SS3 ', r r Volume XYI-Ne. 107. LANCASTER PA. MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1880. Price Twe Cents. TERMS. THE DAILYINTELLIGENCER, PUBLISHED EVEBV EVENING, BY STEINMAN & HENSEL, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner of Centre Square. The Dailt Intelligencer is furnished te subscribers In the City of I incaster and sur rounding towns, accessible by Kailread and Daily Stage Lines at Ten Cents 1'er Week, payable te the Carriers, weekly. By 3Iail, $5 a year in advance ; otherwise, f. Entered at the pest efliceat Lancaster, Pa., as t-ccend class mail matter. 3-The STKAM JOIJ PKINTING DEPART MENT or this establishment possesses unsur passed facilities for the execution of all kinds f 1'lain and Fnncv Printing. COAL. 11. 91 Alt T IX, If. Wholesale and Kctail Dealer in all kinds of LUMBER AXD COAL. WVanl : Xe. 420 North Water and Prince streets, above Lemen, Lancaster. n.'Myd COAL! - - - COAL!! OO TO GORREOHT & CO., Ker Geed and Cheap Ceal. Yard Hurrisburg Pike. Olllee '. East Chestnut Street. P. W. GORKECIIT, Agt. .1. B. RILEY. eU-lyd W. A. KELLEK. C0H0 & WILEY, . .7.70 SOUTH WATCH ST., lAtnrniiter, J'a., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND OOAL. Alse, Contractors and Builders. Estimates made and contracts undertaken en all kinds of buildings. Brunch Office : Ne.3NOKTH DUKE ST. feblJ-lyd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! Ceal of the Best Duality put up expressly for family use, und at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. 3 YAKI 150 SOUTH WATER ST. lielEUyd PHILIP SCHUM.SOX & CO. jeTici:. The price-, or coal at our YARDS until lur tlier notice will be as lollews: Old Lykcns Yallev, Prepared l m Old Lvkens Vallev, Xut 4 ." All ether kinds, Broken, Egg and Xut.... 4 -JO All ether kinds Steve 4.10 All grades of Pea ."i ! Charge ter delivering, per ten ij II. BAUMUAKDNEK & CO. Lam-asteu, Jan. 1, 18SQ. janl-2tdl&." JUST KKCKIVKD AFINK LOT OF BALED TIMOTHY HAY, at M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, I1KALEI18 IN COAL! FLOUR!! GRAIN!!! FAMILY COAL UXDER COVER. Minnesota Patent Precess Family and Baker's Fleur. Baled Hay anil Feed of all kinds. Warehouse and Yard : 234 North Water St s-JT-lyd N TOriCE TO THE PUBLIC. G. SENEK & SONS. Will continue te sell only GEXUTNE LYKENS VALLEY and WILKESBAIIRE COALS which are the best in the maiket, and sell a- LOW as the LOWEST, and net only GUAR ANTEE FULL WEIGHT, butallew te WEIGH OX AXY scale in geed order. Alse Bugh and Dressed Lumber, Sash, Deers, Blinds, &c.,at Lewest Market Pi ices. Olllce and yard northeast corner Prince and Walnut streets, Lancaster, Pa. janl-tfd HOOKS A XV STATJOXCKY. II OLIDAY FANCY GOODS. HOLIDAY BOOKS. Autograph and Photograph Albums, Writ ing De.sks and Werk Bexes, Christinas and Xew Year Cards. PAPETBRIES, AT L. M. FLYNH'S, Ne. 42 WEST KING STKEET. NEW YEAR CARDS. An Elegant Assortment at the BOOK STORE OP JOHH" BAER'S SOIS 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. HOOTS AXV SHOCS. TELIABLE BOOTS AND SHOES. We guarantee every pair wc sell. We keep the most perfect fitting, best style and well wearing shoes, and sell them at the very LOWEST PRICES. Our stock was purchased last summer bcfei e the late advance in leather and material, and we offer te give te our customers the advan tage of our successful speculation by selling our present stock at lower prices than we could te-day buy again. We also continue te make Custom Werk at short notice, stylish and durable, and at lower prices than any ether shoemaker here or elsewhere. 49-Mcnding done promptly and neatly.-ea Give us a call. A. ADLER, 43 WEST KING STREET. HAIH VHCSSIXU. Mrs. C. 1ILLER, LADIES' HAIRDRESSER, Manufacturer and Dealer in Hair Werk, Gents' WI"S. Combings straightened and made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made up. Alse KiU Gloves and Feathers cleaned and dyed at Nes. 223 & 227 NOBTU QUEEN ST., U-2md uoeru Aoeve P. R. R. Depot. VLOTIIIXO. TONT FOKGEl That the place te get cheap and appropriate CHRISTMAS GIFTS IS AT RATHVON & FISHER'S, Ne. 101 NORTH QUEEN STKEET. Frem new until the 1st of JANUARY next w e will sell READY-MADE CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS at COST. Clothing made te order also LOW. decl7-2wdeed H7 GERHART TAILOR, Having just returned lrem Xew Yerk with a larire and CHOICE STOCK EegM ai Demestic Woolens FOR MEN'S WEAR, Would respectfully announce te his customers anil the public that he u ill have his regular FALL OPENING ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th. LARGEST ASSORTMENT, LATEST STYLES AXI) PBICES AS LOW AS ANY' HOUSE IN THIS CITY AT H. G-ERHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. ni'ECIAL NOTICK. 