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(tell iee, , mill eller/4i ft ,jr( sl (rnil (t /ttstin il peace ______ INTING ire aPCiri; I t) bi tirl iv( I lie nal loll'..• tem' 1 it1. , ;: i(, -.-•,, i , i ~ : ~,,:, ,•• et tiiw,4l «u eye/ e('-•( and with all no tiollB.---.1. L. _._._ _ _ , __ - - -- - - -- ---- - - PUBLISHED E J. D. No. 3 , 1 North:Que Terms—) One Copy, One Yet Five Copieli, One V Ten Copier, One V Premium—The n , Campai v it Breetsfuta Pit am a premium to every sl.so—also to every petal or more. N. 11..--Old Subscribm new their subscription fo) $1.26, If they send as the first of January next. JOB PR Of every description, neatly and promptly executed at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Employment. 1011111PLOVIRENT BUREAU of Young _EA Roses Christian Association, Office, :23 South 7th St., bet wan Chestnut and Walnut, Phlitulelpum, Pu. If you wish to hire labor of any kind, write and tell us Just the help you want. The wages you will Liay. The beat, and cheapest way to reach your fltee, and if far from Philadelphia, you had better enclose Rall Road fare. We will fie our best to serve you and give you all the information we can about the person we send. Our desire Is to assist the worthy, and no charges to either party. Ad dress, ALRX. SLOAN, Supt Employment Bureau, 11111 TM Street, Philadelphia. 114-tt Medical. DR. JOIINSTON, OP THE. BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL, Office... 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET. Discovered in the great Hospitals of Europe and the first in this country, air: England, France end elsewhere, the most certain, speedy and effectual remedy in the world for all DISEASES OFIIIIPIIt I l DENCE. Weakness of the Hook or Limbs, Strictures, ARection of the Kidneys or Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Im potency,General Debility, Nervolomen+, Dyspepsia, Lan guor, Low Spirits, Coofusioi, of Ideas, Palpitation of the Ileart Timidity, Trembling, Dill/110NA of s.ght or Giddi ness, Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affec tions of the Liver, Lunge, Stomach or Bowels—those ter rible Disorders arising fro v. Solitary Habits of Youth— Secret and solitary practices wore tatal to their victims than the song of the Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brillianthopes or miticipvitiono, ren dering marriage As.. impossible, YOUNG MEN Especially, who have become the victims of Bolitetry Vice hat dreadful and destructive habit which anually sweeps to au unihnelygrave thousandsof young men of the meet exalted talents and brilliant intellect, wht might other- wise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to eestacy the living may call with full confidence. MAIM ILIGE• !Slurried persons, or Young Men elintempiNting mar --huge, aware of PhygiCNl Wtlakilel4P, Loss of Procreative Cower (Impotency), "Nervous %Organic Weaknese, Nervous Debility, or any other Dis stusUncation, speedily relieved, He who places himself under the care of Dr, J. may religiously confide lo his honor Its a genthimaii, and confidently rely upon his skill Its a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNENN Immediately Cured and full Vigor hectored. The distressing Affect I uu, which renders life miserable and marriage impossible, is the penalty pnid by the vic tims of improper indulgences, Young peremis arc too apt to commit exceeece from not being aware of the dread ul consequences that way ensue. how, who that under stands this subject will pretend to deny that the lower of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent ! Decides being deprived of the pleasure of healthy offspring, the most serious and de structive symptoms of both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the I'hysicaland Sle /It It I Fume lions weakened, Loss of procreative power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the heart, Indiges tion, Denstitutional Debility and Wasting of the r Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. A CURE SPEEDILY !WARRANTED. Persona ruined iu healthby unleanrd pretenders who keep them tritHing mouth after month, taking poisonous and injurious compounds, should apply immedtately, DR. JOHNtrroN, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London,l /redo ate of one of the most etniuent Colleges In the united Stale', and the best part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the moat astonishing cures that were ever known; tnany troubled with ringing In the lipad end ears when saleep,great nervousness, being sib/mined at &Men noun la, bashfulness, with frequent tinshing,aftended sometimes with derangement of mind, were oozed immediately. TARR PARTICULAR. NoTo C Dr.J. add all those who have injured themselves y Improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin otb body and mind, unfitting them for either business, *tidy, society or marriage. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro dined by the early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Hack and Limbs, Pains is the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangnment of the Diges tive Yonotloos, tieoeral Debility, Symptoms of Consum• Lion, &e. MENTALLY.