Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, October 17, 1872, Image 1

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    • ITBUSlnt i nftWag r t
J.= D.; - •
No. Si North toork i liSithealger,
iivino—to Lido*.
One Copy, One Year
Elvis Copies, One Year....
Tan Copies, One Year..
Premateum—The Pamphlet ooatalning the
" ar, 91101 . 11 1 , "AO liWa
#b *MT ve
or more. ,
N. 8..—01 d Subsc ri bers to the linterpriei OA' re
new their subscription for one yaw at the old rata of
$1.26, if they send us the cash It advance before the
drat of January next.
Of every description, neatly and ptomptly executed
at the shortest notice, and on the most
reasonable terms.
gimes Christian Asanallalithael,
Ohlce, pa South 7th St., between Chestnut and
Walnut, Philadelphia, Pa.
If you wish to hire labor of an,y kind, write and
tell us just the help you went. The wages you will
pay. The best, and cheapest way to reach your
place, and if ler from Philadelphia, you had better
enclose Rail Road faze. We will do our best to
serve you and eve you all the Information we can
about the Israeli we send. Our desire is to midst
the worthy, and no charges to either party. • Ad
dress, ALEX. SLOAN, Surt Employment Bureau,
US South Tth Street, Philadelphia. ht-tf
eNsoovered In the great Hospitals of Bumps and the
first In this saunter, via: Hoglund, France and elsewhere,
the most certain, speedy and effectual remedy in the
world for all
Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strietu , Affestion
of the Kidneys or Bladder, Involuntary D , gm, rm.
potency, General Debility, NervethrneW,' phi, Lan
Heart Low Spirits , Confusion of Ideas, Palpi don of the
Heart, Timidity, Trembling, Dimness of blAi or I/iridi
um, Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nose or Dip, ip, Afflic
tions of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—those the
?Me Disorders arising fro., Solitary Habits of Youth—
tivcret and solitary practices more fatal to their victim*
than the song of the Syrens to the Mariners of Ulyessett,
blight g their most brilliant hopes or anticipation, ren
dering m ,srriage Ac.. Impossible.
Especially, w h,..1 have become the victims of Solitary Vice
hat dreadful am ! destructive habit which anually sweeps
to ao unt i me l y gr „e thormandsof_young men of the most
„mated talents an d williant intellect, who might other
who have entranced p a ,eolog Senates with the thunders
of eloquenee, or waked to eartney th e living lyre, may
clill with full confidence.
ripinsiZetz• . _
__. ..
Married personale Young Maser.aellmemPlaelag mar
riage, aware of Physical Weakness, :eta of P_Zireadve
Power (Impotently), Nervous Tacitabietr itatnai
Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, or . 7 0 er id
qualification, speedily relieved.
He who places himself under the care of Of. P. may
religiously collide in his honor wentloman, and
oonidently rely upon his skill as a b elan. •
Immediately Cured and full Vigor Restored.
The distressing Alibedon, which renders life miserable
and marriage imPereibill, is the penalty paid by the vic
tims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too
apt to commits:owns from not being aware of the dread
ni consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under
stands this subject will preeeid to deny that the power of
procreation is lost sooner by those fellingiota improper
habits than by the prudent? Besides being deprived of
the pleasure of healthy offspring, the most Melons and de
structive symptoms of both body and mind arise. The
system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Func
tions weakened. 'Lens at Preereathe pewir; *Nemo.
Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palphition of the bwet, Indira.
thin, Oonstitudonsd Debility raid Wasting of the team*,
Cough Consumption, Decay cud Path.
Persons ruined in healthby unieanrd pretenders who
keep them Wilding month after month, taking poisonous
and injurious compound*, sillfillaNerkthallealfaielY ,
Member of the Royal Coliege of Surgeorut,London,Gradu
ate of ono of the most eminent Colleges le the. United
Statei, and the best part of whose life has been spent
in the - hospitals of London, Parle, Philadelphia and else
where, bas effected some of the most astonishing mires
that were ever known; many troubled with ringing in the
Lead and ears when seleep, great nervousness, being
Alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with' frequent
bloshing,attended sometimes with derangement of mind,
wend cured immediately.