66. 68. Mansman&Bre. I SALE! OK OVERCOATS AND HEAVY SUITINGS. special ixiuci:.mi:nts te buyers of Clothing in order te make room ler a large SPRING STOCK new being manu factured, and we are needing room. We offer well-made and stylish Clothing for Men and Beys LOWER PRICES than ever heard of belnri1, although Goods are going up every day. We will sell, ler u e must hare the room. Loek at Our Astonishingly Lew Price List: OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! ter $2.90, ter $3.83, for $5.33, fer$ii.73. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! ter $7.73. for $9.73, for $10.75. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! for $12, $14, $1! and $20. These are heavy-lined Overcoats, caret ully made and splendidly trimmed. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ; ler $7.50, ler $8.50, for $0.50, for $12. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! for $15, for $1S, for $20. These are Plaid-Rack Overcoats equal te custom weik. HEAVY, MEN'S SC1TS ! ler $3.50, $1.00, $5.00, $7.00, $0.00, $10.00. MEN'S SUITS FOR FIXE DRESS ! for $12.00, $11.00, $15.00, $10.00, $18.00 and $20,00. ROYS' SUITS AXD OVERCOATS ! ROYS' SUITS lrem $2.25 te $10.00. ROYS' OVERCOATS VERY LOW. Wc sell only our own make and guarantee satisfaction. " Meney returned en all geed-, net teuud as represented. 3?Please call, whetheryeu i di te purchase or net. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT Is stocked with the latest styles, which we make te measure at the lowest c.isli prices and guarantee a perfect lit. SUITS TO ORDER from $12 upwards. PAXTS TO ORDER from $3.50 upwards. D. GANSMAN & BRO., MERCHANT TAILORS AXD CLOTHIERS, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., S. W. Cerner et Orange, Lancaster, l'a. (.Bailsman's Cerner.) GCXTS' aoevs. CHRISTMAS PEESENTS. CLATJDENT SCARFS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, LADIES "WORK BOXES, SILK SUSPENDERS, E. J. ERISMAN'S, 50 NORTH yUEKN STREET. CLOTHIXO., NEW GOODS FOB FALL & WINTER: Wc are new prepared te show the public one of the largest stock. of READ1TLADE CLOTHING ever exhibited in the citv et Lancaster. Geed Working Suits for men $C.0O. Geed Stvles Cas-dmere Suits for men $7.50. Our All Weel Men's Suits that wearesellinir ler S0.OJ are as geed as you can buy elsewhere for $12.00. Our eteek of Overcoats are immense. All grades and every variety of styles and colors, for men, boys and youths, all our own manufac ture. Full line of Men's, Youths' and Reys' Suits. Full line of Men's, Y'euths' and Reys' Overcoats. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT ! We are prepared te show one et the best stocks of Piece Goods te select from and have made te order ever shown in the city. They are all arranged en tables fitted up expressly se that every piece can be examined belere making a selection. All our goods have been purchased before the rise in woolens. We are prepared te make up in geed stvle and at short notice and at bottom prices. Ve make te or der an All Weel Suit for $12.00. 15y buying your goods at CENTRE HALL. you save one profit, as wc manufacture all our own Clothing and give employment te about one hundred hands. Call and examine our stock and be con vinced a te the truth et hieh we atlirm. MYEBS & KATHFON, Centre Hall, Ne. 12 Eaht King Street. CENTRE HALL, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Closing out our WINTER STOCK In order te mmcc loom for the Large Spring Stock, Which weaicneu manufacturing. Overcoats, Suits and Suitings, Te be sold at the Lewest Prices. 1 B. Metier & Seb, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, SS-lyd LAXCASTKU, PA. vuy aoevs. OPliCIAL BAKGA1XS FOll TI1K COMING FESTIVE SEASON. BLACK SILKS, BLACK CASHMERES, COLORED CASHMERES, LADIES' COATS, BROCHE SHAWLS, BLxVCK THIBET SHAWLS, CLOTH AXD FLANNEL SKIRTS, BLANKETS AND QUILTS Purchasers will de well te examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as the above goods have all been marked ter the OCCASION' at less than regular prices. FAHIESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. CAHHCTS. -I KEAT BARGAINS. A Large Assortment of all kinds et CARPETS Are still sold at lower rates than ever at the CARPET HALL. OK H. S. SHIRK, 202 WEST KING STUEET. Call and examine our steckand satisfy your self that we can show the largest asseitment of ISrusseK Three plies and Ingrains at all prices at the lowest Philadelphia prices. Alse en hand a large anil complete