Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, October 17, 1872, Image 3

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Carbon county elects her Republican
county ticket. Well done, Carbon.
"Concentrated campaign lye , ' is what
the New York Tribune's arguments are
now called.
In lowa they compare the enthusiasm
for Greeley to the racing qualities of the
mud turtle.
A Sharon Republican won $3,000 in
cash, eleven suits of clothes and two
hundred kegs of nails on this State.
"Boys, we have got them. Pennsyl
vania has done G. in New
York Tribune, October :9, 1860. His
tory repeats itself, Horace.
Aleck McClure is administering on
the estate of the Liberal Republican par
ty of Pennsylvania, lately deceased. The
share due the heirs will not be heavy.
A general summary of the vote of the
city of Philadelbhia at large gives as the
Average ntblican v,,te I i7,3Bfi
Average Upposi t i mi vote i 0,366
A verni 4 v li l mbliean majority . 17,020
Average aggregate yof 117,752
Mr. Boutwell says Mr. Greeley asked
him, during the past three years and a
half, to do twelve things inconsistent
with each other, and either of which, done
in the way he proposed would be fatal
to the business interests of the country.
Says the New York Commercial Ad
vertiser : We were informed before the
election that "Curtin's popularity" was
"amazing." It is just now to add that
there is only one thing more "amazing"
than Curtin's popularity, and that is
Forney's political influence.
The Tribune claims 123 electoral votes
in the Southern States, and upon this
foundation expects to build up a power
ful Liberal party—not this year—but in
the distant future. No party, whose
main strength is an almost united South,
can ever rule this country. But such is
Greeley ism !
Reconciliation is the order of the day.
We hear of one Republican Who chopped
off his rooster's head last Wednesday, as
his loud and persistent crowing over the
result of the recent elections annoyed his
Greeley neighbors. The last seen of the
parties they were shaking hands over the
bloody chasm in the rooster's neck. Let
us have peace.
"Dear old Benjamin Shaw," as Mr.
Gerritt Smith calls his old abolitionist
friend in Vermont, has written a letter
to Mr. Smith, favoring the election of
Grant and Wilson. lie says that he does
not "grudge his labors and sufferings for
the slaves, but if the Greeley party undo
what we have done he could almost weep
tears of blood."
11. Greeley's charge that the Adminis
tration is using the United States Treas
ury for electioneering purposes, would, if
they believed it, have a depressing ellect
upon some of his followers; since it inti
mates possible disappointment as to
coveted "spoils.” But then, in common
with the rest of mankind, they know how
Imaginative their candidate has become.
Schurz and Trumbull were at the
Greeley headquarters last Tuesday night,
to hear of the great victory they had so
confidently predicted iu Pennsylvania
and the other States voting that day.
When Philadelphia and Allegheny court
ty were heard from they suddenly disap
peared. Community of sorrow touches
the human heart ; some considerate soul
let them silently out at the back door
into a dark alley.
General Grant is one of the best read
men in the laud iu the of of the
country. No one of his Cabinet can tell
him anything of public affairs, and post
him as to men or matters. Ile posts
himself', and keeps ahead of the times.
lie reads daily seven newspapers. Ile
has culled from thirty other papers the
important events and utterances of the
hour, and this digest he has brought to
him each evening, and so goes to bed,
probably the best informed man in the
United States.
We are advancing. Two free sehools
for colored children have been recently
established in Savannah, Ga. Of these
the Advertiser of that city says : "We
are gratified to know that through the
efforts cf our :Board of Education facili
ties will be give :a to the children of the
colored man as we2l as to the white man,
for the qualities of a rood citizen, white
or colored, are improve:l by education."
The Advertiser, now advocating Gree
ley's election, was during-3'es, and even
after—the war a fierce rebel sLeet. The
power of the ballot is wonderful.
The Harrisburg Patriot says : "There
is good reason to believe that radicalism
will be completely routed in Connecticut
this fall. A careful calculation places
the number of Republicans who have left
the radical standard for that of Greeley
and reform at not less than 5,000, while
the number of Democrats who have sold
out cannot be 100 at the outside. A ma
jority of not has than 8,000 for Greeley
is confidently predicted." If this calcu
lation holds as good as the predictions of
McClure and Randall regarding Pennsyl
vania, Grant's majority in Connecticut
will reach 15,000.
The Springfield Republican, less
gracefully than is its custom, gives up
the Greeley cause, as follows : "At this
moment, it seems probable that the
united efforts of the clergymen, college
professors, merchant princes, thieves and
shoulder-hitters will be crowned with
success; that the Republican barty will
tide over this convass, and that General
Grant will secure the coveted second
term. Present appearances indicate that
Mr. Greeley will be defeated, that the
Liberal movement will come short of
that immediate success its more sanguine
friends have hoped for it."
The following paragraph from the Chi
cago Times is significant, as expressing
the views of a very large portion of the
Democratic party : "In their future po
litical action, it is rather plain that the
masses of the people of this country in
tend to be guided by principles, rather
than by the necessities, real or imaginary,
of party leaders. If the dismal failure
of the little squad of sorehead radicals
to realize their huge expectations means
anything, it means this. It means that
the professional politicians who degrade
popular intelligence by magnifying the
'personal magnetism'hypothesis—setting
up 'hard cider' and 'white hat' and 'tidal
waves' and 'bloody chasm,' as more es
sential than intelligent conceptions of
truth— will henceforth be 'remitted' to
their rightful places among the rubbish
of a past which civilization has out
grown. It means that 'organized con
tradictions' will be simply organized
failures • that things utterly incongruous
cannot ix, successfully joined together ;
that in the social state, as in the natu
ral, things opposite in kind cannot be
harmoniously united; that the 'fraternity
of cat-and-rat' is not a device that can
be successfully substituted for cardinal
principles. It means that the Cincinnati-
Baltimore attempt to produce a political
ornithorhynchus is an experiment that
will not probably be reimated.”
