-X. TJ'JI'.'-1 J.' !V !' "& i- iV ' LAlfCisTS.i)Afl:t IfeKtlGECJsk TftpttJDife jrAfrffAiff X liM Mx -3 ;? -;:" v-:;7 P-;: . 'v-Ll v ift'fyw ----- . . - s. ft v V - & f;-- r Lancaster intelligencer. THUBSDA.Y EVENING, JAN. 1, 1880. DRY GOODS. s A DIBGE FOR THE YEAU. Ye walling winter winds, Whose threats are full el wee. Cheked a3 with driven snow That stifles and that blinds, O whither de ye go? And in what lonely depth of solitude, What boundless waste of drear and darkened weed, Find ye a place te die 1 Ye ream bleak streets and desolated meads. Grief-stricken phantoms upon phantom steeds. And in your wake the silence breathes a sigh. The lingering last leaves rustic and they fall; Tue clouds droop fold en fold, a dreary pall ; O wailing winter winds : O tearful sobbing winds ! And loneliness breeds In the hearts el all. We knew, in the sad night, While stars give fitful light. And there are glimpses of a ghostly moon, Wnile low the house-deg howls His answer te the owls. The old year dies, and dies, alas, tee seen : Wail, wail, O winds ! The lingering last leaves rustle and they f.ill ; The clouds droop fold en fold, u dreary pall ; The year, the year se wretched utterly. Se driven homeless, like the heart et me, Theold year dies, and yet, alas, tee seen ! Wail, wail, O winds ! lie held within the hollow of his hands Mere wealth ler me than riches of all lauds Held, and then gave, and thcnatlast withdrew. O year te fate inexorably true. As late is false te uic And treacherous a- the hoary-sinning sea ! We were true Iriends ; and new, alas. 1 mourn Thee and thy dead all that will net return : The banlsued welcomes heart embraces sweet The clasp of hands, the coming of glad feet. The lcak-s and tone-, made pregnant with a love Regnant and loyal. Lonelier than the dove That found no olive branch nor place el rest, Le ! I return, pale year, and en thy breast Hellew with death as mine is void of bliss, I lay my ere-.s of llewers, Dead bloom of thy dead hour.-., And greet thc-e with the unrequited kiss : 0 heart et me ! ) desolate year el year-' Wail, wail, O winds! The tribute el a tear The tribute of all bitterness and tear, 1 rain upon thy sad and silent bier ! Net anything that once wasthine and mine, Nothing that te the heart could ding and twine. Ne love, el" happy hours, Xe bloom that comes U hie, as te the Hew 'is, Nothing that we could held in sweetness yet, Nothing we lived ler and would net lerget. Net nil nor any of all the-c things can be Again for thee and me, O great, grand-hearted, peer, lite-empty : he wail.O winds! Wail, wail, mean and wail for the lest year, Anl ler the gilts dead with it en its bier ! The dead loves wither en the dead year's pail. And dust and tcar.s aie sprinkled ever all ! Ah, if we knew what ways ler us aie best. Should c still go se sadly te our rest V O'er the lest years hew many sorrows bloom V Uut there is lliisil quiet in the teml Sleep without dreamt white peppy eer us set One epitaph for every grave : Recuet, Albert llarncsia Waihinyten Palnet. II Went Off. A citizen who was preparing te take the war path against small game yesterday asked permission te leave his shotgun in :i Griswold street tobacco store for a short time. Yes, of course,' replied the tobacco nist, " but I bave a fear of such things,and 1 want you te be sure it won't go off." The owner took the caps oil", steed the gun in a corner, and said : " If that gun gees oil I'll buy you about a dozen ducks." lie was absent about an hour and re turned te find his gun gene. ' I told you se," said the tobacconist "I knew it would go elT." " Ne !"' " Yes, it did." 'Why, hew could it .'" " Constable took it oil" en a levy !" was the calm reply. Such was the fact, and the irate owner went off after the ether offs, swearing that lie would knock some one's head off. Detroit Free Press. FECIAL BARGAINS FOB THE COMING FESTIVE SEASON. BLACK SILKS, BLACK CASHMERES, COLORED CASHMERES, LADIES' COATS, BROCHE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET SHAWLS, CLOTH AND FLANNEL SKIRTS. BLANKETS AND QUILTS Purchasers w ill de well te cxamineeur stock before purchasing elsewhere, as the above goods have all been marked ler the OCCASION at less than regular prices. FAHIESTOGK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. DKT GOODS. groceries. CUIItlSTMAS AT KING WALT'S. Wines and Liquors. Silver Uun Rye Whisky, 95 per cent. Alcohel: Best Cigars and Tobacco, Uest and Cheapest Candies in town. All kinds el New Nuts Cheap, Best Hitters only Wicls. per quart. Don't make a mistake. (join EINGWALT'S, Ne. ar. W. King Street, Lancaster, I'a. ectf-Smd -ITTIIOLESALE AND RETAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUR Ne. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. H7-lyd BLACK SILKS. BLACK SILK WARP HENRIETTA CLOTHS, BLACK CASHMERES, BLACK TAJflSE CLOTHS, BLACK JJ03IIE CLOTHS, BLA CK A USTRALIAX CREPES, BLACK JfOILURS, BLACK ALPACAS, All in choice assortment of best makes and best blacks. We specially invite examination of above line of goods. As we are taking account of stock we are offering many Bargains in each department. Please euli and examine. GrVLEB, BOWEKS & HTJEST, 25 EAST KING STREET. Entirely Recovered. Nev Yerk City. June 10, 1ST!). H. II. Waiuiex & Ce. Gentlemen I hereby certify that my wife has been using Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure for Blight's Dis ease, and .she is new entirely recovered. When all physicians' remedies lailed, she was in duced "te trv veiir rallied v, anil received bene ficial Jesuits irnm the first bottle. Alter taking tour bottles she was entirely cured. Yours trulv, Keiseut 1J. Fitzeeiiald. jl-2wd Guilty of Wrong. Seme people have a tashien of contusing ex" cellent remedies with the large mass of pa tent medicines," and in this they are guilty of a wrong. There are Benn' advertised remedies fullv worth all that is uked for them, and one at least we knew of Hep Hitter. The writer has bad occasion te use the Hitters in just such a climate as we have most et the year in Hay City, and has always found them te be lirst cla'ss and reliable, "doing all that is claimed ler them. Tribune. A Surprised l'lijsician. A living patient recovers through the inter position el a humble German. Seme weeks age 1) . a very reputable and widely known physician, living en C street, was called upon te attend a very complicated case of rheumatism. Upen arriving at the house he found a man, about forty years of age, lying in a prostrated and serious condition, with his whole Iranie dangerously alu-ctcd with the painful disease. He prescribed for the patient, but the man continued te grew worse and en Sunday evening he was found te be in a very alarming condition. The knees a. t elbows and larger joints were greatly intlamed anil could net be moved. It was only It li extreme difficulty that the patient could be turned in bed, with the aid of three or lour persons. The weight et the clothing was se oppressive that mciins had te be adopted te keep it lrem the patient's body. The doctor saw that his assistance would be of no avail and leit the house, the members of the family following hiin te the deer weeping. At this critical hour, a neighbor, a peer and humble German shoemaker, appeared te the grief-smitten ones as a saving angel. He had heard of the desp:iir of the lamily and new asked them te try his remedy, and according ly brought forth a bottle et ST. J Aeen's Oil. As a drowning man will catch at straws, se the peer wife applied the remedy : she had no nope, but would try anything, as a matter el duty. The first application eased the patient Tcrv much ; after a lew hours they used it again, and, wonder et wonders, the pain van ished entirely ! Kvery subsequent applioatien improved the sufferer and in two days he was well and out. When the doctor called a few days after, he was indeed surpri-cd : for, in stead of a corpse, he found a new-made man. Exchange. MARliLE WORKS. WM. P. FRAILBY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE 'WORKS 758 Nerm tjuceii Street, Lancaster, l'a. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND KOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, &c. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given n every particular. N. B. Remember, wc of North Queen street. in cverv narticular. .. . - . . . . . , . a. iiemcmucr, wents ai me extreme cnu m301 EDUCATIONAL. rpilK ACADEMY CONNECTED WITH X Franklin und Marshall College otters su perfer advantages te young men and boys who desire cither te prepare for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send for circulars. Add ress REV. JAMES CRAWFORD, ctll-lyd Lancaster. Fa. HAPPY RELIEF Te all suffering from chronic diseases of all kinds. Confidential consultation invited per sonally or by mail. Newmethed of treatment. New and reliable remedies. Boek and circu lars sent free In sealed envelopes. Address Heward Association, 419 N. Ninth street, Phil adelphia, Pa., an institution having a high reputation for honorable conduct and profes prefes profes lenal skUL mar-lyd 1879 GRAND RUSH TO-MORROW 1879 (SEE SMALL KALLS). GicjI Preparations, plenty of Help. Christmas Groceries. FRUITS: White Grapes, Flerida and Va leneia Oranges. Lcmens,Bananas, Apples, Fine Kai-ins, Figs, Prunes, Prunellcs, Dates, etc. NUTS: Paper-shell Almonds, Seft-shell Aleoin!