Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 06, 1880, Image 2

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    IV-., V
' TjAfrfTAKTftlt' nAlT,YTNTti1.T.TftP.Tf!re? TTTPiliA VJArTTAPV A IftftA , s ' - " . I
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Lancaster intelligencer.
What Must be Dene.
The. court having decided hew the law
of Maine is te be applied te irregular
election returns, the Legislature and the
governor will undoubtedly govern them
selves accordingly. Whether the court
is right or wrong is of no consequence,
in considering whether its decision is te
be followed. If we permitted ourselves
te disobey an authoritative legal decision
of which we doubted the correctness, we
would be altogether at sea. Judicial de
cisions are se often worthless in their
logic and unfounded in their law, that
we need te cultivate daily a spirit of
submission te authority, right or wrong,
and te subdue rebellious feelings.
The experience of the Maine De
mocracy will Ihj wholesome te them
as citizens. Xe doubt they think
that their Kenublican supreme court
has listened te its partisan premptings
in its recent decisions, and it "is quite
likely that they did ; but it is te be said
in favor of their conclusion, that they
are admitted te secure the will of the peo
ple of Maine in the election that the con
stitutional requirements of disputed
meaning threatened te nullify; and if
this result this time is unfavorable te the
Democratic party, it will net be long
before it will be advantageous te it. That
time will come when the party secures a
popular majority in Maine, which it must
expect te de, and which it has done
heretofore only te be cheated
out of its fruits by the manipula
tion of the returns by an adverse
governor and council. It ought te be an
excellent thing for the Democracy te
have it established as the law of Maine
that its election returns must be se con
strued as te elect the men whom the
people intended te elect. A fair field and
no favor is all that the Democratic party
ought te ask or is in the habit of asking.
If it cannot win a majority it does net
deserve one. We believe that Gov. CJar CJar
celen and his council were right in act
ing en the election returns according te
their construction of the con"
stitutien and according te the
precedents set them by Republi
can authority. Xew that tiie supreme
court says that they were wrong, it is
just as clear that the Legislature, into
whose hands the matter lias new passed,
should act under the new instructions.
Governer Garcelon demonstrated his
honest intention in asking the opinion of
the court. He was certainly light in
asking it. lie has secured for the future
a fixed rule of construction which will
trouble the enemy in the practice of its
favorite and successful processes of elec
tion return manipulation, and which
will, in the moral effect of such a solution
of tlie Maine trouble, even embarrass
Den Cameren's rascally plans, of which
he will be as full before the year is out as
an old cheese can get of maggots.
Sewer Traps.
We find in the New Era a statement
from the XewYerk?HM&tr and Sanilarg
Engineer made by its editor in answer te
the request of a correspondent from this
place te be advised of his views en sewer
trapping. The editor says, what is
undisputed en any hand, that the house
connection with the street sewer should
be trapped, and he adds that " a copious
air vent should be applied close above
this lower trap as well as through the
house reefs."' hi most eases this ventila
tion is neglected ; though all intelligent
builders will utilize the water-spouts
from their reef te ventilate their sewer
connection, while likewise running the
sewer pipe out through their reefs. But
the discussion we have had concerning
the propriety of trapping the sewer inlets
is entirely independent of the considera
tion of the proper method of making the
sewer connections of dwellings. On this
point the editor of the Plumber says that
" in suburban towns, where houses are
net close te the sidewalks, the advantages
gained in sewer ventilation by emitting
such traps are probably greater than the
evils arising frem the sewer air near the
sidewalks, for the mere frequently such
vent holes are made the mere diluted is
the foul air arising from them, and there
fore the less likely te de harm.'"
That seems te be a sensible opinion,
though the editor does net explain why
the system adapted te suburban towns
would net be appropriate as well te all
cities. These sewer openings are as
frequent in cities as in towns
and there is the same opportu
nity for the dilution of the sewer gas
in its diffusion through the air. If Ills
idea, however, is that the greater density
of a city's population makes its sewer
gases mere abundant and mere noxious,
and that therefore better means of ven
tilating sewers are necessary than are
furnished by leaving the sewer inlets un
trapped, he is undoubtedly right. All
cities te be properly protected need ven
tilating shafts in proper locations in the
high points of the sewers communicating
with the air above the house-lops.
The gratifying intelligence comes, en
geed authority, from Xew Yerk that there
is te be no division among the Xew Yerk
Democracy en the presidential question ;
that Jehn Kelly and the Tammany hall
faction have informally committed them
selves te the support of whoever may be
nominated by the national convention ;
assurances te that effect have, within
the few days past, been given te promi
nent Democratic leaders from ether
states, who came en expressly with a
view of bringing about a pacification be
tween Tammany and the Tilden faction,
and that a double-leaded announcement
te this effect will appear, in the course of
a day or two, in Mr. Kelly's newspaper
organs. Keassuring as this report will
be te the Democracy of the whole ceun.
try, it is nothing mere than we had ex-
pected shortly in some shape
ether. Turbulent and factious
jwew ierK jjemecracy are among
themselves, they generally come
right side up about the time
they are needed and fall into line in time
for a national election and te de their
share toward a national Democratic vic
tory. If the party will take care of itself
elsewhere as well as in Xew Yerk next
fall we arc safe. Democratic Faint-hearts
may take courage from Xew Yerk.
debt of Pennsylvania, which is fundable
at four per cent., was reduced $1,684,952,
the money actually having been forced
upon people who did net want it, and the
reduction of the debt having been nearly
a million and a half in excess of the con
stitutional requirement. Meanwhile the
general treasury is bankrupt and the
public schools cannot even get the money
already appropriated te them, and which
the constitution says they shall get, and
the sinking fund is swollen with hun
dreds of thousands of dollars ly
ing idle in banks of deposit.