Korai News.
BTAMPS To Br A nousifEr) : The following
stamps were abolished by the new tax law,
whielt went into effect on Tuesday, ()dotter
Contracts for insurance against accidential
injuries. Affidavits. All agreements or con
tracts, or renewals of the same. Appraisements,
of v.ilue or damage, or for any other purpose.
Assigmnents of a lease. mortgage, policy of in
surance, or anything else. Bills of exehange,
foreign, island. letters of credit, or a ll ythi nt r . of
that hind now taxed by stamps. Bills of lading
and receipts in the [tined St des, or for any
thing else. Bills of sale if any kind. Bills of
identification of any kind. Bond of administra
tor Or guardian. 0r au% thing that has the name
of bond in it, and 11 ,, W taxed Bro
kers' nut's. Certificates of measurement of
anything. Certificates of stock, profit, damage,
deposit. or any other kind of certifientes now
taxed by stamp. Charter. or it; renewal, or a
charter party of any kind. Conveyance, or any
part of the work of conveyance. Endorsement
of any negotiable or not negotiable instruments.
Entry, for vonstimption. warehollsing or with
drawal. ()augers' returns. Insurance policies,
contracts. renewals, tickets, etc.. Hand. initrinc.
Miami and tire. ) Lease. All thr,mgli the lease iist
abolished. Legal documents. Writ or other
process. Confession of judgment, cognoril.
appeals. warrants. etc.. letters of administra
tion, testamentary. de. Iftnifests at Custom
!louse or anywhere else, or for any other pur
pose. 'Mortgage of any kind. Passage tickets
to any place in the world. Pawners' cheeks.
Power of attorney for any purpose. Probate of
will of any kind. Promissory note for anything.
Protest of any kind. Quit claim deed. Ri•ceipt:
now generally exempt, and if included in pre
sent law in any case, will hereafter be exempt.
Sheriff's return. Trust deed. Warehouse re
ceipt. Warrant of attorney. Weighers' return
of any character.
CRIPPLED O THE RAIL : Chas. Walter, a
freight conductor on the Reading Colunbia
Railroad, met with an accident at the Union
Station crossing in Columbia On Wednesday
morning, by which he lost his right leg. Ito
was lading in ears and was knocked down by
the pole, and the engine ran over him, crashing
his right leg below the knee. Dr. F. Hinkle
amputated the leg, and Reutter was doing very
well at last reports. Reutter is married and has
a wife and children. lie resides in Columbia.
Andrew Nicely, boss car Inspector, also met
with an accident in Columbia the same morning,
whereby he lost both of his legs. Ile was in the
act of crawling from under a freight train. when
the cars started, with the above sad result. Mr.
Nicely is a man of perhaps CO years, lives in
Columbia, and has a grown-up family. He has
been in the employ of the company for many
years. Ills condition is considered critical.
J. P. Buckwaltcr, had several toes cut off at
Columbia the same day.
meeting of the Lancaster Board of Trade was
held on Thursday at the Cooper House. A great
number of our merchants and business men
were in attendance. The meeting was organized
by 'letting B. F. Breneman, chairman, and G.
J. Diller, secretary. report of the commit
tee of seven, of a former meeting, was received.
and they reported seventy-four names to select
twenty-five Directors from. Gn motion, adopted,
to appoint a committee of five Directors, and
they added to their number twenty more mem
bers to constitute the Board of Directors. The
Chair appointed Henry Baumgardner, Win. Mc'
Comney, F. Serer, It. M. Morrow and J. B. Mar
tin. A motion was adopted that the Seerstary
notify the Directors to meet on Tuesday even
ing. 13th inst.. to elect ollicers and organize for
business. Motion adopted to adjourn.
J.ts•r of inielaimed letten4 rcuutiuiu in the
I,anctieter post-office, Oct. 13th, 1872
Ladirs . List : Mrs. Annie Brubaker, Kate
Fry..llrs. P. Fectler, Lizzie Hindman. Mary A.
II eishey, Susan Johnson, Mrs. J. Leidigh,
Mrs. M. McAllister. Lizzie ()hale, Mrs. Susan
Shirk, Mrs. .1. Smelters, Mrs. Sarah Swank,
Alice 1.. '..3lleafter.
Gents' List : Berntheizel, 1..". B. Becker,
Jesse Burls, .John IMO:waiter, William Brink
man, A. Banker. .J. I'. Buckley, L. L. Barriek,
E. C. Eiehl, Peter Hovey, Joel S. Eby, R. R.
Evans, Rev. L. \V. Eekert, Joseph ireyniam
LeviGarbriek, XVilliam Garber, \V. J. Hand, (4).
Benj. llerr, Jacob Hershey, Jacob 1.. I (ess.
Sam'l L. Landis, George 1). Miller. jr., John
Miller, William Rodenbaeh. A. Sunnily, Abut.
Ja•:ob P. Shirk, P. 11. Summy. Rev. J.
A. Schnitz, Roland Sharp, Emanuel Vogle,
Jonathan Weaver.
about nown the larze stone barn on the farm of
Dr. f B. Millman, situated about one mile
north of Millersville, wa discovered to be 011
fire. and before assistance arrived the building .
war totally dOelroyed. Everybody in Cie neigh
borhood was in attend a nce at the funeral of
young Brimmer the unfortunate painter who
broke his back) at the time of the fire. The
•'nts were 'hay, straw and tobacco, all of
wh le It were destroyed. The loss will certainly
reach e 5,500, 1) 1 1,1,1 which there is 110 insurance.
The fire is supposed to have been the work of
an incendiary. and suspicious circumstances
point to a certain person as the guilty party.
No arrest, however, has yet been made.
