LAKCiSimDiiLFlNlfe JANITARY T,:l80. ZXa. Irf ." Lancaster intelligencer. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JAN. 7,11880. EOJt SALE Olt REST. FOIl KENT. Union Hetel, oppe-itc -Apply at 'eiin'uR.R.DepeL THIS OFFICE. LJanStld at Am- Cellcge Items. Russia has only nine colleges. Harvard has a Chinese professor. Hazing is no longer indulged in herst. "Wcllcslcy's donations amounted last year te eiCj.OOO. Cernell has a library of 40,000 volumes, and net a single work of fiction. Dickinsen college has mere students this year than it has had since I8C0. Gamhctta has been made a doctor of philosophy by the university of Athens. Union college had eleven representatives in the past Congress at Washington. Andevcr theological seminary commenc ed its course this year with about one hun dred students. Lascll seminary was obliged te tent extra buildings te accommodate her pupils this term. Happy Lascll. Fifty of the freshmen of Yale arc from Connecticut, forty-six from New Yerk, and eighteen from Pennsylvania. Uv the action of the faculty of the Ken tucky AVeslcyan college, Monday, instead eiSatuiday, is kept as the weekly holi day. r n..r..ii.t. line im.riili'(l Cernell uui- vnritv with a east of the bust of PlefeS- ser Geerge "W. C.u-en, by the sculptor Crawford. England has four universities ; Fr.uiee, fifteen ; Germany, twenty-two ; and Ohie, with a population of tlneu millions, has thirly-setai. The eldest college publication is the Talc Literary Jftiynzinf. founded in 18:J. The first college paper was published in 1800. A gift or $20,000 has been made te Vash?ngten and .Jeffersen college, for the purpose of establishing a cliair of applied mathematics. Themas Halloway, the lich Englishman, is erecting, at his own expense, an insti tution for the higher education of girls. The building will cost $1,:3,000. Columbia college has an endowment fund of $.1,000,000 ; Jehns Hepkins university, $3,000,000: Harverd, $2,."00,000 ; Prince ton, $1,000000 ; Yale, $330,000. The University of Lubcnigcn, Gennanv, recently celebrated its four hundredth an niversary. Among the graduates are Mc Mc lancthen, Kepler, Smelling, I Iegel,SchiIIcr, and Dcnnikcr. The average annual cxiciise.s of a stu dent at 1 Iarvai d. Yale or Columbia is $800; Princeton, $000; Amherst. IJovwleiii, lirewn, Dartmouth or "Williams, $300: Hamilton, $430, and Michigan University, S:J70. Prof. D..1. Hill, recently inaugurated as president of the University of Lewisburg. Pa., is only twenty-eight years old, and 'in said te be' the youngest college president in the United States. Williams college has graduated thiity members or Congress, live U.S. senators, eight governors, sixteen judges of the su preme eeuit, tb'uty-twe presidents of col leges, and eight hundred and ninety-four clergymen. Entirely Hei-mcrcd. Xnv YeKK ClTV, J line Ifi, WO. H. II. Wauki:n Ai Ce. Gktli:mi:n I hereby ccrlilv thai my wile has been isin Warner'- sale iviilni'V ami l.iii'i-Cuiv ler Hrijjlit'--li e:i-c, ami slic N new entiiely l'feelvil. Wlien all jiliyic-iaiis- i-eiueilii laileil, lit a- 111 111 ilui't'irie irv veur lcincily, ami icci-ivimI Ih'Iic licial i-ulf irem llif lii-t heltle. Alter UiUiiiK lour lieltlc- .lii' was eiitiiely enieil. Yeuivtitil'.. I:ei:i:i:t II. l" jl-J.l iitilly r AVr'ini;. .some people have a la-hien el eenlii-iii e" celleut remeihe-itli the lar;e nia-i et i.i tent iiieiiieliie,"ii!nliii tlii-they are iilltyel a m ren. Theie me -eme adverti-eil renirlie- Inllv worth all thai i-askeil ler t hem. and one atlea-t we Knew el Hep ISitler. I he writer lew hail oeeasieu teu-ethe Ciller-, in jii-l .sneli aeliniatea- we Iiave 1110-t el the year in Cay City, aed h.i-alwavs I011111I them te he It r l-ela-raml teliahle, ileins all that 1-. claimed ler them. Tribunr. T701J SALE OU KKXT. ,w Jb Several Geed Farms, situate y. miles ,rAnnVv'art;r C"y' "" THIS OFFICE. ApP' al jan5--2td Govei:-ei:s von sale. Twe IsirKc Stesun lioverners for sale. quire of KNX J uex CQM ,,AXy Hl'J-lfil&w LaiicLStcr, I'a. In- OK SALE. 1 .: i-'lcitT.lHUtSK l'OUTAIJLK I'.OII. KC iii koeU condition. Fer particnlura apply at . . .A UOOM FOli KENT, U. o-scssien given CLOTUXSa. IT IS SAID THAT 500,000 PERSONS Witnessed the Grant Reception in Philadelphia. WE -WOULD LIKE ALL THE THIS OFFICE. S" TOKK Queen street. Ill X. January l-.t. Apply at in I il'j-tli. Ne. 112 Nertli Queen Street. nne HKNT. V Tworeoiiis.Xo.l5W North Queen btrcct, suitahle ler nliote-'rai)li inillerv, new occupied hy.l .s. saurman. Aiipiy u dcciG-tfd 11nlv TIIOS. HAUMGAKUM.I. nmt nKVr J? Mere K00111, Ne. 13 Ka-t Klna street MEN ABB BOYS TO CALL AT OAK HALL Immediately and Equip Themselves for the COLD W A YES OF 1880. WATCHES, VEWXZMT, AC. new Inquire et H. within; al-e, ereimled hv Auail-luii Kliead 1:. I.fim. Miller.