Ik JUuitfe, Si-' sHEhMv7 'a. I I -n i - V I l-Av Volume XYI-Xe. 105. LANCASTER PA. FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1880. Price Twe Cents. $ Ti:nns. THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER, rUJIMSHED KVEnV-EVEXINO, BY STEINMAN & HENSEL, Intelligencer Iliilliling, Southwest Cerner of Centre Square. Tiik Daily I?.teluee;ckk is furnis- stibscrlhers ill tin; City of Lancaster am. leiiiidinir town-.. ucccs.5iblc by liailread Dally Mage Lines :it Tk.y Cents Peii KJfJ payable te the Carriciv, w eckly. IJy Mail, $5 Vf V-ar in advance ; otherwise, .. Filtered at tlie pest efliecat Lancaster, rit.,its second class mail matter. -CS-Tlie sTKA.M JOli PKIXTIXG DF.PAKT DF.PAKT MKNTef tlii.s establishment possesses unsur passed facilities ler the execution of all kinds of Plain umi Fan.;v Printing. COAL. II JIABT1N', Wholesale mill Ketail Dealer in all kinds ei LUMIIKK AXD COAL. -Yard : Xe. 420 Xertli Water ami Prince stieets, above Lemen, Lancaster. nX-lyd COAL! - - - COAL!! -OO TO GORREOHT & CO., Fer Geed and Cheap Ceal. Yaril Hurri-burg Pike. Ollirc 9 Lust Chestnut street. '. W. GOKKF.CIIT, Agt. I. It. KILKV. e9-lvd V. A. KKLLKIt. C0H0 & WILEY, i.0 SOitTH IVATJiK ST., JsiHcaster, Vn., Wholesale ami Ketail Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. AImi, CoiitracterHanil Ituililerh. Kstim.itcH iiiule and eentriicts unilerUiUen en all kinds of buildings. Ilnuicli Oflice : Xe. :: XOKTII MJK K ST. tebl'Myd COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! Ceal of the Itest Ouality put up expre.s-Iy ler family use, and at the low est market price.-. THY A SAMPLE TOX. ae- vai:i ise south watjek st. iieJll-lyd 1'IIILII SCIIL'M,.S()X .t CO. 1 tt.sT i:i:;i'.ivi:i a rixi: i.otet ijam:i) tj Tl.MOTIIY 1IAV, at M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON'S, DKALKIIS IN COAL, ! FLOUR ! ! GRAIN ! ! ! j FAMILY COAL UXDKlt COVEK. j Miutii'-ela Patent I'recess Family ami Maker's ' Fleur. Italcil Hay anil Feed of all kimN. ' AVari-lieuse and Yard : 2X4 Xertli Water St ' M!7-lyil nitens ax it statiesj:i:y. JL OI.I1IAY FAXCV (i()l)I)S. HOLIDAY BOOKS. Antesr.ih and Photerap'u Albunw, Writ ing Desks and Werk ISc, Christina- and Xew Year Card-. PAPETERIES, AT L. M. FLYNN'S, Ne.ii; vi:st kixc! stiii:i:t. I i NEW YEAR CARDS. An Lli-fiant A.-utnient at the BOOK STORE JOm BAEES SOIS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LAXCASTF.If, PA. :aj:i'J-jts. KKAT KAlUiAlXS. J A Large A ertment of all kinds et CARPETS Are -till sold at lower rates than ever at the CARPET HALL or H. S. SHIRK, 202 WEST K1XU STKF.LT. Call and examine our -teckand satisfy your .sell that we can show the largest a eitineiit of Krussels, Three plies and Ingmins at all price- at the lowest Philadelphia price-. Al-e en hand a large and complete a-seiiment el KAti CAKPKTS. Satisfaction guaranteed both as te price and quality. Yeu are invited teeall umi see my goods. "Xe trouble in showing thein, evcifif you de net want te purchase. Don't terget this netice: Yeu can save ineiiev here if you want te buy. Particular attention given te custom work. Alse en hand a full assortment of Counter panes. Oil Cleths and lllankets of every va rietv. myiJ-tld&w JlOltKS, llLAXHVTS, &V. of tiik mn-'FALe m: ad. SIOS HOHES ! ROUES ! BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! ! 1 have new en hand the I.akgk-t, ISest axd CiiKM'EST Assektmknt of Lined and Uuliueil liFFFALO KOP.LS in the city. Alse LAP AXD HOKsK KLAXKLTS of every descrip liiiii. A full line of Trunks and Satchels, Harness, Whips, Cellars, &c. JJa-Kcpairiiig neatly and promptly ilenc.a A. MILEY, 10$ Xertli Queen St., lAtnraxter. elVlyil M W.tSAilSni w OJiXTS' tSOUJtS. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. CLATJDENT SCARPS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, LADIES' "WORK EOXES, SILK SUSPENDERS, B. J. ERISMAN'S, 50 XOKTII OUKEX STKEKT. VJIUG STOItlCS. T Mil! r.Ml'OKIUM FOIJ FirsK, USKFUt. mil Xew styles et HOLIDAY PRESENTS IS AT THE CITY PHAKMACY, S. E. Cor. N. Queen and Orange Streets. X. Ji. Please call and examine. CLOTH TXG. -pvex'T feiu;i:-i That the )lace te jjet cheap and apprepi late CHPvISTVIAS GIFTS IS AT RATHVON & FISHER'S, Xe. iei xeiith eci;i:x sti:i:t. Fiem new until the l-t of JAXUAKY next nu will bell READY-MADE CLOTHING and FCKXISHIX(; GOODS at COT. Clethin-,' maile te order al-e LOW. dcclT-iudeed H. GERHARX TAILOR, Ilavinf just returned trem Xew large iinrf Y'erk with a CHOICE STOCK Mlisl! ail DHtiG f aii FOR MEN'S WEAR, Would re-pi-etliilly announce tehN cumeiih is and the public th.it he will h.tve hid ivular FA LI, OPENING MONDAY, KEPTKjIB LA 1 ! 5 EST ASS0I tTM EXT, k'.K ::mii. ( LATEST STYLES i AXD ! KICKs As LOW A-AXY IIOL'sF. IN" Til Irs CITY AT H. GBRHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. NEW GOODS Fer. FALL & WINTER. We are new prepared te -!mw tiie public tine el the large-i -lock- et KEA1Y3LV1)E CLOTHING ever exhibited in the city et Lancaster. '.(! Working suits for mi'ii l.U). doed .-me-Ca-simere Suits for men iFT..". Our All We-il Men's Suits tiiat we are M-lling ler '. m are as geed as you can buy elseu h"iv ler j.!2.in. t ur .-lock of Overcoats are iinmeii-e. All gr.eb -ami eveiy variety of -1l"s and color-, for men, boys and veiith-. all our own iu.iiiiil.ic ture. Full line" e! Men"-, Youth-' and Hey.-' suit-. Full line of MenV, eut'is" an.! I Sey-' Overcoat.-. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT ! I We aii" prepared te -hew one of the bc-t I stocks of Piece (Jood-te -elect Iren: and have ! made loonier ever shown in the cil. They I areall an-anged en t.'.ble- titted up epn.ly .-e t li.it everv piece e in be eaiiiini-d belere making a -election. All our goods have been puichased belere the li-e in woolen-. We are prepaid! te make up ingoed stvleand at -holt notice and at bottom price-. We make te or der an All Weel suit ter $IiO. II j- buying your goods at CENTRE HALL you save one profit, as we manufacture all our own Clothing and give employment te about one hundred hands. Call and examine our sleck and be convinced as te the truth of which we allirm. MYERS & RATIIFOX, Centre Hall. Xe. 12 Kast King Street. lYulfeaiSMi e oil Latest X open te-dav an attractive line of the Cevelties in OVERCOATINGS, Fer quality and elegant designs cannot be ex celled in this market. We respectfully urge an inspection of the -anie ere the choice styles are sold, and aKeaih i-e per-eiis te leave their measure at once and secure a Geed Fitting, "Well Made and "Well Trimmed Garment for a triile mere than the price p lid for ready made work. Our line of FAXCY SUITINGS Is very full. We can show the greatest variety Of L'LTllA AND COXFIXKK STYLUS IN THIS CITY, adapted exclusively te Fik MerciiatTaii.ok MerciiatTaii.ek MerciiatTaii.ok ixe Tiiaiii:, -elected trout the be-t stock- of Lnglish, French and American manufacture. Our Prices are Marked in Plain Figures, As low as possible, consistent with lir-t-cla-s work. All are cordially invited te examine our stock am', be convinced that uc guarantee sat isfaction. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 North Queen Street. iiiarS-lydS&W t vjjjjxs ii'ajh:. CHINA HALL. CHRISTMAS J GLASSWAKK AXD CIIIXA, MA.IOLIC. WAKE. LAMPS, &c. Stock and variety ni'u cqual'-d In Lancaster. PRICES LOW. HIGH & MARTIN'S, Ne. 8 East Kin? Street. I n SLamastiT rntcUignirrr. FBIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2, 1880. The Scheel Le.:rt1. llilln paid Kvpnrt en Sfw Scheel Ititildins and lweorsHiiIr.s4tleu of sclie Debate en the Proposed I'lnti The State Apprepi iatien. The Jauuarj stated meeting of the lexrd of directors of the Lancaster pclioel district was held in common council chamber last evening. The following members were present : Messrs. I). G. Baker, I3resius, Carpenter, Cochran, El'cnnan. Erisman, Evans, Geissinger, D. Hart man, J. I. Hart