Vennovlvartiocit BREEF FOR SCHWEFFELBRENNER. SCELIFFELTOWN, A pril der 7)t, 187 t). MISTER FODDER ABRAHAM: De letsht woch is es awer amohl sun nersht sevverst liter ,gonga. ,•;o feel sin tie leit ne net getzollya glawb ich snider dos de welt shteat. In oily directions wars full wea,. , a, un a yeader wauga full gelawda mit wesh-tsivver, un better un ;)et-litwdit: bureaus un kicha shenk, unit, dish, shteel un kicha g'sharr ; wesh-mosbeenit un bitter-fesser ; carpets, Dui tleash-shtenner : eck-sheuk, un brod-ponna re siruitla uu scak-beck collie-konna, ite-kessel tut wasser kivv& l uu aw rints ;Cc, sci, shofe, hinkle, hum', kaiza un oily ounery ortickle, clout un lewentlich, so we weihsleit, band-boxa, kleany buwa un kleany need, bubbelin mit tsomt der weeg for drin shlora gea. tin wanu mer now draw denkt we a dehl weihsleit so par -I)articular sin, so for instance, we de Bev vy, dos olles in exaety Booty order is im house—olles shea, un sauwer ; de better gemacht an de umbenglin drum runt so dos mer gor net seana konn was for china ware dort drunna shteckt, un we an ycades picture frame un looking glass urn de want rum henkt, un we shtick all de "deader un dish-dicher un miner-reek un so sach in de drawers 'lei gedu sit, donu set mer net denka dos es miglich is dos kit skit at all draw macha kenna on des tseeya, for olles uf an rough-un-tumble sittyle anonner in a wauga lawda un rain or shine obgea mit uf em tsook. Awer so Beats um :emit t Opril, tin wier tseeya, inns uu wterd liertich uf tixa inside Am drei woefl, cher hens ich de cidedly shmart. Awer, des tseeya, gebt ordlich feel kit aw noch au extra boddereashuu, uu sell is de kleany ketzer wu sick 80 guru in de cracks un joints fun de bet-lawda of holta. A dehl leit meinda se gor net, awer on ntry tleatasheer enuich ebbas gevva, wann se yusht an weg wista for se tsu fertrciva. In amglish 'least mer se bed-bugs. Bei uns awer geana se beini nawma fun wonsa. 1,11 hob shun uft drivver shtuddeert we Be tier nawma fun wonsa grickt hen, awer ich gebs uf. wann titer draw deukt dos 60 01 1111;k740.111bura, gm& for useful set, dorm bin ich about gepuz zelt, tsu wissa for was do de wansa tsu braucha sin'? Feel leit behaupta aw dos we meaner mer se fergift un ferbreet mit heasy seafa bree, uu mit korrosiffer subblement un mit litteriohl un dterbadeen un prushick-acid, we meaner duna se skit fermehra. Doh for about tswea yohr hen mer amohl a bet-lawd int house g'hot un selly war full fun deuna wansa, un tie Bevvy hut tinf unnershiedliche sorta fun shtutt ous der obbadeak grickt un hut selly betlawd gons dick fershnieert mit in oily ecka, awer, somehow, de kleany round-backs liens gor net g'ineind. Donn but se amohl an grosser wesh kessel full kallich wasser un esh tsomma gekoclit mit shmeer-seaf un huts's kochich heas in de wansa neshter nei lawfa lussa, tin donn warn men sure dos se Boat sin, awer in twea wocha wara se widder icryer dos amohl. Tsuletsht hob ich amold an cal culation gemacht, we feel dos es shun ge kotitt hut in der obbadeak for de unner shiedliehe exterminators, un bin tsu der conclusion kumma dos es wohlfealer wier warm mer Belly bet-lawd tsomma hocka, Beat for breenu-holtz un an neie kawfa. Ich bin dorm aw draw un hob se in shticker g'hockt, under negsht morya hob ich a dehl fun sellam holtz g'used for tire macha, un es hut aw goot gebrennt, un de shtea kohla hen aw grawd awfonga tsu brenna un in wennicher dos tswansich minnutta war der talk roat heas. Awer, der meayet mer now glawa odder net, we de Bevvy uvva nuf gonga is hut se an longer procession fun denna wonsa seana uvva tsum rohr loch rouse shluppaun nuf In de ceiling un fun dort hut eany noch -. 