Y i THE LAWYERS. Meeting of the Lancaster Law Library Association. The annual meeting or the "Lancaster Law Library Association was held in the court room of the court house this morn ing at 10 o'clock. President Themas E. Franklin, esq., called the meeting te order. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the sec rotary Geerge Xauimm, esq., and adopted. D. G. Kshleman, esq., treasurer, read his annual report, which showed that he had expended $441.e2, during the year and that there is a balance of 223.02 yet in the treasury. The report was referred te the finance committee and by them was audited and found te be correct. Their i epert was adopted. Mr. Kshleman. of the purchasing com mittee lead his report showing that 04 volumes had been purchased besides the Weekly Xefex of cases, the Legal Ltlclli gcuccr and the Lancaster Bar. Tiic report was received and adopted. Ames .Slaymaker, esq., chairman of the library committee, reported that they had examined the library and found that all 1 lie cooks were there with the exception of tluee volumes, which had been taken out by some persons and net returned. The report was ordered te be filed. V. A. At lee, esq., offered the following eso!:ilien, which was adopted : ''Heselced, That a reward of 620 be given te any pcr pcr wlie shall report te the chairman of the library committee the name of any jierseu who violates the regulations of the asso ciation relative te taking books from the court house. " S. II. Reynolds, e.sq., chairman of the committee en the Duke street pavement, reported that he had conferred with the county commissioners, who seemed willing te de their part towards the construction of the pavement. lie had also spoken te several mcmbcis of councils, but that body, as yet, had net determined what ac tion it will take in the matter. Xomenilieis of the committee en the extension of the court house being present, their report was net heard. The following resolution was offered by ?I. Uresius, esq., and was adopted : "7,'c "7,'c .selrfrf, Thai the judges of the court of common pleas and orphans' court be re quested te adept a rule forbidding the ap pointment of any person net a member of the bar as auditor in any case.'" J. Hay lbiiwn, esq., moved that the libr try committee have a new catalogue of books published. Mr. Atlee, of the library committee, did net think that they would be justified in anything se expensive at the present time. .Mr. lirewn then withdrew his motion, as he believed .Mr. Atlee te be better acquainted with the condition of the library than he is. AValler M. Franklin, esq., offered a res olution in regard te law students, which after being amended was adopted as fol fel lows. ''Hixelccd, That the judges of the courts be requested te adept a rule te the ciTcct that no person shall hereafter be registered as a student at law until he shall have undergone an examination en Mich branches as the ceuit may designate, in this inle, by a standing committee of live te be appointed annually by the court, and shall have produced and filed with the proiheuotary a certificate, .signed by a majeiity of the members of said commit tee that he is sufficiently qualified te com mence the study of law."' .1. W. F. Swilt, esq., moved that the old officers be re-elected by acclamation. This was agreed te, and the officers for the following year are President Themas K. Franklin. Vice President 11. (J. Leng. Secretary Gcenje Nauinan. Treasurer I). G. Kshelman. Librarian Geerge Albright. The eeitimitteesas appointed by the chair also remain the same as last year. They :ire as fellows : Finance I). (5. I'aker, S. II. He.uielris and AV. V. llensel. Purcliaxinij II. G. Leng, I). G. Kshle jnan and Geerge M. Kline. Library A. Slaymaker, W. A. Atlee and V. Leanian. The salary of the librarian was ordered te remain at $50, the same as heretofore and it was further ordered that the janitor lie paid $10 yearly. On motion the meeting adjourned. Till'. POULTRY fair. Prospects of :i Successful Exhibition. The first general exhibition of the Lan caster count j- Poultry association, which will open te-morrow in Lecher's building. Centre square, second story, premises te be an event of great interest in its line and gives hope of being entirely successful. There is a large number of public spirited exhibitors. The incubator, which premises te be one of the most attractive features of the exhibition, is in successful opera tion, the first chick having been hatched this morning, and te all appearances is perfectly healthy. Every day during the fair chicks will be hatched out by this in genious contrivance. Hiliinrd l'rizes. Next week a billiard tournament will lie held in the saloon of II. II. Power, under the fit y hotel. About a dozen well known players of this city have already entered and some fine games are expected. The prizes te be given te the winners have been purchased by Mr. Power in Xcw erk, and they can new be seen at the hotel. The first prize is a geld-headed cane made of snake root : the second is an ebony cane with geld head, and the third is a billiard cue made of snakcroet, maple, satin-weed and ebony. The prizes arc all very handsome and are well worth plac ing for. I'ruf. Hull Abroad. The Kittauning, Armstrong county JScu fi nd says : ' Prof. Hall, of Lancaster, is again with us, doing up the musical part of the teachers' Institute this week. The professor does net seem te have lest any of his melody, but the tones of his voice ring out as clear and musical as they ever did. It has long been conceded in this community that in the matter of singing, Prof. Hall has no superior and few equals. The Armstrong county teachers' insti tute at least, seem te think they cannot find his superior in vocal music and train ing." Halls Last Night. Last evening the ball of the baggage ex pressmen and coachmen of the city took place Hethweilcr's hall. There was a large attendance and geed order. The colored folks also held a ball in the hall ever the opera house, and the order was oed. Zanfretta. This afternoon Zanfrctta's pantomime an- i specialty company gave a matinee at the opera house te a geed-sized audience. The V will appear again te-uight. Primary and Secondary Schools. The special committee appointed at the last meeting of the school beard report a plan for the erection of school buildings and the reorganization of the schools will probably present their report te the beard te-night. As a matter of interest we print the following tabulated statement of the enrollment of pupils in the several primary and secondary schools. It shows net only the number of pupils in cacli school and each division, but also the number of pupils who arc in schools that aie net in their own division. A careful study of the table will enable directors and ethers in terested te form a correct judgment as te where new school houses should be built. .SKCOXDAMKs. llerr.7.T...T - Rumlcll Ilubcr . I . r- i Mr. Mis lii 1.7) 11J !)' 11 i.;r i is Jill 41! Mr. Gates MissHantch " Rrubaker... Pi of. .Matz ?M I I! 4! n:;i m'-iii rillMAKIKS. Missaig Muselman " Dougherty " Downey - Etti-r.." " staid ' ISair ' Clarksen " Ruckiiis ' Channel! " Mar-bull Gumlakcr ' Derwnrt ' Johnsten Total in i'riinurie . ' 1.7.1 ..U7, .He 131 Hi! l 177 Hi.;- iei : 1-0 .". l.V l.Vi 1.-.0: ml iii, n;.i! I7'i; ler 10 hi :ii loiieo ri."iiii .") i . 111.2 I I Ii I. ami .suc.lsisjii-fcilijs! 7H 27I, OltlTIIAKY. Heath el the Oiliest Inhabitant. .lames Itegera died at St. Jeseph's hos pital yesterday, in the Ullh year of his age. Fer full half a century Mr. Kegcr.s took an active part in local e.'fairs and was well-knew te most of our citizens, lie was horn at Kanialtan, county Denegal, Ireland (the hirtli place also of James Ihichnuau's father), and came te America in 1852. .Soen afterwards he sent for his wife and family, and settled in Lancaster. Fer many years he was watchman and messenger in the old Lancaster haul:, then occupying the building in which Hie In Tr.!.i.ic.i.Nci:it is new printed. After the bank failed ilr. Uegers became a her.se dealer and subi-c-iucutry a contrac tor doing veiy considerable work for the city in the line of macadamizing sewering and trenching. He was for a time in partnership with Charles Schwnbel, whose serious less by (ire this morning is chronicled elsewhere in our columns. Mr. Uegers lived for many years in hi.s own house en Mulberry street, but, be coming old and enfeebled, he se'd his prepei ty a year or two age, and has since then been a be.ndcr at St. Jeseph's Catholic hospital, where he received all possible attention. Mr. ltegeis leaves a son, wiie resides in Tivoli, Xew Yerk, and two daughters (Mrs. McCertand Mrs. Mc Mullen), lesidiug in this city. Mr. Uegers" s funeral will take place te-morrow at 10 o'clock, at which time .solemn re quiem mass will be celebrated in the chapel of the hospital of St. Jeseph's. The interment will be in SI. Marj's cemetery, whcie the remains of his wife lie buiied. I'leelien !' Otlieets. On Monday evening, Dec. 2.), 'Washing ton council. Ne. 0, V. . S. W. M., elected the following ellicers for the ensuing term : X. G. William WohKen. V. G. Chas. I5ehu. P. F. Xeuderlf. Secretary Philip Keller. Treasurer C. A. Oblcnder Trustee Gee. Jehns. I). 1). X. ('.Gee. Uitter. Uepresentatives te Grand Ledge Jacob Lamparter and Frank Zeigler. Last evening the Lancaster Mienner Mienner cher elected the following eiliccrs te .serve for the ensuing term : President Henry Gcrhart. Vice President Henry Selnnitt. Ueeerding Secretary Gee. Pfeiifer. Assistant Secretary ('has. Peters. Corresponding Secretary A. F. Oblen der. Trcasuicr A. II. 15all. Librarian I Icni y Uudy. Trustees Gee. Shulmyer, Geerge Gell, Lawrence Goes. Music Committee II. Gerhart, Geerge Pfeiifer. F. Ilejfel. Flag Hearers L. Knapp and Geerge M. Uerger. .Supposed Murderer Cleared. Seme time age the Ix'ri:iJjei::;ci:i: con tained an account of the killing in Mentana of Isaac G. Fritz, who was known as " Broncho Sam," and who was formerly a resident of this county. A man named Deighenpart, who was charged with the killing, was clcaicd at the trial a few days age. He immediately lied from the state for fear of being lynched. Chickens Stelen. Last niji'it some thief went te the house of Lem. II. liachler, at Xe 17 Mary .street, and stele two diessed chickens, which had been hung out te freeze. SPl'CIAl. NOTICI". Kemeval. Alter this date the undci-dimcd will occupy the new Tobacco Warehouse, Xe. i:"."