morning, the jury having gone out on Satur day evening, returned a sealed verdict of guilty. On Monday, a motion was made for an arrest of judgment to give counsel for the defendants time to prepare reasons for a new trial, and Wednesday morning fixed as the time. At the time named, one of the counsel for Himes stated that they had concluded not to ask fora new trial in his case. In the case of Le Barren, counsel for the Common wealth interposing no objection, on motion a rule was granted and the argument in favor of a new trial will be heard at the Argument Court in August. Himes was then brought into Court and sentenced to pay a tine of $lOO, and undergo an imprisonment of ten years in the Lancaster County Prison and re store the stolen property. Oscar Towle, sentenced a year or two ago, for cutting loose some lumber on the river at Columbia, was on Saturday morning brought into Court, and produced a pardon from the Governor, whereupon he was liberated. On Friday last, the Grand Jury returned a number of bills marked " not acted on" and accompanied with a statement to the effect that a number of indictments had been pre sented, which the District Attorney had re quested should be ignored, county for the costs—the District Attorney being unable to produce sufficient evidence to warrant the finding of a true bill in some of the cases, and in others that they had been compromised by the parties. The Grand Jury were of the (pinion that cases which could not be sustain ed should not assume the proportions of an indictment, and they thought lit to return them without taking action thereon, rather than impose the costs upon the county, and suggested that the District Attorney use his official authority to compel the attendance of witnesses at the next er.urt, and that those cases he disposed of as law and justice may seem to require. The indictments thus rr - turned were by direethin of the Cc.;;;rt houlled 12acii t:, the District Attorney. Sattuday the Grand Jury presented their Report, stating that they had passed upon ail bilk properly submitted to them for onsideration ; that they had visited the coun ty buildings finding them all in good order and condition, evincing care and judicious management ; they express their disapproba tion of the returns made by many of the magistrates of the county, in presenting trill ing cases that should never trouble our Court, thereby adding costs unnecessarily on the uomity ; and returning .their thanks for courtesies extended licln by the various ()dicers of the county. ITEMS : On Satarday a week one Baitzer Wagner brought a sot of harness to market and had them sold. The harness has since been identified es the property of Robert S. Mcllvain, of l'aradise•township, from whom they were stolen. Wagner was committed for further hearing. Thomas F. Hamilton, a convict in t,ur County Prison, died in that institution on Wednesday morning of last week of typhoid fever. He was about 38 years of age, and had been sentenced to an imprisonment of ten years and six months. The business of our Post-office is gradually increasing, as the following figures of the mail matter delivered and collected by the Letter Carriers for the quarter ending March 31, 1870, will show: No. of mail letters deliv ered, 87,557; No. of mail letters collected, 25,995; No. of local letters delivered, 6,946; No. of newspapers delivered, 32,014. A son of Michael Balsh, residing in East King street, this city, aged nine years, while playing on Wednesday of last week, was pushed over by one of his play-fellows, and tailing, broke his thigh and hip joint. ou motion of James Black, esq., Hugh Fulton, of the Michigan Bar, was admitted to practice in the courts of this county, last week. Mr. E. intends ideating in this city. James P. Boyd, late of this city, has be- come managing editor of the Philadelphia Pre otrankiin'olli l as t. Co ge, opene n hursday morning last. The opening address was delivered by Prof. John B. Btahr, his subject being " Pennsyl vania German." The number of students in attendance is about the same as last term. A son of Mr. Cosgrove, at Humesville, near this city, accidentally fell from the second story window of the house on Thursday of last week, and broke his leg. A regular stated meeting of the Lancaster City and County Medical Society was held on Wednesday of last