This is the much vaunted finan
cial system imposed upon the state by
Kemble, Mackey & Ce., whose real de
sign was te secure enormous sinking
fund balances, net subject te ready call,
from which they could enrich themselves
and make profits te carry en Republican
campaigns. It is stupendous felly for
a state te have its coffers empty te all
necessities, while its treasurer has a bal
ance of ever a million doing no geed
whatever, unless te benefit these who
enjoy the treasury patronage.
In publishing a flattering biography of
Washburne the Xew Yerk Times is sus
pected of a purpose te enter a dark horse
in the presidential race. Mr. Wash
burne lias been en the track se long
that there is net much doubt regarding
his pedigree or color. He is the al
leged discoverer of Grant and is net
likely te be a candidate against him. He
may however be in waiting as the resi
duary legatee of his chief's shattered
Gi:en:i: E. Lecke, better known as
" Yankee " Lecke, the comedian, died at
his home in Dracult, Mass., yesterday,
aged 02 years.
Jesmw T. Jkanes, one of the pioneers
in the coal trade of Pennsylvania, died en
Saturday night at his residence en Arch
street, near Tenth, Philadelphia, in the
78th year of his age. He was, with his
brothers, one of the founders of the town
of Jcancsville, en the Beaver Meadow rail
road, in Luzerne county, and has been for
nearly thirty years retired from active
Senater .1. Donald Camkuex, of Penn
sylvania, lias bought a let en Vermont
avenue, near the intersection of Massa
chusetts avenue, and fronting the statue of
General Themas, which was recently un
veiled with se much ceremony by the
Army of the Cumberland, and will erect
en it during the present year a fifty thou
sand dollar house. The senator expects te
be a fixture in Washington for many years
te come.
A Bosten paper is responsible for the
following alarming intelligence. Mr. P. S.
Gii.meui: says : ' I mean that ' Columbia'
shall become a national hymn. If heaven
spares my life, I shall go te Washington,
place a large chorus in the gallery of the
Heuse of Representatives, ask the presi
dent and Mrs. Hayes, together with the
cabinet, te be present, and with a magnifi
cent orchestra, I shall, then and there,
produce 'Columbia' in a manner that I
am sure will induce Congress itself te
place the national seal upon the composi
tion." LATEST news by mail.
Archbishop Weed recommends an Irish
relief movement by the Catholics.
A Kansas City dispatch announces posi
tively that the notorious outlaw Jesse
James, is dead, Geerge Shcpard's shot hav
ing done the work.
Auguste Hefltcr. the German juriscon juriscen
sult, Charles Henri de Bieville, the French
dramatist, and Ferdinand Henaux, the
Belgian historian, arc dead.
It is understood that Mr. Jehn S. Mesby,
consul at Heng Keng, will be removed,
and the nomination of his successor will
be made te the Senate in a few days.
X. C. Taliaferro, retiring general agent
and store-keeper of the Virginia peniten
tiary, is snort irem sie,uuu te iu,uuu in
his accounts. He says it will be made
geed by his securities.
The boiler in the rolling mill of Ceatcs
Bres., Locust Point, Md., exploded yester
day. Geerge Micrt, Jeseph Vickcrs and
Charles Themas were severely injured and
eight ethers were scalded, but none fatally.
The mill was considerable wrecked.
D. T. Perter, president of the " Taxing
District" of Memphis, Tcnn., has resigned
owing te the passage, by the council of
that district, yesterday, of an amendment
practically repealing the ordinance requir
ing the establishment of earth-closets by
the 1st of April next.
Chief Justice Waitc announced yester
day thattthc supreme court would net
advance the legal-tender or any ether
important political cases en the calendar,
but would wait until there should be a
full bench before going en with these
Twe hundred laborers en the extension
of the Midland railroad, from Orange
Court Heuse te Charlottesville, in Vir
ginia, struck yesterday for an increase of
their wages te $1 per day. The read is
under contract te be finished by the 1st of
Mr. Reet, of Illinois, has addressed a
letter te Mr. Den Cameren, the chairman
of the national committee, complaining of
the action of the latter in turning ever all
the arrangements for the convolution te a
sub-committee. Who can pack it with
Grant clawqucrs.
The prisoners confined in the Franklin
county, Ohie, jail made a break for liber
ty at 5 o'clock last evening, just after the
new sheriff had assumed charge, and nine
escaped through the entrance deer ; Jas.
Herrcll, alias Kerr, indicted for murder in
the first decree, and J. W. Dedge, indict
ed for stabbing, are among the missing.
The Caire and Vinccnncs railroad was
sold by a master in chancery in the United
states court at Springfield, 111., yesterday,
in pursuance of a decree in favor of the
bondholders. It was purchased by Jeseph
W. Drexcl and C. E. Tracy, of Xew
Yerk, trustees for the bondholders, for
The extensive forgeries affecting the
Grocer's bank, Xew Yerk, resulted yester
day in the arrest of J. Lloyd Haigh, who
was indicted for forgery in the third de
gree at neon, and a few hours later was ar
rested and taken te the Tombs. He had
previously 'confessed that he had forged
acceptances te the amount of nearly $100,
000. It is new said that he committed
ether forgeries some years age.