! North Shippen street, adjoining the Pennsylvania Railroad, removing from Xe. S KaM Chelnut street. The general business el " Packer, Com-mis-ien Merchant and Wholesale Dealer in Leaf Tobacco" will be continued. a. ti:i.i.i:i:, dee-JiiStd Lancaster, Pa.. Dee. S, I.-7:'. Amusements. J'anteiiiiim: Alex, .anlretta and a pan tomime troupe will appear in the opera beuse this evening. Tlicic '.:. lull line of va riety actors with the troupe, and the clown himself will appear in his wenderlul pciioriu pciieriu ance en the tight-rope. Real and Drajtier's Troupe. On Saturday afternoon and evening this company w ill play " I'ncle Tem's Cabin," which has net been given here yet thUseasen, at the opera house. The prices are low enough te allow all te at tend. Xew Adykutiskmkxts. A Valuable JSrick Dwelling Fer Sale. Prime Seed Leaf Tobacco Fer Sale. Dissolution of Cepartnership. Missionary work in Londen. Set-out at Mi ilei'.s '1 e night. Netice te the Public. I'ncle Tem's Cabin. Poultry show. Public sale. Fer Kent. Netice. ISTTer further details see advert isiu column. What a Pity that the otherwise beaut 1"ul girl should have sucli had teeth. And all because she did net use bOZODOXT. It cod se little, te buy it considering the geed iti ies, and its benelits stretch out into her lutu c lilt-. Peer girl. FOE SALE. ONE FIRST-CLASS PHAETON, With Full Leather Tep and Cleth lined, has only Run three or four t imes. WILL BE SOLD CHEAP INQUIRE AT HATJGHTO'S CHEAP STOKE, XO. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET, eS-lvdAw SPECIAL NOTICES. Xe Mere Hard Times. If you will step spending se much en line clothes, rich feed and style, buy geed, healthy feed, cheap and better doming : set mere real and substantial things of lite every way, and especially step the loeli-h habit el employing expensive quack doctors or using se much of the vile humbug medicine that does you only harm, lnit put your trust in that simple, pure lcinedy, Hep Uitter-, that cures always at a trilling cost, and veu w ill see geed times and l'.aegoed health, see another column. jl-Jwd Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. "'Sellers' Liver Pills' cured me of liver com plaint of eight years' standing.'' Win. Kvtiiw, 'id. 111. Give them a trial. The tonic ell'ect of Kidney-Wert is produced by its cleanliness and purilyiiig action en the bleed. Wheie there is a gnivelly deposit 111 the urine, or milky, ropy urine from disorder ed Kidneys, it cures without tail. Constipation and Piles readily yield te its cathartic and hcal hcal pewcr. He coughed ! lie coughed ! His eyes ran; he looked redder in the face than a lobster. J!ut "Sellers" Cough Jsyrup" cured him. Sensible Canadian. Mr. Cadbeis, of ISreckvillc, Camilla, alter be ing cured of a prostrating malarial diseasecon diseasecen tractcd in Texas by means of Warner's Sate Pills anil sate Hitters, writes te Us: "I shall never travel in that climate without your safe Pills and -afe Hitters as part of my outfit." jl-'-wd Pure spices at Lecher's Drug Stere. .statistics prove that twenty-live per cent, et the deaths in our larger cities are caused by eonsumptien, and when we rolled that this terrible disca-e in its worst stage will yield te a buttle of Lecher's Renowned Cough syrup, shall we cendeiiin the sulleiers ler their neg ligence, or pity lhem for their ignorance? Try Lecher's tough Syrup. In Het Weather I an immense number el" persons sutler Hern j disordered Kidneys or deranged Liver. Kidnej- j Wert is the great het weather medicine. It is j prepared without the 110 of liquors, and there- j fore it does net heat the system, but aids each ' organ tekeepupa healthyand vigoreusaction. 1 CritB colt Coi'eu en Celd. As seen astheie is the slightest uneasiness of the Chest, with ' dilliculty of breathing, or indic.it ion of Cough, take during the day a few 'Jlreirn'x Jlrenchlal Trnclie.1." ' d::il-TThs&w Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. A Mether's Oriel. The pride of a mother, lhe lite and joy of a home, are her children, hence her grief when sickness enters and take- them away. Take warning then, that you are I mining a terrible risk, if they have a Cough. Croup or Whooping Cough, w Inch lead te Consiimptieu.il you de net attend te it at once. Mnleh's Consump tion (jure is guaranteed teeure them. Price 10 cent-, M cents anil 1. Fer lame Rack. . side, or Chest, use hhileh's Pereus Plaster. Price J.'i cents, sold bv D. Ileitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Miliersville. The Best I Eicr Knew Of. J. (J. Starkey, a prominent and inline ntial Citizen of low a City, says: -1 have had the Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint ler several vears, ami have used every Remedy I could hear of, without any relict whatever, until I saw j our Miileh's V'itali.er advertised in our paper, and was persuaded te try it. lam happy te state that it has entirely cm ed me. It is cer tainly the best Remedy I e-er knew of." Price 7 cents. .eId bv D. ileitshu, Lancaster, ami M. L. Davis, Miliersville. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A marvelous Cure ler Catarrh, Diphtheria' Canker Meuth, and Head Ache. ilh c.u-li bottle theie is an ingenious nasal Injector ter the mere successful treatment of tne com. plaint, without extra charge. Price .Ml eenis. fold by D. Ileitshu, Lancaster, and M. L.Davis, .Miliersville. sSi-eodli.Veew I HEX TIIS. Roekks. In this city, at St. Jeseph's Hospi tal. Dec. ."list. Is7'., James Rogers, in the tilth year of his age. His relatives and friends et the lainily are respeettully invited te attend the funer.d from St. Jeseph's hospital, where high m:is will be held, at 10 o'clock te-morrow (Friday morning. Interment in St. Mary's cemetery. XEW AJ) VE11TISEMEXTS. -UBLIC SALE. On TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 0, lss:, will be sold at the Leepard hotel, a two-story RR1CK DWELLING. Ne. .W, Seuth Prince street, containing live rooms. Let Irents a feet, mere or le-s, en Prince street, ami in depth lin led. mere or less. .sale te commence at 7 o'clock. Conditions made known by FREDERICK TOELLE. Henry Shubert, Auctioneer. jan l-jtd fJ'JIE OLD GIRARD PIKE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. $1,131,333. All invested in the best securities. J.e-es promptly paid. Fer policies call en RIFE & KAUFMAN, Xe. 10 East King St.. Lancaster, Pa. S-MW&SUmdR VS-UC.XEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY. ON sA'l'ntDAY. JANU ARY 'J4, 1SS). The undersigned assignees of Patrick Carr and w ife, of Lancaster city, Pa., will expose te public; sale, at Michael's hotel. North Queen street, the following valuable properties, viz : Xe, 1. All that certain one and a half sterv RRICK DWELLING HOUSE, and Let or Piece of Ground theret" belonging, situated en the north side el",r Xing street, Lancas ter cit v. said let hav . i front of 111 feet:; inches", and extending in deptn 100 feet, mere or less, anil being Ne. (" West King street, bounded en the west by property, new or late et'Marv Campbell, en lhe north bv an alley, en the eas"t bv property new or late of Jeremiah Campbell; and en "the south Ly West King street aforesaid. Ne. -j. All that certain twe-str.-y P.RICK DWELLING HOUSE, and let or piece el" ground, thereto belonging, situate en the west side et Xeith Plum street. Lancaster city. Ne. :!s, said let measuring seventeen feet, mere or less, en Plum street, and extending in depth westward of tint widi n, 70tc;,t ii inches, mere or less, beiimh d en the east bv Plum street, en the south by proper! v new" or late of Jehn J. Der-ch, en the west bv'preperty el Martin Grail, and en the north by a common alley. This is a desirable property located in one of the best parts el the eitv Ne. :;. All these two certain LOTS OF GROUND situate en the southwest corner et East Chestnut ami Marshall streets, Lands ter eitv. Pa., measuring in lrent en said East Chestnut street 41 feet, morn or 'less, and ex 's -nding in depth south wardlyllS feet te an alley slid lets being Xes. 91 anil .ii en Chc-inui street tract; bounded en the north by said Eat Chestnut street, en the east by said Marshall, en the south bv a 11-feet wide alley, and en -the west by Xe. ft'! of said Chestnut stre-Jl tract. These are verv desirable building lets, situated in a new and rapidly improving part of the city. Sate te commence at 7 o'clock, p. m of said day. when attendance will be given and terms made known by EMANUEL E. MILLER. Assignee of Patrick Carr and Witt , Ilenrv Shubert, Auctioneer, jan l-W.lSd&janl'.M'td T XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. XEIV AWEitTlSEMEXTS. 170 It KENT. A lli-st-cla-s store stand, new used as a grocery, doing a geed business, Xe. lltseiitlij yueen sireei. wiiuin one. siuaie ei uie ceiuiu of the city. Fer particulars inquire et Janl-2td JOHN ItUOCK, SET OUT! SET OUT! Set out te-night. The first of the year where the Rochester beer Hews, at JOHN' A. SNYDER'S, ltd Xe. 113 Xerth Queen street. rj'lii: INTEREST HUE OX JANUARY, X IsSO. en lirst mortgage bends et the Lan caster Watch Company, limited, will be paid at the Lancaster County National bank, alter this date. JOHN 1). SKILES, Treasurer, jan 1 ltd JMiltMU SALE. On THURSDAY, .1 AX. 8, en the old Kurtz l.irm, one mile northeast of Lancaster city, one mile eastward of Litiz turnpike, one seven-vear-eld son el mare, eight rows, one buggy, several wagons, harness, and a general assortment et larming implements. sale te commence at Vi, o'clock and terms madckiiewn by DANIEL FEGLEY, HEMIV SllUIiEKT. Auct. janX-StdS&T "1 )LNIIS ! OKUiWS ! Te close my stock of Xew and Second-hand Pianos and Organs before the holidays. I invite the public te examine them and ascertain low prices. JUSTUS STUCKENIIOLZ, (I'Mindlt Stevens Heuse. Lancaster, Pa. MISSIONARY WORK IN LONDON. en THL'KsllAY EVENING, the 8th Inst., Mrs. l'uiina Ringrose w ill give a history of her .Missionary Werk in Lomleii,"at thcDerwart stieet mission, at 7 o'clock. Children will net be admitted unless brought by their par ents. A collection will be taken up for the benelit of Derwart street mission Sunday Sunday Sunday Scheel. "VOTJCE. """The prices et" coal at our YARDS until lur tner notice will be as follews: old I.vkeiis Vallev, Prepared $t 00 Old 1vkcns allev. Nut 4 .!) All ether kinds, Rieken, Egg ami Nut t -.'