......... / I r j. addresses all those who luiveinjured themsehenf '
inpre'per indulgence add solitary habits, which ruin
oth body sod mind, uufittiog them for either business,
tudy, society or marriage.
These are Lome of the sad and melancholy effects pro
dosed by the emir habits of youth, via: Weaknosit of the
Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight,
Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the heart, Dys
pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Deraugnment of the Diges
tive Functions, Geueral Debility, Symptoms of Consum
don, he.
MENTALLY.—The fearful 'rests on the mind are
much to be dreaded. Loss of Memory, Confusion of
Ideas, Depression of Spirita, Veil Forehodiugs,,Aversion
to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, he,
are some of the evils produced. •
Thousands of persona of all ages can now judge what is
the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor,
becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a
singular appearance about, the eyes, cough and symptoms
of Consumption.
Who have injured themselves by a Certain practice, in
dulged in When alone, a habit frequently learned from
evil companions or at school,• the effects of *Melt ate'
sdghtly felt, even whop allOaps and If not cured renders
marriage impossiW awl ray_ toys both mind and body,
should apply immediately;
What a pity that it you'll' Man, the hops of bin win
try, the pride of hispermits, aboiMl be matehed from
all prospects and Culoymbut, of life by the cobitiquenee
of deviating from the path*? ottani, and lailitlglig in a
certain secret habit. Ouch percenemset Were contem
Reflect that a sowed mind and body are th emost peas•
eery requisites to promote son:sable! happiest". -Indeed,
wlthoht these the Journey throtigh life bitcoMes I weary
pilgrimage, the prospect hourly Mittens rt.o the view,
the mind becomes shadowed erne deep*, 404 filled
with the melanclicUy reflection t th e happiness if ,
another is blighted with our (MO
A. CERTAIN DlSMAllilli .2
when the misguided and imptudeut votary of pleasure
finds that he has imbibed the amdi of thili phlnftil did
sue, it too often happens •that om ill-tfmed sense of
shame or *mad of discovery deters him from appktling to
those who tram education and respeotability, miti alone
befriend him Iflo JUN Into the bandit of Ismaili* and
designing pretenders; vilm,,inonpahhi of miring, etch Ms,
pecuniary substance, , hasp him trifling mouth after
month, or ea long 'se the asieliest fee can be obtained,
sad in despair leave him with rOitsd health to sigh twee
ids Piling 41,49 0 tutciefiti or, briitmfr We of bie,deadik.
poison mAsW.Y 2 than PA 0 6 41010/04, VMPIMUS
this horde =claw Mutate their 'agpeurawas nth am
utherated mes timpat, disisimil bile, berilerull pains 10,
the head and Itillipli Pianist Atil i fhti raw "!
the shin bones at 4 erMii, blimp oit • and
a:trembles, pro:ibis* ober 4rlghtfoli Os ';f lli i
last the potato Of,* "beet kiln lima of the vise fa
ell and
ct the clown
L ia o=u n il tri l ifiVl i rgrA l to * his
dreadful sulferin seadiog hint Colit• latelioloolt,
country N'rom w hourise so isavw4ssmr return.
To oath; there fore, Dr. Jaliastrot WIWI tie
.54 0 0 on.'
alit speedy, pletiant and esit Hausa,* gal wuriela
OFFICE, 7 11101P111 NollikindlillVX Won
Jet hand side going from bablmore Sal doors,
ram th e corner. Nail not to ohiMrnittplppli rib':
Er No letters received as pciattidif Mimi.:
lag • gawp to be usedon the replyi . hug
_ M i d steite n z, and amid pertioit of e drithisesisat de- .
The n fictitor' Ina. liiii
is iseMie in *et ' •
MINDORS/INCEIVIN Olicirmno , aminiiks.
