.V '''. -"! '- ' "' - - '- . - t AxreA'cnni?i-rkAirvi'lnT7TTiii?iCft. fi'A.TrreiVAV taxttta-eit o'eoii stilt. L ANClSTER'BAlLY flnaGJKCiR, SATURDAY. JAJftJARY 1880. tt,rfi .'CI 2 Lecal SetaUtnanU en a Third Term. The New Era recalls the fact that at the Republican state convention, held at Harrisburg, August 19, 1874, a resolution endorsing the third term principle and pledging Pennsylvania te Gen. Grant, in the event of his candidacy, was voted down with loud bheuts of disapproval, and that the late Mr. Dickey, of this county, made an earnest speech against the third term in which he said : I don't believe that he Giant has such an aspiration ; but if he has, then it is time for the great Republican party te say, one an all, that they will stand by the precedent of Washington and the fathers of the republic a prccceent that has be come the common law of the nation. Ne responsible party of men of any class, of any political complexion in this bread land for a moment dreams of a necessity of having anybody violate that precedent of the fathers. In the state convention et lbiG, held in Lancaster, Harry Huhn introduced an anti-third term resolution and the conven tion, including a number of the present state cemmitcc, resolved with singular enthusiasm and unanimity : That we decline a firm and unqualified adherence te the unwritten- law of the " republic, which wisely and under the sanction of the most venerable examples, limits the presidential service of any citi zen te two terms ; and we, the Republi cans of Pennsylvania, in recognition of this law, are unalterably opposed te the election te the presidency of any person for a third term. It will be seen that this plank was net only strong and 'unqualified" in its terms but it expressed what was declared te be the "unalterable" opposition of the Penn sylvania Republicans. Xcvcitheless we liave seen the very men who passed that resolution or allowed it te be passed re versing themselves, and we have little con fidence that the position then assumed will be maintained even by these who still profess te adhere te it. The J're.ti. edited by Blaine's closest friend in this .state, shows jjreat weakness en the ques tion ; the Inquirer here, which used te be reliably anti-Cameren, is quite ready te drop en the ether side of the fence, and ex perience has proven hew uncertain even the Era is, when it comes te the pinch. We may yet see it after its "unalterable" opposition and give its " unqualified" sup port te a third term. Pretty Furniture. This morning we were shown a very hand" some set of parlor furniture, which was manu factured at the shop et Walter A. Helnitsh, ou East King street. It Is made of beautifully carved walnut, with French veneer, and is upholstered in handsome raw silk, of a fine quality. The upholstering was done by Mr. Heinitsh himself. The set consists of a patent rocker, four wall chairs, an arm chair and a sela. It is already Feld, as is another one like it yet te be made. At the same shop we also noticed two pretty chairs, upholstered in bre-catclli-. JSY OOObH. JAMA1T, 1880. JAMAB.Y, 1880. SPECIAL NOTICE. Removal. After tlii.-) date the undersigned will occupy the new Tobacco Warehouse, Ne. 2X5 North Shlppcn street, adjoining the Pennsylvania Railroad, removing from Ne. 8 East Chestnut street. The general business el " Packer, Com mission Merchant and Wholesale Healer in Leaf Tobacco' will be continued. A. TELLER, dec-m-etd lewcaster. Pa., Dec. 3;, 1S79. AS THIS IS .OUR USUAL TIME OF TAKING ACCOUNT OF STOCK AND IN ORDER TO REDUCE THE SAME WE SHALL OFFER MANY TIIED EDITION. SATURDAY EVENING, JAN. 3, 1880. ONE MILLION DOLLARS.- Stupenalea of a California w'Vt . !-.--. jt: . jmi Amusements. Uncle Tem's Cabin.'1 Rial and Draper's company, which arrived here this morning, appear ;in Hie opera house this ifternoen ar.d evening, in the play of" Uncle Tem's Cabin." They have an ugly, fierce-looking Siberian bloodhound with them, which Is introduced in the play. He was led tin eugh the streets this morning and attracted a great deal of at tention. The Hurri-burg Independent say. that the troupe gave the play in tliat city en Thursday evening te a large house, and their rendition of it was very geed. Kate Clarien On Monday evening w e are te have that popular little sctres-, Miss Kate Claxton, lieie in her new pl-iv. She comes di- roetfiem Washington, where she is new play ing, bringing with her new .scenery, costume, Ace., besides a huge company, including old favorites. In the third act or the play a live baby is intieduced. Variety Kntertuhiiuent. Jehn D.Mishler has brought a number of companies here this sea son, and almost every one was lii-st-clas, of its kind. The variety troune el Watsen. Ellis ami Kernells is no exception, and our citi zens ill net b-able te witness as geed a. show ter some time te come at such low prices. They en Tuesday ceiling. Bargains in Every Department. 