Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, December 13, 1872, Image 3

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    Xocal Rms.
GRA TBILL METRIC 11,.,4614) : It will be re
membered that a man nateir Graybill Dietrich
was severely beaten onilignurning of Norma
bcr 1701, 1572, near 11 1 1 1 .r7r rstown. Since the
beating occurred, Dietrich has bet II tying at
death's door, and it Saturday evening, Decem
ber ;th. lic cailicd his last. t,oroner Bali
yesterday, hell ,111 inque.st over the body, and a
post-mortem cs,amination was mule by Dr.
Compton, a-Asted by Dr. John 1.. Mier,
sr., Dr. Amos K. 'Rohrer, of Mountville, Dr. S.
G. Gray and Dr. M. Davis, of Rohrerstown.
The Coroner's Jury was composed of Messrs.
Walter G. Evans, Jacob S. Smith, Jacob M.
Snavely, Andrew Berger and Adam B. Bair.
After hearing all the evidence, and the post
mortem examination was over, a verdict was
rendered "that said Graybill Swope Dietrich
came to his death on Saturday evening, Decem
ber 7th, front inflammation of the brain, re
esolting, from a severe concussion of the brain,
caused by being struck and thrown down by
Henry G. Martin, on the Columbia turnpike,
between the hotels of Christian hen and Mrs.
Barbara Bess, on Sunday morning, November
17th, 1872."
Martin was arrested by ()Mem A Hoy and Sey
mour and brought to this city on Monday after
noon. He was thou taken hef,re Judge Living
ston, and a writ of habeas corpus applied for.
The application was granted and hail asked and
given in the ruin of ~ . 10,001). R. Frank Eshle
man appeared for the defendant in this affair.
CHURCH DEDICATION: The new M. E. church
at Washington borough, Lancaster county, Pa. ,
was dedicated to the service of God on last
Sabbath, Dec. 7, 1862. Hers. 11. C. Smith, of
Philadelphia, and J. C. Gregg, of Lancaster ,
preached on the occasion. The Omn: bi forty
by fifty feet, a 'very neat and well-finudied
linrch indeed, which reflects great 'relit upon
the pastor. Rev. T. M. Jackson. a ho is a young .
111511 Of promise. The little society 01 nicinhers
harp done uohl,\, Dula deserve c l eat credit. All
the money needed to free the church ut debt,
was obtained in money and by sithsctiption.
Rev. 11. C. :Smith and . .1. c, tireeg con
ducted the collections in It y efficient manner.
assisted by the a orkin::: pmt, r of the church.
Therefore the sth day of I)ecember. wilt
him; ha r.mi,llll,orctl ht Wa , Liii,,st,a, as a day 1 , 1
althoar.r), ihr %v,•atlivr %vas quite
Th, \t dedlcatell by
Swill], lis•ist,•,l hy his I,rethrett, at lIIrI t I.f
Tilt: Cut Loup: When providing ywni supply
tei re3lithlr I , a • II1•N t ear 114, not 1"1.4%.4 the ehild
cll. Tiry need ti weekly ptip,•!. a, %sell as the
ohler toll% Nothin.,4. hett , d ein be 'found 1.41 .
them than the wc, , kly / h'44444 i//i
Ndliell is 111•41g111.11 1•1 ., •ially tor thetti. It
is edited by (I. 11. A. NI., d teacher lu
lit• Chicago 111211 School, and has antong. its
1 .11, t1 t4 'Wu, e f tito pt• -. 1. 02 the
ountry. -tech Rev. .lldett. Pros. of the N. Y.,
Shit , School, Sarthorn TentleV. of
IVilliants College, Mr-. A. I.:. Sherwood,
Amelia Daley and others. It 1.1 Ile
,4I11(.11 to interest as well as in.trtiet, and is such
a paper ii• 4 any parent 4 , 1. [earlier way give to his
children or pupil.. 11.. -tired that they will he
oehellusl by it. It h , 1141'1)1 , 11,d at the lots twit:
eef flt 1 .60 per y4..tr. :Ind every salc.eriher receives
handsome Chronto, the
fished Ly the Bright Side t• 4... ctiklig(..
I.lsT of 919.1:19ned to 91:Lining in Om
P.,1-0111oe, Deeend,r 9111, 11412
Ladies Li.qt t Anna lf. Barhaler, I:ate Chain-
Eima Capron, Ellllllll Derr, 11r/J. Her
shey, Adclie hoofer. Sarah .1. litell. .Inna B.
Stoner. Susan 519191. 1 for i. Nlary 1.. Scott,
Esther. M. 1.!MMII. NV. IL Thur
tom Ilettie A. NNorknian.
(Jent..?' Hurnmkter, .1. 11.
Tabu lielme,ll, .1. Detrich. 11. NV. Donnell,
IV. K. Fulton. John .la. (10hr (fur), Alma.
Hpple, ChriNtiau Herr. .101iti !louver. henry
McGuigan. Percy Nleliea, NV. M. P.m ers. Idram
Ithon.ll9, Conrad Ridlatrd, Lorenzo Snyder. Mr.
Startler, Ilenry Thompson, S. 1.. Cider, .1011t1
IVeinland. C'harle's Want], John Wruy.
COMPLIMENTARY A correspondent write, in
the following . complimentary terms of two well
hnown citizen , : ''The musical entertainment
viven by Prof. Hall and Miss Bare, an last
Thursday evening in the Town !lull at Marietta,
was a tielt treat and a grand success. While
the hall, on account of its low ceiling, Is poorly
fatted for the display of a pet feet ~ound, yet
Miss Bare, a ith lier sweet IltelOdiolls voice, and
Prof. Hull, with his round mellow tones, per
fectly delighted the audience. wide!' teas com
posed of thoso who could appreciate such an
effort. The selections were tine—just such as
united our Intelligent audience."
BuntEn ALIVE : Jacob Kautz, a young man
'of family, employed in the brickyard of Mr.
Henry Gontz, Millersville turnpike. was buried
up to his head on Monday afternoon by the
caving In of a clay bank in the brickyard,
which be and a umber of other workmen were
undermining. lie was dug out with a good
deal of difficulty and taken to his home, where
he lies in a critical condition from Internal in
juries received. He is attended by Dre. Herr
and Elder.
Is Hazard it. Caswell's, made on the sea shore,
from fresh, selected livers, by Caswell, Haz
ard Sc Co., New York. It Is absolutely pure
and sweet. Patients who have once taken it
prefer it to all others. Physicians have decided
It superior to any of the other oils In the
market. 5-12 w
CIIAPPICD 11Am - is, face, rough skin, pimples,
ingworms, salt-rheum, &other cutaneous affee
ta one cured, and the skin made molt and smooth.
by using the Juniper Tar Soap, made by Cas
well, & Co., New York. Be certain to
get the Juniper Tar Soap, as there are many
worthless Imitations made with common
tar. 5-12 w
oßeware of Counterfeits I
JOB MOSES' siuititliWilitit z 's
are emotively 00IISTIRIIIITID. Dishonest Drag
gist, endeavor to MI the cotssterfetts to tnakerreater
put**. The genuine hove the notne_4l3 ob Mimes
sm seek peekturs. Another* are worthless initiations.
'rho animism Pills are unfailing in the cure of all
those painful and dangerous diseases to which the
female eenstitution is subject. They moderate all
excesses and towns aU obstructions, from what
ever causes_
they are part:lo4mm suited. They will in a short
Lime bring on the monthly period with regularity;
and although eery powerful, contain nothing hurt
lel to tbasseasatution. In all cases of Nervous and
Spinal Affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs.
Fatigue ea alight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart.
Hysterics and Whites, they will effect a cure when
all other mean have failed. Tho circulars around
eachlrlekrilve full directions and advice. or
will belie to an. writing for thew, sealed
N. B.—ln all oases where the Cgmnits cannot be
obtained, One Dollar enclosed to the Sole Proprie-
JOB HOSTS . 18 Oortlandt St.. New Ifork,will
insure a bottle of the genuine, containing Fifty
Pills, by return mail, securely mated from any
knowledo of its contents.