CURE FOR CORNS : Those who consider sound
feet a luxury, and who suffer from corns, hard,
soft or festered, would do well to try the fol
lowing. which is taken from the Journal of
Chemistry. It is not an expensive experiment,
and is worth trying. The article reads :
`•Soak the feet well in warm water, then with
a sharp instrument pare oft as much of the corn
as can be done without pain, and bind up the
part with a piece of linen or muslin, thoroughly
saturated with sperm oil, or, what is better, the
oil which floats upon the surface of herring or
mackerel. After three or four days the dressing
may be removed by scraping, when the new
skin may be found of a soft and healthy texture,
and less liable to the formation of a new corn
than before. We have this receipt from a source
which we cannot well doubt, and publish it fur
the benefit of many readers."
BRIBERY ? Rcindhardt Rinier, judge of elec
tion of the Eighth Ward of Lancaster city, has
made complaint against Dr. Henry E. Malden
burg, Collector of this District, for an attempt
to bribe him with the sum of *2OO to keep the
Democratic majority in his ward below 100 by
stuffing the ballot-box or other fraudulent means.
Benjamin Schaubel is also charged with nego
tiating the matter.
The accused parties have waived a hearing,
and entered bail for their appearance at Court.
SALT Rlvint will be a crowded locality, if the
sale of tickets for that route be any criterion .
But the purchasers seem In no hurry to start.
They proclaim their Intention to wait until after
the November election. We think this is bad
policy. They will feel worse then than now.
Well, if they can stand it we can.
PROCESSION: The ::'11 , !! t , tt talion of this city
will participate in a gr, te! t reit-light procession
at Manheitn on Saturday evening. From ap
pearances, there will be a full turn-out.
Coma.: An adjourned court of Quarter Ses
sion is now holding, but there are uo eases of
great importance to note.
SOMETHING NEW : Call at Chas. A. Locher's
Drug Store, Lancaster Pa., and get a sample
bottle, Free of Charge, of Green's August Flower,
the great cure for dyspepsia. and its effects, such
as liver complaint, costiveness, headache, flatu
lency, heartburn, pains hi the side, dyspeptic
colic and cough, biliousness, coated tongue I
and two-thirds of the disease flesh is heir to.
will guarantee it to cure nine eases out of ten.
If properly taken and permanent, with prudent
living. We are flooded with certificates from
patients cured, and doctors using it in their
practice. Try it. Regular size, 75 cents; pleas
ant to take, and not a rum bitters.
Use BOSCHEIL'S GERMAN Svauc t for severe
cough and consumption. It never falls.
Free of charge in every town and village, L
M. QUEEN, Prop'r, Woodbury, N. J. [M..ena
THE GREAT WANT Of the present age is nun A - .
women, healthy kormi, iu mind
The continued headaches. Wllliilll , , , eS. IIerVOUS
-11C-,. t l / 4 : yaryin nilmcut , which linnet women
are generally the result of Unperfeckttetinn of
the stomach and other vital Organs. - Dr. 11"nl
-1,•er's California Vilicaar Bikers. being .
poaed entkely ttf. vittitable substances imligen
tn California, nutv be taken with perfect
sadly by the most dcll, atc. and are a sure rem
e.ly. correcting all NV11)111: act ion new
11l the whole systum.
~,Beware of Counterfeits i
JOB MOSES' siVEVlVEcilittr's
are extensively 00IINTIRIMITIIID. Dishonest Drug
gists endeavor to sell the counterfeits ornate greater
prollts. The genuine have the name of Job Mime
on each package. Another, ars worthless imitations.
The 01111101111 Me are unfailing in the cure of all
tho,, painful and dangerous diseases to which the
fem. , le constitution is subject. They moderate all
excmses and remove all obstructions, from what-
Mt' rails,.
they are particularly suited. They will in a short
tim • bring on the monthly period with regularity;
and dthough very powerful, contain nothing hurt
ful o the constitution. In all cases of Nervous and
SO al Affections, Paine in the Back and Limbs,
Fat' :rue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart.
Hy: . erica and Whites, they will effect a cure when
all ther meane have failed. The circulars around
each package give full directions and advice, or
will be sent hee to all writing for them, sealed
from observation.
N. B.—ln all cases where the Olautire cannot be
obtained, One Dollar enclosed to the Sole Proprie
tor, JOB MOSES, la Cortlandt Bt., New York will
insure a bottle of the genuine. containing Fifty
Pill by return mail, securely sealed from any
knowledge of Ma eonterite
have no taste of medicine. and any child will take
them. Thousands have been restored to health that
had before despaired. Testimony given In hundreds
of eases. Ask for BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS.
Prise 36 cents per box. JOB MOSES, Proprie
tor, 19 Cortlamit Street, New York.
• Prepared by J. OARANCIERE.
No 214 Roe Lombard, Paris.
These pills are highly recommended by the entire
Medical Faculty of Prance as the very best remedy
in all cases of Spermatorrhosa. or Seminal Weak
ness; Nightly, Daily or Premature Emissions • sex
ual Weakness or Impotency ; Weakness ariningfrons
Secret Habits and Sexual Excesses; Relaxation at the
genital Organs; Weak t' , pine Deposits in the Urine.
and all the ghastly train of Diseases arising from
Overuse or Excesses. They cure whenall other rem
edies fail. Pamphlet of Advice in each box, or will
be sent Free to any address. Price $1 per Box.
t by mail, securely sealed from all observation, on
Sr., ew Yogi, Solo general Agent for America.
BERK—Km:Dm. Oct. 15, 1572, at the parsonage
of St. Paul's Reformed Church, Lancaster, Pa., by
the. Rev. 0. Ashenfelter, Mr. Christian H. Herr
and Miss Mary Kendig% both of West Lampeter
township ' Lancaster county ' Pu.