-, Cream Nuts, Filberts Dutelmuts, Pe can Nuts, Peanuts, Chestnuts, Shellbarks, etc. CONFECTIONS: Pinafore Mixtures, made bv S. F. Whitman & Sen, lerilcent.s $1 fi : geed pure Candy Mixtures, 20 rents, Cream Choco lates. Cream lien Rens, Roast Almonds, rruit and Nut Candies, etc. CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETAIJLES: Peaches, Pears, Pine Apples Green Gages, Apricots, Nectarines, Egg Plums, Green Cern, Gieen Peas, etc. ItAKING MATERIALS: Raking Rutter, Raking Molasses, 12 cents " quart, New Or leans, 15 cents. PURE FRESH GROUND SPICES: Rese Waters, Flavoring Extracts etc., etc., etc. SPECIAL: We are selling Lamps, Toilet Sets, Smoking Sets, Parian Figures, Glass Sets, and iiianv ether articles very cheap. J). S. 13HRSK, 17 East King Street. TISWAllli, A-C ATEW PARTNERSHIP. Shertzer, lliuiiplirerille & Kieffer, (the hitter employed by Jacob Gable as practi cal plumber ler a de.en years past), having lenued a ce-partinership and purchased the entire stock, lixtuies and geed will of JACOB ;ARLE in the GAS FJTTIXi: AND PLUMB IXG HUSI A'A'A'i', would respectfully announce te a hitherto generous public that they are new prepared te attend, in addition te their iiuvsEFURXjsnixa Ayn tixsmftu- J.X;, U AS FITTING AXD I'LUMli- IXG IX VVE11Y FORM. Call and examine stock and ascertain prices belere going el-cwliere. Satislactien guar.in teed. ELI SHERTZER, TIIOS. HUMPHREVILLE, diiMind WM. A. KIEFFFJt. Having sold the entire steek, fixtures and geed will el my Gas Fitting and Plumbing Es tablishment, at Ne. ) East King street, te ,1.. .. ki II. ...... 1. ... ...III. . - l.'ij.tVi.i. fl lit. ..IVTSSis. .7IH1I.1 1, iiinmiui .1 .v .-..-. ,..v. latter of whom was inv practical plumber for a de.en years or mere), I take this opportunity el" recommending them te the public as de serving el patronage, and also et thanking the public ler their generosity le me in the past as well as asking a continuance et the same for the new firm. JACOB GABLE. dcc-JU-lydJ ' fej: salv en resi. POR SALE. T ,. IMIMI'I' IIli.' 1'MIJT M'.T.F 150IT.. hi!, in apply at ioed condition. Fer particulars THIS OFFICE. STORK ItOOM FOR KENT, NO. 114 N. Queen street. Possession given January 1st. Apply at d'J-tidl Ne. 112 North Queen Street. 170K KENT. JO Twe rooms. Ne. !.'! North Queen street, suitable for photograph"gallery, new occupied by. I S. saiirman. Apply te dec2itrd TUG'S. BAUMGARDNER. C" OVEKNOKS FOR SALE. T Twe large Steam Governors for sale. In quire of PENN IRON COMPANY. iil!Mfd&w Lancaster, I'a. 17OR KENT THE STEVENS HOUSE . Restaurant from the 1Mb of January. Has just been refitted and painted, and the only restaurant in the city adapted ler steaming oysters. Inquire el" A. HIEsTAND, "decia-tfd Proprietor Stevens Heuse. J70K SALE. . A twelve te fifteen horse-power engine and boiler. Alse a large planer, almost new ; a small lloering and matching machine, and a tcuc ting and power mortising machine. Address PHILIP LERZELTER, Eagle Speke and Bending Works, nevlO-tfd&w Lancaster, l'a. FUJixiruvj:. CU1RISTMAS PRESENTS! ' CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!! CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!!! AT THE NEW FURNITURE ASE PICTURE FRAME STORE, l.-.ij EAST KING STREET, (.schindler'. Old Stand), WALTER A. HEIXITSH, A. TTOltSJSrH-A T-LA II' A. J.STE1NMAN, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner Cen tre Square, Lancaster, l'a W. U. HENSEL, Intelligencer Building, Southwest Cerner Ccn trc Square, Lancaster, Pa. C11AS. K. KLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Ne. 15 North Duke street, Lancaster, Pa. All kinds of Conveyances promptly drawn. marl3-lyd&w HENRY A. RILEY, Attorney and Counscller-at-Law 21 Park Rew, New Yerk. Collections made in all parts of the United Slates, and n general legal business transacted. Refers by permission te Stcinuian & Henscl. l-OUNDEliS AXD MA.VUIXI8TS. X ANCASTER BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, Opposite the Locomotive Wenics. The subscriber continue te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning ami ether purposes ; Furnace Twiers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and Blacksmith! ng generally. 