Lore no tosto of ruodleirte, and any child will hike
them. Thousands have been restored to health that
had before despaired. Tegtiutnny given in hundreds
Price 313 cents per box. JOB MOSES, f'ruprie.
tor, Is Certlandt Street, New York.
sp,tv Pll,l-6.
: • .gr,erAre.a .I..,_GAlLANcixtue.
• •i oAII !tun I,ol4bard, Paris.
are itlahlY recommended by the ::alto
Nl:ileal Vacuity of Fralweoa tlu) very best remedy
I/ all l a es o r Snerinwtorrhois. or Seminal Weak
lier.; IC IF;litly, 11. , i1Y ur Premature Panie.+loni• Sel
ma We , Ime s u or Itnlioleneßt Weal; nes,. anelugrrotu
'Secret N 1.411101 i 4011.1.4.11 EICCIISCI3; Relaxation ot hu
Cleat Organs ; Wnsk Spill , / Ilclwsituiu the Urinu,
und all 113.3 ‘lrroly trwln orl3l - dewses wrif,ltng train
er The velire%lll`lllllll.tl1 orrmu.tw+ 0 rrm
u.tw+ Purn ,, A lot or c loc in l box, or will
b• ~„nt to nn v Prier all pot . Hot.
frf . `PI tl.'iltdfrl , r4lll l 0 serreit ton, 0:1
• .:•(.1.1 . i• (;C ARtI. Mt PA:S. I ennT •
Y. V. V sf, Sala geticrat Ayeut for Atpr
Cheap i'a r:iON
December 8, 11!,72, by the Rev. D. 11. (:eis,olgt.r, 111 1 ,, t , lip. 1 . 1 iv ,
tieorge 11. Strayer, of Lebanon, to NI N+ Joh , tothi .1 H. , :01
Ilarrack, of Lancaster. Land-,
December 8,1812, by the Rev. Dr. Kremer, MH i /II 3 , 000 . 000
,„ „i I
Warfel to Susan Jones, both of Conestoga twp.
now ;I , 1 :
11 I Llrl'H I: rtlll
for wain t;rowitig, and so. , •is ne.e ,
Lt silt- 111 lii 1 1111,1
%Nal IN PHI , I:,
;111.1111On . CWl4.llO'lll ;',/ I
I>ecember 8, 1812, at Lincoln, Ephrata(.l wher e ,
Jeremiah it. Rover. Fro , u oinecal i s, for Ad
December 1, 1812, at Itoltrerstown, “raybill The o
for colo mts -
„, I „ I on
Deitrich, son of Adam and 'Mary Den rich, aged
5..11 , 1 forth, new In -cripti‘e Palh.c ,ll .' •Wo o''w
36 Carty, 4 months and 25 days.
maps, publi.lied Eiezledt, Getman, swedi4li
December 9, 1872, In this eity,fachb W'iniants, .
tiane , n, e% \\ht . ! t%
aged 73 years and 3 months.
In this city, on the 9th inst., Michael Harman, Addre-s,
9-1 t com'r I'. I'. IL ox tit A,
. ; „7d ;rho! . roods.
The Philadelphia Cattle market
Pini.Anici.entA, Dee. 9.—The Cattle market ww,
very dull this week, and prices firm. About 3,0e0
head arrived and sold at 73463 Sc. for extra Pennsyl
vania and Western steers; fk. 6,4 e. for fair to good
do., and 43405 . ,14e. "t 1 It. gross for common, Its 10
21 Penna., 1). I3ranson as.,f @ 7
236 Western, It. Maynes. .... ............ _4' 4 '0,1
53 Western, Owen Smith 4 (iAP.,j
135 Western Va. A. &J. Christy 6 in 7 , 4
100 Western, J AlcArdlc 5 i.,.S
100 Western, P. McFlllen . . ti, (s7l4'
54) Western, 11. F. McFillen i1L40 1 ;7) , ,
70 Western, .James McFillen 6 us7+,
63 Western, Jas. S. Kirk 6i.::in'7 ,, ,
55 Western, L. Frank 4y.6 , ..,
941 Western, Martin, Fuller & Co 5 td,7
125 IVestern, B. Mooney At Son 15 0,7 , ,
144 ‘Vesterii, D. Smythe a. Urn 5y50.1...,
46 W11:11,1111, it Smythe. 5 iiis.
s , Western, T. Mooney & Bra 5 ..:714
7.. We...tern, El lima Co 5 in 6 , ,
1.2. , Parma., (1. Sehannhorg .4 Co ..1. 0r,7 4
lc. We,•ern, Hope & Levi f51..0 4 ;71 . .
I'll \V•4 u ore W.thotit ohmage. MO 110 ad sold at $4:5
@irk 1:: head.
Sheep were rather. dull. 19,1100 head sold at 4 , ., vs
akie. tit 11. gross, as to condition.
flogs were dull and lower. 5,003 head sold at
t 5.7246.25 "t• 106 tbs. nut.
Philadelphia Produce Market.
PHILADELPHIA, Den. ll.—Dark TannerA
hark nominal. No. I. Quereltron ut 1:35 per ton.
Clovergeed moves utowly at 9,4,944 c, 14 U.
Timothy quoted at 13.150.
Flaxseed is ' , wares at 2.011
The Flour market limited, and prlees minim ; 60
barrels sold, Including superfine, at $4.Naat5.25; ex
tras at S6.trtaitt.37t, ; Wlseouslit extra fatally at i•••
ni,m.so; Minnesota do. fe4.oo3s.rai; Pa. do. at f4.2:mir
P. 00; Indiana and tituo do. do. at is.'inta 9.00, awl
fancy brawls at $ll. lc
Rye Flour held at 1%1;2
t'ornmeal no Haters.
The otlering4 (il hit ill 10 1 sales 01
western red at 5t.50 , ,51.53, all/her at 1.9 0 , onit
11.9014,2.0 h for white.
11)1- 11 anted at 'Y.41 . .01.11,
Corn attracts attentant ; sales of Wo. , l,rit Mixed
at 65c., and yellow at 6a(¢660.
spits leis active; sale 4 uF inixe,l 6a,ote2c.,
MI I black mixed at 47 , '.
itzt , lo' and Malt no sales.
Wlikki firm; nestetn an,'.
New Advertisements.
divorces legally nbtaiued id
Watra. Lt•gal evert where• -desertion, general in is •
1 . 1)11111111. Ace., sualcient et:Luso-Ay, publielh requirtql
charge until divorce granted —HiViCe
on or utbirens
B):IN J. I'l'Ll'ON, Counsellor at Law.
No. Is() Broadway, Now Yuri: t 'dy
and the very best business opuorniulty ever uttered
1,4 to he found iu the agency for taktim stilHerip
il.,ll4 to
/Leas.!, Ward Beerher's
which 14 Oven away the largest awl hest Premium
Piewre ever offered, the new and exquisite $162.00
rnENcur ocEoGnApao
eallm -I , Evs PA RA DISE,” (oleographs are the
choicest class of French Art-printing 111 oils—the
Perfection at 011-ehromm—We Alfio MVO the superh
fi.lo pair Or Geninne French Oil chronios, ~t t
AWAKE" A "FAST ASLEEP," subjects Lire-Size
--charming fad of original Oil Paintings.
This paper has the largest elfeninholl in the world.
It will next year he made better that ever. Serial
tale.; by world-famous authors, 1.. Alemf, 'Ed
ward Eggleston, Harriet Beecher Stowe, etc. New
and brilliant contributors. Illustrated Hnlidsr
Number and hack tins, of MISS AMott's stort free.
The most taking "Combination!" The largest
commissions paid ; one agent made than In three
months; another, 1,537 In :th days; another, $94.4e Iu
one week ; another, Ma's) in one day, and malty
(others from $ tool $lO to Ste per day. This year
our offers are even More prontable.