-, villi; Avenue or the upaii-s looms f:lul&ui&Uw ?On SALK. I1 A twelvi ami h'ilel' a te lilteen her-e-pewer engine AKea hn-'u planer, iilme-t new ; mall lloerin ami nialehiiifr niaelilne, aim teiieiiiif,' and power iiiertislntf , mjichlm;. Addles l'HII.U LECZEI.TE Easle Speke and Ilendinn W 01K-.. iievlO-tfilJcw Lancaster, la. MKK 1'KOOF SAFE FOIl SALE. A Fin l'roel bale (5Ieler, CaUinan it Ce., ::i inenesiiit:u..r'.i wiuiiii T .I....1.... I.1..I1 iN'l' II llle H11II Clllf imiilil maue . .ii lueiie-, inHu, w .-- 21 deep, wei-hl !. pound-, with Sai-ei t . Ni"ht and ll.iv Coinhinatien Leck, ter sale cheap. jairJ-ttd ApplV at tin l.N'TKLLICEXCEIl OFFICE. OKI'IIAXS' CODKT SALE OF ClTV LOTS. Ois,ATlUMAY,.IAXi;Ai:Y10.1Ks(,willhe -old at ))itllic! The Singularly Small Prices we started the Annual Winter Sales with have stirred all the stores te de their best. But we eclipsed them all, and they knew it, and the People see it, tee. These are the Prices for Our Own Carefully Manufactured Goods, net bought in the New Yerk Wholesale Stores : ale, in pur-uanee et an order ni .1... ,... 1, ..n..- I'niirt el l.auea-ier cuiuuy. the uniler.-iKneile.Meutor-el Henry C. I.eeher deceased.ut tlie puliUcliou-eel Martin hemp , eerner of Poplar and Filbert street-, the lol lel lol lewin described real e-late, viz.- ll tlie-e TWENTY LOTS OF CKOUN I, Mt Mt ualeden tlie-eutliiyi-t -ide of Poplar .street, hetweenhtrawherryand Filbert streets, 111 the ;'.... ..1 .,,.... 1.. 1- i-Mi-li let eeiitainin''in lrent en said Poplar .street twenty feet.and in depth te all leet w ide public alley, one hundred leet numbered en the plan el lets laid out by the -aid Henry t;. Lecnur, ny -". m 10 ., ie-ih" lets are under j;oeil lenecs and are sit- u-,ti.(l in an liniirevilii! pari 01 ineciiv .sale toeemuienee at 2 o'clecic et u-iii. 11 tin- conditions el" .sale Will Known and "-'',!J"!A.,'11iKIX1Ts,,, wm.l. i-i:ii'i:i:, Mill: IMS ZOOK. iiryC. I.eeher, deceased. iU'fl7JUl-17.27jiui:5AO. :iid dnv. be niailu A lew left ej the $30 Fine Overcoats, reduced te ..... Keval Heversilile Plaid Hacks sold everywhere at $23 (Full Indigo Celers and Woven Hacks). Our Price Next Grade Extra Sizes in Clue and Uiewn Woruiube Heaver Overcoats Next Grade A Geed Streng Serviceable Cleth-Hound Overcoat Everyday Working Overcoat Men's All Weel Suits The "Auburn " 1). P. Suits, for Husincss and Dress Extra Quality " Sawyer " Suitings Tile Finest of Casslmere Suits Dress Suits of He.-t Imported Cleths reduced te Men's Everyday Pants All-wool Husincss and Dress Pants Extra Fine Dress Pantaloons, formerly $10, new Genuine Harris Casslmere Pants The Very Latest Stvles in Children's Overcoats The Double-Slieulilered Cape Iteyal Kevcrsible Hack Overcoats (The Nicest Little Heys' Overcoats Oak Hall ever produced.) Childien's Suits as low as ,. Higher Grades and Mere Elaborately Trimmed Suits A Great Specially in Heys' anil Youths' Pants !20.00 18.00 16.50 12.00 10.00 8.30 5.00 10.00 12.00 13.01) 20.00 23.00 1.30 3.50 5.00 3.00 :;.oe 3.00 3.30 5.00 2.50 SOLID SILVERWARE, GORHAM PLATED WARE, And the Best Grades of American Electro-Plate en White Metal. FRENCH CLOCKS WITH SHjVER BELL, FRENCH CLOCKS WITH CATHEDRAL BELL. Complete Mantel Sets of Centre and Side Pieces in Marble or Bronze. MUSICAL BOXES WITH HARP, MUSICAL BOXES WITH BELLS, DRUM AND CASTAGNETTE, Musical Bexes with Accompaniments and Mounted en Fine Library Writing Cabinet. A fine general assortment of Jewelry, comprising all the Newest Designs. Designs and estimate of cost given for mounting Diamonds and ether Gems. Special care taken in the execution of Fine Monograms and Inscription Engraving. Alse, in complicated and ordinary watch and jewelry repairing. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. Tit A FELERS U VIDE LANCASTER AND SIILLKItSVILLE K.B Can run as fellows : Leave Lancaster (IML Depot), at 7, 9, an-l 11:30 a. m., anil 2, 4. 6 and 8:30 p. m., except en Saturday, when the last car leuves at &U0 p. in. Leave ilillersvllle (lower end) at 5, 8, ami 10 a. 31., and 1. 3, 5 anil 7 p. 111. Caw run daily en above time except en Sun day. PE N N S T L VA N I A KAIMIO AI NEW SCHEDULE On ami after SUNDAY. NOV. 9th, 1S79, trains en the Pennsylvania Kailreail will arrive and leave the Lancaster and Philadelphia depots as follews: Eastward. Atlantic Express, Philadelphia Express., r ast Line,. ...... ........ Yerk Accem. Arrives; Hurri-bunr Exurci-s.... Dillerville Acceui. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives. Pacific Express, Sunday Mail Johnstown Express, Dav Express llarrUbins Aecommedat'n, Leave Lanc'ter 12:25 A.3X. 4:10 " 5:20 70 " 7:33 ' S:I3 9:10 " lrJe " lrr i-.m. ioe 3:05 " 5rJ0 " G.-25 " Arrive Pltliairiv 3:00 a.m. 7:00 7:40 " 10:00 12:01 v.m 3:40 "" 5:00 5:;!0 7r20 ' 9-JX) " Westward. i:.eeiilois.el Ilei llr.Miv siui:i:i:t. Auctioneer. ci.v.i f.j.Assn'Aiti:. uiiNA, :lass, ji;i:i:nswai:i:. J HOUSEKEEPERS, SSHJNKL'S SALK OF VALUAULK A pi:epei:ty.-ln satcuday, .iani- HY 21 lh-st). Tins under-igned a ignees el Patrick Carrand wile, et Lam-asler city. Pa., will expose te public sale, al Michael's hotel. North tjucen stieet. Hie fellow ins valuable propel ties, viC : Ne 1. All that certain one and a hall sterj cilllK DWELLIMJ HOl'SE, and Let or Piece el tJreund Ihcrete beleiipinK, situated en 1 he neil h -ide of West Kin street, Lancas ter city, said let having a lrent el 10 leet.. inche- and eleiuiin in deptn 100 leet, mere erles-.aud beins Ne. tS Ve-t Kins street, bounded 011 Hie west by property, new or late el Marv Cimpbcll. en tin rtli by an alley, 011 11 it liviii-eiiertv new or laleel .lereiniah Campbell, and en'lhu seulh l.y 'e-l King strict alere-aid. ,.,.(. 1- .,. Ml 1 Ii:i1 certain two-story I. LICK DWKLL1NC HOl'SE, and let or piece el 'round, thereto beleiiKinff, -ituate en the west -ide el N01U1 Plum street, Lancaster city. Ne :is, said leL lnca-uring seventeen leet, mere or h , en Plum street, and vMemliiiK i depth wc-tw.aul el that width, 7'.l lcel ; iuehc-, mere or le, bounded en the east bv Hum street, en the south by property new" or late of.Iehu .1. Der-ch, en the we-t bv'propertvet Mai tin Ui-.ill", and en the north iy a common alley. This is a desirable propel ly located in one el the best pails et the city. , . , .k. .... Ne. 3. All Iho-e l certain LOls Ol (;COCM situate 011 the seutliwest corner or Last Chc-tiiiit and Mar-hall streets, Laucas ter city. Pa., mea-uiiiiK ' lrent 011 said Last Jlie-t nut street II leet, mere er'le-s, and ex eiidinjr in deptiiseulhwaiilly llSfeet tean alley said lets bciiiK Nes. ;il and ii2 en Chestnut siicel li-iet; bounded en the nertli by slid Last Chestnut stieet, en the ea-t by said Marshall, en the south by a ll-fcel wide alley, and en -the we-t by Ne. '. of said Chestnut strict tract. The-eaie ery de-iiable building lels, silualcd in a new and rapidly impievini? parlel the cily. . .sale te commence at 7 e clock, p. m el said ilay. when attendance will be given and terms -' " '. KMANFELE-MILLEC. Assignee el Patrick Carr and Wit'.', Heiirv shuberl. Auctioneer, l."V.v.s.ih.jaiil!w:iil WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, S. E. COKNER SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. THE LARUEST CLOTIIINU HOUSE LN AMEKIt'A. jan 1 tfd JJCV GOODS. AN ELEGANT SELECTION OF HOLIDAY GIFTS ! GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Cameo Sets, Rings, Bracelets, Solid Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, COLD SPECTACLES, and everything leund in a first-class establishment, at the LOWEST CASH PEICES. Make your selections early and have the advantage of a larger .-election of goods. We manufacture all special articles in geld, silver and liair, in our own buildidg, and can guarantee first-class work and low prices. Special attention given te fitting glasses for detective sight. The Arundel Tinted Spectacles Way Passenger, Niagara Express Hanover Accommodation. Mail Train Ne. l.via Mt.Jey, Mail Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia, Minday Mail, r a-t l.tne, Frederick Accommodation, Dillerville Leeal.via Mt.Jey Harrisburg Accommeilat'ii, Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Express, Pittsburg- Express Cincinnati Express Pacific Express Leave ! HiiluiVa 12:30 a.m. S:00 ' s.oe"" 8:Ce" "" U:M " 2:30 v.m, 4:tW 5:00 " f.rJS " J:10 " 11:.V. " Arrive Lanc'ter 50 A.M. 10:05 " 10:10 ' 11:05 " 11:07 ' 10:50 ' 2:10 r.M 2:15 " 2)0 " 5: " 7:2C 7:25 Si")0 ll.: " 2.40 A.M. 3"First-elass Watch show goods at 1880. COTTOKS AKD LINENS I COTTONS AND LINENS ! HAGER & BROTHER Arc offering at lcaa than present value Large Lines of 15LEACHED AND UNBLE-ACIIED MUSLINS, 15LEACHED AND UNI5LEACHED SHEETINGS, TAULE LINENS AND NAPKINS, LINEN TOWELS AND TOWELINGS, TUUKEY IlED DAMASKS. MA.R3A.TLLB3 AND OROOHSr QUILTS, BLANKETS, TICKINGS, CHECKS, PRINTS AND GINGHAMS, The above goods were purchased several month- since in anticipation of an advance and will be sold while they la-t at low price-. We invite the special attention et housekeepers and ethers. HAGER & BRO. urv Loek YOl It ! te your intcrc-t. i: EN s. WAKE at CHINA HALL. THE LARGEST STOCK IN LANCASTER Damaged Ware ! Damaged Ware ! Special attention given te IIOUSESTIKKS. HIGH & MARTIN'S, Ne. 3 East King Street. FUVXlTUIli:. A SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL, Te examine niv stock el Parler Mills, cham ber Suits. Patent Kockers. Easy Chairs. Keckcrs. Hat Hacks. Maible Tep Table-. Ex tension Tables, sideboard-. Hair, Husk. Wire and Common Mattrcs-e-, Heek Ca-e-. Ward robes. E-criteir-. I'lili il-tered Cane and Weed Seat Chairs. Cupboard-, Sinks. Deughti-ay-, liivakrast Table-.