By the fall of the Grecnway brewing
company's building in Syracuse, X. Y.,
one man en the upper lloer and three en
the lower, were injured, but net seriously.
Seven hundred bushels of corn and wheat,
173 bushels of hops, about 5,000 bushels of
Canada malt, and 2,000 bushels of malt
dust were thrown into Onondaga creek,
and much of it carried away beyond re
covery. The total less will be about 820.
000. The fleer has heretofore carried
twice the weight that was en it when it
Last year the already inconsiderable
The Methodist preachers of Pittsburgh,
.. . .
having had some bitter experience of mar
rying immature couples, ask for a law re
quiring licenses te be taken out of the
civil courts by persons contemplating mat
rimony, te the cud that parsons may be
relieved of responsibility.
The Pittsburgh Leader publishes, as a
recent dispatch from Chicago, the confes
sion of a dying sailor at Battle Creek,
Mich., that he had seen Theodere Burr
Alsten, captured by pirates, walk from a
plank into the sea. " Dying sailors" have
been telling that yarn for years.
Philadelphia Evening Telegraph : "Sen "Sen
aeor Cameren and his docile committee
may be able te make a candidate, but they
cannot make a president. The stone that
the people rejected in 1870 ihcy will net
make the head of the corner in 18S0.
There are some things which prove them
selves, and this is one of them."
The contest for the succession te Judge
Ketcham grows warm between Mark
Achcsen, of Pittsburgh, II. A. Williams,
of Tiega, and J. P. Vincent, of Eric.
Achcsen has the Pittsburgh bar at his
back, but unfortunately he has the half
premise of the administration, which is
generally fatal Cameren is suspected of
favoring Williams.
The Alteena Tribune is a geed live paper,
and displays its enterprise by putting en a
new dress of type. Iu selection it is almost
the same as the Intelligencer's, and the
poem en " The Old Type and the Xew,"
written for our last new volume opening,
is republished by the Tribune, as a com
pliment te its author, E. II. Munday,
who furnished the Intelligencer's outfit.
The Cameren boom is spreading. The
Republican, printed at Jewell City, Kan
sas, puts up the name of Senater Den
Cameren for president and insists that
Pennsylvania shall urge his nomination
This shows some of the advantage of hav
ing Pennsylvania brains scattered ever the
country ; the editor of the Kansas paper
is Mr. W. W. Brown, recently of Centre
county, in this state.
Yesterday was an " opening day"
among the state legislatures. The Heuse
at Albany organized with a victory for the
machine iu the election of Conkling's man,
Gee. A. Sharpc, as speaker. In Ohie the
governor reports the state's financial con
dition unchanged ; among the first bills
introduced was one for abolishing the pre
sent congressional districts and re-estab
lishing the boundaries which existed be
fore the state was re-districted by the late
Democratic legislature. In California the
anti-Republican fusion fell through and en
the first ballet the Republicans elected J.
F. Cowdery, of San Francisce, speaker.
Hie Republican senatorial caucus
resolved te send a dispatch te Senater
Blaine and ex-Senater Merrill, cengratu
lating them en the decision of the supreme
court of Maine, and adjuring them te stand
firm and maintain their rights.
Dcm Bennett, abrakeman, fell from the
cars at Cerry, in the oil regions, and was
run ever and killed.
Governer lleyt said yesterday that he
would net call an extra session of the Legis
lature under any circumstances.
Yeung, Smyth, Field & Ce.'s notion
store, Philadelphia, was damaged $3,000 by
ii water overflow in the upper story en
Sunday night.
Philadelphia laments the death of Jacob
Ricgel, head of the great dry goods house ;
and of Gee. Wash, an old bank clerk, fin
ancier and politician.
In Harrisburg, last evening, the resi
dence of Dr. Win. Jenes, Colored, Thom Them Thom
senian physician, aged 8(5, was badly dam
aged by lire.
The Harrisburg firemen's convention
had twelve tie ballets last night for chief
engineer and adjourned, standing 12 for
Sam Russel, of the Hepe, te 12 for Levi
Wellingcr each man voting for himself.
The steamer Fisher, a small beat, be
tween Pensacola and Frecpert, has burst
her boiler, killing Captain Watsen and one
ether person and mortally scalding the en
gineer. A number of Harrisburg firms were
cheated out of bills by a fellow named T.
M. King, who gave forged checks, te
which the names of C. L. Bailey & Ce.
were signed. He escaped from the city
before he was arrested.
In the Blair-Cambria-Bcdford-Semcrser,
congressional district the Democrats will
reneminate CofFreth, while the Republi
cans are divided ever Gen. Jac. M. Camp
bell, A. Baker, Judge Dean, Jehn Cessna,
B. L. Hewit, W. II. Koentz, D. J. Mor Mer
rell, Jehn R. Edie and E. D. Yutzey.
A man at Allegheny had for a guest a
twin brother, and the two were se won
derfully alike that they could hardly be
told apart. The host went te a church fair
and replied te every importunity by saying
tnat nc nau no money tnen, out would re
turn and buy liberally iu the evening.