week, and delegates appointed to represent the Society at the American Medical Association and to the State Medical Society. Dr. George M. Hambright, formerly of this city, has been appointed Professor of Materia Medica in the College of Pharmacy at Chi cago. The West Chester Republican states that the people residing between Waynesburg, Chester county, and Ephrata, this county, are clamorous for a railroad, by which they may become more closely connected with the great centres of trade. During the recent "rise" in the river, quite a number of rafts of lumber passed over the dam at Columbia, involving a heavy loss— estimated at about 530,000. On Saturday last, Willie Dr. Alex. Craig was engaged at Charles Brautte's tavern, in Columbia, a man wto gives his name as James Smith, went to the hitching post near by, and took his home and buggy and drove off. The thief had been gone about thirty minutes before the alarm was given. Pursuit was immediatelygiven, and he was overtaken at Elizabethtown. He was taken to Colum bia, and a hearing had before Samuel Evans, Esq., who committed him to jail to answer in default of bail. Tne following stocks were sold on Monday afternoon by Samuel Hess, for Reed, Mc- Grann &Co : 4 shares Litiz Turnpike Co., at $45; 10 shares First National Bank, Mt. Joy at $114.05 ; 15 shares First National Bank, Strasburg at $124.25 ; 40 shares Farm ers' National Bank, Lancaster $81; 20 shares Lancaster County National Bank, $B2. Jacob Frantz, a highly respected citizen of West Cocalico township, this county, corn itted suicide on Saturday morning last, by )ping himself in hie barn with a pair of ather reins. Pecuniary embarrassment is ..... assigned as the cause of this unfortunate act, but is more likely a hereditary mania in the family, as the deceased is the third brother who has committed suicide. On Tuesday night last the Conestoga Cork Works, situated on the old road leading to Strasburg, and well known as the Old Fac tory, it mile and a-half from this city, were completely destroyed by fire. The main building was a three-story stone, originally built many years ago for a cotton factory, but had been frequently changed and adapted to ,/various manufacturing purposes. Some ten or Meet years ago it was converted into a cotton, twine and yarn manufactory, and af terwards a cork manufactory established, under the tame of the Conestoga Cork Works, the firm donsisting of Jay Cadwell, Harris Boardman and Robert J. Houston. The fire, it is supposeti, was the work of an incendiary, and first btoke out in a small three-story --i' n frame addition filled with cork, and the fire rapidly ante -• the main building, but before sufficient as tance could be had, it had gained such . • , way that all efforts to sub due it proved stile. The alarm was given in this city be een ten and eleven o'clock, but was thou ~ to be a false one, until Trinity Church '..11 struck, when ail the fire &Pertinent , re , ' d to the scene, but too late to do anything e eopt to protect the adjoin ing property. T . wooden bridge, spanning the Conestoga at is point, was on fire sev eral times, but it ostained no serious dam , age. The loss on Ile buildings, machinery and stock, is estim ted at $52,000, on which there is an insuran . of $12,000 on the build ings and machiner owned by Mr. Board man, and . of $15,001 ou the stock. Nearly fifty persons, most of ilom are females,.have been thrown out of e Sloyment by the fire. James H. Pagan ha been appointed post master at Bethesda, this county, riie J. H. Robinson, removed. Mrs. Ann Garber, wife of Joseph Garber, residing at New Berlin, Ephrata township, died very suddenly on Thursday, the 14th inst. On Monday last, Patrick Casey, while en gaged in tearing down the old building in North-east angle of Centre Square, in this city, was struck on the head, and severely cut by a brick that fell from the third-story. John Sullivan, an employee of the No. 1 Cotton Mill, in this city, had his leg broken between the knee and ankle, on Tuesday morning last, by being caught in the belting. An adjourned meeting of the Sunday School Missionary Association was held in the Pres byterian Church, on Monday evening last. Rev. A. H. Kremer, was chosen President, pro tern, and C. D. Bowers, Secretary. The committee appointed at the fernier meeting to draft a constitution made their