Tilt many tithillinnithdisloWthis establishment witted 4
hi *II uwityrirgis nitri,4figalr : tz
wi g W woo tiftwvretto . j wt r
rid sy tits trirmiot . . . tVe
vatiose et.
public. heib e = n MilftS li ts .
sposslbility, iiile .'1
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II weeks.. 190 180 470 460 800 14 00
►?rnwet: ii :: ::.;i g owoo WI :
2 =Oa 400 600 10 ' MAO
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' With malice towards none, with charity for
all, with firm,n-ss in the right, as God gives us
to see the right -Let us strive on to finish the work ',. litV: ,st
47 ,0 l'
4 . . care for him, who shall have borne the battle, and
for his wid ow and his orphan, to do all which may
achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace \
:months 400 600 900 15 00 80 00 14 00
6 months 700 11 00 16 50 25 00 1 40 00 70 00
1 year.... 12 00 90 00 80 00, 40 00, iio 00 120 00
Administrators' Notim....,
A9sllrneee t Notice
Auditors' Notice.-- . , '92 50
•/ . Ie • • .., - i • i :it ': ,•t .• • ./
/ .// among ou /wolves and with all desirable meditu nations."--4. L. a
very ADVERTISERS find ry
Father Abraham—its low subscription pi
Cabinet Ware.
• At the Batkaive WAREROOMB of
Fißesiat Cot'. East 11 1 E 1 2 1 41qc Detake.Sta:
sa'Call and tiarnine the Workmanship
and Prices before purchasing elsewhere.
You will find the largest assortment to
select front in the City.
Corner East King and Duke-Sts.,
to the fact that we are now selling a Large
Very Superior Stock of
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
The most skeptical may be convinced of this fact
by calling at our warerooms, We warrant all our
geode. If any article sold by us does not turn ont
as represented we will cheerfully refund the money,
Furnishing Goods.
The Great Preserver of Health
BinTT ' BPatentr6rdß4 i kn
Ladles and Gentlemen.
As a promoter of health, a preserver
of comfort to the nick and well; a pre
ventive of many of Me ills caused by
0014, such as
Iteoounmended by the entire
SHIRTS for Men.
" Ladies.
RI A N S 9
No. 411 North Qneen Street. Lancaster, Pa
oe2 Next door tior'Sne & Schlott , . hotel.
i- --'--11- oi 7 i tgthe th ohlreoti
iiiintt -T asiggislitY 1
4 5 0 1 1 4 4141
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El ll4 4riagr a irk=ora
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ivegwea kti k" 11111/P 09
age • ure melt it - •
, 1 , Abe suck ' IDir. Pierces Mai Ned**
4 t; • Illt i rog,_ . Ve l furna l lim t ei rrees 4 .lo i ra
• `. l • ! AT i r Onnum e rte the' ;
els,te la Itherer lug remedy. time Who 1 1 414
t . 6 41 1 13 4) Pulitoee are to In itainaps.
Rtep_ 1. o ere IMO® toward for aveellethe
trill St lord thetcure of' all the dieemles SW'
Y r=ft.to 0 $1 per 'bottle. Preporedli
it V. Pltvellemirskokie Propriet or
_, at Ma Oheml
bovrattlY4thrteritreet4ll44K3l. T..,
L ben'' .our a ea or a pamphlet.
ti "
) / / ..
t -4
0 0
g k l
gi l 0.
on ca
Lancaster, Pa.
I have now on hand a very full assortment of
Goods In our line, comprising Gold and Silver Hunt
ing cased Watches from the best American and
Foreign Manufactories, Fine Gold and Rolled Plate
Jewelry, Silver and Sliver Plated Ware. Clocks of
American and French manufacture, Table Cutlery,
Thermometers, Canes with Gold, Silver and Ivory
Heads, which we are prepared to sell at the Lowest
Possible Prices.