No waiting for the premiums. The Suhscoher
gets them when he pays his Subscription.
Good Agents Wanted!
Intelligent men — ind women wanted everywhere.
To get good territory, exclusively assignel, send
early fit circulars and terms! J. B. FORD k CO.,
Nea York ; lioAtom Mass.; chleago, Mau F r a u .
4•151 . 0, 9-4 t
500 A gent s wanted! Just out . ! A soh new Chart : ..einusT BLii.SSIN Lri"rt.E
CHILDREN." Immense sales! 500 agents wanted
for our large Map of the "Lulled states" with Im
mense "Word" Map on reverse ails. Our Mups
and charts go Ilke wild-Ore.
HAASIS Jc LUBRECHT, Entplre Map and Chart
Establishment, lOT Liberty Street, New York. 9-4 t
1190rmade Dec. 3d by one Agent selling
Horace Greeley and Faintly,
A fine engraving, 99x29 in., sent by mail tor $1 iel,
We also mall Button-Bole & Sewing Machine
Thread Cutters, and Needle Threading Thimble,
price Ya cents each. Circulars of various other
'Novelties mailed frequently to all old awl new
agents, address AMERICAN NOVELTY CO., 302
Broadway, N. Y. 9-41
AGENTS, flow Is your chance
The only hook on the sulkiect that tells the whole
story. Don't he hituthugged with any other. This
has nearly See pages. Carat FULL PAGE EN
GRAVINGS AND MAPS._ara Price pm. The
Prospectus will sell it at sight. For first choice of
territory address at once D. ASILIIHA I), 711 San
sora street, Philadelphia, P. V-41
AGENTS WANTED for the Pilot-Prints of
In History; a new book; by Rey. Hollis Read, A. M.,
author of "GOD IN H INTORI ." Illustrated from
designs by Dore, Nast, of liarner's Weekly, and
others. Nothing like It ever before seen or heard of
and sells at sight. E. B. TREAT, Publisher, SOS
Broadway, N, y, 10-4 t
Agents Wanted Everywhere for
Th. is the beat opportunity now offered to ager.te
to canvass for a live book. Every mother needs
and wants it. it sells rapidly. Experienced can
vassers pronounce it the best selling book In the
market. Send for circular and see our extra liberal
Co., 4 Bond strset, New York City. 9-4 t
The great discovery for the relief of pain and a sure
anti immediate cure for Rheumatism—Chronle and
Acute, Sprains, Sore Throat, Bruises, Chilblains,
Pain in Chest, Back or Limbs, Croup, Still Joints,
Strains, Inflammation, Neuralgia,Burns and Scalds,
Bunions, Frosted Feet, Catarrh, &c. It has a pleas
ant and refreshing odor and will not grease or stain
the most delicate fabric, which makes It a Luxury
In every Family. Price 25 cents per Bottle. For
Sale by all druggists. REUBEN HOYT, Prop., 203
Ureenwieb street, N. Y. ii-4t
mat PRIM krialig.lB7l
Double Elevated Oven, Warming Closet, Broiling
Door, Fender Guard Dumping and Sinking Grate,
Direct Draft. FULLER, WARREN .t CO., No. 236
Water street, N. Y. 9-4 t
is a PILE of money in It. The people everywhere
are EAGER to buy the AUTHENTIC HISToRY of
LIVINGSTONE'S Dretal g alhls
and Thrilling Adventures during 28 y ears in Africa,
Overaccount of the STANLEY
Over 600 pages, only $9.150. Is selling beyond parallel.
CAUTION. Beware of interior works. This is
the only Co mplete and Reliable work. Send for
circulars, and see Proof and great success agents
are having. Address HUBBARD BROS.,Publishers,
Philada. 9-4 t
2 i ; 7 5 to $250 per month
everywhere, male and female, to introduce the
will stitch, hem. fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind,
titbraid 81141 embroider ins most superior manner.
Price only $l6. Fully licensed and warranted
for five years. We will pay PAO for any ma
chine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful,
or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the
"Elastic Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can
be cut, sad still the cloth cannot be pulled apart
without tearing it. W. pay agents front 5T6 to
WOW per mouth and expenses, or a commission
rli from which twice that amount can be made.
'""_..... Address MCCOMB & CO., Lkoston, Mess.; Pitto-
plug, It ; Chimp, 111.; or St. Loins, Mo. 9-4 t
Ye?i. ,grirerfisemei)fr:.
NoW, as heretofore, Siena , ln I'
first ot all and pre-eminently a ,ices paper.
France a Republic -Enaiand and Bernina grad
ually permeated with lie publica ti ideas-.span)
swaying In the nervrli•ss grasp or a ritlr•r too gimil
for a 1•;;Ing and too weak for a Itepublieati, IVIIO IS
11110.111 V to govern the great island that blocks the
entrance to our gull of Ale:vivo. and ',litany imaide
to give it up--111.• I terman-speaking peoples atil
t afed by a tow Prof -slitnin•in, io rat lug rom the
See of Koine on the dogma of Papal Ii iahlihilll%
and assuming to ieefiginze the •'i tlil
toe 1$ hole Continent pet tailed liy intelleetual
ferment that conies of the coniliet betiveen old
Phil0S01.101:711, 111( . 1110:.411 • iii, 111701'1i/11, Mill the
advances of Physical Science -101,sla and great
Britain running a mec for the thud gains that shall
determine .% siatit•suipretnaey -China seenittig ready
to abandon her advances and reelose her half- ;
~p,..,,tgati•A _japan abolishing feudalism and In
vlting NVeNterti civilization to Irradiate. \l . l •a ern
commerce to enrich her long-hidden ettipire—smelt
are phases of the news from abroad which the ,
in.iils over all continents and the wires under ail
Seas are daily twitritig to US, \VIM able and trusted
correspondents 111 the leading capitals, and wher
, e‘,.r great eliauges are ill 11112:1441,1, T 111.: TRINVNE
at it lintever rust, to lay before Its readers
the inii;t prompt, complete, awl popular present-
mem of these diverse anti emutieting movements,
through all of It Melt its it fondly; trusts, the titling
masses are every w hint struggllng up toward larger ;
recognition and a brighter (attire.
At home the straggle for Freedom seems over.
The last slat e has long been a citizen; the last op
rac.fil,nl to emancipation. tilt rafteldsement, cyuul
clad rights, Uas been forillally 111M11.1111iml. Vo
party, North or South, longer disputes the rmoilt
of the War for the [Moil ; ull de c lare that these re
,aits must never he undone ; and, with a whole
petiole thus milted MI the grand platform of All
twills for All, whereto lair bloody struggle, and
lie prolonged idyll contests that followed, hate
oil is, l ie Republic 1.1115,1 I lie record of the bitter,
intend l'ie4t, and turns peacefullt, hopefully to the
alarming bevatise less vital problems of the
To whaitevet• may elucidate the general
40M1111411111 or action on these, Tiff: '1 mud NI.: Kites
amplest • face and 111(<i impartiai record. %Viott
i.% er part les clay propose, whatever pont teal leaders
may slit, whaleser ofilemS tout tti, is tairly set
down in its 4unUuu., whether ale news helps or
hinders Its own belt's. 114 rMolerS have a right to
an honest statement of the tarts; tots this they al
ays gel.
lint 114 tit lid 1/1111141illielll M 511111,11,7, THN TRI-
M NE 14 of course. hereafter as heretofore. the
elianiolon of Fapial Rights, irrespeetive of Rave,
Nati\ tty Or Color. It stasis iumecibly by the
'titimulments for the permanent stuntrity of those
Rig whlch hate been solemnly Incorporated by
the People, In the Constitution of • the United States,
Independent of all political par: l's, it emit-at ors to
treat them lilt with judleial Mimes.. It 1111)0114 to
purify the tilitolni-dration of (lot timent. National,
State and and witenet , r ;hose in all-...
liether in National, 'tuft orlf unletpal af
fairs, 'take the lead In this work, II will therein give
theta its cordial support. lint It can never lie the
servitor of any polil teal party nor wilt It surrender
Or VVI.II WIIIIM its right to rrilleille and vondimm
what is wrong, 1111,1 cotnrneud What N right in the
n,•I ion of any par/MS Of Of any public men.
