On Friday night last, the blackimith shop of Frederick Sholbower, in Conoy township, with its contents was destroyed by fire. .James McPhail of Strasburg, has been re appointed by the Governor, a Notary Public for the term of three years, for Strasburg and vicinity. Dr. S. M. Landis, a former resident of this county, was on last Saturday sentenced by Judge Pierce, in the Court of Quarter Ses sions of Philadelphia, to pay a fine of SSOO and undergo an imprisonment of one year in the Philadelphia County Prison, for publish ing and selling an obscene book. J. B. Nicholson, of Philadelphia, will de liver a lecture in the Court House, on Monday evening, February 14th inst., under the auspices of the Odd Fellows of this city, the net proceeds to be devoted to some charitable object. The new Board of Directors of the Poor have increased the salary of Mr. J. 0. Stein hauser, the efficient Superintendent of the Hospital and Clerk of the Board, from S7OO to SIOOO. James L. Shultz, has purchased the dwell ing house of S. F. Engle, at the east end of Marietta borough, for $12,000. Five acres of land and buildings, on Manor turnpike, belonging to C. B. Herr, were re cently sold to Henry CI. Lipp, for $6,000. At a meeting of the friends of Temperance held on Monday evening last, the following delegates were elected to represent this city in the State Temperance Convention to be held in Harrisburg, on the Bth of Feburary let Ward, Daniel S. Bare ; 2nd Ward, Rev. E. H. Nevin ; 3rd Ward, William Barton ; 4th Ward, D. W. Bisael ; sth Ward, Rev. J. N. Metzger ; 6th Ward, Col. Wm. L. Bear ; 7th Ward, Jacob W. Miller ; Bth Ward, N. B. Hartley ; 9th Ward, Samuel L. Hartman. W. W. Beardelee, was elected to represent the Temperance Hall Association of Lancaster THE COURT : The January Term of the Court of Quarter Sessions commenced on Monday of last week, Judges Hayes and Lib hart, on the Bench. John Fondersmith of this city, was appointed Foreman of the Grand Jury. We give a brief summary of the cases disposed of last week : Daniel Trewitz pleaded guilty to a charge of assault and battery en John Martin. Sen tenced to pay a tine of $2O with costs of pros ecution. John Smith, Larceny as Bailee. Charged with having appropriated to his own use $6.00 entrusted to him by Andrew Kane. He de nied ever receiving it. The jury rendered a verdict of not guilty. The parties to the suit reside in the vicinity of Washington borough. Philip Sunner and Adam Schupp, indicted for an assault and battery on Henry Breiter, committed at Kuhlman's beer saloon in this city. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty ; the prosecutor to pay two-thirds of the costs, and each of the defendants one bixth. George Watson, James Stotts and James Edmondy, three colored boys. Watson, was charged with stealing a small sum of money from the till of Augustus Schuyler of Colum bia, and the other two with being accessories. Verdict of jury not guilty. A surety of the Peace case in which Joseph Kilen was defendant, and his wife complain ant. The wife charged her husband with threats to kill her. The defendant charged his wife with misappropriating his property and neglected to provide for him. The parties reside on Chestnut Hill. Judgment of the Court not pronounced. Elizabeth Kulp, Felonious Assault. The defendant charged with assault committed at the eating saloon of Henry Carson, in North street, near Rockland. This case excited quite an interest and drew quite a crowd of spectators. The accused, in company with her sister, went to the house of the defendant, where a dance was in progress, and about midnight au altercation occurred between Carson and the two sisters. During the strug gle which ensued, the defendant drew a knife and struck enrsnu fa.voral timon. inflicting one serious wound in the back. The indict ment as presented by the District Attorney charged, Ist. Felonious Assault with Attempt to Murder, and, 2d. Assault and Battery. The facts as produced by the defendant was that Carson kept a disreputable house, sold liquor withobt license and that be invited the sisters to his house. The counsel for the de fendant made a very strong appeal in her be half maintaining that as she was invited to the house and committed no offence, the at tempt to eject from the premises was unwar ranted. The jury returned a sealed verdict of Lot guilty and the prosecutor to pay costs. Samuel Hoover charged with seduction. The case was settled. Charles 'Willis pleaded guilty to the larceny of three geese belonging to A. M. Stauffer, and was sentenced to three