'We specially invite examination. GIVLEE, BCTWEKS & HTJEST, DRY GOODS, NOTION AND CAEPET HOUSE, 25 EAST KING STREET. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Jan. 3. Fer the lower lake region and Middle Atlantic states, rising followed by falling barometer, cooler northeast veering te warmer south erly winds, with cloudy weather and rain or snow, except possibly easterly winds in the latter. San Fbatcisce, Jan. 3. The CapiUfv- sayings bank at Sacremente closed iUr? doers yesterday. It is believed the se-: c pension will involve a-less of ft 1. 000 nm - y - T7-w,--w. JTAEKXTS. -- y. - .sl . - ztz: z J, lew lern .Market. r - New Yerk, Jan. 3.-Fleur State and Westara . tl "A. -J1"" ," euyers iaver; XEtV AltmitTISEXEXTS. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN TUB HEsT COMPANlESat BAUSMAN & BURNS'. 29-tlcedi: Office : Xe. 10 West Orange St. GRAND SET OUT ! GRAND SET OUT ! ! This evening, at the TREMONT riOUSE. ISO Xerth Queen street. Keiker's celebrated beer en tap. Come one. come till. It JOHN SCHOENBERGER, Prep'r. XEir AD rEltTISEJZEXTS. FEET LUNCH, SERIOUS RUNAWAY l.illle ;irl Scicrely Injured. This meiiiing about hail past eleven o'clock, a team of horses belonging te a countryman, was being driven along West Lemen .stiecf. When near Charlette .street the animals frightened and stai ted te run. At the time a little girl named Lama CSreB-s, between 11 and 12 years of age, was crossing Lemen -street, and the horses mn against hcr.knecking her down. She was trampled by the animals and was dragged for some distance. She was quickly picked up and was taken te the house of Win. Kahl, en West James street, where she resides. Dr. Yeaglcy was sent for and he attended her injuries. She was found te be terribly bruised about the body and head, J although no bones are broken. The physician says her in juries are net serious, but without proper attention she might be a cripple for life. Hew the girl escaped being killed is a mystery, as persons who witnessed the ac cident were positive that .she had been trampled te death. Nkw Advertisements. Bargains at Givler, Bewers A llur-t Watches and Clocks at Bewman V Ceal ut Ku-cl & Shiiltuycr's. Wat Hies, Ac., at A. Rhe.ids's. See Hager' s Advertisement. Suitings, Ac, ut Sinaliug's. Mi'wiiH Heuse Restaurant, rranke's Winter G.udt-n. Lunch at Old s-eheney's. rurnituic at IIHiiitsh'.-,. Five Hollars liew.trd. Removal efOllIce. (jauku aicAirr and pics O This evening at the -M.VXOl. HOTEL, WEST KING STUEET. ltd W'M. REHM, l'rep'r. I ELECTION. j The annual meeting of the Stockholders et the Tanners' Northern Market Company will be held at the office in the Market Heuse, en MONDAY. JANUARY 12, 18S0, between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock p. in., at which time an election ler nine Directors will take place. JOSEPH SAMSON. janS&lO-Std Secretary. S' TEVENS HOUSE REST AUK ANT. The undcrsi-rned has tiiken charirc of the Stevens Heuse IJestaurant and will always be prepared te furnish meals at all hours. Oys ters and game in season, etc. Particular atten tion paid te cooking steamed oysters, and the only place in town where you can get their, ltd II COPLAND. Lunch at Itehm's. (Je te China Hall. Dividend Netice. Election Netice, lteligieus. CSTFer further column. details see advertisinj; What a 1'ily that the ntherui-iu beautilitl girl should have sueh bad teeth. Ami all because she did net use .-O.ODONT. It ces's .se little te buy it eeiisidciing thegoed it de.-s, and its benefits stretch out into her luture "iilc. Peer girl.' DIVIDEND NOTICE. The president and managers of the Lan caster and Susquehanna turnpike reud have declared a dividend of three anil ene-tweltth per cent, en the capital stock of the company, payable en demii ml at the office el the treas urer. W. P. BKINTON, Treasurer. j:in'J-3td as Seuth Queen street. 1880. COTTONS AND LINENS ! COTTONS AND LINENS ! HAGER & BROTHER Are offering at less than present value Large Lines of BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED SHEETINGS, TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS, LINEN TOWELS AND TOWELIXGS, TURKEY BED DAMASKS. MAR3AIL-TY33 AND CRDaHST QUILTS, BLANKETS, TICKINGS, CHECKS, PRINTS AND GINGHAMS, MURDER AND ARSON. The Deuble Crime Confessed by William Cray. Montreal, Jan. 3. Regarding the re pert of List Friday of a man named Mul ligan being burned te death in his shanty near Sherbrooke, a warrant was issued en Tuesday te have the house of William Gray searched. Several articles of Mulli gan's were found there. Gray, who is an American, was at