'm-kmmmm s '- -' -'.-' - T, -f - f: , - Hancastcr Intelligencer. THURSDAY EVKNING, JAN. 8, 1880. Make Them Consist. The Democratic majority in the United States Senate has a chance new te show its backbone and can de se without any discredit te itself and with probable geed effect upon its party and upon the tone of our public service. In accordance with Mr. Hayes's custom of saying one thing and doing another he rejected the name of Gee. II. Stuart, pressed upon him by respectable influences, for the Eastern federal marshalship in 1'ennsyl vania and reappointed Kerns, who has l)cen made notorious by the infamous reunders and repeaters whom he selects for federal deputies en election day in Philadelphia, te supplement at the elec tion window, with the bludgeon and blackjack, the work of the ballet-box stuff er, return tinker and lightning cal culator, who presides en the inside. Mr. Kerns, as well as some ether of the appointees whom Hayes sent te a Democratic Senate for its approval yes terday, is a standing violation of civil service order Xe. 1. He and they con tinually outrage its letter and its spirit. They net only take part in political cam paigns, contrary te its previsions, but they use and abuse their ellices for the benefit of their part'. Xew Mr. Hayes has laid down the regulation that shall govern the executive appointees ; he lias set up a standard by which he says that he wants their conduct te be measured. Democrats may approve or condemn that standard; they are net responsible for it ; they may make another for them selves and their appointees, but they have a right te demand that Hayes shall square his conduct and that of the ad ministration subordinates with his rules se long as he docs net withdraw them. Federal ellicers. who, in the discharge of their power, have hitherto violated these rules, cannot expect confirmation by Democratic senators. Marshals who invest roughs and reunders with a little brief authority te club or browbeat Dem ocrats away from the polls cannot ask Democrats te endorse them and approve their appointment. Ollicials who spend the time for which the gevernment pays them in doing the dirty work of their party, descending even .te the crooked devices of " back effice'' politics and of bogus tax receipts, must either show fruits meet for repentance or go without the endorsement of a Democratic Senate. At this distance the political game of the three parties in Maine becomes mere complicated and its result mere involved in doubt at every move tin the chess beard. Jt is very evident that the Dem ocratic and Greenback leaders lack neither courage nor sagacity and that they de net propose te be scared or bull dozed out of the assertion of their rights. They have the popular majority of the state behind them and the example of their firmness will no doubt have a geed effect in stiffening the backbone of Dem ocrats there as well as elsewhere. V'e have greatly admired the courage of Gov. Garccleii, and his conduct has evidently been consistent with law and precedent : at the same time when he asked the opinion of the supreme court he and his party are in honor bound te abide by it. We understand that he re fers the whole matter new te the Legisla ture, delivering te them the court's opin ion, and it is human nature that the Fusionists should resist the organization by the liepublicans of the Legislature when they have sought te weaken the opposition by shameless bribery. The court's opinion would probably better command the respect which -judicial de liverances should have, were it net in conflict with previous decisions of the same judicatory, and had it net been written, as we are inferme 1, by a judge who is an active politician and who en election day leads voters by the ear te the ballet -box. Tiik Heg Iting.se called, in the llepub lican party of this county, is net the first body of its kind te find out that there is a fallacy in the saying that there is noth ing succeeds like ( apparent ) success. It is in danger of being skinned and quar tered and of having its head hung upon the enemy's gates or served in triumph at the lunch table of the County Heuse club. Its danger threatens from the in side, as usual. Its following is such a motley crowd that there have net been spoils enough te go around. The feed is scarce and every hog wants te get his feet into the trough. There is ominous grunting and the squealing is pitched in a high key. McMellen complains that he has net get his share, and these who expected te be the beneficiaries of his favor half suspect him of treachery and de net give him credit for his efforts en their behalf. Ed. Martin sulks in his lent and J. "W. Jehnsen untimely claims his reward at Tem Davis's ex pense. Meanwhile adversity chastens the enemy and the Bull King whets its horns for a prospective disemboweling of its porcine adversary. TiiKhighly important news comes from Xew Yerk that a filibustering fccheme is en feet te sever the Rie Grande states from Mexico and te erect them into an independent republic, with the ultimate object, no doubt, of annexation te this country. The uneasy desire of acquiring greater territory has its root rather in a sensational spirit of filibustering than in the sober second thought of the people. "Wc have enough room for all the healthy extension that is possible for centuries te come. There is nothing inviting in the character of the Mexican population nor anything essential in their country for our national greatness ; and this nation has no need of an independent republic between Texas and Mexico. Xethixg is mere likely net te happen than an appointment which is premised by Mr. Hayes, unless it be one that is pressed by that pestiferous humbug Jehn "W. Frazier, of Philadelphia. Se long as Gee. II. Stuart's claims te the eastern marshalship were urged by Bishop Simpsen, approved by Mrs. Hayes and admitted by her husband, there was still hope of his success, but when Frazier put in an appearance as Stuart's friend "that I settled it." "When it comes te passing around cen sus suiervisersliips, the one-armed and one-legged soldier, in whom the Republi can party delights, does net seem te have been noticed holding his hat out. Ser vice in the prison ring is a higher quali fication than the scars of battle or the burns of patriotic powder. m J. Madisex "Wkl-ls's turn comes next. He expects re-appointment as sur veyor at Xew Orleans. If he can get Mr. Ilaves's refusal of the place te him and a positive premise te somebody else, he may get the appointment. But if a Democratic Senate dares te confirm the old villain PERSONAL.. 