7ner Bich nunner droppa lussa ufs )onn hen mer aznohl des ding cx an hen g'funna dos cs denna ketz rather warm warra is we amohl kohla awfonga lien tsu brenna, sin se inwendich im roat heasa :rohr getravelt uu nuf bis in ztea, un donn tsum unit rohr un donn de want nuf un ivver in fun dort nunner gedropt ufs :ourse unser neie bet-lawd war ull wansa we de alt, un Bidder mer aw shun ordlich feel aorta der obbadeak grickt, awer olles - wan an uffa full shtea-kohla • aw bringt, donn gebt mer uf un lust se gea his se fun noch ea plan for de ;eh fin dos DIGNITY OF MANUAL LABOR. It is a prevalent idea amoug the youth of the present day, that those who devote their lime and energies to the various manual pursuits which in this country are so numerous, must ut iiteessity re sign certain benefits which all intellectual and moral beings crave as conductive to their happiness and elevation. As so ' large a proportion of mankind are neces sarily engaged in these occupations, if it can be proved that they arc theretbre de prived of such advantages, it would fol low that Providence has been unequal and partial in the distribution of bless ings. But a thorough investigation of the subject will prove how erroneous is such a theory, and how fatally mistaken arc people who crowd into the overflow ing avenues of mercantile or professional life, in the hope of occupying a superior social position and enjoying greater ad vantages, rather than follow some of the many mechanical pursuits standing ready to welcome them, and for which nature may have thoroughly fitted them. Physical labor is not, in itself, as some maintain, unfavorable to mental improve ment. Indeed, its routine is such as, in most cases, to leave the mind and thoughts free to pursue any desired path. some of the most vigorous thinkers, both of ancient and modern times, have been found among the mechanics, artisans and laborers of the world. Some of those now • most conspicuous in the literary and po litieal world, acquired and developed most of their mental power while en gaged in various manual occupations ; while large numbers of those now pur suing similar avocations, possess an amount of sterling sense and practical wisdom, that belongs to none who affect superciliously to look down with con , tempt upon noble industry. In this class, also, we not frequently witness the loftiest moral traits. and the most zealous and unwearied etlorts for the improvement and happiness of man kind. An English shoemaker of the name of John Pounds, who performed during nearly eighty years as large an amount of the humblest task work as, perhaps, ever fell to the lot of man, yet contrived to rescue from ruin hundreds of neglected children, and by wisely adapt ing suitable means to noble ends, won for himself a worthy name among the phi lanthropists of the world. his is by no means an exceptional case, but a type of many, even among those who have lived a life of incessmd toil. In our own land, however, it is admited by all, that neither Providence nor the welfare of society de mands that any portion of the race should live such a life. Those of our people who are really overworked, arc found rather among those who labor with the brain titan with the hands, and the pressure and anxiety of commercial life bring far more victims to ruined constitutions and early graves than an excess of manual labor among our industrial classes. The Old World has abundantly proved the evils of unremitting toil ; while every year of our national existence shows more and more conclusively that a mod . crate quota of labor, affording epace for the culture 6f the liighir traits of mind and character, is the best thing to pro duce strong and vigorous manhood ; the best course to attain a healthful, physi cal and mental nature ; the surest ladder by which to climb to a true and well balanced prosperity. If we would continue to improve upon our present state, as we have upon the past, it must be by uniting more closely than ever in every individual, the thi»kioy and the leorking powers. Ruskin says : " It is only by labor that thought can be made healthy, and only by thought that labor can be made happy." 1V hen so ciety conforms perfectly to the indications of Providence, and governs herself by its laws, all occupations will be considered liberal professions, the essential work of the world will be performed without any degrading associations, and every man will be honored, not according to the na ture of his calling, but in proportion to the excellence of his achievement. Lcdfier. A BEARDED girl has made her appear ance at Glade Spring Depot, Washington county, Va. She is four years old, and. has a moustache and whiskers, the hair upon the forehead extending to the eye brows. Very heavy hair, exceedingly black, extends below the shoulders. The