once apprehended. The coroner's jury returned a verdict that Themas Mulligan was murdered, that William Gray was the principal or one of the principals in committing the deed, and that Mrs. Gray was an accessory after the fact. "Beth prisoners were removed te Sherbrooke jail. Later advices from Sherbrooke saj that Gray has confessed. supcrnne state ;y,. "w ; cru no u uj( 35 ? choice de JG SUA. . i.MH-iP 40,-5'5 -75; round hoop Onte VJ u JUge ,5; choice de ft; rinti7 7S. amUin. i . . Western 5 70(i:cnmmrkii tnmmi1aMi .i.iri eeO; choice de de W 3S3 30; choice whlt wheat de a 507; Southern quiet S. heavy; comineii te fair extra Sd i336 88 88 geed te choice de J OOkJS 50. -' 1,S',ea,"luIl;,,.ri,?SMenilual: Ne. 1 White ?Ac levcer ; r eb. by cental $2 Xt ; Ne. 2 Red Jan. $1 o7:de red Feb. $lt. Cern JiK lower and dull; Mixed Western spot liKic ; de luture 6061c - - Oats steady ; state 50X$c ; Western 50332Jc rblladelpliU Market. H-.i V4 n f-. V-r. 't't PuiLADELruiA, January 3.-Fleur .-quiet ; '4 superllne 50g5 tx); extra J 50gti 00; J Ohie and Indiana family 7307 25; Pcna'a -H tamily $6 7HJ7 25 ; St. LeuLs fumUy iTSQj 73 ; -fi Minnesota Kamilv : 7.VB7 -n . V...L"' .. J - "1 0 1 THK TRANSVAAL. and etheri c 10- I,ARTNERSHII. Mauietta. Pa.. Dee. 13. 171). We the undcrst-ined have enteied into D.irt- ncrship for maiiuiacturingeigai,and dealing in tobacco, under the name and style of Ben nett & Haldeman. A. BENNETT, ICTOU M. HALDEMAN. dcc20,27&jan3 The above geed were purchased several months since in anticipation of an advance and rill be sold while they hut at low prices. We invite the special attention of housekeepers - HAGER & BRO. n LANCASTER AH S!i(l L MK Sir Carnet TVelselev Says the Condition of Things Huh Heuu Greatly Exaggerated. Londen-, Jan. 3. A despatch dated Cape Town, Dec. 1G, te the Times, says : ' Sir Garnet Wolseley has telegraphed te Sir liartle Frerc, governor of the Cape of Geed Hepe, net te believe the alarming reports from the Transvaal. He says that there was a great want of unanimity among the Beers at their recent meeting at which a resolution was adopted in favor of main taining the demand for the independence of the Transvaal. hisih irrades Sii.. Bye flour unchanged. Cemmeal Brandy wine unchanged. i wat ""J nd steady ; Ne. 3 Western Bed. 1 5riy, ; Peim'a red $1 M,' ; Amber 1 52). - mixed S. m? tettnMr30e.- J"-' iVtU '3L.!Vet,lUiI flnn; Southern and Penn'a m'xetii8WCStCrU 1"'U0 4C: We-lera- Bye dull anil lower ; Western JBc ; Pa. 08c.. Irovisieu dull; mtss perk U00 asked- hl'f h.'ltnu 1I l . In.1l .T.t T.. . . smoked shoulders JiasJic; salt de 5c; sineked hams lellc : nieklcd ham gy!un TIIK SICK LIST. 3-COX & CO.'S OLD STAND.-59 COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. ,si'j:ciaj, xeticj:s. Ne Mere Hard Times. 1 1' you step spending se much en due clothes, rich feed and style, buy geed, healthy feed, cheap and better clothing : get mere real and substantial things el" life every way, and especially step the toelish habit of employing expeusiw quack doctors or using se much of the He humbug medicine that does you only harm, but put your trust in that simple, pure remedy, Hep Bitters, that cures always, at a tiitlingcest, and jeu v. ill see geed times and have geed health. ec another column. jl-2vil Try Lecher's, Cough Syrup. J. F. Davis, el Portsmouth, Ohie, sold in one year fourteen thousand boxes et '.sellers' Liver Pills." Try them. TUSSKL ic suvuivti:, COAL DEALERS, Continue te receive and deliver the very best Ceal te their customers, and hope te leeelve a liberal share et their patronage. Orders lelt at tlieir eflice, 15 East King utreet, premptlv at tended te. ltd OuiJLic sai.i: L O On Tlll'BSDAY. JAN. 8. en the old Kurtz fum, one mile northeast of Lancaster city, one mile eastward of Litiz turnpike, one seven-year-old sorrel mate, eight cows, one buggy, several wagons, harness, anil a general assortment et farming implements. .sale te commence at 121 o'clock and terms made known by DATS'IEL KEG LEY, HCMtv biiuisiaiT, Auct. jan:!-2tdS.tT The tonic eii'cet of Kidney-Wert is produced by its cleanliness and puiifving action en the I 1.1... ..1 Ml. .1 :. .. li.. .i :. ... .,,,-,,, , ,..., tii "1""'. " "in- luciu i, a i;iii'llY lllM)sn in ...iiuvil....un.inu.iiu1iim .iiini, . .JUilil I !, uvi in. nrm Tobacco Sales. i lie follewin-' sales have been recently S. Itnhrcr has purchased 1'iem Henry jMyei.s 2 acres at 2-1, 10 and i ; Jeseph Mil ler 3 acres at 2-1, 10 and.; A. Laise H acres at 2:5, 10 and ; J. Diflcnbaeh fl acres at 25, 20 and .. Jlr. ratman lias purchased irem jlany can think of. Try Mayer 2 acres at "50, 13 and . : L. Uurk- ! and you will bedell; hart :! acres at 21, 10 and i ; P. Starr 2 acres at 21, 10and.; J. Scitz 1 acres at 2;), i) and 4 ; J. Welbcrt 2 acres at 22), 0 and 4 : I). Ib-own 2 acres at 24. 