(i All ether kinds Move 4 .Te All grades of I'ea :j 1(1 Charge for deliveiing. per ten 'i ii. 15.im;ardxer & co. Lancastck. Jan. 1, IssO. janl--JldlA:! -JOULTRY SHOW. LOClIKir' S Ji UTL D IN G (Centre Square). Open Daily trein .)a. m. te 10 p. in. Market morning lrem 7 a. m. CHICKENS HATCHED DAILY. Admission, ." cents. Children, 10 cents, janl-lwd "VTOriCE TO THE PUBLIC. G. SEXEIi & SOKS. Will continue te sell only g e:Uixi-: lykexs valley and WILKESBAIUIE GOALS which aie the best in the market, ami sell as LOW as the LOWEST, and net only GUAR ANTEE FULLWEIGIIT, hut allow te WEIGH ON ANY scale in geed order. Ale Rough and Dressed Lumber, Sash, Deers, IJlinds, A.c..at Lewest Market Prices. Office and yard northeast corner Prince and Walnut streets, Lancaster, Pa. janl-tfd 'I'D OUR COAL patrens: When the undersigned entered the Ceal bus iness we laid down the following rule, which we have slrietlv fellow ed : " We sell nothing but geed Ceal at lhe lowest market price." Weight and quality guaranteed. This shall continue te be our riileas long as we, aie in the bu-incss, no matter whether coal is SOLD at TIIK riilt'C OF 3IINIXG OK NOT. Xew the Ceal Trade is uch a pleasant ami at tractive business that we have no idea of aban doning it. We will sell Ceal AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Net because we think we ought te make resti tution (we have none te make), but because we will net be umlciseld. WEIGHT AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. .IAS. STEWART & SON. dec.'ll-tldeedR TjHILTOX OPERA HOUSE. SATU11DAY, JAXUAL'Y, .;, 75.su HOLIDAY MATINEE AND EVENING. Third Annual Tour of the Majestic Spectacu lar Revival of Mrs. Harrriet lieecher-Stewe's great moral, religious and pathetic story of Uncle Tem's Cabin, As eriginallv revived and performed ONE THOUsAN DTIM ES by 1HAI. AXlt JMAJ'EJl. The public desire being se great te witness this remarkably natural play, and the interest it has awakened being still unabated, and owing te the artistic manner in which it is illustrated by this Excellent Company, who have played it ever one thousand times, have induced "the management, te present it again this season, which, with the magnificent scenery, charming musical effects and touch ing incidents, have aroused t he greatest enthu siasm among nil classes, and elicited the most favorable comments trein the press, and the hearty endorsement of the leading clergy of the country. Admission, i" and .'ITiccnls. Matinee, 13 and 23 cents. Xe extra charge for reserved seats. Toe much importance cannot be attached te the tact that alt heugh we offer the above scale et prices, our company and performance is ab solutely the very best'en the read. janl-Sld. WE CANNOT ADVERTISE Reduction of Prices, As many kinds of goods are going up in price every week, but we held a large stock of desirable Dry Goods that are celling at rales proportionate te ce-t some time age. In the matter et" MUsLINSwc .secured and MUSLINS stored away an immense MUSLINS quantity, se that our sales- MUSLIN rooms and rcserye stock- MUSLIN'S rooms leek like wholesale MUSLIN'S stores. These standard MUSLINS goods are new retailing MUSLINS largely at less than future MUSLIN'S prices. MUSLINS We aKe bought freely of FLAXXELS, And can show the geed results of our bargaining en inquiry at the Flannel Counter. We are al-e selling CALICOES Cheaper than they can be bought at. The people will have te pay higher for many kinds of dry goods utter the pres ent stock are sold out. Jehn Wanamaker, GRAND DEP0T-13TH ST., PHILADELPHIA. LANCASTER, Pa. xew aih'i:j:tisejiext.s Lancaster, Dec. 1 ls7!'. IXSUKE YOl'i: riJO-'l-KTYIXKELlAISLE COMPANIES at BBNJ. P. SHENK'S, Oftlce : 10s West King Street. decl-i-Smili: rxUKE ven: pkepkkty in the iiest COMPAXIKSat I5AUSMAX X RL'RXS'. '-.ItfeedR Office: Xe. 10 West Orange St. iniKE, LIEE ANI ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest rates. Geed and Reli able Companies. HERR & STACFFER. Reat Estate & Ills. Agts., 3 X. Duke St. decaKJnulReed T OBACCO FOIi SALE. One hundred acres of lirimu IVmisvl-miii.-i Seed Leaf Tobacco for sale. Apply te J!. F. KOHI.HR. Shrewsbury. Yerk county. Pa. jan 1-lweedR DTs; SOLUTION Of CUl-AItTNEKSUir. IJv mutual consent the eartnershin rxistin' between Augustus Rheuiis ami Jehn F. Reed, trading as thellrni of "i:heads & Reed," Xe. l.'i East King street, has this day been dissolv ed. All persons having claims against said lirm will present them immediately ter puv meiit, and all these indebted te said lirm will make payment te said Augustus Rhoads, who will continue the business at the same place. A. RHOADS, J. F. REED. Dix'i:.ui!Ei:, A. D. 1S7U. janl-Std srj :CIAL NOTICE. et 68. Mansman&Bre. BSANL CLOSM SALE ! OF OVERCOATS AND HEAVY SUITINGS. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS te b.iyers of Clothing in order te make room for a large SPRING STOCK new being manu iaetured. and we are needing room. We offer well-made and stylish Clothing for Men and Beys LOWER PRICES than ever heard of before, although Goods are going up every day. We will sell, for w e must have the loom. LoeJc at Our AstemMiiiiglj Lew Trice hii : OVERCOATS I OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS ! for$J.!K), for $.&', ter$3..i3, for$i'.73. , OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS : for $7.73. for $:).7.", for $10.73. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! for f 12, ll, -pit; and $20. These are heavy-lined Overcoats, caretully madeaud splendidly trimmed. OVEkCOATS .' OVERCOATS OVERCOATS I ler $7.30, ter$s.3l), for $'.).."), for $12. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! for f 13, for f IS, fer.ii.Ii). These are Plaid-Rack Overcoats, equal te custom work. HEAVY, MEN'S SUITS for $3.30, $1.00, $3.00, $7.00, $'J.!)0, $10.00. MEN'S SUITS FOR FIXE DREsS for $12.00, $14.00, $13.00, flU.00, $1.(X and $20,00. ROYS' SUITS AXD OVERCOATS IlOYs' SUITS lrem $2.2." te $10.00. 1SOYS' OVERCOATS VERY LOW. We sell only our own make ami guarantee satisfaction. Mqney returned en all goods net teund as represented. SPIeasc call, whether you wish te pin chase or net. m Is stocked with the latest styles, which we make te measure at the lowest "cash prices and guarantee a perfect tit. SUITS TO ORDER trem $12 upwards. PANTS TO ORDER from $3.50 upwards. D. GANSMAN & BRO., MERCHANT TAILORS AXD CLOTHIERS, GO k 08 NORTH QUEEN ST., S. W. Cnrner el Orange, Lancaster, Pa. (I'ati-man's Cerner.) ORPHANS COURT SALE OF CITY LOTS. On ss.YTURDAY, JANUARY 10. ISM), will be sold at public sale, in pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster ceuntv. by the undersigned executers of Henry C. Lecher, (leceased,ut the public hoiiseef Martin Keinpf, corner et Poplar and Filbert streets, the tol tel tol lewing described real estate, viz.: All these TWENTY LOTs OF GROUND, sit uated en the southeast side of Poplar street, between Strawberry and Filbert streets, in the City et Lancaster, each let containing in lrent en said Poplar street twenty led. and in depth te a 14 feet w ide public alley, one hundred led numbered en the plan et" lets laid out by the said Henry C. Lecher, by Ne. Hi te 33, both in clusive. These lets are under geed tences and are sit uated in an improving part el the citv ale te commence at 2 o'clock of said dav, when the conditions of sale will be made known and attendance given bv CHAS. A. HEINITSH. WM.L. PEIPER, MORRIS ZOOK, Executers et IlcnryC. Lecher, deceased. IIexuy miuiikut. Auctioneer. dccl71td-17.27jan39. ORPHANS COURT SALE. On SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, lxse. Pur suant te an order of the Orphans' Court et Lancastereeunty, will be sold by public sale, en the premises, situate in the village of Reamstown, East Cocaliee township, Lancas ter county, the following real estate, late the property of Isaac Dissinger. decea-ed. te wit: A let of ground containing 72 PERCHES, nd nd jeing properties, et Sarah Ansel, Jehn Lesher, Reuben Ansel, and the public read leading from Reamstown te Churchtown. Sale te commence at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. Terms made known by ELIZA ANN DISSINGER. Jeiix- K. Reddie, Auct. Administratrix. dec!7-4tw AE. aicCANN, AUCTIONEER OF REAL . Estate and Personal Property. Orders left, at Ne. 33 Charlette street, or at the lllack Herse Hetel. 44 and 4t Xerth Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills made eutand attended te without additional cost. e27-ly MISCELLANEOUS.) PROPOSALS. Proposals will be received at the Mayer's Office up te Thursday, January 1, ISA), at S o'clock p m., for as much hard Pea Ceal, Ne. 1 dze. as may be required at the City Water "Works up te April 1, 1SS0. The Ceal te be thoroughly screened unil of geed quality: if net, it will have te be taken back at the ex pense of the partv furnishing the same. ".IOIIX. T. MacGONIGLE. d-c31-2td Mayer. T?OR SALE. A" A fax inn of 13t"!C Acres of Rliic Slate Limestone Land, w ith about 13 aeres in Tim ter. well set with Rlack Oak, White Oak and Hickory, within 2J miles of Xew Windser Depot, West Maryland. Terms moderate. Price $3 per acre. Applv te FETEIt GREENWOOD. MeKinstv's Mills P.O.. dec31-ltd&lmw Carrell Ceuntv, Md. PUHL1C SALE Or HOUSEHOLD AND Kitchen Furniture, en FKIHAY. JAXU AKY 2. 1SSD, at Xe. M7 We?t Chestnut street. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m. Condi tions made known b- M!":S. G. W. THOMPSON. IlExr.v Sncncr.T, Auct. dec-tfKitd A KAliE OPPOKTUXITY. 1 otter ler sale the cntiresteek. iroed will and llxtures of mv GROCERY. GI.A and QlEENWARE"STORE. Xe. U'iuikI 147 Xerth Queen street. Lancaster. Pa. It has been a well established business stand for meie than Id year, having a large and geed custom of both city and ceuntrv patreii. and is only one square from both the Northern ami Central Markets. If desired the property will also be sold. The reason for offering this chance is the ne cessity of devoting all mv time te the manu facture of Knapp's Vegetable Pills, which have, in the short time since their intro duction, grown te such great impularitv as te demand mv whole attention. CIIAKLES KNAPP. dec'JWtd T" IOIIT. FLIIYIY & BREJi" EMAAt MX OKKKIUMI GREAT BARGAINS IS Ceal Oil Lamps, Chandeliers and Lanterns. These goods are entirely new and handsomer than ever betere offered and prices lower. FLINN & BRENEMAN 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. CtOURT PROCLAMATION. Wiikiieas, 'lhe IIonerableJOHN IS. LIV INGSTON. President, and Honorable DAVID W. PATTERSON', Associate Judge of the Court of Common PIeas,in am! for the ceuntv of Lancaster, and Assistant JiislieesoftheCeurts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De livery ami Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and ter the county of Lancaster, have issued their precept, te me directed, requiring me, among ether things, te make nuhlic proclama tion throughout my