"ather clitithao" FRIDAY, OCTOBE 25, 1872 CURIOUS SONC 1,13V1 sivEratiEAßT. Yourtae MOM So fait., Emit, \lh it (.vi $\C pet, ill rti.t Mine eye, To talk, Yinit face, Dotll lead MEMO to icu 0, yt,ur totnl, d“th inur With 'Warn , Ih)th Nina, Mine eye, your 1011;!;111', «'llll t , ()liild, tloth charm, 1111111'• ear. Mine eye. With 'our face. Dot)] Rued mine car, loth 111111(., your toliglie, (loth foot, ) rave ! I) Itomnie ! With flown, with chef k Wrog - not Mine eye vl , )e CIU• this ear, shall burnt, your tongue (1) This eye, Nhufl joy your lave, To serve, Thc! , e, 111... r. way br renil eltiwr right. rn frmn Wu.% rlr nruW, El nl:n he rt. 61(1 inVM I ' , II , i ! , ( . t iOn S. tri,',NE I,z 11'1 The royal I I a!;: , .!1 Oet a, Covent Garden, closed on -'4iturday, tho inst., with Meyerbeer'.• inaAerpiece, "L'Etoile du Nord," Talkin.f with a friend about the principal features of i2ie season, I had, nal urally, nu '! to I,ay about Madame Poilitie Lucca. After a time Our conversation turned upon her high qualities in private iiti ; her kind hearteduess, atfttion. generosity and courage. For cool resolution, the follow ing incident, related to Inc by my friend. cannot well be surpassed. Paulin, Lucca usually resides in Victoria Strassk Last spring, lioweyer, occupied, tetup'n'arily, ut so,uk• diAance outside the city, a wiirtenhaus, country house, consisting of only a sp.u.i‘ms, rambling basement story, surrounded by a veran dah. One night, about ten o'clock, she was silting there in her bedroom Iler chair was placed before her toilet table, which was lighted by a wax taper on each side of the glass. The two tapers were not sufficient to illuminate the room very brilliantly, and thy; further end lay buried in a sort of semi-obscurity. Madame Lucca was busy readim, , some letters cot leering en I.a.gentynts, when sud denly she innig;ned she heard a noise. She looked round, but, seeing nothim , , concluded she had made a mistake. and resumed the perusal of the letters. She had forgotten all about it when she heard it again. This titne, cad of looking mood, she 1 11)1)eop.i. )(it tauvin , J; her head, nierelv to t• eyes 0} the 1413...4.). Slie beheld 1.01. ete,t it the face ;t matt Mit a cup board hehin+i her. .11 nee. Ivas di•cantiitt•:. tt":1 - 4 1 v Nto ;it 11',i . 11 d:'• 11 1 1. ' ' ' lltort. WaS tll , 111 111, ill! I 41( n titlCll l l'.", , d fur r a t had 0, - 11:01 I bin] Of VI nil II cly erh ich Mlle had Illißst'd o.lll l ', Lt not being certain on this point. she had kept her SllSpiCiirllS to herself. Yes,, there he was ; there could be no mistake about the mat:, T. Madame Impeo's first impulse was to slant up and givo the alarm. But there was not another habitation within a mile or two, and •:he recollected that the only purson he~i le herself in the house was her maid, who, though a good girl, and extremely at tached to her mistress, was by no means celebrated for her nerve. The other servants, including the gar dener and coachman, had been granted permission to attend the wedding of a friend, some miles off, and were not to return till the next day. It flashed across her mind that the man, who, as she knew, had been loitering about the neighborhood for two or three days, had learned that she would be alone and meant to rob the house, or perhaps mur der her, if his project of robbery could not be executed without the perpetration of the greater crime. What was to be done ? Again she glanced toward the mirror. The eyes were still there, glaring on her through the gloom. All at once she remembered that a revolver belonging to her husband, the Baron von Mallen, ought to be lying on a shelf iu the dining-man ; but she was not quite sure. "If it is there, and I could only get hilt thought, "I should not mind I" she was re flecting a tome% was ;ward at the door of the room. Sli? saw Ole man instantly draw back into to cupboard and the door after him. the fit n2lit•vcri that those two her:Ml , . e y es were t;t1.: , •11 from Ler ; they seemed to pierce her like dagLfers. "Come in," she said, and her maid entered. “I thought you had gone to bed, my good girl,” observed Madame Lucca, in a tone of unconcern. was going, please your ladyship— but—l—l—thom.f,bt you might want