EARY—Multit. Oct. 10, at Frey's P,xcliange Rotel,
liy the Right Rev. Dr. Bigler, Jacob Eaby, sr., to
Lucie E. Murr, both of Intercourse, Lancaster
county. Pa.
Lawis—l,AwsON. Oct. 10 , by the same, at the
Moravian parsonage, Benjaiiiiii Levis to Susan
Lawson, both of Lancaster.
PEARS — FAIINEsTOCK. Oct. 10, by the Rev. B. C.
Suesserott, Thomas C. Pears, of Pittsburg Pa to
Ada Falinestoei4 - ef Lancaster. •
HEMR-I}olallil74lll. °Oh 13, by t gay. W. T.
Gerhard, at Frantz's Hotel, Aa on I of West
Hetupliebt, to Kate H. Douthaugh, of Manor.
EITNIER—YOUND. Oct. 12, by the Rev. W. T.
Gerhard, at Schlott .t llorting's Hotel, Pornanus P.
Pittner, of Warwick township, to Amanda )(mind,
of Ephrata township.
Ba tm--STuicamm. Oct. s, by the Rev. W. T.
Oerlmrd, ut Kauffman's Hotel, William Beam, to
Marry Ann Strickler, both of Manileiln tOWnatiim
KIMBLY—CaIsWELL. Out 9, 1572, at the parson
age of l'ohocksink M. E. Church, by Rev. C. F.
Turner, Martin M. Eberly, to Miss Emma 11. Cris
ell, both of Philadelphia, formerly of Lancaster,
,Parket rports.
Philadelphia Produce Market.
PITILADELVIIIA, Oa. IK.—llolders of quercitron
bark ask filLtio per too.
Prices of Tanner's bark arc nOnulual.
New Oversee(' is hekl, St, WO.
Timothy moves slowly.
Flaxseed in demand at $2.00(
'Pia , Flour market is loch active ; 800
barrels sold, Including superfine at r4.50a.5.2.1;
extra at $.5.7fiaa.25; Wisconsin Extra Family at
$7.1 - 15,..s .0.,; Minnesota do. do. at Vs.:sal:Urn Penna.
( 1 0 ,( 0 , nt . ssmoao ( uo; Indiana and Ohio do. do. at
ss o omio.ao, and Fancy Brands at s9.2reilm2s.
Rye Flour sills at $4.65a4.50.
Cornmeal nothing' doing.
'Phi. Wheat market Is weak; sales of Western
red iti $1.11710.71 , , anther $1.75%41.77, white at 911.110
manner diiing.
Cam weaker; Salta Of Western mixed at atie ,
Oats less elite;: sales of new mixed at 41a41e
. •
and white at 11U41i'.
Barley nothing dolnk.
:Sfult nothing' doing'.
Whisky steady; Western iron-bound at 94e.
The Philadelphia CatthyMarket
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 14.—iteet l'itthe were not in
douuuul ; wives lower; asun head arrived and sold
at 7 , ,at7 tor extra Pennsylvania and Western
steers; 6e, 7e. for fair to good dO., and 4(505,5, , ,e.
114. gross for common, as to quality.
Thu following arc the punk:Warts of sales;
40 Western Va., T. Duffy ..ti cioP.,'
140 Western, 11. 3laynes ri (46 , ,
100 Western Virginia, Owen Smith ', (0,i'.1 4 ",
100 NVestern, J. MeArille... ... 4 ',(0,61,1'
140 Western, A. Christy 11 oc,; 4
231 Western Virgiths, 11. McFillen 6 qii'T
tat Western, A. Christy 6 '4 OVr.V
50 Western, li. F. MeFillen "tlAtt.iSl
125 Western, I' itai,hawav ` , 42l#. 7 Sti
100 Western Virginia, James MeFlllen ti OAT
186 Western Virginia, M. Ullman . ... 530it.1',(
9tili Western, Martin, Fuller ,li, C 0... 4,10,1;I
142 Western, it. Mooney .4,, Sou 6 of TX
130 Western, 1). Smyth Sz, Br() .1. 1 .,,046 7 h
60 Western, 1). Smythe ft '.. 464
SO Western, T. Mooney & Bro. 51.,4 64
112 Western Virginia, G. Scharr berg & Co. 4 taltil , r,
115 Western Virginia, Mope & Levi.... ....5,N47
Cows were unchanged; 200 head sold at Clotsso V
head as to quality.
Sheep moderately active; sales of choice at 6, c.;
fair to good at 5a5t... and common at 2a3e.
Ifogs were in less demand and prices lower;
sales Of curu-tot at /.50a7.75. Jtecaipta, 5,7E41.
Household Market.
LANCAsTER, October 16.—Butter sold at 23a25e;
Lard, Wilily.; Eggs, 2sa;ioe.; Veal by the quarter,
10a12y. It; Dressed Chickens, 315a64te. each ;
Live Chickens, onawfr v pair; Live Ducks,
75catil V pair; Pot aloes, Soca I. In itt bus., and Malec.
peck; Turnips, bale.; Apples, a, 8, 10:112e4
Cider, 12atrie. za gallon; Chestnuts abundant at 10e
V quart; Buckwheat Flour, York, co. $4 V hundred;
Applo Butter, Wally. II pint ; Corn in the ear,
50a5.5c. V bushel; Oats, $1.40a15e is! bag of three
New Adverttsentents.
Clothing Store,
We have now ready one of the largest and finest stocks of
ever exhibited in thie el ty,which has been gotten up with
great care, and will be sold ea low t if not lower,than any
place in the United States. We buy our goods at the very
lowest cash price. and we are prepared to compare prices
with any house in this country. All we ask is for you to
Oall and Examine our Stock.