bailiwick, that a Court et Oyer and Terminer and a General Jail Deliv ery, also a Court of General Quarter .sessions et the Peace and Jail Delivery, w ill commence in the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en the THIRD MONDAY IX JAN'UARY (III), ISM). Ill pursuance of which precept public notice is hereby given te the Maverand Aldermen el the city of Lancaster, in the said county, ami all the Justices of the Peace, the Coiener and Constables, of the said city and ceuntv of Lan caster, that they be then and therein their own proper persons, with their rolls, records anil examinations, and inquisit ions, and t heir ether remembrances, te de these things which te theirellicesnppertainin theirbchalftobedeue; and also all these who will prosecute against the prisoners who are. or then shall be in the jail of said county of Lancaster, are te be then and there te prosecute against them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster the 27th day el Decem ber, 1S7.I. I ACOi; S. STRIN E, Sheriff. dee27-.JtdTu&3twl KAXKIXU. C'1)nn returns in : 'M days en 5I0O invest 31UU ed. Ollieial reports lree. Like profits weekly en Stock 'options of $10 te $30. Address T. POTTER WIGHT & CO., Rankers, 55 Wall Street, X. V. o2e-Iy.l.v.w- -lf TO (r.irjrf INVESTED IN WALL 1KJ 'lMUUU Street Mecks makes for tunes every month. Reek sent tree explaining everything. Address RAXTL'R & CO., Rankers, dlS-lyd&w 7 Wall .street. N. Y. $10 TO CFAfl ALL WISHING TO (2)JJJ, make money in Wall st. should deal with the undersigned. Write ler explanatory circulars, sent tree bv U"irITTTVi' t. f'ft RaiikcrsanilUrekers, IlILJLLi.M iV LU., 42 Exchange Place, New Yerk. iellKlmdeed WAXTEJK llfAMKI). T Everybody te advertise, fiee of charge, in the IxTiXLieKxcKit, who wants something te de. WASTED. A girl V at te de general Housework. Apply THIS Or KICK. dec-trd lirANTEII. Al liiaii who is experienced and acquaint ed te assist in buying tobacco. Alse, an expe rienced warehouse man. Address ltdl " K," IXTELMOn.NCKIl OFFICE. LEGAL XOTICES. SSHJNED ESTATE O 1. NEDY, etStr.Lsburg OF MARY E. KEN- boreinrh. Lancaster county. Mary fc. Kennedy, et Sti-.isburg borough, having by deed of voluntary assign ment, assigned ami transferred ail her estate and effects te the undersigned, ter the benelit of the creditors of thesaid. Mary E. Keiinedy.hu t herders gives notice te all persons indebted te said assigner, te make payment te the un dersigned without delay, ami these having claims te present them te s-AMCELS. EW1XG, Assignee. J. W. F Swift, Att'y. lecl7-i;tw 4 SSIGNED E.VTATE OF EDWARD S. xV. P.RYAN and wife, et Ceney township, Lancaster county. The undersigned auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands et Jehn II. Elder, assignee, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en SATURDAY, JANU ARY 17, lSse, at 10 o'clock a. m.. in the Library Roem efthe Court Heuse, in the city of Lan caster, where all persons interested in said dis tribution mav attend. Ii. V. MONTGOMERY, dec2l-ntwl Auditor. INSTATE OF JACOl! TOTT, LATE OF li et I .ancastcr city, deceased. Letters of ad ministration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto are requested te make imme diate payment, and the-e having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing iu West Chester, or te Ids at torney, J. W. K. Swift, Lancaster. Pa. W.M. W. STOTT, dee!-lttl3tw Administr.it or. 4 SSIGNED ESTATE OF GEORGE DEER RECK, of the borough of Columbia, Lan caster county. Pa. The undersigned Auditor appeintcd te distribute the balance remaining iu the hands et William Harm, assignee, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit ter that purpe-e en TUESDAY, JAN UARY 1.1, isse, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, iu the city el Lan caster, where all persons interested in" said dis tribution may attend. W. 11. ROLAND, deel7-tw Auditor. ESTATE OFCIIARLES E.MAILLY, LATE of Ieincaster city, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands el J. W. K. Swift, administrator of said estate, te and among these legally entited te the same, will sit for that purpose en WEDNESDAY, the 21st day of JAN'UARY, 1S-0, at 10 o'clock, a. m.. in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested iu said distribution may attend. W. U. II ENS EL, lec2l-3tdeaw Auditor. rpiIK FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS WILL RE JL presented for confirmation nisi en MON DAY, JANUARY 1.), IS): Is:uic Rife's trust estate, Uriah Eckcrt tiu-tce Fanny Winner's trust estate, David Ilaker, trustee. Samuel L. Lehman's assigned estate, Jehn L. Gingrich, assignee. Henry S. Myers's assigned estate, Jehn II. Zellers et al., assignees. dec2i-5tw HIED EDITION THURSDAY EVENING, JAN. 1, 1880." XEW TEAR'S DAT. General Observance of Te-lay as a Holiday. In all the large cities, centres of trade and information, there is a general obser vance of this day as a holiday. There is no activity in the markets and all preessre. ports are suspended. and SUBMITTED. Gov. Garcelon Leaven them te the Supreme Court. Gov. Garcelon has submitted the fol fel fol Iewinij questions for the opinion of the supreme court of Maine : 1. When the governor ami council decide that there is no return from a city en which representatives can be sum moned te