NEARLY thirty millions ofdollars worth of petroleum was produced in the Venan go region last year. WE must not always speak all that we know—that were folly; but what a man says should be what he thinks, oth ise it is knavery. All a man can get hy'rying and dissembling is that he shall not he believed when he speaks the truth.—Mon iftiyue. TIIE order for the death warrants of Gotleib Bohner and Albert Von Borden berg, the murderers of the I'eightal family near Huntingdon, was issued to the State Department by the Governor to-day. Wednesday, March 9, 1870, is fixed as the time of the execution. —On Friday evening of last week the gases in the coal mine at Saw Mill Run, near Pittsburg, ignited by a lamp, causing a terrific explosion. Five men and a boy were very seriously injured, but were promptly rescued by the outside work men. Two of the injured men will pro bably die. A court.E of unique medals, connected by a gold chain, were picked up by a farmer while building a fence at Law rence, Kansas, the other day. One was i4tamped with the British coat-of-arms and a bust of George 111., while the other has the inscription, "Second Presidency of George Washington. MDCCXCVI." Five hundred dollars has been offered for this medal. TILE new fifty cent notes, which we were told could not be imitated, have been counterfeited so accurately that the gov ernment officials cannot tell the difference between the spurious and genuine stamps. We allude to those with the Lincoln head; the fiat has gone forth that they must all be called in, and no more stamps of that kind will be made. THE total receipts of cotton at all the ports, to the latest dates, foot up 1,489,804 bales, against 1,177,174 bales at the same time last year, showing an increase at the shipping points of 313,630 bales, The necessity to sell was not so urgent as last year. The South is inanifestly on the highroad to permanentdprosperity, and cannot long be impederlq Southern ob stinancy or Northern folly. Tn old editor had a very clear idea of his vocation who advised an aspirant to editorial honors to write down what he had to say, then run carefully over it and strike out one-half, and thereafter reduce the remainder to one-third of its volume. Long speeches, long sermons and long editorials are nuisances which the people detest, and are generally only evidences of how much a man can write without mean ing anything. THE total production of anthracite coal last year was 13,221,386 tons, and of all kinds, semi-anthracite and bituminous on the Atlantic seaboard included, 16,339,014 tons, against 16,054,816 tons in 1868. In cluding the estimated production of 11,- 000,000 tons of bituminous coal in other sections of the Union, the total coal pro duction in the United States in 1869 is put down at over 27.000,000 tons. The total ionsumption of coal in the United States in 1869 is estimated at little less than thirty millions of tons. ' PPM.: protleetwe of iron ore iThiPeurmyt vania for the year 1809 has been as fOl lows: Pig iron, 005,000 tons for 1860 against 872,000 tons in Is6S; increase, 93,000 tons, the sales of the product being about $:14,000,000 or very little beyond the lesser quantity of last year. From forges and bloomeries, :1,000 tons; rails, 280,000 tons; other forms of manufac tured, 271,000 tons; increase, :11,000 tons. The added value on the manufactured article may be fairly estimated at 000,000 showing a total productive value of fully 800,000,000, with an increase in total quantity from 1,424,l :Mons to 1,733,- 000 tons. goal littvo. ITEMS : Emanuel Reifsnyder, of Clay-twp., met with an accident on the 3d inst., by which both bones of one of his legs were broken be low the knee. He was leading a horse to water, and treading into an aperture in the ground, fell over, causing the fracture. On Thursday morning of last week, a pair of horses attached to a sleigh belonging to Samuel Bollinger, of Clay township, took fright while crossing the Duke street railroad bridge. They ran down Duke street, and when opposite Trinity Lutheran Church, Mr. B. was thrown out; the horses becoming de tached from