assortment et ItAG CAUPETS. satisfaction guaranteed both as te price and quality. Yeu arc invited tecall uuil sec my goods. Ne trouble in showing them, cven'if yen de net want te purchase. Don't lerget this notice : Yeu can save money here if you want te buy. Particular attention given te custom work. Alse en hand a full assortment of Counter panes. Oil Cleths and IJlankcts of every va rietv. mj-2$-tid&w "VTEW steiu: Philip Scimm, Seu & Ce. HAVE ON HAND Xes. 3S & 40 WEST KING ST., (Formerly II. Z. Kheads & IJre.'s,) a line selection et the Well-known, Gen nine LANCASTER QUILTS, Woolen and Half Woolen COVERLETS. CaUPETS, Carpet Chain, Y'arns of all kinds, a complete line el Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Notions. &c. Scouring and Dyeing promptly attended te. In order te accommodate the public we have located our Ceal Olllce at the above place. PHILIP SCIIUM, SON & CO., eSl-Smd&w 33 & 40 West King St., Lancastei CVVVATIOXAL. riniK ACADEMY CONNECTED "WITH I Franklin and Marshall College offers su Serier advantages te young men and boys who esire either te prepare forcellege or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send ter circulars. Address KEV. JAMES CUAWFOUD, ectll-lyd Lancaster, Pa. Greatly Mncufl Prices Lancaster Intelligencer. MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 5, 1880, Gov. Garcelon Answered. Decisions that Sustain In Tart the Action of the Council. The following is the full official text of the unanimous opinions of the supreme ju dicial court, finished and signed, in answer te the questions submitted by Gov. Garce lon : The undersigned, justices of the supreme judicial court, have the honor te submit the following answers te the questions proposed : Question 1 When the governor and council decide that there is no return from a city en which representatives can be summoned te attend and take their seats in the Legislatuie, is it their duty te order a new election, or is it competent for the Heuse of Representatives, if it shall ap pear that there was an election of such representatives in fact, te admit them te seats, though no return thereof was made and delivered into the office of the secre tary of state ? Answer Ne authority is given te the governor and council, when there is no re turn, te order a new election. When the seat of a representative has been vacated by death, resignation, or otherwise, pro pre vision is made by R. S., c. 4 (sees. 38, 44, 47) for the filling of existing vacancies. By these previsions, whenever municipal officers therein mentioned by any means have knowledge of the death if a repre sentative elect, or of a vacancy caused in any ether way, it is their duty te order a new election. If it appears te the Heuse of Representatives that there was an elec tion of representatives in fact, they should admit them te their seats, though no re turn thereof was made te the secretary of state." A representative is net te be de prived of his rights because municipal officers have neglected their duty. Question 2 Is it competent for the gov ernor and council te allow substitution of ether evidence in place of "the returned copies of such lists" as are provided for in article 4, part 1, section 5 of the consti tution, te enable them te determine what persons "appear te be elected represen tatives te the Legislature by a plurality of all the votes returned V Answer This refers te the substitution authorized by the act of '77, c. 212. The constitution calls for a return which is reg ular in essential forms, and which truly represents the facts te be described by it, but much of the constitutional require ment is directory merely. It does net aim at depriving the people of their right of suffrage, of ncir right of representation, for formal vrrers, but aims at avoiding such a result. Where the constitutional requirement has net been fully, or has been defectively, executed by the town officers, it is in aid of the constitutional prevision te supply the emission or deficiency as nearly as may be. Such is the purpose of the statute. It is competent for the governor and the council te allow an erroneous re turn, or one that is informal or defec tive, te be aided and corrected by an at tested copy of lecerd, as by statute pro vided. The object of the constitutional previsions respecting elections is te furn ish as many safeguards as may be against a failure, either through fraud or mistake, correctly te ascertain and declare the will of the people as expressed in the choice of their officers and leg islators. Hence the requirement that net only shall returns be made