When the evening came he induced his
brother te go alone te the fair. The re
sult was net quite enjoyable te the latter.
In accordance with the report of the
sinking-fund commissioners Governer
Heyt has issued a proclamation showing
that during the year ended Xevcmber 20,
1879, there has been an extinguishment
of the public debt, amounting te $1,084,
032. The receipts were 83,109,508.57. and
the amount of interest paid $1,236,249.59.
The balance in the sinking fund November
30, 1878, was $95,803,088. On Xevcmber
30, of last year, it aggregated $1,202,373.18.
The extinguishment of the public debt is
mainly due te the application of proceeds
from the tale of the new $2,000,000 lean te
the redemption of an old lean.
Governer lleyt lias Mlert tnc vacancy
created in the Eleventh judicial district by
the resignation et President Judge Hard
ing by the appointment of Judge Charles
E. Rice. Mr. Rice has the prestige of
recent election te the bench in Luzerne
county, and it must, therefore, be sup
posed that his appointment te the position
of president judge will prove satisfactory
at least te the party whose newspapers
havs been se stoutly protesting against
Colonel Stanley Woodward because he is a
Democrat. There is new a vacancy in
the office of additional law judge, ever
which the politicians will wrangle as
Parncll's Filjjrlmrgc.
Mr. Parnell yesterday received a deputa
tion from the Irish societies of Albany,
They asked him te name a day for an early
visit te that city, and presented him with
an address. A delegation from Wilming Wilming
teu, Del., invited him and Mr. Dillen te
visit that city. Letters were received in
viting them te visit ether places, among
them Atlanta and Des Moines. A tele
gram from Pittston, Pa., informed Mr.
Parnell that several hundred dollars had
been collected there for the Irish Land
League, and the money was subject te his
order. Mr. Parnell will speak in Xcwark
pestalcubk abbestkp.'
charged with Bobbies the Mails.
W. C. Keller, clerk in the Harrisburg
posteffice, has been arrested for abstract
ing a decoy letter from one of the lock
boxes. Fer some time money sent from
and te the city failed te reach its destina
tion, and several weeks age government
detectives came te Harrisburg te investi
gate the matter. A room ever the pestj
office was hired and a hole bored
through the fleer and ceiling. De
tectives Camp (of Pittsburg) and
Trey instituted a watch early yes
terday morning, and in the cfternoen, as
Camp alleges, lie saw Keller take three
decoy letters from a box, one of which con
tained two one dollar notes and a twenty
five cent coin, which he appropriated.
Several hours afterward, when he was re
quested by Camp te turn ever the money,
he called the detective a liar, whereupon
the latter hit him a violent blew behind
the ear. Keller was subsequently searched
and the quarter dollar said te have been
placed in the stolen letter was found, to
gether with a roll of $5, in which accord
ing te the detective's testimony, were two
of the bills which had been placed in the
decoy letters. The accused had a
hearing, but, the United States commis
sioner, who deferred his decision until
Lynching in Virgin in.
A bright mulatto negre, Columbus
Christian, twenty-five years old, was lynch
ed about ten miles from Amherst Court
house, Va., by a party of men from the
community, for committing an outrage en
Miss Miller, a beautiful and respect
able young lady. The circumstances
are as fellows : There was a
party in the neighborhood. This ne ne
geo came te her house, and introduced
himself as the son of a white man in the
neighborhood, said he was sent te escort
her te the party. She, after hesitating,
agreed te go, and accompanied by her
young brother went with him. Discover
ing, after proceeding a short distance, that
he was a negre, she lied back te her house
pursued by the negre, who, after threat
ening her aged parents with a pistol, again
carried her oil' and outraged her. lie lied
te Lexington, was pursued and brought
back by a guard of live men, and while en
the read was lynched by about forty per
sons. Seme of them were supposed te be
negrees. Shots were exchanged with the
guards and several were thrown from their
horses. Xe one was seriously hurt. The
sympathy of the community is with the
The Legislature of Maine will meet to
morrow. All the Republican members
elect, including these from the disfran
chised cities, will be present, but the
Fusionists will act without regard te the
decision of the supreme court. Ifc is
believed that some of the ceunted-iu nicu
bcrs will net take seats. Garcelon says
the decision of the court will net change
his attitude. His work is done, and he
will net issue new cctilicates or withdraw
these issued.
Drumerc Correspondence.
The following tobacco sales were made
last week te Jes. Shirk : Jas. Penning
ton, 21, 8 and 4 ; Jes. Pylc & Bres., 21,
20 and 4 ; Clesten Cain, 18 and 8 ; X. X.
Hensel, 18, 10 and 3 ; Lea P. Brown, IS,
8 and 4. Mr. Shirk has bought some line
lets of tobacco in the neighborhood of
Fairfield, and there are many line lefs yet
The following is a list of the tobace
crops sold in the vicinity of the Buck, te
J. K. Shirk lately : Jehn Bonholtzer, 20,
8 and 3 : Daniel Rciuharr, 20, 10 and 3 ;
Shirk Bres, en M. Shirk's farm, 23, 12 and
1 ; David Creamer (Rawlinsvilie), 25, 10
and 3 ; J. II. Shirk, 22, Sand 3.
The festival at Britain church, en Xew
Year's evening, was a success.