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded. Loss of Memory. Confusion of Ideas Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion Society, Self-Distrust, Love of solitude, Timidity, dtc, are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons of all ages can now Judge what Is itbs cause of their deolining health, losing their vigor, Damming weak. pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, Gough and symptoms of Consumption YOUNG MEN Who have injured themselves by a certain practice, in dulged in when atone, s habit frequently learned from evil companions or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and If not cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his coun try, the, pride of his parcels, should be snatched from -aljicpeets and enjoyment of life by the consequence ut Whiting from the path of nature, and indulging In a aorta secret habit, Such persons must before contem plating In A UR NAG E, Itafieet that • mind mind and body are the most neces• gory requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without theme the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the proapect hourly darkens to the view, ths mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholly reflection that the happiness of another is blighted with our own. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided Lod imprudent votary of pleasure gods that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful die thee, It toe often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to these who from education and respectability, can alone befriend him lie falls into the hands of igornant and designing pretenders, who, Incapable of curing, filch his pecuniary substance, keep him trilling month after month, or an long as the smallest fee eau be obtained, and In despair leave him with ruined health to sigh over his piling disappointment; or, by the use of the deadly poison Mercury, cause the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease to make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased woe, nocturnal pains In the brad and ihnba, dimness of sight, dealness,,uodes on the shin bones ai- d arms, thitcbes on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, Ull at Mat the palate of the mouth or the bones of the none fall a t. and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid *Meet of sommisseration till death puts a period to his !mail suffering, by sending him to that undiscovered, troantry "from whose bourne no traveler ever returns. , To much, therefore, Dr. Johostou offers the moat entr ain speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy In the world' OFFIIOE9 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STer Left hand side going from Baltimore street , a few dale ran the corner. Pall not to observe name and number a7 lie Letters received unless postpaid and contain ing a stamp to be seed on the reply. Persona writing should sinto age, and send portion of a dvertisement de esribing symptoms. Tb. Doctor's DIPLOMA hangs in his office. EFIDOISSEDIENT OF THE PRESS. The many thousands cured at this establishment with in thrt last twenty years, and the numerous important surgiosi operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witness ed by the Representatives of the Preen and many others, witless of which has appeared again and Main before the public, besides his standing as a man of honor and re uponelblUty, Ise sualcient guarantee to the afflicted. BRIM BISSAU% BPIINDILY CURRD. FIMMM t• iP NO 00 EVERYMAN HIS OWNPNYSICIAR CAUTION THE immense demand for HOLLOWAY'S PILLS and OINTMENT has tempted unprincipled parties to counterfeit these valuable medicines. In order to protect the public and ourselves, we have Issued a new ' , Trade Mark," consisting of an agyptiaa circle of a serpent, with the letter H in Ira centre. Every box of genuine How:mars Pula and Otursiticr will have this trade mark on • ; none are_genuine without It. N. Y. OwlisiMat. CV., Sole Proprietors, Mara-1y T 8 Maiden Lane, New York. VOL. Vl. GREAT REDUCITION- , ai 8 0 gi - F.L3 •1 0 I4opti w El FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. =I WIDNIYER & RICKSECKER, Pitinthensit Cur. East King A: Doi ke-Sni. ,SOLID WALNUT. OAK, AND LMITA7'IO Ar WA LN /I 7' CHAMBER & PARLOR SUITS LIBRARY, I.IININII It(1(01 ND it E. C.INE SE.l . l' .IND I'AINTEI) C11.111:4. xt2)—Call ;LMI OX:111.ille (he Wurkri.a!iBiiip awl l'riees I,efor ulsewll,:re. Yon will find Hie largi•st merit In select from in time Cii . r. J. WIDNII JAS . P.IIICKSECIir.It, Corner East Eivg, 1/111:* , LANUASrEIt, PA. ATE Est•Eci.c E. ATIPENTION to the fact that v aro 11,,w rll . llolg n i.iirge and Very Superior Stork of PARLOR, (ILA JIRER, AND DININt; ROOM, 11' RNI rr t P. At Greatly Reduced Prices. moat akcpti,al may 110 11111clnlr.l of thiS flu t hy calling at our a'ar,room.,.. all oor goods. 11. Itay a.)1,1 l oa does tint turn alit repreSelltudlV , wIII rlwertuliy r.. 1101,1 11111,wy, H. 1.1 McCONNELL & CO. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN FURNITURE NO. 80.9 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Furnishing Goe:els. The Great Preserver of Health SMIT Patent Pcrfornted Buckskin UNDERGARMENTS Ladies and Gentlemen. fl) .1% a a promob.i. ill Iw:till', a lort.Servt.r • of . ( t . i i v il e fo f r , t f toi. t „. l , l ,; ' oT k tb a t. " 'i l ll a :Y l a l t ; is:::l lß. l; --- 1 .. i : , Col in, 'web as 1 .1 :. e ' \ RHEUMATISM, '.. (.fti: ',, , SORE 'lll Royl'. j,•-'1 LUNG I)ISEA:4 . ,S, &,,. .1 t, : k Kocomineuded by the maul, , 1 ..:.1 q ME ICAL FACULTY. NECK TIES, COLLARS, UNDERSHIRTS /Or Men. UNDERSHIRTS " Boys. VESTS " Ladies. ERISMAN'S, No. 41i North Queen Street Lancaster, I a oc2 Nett door 'forting & ScilloWn Hotel. ARM_SROANgerS, - In the wonderful medicine to which the afflicted aro above pointed for relief, the discoverer believes he has combined in harmony more of Nature's most sovereign curative properties. which Cod has instill ed into - the vegetable kingdom for healing the sick,. than were ever before combined hi one no:divine The evidence of this fact is found in the great \ aria!, of most obstinate diseases which it has been founts to eonQuer. In the cure of Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, and the early stages. of Consump. lion, it has astonished the medical faculty, and eminent physicians pronounce it the greatest toed' cal discovery of the age. While it cures the sever eat Coughs, it strengtllCllP he system and purifies the blood. Be Its great and thorough blood part (ylng properties, it CUM , all Humors from th, NorstSerofula to a common Blotch, Pintpl( or Eruption. Mercurial disease, 'Mineral Poicons and their effects are eradicated, and vigorous Malik and a sound constitution established. Erysipe. las, Milt liken in, Fever Sores, Scaly of Hough Skin, in short, all the numerous diseases caused - by bad blood, aro conquered ny lids putt - cilia purifying and invigorating medicine. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have saline color of skin, or yellowish brown spots on lace 0, body, frequent headache or dizziness, bad taste In mouth, internal beat or chills alternated with but flushes, low spirits, and gloomy forebodings. irregu tar appetite, and tongue coated, you ate suffering " from Torpid Liver or °nen ess.ss In many cases of " Liver Complaint" only part of these symtoms are experienced. As a reuse. dy for all such cases Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has no equal. us it cfliTts perfect cures, leaving the liver strengthened and healthy. For the cure of' Habitual Constipation of the now els it is a never failing remedy, and those who have used it for this purpose are loud in its praise. The proprietor offers $1,060 reward for a medicine that will equal it for the cure of all the diseases as which it is recommended. . Sold by zglste at $1 per bottle. Prepared I)? R. V. Pierce, D., Sole Proprietor. itt hie tThetuica Laboratory, 1,14 Seneca Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Sand your &ticket's fur a pamphlet. Cabinet lrare. a,"•;.-? ": 14 - " ME GLOVE, „le tee( r EDW. J. ZAHM, 3`- ~~~-~ JEWELER! AT THE OLD STAND, COR. NORTH QUEEN-ST. MO CENTRE SQUA.Rr. Lancaster, Pa. I hater. 110 W 011 1111 , 1.1 a vory aw , orliiii.Nt (~ir hat., vatapri:ana l;0 1 ,1 and Stlvt•t• Hunt ing \l'at,l)l•A fnaa inerivan awl )laualartna.a.,, Flap 1:01 , 11111‘11:i)110i1 illl.l "'llVl . l' I'IAI , IIV/IIV. (1,11 . kM ol .\nn'rlr;ltl and F 11.1 1 ,11 Ptantiliwl ;tn., lath CalleA tc 1:1t soy,' 1 1 1 1,1 v,, N w 1 ,0•3 ttv are iluctry;, , ,5 4.: ENT FOR ITE RS P ATEjo. UIIDEL PEBBLE Lace Iho pi oxer ~i• ARRESTING THE HEAT-RAYS or s,,lar or artitkial tight, r ride I.(' of .oke ARUNDEL PEBBLE SPECTACLES ARE VIOLET TINTED, TETKocONgItCCTEDTIUTWIII , IN Al'l'l.ll , ol %MTV USE APPEAR COLORLESS The wvaker and higher number-; .11' thc Arundel Pebble lenses A. I? 'l`llE SANt I , : 'PI They are the Most Brilliant and l n P 11 .7 frl Ever Inrented. THR principle on Ivhich these specta cles are constructed, can not he too hig . hly prized. Those who have felt the smart ing., irritating pain consequent on use of all spectacles, by gas-light, or even day-light of ordinary i ntensity, will readily uißlerstauil that any Invention that will overcome this common trouble must be hailed with de -From J. Sottrintno WEr.t.s, Prof. of Ophtludniaologyia King's Coll, ge, London, and Asst Surgeon to London Ophtlialinb; Rospital: "It is very desirable to combine a tint with the Ilse of convex and concave spherical lenses : in the , u , raker numbers, this can ho very effectually clone ; but, in the higher numbers, it is It—for the varying thickness of giu,n, valises considerable drf Terence iu the tint in the centre and edges of the /ens." From A. ACKLAND, Thor/eon L. S. A., F.R.M.S., London: "The color of glass to be used in speotaeles. is ono to which I have given some attention, and r Lave arrived at the conclusion that the farffe amount of distinct vision, together with the least hum ut of glare, is to be obtained by using a violet tinted pebble, aud to confirm the good opinion I have formed of this peculiar color, I am enabled to state that it is now recommended as the most suit able to be employed for weak visiuu, by the most celebrated oculists of the day." WATCH