Part of our stock eon:sista of the following Ready Mad*
Beaver Over-Coats, all wool all colors $12.00 to 20.04
fur Beaver , 4 tt 10.00 4, 14.00
Castor tt t t it tt 10.00 " 18.00
Chinchilla " ~ it 8.00 " 16.00
Boys' and Youths' Over-Coats 6.00 " 19.00
Caseimere Suits, all wool, [ Figured] 10.00 tt 14.00
Melton it .t 18.00 " 22.00
Black Cloth and Casei n ere Suits, all w 00114.00 " 22.00
Youth's Cassimere Suite 10.00 " 14.00
Boy's •' tt 5.00 ~ b.OO
Cassimere all wool Frock Coats 7.00 " 14 00
tt ‘, Back " 0.00 " 12.00
(I " Pants 8.75 ~ 8.00
tt ~ Vests 1.26 " 8.76
Youth's Cassimere all wool Frock Coats 5.00 " 10.0 Q.
', all wcti* 2.oorip .. . , i - ria 8.50 " 0.04
" t V t , ' , nts; .: .4, 1 2.00 " 4.00
" ' •." - 3 - eatip l4 La ;... • 1.00 ~ 2.00
We manufacture all our own Clothing, have It well
made, use good trimmings, and guarantee the pods as
We are prepared to show all who may favor us with •
call, the largest and finest stock of
Foreign and Domestic Cloths,
Of all colors and grades. Goods retailed by the yard IF
ow as can be bought anywhere. Goods cut and trimmed
for persons who prefer risking them at home.
We keep a full and complete supply of
Such as Under Clothing, Heiser,, °knee, Hanitker•
chiefs, Shirts, Linen and Piper Collars, Neckties, &c.
Centre Jinn i -
No. 4 Centre Square, Lancaster),Penna.
Yew Advertisements.
SOMETHING NEW, 6 salable ar
ticles, sell at sight. Catalogues
anil one sample tree. N. Y. M'f 'g
Co., 21 Courtlitiol st., N. Y. 1-4 t
• -
11A'SD STAMPS all varieties'. CtroUlars tree. Ails.
wanted. W.ll. Davis & Co. Mire, TS Nassau, N.Y. 1
BUILDERS ett,I stamp for lll'd Catalogue on Build.
mg.A..I.ItteuNELL & Co.27Warren,N.Y.
By gentling 35 CENTS, with
Iwizht, color of eyes awl hair, you will receive
by Ecturn mall a correct picture of your future bun
lotiol or wife, with name and date of Marriage,
Address W. FOX, I'. 0. Drawer No. 24, Fultonville,
N. Y.
The Cl,:lical alvantages of the School are unsur
passed. Fees, including Dissection k Hospital
Ticket. Sall. For catalogues containing full particu
lars up,.ly to Prof. CHAS. W. CHANCELLOR, Dean.
l-it Baltimore, Mel.
2 $75 to $250 per month
H everywhere, male and female, to hitrmluee the
will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, hind,
Bbraid and embroider in a most superior manner.
Price only $l6. Fully licensed and warranted
for live years. We will pay $l,OOO for any ma-
chine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful,
C/1 or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the
El "Elastic Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can
Zbe cut, and still the cloth cannot be polled apart
without tearing it. Wc pay agents from $l5 to
141$2tai per month and expenses, or a commission
ri.% front which twice that amount can be made.
Address SECOMB k CO., &eon, Mass.; Pitts
-0119.1 tor la; Chicago, or St. Loup', Mo.
Cheap Farms!
On the line of the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD,
12.000,000 acres of the best Farming and Mineral
Lands In America.
3,000,000 AcrePrEr*liraltra, In the Platte Val
ley, new for sale.
for Grain Growing and Stock Raising unsurpassed
by any in the United States.
CHEAPEN, IN Paws, more favorable terms given,
and more convenient to market than can be found
els where.
Free Homesteads for Actual Settlers.
The best location for Colonies—Soldiers entitled
to a homestead of 160 Acres.
Send for the new Descripttve Pamphlet, with new
maps, published in English, German, Swedish and
Danisn, mailed free everywhere.
Address, 0. F. DAVIS,
I-4t Land Com'r I'. P. 11. R. Co., OMAHA, NEB.
Warren use
First Premium II km list 1871
Double Elevated Oven. Warming Closet, Broiling
Door, Fender Guard Dumping and Shaking Grate,
Direct Draft. FULLER, WARREN & CO., No. 236
Water street, N. Y. 49-4 t
Be deceived, but fur coughs, colds, sore throat,
hoarseness and bronchial difficulties. use only
Wells' Carbolic Tablets
Worthless imitations arc on the market,
but the only scientific preparation of Carbolic Acid
for Lung diseases Is when chemically combined
with other well known remedies, as In these TAB
LETS, and all parties are cautioned against using
any other.
In all eases of Irritation of the mucous mem
brane these TABLETS should be freely used, their
cleansing and healing properties are truly astonish
Be warned, mper tiegleet a cold, it is easily
cured in its incipient state,w hen it becomes chronic
the en e is exceedingly ditticult, use Well's Carbolic
Tablet,' as a specific,
JOUN 14„ KELLOGG, IS Platt St., N. Y.
Sole Agent for the U. S.
Price 25e. pe box. Send for circular
A itenuirkable Book and great success. 18th
Edititci now ready for Agents. Nothing pays like
it. GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, 7311 Sawmill street,
Phila. 52-4 t
The New Spiendi.ity Illustrated Edition of
.Jost out,ii the most ii pillar book lii print,s2B pages,
I inteti poper,ont y 52.50, asy worth 13.50. Sells quick dr
fa #ll. Pitylog $5O to 11 1 a week. Terms of this and
our tos s Bibles, sent tree, also, fait A gento' Pocket
Companion. Ilubli4rd tirgs,, Pohl ishors, 123 Nansont
street Panetta. 611-4 t,
117 ANTED—Experienced Book Aprils am! Canrags-
IT ero, In all parts of the U. S. to sell the MEMOIR
OF' ROGER BROOK 14 I'ANEit Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court of the U. 5, itSr - No book heretofore
published in this country throws so much light
upon cur Constitutional and Political History. It is
a work of extraordinary interest and of permanent
value to the Historian, the Lawyer, the Statesman,
the Politician, and every class of intelligent refuters
re - Sold by subscription only—Exclusive Territory
Oven. inr - For terms, for this and other Popular
Works, address at once, MURPHY & CO., Publish
ers, Baltimore. r2-it
Doing an Expose of the Secret Rites and Mysteries
of Mormonisin.
