrcily, di.-cea-ed. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining iu the hands el J. W. F. Swift, administrator of said estate, te and among these legally entiled te the same, will sit ler that purpose en WEDNESDAY. the-JI.-t day of JANUARY, ISM), at HI o'clock, a. in., in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, iu tin: city of Lancaster, when; all persons interested in said distribution may attend. W. U. HENSEL, dec-2l-3tdeaw Auditor. OF GEORGE W. .ELL, LATE caster fit v. deceased. Letters of ail- iiinistratien en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all person, indebted te said decedent are requested le make immedi ate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay ter settlement te the under signed, residing in Lancaster city. KM AX U E'L SWOPE, Administrator. Alex. Harris. Attorney. nll-tiIeaw INSTATE OF IIAHHARA ROSENFELD. ll late of Lancaster city, deecaed. Letters testamentary en said estate having been grant ed te tin; undersigned, ail persons indebted te said deceilentarirreii nested te make-immediate settlement and these havingelaimserdemand.s against the estate of said decedent te make known the same te the iiuderslgucd without delay, residing in Ijincustcrcitv. JOHN B. LEilKICHKR, J. W. F. Swift, Executer. Attorney. dee-JiMitdeaw A' UDITOR'S NOTICE the Court of Common Pleas of L.inc:istcreiun- ty te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of William A. Atlee, surviving truster under a mortgage given by the Lancaster Ag ricultural Park association, dated May i, 1S7I, recorded in the Recorder's elliee el Lancaster county, in mortgage book N'e. 21, page ris'.), te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en WEDNESDAY, DEC. 31, I7'., at II) o'clock, a m., in the library room efthe court house, in the City of ijincas ter. where all persons interested in said distri bution may attend. GEORGE NAUMAX, dStdlaw Auditor. ASSIGNED ESTATE Ol' MARY K. KEN NEDY, of Strasburg borough, Lancaster county. Mary E. Kennedy, et Strasburg borough, having bv deed of voluntary assigh lueiit. assigned and tr.in-ferreil ail her estate and effects te the undersigned. ler the benefit of the creditors or thesaid Mary E. Kennedy.hi: thcrcfers gives notice te all persons indebted te said assigner, te make payment te the un dersigned without delay, and these having claims te present them te SAMUEL S. EWIXG, Assignee. J. W. F Swiit, Att'y. dec!7-('tw SSIGNED ESTATE 4 S BRYAN and wire. OF EDWARD S. of Coner tewiishin. Lancaster county. The undersigned auditor, uppeuucii te uisiribulc the balance remaining iu the hands et Jehn II. Epler, assignee, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en SATURDAY", JANU ARY 17, 1S0, at 10 o'clock a. m.. in the Library RoemoftheCourtHou.se. in the city of Im-t-.ister, where all persons interested In saiil dis tribution may attend. B. F. MONTGOMERY. dcc21-3twt . Auditor. E STATU OF SIMON M1NNIC1I. LATE OF East llempticld township, dee'd. Letters testamentary en said estate having lieen granted te the undersigned, all persons indebt ed thereto are requested se make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, re Biding in Landisvillc. niex y JACOB II. 3IINNICH, natKtw Executers. -V