8 ami 4. Icy, ropy urine Irem disorder ed Kidnej-, it cures without tail. Constipation and Piles readily yield te itsi-athartieand heal heal peucr. Use Lechor's Hoi.e and Cattle Powders. Nauseous medicines sceuiall that the doctors 'Sellers' Cough Syrup," hted beyond measiiiv. Mr. Spingarn has bought from Isaac JJuch 15 acres at 21, 10 and .. Cuius kek Cornn eit Celd. As een :h theie is the slightest uiiea-iness of the Chest, with dilllciilty of breathing, or indic.itien of Cough, take during the day a few "llrewn's Jlrenchial Troches." d:a)-TTh'&w J. Seudcr has sold 1 acres at 2e, and ,i;.T. Laise 2 acres at 21, 8 and IJenj. Bear 2 acres at 20, 15 and 5. 10 4: s:iisnicss etcs. The fnm of Hheads & Reed having been dissolved, the old business has been con tinued at the old stand by Aug. Uheads, of the late firm. In the spring Mr. I.heads will remove te part of the room new occu pied by the New Yerk store. Messrs. Watt, Shand & Thompson having purchased the -"tirk building will then take possession of and occupy the rooms at present occupied by Stirk & Martin and the eflice of the new gas company. Will 15. Altick has been admitted te the . paitnerslsip of his father and brother, and henceforth this old and well-known linn will conduct business under the name of D. A. Altick & Sens. Au Omission. In printing the proceedings of the school beard yesterday we inadvertently emitted the name of E. J. Eiisman, one of the special committee who presented the long and interesting report relative te the erection of new school houses and the re organization of the school system. Mr. Erisman net only signed the report, but advocated its adoption in a speech of some length. Sensible Canadian. Mr. Uadbeis, of Brockville, Canada, alter be ing cm ed el a piestrating malari.il disease con cen t meted in Texas, by means of Warner's Sate Pills and Sate Bitters. rites te us : " I shall never travel in that climate without your Safe Pills aid Safe Bitters as part of my eutllt." jl-2d Pure Spices at Lecher's Drug Stere. Statistics prove that twenty-live per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities arc caused by consumption, and when we reflect that this terrible disease in IN worst stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's Beneuned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the sulleiers ler tlieir neg ligence, or pity ihem for their ignorance? Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. In Het Weather an immense number of "persons suffer fiem diseidcrcd Kidncyserderangcd Liver. Kidney Kidney Wert is the great het weather medicine. It is prcpaied without the use of liquors, and there lore it does net heat the system, but aids each organ te keep up a healthyand vigoreusaetion. Try Leeher'b Cough Syrup. JACOB B. LONG, -ST. E. CORNER CENTRE SQU.UiK, (Eshlemau & iiathven's Building), If you want te Buy, Sell, Kent or Exchange Property, Berrow or Lean Meney en Mortgage, or Insure Life or Property. Ohticb Houns : !l te : anil 7 te S. sl-tal-lstSd&llhWw NORBECK & MILEY, The Sea .en ter Sleighs at Hand. The Latest Styles and the Largest Assortment et SLEIGHS In the City or County of Lancaster, linely llnished and handsemelv ornamented. Handiwork. Our prices lower than anv ether establishment in the city ler the srnie quality of work. Alse, AH our own FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE WORK, Of all Designs and Description. Kemcmber WOKD." ALL WOBK UUA1.ANTEED. our Motte "OCK WOKK SUSTAINS OUK Kir AitrKiiTjsjsarjssTs T. ivpiHTfif Tins, "te lk:?i LNSUKI YOUR PK01'iiKTViNKKL?An'LE COMPANlESat BENJ. P. SHENEL'S, Office : 103 West King Street. dcclSslmdU -I A 31 VSEMIJXTS. OFFICE LANCASTI'U OASLIGHT AND Fuel Ceinpanv. FIVE DOLLAKS BEWAUD will be paid for iiilormatien that will lead te the an est and conviction of the person or persons that broke the gas lamp en North Prince street, beyond James. The above reward will be paid ter informa tion that will cause the arrest and conviction el anv person that mav break anv gas lamp in this city. .1. H. BAUMliAKDNEK, ltd Seeietary. WHOLESALE Wattes ai CIecks, 106 EAST KING ST. LANCASTER. PA. Icct'cipf k of Tobacco. Te-day iias been another field day among the tobacco dealers. Frem early morn until late in the afternoon quite a number of buyers have been busily engaged in re ceiving a part of their purchases. Leng lines of wagons heavily laden with the leaf were te be seen in front of the several warehouses awaiting their turn te unload. The draft en the banks in favor of growers was quite heavy. Tranftctlensat the Stock Yards. The following transactions at the Lan caster stock yards, Jas. Stewart proprie tor, aie reported for