en the spot in an open town meeting, but a receid of the vote shall be made at the same time and authenticated in like man ner. If by accident or wilful neglect there is an error or emission in the return, what can be safer than te refer te the du plicate statement by the record te correct it? This the statute of 1877 (c. 212) allows te be done ; and while the language is permissive, it falls within the well known legal rule that, when public rights are concerned, it shall be construed man datory. A command clothed in the lan guage of courtesy is se clothed because it could net be doubted that high and hon orable officials would unhesitatingly avail themselves of all legal means te declare the lesult of an election according te the actual fact, in obedience te the fundamental principles of popular government. The governor and council are bound by the statute. It is mandatory upon them ; it im poses a duty te the public that must be performed. Whether the act referred te contravenes the constitution in allowing oral evidence te be received te show the intention of the voters in casting their votes is another part of the statute, which we are net new called upon te consider. If unconstitutional in the latter respect, that would net affect the constitutionality of the ether separate and independent pro pre vision. Question 9. Is a return, signed by less than a majority of the selectmen of a town or the aldermen of a city, valid within the requirements of the same section ? Answer. Te this question wc answer that, while a town may legally elect as many as seven selectmen, a well-known practice is te elect only three, and in such cases a return, te be valid, must be signed by a majority of them, because by no possibility can a less number constitute a legal quorum. But the rule is otherwise with respect te the aldermen of cities. Most of our cities arc required, by law, te have as many as seven aldermen, and none of them, we believe, has less than five. Te constitute a quorum it is only necessary te have a majority of the whole present, and when such a quorum is present a majority of the quorum may de business. Supposing the number te be seven, four would constitute a legdl quo rum, and three, being a majority of that quorum, could legally act, although a fourth should refuse te join them, or should oppose their action. Consequently, if a return from a city having five or seven alderman, is signed by three of them, it may be a valid and legal return, because only four may have been present, and in such a case three (being a majority of these present) could legally act, fourth should oppose and refuse te join them. although the their action When such a return is laid before the governor and council, they cannot knew, and they have no right te assume, that the return is net valid. It is the duty of aldermen te be in session and examine ward returns, com pare and declare votes, and the duty of the clerk te make a record thereof. Frem that record,a certified copy of which is returned, the law presumes that a quorum of alder men was present. The law with respect te a quorum and majorities is correctly stated in 5 Dane's Abridgement, 150, and 1 Dillen's Municipal Corporations, sections 21G and 217. In the latter work it is said that bodies composed of a definite number act by the majorities of these piesent, provided these present con stitute a majority of the whole number ; or, te use Mr. Dane's illustration, if a body consists of twelve councilmen, seven is the least number that can consti tute a valid meeting, though four of seven may act ; and se far as we are aware, the law is se stated in suestance by all ancient and modern authorities. The rule applicable te such case is similar te that which applies te our Heuse of Re-1 presentatives. The whole number of Re presentatives established by law is 131. A majority, that is, 7G members, constitutes a quorum te de business. If there is ac tually that number present, and a majeri ty of them that is thirty-nine members vote in the affirmative, a valid law can thereby be enacted, or ether business transacted. If less than seventy-six mem bers are present then no business can be done except te adjourn or cemj el the at tendence of absent members. This is a familiar law, and illustrates a principle applicable te alderman of cities, and shows hew and why a return signed by less than a majority of the whole number may be and se far as the governor and council are concerned is conclusively presumed te be valid. They have no right te go behind the return. Question 4 Is a return by aldermen of a