WORK And (leneral Repairing Ilene in the begt wanner. stir DON'T FORGET THE PLACE. ZAHICS CORNER , North Queen Street and Centre Square. Trimmings, Ribbons, &c. LADIES TAKE NOTICE THAT GUNDAKER'S Are receiving daily all the latest styles of BON NETS, HATS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, MIMINS, LACES, VELVETS, .te., laid, as heretofore, THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. Also, the latest styles of DRESS TRIMMINGS, IN LA CES,GIMPS, SATINS, FRING ES, 111"1"I'l he. V ELV ETE.ENs—all rotors—cut Bias. Also, the greatest variety of FANCY GOODS & NOTIONS In the city, such as BOWS, SCARFS, KID GLOVES —The Best in the Market, one and two buttons, at 87c., $l, $1.25 and $1.17. Call and see them. Also, all the best stakes of CORSET S, At 75 cents up. Ask to see the A. D. cOIIsET. LADIES' MERINO VESTS & DRA EltS, all sizes. Full regular made and other STOCKINGS, very cheap. (Jive us a call, and examine our stock, at Gundaker's Emporium, 14:4 and 144 NORTH QUEEN STRBET. LANCASTER, PA. LANCASTER, PENNA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1872. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. lb the ,Venatc and Ifluse f)1 ll', presen attires: la transmitting to you this my Fourth Annual Message, it is with than k fulness to the CI iver of all good that as a nation we have been blessed for the intst year with peace at home, abroad and a general prosperity ialed to but few people. With .cept ion of the recent devastating high swept from the earth with . 04*. 41,..,, r 9 illions of limn '4l - 1 , 0 - Mt Jr' of Boston , las been no' rwhehning ca within the year to record. .. . gratfying to note how like their •citizens of Chicago undersimilar tstanees,a yearearlier, the ci duns Lou are, rallying under their lids es, and the prospect is that their and perseverance will over- Al obstacles and show the same :rity soon that they would, had aster befallen them. Otherwise 'e been free from pestilence, war, lamities which often overtake s; and as far as human judg qui penetrate the future, no cause 'o exist to threaten our present DIE When ('ongress adjournedin June last, a que:ition had been raised by Great Britain, and was then pending, which for a time seriously imperiled the set tlement by friendly arbitration of the grave differences between this Govern ment and that of her Britannic Majes• ty, which, by the Treaty of Washing ton, had been referred to the Tribunal of Ai hitration which Mt' at Geneva, in Switzerland. The Arbitrators, how ever, disposed of the question, which had jeopardod the whole of the treaty and threatened to involve the two na tions in tno4 unhappy relations to ward each other, in a manner entirely satisfactory to this Government, and in accordanee W the views Mid the policy which it had maintained. The tribunal, which had convened at Geneva in December, concluded its laborious session on the 14th day of September, on which day, having availed itself of the discretionary pow er given to it by the Treaty to award a . sum in gross, it made its decision, whereby it awarded the sum of fifteen illions five h mired thousand dollars, in gold, as this indemnity to be paid by reat. Britain to the Uniied states, for the math-fact ion of all the chti ins referred to its considsration. This decision hap pily disposes of a long-sun. ling differ• mice between the two governments, xtrcl fin Chef Ileethrei WO I A Another award made by the German Erwieror, under a reference to him by the satne treaty, leaves Ili. so two governments without a shadow upon their friendly relations, hiell it is my sincere hope may for ever remain equally unclouded. Tlic report of the Agent, of the 1 lilted States, appointed to attend the ( leneva Tribunal, accompanied by the protocols of the proceedings of the ar bitrators, the arguments of the counsel of both (;overnments, the award of the tribunal, and the opinions given by the several arbitrators, is transmitted herewith. I have caused to be communicated t the heads of the three friendly powers who complied with the joint request made to them under the treaty, the thanks of this Uovernment for the ap pointment of arbitrators made by them respectively, and also my thanks to the eminent personages named by them, and my appreciation of the dignity, pa triotic impartialty and great ability with whirh they dnichatged their ar duous and high functions. Her Maj esty's government has communicated to me its appreciation by Her Majesty of the ability and indefatigable indus• try displayed by Mr. Adams, the arbitrator named on the part of this Uovernment, dui tug the prarleted infinities and 111SM:000118 of the Tribunal. I cordially unite with tier Majesty iu this appreciation. It is due to the Agent of the United States before the Tribunal to record my high appreciation of the marked ability, un wearied patience, prudence and discre tion with which he has conducted the very responsible and delicate duties committed to him. It is also tine the learned and eminent counsel who at tended the tribunal ou the pArt of this iovernment to express our sense of the talents and wisdom which they brought to bear in the attainment of the result so happily