the year ending Dec. T.l : Receipts Number of cars, 1,473 ; cat tle, 20,545 ; horses, 2,1(54 ; sheep, 7,J):7 ; hogs, 0,701. Shipments Number of cars. 350 ; cattle, 3,823 ; horses, fill ; sheep, 2,924 ; cows, 532. (ienc te Flerida. Christian Z. Miley, son of Ames Milcy, started for Flerida a few days age, where it is his intention te spend a few weeks in hunting. Unless the alligators should catch him, wc expect te hear a geed ac count of his exploits. His Condition. L. Q. Landram, who had his skull frac tured by being kicked by a horse, as no ticed in the Intellieencek yesterday, is yet lying in a semi-conscious condition, and it cannot be told as yet whether his injuries will or will wet terminate fatally. A Mether's Oriel. The pride of a mother, the life and joy of a home, aie her children, hence her grief when sickness enters and takes them away. Take warning then, that you are running a terrible risk, if they have a Cough, Croup or Whooping Cough, which lead te Consumption, if you de net attend te it at once. Shiloh's Consump tion Cure, is guaranteed te cure them. Price 10 cents, .-,e cents and $1. Fer lame Back, Side. or Cnest, use Mulnli s Pereus Plaster. Price. i cents, .sold bv I). Hcitshii, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Milieisville. The Best I i:cr Knew Cf. I. (. Stai key, a prominent and influential Citizen of Iowa City, savs: "I have had the Djspepsia, and Liver Complaint ler several years, and have Used every Ken.edy I could hear of, without any relici whatever, until I saw your Shiloh's X'italizer advertised in our paper, ami was persuaded te try it. 1 am happy te state that it has entirelv cured me. It is cer tainly the best Uemeilv I ever knew of." Pric- cents. Sold bv 1). lleitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis. Milieisville. Shiloh's Catarrh Kcmedy. A marvelous Cure ler Catarrh, Diphtheria Canker Meuth, and Head Ache. With each bottle there is an iiigeiiitfus nasal Injector ler the nieie successful treatment of tne coin plaint, without exti-a charge. Price .10 cents. Sold by D.Ileitshu, Lancaster, anil M. L. Davis, Millersville. s2i!-eodD&eewW 1 j:Tliit. Kevskk. At her residence. 214 West Chestnut street, Lancaster, Pa., in her 771 h year, Mrs. Catharine Kevscr. wife et Win. Ivcyser ami daughter of the late Daniel Fisher, "of Berks county. Friends et the family :re respectfully in vited te attend the funeral at &50 o'clock en Wednesday morning. Solemn high mass at St. Josephs Catholic church. Interment in St- Jeseph's cemetery. jan3-3td Berks county papers please copy. xj: w Ait ri:n tisejiexts. IT'KANKK'S WINTER SALOON. : Tip top Lunch and Excellent Beer. Come and try it. ltd EDDIE FBANKE. llliMOVAI.. XV The office et Chr. Bine, packer et and dealer in leaf tobacco, has been removed from Ne. ( East Orange street te his warehouse. Ne. .11 Market street. ltd F UK SALE. Heuse 223 N. Duke street, 13 rooms and ever' convenience. Let 2SJ.245 leet. Unex celled as te location. A Great Bargain. Ap ply te J. B. LONG, dl3-tfd N . E. Cor. Centre Square. 1IIINA, GLASS, yUEENSWAKE. HOUSEKEEPERS, Loek te your interest. BUY YOUR QUEENSWABE at CHINA HALL. THE LARGEST STOCK IN LANCASTER! Damaged Ware ! Damaged Ware ! Special attention given te IIOUSESTIBES. HIGH & MARTIN'S, Ne. 8 East King Street. 131RK PROOF SAFE FOR SALE. ? A File Proof Safe (Mesler, Bakman & Ce.. Cincinnati make). 34 Inches high, S w ide and 21 deep, weight 1,200 pound", with Sargent's Patent Night and Day Combination Leck, for sale cheap. Applv at the Jaii2-tld INTELLIGENCE!!. OFFICE. "HIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Beli able Companies. IIEUR & STAUFFEB. Beat Estate & Ins. Agts., 3 N. Duke St. dcc30-3mdBced rpeRACCO FOR SALE. One hundred acres of prime Pennsylvania Seed Leal Tobacco for sale. Apply te 15. F. KOIILEB. Shrewsbury. Yerk county. Pa. jan 1-lwcedB "POULTRY SHOW. L 0 CHER ' S B UIL D IN G (Centre Square). Open Daily irem 9 a. m. te 10 p. in. Market morning irem 7 a. in. CHICKENS HATCHED DAILY. Admission, 1.1 cents. Children, 10 cents, janl-lwd 1879, 1880 1880 1880 1880 JAN. 3. JAN. 3. JAN. 3. JAN. 3. Opening this day of an Elegant New Stock of QeM & Sil?6f AieriiM Watcbes STERLING SILVERWARE. SILVEB-PLATED WABK, ANTIQTE BBASS CABD TABLES, MIBBOBS, HAND MIBBOBS, BCUEENS & CANDLESTICKS. These goods have been selected Irem the Manufactories direct, and will be sold at popu lar prices. A. RHOADS, 13 EAST KING STREET, jnnl-lyd LANCASTER, PA. A SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL. Te examine my stock of Parler Suits. Cham ber suits. Patent Rockers, Easy Chairs, Batan Beckers. Hat Peicks. Marble Ten Tables, Ex tension Tables, Sideboards, Hair, Husk, Wire and Common Mattresses, lioek Cases, Ward robes, Escriteir.s. Upholstered