city which docs net give the number of votes cast for each person voted for as a member of the Legislature, and does net show what persons were voted for as such members in any one of the several wards of such city, a valid return within the re quirements of the same section '? Answer We are net sure that we com prehend the full scope of this question. Our answer will meet all of its supposed purposes. It is immaterial whether the alderman returned te the governor and council the detailed vote of each ward sepa rately, or whether they returned the re sult of all votes of all of the wards for each candidate. Either mode is a satisfactory way of reaching the same result. Sub stance only is sought for in such matters ; nor is it a material matter that, instead of returning all the names of the persons voted for, there is a return of votes as scattering ; provided that, however such votes may be added or subtracted, the same candidate or set of candidates appear te be chosen by a plurality of the votes thrown. The governor and council can not officially knew, nor have they the right te ascertain, that the votes returned as scattering were net actual ballets, with the we ill " Scattering" written thereon ; nor is the election of the candidates te be chosen by a plurality of votes te be defeat ed because the whole number of votes or ballets may be stated erroneously or net stated at all. The constitution contains no such requirement, and the statutory prevision requiring it is entirely unimper tant and inapplicable te cases where a plur ality of votes elect. It is a well settled rule of construction that where the general terms of a statute embrace several subjects but are found te be particularly applicable te some of the subjects and net te ethers, it is te be construed as embracing these subjects only te which it is particularly ap plicable. Question 3 Arc leturns from towns or cities which arc net attested by the town or city clerk valid within the same sec tion. Answer Returns from towns and cities which arc net attested by town, plantation or city clerk are net valid. The attesta tion of the clerk is a prc-requisite te any action of the governor and council in count ing the votes (08 Maine, 38S). If, how ever, the clerk should be absent, a clerk pre tempere may be chosen, or a deputy clerk may be appointed under the statute of 1877 c. 17 and amendment thereof. By the act of 1874 c. 139, the returns of such clerk pre tempore or deputy clerk are te have the same force and effect as if signed by the clerk. Question G Have the governor and council a right te reject the returns of the election of members of the Legislature re quired by the same section from the offi cers of towns which were net made, signed and sealed up in an open town meeting ? Answer The governor and council must act upon the returns forwarded te the secretary of state. If they purport te be made, signed, and scaled up in an open plantation or town meeting they constitute the basis of action of the canvassing beard. Ne prevision is found in the constitution or in any statute of this state by virtue of which they would be authorized te receive evidence te negative facts therein set forth. They, therefore, have no such power. The statement of the municipal officers is in that respect conclusive. Question 7 Is the return of two persons purporting te be selectmen of a town valid and sufficient evidence of the vote of the town when it appears that there were at the time of the meeting at which the election was had but two selectmen of that town ? Answer When a majority of selectmen are absent from a meeting for election pur poses, or, being present, neglect or refuse te act as such and te de all duties required of them, the voters at such meeting may cheese se many selectmen pre tempore as are necessary te complete the number competent te de the duties. R. S., c. 4, section 20. In case of the death or removal of all the selectmen, two would be suffi cient and competent te act. The inquiry is. if the return would be valid where there should be but two selectmen " at the time of the meeting at which the election was had." If the ether selectmen had deceased prier te the meeting, the survivors might act and their action would be legal. But the canvassing beard arc te be governed by the returns. Evidence would net be admissible te prove the fact that there were but two selectmen of the town. The governor and council cannot officially knew that there arc only two. Question 8 Can a person who is net a citizen of the United States at the time be legally elected a selectman of a town '? Answer A person net a citizen may be elected or constituted a selectmen, no that his official acts bind the town, and are valid, se far as affects the public. Such an one would be an officer de facto, and be clothed with apparent right. His acts would bind the town (Dane vs. Derby. 