'flic Princess Lecisi: is exported te .-ail for Canada en the 22d inst. Right Rev. Jkan Baptist Scamei.la, bishop of Gibraltar, has been appointed Papal Ablegate in Canada. Dr. Hand will seen icineve from Colum bia te Scranton. lie will purchase the practice of an established physician. The California Assembly yesterday, by a vote of 08 ayes te .' nays, adopted a joint icsoliitien recommending the appointment of Jehn F. Swift as minister te China. Supreme Court Justice Miller tells the Trey Times that te listen te an argument from Judge Jeremiah Black is the richest of treats te him better than a ehapter of Macaulay. An:v Kamue, of the Columbia L'euranl, publishes this week an original poem from :i Baltimore contributor, and a birthday greeting in verse inscribed specially te himself. Rainbe's friends have only re cently discovered what a love he has for the muses. Dr. Ciieules J. Still:-:, provost of the the I'nivcrsity of Pennsylvania, and "Jehn Welsh Centennial professor of history and English literature,' has resigned these distinguished positions, the resignation te take effect at the close of the present col lege year, which occurs this summer. lie intends te go abroad before lie gets tee old te enjoy the trip. Tiieeimike Tiltex's father occasionally visits the Xew Yerk Tribune office, and asks if there is enough money en hand te allow him a little as a stockholder. 'When Herace Greeley was alive,"' said lie once, " I used te get enough from my dividends te suppjrt me. I am getting tee old new te work, and I need the money. I own one share of the stock, which my son paid $10,00(1 for. lie gave it te me te live oil" of as long as I lived."' M.nr Dfisant, the eldest man in Wash ington, died ye.-terday. aged '.)(" years, lie was one .if the veterans of the Grand Army of France. He served with Xapoleeu in Germany and Spain, and at Waterloo, and at the time he left the army he was a lieu tenant in the Eighteenth regiment of Cuir assiers. His uncle, Gen. Mobleu, of Xa- poleen's army, assisted him in coming te America in 1815, after Xapoleen's down fall. He lived in Philadelphia for some years. The Crown Prince and Princess of Ger many, with their three daughters, are stay ing at Pcgli, en the gulf of Genea. Their royal highnesses occupy a suite of forty rooms, furnished in magnificent style. Beth the Prince and Princess are reported much improved in health by their sojourn in this lovely spot, and, if regular hours and innocent amusement can procure health, they ought te be. Six o'clock ris ing, strolls through lovely gardens and ex cursions up magnificent mountains or trips te Genea, compare favorably, from a hygi enic point of view, with late balls and the stiff court ceremonies of gloomy and foggy Berlin. The Princess, who is an excellent artist, finds plenty of subjects for lipr pen cil in the immediate neighborhood, and a plethora of ragged and hungry but pictur esque beggars adds te the artistic attrac tions of the place. HOT TODDY. A Prima Denna in Ilirace. Depositions in the libel suit of Carlelta A. Patti against the Pout-Dispatch of St. Leuis, have been taken in Leavenworth, Kansas, the past two days for the defense, and have disclosed a geed deal of evidence against the sobriety of Patti en the occa sion of her concert there a short lime age. McCall. a hackinan, testified he took Patti from East Leavenworth te her hotel in Leavenworth, and from the hotel te the theatre and back again te the hotel after the conceit. He swore it took three or four men te get her into the hack at the theatre after the con cert, and as many te take her out of it en arriving at, the hotel. He could net swear positively liitti was drunk, but was decid edly of the opinion that she was intoxi cated. Jeseph F. Bruh, owner of the Mad Mad ieon saloon, testified he sent two brandy teddies at different times te P.itli dur ing the concert. They were as het and strong as they could make them. He further swore that every one of the con cert audience that visited his saloon that night spoke of Patti as being drunk. J. 11. Brooks, janitor of the theatre, testified te seeing four glasses of liquor brought into the theatre during the evening, two of them he knew were het Scotch whisky. He brought, one himself by elder of Deinurk, Patti's husband. These four drinks were placed en a table at which Patti sat when net singing, lie saw her drink them and thought she was very drunk. SiiK-ailin Kospeiihibiiil.v. Xew Km. Judge Thayer has decided the suit of Markley & Sen against ex-Chairman Quay, in favor of the latter. The suit was te re cover en a check for 62, GflT.Se given by Quay for printing done by his order for the Republican state committee. The judge held that all the members of the committee were jointly and severally liable, and net the chairman personally. When it is remem bered that during the whole campaign Mr. Quay never once called the committee together, or consulted with them in re gard te the expenses he was se lavishly in curring, this