Of solar or artificial light belbris they ender the eya
_ 27ier Lenses of Me
ktrJ- 7 12. rry , i.f.ov 4.11:r14A”.1_4 1 4:4A. “Sitkvr. 1
The weaker and higher numbers of the
Arundel Pebble lenses
They are the Meet Brabant and Beautiful
Ever Invented. I
Tim principle on which these
cies are constructed, can not be too l a
sized. Those who have felt the
, irritating pain consequent an use of
al spectacles, by gas-light, or eves dry-Ilaht
of ordinary Intensity, win readily taideratand
that any invention that will overcome this;
common trouble must be hailed with de.
From J. 8011LBNR41 W• of
Opktlialmaology in Kin& o ,
and Asst Burgeon to• London • • •
H otp4al: •
4 .1 t is very deeireblei to ecenbine atintiteli the
we of convex end 001411•43 ophiniagiooo.lll the
weber numbers , this can be eel? easee am'
but, in the higher number.; ft be didientbrifor the
varying thicknessof glees causes eonalgesiltlnegf
terer6 in the tint in the centre and ear of the
Awn. A. ActrLAND, Burgeon L. lA., I A.,
• 7.1?..1141., London:
••• • * '
• "Tits pour aging te if
one to which I love given romoratosa d
hive arrived at the 00114011i0a Wd
amount Of
amount ofg=to v lr I'l
tinted pebble, and So .'l ll4
bave formed of this 7 1 *11 - to
state that it imam
idde to be eemployed7V 4 _ lOr
odebreted. MARIO* 6 14' • • "
And General Repairing. done ice the, beat, blander.
. T op* TIIE 1 1 141*.liiii
ZAHNS 01)=R,
North Queen Street end Oeutre Square,
Trimatiags, R4bbilknap ago.
—v. -
111 r J. W 14437 , 4.
' %
Shout for the hero, sho lero, '.
None deserveit more thanle.
Give it in welcome, give it In sernset,
__Round it over land and sea.
When the nation was In dancer,
When the loyal heart was sighing,
Who was he we loved to honor
When the Rebel host was ilyhoi?
Grant WWI ibes the peopirs idol,
II he not oilt
- -... -43ha1l we ne t t , _ .., ?lE •
Shall we . foquit?
P -
Bssoeb.4lwougb-the .. 4 , , , . - . Ambit the
... *
Crush all vipers - in the ,
Though they are stricken, loon they will rally,
Stinging freemen as they age.
Like their father In then,
They are ever willful '
And Would rend the air laughter,
Could they see our f m dying.
Grant was then, dte.
Sons of Columbia, sons of true freemen
Who shall rule in times of peace ?
He who relieved you, he who believed you,
Still could live and still increase ;
Not the man wbo would have ,yielded,
Not the man Who said, "to let go
Erring sisters," no, by heaven,
Not the man who bailed the arch foe.
Grant was then the people's idol,
Is he not the hero yet?
Shall we not respect his service ?
Shall we e're his deeds forget?
Come sing, come sing a song, my boys,
In rhyme present to view,
The motions of the "LW." and "Deem"
And what they wish to do;
They've been hob-nobbin a long time,
And got things Axed " get so,"
But they'll wake rprise
To And the thing won't go.
For General Grant will just walk o'er,
The Presidential track as before,
And Henry Wilson, the true and tried,
Will over the Senate with grace preside,
Then shout for the ticket, hip, hurrah, bo ys, ,
The ticket of the "tried" and the "true.'
The Liberals, poor dupes, will see,
About the time they're through,
'Tie a sharp Democratic trick,
To run in Bectiudew.
And then poor Greeley Will fall short,
He will "know something" then,
Of how it pays to gobble dfrt,
Wjth Tatumanyrs venal claw.
For General Grant will jail walk o'er, Na:
r Babette sat in the
old, hut, dreaming. I
were dung aside; her
the water that ripple'
"it - crazy fold untry
people called it - , an 'there certainly
was a wild Ophelis-li grace about the
ruinous building, crowned with tufts
and wiry - win d blow* grass, that
sprang up through thethinks of the
roof and in the crannies the decayed
window-sills, caught here and there
the sunlight, and lent a changeful
charm to the desolate spot.