man, Jacksen, Johnsten. Levergood, Mar- shall, .Morten, Itchnensnyilcr, Richards, Sclunid. Schwebel, Smeyeh, Slayxnaker, Snyder. Yeisley, C. Zccher, Gee. Y. Rhoad;, '5amsen, Sjiurricr, Zcchcr, Warfel, president. Only a few of the monthly reports of the visitinjf committees were presented, and these were net read. Mr. Evans, from the linance committee, reported the following bills which were ordered te be paid : Levi IVwl, repairing fences, cleaning cellars, &e., $7.37 : Huber fc Erisman, carpenter work and haulinjf, fi.2."; llcni-y Smith, lead of weed, el ; Isaac Jj. Landis, two leads of cobs, $S ; Ch:ts. Deen, saiary as janitor, $0 ; Gee. V. K. Erisman, blackboard rubbers, $-.40 ; uenry itesii, Jiauling, !;li.Uj ; .lesepL' ann ann sen, brushes, $7.1."i; Samuel S. Alaitin, recei-din deed, $2. : Lancaster gas com pany for as. -121.00 ; Chas. II. IJarr. books and stationery, V7.49. Till-. Evans also presented a bill from Sarah Mulberry, of Chatham, asking- te have refunded $ 12.50 paid by her pa'i cuts for one quarter's tuition in the high school, she having attended but one day and her parents wishing her te return home. It was ei ilcrcd that the amount paid be re funded if the young lady's statement be correct. Mr. Samson, from the girls' night school committee, repeited that one of the teachers had been di.smis.sed in conse quence of the small attendance of pupils. Hev. Geissingcr, from the special com mittee appointed te lejieit en the election of new school houses, leperled as fol fel lows : L.yncasti:h, Pa.. Jan. 1. 1SS0. Te lh' 'resident unit Members of the fMitcaiter City Scheel J'uurtl : GnxTLOinx : The committee appointed at the last stated meeting of the beard te consider the subject of new school houses for Lancaster city,s ith ussti actions te sub mit a plan for the .systematic location and erection of the same, having as eaiefully and fully attended te the important matter committed te them as they eet.veniently could, would respectfully repeit the fol lowing items, together with the principal reasons for their adoption by the commit tee, as the result of their labors. 1. The present arranircnient of the Lan caster city school distiict into four divi sions formed by the intei .section of Kin.; and Queen streets at Centre squaic shall be retained. This arrangement of the dis trict into four divisions is perhaps the best that could be made. It is natural. The boundaries are plain. I no divisions are net greatly unequal. The enrollment of primary and secondary pupils in these te .speetive divisions is as fellows : North west, 82S ; Northeast, (":) ; Southeast, 031; Southwest, 718. 2. Ample school accommodation shall be provided in each lespcctive division for all the piimary and secondary pupils who reside within the limits of said division. The advantages of having .-.Jioel accom modations for the primary and secondary pupils within the divisions in which they live, and in se far as possible, in the same building, arc, lirst, the great convenience of access, and secondly, children of the same families and localities, attending school of the same place, will enable the larger children te accompany and take care of the smaller ones. e. The beard shall provide as seen as practicable for the erection of four new school buildings, one in each of the four divisions of the city, with accommo dations in each building for both the pri mary and (secondary pupils of said division who are net already or may net hereafter be otherwise provided for. The erection of four new buildings, one in each of the four divisions of the city net of equal capaci ty, but of such capacity in each case as the circumstances may require is, in the opinion of the committee, the most practi cal and economical plan for providing ac commodations for the pupils of the prima ry and secondary departments of our pub lic schools, and also for impieving the or ganization and increasing the efficiency of these schools. In the southeast division it would net be necessary for the new building te have accommodation for mere than ."550 pupils. 