months' impris onment. Mrs. Martha Shirley, was found guilty of assault and battery on Jane McCafferty, and sentenced to pay costs of prosecution. A surety of the Peace case in which John Felsinger was complainant, and Baltzer Wagner defendant, was beard. Wagner was ordered to pay costs of prosecution and give recognizance in the sum of .9200 to keep the peace for six months. Charles Hepperling was charged with steal ing leather for a pair of boots from Samuel Lyons. A sealed verdict of not guilty was rendered. Henry Dietrich was tried for assault and battery en Win. Homer. A verdict of not guilty rendered—the costs to be paid in equal parts by the defendant and prosecutor. Wm. Livingston pleaded guilty of taking a horse from Levi M. Stoner, of West Hemp field township. Stoner stated he believed that the defendant at the time the deed was committed was laboring under a temporary aberration of mind from the use of liquor, and asked that the sentence of the Court eas light as possible. The defendant was sen tenced to one months' imprisonment. John Moore was charged with false pretense in obtaining on credit leather from Conrad Gamer of this city, representing himself to be the owner of a house and shop at _Rockville, and referring to Mr. Philip Wicklow to sub stantiate his statement, who upon being call ed on Misted that it wool 4 ‘ alt right." The Court, in charging the jury, stated that if the goods were given on the strength of Mr. Eleiohler's remarks and not on the representa tion of the defendant, he, the defendant was not guilty. The jury returned a sealed verdict of not guilty, the defendant to pay half and the County the balance of the costs of prose:. cution. Adam Hoffman pleaded guilty to the charge of stealing some clothing from the residence of Philip Copeland of this city, and was sen tenced to an imprisonment of th,ree months. Annie M. Kleeman complained of her hus band George M. KleeraanTor desertion. The Court •ordered the defendant to pay his wife and three children two and a half dollars a week for their support. Barbara Fite complained against her hus band for desertion. The defendant is sixty eight years of age, and it was shown that he is not able to provide for his family. The case was dismissed and the costa ordered to be paid by the County. On Saturday the Grand Jury returned an ignoramu# oft the bill against John Moore charged with larceny, and also in the case of John Curtis charged with the same offense, the latter being convicted and sentenced at the last term of the Court. Judge Long on Saturday, called attention to the large number of bills which are at each term of Court ignored by the Grand Jury, and in which the County is mulcted in the costs, for want of persons to prosecute. He recommended that in all suits of a trifling character instituted in which the persons commencing the same do not attend Court to prosecute, then, the persons so making the complaints should be made to pay the costs of the proceedings. The Court on Saturday granted all licenses for old stands against which no objections were filed. All other petitions will be heard on Saturday morning, 29th inst. The following bills were ignored by the Grand Jury : John K. Fisher, felonious em bezzlement of property belonging to Dr. Jac. Long ; Barbara Henkle, selling liquor with out license, selling liquors to minors and sell ing liquor on Sunday ; Rudolph Reiff, selling liquor without license, to minors, and on Sun day ; John Shoenberger, selling liquor with out license ; John Wayland and Jacob Ness- Inger, Supervisors of Clay township, neglect of duty ; Peter Hilliard and Frank Baker, riot; E. H. Smith, seduction ; Samuel C. Kauffman, larceny ; Joseph Kilen, assault and battery ; Jesse Pennabecker, keeping a gambling house ; Holbert Anderson, assault and battery ; John Becker, horse stealing ; Andrew Kern, assault and battery; Merritt Gregg, larceny ; Alice Homey, larceny ; Ottman and others, Henry Sheets and others, and Samuel Auble, erecting fish pots in the Susquehanna, and Frank Clinton, larceny. The Grand Jury Report: That they visited the Hospital, Alms House and County Prison, and found them in good order and condition ; they express their disapprobation of the re turns by committing magistrates of minors from ten to fifteen years of age to answer charges of petit larceny, which they think should be determined by the magistrates themselves instead of troubling the Court with them ; they condemn the derelictions of duty on the part of Constables, in the manner of returning the keepers of tippling-houses, without