Now, its aIWaVS. NE labors a lilt all Its
heart for the proinol ton of Cie greitt Material In
terests of the efutiitry. The hrovTe,s hi Invention '
auit tit Lalifir.Sitt'itte:, the ileveloptuent of nor re
sources, tin pre , ervittion of our Land for the Land
less and it, mph! stilditgal ton to human wants, thy
of 11171111 ml 01 our vavt underlying' tires, the i•xleti
..itin of the litellll les for bringing Pro:lover and
Console,' nearer togethim- whatever tends to
swell Illi•lncrease tilt knots to lan' alai ludo r
the condition of those devoted to I . oom:tit f•
ihi,try finds tnetition nod enconr.iceinent in 1 / l ll'
1 . 1.1 tam; than thirty
years old, has Jdoleavored io I.co . tip with the pro
gre.ss of the age in 0111,1,‘..itierit Still ill enterprise :
It devotes a large share of Is colitins to Agriculture
as 111,. 111.,. I mot gi . neral of hunittu ',ln
sults. It emprov. , the ablest and most n eossfor
cultis ators to sot 14,11 h ill O11•0'
practical iev.s (it the Farmer's work, II reports
imbue discuss:ons , alll.ll elueldate tbar ;
gathers troll) every satire.. agricultural uel4a, tau
relents of the latest experiments, the stories of the
latest suocesse: and failltres, and whatever may
tend at In et` 11, 1. 0 1, ,. 1 . .k 1111,1 in 4.0 111nie11.1
114 111.‘ lira :111 , 1 111.111 111111i.1 !Wit
Arts, based on nut (Intl Science,
There are limelreds 01 thousmids engaged 11l M
yers.. pursuits 51 ~r rent a "place, - and }tint'
SOW portion Of their title to its culture alai 1111-
tol'ON'l3lllellt. THE TitiltrNg ShOWS thellt
holy to mtlYe the 1110 St of their roods and their
hours, both I , y .llrcellon tool example : No Informa
tion equal In quality or oti intity eftil be' elsewhere
obtained for the price of this journal.
Tilt.: Whmsi.v Tut tic sE appeals also to Teitehers,
Students find persons or inquiring minds, hy the
charaeter of Its Literary contents, which ltiehote re
views of all the w 11.A.4 pruceedlu¢ from the iii115(1•1'
minds of the Old Or ot the New IVorl.l, with liberal
extracts from those or especial Interest. Imagina
tive literature also claims attenLuo, bat In a 5u,,,,r•
.limite degree. Int,rests" are
weekly by a lady spec:ally iptailitted In illsOi mol
Interest her own sex, and the yonnger portion of
the other. Nn , olumit iS more eagerly sought or
perused with greater average prollt than hers, The.
News of the Day, elucidated by brief emollients, Is
so condensed that no reader It dlit use,
while given sufficiently In detail to silt I..fy the wants
of the average reader. Selections are regularly
made from the extensive Correspomionce of Teta
DAILY TIIIIIVNE from every (sundry, 1111
halt fit more permanent value are hero reproduced.
In shorl, 'IIIIEI \Vt.:to:ix Twat - NI: ...outwears Itselt
to - Millions by !Midst...lllg In their intellectual
wants more fully shat they all' 111(.1 by any other
journal, while its regular reports of the Cattle,
Country l'roduce and other Atari:els, will of t
ae.ves SAVO t h e farmer who iegnialiv notes theta
far more than Ills journal's price.
For the family circle of the ...Ito sated (armor or
artisan, THE WEEKLY Ttilat'NE nas no mune' tor, as
Is proved by the htlndreds it thousands win, hay
ing read it from childhood, and enjoy
it lu tilt' Millie and on the down hill of lily. We re
spectfully urge those who know its worth 10 com
mend Tia: \A anat.v THAIWNE to their friends and
neighbors, anti we proffer It to clubs at lines that
barely pay the cost of paper awl press-work.
.10 MAIL 81:11acI1iCRUS.
One copy, one year—rd is,Ues . . ....
Five copies, one year-52 jAstivs i.bl)
TO ONE AnDREs!+.To NA NIE:4111) 4 st!
All at tine P I
ost-ottlee. Ail at , me Rost-office.
14) c01nea...51.215 each. In eopie3...sl.ar , each.
20 copies... 1.10 each. 20 copiea... 1.21) each.
copies... IMO each. , 30 4'0104 1.10 ca 4 411.
And an extra copy to each t
C-W'For Chiba of Fifty THE Svmr-Wricirt.v Tit'
v . tur4: will he aent an an extra vow'.
Is published every Tuesday and Friday, and, being
printed twice a week, it contains nearly all the tin
portant News, Correspondence, Reviews and Edi
torials of THR DAILY, including everything on the
subject of Agriculture, and nitwit interesting and
valuable matter, for which there is not sufficient
LY TRIBUNE alas gives, 111 Ile' of a year,
three or four of the
by living authors. The cost of these alone. It
bought in book tomb would be from six to eight.
dollars. Its putee has been lately reduced, so that
Clubs can IIOW secure it at little more than the
clad, to single subscribers, of TUN WEEKLY. No
where else can so much current intelligence and
permanent literary matter be had at so cheap a rate
One copy, one year. let numbers ta.oo
Five copies, or over, for each copy .... 2.t01
Ten copies mud one extra copyl fur 25.00
To Mall Subscribers, $lO a year.
THE TAIBCAIR ALMANAC for 1S will be ready
about New-Yea, 'l3. Pilo., au cents; T for $l.
Always send a draft on New York, n, A l'ost-0(11, e
Money Order, It possible. Where nenner of these
can he procured, send the money, but always In a
Registered Letter. The registration fee has been
reduced to fifteen cents, and the present registra
tion system has been found by the postal authorities
to be nearly an absolute proteetiou against losses
by mail. Addres THE TIUBL'NE, New York.
Terms: Ukiah in Advance. 8
_ .
"God pant that this hook may dud its troy to every
family *n the land," says a prouiluent reformer, of
T. H. ARTHUR'S last great work.
Notwithstanding Its immense sale we desire to ex
tend Its influence still further, and cull for more
aid to lntroduee It to every corner of our land. It is
highly endorsed by Judge Black, F. 11. Orne, Neul
Dow and others. Will do more good than any pro
hibition law ever framed. It sells beyond parallel.
Agents have done and are cluing splendidly with It.
One has sold over iiioo copies. Owing to Its great
success we are enabled to offer especially large
discounts. Send for illustrated circular and terms,
and enter Into this great work at once. J. M. WWII
DART & CO., Phila.
11 ri 1 , 1• niude S:1 . 11 , 11 nn t
la I j% I (111 , k olittlit. G . P" - Cir,tilarg tits.
‘.! t•o., 1 , 1; I lin .11
N. 5
All .1 N'l'Ell At; ENT's, per most I la
, Hllll. American l tivh,ly Knittiott )11
,ifitideAt xtul brit in llo• world. , !•11.
.1‘11.1:1CAN KNITTING AlAi'lll.\ I. ci)..
tThimtott St., Boston,
l'al,• \
; t .