don't leek much like putting the responsibility where it properly be longs. But, if this is the law of the case, it seems te open the deer for the collection of the small bill of $'221 still due the JVcw Era for printing done for the Republican county committee two years age. But the Kcir, Era is net particularly pressed for money, and as the .Messrs. Markley's coun sel have taken a writ of error te the su preme court, wc will net move in the mat ter at present, but wait until we get the law from the court of last resort. An UiiMic-esrul Deem. Washington siu-eial te the Evening . uir. Jehn W. Frazier, who has charge of the Sherman presidential interests in Philadel phia, arrived here yesterday anil started a movement looking te the appointment of Geerge II. Stuart te be United States marshal in place of James X. Kerns, whose commission expires in a few days. Frazier represents Stuart as having lest all of his srreat fortune, aud that any appointment from the government would be a favor he I would highly appreciate. " ' ' " ,-..--. MINOR TOPICS. The Harrisburg Patriot is very appre hensive lest the reports of Democratic re union in Xew Yerk should prove true. Perhaps it wasn't intended for a joke, but the lower branch of the Louisville councils have a committee en graveyards composed of doctors. Tiiluk is a geed deal in a name. Stephen Longfellow, a nephew of the poet, Henry W. Longfellow, was held for trial in Bos Bes Bos eon, yesterday, en the charge of forging his uncle's name te a check for $1000. The Heuse committee en invalid pen sions have unanimously agreed upon a bill, which provides for granting a pension te each surviving soldier and sailor of the Mexican. Flerida, Creek and Black Hawk wars, at the rate of eight, dellais jier month. Sin FitANcis IIixcks, in a letter en the subject of annexation, published in the Montreal papers yesterday, says. '"lam firmly persuaded in my own mind that the necessary result of any change from our present system would result in annexation, and I am equally persuaded that it could only be accomplished after civil war."" A itK-OLLTiex relating te the Lie vie thus has been referred te the committee en Indian affairs. It authorizes the secre tary of the interior te pay out of the Ute Indian annuity fund te Mrs. X. C. Meeker the sum of $",000 ; te the heirs of Frank Dresser, 8.1,000 ; te the widow and children of William II. Pest, 810,000; te Mamie J. Elliet, $5,000, for injuries suffered. The Tribune is entering quite zealously, new, into the se-called anti-Grant move ment. The Tribune, it is understood, favors Senater-Conkling as its first choice; next Mr. Blaine ; next, "anybody te beat Grant.'' Seme of the ether Republican journals, that maintain a lynx-eye of vigi lance as te all such leanings, note these Tribune symptoms, aud of them, the Com mercial characterizes it as but graspingat straws." Watch carefully any legal proceedings you may be interested in about the -9th of February. The 28th and 2'Jth are legally only one day. The supreme court of Indiana ruled sj in in 187(5, saying: "'It has been held by this court that the English statute 21 Henry III is in force in this state. This statute, speaking of the 20th of February, in leap year, pro vides : ' Cemputilur die Me et dies prexiuw quo unice die.' (And that day, as well as the day next preceding, shall be computed as one day)." TiiEitE was considerable indignation among the District of Columbia Republi cans ever the nomination of Mr. Aingcr, the present chief clerk te the third assist ant postmaster general, te the postmaster ship of Washington. Mr. Aingcr is a citizen of Michigan, and proprietor of a newspaper there. The feeling is that Mr. Hayes should have appointed a citizen of the District and one identified with its in terests, and net have selected a man who holds a residence elsewhere. Ex-Puesiiext Pkade, of Peru, who is just new in Xew Yerk, says he did net learn until his arrival in Xew Yerk that his countrymen at home had deposed him, and that the story of his "flight" from there is preposterous. There was no flight about it, he avers. He is entrusted with a delicate European mission (relating, it is supposed, te the purchase of iron clads), and it was judged prudent that he should leave as unostentatiously as possible. Moreover, he is en friendly terms with General Pierola, and he (Trade), is cogni zant of nothing in his relations with that personage which would make it unpleas ant for him te return te Peru at, this time even, if it were necessary. KErUDEICAX .METHODS. The Attempt te Itribc tlie l'lisiim Kcpre sentalives in Maine. I, Moses llarriman, of Kciinebunkpert, en oath, depose and say that during the evening of January 5, 1880, I learned te my satisfaction that cflerts were being made by Republicans te bribe opposition members of the Heuse te refuse te act, and thereby prevent a quorum en AVed ncsday, and therefore determined te test the question and get proof if possible te lay before the public and thwart the pur pose of these who were resorting te such criminal means for the accomplishment of their ends ; I managed te get in communication with parties negoti ating the purchase and entered into an agreement te meet a man, whose name I ler the present suppress, at the court house in Augusta at half past one p. m. Tuesday, and did meet him there at the time and place appointed, and there re ceived from him $1,000 in hand, in consid eration of my copying in my own hand and signing certain papers presented, declaring that I should net accept a seat in the 1 louse, disapproving of the action of the governor and council, approving the opinion of the judges of the court, etc., etc. I was also assured that after the Republicans suc ceeded in getting full control of the Heuse I should be seated and