43 Jobbing promptly attended te. auglWyd JOHN BEST. 3LEDICAX. HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT BIT ERS ERS ERS ERS ERS EKS ERS HOP BIT ERS DRY GOODS. BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! QUILTS AND COMFORTABLES I All, SHAHD 4 THOMPSOH Oiler a Large stock of White and Colored BLAIKETS, AT OLD PRICES. WHITE FLANNELS. SCARLET FLANNELS. COLORED FLANNELS. SPECIAL BARGAIN. 50 Pieces Yard-Wide CASHMERES, at i"c. per yard, usually sold at Sic. per yard. NEW YORK STORE 20 & 22 EAST KING STREET. J. B. MARTIN & CO. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT! We eiler at Old Prices all the Standard Brands of SHEETIXUS, PILLOW CASE 3IUSLIXS, IILEACHE1) AM) BROWN 3IUSLIXS, TICKING'S, TURKEY RED & FANCY DAMASK TABLE LIXEXS. TOWELING. J09-Our Stock includes all the Favorite Brands, purcha-ed before the advance. As there is every prospect of a further advance in prices en all Cotten Goods, an Early 1 urchuse is desirable. J. B. MARTIN & CO. CHRISTMAS GREETING 1879.-- Wetuke pleasure in asking your attention te a VERY LARGE COLLECTION of goods in our line, selected irith special reference te the demand of HOLIDAY TRADE. DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, HANDKERCHIEFS OF ALL KINDS, LACE AND SILK TIES, FICHUS AND KID GLOVES JAPANESE, MAJOLICA AND REED NOVELTIES, GENTS' HANDKERCHIEFS AND NECK WEAR. C2F" Hoping te receive a zinitfrem you, ice are Truly Yours, HAGER & BRO. LANCASTER, 1EC. 1870. CARRIAGES, l'UAETOXS. Se. SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! We have new In stock a large let et Sleighs, consisting et POXY, PORTLAND AX I ALBAXYS. TWO FIXE FOUK-PASSENGER SLEIGHS, BySTREIT&LOCKWOOI). of Poughkeepsie, X. Y. One Fine Four-Passenger PORTLANH SLEIGH. TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMEDJ PORTLAND CUTTERS. ALBANY CUTTERS, Finished in Hie highest stvle and sold at one-half the usual price. Alse, a line let of Buggies and Carriages of our ewnmake and celebrated city makers. One Fine second-hand EXTENSION PHAETON, By Brewster, one by Gregg & Bowe, and a variety of ethers, kccend-h:iml. All te be sold at half their value. S. E. BAILY & Ce., 480 k 482 North "ueeii and 481 & 488 Market Streets, Lancaster, Fa. eclS-lyd VARl'JiTS, Ac -tirE INVITE KR1SKINDLES, BOTH YOUNG AND OLD, IIEEORE MAKING PUR- CHASES ELSEWHERE TO CALL AT P. SCHUM, SOX & CO.'S, 38 & 40 W. KING STREET, OPPOSITE COOPER HOUSE, LANCASTER, PA., And beheld the wenderlul display of Holiday Goods, both Staple and Fancy, just received. Xe trouble te show our goods. The following "is a partial list: Kid, Cotten and Woolen-Knit Gloves, all sizes; Cotten, Merine and Woolen-Knit Hosiery, all sizes, Sacques, Xubias, Heeds Scarfs, Knit Jackcis, Neckties. Suspenders. Corsets, Ladies' h elt Skirts, Tewelings, a full line of LADIES' AXD GENTS' UNDERWEAR, Woolen and Half-Woolen Coverlets. White Honeycombed Counterpanes, Cradle Quilts Bureau and Tidy Cevers, Gum Overcoats, Medium and Extra Heavy Woolen Blankets, Herse Blankets, Lap Robes, Notions, &c, &c., Ac. Customer HenicOIadc Bag Carpets a Specially. P. SCHUM, SON & CO., 38 and 40 West King Street, Opposite Cooper Heuse. 5 In Coloring and Scouring Gents' Made-up Garments, also Silk, Linen and Cotten Goods we cannot be excelled. deeI3,17,19,'JJ,"--1ta,'r-,i:'l MEDICAL, BROWNING'S C. & C. CORDIAL, Fer COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, TICKLING or DRYNESS of the THROAT, SORE THROAT, COLD in the HEAD, CROUP, INFLU ENZA, WHOOPING COUGH, COLD in the BOWELS, ASTHMATIC COUGHS, and RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVES. Dn. BROWNING is a regular graduate of medicine, a skillful pharmacist, and a thorough chemist. His "C. & C." (Cough and Celd) Cordial is net the result of mere chance, but of long scientific research in chemistry and medicine, as is plainly seen by the rapidity of its action and its unparalleled efficacy. The expense inits manufacture is at leat live times as great as that of any ether medicine upon the market, and vet it is sold at the exceedingly low price of 50c. 43 Sample bottles ( for a short time only ) 25c. W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., Proprietor, U7 AROH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. d4-lydoewAwJ - FOR SALE BV THE PROPRIETOR AND ALL DRUGGISTS. CLOTJIIXG. CENTRE RAIL, 24 CEXTRE SQUARE. HOP TR( ERUS. BIT J. ERS "Fer sinking spells, tits, dlzzi- ncs, palpitation und low spirits, HOP rely en Hep Bitters." BIT ""Read et. procure and use Hep ERS Bitters, and