1. The new buildhurs shall be erected upon sites already in possession of the beard, in se far as these sites may be deemed elegible. Upen investigation your committee iind that perhaps the most elig ible sites for school houses in the different divisions, which are available, are these at present in possession of the beard. The let en Lemen and Lime stiects, in the Northeast division in a central locality of the division has an extent of 1U2 by 218 feet. The let en Seuth Duke street, in the Southeast division, has an extent of 130 by 2:30 feet. The let en West Chest nut street, in the Northwest division, has an extent of 10!) by 20(5 feet. The let en Dinah's Hill, in the Southwest division, has an extent of 127 by 208 feet. These lets, though net perhaps as large as might be desired, arc yet large enough for the buildings proposed. e. The new buildings shall all be con structed en the single room plan. They shall be two stories high. The rooms for the primary schools shall have a capacity for 00 pupils, with a lloer surface, te each pupil of at least 9 square feet. The rooms for the secondary schools shall have a ca pacity for 50 pupils, with a lloer surface of at least 13 square feet. All the school rooms shall be furnished with single seats and desks for each pupil, and in the con struction of the buildings special attention shall be paid te the lighting, heating and ventilation of all the apartments. Tin matters referred te in this item will, we think, recommend themselves te every thoughtful and sincere friend of the chil dren of the public schools. Theie is no doubt in the minds of your committee that the foundations of disease, and of moral as well as physical wretchedness, aie often laid in the uncomfortable appointments, unequal temperature and vitiated atmo sphere of public school rooms. Vie believe also that great advantages in regard te or der, discipline and efficient work will re sult from having net only single rooms for the separate schools, but also single desks and scats for the scholars. 0. lite first new building shall be erect ed in the Northeast division, en the let new owned by the beard and located en the northwest comer of Lime and Lemen streets. After a very careful consideration of the whole field, your committee are of the opinion that the erection of the first new building in the Xertheast division will best meet and relieve the immediate neces sities of the present circumstances. The Northeast division, with 2'.lt secondary pupils, has no secondary school at all. The location of the building, at Lime and Lem en streets, is such that the secondary m pils, as well as some of the primary pupils from the northeast portion of the North west division, can be conveniently accom modated in it until the new building con templated in this plan is erected in the Northwest division. Thus we believe that the Northwest division could be easily re lieved te such an extent as te make the Prince street building ample in its accom modation for all the secondary pupils ic maining within that division. If the fiist building is located in the Northeast division the Southeast division will also be relieved snllicicntly te warrant the withdrawal of Miss Hantch's school entirely and the res toration of Mr. Gates's school from its very inconvenient location te its lermer quar teis. "We would also add that the let en Lemen street, en account of its extent, ;s of all the sites in the city best adapted te the immediate erection el a new uuiluiug. The work could be commenced at once, without the purchase of a feet of ground and without disturbing the schools. 7. The building te be erected at Lime and Lemen sheets shall contain 12 rooms, with an aggregate minimum capacity for 000 pupils. A building with 12 rooms, and a capacity for at least 000 pupils will net be tee large. The extent of the let is suf ficient ter a buildimr of that size. The pupils enrolled from that division at pres ent number 031 ; and then we should re member we build for the future. 