- Dining Table-. Ac. alwav 011 hand, at prices that are acknowledged te be as cheap as the cheapest. UPIIOLSTEPING IN ALL IT.s P.ltANl'HKS. KEPAllMNU PROMPTLY AND NEATLY DONE. Picluiv Frames en hand and made te 01 del" Kegilding done at Reasonable Kale- al the New Picture Frame and Furniture Stere, 15. EAST KINO ST KELT, (Over llur-k".- Grocery and Spiccher.- Slate uiuxr.Y AXJ i.irr.K Mill.. WARNER'S SAFE EEIEDIES! wAitsnrs sai"!-: pills Aican immediate .-tiniulus lera Torpid Liver mim I e-livene . iiv-ncn-m, innipinui.- Greccrv and Stere.) WALTER A. HEIXITSH, (chinillcr'.s Old Stand), MISCELLANEOUS. -vrexici: or ce-rAKTXKKsmr. i Lancaster, Pa., Jan, 1, lsse. Wc have llii dav admitted William IS. Altickasa member of the linn of 1). A. Altick A Sen. Cariiage Manufacturer.-. The business will be carried en under the linn name el D. A. Altick & Sens. Thanking our friends and the public for past favors, we a-k a continuation of the same for the new linn. Your- Trnlv, I). A. ALTICK, jan2-2td S. W. ALTICK. D 1SSOLCTION OF COPAltTNEUSIlir. ISy mutual consent the partnership existing between Augustus Kheads and Jehn F. liecil, trading as the linn of "lilieads & ISccd," Ne. 13 East King street, has this day been dissolv ed. All persons having claims against said firm will present them immediately ler pay ment, and all these indebted te said firm will make payment te said Augustus Kheads, who will continue the business at the same place. A. KHOADS, J.F. REED. Jasuaky 1. 1SSU jtml-Old BANKING. ' fainff returns In 30 days en S100 invest JmlSJUUcd. Official reports free. Like nrelits weekly en Stock ;opt ions of $10 te $50. Address T. POTTER WIGHT & CO., Rankers, 35 Wall Street, X. Y. e20-lyd&w INVKSTED IN WALL ,tk- -v Tl.HMAnn k 1 1 1 r!S 1 1 II M I Street Stocks makes for tunes every month. Reek sent tree explaining everything. Address 15AXTER & CO., Rankers, rtlS-lyd&w 7 Wall Street, X. Y. TO ArAA ALL WlSULNli lO JrSill II I. make money in Wall st. should deal with the undersigned. Write for explanatory circulars, bent free by ,TInnLnwinl 1'wnVnra $10 slieuh explar HICIfLINO & CO., 42 Exchange Place! New Yerk. ielMmdeed r OCIIKU'S COUGU SYRUP cukes con j SUMPTION. i:iiinw lii:ii'i'liee:i. Malaria. 1-cver anil -igue andareiiseliilat times in nearly all Diseases te eauseulreeuiul regular action et tliclSeweN. The best antidote ler all Malarial Poison. The-e Pill- are the discovery of an English army pliy-iciai. and have been n-cd with the greatest success among Hie IBi'Iti-h troop- 111 India. Thev are enlv nianutaetureil in this country by 'II. II. WARNER & CO. IVAKXKK'S SAFi: NLKVINK, The improved discovery el probably the most skilllul nerve doctor in the weild, quickly gives rest and sleej) te the sullering, cures ileadaehe and Neuralgia, .prevents Epileptic Fits, and is Hie best remeciy ler Nervous Pros Pres 1 rat ion brought en by excessive drinkiiig,over-werk,uicntal.shocksaiuIothcrcau-cs. It relieves the P.iin-el all Diseases.aiulisnevcrinjurieus te the system. The best of all Nervines. Rettlc.s of two sizes ; prices, mi cents and $1. "Warner's Safe Kidiiev and Liver Cure, Sare Diabetes Cure, Sare ISitters and SafbTwntr are al-e superior remedies, uuciiualled in their le-pcctive fields el disease. Warner's Safe Itemedies are sold by Drug gists and Medicine Dealers generally through out the country. cnd ler pamphlet and testimonials. II. II. WARNER .v. CO., Rochester, N. Y. ;; dl(-Tu,ThA,SAl&w BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! QUILTS AND COMFORTABLES ! WATT, SHA1 t THOMPSON Oiler a Large stock of White and Colored BLAMETS, AT OLD PRICES. WHITE FLANNELS. SCARLET FLANNELS. COLORED FLANNELS. SPECIAL BARGAIN. SO Pieces Yard-Wide CASHMERES, at 23c. per yard, usually sold at 3:Jc. per yard. NEW YORK STORE. 20 & 22 EAST KING STREET. 3IILLINEKY AND T11IM3IJNG GOODS. OPENING OF NEW GOODS -AT- GIl'T DllA WINGS. TJ1K COMJIOX and Fairest in the AUTllOKIZI'.I 15V WEALTH OF KY., World. 