54 Maine, 93). An officer dc facto is one who comes into office by color of a legal appoint ment or election. His acts in that capa city are as valid, se far as the public are concerned, as the acts of an officer dejitre. His title cannot be inquired into collater ally. (The people agt. Cook, IV. Selden, 89.) The precise definition of an officer de facto, observes Bigclew, C. J., in the case of the Fitchburg railroad company agt. the Grand Junction and Depot com pany (1 Allen, 537), is one who comes in by forms of law and acts under a com mission or election apparently valid ; but in consequence of some illegality, inca pacity, or, want of qualification, is incapable of holding the office. Indeed, there is an entire unanimity of opinion en the subject in all states of the union where this ques tion has arisen, as well as in the courts of the United States ; but the fact of alien age is net allowed te be proved. This was determined in the Frenchvillc case Gi Maine, 389 when it was shown that the clerk was an alien, who could neither read nor write the English language, and where almost every conceivable irregulari ty existed. Yet, evidence outside of the returns was held inadmissible ; nor would such fact have an effect if it appeared in and by the return itself. Question 9. If a ballet lias a dis tinguishing mark, in the judgment of the governor and council, such as would make it illegal under the statutes, have they au thority te disregard it in their ascertain ment of what persons appear te be elected, where it appears by official returns of the officers of the town that such vote was re- ceived by the selectmen, subject te their objection and its legality referred te the governor and council for decision ? Ans. The presiding officers are te deter mine whether the ballet offered has a dis tinguishing mark or figure, se that the rejected voter may procure a ballet if he cheeses, te which no exception can be taken, but if ballets have distinguishing marks or figures it is no part of the duty of officers of towns te make any report in reference thereto. They should reject the ballet if offered, when it is within the pro hibition of the statute. The statute pro hibits the rejection of the ballet "after it is received into the ballet-box.' It is then te be counted. The governor and council have nothing te de with the ques tion. Their duty is te count the votes re gardless of the fact improperly set forth in returns. They are nowhere constituted a tribunal with judiciary authority te deter mine what shall constitute a distinguish ing mark or figure. Ner can they legally refuse te open and count the votes re turned. 54 Maine, 602. When the ballet has been once received in the Ballet-box neither selectmen nor governor and ceun cil can refuse te count it. Question 10 If names of persons appear in a return without any number of votes being stated or carried out against them either in words or figures, is it the duty of the governor and council te treat these persons as having the same number of votes as another person received for the same office and whose name is placed first en the return, if they find dots under the figures or words set against such ether person's name '.' Answer If the ditto marks or dots are placed under the figures or words of the first candidate's vete the return should be counted where it appears by letters or figures in the first line and by ditto marks in the following lines. That the same class of candidates received the same votes there can be no ground for rejection. The word ditto and its abbreviation te "de." and the dots or marks that stand for the word, are of com mon use and have a perfectly well-defined meaning, known te persons generally, that the meaning should net be disregarded. We answer the question iu the affirmative. Question 11. Have the governor and council the Ieiral right te decide what kind of evidence they will receive and what mode of proceeding before them there shall be te enable them te determine the genuineness of returns required by the ar ticle and section of the constitution above mentioned ? Answer We assume that the gen uineness of the return referred te re relates te either the signatures of officers signing, or te alterations of the return. The governor and council have no power te reject