the sleigh. ran up Vine to Lime street, where they were stopped. No damage was done except a slight; cutting of the leg of one of the horses; A protracted meeting is now in progress at Mount Airy Church, with the most promising resrlta. On Monday afternoon, while Amos Hess was engaged in planing off some lumber in the Machine Works of Landis & Co., of this city, he thoughtlessly put his band within reach of the cylindar to which the knives are attached. Mr. Hess lost the lint and second fingers of his right hand, and '4O third was broken at several places. The lecture on Monday maestri*, at the Court House by P. G. Sire James H. Nichol son of the I. 0. of 0. F., was Hato:led to by a large audience of ladies and gentlemen, The descriptions of the route to the "Golden Gate," as given by Mr. Nicholson, were highly interesting and entertaining; and the audience gave expression to their satisfaction by frequently applauding the lecturer. A meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association, was held on Monday evening last, at Temperance Hall, President D. B. Bursk, in 'the chair. Nineteen new names were added to list of members, Nornina• nations for Vice 'Presidents were - nakdo, but the election was postponed until next Monday evening. Various suggestions were made as to the objeccts aimed at, among which are the establishment of a reading room, the for mation of classes for instruction in branches of English education and vocal music, and the holding of prayer meetings in different locations of the city. A resolution; adopt ed by the Ministers' Association of the city, pledging their hearty co-operation in the labors of the Association, was read. The first week -1./ prayer meeting under the auspices of the Association, will be held in the M. E. Chapel, Charlotte street, on Saturday evening the 19th 1138 t. The citizens of Mount Joy, are desirous that the Reading and Columlila Railroad build a branch of their roa through that place. The new proprietors of t e " Printer's Paper Mill," have taken possession bf it, and are making preparations for starting the mill. A lecture will be delixpred in this city, on the Ist of April nezt,"by Fred. Douglass. The subject will be "Our Cosmopolitan Pop ulation." A new Methodist Church, near Slukneck, West Cocalico township, will be dedicated on Saturday and Sunday next, the 19th and 20th A revival is in progress at Ephrata Moun tain Springs, and quite a number have re nounced the world and taken up the cross. Some tine sport was bnjoyed on Tuesday of last week, at Epkratel—the occasion being a deer chase. The dear Was captured alive, after having run a number of miles. A serious stabbing affray occurred on Sat urday evening last, at the hotel of Leisey & Snyder, in West Cocalico-twp., near Reams town Station, R. &C. Railroad. A shooting match had taken place during the day, and in the evening an altercation arose about the manner in which it had been conducted. Dur ing the course of the dispute, a young man named Murr, was struck several blows by another one of the party named Tacker, which was finally resented by the Murr knock ing off Tacker's hat. Tacker then drew out a large dirk knife and made an effort to stab Murr, but struck a man named Lutz instead, inflicting a painful, yet not dangerous wound. Tacker then struck a second blow, this time wounding Murr in the left abdomen, causing a frightful gash six inches deep, causing the intestines to protude. l'hysicians were im mediately called in, who closed up the wound, but it is thought that the wound will most likely result fatally. Tacker has been arrest ed and committed to prison to answer at the next term of the Quarter Sessions. A man named George Miller, a resident of Columbia, and employed as a brakeman on the Columbia Lona! Freight Train, was killed on Thursday of last week at Harrisburg, while uncoupling cars. His remains were taken to Columbia. On the 31 inst., John Baylor, of Penn.twp., while engaged at work at an excavation of the Pinegrove and Manheim Railroad, near the latter place, was caught by a slide of earth, and had his right leg broken. Rev. A. W. &irk, of Manheim, preached his farewell sermon on last Sabbath. The material for the new iron bridge over the Chiques,at the lower end of Blenheim, has reached the ground, and the work will be rapidly pushed forward to completion. An Agricultural Society, called the Pequea Farmers' Club, has been organized in the vicinity of Strasburg. The law requires that no mail matter shall be delivered by the Postmaster until the full amount of postage has been paid thereon. The Postmaster has no choice in the matter, but is bound by law to collect all postage be: fore delivering the matter. 