Cane and Weed seat Chairs," Cupboards, Sinks, Deughtravs, Breakfast Tables. Dining Tables, &c., alwavs en hand, at prices that are acknowledged te be as cheap as the cheapest. UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. REPAIRING PROMPTLY AND NEATLY DONE. Picture Frames en hand and made te order Regilding done at Reasonable Rates at the New Picture Frame and Furniture Stere, 15J EAST KING STREET, (Over Bursk's Grocery and Sprccher's Slate Stere.) WALTER A. HEINITSH, (Schindlcr's Old Stand), rPO OUR COAL PATRONS ! When the undersigned entered the Ceal bus iness we laid down the following rule, which we have strictly followed : " We sell nothing but geed Ceal atthelewest market price." Weight and qualitvguaranteed. This shall continue te be our rule as long as we are in the business, no matter whether coal is SOLD at THE PRICE OF 311X1X0 OR 0T. New the Ceal Trade is such a pleasant and at tractive business that we have no idea of aban doning it. We will sell Ceal AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Net because we think we ought te make resti tution (we have none te make), but because we will net be undersold. WEIGHT AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. JAS. STEWART St SON. dccSMtdcedU 1880 1880 01 JANUARY PRICE LIST. Great reduction in price te close out a large invoice of PAFTALOOIT STUFFS, Consisting of ever COO PATTERNS. ENGLISH AND FRENCH NOVELTIES Reduced te $8.00 PER PAIR. Large Let of SCOTCH, EXULISH AXD FINE AMERI CAN CASSIMERES, Fer Genteel Wear, of the Latest and Best Styles, at $7.00. Demestic Goods of the leading Standard Brands, at $1 te $i per pair. A Large Line of Imported Suitings at a Sacrillce Do De mestic Suitings at all prices. Persons in want of a Geed OVERCOAT Will de well te call and examine the stock. Plain as well as the most Ultra Stvlcs at less than Cost Price. We want te close them te make room for our SPRING STOCK. Call early and secure bargains. J. K. SMALING, ABTIST TAILOB, 121 North Queen Street. inart-lydSAW "IULTON OIM-'RA ROUSE. On ;I0XDAY, JANUARY 5, The Popular Artist, KATE CLAXTON, Supported by CHAS. A. STEVENSON, And her own Company, in Chas. Reade's G rcat Emotional Drama "THE DOUBLE MARRIAGE." RESERVED SEATS, - - - 7" CIs. ADMDsSIuN, - - - 35A;50Cts. Seats for sale at the Opera Heuse Oflice. dccSl-Ud TULTON OPERA HOUSE. Watsen, Ellis & KcmclTs STAR TROUPE, Under the Management of J. D.MISHLER, Tuesdey Evening, January Gtli, 1880. In an entirely New and Original Entertain ment, embracing the very best Specialties in the world. THK GREAT COMPANY: The Funniest German Comedians in the pro fession. WATSON and ELLIS. The Original Irish Cemiqiies, llAIlltV I THE KERNELLS. I .leirv The American Seng Bird,MissCLARA MOORE. The Emperors et Seng and Dance, Messrs. THATCHER and HUME. The Champien Lady Cleg Dancer and Elegant Actress, Miss ALICE BATEMAN. R. G. ALLEN. Banjoist Par Excellence. The Brethers, Frank SUYDAM. Euecxe The Arenic Meteors. The Modern Geliali. Mr. GUS. HILL, the King Clubs. All appearing in a Challenge Olie, concluding with the Funniest of Comedies, "A SPLENDID TIME." POPULAR PRICES, - 25, 35 & 50 Cts Reserved Seats new for sale at Opera Heuse Oflice. jan'Jsitd Serious Illness of a Famous Composer. Londen, Jan. 'i. GnllfjnanPs Messenger states that the illness of Iliclianl AVayner, the eminent composer, is se serious that little hope is entertained of his recovery. The Czarina's Illness. Cannnbs, Jan. 3. The empress of Rus sia will for the present remain' here, her physician advising such a course. MKNACED MAINE. Rumors or Resolution Revived. Bosten, Jan 3. Special despatches from Augusta say that rumors prevail in some of Visceunties that certificates of election have been issued in blank, bear ing the seal of the secretary of state, and given te the Republican members who have been counted out. Appended te the certificates are the words : ' Yeu will be protected." Returns Ills Certilicate. Farminuten, Mc, Dec. 3 Leuis Vater, a Democratic representative, counted in by the Fusionists, has returned his certifi cate te the the governor, believing that his acceptance under the circumstances is net jnstified. V 1 Lard exceedingly .lull; city ketUe 8ie: . loose i butchers,' 7i$7c ; prime steam TfaSc.- ? Lutter firm; selling lalrlylcmuuery ex. 32a . t, We; Bi-adlerd county nd N. Y. extra, ai2Sc; -."? w esteru i-esei-TO cxti-.i at 24j?-25c ; de geed te Jr choice lSS.'c ; rolls firm-Penn'a extra iaa "i $ uu: western n-m'rvn ptiii a!.. vi?. Eggs quiet; Choice Peun'u 23c; Western - " & ...H1.";',10 rm aml ln fAir te .' N. Y. factory ' & MiMu r; western mil cream UUmSa z He for " geed li12e; de skims 7Je. .