Fairfield had en Friday evening of last
week one of the most interesting lyccums
it has had for some time. " The Polish
Mether" was recited by Samuel McClena
ghan, jr. ; " Gene with a Handsomer
Man," by Laura Hensel ; Jamie Douglass,"
by Ada McSparran. Allie Derscy read
" These who try te please everybody please
nobody ;" Edith Gorsuch read " Beauty ;"
Slater Stubbs ''Anger and Enumeration."
Ada McSpcrran read an essay entitled
' De Right :" Allie Gregg, " Our Aim
;,. t ;r,. ." "mv.,.,. s:t,iii,e riii;f ,r "
u .uut. , "''J -"" e, """""J ,
Lewis btubbs, " Autobiography el a
Pig," and Thes. W. Brown delivered
an oration en "Rebert Burns." The resolu
tion, "That the negre exodus should be
prohibited by law," was discussed in the
affirmative by Samuel McClcnaghan, jr.,
David Wcidley, Wm. Chandler, jr., and
Dr. Glackcn ; and in the negative by Win.
Chandler, jr., Wm. Gricst, X. AV. Boyd,
J. C. Arneld, Edw. Stcinferd. The judges
decided in favor of the negative. The glee
club rendered " Lay Him Lew" in excel
lent style. This week the society will
charge an admission of five cents, for the
purpose of paying a portion of its rent,
and numerous attractions arc offered for
its visitors.
Pleasant l.lrtlirtay Dinner.
Yesterday was the twenty-fourth birth
day of S. Milten Hess, son of D. D. Hess,
of Quarryville, and he celebrated the event
by giving a dinner te his friends at his
fathom residence. By neon there were
fifteen or twenty young men present and
dinner was announced at about half past
12 o'clock. The table was filled with geed
things, and all present enjoyed themselves
heartily. The time was pleasantly spent
after dinner and when the party adjourned
they did se wishing their host many happy
returns of the day.
Feet Injured.
Tiiis morning at the Penn iron com
pany's works, Tayler Iluddlcsen, shipping
clerk, was severely injured by having a
draw-bar, a piece of iron about 4 feet long,
4 inches wide, and li inches thick, thrown
en his feet accidentally by one of the em
ployees. His injuries were attended te by
Dr. J. L. Atlce, and he was removed te
his bearding house en East Orange street.
He is a resident of Delaware county.
Docter's Office Entered.
The office of Dr. Gee. P. King, Xe. 38
Seuth Duke street, was entered last even
ing between 8 and 12 o'clock. The drawers
were ransacked and a number of small
articles carried away. This is the third
time this has occurred, and the articles
taken were of no use te any one except
the doctor. It has evidently been the
work of some young person probably
Victer A. Yecker has been promoted
from a clerkship te the position of receiv
ing teller in the Farmers' national bank, te
fill the vacancy caused by the resignation
of Willis B.Musser.
Wm. A. Wiley, a clerk in the banking
house of Bair & Skenk, has been chosen te
a clerkship in the Farmers' national bank,
made vacant by Mr. Yecker's promotion.
I itimnal Taut! nfthA A-iltfti1tiiinl anil Ifnv.
Annual Meeting of the Agricultural and Her
ticultural Society committee Beperu
An anal Address The Manure
Question Trees for Fencing
Election or Officers,
&c, c.
The Lancaster county agricultural and
horticultural society met in their room in
city hall yesterday afternoon. The follow
ing members were present :
Calvin Cooper, president, Bird-in-IIand ;
Jeseph F. Witnier, recording secretary,
Paradise ; Jehnsen Miller, corresponding
secretary, Warwick ; Henry 31. Eugle,
Marietta ; Casper Hiller, Concstega ; Dr.
S. S. Rathven, city ; Jehn 11. Laudis,
Maner; F. R. Diffenderffer, city ; M. D.
Kendig, Cresswell ; Levi S. Rcist, Man
hcim ; Wash L. Hcrshcy, West Ilcmp
field ; Win. II. Brosius, Drumere ; Peter
Hcrshcy, city ; Jehn C. Linville, Salisbury;
Eph. S. Hoever, East Hcmpfield ; S. P.
Eby, city ; C. L. Hunseckcr, Manhcim ;
A. F, Uostetter, city ; Israel L. Landis,
Manheim ; A. B. Grolf, West Earl ; Jehn
R. Buckwalter, Salisbury ; Enes B. En
gle, Marietta.
The reading of the minutes was dis
pensed with.
Edwin B. Brubaker, of Elizabeth town
ship ; David W. Grabill, of East Hcmp
field, and Henry Kurtz, of Safe Harber,
were proposed and elected members.
M. D. Kendig called attention te the
fact that many farmers in Maner township
had lest hogs by the cholera ; about 40
were lest te his own knowledge ; shoats
appear te be most affected by the disease
but some full grown hogs arc also at
tacked. Jeshua Miller reported the growing
wheat as looking well ; the tobacco in his
neighborhood nearly all stripped and
much of it sold ; domestic animals all
doing well.
II. M. Eugle reported but little change
in the appearance of the crops since last
report. The raiufall for Xevembcr was
2 14-10 inches and for December 2 11-10
l'resident Cooper's Address.