'Let every one remember this, and pay their postage when due. The sale of the live stock, &c., of J. E. Kreybill, of East Donegal township, o on the 9th inst., amounted to nearly *5,000. Since the Ist of January until the 10th of the present month, there have been shipped from the Freight Depot of the Penna. Rail road, at Mount Joy, eighty car loads ofgrain, malt and dour, making 800 tons. Jno. Potts has been appointed Poet-master at Christiana, in place of Franklin Homsher, resigned. Rev. Wm. Easton, has been appointed Post-master at Smyrna, in place of J. P. Marsh, removed. The Manbeim Town Council have decided by a majority of one, to light the streets of that borough. Samuel Evans of Columbia, has commenc ed the publication of reminiscences of Mari etta, in the .21farietaan. At a special meeting of the' Lancaster Classis of the Reformed Church, Rev. 3. 0. Stem, of the Manheim charge, Ives dismissed to the Goehenhoppen (Massie. ltev. W. T. Gerhard, has been elected Pastor of the new German Reformed Church of this city, Benj. F. Shenk, of North Duke street, had his left arm broken near the wrist on Friday evening of last week, by falling at the rail road bridge on Duke street. The quarterly District Convention of Good Tempters of Lancaster county was held on Friday last in Temperance Hall. D. S. Bursk, W. C. T., presided, and Sallie Embree acted as Secretary. A series of resolutions were offered, which, after discussion were adopt 4.4.. Quite_te, sWilmikalda 414444pkww: *wows in attendance, and the "session was highly harmonious and interesting. Marietta was selected as the place for holding the next county convention on the second Tuesday in May. J. S. Geist, of Marietta, was chosen W. C. T., and Miss Josie Ball, of Lancaster, as Secretary for thseensuing term. The roof of Walgannith & Krayhill's foun dry at Mount Joy, was slightly damaged by lire on Monday of last week. A man named Michael Caskey, residing between Marietta and Elizabethtown, this county, who had been employed on the Phil adelphia and Eris Railroad, in Cameron county, had his leg crushed near the ankle by the cavieg in of a railroad bank, near Driftwood. tie was brought to this city on Saturday last, and taken to the Hospital for treatment. The ball of Ee-shah-ko-nee Tribe of Red Men, held at Fulton Hall on Friday evening last, was one of the largest and finest held this season. H. Shubert, auotioneer, sold on Monday last a number of shares of Lancaster County Bank stock at $K1.50, P 2.00 and $83.60 per share. The new M. E. Church at Wasteland, Sadsbury-twp., will be dedicated on the 19th and 20th inst. A number of able ministers will be present. • - MAIL ROUTE LETTINGS : The r-ostmas ter-General has advertised for proposals for carrying mails over some of the routes in Pennsylvania. The letting is open until 3 o'clock p. in., March 30th. The following routes are in Lancaster county: From Lan easter, by Greenland and Sondersburg, to Paradise, 9 miles and back, 6 times a week. Leave Lancaster daily, except Sunday, at 4 p. m. Arrive at Paradise by 7p. m. Leave Paradise daily, except Sunday, at 7 a. in. Arrive at Lancaster by 10 a. in. From Lan cabter to Neffsville, 41.1 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Lancaster daily, ex cept Sunday, at Ip. m. Arrive at Neffsville by p. in. Leave Neffsville daily, except Sunday, at 11 a. in. Arrive at Lancaster by 12 in. From Gap to Buyerstown, 2% miles and back, three times a week, by a schedule satisfactory to the postmaster at Buyerstown. From Gordonville to Intercourse, 2% miles and back, six times a week, by a schedule satisfactory to the postmaster at Intercourse. NEEDS STAMPING.