report, which was adopted after some amendments. The officers for the ensuing year, were then elected as follows : President, Dr. E. Lane Schofield; Vice President, Rev. A. H. Kre mer ; Secretary, W. L. Bear ; Treasurer, D. W. Bissel. The object of the Association is to canvass the entire city, visiting every child within its limits not already connected with any Sabbath School, and endeavor to induce as many as possible to connect themselves regularly with the Sunday School of their choice. Stated meetings will be held quarter ly, to hear reports of committees, &Li. The association adjourned to meet on Monday evening next at A o'clock, in the First Re formed Church, Rev. A. H. Kremer's, to ap point an Executive Committee, to consist of one from each Scholl. A cordial invitation is extended to all officers and teachers of the Sunday Schools of this city to be present. flit PrEgcs:'s Alterative Extract, or Gold eniMedical Discovery, is the greatest bronchial tonic and blood purifier ever discovered. It cures consumption iu its early stages and all severe aid lioge•riug coughs. Sold by drug- gists, or send three and a quarter dollars to V. Bierep t M. D., Buffalo, N. Y., and get three bottles free of express charges. tint[- 's Vegetable Sif•iliall hair Renewer, thu most popular preparathm of the ago. Bold by ail druggists. PERIODICALS, MAII,AZLNES, HARPER'S MAGAZINE.—This excellent Maga zine for the month of May is on our table. It is as usual full of papers of interest, in fact, tills monthly presents such a variety of readm mat ler that almost every class of readers will g be interested. The reputation of it as one of the leading Journals of our country is so well established that the name of "Earlier's Maga zine," has becouu a household phrase.—llarp er & Brothels, Publishers, Franklin t , :fputre, New York. Tclm , $4 per year. AliallUlt'e HOME MAOAZINE.—Thi best of T. S. Arthur & sons' Puldications for May is at hand. It is unusually readable this moot being full of choice reading matter of an enter- Mining character, making it always welcome to the household. The moral tone of the jour nal is second to none in the country, and as a consequence can with safety lie at all times cheerfully welcomed at the hearthstone. T. s. Arthur & Sells,' Publishers, son & 511 idlest nut St , Philudelph la, Terms, s'a year. flora—This excellent .Juvenile Magazine for the month of Mav is on our table. Full of interest ing matter of a'high moraltone, easy of comprehension by the little ones, it is always a welcome messenger to them, and should be in every household in the land. T. S. Arthur, Publisher, Philadelphia. Terms, $1.25. To the Republicans of Lancaster County. Having been charged with favoring the pass age of the Jersey Shore, fine Creek and Burial° limiroad bill, I deem it simply a duty to my selk to answer the charge. A record, purpon ling to give the several votes on the bill in the House, has been published, which votes prove just this : That voted aye on the quistion of pr a rding 111.4 mut readulag Otniid er Hon of the bill ; that I voted to su the decision of the Chair that a majority of votes of the House was sufficient to take up the bill for consideration, and that on the question :" "Shall the main question now be putt" I voted In the affirmative. This, I believe, is all the evi dence which is offered in support of the asser tion that I favored Ihe bill. Whilst 1 do not deny the correctness of Ihe record, or alleged record, as far us my votes are concerned, I do assert that, ai an opponent cf the bill, I acted in good faith throughout; and my votes there on, not referred to above, were as follows, as the official reeord indisputably proves : On Mr.Parson , s motion "to postpone the fur ther consi 'elution of the first section of the bill until the following Monday, and to have the bill printed," I votes: '• Aye." On the ques tion, " Will the 'rouse agree to the first section of the Will" I voted "No." On the question of "postponing the bill for the present," I voted " Aye ;" and on the final vote, " shall the bill pass I" I voted " No." During the entire session I have endeavored to discharge my duty according to the best of my judgment. That I have erred sometimes is probably true ; yet I feel as if I might safely rely upon my record throughout the session, upon various question of