something," replied the maid. "I told you I would be my own femme de ehambre to-night. No ; the only thing I want is to stretch my limbs a little, for they are cramped from long sitting." Speaking thus, Madame Lucca arose with an air of admirably acted indiffer ence, and took a turn or two across the room, passing - close to the cupboard as she did so. She afterward declared she thought she could hear the man breathe in his hiding place. Ile, on his part, might have heard her heart beat, she said, when looking at the ley-hole, she fiiund the key had been leinrwed. She was toiled in her plan, which bail been to lock him up. Still her presence of mind did not desert lux. ! (liar nw I" she said, "I ful so sleepy." "Sleepy, your ladyship ! I wish I did,” replied the maid. "1 don't f..el sleepy. 1 :tin too fri,..;htened.'' "Frightened ! What are you friAt ened ahout, you fo, dish goose ? Non sense I" replied 11.1.adats, Lucca. "Oh, begging y Our lady , hip's pardon, It i 8 not noosense, and that's . i!•St. it How can you be sure that omit l.),)xfvelPlit some tuvi niilifB (good-ti tr nothing fellow), hearing you and I are alone in the house, may not murder us in our beds 1' But he shan't murder me in.mine ; for with your ladyship's per -111i4.8i011, I will Sit UP all night in your ladyship's easy chair." Madame Pauline Lucca glanced at the cupboard. Iler blood ran cold s h e thought she saw the handle turn. W ha t course was she to adopt ? She dared not give her maid the slightest hint of the state of matters ; she felt the girl would go into a fit, then and there, and thus bring on a crisis. Scarcely knowing === \vim' wa -1..11: !,;!!1 u rat r " !.1 , 11 ,!:;11 tVity fln• y , 11[ , i t.,) ivy :olfl 1) 11 0 1;1'N '••• • which sli I , or to los”i:111. "What nt , lame Loeca, with a f acc%l 7 atu.h. As she spoke, her eve wandtrttl from the key hole of the dreadNl clipboard to that of an adjoining room. In the latter there was a key. tier face thedied, and a smile, as it were, of proud inspiration lighted it up, thou-di only for a second. "Jewels," she replied. "Why, every one with a grain of sense must know that I would not bring them about with ine as a rule. They, of course, are gene rally safe tinder lock and key iit 134 rliu. It is a strange thin! , , though, Editha, that to-day is an ex , Yption. I expected the Countess von Wartenstein to call, and I brought down all the' . jewc's pre sented to me at my last. visit to St. Petersburg, to show hely' In ymir (11111 Inov( "ill' it. Willi art, (loth rake, mini 11.. art. mine heart With your twit, &Ali fill. (11%11 with 9nirirt wound uot ruin t hiF• Aukll swear Oltr uit "Your lad . iship did ? Oh, but sup posing a thiet—'' "Well, if a thief did know it. he might easily make his fortune !" she obsi:rved, hastily interrupting her comp "By murdering us and running off with the jewels !" Madame Lucca glanced at the cup board, then, raising her voice, she eon. tinned : Gan from 1; ft to Tlit.%• rimy "l t'], there would he no necessity for murder. The duos which leads from that room to the ;:arden is unlocked ; it. 1 Iteel' wtand inertly have to walk in from the garden and take my jewel case from the table near the window. He might make his escape richer by sixty or seventy thousand thalers, and never be detected. That's butter than murdering people, is it not ?" Oh, s, your ladyship. And he might get over to Eogland or America." "N4n.hin , ' , easier," replied Madame Lucca. '•llowever, that r. minds me, I may as well lock the door leading into the garden. Hun into the dining-room. You'll find the key on the table. Do not be long." "No, your ladyship, I will net ; trust me lOr that," said the girt. "Eilitha! Editha !" cri4•d Maddiue Lucca, an instant afterward. "I have made a mistake. The key is in the baron's study. Pshaw ! she does not hear me," she continued, spoit kin 7 aloud, "I must go arid fetch it mnys,,,;f,7' NVith these words she left thw room. No sooner had sh. 3 !lone so, dem the door of the cupboard ciattiously opened. A man put, his head (Mt and glanced around. Poreeiving nn On , . he dartiid into the adjAining ehauit , r. The n, At instant the door was rshut, raid locked 1): hind hint. not b. 1,. him By m l ,l : , ln f. Lucca ! When she left the room (lift not pio i el two Maces; anrnl iOII:4AV listenin , r. As she was in the shee r-uht, without being visible hers,•ll, that was p;issing: in her Stt• le.!d the stran-er .1:;d, into the r:,on! . Mil =I ti / U , l! cro ~ t µ'li l l Lilo • 1 1:1 a hail(. I c:111't 1111.1 " Ir•eatt n t, ring 111, MIL IiIII•111112, hi I' 1!.