returns en either ground unless an objection in writing is presented te them, setting forth that signatures of such officers, or some of them.Jarc net genuine, or that the return had been altered after it was signed. Then notice thereof should be given te all persons interested, and when adjudicated upenfacts. The governor and council should be governed iu the ad mission of evidence by established rules of evidence in accordance with the law of this state. The witnesses should be duly sworn, that they may be punishable for the crime of perjury if they wilfully and cor ruptly testify falsely. The governor and council have no right te reject returns for such cause without giving the parties in terested therein a fair opportunity te be heard. The genuineness of a return in these particulars is te be presumed, and that presumption remains until overcome by evidence produced, as before said. Question 12. If the governor and coun cil have before them two lists of votes re turned from the same town, dilfering materially from each ether in the number of votes returned as cast for the same per sons, but identical in all ether respects, both having been duly received at the secrctary'sj office, and they have no evi dence te enable them te determine which is true and genuine, arc they required te treat either of them as valid '.' Ans. When two lists of votes are'return cd te the office of the secretary of state by the elerk of any city, town or plantation, and both are duly ccitificd, the return first received at the office of the secretary ,must be the basis of the action of the. governor and council. If defective, or net a true copy of the record, it can be corrected or the defects supplied only in accordance with the previsions of the statute relating thereto. WALL l'Al'CHS, Jtc. WE AKE rilEI'ARED TO MAKE ALL KINDS OF WINDOW CORNICES In the best manner and Lew Prices. Gimp Bands, Curtain Leeps, Heeks, &c. FULL STOCK OV WALL. PAPEK, Seme very Choice New Patterns, WINDOW SHADES, FRINGES, FIXTURES, &c. Measures of Windows taken up promptly. Call and see. anil shades put PHARES W. FRY, C3 North (jueen Street. revxvens axv mavulxists. T ANCASTEK BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, Opposite tub Locomotive Works. The subscriber continues te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twiers, Bellew Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and Blacksmithing generally. S-Jobbing promptly attended te. uuglS-lyd JOHN BEST. HOHCS, HLAXKCTS, CC. OICN OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES ! ROBES ! ! BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! ! I have new en hand the Largest, Best and Cheapest Assortment of Lined anil Unllned BUFFALO BOBES in the city. Alse LAP AND HOUSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. O-ltcpairing neatly and promptly denc."a A. MILEY, 108 Xerth Queen St., Cnntaster. e25-lyd MW4S43mw rpRY LOCUEU'S COUGH SYKUP. MEVICAL. HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EBS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EBS HOP BIT EBS HOP HOP BIT BIT EBS EBS HOP T)KOVERKS. HOP BIT J. BIT " EKS "Fer sinkinsr spells tits, dizzi- EKS ness. rmlnitatien and low snlrlr.s. - nur reivoniien miters. nep BIT BIT ' Bead et. procure ami use Hep EKS Bitters, and you will be strong. EKS ueannv anu nappy." "Ladies, de you want te be HOP BIT EBS HOP strong, healthy and beuutitul? Then use Hen Bitters. BIT EKS " The great est appetizer,stomach, HOP bleed and liver regulator Hep nep. jsh .Miners." BIT EBS HOP BIT EKS "Clenrvmen. Lawvers. Editor. EKS HOP Banker and Ladles need Hep Bit ters tiauy." 'Hep Bitters has restored te se BIT EKS briety and health, perfect wrecks from intemneninee. " HOP '"rem intemperance.'1 HOP BIT "sourstemach.sick headachcand BIT EKS nep BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EBS HOP BIT EBS dizziness Hep Bitters cures with a lew doses." HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT "STiO will be paid for a ca-e that Hep Hitters will net cnreerhelp." "Hep Bl iters builds up, strength ens and cures continually from the llrst dose." "Kidnevnnil ITriimrvreiimliilnt EKS of all kinds permanently cured by Hep Bitters' nor BIT EKS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EBS HOP BIT EKS Hep Cough Cure is the sweetest, safest and best. Ask children. The Hep Pad for Stomach, Liver and Kidnevs is Superior te all ethers. Ask Druggists. EBS D. I. C. is an absolute and Irre sistible cure for drunkenness use hop of opium, tobacco and narcotics. HIT All above sold by druggists. Hep EKS Bitters Manufacturing Ce. Boches Beches ter. N. Y. HOP Send for Circular. BIT 5 dlMydeed&w EKS HOP BIT EBS HOP BIT EBS HOP BIT EKS HOP BIT EBS HOP BIT EBS HOP HOP BIT BIT EKS EKS KW KAY KAY KAY KAY KAY KAY KAY KAY KAY mm wt! K-W IC-W KAY KAY KAY THE ONLY MEDICINE K-W rpjj Actg at tne same Tlme en KAV KAY m, ,. -,, K-W The LIVER, K-W K-W The BOWELS, KAy And the KIDNEYS, k-w K-W K-W K-W Tili'.ii rrnt rt.imanrtlw. Vntlll-Jll lV- "" iiirt-..ll luHilth will in. ii..rfi.