child is sprightly, with fully developed limbs and well-formed body. The arms, shoulders and back are covered with soft, downy hair. THE Democracy having a majority in the New York Legislature, are lighting like "cats and dogs." The rich stealings in New York city is the bone of contention. An effort has been made to break the or ganized thieving Tammany ring, but thus far without success. The New York public is interested in the fight only to the extent of a choice between being rob bed by the Tammanyites or the "other fel lows." . IT appears that the historians have been at fault in dating the opening of the Anthracite coal trade in 1820. Col. Hen drick B. Wright, of Wilkesbarre, Penn sylvania, furnishes conclusive evidence to the interesting fact that the trade is several years older, shipments having been made from Plymouth, Pennsylva nia, to New York as early as the summer of 1812. PRINCE PIERRE BONAPARTE, a full cousin of the Emperor, was tried, last week, in France, for the assassination of Victor Noir. As was to be expected, the jury was ready, with indecent baste, to turn a verdict of acquittal. It is rumor that he intends visiting the United s. We hope not. Legislature of Maryland has pass -oviding for the burial of Rebel fell in the battles of South `rumptoWs Gap, Antietam -the cemetery to be locat fatherbraltattfo Chip ; 4 Pirrsuunu claims 153,000 populatigu. CY lII'S W. FIELD is reported woi,th 4. .7:iri 3 0f )0,00, I'E E'. II VA E has turned jou+ is t. Tim procuring of a divorce is called courting after marriage. AmATonicinE is the latest word coiNtia by the murderers of the English (ate Latin) language. It comes from Boston. TnE nearest discovery ever yet made to perpetual motion is the tongue of an low ant woman. , BASE all your actions upon prineipie h r right ; preserve your integrity of rig ; and, doing this, never reckon the cost. A. NEW paper is projected in Lond with a capital of i1,2u0,000, half of whirl is said to have already been subscribed. TARTS-ONE THOUSAND colored peo ac have passed through Chattanooga on tin way to Texas and adjoining States. TRAVEL on the Pacific Railroad aye , uges, just now, WO passengers per da counting both ways. POTTER county, Pennsylvania, ha.q 11.4 granted a license to sell liquor for nine teen years. • PovERTY wouldn't he so much o misfortune if the world didn't treat it s!) much as a crime. i t DURING 1869 there were shipped Bout' and west from Pittsburgh 40,000,000 bus. - els of bituminous coal—the product , eighty mines. DuniNo the past week 205,09;.; ga lons of petroleum were shipped to foreie . ports. Since the Ist of January 5,62749 . gallons have been exported. MR. WIENER, the American Conat . -: still held by the llaytien insurgents Des Abricots as a hostage. An expedi• tion has been sent to effect his release. ' THE extensive works of the Wood Di*. tilling Company of Black Rock, Conn. were burned on Saturday last. The loss is $lOO,OOO, with no insurance. A SOUTII CAROLINA colored Senat excluded from the first class car of a rat road, revenged himself by a bill repealing the charter of the road. WHEN a young lady offers to hem a cambric handkerchief for a rich bachelor, she means to sew in order that she m reap. TILE fire in Gold Hill Mine, Nevada, which broke out a year since, is still, smouldering seven hundred feet below surface. THEODORE TILTON wants the nani f and address of every person in the Unite. States, who take "Aerest in en fr anchisemer A SQUIRE couple last wet modern times and wife, " uni THERE is a Gen. O , NO mr upon. Canada, herstburg, Foy the St. Lawren. IT is estimated that there will be manu• factured in the region of Pomeroy, on the Ohio and West Virginia sides of the river, 5,000,000 bushels of salt during the pre sent year. Timm] is great excitement in Cincin nati over the coming school election in view of the Bible question. The colored vote will favor the retention of the Bible iu the schools. THE largest newspaper mail which goes to any one firm in this country is received by G. P. Rowell & Co., the New York Advertising Agents. Their place of business is at No. 40 Park Row. TILE Democratic Association of Phila delphia has split on the negro question, and the Sheriff has sold out the