reached. It will be the proviuce of Congress to provide for the distribution, among those who may be entitled to it, of their respective sharititt-of the money to be paid, Although the sum awarded is not payable until a year front the date of award, it is deemed advisable that no time be lost in making a proper exam'. nation of the several cases in which indemnification may be due. I conite• quently recommend the creation of a Board of Commissioners for the pur pose. By the 34th article of the Treaty of Washington the respective claims of the United States and of Great Bri tain, in their construction of the treaty of the fifteenth of June, 1846, defining the boundary line between their re spective territories, were submitted to the arbitration and award of His Maj esty, the Emperor of Germany, to de cide which of these claims•ie most in accordance with the true interpretation of the Treaty of 1846. His Majesty, the Emperor of Germany, having been pleased to undertake the arbitration, has the earnest thanks of this Govern ment, and of the people of the United States, for the labor, painsand care which he has devoted to theretStsideration of this long peeding difference. I have caused au expression of my thanks to be communicated to His Majesty. Mr. Bancroft, the representative of this government at Berlin, conducted the ease, and prepared the statement on the part of the United States, with the ability that his past services justified the public in expecting at his hands as a member of the Cabinet at the date of the treaty which hue given rise to the discutision between the two govern men ts ; as the Minister to Great Britain when the construction now pronounced unfounded was first advanced, and as the agent and representative of the Government to present the case and to receive, the award, lie has been asso ciated with the question in all its phases and in every stage, and has manifested a patriotic zeal and earnest ness in the maintenance of the claim of the United States. lie is entitled to much credit for the success which has attended the submission. After a patient investigation of the case and of the statements of each party, His Majesty the Emperor, on the twenty first day of October last, signed his award in writing, decreeing that "the claim of the Government of the United States, that the boundary line between the Territories of Her Britan nic Majwsty and the United States should be drawn through the Haro channel, is most in accordance with the true interpretation of the treaty concluded on the 15th of June, 1546, between the Governments of Her Britannic Majesty and the United States. Copies of the "Case" presented on be half of each Government and of the "statement in reply" of each, and a translation of the award, are trans mitted herewith. This award con firms the United States in their claim to the important Archipelago of Islands lying between tl►e continent and Van couver's Island, which, for more than twenty-six years, ever since the ratifi cation of the treaty, Great Britain has contested, and leaves us for the first time in the history of the United States as a nation, without a question of dis• puled boundary between our territory and the possessions of Great Britain on this Continent. It is my grateful duty to acknowledge the prompt, ,ponta neotts action of Iler Majesty's Govern ment in giving effect to the award. 1 n anticipation of any request from this Government, and before the reception in the United States of the award signed by the Emperor, Her Majesty had given instructions for the removal of her troops which had been stationed there, and for the cessation of all exer cise or claim of jurisdiction, so as to leave the United States in the exclu sive possession of the lately disputed torritory. I am gratified to be able to announce that the orders forremoval of the troops have been executed, and that the mili tary joint occupation of San .1 nun has ceased. The islands are in the exclu sive possession of the United States. It now becomes necessary to complete the survey and determination of that por tion of the boundary line through the Hero Channel, upon which the COM - IiIiSAIOII which determined the remain big part of the line were unable to agree. I recommend the appointment of a commismien, to act jointly with one which may be named by Her Ma jesty, for that purpose. Experience of the difficulties attend i lig the determin ation of an admitted line of boundary, after the occupation of territory and its settlement by those Owing allegi ance to the respective governments, points to the importance t estab lishing by natural oljects t,r other monuments the actual line between the territory acquired by purchase froze► Russia and the adjoining possessions of her Britannic Majesty. The region is now so sparsely occupied that no con ffieting interests of the individuals of or jurisdiction are likely to interfere, to the delay or• emnbarrassm►eut of the actual location of the line. If deferred until population shall enter and occupy the territory, some trivial contest of neighbors may again array the two governments in antagonism. I theraore recommend the appointment of a Commission to