With µ full and sal i jienligDLetory of Polygamy, by
J. 11, 1 1 X4DIA, Editor alt Lake Reporter.
Agents are meeting with unprecedented success,
one reports 188 subscribers in four days, another 71
in two days. Send for Circulars and see what the
press rays of the work. Address, NATIONAL
PUDLISIIING CO., Philads, Pa. 52-4 t
"God grant thal this book may find its way to every
family in the land,' says a prominent reformer, of
'T. H. ARTHUR'S last great work.
Notwithstanding its immense sale we desire to ex
tend 4ts Influence still further, and call for more
aid to introduce it, to every corner of our land, It Is
highly endorsed by Judge Black, P. 11. Orne, Neal
Dow and others. Will do more good than any pro•
hibltion law ever framed. It sells beyond parallel.
Agents have done and are doing splendidly with It.
One has sold over 500 copies. owing to Its great
success we are enabled to offer especially large
discounts. Send for Illustrated circular and terms,
and enter Into this great work at once. J. N. STOD
DART & CO., Phila. 62-4
from continued use brings Plies and kindred die•
eases to aid in, weakening the invalid, nor is it a
doctored liquor, which, under the popular name of
"Bitters," is so extensively palmed MI on the public
as sovereign rentedVut It_is a moot power•
Oat Tonle and Tattoo pronounced so by
the leading medical thorities of London and Paris,
and hat been long used by the regular physicians
oibther countries with wonderful remedial results.
realm?' all the medicinal virtues peculiar to the
plant, and must be taken as a permanent curative
le there want of action in your Liver
and spleen 1 Unless relieved at once the blood
becomes impure by deleterious secretions, produc
ing scrofulous or skin diseases, Blotches, Felons,
Pustules, Canker, Pimples, at., ac.
Take Jartabelba to cleanse, purify and restore
the vitiated blood to healthy action.
Have you a Dyspeptic Stomach Un
less digestion is promptly aided the system is debill
tate& with ion of vital force, poverty of the Blood,
Dropsical Tandem', General Weakness or Lassi
Take it to assist Digestion without reaction; it
will impart youthful vigor to the weary su ff erer.
Have you a weakness of Ike lemonlm
tines'? You are in d ere Chronic Diarrheas,
or the dreadful lona the Bowels.
Take it to allay irritation Alt ward off tendency
sr yam weakness of Ike Uterine
o emery Omens? Yon must procure in
stant relief or you are liable to suffering worse
than death.
Take it to strengthen organic weakness or life
becomes a burden.
• • .
Finlay it should be frequently taken to keep the
system . fn perfect hdalth, or you are otherwise in
great danger of malarial, miasmatic or contagious
dlseases. . .
JOHN Q. XELLOG(I, 18 Platt Street, N. Y.
Sole Agent for the United States.
Price One Dollar per Bottle. Send for Circular,
46-4 t
New Advertisements.
For 979 per Inch per Month,
w will Insert an athvrtisement In 1/9 First , .
Class Papers In Pa. List sent oti application to
GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., Advertising
Agents ► 4 t Park Row ► N. V. 50-4 t
114.1111i.—Thorough Instruction. Healthful
and beautiful 'ovation. one of the moat carefully
conducted and hest sustained OP:10110011M iti the
State. ror terms, etc., address Rev. .101I\ 11.
BRAKELEY, Ph. 1). 50-4 t
At Che! ter, Delaware county, Pa. (For resident
Cadets imly.) The eleventh annual session com
mences Vednesday, Sep. 4. Thorough Instruction
in Civil Mgineermg, the Mathematical and Natu
ral Seie! - PS. The Classics and English Is imparted
by Wes! 'oint graduates and other competent pro
fessors. Circulars may be obtained of
50-it COL. THEO. HY ATT, Prest., I'. M. A.
Payable in New York City, for sale at prices that
will pay over 12 per vent. on the investment. MU
NICIPAL BONDS of the highest grade always on
hand. THOS. P. ELLIS & CO., Hankers,
14 Pine Street, 1. Y. 50-It
Estab I tidied 1543.
Free Homes
STOWE'S campaign book, with lives of the can
didates and leading men of all parties. 20 Seed
Dirtrairg. $5 to sto a day rapidly and easily made.
Write and see. Particulars free. WORTHINGTON,
DUSTIN .li. CO., Hartford, Ct. 50-4 t
Agents wanted for our Campaign Goods. Sell at
Sight. Pay 100 per cent. profit. Now Is
the time. Send at once for Descriptive Circulars
and Price Lists of our Fine Steel Engravings of all
the Candidates, Campaign Biographies, Charts,
Photographs, Badges, Pins, Flags, and everything
suited to the times. Ten dollars per day easily
made. Full samples sent for $3. Address MOORE
& GOODS PEED, 37 Park Row, New York. 50-It
Nothing like It In medicine. A luxury to
the palate, a painless evacuant, a gentle stimulant
to the circulation, a perspiratory preparation, an
anti-bilious medicine, a stomachic, a diuretic and
an admirable general alterative. Such are the ac
knowledged and daily proven properties of TAR
Stove Gloss !