furniture of their rooms. We always supposed the darkey would be the death of the De mocracy. THE Supreme Court of the United States has decided, in favor of the right of a State to tax the shares of National banks, and enforce its collection through the banks. " A THANK offering for an excellent wife in heaven, and an excellent wife on earth," of £2l, was recently given an English religious society. Tam Democratic Legislature of Mary land are preparing for the registration of the colored citizens under the fifteenth amendment. Perhaps they have a whole some respect for the new voters. A CHESS tournament on a grand scale is about being inaugurated in New York. About forty players will participate, and some very Interesting contests are expect ed, Tim newest style for dressing the hair is called " the Cleopatra." The hair is brushed high off the forehead and braided low in the neck, surmounted by a large imitation snake, which is coiled around the head. A YOUNG lady residing in Philadelphia was quite seriously injured, last week, by her hair switch taking fire. These com mon switches are very inflammable, being made of fl ax. Wearers of them should be cautious how near they venture to a " flame." A STRONG-MINDED women in Indiana chastised her husband with a kerosene lamp the other day. Having forgotten to blow it out before performing that painful duty, the oil caught fire as the lamp broke over his head, and not only her husband, but the house was burned up. THE mills of the Hampton Paper Com pany, at Holyoke, Mass, were burned Sun day night. Loss $2,543.000; insured 'for $200,000. One hundred and fifty hands are thrown out of work. The company will rebuild at once. COUNT BISMARCK has presented to the University of Virginia a costly and inter esting collection of photographic and en graved designs of recent Government work in Prussia, embracing modern improve ments as applied to bridges, canals, rail ways, and public buildings. purposes erecting Pr appears from an official document year. So much sent to the U. S. Senate, that our navyhas non-school edu- 11 sea going monitors, costing $14,184,000; and 40 harbor and river monitors, inclu ding 3 Western iron -clads, costing $2l - boys—Being 187,000. Total cost of iron-clads $35,371- girls at school Om gime T akeo. FEMALE GOSSIP. "I hoard It r' " Who told your " Ifer friend." (1) "You don't say !" ""Pis dreadful !" " les, awful!" " Don't tell it, I pray :" "Good gracious 1" " Who'd think it !" " Well ! well! well!" " Dear me !" "I've had NY Suspicion l" " And I too, you see !" " Lord Delp us r " Poor creature r' " So artful !" " So sly!" "No beauty 1" " Quite thirty I" " Between you and I !" " I'm going," " Don't ! stay, love !" " I can't !" " Pm forlorn I' , "Farewell, dear!" " Good-bye, sweet !" "I'M OLAD BRE IS 00N2 t" —Almost every young lady is public . *rited enough to be willing to have her father's house used as a court-house. —" Sir, have you rend the ode I com posed to sleep ?" "Oh, yes, and it com posed me to sleep." —When may young ladies be said to be economical ? When they resort to tight lacing to prevent waist fullness. —Rufus thus addresses his bottle : "'Tie very strange that you and I Together cannot pull, For you are full when I am dry, And dry when I am full." —A fashionable clergyman Li Chicago warns the sinners of his congregation, that if they don't repent they will go to the " place of eternal uneasiness." —At a medical examination a young aspirant was asked, "when does mortifi cation ensue ?" " When you propose and are rejected," was the reply that greeted the amazed examiner. —A couple of negroes were walking to gether one moonlight night, when one asked the other, " I wunder what dey do wid old moons, Sambo ?" "I'se don't know, Pomp, unless dey cut dem into tars." —A lady who was very modest and submissive before marriage, was observed by her friend to use her tongue pretty freely after, " There was a time when I almost imagined she had none." " Yes," said her husband with a sigh, " but its very long since," —A little boy, five years old, was found by his mother smearing himself with dirt, and when asked by her what he was doing, replied : "Why, you told me God made me of dirt, and I'm filling up the holes