Far back and beyond it stretched the
sea-beach, the long, sandy levels, over
which at tide rising these' game crawl
ing up, shakin the old ruin to its very
Indeed,foundations. there was a
legend that the last inhabitant of the
place—a solitary fisherman—had been
swept away one wild night long ago,
when , the waves broke over the roof of
his habitation. At any rate, tough
the village below and the great hotels
on the cliffs, were overkwing with
summer guests, nn aqui bud sought to
utilize this habitats
r ti ad4la t
in he boys
had signalized its a st - rude
placard to this e is This
house to let." The . pompano to
day were the sea-she , ;thee drifts of
sea-weed and Babette.
She pat in the doorway on aft eld
boat that had floated in thither bot
tom bide up, in some overflow of the
sea, and remained there ever since.
In her hands she held alreb of that
light, spider-like work whereby women
love to keep their active licit! busy
knitting themselves by a thread read
to , the actual world, whi e their
tboughta are tree to wander airily
*hither they wilt.
- • b h ,
4#l• p
0:000.. m - hair yone out from
thelien-neore to, Abe,iirAst see and the
freet Werkt bermid. Why should she
iAot ttono too ?
A sheris biKnrdttudiy voice broljg_in
upon her reVielf. igßabottel Why
AY, OCTOBER 17, 1872.
doorway of the
er clumsy shoes
re feet touched
u the very
what upon airth 1 Child, you'll get
your death o' cold, as I've often told
you afore, in this damp, unwholesome
The speaker's tall, wiry figure and
clean sunbonnet carried an incisive
meaning with them, well calculated
to put to Bight dreams of whatever
“I haven't been here long, Aunt
Margot,” said Babette, rousing with a
!lush from her reverie.
"Why, I've been looking for -you
this hour past, 'pears to we. Profile• ;
sor Pebbles has been to the house in
quirin' arter you, and he's coming
Babette did not appear to be exhil
arated by the information. She sat
listless, her foot playing idly with the
dimpling water.
"I'm on *warrant down to the vil
lage," said the busy old woman ; "but
you can run home and tidy up things
a bit, and dress yourself."
"I—l can't. I don't want to see
"La, child, you must'nt be so bash
ful l lie wants to see you. So run along
and smart yourself up."
A school-master and a parson were in
Aunt Marget's eyes two objects of
special reverence.
"But Pm so—so tired," urged Ba
bette with some hesitation.
"Tired !" repeated the old woman,
not unkindly. "I don't know what
has come over young folks now-a-days;
in my time it took something to tire
'em. Well, child, you'll feel better
when you've had a morsel of some
thing, and dressed yourself. Put on
that new white dress for once in a
way, just to please Master Peebles."
"My white dress! Why, aunty,
you're getting extravagant. I want
to save that white dress."
"Tut, tut, child, you ought to be
more grateful—"
"Grateful 1 Aunt Marget, why should
I be grateful to that old snuff-taking
professor? I like him not; I will be to
him no more a pupil." In her excite
ment the girl's words gathered a cer-
MA. faint foreign 'accent, and she
aved her hand with a gesture signi
ficant of utter contempt.
"Why?" she
repeated, her nostrils dilating.
Aunt Marget, nothing shaken by
e wrath she had excited, said,
:tly, "He gave you that dress."
The flushed face grew wUite as the
sea-sand. A gray shadow ,fell upon
14irci hangipg its fresh younigbeautyla
ht-fall changes the sea-stiore.
he turned away silently !and Aunt
Marget pursued her errand along the
That dress with its pretty ruffles, its
dainty folds and ribbons, in which
Babette had for once felt young and
lightsome as other girls, and which
she had somehow ascribed to Tom—
she must give up that pretty dream
now. Instead of that she had been
humiliated, a recipient of hateful
favors. Her aunt was tired of her—
her aunt, whose goodness she had
never doubted, tired of her, felt her
burden, and had accepted the assist
ance.of strangers.
"I must go away l" said poor Ba
bette, writhing in her stricken pride,
"but whither Ti,
Sinking down on the old skeleton
boat, she buried her face in her hands.