Over Twenty-four Thousand Gross sold In Nine
If he don't have it go to the next store ; hut don't
be humbugged into buying or using any of the old
IKdishes when you can get
At the Seine Price.
Every Jobber and Retail Dealer in the United
States has or will have it for Sate.
Is the cheapest and best article in the market for
Blueing Clothes. The genuine has both Bar
low's and Wiltberger's name on the label. and Is
put up at Wiltberger's Drug Store, No. 283 North
Second Street, Phila. D. S. WILTBERGER, Pro
prietor. For sale by Druggists and Grocers. [5O-4t
5000 AGENTS WANTED. Samples sent tree by
mail, with terms to clear from $.5 to $lO per
day. Two entirely new articles, saleable as flour.
Address N. 11. WHITE, Newark, N.J. 50-4 t
GENTS Wanted.—Agents make more
money at work for us than at anything else.
usiness light and permanent. Particulars free. G.
STINSON & CO., Fine Art Publishers,
60-40 Portland, Maine.
Hats, Caps, Furs, &c.
t Tasteless, Durable, fficlent and
Cheap. The best pump for the
p, least money. Attention is especi
ally invited to Blatchley's Patent
Improved Bracket and New Drop
L • Cheek Valve, which can be with
drawn without removing the
pump or disturbing the joints.
Also, the Copper Chamber,which
Wnever cracks or scales, and will
Ij~H 4=i
outlast any other. For sale by
dealers everywhere. Send for
E Catalogue and Price List.
CLUE. G. IlLATcuum, 'r,
tgl6 Commerce St., Philada., Pa. 48-lyr
Agents wantedfor the autibiography of
The best and only Edition written by himself ; and
for our 1872 CAMPAIGN MANUAL, a book of the times
for all parties. Illustrated. One agent sold 80 in
three days. Also, for Headley's Life of President
Grant, and Splendid Portraits of Candidates. $3OO
a month made. E. B. TREAT, Publisher, 805 Broad
way, N. Y. 40-it
AGENTS, we will pay you $4O per week in cash,
it you will engage with ua at once. Everything fur
nished and expenses paid. Address
44.4 t F. A. ELLS dr, Co., Charlotte, Mai.
32 and 34 Maiden Lane,
Eif fr;
. E-4 g
5 „, 4 .
IT- 01 a
ici pil ra
06 14 a),
Plaka cil v
.1 41 pci
= z ‘ 4 V )
C/") 0
04 2
MI cks
Fl 4
7111! WARNER'S
all ! Patented Feb. 5, 1867.
11111 j The Cuts show the way the Spokes
are Tenoned, and peas through the
Iron into the wood Hub,
The Strongest, and also More Stylish, than any
other Carriage wheel in Market. Judicious and dis
criminating Carriage Manufacturers, in nearly all
our principal Cities and Towns, confirm this state
ment. Many Thousand Sets have been put to severe
Made In a superior manner, from the best, thor
oughly-seasoned Hickory Tlmber,by the Patentee,at
The Belvidere Carriage Wheel Works
New York.
A. B. LANDIS, Mt. Joy, Agent for Lancaster Co
Is ready for Canvassers. It is a companion volume
to " INNOCENTS ABROAD," of which 100,000 copies
have been sold. Don't waste time on books no one
wants, but take one people will stop you on the
streets and subscribe for. "There is a time to
laugh," and all who read this book will see clearly
that time has come. Apply at once for territory
or circulars. Address
jaul2-tf 1 111 Sansom Street, Phi!at%
New Advertisements.
Pa m :AV 1 041
This celebrated Nervine is an infallible remedy for
all the ordinary derangements of the
Which are the fruitful cause of AO much discomfort Rod
unhappiness. It has been tested by eight years' use,
and numbers of persons Will and do testi'y to its benefi
cent effects.
The Nervine is not, like too many of the prepara
tions purporting to cure Nervous disorders, a compound
of narcotics, stupefying the Nerves to give temporary
relief, succeeded by a reaction which leaves the sufferer
the woi se fur his so-called remedy. On the contrary,
this preparation, compounded from the ex tracts of herbs
indigenous to our own soil, operates beneficially as a
And is designed to coma, and not merely to vivo tempo
rary relief That it will do this, the proprietor is able
to affirm with confidence, knowing that he will be fully
Justified in the future, as heretofore, by the unvarying
success of this most valuable remedy,
The Nervine does not belong to the class of "cure
alt" preparations, whose very pretensions prove them
to be worthless. It has a specific value in strengthen
ing and toning up the Nervous System, and WI that is
asked for it is a trial, when it will speak for itself.
In addition to all that has already been claimed, it has
been found by experience that the Nervous Prostration
and consequent necessity for stimulus, engendered by
Are entirely overcome, and • healthy condition of the
system restored. The same is true of the appetite Or
intoxicating liquors, which can be entirely eradicated
by the use of the Nervine All these abnormal ap
petites are the surface indications of derangements of
the Nervous System, which yield to this groat Remedy.
With all these curative properties, the Nervine
contain!' no ingredient that can injure any patient, if
used according to the directions which appear upon each
The Nervine is prepared and compounded under
the personal supervision of the Proprietor himself.
The price of the Nervine is only
Which is a small matter compared with the relief that
itafocda. All arh therefore advised to ey the Ner.
vine before resorting to pernicious Drugs which will
increase the difficulty of cure.
Or address him by mail at
P. 0. Box 20, Lancaster, [l3-tt
As a prize for solving a puzzle to appear In he
DAWN. Send stamp for circular to SUNDAY DAWN,
Philadelphia Pa. 46-it
Furniture, ie.' "
a...-- 40
, , 62
al:f. ....*: -a•-.....L.v . 0
ymi v N •._, .-, ,
Is Without a Rival.
Cheapest and Largest Stocked
hi* \ And its trues being
to all you can save at least twenty per cent. ou any
purchases made at this estahlishme:A.