should be well pro vided for ; he left the court house te go after the money ; said he would be gene half an hour and would give a signal of three raps at the deer ; he returned in just about the time and gave the signal ; 1 un locked the deer, let him in and he deliv ered the money ; I have shown the money te several persons and new have it in my posssssien; I was told that the papers I signed would be published te-morrow morning. Moses Hahihman'. Augusta, January, 15, 1880. State of Maine, Kennebec ss. January G. 18S0. Personally appeared before me Moses llarriman, made oath te the truth of the above statement by him signed be fore me. E. II. Geve, Justice of Peace for the State. Wc certify that Moses llarriman, of Kcnncbuukpert, exhibited te us this Tues day, p. m., a package of money, and re quested us te count it. We did se and made it $1,000, which he said he had re ceived as set forth in his affidavit. E. II. Geve, R. M. SmiixeKu. Augusta, January (1, 1880. Murdered for His King. Gee. Philip Hirth, aged twenty-one years, a grocery dealer of Washington, I). C., was found in a dying condition en P street, near the junction or Seventeenth street, last night. His head was badly bruised and cut by some sharp instrument, aud he expired shortly after his discovery at a drug store, te which he had been taken for medical treatment. The murder is supposed te have been done by a gang of workmen who had passed that way just before Hirth was found. The incentive is thought te have been robbery, as a ring had been taken from Birth's finger and his watch and money were missirtg. The po lice arc searching for the murderers. LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. The steamship Hansa is ashore en the island of Tenschilling and is breaking up. The steamship Pice is reported a total wreck near Maracaibo. The passengers and crew were saved. 2 jThc bark Highmoor, from Philadelphia, for Antwerp, reported lest a few days age, has arrived at Antwerp William A. Wilsen, son of the late post master at West Point, Ga., has been looked up for robbing the mails. A fire broke out at Amsterdam, Helland? in the sugar refinery of Benkcr & Hulsheif at 9 o'clock last night, and has since becn raging with great violence. During a mutiny en the German ship Pau Pau lieo Davis in the lower bav. at Mobile, the captain was severely injured and unable te leave the vessel. A revenue cutter has gene te bring the mutineers ashore. While five children were sliding en the ice at Cotten Mill pond, Readvillc, Mass.. the ice gave way and all were precipitated into the water. Maggie Malum and Frank Mulvcy, both about 10 years of age, were drowned. President Pullman, of the palace car company, has agreed with the Allegheny county commissioners te take $55,000 cash in settlement of claims for cars destroyed in the July riot of 18TT. About $S0.000 worth of cars were burned. Twe engineers en the elevated railroad in Xew Yerk city, tried te run ahead of one another's at the Xinth avenue aud Sixtieth street switch, yesterday, aud the trains crashed together. Nobody was hurt, but the cars were smashed. A dispatch from Savannah says that the Georgia Central railroad stock, which en Tuesday evening was quoted at 79, went up te 9: yesterday morning, closing last evening at 8!). There is a general expres sion of satisfaction at the leasing of the read. The store of Jas. Stewart & Ce., exten sive wholesale dealers in lumbermen's supplies, salt and shingles, at past Sagi naw, Mich., doing a business of $(!00,000 annually, was closed by the sheriff yester day under an attachment at the instance of Detroit creditors. The members of the New Yerk produce exchange voted en the question whether the exchange would reconsider its action of May 21, 1879, and indfinitely postpone the adoption of the cental system. The vote resulted 771 for rescinding and 1(58 against the measure, The Xew Haven aud Northampton rail road, at its annual meeting, voted te build an extension from Northampton te Quiuer Falls, with a branch te the state read at either Shcburne Falls or North Adams, at an estimated cost of 650,000, te be in operation in a year. In Cholier district, Ga., during an elec tion for tax receiver, M. A. Smith, a bail ill', called Jasper Spcuec te one side te talk about the election. Smith, without warn ing, snatched a pistol from a bystander and shot Speuce dead. Smith and Spenee had ill feelings towards one another for some time, but they had made up. A large party is hunting Smith. He will stand a peer chance if caught. A fire in Memphis which destroyed the buildings Xes. ;)S:5, :585, :JS7 and :JS9. Main street, originated in M. Henschberg ifc Ce.'s picture-frame manufactory. At 11 o'clock the lire was under control. The front walls of the buildings fell out and buried three firemen in the ruins, killing PetcMctz and seriously injuring Ed. Leon Leen ard and Antheny MeCarty. Leenard had his arm and leg broken. The buildings were the property of the estate of the late James T. Lcath, and were valued at about $(5,000, the insurance en which is net yet known. STATU; ITEMS. Adam Oschenshirt has been d.