NV 1..;.1.:K TOG
AENTS, .11A1.1.:
It., 'I all Who Will write for
I copy of hat"ll"mairiq tli.•
1 i 1,1 .4"I'ItiVITIA 1101.1. I'.I.I.:NTV. It contain:,
~, 0. filly beautiful Mum, 10104, will be sent tit
tI, :oil %%RI/11111V Mitt% AIIIIIt . AS 1. tiAitNIDE. Pitt.
t S— it
AGENT S ran not , 14.) hetter than !rent! an
ageney forr. S. Arthur's great work
ewnpanion to the fathom:
TES.N.I(; iN A BA 1?- 1?0 0 .11
Nearl% copies have been sold, 11114! IN popu
larity IN 4t 111 uu the ilUTellSe, tine single liven'. has
adl upward of Limo eopieq. Secure terrhory st
,nee. J. li. , T(11/1)A111 . Publishers,
atm nit an etasi.i.s. Oil nuonl, tit.. middle-
Cii, . 4 aged, tliti. , r who are Jit.t entering nig, and
pitillt or hoti, ..x, 1111) /1111111•:1.1 tVIIII the
; grran.st 1,10111.
LIJ 7 Doi 1,:.\%i.: . fast awl hest hth.i..
cm; It Is meeting with thi. greatest ,iii ..ess, and
- thrrt.'s .y in il.
gar : Send fort lrotlar.4, en. , When are -ent free.
AILEAN Plillada. --41
The most comprehensive aml valuable religions
work f`Ver ; also, for our new Illustrated
Family 'Mile, ciintalrilint lwarly Sue tine scripture
Illustrations, until Dr. :smith's Complete Dictionary
of the 1311.1 e. fielittrospectils and Circulars,
and we will show you what agents say of this, the
best and cheapest Family Bible, and how fast they
are netting It. Address NATIONAL I'UDLISIIINO
Co„ l'a. S -4t
He deceit tred., but for coughs, colds, sere throat,
hoar, en 4ts and bronchial difficulties. use only
Wells' Carbolic Tablets
Worth lesm Imitations' are on the market,
liot the only Hrionti e preparation of Carbolic Acid
lor Lung chemically combined
wdh other well known remedies, as in these TAB
LET:4, 111141 all parties are cautioned against using
ant et tier.
In all case"( of ltrltattwl ut the lill1C(Ill4IIIQ514-
I , ntin. these •raut.sVS should he freely used, their
rli . ansing atuil !WWI ng praperties are truly astoulaii-
lie - warned, olo're'l tlegivet aetdcl, It IS easily
111 It 9 Incipient stato,wlwn It becomes chrome
the cure IS exceedingly .1131eillt, Use Well's Carbolic
TittectS us U s 1 erlllc.
JOHN KELL( a al, Is Platt St., N. V.
Sole .f went for the U. S.
S It Price the. pt. box. Send for circular.
A. Lawson, Patentee. 4t
FULLER, 11 ItHEN ,k CO„ 236 Water Street, N. 'I
piffpeilprini A kg
Burns any size Coal. 4t
WARREN A: CO., 2R Water Streit, N. V.
481 Broa dway N.Y
.I AS. of nackery, int:lading Waterte, at
erp low prices for cairn, or part vomit, and
hatawe in NIMIIt JJanallap metal moth,. Sete, clrla re,
Pl.l 91N wter'p. improve - Incubi, for $215
fwr ready, a I'O'irEll7 0 P..! ORa.4N,
too t brait Vat style and pt'rfat tone erer madr.
111 n...!, Wed Oda: roam, , Shert and MtiSie
S-4 L
I-- ll
ft)igA , i' o ll .i 'l, 4 :I'S Sen ' i i , l l "t fc a ) l" :• 1
1 1 r i e lt i l i t l i i ' l l'' 0 1 ; e' Vti;
r nabridgeil Illustrated Family 111b1e. Imer
1,100 pages 10 by 12 10.2011 pages Bible AMA,
A.c. At' at league ad 25. t i ilt iidge,l (*lamp, SS,2b,
Full Giq, 2 clasps, 811.00. “fieblea : the White
Cluet," for Winter Eventng4. 30th 1000 remly. "The
American Farmer's Hors* Book." The Standard.
46111 Willi ready, Epizootic treatments, ,ke. C. F.
VENT, N. I'..t I ineinimil. VENT & GOOMUCII,
l'ilirago. S-4t
ENTS WANTED.—AMIress, for Met/lost liberal
terms ever uttered. The Diseoverer
DI ti
A I ilea. Large Octavo volume, just Mimed. Con-
Gillis Incidents of the Wonderful Career of the
Great Traveler, the Gountrv, Animals, Natives,
Inuit Mg, &v. Full account id this most interesting
part ot the globe. Outfit sent for $l, AIiddPSISIUN'ION
PUBI, ISII I NG CO., Chicago, 111 ; Philatlel nhl a, Pa.,
sprlnglleld, Mass.
13 by any known remedy. It will eraoll
ewe, extirpate and thoroughly destroy all poison-
Oils substances iu the Blood, and will effectually
dispel all predisposition to bilious derangement.
is there want of action in your Liver
and spleen Unless relieved at once the blood
beeomes impure by deleterious secretions, produc
ing scrofulous or skin diseases, Blotches, Felons,
Pustules. Canker, Pimples, &e., &c.
Have Ton a Dyspeptic Stomach Un
less is promptly aided the WWII is debili
tated with Pov erty of the Blood, Dropsical Tenden
cy, iteneral Weakness and Inertia.
Have you ft wettkneest of the lutes.
Lineal You are in danger of Chroule, Illarrlexa,
or Inhantrhatiou of the Rowell'.
. .
Have you weakness of the Uterine
or Urinary Organs 7 You are exposed to suf.
tering in its most aggravated form.
Are you dejected. drowsy, dull, sluggish or
depressed in spirits, with headache, backache,
coated tongue and bad tasting mouth?
For a certain remedy for all of those diseases,
weaknesses and troubles; for cleansing and purl
tying the vitiated blood and Imparting vigor to all
the vital forces ; for building up and restoring the
weakened constitution, t$E
which is pronounced by the leading medical author
ities of London and Perla "the moat powerful tonic
and alterative known to the medical world." This
Is no new and untried discovery, but has been long
used by the leading physicians of other countries
with wonderful remedial results.
Don't stv mikes& and impair the digestive
organs by cellar! tem and physics, they giving only
temporary relief—lndigestion, flatulency and dys
pepsia with piles and kindred diseases will be sure
to follow their use.
Keep the blood pure and health Is assured.
JOHN g. KELLOGG, 18 Platt Street, N. Y.
Sole Agent for the United States.
Pile° One Dollar per Bottle. Send for Clreular
S -4t
$5 Picture of Surpaming Orace and Beauty
GIVEN AWAY to our .$l4 /writs/I.s I
nit now 'Weigh Faith, Hope and Charity, these
three; but the greatest of these C. CHARITY."
30.30 In Value, For 3.30.
It is a long time since anything has appeared lu
Christian art so lovely and so exquisite in design
and execution atithis larilimend elegant line and
stipple steel engraving, "Tay CHRISTIAN Gluon,"
size 21x27 inches. The grouping and pose of the
figures are graceful beyond description, and the
faces of such rare and heavenly beauty that It
seems as it the artist must have seen them in a
vision. This singularly attractive and lovely picture
has been prepared by the publishers of "ARTHUR'S
ILLCsTRATED HUMS MAUAZINS" as *free gift to their
subscribers for 1673. 64t
Philadelphia, Penna.
Tim WKEELY ENTIMPRION is printed with Ink
from the above establishment. lanlS-ly
srella ern, s.
.\g me for tilt
"The Christina Graces."
k! lilt, MagaAlu ,
,!1,. 11.11111rible ENtattVING , ,
.1. , FA IIIoN
n••,, 0 , ) :IDI rfitl, pur,1!,11 ,. r , tir
I.' - %si h 1
a ht•alilltul llawn() Of 1.111• t'llll.l-Protilit . t: starting
Inlet 111 . ..(.at al 111 , call of till Loral, 1111(1 1111•11
Ito . itiownitx tailtirst of a Mile oil
il,al a loptinty all its OWII. This tlirottio
ht. to Pv,ry awl to t•lt•ry
si•iitling a and ylt ,vhwier , lo 01 , P.
110 rat 0 1.11111.
SI'I,EN 1) PItE:1111,7)1S.