16tli Popular Llentlily Drawing OK Till! COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. At Macauley's Theatre, in the City of Louis ville, en JANUARY 31st, 1830. These Drawings authorized by act el the Legislature et 1SK), and sustained by all tiic courts of Ken lucky (all fraudulent advertise ments et ether lottery companies who claim the sole ownership et "all t lie grants in Ken tucky," te the contrary, notwithstanding), oc cur regularly en the last day of every month (Sundays excepted), and are supervised by prominent citizens of the State. Every ticket-holder can be his own supervisor, call out Ills number and see it placed in Hie wheel. The management call at tentien te the grand opportunity presented et obtaining, ler only $2, any et the following prizes : 1 prize 1 prize 1 prize 10 prizes $1,000 each 20 prizes 50U eacli 100 prizes, $100 each , 200 prizes SO each law prizes 20 each 1000 prizes 10 each '.) prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 9 prizes 200 each, " 9 prizes 100 each, " " ..$ S0,0O0 1(1,1100 s.oeo 10.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 2,700 l,tJ0 1,900 prizes $112,400 Whole tickels, $2; hall tickets. $1; 27 tickets $30; .V tickets $100. All applications for club rates should be made te the home ellice. Remit by bank draft or express. Orders of $3 and upward, by express, can be tent at our expense. Full list of drawing published in Louisville Courier-Journal and New Yerk Herald and mailed te all ticket-holders. Fer tickets and information address T. .1. COMMEUFORD, Courier-Journal ISuihliiig, Louisville, Ky., or 1K1 Ureai 1 way. New Yerk. dl-TuT&SA w k E. McCANN. AUCTIONKEII OF REAL jCIl. Estate and Personal Property. OrtletB.- left at no. as ouanene street, or at ine juwcjc juwcjc Herse Hetel, 44 and 46 North Queen strectwlll receive prompt attention. Rills made OBt ami attended te without additional cost. , 7-ly - - 3- . ' A?L.- G-UNDAKBR'S WTT.T.TFFTC.Y &TRTMTM STOEE. Win LADIES, we will open te-day New Novelties in Rennets, s, Velvets, Satins, ic. Hats, Fi-.imcs, Plumes, Fancy Wc will open te-day an elegant line et Rlack and Colored Silk Fringes, New Styles et Silk and Jet .Buttens, Ornaments, Striped Velvets, fealins, &c. We will open te-day new and bcautilul lines of Ladies' and Children's IIe-Hi In Cashmere and Cotten. Merine Vests for Ladies and Children in all sizes, Woolen Caps, &c, geed and cheaper than ever. sets Wc will open te-day New Laces, Ruchiiigs, Ties, Scarfs, Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Cor in all the best makes and at lowest prices. Ask 10 sec our Speen Rust Corset at 50 cts. We will open a full line of Crape Veils Crape Rennets and Hats. Crape by uieanu ciicap 111 .nunnery aim xrimiiungs. everything else that is new, desirable Call and examine our stock at the yard, and GUNDAKBR'8, 142 and 144 BORTH QUM STREET. CAllllIAGES, 1'llAETONS. &c. SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! We have new in stock a large let et Sleighs consisting et PONY, PORTLAND AND ALRANYS. TWO FINE FOUR-PASSENGER SLEIGHS, BvSTREIT & LOCK WOOD, et 'Peughkecpsie, N SLK1UI1. TKIMMED AND UNTlUMMkDJ Y. One Fine Feur-Pascngcr 1'OltTLAND PORTLAND CUTTERS. ALBANY CUTTERS, Finished in the highest style and sold at one-hair the usual price. Alse, a line let of Buggies and Carriages of our own make and celebrated city makers. One Fine Second-hand EXTENSION PHAETON, By Brewster, one by Gregg & Howe, and a variety of ethers, second-hand. All te be sold at half their value. S. E. BAILY & Ce., 4S0 & 432 North (Jnccn nn.l 431 & 433 Market Streets, Lancaster, Fa. ecis-lyd Are the Best In the World, and Jewelry Repairing. All watch work guaranteed. Ne trouble te EDW. J. ZAHM'S, ZAHM'S CORNER, LANCASTER, PA. MEDICAL, Pacific Express, cast, en Sunday, when tlag god, wilt step at Miildtetewn. Elfrabcthtewn Mt. Jey, Lauilisville, lSiril-lu-Hiuitl, l.eiuan Place, Cap, Christiana. Parkcsburg, Cimtes ville, Oakland and Clcn Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downingtewn.Co.itoville, Parkes. burg, Mt.Jey, Elizabetlitewu and Midilletewn. Hanover Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster with Niagara Express, west, at lesai, A. M., and will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, w est. at 2:le i i., and will run through te Frederick. C10LCM1UA AND WI1ST DEPOSIT IS. IS. Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad 'en the following time: STATtO.S-NORTUWAUD. ! Jm- Pert Deposit (!: 2:45 Peachbotteiu 7:07 .":4:5 Fite'.s Eddy 7:20 l:t McCall's Ferry 7::si 4:17 Slienk's Ferry. 7:51 -1:11 Safe Harber. 