Aunt Marget, as she was called by
all her neighbors, was a well-known
character in these parts. Her tall,
spare figure, and clean scant calico,
were f amiliar to every one who dwel t
along shore; and a rude sort of respect
was accorded her, notwithstanding
that she ranked among the poorest'of
the poor.
A thorough-going woman was Aunt
Margot, after the New England kype;
angular, thifty, uncompromising; hav
ing not thought of adapting herself to
modern times and ways; having no
misgiving of her fitness for anything
in this world ,or the next ; neithor
hirmillated by bit position nor har
boring'a thought of rising above it.
She cultivated her little garden-patch
with her own horny hands, and in the
sesame eked out her scanty living by
* B og or clams, or the like to
thebig bOtela farther down the shore.
,It )u ad never occurred to her that
say kith or kin of hers was entitled to
be on the charity list because her
hands were hard with labor and her
back overburdened--bless you, no!
There was Tom, the wild young fel
low; ebb had bad her hands full with
Tom; 'but, after all, the boy had turned
oat i not so bad—not so bad, thank
Providence, after all
Yet why-her peer, silly sister should
have matirlectos,; foreigner and a
iriencluzian at tbat—a togart i tin-weel,
whonever did any thing in,the,world
`worth doing, bnt going out of it—why
Providence sbotrld'have permitted such
a thing,. was Et problem she could not
clearly make eat , But when the
slater died also, leaving her little ten
year old Babette to Marget's keeping,
the burden 'was cheerfully accepted,
' , Without reference to the problem in
Not knowing exactly what to do
with her littler pensioner, Aunt *ar
get, sent her to the village academy;
that at least would get the problem
out of her way for a little time, and
the child would be losing that heath
ery scant were the scrapings that
West to support the orphan at school,
and liabb*ft had some bitter experi-
OM at hue own in the way of half
MA balk teacher, and wholly drudge
in pi. vat seminary which was the
pride cx the place.
V few friends she had, fewer still
sines shad
had gone for a sailor. She
lon for a friend, and fate, as it 18
wont, had sent sinister answer to her
prayers in the shape of Professor Pee
bles, the teacher of mathetimstim. This
man made himself odious to the girl
mbl his otlicions attentions, whinh her
hue position rendered mote annoy
ing because she was so much in his
Politely, and with as little expres
sion as possible, she hated the profes
sor and mathematics. A big, empty
headed man, with a soul the size of a
cipher, a smart figure, a wig, and a
gold-headed cane ; an elderly man,
who had never attained the beauty
and dignity of age, and never would ;
oh, the learned professor, with all his
arithmetics at his back, could not ren
der any solution of this one humble
siskisu ssbyneps and °Woes& Neither
Euclid nor common dense shed any
light, and he pursued his stupid fancy
until the young girl learned to shun
hie presence with unspeakable an
And here he was seeking her out
again. And she bad accepted a gift
from him, and shone and blushed and
been happy in the rag that her anger
should have burned to ashes. Her
whole nature felt demoralized and
beggared by the thought. But over
all the ruin and desolation the re
membrance of Tom lingered like a
glimmer of sunlight. To go out into
a world which held Tom in it might
not be so utterly desolate, after all.
And so thinking, she stretched her
self out wearily on the boat and fell
The twilight faded over the sea,
the long. stretches of sand lost their
yellow lustre, an ominous shadow,
like an east wind made visible,
brooded in the sky—and still Babette
Slept while the tide came creeping,
creeping, with snake-like silence and
rapidity, farther up the shore, lapping
in the drifts of sea-weed to wash them
ocean-ward again, making an island
of the sand-bank where stood the old
At last it touched the top of the up
turned shallop, it kissed the bared feet
of the sleeper, and she awoke. Scared
and amazed, she rubbed her eyes and
looked about. On every side a very
ocean seemed to stretch rising, rising,
swayed by a fierce wind, gathering
wrath against the day of wrath, the
blackening on-rushing tempest ! Only
at the back of the hut a slim, thread
like peninsula still stretched a little
way out toward the rocks beyond.