:N1, 0 1 1 1 1 ,4 4 , plated Ware, 1:40,1 l'haitts and
etc., will he sent to those who get up
LiSts at the iz2.roo rate. (Send for I.lst and '1'4.1 HIM Of
f'l'l'llll i 1 !OA. .1 (treat
Pict. Serials are announced for next year—Tuf:
I Fit OF I•HFI" I. iN I's, by Mrs. Wood, author of
East Lynne ; 311(1111..... serials I.y Miss Mozzey,Dalsy
Ceutl, it, Amanda L ihoightA and Fannie flod'f
TERMS --. l lll.Vayk .11 1 1 ~4.1
% Mice. —( copy
with tlirolho) $2.5e. For copies, with four Cline
mos ,and one gratiic, fs.eii. Eight copies and eight
Chrinnos iwith a papor +old tdirlimo gratis),
The above Chile Call tie made tip conjointly of
FRIEND, lifty cents is added for each copy of the
Posr i,with Cimino)) taken. If the Cimino) is wit
wished, tiny cents may he ileillitsted from each
On"); 1'1m:so nnhsrrihcr. One copy each of Tog
('upomii, will tie sent for VON), (Teo cents extra
must always be sent for mailing expenses of each
Chromo.) Address
319 Walnut St., Philada.
We have decided to dispose of our immense stock
of BILLIARD TABLES at prices a little above coat.
BEAUTIFUL NEW PREMIUM CHROMO! First-class WO New' ahles,Complete,Csoo. Seeond_
hand Tables made over new, WO, $225, etc. A
great variety to stilt all buyers. Send, for Catalogue.
Tit g Posr Is now the Largest and Cheapest of the •
Literary Weealles. It 119118.11 i l'ontitillS three or four d4t Cot'. Canal & Centre Sia., Now folk.
Serials, with numerous Short stories and Sketches,
Ineluiling Letters from "Zig," and Letters from p OBE CASH:IIEIIE HAIR TONIC
olive King on the New York Fashions, etc. It is, Is unsurpassed as a Promoter of the Growth
In short, lull of the most Inter ()snag. matt e r of MI of the (lair and Whiskers. It la neither sticky nor
kinds. greasy, yet it softens and smoothes the flair far
It gives to every CLOo subscriber, and to every
person sending a Club, the beautiful Chromo or
"Linde Samuel,'• starting up trout hla sleep at the
call of the Lord. 'I he rich and glowing rulers, and
the spiritual beauty of this Chromo, make it a uni
versal favorite. It has only to be seen to be ail
loved. Every mother will long to hang
it where her own children van see it constantly.
Sewing Niaehlnes, Plated Ware, (Mid Chains and
Watches, ele., will be sent to those who get up
Lists at the $3.00 rates. (Send for List and 'feints
of Premiums. This Is a great offer
14:111.31111CII! The 'dee of the Poser is the SWOP as
Other firrit-class Weeklies, while It is not only
larger paper, but gives a bountiful Chronic., in addi
TERMS—Always In advance—one
copy ,with the Chrolno , , $ 3,00. Four copies (and
one Chroino to sender of Club) $9.00. Eight copies
(and a eopy and a Chrorno gratis), $16.51. Such of
the Club submeribers as wish the Clomilo must le
ntit one dollar in addition. One copy of THE POST,
(Ten cents most always he sent for wailing ex
penses of each Clironio.) Address
tl-st 1119 Walnut St., Philada.
"Ungto esti on obi y the best sustained
work of the kind In the World."
Harper's Magazine.
Nuticex of the Pre44
The ever-Increasing circulation of this excellent
monthly proves Its continued adaptation to popular
desires and needs. Indeed, when we think Into
how many homes tt penetrates every mouth, we
must consider It as one of the educators as well as
entertainers of the public mind, for Its vast popu
larity has been won by no appeal to stupid preju
dices or depraved tastes.—/Amteo
'lto character which this Magazine possesses for
validly, enterprise, artistic wealth and literary
culture that has kept pace with, It It has not led
the times, should cause its conductors to regard It
with justidahle,complimency. It also entitles them
to a great claim upon the public gratitude. tilt
Magazihe has done good and not evil all the days of
Its life. -Breeklyo
II At 0110 pear
extra roi,y ,tr either the MAMAZINE, N Kekr.Y ,•r
BAtAlt will be *applies' gratis /or entry of Fly F
St INCHIBF.IIB at ;COO each in one remdtance ; or, Six
Copies for $20.00. without extra ropy.
Subseriptions to HARPER'S MAUAZINE, WIXKLY and
BAZAR, to one address for one year, WOO; t„•, tiro of
Harper's Periodicals, to one riddreas one war, C . .00.
Back Numbers eau be supplied at any tint,••
A 17innplete Met of HARPER'S MA4LAZINE, • coin -
prising 45 Vo!nines, In neat chat* will he
sent by express, freight at expense of purchaser,
for $2.25 per volume. Sin /e rultunee, by wail , pout
p4id, noth cases, for binding, M cents, by
mail, postpaid.
The postage on lIARTER'ri MAUALINR IS 24 vents a
year, which lutist he paid at the maw/ ;bees post
oillee. Address flAftillt al BROTHERS, N. V.
44 ./ Complete Pictorial II /*dory of the
ntet , O , -The best,cheapent and most
successful family paper in the l'n ion.
Harper's Weekly.
Nut Loos of the Pre".
The 11"refly k the ablest and most powerful illus
trated periodical punished in this country. Its
editorials are scholarly and convincing, and carry
much weight. Its illustrations of current events
are full and fresh, and are prepared by our best
ilemiguers. With a circulation of 150,000, the Weekly
Is read by at least half a million persons, and its
influence as an organ of opinion is simpl> treinen
dmis. The Weekly maintains a positive position,
and expresses deckled views on political and social
problems.—Lonistiinc Courier-JourHal.
WIREKLY, One year
I a extra copy of either the MAuazi S, WEEKLY, or
BAZAR will be sup] tial gratis .ior every ('lab of FIVE
BOBHCRIBERII at $4.00 each, in tote remittance; or, Six
Copies for $20.00, without extra copy.
Subscriptions to HARPERN MAnAZINE, WEEKLY and
BAZAR, to one address for one year, $ 10.00; or, two of
Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, $7.00.
Back Numbers eau be supplied at any time.
The Annual Volumes of HARPPR'II WREKIN, in
neat cloth binding, will be RPM by express, free of
expense, for 17.00 each. A Complete set, comprising
Sixteen Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate
of $5.2* per vol., freight at expense of purchaser.
The postage on HARPER'S WREKI.I( IS ES cents a
year, which must ho paid at the subscriber's pest
office. Address HARPER 3: BROTHERS, N. Y.
••.1 Repository of Fashion, Pleasure,
and Instruction.”
Harper's Bazar.
Soli.•en of Me Pre.o
The flange Is edited with a contribution or tact
and talent that we seldom find In any Journal; and
the journal Itself la the organ of the great world of
fashion.—Boston Iraveller.
The Bazar commends itself to every member of
the household—to the children by droll and pretty
pictures, to the young ladles by its fashion-plates
in endless variety, to the provident matron by its
patterns for the children's clothes, to paterfamilias
by Its tasteful designs for utnbroidered slippers and
luxurious dressing-gowns. But the reading-matter
of the Bazar Is uniformly of great excellence. The
paper has acquired a wide popularity for the tire
side enjoyment It affords .—%. Y. EVenitig Post.
U MCI/ PTIONS.-1873.
HARPER'S BAZAR, one year $4.00
AA Extra Copy of either the MAGAZINS, WEEKLY or
BAZAR will be supplied gratis for every Club of FIVE
BeRSCRIBERS at $4.00 each, in one remittance; or, Six
copies for $20.00, without extra copy.
Subscriptions to HARPER'S MAGAZINE, WEEKLY, or
BAZAR, to one address fur one year, $lO.OO ; vr, two of
Harper's Periodicals, to one aduress for one year, $7.00
Back Numbers can be supplied at any time.