7:.r7 4:tl Celunihia s:::e 5::s.r BROWNING'S C. & C. CORDIAL, Fer COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, IIOAltSENESS, TICKLING or DRYNESS of the THROAT, SORE THROAT, COLD in the HEAD, CROUP, INFLU ENZA, WHOOPING COUGH, COLD in the BOWELS, ASTHMATIC COUGHS, and RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVES. Dit. BROWNING is a regular graduate of medicine, a skillful pharmacist, and a thorough chemist. His "C. & C." (Cough and Celd) Cordial is net the result or mere chance, but et long scientific research in chemistry and medicine, as is plainly seen by the rapidity et its action mik! tta imunr-illelnl ellieaev. Tin; exnense in Its manufacture is at least live times as great as that of any ether medicine upon the market, and yet it is sold at the exceedingly low price GOc. M3 Sample bottles (for a short time only) 25c. W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., Proprietor, 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. STATlOXS-SeUTllWAm.. ""AJ."- E2J?'- Celuiubia 11:00 0:20 Safe Harber. ll.ct! li:10 r. si. Slienk's Ferry. 12:05 0:51 McCall's Ferry 12::il 7:00 Fife's Eddy liuil 7r20 Peaehbottem 1:11 7:! Pert Deposit 2:15 S:i5 IKADINO AND COLUMltIA KAILHOAD. t On and after MONDAY. OCT. Cm. IS7!i, of dl-lydeew&w 43-FOR SALE BY THE PROPRIETOR AND ALL DRCCUISTS. LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF JACOB STOTT, LATE OF et Lancaster city, deceased. Letters erad ministration en said estate having been emitted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto are reauested te make imme diate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing in Westchester, or te his at torney, J. W. F. Swift, Lancaster. Pa. J WM. W. STOTT, decl-ltdetw Administrator. MEDICAL. HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HO I I SIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS in ble cure for absolute and D.xisc: DRUNKENNESS, HOP BIT irrcsisti- '''" HOP BIT ERS TISTATE OF MAISY HULL. Jll Lancaster City, dee'd. Letters of LATE OF idmiu- istratien en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are reipiested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the saine'will present them without delay ter settlement te the undersigned, residing in said city. JOHN HULL. dVcffl-Otdeaw Administrator. I7STATJS OFCHAISLKS K. Al AILLY, LATK !i of Lancaster city, deceased. Tile under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of J. W. F. Swift, administrator of said estate, te and among these legally entitcd te the same, will sit for that purpose en WEDNESDAY, the 21st day of JANUA.RY, 1SS0, at 10 o'clock, a. m.. In the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution may attend. W. U. HENSEL, dec21-3tdeaw Auditor. ESTATE OF UEOISOE W. ZELL, LATE of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters or ad ministration en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immedi ate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same will present them without deluy ler settlement te the under signed, residing in Lancaster city. ' EMANUEL SWOPE, Administrator. Alex. Harris. Attorney. nl4-tttdeaw nsTATK OF Jli late of Lancaster city, deceased. 15AKHAKA KOSENFELD, Letters testamentary en said estate having been grant ed te the undersigned, ail persons indebted te said deccdentare requested te make immediate settlement and these havingclaimserilcmauils against the estate or said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in Lancaster city, JOHN 15. LEBKICHER, J. W. F. Swift, Executer. Attorney. dec20-fitdeaw SSIC.NEI) ESrATE OF WILLIAM IIUN- TER FURCUSON aud wile, of Providence township, Lancaster county. William Hunter Furguson and wite, et Providence township, having by deed of voluntary assignment assigned and transferred all their es tate and effects te the undersigned, for the benefit of the creditors of the said William Hunter Furguson, lie therefore gives notice te all persons indebted te said assigner, te make payment te the undersigned without delay, and these having claims te present them te JOHN 1IILDEBRAND, Assignee. decl7-Ctw New Providence. 4 UDITOIS'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas or Lancaster coun ty te distribute the balance remaining in the hands or William A. Atlec, surviving trustee under a mortgage given by the Lancaster Ag ricultural Park association, dated May 0, 1871, recorded in the Recorder's eflice et Lancaster county, in mortgage book Ne. 21, page 2S, te and among these legally entitled te the. same, will sit for that purpose en WEDNESDAY, DEC. 31, 1S70, at 10 o'clock, am., In the library room of the ce'urt house, in the City of Lancas ter, where all persons interested in said distri bution may attend. GEORGE XAUMAN, d6-3tdlaw Auditor. INSTATE OF PHILIP FINOEK, LATE OF U the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons Indebted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the estate et said decedent te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in said CltJ" CATHARINE FINGER, Wji. Aug. Atlee, Attorney. n22-tdeaw E STATE OF PETER LONG, OF LANCAS TER City, Pcnn'a, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute Un balance remaining in the hands of Rev. Wil liam T. Gerhard, Executer of the lat will and testament of Peter Leng, deceased, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en SATURDAY, JANU ARY 31, If 60, at 10 o'clecic a. m.. in the Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the city et Lan caster, where all persons interested in said dis tribution may attend. janG-ltdl BENJ. F. DAVIS, Auditor. Q VEENS WARE. THE EMPORIUM FOR FINE, USEFUL and New Styles of HOLIDAY PRESENTS IS AT THE CITY PHARMACY, S. E. Cor. N. Queen and Orange Street. N. B. Please call and examine. Intemperance and the useef Opi-HOP urn. Tobacco, Narcotics and Stiniu- BIT hints, removing all taste,ilesireand KRS habit el' using any of them, tender ing the taste or desire for any of HOP them perfectly odious and disgust- uiT ing. Giving everyone perfect and ERS irresistible control of the sobriety et themselves or their Iriends. HOP It prevents tiiatahselute physical BIT and moral prostration that fellow KRS tliesuililen oreakingeii irem using HOP stimulants or narcotics. HOP BIT l'aekage. prepaid, te cure ltejRlT ERS persons, jpi or at your druggist's, KRS 41.75 tier bottle. Tenipcranee secie ties should recommend it. It is HOP perfectly harmless and never-tail- BIT ing. Hep Bitters ManfacturingCe., ERS Rochester, N. Y.. Sele Agents. Hep Ceugli Cure destroys all HOP pain, loosens the cough, quiets the 15IT nerves, .produces rest, and never ERS fails te cure. The Hep Pad for Stomach, Liver HOP and Kidneys, is supeiier te all BIT ethers. Cures by absorption. It is KRS perlect ask druggists. The Hep Bitters Mfg. Ce., of Re-HOP Chester, N. Y., only prepare these IS1T lemedies, also the Hep Bitters, KRS which are in no sense a beverageer intoxicant, but the Purest and Rest HOP Medicine ever made, making mere I5IT cures than all ether remedies. ERS FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. HOP 6 HOP ISIT BIT ERS ERS HOI BIT ERS HOI BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS passenger trains will run en lows Trains Geimi Seuth. Reading, Reinlields, Eiihrata, Akren, I.itiz, Manlieim, Lancaster Junction,. I.amlisvillc Columbia Dillerville, Lancaster, King Street, I larnish West Willow Baumgardner, Pequea, Helten, New Providence, Quarryville, this read as lel- a. m. a.u. r.M. 7:30 II SB It: III l'. M. J s:01 12:21 B:l." S:IS 12:10 7:""" 8:21 12:t.' 7:iW n:l l:ttt 7rri !:02 l:l:s 7:3u ':e.- l:l 7:l. J: IB l::si 7SW '.:4." l:.Vi 8:2n 11:27 2:02 OSES 2:0." 8:10 0:1.1 Sttl 0:.'kS HSSI llfcOS 8:12 10:0:1 8:17 10:17 .... 8A". UlriS 0:01 lOSSl 0:12 10:12 W.i lllSiil Oril HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP 131T ERS HOI BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP ISIT ERS CAltl'ETS. fi KEAT 1SA1SGAINS. A Large Assortment of all kinds et CARPETS Are still sold at lower rates than ever at tin: CARPET HALL OF H. S. SHIRK, 202 WEST KING STREET. Call and e.amine our steekand satisfy your self that we can show the largest asseitinent of Brussels, Three plies nml Ingrains at all prices at the lowest Philadelphia prices. Alse en hand a large and complete assortment et RAG CARPETS. Satisfaction guaranteed both as te price and quality. Yeu are invited te call and see my goods. Ne trouble in showing them, cven'if you de net want te purchase. Don't terget this notice : Yeu can save money here if you want te buy. Particular attention given te custom work. Alse en hand a full assortment or Counter panes. Oil Cleths and Blankets of every va riety. iny2S-l!ilSw "VIEW STOKE. Philip Selium, Sen & Ce. HAVE ON HAND Nes. 38 & 40 WEST KING ST., (Formerly II. Z. Rhe.uls & Bre.'s,) a line selection et the Well-known, Gen nine LANCASTER QUILTS, Woolen and Hair Woolen COVERLETS. CARPETS, Carpet Chain, Yarns of all kinds, a complete line et Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Notions. Ac. Scouring and Dyeing promptly attended te. In order te accommodate the public we have located our Ceal Ollice at tiie above place. PHILIP SCHUM, SON A CO., eSl-Suul&w 3d & 40 West King St.. Lanea-tei ATTOltNEYS-AT-LA W A. J. STEINMAN, Intelligencer Building, Seutliwest Cerner Cen tre Square, Lancaster, Pa. W. U. HENSEL, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner Ccn tre Square. Lancaster, Pa. CH AS. It. KLINE, Atterncy-at-Law, Ne. 15 North Duke street, Lancaster. Pa. AH kinds of Conveyances promptly drawn. marl3-lyd&w HENRY A. RILEV, Attorney and Counseller-at-Law 21 Park Bew, New Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United Slates, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by permission te Steinman & Hcnsel. Trains Geino Nektii. a. m. Quarry vlllc, :!" 