' vfl ,m iLahcastn; intelligencer. MONDAY EVENING, JANUAEY 5, 1880. A Voice in the Wilderness. Ex-Attorney General Gee. Lear, of 'Doylestown, is one of the men of promi nence in the Republican party who does net believe in handing it ever te the custody of Senater Cameren and these who are associated with him in the present tenancy of the preierty ; and Mr. Lear is frank enough te say se. Perhaps it does net take much lwldness in Mr. Lear te speak what lie thinks, inasmuch as he has net taken such geed care of himself when in public position as te enable him te command the greatest weight in his denunciation of the evil men of his party. He probably is net greatly feared by the men he at tacks since he himself is assailable; but nevertheless his words will have the weight that is their just due; and that everyone knows te be a great deal. Mr. Lear is en the right side and if he has the energy te make the light for it he will net lese it because his record has net made him its fittest exponent. Indeed, it does net seem te matter much what may be the integrity of a man's motives or of Ills actions, since lie succeeds well or ill mere by the intelligence and energy of his conduct of his battle than by the purity of lus purpose. A strong bad man in a bad cause is tee much for a weak geed man in a geed cause, we fear, in the majority of cases. But as Mr. Lear's enemy has goodness neither in himself nor in his cause, Mr. Lear having the better side, lias an advantage ever him which it only needs intelligence and persistent courage te make effective, lust what Mr. Lear may have of the nec essary attributes te shake the present holders out of their control of the party, is a question we cannot answer ; proba bly, however, his armory has nothing but wads, which are quite harmless te such a thick-skinned fee. Still there are plen ty of Republicans who agree with Mr. Lear and, if a few mere speak out in meeting as openly as he has, they may to gether pluck up the necessary courage te give the self-elected Republican leaders of the state a great deal of trouble and per haps a final rmiji-ik-'jiiirc. Jleld leader ship is all that is wanted te gain the vic tory in the long run; but boldness seems te be the rarest quality te be found among politicians. Mere "Expert" Testimony. There is a fair chance that a woman will be unduly hanged ever in Carlisle for a murder which certainly has net been made out. Her attorneys, it seems, did net think there was any chance for her conviction and took no exceptions en which te base a demand for a new trial. She was convicted and lias been con demned te death, and new that the pros pect of her execution is staring them in the face the people in that county are disposed te take a mere deliberate view of the case and te question seriously whether the facts of the case warranted her conviction. It seems that the condemned woman. Mrs. Zell, was neither of very geed re pute nor of estimable associations, and that she nursed an old woman named Kiehl, who died from what a rather su perficial chemical examination pro nounced te be arsenical poisoning. Mrs. Zell was suspected and arrested and tried. The trial showed a rather sloven ly examination of the remains, and meth ods employed that very fairly raise the suspicion that, as often happens, the tests for arsenic may have created the alleged evidence of it. Xe motive for the crime was fastened upon the defendant: no proof of the purchase of poison was furnished, and altogether there was an almost entire lack of connection of her with the crime if any was really com mitted. J n the dead woman's cupboard arsenic was found in proximity te baking soda and in ether places where any attendant upon her would be as likely as net te accidentally administer it. Neve theless, the mere accusation deepened into a popular belief of her guilt, and this, added te her friendless position, hastened a conviction of very doubtful justice, and which calls at least for a merciful review. The tests for arsenic poisoning and the microscopic experi ments with bleed corpuscles have of late been se frequently discredited that in criminal trials we must after all go back te the question of motive as one of -the chief elements in the proof of guilt, and where that is shown te be entirely lack ing it ought te require a vast deal of this doubtful expert testimony te hang a prisoner. The First national bank of New Yerk, the beneficiary of Secretary Sher man's favor, has during the past year paid 120 per cent, of dividends, carried $500,000 te its surplus account, and, in addition, it has en hand an undivided surplus of $207,700, making a total of 2e0 per cent, profits. This is of course vastly mere than could have been made in legit imate operations except by the aid of great government benefices. We doubt if these have been extended by Sher man without some consideration. In fact there is a suspicion abroad that Sher man has grown rich by the abuse of his official position. People who knew say -that he went into Congress peer and is new a millionaire. He was chairman of the Senate committee en finance and in that position khad abundant chances te make money. His career has net been such as te give the public any confidence iii his honesty. Given the opportunity and the disposition and his present wealth, it is a fair link in the chain of logic that he bartered his intluence te benefit himself. At any rate his suspi cious patronage of the First national bank merits