On this penisula at this moment
stood a horseman—a wiry, well
brushed man, angular as one of
Euclid's problems. Babette looked
upon him with wide, startled eyes, as
if she was an embodied nightmare.
"Quick !" he cried. "There's not a
moment to lose. You will have to
ride for your life, or swim. Come,
my pretty one, I've been waiting for
you all the afternoon. Give me one
kiss, and mount here by my side."
Babette shuddered. "You do well
to insult me when no one is near,
Master Peebles. lam in no need of
assistance. I will wait till the tide
"Falls 1" he repeated, with an un
pleasant laugh, "the tide to-night will
be many a foot over that old hovel.
There was no answer.
"You are a little fool," Raid the
schoolmaster, violently. "I van com
pel you to come with me. I have you
all in my power now." He stretched
out his hand, but Babette eluded the
. You will not stay here and die I"
he queried.
"If God sends no one else to my
"Come, come, that is childish non
sense and stubb ornness.: God has sent
me. You are risking my life as well;
I shall have some ado to reach shore
with this old nag, though he can swim
pretty well. The tide is rising every
minute; there is a great storm coming.
Nobody will see you. Only one . kiss,
and I will bear you in my antlB to
"I will not give it—no ; not to buy
"But you he cried, his face
gathering passion and insolence at
the unaccustomed thwarting of his
will. "It is my duty to save your
life, girl, and I must do it in my own
way." •
A cryof fear and despair broke from
the lipti of Bibette as she looked at
the face confronting her—a face whose
hard and cruel lines a life-long sub
mission to rules and decency bad only
deepened. Those lines, distorted now,
losing the sanctimonious smirk that
was their wont, revealed as on a map,
a very villain.
"God help me!" she said, and turned
to flee—Whither? To fling herself
into the waves and Pe carried out to
the-- great, hungry, depths beyond ?
Death was not a pleasagt thing for a
young ;girl to contemplate—a young
girl full of rosy life, just lifting her
blossom-like head to look at the world.
There was a good deal to love, after
all. in the world, with all its shadows:
and there was Tom. Tom was no
shadow. But Babette did not hesitate
for one instant. She had some of the
old Puritan blood in. her veins, or,
perhaps, some of the old Huguenot—
a stubbornness that had made good
martyrs when need was. She would
have died rather than submit to be
saved by this man.
At that moment, as she turned
away, glancing with despairing and
fearful eyes over the encroaching
waste, a vission seemed to pass before
them ; their blue orbs dilated, gatle ,
ered sudden gleam and light. A little
boat, manned by a single oarsman,
rounded the corner of the island.
The school-master saw it also. He
delayed not an instant, but plunging
with his horse into the seething waters,
made his struggling way toward the
further shore. - For the oarsman was
sailor Tom, and with a cry Babette,
dripping, trembling, sprang into his
outstretched arms.
Tom, with his sun-browned face, his
bronzed . Wattle, with the blue anchor
pricked on the back—Tom was a "born
im in
enabling it to reach a class of leaders who take no
other paper. Our rates, as given in the tette, wit
commend themselves to the business public.
NO. 1
sailor," as Aunt' Marget had often
declared ; but the lad loved home too,
especially when home meant Babette.
He had come home to tell her good
news; he was to be first mate on his
next voyage. He had lifted the latch
hastily, intending to give her a glad
surprise. Cold disappointment, unex
pected blank ! there he only found
Aunt Marget. just returned by the hill
road, and half distrifught to find Ba
bette still absent. Tom had not staid
an instant. He knew Babette's.haunts
well ; he comprehended her possible
danger. ,
There was a gay supper-party that
night in Aunt Marget's kitchen, and
Tom and Babette sat side by side,
while the storm wept away its fury
"The last stone of that old hut has
gone under by this time, I reckon,"
said Tom, listening.
"Glad of it," was the savage com
ment of Aunt Marget, While she
poured out a hot cup of tea for Babette.