President Cooper took the fleer and de
livered his annual address. He referred
te the unprecedented dreuth in the early
part of the season and the anxiety of the
husbandman caused thereby; te the delight
ful ruins that followed ; the almost magical
growth of vegetation ; and the enormous
crops that filled the garners. The speaker
deplored the tendency apparent among our
farmers te devote se much of their lands
te the cultivation of tobacco, te the exclu
sion of mere useful if net mere profitable
crops. He denounced the filthy habits of
smokers, snnllers and especially chewers
of tobacco, who annoy all with whom
they come in contact, and who
spend their subsistance in the gratifica
tion of a selfish and unnatural appetite.
The speaker acknowledged the great value
of the crop of this county, from a money
standpoint, but had his forebodings that
we may suffer for tee great a production
of the plant as Virginia and Xerth Caro
lina have suffered, whose once fertile fields
are new barren wastes. Referring te the
incorporation of the society, the president
reminded members that they had assumed
new duties and occupied a new position in
the business world. He commended the
geed work that had been done by some of
the members by their experiments iu vari
eus seeds, lertin.ers, etc., aim urgeu
ethers te emulate them and carry
en the cxperinwuts en a larger
and mere diversified scale, that mere cor
rect information may be acquired relative
te the production of paying crops, lie
eulogized the local press for the interest it
had taken in the affairs of the society and
agricultural interests generally, and de
clared that a judicious system of news
paper advertising was worth mere te
bring.any matter into general notice than
all the speeches that could be made or
meetings that could be held. Referring
te the late exhibition given by the society,
the president stated that while it was net
financially a great success, it had done
some geed. Experience has been gained
and faults in its management may new be
corrected should the society determine te
give another exhibition. It was true that
some members who had premised te aid
the exhibition have steed aloof when their
assistance was needed, but en the ether
hand there were some who had faithfully
steed te their pests and extended all need
ed aid. Mr. Cooper predicted that future
exhibitions of the society would be well
patronized, if they arc properly managed
and advertised, lie referred te the advan
tages being gained by the removal of mid
dle fences in farms, pictured the attrac
tions and comforts of the model farmer's
house, and in conclusion thanked the so
ciety for the uniform courtesy extended
him during the four years he had had the
pleasure of presiding as chairman.
The address was attentively listened te,
and at its conclusion the speaker was
loudly applauded.
The Manure Question.
Eph. S. Hoever, te whom had been re
ferred for answer the question which is the
the best fanner he who makes the most,
or he who buys the most manure, answered
that in his judgment the fanner who made
the most stable manure was the best far
mer. Commercial fertilizers arc often un
reliable. The best manure is that ob
tained from stall-fed cattle, and this, gen
erally, can only be had by the farmer who
feeds his own cattle. Where a sufficient
quantity of stable manure cannot be had,
he recommended the plowing down of
clever, rye, and ether green manures. He
instanced cases in which geed crops of
tobacco had been grown three years in
succession without any ether fertilizer
than that supplied by plowing
down green clever and rye.
Casper Hiller said that while it is true
that a geed stock feeder is almost always
a geed farmer, it is safe practice te some
times fellow an opposite course. In theory
at least it is safe te say that there need net
be an animal fed en the farm except a few
horses te de the hauling and plowing. It
has been shown that iu some places and
some conditions that all the grain and hay
and straw and cornfedder maybe sold and
carried away from the farm, and the farm
be kept in geed condition by the use of
commercial fertilizers ; and this can be
done at a less cost ami with much less la
bor than by feeding cattle te get manure
Of course all farmers cannot de this, for if
all attempted it the market for produce
would be overstocked. He did net wish
te be misunderstood as opposing the use
of stable manure, but only te suggest that
it may sometimes cost mere than it comes
te; while the intelligent fanner will
make all the stable mauurc he conveni
ently can, he will also take care te use ap
proved commercial fertilizers, and plow
down green manures.
Jeseph II. Witmcr referred te 1'ref.
Jehnsen's declaration that six inches of
the surface of the soil contains the ingred
ients of plant feed in sufficient quantity te
grew annually for a thousand years all the
crops grown upon the farm ; but many of
these ingredients are locked up and the
plants cannot get at them until they arc
loosened or dissolved by artificial means.
This is accomplished by the use of barn
yard manures. Mr. Witmer agreed in the
main with Mi. Hiller as te the use of com
mercial fertilizers in the hands of intelli
gent farmers. The bulk being much less
than that of barnyard manures, makes
them mere easily applied, with cempara
tively little hauling or ether labor.
Mr. Hoever replied that while there was
mere trouble in manufacturing and apply
ing stall-fed manure the increase in the
crops ever these produced by commercial
manures would be se great that the in
creased labor would be well paid for. He
had never seen a farm en which stall-fed
manure was freely used thnt did net yield
geed crops of every kind, wuile the use of
commercial fertilizers had been attended
with frequent failure.
W. II. Brosius said that while the use of
commercial fertilizers was sound in theory
the abandonment of the use of stall-fed
manure would place the whole matter of
fertilizers in the hands of strangers, and
no matter hew many legal safeguards
might be enacted, the manufacturers
would cheat the farmers. The first object
of the farmer should be te keep up the fer
tility of the farm. Feed as many cattle as
possible ; use for this purpose all the feed
grown en the farm, and if need be buy
from the neighbors. Even after this has
been done there will be some parts of the
farm in which commercial manures may
be profitably used.
M. D. Kendig advocated the liberal use
of stable manure. It is acknowledged that
tobacco grown en rich land, supplied with
stable manure, is net only larger, but is of
better quality and brings better prices
than than that grown with commercial fer
tilizers. He advised that but few cattle be
kept during the summer, but that during
the winter as many as possible be kept and
stall-fed for the purpose of securing as
much manure as possible. It would be
generally found that the sale of the fat cat
tle would pay for the feed and the manure
would be clear profit.