No./202 Market
The proprietor has sueeeeiled
'zing the meilleal proport It•s contain
in the oil, pitch and resin of the
'forelock 'l'ree, and obtained a vel
d& preparation to be apt:lied as a
ave or Plaster for Rhentnat km,
foul), Pain or Soreness of hit
ifiek, Chest or stomach, Piles, Salt
hewn, Scurvy, Sores, !Livers, Min
ns, Sore torus, Frost Bites, 'llll
- lis t Sore Breasts and Nipples,
Ingworinst Chafing' and Skin
ISOS Of Inflammatory nature.
'-41] 7 Sixth Avetine,New York.
Vinegar Bitters are not a vile Fancy Drink,
made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse
Liquors, rl.rtored, spiced, and sweetened to please the
taste, call-d "Tonics," " Appeti,e,," " Restorers,"
&c., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin,
but are a true Medicine, made fr -n the native root,.
anitherlysot California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants
They are the Great Blood Purifier and a Life-givm,.:
Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the
System, ca- tying off all poisonous matter and restoring
the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it, refreshing
and invigorating both mind and body. They are easy
of administration, prompt in their action, certain iu their
results, safe and reliable in all forms of disease.
No Person can take these Bitters accord
ing to directions, and remain long unwell, provided
their bone.: are not destroyed by mineral poisons r other
means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the tutor
of repair.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Headache, Palo
in the Shredders, Coughs, Tiglittiecl of the Chest, Di,
ainess, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad 'Paste
in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the
Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of
the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptom
are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complaint,
it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guar
autee of it: merits than a lengthy advertisement.
For Female Complainta, in young nr
married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or tl,
turn of life, these Tonic Eaters display so decided an
influence that a marked improvement is SOOII nercep•
For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheu
matism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious,
Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of th-
Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have
been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by
Vitiated which is generally produced lay derange
ment of the Digestive Organs.
They are a Gentle Purgative as well a■
Tonic, possessing also the peculiar merit id acting
as a powerful agent m relieving Congestion or Intlam
mation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and its Bilious
For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tette!, Salt-
Rheum, Bleaches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Loris, Car •
buncles. Ping-worms, Scald• Head, Sore Eye., Ens
sipelas. Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Homer,
and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever mime or nature,
are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a
short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in
such cases will convince the most incredulous of their
curative effects.
cleanse the 'Vitiated Blood whenever von
fold its inlyitrities bursting through the skin in Pimples.
Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you ford it ob
structed an I sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is
foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood
pure, and the health of the system will follow.
Grateful thdusandr proclaim VINEGAR BIT
TERS the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained
the sinking system.
Pin, Tape, and' other Worms, lurking ill
the system of so many thousands, are effectually de
stroyed amt removed. Says a distingulkhed physiol
ogist : Thei - is Scarcely an individual upon the face of the
earth whose,body is exempt from the presence of worms.
It is not toton the healthy elements of the body that
worms cxi but upon the diseased humors and slimy
deposits th it breed these living monsters of disease.
No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmitt
itics, will Lee the system from worms like these Bit •
Mechanical Diseases. Persons engaged in
Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Typesetters.
Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, wit s ,
be subject t., paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against
this take a dose of WALKER'S VINKGAK BITTERS once
or twice a week, as a Preventive.
Unions. Remittent, and Intermittent
Fevers, which are so prevalent in the vaileya of our
great rivers throughout the United States, especially
those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten
nessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Braze;,
Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roan
oke, James, and many others, with their vast tributa
ries, throughout one entire country dining the Summer
and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of
unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied
by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and
other abdominal viscera. There are always more or less
obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state
of the stem telt, and great torpor of the bowels, being
clogged tip with vitiated accumulations. In their treat , "
meat, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence tip.'s
these varions organs, is essentially necessary. There
no cathartic for the purpose equal to DR. J. WALKER'S
VINEGAR LITTERS, as they will speedily remove the
dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are
loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of
the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions
of the digestive organs.
Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swelling.,
Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous,
Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial At
fections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes,
etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Eli,.
eases, WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTRRS have shown their
great curative powers in the most obstinate and hatract
able cases.
Dr. Walker , . California Vinegar Bitter('
act on all these cases in a similar manner. By rurifyinA
the Blood the y remove the cause, and by resolving away
the effects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits)
the affected carts receive health, and a permanent cure
is effected.
The prcipertles of DR. WALKERS VINEGAR
BITTRRS are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative,
Nutritious, Laxative, Ditifetic, Sedative. Counter-Irri
tant, Sudorific, Alterative, and A nti-ll ilious.
The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of
DR. WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTERS are the best safe•
guard in all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers,
their balsamic. healing, and soothing properties protect
the humors of the latices. Their Sedative properties
allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels,
either from inflammation, wind. colic, cramps, etc.
Their Counter-Irritant influence extends throughout
the system. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kid
neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their
Anti-Bilious properties stimulate the liver, in f he secre
tion of bile, and its discharges through the biliary duds
and are superior to all remedial agents, fur the cute of
Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc.
Fortify the body against disease he purl
fling all its fluids with VINEGAR BITTERS. No ens.mote can take hold of a system thus forearmed. T
liver, the stomach, the bowels, the k:dneys, and tae
nerves are rendered disease-proof by this great invig•
Directlona.—Take of the 'litters on going, to 1.,.1
at night from a half to one and one-half witte.glabstu!:.
Eat good nourishing food, such as beef steak;
chop. venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and t.,1 r.
out-door exercise. They are composed of purely veget-
able ingredients, and contain no spirit.
J.WALKER, Prop r. R . H. MoDONALD&
Drug,enas and Gen. Agts., Sus Flallt (
and cur. of Wa,hingtott and Chat h.,. Sts., Nen V,,iL