great public impor tance, for a popular endorsement by those who placed their confidence in me, when they elect ed me one of their Representatives. CP.F.FWILLL, April 25th, 1:,7u POLITICAL EC 0111)E11 : We are authorized to announce J. W. Frantz, of East Lampeter township, late Deputy Sheriff, as a candidate for RECORDER ttlbjeCt to the decision of the people at the primary elections. MARRIED. Dasrr mu —assn. April 21st, by Rev. Dr. Greenwald, George W. Drepperd to Amanda E. Reed, both of Lancaster. SHAFPNEE—KuLP. April 17thin Manbeim, by Rev. J. C. Mumma, Amos sha frner to Mary B. DIED. Gnmvsq. April WO, in this City, Caroline, wife of Thomas erieves. HENSLER. April 26th, Helena Hensler, in the 80th year of her age. W OLFERSIIZROZIL April 25th, in this city, John S. Wolfersberger, aged 25 years and 3 mcmtbs. KAUFFMAN. April 22d, in Columbia, Hugh MeGI lung, son of Christian S. and Jane M. S. Kauffman, aged 5 years, 4 months and VI days. ADAMS. .Anril 23d, in this city, Win. T, Sher man, son of Jacob and Christiana Adattts, aged 4 years, 5 months 25 days. 'lnca WALTER.. April 21st, at her residence, at Greenland, East Lampeter township, Nancy Buehwalter, in the 78d year of her age. LUTHER. April24th, in New Holland, Dr. John W. Luther, in the 61st year of his age. FONDERSMITH. April 21st, 1870 in Strasburg borough, Samuel Fondersmith, in the 54th year of his age. Ltprz. April 18th, in this oily, Mathias Lutz, in the 48th year of his age. Myzna. April 20th, in this city, Kate E., wife of A. A Myers, aged SI years, 4 months and 14 days. THE MARKETS. Lancaster Household Markets. LANCASTILII, Aril 27. Butter 911 lb 45 Lard, 16 18 2O Eggs, t 1 doz. 20 23 Dressed Chickens, each.. ... 58 70 Veal by the quarter—Trout 9 42) 10 Veal by the quarter—hind 11 r'l 12 Beef steaks and roasts 18 20 Potatoes ‘lbus . 40' 60 Potatoes per 4 peek 6 8 Apples 11l 1 ,4 peck 20 § 25 Dried Apples 8 10 Dried Peaches 14 15 Dried Cherries fC 12 Beans per quart 8 Go 10 Apple Butter V 4 pint 14i 16 Oats Itl bag of 3 bus , 1 SO 2 Oki Corn in the ear per bus 1 05 1 10 Shad per pair, 40©50c ; per 100 ..... 18.00 020.00 Herring V doz . 30e ; pe r 100 ..... ... @2.01 Philadelphia Produce Market. PUILAIDICLPHIA, April 27.—Cloverseed is quiet, and sells in a retail way at 4.9.25@9.50 for good and prime. Timothy ranges from 1015 to $7. In Flaxseed there is nothing doing. The Flour market is without special change, the demand being confined to the wants of the home consumers, who purchased 900 bbls. in lots at $3.37!/,@4 50 for superfine; $4.50U5 for ex tras ; $5.25(45.75 for lowa, Wisconsin and Minne sota extra faintly; $5.50@i3 for Penn'a do. do.; $5.60136.25 for Indiana and Ohio do. do.; and $6.50 @7.50 for fancy brands, according to quality. Rye Flour may be quoted at $5.25. In Cornmeal no sales were reported. There is but little activity in the Wheat mar ket and little demand, except for prime lots, which arc in small supply ; sales of Indiana an d Penn's red at $1.4541.30. Rye may be quoted at $1.05 for Western and Penn'a. Corn is more active and firmer; sales of 7000 bus. yellow at $1.1141.10, chiefly at the former rate, afloat. Oats are unchanged ; 4000 bus. Western and Penn's sold at o@o6e. 5000 bus. California Barley sold on secret terms. In Barley and Malt there is nothing doing. In the absence of sales we quote No. 1 Quer citron Bark at $27 Qi pci ton. Whisky is dull and nominal at $1.05 for iron bound packages. The Philadelphia Cattle Market Mminny, April Ys.—The market for Beet Cattle was inactive to-day, at a deciine of 1 4c. rtt Th., buyers holding aloof even at this reduc tion. 11e quote choice at 9 , 4410 c.; fair to good at Sage.; and common at 6 , ,A7yc. g 7 H. ,gross, us in quality. The sales, reaching 1317 head, were as follows : 00 head, Owen Smith, Lancaster c 0... 8%010 " A. Christy, 00 9 ei , lo Is " .1. Christy, do 9 EP 0 1 4 12 " I . Dengler, Western 7 1(4/ 814 100 " Met , il len, 1Ve5tern.......... S 0 9% 30 " Hathaway, Lancaster c 0... B', 4@ 9!4 " James S. Kirk, Chester c 0.... 8 1 44410 5:1 it. McF illen, Western -1 Ito " James Mc Eillen. Western.... 8 EP 14y 49 " E. S. MeFillen, do 4 qj 9 60 " Ullman & Bachman, Lan. co.. 1. 1 140 914 1,:0 " Martin, Fuller & Co.,Western 8 0 1 ,1 % 102 " Mooney & Miller Lan. c 0.... 8 tylti Go " Mooney A: Itro, Penna... 9 9 4 ' ii. Chain, Ivrestern 72.