the names of witnesses to sustain the charge, causing the bills to be ignored and the County to pay the costa ; they deprecate the custom of our Constables and committing magistrates in the free use of authority in apprehending, asserting and committing vagrants, who would otherwise pass beyond the County, as by the abuse of this right our prison is continually filled with them causing a large amount of the public money to be used for their maintenance, costs of arrest and conviction ; they recommend that some plan be devised by which the vagrants may be employed and the proceeds of their labor be appropriated as a fund to renumerate the County for the expense of keeping and feeding them ; they condemn the prison van used in conveying prisoners to and from the prison and recommend that a more suitable one be procured ; they recommend that the Commissioners appropriate to the American Fire Company of Lancastes, a sum not ex ceeding $5OO towards the payment of said Fire Engine, &c. SHERIFF SALES : Sheriff Myers on Satur day, the 15th instant, sold the following real estate : A farm of 52 acres of land, on which are a dwelling house, a barn and other buildings, in Bart township, belonging to Geo. H. Pas chal, purchased by Martin Y. Greenleaf, for $3,800. The following properties of Samuel Hop kins, in Marietta, were purchased as follows: No. 1, a two-story brick dwelling house, a warehouse, stable and other buildings, corner of First and Walnut streets, purchased by F. Waller, for $2,400 ; No. 3, four two-story frame dwelling houses, Second-st., purchased by D. G. Baker, Esq., for $1,375; No. 4, a two-story frame dwelling house, and other buildings, on Front street, purchased by A. N. Cassel, for $900; N0..5, two one-story frame dwelling houses, on Locust street, pur chased by J. G. Resh. for $575; No. 9, a lot fronting twelve feet on Third street, purchas ed by S. S. Nagle, for $B5. No. 2, was not sold, the balance of the properties satisfying the Sheriff's claims. The property of A. K. Bowers was not sold, the former sale having previously been con firmed. OFFICERS OF THE PRISON : An election for officers of the Lancaster Co. Prison was held on Monday. The following officers were elected : Keeper, Levi Sensenig ; Under- Keepers, Jacob S. Smith and A. F. Wilkin son ; Shoemaker, Joseph Rife ; Clerk, Geo. Eby ; Watchmen, John Powell and Wm. H. iseatn Treasurer, Ctirtstian Lefever. Forty ballots were held for physician, without an election, the candidates being Drs. Compton, Blackwood, A. J. Herr, Jno. L. Atlee, jr., and F. F. Frantz. D. P. Rosenmiller, jr., was elected Solicitor. The present members of the Board are Jer emiah Rohrer, President, Henry Pownall, Secretary, Christian Lefever, Treasurer, Mi chael S. Shirk, Henry Musser and Christian Gast. The retiring are I. H. Sheaffer and J. A. Sweigart. THE COUNTY HOSPITAL AND ASYLUM— Election of Officers, 41:c. : The new Board of Directors of the Poor of Lancaster county, met on Monday, and c ganized by appoint ing T. Scott Woods President. J. 0. Stein hauser, Superintendent of the Hospital and Lunatic Asylum and clerk of the Board, was re-elected. The election for Steward and Treasurer was postponed until the next meeting. Dr. J. Ang. Ehler, Dr. Wm. Blackwood, Dr. A. J. Herr and Dr. Wm. R. Grove were elected physicians for the en suing year, and P. D. Baker, esq. Solicitor. The new Board of Directors consists of the following gentlemen : T. Scott Woods, Pre sident, Daniel Herr, Conrad Gast, George Fry, B. F. Cos and Adam Lefevre. COMMISSIONERS' ELECTION: The County Commissioners Monday elected their officers for the ensuing year, as follows : Clerk, John H. :Shirk ; Solicitor, Jesse Landis, Janitor, Joseph C. Snyder. The present Commis sioners are John Strohm, Jr., Jacob C. Hrea dy, and John Armstrong. C. H. Nisaloy is the retiring member. SUIT WITHDRAWN : The suit instituted by Ellwood Griest, editor of the inquirer, against A. M. Rambo, formerly editor of the Columbia Spy, for libel, has been withdrawn, the latter having published a card disclaim ing any intention to injure Mr. Griest. Mr. G. was a candidate for Congress at the time the alleged libelous article appeared in the Spy. IF you desire rosy cheeks and a complexion fair and free from pimples and blotches, purify your blood by the use of Dr. Pierce's Altera. tive Extract or Golden Medical Discovery. It has no equal for this purpose, nor as a remedy for severe Coughs or Bronchitis. Sold by druggists, or enclose three and a quarter dollars to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., and get three bottles free of Express charges. R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua,. N. R., pro prietors of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer, publish a treatise on the Hair, which they will send free to any one on ap plication. This is a valuable little book, send for it. 44444 4 4 4 4 TO THE WORKING CLABB.