The live volumes of IlAttrzit's BAZAR for the
years 1266, '88,'70 '7l, 'T2, elegantly oound In green
morocco cloth, will be sent by express, freight pre
paid, for $7.00 each.
The postage on IiARPRR'S BAZAR 114 90 cents a
year, which mast be paid at the stebsriber'4 pest
office. Address
curtithirrv.—A $3 Magazine of the high
%Test order for $l. Agents wanted in every town,
on a perpetual Income. Send lee, for specimen to
"sYngh's IMiar Magazine," 61 Liberty St., N.Y. Y-tt
STOWE'S campaign book, with lives of the can
tes and leading men of all y partiss. 90 goal
Portrait.. s e eo *2O a day radl and easily made.
Write and Particulars fr ee . WORTIIINGTON,
DUSTIN Jc CO., lierttord, C't. 11-n
I;tent s Warne , ' f,,r1..0-0.1'..'s
Child's Commentator •
for the 111011.: CIPULE. 1,2n0 e l q
pttgl!, 2,0 PligTRI enterprise of the ; 0
p•ur toy agent:4. Every IYIIIIIC will littyti tt.
,I'o l• or eirctliHrS thlareSi If. ,
1:00 , 110.:11 Part. How, N. Y, 6-4 t
A 4.;ENTS ViAVIEI).—NN e guarantee em- : lei •
Ili ployment for all. ii:iner sex, at VS a Jay, or
!tow., or more a year. New works by .1/e... 11. 13.
,Ye,,,,. and others. superb premiums given away.
:stii i. i made rapidly and easily al wo r k for mi.
Write MO See. rikr : t ietilS I , Ire , . WoitvitiNirtos,
Di si P: .1 Co.. ilattforil. 4 1. it-4t Is VW/Shout sa ItivltE,
‘ 4- TO
~) ~pi per ilav lAg entsWanted : All BEING T/IE
.7 1 —tfelitsaes of working people, of either Cheapest and , Largest Stocked
41 . N, ) ming or old, make more money at work for us
in Dwir spate moments, or all tlw t PIIIO, than at any
thing else. Part ' , Mars free. Address G. STINMON
A I'o., Portland, Maine. 6 --it FURNITURE& BEDDING
, --• , wAiilloos ,
It . 1111;STAIID.-11liolesale to the trade. 81n- : ,v,
gle vans sent, postpaid, on receipt of $l. W.
_MAN 'l'. FItrEAUFF, Bending, Pa. 6-4 t ' ', i A
- - i
I 3 4 a li n 4 ( l l meritt li tit li c i a N n ( I; ; ar i n ia a l t e o n ce . B E L e k ry tn c a l lTe rl il ''''''' /' /I -'
rioc. 11. GOULDING BRYANT, Buffalo, N. Y. d-4t i t . -
.Ittil . its prices befog
" **4
D00118,8A81118,,HINE,&.:011; -- y:tm can save at least twenty per Bent. on any
it send for Illuatrated Catalogue to 4t : pure:Miami made at this establishment. •
BRADLEI it CI BRIER, a 4 k ritt hey SI., N. Y. .
182:',. JUBILEE! 18‘ . .1. •, _.
; IS ' e• /202:3ra rket St
I eet,
'- - - - PIIILApELIWA, .I'd.
The Best Religious and Secular Family Newspaper.
V a Year with the JUBILEE YEAR BOOK 0
d 37 Park Row, N. Y. •4t
Letter airs more permanently than any Oil or Po
muds. Used 21,3 a flair Dressing, It matures the
most beautiful and lustrous gloss. Warranted ;
perfectly harmless. ltd exquisite perfume Is (mite
unrivaled, Ming distilled from the world-renowned
hoses of Cashmere. Large bottles, only MI eta.
Address Asell EN BACH MILIEU, 400 N. ail
Philadelphia, Pa. tfeLt
i , tn's\""t"" ii , c:l,.,„t,ein(i3O,e,:
paroxysms In five nlnutea,antl
effects a apetoty
core. Tr, emtta a box, by mall. Circulars tree-
AMlmas S. U. [1 . 11.1111, 2b South Eighth St., Phila.
Mats, Caps, _Furs. gee.
Clothing Store,
We have now ready nue of the largest and ftntatt stocker)!
Ivor exhibited In this citymbich hasbeen gotten up with
great care, and will be sold an low, it not lewer,than any
place ill the United Staten. We buy nor goods at the very
lowest cash price, and a e are prepared to compare prices
with any house in this country. All we ask is for you to
Call and Examine our Stock.
Part of our ~luck oolViirtill of the following heady Made
Beaver Over-Coate, all wool all color., $12.00 to 20 00
Bur Beaver " •, 10.00 " 14.00
Cantor ".. .. 10.00 " 18.00
~ • •
Chinchilla '•8.00 " 16 00
Boye' and Youthe' Over-Coate 6.00 " 19.00
Ca/minnow Binh§ '
all wool, [ r 'gored] 10.00 " 14.00
Melton " lB.OO " 22.00
Black Cloth and Casslntere Suits, all wool 14.00 " 22.00
Youth's Cassimere Suits 10.00 ,' 11.00
Boy's •' " 6.00 ~ 15.00
Cauldron'e all wool Frock Coats 7 00 ~ 14 00
Sack ‘• 6.00 4, 12.00
4 l t . Pants 3.75 ~ 8.00
~ ~ Vesta 1.25 ~ 8.75
Youth's Camtlmere all wool Frock Coats 6.00 ~ 10.00
4, all wool Sack Coats 8.60 " 6.00
t. t., Pants 2.00 ', 4.00
" 4 Vests 1.00 ~ 9.00
We manufacture all our own Clothing, have it well
made, use good trimmings, and guarantee the goods its
We are prepared to show all who may favor us with •
call, the largest •nd finest stock of
Foreign and Domestic Cloths,
Wall colors and grades. Goods retailed by the yard as
ow itx can be bought anywhere. Goads cnt and trimmed
for persons who prefer making them at home.
We keep a full and complete supply of
Finch as trader Clothing, Hoisery, Gloves, Handker
chiefs, Shirts, Linen and Paper Collars, Neckties, die.
Centre Hall,
No. 4 Cent -0 Square, Lancaster, Petina
Death: Bad Breath!
Millions of young and old people (both sexes) ate
tortured daily with disordered Stomach, Blood,
Heart, Liver, Kidneys, viz.: Ague, nervous head
ache, palpitation, giddiness, drowsiness, no energy,
dyspepsia, catarrh, rheumatism, neuralgia, gravel,
weal. back, constipation, piles, &c., ac. We religi
ously commend our GOLDEN PACKAGES. Never
fail. Mailed tree for $l. Describe your case. Cir
cular free. Address CITY INFIRMARY, YOUNGS
TOWN, O. 2-4 t
have business connections with all the principal
ports of China and Japan, and Import their Teas
direct from place of growth, thus saving the con
sumer from sto 9 profits. It is now about twelve
years since the Company was organized—amitit has
been a splendid success from the very first. This
was due to the fact that we imported and sold only
and distributed them to our customers In all parts
of the United States, for one *mall pro,fit only, be
tween the Tea-grower and the Tea-consumer. We
originated the system of supplying consumers In
distant parts of the country with Teas, St. New
York Cargo Prices, on the Club plan. Suit since
we adopted this plan we have saved the people of
this country MILLIONS OP DOLLARS annually in the
cost of this article of everyday necessity.
Send for club Circular, whl••h contains full direc
tions, premiums, etc.
P. O. Box 6643
Cloth tag.
Fur u re, tf.e.
Patent Pump.
~,' : 6 ... ' CUCUMBER WOOD PUMP.
•, • • Taiteless, Durable, Eineient and
1 —1 t v Cheap. The host pump for the
-' ' Iliaat money. Attention k espeel•
ally invited to 81Rti . 1111..y41 Patent
0 Improved Bracket met New Drop
~A • Cheek Valve, which snit be with
drawn without removing the
pump or IiiML1111 , 111;1; the johltl.