8. As the necessity may arise ether school buildings of required capacity shall be erected, en the same general plan et the four large buildings, in districts which aie se situated as te make the ccu tral or main building of the division diffi cult or inconvenient of access. By this item it will be seen that the plan submit ted in this report contemplates that there shall be ultimately two school buildings in each division for primary and secondary pupils a large central building and an additional building of such dimensions as may be required. In the Southeast divis ion en Iieekland stiect, and in the North cast division at Prince and Chestnut streets these second buildings arc already erected. In the Northeast and Southeast divisions it will dimbtlcsn be found necessary in a few years te have second building of a similar character. I). As rapidly as the new buildings pro vided for in this plan are completed the primary and secondary schools of Lancas ter city shall be reorganized en the single room plan with one teacher for each room Appreciating the great importance of this whole subject, the consideration of which ought te have occupied our serious attention long age, jour committee would most earnestly urge upon the beard the necessity of prompt and efficient action. Ltt the plan herewith submitted be thoieughly di-cus-ed and either appievcd or made te give place te something better. It is a humiliating fact that Lancaster city, the pioneer in the great public school movement, should in many respects be se far behind in the condition and appoint incuts of her own schools. Theirue edu cation of the children of the community is the rerjfirtt thing te be looked after and carefully attended te. Xe ether inter est, private or public, takes precedence of it. It is the first duty which comes te the man or the citizen. In view, therefeie, of the vast impor tance of the work before us. your com mittee beg the members of the beard thoroughly and promptly te consider a'l the mptters referred te in this report, which is herewith very respectfully sub mitted. D. II. Geissineer, Wit. McCemsey, II. Z. KneADs. T. B. Ceciiisan. Mr. Spurrier moved that the repeit be adopted, and the suggestions and recom mendations of the committee be approved. Mr. D. G. IJaker said he heartily ap proved of the plan recommended by the committee, except that part which pro posed single rooms. This feature of the plan he had uet given sufficient considera tion te form an opinion" whether or net it would be an improvement en the combined plan new in use. Mr. Jehn I. Ilartmau approved of some things that the committee recommended, but he was opposed te that feature which proposed the centralizing of the schools at one location. He believed this part of the plan te be costly and unwise, and he knew it would be inconvenient. Many of the lit tle children would be obliged te walk five ei six squares or mere, te the proposed central school house, and te carry out the plan in full as proposed by the committee would involve a cost of .j0,000 or $100, 000. Uut whatever might be thought of the plan, the matter is an important one and deserves careful discussion before action is taken. lie moved te postpone the matter for one month. Rev. Geissingcr said he had no objection te having the matter postponed, but he would like te have some discussion and interchange of views at the present time. The committee had very carefully consid censid eied the points te which Mr. llartman had objected. Each of the four divisions is one mile square, and a school house near its centre of population will be mere con venient te a great number of pupils than if located anywhere else ; besides, as will be seen by the report just read, it is proposed eventually te erect ether school houses as the population increases, te accommodate pupils living at tee great distance from the central school house. As te the cost, it is net proposed te build mere than one school house at present, and one will have te be built somewhere te relieve the schools that are new overcrowded. The commit tee recommend the Lemen street let for the reasons stated in the report. Mr. Eberman said that in view of the fact that the plan proposed involved an al most entire change in our present school organization, and further, as two promi nent members of the beard who have given the matter much thought are absent en ac count of death in their families, iic thought it would he best te postpone the conside; censide; conside; atien of the subject till next meeting. Mr. Geissingcr asked leave te make the tabulated statement of the enrollment of pupils printed in yesterday's Ixtelli gexcer a part of the committee's report. Rev. Reimensnyder heartily endorsed the report of the committee with the ex ception of the single room plan and en that his mind was undecided. Mr. Rhoads had disfavored the single room plan until he had interviewed a num ber of teachers, all of whom favored it and pointed cut its advantages, especially as regards the undivided responsibility of the teachers and the consequent better discipline of the schools. Mr. Erisman stated that under our pres ent system tlieie is always a pressure el pupils en the lower divisions, both in the primary and secondary schools. Frequent ly the lowest division contains mere pupils than all the ether, and it is impossible for the second assistant appointed te teach them te de justice te se many scholars. While the lower divisions are over crowded, it often happens that the higher .1:..: : ,, ., . . . invidious are net iuii ;uie vacant scats in these divisions are then given te pupils of the lower divisions and thus the classes are disarranged, and confusion ensues. Much time is lest in the present plan, by trans ferring classes from the study hall te the class room, and back avaiii te tln stndv hall. All this would be avoided by the single room plan. The pressure en the lower divisions would also be avoided, for each division would occupy its own room, say, with eO or 00 single desks, and as seen as these become tee full another room can I e opened and another teacher appointed. As at present organized, with three teachers in one school, there is a divided responsi bility and sometimes a difference of epin ion as te discipline. IJy the single room plan this will be avoided, and each teacher will be ic-pensible for the discipline of his or her own loom. Anether advan tage of the proposed plan is that it adds an incentive te minils in secure piometion. These who arc new in primary or secondary schools if asked what school they attend invariably name the principal et the school, though they may net be in the principal's classes. Thus dull pupils frequently pled en in the lower classes ferscveral years, but all the time in Miss So-and-se's school. By the adoption of the single-room plan, they will see their classmates being transferred net only te higher classes, but te ether teach ers in ether school rooms, and they will naturally exert themselves te accompany them. Mr. Brosius said the single-room plan was in use in Philadelphia, Bosten, Chica go and ether cities, and had been found te work well. Mr. Brosius described at some length the comprehensive system of j education adopted by the Chicago school autheiities. The motion te postpone the further con sideration of the matter for one month was then put and carried. Dr. Levergood, from the special com mittee te revise rules, tcpertcd progress and said the committee would make a final report two mouths hence. Mr. Johnsten inquired of the president and secretary whether they had received any information from the state superin tendent as te whether he had drawn or when he intended te draw his warrant for the state appropriation due Lancaster school district. Mr. Evans moved that the secretary be directed te write te Dr. Wiekersham, state