—Many persona sup woe that after havigg. received a letter ad dressed to some friendCbr acquaintance, all they have to do to make it reach the person (who has left the plat hin the meantime) is to change the address merely and drop it in the postofdce. The Postofilce Department has decided that all letters intended to be for warded must., after having passed from the custody of the postotlice, be prepaid by stamps in the same masker as though the letters had never been takedn the mail, If they are not so prepaid they arts held for postage and sent to the dead letter office as unpaid matter. LIST OF J yawls to serve in the Court of Common Pleas, commencing Monday, Feb ruary 28, 1870: Thomas Bean, Conoy; Robert Barnes, Drumore; Peter Buffenmoyer, East Lampeter; Samuel Benedict, city; Harris Boardman, Lancaster-twp.; Robert Crane, Columbia; Wm. IT. Custer, New Holland; Henry E. Carson, city; Cornelius Collins, Colerain; Lemuel Chew, East Lampeter; Jonas Eby, Ephrata; Richard Edwards, Drumore: Win. Good, Rut Earl; Henry B. Garber, Maytown; Epnjamin G. Getz, West Hempfleld; J. M. Hess, Drumore; William Honseal, Conoy; David Kuox, Salisbury; E. M. Kline, City; Charles G. Laverty, Para dise; Peter McConotay, city; Eli S. Mellin gger, Washington-bor.; Samuel Mifflin, Co Tumble.; Nathaniel Mayer, Drumore; Daniel MeKillips, Leacock; J. B. Patterson, Little Britain: J. W. Hooding, Elizabethtown; Chas. F. Rengier, city; P. F. Rogers, city ; Janice Raiser, Little - Britain; l B. Stouffer, Manheitn-twp.; Devil S. Snavely, city; John Smith, jr., Bainbridge; Jacob L. Btehman, Warwick; Joseph C. Stubbs, Fulton; Ru dolph Shenk, Conestoga; Jacob Weethaeffer, Coney; El. J. Young; city. DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY is no Patent Medicine humbug gotten up to dupe the ignorant and credulous, nor is it represented as being "composed of rare and precious substances brought from the four corners of the earth, carried seven times across the Great Desert of Saharah on the backs of fourteen camels, and brought across the Atlantic ta w °cast two ships." it is a simple, mild, soothi .ant Remedy—a perfect specific for C ~ . asal Catarrh, " Cold in the Head," and kindred diseases. The proprie tor, R. V. PIERCE, M. D., of Buffalo, N. V., offers a reward of WO for a case of Catarrh that he cannot cure. For sale by most druggists everywhere. Sent by mail, post paid, for sixty cents. Ad dress the proprietor as above. F you would have a desirable bead of hair and retain it, use Hall's Vegetable Sicil ian Hair Renewer, the most wonderful dis covery of modern times. ;;;;; ; ; 4 ; TO THE WORKING CLASS.—We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50c. to $5 per evening, and a propor tional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the business, we make this unparalleled offer: To such as are not well satisfied, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to commence work on, and a copy of The Peoples' Literary Cbmpanion—one of the largest and best family newspapers puhlished— all sent flee by mail. Reader, if you want per manent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN & CO. Augusta, Maine. foct29-3m ERRORS OF YOUTH A gentleman who suffered for years trom Ner vous Debility, Premature Decay and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Suf- ferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex perience, can do so by addressing, with perfect confidence. JOHN B. OGDEN, nov2ll-1y I No. 42 Cedar street, New Yorg. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having Peen restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Con sumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it,he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the di rections for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sum Cutts POR CONSIIKS TION, ASTIIMA, BRONCHITIS, AC. The Object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable; and be hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address. Ray. EDWARD A. nv WILSON, 026-ly) Williamsburg, Rings co., N Y. MARRIED. SllKNX—litex. Feb. 13th, by the Rev. E. Greenwald, Daniel H. Shank, of Conestoga, to Anna Meek, of West Lampeter. linciont—WsingAs. Feb. Bth, by Rev. J. J. Strine, at Horting & Schlott's hotel, Jacob S. Hacker to Fianna Weidman, both of tlay-twp. HUNTER—Kum'. Feb. loth, by Rev. J. V. Eckert. at the residence of the bride's father, Aaron A. Hunter, of Eden, to Sallie J. Keen, of Bart. WHIN—MCDONIVEL. Feb. 10th, by the Rev. Thos. B. Barker, John T. Wein to Lizzie D. McDon nel, both of Lancaster. Bomaznortt—MlLLEß Feb. 10th, by Rev. T. O. Stem, uhristian E. Botnberger to httte all of Alanheim. DIED. MINKEL Feb. 13th, in this city, Alice , daughter ol thomas and Mary Mimi!, aged 5 years, 2 weeks and 2 days. Feks. Veda* itM , I AM."Alllklfann widow of the late John liblladay, aged 86 years I month and 11) days. Br:Actly. Feb. lOd,, in nisi (1 4 , Geo. Iteachy aged 73 years, 2 months and 27 ay,„ c.,„.„„vi„. Feb. Stit, in this city, Bernard Cosgrove, aged 41 years, 1 month and 17 days. for LE. Feb. 9th, in this city, Martha, wife (if Dennis Coyle, in the a9th year of her age. ItonNen ea. Feb. 6th, in Man helm borough, Elizabeth, relict of the late Anthony Bornbach, aged 82 years, 7 months and if flays WEIL/NI N. flan. 81st, at sporting 11111, Michael Weidman, need e 3 yea es, 7 month , : and 12 days, THE MARKETS. Lancaster Household Markets. LANCASTER, Feb. 16 Butter, 10 ft 85 9(4 5) Lard, VI It 18 0) 2u Eggs, 11911 doz. 22 @ 25 Dressed Chickens, each. 45 0). 65 Beef by the quarecr—front......... 10 Beef by the quarter—hind I @ 1:; Whole Hogs dressed It It 13 Apples V r,,i peek 18 0 Ila Potatoes Ilbus 95 @ 60 Potatoes per t 4 peck T (0) 10 Turnips i.l peeklo .... I 'urn in the ear, per bus na Oats in bag of 3 bus 1 CO f6l 15 Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 16.—The Flour market presents no new features, the demand being mostly from the home consumers, who pur chased 1,300 bbls., including superfine at $1.37%, middlings at *430 extras at *4 62 1 ,444.75, lowa, W isconsin and Minnesota extra family at *502 5.75, Va. do. do. at 45.2505.50, Indiana and Ohio do. do. at *5 2406 25, and fancy brands at 416.50@ 7 50, according to quality. flout may be quoted at $1.75. Nothing doing it. Cornmeal, There is but litt'e activity in the Wheat market, and only 1.500 bus. Pa. red soli at $1.25 Rye is held at 98e. pt r bus. for Western -and Corn is less active and stcady; sales of 8,600 bus. new yellow at 80@31e., mostly in the cars, and white at 92c. Oats are unchanged; 2500 bus. l'enn'a Pold a 50055 c. Four thousand bullikamula 'Barley sold at Prices of Barley Malt are nominal. Bark—No. 1 Ctuerettron at WM 101 ton. Cloverseed is steady, with sales of 250 bus. at $868.25, the latter rate for choice. t'; Ices of Timothy and Flaxseed are nominal. Whisky is firm; Itio Wits. Iron•hound western sold at 98c.641.00. The Philadelphia Cattle Iffaiket. Mo DAV, Feb 14 —The market for Beef Cattle opened very firm to day, and continued so to the close, with a slight advance ou last week's quotations. We quote choice at 9!'@lo' o.; prime at t%09 1 ,4c. - , f.dr to good, ,1 ,44.i 8 %e.,:hnd etillimon at *4o7c. tp It gross, as in !Wittily. Receipts, 1762 head. 51 bead, Oven Smith, Western 8010 LO ~ A. twisty & Bro., Wes ern.. 8 010 45 " Dennis smith, W. Penne 7 a 9% so " Dengler & MeCleese, Western 6% 8% 93 " P. 1if..1 illen, Weston] . 8 9 60 " P. Hathaway, Lancaster co— 8 1 9% 43 ' James S. Kirk, Chewer c 0... 7' 4 9 1 4 40 " R. r . MO Hien, Western 8 10 1 ,4 its) " James M el. illen_OVestern.... 7 93 90 " E. 8. Mennen Western 9 9% fin " Ullman & Baeliman, 0hi0.... 8 tit‘ 103 " Martin. l'u!ler &Co . western 8 10% ! lea " Moone y & 51111er, Western... 8 11 1 / 4 ' 6 ! .30 " Thos. Mooney & WO, Western 7 9 60 " H. i. huin. Western 7 gY4 co " John Smith & Bru., Western 8% 10 30 " J &L. Frank, Virginia 7% 8% sl " D. echainberg & Co., Virgints 7 94 85 " Hope & to. Western 61/iO.! 9 ' 65 " 11. Frank, Western 7 99 8 1 4 45 " Mon & Co., a extern 7 0 8 40 " I. Cleuaon. Lancaster co.