- - ,tT",lc,,n. neglected;; Renned S'c. J Whiskey dull at $1 13. i . stock Markets. Pmi.ADKi.rntA, Jan. 3. Stocks dull and steady. PennaU's (third bsuui ine' ii.n...i..ir x a. i . -------- m. .luanuiium x x.rie... Reading , Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley. United Ces. el N. J Northern Pacillc , . " Preferred... Northern Central Lehigh Navigation Aoriistewn . IS . 50J - -i .153 . :i3 . 57U & . eS Utt Central Transportation Ce. Vtli Pitts., Titusville & Bunale. IP? Little Schuylkill 52 THE FIRE RECORD. Orien Mining... Stocks buoyant. Meney N. Y. Central Kri.i . !......... ......... Adams Express.... Michigan Central Michigan Southern Illinois Central Cleveland A Pittsburgh.. Chicago Recklslniid Pittsburgh & Fert Wayne Western Union Tel. Ce Teledo & Wabash New Jerscv Central , Nkw 1 eiik, Juu. 3. egejj .... ay. ....1117 " .... '.) ....WOK iue .107 .ISO .111K 1& viyx LANCASTER HOUSEHOLD MARKET. Grain Elenter Destroyed. Atchison, Kan., Jan. 3. The large elevator of J. P. Halsey was discovered te be en fire about 101 o'clock last night and it was totally destroyed. Insurance $20,000 en grain and building. Baltimore's Illuze. Baltimore Jan. 3. At neon te-day the fire steamers arc still throwing streams of water ou the cotton stored in the ware house of Thursten, Harris & Ce., en Buchanan's wharf, which took fire last night. A little ever 3,000 bales of cotton were in the warehouse. Six Building Rurned. Atchison, Kansas, Jan. 3 Last night a fire broke out in a saloon in AVinthrep, Me., destroying six buildings. Less unascertained. SKATING CASUALTY. A Twclve-y ear-old Girl Seriously Injured. Terente, Ont., Jan. 3. A twelve-year-old girl was probably fatally injured at the Mutual street skating rink last night. She fell and before she could arise two gentle men who were skating together struck her one in the forehead with his skate, len dering her insensible, and the'ether falling ever her, breaking her ribs. RUSSIA'S REVOLUTIONISTS. TULTON OPERA HOUSE. HAPPY RELIEF Te all suffering from chronic diseases of all kinds. Confidential consultation invited per per semdly or by mail. New method of treatment. New and reliable remedies. Boek and circu lars sent free in sealed envelopes. Address Heward Association, 9 N. Ninth street, Phil adelphia, Pa., an institution having a high reputation for honorable conduct and profes prefes profes lenal skill. niar-lyd SATURDAY, JANUARY, 3, 1SS0. HOLIDAY MATINEE AND EVENING. Third Annual Tour of the Majestic Spectacu lar Revival of Mrs. llarrrlet Beeeher-Stewe's great moral, religious and pathetic story of Uncle Tem's Cabin, As originally revived and performed ONE THOUSAND TIMES by Jf.Ii AX1 ltllAVlZll. The public desire being se great te witness this remarkably natural play, and the interest it has awakened being still unabated, and owing te the artistic manner in which it is illustrated by this Excellent Company, who have played it ever one thousand times, have induced the management te present It again this season, which, with the maguiticent scenery, charming musical effects ami touch ing incidents, have aroused the greatest enthu siasm among all classes, and elicited the most favorable comments Irem the press, and the hearty endorsement or the leading clergy of the country. Admission, 2T ami :i"i cents. Matinee, 13 and i" cents. Ne extra charge for re-erved seats. Toe much importance cannot be attached te the fact that although we offer the above scale et prices, our company and performance is ab solutely the very best en the read. janl-3td. ISSVltASCE. rilJIK OLD GERARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirfcy-eight Dollars. $1,131,838. All invested in the best securities. Lesses promptly paid. Fer policies call en RIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. 19 East King St.. Lancaster, Pa. 8-MW&S6mdU - Stringent Orders Issued te the Army. Berlin, Jan. 3. In consequence of the revolutionary agitation having extended te the troops the Russian military authorities have ordered that henceforth no regiment shall be stationed in the district where it recruited. HORATIO SEYMOUR What His Friends Say About the Chances of His Accepting the Democratic -Nomination. A Washington correspondent of the Xew Yerk Sun, under date of January 2, says : There is a growing impression that Horatio Seymour is really a candidate for the presidency. This impression is largely due te the course of Senater Kernan, who is known te be the intimate and confidential tnend of Mr. Seymour. The senator is an adroit politician. His close relations with Mr. Seymour being se generally known, it is natural that leading Democrats should ask him whether it is possible te induce the Sage of Dcerfield te accept the Demo cratic nomination. Mr. Kernen always re plies that he believes that Mr. Seymour is sincere in