congressional investigation. The supreme court of Maine has ren dered its opinion en the matters pro pounded te it by Gov. Garcelon, and we publish it in full. It is for the most part adverse te the Fusionists. Its conclusion that majorities should net be deprived of their rights by technicalities is a fair one, but probably net consistent with previ ous declarations of this same court. On the whole the opinion will command re spect or net, accordingly as it is found te be consistent with precedents and the law, or as these have been tortured for partisan purposes. It is reported that the powers which be have already selected the delegates at large te the next Republican national convention, and that Simen Cameren is te head the delegation, with Quay as his field marshal. PERSONAL. Bishop Haven died en Saturday. Mr. Craik, the husband of DinauMakia Muleck, is a partner in the firm of Mac mi Man & Ce. Gkant had a cordial public reception in Fcrnandina, Fla., yesterday, closing with a ball te-uight. Senater Zaciiauiaii Chandi.kk's will, found among some old papers last week, docs net name his son-in-law, Eugene Hale, among the executers. Mr. Hale, who has been settling the estate, new steps out entirely. Paknkll spoke in Madisen square, New Yerk, last night. Thurlow Weed, Judge Gildcrsleevc and ether prominent citizens were scaled en the platform. lie will speak in Philadelphia, New England, and as far west as San Francisce. Hen. William L. Scott, of Erie, pre sented the St. Jeseph's orphan asylum and the home for the friendless of that eity, each with a Christmas piescnt of 100 shares of Erie and Philadelphia railroad stock, which have a par value of $5,000 and bear 7 percent, interest. Ciiai:m:s Dakwin, the English scientist, again has brought credit te himself and te his people by winning the prize of twelve thousand francs recently ellered at Turin for discoveries in the physiology of plants. He is receiving the congratulations of all the prominent scientific men of Europe. Jehn B. Dillen, Parncll's lieutenant, is about six feet in height, with eyes, hair, mustache, whiskers and beard as black as the raven's wing. His beard, whiskers and mustache are much thinner than these of Mr. Parnell, and his features, when standing beside his traveling companion, leek very dark, although net unpleasantly se. lie appears te be very methodical, and keeps a little note-book in which he jets down continually such memoranda as he desires te preserve. Editor IIalstkad, who is visiting Secre tary Sherman in Washington, told an in terviewer the ether day that his evening and morning prayer is that Grant will net be nominated. "IJut will you support him if lie is:"' he was asked. "That is yet an open question," said Mr. llalstead. " I should hate te most awfully ; and I am afraid that if the Democrats should nomi nate a man I like I would be liable te oppose Mr. Grant's election. IJut I am afraid they won't nominate a geed man, and I would be then in tiie fix of the nigger I read about, lie went te campmecting, and the preacher said that there were two reads, one leading te hell and the ether te damnation. 'Le'd a massy," cried the darkey, 'this niggcr'll hab te take te dc weeds." " Mr. William J I. Vaniii'kiiii.t, with his arms full or morning newspapers, took a seat in the special car at the Grand Cen tral depot Saturday morning. Half an hour after sunrise engine Ne. (i backed down. Mr. Yandcrbilt asked the engineer whether he thought he could make the schedule time. The engineer laughed and answered he'd try it if the read was clear. Three hours alterward Mr. Yandcrbilt lauded at the Albany depot, having skip ped along much of the way at a mile a minute, and at 2 o'clock in the afternoon he took his seat again. The engineer opened the throttle, and Ne. (i shot away like a meteor due in New Yerk at 5 o'clock. Mr. Yandcrbilt is understood te have had a little railroad matter te attend te that necessitated this spin of 300 miles in a little mere than the same number of min utes. In the suit against Qiay personally for a check drawn by Quay officially, as the Republican state chairman, the Philadel phia court holds that Quay is net liable individually. Further the court says : It is unnecessary new te decide whether an action would lie upon this note against the members of the state central committee, who are net expressly named at parties in the instrument. However that may be, it is perfectly clear that they may be sued for the consideration for which it was given, and the check may be given in evidence as the measure of damages. Fer the indebt edness for which the check was given they are responsible upon the principle of Eichbaum vs. Irons. 0 W. & S.. 07, and the defendant is included in this responsi bility, for he was a member of the com mittee and its head. IJut he has a right for his own protection te compel the plain till' te .join the ethers with him as co-defendants." Oiiiiy Wins. Quay has added te the Pennsylvania collection of battle-Hags the standard carried by the First regiment of Pennsylva nia militia, which was mustered into the Continental army. The Hag was captured from the regiment during the battle of the Brandywine. but was retaken by Lieuten ant Colonel Themas Robinson, grandfather of William S. Robinson, of Limerick Square. Montgomery county, from whom it has been purchased. It is of silk, evi dently once an orange hue, but faded into a yellowish brown. It is live feet long and about the same in width. In the centre is a piece of red silk, about two feet square, en which is painted and worked the figure of a soldier standing with poised sjcar above a crouching lien. Uencath this is the inscription : "Domani Yole." Tells anil Wages Advanced. Te-day an advance of ten cents per ten will be made in the rate of freight ami tells en coal from Schyulkill haven te Philadelphia, and in accordance with the announcement made en October 25, 1870, this will entitle the employees of the rail road company te an additional advance of five per cent., making for the month of January an advance of ten per cent, above the wages paid iu. October last. It will increase the minimum which governs the wages paid by the coal and iron company four per cent., se that the wages for January will be but four per cent, below the basis. About te Compromise. Twe years age a young lady went te prayer meeting in the First Congregational church of Westfield, Mass. Between the prayers and the singing a heavy deer fell en her and injured her scvcicly. She thought she was damaged te the extent el $5,000, and sued for that amount. The trial has been begun, and the lady, know ing the uncertainty of the law. is willing te talk about a compromise. The amount talked about is $1,000, and it is said that the injured sister leeks favorably en ac cepting this, rather than going through the trouble of a suit, with the possibility of an adverse verdict, or a disagreement of the jury. MINOR TOPICS. A New Yerk" engraver get out some wedding cards in these words : "Mr. and 3Irs. request your presents at the mar riage of their daughter." TiiE-uneditcd letters of Peter the Great, which are preserved in St. Petersburg, some 8, GOO in number, arc te be edited and published. It is estimated that they will fill about fifteen volumes. When Emersen was traveling in Egypt an Englishman paid him particular atten tion, though the pliiloseher was known te him only as an American. At parting the Englishman said : "I have tricd'te devote myself te you because you are a country man of the great Emersen." Ex-Atteknev Geneual Leak writes a letter te the Buds County Intelligencer te illustrate some of the dangerous tenden cies of politics with the Quay-Cameren performances in this state. Lear himself is a frightful example of some dangerous tendencies, forcibly exhibited in taking a $5,000 fee from a corporation against which he was prosecuting a claim for the state. The Republican members of the su preme court are strongly in favor of the appointment of Edmunds te the supreme bench in place of Justice Hunt, and re gard the appointment as certain te be made as seen as the latter is provided with m pension. One reason why they prefer Edmunds is that they fear that he is the only Republican whom the Senate would confirm for a place en the supreme bench at this time. The New Yerk ' points out that an active minority has always been influential in a New Yerk delegation te Republican national conventions, and. though Seward In 18G0 and Colliding in 1870, each had a large majority of the delegates, there was isueh a fearless and able opposition te them among the minority as te completely destroy all chances of their nomination. " Whether the Republican opponents of Gen. Grant in New Yerk will have skill :md courage enough te wage much of a battle against the third term policy at the state convention for cheesing delegates te Chicago, remains te be determined.'' The "tramp act" has certainly been of signal profit te the taxpayers of Cumber land county, whose representative A. M. Rhoads, had it passed. Situated en the i lirect route traveled by tramps en their journey from the cast towards the Shenan doah valley, in Yirginia, these "general tourists" were committed into it by thotis thetis unitln, especially during the time when the old fee bill statutes, relating te their com mittal, maintenance and discharge, was in force. In the last four months of 1S78 t heir maintenance cost the county $5,102. el, while last year they only cost for the s.inie time $495. Thus showing a difl'er e:uce in favor of the county, in the space of four months, of $4,007.'U. The appearance of the jail, new, is entirely changed. In stead of being overcrowded it is compara tively vacant. The following old ballad was first pub lished in 1704 by Wm. Murtagh in a collec tion of ballads, whose authorship is involv ed in obscurity. The fourth line in the last stanza has been the subject of much humiry as te its origin : (Jeme .lean, my lass, 1111 up the gla . We'll drink our own geed health: Tlie' peer we be, content are we. V covet no man's pell". Hard bed- te tired folks arc sweet. And hunger .sweetens plainest meat. .Se here te Jean's and l.ebin ! ISut l!ob, my man, if wealth were thine. Then .lean would take new graces : (Jay as the best, in satin dres't, With jewels, silk and lace.s ; Tliciileuting low. the crowd would cry. While in our coach we passed them by Leng life te .lean and Kebin ! Tush, tush, my lass, such thoughts resign . ' Comparisons arc cruel :" Fine pictures suit, in lranics as line, Consistency's a jewel. Fer thee and ine course clothes are best, Kude lelk in homely raiment dres't Wife .lean, and geed man Kebin. STATE ITEMS. The Erie county jail contains just one dozen inmates. An abscess en the neck of a little son of AVm. Yeung, of Pittsburg, which was left there by diphtheria, broke and he bled te death. Bedy-snatchers have been raiding the Oakwood cemetery