he left." one relates the story of a man too lazy to say his prayers. He ... his devotions on foolscap, how and tied them to the foot of his Before retiring he would hold to heaven and exclaim, " Them's. =ants," and jump into bed. slaters in Missouri fought afluel ei w ia t) g ad int. i r l w t r. tine of -cleaved a painful wound in the ..terfall, while the other ,t-ot a slash across the pannier which will disable her until she gets a new dress made. The lover sat on a fence and laughed like a villian. —"Jimmy, my boy, take these eggs to the store, and if you can't get a quarter bring them back." The boy went as di rected and came back, saying : "Father, it takes me to make a trade. They all wanted to get them at forty cents, but I screwed them down to twenty-live." —A dentist presented a bill lbr the tenth time to a rich skinflint. "It strikes me," said the latter, " that this is a pretty round bill." " Yes," replied the dentist, " I have sent it round often enough to make it appear so, and I have called now to have it squared." —Among the latest promotions in the French army was one of the Captain of the Guard, who was elevated to the rank of Commandant. On learning the news, his little girl began to sing and dance and clap her hands. " What makes you so glad?" inquired her mother. " Why, if papa is Commandant, there will be mu sic at his funeral." —" Mother,” said James, " what is the meaning of donation ? You have been preparing all this week for the donation party, and I want to know what it means. " Why, Jimmy," said Johnny, " don't you know what donation means ? Ido —do means the cake, and nation means the people; and they carry the cake to the minister's, and the people go there and eat it." —A certain Methodist preacher, hap pening to be in company with a good house-wife who prided herself upon mak ing the best cakes, sauces, and fries in the country, took occasion to reprimand what he conceived to be the spirit of gluttony in the good lady. She had been expatiat ing, with a considerable degree of ap parent relish, upon the comparative mer its of butter, lard, dripping, &c., for shortening, for making cakes, pastry, &c., when the preacher said he could tell her what was better than anything she had mentioned. " What's that?" said she. "God's grace ! " replied the man of devo tion. To which the lady, who was rather hard of hearing, retorted : " Goose grease? Oh, _goose grease is very good, I know, butl always like butter a good deal bet ter." —How ONE BOY WHIPPED ANOTHER : " tell you how it was. You see, Bill and me went down to the wharf to fish; and I felt in my pocket and found my knife, and it was gone, and I said, ' Bill, you stole my knife;' and he said I was another, and I said, 'Go there yourself;' and he said he was no such thing; and I said he was a liar, and I could whip him if I was bigger'n him; and he said he'd rock me to sleep, mother; and I said ho was a bigger one; and he said I never had the measles; and I said to fork over that knife or I would fix him for a tomb stone on Laurel Hill; and he said my grandmother was no gentleman; and I said he dersn't take it up; but he did, you bet; then I got up again, and said he was too much afraid to do it again, and he tried to but he didn't; and I grabbed him, threw him down on the top of me like several bricks; and I tell you it beat all—and so did he; and my little dog got behind Bill and bit him; and Bill kicked at the dog to fetch him back, and didn't catch him until I got clear home; and whip him more yet." Clothing. BUCH & BROTHER, 41' MERCHANT TAIL (11, .. - • S, 531 PkNN STRE T, READING, PA , Ilave on hand a fine line of .7 .., CLOTHS, C A SSIME RES, VESTINGS, BEAVERS, CHINCHILLAS, Together with a large line of Gentlemen's Furnishing GOODS. Their establishment is the most complete in all its departments of any, outside of Philadel phia, in the State. BITCH & BROTHER. tleclo•tt =I GOOD NEWS FOIL THE PEOPLE! GRAND OPENING OF THE SEASON I The subscribers have just returned from the Eastern Markets with the largest and best assortment of OVER AND DRESS COATINGS, All colors and all grades ; Cassimeres In great variety—all the latest and best styles in the market, suitable to all tastes, and the prices within