Jehnsen Miller said Mr. Kendig had ex
pressed his views exactly ; he did net be
lieve geed farming could be done without
the free use of stable manure, and was as
tonished te hear any ether opinion ex
pressed in a Lancaster county agricultural
II. M. Engle hail no doubt that Mr.
Miller expressed the .sense of a large ma
jority of Lancaster county farmers in advo
cating the use of barnyard manure ; and
yet perhaps Mr. Hiller was net se far
wrong after all. If the farmer only knows
the nature of his soil and can tell what
particular ingredients of plant feed it lacks,
he can at comparatively small expense
purchase a fertilizer that will largely in
crease his crops without the use of any
barnyard manure. Mr. Engle instanced
sonic cases where he knew this te have
been done for years in succession without
any diminution of the crops. Provided the
proper kind of plant feed is applied, it
matters net whether it be found in barn
yard or commercial fertilizers. He would
net, however, for a moment discourage
the making of barnyard manures.
J. C. Linville advised the making of all
the barnyard manure that can be made,
providing it don't cost mere than it is
worth. As long as it can be made cheaper
than a fertilizer equally iroed can be
bought, make it and apply it te the land ;
and wiien it costs mere than it comes te.
apply commercial fertilizeis. Mr. Lin
ville instanced a case in which a prosper
ous farmer sold everything he raised en
his farms and for years had kept his farm
?n first rate condition by the use of arti
ficial fertilizers. The enormous expert of
grain and cattle must have a tendency te
impoverish our soil, which mu.-it, in a
measure, be replenished and kept up with
commercial fertilizers.
True for Fencing-.
"Dees it pay te raise trees for fencing
purposes'.'" a question referred te M. D.
Kendig, was answered, that gentleman
giving it his opinion that in Lancaster
county where land was high priced it
would only pay in untillablc hillsides,
wastes, rocky places and along the public
roadsides. In such places he advised the
planting of locust, chestnut and ether suit
able trees.
Jehn II. Landis, S. P. Eby, esq., Eph.
S. Hoever, Levi S.,aud ethers, spoke
in favor of planting and protecting trees
and forests, and the question leing re
garded as an important one its further ami
mere general discussion was postponed
until next meeting, when mere time could
be given the matter.
State Heard of Agriculture.
Hcnrj M. Engle was unanimously re
elected te represent the society in the state
beard of agriculture.
Officers ElccUd.
After many nominations and declinations
the following officers were elected te scn'e
for the ensuing year :
President Jeseph F. Witmcr.
Vice Presidents Calvin Cooper and
Henry 31. Engle.
Recording Secretary 31. D. Kendig.
Corresponding Secretary J. II. Landis.
Treasurer 31. D. Kendig.
3Ianagers E. S. Hoever, Jehn C. Lin
ville, Casper Hiller, W. II. Brosius, Israel
L. Landis.
The thanks of the society were tendered
the retiring president, Calvin Cooper, who
positively declined a re-election.
The question of fixing the recording sec
retary's salary was referred te the beard of
managers te report at next meeting.
Business for Next Meeting.
The managers reported the following
business for next meeting :
" By what means and in what way can
the growth of forest trees he encouraged
and the timber lands of the state protect,
ed '."' Referred te Levi S. Rcist.
" Dees the stock have any influence en
the graft V" Referred te Jacob Stauifer.
" Why docs the second crop of clever
produce mere seed than the first ?" Re
ferred te Calvin Cooper.
Xetice was given that the Pennsylvania
Fruit Growers' society, which had its birth
in Lancaster county, would meet in Beth
lehem, en the third Wednesday in Janu
ary. Adjourned.
itasket Sociable.
The first day of the new year being a
very pleasant one, between forty and fifty
friends and relatives of 3Ir. and 3Irs Henry
S. Keyler, of Bart township, assembled at
his residence and eniraged in a basket sur
prise party. There was merry-making
throughout the day, games, mock trials,
&c, Gee. 31. Keyler and Charles Rynear
acting as chief comedians. 3Iiss Xera E.
Fergusen presented the hosts with a hand
some cake basket and there were ether
A Huge Heg.
On Xew Year's day 3Ionne Hcrshcy, of
Paradise township, slaughtered a hog
twenty-two months old, which weighed
when dressed 20 pounds. It is in order
new for some one te slaughter a heavier
gent farmer)
than that c
Kate Claztea in " The Deable Marriage."