near Richmond, and forty corpses have been stolen since cold weather set in. Many railroaders will be in Akren, O.. te-morrow te bid en the Atlantic ami Great Western railroad, then te be sold under foreclosure. The boiler of a freight engine en the Housten and Texas Central railroad ex ploded, killing a negre boy and injuring Stephen Jehnsen, engineer, and G. K. Willis, fireman. On Friday morning Mrs. Beene Kern, residing in Aineyville. near Allcntewn, was struck en the head by a stone which was thrown from a quarry near her home, and was fatally injured. A "preaching match" is announced te be held in a public hall in Dairy, Scotland. The hearers are te judge of the merits of the contestants. There are many who, in such a case, would vote the prize te the shortest sermon, regardless of all ether ex cellencies or deficiencies. In the coops at a canning factory in Moorestown, N. J., are 2,700 chickens" and GOO turkeys, that will seen be dissected and encased in tin. Every day they con sume twenty bushels of corn, forty quarts of pure milk, a large quantity of perk, and 280 quarts of water. After the recent Heeds in the Tiber at Reme, an unusual number of fish were caught in the river, and were devoured by the famished peer of the city at a cost of two cents per pound. The Heeds in the Tiber always yield such a benefit te the peer. A Mellie Maguirc Surrenders. Edward Curlcy, a Mellie Maguirc, of Columbia county, who is charged with the murder of Jehn Gcnning, an old man in Ccntralia en July 20, 1870, since which time he has been a fugitive from justice, returned te his family at Ccntralia yester day and delivered himself up te the authorities. During Curlcy's hearing Michael Bregau. who recently married a daughter of Gunning's, became very much excited, and drawing a revolver attempted te sheet him. The town is very much excited. m Building Association Law. That a stockholder of a building associa assecia associa atien cannot bring an action at law against his fellow-stockholders for tha withdrawal value of his stock has been decided by Judge Ludlow, who, in the case et Patrick O'Reurkc against the North Pcnn building association, deeided in favor of the associa tion and dismissed the motion te take off the non-suit which was recently granted by Judge Ycrkes upon the ground that the suit should have been brought by bill in equity. O'Reurke had sued te recover the full value, namely, $200, of ten shares of stock, which had mn out. LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. Scarlet fever prevails in tweniy families in Hicks Neck, town of Hempstead, L. I. The village school has been closed. "Comptroller Kelly's monthly statement of New Yerk city's finances shows that the city debt en Dcccnilier 81, 1879, was $109,425,414.37. In 1879 the out-bound foreign mails from the New Yerk posteffice numbered 8,550, C9G letters, an increase of 1.002,772 letters ever 1878. The wooden bridges of the elevated branch of the Pennsylvania railroad, which span the streets of Jersey City, are being replaced by iron bridges. In Fall River, Mass., Geerge Bizzinet, three years of age, was found frozen te death in the swamp. He wandered from home and was lest. The railroad and turnpike bridges at Millersburg, Kentucky, en the Kentucky Central railread.havc been wholly destroyed by incendiary tires ; less $25,000. During a quarrel en a farm near New Castle Del., between Win. A. Newkirk, white, and Geerge Shields, colored, the latter fired at Newkirk with a revolver, without eil'ect, when Newkirk procured a shotgun and shot Shields in the back. Mr. F. W. Vanuxcm, of the insurance agency of Vanuxcm, Bates fc Lambert, died Saturday morning shortly after U o'clock at his residence at Chestnut Hill. Mr. Vanuxcm has been a sufferer for a long time from a disease of the liver. Daniel Eveland, sr., a well-known citi zen, died en Friday evening at his resi dence, Ne. 450 Franklin street, Philadel phia, in the 74th year of age. He was a native of Philadelphia and for nearly fifty years was engaged in the morocco leather manufacture en Willow street, near Sec ond. Martin M. Nuss, deputy prothenotary, of Columbia county, committed suicide yesterday by sheeting himself through the head with a pistol. The act is sup posed te have been committed while laboring under a fit of temporary insanity, lie leaves a wife and three young children. In the suit of Geerge F. Fields against Mayer Stokley for damages for tearing down the building during the Centennial, and in which there was a verdict in favor of the mayor, President Judge Allisen, has delivered an oral opinion en the motion for a new trial, deciding that judgment should be entered in favor of the niaver. The devolution in Peru. General Nicholas de Pierola was pro claimed dictator of Peru en December 22. The army of reserve at Lime and Callae and the navy accept his government, lie has premised te effect the salvation of Peru in the present crisis. His cabinet is pre sided ever by the distinguished jurist, Dr. Pedre Caldcren. President Pi-.ule has fled. He arrived at Panama en the 27th of December. The Peruvian torpedo beat, which sailed in No vember from Panama under Hawaiian colors, has been captured by the Chilians. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. OIIITUAKY. Tlit; Hiirials at (jreii'sdulc. Levi W. GreU' reports tens that there were sixteen interments at Greil'sdale meeting house, in West Earl township, hiring the year just closed. Of these there were eight under ten years of age as fellows : January 23, child of Jacob Nelt, Earl township, in its 1st year ; February 2'2, infant of C.V.Lichty, West Earl township; April 24, child of J 61m S. Dietrich, New Helland, in its :d year ; August !), child of Jehn Grctz, East Earl township, in its 1st year ; September 8, child of Daniel Nelt, Earl township, in its first year ; Oc tober 1, child of Jacob R. Musser, Upper Lcaceck township, in its 2d year ; October 4th, child of Abraham Yvr. Nelt, Lancaster, in its 7th year ; October 15, daughter of C. 11. Ilunshberger, Lancaster, in her 5th year. There were none between 10 and 40 years of age. Beyond the latter figure the ages and dates of burial were as fellows ! June 18, Miss Mary Rife, West Earl township, in her 45th year; December 10, Miss Annie Burkhelder, West Earl township, in her 42d year ; March , Martin Wcngcr, Ephrata town ship, in his 52d year ; April 12, Mrs. Benja min Wcngcr, widow, West Earl township, in her 70th year ; May 7, Sam'l Lutz, West Earl township, in his 74th year ; September 0, Mrs. Marks S. Grolf, Vogansville, in her 80th year; November 29, Henry Rohrer, West Earl township, in his 7Sth year; February 12th, Abm. Rife, Earl town ship, iu his 81st year, was the eldest per son buried during the year just closed. In the record el thirteen vears there were 252 funerals and iu that number 120 died died under 10 years of age, nearly one-half of the whole number ; and the lowest num ber of funerals in one year in the above account was 10, and the highest number was;il. In this year's account there was no burial between the age of 10 and 40 years, which is a much larger gap than in any former year in the record. The Lecal Touaree Market. Transactions in the crop of 1870 continue te be heavy. The old buyers arc still in the field ami yesterday two or three new ones arrived. Buyers show an inclination te take the crops right along wherever they find them te be geed, or where the prices asked are net exorbitant. There are, of course, some geed crops that are held tee high, and there is a geed deal of peer trash that buyers don't want at all, unless they can get it at very low figures. These lets will probably remain unsold until late in the season. The crop, as a whole, is, however, going oil' rapidly, and there is but little doubt that it will be nearly cleaned out before Hie winter closes. The efforts of interested mrties te "bear" the market, has most signally failed, and the aggregate sum received for this year's crop will feet up much larger than that of any former year. The report of the New Yerk market will be found en our fourth page. Anether Silver Wedding. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the mar riage of Mr. R. B. Patterson and Miss Jeanna Stubbs-, of Celcrain township, was celebrated en Saturday at their home. At about 10 o'clock their friends and neigh bors began te assemble until the eenipany amounted te about 100. The presents were very appropriate te the occasion, among the most valuable of which was a deed for five acres of timber land present ed by his brother, James Patterson, of Little Britaiu. The consideration men tioned in the deed was "brotherly love ami affection." The presentation speech was made by Mr. J. R. Patterson, of Phil adelphia. After all had partaken of the excellent dinner provided the large com pany were favored with short congratu latory addresses by Rev. Samuel Dickey and Rev. C. W. Stewart, D. D. The an niversary entertainment was an entire success, and every one seemed delighted. OUK-1-OSTAL BUSINESS. The Year's Business in the Lancaster Office. The Steady Increase of Receipts. The following table exhibits the business at the Lancaster posteffice for the year just closed : KECKIITS. Sale of stamps postal cards nurt envel opes $27. 120 l2 llex rents 4.11 50 Unpaid letters If! SS Sale of waste paper IS IS Frem postmaster, Kinzer's, l'a 72 5S $-i7.a .v; UXl-EN'SKS. Salarv of postmaster $ 2.500 00 clerks 3,270 10 letter carriers 4,231 7! " route agent 104 35 ' mail messenger !)0 00 ISents. coal and gas 1,010 51 Kcpairiug street letter boxes. 12 oe Contingent expenses l.V! e Spoiled envelopes returned . 40 SI $12,237 K5 llalance ever expenses ? 15, IS) '.' DISHUllSKMEXTS. Transferred te M. O. account. $4,215 0 Depe-ited with U.S. Treasurer, ,W 41 l'aid te rennsylvania K. It. Ce. 10,057 40 -$15, 130 : laiOISTltV DtPAKTMBXT. llcgistcred packages, lit-st-class, sent from this city 1.S71 llcgistered packages, third and fourth class, sent from this eity .V.I2 Kegistered packages for city delivery, 2.543 Kegistered packages in transit . 4.311 Total registered packages handled :,322 LETTER CAIIRIEK'S UKPAKTMEM. Itegistered letters delivered 1,551 ;laillettersdelivered 532,003 Mailpe.st.il cards delivered UT.iKI Lecal letters delivered 3ii,s;i5 Lecal postal cardsdeiivercd 91,775 Newspapers, Vc, delivered 322,231 Total number of pieces delivered 1,037,212 Letters collected l'estal Cards collected Newspapers, Ac, collected Total number of pieces collected. 52,071; 12,131 221,701 Lecal postage collected en mail mat ter ler city delivery $ 1,012.03 JIOXEV OltDEI! iiuai:tmi;.nt. Cash balance en hand, lee.3i, 1S7S $ 550.51 5.710 domestic orders issued 00,S55,Ss Fees en domestic orders issued iKVti.be Thirty-six llriti-.li orders issued 5."&.V) Twe Canadian orders issued 13,oe Fees en Canadian orders issued .10 Xinety-twe German orders issued 1,110.10 Fees en German orders issued, 32.se Twenty Swiss orders issued 031.50 Fees en Swiss orders issued ltS.5'J Amount transferred trem postage ac count te money order account 4.215.00 si;s,iaw.2s IWYMKIkTS. Demestic orders paid $5S,200 C3 111 21 213 13 1,450 12 5 IX I 531 7-1 370 . urn isn orders paid Canadian orders paid lierman erdejs paid Swiss orders paid Kepaid orders Paid by order of department . Deposited with pestmaslerat Philadelphia, l'a Cash balance en ham I r,:w ise 3;it; si -tlkSOM 2S -MISCKLI.AN LOUS ITEMS. Xumberet unclaimed letters sent te the Deail Letter Ollice 1,270 Number of unmailable letters sent te the Dead Letter Ollice 223 Number et request letters returned te writers 105 Number of pounds of newspapers and periodicals sent from etlice, outside of Lancaster county 111,723 Amount of nealairu naid en iiewsii:i- pers and periodic-ills by publishers.. $ 3.017 05 A comparison with 1878 shows an in crease iu the sale of stamps, pestals, en velepes and wrappers te the amount of $:,001.07. notwithstanding the reduction of postage en periodical publications and ether matter. In the registry business the number of packages registered has increased from 1,447 in 1S7S te 2,408. Registered pack ages for city delivery have increased 101. Registered packages passing through the ellice, of which a rcceul is kept, has in creased 1,1 0(1. In the carriers' depart meni 82,100 mere pieces were delivered, and 5,0(51 mere pieces collected than the previous year. In the money order department, whilst 435 mere orders were issued than in 1878, the amount of cash received falls short of the previous year $81)2.40. The amount of orders cashed shows an increase of 6000.50. The UroUTIemlcidc. Corener Mishler, en Saturday evening, completed his investigation into the cir cumstances attending the death of Geerge Greff, who died from a blew received at the Shilller hose house en Christmas eve. At this Unci meeting Lewis Rcidcnhaugh testified te seeing several fights that even ing, but did net sec Grolf ; Wm. Quinn saw a slinily built man strike Greff ; Wm. MeMinn saw him lying under the hose carriage ; Chas. Steele denied that he ever said any one would be killed if a fight en sued ; I larry Mc Alecr saw a man lying en the pavement between the, engine house and the gaslight ; some one ran down Seuth Queen street and said te some person, "We've thumped the ;" the person who said this was a tall, slim man, of dark complexion, and with eyes sunk deep hit his head. After hearing these witnesses and ether testimony of miner importance the jury rendered the following verdict : " That Geerge Greff came te his death by a blew at the hands of some person unknown te the jury." Surgical Operation. On Saturday last, Dr.Carpcnter, assisted by Drs. Bolenius, Levergood, Albright, Compten, Muhlenberg and Stchman, of this city, and Miller, of Lampeter, per formed, for the third time within two years, the operation of Iythotemy, or cutting for stone, upon the person of Daniel Erb, of Lampeter township. The operation was successfully performed, and a stone approaching the size of a small hen's egg was removed. Cutting the same individual three times for stone and that, tee, within the brief period of nineteen months, is a surgical feat never before heard of in this county, and perhaps net in this state. Tobacco Sales 9040.08 per Acre. Wm. Oilman, of Washington borough, has sold his crop of tobacco, consisting of 15,000 stalks te Jeseph Mayers Sens, for 25 cents round, amounting te $1,920.25. The stalks were grown en three acres. This is considered the largest yield, and best tobacco and sale in the county. A. A. Sullivan, Pcquea township, sold 2 acres of tobacco, averaging 1800 pounds per acre, te M. B. Davis for 15 cents round. Christmas Tree Ilunicd. Last evening a slight file occurred at the residence of Mrs. Jehn Myers of High street. A grandchild of Mrs. Myers was playing around a Christmas tree with fire. The light finally touched the tree and it was immediately in flames. It was extin guished in a short time before any damage was done te the house. Frank Myers had his face and hands badly burned iu en deavoring te put out the fire. Still in Danger. J. Q. Landram, who had his skull frac- tuaed by being kicked by a vicious mare a few days age, still lies in a precarious condition, and the doctors say that they cannot yet tell what may be the result of his injuries. This morning he was partly conscious, but net altogether rational. reULTltT. Annual Sleeting or the -Association Elec tion of Officer for the Ensuing Year, Jfcc. The annual meeting of the Lancaster county poultry association was held in city hall this morning. The following members were present : Rev. D. C. Tobias, president, Litiz ; J. B. Lichty, secretary ; eity ; T. F. Evans, treasurer, Litiz ; II. II. Tshudy, Litiz ; Charles Lippold, city ; Win. Schecnbcrgcr, city ; Jehn A. Steber, Schoeneck ; Geerge A. Geyer, Spring Garden ; Jeseph F. Wit mer, Paradise ; Chas. E. Leng, city ; J. B. Leng, city ; Harry G. Ilirsh, city ; F. R. Diffeudcrtfer, city, C. A. Gast, city; Henry Wissler, Columbia ; J. M. Johnsten, city; T.B.Martin, Litiz; Jne.F. Evans, Litiz: J. II. Miller. Marietta; J. II. Menaugh, Spring Garden; J. II. Habecker, Spring Gargen ; Ferdinand Schaefi'er, city ; L. G. Martin, Spring Garden ; Martin Bewman, Mount Jey ; Addison Flowers. Mount Jey ; Merris Bachman, Strasbtirg ; Edward Brackbill, Strasburg ; Samuel Engle. Ma rietta ; J. W. Bruckhart, Salunga : II. II. Myers, Spring Garden. The treasurer and