-.ewued at Millvale, near Pittsburgh. At the Baldwin locomotive works thirty two locomotives are being built for the Philadelphia and Reading railroad. The Pittsburgh steel makers have advanc ed centre steel from nine te ten cents per pound. This grade is used for making plow points, A:c. The West Chester people are taking steps te raise money for the erection of a $:!0,000 hall that shall seat 1,000 persons and have a stage capacity of 500. William Tayler, of Millville, Cambria county, was fatally injured by being squeezed between two cars which he was coupling at Johnstown en Tuesday. A eijrar manufacturer of Somerset offers te wager $1,000 that he has in his employ a man who can make mere cigars in one daj week or month than any man in the United States. The Harrisburg Patriot thinks the Sen ate should refuse te confirm the reappoint ment of Marshal Kerns in Philadelphia be cause he selects reunders and ruffians for deputy federal ellices. Reject him ! The famous case of Landis against Wethcrill has been compromised in the Montgomery court. The defendant's dam is te be reduced se as te give the defendant live feet head of water from the lop of his penstock fleer. The Tildcn club, of Pittsburgh, te-day celebrate the General Jacksen victory at Xew Orleans. James II. Hepkins, Mal colm Hay, Jehn R. Large, C. F. McKcnna, J. K. P. Duff, D. F. Patterson and R. M. Gibsen are tl.e orators. The partnership between A. II. Coffroth, jr., anil J. K. Coffroth, in the publication of the Semcrxct Democrat, has been dis solved, J. K. Coffroth retiring. A. II. Coffroth. jr., becomes the sole proprietor proprietor of the Democrat and will con tinue its publication. Mr. Michael Ash, of Chester, has made aflidavit before Magistrate Pele that his daughter, Mary C. Ash, was decoyed te Philadelphia by Henry Gelf, and that she was the victim of criminal malprac tice at the hand, of Dr.Jehn C. Buchanan, and is new in a dying condition, but the police have net yet succeeded in finding Buchanan. Fidel Fisher, a well-known morocco manufacturer of Philadelphia, died yester day at his residence, Xe. 10:17 Nicholas street, in the 77th year of his age. He was born in Lensbeurg. in the Grand Duchy of Baden, and in his 22d year came te Phila delphia and began the manufacture of mo rocco, at St. Jehn and Willow streets. He remained in business nearly thirty years, during the whole of which period he re sided in the Northern Liberties. The committee of stockholders of the permanent exhibition has agreed te make a report te the park commissioners at its next meeting recommending that the no tice for the removal of the exhibition building be revoked en certain conditions. These conditions are that a sum of menev shall be raised by the stockholders of the exhibition company for the permanent im provement of the buildings and grounds surrounding them, and that the terms of the existing license will be fully complied with. I'crpetual Orphan. Evening Iiiilletin. The here of the "Pirates of Penzance " makes one of his strong points by affirm ing that he is net an orphan and never was one. But the Pennsylvania soldier's orphan makes the proud counter beast that he is an orphan new, always has been aud always means te be. When Pennsyl vania finds herself, at the end of fifteen years, with 2,000 soldiers' orphans still en her hands, with the certainty that the system must yet run a considerable num ber of years, it is very evident that there has been a great perversion of the original purpose te which the energies eT the state were addressed. TriK THIRD TERM. Voices of the Past. IlEITDUCAN PLATTOKM, XEW YORK STATE, Adopted Sept 8, 1S75. Recognizing as conclusive the presi dent's public declaration that he is net a candidate for re-nomination, and with the siucerest gratitude for his patriotic ser vices, we declare our unalterable opposi tion te the election of any president for a third term. I'KXXSVLVAMA UKI'CHtlL .0 Adeiteii May , ISl'J. That we declare a firm, unqualified ad herence te the unwritten law of the repub lic, which wisely, and under the sanction of the most venerable of examples limits the presidential service of any citizen te two terms, and we. the Republicans of Pennsylvania, in recognition of this law, are unalterably opposed te the election te the presidency of any person for a third term. M ..s.sAcnrsETTS IJErrr.LicAX Convextiex. l-7.". That sound reason, as well as the wise and unbroken usage of the republic, illus trated by the example of Washington, re quires that the term of the chief magis trate of the United States should net ex ceed a second term. Ohie Uiutelicax Convention-. lS7r. The observance of Washington's exam ple in retiring at the close of' a second presidential term will be in the future as it lias been in the past regarded as a fumla mental rule in the unwritten law of the republic. Iowa Uiu'Uiimcax Convention, 1s7.". The Republican party of Iowa oppose a thiid term, and believe that President Grant's letter te General White fairly re moves that issue from our politics. Wisconsin Uei'Ciilican' Convention, 1S73. That we accept with approbation the letter of President Grant, discouraging the continuance in office of any mangistrate of the nation for a longer period than two terms. Maine. After the closing of our reports yester day from Maine, in the Heuse Jehn C. Talbot was declared elected speaker by 72 votes, and conducted te the chair. A clerk and assistant secretary were also chosen, Mr. Bale protesting all the time en behalf of the Republicans that there was no legal organization of the Heuse. Mr. Hale then presented a pretest of mem bers from five cities, and moved te go into committee of the whole te consider the cases. The motion was rejected, and the matter was referred te tlie committee en elections, te be appointed. The ether contests were referred te tlie same com mittee, and the Heuse adjourned. There were noise and confusion in the Heuse during the proceedings, the galleries being filled by a demonstrative mob. Governer Garcelon s term expired last night, and the president of the Senate fills his place until a new governor is chescs. A .Mail Carrier in Illinois Shet Dead A dispatch from Jerseyville, 111., says that Clement Kewden, a mail carrier, living near Rosedale, Jersey county. was called out et his house at dusk en Monday evening and shot dead en the spot, ten buckshets entering his breast. The supposed te have been sheeting i; done by Benjamin Spry, accempaucd by his two