the reach of every one. All of which we are prepared to make up in the best style, and at the shortest notice, and at the Lowest Cash Prices. Our stock of MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND BOY'S READY MA DE CLOTHING, s very large, and gotten up with great care and will be sold very low, READY-MADE DEPARTMENT on 2d Floor. We have a fine line of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS All oil% goods have been selected with care, and purebased at the very lowest cash prices. All we ask of you is to call and examine our stock for yourself, and you will say truly the half has not been told. MYERS & RATIIFON, Southwest corner of Centre &ware, Lancaster, Penn'a. Octdlll House Furnilting Good. Cabinet iVare. JAS. F. RICKSECKER, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CABIN' E WARE, Windsor & Cane-seated Chairs, IMO GENERAL UPHOLSTERER NO. 29 EAST KING STREET, Nearly opposite the Court House, over Ilarr,s Book Store, LANCASTER, PA. Orders and Repairing promptly attended to [Nov2Ura Musical Instruments, ttc. W OODWARD'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MUSIC STORE, NO. 22 WEST KING STREET. Pianos, Organs, Melodeons, Piano and Melo deon Stools and Covers, Violins, Guitars, Ban- Jae, Tamborin es, Aoeordeons, Conoertinis, Fifes, Drums, kFlutes, Flageolets, Harmonicos, Clap- Tuningpng_s of all kinds„_Bow Forks, Pitch Pipes Violin Bows, Cello Bows, Violin and Guitar !Boxes, Music Port folios, Instruction Books of all kinds, Sheet Music, Music Books, and every description of Musical Merchandise. All orders filled prompt ly at the usual Retail or Wholesale Priam, and satisfaction guaranteed. airTusing and repairing promptly t attended o. A. WOODwARD, sep24-1y) No. St W., Lancaster. TB. KEVINBKI, us DEALER IN SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, And Musical instruments Generally. solo Agent tor STEINWAY & SONS , WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS. Also, Agent for PRINCE & CO.'S ORGANS and MELODEONS. sr Music sent by Mail Free of Postage. No. 3 NORTH PRINCE STREET_, Lancaster, Pa GOOK AMOHL DOH I Rooft aw im J. B. KEITINBECI BEIM MUSIC BHTORE. KLOPIPBRNA, °SIMLA, MILODRONB, un alio aorta musics Inebtrumental Der Keytisk! is agent for de bereemty Stein wehr Pianos—Kloffeera beast met. se ufdettsk. Der plats is No. 3 NORD PRINCE STREET, LANCASTER. N. B. For a first raty Booty Gem odder an Aocordeon, odder a Tawaerrieh-Peti odder en nick onus= musical Inshtrument, kiss odder !ir, shtept ynsht nt ons Kevinekt , s, No. 8 crt - Prinee Shtrose, Laneatitar- ( i. DICKEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oprzep 1301CrTEI QUEEN ST., second bowie low the' Fountain Inn," Lancaster, T B. LIVINGSTON, co • ATTORNEY AT LAW, Orme: No.ll NORTH DUKE ST., west side, north of the Court Home, Lancaster, Pa. CHARLES DENUES,_ ATTORNEY AT LAW. OPPICIL: Ns. 3 SOUTH DUXE STREET, Laa easter, Pa. JOHN 33. GOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Orrron: No. t5B EAST KING ST., Lancaster, Pa J W. JOHNSON L • ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: No 2.5 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lanca.; ter, Pa. 1 1 P. ROSENMILLER, in. • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oirrlca: No, 5 COURT AVENUE, Entrance on West Mae of the Court House, LANCASTER, P. .Fall business entrusted to his care will th promptly attended to. Llanl7-t: A c. REINOEHL, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oievicis: No. 8 SOUTH DUNE ST., Lancaitei JOHN P. REA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ornce: With Hon, O.J. DICK Y, N 0.21 SOUTH QUERN ST., Lancaster, Pa. MARTIN RUTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OYPICZ or the late lion. TILADDRUS Suevra. No. 26 South Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. A MOS 11. MYLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Orptcn: No. 9 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancastyr. I= J . K. RUTTER I ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFiCE: With General J. W. neaten, NORTH DUKE ST., Lancaster, Pa. BF. BAER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: No. 19 NORTH DUKE Street, LaneTl ter Pa. Wee 113-I..vr Reading