yen will be strong, healthy and happy." HOP "Ladies, de veu want te be BIT strong, health v and beautiful? ERS Then use Hep Bitters. "The greatest appetier tnmach, HOP bleed and liver itg.i nor Hep BIT Bitters." ERS "Clergymen. Lawyer-. Editor., Bankers and Ladies need Hep ltt HOP fers daily." j:, . "Hep Hitters has restored te so se tU3 briety and health, perfect w reeks HOP ll0,u intemperance.' BIT "Soursteinach.sick heudachenud ERS dizziness. Hep Hitters cures with a few dose-." HOP "fTiO will be paid for a case that BIT Hep Hitters will net cure or help." EUS U,mI!;itl.it!l.l.m, wf ,.... til. ,,,, ens und cures continually from the IIJ first dose." EUS "Kidneyand Urinary complaints of all kind-permanently cured by HOP Hep Hitter.-." BIT Hep Cough Cure is the sweetest. ERS safest and best. Ask children. ..., The i'ep Pad for Stomach. Liver 'J;' and Kidneys is Miperier te all j:,1. ether-. Ask Druggi-ts. I. I. C. is an absolute and irre HOP sl-tible cure ter drunkenness, use BIT of opium, tobacco and narcotic-. ERS All above sold by druggi.-ts. Hep Hitters Manufacturing Ce. Ueche HOP ter. X. V. BIT .send for Circular. ERS . tl'.MydeedA.w Closing out our WINTER STOCK Greatly Mtcsl Pies, In order te make loom for the Large Spring Stock, Which we are new manufacturing. Overcoats, Suits and Suitings, Te he sold at the Lewest Prices. 1 B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, 9Myd LANCASTER, PA. MED1VAL. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS ! This scientific remedy, prepared from choice vegetable extract, is the Rest Bleed Purifier, and stimulates every function te mere health ful action, and Is thus a benefit in all diseases. In eliminating the impurities et the bleed, the natural and necessary result is the cure of Scrofulous ami ether Skin Eruptions and Dis eases, including Cancers, Ulcers and ether eies. Nothing is better ler clearing and beau tifying the complexion. Dyspepsia, Weakness et the Stomach, Consti pation, Dizziness, Gem nil Debility, etc., are cured by the Safe Bitters, and ii is unei nallt'il its an appetizer and for building up an en feebled system. It is a medicine which should be in every lamily, and which, wherever used, will save the payment of many doctor's bills. Convincing testimlniiats furnished en appli cation. Bettles ot'twe sizes ; prices, 50 cts. and $1. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, Safu Diabetes Cure, Safe Tonic, Safe Pills and Safe Nervine are also superior remedies, un equalled in their respective fields of disease. Warner's Sale Remedies are sold by Drug gists and Medicine Dealcrr. generally through out the country. send ler Pamphlet and Testimonials. II. II. WARNER & Ce., Rochester, N. V. 8 dcCJ-Tu,Tii&SdAw GIFT DRA WIXGS. AUTHOKlZhl) I5V THE COMMON WEALTH OF KY., and Fairest in the World. 16th Popular Monthly Drawing OF THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO., At Macaulcy's Theatre, in the City of Louis ville, en JANUARY 31st, 1880. These Drawings, authorized by act et tlie Legislature et fwj;), and sustained by all the courts of Kentucky (all fraudulent advertise ments of ether lottery companies who claim the sole en nership et "all the grants in Ken tucky," te the contrary, notwithstanding), oc cur regularly en the last day of every mouth (Sundays excepted), and aie supervised by prominent citizens et the Slate. Every ticUet-helder can be his en 11 supervisor, call out his number and see it placed in the wheel. The management call at tentien te the grind opportunity presented of obtaining, for only ii, any of flic fellow ing prizes : 1 prize ! :m,diki 1 pri.e K,()ii 1 pri.e .I.oeo ID prizes $l,uoei-ach lo.ueo 'JOprizcseWicaeh 1(',k) lue prizes, f loe each Hi.iwe 'JW prizes .ID each le,iK) (KK) prizes 'JO each Vlfm KM0 prizes lllcach HMW0 ! prizes 'M each, approximation prizes "J,"!) ! prizes 'JW each, " " 1,NI0 !) prizes lueeuch, " " :iw 1,'JMI prizes ll'-',tiXl Whom tickels, t-; halt tickets, $f; 11 tickets $,'j; Tm tickets, $Kiu. All applications forcluhratcssheuldhcmuilc te the home nlliee. Remit by bank dratt or express. Orders of $." and up ard, by express, can be sent at our expense. Full list of drawing published in Louisville Ceuricr-Juiirntil and New Yerk Herald ami mailed te all ticket-holders. Fer tickets and information address T. J. COMMERKORI), Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky., or 1U3 Broadway, New Yerk. dl-Tu'lWcs&w H'.IXi. VAl'VRS, Jit: "TT'E ARK PREPARED TO MAKE ALL KINDS OF WINDOW CORNICES In the