•r in node h tm ut, :Inl remain( (1 thomitt roiged the tzp4,t, till lu r mi,tFess re-entered w:1,1 a revulver in her hand. "Oh ! your ladyship ! wha at's that?" inquired 1 hr ma h a sl tvng present inient that all was nut "The baron revo!ver, thank good ness," replitd Aladame Lucca. `•lVhy 'thank goodntss,' your lady ship,'' inquired the maid. Madame Lucca !minted to the door. Some one on the other side was turning the handle. Editha turned deathly pale and dropped the limp she was carrying. Presently there was a knocking, and a voice exclaimed : "Open this door directly, or—" The rest was inaudible. Editha's screams drowned aught else. Madame Lucca waited until the girl's first stock of breath was exhausted and her second not yet arrived ; then she said, with comic severity : "Editha, if you are not quiet, I will begin by shooting you !" Editha thought, apparently, that her mistress was in earnest, for the poor girl immediately rammed a large portion of the nearest towel into her mouth, and restricted, herself to swaying to and fro and sobbing violently, but the door was inasive oak and immovable. friottri," crhd Madame Lucca, in a haul voice, "you are caged. The garden door is as tightly fastened as is this one, and the window is secured. Do not attempt to open the latter, for I am going into the garden, and the in stant I see you try to escape you are a dead wan." Flinging open the door which led to the verandah she went out, fldlowed by Editha, who, in her despair, had suc ceeded in pushing more of the towel in her mouth. The noise of a bolt being drawn was heard. "Stand aside, my friend," said Ma dame Lucca, "or you are a dead man A sharp report tbllowed, accompanied by the sound of crashing wood and splin tered glass. "There 1 that is one barrel out a the fiiX. That was merely to show you that I am armed. You had better remain quiet." The visitor also was seemingly of the same opinion, for he (lid not renew the attempt. When the servants returned next morning, they found Madame Lucca quietly reading under the veran dah before the window. They were rather surprised, however, at pereeivnez a six-barreled revolver in her hand, and Editha with what appeared to he the end of a towel sticking out of her mouth. A fl,w words explained the whole a Inir, and in about an hour after the would be thief, who, as it was afterward proved, would have been ready to turn assassin as well, was safely at the nearest Palizei bureou. “"17;11k ~r a_, , •;ncralship,” said my friend, 11.8 he "Waft not the knit 4”..7111 th' s I'wc•kkby which 3 , tadatue Lucca 14.1:1',1 :Lc C,CI( itlto nit; rotan des tinaA 1,, : , ?7!•:.y , a,”., at magnifievnt idea? Ma.ll l Kl2 to beat it, 1" 11 . L.! : , y • 11;1 110141 A out hami, s'i NO1111! 11 ,, y Cs:1111•S t11:1111 . 11 1 1y r,rward :11111 `l'lll the 1)0,v th,zl, whist/ed. :dr," :It, the Kam(' time holding tint his lin u l. 'Teacher simmers down mid lets b,,th fir 011111 Off. b,) ) . teacher wouldn't thr:edi him if he told the truth, but lie knew big boy would if i he didn't. Ltd ow!. 1111 ? l'~li~: ~. 11,0 Wurc (100111 A ;;.',(I ;tiler liini nn l thy , 11•1111 , • Sarr.ass,. rs- ' Cif InkT. Why is daticio.. , , like now ni:il. - ? 11.-el, rn ..7 ,-,-. my: gatr, g cause it stnugt,h,o: the cak-es. al "••• . hlt--,,,• - p... .;4 _ ',., 'll,, v.-h., wrote "Pro ;;a:idest I v,i• ..7 IA , k.. ._.., Ve ! ...,t,q, t i v,;,, it I 5ir,, , ," wa.4 a t‘oi to r-,;ee• route'. l'wo un:lcrtakurg ritectin the otlwr e„ k , „ t om , , oc ~11,1‘.1 r‘mitrkvil ,m tlic -,.).F1 , NERT/INE. ~,,..