act jointly with one that way be appointed mi the part of great Britain, to determine the line between our territory of Alaska am! the ectermitions possessions of Gre-itt In my last annual tnesHage I recom mended the legislation necessary on the part of the United States to bring into operation the articles of the Trea ty of Washington of May S, Is7l, re luting to the fisheries, and to other matters touching the relations of the United States towards the British North A email possessions,to become operative tit) soon as the proper legisla tion should be had on the pint of Great Britain and its possessions. That leg islation on the part of Great Britain or its possessions had not then been h td, and during the session of Con gress a question was raised which, for the time raised a doubt whether any action by Congress in the direction in dicated would become important. This question has since been disposed of,and I have received notice that the Imper ial Parliament and the Legislator' i of the Provincial Governments have passed laws to carry the provisions of the treaty on the matters referred to into operation. 1 therefore recom mend your early adoption of the legis lation in the same direction necessary on the part of this Government. The Joint Commission for determin ing the boundary line between the United States and the British posses sions, the Lake of the Woods and the Rocky Mountains, has organized and entered upon its work. It is desirable that the force be increased in order that the completion of the survey and deter mination of the line may be sooner at tained. To this end I recommend that an appropriation be made. With France, our earliest ally; Russia the constant and steady friend of the United States:; Germany, with whose government and people we have so many causes of friendship and so many common sympathies, and the other powers of Europe, our relations are maintained on the most friendly terms. mince my last annual message the Exchange has been made of the ratifi cations of a treaty with the Austro Hungarian Empire, relating to natu ralization. Also of a treaty with the German:Empire respecting Consuls and trade marks; also of a treaty with Swe den and Norway, relating to naturali zation; all of which treaties have been duly proclaimed. Congress at Its last session having made an appropriation to defray the expenses of Commissioners on the part of the United States to the Interna tional Statistical Congress at St. Peters burg, the persons appointed in that character proceeded to their destination and attended the session of the Con gress. Their reports in due season tie laid before you. This Congress meets at intervals of three years, and liss held its sessions in sev eral of the countries of Europe. 1 sub mit to your consideration the propriety of extending an invitation to the I 'tni gress to hold its next meeting in the United States. The centennial cele bration, to be held in 1876, would aflbrd an appropriate occasion for such meet ing. Preparations are making for the In ternational Exposition to be held dur ing the next year in Vienna on a scale of very great magnitude. The tend ency of these expositions is in the di rection of advanced civilization, and of the elevation of industry and of labor, and of the increase of human happi ness, as well as of greater intercourse and good will between nations. As this exposition is to be the first which will have been held in Eastern Europe, it is believed that American inventors and manufacturers will be ready to avail themselves of the oppor tunity for the presentation of their productions, if encauraged by proper aid and protection. At the last sesssion of Congress authority was given for the appointment, of one or more agents to represent this ( lovernment at the exposition, The authority thus given has Jaen exercised; but in the absence ()I' any appropriation there is danger that the important I)(.atelits which the occasion otters will, in a large degree, be lost to the citizens of the United States. I commend the subject strongly to your consideiation, and recommend that an adequate ap propriation be made for the purpose To further aid A toerkan exhit itoty, at the Vienna Exposition, I wood recom mend, in :Addition to the appropriation or money that the Secretary of the Navy he authorized to tit up two naval vessels to transport between our At lantic cities and Trieste, or the most convenient port to Vienna, and back, their articles for exhibition, SilleP your last session the President of the Mexican I{,‘"plitint!,(ll;tingliklied by his high character and by his serv ices to his country, has died. Ills tem porary suecessor has now been elected with great unanimity by the people—a prooi'of confidence on their part in his patriotism and wisdom, which, it is be lieved, will tie conliro o by the results of his administration. It is partieu la: ly desirable that nothing should be left and me by the governmant of either Repuhlic to strengthen their re- latious as neighbors and friends. It is much to be regretted that niftily lawless acts continue to disturb the quiet of the settlements on the border between our territory and that of mwc ieo, and