best manner and Lew Price-. Gimp Bands, Curtain Leeps, Heeks, &c. FULL STOCK OP WALL PAPEE, Seme very Choice New Patterns, WIXD0W SHADES, FUIXGKS, FIXTURES, &c. Measures of Windows taken and shades put up promptly. Cell and ee. PHAEES W. FRY, 03 North Oucen Street. TRAVjTLUUr GVIDJC HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP BIT ei: HOI BIT ERS HOP HIT EE-- HOP BIT EUS HOP BIT ERs HOP HIT ERS HOP BIT ERS HOP HOP BIT ERs HOP HOP BIT HIT ERS ERS HOP HOP BIT BIT ERs ERs HOP BIT ERS HOP HOP BIT BIT ERs ERS KAY K-W K-W K-W K-V K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W Kram ram THE 0XXY KE3IEUY THAT ACTS AT THE SHIR TIME ON K-W THE LIVER, K-w THE BOWELS, K.u- and the KIDNEYS. j-.- This combined action gives it wonderful power te cure all di-K-W ease-. k-w Why Are AVe Sick! K-W Because we allow these great or gans te become clogged or torpid, K-W and poisonous humors are there fore forced into the bleed that K-W should be expelled naturally. K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W KIDNEY WORT WILL CURE JliliomeHs.s, J'ilcs, CentiiiiliiH, liiihtey Cemjiltiiiits, Urinary lH.svitt.vs, I'emiilu ". ucssrs, anil Xvrreit.i Ilineitlvrsp by causing tree action of these or gans ami restoring their power te threw oil disease. Why Miller Bilieu Pains and Aches? Why tormented wilu Piles and Constipation 7 Why frightened ever Disordered Kidneys".' Why endure Sick or Nervous Headaches". Why have sleepless nights? UseKIDNEI WORT and rejoice in health. It isadry.vegetableeom isadry.vegetableeem isadry.vegetableeom peunil, and one package will make siv quarts of medicine. (Jet it of veur Druggist. lie v. ill order it for jeu. Price. $1,011. "V.'ei.ls, Riciiai:isex& Ce., Preps., Hl'i:i.imiie:.", Vt. (Will send pest-paid.) K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W Iv-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W KAY K-W K-W K-W K-W K-W Brandy as a Medicine. The following ai tide was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. E. Slaymaker, Agent ter Reigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, w he has extensively used the Brandy referred te in his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these af flicted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was never intended as a beverage, but te be Used as a medicine of great potency in the cure et some of the destructive diseases which sweep aw ay their ami mil thousands of victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pic pic senttethe favorable notice et invalids espe cially these alllicted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy, u Inch is nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with leeble appetite and mere or less debility, will Hud this simple medicine, when used properly. A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and aches. Be it, lie.vever, strictly understood that we prescribe and use. but one article, and that is. REIGART'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young friend, II. K.SLAYM AKER. Tins Brandy has steed the test ter TliADU ma UK. years, and has never tailed, as far as our experience extends, and we then-lore give it tlie preleieiiee ever all ether Brandies, nematterwitli hew muiiyjnw-hri'.tkiug French titles thev are braudeil. One-teurth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics would siiilice te buy all the Brandy te cure any such i-.i-e or cases, in proof of the curative peweis el" Reigars Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can .summon mini hers of witnesses one case in particular we cite: A hard-working tanner had been alllicted Willi an ehaustive Dyspepsia tern number of Miars; Ids stomach would reject aline-t every kind of teod; lie had sour eructatiens con stantly ueappctltc in taet, he was obliged te lesfrict bis diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he used Mefininii's Reet Beer, lie is 11 Methodist, and then, as new, preached at times, and in his discourses etleu declaimed earnestly against all kinds et sluing drink. When advised te try m II Air& n &pf Reigart's Old Brandy, s case, lie looked up with astonishment, ill aiier Hearing 01 11s weiiueriiu enecis in lie eases of some of liis near acq uaintanccs, he t hist consented te fellow our advice, lie ...1 l... l.-....l.. .. 11. f..ll.r ...t.l t 111. ..,1... Ill hi but tl a H-fi 1 lilt ill. luiij i.iiiuiiiiij .inn siu,-.i 11 -, . 