@ 8 . smith & Bro. ' do 4 01) " & L. Frank, Lancaster co. 7 1 4@ 1.5 ~ G. schamberg & Co., Western 13 1 /(.0 911, G. " Hope & Co.. Lancaster c 0.... Bit 42) 43 " t , 01111 IS Smith, Penna.—. ...... 7 e 9 1 ,4 " If. Frank, Lancaster co 'PAO , 9 ft J. Clemson, do 8 6 9 110 " Elkon & Co., Penna 7' ,1 i0 COWS and Calves were unchanged, with sales of 150 head at $l5lOO. Springers met with a Steady demand at $lOOOO. Sheep were quite active at last week's fig ures; sales of KAM head at the Park Drove Yard, at tlie,7l:e. for clipped, and 7§8 1 4.c. for wooled. At the Avenue nrove Yard 10.0 head were disposed of at 71.L09e. ' , ;•11 it., the latter fig ure for extra. Hogs werc brisk, hut lower ; sales of head !It the t7nion Dr(we Yard, at tll 50fi1 . 2.;',0 for slop, and $013@13.50 100 ths. net, for corn fed. NoTicE The order for the Adjourned Courts of Quar ter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, commencing Alonday, June Is7u, have been revoked by the said Cour:, on account of the freseoeing and repairing of ti.;. Court rooms. April ;:.6tli, F REE EXHIBITION; OF NEW AND CHEAP GOODS! BEE HIVE STORE. - - BEE HIVE EE Donn , open from GI% a. m., to 8 p. m. ADMISSION FRIER. HEST CALICO ..S IN THE CITY I , oli 6 (;TS. 'Very Bost MU. .IN' to be found for • ,( (100.1 yar(l.wide St USLI NS for 10 I + lol l' '' MUSLIN'S AND CALICOES icii:cts of Admission Given Away ! DRESS GOODS AND SHAWLS! The choice of then - tartlet. Latest styles. Very Lowest Prices. All Ladies , and Gents! Young and Old ! Boys and Girls! are invited to the Great Show or Dry Good 6 I CARPETS, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE! The Largest and Clicapet;t Stock of Goods stpril BRADBURY'S AND OTHER PIANOS. Taylor & Far My's and E. P. Needham 8c Son's Organs and Melodeons. WM. G. FISCHER, Gen , l Wholesale Agent, MIS Arch street and 21 North Eleventh street, Philadel• phis. fochatlm ,+ 9OO —WANTED AN ACTIVE • man, in each County in the States, to travel and take orders by sample, for TEA, COFFEE and SPICES. To suitable men we will give a salary of .900 to $l,OOO a year, above traveling and other expenses, and a rea sonable commission on sales. Immediate applications are solicited from proper parties. References exchanged. Apply to, or address immediately J. PACKER & CO., "Continental Mills" 354 Bowery, New York. L. B. 'tit ap2 . 2,4tJ BBERTOLETTE, • UNDERTAKER, NO. 18 NORTH FIFTH STREET, READING. Always on hand Earley's Patent Wooden Coffins, Raymond tt, Co.'s Metallic Coffins, Always prepared to attend to the dead and furnish Coffins, burial eases, dc., at the very shortest notice. B. BERTOLETTE, No. IS North Fifth street, n0v1 . 241 . ) lloading,, l'a. MADE BY ONE SUNDAY SCHOOL ! CHURCHES, SUNDAY - SCHOOLS, TEIMPERANCE SOCIETIES AND ORGANIZATIONS OF ALL KINDS, Can make liberal arrangements for BENEFITS. A new anti popular entertainment consist ing of 50 LARGE TABLEAUX PAINTINGS! Call on or address by letter JOHN F. BRISBANE, 612 Morris-st., Philadelphia. apls-3m] $lOO BOUNTY ! $lOO BOUNTY I By the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, all soldiers who enlisted before July 22, 1861, for the term of three years, and were honorably discharged for disability be fore serving two years, are now entitled to ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTY. This applies to the men of the Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteer Corps. Men volunteering from other States of the Union prior to July 22, 1861, are also entitled. For prompt attention apply to JAMES BLACK, U. S. Claim Agent 58 East King•st , Lancaster, 11a. vpl;rit Ad reptisentents. By or(h!r of the Court. 4.:E0. BRUBAKER, .I , i•tliet Attorney. [apl3o-lt sY-dM Great Bargains in. Cull and be Astonished ! yer opened in Litneaster WENTZ' LEE HIVE STORE, No. 5 East King-st iscellaneous. Fisk's Metallic Coffins $536.00 Varnishes, &c. AUG. REINOEUL. JAC. REINGEM, JR. A &J. REINOEHL, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS COPAL, WHITE, COFFIN, BLACK ANI) JAPAN VARNISHES, LINSEED OIL, TURPENTINE, &c., he NO. 109 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (In thF Keystogte Building,) 4,47LA5kt .... t, P Also, Mahogany Boards, Veneers and Mouldings of diffbrent sizes and pat terns. All kinds of Turning, such as Bed Posts, Table Legs, Spokes, Hubs, Felloes, ,&c. Also, AXLES, SPRINGS, &c. (jan 8-Iyr Now is