that complaints of wrongs to American citizens in various parts of the country are mode. The revolution ary condition in which lite neighboring Republic has so long been involved has in some degree vont ributed to this dis turbance. It is to he hoped that v. ith a more settled rule of order through the republic, which may be expected Flom the present ()overmuch!, the :fell of which just, complaint is made will cease. The proceedinizs tho under the eoli vention with 111exivii the 4th of July, 186 S, on the suhket el claims, have unfortunately been check ed by au obstacle for the removal of which measures have been taken by the two governments, whia•h it is be lieved will prove successful. The Commissioners appointed purse ant to the joint resolution of Congrvss oil the 7th of May last, to inquire into depredations on the Texan frontier, have diligently made invest igat ion -I in that quarter. Their report upon the subject will be cominunicate,l to you. Their researches upon the subject were necessarily incomplete, partly on tie count of the lim it ed appropriation made by Congress. Mexico, on the part of that Government, 11114 appoin t cd a simi lar commis s ion to in vestig,de these out rages. His not announced officially, hut the press of that country slates that the fullest investigation is desired, and that the co-operation Of all parties con cerned is invited to secure that end. I therefore recommend that a special ap propriation be wade at, the earliest day practicable to enable the Commission ers out the part of the United States to return to their labors without delay. Cuba It is with regret that I have again to announce a coutinuanee of the dis turbed condition of the 'shunt of Cuba. No advance toward the pacification of the discontented part of the population has been made, whilst the insurrection has gained no advantages and exhibits no more of the elements of power or of the prospects of ultimate success than were exhibited a year ago. Spain, on the other hand, has not succeeded in its repression, and the parties stand ap parently in the same relative attitude which they have occupied for a long time past. This contest has lasted now for more than four years. Were it seen at a distance from our neighbor hood, we might be indifrerent to its result, although humanity could not be unmoved by many of its incidents, wherever they might occur. It is, however, at our door. I cannot doubt that the continued maintenance of slavery in Cuba is among the strong est inducements to the continuance of this strife. A terrible wrong Is the natural cause of a terrible evil. The abolition of slavery and the introduction of other reforms in the administration of the gov ernment in Cuba could not fail to advance the restoration of peace and order. It is greatly to be hoped: that the present liberal government of Spain will voluntarily adopt this view. The Law of Emancipation, which waspass ed more than two years since, has re mained unexecnted in the absence of regulations for its enforcement. It was but a feeble step toward emancipation, but it was the recogn'tion of the right, and was held as such, and exhibited Spain in harmony with the sentiments of humanity and of justice, and in sym pathy with the other powers of the Christian and civilized world. Within the past few weeks the regulations for carrying out of the law of emanci- CASII ADVERTISING RATES. "r 7 lines of 3 )ii , l 14;onparell ur its oginvalent (lo 111(.11 in length, corottltute a Square,./u1(1 adver tb:ers w fll be charged for the Mateo Ipy oeeiipy e...n . onlehee with the following table: ,-; (le TIME $ $ 1 40 $ 2 1U $ 8 SO $ 6 00 $ 11 bo 1 .21.1 180 270 4 31) 800 14 141 150 220; 880 000 10 80 17 00 I ee k wee - .t w« 175 2 80' 390 700 12 00 75, 4 00 800 10 00 20 00 1 month. 2 months ' 3 months 4 00' 0 00 , . 9 00 IS 00 30 00 66 00 6 301optha. 700 11.0' 16 00 , 26 00 40 Oaf 70 00 1 year.... 12 . 00, 20 _OO, Y _ 120 00 Exeentors'Nottee A dmitilstrators'Notlce A srilgrii,s' Notlee I =ME= A DVERTIShIItS rind a very deaf ral,le uu.lium lu Father Abraham—its low stihmeriptiou price • enabling it to reach a cla.a or readers who take uo NO „ , other paper, Our rates,!as given, in the table, wilt commend themselves to the bUSiIIeSS bake been announced, giving evidejo of the sincerity of the inten tion of the present government to carry into effect the law of 1870. I have not failed to urge the consideration of the wisdom of the policy and the justice of a more etrective system for the abolition of the great evil which oppresses a race amrcontinues a Moody atilt destructive contest close to our border, as well as the expediency. and the justice of con ceding reforms of which the propriety is not gnestioned. Deeply impressed with the conviction that the continuance of slavery is one of the most active causes of the eon titillative of the unhappy conditi o n iii •Cuba, f regret to believe that citizens of the !Tinted States, or those Claiming to be such, are large holders in tuba of what is there etaitned as property, but which is forbidden and denounced by the laws of the Hell States. They are thus, in defiance of the spirit of our own laws, contributing to