1111; lirs t bottle giving him an appetite, and lietere the second was taken he was a sound luan.w ith a stomach capableef digesting iiiiythiug which lie chose te eat. Hestill keeps it anil uses a lit tle occasionally; and since he has this medi cine he has been el" very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Pkaciisimj Physician. II. E. SLAYXAKfilt, A (JEST KOH Rcigavt's Old rine Stere, Established in 17X.;, IMl'OI-TKU ASH DKAI.KK N FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRIE", lPE- RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in l-l, lbJ7 and lfc'-Js,- CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER, BROWN STOUT. Ne. St) EAST KINO ST.. LANCASTER. PA .iivi:lei:s. BIS0HOFF & FOEHL, GOLD AXD SILYEI1 KEFIXEKS. Old Celd and Silver Bought, marl-lyd ZAHM'.- CORNER. 3d Kloei:. 1 i LARGE LOT Ol UENUIN V. A ROGERS BRO.'S All Steel Triple Silver Plated DINNER Ai TEA KITES, Offered very low. We are closing out Spoons and Ferks much below regular price. E. F. BOWMAN, 106 EAST KLNG ST. LOCHER'S COUGH SYRUP CURES COX-SUMPTION. LANCASTEK AND MIIO.V.KSV1LTLK K.K Cars run as fellows : -Leave Lancaster (P. R. Depot), at 7, 9, an.t 11:00 a.m., and 2, 4. 6 and 8 JO p. m., except en Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9:30 p. m. Leave Millersville (lower end) at3,S, and 10 a. 31., and 1. 3, 5 und 7 p. in. Cars run daily en above time except en Sun day. PEXXSYLVASIA RAILRO A I N KM SCHEDULE On and after SUND.W. NOV. 9th, 1879, trains en the Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive and leave the iincaster and Philadelphia depots as follews: Eastward. Atlantic Express, Philadelphia Express Fast Line Yerk Aceeni. Arrives; llarrisburg Express Dillerville Aceem. Arrives, Columbia Accommodation. Frederick Accem. Arrives, Pacific Express, Minday Mail John-ten 11 Express, Day Expiess , llarrisburg Acconiuiedat'n. Leave Lanc'ter tirJTi a.m. 4: " rniu 7:.W " 7W " ,:tt U:li " lr-t " hii r.M. 2a ' :::c5 ' 3:-J) ' tri " Airive Phllad'.i 3:1)0 a.m. 7:00 7: te " 10:61)""" lJ:0"lV.3t J:tt) "' .isi Ssai 7r.M " 9-.1!) ' Wkstwahh. I Leave Arrive I Philad'n Lanc'ter li:.") a.m. .V.00 A.M. S:U) " 111:03 " 10:10 " S.iw " ll:ir " 11:07 ' S:oe " l(i:.) ' 11:30 ile r.M 2:13 2-.30 " J::0 r.v. 3:13 " 4:00 ' 7:-Ji 5:00 " 7rJ3 f:-r " S::)0 9:10 " II.at " 11 :33 " ill) a.m. Way Pas-enger, Niagara Express Hanover Accommodation,. Mail Train Ne. l.via Mt.Jev, .Mail Train Ne.-i.via Cel'bia, Sunday Mail Fast Line, Frederick Accommodation, Dillerville Leetil. ia Mt..le Harrisbui-g Aceoiiimedat'u, Celuiiiliia Aeeoiumedatioii. llarrisburg Express Pittsburg Expiess, Cincinnati Express, Pacific Expics, 1 ucilic Express, rust, en Sunday, w hen Hag ged, will step at Middletown. Elizabuthtewn Jit. Jey, l.undisvillu, Bird-in-lhind, l.eiiian Place, tiap, Christiana, Parkeslmrg, Contes Centes ville, Oakland and Cden Lech. Fast Line. west, en Sund-iv, w lieu flagged, will step at Dew ningtew n.Ceatesville. Parkes lmrg, Mt. Jey, Elizabethtown ami .Middletown. Hanerer Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster with Niagara Express, west, at Ki::St, A. m., and w ill run through 10 lhme er. Frederick Accommodation, west, connects at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 r. m., and will run through te Frederick. Ciei.umi:ia ani pert ikpeitT:7k. J Tniius new run regularlveu thoCeliimbi.i and Pert Deposit Railroad 'en the fellow iug time: Express. Accem. a. M. p. M. rM 2:!5 :0i :i:t.'i 7:-in l.(M 7:::i :I7 7:31 4:41 77 1:19 s-..:.i ft::-.". SXATIOXS NOUTIIWAUII. Pert Deposit Peaehlotteiu. Fite's Eddy Mcfall'sl-erry slien k's Ferry i s.it'e Harber. I Columbia Sr.vriexs Seuth wauk. Columbia Sate Harber. Slienk's Ferry McCall's Ferry Fite's Eddy Peaehbottem Pert Deposit 1i;adin-; and Columbia railroad. On and alter MONDAY. OCT. iVru. s;:i, passenger trains will rim en this read as lol-lews: Aceeni. Expiess. A. M. I-. M. lhixi li:.e I1..V, i: :-. P. M. 1J:03 i;:3t IJ:..l 7:1-9 li-3l 7:-tl 1:11 7::fc 2:13 ..'. TltAlX'S t'OINU SOUTH. Reading, Iicinhelds, Ephrata, Akion, Litix, Manheim Lancaster Juiictieu,. Landisville, Columbia Dillerville Lancaster, King hlieet, Ilarnish West Willow Bauiiigardner, Peipiea, Refteu New Providence, Hess, tjuarry ville, TllAlXS GOIM4 Neirrn. A.M. I A.M. ( 7:::e II-" V. M. i ":0I 12:21 S:IS 12:10 Sr.M 12:13 8:t:; l:i 2 9:02 I:IS 9:(C l:li) 9:Ili 1S3) 9:13 IiV. 9:-.7 2:02 !)i'!: 2:ii3 9:13 .... 9:3 10-.03 111:1)9 10:17 .... 10:2:: .... ::::: 1 .... 10:12 .... 10:30 p. M. p. .11. 0:11) I 1 ti:l.i 7:u: 7:1 is 7:23 7:.i 7:13 7:30 ?) 