executive committee made verbal reports, showing the condi tion of the treasury te be in a healthy condition, and that the poultry exhibition had been se liberally patronized there was no doubt that all the premiums offered would be paid and a handsome balance left ever. Mr. J. A. Steber, from the committee appointed for the purpose, reported the fol lowing officers of the society for theensuing year : President Rev. I). C. Tobias, Litiz. Vice Presidents Gee. A. Geyer, Spring Garden, and W. J. Kafreth, West Earl. Corresponding Secretery JuliuF. Itced, city. Recording Secretary J. B. Lichty, city. Treasurer T. F. Evans, Litiz. Executive Committee II. II. Tshudy, Litiz; J. A. Steber. Schoeneck ; Jeseph R. Trissler, eity ; J. B. Leng, city : S. X. Warl'el, Strasburg. The report of the committee was ic" ceived, and the officers proposed were elected by acclamation. A discussion ensued as te the propriety of having a sub-committee of city mem bers appointed te act in conjunction with the executive committee, and te perform their duties, as alternates during their ab sence. Without arriving at final action tiie matter was postponed. The society adjourned te attend the poultry exhibition in Lecher's building. The Poultry Kxl.ibilien. The exhibition continues t boom. On Saturday ever 1,000 persons attended it. Yesterday the fowls and chicks passed their Sunday in comfort and comparative quiet, only a few attendants being present te feed them. Te-day tiie judges who are te make the award of premiums arrived and are new en gaged iu rendering judgment. They are W. T. Rogers, of Doylestown. Pa., and Jehn E. Dichl, of Beverly, N. J. They are experts in the business, having been se lected as judges of poultry by a congress of peultrymcn. Their judgment may be fully relied 011 and will no doubt be satis factory 10 all reasonable exhibitors. Te morrow there will be a grand pigeon flight from Quarryville te Lancaster, for a premium te be awarded the first bird that reaches the exhibition room. There are six entries and a close contest amy be ex pected. The birds will be let fly at Quar ry ville at 2 o'clock p. m, and may be expected at the exhibition rooms about 15 o'clock, where the competing birds will be shown. a icAsit i:xi'i:i:l-.i::nt. The i:ii;;iiie:r "Heist with Ills Own retard." In the village of Strasburg, en Saturday evening, an old tinsmith named Geerge Bare, who had been much annoyed by boys who teased him and called him ugly names undertook te frighten them in a very foolish, if net criminal manner. He procured a cast iron box, such as is used iu the hubs of carriage wheels for the spindle te play in, and plugging one end of it with a wooden plug he filled the box with powder. He then closed the ether end with a plug in which there was bored a small hole. Laying down this infernal machine in an alley en the property of Jeseph Hull, for whom Bare worked, he placed one end of a barrel stave against the end of the leaded box that had the " touch-hole " in it, and along the stave he laid a train of powder. As seen as the boys put in an appearance he touch ed a match te the powder train and iu an instant there was an explosion like that produced by the discharge of a cannon. The cast iron box did net burst, but the wooden plugs were blown from the end of it and splintered into hundreds of pieces. Before Bare could get out of the way he was struck by piecesef the shattered plug, six or eight of which of various sizes en tered his leg above and below the knee, some of them cutting the flesh clear into the bone, and producing very painful if net dangerous wounds. Dr. Keneagy, of Stras burg, cut out several pieces of the weed, and Bare was then sent te the county hos pital, where another piece of the wooden plug as large as a hulled walnut was taken from his leg by Drs. Reland and Bolenius. Anether Accident. While Christian Greenbarger, also of Strasburg, was standing en a step ladder in front of Daniel Potts's hotel filling a lamp, the ladder gave way, throwing him te the ground and injuring him se badly that he hail te be carried into the hotel. THE DKA3IA. i:ial and Draper's Uncle Te in." The audience te see Rial & Draper's " Uncle Tem's Cabin," ou Saturday after noon, was small, but the low prices brought the people in the evening, when the house was packed, a number being com cem IKjlled te stand. The play was as well acted as it usually is by traveling compa nies, and these worthy of notice were Miss Sallie Partington as Tvpsy, Miss Ada Lewis as Ophelia, Miss Minnie Lcc as licit, and W. S. Martin Phineas Fletcher. A pleas ing feature of the performance was the singing of the colored quartet, which was really very fine. A live bloodhound and a donkey were introduced during the play with effect. Te-night the troupe appear in Columbia, going thence te Harrisburg. Sale of Property. Bailsman & Burns, real estate agents, en January 1st, sold the brick dwelling house situate Ne. let) East Chestnut street, belonging te Richard Blickcnder fcr, te Henry Martin for $4,800. THE JUAHKTII.IX KAILROAU. Directors anil Officer Klected. A meeting of the stockholders of the "Lancaster and Reading narrow gaue railroad company" was held at the office of R. W. Shcnk, esq., te day, for the purpose of cheesing thirteen directors te serve for the present year : J.B. Kaufman presided and W. Lea man acted as secretary, Jehn K. Reed, A. C. Rcineehl anil D. P. Rescnmiller, were chosen as tellers and conduct the election. At 12 