1 1 ess, ISSJ2 New Providence, OSi'J Relton, 7:11 Pequea, 7:18 ISauingariliier, 7l West Willow 7:.!2 Harnish, 7:11 King Street, 7:.V Lancaster, 8:03 Dillerville 8:08 Columbia, 8:tHl Lauilisville, ?::: Lancaster Junction.... 8SI0 Manlieim, 8:10 Litiz, 0:00 Akren, !l:l Ephrata, 0:2:! Reinheldsville 0:12 Reading, IIWI3 1:00 l:ii:S 1:00 ISSO 1:23 1:18 2:00 2:M 2:23 2: Ifi 3:20 r.M. 1X ill 2:18 2:30 :::l5 :l:i:s 3:18 3:2iS 3:10 ::sii :ssks 3SS3 4.01 4:13 4.-20 tsse 4:17 4:33 I 3:11 3:3(1 I 3:00 3: lit 3s:e 3SK 5:13 5:33 0:02 0:15 0:28 IKK A.M. 7:30 7:38 8:13 Sr.'7 ::i" 8:l:s 8:40 0:ue UrJO os:s Trains connect at Reading with trains te ami from Philadelphia, Pottsville, Harrlslnirg, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Baltimore. A.M. WILSON, Supt. T OCAL MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. 1IOU1W FOR CLOSING TIIE MAILS. ISY RAILROAD. New Yeitic Tuiieuiiu MAH., 7:0n a in, 12:30 p m,4:l5 p m and 1ISS0 in. Way Mail, east, 7 a m. Gokdenville, Dowiiingtewn, Lcamaii Place, Gap ii pm. PiiiLAnELi'iiiA. threiigli mail, 7 and 0 a m, 12:30, 4:45 and 11:30 p 111. PiTTSiiuueil and west, 1:38 and 1ISSO p in. IIakkisuuuii Mail, 10 a in, 1:30. 5:15 and 11:30 p m. Way Mail, w ct, 10 a m. Baltimeise ani Washinoten, via Philadel phia, 1:30 p in. Baltimore and Wasiiinoten, via Yerk, 1S10 p m. Baltimore anu Washington, via Harrisburg, 11:30 m. CeATESVILLK, 4:45 p 111. Celumiiia, 10a m, 1:30 and 5:15 p in. Yerk ani Yerk way. 1:30 and I1SJ0 p in. Northern Central, 10a in, ISlOand llSMi p in. ItEADlM). via IScading and Columbia R R, 7:30 a m and 12:30 p in. Keadimj. via Harrisbiirjr,5:15 and 11:30 pm. Readine way. via .1 unction, Litiz, Manlieim, East Hemptielil and Ephrata, 3 p in. QUARitxviLLK, Camargo, Relteu, New Provi dence, West Willow. Lime Valley and Martins ville, 9:30 a m, and 7:30 p in. New Helland, Churchtown, Greenbank, Blue Ball, Goeilville, Bcartewn, by way of Downiugtewn, at 7a m ami '. p m. Safe Harkeie, via Columbia. 10 a in. BY STAGE Millersville and Suickwater, te Safe Harber, daily, at 2:30 i m. Te Millersville, 8 and Ham, and 1pm. Binkley's Bridge, Leacock, Bareville, New Helland, 2:30 p in. Willow Street, Smitliville, Buek, Chestnut Level. Green, Peters Creek, Pleasant Greve. Reck Springs. Fail-mount ami Rewlanilsvillc, Md, daily, at 7 a in. Landis valley, Oregon, West Earl, Farmers villc, Ilinklctewii. Terrc Hill, Martiiulale, daily, at 2:30 p in. Fertility, Lampeter and Wheatland Mills, te Strasburg, daily, at I p in. Greenland and Soudersburg, te Parulisi; daily, at I p in.. Nelt'sville, daily, at 4 p in. New Danville, Coneslega. Marticvillc, Ccle maiiville. Mount Nebo. Rawlinsville, Bcthc.viu and Liberty Square, dally, at 30 p hi. WHEN OPEN FOl: DELIVERY.' ARRIVING ISY RAIL. Eastern mail,' a m 10:15 a in, 3 and 0:30 p in. Eastern way mail, 10: 15 a m. Western mail, 7 and 10 a m. 2 and i:30 p m. lieading, via Reading and Columbia, 2SJ0p m. Western way mail, 8 a m. Reading way mail, 10:30 a in. ARRIVING BY STAGE. Frem Safe Haiber and Millersville, at 9 a m, daily. Frem Millersville, 7 and 9 a m, and 4 p m. Frem New Helland, at 9SS0 a in. daily. Frem Rewlanilsvillc, Mil. at 2:30 p in. Reading way mail, at I0:30a m, daily. Frem Strasburg, at 9SJ0 a in, daily. Frem Paradise te Lancaster, lea in, daily Frem Neffsville, at 1 p m, daily. Frem Rawlinsville. at 11 a in. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. There are four mail deliveries by letter car riers each day, and en their return trips they, take up the mail matter deposited in the letter boxes. Fer the first delivery tlie carriers leave the ellice at BSiO a in; second delivery at 10 a m ; third delivery at 11 am; fourth delivery at 3 p m. SUNDAY POSTOFFICE HOURS. On Sunday tlie iMHteftice is open from April 1 te October 1. Irem 8 te 9 a in, and from B te 7 p m ; from October 1 teApril l.frem 9 te 10 u m, and from C te 7 Din. MUSICAL INSTIt UMENTS. CHICKERING PIANOS! I would respectfully call the attention et persons wantiuga iirst-cluss piano that I liave ljcen appointed sole agent for Lancaster coun ty, ftr Chickering & Sen's Celebrated Pianos, Of Bosten, Mass. Pianos can be seen at my Organ Manufacturing Warerooms, 320 Norths. Queen street. ALEX. McKILLTPS, dec2C-2tdeawil&wtf Lancaster,;Pa. 15? Ki. ism - t" f, 's-V'r-f.- i2 $ .--- y'.J- . ,'- --'", -r WL