(.t r U Iv-W perfect : KAY they become 'i clogged, dreadful dis- .. . e te lollew with lv" ea-es are sure 1 K-W TERRIBLE SUFFERING. K-W K-W K-W Biliousness, Headache, Dyspepsia, K-W Jaundice. Constipation and Piles, or. KiducyCemplaiuts.(iravcl,IHabctcs, K-W Sediment in the Trine, Mllkv erx.w Beny Urine ; or Kheumatie Pains KAY l,, Aches, are developed because K-W the bleed is poisoned with the hu-K-Wll,ers that .should have been ex-K-W polled naturally. K-W K-W KIDNEY WOET K-W K-AV K-W will restore the natural action and K-W all these destroying evils will be K-W banished neglect them and you will K-W live but te sutler. Thousands have KAY been cured. Try it and you will K-W add one mere te the number. Take K-W it-and health will once mere gladden K-W your heart. K-W Why sutler longer from the ter-K-W ment of an aching heart? Why bear K-W Mich distress lrem Constipation and K-W Piles? Why be se feartul because K-W of Disordered Urine? Kidney Wert K-W will cure you. Tryupackagoatenee K-W and 1m: satistied. K-W It is a dry vegetable compound, K-W and one package makes six quarts K-W of medicine. Your druggist has it, K-W or will get it for you. Insist upon K-W having it. Price $1.00 K-W Wklls, & Ce., Preps., K-W BUKLIMITON, Vt. K.W (Will .send pest paid.) julj-lyd&w K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W T1XWAHV, AC' "VTEW PAKTNL'KSIIIP. Shcrtzer, Huinphreville & Kieftcr, (the latter employed by Jacob Gable as practi cal plumber ler a dozen years past), having lermed a ce-pnrtincrship and purchn-cd the entire stock, li.xturcs and geed will of JACOB GABLE in the GAS FITTIXG AXD PLUMItlXU BUSI NESS, would respectfully announce te a hitherto generous public that they are new prepared te attend, in addition te their JIOUSEFURXISIIIXG AXD TIXSMITIl- IXU, GAS FITTIXG AND VIAJMH- ING IN KVICliY FORM. Call anil examine stock and ascertain prices belere going eKcwhere. Satisfaction guanin teed. ELI SHEKTZER. TIIOS. HUMPHKEVILLE, d20-lmd 1VJ1. A. KIEFEFK. Having sold the entire stock, fixtures untl untl untl goed will of my Gas Fitting and Plumbing Es tablishment, at Ne. 'J East King street, te Messrs. Shertier, Hnmphreville & Kiefl'er (the latter of whom was my practical plumberfera dozen years or mere), I take this opportunity of recommending them te the public as de serving of patronage, and also of thanking the public for their generosity te me in the pastas well as asking a continuance of the same for the new linn. JACOB GABLE. dcc20-lydj UHOVCHICS. XT7IIOLESALK AD KETAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUR Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. di7-lyd 1879 GRAND RUSH TO-MORROW 1879 (SEE SMALL BALLS). Great Preparations, plenty of Help. Christmas Groceries. ntUITS : White Grapes, Flerida and Va lencia Oranges. Lcmens,Banauas, Apples, Fine Baisins, Figs, Prunes, Prunelles, Dates, etc. NUTS : Paper-shell Almonds, Sett-shell Al monds, Cream Nuts Filberts, Dutchnuts, Pe can Nuts, Peanuts, Chestnuts. Shellbarks, etc. CONFECTIONS: Pinafore Mixtures, made by S. F. Whitman & Sen, feril cents 1 8. ; geed pure Candy Mixtures, 30 cents, Cream Choco lates, Cream Ben Bens, Beast Almonds, Fruit and Nut Candies, etc. CANNEIJ FKCITS AN1 VEGETABLES: Peaches, Pears, Pine Apples, Green Gages, Apricots, Nectarines, Egg Plums, Green Cern, Green Peas, etc. 1JAKING 3IATEKIALS: Baking Butter, Baking Molasses, VI cents fl quart. New Or leans 15 cents. lTJICE FKESII e;t()U.M) SPICES: Bese Waters, Flavoring Extracts, etc.. etc., etc. SPECIAL: We are selling Lamps, Toilet Sets, Smoking Sets, Parian Figures, Glass Sets, and many ether articles very cheap. D. S. BURSK, - 17 East Kins Street. Q VCENS WARE. 1M1K EMPORIUM FOR . and New Styles of FINE, USEFUL HOLIDAY PRESENTS IS AT THE CITY PHARMACY, S. E. Cor. X. Queen and Orange Streets. N. B. Please call and examine. TAKCUS G. 8EHNEK, HOUSE CARPENTER, Ne-120 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paid te al teratien and repairs. 13-lyd -i-1 - --rl - ' -'3 'rfi3 - "-! vl -- ' 2M ...--5l 1 M 1 hi l,1 -a -4 i ti : 71 4 :t ' y -4 J ': 1 11 --fl a -II ' a -a . . j - "V ' -I ? . al -r rSf hjr - .-rfctt.r.-y.O -;