the continu ance of this distressing and sickening contest. my last annual message I referred to this subject, and I again reconnund such legislation as may be proper to dcriounce, and if not prevent, at, least to discourage American citizens from holding or dealing iu slaves, and it is gratifying ., to alllloll nee that the ratifications of the convention eon chided under the auspices of this Gov : eruntent between Spain on the one plat and the allied Republics of the Pacific on the other, providing for an armistice have been exchanged. A copy of the instruthent is herewith submitted. It is hoped that this may be followed by a permanent peace be tween the same parties. The differences Which at one time threatened the maintenance of prate I,cl ween Brazil and the Argentine Re tin b:ic it is hoped are iu the way of sat;,“actory adjustment. With these States, as with the Republics of Central and South America, we continue to maintain most friendly relations. It with regret, however, [ announce that the Government of Venezuela hay !wide »I) further payments on the awards tinder the convention of the A pH I, Is6n. That republic is understood to be now almost, if not quite, tranquilized. It is hoped, I herefore, that it will lose no time in providing for tho tipaid bal• ante of its debt, to the ("lilted States, which, having originated ill ii lnt'lFH to our Of iz , :ns by Venezuelan authorities, and having being iwkoowledged, pur slfali! to a weary in the tno.l solemn r law known among nations, would seem to deserve it preference over debts of a different origin, and euntraeted in a dillrent manner. This subject is again tecommenilett to the tt:tention of Con4re , :s for such action as may be deemed neeeai v. ()or tieaty relations v ith Japan re trrain iinclittm:t . cil. An imposing elll• hassy trout that ill tt`r.' 4 l. ilg and pro tr,ressive hation visited thrs country during the year that is pLis,,ing, but hit lig no provided with pot: r-rs for the of a convention lii this coun try, no conclusion in that IlireCilOn was reached. It is 1;4)11(41, however, that the interchange Of opinions Willett twit( place during their stay in this country leit to a mutual alipreeta Lion of the interests which may he of iur treary shall he untiertake•n. in this connection I I`lll-.14111y of one year 144 4 4 , , that to give iniporimiee anti Loath! to lite ettiviency of our diplo - math- relations. with Japan anti Chins', and to furth4•r itid itt ret,ili.iing the gout opinion of those people, and to se wore to the I nittai Stales its share 4)f the einnistuce deitineil to How between those natitinis anti the halmiet• or th e commt rent! Work!, an appropriation he mathe to support, at teat lour American youths in each of these coUntrits, to serve as a part of tile official la init‘ of our triinisters there. Our representatives %%out 1 not even then he phweil equality wilh the representation or Brent Bri t ai n or or some other powers. As now situa ted our representatives in Japan airi China have to it, print for interpret, - and translators upon natives of I In•se countries who know our language Im perfectly, or procure for the occasion the services of employes in foreign business houses, or tile interpreters to other foreign ministers. I renew the recommendation made on a previous °Mask)ll for the transfer to the Department of Interior, to which they seem more appropriately to be long, of all tae powers and duties in re lation to the Territories with which the Department of State is now charged by law or by custom. Congress, from the beginning of the Government, has wisely made provi sion for the relief of distressed s e aman in foreign countries. No similar pro vision, however, has hitherto been made for the relief of citizens in distress abroad, other than seamen. It Is un derstood to be customary with other governments to authorize Consuls to extend such relief to their citizens or subjects in certain cases. A similar authority and an appropriation to carry it into effect are recommended• in the case of citizen s of the United States destitute or sick. Under such circuit) - stances it is welt known that such citizens resort to foreign countries in great numbers. Though most of them are able to bear the expenses incident to locomotion, there are some who, through accident or otherwise, become penniless, and have no friends at home able to succor them. In this situation they must either perish, cast them selves upon the charity of foreigners, or be relieved at the private charge of our own officers, who usually, even with the most benevolent dispositions, have nothing to spare for such pur poses. Should the authority and ap propriation asked for be granted, care will be taken to carry the beneficence of Comp ess into effect, that it shall not be unnecessarily or unworthily be stowed. The moneys received and covered into the Treasury during the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1872, were: From Cuatouna $216,370,266 77 Front Sales 61 Public Lands 2,575,741 .14 Front Internal ReVenue 130,642,177 52 Front Tax on National Bank. [C , ,,whitteti on fourth pag'.J =MI The Treasury 2(.1 OS 8350 $2 ISO Y 5 4.1 2 1541 I:,u