brothers and Peter Grosjean, between whom and Rowden an old grudge existed. After the killing Rewdcn's wife followed the murderers a short distance, but they mounted horses and lied. Twe of the horses ridden by them returned next morn ing, one tied te the tail ei the ether. Henry, one of Spry's brothers, returned home and was arrested. Orders Tltreiigli Hie Keyhole. North American. The voice of Pennsylvania cannot be ascertained by listening at any keyhole. When it is desired te poll the Republican party of the state in order te determine what sentiment predominates it is net the usual way te consult with one man in forty thousand and accept the result as a popular expression. The right way te ascertain public sentiment in a party is te give the masses opportunity te express themselves in the customary way. It is te be regretted, therefore, that the time of holding the sta'e convention was net delayed at least three months, in which time very much may happen te indicate what is best te be done. A Louisiana .Sensation. A dispatch from Lake Providence, La., says : City Marshal Maguirc was shot and killed while attempting te arrest a number of flatboat men. Five men were arrested en suspicion and placed under guard. On Monday night several of Maguire's relatives broke into the prison and opened lire, wounding every prisoner, two of them mortally. The coroner's inquest discov ered that the murderer of Maguirc, a man named James Brown, had net been arrest ed, but had escaped in a skiff. The men killed and wounded by Maguire's relatives were innocent. Ute I'riseners en their Way East. Lieutenant Tayler, with a detachment of ten men, arrived in Pueblo, Cel., yester day, with the twelve Ute prisoners and proceeded east. A crowd of between two and three thousand people congregated at the depot and were very demonstrative. ' Hang the red devils," "Sheet the mur dering fiends," and like expressions were frequently heard. The savages were terror-stricken and completely cowed. A movement was en loot m the morning te organize fifty men and lynch them," but cooler councils prevailed. m m I'rets, Itut Must Dear It. Xew Kill. Calls have been issued for the Republi cans of Chester and Montgomery counties te elect their delegates te the state and national conventions. Our local " sover eign despots " propose te accord no such privilege te the Republicans of Lancaster county. They say they have the power and will use it. "The Family" Failing. X. V. HeruM's Wuthingten special, double leaded. The political significance of Senater Cameren's position as chairman of the na tional Republican committee has been se persistently misunderstood that it is worth while te make the truth plain. Mr. Cam eren is net a Grant man, but a Cameren man. Till: MAR.SHAI.SniP. Keapjieintmcnt of Air. Kerns, anil Hew it Caiue About. Special te The Xerth American by Telegraph. In this nomination the president again pays his deference te Senater Cameren. LOWEKKXD LOCALS. Frem the Oxford I'rcss. The farm of the late Geerge Rubincam, in Little Britian tewnshiji, containing 92 acres, was sold at public sale en Thursday last by the administrator, te Samuel T. Eiadferd of Wilmington, for $23 per acre. Jes. 1 1. Brosius has completed his cream cry, at Oetorare, and will commence butter making in a short time. He intends te use only the milk of his twenty-four cows at present and will net buy of his neighbors until his arrangements arc fully perfected. William B. Faxsen, of Colerain town ship, recently sold a drove of seventeen hogs of the Poland China breed which averaged nearly 390 pounds weight each. J. F. Turner, of the same township, sold nine shoats from a litter of twenty-three. The mother of this extraordinary breed, finding she had a rather large family for the hard times, being unable te furnish drinking tubes all around, dispatched all but nine. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. FIXALK. Clese of the l'eultry Shew. Last night at 10 o'clock the exhibi tion of the Lancaster county poul try association closed, after a very successful five days run, and this morning the show birds were released from their contracted aud rather uncom fortable coops, and carried te their several homes, where they will h. - e a chance of exercising their legs and uugs by i tinning in the open yard and recuperating their health by a mere varied diet. Iu the list of premiums published yes terday we inadvertently emitted a special one awarded te Charles Lippold. of this city, for the best display of pigeons. In behalf of the exhibitors, who failed te secure premiums, it is only fair te say that some of their fowls were se nearly of equal merit with the winners, in the opinion of the judges, that they only lackcd a point or two. and in one or mere cases, only half point, id' the score awarded the winner. This fact speaks well for the several exhibitors, and shows that they have given great care te the rearing of stock of the purest bleed. A curiosity exhibited and net hereto fore noticed, was a three-legged fowl bred by C. II. Mayer, letter carrier. The bird is full grown and perfect in every respect. with the exception of the third leg and feet, which is located between the ether legs and is net mere than half as Ien.';, and, of course, does net reach te the ground when the bird stands erect. The committee of arrangements have net yet had time te make a statement of the receipts and expenses, and the attendance of visitors at the fair. Approximately, it may be stated that about 3,000 persons vis ited the fair ; that the receipts from the sale of tickets were between $-100 and s."00; the entry fees from exhibitors about 12.". and that the net profits after paying all expenses (including about $12e for coops, cups, &c, which are worth what they cost) will net be less than Slet). The clear profits te the association may thus be put at about $27."i or 6300. The judges, who' are experts, and are called upon te attend shows in all parts of the country, declare the Lancaster show te have been one of the very best they have attended within a long time past. STRUCK 15V A I.OCOMOTIVK. - Narrow Fneape Frem Death. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Geerge F. Baker, of Raphe township, and her little daughter made a narrow escape from a terrible death. They had been en a visit te Mrs. Jehn Bessier, of Springville, who is Mrs. Baker's mother, and en their re turn home, when between Springville and Mount Jey, as they approached the rail road, they saw a train of cars approaching which they supposed te be the Johnstown express, then nearly due, but which was in fact a special train. As seen as it had passed, Mrs. Baker and her daughter, who were seated in a spring wagon, drove en towards the railroad crossing the rail road and turnpike running parallel with each ether and being quite close together. Before reaching the crossing the Johns town express came thundering behind them. The horse took fright and ran at full speed along the pike towards the cross ing, reaching it just as the train came along. The horse cleared the track, but the rear end of the carriage was struck by the locomotive, which shattered and upset it, and threw Mrs. Baker and her daughter some distance from the track. They were both badly cut about the face and bruised about the body, but neither was dangerously hurt. Dr. M. K. Bewers was called and attended te their injuries, and last night they were taken te their home near Bessier's meet ing house. The horse continued te run until he had demolished and get loose from the wagon. A Lawsuit About Tobacco liaising. The Chester county courts are new en gaged with the suit of Benjamin C. Lcntz against William Schlegcl, trever and con cen con versen. In the spring of 1870 Schlegcl wanted te go into tobacco raising,and went te Lancaster te obtain a man te cultivate. There he met Lcntz and made a bargain with him, by which the latter was te raise the crop en shares te receive one half. Six acres were planted with tobacco. The crop was housed, and a part of it stripped. Then Schlegcl would net let Lentz de any thing mere with it. Lcntz said there were about 9,000 peunus. Be never re ceived any portion of this tobacco. Be and his two boys worked all summer. Even in the course of his testimony Lentz said that, where tobacco was grown en shares, it was the custom for tlie land owner te plough, harrow and ridge the ground ; then the fanner planted and cared for the crop. When Lcntz was stepped from stripping there were about 1,000 pounds of tobacco in the house. This was taken away by the sheriff. Suit was brought, and Lentz obtained value for his half of this. The defense set up that the tobacco was farmed in a negligent manner; that they held the rent of the house in which Lentz lived and flour furnished as a set-off, which, added te the less sustained by the negligence would meic than balance the plaintiff's claim. Tobacco and Othur Crep Insurance. A new insurance company has been or ganized at Mount Jey, te insure against the destructive ravages of hurricanes, cy clones or hailstorms en tobacco and ether growing crops. The following directors and ellicers have been elected : President, Stephen Grissinger, Raphe; Secretary, F. A. Rieker, Mount Jey ; Treasurer, B. M. Greider, Mount Jey ; Directors, Stephen Grissinger, Raphe ; Stephen S. Clair, Columbia ; E. McGovern, Lancas ter ; Christian G. Shirk, J. R. Strickler. II. S. Stauil'er and J. C. Grolf, Mount Jey. Henry Mcckley, sold 2 acres of tobacco at 4 and 18 ; Michael Readier, 2 acres at 4 and 20 ; Jehn Lindeiiiuth, 2 acres at 4 and 20 ; Andrew Ilelwager, 2 acres at , 10 and 15; Henry Burst, at ", Gaud 17. The above arc in Mount Jey tewnsnip, and sold te Lederman Bres. Michael Whittle, Raphe, sold te Jehn E. Longenecker, at 'A. .landle; Jacob Zink, sr., Raphe, at 3. e and 17 ; Levi Shcllciibergcr, Raphe. 2 acres at '.', 8 and 21 ; Stephen Grissinger, Raphe, whose crop was very badly damaged by the hail, sold his at 10 cents round. Methodist Kevival. A "gracious revival" of religion is in prog ress in St. Paul's M. E. church. The meeting last evening was of great interest and the spirit of conviction rested upon the people. Seven persons, an adults, came forward te the altar for prayer and two , professed conversion, i no revival services have just beguu, and from present indica tions premise te be far-reaching iu their influence and results. CITV COUNCILS. State or the Treasury Finance ltepert IV- tltleeg "West Chestnut Street Sewer The Seuth Mulberry Street Damages Fire le partmeut Mutters. Jtc. A stated meeting of select and common councils was held last evening. Select Council. The following members were present : Andersen, Bering, Ebcrly, Evans. Shenk, Zecheraud Franklin president. Mr. Evans presented the monthly report of the city treasurer and receiver of taxes, from which it appeared that the .receipts during the month of December were $-12:5.-04; the payments $3,5 11. 1J5; aud the bal ance in the city treasury $21,(103.63. Mr. Evans also presented the monthly report of the finance committee from which we make the following extract : The committee audited the books of the treasurer and fiud that he has collected city tax as fellows : Real estate tax collected Sept. te Dec. 1, 1879. 2V percent, added. $812.(54 Tenants '. 2.08 Single Men 72 Total $810.01 The treasurer presented the nine ward duplicates of unpaid taxes for 1879. which are a fellows : I H I . Jl - If ? ! ! ! : L !$ 770.51'$ 1.1 $ l.a.i-. $ 1,07.1.71 2,7is.Ki isct.a; v.ti.M ::,ic.7.::5 'Xt.'.K 1117.12 lOS.r.'.l l,il!M i,es;.s-j l.viei !i7.i;j i,:s-j.is T-.w ISO-is s..