— 7 0/I 13 " D. Branson, Chests rc 3 G 30 " s. Frank, Lancaster co 7 14 0 8 31 " Chandler & Alexander, Ches. 9 615 18 " 1.. Horne, Delaware 4.381 P 6 23 ' S klumenthal Virginia 64 7 G 100 " . Ellenger, Virginfa 7 10 28 " Julie WANK!, Virginia 7 9 16 " Jesse litiller, Chester co 7 10 ! Cows and (elves were in limited request, I with sales of 125 bead at 910075. Springers were quo: ed at 915000. Sheep—the nierket vita firm at last week's quotations i stiles of 10,600 head at the Park Yard at 5 1 408% ) IR lb , tile hit ter figure for extra. At the Avenue breve Yard WOO Lead were dis posed of at s@Bo. titi in. Hogs were dull, with a downward tendency; sales of 2623 head at the Union DI ove Yard at 911.50012 for qop.fevl, and 9'3013 7590 100 its, for ' corn fed. Miscellaneous. BRADBURY'S AND OTHER PIANOS. Taylor A Farler@ and E. P. Need hay & Son's Organs and Melodeons. WM. G. nscli ER, Gen'l Wholesale Agent, WIN Arch street and 21 North Eleventh street, Philadel phia. (oct29-tlin AUN'TOR , S NOTICE. Estate of JACOB late of Noisbury township, Lancaster county. deceased. The undersigned Auditor. appointed to dis tribute the balance remaining in the hands of W. M. Cooper, Administrator, in and among those _legally entitled to the same, will attend for tat purpose on WEDNESDAY, FEBRU ARY lath_, 1870 , at 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., in the Library Room al the Court House, in the city of Lancaster, where all interested n said dis tribution may attend. jan2B-3t) PHILIP D. BAKER, Auditor. HALL'S VEGETABII SICILIAN RENEWER. DISEASES OF 111 E SCALP 1.110147 cl.: GRAY HAIR AND BALDNESS! THE U OIT HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER will restore it to its natural color and promote its growth. Onr Treatise on the Hair sent tree by mail. B. P. HALL, It CO., Nashua, N. IL, }ante-lm I Proprietors. LOOK HERE! A RARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY! WANTED IMMEDIATELY, Sixty-Five Men with a capital of from one to five hundred dollars each, (none others need call.) air Such persons can make from TWENTY to ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS PER DAY.'. This is the biggellt thing out and suits all classes of men, from the laborer to the mer chant. For particulars call on S. B. HARTMAN, S. E. Angle Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. Office hours from 9 toll a. tn., and 1 to 4 p. m. yan22obt A RARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY! WANTED IMMEDIATELY, FORTY MEN, WITH A CAPITAL OF .100 EACH, lEXIMI FORTY MECIIANICs, (CARPENTERS PREFERRED) one from each Township. Persons can make from TWENTY to THIRTY DDLLARS PER DAY for a short time. The chances are being rapidly taken, and as we have but forty. no time should be lost in giving us a cell. The business is honorable and pleasant, and can be done by anyone. For particulars cell on A. Z. ILINGWALT, jan2S-9t) No. it; South Duke•st., Lancaster, Pa. Sewing Machines. WHEELER &IVILSON'S LOCK-STITCH "qe Family Sewing Machine. OVER 400,000 NOW IN USE. EXAMINE IT BEFORE BUYING ANY OTHER. SOLD ON LEASE PLAN, $lO Par Month. PETERSON is CARPENTER, General .4fient.r. General Office for Lancaster County: 64 North Queen St. 64 octl-611t HOW TO GET A HOWE! ( A LI, ON C. FATE, Agent, NO. 21y4 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA THE Howe Sewing Dlaehines Ire the oldest established of any In the world! And have taken the HIGHEST PREMIUMS at all the great exhibitions of the world E xsuitne carefully, before purchasing any other, awl be tionvincedor their superiority. oct29-t ' G ROVER & BAKERSS FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH Family Sewing Machine 493 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 730 eIRSTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA POINTS OF EXCELLENCE. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the spools. No Listening of seams by hand and no waste of thrgud. Wide range of application without change of adjustment. The scam retains its beauty and firmness after washing and ironing. Besides doings!! kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines, these Machines execute the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. Sip-The Highest Premiums at all the Fairs and exhibitions of the United States and Europe, have been awarded the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines, and the work done by them, wherever exhibited in competition. Mir The ver . highest prize, THE CROSS OF THE LWIO Nor HONOR, was conferred on the representative of the Grover dt Baker Sew. ing Minqines, at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 117, thus al testing their great superiority over all pther Sewing Machines. For wife by GEORGE SPURRIER, North Queen street ] , mr2B-iyi Lancaster, Pa. Banking. DAVID BAIR BALI & StIENK, BANKERS, NORTH3ABT ANGLE OP CAINTBZ SQUAB! LANCASTER, PENNA. no2o-14 ZARM & JACKSON, WATCHES, CLOCKS„JEWELRY, WI T KING STREE LANCASTKR, Now open a New Stoek AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, airREPAIIIIING ATTENDEE) n021X.1) j WATCHES! CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS The undersigned keeps constantly on hand a large and full assortment of the GENUINE AMERICAN W ATCREs, of different weight and finish, to suit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps also on hand a good assortment of CLOCKS. Cal/ and examine the goods before purchasing else there. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a continu wee of the same. HENRY P. ANDREWS, Jan 1-Iy*) Strasburg, Lancaster co., nt. Books and Stationery. SCHOOL BOOKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! We would respectfully call the attent kw of all MERCHANTS, SCHOOL DIRECTORS, TEACHERS PARENTS AND SCHOLARS SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Which will be solo at the LOWEST CASH PRICES —AT— GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Call before purchasing elsewhere. J. H. SHE, AFFEWS Cheap Cash Book Store, No. 52 Nor* Queen-st Lancaster. Penns HOLIDAY BOOKS REDUCED FROM 10 TO 20 PER C ENT BOOKS FUR THE GRAVE, BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, WORK BOXES, citin Es , CALM PA N I ONS, Checker Boards, Gaines in great variety, n - day School rooks and Rewards or all kiwis, Teachers' Helps, Stationery and Initial I.,•tter Paper cheaper than was ever OnelTd in Lttii. caster. ?Nett Green Backs [tic , a to all purelnt,er, 11. S. RARE, West King-Mt., corner of Fulton Row Now is the time to Subscribe NEW YORK WEEKLY, Me PEOPLE'S PA V"RITE ./ or RS A I The Most Interesting Stories Ane always to be louni in the NEW YORK SIX GREAT SII'ORIES running through its columns; and at least ONE STORY IS' BEGUN EVERY MON'l'll Y subscribers nre thus sure of having the commencement of a new continued story, mr mutter when they subscribe for the VACII number of the NEW YORK WEEKLY contains several Remitlfni ll ltistrations, Double the Amount of Reading Matter of any paper of its class, anti the Sketch es, Short Stories, Poems, etc., are by the all,--t writers of America and Europe. The INEW YORK WEEKI, Y does not confine its usefulness to amusement, but publishes a great quantity of really in structive matter to the most condensed form. I The N. Y. Weekly Departments have attained a high reputation for their brev itE, excellence. and correctness. Tun PLEASANT PARAGRAPHS are made np of the concentrated wit and humor of many minds. THE KNowi.Enoic Box is confined to lISPI . III in formation on all matters and subjects. THE NEWS ITEMS give in the fewest wolik the most notable doings all over the world. THE GOSSIP WITH CORRESPONDENTS contains answers to inquiries upon all imaginable sub jects. An Unrivalled Literary Paper NEW YORK WEEKLY. Each Wow contains from EIGHT to TEN STORIES and SE ETCH Es, and HALF A DOZ EN POEMS, in ADDITION to the SIX HER IA D STORIES and the VARIED DEPARTMENTN. The Terms to Subscribers. One Year—single copy .Three Dollars. .t Four copies (4‘2.10 each) Ten Dollars. " Eight copies Twenty Dollars. Those sending We for a club of Eight, all sent at one time, will be entitled to a copy prtEt:. Getters up of clubs can afterward add single copies at $2.50 each. STREET & SMITH, Proprietors, No. 55 