—We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50e. to $5 per evening, and a propor tional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the business, we make this unparalleled otter: To such as are not well satisfied, we will send Si to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to commence work on, ands copy of The Peoples' Literary Cknapanton—one of the largest and beet family newspapers puhlished— all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want per manent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN & CO. Augusta, Maine. roct29-3m ERRORS OF YOUTH A gentleman whosuffered for years I rom Nor vous Debility, Premature Deoa3r_, and all the effects of youthful indiscretio n , wlll, forsake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simpie remedy by which be was cured. Suf ferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex perience, can do so by addressing, with perfect confidence. JOHN B. OGDEN, nov26-lyj No. 42 Cedar street, New York. TO CONSUMPTIVES The advertiser having been restored to health in a 'few weeks, by a very simple remedy, Offer having suffered several years with a smere lung affection, and that dread disease Con sumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy IX the prescription used (free of charge,) with the di rections for preparing and using the ssme, which they will find a SURE Cuss FOR CONSTMF TION, ASTHMA, BRONCH/TIA, &c. The object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription !s to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address. Ray. EDWARD A. WILSON, nov2C-Iyj Williamsburg, Kings co., N Y MARRIED. CLARK—LESDERT. October 21st, at the M. E. Parsonage, In Millersville, by Celt. J. E. KCSN- Ier, Wm. Clark, of Colemanville, to sand' J. Leedert, of Millersville. MAYNAIM—MCMULLIN. Dec. 23d, at Sproch er's hotel, by the Rev. J. E. Kessler,Benjamin F. F. Maynard, of Conestoga Centre, o Laura J. McMullin, of Colemanville. ERlSMAN—Pasiiries. Jan. 20th t by the Hest. J. E. Kessler, John D. Erisman, of Millersville, to Mary E. Prentiss, of Safe Harbor. HatmAttica—liAnposn. Jan. 20th, by the Rev. E. Greenwald, John S. Brubaker, of Freeport, 111.,t0 Leah Hamlett, of Manhoim township. aassmatt—CoNnatt. Jan. 19th, by the liev. Thomas B. Barker, Elijah P. Oenseinei, to Lydia Conner, both of Lancaster. DIED. NIRSLEY. Jan. 17th, in East Donegal. Ellen, daughter of Ephraim N. and Fannie Nissiey, aged 2 years, 5 months anti 4 days, G ATell ELL. December 2.5 th, Mary Fea t young est daughter of Dr. J. C. Gatchell, aged 10 months anb 24 days. THE MARKETS. Lancaster Household Markets. LANCAFITER, Jan. 26. Butter, fib "'''' 350 45 Lard, firt It 18 0 20 Eggs, 'fl doz. '2O 0 26 Dressed Chickens, each .. 40 @ 75 Dressed Geese, each 1 25 0 117 % Beef by the quarter—front........, it 10 Beef by the quarter—hind 11 13 Whole Hogs dressed Ito 13% 14 Sausages, V 5 18 20 Potatoes 11,1 bus 50 J $5 Potatoes per 1 ,4 peck 8 10 Turnips Iti tA peck Apples ill I ,i peek 15 0 '26 Sweet Cider, ift gallon 30 Corn in the ear; per bus Oats Itt bag of 3 bus Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADEDPHIA, Jan. 26.—The flour market is quiet, but prices remain as last quoted. There is no shipping demand anti the home consugi ers operate sparingly ; sales of il(l4,Litlds,- In cluding Idnpertlne, at $4.25(04,37 1 4 ; extras at 4,4.50@4.75 ; lowa, 'Wisconsin and Minnesota extra family at $5@5.75 ; Penn'a do. do. at ss@ 5.75; Indiana and Ohio do. do. at $5.2546.25, and fancy brands at $6.50@7 .50, according to quality. Rye flour may be quoted at $4.87465. No sales were reported in Cornmeal. The wheat market is less active, but prices are well sustained ; sales of 1200 bush choice Penn'a red in the elevator, at $1.25. Rye may be quoted 98c.fgid for Western and Penna. Corn Is steady at the recent advance, and tile offerings are light; sales of 3000 bus. new yel low at 87c. for dump, and 91091 c. for prime dry afloat. Cats arc unchanged ; 2000 bus. Wesrn and Penn'a sold at 54@56e. In barley and malt no sales were reported. Tho last sale of No. 1 Quercitron bark was at 430 per ton. Whisky is dull at $1@1.02 for wood and iron bound packages. The Philadelphia Cattle Market. MONDAY, Jan. 24.