-Ki ::;s..-.7 l,i;s.'.- 2::;r ies.7.' i,s2i.f'.i .-iei;.i:: ist;.i2' nwe s;i;.e.- 1I-2S.71 -l-'.i.M 11PS.00 ujwi SOi.V) SitV.fJ S7.75 l.l'.m.il if UUiSl.21 $J.MM tailTJli tl2,U73. wauhs. First S-ecend Third Fourth Filth Sixth Seventh... Eighth Xinth Total .... A petition for erecting lamps at the corner of Careline and Redney streets was referred te the lamp committee with power te act. Common council concur red. Petitions for lamps at the corner of Maishall and Chestnut streets and at the corner of College avenue and West Lemen streets were presented, and the prayer of the petitioners were granted. Common council concurred. Mr. Bering presented a resolution in structing the lamp committee te have three lamps erected en the Old Factory read beyond the Rockland street school house. The resolution was passed. Com mon council concurred. A resolution was adopted instructing the street committee te construct a sewer en West Chestnut street, from its present terminus, te Xe in street. Common coun cil concurred after adding the words pro vided there be funds iu the hands of the committee for the purpose." Select council adhered te its action and asked for a committee of conference, appointing en its part Messrs. Shenk and Eberly. Common council ap pointed Messrs. Beard and Schroyer. Alter consultation the committee reported that they could net agree. Beth bodies adhered te their former action and the resolution fell. Mr. Eberly moved te reconsider the ac tion of select council indefinitely postpon ing the report of the appraisers who assess ed damages te property by the gradinir id Seuth Mulberry street. The motion was agreed te and Mr. Eberly presented a reso lution referring the report of the appraisers te Messrs. Jehn I. Bartman, S. S. Spen cer and Christian Zecher, for review, in accordance with act id' Assembly. The resolution was adopted. Common council concurred. Adjourned. Common Council. The following members were present : Messrs. Ban-, Bartholemew, Beard, Bees, Berger, Bttrkhelder, Diller, Hartley, Hayes, Buber, Kahl, .Mentzer, Merrow, Reist, Schroyer, Snyder, Sprecher, Stermfeltz, Yackly Zahm, and Skiles. president. After tlte roll had been called Mr. Win. D. Sprecher, of the Second ward, elected at the last meeting, vice Mr. Heiisel, re signed, was qualified as a member, and appended his name te the roll. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mr. Schroyer, from the committee en fire engine and hose companies, presented a report from that committee, accom panied by a communication from Chief Engineer Fordney. The latter paper set forth that a tine of $10 had been imposed en the Shiiller company for a violation of the regulations of the department. The action of the committee w:is approved. The committee's report was in the shape of a resolution, authorizing the purchase of three overcoats for the use of the chief and assistant engineers of the department, at a cost net te exceed $75, no ether equipments efa similar character te be purchased dur ing the term of eflicc of the present incum bents. The resolution was adopted after being amended te the effect that the over coats be regarded as city property and re turned te the city at the expiration of the term of the present incumbents, or in the event of their resignation. Select council amended by referring back te the commit tee with instructions te report the necessity of the proposed purchase. Common coun cil concurred. The following ordinance, reported with a favorable recommendation at the last meeting of councils, was read a second and third times, and wasunanimouslyadeptcd: An Ordinance for the J'rerrtinn uf the llnxe of the Cit if of Ijftitcixler, itit'l for the J'fxerva J'fxerva lien efOrili-r at Ftrex. Section I. He it ordained by the Select and Common Councils or tlie City of Lancaster, and it N lierebverdaineil by the authority of the same: That any street or railroad car. IiO-m; carriage, -.team or ether lire engine,. wa;;en, cart, or any ether vehicle of any kind, wliich shall be driven ever the lire he-c ho-len-'inj; te tlie lire department of r City of Lancaster, wliich shall or may be laid in the street.-, at the occurrence efaiiy 11 rein tlie city, or at any alarm of lire, or at any ether time when the lire lie-e may be in use, the driver or eivnt-r of such vehicle hIiiiII be subject te a a a proiccutien before theMayor,er any of tin: AI AI dermeiief the city et Lancaster; and. upon con viction thereof, shall be lined in a sum net ex ceeding ten (1) dollars for the first elriMicc; and ler a second or subsequent ell'enec. in a sum net exceeding the huiii of twenty (20) del lars, wiin cesis ei pro-eeuuen. .ieit.2, All tines and costs imposed by the prevision of the foregoing section, shall be icceveredin tlie same manner as ether lines are recovered by tlie City of Lancaster. .eit. '.',. In addition te the duties its new pre scribed bv the several ordinances of the city, it shall he the duty of tlieCiilet of Police und the police present, te -o-epcrate with theChief Engineer and assistant engineers of tlie lire department, in reference te all matters con nected with the management efa tire, and as sist the Chief Engineer, assistant engineers, and the members of tlie lire department, in forming a cordon (witli ropes te be provided for that purpose) around the lire ground, te protect the members of tin: lire department tretn intrusion or interruption, and te de all things necessary for tlie protection of the peace and property. .Mr. Sprecher was appointed as a mem ber of the street cemmittc te fill the va cancy caused by Mr. Hcnsel's resignation. Adjourned. m Feley's Finger Flattened. James Feley had the second finger or his left hand crushed at the Pcnn rolling mill yesterday afternoon by a large roll falling en it. i