„:,..,t, ~, mor;a!::.,y, "Wch," reoft.,l the other, "you're ie-1,,;:.'r ti:,,n I, 1, , r I i 1 ‘ , 1 y,, not ', T ried a •11yin,, , , ,, eur th.et-o. three I ,----" ---- wt , 1: - •-;• ! At a certain church fair, a set et Cooper's works was promised to the in dividual who should answer a certain tstt of conundrum.. A dashing young, fellow was pronounced the winner, and received a set of wooden pails. "1)o you think Jonah cried when he was in the fish's belly ?" was the ques tion put to an oily seaman by a sleek querist. "ILin't know," replied Jack, "but should think not. as there was plen ty of blubber without his'n." "What is that, children," nsked n young pastor, exhibiting, to his unilay school a magic-lantern picture of a poor sinner elitTitm to the cross itoNTIAIIg of the stormy waves in mid ocean. Crusoe," was the instant reply. A. minist , :r made an interminable rill upon a lady of his aciputintanc,:. Iler little daugl,:ter, who was present, erew very weary of his conversation, mi.', al last whispered in an audible key, 'didn't he bring his amen with him, mamma ?" Massachusetts has a sensational case of two young men who carelessly spit tobacco juice out of a window on a law yer's tall hat, and were tined each twen ty dollars and one-half the cost+, with the alternative of sixty days in jail. They have appealed. A local, in describing an accident, says that the ball entered a certain part 4.4 the body, "and passed thence into the lum ber region." The precise locality of this region is not stated.—Ex. We infer that the "victim's" head was alluded to. A poor: ellow was brought before one of the police justices recently charged with being intoxicated. "Well, why did you get drunk ?" "See here," was the reply," uttered in a hiccough and the ac cents of a drunken man, "what did, you give license for ?" A few mouths ago a famous Prussian general was inspecting some military stables. "What do I see there ?" he he said in tones of thunder, to a sergeant, "eo)webs ?" Yes sir," was the respect ful reply ; "we keep thew there to catch the flies and prevent their teasing the horses. A blacksmith brought up a son, to whom he was very severe, in his trade. One day the old man was trying to harden a cold chisel, which he had made "f 6,reign steel, but he could not succeed. "Horsewhit• it, Kit her," exclaimed the boy ; If tle:t wnit't harden it I don't know what will." A. gentleman seated in stalls of a theatre who was with remarkably long ears, overheard the jocular remarks of a neighboring, young 111f111 to another, which were by fqr too loudly expressed. The proprietOr ~r t!!'r cars tamed round thereat sharply "It is tru e m y ears are very largo indeed for a man, but oairs are very mall indeed for an ass. , ' At a fin;erai, lately, Otero rom .1 in the ()ICI-fashioned clod., which, 1;..n it lini6hed tlio:lnnourie,aip.at of the }war, was niaile to }day a tune. (kin,l,,,in g minister was in the nd,) s t s.•rnion when, noon !LH c h.,4 ; commenced striking i in a very solemn tone he bearers the inevitahh t i Ilne; I , ut the exhorimion was evidently Meth e:ive, as the elo e k instant ly followed with t:ie cheery old notes of "Take your Cony, Miss Lucy.'' They tell about, a man in Doylestown, Pa., who heard that well water could be purified with lime, so he emptied a bushel and a half into his well and felt blissful and happy. It turned out that, because of the dryness of the season, there was only three feet of water In the well, and ever since his experiment he has been selling a good article of white wash to his neighbors at two buckets for a cent, and walked a mile and a half to the creek for drinking-water for his fami ly. He has his doubts now about lime being a good purifier. A wholesale liquor firm in Paterson, N. J., were surprised the other morning at the absence of a revenue stamp just affixed to a barrel of whisky by the As sistant Assessor, and as they could not sell the liquor without the stamp, and the stamp could not be duplicated they were in an awkward fix. Suddenly they remembered that a Dutdnman had been sitting on the barrel immediately after the stamp was pasted on, and on finding that gentleman and looking under the tail of his coat, the mystery was solved. After some trouble the stamp was trans ferred front the innocent (Merman to the barrel, and the excitement subsided. And here's another outrageous prop° sition comes iu a circular : It is from a "clairvoyant , " in new York, who vouches for her ability to "tell our future and un fold the record of our fate" if we will send our "hair and eyes in a sealed envelope." Alas 1 we cannot. We are exceedingly anxious to have our future told, we want to have the record of our fate unfolded, but we have no hair to spare—and we cannot spare our eyes—we dare not en trust them to a sealed envelope. Some arrangements might be made, perhaps, if the seer would send on a reliable man to take those eyes out West with him in a carpet-bag ; but how to do about the hair we cannot tell. It is very sad that a man's infirmities can thus bar his way to bliss ; hut it is so, and we must submit. NASBY'S EXPERIMENT.—MV wife was a woman, and I noticed that she nour ished all the folly of the sex. She was as extravagant in dress as any of her friends, and I took her to task for it. I showered over her much wisdom. She was an obedient witc, and bowing her head siiii mlsively retired to her room, from which she emerged in a few minutes. she had I carried out my wishes to the letier. dress hung limp about her person. I ler chignon, which was InircrowniiLf glory, was gone, and her natural hair was twisted into a small and insignitivant knot at the back of hor head. She had no collar, no cutn, no rings, no pins ; in short she was divested of all those helps to fi , ure and form which the sex know so well how to employ. Ordinarily she was counted a hand some woman ; as she stood before me cu that shape, I confess I was astounded at her superlative ugliness. "Gone," said she, meekly, "it is time c,; on our way to the concert." I ii;.) not go to the concert wish my !! Ow guise. On the contrary, with much hemming and htiwing—for ne man likes to at hack on himself—l meek ly asked her to rusume her natural garb. My experiment al reform with the fe male part of my household had the appearance of a failure. ;le.1I~r,(, 7 el.•lirmv 1 Nervivie A At) i , .1:11..1 .1e r.qp.ly for :01 tho ov.tiosi of 'le, pri - NERVOUS SYSTEM , Which are tl i o fruitful cause id' SO 1011 i 11 discomfort and It has Leon trutei Ly eight years' use, eud numbord of pertitillii cau itivi d.. tioiti'y to its ‘,0111,11- ,otit efroeta. Thy Yuri imp is not, like too many of the prepara tiotill purporting to Cara NeIVOITH disorder, a 001apallati n‘reotlev, stupefying the Nerve , . to give temporary sUreet led by 41 reaction learea the sufferer the woro.e for his Pi, enlivtl remedy. On the contrary, [hi, p.. 414110.011, compounded from the extracts of herbs mitgehouti II our own owl, operates boo.•fi e i. i lly Oh a NERVE TOW:, And is ...•ii4n^l to tires, and and no'r , ly to give tempo rary n•lier that it will to this, tho proprietor ix abbe ro sillrin with conflict:co, kno•iug th.tt Ito will he fally itoutflott in the future. ae heretofore, by the unvarying success or this avoid valuable reinctly, Thr tierviase Joes Ica belong to the data 'cure all" pm partitions, whose tery pretensions prove them to be witriill.•,l It bee a spec An value in strengthen ing. and to / oystein, suit a I that is asked for it is a trial, when it will speak for itself. in addition to all the: /mot already been clsinied, it has been innl by exp/rience Carat the Nervous Prostration and conseriuset inozeskity fir stialulns, engendered by OPIUM EATING, Are entirely ovo,,,anne, sod • healthy condition of the system restored. The same is tree of the appetite f.w intoxicating liquore, which Cittl be entirely eradicand by the use of the Negwitte All these abnormal ap petites are the surface indications of derangements of the Nervous System, which yield to this groat Remedy. With all these curative properties, the Nervine contains no kgreitient that can injure any patient, if used according to the ‘liivedons which appear upon each bottle. The Nervine is prepared and compounded under the perrional supervision of the Propri. tor himself. The price or the NervilllC is only ONE Dena BOTTLE It'lile}l is it samll nre.ter '44,111p.:r. , 1 with the relief tlott it ittroids. All arh tlik, eft,. .t 11 to LI V the MI 41. r vi top Im•fore lotortii 4 ; to lot Ho, which will inerolvo• too 41:11L ult.) of cum TRY STEP, !EVA 1N1).'4 , 1,!i10,1,1 J. 0. STEINHEISER, No. 39 PLUM wittEET, LANCASTER, I'A. Ur address him by mail at P. O. 1:10x 4,20, Lancaster, (13-tf Miscellanernts. WARNER'S OLRRIAGE WHEEL. r 1.4-. Patented Feb. 5, 1867. 1r The Cuts show the way the Spokes !!) ' are Tenoned, and pale through the /Ma RAO the weed Hub. DIPLOMA AWARDED 1 I THE PEARSYLVARIA STATE FAIR, FOR 1871 The Strongest, and also More Stylish, than any other Carriage whecl in Market. Judicious and dis criminating Carriage Manufacturrs, In nearly all our principal Cities and Tow IIFI, confirm this state ment. Many Thousand Sets have !teen put to severe Use. Matte In a superior manner, from the best, thor oughly-seasoned ry the l'atetttee,at The Belvidere Carriage Wheel Works UNISIDERE, N. J. Oas A. 11 LANDIs, Mt. Joy, Agent for ittneagter Co "TO BOOK AOKINITS." MMLI TWAIN'S NEW BOOK, "HOUGIHNC Is ready for eau It t 4 n ' , Tillie-Ilk/II volume to "Iroinceve; Almon)," of which loO,onO copies have ('cc sold. wtoto time. on hooks Ito one witot, 'Olt take 011 c people Will step you on the titre( Is and suh,er:he for. "There Is a time to lame)," and all a ho read this hook will Pee Hearty thatllT.A4latwaiip,,,, Apply at once for territory or clreulArs., 'Addreiet DUFFIELD ASU DEA IL Pas WI holier, 711 Sansom Street, l'11111i(la jenl2-tf I GO TO FiTHEfIAS OFFICE FGA JOB PRINTING = J. B. KEVINSKI, NORTH PRINCE STREET, PIANOS MELODEONS, 1, I ['~',~~ Sent by mail, free of postage, to any part of the country. tebll4t) it sical erch f No. 8 Lancaster, Penn .t., IN ORGANS, -AND OENERALLY. kitig*CtifziN =I F 1 a i. in c.i. l:.\ lI\A \ , I . 11 'F'll,t• ter 4! ix' l ' 1,I)!.1 (,Nl7 T,) Tin •;t“;.,' . itllEl• 'l.l I I' . . .! .. , RADV/AY'S Rt7.ADY rtr.L!EF N"P \ ‘`,IV 1; !tr., lir 1,1,.`.1.) r,i , \ 'rho, 01 1 fIE. ' INI i II E ('U A' I P/N (q.' FORE l'.\ b. , : II! 'I 111. Illi.l ICI' cuour, m1 , 1[11 , 1.1:1 A. 1N12.1 - EN7t Tl/OTIT 111 NEVI:II.W%, ' iIII.T.S, A(;1'1: CHILI -,. Tln• tho 12 eivfy 11 Mier to tho 1 , 10. or pate s, I. 41101 1 k•:1,0 4.1 c4,111f4.rt. 0,,,ps In half n tumbler of w.tt,r will In rt i.. 7 Tnf Fn • C., FILNI:1:11EA, I:Y, COLIC, Al I NI) IN \l ELF, a0,,1 :ill I N TI;liN Al, IN!". ; -1.1011.1 31 :11'S CUNT 11 ' , OW, ft , it It eadV tt eller wtt h t t; , •ot. i or el.ango •.i It le I 1,11 11,01111,1.1 y or !'EVER lo A(iUE !A i 111•,• i I I,lw:ft/I Will all !‘1113.1- , 14. Ili lit ~, ;. I. 'l', kitty buttle. H i t by lltuggi,ts. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND 1 . 1 - RE OF I'LB1.0r1,1, nod till waqteP of the fife 'l' 111,.• curative 1'111,4,4.4,4 . this wonder orb nail a 1 . 4.4 v. 11:41• will prOVe to :41.4' 1114144..11 I: 'nit it dther of thcr , u fonts of tlise,tss: its potent 1 , 4/ 44,41 to 44,4'0114011: If /hm ro4bwed by the tv:lFtri and de ,,, .10 , 1; t' at to c..htlhntllly pr, , gre,sinv. tn•- ceetlA 3 , 1 !ng elit t wlistt•v. told re morn the think, It Ith new ti ll' tr.. 111 1,10.0--tuttl t 1 '.6 tl.e SAItt4.II'AIZII,I,IAN ‘,lll and lien ecnr,., N4 , ISAI , ‘YAIIII.I.IAN EM.4OI.VENT 'v.l 14,us, C0n, , 11 , 1001.4i, U1.14;1:111 diSt,S,S; but It 1., tLe eu/ 1.,1" lii(liaey & iii7adtZ(si• Complainig, 1 - rm.,r,-, 8,1 wnrri, 111•4•••1••••• , , I il••• ,, `1, 151.1.11. te4.4114 , ,v, 5t.;411,14,42 , Water. Inc it I I'r iii,', 1314.1,t's 1) -i 16t111111111r1.1, 411111 .414.4 ,114,14. there 11, 1,14 • (111,1 41k1.444•44 4, or 11, v.,tvl. fa tlti,k,...kmtv. 11,11.6,4 t 1 , 1114,4 Ii ~• 0,0 11144••• 4-f 441 1i414,14f, 11)111 • or ;' I • 1-• 11 144••1'• i. 4, it • :4 41 , 4 II)••••lt, 1, Idle 1441;4,4:1i1t dept•••II, /mil 11)14 11 tilt., 15 11. l•Iii '1.144e, 1•11111illr, :4•4•14,t'40•1 ~•• 411-1 1 1 ;11.g• V:ii• r, nli.l 1. i Iti /N 111,114 the It :dun.; the WORMS.--1 . 110 1111:s• (.neon MA Stile .1:1,14.10dy tie. Tumlir of I'2 Tenr34' Growth Cured by Eludevays Resolvent. Ms. Roln - rAy hour , .r 111 the I itiNt .011.•:;,1 I 11,1, 11 , 01 I 4, .4111 , 1. 4 6 4 1` 4 . 41 ' , 1 , 1 tr) it • I.rlt 111•1, Crl I's it, • 1 1,1 Is 'tit tlt.. !Sol!. t : or , I ~.i;11 5.• S ti e. h.. sk r 1' Is .4 I, I li,, DR. RA DWAYM, P 6 rPF:P:eI . P 1,7 it t , - th Its o • ;...6- , / 6 vii '.!'s. o o (11 , , t tr. I. V. lottorllttr or tit... Hurt,. I n•I I 1,1 , It lit. or Sud.., Flr.tnod E Il tiA,l . l'.ll itroloir it 111. A few do*, of 1:.11 , 'A''..) - ; 1 r l p p. tem fn.tn nll 11 ,p p „ Per b..x. Snl,l l 1,10.,:,;1,;.„. READ • . r.11,r:1 AIN , •ri:l etanip to RA I , \\.\V A - I'l York. IV,II/, ILuuw, is wig I Dr. Crook's Wine of r . mo 11: -m A-- Public Test Ifas proved DR. CROOK'S WINE R O7-7, 4x3 Avii To have ntore merit that: any sisifil7lr enara. lion et•vr the It is rich in the medicinal grog,. Ines of Tor. and ,m, 1 ,).0, i P.'r diSeit:4o eft of the Throat S.pt;;;. i wr . fornnirg the Must rlqWkr;,:ll , l.' COlrghtS Ciadm. Chre”?..e Cougivi. It all:twits et:rot them all Asthma rind Monett. is. Ilan ciirt,l so maw' ,•4i, it ilaS been pn,twinva ,1 specific for these cofflphi;ots. For pains in Ilreast, Side or flack, Gravel or hive) . Disease, Diseases of the (r ry Organs, Jaundice or any Li ver Complaint, It has no equal. It Is also a superior Tonle, Restores the Appetite, Strengthens the System i Restores the Yeak and Debilitated, Causes the Food to Digest, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigest Prevents Malarious Fevers, Gives tone to your System. TRY DR.CROOK'S W IN E 0 t - l'A II 1u,411-1. 4 ;iu . •,..s. 14te , : ~ • f: , i..... , 0.1. - , : i6.[• :_itt 2 ::i l'N. (?V ~ t-, 0:t:::....4 ..; Ay, ,11 -t.,,y ur ci•lti.:;, 14 4' a' 0 4 li \ 2 «.;;3' ii>l•l”,, 9 t I,t• Si.::,. di 0,...• 1.•. ' l ,, 1 ,‘,•l slil-0 I.t. tin: .ti , itt, Pi...j.i,,, t) 1.1 Solus, I 1.1 :, . n:4,4 1I - It i 1 %4 I. 1 1.:(.11 , :i. , •:,, , ..... 5y1.1.,4,1-, ot ell','. til i. 0 , 1: ., V,151. 1; . I , :::..II .•': .1 (It pt a pia vt.4l (,1....:.: .: , . :•,, biw ,I. 4 4 3 tiy • 17 1 Pia. c7. - .. - ' f,. -. . - .)2L'3 •‘. - q.? prt . 1-1 , ..0 [r ap r f- : ! . t,..„ , "....., ~... ~..... 11 1..: ti I' 111111 . 4 ;W. j ••,,, , • I i. /4.. , ~I 1',,i.: (:•t, I , ti..ti vi'.(.. •., 10, Vl:lii , ,le 14 1P041.4),, I. : : • - ' kt _ I 1 , 1 1. it‘t,. t t..• i.t.,•,,:, p: i. • , / irp , Ow 1:144 dtl: 1 . .1:d uL..t der:ti• ~,,,.... A4k your 11)1.ii,t. , ..: ..,. lit. (t r ,,,d,.', ('• ~: tiiiitodl Syrup of .'441.:• E.,,,,t--- 1 .0,, •, 1 : lealert,. 'k 1". I I'l - l AND AGUE. = .I ~~: ~.,.. . . =MOM ~ =I Ell =II C 11. 4, r Volley leave liod• t eport at 11,951: it Ili. 2.40 and F p m. r::ttirning. leave Dawningtown at n.ba a in, 12.311 n 4.10 p :a, en:m a n:Mg with traina on Remlin t; Italie: it On Sue dap:: Now York at 6.0)) p m, I'hilt.deh phis at 8.00 a In and 3.15 p ni. (the 13.50 a in train run ning: unity to lent, l'attaville 1.1.00 a m; leavP Ilarri,,l,ur.r 5.U0 it 111, and 2.00 p in; I..ave Alleutowu at. 4.35 1..; leave Ile:Ming at 7.15 a nI and 10.55 pln Our Harris:;l:g., 7.n0 nzo For New Volk, at 7.20 a n. FA: All uilvo i mki at 1,40 it ni and 4.15 pnu for Phil wiefp'.ut. coui,antati,,n, :".aami, Seto.; ant Nxes.... noun Tick..)-, to awl fn.. all p..inta, at reduced ralea ailvgdw• ch-eited thr...;g,, tun poutilla allowed each J. 17, 11 ()OTT KN, A.., se/pt.& Nag. alach'ry HprAinimi, Auguat lei 1472. (13-0 INIE p ool LA DELPI! 5A e..; lIEADEVI: J. u. I).i an I after September 21, this Cotupatiy will take charge of the Ex all Its de od Its load and hrauctirs, and Will lie fully prepared to iteeinninislate the public lu the rapid trzoomnilion of /ward Lool fveli,iht entrusted to Its cure. "DELAWARE, LACXAW ANN .N 7 WEATERN ExruF,ss" for New York City and mute, the Eastern Matey and l'uniblam t and all points 01.1 I lie Delaware, I.aek aWalltla Western, I.aekswanna A Bloomsburg and Morris .t Essex. Ettneada, and at reduced rates. Pertieutar attention will lie gtven to the Collec tion of Cheeks, Mans, Nkuch t Itills,,fie„Yo t prompt returns mails. Orders fur articles t, be returned by expreaa ;ell! be carried tree of charge, and delivered at °bet' upon arrival of tralum, awl goOlitl 1:211101 for and re turned by next train, if rea,ly for shipment. ordering au ipmenW of I It Alia" by express will lie forwarded over the Ilnea of the READINU POTI'SPOWLI ' 1 HLapaAi'll COMPANY at half rates. For further Information, apply to li:ow tun N. PARK, Superintendent of " Philadelphia Reading It. It. Mxpreas Department." General 01111ne, No. OM chestnut Street; Branch Udine, eorner Broad and Cailowhill Streets. J. E. WOOT'IEN, 4744 Assigtant Superintendent. FRANKLIN PRINTING INK Works JOHN WOODRITFF'S SONS, Plabblelphla, Penna. Tina WIINISLY ENTAIRPIRTHFC 113 printed with Int from the above establishment. Jans-ly PRINTING! — •" 1 1 1 r"1" 4147 0 ,-- ... , ?t,, v,--;:a.,..,f..,1-1" -.... -- ....._ -1 •st), 1.1"' , 3--.., ..s--.. 4-.... -, ..,,Ait lf :- _...... .- = . I -----,- , .17-iti o " \ ', ~. s * . l i e w- p e , ~, • , •.,, I; . • - • - 1 01 ~ '-.., ' - !•‘"' • %...: 1,..,," 141 - ; BOOK AND JOB PRINTING TiIER ABRAIIArI, Noirra' t f,"llENT ANi) fENTRE SQUARE .)ic 1 7 I,c r '1 P . 4 r 1 (11 N .ziliCA6ll; El, PA, cath Anfl 44 in sil COAL cheap ( r No' 0111vr !denier Lalicaster. ('all and be Coil el 'lced. iizA I.'(( i l roatd ti. 1 1)C7.00.11.V.1.Ni1 CENTECAL It. H. Ti I,svo t Itallroad Depot, Lai!. ztsi,r, as follons : =I Tltrmigtt i'asm.tigor Pacific Express titgara. E prvsH ....... chi. MI. Joy M ltll Via 1:‘ , 1111:11 , 1a. 1 , 11,t Litt!. '1)::11J.h1 a A 04• 01111114 , 1,111t.11.. 11.1:11,1..,17 - g c , ollllllmlal ;I r,ICWII, , t.•I' rain Cinch::utll Express LA STN' A{lo 1111111 ,71 iphia EXI , I'I,I VaNt 1.III , • Mill int ow ion Tralli t'invintr.o Expres..3 R EADINI: Cerl.ll;.rntl.-% it. It. ON AN D mum. 'MONDAY, MAY (11'11, 1872, PASSENII II II 3 IZA INS W I LI, 'N ON TH i;(1,113 .1S 1'01.1.011S ECM! s2O x m 15•n•!Ryr S 15 a Ui " . 3 It, Pli •• I an a4tl•r l'oli nil hi TEEM I A rililv I:, 7 2 0 1) v. ' 1.3!, , ttAl o.r 9 '27 a 111.. 6 11..1. 11. ; .... 17 plv 7 Dt 4 111 i ('‘)! Ilm1)14 1) '.'. a In, 6 15 p 1111 ..... 4 :to p in T raill4ll.aving . I,lll,ist t•I 11,1 V0511111t,;,4 ~,abo y „ ~,,,k, c),..c,M,rtrtano StvivliNg vri!it 1 raf,..4 M 1 n: to .”,f +,,of il, on 1'161.h-411ia and liel,l lig liailriiiol. dial %Vest on 1,0 Limon Valley it,,,t. 'n .7h, I,lv iv 1.:11,,,, , ,t..r at 8 2ta a 111 and Columbia al. $ .6 a 111. ecIIIIIII•tP: CI.M.IIy at Head ing with 'trains finN,o Volk. Iti. aill rig • Tick. • la Carl bt• Idit,lllo 11 at th• • 11l New Jar soy Central Railroad, 1 . ,0d. of I•ilwrty aft ert, New York and and Holding hailroad, Ilttli nto ktreeto, Vhdadolphil, ldeliets to No, Ye,isk ittal Pliilaflolphia mold at al! Pa. Principal titarrota., uml IlaKKA.go Checked TI ileaga t for 11100 miler, Ste . S.iii ElcUrsiiiii Tickets. to aa,l trosa all pond., at Truihß are run by hailroal T i,1•., 14) 1111111itt, COW etlillthy Inanity 1(J01•111li 11111 e, 2' ttj R EA MS I LINDA D. SUMMER A RRA NG EMENT, 1 taltnDAY, lnt, Groat Litur fr. , )st the N,rth and Nntll,,, , nt Jar tellm)7l,'e, ,• Lei.' :1,71t,,t,•,1. i,ideratft, I.itL, /..,1114.a.der. Clpi(l'lltbia, ate. 11,,, I'i.llur.::'.,r Noe. Yak as follow!. : A t 5.00. w, 115 :,. 01 , mll !.'ln 1 .. et reor.eling with traina Ptoo:, osa It silre,l,l, .11 arriving at New York at 13 10111 :5;01, • . ',10) , respectively. 12, deli 0 • le• .Nee Vs .I. at 9.10 u 111. 12 05 and I 7 ;In,. p. m. I'. I Taol,opla, AO, And 11111/4- / atepplov at , teo , : the Or. p I, nits It. •!!., ,101 I.la if •eee 1 , 1,1,k1.1.11111.1',a 1.•,tv0 Ell =1 =INS = Ill Ell ,• • : tr•uo !• ltrroliog for • :\ •ss l• 7 00 10 10 a. nt , : 1%.• ) o , k fit) nt • o ..t 7 .t. , 19. V) 18.11111=11 alpi 4 1.1 115 ';.k in t1.1'.:11, 1..111r11.. I. I 'l 1 / 4 1 ..I[lllllll,l. 111,1,11.311 ni In iUa, ' li,; LI.. ,i 1 4'l 1.1/t1 11 a. A4lli ':l,l,it i 1 t.....r.1 1 City Kt 7_:,1 3 I'l 1.1 :'.• 1 . .. 311.12,10 p. tit tit• .. I, I flArrislttlrgt Ait Itul.l ", ...unquet.rtii . a I, I o ; , I o 11,4, for =I ME =II MEM I Pollatnwn at ,; - P.intls and 1 , 41 , !4,N A I r =Mr t t ' ; at 7 20 ant •o: I 0 p t. lo 1„1,/, 'ololl.lnuAtn. I. tin i• I. 1,11. t ,, :11 4114 3.25 p and 4 0:n011.i., p. to. Perkl,ol-11 Trui, kinnpu, Junction 17 :35 a:6 .11.1. 40 p ; r,ltArtung leave 1:1•0.01 Iru i nt 0 1. - •. lid 4:20 p na caaillaec.ang a aaa,a,aaa, 14,1a0.0. 1'H',00,111.000.1,010. Phoenixville/it P. lip it. 01., 3 10 0,1 1 , .rP0 p Po.; r.•turii.pg, leave Ityorei 12.41 14._U IPi eo:lo..lmg with train• Opp Col.O.n.ok.litle H.. tro:•.1 trains tol,. Pottstown at 9.30 a nt, I. 21). 6.2" , and 7.15 1. u,, returnin' ',lime Mt. ~Hint at I,no, m Kn , l 11.2.; am, and 3.115 pm, COD. n „ ctiuY with 01) 1,4.1wv, It ii, nod. HEADING, Al'Gl•liT 21,14'72 1 hre , t cwinrethuim rrili 1;060 be made with fhe KINDS OF REMY AND PROMPTLY EXECUTED xl"ni E OFFICE OP (;zEcoND FLoono ZAHM'S CORNER r:.~~, ~~r: - ES r(INDS BIM 1:2:5 AM 2: a in I 111 11...1a 11l U . .' nail .1.19 p p 111 15:154 p 1.14 p 2.02 put •1:111 8 11l 4'4118 al 11:40 a in 3:1.1 p ul p (1:41) p 111 11:13p lit 111 ;NI 1l I'll p 111 • 111 GEO. F. CAMC. Supt =1 lEEE= • , itioLt