m. the tellers returned that GS7 votes had been cast respectively for R. W. Shcnk, A. 11. Peacock, C. A. Bitner, Jehn D. Skiles, W. L. Peiper, W. II. Kemble, Jehn Keller, Ames Ilelhnger, Darnel Heir. Geerge W. HenscI, F. Ven A. Ca been and Henry Carpenter, who were ac cordingly declared elected. After the adjournment of the stock holders' meeting, the new beard 0? di rectors met in the office of K. W. Shcnk, esq., and chose K. W. Shenk. esq., te act as president for the present year, and W. Leanian, esq., te act as secretary and treas urer, after which the beard adjourned. Church Dedication. Yesterday afternoon the new church edifice recently erected en the southeast corner of East Chestnut and Sherman streets for the use of the Old Meimeuite denomination was formally dedicated in the presence of an immense congregation. Leng before the hour announced for the commencement of the services, every seat in the house was occupied, and by the time the exercises began the aisles were standing full, the basement was crowded, and hundreds could net gain admittance. The service consisted of preaching, prayer and singing. Hew Christian Herr preached in German and I lev. Ames Herr and Rev. Jacob Brubakerin English. Rev. Charles llestetter and ether ministers who were present made brief addresses. Notwith standing the crowded condition of the church, the best kind of order was main tained and the closest attention paid te the several speakers. The new church is a substantial brick .structure 40 by (iO feet, and is located en a piece of ground donated for the pur pose by Mr. C. II. Lefevre of this city. Fer the present pleaching will be held only once in four weeks, but it is likely that ere long arrangements will be made for mere frequent meetings. iSeiug te Cincinnati. Mr. Willis B. Musser resigned his posi tion as pajing teller of the Farmers" na tional bank this morning and leaves Lan caster te-night for Cincinnati, where he will henceforth make his home and where he has accepted a position in the house of Mehr, Mehr & Ce., wholesale rectifiers and distillers. Mr. Musser will have charge of the extensive banking and financial interests of the firm and of" their correspondence a position for which he has eminent qualifications. During his residence in this city .Mr. Musser gained a very wide circle of friends, and his superior business qualifications and rare personal accomplishments make his less felt keenly in social circles and much deplored by the management of the institution with which he was connected. His friends, however, are glad te knew that their less is his gain, and that his acceptance of the new position tendered him involves greater advantages and mere enlarged opportuni ties than are likely te present themselves in Lancaster. "Syke " and the "Owl ".linn. Mr. Wiley, of the management of the "Syke" show iu the south' eastern corner of Centre square, says that for several days Harry Gallagher, bar ber and publisher of the revived Oirl, has been making improper advances te his wife, also a member of the "Syke' company. These approaches culminated in Gallagher sending a note this morn ing te Mrs. Wiley, at the Black Herse hotel, where all the parties beard, intimat ing that if she was tired of the show bust ncss he would pay her beard. She, like a dutiful woman, showed it te her husband, who at neon te-day called upon Gallagher for an apology. He refused te make it. even under threats of being "mashed,' whereupon Wiley went at him and gave him a rather severe pummelling in the side room of the hotel. The affair created con siderable excitement for a time. The City Aldermen's Hills. The following aldermen of the city pre sented their December bills te the county commissioners te-day. They were made out in the form heretofore used, no atten tion having been paid te the late order of the county commissioners relative te a mere detailed statement of their charges. The bills were paidnevertheless, the com missioners deeming it unfair te compel the aldermen te make out the detailed bills at such short notice. Following are the bills presented and paid : Wm. B. Wiley, 2d ward $ 10 50 J. K. Barr, "d ward l'!8 05 A. IC. Spurrier, 4th ward 10'! 85 A. F. Dennelly, 7th ward 05 !)0 P. Dennelly, 8th ward 42 40 Adam Delict, Otli ward 5 15 Alderman McConeniy's bill has net yet been presented. AldermenTGoed and Jack never have bills at least "hardly ever.' Kunuway Accident. About !) o'clock this morning as Jehn II. Miller, prison inspector, was driving en East King street, near Middle, his horse shied at a lime box and ran the buggy in which Mr. Miller was riding against a truck-wagon. Se violent was the shock that both the front wheels of the buggy were broken and the hind axle bent. Mr. Miller escaped injury, as the horse after the accident steed perfectly still until he get out of the wreck. I.cR. Ilchind. On Saturday evening when the Harris burg express .stepped at Parkesburg the conductor was se busy looking after some ladies that the brakeman, unknown te the conductor, signaled the train off, and it left the conductor behind, running te At glen without missing him. He telegraphed thither from Parkesburg, and the train had te be run back for him, considerable delay being caused by somcliedy's blun der. Gene te Flerida. Mrs. Rhoads, Mrs. Shrcincr, 3Iis:-j Mary Shrciner, Jehn V'. Jacksen? and M. Zahm left Lancaster te-day for their winter se jeurn in Flerida. They will step at Jack senville. -.-.Tv 2. ,- ..-.V