his declarations about desir ing te end his days in the retirement of private life, but he alwas manages te con vey that he might be induced te sacrifice his inclinations te the unanimous demand of the national Demecrccy. Senater Kernan is very emphatic in his statements about the meutal and physical condition of Mr Seymour. His intellect is as clear as it ever was, and his health is unusually geed for a man of his age, for he lias always been abstemious and regular in his habits. The stories about the possibility of danger being anticipated by his physicians iu the event of his engaging in an excited politi cal campaign Mr. Kernan says arc bosh. The interview with Mr. Seymour which was recently telegraphed all ever the coun try gees far toward strengthening the be lief that he would accept if the Democrat ic national convention should with unan imity nominate him. It was noticeable that in that interview Mr. Seymour, while reiterating his oft-repeated declaration that he sincerely desired te end his days in re tirement, did net say that he could net be induced te accept the Democratic nomina tion. He said that he believed he would net be nominated that it was net prob able that he would be nominated-; but from the beginning te the end of that in terview, which has every indication in its preparation and publication of being by authority, Mr. Seymour does net say that he will net accept if nominated. ,. DAIRY. Butter Tfl 0, Cup cheese, -J cups Dutch cheese ? lump Cottage cheese, -.! pieces. I'OULTltV. Chickens 7 pair Ducks $7 pair turkeys 1 piece Geese $ piece .VLTS. Chestnuts y qt Mielbarks fj itt Walnuts it ipk FISH. Bass -El B. Cattish f ft I'els fl it Oysters 1 100 MISCELLANEOUS. Apple Butter "fl jt Citler Jl gallon Eggs 1 dei Heney fl ft Seap j? ft saucr kraut ut VI'.UITS. Apples -J7 yt pfc Bananas piece Cranberries $1 ijt Cherries, dried, t t Currants, dried, 'ft It, Dried Apples -Jl nt " Peaches 17 qt Lemens jjl doc VKOLTA1JLES. Beets H bunch Cabbage -j" head Carrots Jt bunch Celery Horseradish 57 piece Lima beans'!!) qt Onions f? 4 pk Potatoes fl.K Pk Sueet-jfl pk Soup Beans jr7 qt Salsily ) bunch Turnins. li iilc A- -T ,4 i ... Beef Steak. 5(7 ft. " Roast (rib) fl ft (chuck) p ft.... " Corned. jl ft " Dried, W ft Hain-J;) ft Lamb flft Lard 'ffl ft Mutten fj ft Perk ip ft Pudding p ft Sausage ft ft Sides and Bacen J ft Shoulders ft Veal '7 ft MEATS. ..m"r"siuc ............. JC XKiGDc C0fe0c ......... 7"fC(7$2 CUCJJI 10l2c IftShle tlvlj i m X ll v-!"' wCjJ pi ' t" aii'ijc 'Sfvite -1)J.")C H ye(. 1012c 10I5c e4c)0 iUC ............12c lu wmmmU9f y; .".....iuGJ-jc uvL )l wmi v I I'O .........w'iC 1UC mlv9 1"-jec 100012c hX12c ij"3t5c VM V 2 S8e 12SJlfC 12igiric 1012a JlJr 2."ffl2Sc l20c 12t5c 7S!)c IZQUki mMv ? 810e tIOc '.'.'.'.'.I'.'.WSllic vaxtj:ik lirAMEO. n i Everybody te advertise, free of cIiiirh i.. .1... .: 7.. ' .. ." in iiiu i.ut.LiiL.M;u, wee an is seiiieiiims te de. " tlTANTEW AT THIS OFFICE. TT Copies of the ijailv Intkllieexceu of April 3, July 10, and Sept. Ill, 1S?J. jiin2-tfd "YirANTEI. A girl at te de general Housework. Apply THIS OFFICE. dcc23-tfd VUY tiUOVS, JtV. WE CANNOT ADVERTISE Reduction of Prices, As many kinds of goods arc going up in price every week, but we held u lurge stock of desirable Dry Goods that arc selling at rates proportionate te cost some time age. In the matter or MUSLIN.) we secured and MUSLINS stored 'away an Immense MUSLINS quantity, se that our sales- MUSLINS rooms and reserye stock- MUSLINS rooms leek like wholesale MUSLINS stores. These standard MUSLINS goods are new retailing MUSLINS largely at less than future MUSLINS prices. MUSLINS We also bought freely of FLANNELS, And can show the geed results of our bargaining en inquiry at the Flannel Counter. Wc are also selling CALICOES Cheaper than they can be bought at. The people will have te pay higher for many kinds of dry goods after the pres ent steek arc sold out. Jehn Wanamaker, GRAND DEP0T-13TH ST., MITtAVELrillA. A RARE OPPORTUNITV. 1 otter ler sale the entire stock-. rnnii trill ,n fixtures of my GROCERY, GLASS ami QUEENSWARE STOKE. Ne. li and 147 North Queen street. Lancaster, Pa. It lias been a well established business stand for mere tlian 10 years, having a large and geed custom or both city and country patrons, and is only one square from both the Northern and Central Markets, ir desired the property will abe be sold. The reason ler offering this chance is the ne cessity or devoting all my time te the manu facture of Knapp's Vegetable Pills, which have. In the short time since their Intro duction, grown te such great popularity as te demand my whole attention. CHARLES KNAPP. dec3MtdJ -: t 41 -m .-1 a i n -i A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers