Ventispiranisch pritsrk BRED' }TM SCHWEFFELBRENNER. ..ScitLirrcurim s, %?It, 1573 MISTER PIIINTER lob hob im sin politics entirely uf tsu gevva, provided se gevva mer kea emtly. Es is an meetly bisness, des ' polities weasa, abbordich Want' tier orrick leega un betreega muss ohna 'tsahlung. In der Cull'erneer's shampain hob ich g'lohya lir de tswea seida- -ea dog for der Buckyloo under (inner for der Ifartraiill, for lob bob evva nut exactly y'wisst uf welly side das cs g'wilter ei shlaugt, un now, warn ich elibas tint de leaders fun der party fun office, donn gevva, se mer tsu fershtea das warm ich ebbas fun sella art will donn muss ich ordlieb gout provide sei mit slit:mu:a. Mt hob der Cleorge g'froked c h rr ilk tin kenttt mich der negsla winter in der `Seinly, for mer elms fun donna endlin HIV shalla wo elm about nine hunnert lsahlt ohna das met. ennich (Jibes braucht, awer er hut iner tau forshtea gevva das warn ich em a bunnert dahler 'tsahl donn wet or amohl sea wasa er du kann, un it' ft)l das er mor de office secured, d'ao misst it h elan nYch tswea hunnert dertsu N((w. kb het chin do humn rt, - course ich het 'a geld h'hna miasa---aiver kb hob ous g'l'unna, das er der very same hierya g'macht hut mit lief mu - wry—fun a yeadam grickt or a haunort Haller, un mit a yeadam macht er der bteryit for de tswea hunnert dahler extra in, fol suceceda. Poh kannsht whin oho+ or anyhow amohl tinf hunnert dahh:r Marla ous tie finf unner- Min:din:he norra de (Nunn g'nunk sin tin dinia chin do slaamps nutter 'tsahla. A wet' jolt du's net. belt gea ous un de llvvvy :tw except, int lid sc duns Wilts for milt (las aw der wiert is. Ito B vvy un ich lien now so a holivy notion nu dung an duekterei 11101 !.01 'ta ( Amy for man un beast -an lireittc.: cure-all establishment. Aler hen an ;English (luckier burl 11011 lot lions nn well gelit, MeV der noddcor fun lb' dirf•renty kronk heita, so we cholera noa.i,n.:, u n b rus hi, fever, um mei s -Is. un di it" a I ver, un aw 50 female oomph: s der .2011 i, un tier kretz, nn No!) t 110,:shi t. S,•11 barb tint a ll d o l umina gevva rim do compliant, lilt tell Mach at! t11 , •11;17..e , i, ttr it b webs aw a wennich 111 , 1 :kr li;sness, for I'ol bin selwer in i uf gebrocht, warra we ielt no,ll an lei war hid:, ich als um ally Ducktyr Weaher sei yaul gc tend, under alt duckter, ich weas noch goot, or hut, ala an I)lo,4st:oink:hung gevva for der kretz, tin a grossy dose schwethil pulferly un donn hut or aw als an shineer g'mayht mit ea punt schmaltz, an hall; pint tillriold telt% a hall) gill (her b:We:at, un a Eyrtel punt miter petTer, tin sell hot er als tsomma Winked un mit sellout slauft, lien de kretz patients Bich als all ivver shmeera Awer es hut als der kretz gecured, uf course, for sell kannsht denka. Awer es hut aw onnery complaints de liter cured mit med ditzeen innerlich ci g'numma dorrich der hole nummer, un tow wilder onnery de mer treat exclusitily mit outward appli cations. Ich hob aw an notion a neie sort pills macha, rechty grossy, so das about ehny sufficient wiur for enniche set bowels moofa in wennicher dm a holt) shtund. lch lab aw als ordlich gooty ideas grickt fain alta Jonny Micky, der besht kee duckter fin gonna Slitate. Sel ler hut als de keo gecured mit gwissy warta,drei mohl ivver g'sawt for droi dog hinner nonncr inn nei licht, un sell but als de kee gecured first rate. Awer MI will der an miners mohl de particulars gevva fun meina Kreiter's remedies for de unnershiedliehe coin plaints for man un beasts. PIT SCHWEFFELIMMNNER NEWS AND OTHER ITEMS. A buried town in Oregon and the hull of a ship in the American desert arc among the latest discoveries. The cholera, rapidly moving westward, has now reached Poland, where its rava ges are terrible, and its victims are num bered by thousands. Metallic money being, now scarce in - France, the project of an aluminium coinage has been projectol, and has ob tained the sanction of high chemical au thorities. The Louisville Exposition, on a capital of $151,000, has netted the directors the sum of $20,000 --a profit of about thirteen per cent. This is the result of the first year's eGrt. A man in Wisc:►ssct, Maine, claims to have discovered mysterious wr iti ngs on the rocks of that place, and the wise men of the East are to be called on to decipher the inscriptions. A Kentucky farmer, whose hens were in the habit of eating all the eggs, has discovered that this unnatural appetite can be cured by feeding to the f►wls ground oyster Owns. The latest invention for travelers is a combined compass, thermometer and liair ameter, the latter ineasurilig 1:1,000 feet, and the whole in a, solid silver case about two inches iu diameter. Persons who are gathering and pre serving ;nautili' leaves should beware of the poison ivy (remedies acetate of copper 9.11(1 corrosive sublimate), and the poison sumac or dogwood. The latter has light, ash-gray stems ; the harmless kind has iron-brown. Mrs. O'Leary, of Chicago, who own;sl the cow that sot the Ilre, is to have a benefit hall, tickets $l, in consideration of the vast improvements made in the city (luring the past year. (;ov. Baker, of Indiana, has decided to call an rxlra s'Nsion of tin Legislature of that state, to meet on the 12th prox. Ile will recommend., in his message that a constitutional convention be called at (awe. An Indiana town has a pig with a hu man thee, which the citizens call a !rates naturm. If he had had the human body also, a place would have been given him among other human pigs, and no mention made of it. The Northwest is liable to serious prairie and wood tires again this fall, re viving the recollections of a year ago. Minnesota and the adjoining territory of Dakota have already consid erably from the devastating flames. To persons concerned about their phy sique it may be interesting to know that "medicated shirts" are announced as the surest general curative. It is claimed that persons wearing Ulm can dispense with all the pills that flesh is heir to. Three-fourths of all the officials in the United States are in connection with the post-ollice, but the average income of each is only three hundred dollars per annum - the average salary of all the post-mas ters being under two hundred dollars. The stream of emigration from the British Isles continues to flow with undi minished force. The official reports of the departures from the single port of Liverpool alone during the last three months amount to the enormous figure of fifty-four thousand souls. Sheep are' said to thrive finely during six months of the year in the more ele vated portions of the Sierra Nevadas, at an elevation of seven thousand feet, much better than they do in the lower valleys. The range is immense, and free to all who desire to engage in sheep-raising. The recent c►rvtth of five persons by the fall of one building at Louisville bids fair to have the dna of (Althoff attention to the laxity of architects and contractors elsewhere, and to occasion a greater care in the erection of buildings and a broader sense of responsibility in builders. A proposition broached a year or more ago the leading Evangelists of both the old and new worlds, for the revision of the 11,ble, has just taken practical shape in New York, where a committee, com posed of the leading theologians and scholars of the country, has been consti tuted for the purpose. We aro glad. to know that the Post master General in his forthcoming an nual report will urge the adoption of the postal telegraph► scheme, and will submit tabular statements and statistics to show that postal telegraphy has met with great success in all the counties that have adopted it,. Down in Tennessee, the other day, a small snake was, in•cording to local pi int, sawed (out of a solid log, where he was coiled up in ft little cavity, just large enoutrli to hold him, more than it klot, trout fiarElre. The question is how th e Ir e , inanatsl to hold Ow snake long enough to ;:row around him. A Cincinaati youth, guithal by tha ml vice of t filattne recently sought to make a eUrl love him by means of due t ricity NVorkill'g trout Wider OW Ch:tir. %, !HAI t he time came she sprang into the air about three feet, and when she came down she landvd in bee lover's hair and ,ok about, two handfuls, and then told him she hated him. No match. Oae of the contractors on Potter Pal mer's e;raml lintel in Chicago has filial a petition for a mechanic's lieu on the land an d budding tOr on account of work done bebtre the great tire and not yet paid for. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company is made a party II) the detenee, they holdin‘ , mortgagus Lo the amount 1 /t' :: 4 1,000,0110 011 the pro perty. g:Ota TUE NEw Mansur liousE : The new market company originated with a few of the business men in the northern part of the city, as that section has increased to 611(.11 an extent as to make the present city market too far, in bad weather, and inconvenient, They proposed a stuck company, and after sufficient stock had been subscribed to insure a success of the enter prise a meeting of the stockholders was held on the 28th day of August, 1871. Work was com menced in the latter part of October, with the hope of having the brick wiirk d o ne before the had weather would set in. lint owing to the large bed of rock at the eastern end, the work was delayed until the next spring. The building 14 of brick, 228% feet long by 8134 feet wide, one story high and being about 25 feet to the square of the brick work at the east end. It contains 192 farmers' stalls. 44 biiteherS ' stalls and 2 large stalls for restaura The stalls arc made of yellow pine, of the latest style, under the supervision of Mr. A. K. Bowers. The building is well lighted and has a large ventilator running the whole length of the roof. At night it is lighted by large reflecting gas burners. At the east end there is a gallery containing offices for the Directors, Superintendent, and for meetings of t h e stockholders. At the west end is built, on the outside of the main building, a one-story building, which will be fitted up for; the purpose of a fish-market. Under the cast end, fronting on North Queen street, arc two large cellars, suitable for a restaurant or pro vision store, similar to Close in large cities. The market will be opened on the first Wednesday of November for business, and it Is the object e f the company to make au every day market, as the purchasers of stalls have the privilege of selling every day of the week. The probable cost of the building, with the grounds, will be about (N 15.000. The patent re flectors woe tried at the new market, house, and worked to entire satisfaction. An ordinary newspaper could be read in any part of the building, without any diflieulty. Of the complete success of this new enterprise we have no doubt. The directors and stock holders deserve the thanks of the entire com munity for their enterprise. THE COUNTY Aims 110USI: : The yard In tended fur the insane through the summer season Is neatly ounpleted. There is nearly (ate acre of ground emplosed with a twelve-foot relive, and on the top of the fence will be placed an 11.011 railing, with sharp iron spears riveted 1M so that it win be impo , sode to climb over. We inalcostand the tlireett,:s indeed using the yard this %tinter for the hummers, and as tunny of the regularo inmates as mc lit for work, to break stone in. The difficulty heretofore was, as soon as these butnnwrs ate their breakfast they would "dust," returning in the evening too late to do anything but eat. The intention now is, as soon as breakfast is over, they will be turned into the yard and locked up until diluter is ready. and those who do not work will fall short of eating. Last winter. without the yard, Mr. Brock managed to have stones enough broken to realize 1 31301. They were sold to the city at 50 cents per cart load, on the ground. This Is a move in the right direction. N1.1NI)El(r.1) 11(oM ..111(ii!FSI)11, all ag,111:oly I.anti frangr s fre,t, tccll htiovo to iff,, , l of oil: tiffifms and parlivolarly Iu 111,. Om- (.1 cify, of t•••,- foe eery many y es! s. \‘.(.1(1 , ed Irola 11(1. home :It o'elock int Monday attern•••t, and has not returned and ell • ft(ut, to discover her whereaUouts have been in rain. Site was -eon at the City Wat ,r Works :owe time dutiag Monday afternoon, and agatln she was= ~( , •,•l l on Oct MILT side of the first toll-gate on the Phila delphia turnpike. it is feared by her w en d s that She may hilVa fallen into the creek, or that. some other fatal mishap inertook her. l'he snffiert of this notice is over SO years of age, tall and slim in stature, very !WWII bent with age, emaciated in face and Islay, and walks feebly. She is (and has been for two years) weak in mita-childish --and when found upon the strert or road• if asked the question, '• IVlua e are you going she will answer, "I am going although walking In all entirely opposite direction. Mary Anderson has been it hard toiling woman all her life, and from her small ilICOIlltl has managed to save sufficient to pm . - chase a comfortable home. Two years ago she was stricken down with typhoid fever, billet! When her mind has been impaired and an other woman has kept 11011... Mt for her, Her fancy for walking about has always been in dulged because it scented to eonstitute her only pleasure -but:she has never before been natty tultate enough to get lost. Since the above was written. the lady has been found and brought to her home. 'FIAT SWINDLER AGAIN -- He TI/Ens up ia Rending: (ur Reading exchanges contain the following particulars with regard to a swindler who operated eonsiderably in this city A few days ago a milliner on Penn street entered com plaint before the Mayor against a stranger in this community, charging him with having ob tained front her money under false pretense. The pretense wax that he assunied to • be the agent of a publishing house In Philadelphia who were about to issue a new State directory, and under pretext of printing advertisements in the directory and having the names printed ill large type of any person paying therefor in advance. rilw stranger was arrested and placed In the lock-up, but was discharged the following day, owing to no person making, an appearance to prosecute the ease. It was Rti cortallwd that he had collected t 1.25 from mer chants on Penn street -'ds cents filen each person, and he had with him an old directory of Pennsylvania awl a tiuNieriptiiM hook. Pre vious to his discharge lie promised to leave Reading Immediately If released. Ile is a men about 35 years of age, an Englishman, and maid that he had seen better days.. Ile was "hard up," and confessed to have assumed. to be au agent in order to raise the wherewithal to relieve his present necessities. It is now sup posed that he is the same individual who raised money in Lancaster county, at week ego. by re presenting himself to he the agctO 411 t h e I.nti eadter Examiner. Tun MeNint.LftN CAsn ('apt. E. McNichol, charged with having furnished a fraudulent naturalization paper to Yortnnatus J. Frey, ap peared before Mayor Pyfer on Monday evening at the hour named for the hearing. Before going into a hearing, Geo. F. hrenemart. counsel for defense, again demanded that the alleged fraudulent paper be produced. Mayor Pyfer replied that the paper was not in Ilk pos session, and referred him to eol. S. 11. Priec. counsel for prosecution. Col. l'ria•e replied that if the dOendant would MI,. a hearing the paper should be produced at, that IsAnt in the testimony healing lirevtly upon it. Against this counsel for defense donluri ed, and titer some little bickering, detendant waited a homing and entered hail in the sum of $1.500 for a trial Ht. c,nirt. Mr. Frey wus preaent and d , n1a1.1. , 1 11'1 , 3 flr4 paper lrum .NleNl,llen, but the lid Ler wade no rvILI.V• LIST ot :11c.Ittimeil letters . il . inaining - 111 the Pu=t (Alice. rtt Latleadter. Pu., Ortoher 1S:": Ladies' List r Mattie Atuzustine. Mary Ann Eimer, Tillie !toot., Mrs. Mary Davidson. Minna Fisher, Annie Fitzpatrie, .J. A. T. on d. Hannah Ilerr, Mrs. Anna Kilnlich, Mr.. M. Knuts. Mary S. Knight. Anna S. Landis. Mrs. Mary Murphy, Hannah A. Penne'. Kate Weaver. Gents' List: Garrett Brown, Jacob B. Bru baker, Dar id Baird, Terrence, Connolly tfor.), J. E. Cochran. Elias Deitrich. Charles Delich, John Frank, William W. Fry. Frederick Freaun, Isaac licimunan, Samuel Howard. W. K. I ter mini, Benj. Landis, S. S. Letnord, Gabriel Lauber, John C. Llbe, Joseph Lawrence, D. M. Landis, Samuel L. Landis, George Louis, James E. Murphy. Mr. Minnielt, Alex. McKibbin, Elias Reynolds, John Schroff, Isaac Shistder. S. 1.. Seabruoks, Charles E. Trostle, Rey. W. 11. Weidner, Godfricd Wildt, William Weston, Harry Witmer, J. Stanley Zeigler. DEATH 06 COI.. TAMES MYERS : Col. James Myers, a prominent citizen and iromnaster, died at his residenco in Columbia, ou Tuesday morn ing about six o'clock, at the age of about fifty one years. Ile was a gentleman of considerable wealth, of genial nature. liberal lu his senti ments, as well se benevolent on 'all occasions when it was necessary to call that virtue into exercise. lie was born in Lebanon county, but at an early age removed to Columbia, where he has been engaged in iron manufacture. In polities ho was a Republican, and In 18th was elected to the Legislature. Subsequently lie had frequently been urged to become a candidate for Congress, but his private interests were such that he uniformly declined a nomination. In his death the State has lost one of the most upright of businoss men and best of citizens. ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING : Three boys, sons of Chenney Nields, (Of Sadsbury township, went out on Monday to shoot a hawk, the oldest having a gun. While out in the orchard, near the house, the gun which they carried accident ally went off, the whole load entering the breast of the youngest boy, an estimable lad of about nix years old, who was standing within a few feet, killing him instantly. Minton Walter, esq., of Christiana, Deputy Coroner, was im mediately ettnituotiod, who held an inquest over the body. The jury agreed that "he came to his death by the aceikietagiLdischarge of a gun in the hands of his older brother." This is a peculiarly sad instance of '•dealli by accident." THE 77111 REUNION: At. a meeting . of the Committee of Arrangements of the Veteran Seventy-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volun teers, held last evening, It was determined to hold the annual reunion e ft the 15th Of Novem ber, in Fulton Hall. The reunion will Is. pre sided over by Col. Frederick S. Pyfer, who was eleeted President at the last reunion. The programme will he quite an extensive one— bushman meetiteg la the incoming, orations In the afternoon, supper In the evening., and a ball at night. SOMETHING} NEW : Call at Chas. A. Locher's Drug Store, Lancaster Pa., and get a sample bottle, Free of Charge, of Green's August Flower, the great cure for dyspepsia. anti its effects. such as liver complaint, custiyeaess, headache, flatu lency, heartburn, pains in the side. dyspeptic colic and cough. biliousness, coated tongue, and two-thirds of the disease flesh is loch• to. I will guarantee it to cure nine cases out of ten, if properly taken and permanent, with prudent living. We are flooded with certificates from patients cured, and doctor?* using it in their practice. Try R. Regular size, 75 cents; pleas ant to take, and nut a rum bitters. t'so BOAC:HEWS GERMAN SYRUP, for severe conali and consumption. It never fails. Free tgr charge in every town and village, L. M. GREEN, Prup'r, Woodbury, N. J. 133-6 w. ~Beware of Coupterfeito JOB MOSES' sinitArterifitU E '' are extensively CrIUNTILILEMITSD. in.hanoa pr,r_ Viav endeavor In sea the counter!cite to mak gre ate r prcJits. The genuine hare the nan olJnb Itte - 0.4 utrearh package. All °therm are ttanthless ta t von., The GENUINS Title arc unfailing in the cure e!! thoeo painful and dangerous 1.1;1•11 tilo icmalo constitution is subject. They mod , rate all c•Neeesefl and. Tommie all obitrttclona, front ever cause. TO RIAIZUTED LADIES they !MI particularly milted. Ti , ey will In a shot: time bring on the monthly periol with regularity ; and although very powerful. within nothing hurt• MI to the constitution. In all cases.of Nervous anl Spinal Attectioni, Paine 11:1 the Back end Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion. 1 Lion of o(3l4e:in. 11 eFterles anti Whites. the 56:ft.Nt a cure when nit other means Irtvo Mile , ' camera around each tmckage idea Wt . nd advice, or will be font fret) to all writing for - till:al, ed observation. N. 11.—In all e wee where the nnarrtan cannot bn Obtained, One Dollar cliole , e4 to llt Solo erie t v, JOll MOSES. nt Curl halt St., Now Ye, k: , buntre a bottlo of the gamin:, .•.olt dimly Fiiiv Pills, by return mail, securely seuleil ham uci knowledga of its Contents. F2ELJEF IN TEN MINUTES. BRYAN'S PUL3IONIC WAVERS Cure COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCO!' is, ~ o nn THROAT, fIeAIISHNESS, DIFFICULT' BHHATHiso, I ~_ e CIPLENT CONSUMPTION AND LUNG DISHASt:S. T:e y buie he Late or noulleino, and any' child , ji t ,;„ , Ithem. Thonsauds have 11, , en restored to litatlili 'n' t. had before despaired. Teo imou p Moon to iiMl , ' . •.1 eirases. Ask ler BRYAN'S PULNIONIC WA ri:R!.. Pries+ 35 cents per box. JOU MOSE.S, Pru.N.J.. - I, ter, II Corrieedt Street, New York. ' THE GREAT FRENCH FIEIVIECY. --- ~pELA:IIATURE'FI SPVCIVIC PILL' FO Prepared by J. (i A itANcl ERE. N. tai Rao Lombard, l'ari , .. These OM are highly recommended by the r wk.., Medical Faculty of Frame as the very best r.luedy in all of Spermaterrlesa, or 811111114 1 Wish MISS : Nightly, Dilly or Prrmuture , Etnissimii • Se, oat Weakness or Impotency; Weakness ati d lig ti .du SBuretWhits and Sexnal C , ;Reda/a/ion of t rid ; r Gollitlld Organs; W..tOr Spine • Deposits tit tha Urine, and all the Khasi ly Lrdri of Diseases am low' Irmo ' Overuse ur Exce.iie4. Thep cure when& I otherr, p,- , wiles fail. Pamphlet of Advice in each l.os, or a ill • ho pent. Free te any addre.e. Price el per Box. Fent hy mail, securelyseated frontal( obserrvib,,,,, , , roceipt of )a rice, (° CA 11(I. MOSES, Is Coati AN n' Sr., NSW I . uuK, Soh) thdreral AgUUt for Auwn,,,. jila i ltiers. Chien—VOitEL. Cwt . 111, by fittoOil Henry B. rrich, of Yolk toutiy, to Martha 11. Vo gel, of Manheint township. ZECURK—COVIIKAN. Ort. '2l, by the Rev. 0,1„ Ashenfelter, Charles F. Lecher to Emma A. Coch ran, both of Lancaster. MILLER—CLANK. (let, 22, at Frey's FAeliange 1110tcl, by the Itev. Dr. Greenwald, John S. Miller 1.01 Annie L. Clark, both of Strasburg. FAIINESTOCK—MINNICH. OH the Rah Inst., by the 13X%. W. T. Gerhard, at Schioti llorting's Motel, Jar..:ol) It Fahin o ttock, of Ephrata township, to Liz zte A. Minnich, of Warwick township, M vkii—Sumay. On the 15th Inst., by this Rev. W. T. Gerhard. at Schlott and Ilorting's Hotel, Antos 11. Mycr, of Itapho township, to Mary Ann Sunnily, of Penn. INN Irll-I,oNur. NErk it It. on the 15th Inst., at Ilorting and Sehlot lintel, Nathaniel 11, Mennen. of Minn, to A Milt 11. Iminfelim her, of \Awls irk [M5111414. rP:Il If AN--I,KiTz. Oct, by the Her. ‘V, llerhard, at Schlott and llorting's lintel, Henry 11. Stigma'', of East Ilempileld, to NMI y Lenz, of Deniptlebl. 00if f;ADIII. net. 1::, by the Rev. St'. T. Gerhard, at Frantz :s Hotel, Ae on Herr, of \\'e-.t Hemline/41, to Kate 11, liornbaugh, of Ahem . toan ship. ScIIMAITSIt --SI:vrIE it. on the Inth 'mt., by the Rev. W. 'l'. tierhard, at Miss Dusting's Keystone lintel, Martin NW. Scheaffer, of Rapho, to Lizzie M. Snyder, of Mount Joy township. ti•ratillAN—SKlTZ. Oli the lob Inst., si Mort ing and Schlott's Hotel, 11 vtity It. Steliiiian, of East Ilemptfeld, to Mary „NI. Seitz, of WARREN —NA 11.1. E. At the Grand ('entral, New York, by the Rev Dewitt Talmage, asilstV4l by the Rev. 1). It. limit, C. 1.. Warren, M. 1)., lam Surgeon in the United States Army, to irgifint Nallle, of lowa. AISIWNI---K VP:l7_ Oet, 1,, at St,ll , 4olllg'S lintel, by the !icy. Ilr, t:reetiwald, \l' Ailment, or East I.a:tipeter, to 'Miss Mar) Elizabeth Kwrz, it East Lam peter. Paths. Sw ERN \ (Ict, 241, Of apoplexy, Daniel Stt eeny, in t he 47th year or Ilk age. RENT. Seplenther .loeot. Itekt, of Ile,o field townslop, formerly of Wart lei, to woslop, age.l IS years, months amt 4 +tatp. isincomtc. on the Ist6 194., in this rite, Ann Ber ger, daughter Or I 'atharine Biirgor, ugr,i 15 yoars, months and 4 list 21, a• the residence of his daughter, tit tia , ,svilto, 11:1, As county, lit.ito .I. Evelllmell, f.lrnu•i I 4/i consulai:ot tom. In c.)lt•ra:n lov4 Stnintel, son 01 ltenj.uu•u u:I , 1 Cal hal time:, aged 14 yew's. .111:1teElt. (In the Dior ling of the ftlll, of a shm 11111ess, Iu 411r1,4 I.HBcasler ,1"1"1 the 72tt )eur 41arkel eparts. Pliflattielplitat Produce Markel. Pnit.nori.rur t, (lit. bark ii,Ak $37.50 p kr ton. Prices of Tanner's lark are nominal New Clover:wed ix held at Inc. Timothy held at $3.50 Flaxseed in demand at $ . 2.00. The Flour market is less 5111 v, barrels sold, Including supertlne xt $1.1`4a1:2: •xtra at $5.75ad.25; Wlsruusl n Extra. Vitimik' at i11.75a9.00; Minnesota do. do. at $..2:0,75; m•kiki,i. dM at f 525.119.00; Indiana aml I 5k545139.00, and Fahey Brands at s9:'lale.•s Rye Flour sells at $1.25a4,t u • Cornmeal 11(111111m File Wheat market Is weak; awes r,f We tern red at i1.67a1.73, amber $1.:5a1 6t, white at Rye sae. Corn weaker; sales of Western mixed ai rtr , and Yellow at 63aate. Oats less active; sales of new mixed at 4'2:it n an i , i l a vs r i e h y ite m a o t h 4 l 6447(.. doing. Malt nothing doing. Whisky steady; Western Iron-hound at 94e. The Philadelphia (Vie Nadel. PHILADEMPEIIA, Oct. 21.!--11,4 - 7 - cattle were not 11l demand ; prices lower ; tiWlO head arrived and sold at 70.17%c. for extra Pentisylvanls and ‘Veslerti steers; 536u06.,tic. for fair to good do., and 40ths . lb. gross fur common, as to quality. The following are the particulars of sales: Head. 109 Western, 11. Maynes 4},{(46% 70 Western Virginia, Owen Smith 6 (47..4 75 Western, J. MeAnne 6 067., 24)5 Western, J. Christy 6 0 , 4 100 Western Virginia, P. MeFillen 0 ia.7 , 46 Western, B. F. .Mc'Allen 6 vi, o,i 26 Western, P. Hathaway. . 6 (47 , 4 lei Western, Jas. S. Kirk 6 (67 1211 Western Virginia, James McMillen 6 074 102 Western, Jones Mc(nesse 5 16. 4 173 Western Virginia, M. Ullman • ... 53444,7 Y, 400 Western, Martin, Fuller &Co . 4 2 4"(47 88 Western, B. Smyth & Bro 6 (a 173,; SU Western, D. Smythe 5 @7 127 Western, B. Mooney & Son 6 011,7 66 Western, L. Frank is 4 - 634' 80 Western, T. Mooney & 8r0... 53046 , „ 25 Western Virginia, O. Schainherg & CO. fS WWI 06ws were unchanged; 200 head sold at $35445 V head as to quality. Sheep moderately active; sales of choice at 6,% c.; fair to good at 5115)4c., and common at $2.50a3. Re ceipts., 14,900 Hogs were In less demand and prices lower ; sales of 7.00a7.50. Receipts, 5,552. Household load. LANCARTER, October 23.—Butter sold at 'nate; Lard, 961 lc.; Ogg, 28a:10e.; Veal by the quarter, 10a12c. V Dressed chickens, Outtoc. each ; Live Chickens, Writ $1 pair; Live Ducks, illca6o V pair; Pot aloes, 90ca1.10 ti bus., and 14a111e. V l 4 peek; Turnipm, saSc.; Apples, 6, to, loathe.; elder, 12a16r. V gallon; chestnuts abundant at lee V quart; Buckwheat Flour, York, co.s4 V hundred; Apple Butter, 10a12c. V pint ; Corn in the ear, tsiahhc. V bushel ; Oats, $1.40a1.60 V bag of three bushels. Nets Advertisements. rbIAMOND & RUBY FURNACES POWEREI'L AND ECONOMICAL DICATEDI4 James A. Lawson, Patentee. 1 0 1:LLER, WARREN & CU., 236 Water Street, N. IffeeplAr A s E tewari . 10 :Krner IAI 1:111)VE UNItl VA 1.E11,......X.11..4 0 ,EkWA LICD 2 Burns any size Coal, • At FI•LLEI3, WARREN & CO., 23/1 Water Street. N. ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT I THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT ==l=E= NDIIOM Ewa' AND itiowr utiumtLE Evrcuiou PAINT KNOwN. Sample card of beautiful colors and rOvonttnetols thins from ownets of the finest, residences In Lite AS'ERII.I, P lifcc co ., country' furnished tree by all leakt add by St Hurling Slip, New `Cork .„ d Ohio. 2-4 t or, Clevel Death: Bad Breath! mini,. (if young xll4 Dili people h aro tortured daily with disordered Stomach, Blood, Heart, Liver, Kidneys, viz.: Agile, nervuua 11(11,11- ache, palpitation, giddiness, drowsiness, no energy, dyspepsia, catarrh, rheumatism, neuralgia, gravel, weak back, constipation, piles, .t e. e religi ously commend our 001,DEN l'ACk ACES. Nero fail. Mailed free for $l. Deherlim your cmie. CI r eular free. Address CITA" I N Fl 101 A N 0S- N, 0. Z-4t 11.()R11 . 1BLI 4 .! I sitt!L . :l4l with ( AT.‘!:l,ii thirty }ratty, and hy a sit.n.:.• Nell,l I ecil'ipt, cp.., 1., al: tti2t 1..1. I:ev. 'I ..1. M1 . .\1), Dray. t.r w: artis.•, N. 1". —Holders of Quercitron ;Jl!'el': (se ;a eio s. EIM 4:4)1)11 4 1;,!. (111.11!ty N. INT• ”tl.l C:lll , lif` N.l , tlll.4''' 1 ii• ;l. $500,000:: 'Bank. EGRAND GIFT,COMERT. h'eiut!),.aaed to Hvecvnber 7, i 57•2. /11111: ! , 1",11'411:C11) 4:IC A 'ND 4:11t"I' (•Etur In a.. 1 of 111. , l'ul.llo of tio..- tio•kl, a0..0uv.....,1 for Sopl ember po,O -1.00.41 to Ite...llther 7, 1 , 12, Ill'. tltl4(` 1111' 11/11,.1.1 tilt. (OW 0.;%.4 11.•filrl , Ill(' 41'114111)! I.lllVie 11 100. wally 11111110ln ivOliout I, .1.p,, .1r and a., a ird tIl ir to It time thaf w0u,.1111,J.e a toll 41. :11mg Mine lo 1110 Hall' of all the t0•k.0.4. TIo• wow lo in * O .lllO 01T0r.. , 1 :1:111,4 14 I'7 I,poil pt-it 111 111.• Fa! and „..• a, tclil I e seco I.y the- fultoa wg c..rtitl - ut 1 , 1 • ,Nl)7l . ll,torEitq' 11+Nr, 1,011: , 11i.! 1., KY., Supt 1572.1. Thin ,f 4 in l'i!tity that thole iy nua at depottlt In talc hank ever halt a offilroo or dollar , In Hip ert...lit of the Gal :tet ~ aoo or a:. hld held try Ito bank i Trea , ttrer 111 the I thrt of Kentucky to - pa) otr all t , thi 10 he itqa , Oed at the ttraatut . t -t I, ,, Ll,ll'llZeh, +1.111.1/!111111; L.) . 4 ,0;.;00,000 IX ('AS , wiu he w.led, the highest levies beink W.C300, down In regular Loa to ilia), µMa tt Is the loutril. The dtaw avail i.hitivo'y and Unequivocally take place 7. A ;. , ,enta are pereeiteerti, required to close sales and ivake returns November 25, In order to give ample time for the Maul arrange mauls, ()niers for ticket' or applicatiolia for circu lars should he addressed to Gov. 1:. BRA .Igentyublie Library of Kentucky, Louisville, Ky N4.W Yolk ollve, 609 Broadway, lu charge of Ma Jor Thus. 11. Hays. 2-It AGENTS:. IWANTEII EVERY It HERE to Kell the best low-priced Corn-Sheller ever patent ed. Let farmers and everp,ody who has ,'urn to shell send for circular to "VamitY Cults-Suitti,Eit C 0.," Harrisburg, Pa. ..2-4t GEAT CT it [Will' V.--A $3 Magazine 01 in: high eat ()viler for $l. Agents wante.l in every town, 011 a perpefuta income. Send to,. for aperlmcu V , "Smith's Dui:ar Alupzine," tt Liberty St., N.l. •l -it Agents Wanted for Cobbilf Child's Commentator ON THE BIBLE, for the ROME CIRCLE. 