Advertisements. HMALTZBERGER, .. ATTORNEY AT LAW No. 44 NORTH SIXTH ST., Reading, Pa. JGEORGE SELTZER • ATTORNEY AND COI NSEDDER AT LAW. No. 604 COURT STREET, (opposite the C(.IW Rouse,) Reading, Pa. iJ. ; • ~ No HUMBrO. It is warranted to cure lost of impaired Taste, Smell or Hearing, Watering or Weak Eyes, Offensive Breath, Ulcerated Throat or Mouth, Pain and Pressure in the Head, and Loss of Memory when caused, as all of them frequently are by the ravages of Catarrh. It is pleasant and painless to use, contains no stron g poisonous or caustic drugs, but soothes by its m((d soothing action. I will pay $5OO Reward for a ease of Cat , lrt Al • I cannot cure. I' • SALE BY MOST DRUGGISTS it WHERE. : L '16, 1 ,14,ii , 1 t!'f• "T -._ ik ) , Iptir ff - ggist ..t ~ - ~-. don't he put oil with some worse than less strong stuff, " fumigator," or po MI; caustic solution, which will drive the disease to the luojs instead of curing it but send sixty cents to me and the remedy will reach you b.), return mail. Four packages, post paid, *2.'4 one dozen for VA). _ Send a two cent stamp for Dr, Sage's pamp let on Catarrh. AdOres..; the Proprietor, R. Y. PIERCE, M. I)., Buffalo, N. teb.ll»l IN `• ELAN HOME s, I": ADAMS, M. 1), ithy,frian-in-Chii.i. Dr. Adams has studied and attended Medica' Lectures and Hospitals, both in New York an,' Philadelhia and been a successful practitioner of the "Healing Art" for many years; he i therefore eminently qualified by Medical Edit. cation, Surgical skill, and great experience, to: the position of Physician and Surgeon in :t large Health Institute. Invalids seeking healt 1. will find at our cure every facility for the re covery of health. Pure, sort, spring water, healthful diet, and excellent bathing facilitie., combined with Swedish Movements, and a ju dicious application of Electricity, and all Na ture's great curative Agents, regulated by skillful Physician, enables us to cure when to cure is possible. The I. all a:: d Winter months are consblerc , best for treatment, especially in our mild and genial climate. SuaolOAL OPHRATION.4 of all kinds performe.: according to the latest and most approved methods. Sir - OBSTETRICAL Cases and all PRIVATE Di- , - EASES, as well as Dyspepsia, Rheumatism an Liver Complaint, are treated with success. For Circular, address the Proprietors, Brow u lf, & Ididdlekau Weruersville, Berk Co., Pa. Oct. 22-ttl Carriage Manufacturers. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR WORK ! CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, We keep on hand and make to order the cheapest, neatest, and latest styles of Carriage of every description, and most durable work in the county. All being practical Mechanic-1 we ask a trial and guarantee satisfaction. All work warranted We also call attention to our superior style ol Repairing, which is always promptly attended to. E. EDGERLEY, J. MAUD, J. H. NORBECK. mh -3ml Claim Agency. $66.66 ! $33.33 ! BOUNTY! BOUNTY! BOUNTY! ALL SOLDIERS WHO ENLISTED after July 18, 1884, for ONE, TWO or THREE YEARS, and who were mustered out with their regiments can now recover the in stalments of BOUNTY unpaid at time of dis charge. Soldiers of the following regiments are entitled, viz: of the 192, 195, 198, 199, 200, 201. 202.208, 204, 208, 208, 907, 208_, 209, 330, 911, 212, 213, 214 and 215th Regiments, Pennsylvania Volun teers, are thus entitled. Also, men who enlist ed for ONE, TWO or THREE YEARS in the 79th, 87th, 78th, and other old Pennsylvania Re gimente—le and also in Independent Companies, are entitd. Persons at a distance can have their claims promptly attended to, and proper papers and instructions sent them upon forwarding their discharges and post-oftlee address to JAMES BLACK, U. 8. Claim Agent, feb2s-lEn] No. 58 E. Ring-st., Lancaster, Pa. Book and Job Printing. RAUCH & 60CHR . AN - , BOOS AND JOB PRINTERS PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING OF ALL KINDS. From tli 4. largest FOSTER to the smallest CARD or CIRCULAR, executed in the best style, and at reasonable prices. agrorders from a distance promptly attend ed to. OFFICR.—NO. IL SOUTH QUERN sTßxrr LAscAssaa, Pis NA. Professional. JWed t coat . EDGERLEY & CO.,S MARKET STREET, IN REAR OF MARKET HOUSE', LANCASTER, PA WE