"Crazy old place—no use to nobody ;
and Babette would always be hanker
ing after it and haunting it as long as
it hung together."
"I shouldn't haunt it much after
this, I think," said Babette,. with a
shiver. "I shall have to hunt qp new
"It all comes of your havin' furrin
blood in your veins," added the old
woman, reflectively. "I shall be
skeered now every time you are out of
my sight, an' lookin' after you the
hull blessed time!"
"I can't consent to your being both
ered in that manner, aunty, at your
time of life," said Tom, benevolently.
"I shall take Babette out of your
way next voyage. The vaptain is
willing—and she does need looking
"Bless my soul !" said Aunt Marget,
lifting up both her hands: "you're in
a hurry, ain't you ? Well, well, I
say nothin' agen it, if Babette 'doesn't
see her way clearer to better herself."
Babette at silent, smiling rosily.
"And, aunty," added Tom, de
murely, "you my cut up that white
dress of Babette's forrillow-slips, if
you choose. I've another for her in
my big wooden chest aboard."
"Babette is too high-sperited to take
a gift from any ordinary mortal,"
said Aunt Marget, curtly, remember
ing with lingering regret her ambi
tious hopes In regard ,to Professor
"This will be her wedding dress, you
know,'' said Tom, "and she won't
want two."
A Boys Composition.
A policeman has good times. He
can wear good clothes, and go where
he likes. I wish I was a policeman,
sl that I could go to all the shows
that come in town. A policeman
likes to fight. When he sees two fel
lers fighting he generally takes a hand
in the muss and the fellows out of it.
The only thing I've got against police
men is, that they keep bad company.
When they see a drunken man in the
street they take a walk with him, and
introduce him to the Judge. Most all
policeman swear. I have heard them
take oaths down in the court room
Some policemen are-big and some are
little. The little policemen are smaller
than the big ones. The policeman at
the cattle-yard is a big one most of the
time. When a feller gets drunk he
thinks he can lick a dozen policemen,
but he most always finds himself mis
taken. Some folks thinks policemen
will steal a watch from a _drunken
man, but they aro mistaken. If a po-'
!iceman wants a watch he goes around
looking for a feller who is drunk, and
when he finds him he shakes him up
pretty lively, and sometimes a watch
falls out on the ground and policeman
picks it up. This is not stealing. The
policemen who walks around nights
are called night watches, because they
find watches nights. The day police
are called patrols because they ,roll
Pat on a wheel-barrow to the station
house when he is to drunk to walk.
Most policemen keep their coats but
toned up for fear of losing their money.
They also wear brass buttons on their
coats, and when they resign cut them
off and sew on black ones. Police
men like to go to balls and eat ham
and wear calico clothes. The reason
why policemen strike their clubs on
the lamp-posts is to give burglars and
rowdies notice to get out the way, as
there is a policeman standing round
who does not want to get shot. I have
seen policemen who had but one eye,
but you could never get on the blind
aide of 'em. Not much. This is all I
know about policemen.
A liquor dealer at Niagara Falls last
week thought to make a hit in the ad
vertising. line by hiring a peripatetic
Hibernian to carry about the streets a
transparency setting forth the good
ness and abundance of his liquors. A
temperanceparty, however, chartered
a boy to follow with a transparency
reading: "Cursed be he that putteth
the cup to his brother's lips." It was
the general conclusion that the boy
behind was ahead of the boy in front.
Pending the occurrence of a threat
ened earthquake, a South American
paterfamilla sent his boys to stay witt
a friend beyound the limits of the
fatal section. The convulsion did not
turn up when due, but the youngsters
remained in their place of safety till
the following note from the host pro
cured their recall :—"Dear P—Send
the earthquake along here, and take
home your boys."
It is said that bi-sulphite of lime can
be successfully used to prevent the fer
mentation of cider. The manufacturers
of cider, however, do not take kindly
to its use. They let the cider ferment
once, then rack off and throw into each
cask a piece of raw beef. Let us hear
from our readers on this.