1 .:. h:le S:20 .s:."l .S:I2 S:I7 9:01 9:12 9:19 9r23 3:(Ki 3:10 3::re 3:."9 3.13 3:3:: i;:ir2 C:I3 ICiS ,. M. P. M. P. 31. -.r isj 0:32 2.41 i;:.!1) ' 2:ts 7:11 .... ' 2:39 7: IS I ."'..U3 -; ":!! 11 :::: 7:lT .... 7:33 .... s:03 !:0) S:iH I::", S:i) bin) ::v u:u X-"M Ir23 .S-.I9 his 9:oe 2:00 9: li; 2: M 9:2:; 2:23 9:12 2:li; le:0"i :::2e :::is :,:M :::3.) 4.0I 1:13 4r2i) t:.'"!) 4:17 3:11 3:3i 7:.iO :n .s:I. s'r2i s-:;.- s:l.: j:I9 9.l 9:20 Ouarry ville, Hess New Pre videnee, Bel ten, Peiuea , I'aiiiiia rd iter, West Willow Ilarnish , King Slieet, Lancaster, Dillerville Columbia Landisville, Lancaster .1 unci ion... Munlicim, , Litiz, Akren, Ephrata Iicinhelds ville, , Heading, Trains connect at Reading with trains te and from Philadelphia, Pettsvillc, llarrisburg, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk. At Columbia Willi trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, tietty-burg, Frederick and Baltimore. A.M. WILSON, Supt. T OCAL MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS. BY RAILROAD. New Yeiik Tiiuoreu maii, 7:00 a 111. 12:."0 p 111, 1:43 p 111 and 11:"J0 p 111. Way Mail, east, 7a m. GoitDexviLLE, Dowiiingtewii, Leam.iu Place, Gap lip m. Piiilaiiklpuia, through mail, 7 and 9 a in, 12:30, 4:13 and Ih.'Opm. PiTTsiii'iuin and west, l::r0and ll::Ji p m. IIaiiuisiil'ue Mail, 10 a in, 1:."U). 3:13 and IS:.:op in. Way Mail, west, 10a m. I;altimei:k ae Wasuisoten, via Philadel phia, 4:30 p 111. Baltimeiie axu Wasiiisotex, via Yerk, isw p in. Baltimeki: ani Wasiuxote.x-, via llarrislnirg, ll::;epm. Ceatesvilli;, 1:45 p m. Celumiiia, 10 a m, 1:J0 and 5:15 p m. Yeiik am Yeiik way, l:::iinl iisji pm. NeirriiKUN Cexti:al, 10a m. Inland ll:.V)pin. I.'cuumi. via Readiiigaud Columbia R l:,7:."0 11 m ami I2:."() p in. Beaiuxe. via llarrisburg. 5:!5 and ll::)ptn. Beadi.mi way, via Junction, Lit!., Muiiln-im, East llcinpliclil and Eplir.ita, .; p 111. (UAiinxviLLE. Camargo, Belten, New Provi dence, West Willow. Lime Valley and Martins ville, 9:.'"e a m, and 7:.'!0 p m. New IIuLLami, Chiirclitewn, Greenbank, Blue Ball, tioedvllle, Beartewu, by way et Do-.-uiiigtew-n, at 7 a m and i p in. Sake Haiuiei:, via Columbia. 10a in. BY STAGE Millcrsvillc and Mackwater, te Sale Harber, daily, at 'li'M p 111. Te Millcrsvilic, 8 and 11 a in, and I p in. Biukley's Bridge, Lcuceek, Bareville, New Helland, 2::i0p m. Willow Street, Smithvilb-, Buck, Che.-tniit Level, Green, Peters' Creek, Pleasant drove. Reck springs. Fairmeuiit and Reuiandsville, Md, daily, at 7 a 111. Luudls Valley, Oreiren, West Earl, Fauners ville, Hinkletewii, Teins Hill, Martiiulale. daily, at 'JSiO p m. Fertility, luupeterand Wheatland 3Ii!N, te Slrasburg, daily, at 4 p m. tlreeulanil and Soudersburg, te P.uadij.; daily, at f p in.. Netisville, daily, .it 4 p m. New Danville, Coneslega, Marticville, CIe man ville. Mount Nebo. Bauliiisville, Betlies.ia and Libeif y Senare. daily, at 2:."") p 111. WHEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY. ARRIVING BY RAIL. Eastern mail, 7 a 111 10:15 a 111,:; and ik'.Vi p 111. Eastern way mail, 10:45a m. Wi-sfein mail,7and 10a iu,2aud ii::)) p m. Reading, via Reading and Columbia, -i-S'i) p m. Western way mail, a m. Reading way mail. 10::;ea in. ARRIVING'RY STAGE. Frem Sate Harber and Mil!ersville,nl9n in. daily. Frem Millersville, 7 and 9 a m, and 4 p in. Frem New Helland, at '.-"X a m, daily. Frem Rewlandsvillc, Mil. at 2SW p m. Reading way mail, at 10::xiu m. daily. Frem Sti-.isburg, ut9:::i) a m, daily. Frem Paradise te Lancaster, leu m, daily Frem Nelfsville at 1 p 111, daily. Frem Rawliusvilie. at 11 am. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. There arc four mall deliveries by letter car riers each day, and entlieir return trips they take up tlie mail matter deposited in the I.-tlci boxes. Fer the first delivery the carriers leave the eflU-e at Ci'Jlt a in; second delivery at 10 a 111 ; third delivery sit 11 a 111 ; fourth delivery at ' p in. SUNDAY PO-sTOFFICE HOURS. On Sunday the postefllce is open from April 1 te October I. from 8 te 9 a 111, and from ft te 7 p in : from October 1 teApril l,f rem 9 te 10 .1 111, and from ite7j m. MUSICAL ISSTRU31EXT.S. C H I C KER IN G PI A NO S! I would respectfully call the attention of persons wanting a tlrsi-class piano that I have been appointed sole agent for Lancaster coun ty, for Chickering & Sen's Celebrated Pianos, Of Bosten, Mass. Pianos can be seen at my Organ Manufacturing Warerooms, .120 North Queen street. ALEX. McKTT.TJPS, dccK-2tdeawd&wtr Ijinc.ister, Pa. . .( ---, -..--. i-i i. Jy-..-s-'iVr- ;., . --.'hy ... .