attend and take their seats in the Legislature, is it their duty te order a new election, or is it comeetent for the Heuse of lleprcsentives, if it shall appear that there was an election of such repre sentatives in fact, te admit them te seats, though no return thereof was made and delivered into the oilice of the secretary of state : '2. It is competent for the governor and council te allow the substitution of ether evidence in place of the returned copies of such lists as are provided for in article 4, part 1, section e. of the constitution te enable them te determine what persons appear te lie elected representatives te the Legislature by a plurality of votes re turned '.' "5. Is a return signed by less than a majority of the selectmen of a town or the aldermen of a city valid within, the Iu- quirements of thesauie-seetien- 4. Is a return by the aide" men of a city which does net give the riitmber of votes for each person voted for as a member of the Legislature, and does net show what persons were voted for as such members in any one of the several wards of such eity, a valid return within the requirements of the same section ? S.JAre id urns from towns or cities which are net attested by town or city clerk valid within the same section'.' 0. Have the governor and council a right te reject returns of the election of members of the Legislature as required bv the same section from the ellicers of towns which were net made, signed or scaled up in the open town meeting'.' 7. Is the return of two persons puqwrt ing te be the selectmen of a town valid and sulltcicnt evidence of the town, when ita pcars that at the time of the meeting at which the election was had there were but two selectmen of that town'.' 8. Can a person who is net a citizen of the United States at the time be legally elected or constituted a selectman of a town? !). If a ballet has a distinguishing mark in the judgment of the governor and coun cil such as would make it illegal under the statute have they authority te disregard it in their ascertainment of what persons ap pear te be elected, wheie it appears by the ellieial return of the eiliccrs of the town that such vote was received by the select men subject te the objection and its legality referred te the governor and ceut.cil for decision '.' 10. If the names of persons appear in the return without any number of votes being stated or carried out against them, cither in words or iigures, is it the duty of the governor and council te treat these persons as having the same number of votes as another person received for the same office, and whose name is placed first, in the list if they lind dots miliar the fig ures or words set against such ether pel pel sen's name '.' 11. Have the governor and council the legal right te decide what kind of evidence) they will receive and what the mode of proceeding before them shall be te enable them te determine the genuineness of re turns requited by the article and section of the constitution above mentioned? 12. If the governor and council have before them two lists of votes returned from the same town, differing materially from each ether in the number of votes re turned as cast for the same persons, but identical in all ether respects, both having been duly received at the secretary's office, and they have no evidence te enable them te determine which is the true and genu ine return, are they required te treat either of them as ralid, and if se, which ? 1.1 usejiexts. Sy:cl SYKO, THE MECHANICAL WONDER, THE GREATEST LIVING MYSTERY, THE WORLD RENOWNED LONDON ILLU SIONIST, THE TALKING HAND, THE EDUCATED PIG. Will be en exhibition all THIS WEEK In MISHLER'S BLTILDING, PEXX SIJ UAIt j:, Performance te 10 p. in ADMISSION, CHILDREN',. every hour from 10 a. in ..l.- Cts. ..10 " i"C!lKStl TULTON OPERA HOUSE. On MONDAY, JANUAKY .',, 1875', The Popular Artist, KATE CLAXTON, Supported by CHAS. A. STEVEXS0X, And her own Company, in Chas. Reade's Great Emotional Drama "THE DOUBLE MARRIAGE." RESERVED ""EATS, -ADMISSION, - - 7.1 Cts. ::.3 & no cts. Seats for sale at the Opera Hen-, t Ollice. dcc.'U-ftil "IULTON OPERA HOUSE. EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION Thursday Afternoon & Eve'g, Jan.l, 1880. OX LY A ITKAUAXCE OF ALEX. ZANFRETTA'S Specialty ami Pantomime Cemninalicn, Who will appear in the new famous Comic Trick Pantomime, entitled ii I SANTA CLAUS ;" Or. Harlequin, Reb Cr.itchit Dell. mil Ding Deng Mens Alex. Zanfrcttn as Clown, with the fol fel low ing celebrated specialty stars: Three Miles, the Premier Gymnasts. .Miss .Minnie Laugh, lhe famous Louden Vo calist. Williams and Martin, renowned Irish delin eators. Rernard McCrccdie, the wonder of the musi cal world. Charles E. Werley, America's representative comedian. Gyernni! Mackin, song and dance artists. Alex. Zaufrctta in his Tight Repe perform ance. TheSki-IIiRrassI'anit and a Quiet Night's Rest. Popular Prices Evening, - 23 ,fc 30 cts. Reserved Scats, ..... 5,) els. Remember Matinee at 2 o'clock p. m. Prices for Matinee Children 13c. and Adults 23c. Reserved Seats for sale at the Opera Heuse Office. dcc303td rARCUS U. SEUNER, house cabpent;eb, Ne. 120 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paid te al tcratien and repairs. sl3-lyil - I- t Hs! 1 '-' ! I .' .VI