There have been during the present sea
son few such large and elegant audiences
gathered in Fulton hall as that which
assembled there last evening te see 3Iiss
Kate Claxton play "Tlie Deublo 3Iar
riagc." The artistic life of this actress has
se completely merged into the character of
the blind girl of the "Twe Orphans" that
she all unconsciously invests the part of
Jesephine, the heroine of last night's per
formance, with many of the attributes that
have given the former creation much
of the strength and power that it pesesses
in her hands. She docs net suc
ceed in burying her identity in
this lately assumed role, though
her efforts te de se frequently result in a
mannerism and voice and style of speak
ing that are commonplace, unnatural and
exasperating, while at ether times the
spectator requires no vivid imagination te
fancy he is looking at and listening te
the blind heroine of D'Ennery's touch
ing talc in whom a transformation has
been wrought, and the scene of
action been shifted te a sphere mere
attractive iu its surroundings though of
scarcely less misery. In the passages call
ing for a play of the passions and reaching
down into the deeper emotions and sensi
bilities, 3Iiss Claxton rises te the demands
of the situation and affords us a spectacle
of fine actiug, marked by the intensity of
feeling that is the prominent characteristic
of her art and iu which for the time being
all thought of the "Twe Orphans" or of
anything else outside of the immediate
business en hand is banished from the
mind of the spectator, though in
deed he is net long permitted
te rest in this security from
the apparition of the blind Louise, who.
like Banque, will net down at the bidding
but forces her way upon the attention of
the audience with a pertinacity that seems
te indicate shi is net aware hew unwelcome
an intruder she is. It is a common fault
among geed actors and one that is appar
ently very difficult te overcome. 3Iiss
Claxton has given ever her own individu
ality te the character in which she achiev
ed her first and greatest triumph, and it
will require patient work en her part te
regain it sufficiently te concentrate upon
any ether role the line dramatic power
which she undoubtedly possesses.
Tlie play of " The Deuble .Mairiuj-c" i
se completely modeled en the French
school of model n drama that even the
familiar name of Charles Reade, who
stands sponsor for the work, is scarcely
sufficient te Anglicize it, and it runs mere
like a close translation from some French
author than the dramatization of an Eng
lishman. The first act is rather slew,
until the final scene gives a geed charac
terization of the self-made soldier ol'Xa el'Xa ol'Xa
peleon's army and unfolds the plot with a
dramatic climax. The second act is
quicker in movement, and the third is
quite thrilling and works freely upon the
sympathies of the audience, perhaps the
most conspicuous figure in this phase of
the play, and certainly the one who re
ceives the greatest share of attention en
the stage and off of it as well, being the
live baby introduced in the closing scene.
which terminates iu an effective tableau, in
which the devoted sister assumes
the shame te save the honor of
her house. The audience gave way te
a burst of applause as the curtain fell,
which was responded te by the appear
ance of the baby before the curtain dandled
in the nurse's arms. The fourth act is
characterized by military dash and bril
liancy, and in the fifth and last act cul
minates the interest that lias been jrrewinjr
since the first, and the play terminates iu
the most approved and satisfactory fash
ion. The real here of the play is Captain liay
nal, but, unfortunately for the perfect de
velopment of the character, 3Ir. Fyfie,
the gentleman who assumed, it was evi
dently new te the part, and, net beinr up
in his lines, the audience was kept en the
ragged edged of uncertainty and fear lest
he was going te break down altogether ;
he is, however, a geed actor, and with a
little study will be able te give a very sat
isfactory rendition of the role. 3Ir. Ste
venson gave a capital representation of the
character of Eniile Dujardin ; his acting is
marked by easy grace and perfect self-possession.
A large share of the honors fell
te 3Iiss 3Iargarct Cene, who, as Ilee, was
afforded ample opportunity for the display
of her charming vivacity, and the exercise
of the histrionic ability which have Aven
extended recognition. The miner charac
ters were well sustained, the acting of
3Iisscs Batchcldcr and Pike being de
serving of special mention.
Klectien of Turnpike Directors.
The stockholders of the Lancaster,
Elizabcthtewn and 3IiddIetewn turnpike
read company met at 3Ieunt Jey yester
day and elected the following officers and
managers te serve for the ensuing year :
President H. G. Leng.
3Ianagers Jehn F. Leng, R. A. Bear,
Wm. P. Brinten, Henry Heffman, S.
Brubaker, Eli G. Reist, James Lynch,
Henry 3Iaycr, James Yeung, A. J. Stein
man. Treasurer J. 31. Leng.
The stockholders of the Lancaster and
Susquehanna turnpike read met in this
city yesterday and elected the following
named managers and officers :
President Henry G. Leng.
3Ianagers Reuben A. Baer.
James L.
Reynolds, Jacob 31. Leng. J.
Drayten, Andrew Garber. J. II.
W. II. Drayten. Hiram L. Garber.
Treasurer William P. Brinten.
The stockholders of the Lancaster and
Litiz turnpike company met at Litiz yes
terday, and elected the follewing:
President II. G. Leng.
Managers II. H.Tshudy, J. A. Shober,
Jehn X. Eaby, Benjamin Leng, Emanual
Keller, Adam S. Keller, J. 31. Leng.
Secretary and Treasurer 31. T. Hue
bener. The stockholders of the Lancaster and
Xew Helland turnpike company met at
the public house of 31. D. Dissiuger and
elected the following :
President Solemon Diller.
3Ianagers Andrew 31. Frantz. A. E.
Roberts, Isaac C. Wcidler, Geerge 3Icntzer,
Cernclus Reland, Henry A. Reland, II. G.
Leng, Abraham Sheihley.
Secretary and Tresurer James Diller.
Negroes Discharged.
Seme days age the Intki.lieexcei: con
tained an account of the beating and rob
bing of Jehn Shells, colored, by a party of
ether negrees near Christiana. Yesterday
the alleged assailants were te have had a
hearing before Squire Slaymakcr, but the
prosecutor failed te put in an appearance
and they were discharged. It is under
stood that Shells left the county a few
days after the atfair occurred.
-? J3;
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