superintendent, and inform him that the beard demand him te comply with the law and draw his warrant en the state treasurer for the amount of the state ap propriation due Lancaster school district, ami forward said warrant te the beard. The motion was unanimously adopted. Adjourned. JiaeTS axjj snei:s. "pULIAKLi: BOOTS AND SHOES. V.'e guarantee every pair we sell. We keep the most perfect lifting, be st style and well wearing shoes, and sell them at the very LOWEST PPuICES. Our stock was purchased last summer belere the late advance in leather and material, and weolfcrtegivc te our customers the advan tage of our successful speculation by selling our present stock at lower price- than we could te-day buy again. We also continue te make Custom Werk at short notice, stylish and durable, and at lower pi ices than anyothersheeinaker here or elsewhere. .CS-Mendingilene promptly and neatly.'SXl Give us a call. A. ADLER, 43 WEST KKG STREET. tixwaiu:, &; VCT l'AKTXi:KSIIIl x Shcrtzcr, llumphrerillc A: KieiFer, (the latter employed by Jacob Gable as practi cal plumber ler a dozen years past), having lermcd a ee-partinership and puicha-ed the entire stock, fixtures anil geed will el" .JACOIS GA15LE in the GAS FJTTIXG AXD PLUMB IX G JSCSI X'ESS, would respectfully announce te a hitherto generous public that they are new prepaied te attend, in addition te their UOCSICFCIlXISiriXG AXD TIXSMITU- IXG, (i AS J-'ITTIXG AXO t'LUMll- IXG IX KVIZllY FORM. Call and examine stock and ascertain prices belere going elsewhere. Satisfaction guaran teed. ELI SHEISTZEIS. TIIOS. HUM I'll SEVILLE, diMmil WM. A. IvIEFFFK. Having sold the entire stock, fixtures and geed as ill of my Gas Fitting and Plumbing .Es tablishment, at Xe. :?) East King street, te Messrs. .shertzer, Huinphreville k Kieller (the latter of whom was my practical plumber tern ileicu years or mere), I take this opportunity of recommending them te the public as de serving of patronage, and also el thanking the public for their generosity te me in tin; past as well as asking a continuance of the same for the new linn. J ACOIJ GAIILE. dec-iMydJ iiaiic iuti:ssixu. Mrs. C. LILLER, LADIES' HAIRDRESSER, Manufacturer and Dealer in Hair "Werk, Gents' Wigs. Combings straightened and made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made up. vise Kid Gloves and Feathers cleaned and dyed at Xes. 223 & 227 XOItTli QUEEX ST., nl-2uid 4 uoers aoevo P. K. K. Depot. IT IS 500,000 PERSONS Witnessed the Grant Reception in Philadelphia. WE WOULD LIKE ALL THE WES AM BOYS TO CALL AT OAK HALL Immediately and Equip Themselves for the COLD W A YES OF 1SSO. The Singularly Small Prices we started the Annual "Winter Sales "with have stirred all the stores te de their best. But we eclipsed them all, and they knew it, and the People see it, tee. These are the Prices for Our Own Carefully Manufactured Goods, net bought in the New Yerk Wholesale Stores : A few left of the $.!0 Fine Overcoats, reduced te.. Koyal ISeversible Plaid Hacks, sold everywhe """ iui" ui vn jacu-j. uur Xext tirade I'rice Lxti-.i Size- in l'.lue and ISrewn Worumbe Heaver Overcoats Xext Grade A l.oed Mreng Serviceable Clotli-P.eund Overcoat... I.veryday Working Overcoat Men's All Weel baits "'" The ' Auburn " 1). 1. Suits, for Ilii-inV-is'iiViil" lVre-s" Kxtr.i Quality "Sawyer" Suitings The Finest of Cassimere Suits Dress Suits of llest Imported Cleths reduced te '. Men's Everyday Pants All-wool liusinessand Dress Pants "" Ktra Fine Dress Pantaloons, formerly .in. new- Genuine Harris Cassimere Pants .". """" The Very Litest Styles in Children's 0creeat.s..".7.7".'.V... ..".".".".".".'" the Deuble-Shouldered Cape Ueval Keversible llaek Overcoats . .. , P.1'1"' -N'eest Little Heys" Overcoats Oak Hall ever produced.) Children -Suits a.- low as .. Higher (.miles and Mere Elaborately Trliiiiiiud" ultii".."."."".Il".".".""." A Great Specialty in Ueys'aml Youths' 1'ants WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK I-IALL, S. E. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. j 1 tfd THE LARGEST CLOTIIIXU HOUSE IX AMERICA. 'ATVIUiS, -Our offerings for this Holiday Season comprise a full line of American and Imported Watches in cases of American and French design. Silver Tea Set3 with Kettles, Urns and Salvers. The Raphael, Hindoe, Tipped and Antique Patterns of Spoons and Ferks in Solid Silver. Tea and Dinner Knives with Pearl or Plain Handles, Breakfast Fruit Knives. Eporgnes, Baskets, Casters, Sideboard Sets, Tureens, Baking Dishes, Fruit Stands, Vases, Card Stands, Jewelry Cases, Teiletware, and every article made in Silver. Fer gifts te gentlemen we offer new styles of Diamond Cellar Buttens, Studs, Scarf Pins, Scarf Rings, Cigar Bexes fgr 50 or 100 Cigars, Silver Match Cases, Office Novelties, Napkin Helders, &c. Fer ladles and misses, Bands, Bangles, Ring3, Geld and Silver Thimbles, Breeches and Ear Rings, Card Cases, &c, &c., H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. AN ELEGANT SELECTION OP HOLIDAY GIFTS ! GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Cameo Sets, Rings, Bracelets, Solid Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, GOLD SIMICTACI.KS, and everything leund in a lirst-eUis.s establishment, at the LOWEST CASH PKICES. Make your selections early and have the advantage of a larger selection orgeoiN. We manufacture all special articles in geld, silver and hair, in our own buildiilg, ami can guarantee lirst-class work and low prices. Special attention given te fitting glasses for detective sight. The Arundel Tinted Spectacles Are the Uest in the World. 3-Kirst-cliuj Watch and Jewelry Hepairing. All watch work guaranteed. Xe trouble te showgeoiNat BDW. J. ZAHM'S, ZAEfTS CORNER, LANCASTER, PA. caj:j:iaej;s, SLEIGHS i SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! We have new In stock a large let et Sleighs, consisting et I'ON" V, FOUTLAXl) AXI) ALII AX Vs. TWOF1XK FOUR-PASSENGER SLEIGHS, HySTUF.IT.v. LOCK WOOD, of M'eughkeepsie, X .SLi:i;il. THiaiMKD AXL UXTiilMMfcUl PORTLAND CUTTERS. Finished in the highest style and sold at one-half the usual price. Alse, a line let of ISiiggicM and Carriages of our own make and celebrated city makers. One Fine secend-liaiul e highest style and sold at one-half the usual price. Alse, a line of our own make and celebrated city makers. One Fine beceud-h EXTENSION PHAETON," ne by Gregg & Ilnwc, and a variety of ethers, second-hand. All ic. Ily Ilrewster. one by Gregg & Ilnwc, and a variety half their value. S. E. BAILY & Ce., I'M ic i?,1 North tjueen and 4S1 k 4:i Market Streets, Lancuster, la. ecl.J-lyd 31HVICAL, BROWNING'S C. & C. CORDIAL, Fer COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, TICKLING or DRYNESS of the THROAT, SORE THROAT, COLD in the HEAD, CROUP, INFLU ENZA, WHOOPING COUGH. COLD in the BOWELS, ASTHMATIC COUGHS, and RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVES. Da. I5UOWXIXG is a regular graduate of medicine, a skillful pharmacist, and a thorough chemist. Hi- "C. & C." (Cough and Celd) Cordial is net the result of mere chance, but of long .scientific research in chemistry and medicine, as is plainly seen by the rapidity of its action and its unparalleled efficacy. The expense in its manufacture is at least live times as great iih that of any ether medicine upon the market, and vet it is sold at the exceed iti"!y low price of 50c. --Sample bottles (for a short tune only) 25c. W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M.D., Proprietor, 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 14-lydcew&w JO-FOIt SALE BY TIIE I'KOPKIETOK AXD ALL DRUGGISTS. CLOTllISa.' SAID THAT ..i).00 ere at i" (Full Indigo 18.00 Ml li( Itt.(K) M x.;x .rl.(iO 10.00 l'JLOO l.W 21.01) 2S.00 .M 3.50 5.1.0 fl.00 ::.oe rum :::: ::::mj:::: :;.5i) r.oe J.30 .TJiirjiLRY, JtC. viiaiztexs. jzc One Fine Feur-Pa-senger l'OIITI.AM) ALBANY CUTTERS, of ethers, second-hand. All te be seid at I jrf m - "4 :.-?"- --ia VI fi -i - A '1