the time to Subscribe I'OR TH N NEW YORK WEEKLY, THE PEOPLE'S FAVORITE JOCRNA I The Most Interesting Stories Arc always tolitclouutl in the NEW YORK WEEKLY. At Present there art SIX GREAT STORIES running through its eolunnou and at least ONE STORY IS tEGUN EVERY MONTH. New subseribels ar sure of having the commeneement oh a 11 ew euntinned story, no matter when they subsertbi for the NEW YORK WEEKLY. VACH number of t ,,the NEW YORK WEEKLY contains several Beautiful lustrations, Double the Amount of Beading Matter of any paper of ito class, and the Sketch es, Short Stories, Poem% etc., are by the ablest writers of America and Europe. The NEW YORK WEEKLY ,loes not confine its use ulness to amusement, but publishes a great uantity of really in structive matter In lost. condensed form. The N. Y. Weekly Departments Lave attained a high reputation I , ur thoir ity, excellence. and correct Iletis. TIIK PLEASANT l'Agitylikyna are male up of the concentrated wit - cimr humor of tunny minds. 'l'nn rogowLEDGR Box Itt contned to useful in formation on all mailers and subjects. Tun NEWS Prnms give In the fewest words the most notable dm tias all over the world. THE GOSSIP WITH COSSESPONDENTS ColltlllllB anav, er- , to. iimuirielil:l)oll all imaginablesub jects.. "'V An TJurivalled dtarttry Paper IA 11i NEW YORK WEEKLY. Each issue contain*s rota EIGHT to TEN STORIES and SKETCH' 4::44, and HALF A DOZ EN POEMS, in AUDIT Nto the NIX SERIAL ISTORIESand the VA ED DEPARTMENT& Tho Terms übseribers. One Year—single cop 4 .Three Dollars. 44 Four copies $2.50 each) Ten Dollars. Eight copit, Twenty Dollars. The sending s2.a to, club of Eight, all sent at on(4 time, will be Allied to a copy PELEE, Gette ,ra of clubs afterwe'rd add single copi $2.50 each. STREET SMITH, Proprietors, Dc f. Fulton-M., N. Y A r of 1. the jewels ft c •rid therein, one mom' sirable than t = ewe Health. To re serve it, or to restore it w ien once lost, has een the study of thousands and thousands since the world began, and success and failure have al ternated as the changes of I lie moon But one fact has long since been established, and that is, t lint impure blood is the fruitful source of many of the most inveterate diseases. Among them none are more tenacious and repulsive tnan the disease known as Scrofula, which has its origin in bad blood. That this can be successfully treated has been proven recently in a number of remarkable cases. Miss Mary J. Campbell, of this city, who suffered for many years with the disease, was entirely cured by the use of a preparation called the GOLDEN PANACEA. So delighted was she with her restoration that she became the agent in this city, and now has, and has had for the last year, an °thee in the southeast angle of Centre Square, for its sale. She has brought the medicine to the attention of large numbers of persons similarly afflicted, and has effected cures in almost every case which she has undertaken. The certificates of cures which have been voluntarily tendered her are remarkable, and should be examined by all who arc suffering from impure blond or Scrofula. William tlardner, of this city, was very much troubled with 11 very bad cold; pain in his side and breast, with loss of appetite; could not get any rest day or night; had several hemorrhages of the lungs; was so weak that for months he could not anything at all. lie tried all the medicines that lie could hear of, but they did not do him a bit of good. His friends all said that they did not think that be could possibly live any time. When he was al most driven to despair of getting well, he was then told of the Golden Panacea, and lie con cluded to try it, and he had not taken two bottles before he began to get better. Since then he had no hemorrhages, his cough is gone arid his appetite is good, and he is getting better every day. He says that another bottle wilt perfectly cure him. lie is now able to attend to his business, that of stage driver. Miss Anna M. Weaver, of this city, says that a friend of hers, of Mount Joy, was cured of the very worst case of Scrofula after all other rem edies had failed to afford any relief whatever. He bad employed the best medical advice that could be bud in Monet Joy. He then came to Lancaster to Dr. J. L. Atlee, still without re ceiving any relief. The doctors said that he could not live. He then commenced to take the Golden Panacea as you told me he should, and is now perfectly cured. He says that is the very beat medicine - known. Hits Campbell: I wish to give you my certifi cate, so that others affected with that terrible disease, Scrofula, may know of a certain cure. I will guarantee that your medicine will cure every case of Scrofula, no matter how bad it may be. 1 know from my own experience, for was perfectly cured aftsr all other remedies had failed. 