1,200 pages, 250 engravings. The best enterprise of the year for agents. Every family will have It. Seth int/ like it 'wry publi4thrtl. Pint cireulars 8. (tootisrkko di. Co., 37 Park Row, N. 1", 2-111 A GENTS Wanted—For HrAitaikr BEKCIINK BTowiirs eampaign hook, with lives of the can didates and leading men of all mart lea. 20 Portraits. S 5 to %20 a d ay raphlly and rashly Write and ace. Particulars free. WOIITHINtiTt IN, DI'STI N 1 . 1 Hartford, Ct. 2-4 t GE:virsi 111,4teatet1.--Ageitts p'..ake now. money at work for uhf than at anytiong else fastness llght anti pernialient. l'articoisrel free. STINHON Jr CO., Fine .4 • Publill4orm, 2-41.1 Port lan.% Malno. ASTHMA. The sidiseribers are Manufacturers Agents for It. W. Head's celebrated ASTIIM A RELI El", the best remedy for Asthma yet discovered. Instant relief guarautecil or pureintsc money refund, i. The medicine Is put up In three slioli, rt hich retail for tole. and $l. Persons remitting price will have the me.ll , lno sent fro,. Icy niaii or exes.. Also samples Kent tree to ally who desire. h'i'll 'FULLER .. Cat., Hume, N. Y. lltits, Cups. ,C.c. Clothing. GO AND SEE CENTRE HALL Clothing Store, We have now ready one of the largest and fluent stocks of READY MADE CLOTHING Ever exhibited in this city,wloich line been gotten up with great care, and will be mold se low,it not lower,then any llace in the United :gates. We buy our g.sts at the very owest cash price. and we are prepared to compare prices with any house in this country. All we ask is for you to Call and Examine our Stock. Part of our 'dock congifits of the following Ruady Made Clothing: ]leaver Over-Coati, all wool all ("Aura 812. 00 to 20 00 Fur !louver " 44 10 00 " 14 00 Castor 4• It l. 10.00 " /MAW Chinchilla 4, t t I, 8.00 " lb 00 Boyle and l'ontlia' Over-Coati 0.00 4, 19.00 thisiduirro Suites, all wool, Er {gored] 10.00 " 14.00 %dn.,. 19.00 " 22.00 lilmck Cloth and Cam'iryere Suits, all wool 14 00 " 9 . 2.00 Voutlt'a Caar.iturra Sults 10,00 " 141 k) lloy'a •• 6.00 " 6.00 Illasaimere all wool Frock Coata 700 " 14 00 •• Sack •• 6.00 • 12.00 '• " Vanta 11.75 " 8.00 • •• Vwata 1.25 " 8.75 Yonnea l'aminicre all wool Frock Coats 5.00 " 10.00 • • all wool Rack Coata 8.50 •• 6.00 •• Pant', 2.00 `• 4.4 k) 4,t Vesta 1.00 " 2.00 We manufacture all our own Clothing, have it well made, use gissl lriiuwinge , and guarantee the goods as represented. We are prepared to show all who may favor us with a call, the largest awl thirst stock of Foreign and Domestic Cloths, Of all colon+ and dradea. floods retailed by the yard an ow lo can be bought. anywhere. (hoots cut and trimmed for p,ranno who prof., stink n,g (hell, at I We keep a full MO C 011114,40 supply oY GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Push as Under Clothing. Ithisery. Moves, ttandker• chiefs, Shirts, Linen and Paper Collars, Neckties, &c. MYERS & RATHFON, Centre Hall, No. 4 Centre Square, Laueamter, Poona AGENTS ! ,\ TETII I Nf; NEW, sttlabl , • to 1. I HI ;t;;;I um• fro,. N. 1. Nl't 'ft IF i.`i•l•lil , t., 1) %.0 . 1,0ii` , . I fr.e. Aghw %Lilt(4l. \l)i RuILDERS , i ,1 R.:11111”r I '.'4ll'atr.Comut. 6rl Build ne,. 1..1. lit, t (',. 41 Warrtm,N.l-. Tiflis N II( itri; Avwling k./ ('EN'rg, with age, ago. of eyes HMI y , .11 ie , vive corri•el 1111 . 111 Te of Itif tire hus h.oid ur wits., with num.• ant laic of Marriage, .1,1,1r05 , 4 \V. 1 - 145, P. (4. Drw.sor N'. '2l, N. 1. IVASIIIINIZTON 171111k"EliSITI, MEDICAL SCHOOL 9Tur)cNTs CAN ENTER Al' ANY TIME. The advantages of the School are ungur passed, yees, inenni.., Dissection St Hospital ncket, Fo ,, 'ataiogues containing full particu lars Prof. riIAS. W. I'iIANCELI,DIf, Dean. 1-41 Baltimore, Md. El $75 to $250 per month everywhere, male anit female. to tntroduee the GENUINE INI I'ISOV E cOMMON SENSE gaitt FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This matiblue t.idailt stitch, hem, telt, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a most superior manner. im ly y. 13. loopy heellSed and warranted for the years. We will pay $l,OOO for any ma- chine that will Hew a stronger, Inure beautiful, CIS or mire elastic scant than ours. It makes the E "Elastic Loch Stitch." Every second stitch ran Zbe cut, and stnl the cloth cannot be pulley' apart without tearing it. Wc pay agents from $75 to CA,,11.254) per month and expenses, or a commission rl , l from which twice that amount can be Made. "m'__,„ Address SEci IM k Maas.; eliq bury, ; III.; or St. Louis, Mu. • 1.4 t Cheap Farms! Free flames tin the line of the PNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, 1.1,000,000 acres of the best Farming and Mineral Lands in America. 3,000,000 Acres In Nebraska, in the Platte Val ley, now for sale. 3111.1) CLIMA'rE, PERTH I %ital., for Grain Growing and Stock I.l!houl'paliied by any ill SlateA. club:Am:a IN Pit Ii more favorable terms given, and inure convenient to markot than can be found el where. Free Homesteads for Act lint Seniors. lite twit location for Colonle.4—Suldlers entitled to r e honiesteail in 160 Arms. Send for the new lleseripttv“ Pamphlet, with new maps, published In English, Oerman, Swedish and Dauisti. mauled free et Ur) where. Address, 0. F. DAVIS, 1-41 Lund l'onM U. P. R. It. Co. , o.llAll A, NKR. Warren Rallgo Fltst Tim imlus 18/1 Double. Elevated oven, Manning Closet, Broiling Door, Fonder Doan! Dumping and Shaking Grate, Dlreet Draft. Fr I.LEII, WARREN No. 23ti NVater street, N. Y. 49-1 t lie deceived, hut for coughs, colds, sore throat, hoarseness and bronchial diineultles. use only Wells' Carbolic Tablets Wartlilieroo imitation% are on the market, but the nut} seteutttle preparation of Carbolic Avid for Unto; diseases is when chemically combined with other well known l'efilvtiißei, as w MPS." TA9- LET: 4 , and all parties are calitioncd against using any other. Is all caber of Irritation of the 111111 . 011:4 mem brane these Thatt.krs shoubi Le t veely used, their Icansing and beano;; prodertles are truly astonish- Be witratetl, verer LE eIP , II, It Ix eanllc iis 111,11.1. .at slate, a 11,11 it imcinnes chronic the 4.a,c Ix cxec,liagly ,iliticult, use 11 cil's Tithicrs 51.44•111.., .101I\ 02. KELLOGG, Li Platt St., N. 1", Sop• Agebt for the S. !e2 Price SGr. pc box. Send for circular MI .10I,IN FRIEND'S SECRFT • A Ileinnikinne It K and great CON. hilt 1 , I111.1:1 114,‘1 Agents. Notint4 pays like it. (.E.O. AlAt LEA Pui)lisher, 733 Stinson' street, Minn. 52-it aGIE'IS AlcrEn. I.OOK liEltE!! . 111 , • NOW !-,.lw,dwu> illusitrattoi Edition of ROBINSON CRUSOE, fiat out, 1-t the west popular hook in prtitt,s2B pages, icuith qUick fd • I % , Yllig to :r. , 1: 0) a %Ivek. 1, 1114 of Ms, awl our scuff l n ' e,till geentx' I '4,ektt 'citt Poin I'til)lloteri, i2S Nau nut Si I cut Flllia ttt. 52-f t. ANTED--4,..fpeciented Beuk Agents and Canca SS- In all pmts of the U. S. to sell the MEMOIR C' IiOGER ItitOOKE NER, Chief Justice of the Supreme Cow t of the U. S. Cii - No book heretofore iintilished In this country throws so much light upon our Constitutional and Political Ilistoty. It is it Mork of ex t.] aortimary Interest anti of pßOlllllllellt value to the iihtoi lan, the Lawyer, the Statesman, he I Mittman, awl every class of intelligent readers hy suliseriptioo only—Exclusive Territory Oven. ;Jr For twins, for this and other Popular \\ orks , aoldrehS at 011‘C, .SiLliPin . at CO., Publish- ~ ,, i 0732 0 G) a) , 0 CV ..0 era, Bo. Minor, LIFE IN UTAH iii•li/g Expos of II :weret litter awl Ill)stelots of Moyne/Main. With a full and anthem ic history of Polygamy, by J. IL Ilk:alma, Editor of the Salt Lake Reporter. Agents urn nieuttitg with unprecedented silen:AS, oh, reports isu subset theta to four (Lays, attuittet 14 iu two days. Send for Clic:Wars anti see what the press says of the work. Address, NATIONAL l't tiLIisIIING CO., Philads, Pa. I and grant that Mix Imek may find its may to every family in the law!," sv)s a prominent reformer, of T. s. ARTHUR'S last great work. THREE YEARS IN A MAN-TRAP. E Notwithstanding Its immense sale we desire to ex tend its intluelwe still further, and call fur more aid to Introduce it to every corner of our land. It is highly endorsed by Judge Black, F. ll.Orne, Neal Dow and others. VIII do more good than any pro hibition law ever framed. It sells heyond parallel. Agents hare done and are doing splendidly wi h Oue has sold over 500 copies. Owing to Its great anccess we are enabled to offer especially large discounts. Send for Illustrated circular and terms, and enter into this great work at once. J. M. ST; ID DAIt'I'.I CO., Phila. 04-4 C out bt 141.}HIC 111111 AI MU) _uef to the sufferer for the Unit few doses, but which from continue.' use brings l'iles and kindred dis eases to aid in weakening the invalid, nor is it a doctitreti humor, which, under the popular name of "Bitters,'' is so extensively palmed off on the public as sovereign remedies, but it is a alp h a power- Ifni Tonic and alterative, pronounced so by the leato g moilical authorities of London and Paris, awl has been long nest by the regular physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial results. DR. WELLS' E TRAMP OF JURUBERA retains all the medicinal virtues peculiar to the plaid, 21111111111 st 1W taken as it permanent curative agent. Its there want or actioll In your liver holcen ! relieved at ()nee the blood 11(.4'01111'S impure by leletvriwis secretions, produc ing scrofulous or skin diseases, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pimples, Arc., Ay. Take Jurubebu to cleanse, purify and restore the vitiated blood to healthy action. Slave you a Dympeliele Mionsachl 1-n -ieSli digestion is prisms ly aided the system is lIPIiIII t with loss of vital knee, mivorty of the Mood, Dropsical Tmeleticy, Weakmess of Lassi tude. 'take it to Dusk; Digeullon Mout! reaction; It will impart youthful vigor lo the scary autlerer. Have you a Wrlllk IliCsli of Obe amen. liner ! ton are in danger of chronic tharrhten, or the dreadful Inflammation of the Bowels. 'Fake it to allay irritation and ward oIT tendency to inflammation. Slave you wealsocoss of the Uterine or Urinary Organs You muss procure in stant relief or you are liable to suffering Worse t 11 all death. Take it to rarengthen organic weakness or life he...0na.4 a haniea. • Vitutlly it , :tleeld he freqeently taken to keep the system in perfect health, or you are otherwise In great hkilge r malarial, miasmatic or contagious diseases. JoIIN KEI.I,OOtI, It; Platt Street, N. Y. rule Agent for the ['tilted States. Price One Llttilar per littttle. Send (or Circular 4S-it lf;:u I( I neoll 8. .s.aTtail. I% I =EIN BA 'ATMORE, III). NO \V OPEN! DON'T AGENTS WANTED FOR Purnifure, gee. • • • -• Ckt , 7 _... • THE GREAT AMERICAN tie Without ft 111 vizi, BEING THE Cheapest and Largest Stocked FURNITURE & BEDDING • Oiti I IN THE CITY /1111 Anti Its prices being Wholesale to all you can save at least twenty per cent. on any purchases made at this ertabllahttu 'GREAT AMERICAN DEPOT, . 6 LARGE NEW BUILDING N 0.1202 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. l'A. Patent Pwnp. CIIAS. G. BLATCHLEY, rtl'f 'r, 506 Corine: ee St., PWlwla., Pa. ,8-Iyr Vinegar Bitters are riot a vile Fancy Drink. made of Poor Rm., Whi,kuy., Proof Spirits and Refit, Liquors, doctored, mired, and sweetened to please the taste, calved "1 . 1 , 111C3," " Appetio..s." " Restorers," &c., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness arid ruin, but are a trite Med:clue, made from the native root:, end herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants 'They are the Great (Blond Purifier and a Life-giving Principle, a Perfect Renovator arid Invigorator of du; System, carrying off all ptiisonous matter and restoring the blond to a healthy condition, enriching it, refreshing and invigorating both mind and body. They are easy of administration, prompt in their action, certain in their results, safe and reliable in all forms of disease. No Person can take these Bitters accord ing to directions, arid remain long unwell, provided their bones are riot destroyed by mineral poison, r other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Indlirestion. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders. Coughs, Tightness of the Chet, lii, ziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, had 'lasts in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of th, Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs. Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a limulred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complamti it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guar - aldee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the wm of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that a marked improvement is soon Percep tible. For itailnmmatory and Chronic Rhein mallows' and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Billo tt Remient and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of th, B o ot, I,iver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters Gave been not successful. Such Diseases are canned by Vitiated Blond, which is generally produced by derange ment of the Digestive Organs. They are is Gentle Purgative as well e a Tunic. possessing also the peculiar merit of wain:: as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or lidlano matins of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Diseases. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt- Rheum, Blotches, Spots, PtMpleS, PUMAIIRS ' Boils, Cat - IninCieS, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Ery sipelas. Itch, Scurf, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle iv such cases will convince the most incredulous of then curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever eon find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples. Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Grateful thotteatiale proclaim VINRCIAR BIT TRRS the most wonderful luvigoraut that ever sustained the sinking system. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually de strde- stroyedand removed. Says a distinguished plivsiol. °gist : There is scarcely an individual upon the face oldie earth whose body . exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon this diseased humors arid slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, no vermihiges, no antlielinin itics, will free the system from worms like these Hit ters. MEN Mechftniettt Diseases. Persons engaged in Paints and Itlinerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, wit be subiect to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this take a dose of WALICHICS VINISGAR BITIIIRS once or twice a week. as a Preventive. Uilions, Remittent, and interinittenl Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of ono great rivers throughout the United States, especiaky those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Ilimois, Ten ;lessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Bram:, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roan oke, James, and many others, with their vast 161,in:t ries, throughout our entire country during the Sumni, and Autumn, and remarkably en during seasons oi unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach anti liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always more or leers obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clozged up with vitiated accumulations. In their ta ea!- mein, a purgative, exerting a powerful influeiice upot these various organs, is essentially necessary. There no cathartic for the purpose equal to DR. J. WAI.KRI:' , VItIRGAR lIITTIIRS, as they will speedily dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the serren,nii: of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy function: of the digestive organs. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goiter, Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial A. fcctions, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skit', Sore Eves etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Dn.* eases, WAI. KIER'S VINRGAR BITTRRS have hhown the./ great curative powers in the roost obstinate anti lull ACC. able cases. Dr. Walker's eftlitortraint Vinegar DID era act on all these cases in a similar manner. By pot ifyiuty the Blood they temove the cause, and by resolving away the edects of the inflamisiation (the tubercular deposits? the affected carts receive health, and A permanent cunt is effected. The properties of DR. WALKER'S VINIIIIAP BIT I ER , : are Aperient. Diaphoretic and Carnunat,e, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative. Counter-10 1.• tant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. The Aperient and marl Laxative properties of DR. WALKER'S VIERGAR BITTERS are the brit sale grairtl in all cases of eruptions and malignant levet their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect the humors of the fauces. Their Sedative propertiei allay pain in the nervous . system, stomach, and Motels, either from inflammation, wind. colic, cramps, eta. 'flieir Counter-Irritant influence extends throughout the ,ystetn. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kal correcting and regulating the flow of urine. I heir Anti Iblious properties stimulate the liver, in the set r e lion of bile, and its discharges through the bihary duos, and are superior to all remedial agents, fur tit., cute of Bilinmr Fever, Fever and Ague, etc. Fortify the body against disease be tmrt fying all its fluids with VINP.G %ft rvits. No mt. denim can tale hold of a system thus foreat tned. I•.ti liver, the stomach, the bowels, the Laleleys, and hie nerves are rendered disease-proof by this great invig ttnant. . . Directions.—Take of the Bitters on r,oituz, b, 1.-4 et night front a ha to one and one-half wine-gi.t.stult Eat good notudillitng food, such as beef steak, 1111.11/011 chop, venison , roast beef, and vegetables, and t.d.t out-door exercise. They are compo,ed of purely vegot able ingredients, and contain no m,int. J. WALK ER, Prou'r. R. H. MeDON &LEI 1)11140m. and Gen. EOl.ll LiV ti AND LIE :LH:, BLATCHLEY'S IMPROVED CUCUMBER WOOD PUMP. Tasteless, Durable, Eftle.elit and Cheap. The best plllllll for the least money. A ttebtiou ls es: ~• ally invited to filatchley's IMPrOVeil Bracket 81141:N1'1V lio,;) Check Valve, which call lot, I , llt drawn without removing the pump or disturbing the j ,, infs. Also, the Copper Chamleir,which never cracks or scales, and is I I outlast' any other. For sal, by dealers) everywhere. Solid fu: l'atalogue and Price Medical.