Fulton-st., N. Y. Dee. 24-f f. B • BERTOLETTE, . LNDERTAKEL. NO. 18 NORTII FIFTII STREET READING. Always on band Earley's Patent Wooden Coffins, Raymond & Co.'s Metallic Coffins, Fish's Metallic Coffins. I= Always prepared to attend to the dead and furnish Coffins, burial caxes. /lac., at the very shortest notice. B. BERTOLETTE, .rzo. le North Fifth street, • novl2-tf) Reading, I'a. jewelry. DEALERS AN S 1 J. V E ft' LANCASTER, PA WATCHES! To our LARGE STOCK of PAPER AND ENVELOPEI4 AND FANCY GOODS, BOOKS FOB THE GAY, ROOKS FOR THE: OLD, and ROOKS FOR THE YOUNG HYMN BOOKS, IVRITING DESKS, FRENCH A:41) AMERICAN A 1,H1".4-'., STEREOSCOPI , , VIP.AI-, =I WEEKLY. At Present there an NEW YORK WEEKLI CELL LTOUSE F 'RNI SI ING GOOD'. ENIII.IsHIII4 GRANITE English White (intuits Di o nne!' Set,. ENOLltilf Wniii (inn NITP: eIiAMBIER SECT* FRENCH CHINA, ((101l Bawl anti Plain Wtre, AI" . E ATHERS, CARPETS, FLOOR 011. 1.0T85., DRUGGETS, AWSEINS. SHEETING & SHIRTING, Bleached or Vn1,114 1 1116.1., TiCKINGS, CHECKS, TOW ELLES I IIS; TABLE LINENS PIANO A ND TABLE EISIB'D COVF:RS. DANI•SKFI, &C., 4., ' 20,000 PIECE S; WALL PAPERS, DECORATIONS A N D BOIL DEW-. ENTIRELY NEW DESIGNS, WATCHES w i).• IA) W EST PR jan2l-t JACOB HAHNI.H, M. N. HARNISH, JOHN L. MILLEN. HARNISH & CO'S CHEAP STORE, No. 27 WEST KING-ST., LANCASTER. PA., Defiler , in Foreign and DoineAk GLASS AN) QUEENsWARE Cloths, (2assinni•res, Sattincits, Jeans, Tweed.. Lindseys, Flannels, 'rickings, Cheeks. Plakti, Alpaccas, Poress Goods, Ging aiiteeq, Mnslins and Drills, White Goods, Notions, & No. l Feathers: MEN AND BUYS' WEAR, Made up at astonishing Low Prices. sir Call and examtne our stock before put chasing elsewhere, feb12,09-Iv FALL, 1869 JOHN D SKILES BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, IRISH POPLINS, • PARIS DRESS 000DS MAI& (MUD ALPACAS English Dress Goods, FRENCH MERINOS AND WOOL . DELAIN‘ BLAIK BOMBAZINES & CRETONE CIATIE PAISLEY AND BROOM LONG SHAWLS, BLACK TIIIBET LONG & SQUARE SHAWL..., 500 PLAID AND STRIPED LONG AND SQUARE WOOL SHAWLS, CLOAKING CLOTHS, WATER-PROOF CLOTHS. 100 PAIR BED CRIB AND CRADLE BLANKETS, ENGLISH AND AMERIGAN PRINT;N:, WHITE, RED AND GREN: FLANNELS, A full ar of 3terll)o 110.,erA 1111101111 '4( Nu•. Carpets, Oil Cloths, and Window FALL 1i;69 Men and Boys' Wear. S KI LES is now receiving a sort 'tient of CLOTHS AN 1./ CASSI EU ES, Eng lish unit American Coatings in all shades, Mips eow and Castor Beavers, all Goods for Boys' wear, for sale liS• the van', al wade tip to miler at short notice, anal ii arrant ed to give satisfaction.. REAOY-MADE CLOTHING. snits for (Lett snits for Boys. 100 OVERCOATS for Men and Hors' of Oa - II manufacture. Gents' Ftirnistifuit uood.. Merino t7ntlershirts unit Dm Werr.i Hitsier Neck Ties, &e. JOHN D. SKILES, No. .24 East King ~ t reet, one door eat o f ih Lancaster County National Bank. [oytt-t., Coal, Lumber, &T. B. B. MARTIN. 31anufact itrer and Whofrsa le LITMBER, DEA LEN I.A.NCASTEIt.CO.. PA WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK, PoPIkE. ASH, WALNUT, FLOORING, SIDUSG, WEATHER BOARDS, PICK ETs, LATH, BOX BOARDS, &c. MILL AT 1 . ..0CE HAVEN ciANToN COUNTY, PA. m hl2-69-ly EIMER, BRENEMAN & (20., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COAL, OF THE BEST' QUALITY Axv—CUR. W AT ER ST. AND PA. U. 1L Ovricx—N O. 2 EAST ORANGE ST., LANCASTER PA. [dec 18-) JAS. F. RICKSECKERI MANUFACTUIIITH AND DEALER IN CABINET WARE, Windsor & Cane-seated Chairs, GENERAL UPHOLSTERER, NO. 29 EAST KING STREET. Nearly opposite I he (Aar( House, over Parr' LANCASTER, PA. ()niers antl Repairing prompily telided La Nov•26-fRU Book and Job Printing. RAUCH A:, COCHRAN, BOOK AND JOB PitINTER,S_ PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING 01 ALL KINDS. From ttiv largest Ini:;TER to the smallest CARP or CILICULAIt, exeente,l in the best style, awl at reas+onable Sir Orders from a instance promptly attemil oil to. OFFICE.-NO. 13, SOUTH QUEEN STREIT LANCASTER, PENNA. Dry Goods. HAGER & BROS., LOOKINC, MD EETINE DRY GOODS, NOW OPENING -AT LINEN DAIVIASh IN ALL QUALITIES DEALERS IN Cabinet 11'-are. EMI Itook Store.,