1 am truly grateful to you for being the instrument under God in restoring me to perfect health. Very respectfully yours, GEO. A. TIUPPLE, ap'22-tf] Safe Harbor, Lancaster-co., Pa. 4., , A ' .VA LES Cr' ' ''' VEGETABLE SICILIAN %"..7:,'`„ 1- IA It ' RENEWER. The basis of its remedial properties is a veg etable compound. IT WILL RESTORE! GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out. It cleanses the scalp and makes the hair soft, lustrous and silken. It is a splendid hair dressing , . R. P. HALL & GO., Nashua, N. H., Proprietors. Book and Job Pt.inting. RAuCil & COCIIRA.Ii, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING OF ALL KINDS From the largest POSTER to the smallest CARD or CIRCULAR, executed in the best style, and at reasonable prices. AkirOrders from a distance promptly attend ed to. OFFIOE.-NO. 18. SOUTH QUEEN STREET LANCASTER, PERNA Books and Stationery. H OLIDAY BOOKS AND FANCY GOODS, REDUCED FROM 10 TO 20 PER CENT. BOOKS FOR THE GRAVE, BOOKS FOR THE GAY, BOOKS FOR THE OLD, and BOOKS FOR THE YOUNG. BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, HYMN BOOKS, WRITING DESKS, FRENCH AND AMERICAN WORK. BOXES, LADIES' COMPANIONS, ALBUMS, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS. Checker Boards, Games in great variety, Sun day School Hooks and Rewards of all kinds, Teachers' Helps, Stationery and Initial Letter Paper cheaper than was ever offered in Lan caster. SiirNew Green Backs given to all purchasers. D. S. BARE, West King-st., corner of' Fulton Row. Sewing Machines. WHEELER & WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH Family Sewing Machine. OVER 400,000 NOW IN USE. EXAMINE IT BEFORE BUYING ANY OTHER. BOLD ON LEASE! PLAN, *lO Par Nrcaitatb.. PETERSON & CARPENTER, General agents. General Otnoe for Lancaster County: 04 North Queen St. 64 oc t 1-6 m HOW TO GET A HOWE! CALL ON C. FATE, Agent, N 2.5 IA NORTH QUEEN STREET, !ANCArnTEII, THE Howe Sewing Machines Are the oldest established of any In the wor1.1! And Lave taken t II( RICHEST PREMIUMS at all the great exhibitions of the world E xamine carefully, before purchasing any other, and be convincedof their superiority. oct294f . GROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH ( FamilylSewingililachine, 4914 BitOADVI Alt , 114 W YOUR 130 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA POINTS OF EXCELLENCE. Beauty and Elasticity of StAtch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the spools. No fastening of seams by band and no waste of thread. Wide range of application without change of adjustment. The seam retains its beauty and firmness after washing and ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines, these Machines execute the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. Ilip The Highest Premiums at all the Fairs and exhibitions of the United States and Europe, have been awarded the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines, and the work done by them, wherever exhibited in competition, air The very highest prize, THE. CROSS OF TILE LEGION OF HONOR, was conferred on the representative 01 the Grover & Baker Sew ing Machines, at the Exposition Universelle, Paris,lB67, thus at testing their great superiority over all other Sewing Machines. For sale by GEORGE SPURRIER, North Queen street, my%-ly] Lancaster, Pa. Jewelry. zAHM tt JACKSON, DEALERS Ot WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. SirEEPAIRING ATTENDED TO.'lie WATCHES! WATCHES I CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS. The undersigned keeps constantly on hand a large and full assortment of the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES, of different weight and finish, to suit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, anti guaranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps also on band a good assortment of CLOCKS. Call and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a continu ance of the same. HENRY P. ANDREWS Jan 1-Iy9 Strasburg, Lancaster 00., Pa. Banking. • DAVID DA. B. W. SHENK. BAIR & SHENK, BANKERS, NORTHEAST ANGLE es CENTRZ SQUARE LANCASTER, RENNA. n 020436) COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK. Will pay Interest on Deposits as follows, viz: For 1 and 2 months; 4 per cent. 66 8, 4 and 6 months VA 6 " " 6,7, 8, 9 and 10 months.. 