't Also, the Copper t 'hit to I, , r,whie. h
1,. 41 meter ecticks or settles, and a iii
, '-" outlast any other. Vor Sitio by
. -e.
.1 eat.. ra et ery wile; ... Seto for
''..,, • E-: taiilloglie and priee List *
- ` . CitAs.G. tiI.AT4'III,EV, .1(1'r,
:',06 Commerce SI., Pifilatla., Pa. 44-I,vr
li r liate pat , flitter* .4 WO
Made U t Vk WII ,Lt y, 1 . / 01
t,,re 1, .0)4,1, • , ••1 Sta. , It' t
t iste cal:Pd"Tonics," s." II •••• , .•r•o s
&c , that load the tipper oil to chtuolcoonc••• au to.,
but are a t,,,0 Medicine, made kook r
andliribi of 1:: - difornia, free front a': ••••• • :, u td., •
They are the Great Komi Purifier and a L: , ;-411,0.
Principle, a Perii•ct Renovator and 11,1 , 201-nor
System, carrying off all pois-mous matter :mil re ilia
the blood to it healthy condition, enriching, it, ene-iiing
and inlyiAnrating both mind and lively. Tbec are eas i i
of adinn,istr;,•ion, Prompt in their action, coi Lim Li,:
results, safe and Reliable in all forms of o.
No Person can take these Bitte rs accorJ
ing to directions, and rOlll.llll long uwaicii, I.cn pt i .
their bones are not destroyed by milierai r
means, and the vital organs pasted liei 1.114 the. mairtt
of repair.
Dyspepsia or Indlirention. Headache, Paii
in the Shoulder:, Cottgliz,'llghtness of the Chet, D,4
zinesi, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Had "Litz:
in the Mouth, Bilious Attacicii. Palautathut of th,
Heart, hitiamtnation of the Lllll2'‘, Pant in the tegmhs of
the kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptom ,
11,- tAT:prings r,fDyspep s ia. conlp
I it hay equal, and one brute prose
mutre ,a its merits than a ienztlm adyntton,r;
For F to Couti)lttliatx, i t %,,on7, or r d l
' marriod or single, at the dawn of m•.•, t!
turn of life, these Tonic Ritirra
For Inilltaninta.tory anti Chenille Ilthett
inattlqoas and (;out, Dyspepsia or
RCII11:1ellt and Intermittent Fevers, hiseas..a Of Ili
Mott!, laver, Kidneys and Bladder, tlets e ifoiers list
been most successful. Such Diseases .ire 01,d, 1,,
Vitiated Blond, winch is generally prodticed Lt derail;,
111 , 11 t of the Digestive Organs.
They are a Gentle Purgal lee rtq well no
a Tonle, poasessing also the peculiar 1/1,111 of aetios,
as A vowel-nil :I',•elit. 111 relieving i loncestnni 1.1 UN M.-
mation of the Liver and Viseetai Organs, and in Iltio,iii
For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tether, Sil-
Rlietiin, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustldtfs, lloi: , ,
lumens, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eye , , Ely
vioelas, Itch, Scut fa, Discoloration% of ill! Skiu, /honor
:old hiatuses of the Skin, of whatever name i t !ruin t,
aie literally dug up and tarried nut 111 the system in •
shot time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle ti.
so, It Cases will convince the most incredillowl of tl, o
ii ratite effects.
(•lettrge the, Vitiated Blood whenever you
find its impurities bursting through the i.Litt in Pimples
Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it oh•
strutted and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it . t s
foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood
pure, and the dealrli of the system will follow.
I ligiertteftil tlpywiniatis
proclaim Vt::n ,nn Bn•-
't the most wonderful Invigoiant that e, et • ~.,td.11,1
the sinking systent.
Fin, Tape. and other I'Vormq. hir1,;,1,7, to
the system of sn many thousands, are elfin tually d
strayed and removed. Says a distinguished physiol.
ogist : There istonrcely an indi.i.loal upon the face of the
earth whose lady is exempt from the presence of worms
It is tint upon thy healthy e:entet.ts of the body that
%toms exist, la' 055011 the diseased humors and slim.
deposits that listed these living moost.us of disease
No stolen, of Medicine, Iva veniiiinges. no anifielinin -
hits, will free the system nom bless
Mechanical Dliaeasea. Persons engaged
Paints and Minerals, such as Pitman:is,
rioliblicatCrs, and Miners, as they advani . e lire, r.
be subject to paralvsis of the Rowels. '1 o maid agamic
this take a dose of WALICRIt i s VI:Sas:AR lilT r .Sts un, s.
or twice a week. as a Preventive.
Bilious, Remittent, I Intermittent
Reverie, which are so preva'etit in the out
great rivers throughout the United States, especiatiy
those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouti, 11l uuis , 'Pen
nessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Enna.,
Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, I<tvii,
°he, James, and many others, with their va-.t tribute
rice. throughout our entire country during the Sumini.r
and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of
unusual hest and dryness, ate invariably accompanier
by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and
other abdominal viscera, There are always inure or less
obstructions of the liver, a wcalotens and irritable stet
of the stomach, and great torpor of the liosicis, Leto.;
flagged up with vitiated accumulations. In the, tie t,
men% a purgative, exerting a pnwerf Mate:ere up,'
these various organs, is essentially necessary. Therit
w. satliartic fir the purpose equal to DR. J.
slikiAß DITTERs, as they will speedily remove his
sari.-colored viscid matter with wlt;clt the bosels c , e
loaded, at the same time stitnulating the nce, clam,
the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions
of the digestive organs.
Scrofula. or Kline,
Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Jiter, S• 10 1 .01114.
inflammations, Indolent Inflammation., Mercurial Al
fections, Oil Sores, Eruptions of the Skit), Sole Eyes
t , etc. In these, as in all other constitution it Di.
eases, WA I.KaR'S VIRPG irt BITTIIRS have shown theit
yreat curative powers in ilia most obstinate and tutiaci . .
Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitten
act on all these vases in a Nimilar'manner. ftv
Old Mood they remove the cause, and livreso.ving away
the effects of the inflammation (the ttibco.olar dcfisda,
the affected outs receive health, and a v.:fin-mem Lure
is effected.
The properties of DR. WALICER I .: VINRGAF.
PITTERS are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Girii.mative.
Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative. Counter-Irri
tant, Sudorinc, Alterative, and Anti-Tihous.
The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of
Dr:. WALEEE'S VINEGAR BITTERS are the best 9162-
guard in all cases of eruptions and malignant fevvi4,
their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect
the limners of the lances. Their Sedative properttel
allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels,
either front inflammation, wind. curie,
Their Comiter4rritant influence extends thrforAotil
to system. Their Diuretic properties act r va th e Kid
tiers. correcting and regulating the flow of mi.,. ihe,i
Anti-Bilious properties stimulate the liver, in 1112 Serl
lion of bile, and its discharges through the y dociA
and are superior to all remedial agents. cn ,
Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc.
Pertify the body against disease 7 ur.
fvforg, all its thuds with VINEGAR , 11,•
&mite can take hold of a system thus Fir,irior. ,
',vet., the stomach, the botftels, the 1C:1ot,, t 1 t
lICrVeI are rendered distf.t.te-"t1 Ly t!1, 1,1,l .la
n :
orant. ut
Dlreiona.—Take of the Bitters cs .t 1.4
at night front a 11.11( to 0110 and :/i ,t11• • •4
Eat good now 'slung rtod, FitLli %eel . ftfy.f
01 0 P. toa , t her:, and
out-door exercise. They are poreie ve
able 'overflew.", and e uttf ., o nn
j WALKER, Prolr. It. 11.
DiuggLSls .111 (;.•11. Sln I
atAl LOT. 4.1
SOLD LN ALL Lettl;LlGi.l , ANL.
1: .
II:. I)
t 13.