6 " "11 and 12 months 6 3 4 16 46 SAMUEL SROCH, mb2s4l2n] Cashier. Dry Goods. SPRING, 1870! JOHN D. SMILES Is now receiving an elegant stook of From New York and Philadelphia Markets, which he will sett at Dricea AS LOW AS BEFORE THE WAR. • CALICOES at 6, 8 and 10 cents. MUSLINS at 8, 10 and 12% cents. BLACK and COLORED SILKS. JAPANESE SILK. PLAIN and FIGURED LAWNS PERCALE; and CHINTZES. NEW STYLEEsS UOODS. SHAWLS and ARABS In all trie latest, styles All the btat, brands of Black and Colored AL PACAS in the market, and a lull line of LADIES , MOURNING GOODS. A large stook of CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, and WINDOW SHADES. I am also receiving an elegant line of FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AIIIEILIUAN CA! , •MMERES AND VESTINGS, In all the latest styles, which I will make up to order at short notice and best style. A lull line of ICEADY-HALE CLOTHING of our own Mall nfuel tire. Sir Call and examine my stock before pur chasing. dIN -.IiII,ES, No, 24 East King street, One door cast of the Lancaster County Na tional Bank. tap22-tf 1ST() GREAT FALL IN THE PRICE (Me HAGER BROTHERS, Are receiving daily purchases of DRY GOOD'S, from toreed sales of New York and Phlladelphla,which they will BELL. AT PRICE 8 less than known since OLD LoW TIMES of lBt,O. ALL GO')DS IN STOCK OF EVERY DLSCRIP TION REDITCFD TO TIIE LOWEST PRICES OF THE DAY. eir WE INVITE INSPEUTION•! CALICOES IN ALL THE NEW :•TYLES!t PERCALE AND URINTZES, NEW STYLE DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, JAPANESE SILKS, SHEETING and SIIIRTING MUSLINS I TOWELS AND TABLE DAMASK, PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTH, CLOTHS, CASSIMEHES AND VESTINGS, sir A full line 01 HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, all at [ r ow Down Prices. j HAG? & fiItOTHERS. JACOB ffi , ABNlBll, - 48. HABLZ4H, JOAN 411111.410 L. HARNISH' & CO'S CHEAP STORE, No. 27 WEST KING-ST., LANCASTER, PA., Dealers in Foreign and Domestic GLASS AND QUEENSW ARE, Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds Lindkleys, Flannels, Tiekings, Checks, 'Plaids, Alpaccas, brass Goods, Ginghams, Calicoes, Marlins and Drills, White Goods, Notions, &No. 1 Feathers, Made up at astonishing Low Prices. Akir - Call and examine our stock before pur chasing elsewhere. [tebl2%-ly E DW. BLICKENDERFER, e. NO. 29 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (Opposite -Inquirer' , building,) LANCASTER, PA., DEALER IN DRY GOODS. Constantly on hand a general assortment of Prices guaranteed to be as low as elsewhere Also manufacturer of WHITE COTTON AND FANCY HALF WOOL and ALL WOOL COVER LETS, at wholesale and retail. [apl6tf Coal, Lumber, &c. B. B. MARTIN, Manufacturer and Wholesale LUMBER DEALER, COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK, POPLAR, ASH, WALNUT, FLOORING, SIDING, WEATHER BOARDS, PICKETS, LATH, BOX BOARDS, Stc. WATCHES MILL AT LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY, PA mhl2-89-ly EHLER, BRENEMAN & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COAL, OF THE BEST QUALITY. YARD—COR. WATER ST. AND PA. R. IL Orrice—NO. 2 EAST ORANGE ST.. Carriage _Manufacturers. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR WORK! CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, IN REAR OF MARKET HOUSES, We keep on hand and make to order the cheapest, neatest, and latest styles of Carriages of every description, and most durable work in the county. All being practical Mechanism we ask a trial and guarantee satisfaction. All work warranted We also call attention to our superior style of Re ZDOES pairing, which is always promptly atte L nded to. E. ICY J. SHLUD, , J. H. NOKSHOIE. mh44m) (reat Fall in Prices! DRY GOODS, COATINGS DRY GOODS! Best Makes 01 ItICHARIPSON , S LINENS, cASSIMEIIEs FOR BOYS DRY GOODS, MEN AND BOYS , WEAR, DRY GOODS. DEALERS IN LANCASTER PA. [deo aly EDGERLEY & CO.'S MARKET STREET, LANCASTER, PA