—The market opened with a firmer feeling to-day, and at the close prices were a shade higher. We quote choice at 9 lA:4_l/ 10c.; prime at 84A0c.; fair to good at 7 1 ,,iii S.; and common at a@7c• fl il,. gross, Fami y Sewin b as in uality. Iteccipts 1800 head. The following s. • repos tad , 58 head, Owen Smith, Western .... g @ id . 4 OVER 400,000 NOW IN USE. - 5,) " A. Christy & Bro., Western.. ro 0 IV.I " Dengler & McCleese, Chester. 6 0 ti ,, . 100 " I'. AicEillen, Virginia 7 @lO EXAMINE IT BEFORE BUYING ANY OTHER. 30 " P. Hathaway, Western 71 . . , ,i SOLD ON LEASE PLAN, 50 " Dennis Smith, Western : so " James 51c Eillen, Western.... ; 06 81 (itlo Wiimo imer mciaacti. 75 " E. S. Mennen, 'Western Pena. s q 9y, PETERSON &CARPENTER, General olgents. 103 " Clhnan & Bachman, Western s'elli)10•4 205 " Martin, Fuller &Co , Ky...... 7 0!) 11!;; General Office for Lancaster County; 90 " Mooney & Miller ii Western ... 7' : 1(610 64 North Queen St. (34 05 " Thos. Moone & ro, Virginia 6 06 cii .20 " H. Chain, Western Penna.... 6 06 0, .. .. 100 " John Smith & Bro., Western 711.4 9!,i 77 " J. &L. Frank, Virginia 715@ 51 f (.5 " G. Schamberg, & Co. Virginia 7 4 3 , i 80 " Hope & Co., Western 7 0$ 91 1 15 " M. Dryfoos, & Co., Penne .... 5@ 6 45 " }ikon & Co. Virginia 700 S 30 " J. Clemson, Lancaster c 0...... 74$ C 38 " C. Welker, Virginia 5 1 ,4 , 0 6?„ 52 " 11. Frank, - Virginia 7 red 8 80 " Chandler & Alexander, Ches.. (6 11 , ,, `.N " A. Kimble ' Chester county... 8 (a) U'. 25 " L. Horne, Delaware 1 2e) a', 108 " Ellenger ' Virginia 7 (g 9 21 " S. Frank, Western 7 06 7q . . 78 " K. Mayne, Virginia 5 W Bf . ‘ 26 " J. J. Chain, Western 0 4 7 18 " S. Blumenthal, Virginia..... VA@ s', Cows and calves attract little attention , sales of 100 head at 00015. Springers sold at.. $lOOO O . Sheep were in moderate request at full fig tires; sales of 8000 head at the Park Drove Yard at 680,. the latter rate for extra, and 7000 hea at the Avenue Drove Yard at 11@t2c. Hogs—the market was stronger, and holders 'firmer in their views; sales of 3352 head at $11(a 11.50 lit 100 ibs. for slop and 02.60613.50 for corn fed. New Advertisements. LOOK HERE 1 A RARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY! WANTED IMMEDIATELY, Sixty-Five Men with a capital of from one to five hundred dollars each, (none others need oall.) Sir Such persons can make from TWENTY to ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS PER DAY. This is the biggest thing out and suits all classes of men, from the laborer to the mer chant. For particulars call on S. B. HARTM..N, S. E. Angle Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. Oboe hours from 9 to 11 a. m., and 1 to 4 p. m Jan299t ZIALL'S e VEGETABLE SICILIAN td k, 7 HAJ R. RENEWER. DISEASES OF THE SCALP PRODUOE GRAY HAIR AND BALDNESS! TUE USE OF HALL'S VRGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER will restore it to its natural color and promote its growth. Our Treatise on the flair seat free by mail. R. P. HALL, 1 CO., Nashua, N. rt., jan2B-1m) Proprietors. A RARE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY! WANTED IAI3IICDIATELY, FORTY MEN, WITH A CAPITAL OF $lOO EACH, I:ZEE=I FORTY MECHANICS, (CARPENTERS PREFERRED) one from each Township. Persons can make iroin TWENTY to THIRTY DOLLARS PER DAY for a short time. The chances are being rapidly taken, and as we have but forty, no time should be lost in giving us a call. The business is honorable and pleasant, and can be done by anyone. for particulars sail on A. Z. ItINGWA LT, jan2B-9t) NO.IO South Duke-st., Lancaster, Pa New Advertisements: A UDITOD , ti NOTICE Estate of JACOB HARsII, late of Sadsbury township, Lancaster county. deceased. The undersigned Auditor. appointed to dis tribute the balance remaining in the hands of W. M. Cooper, Administrator, to and among those legally entitled to the same, will attend for that purpose on WEDNESDAY, FEBRU ARY Pith, 187 u, at 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., in the Library Room of the Court House, in the city of Lancaster, where all interested in said dis tt ihution may attend. jan2Bo.3l] PHILIP D. BAKER, Auditor. BRADBURY'S AND OTHER PIANOS. Taylor & Farley's and E. P. Needham & Son's Organs and Melodeons. WM. G. FISCHER, Gen'l Wholesale Agent, 1018 Arch street and 21 North Eleventh street, Philadel phia. 10ct29-6m DAYS OF APPEAL FOR 1870 TO TILE TAXABLE INHABITANTS OF LAN CASTER COUNTY. Pursuant to the provisions of the laws of this Commonwealth, the undersigned Commission. ers of Lancaster county hereby give notice to the TAXABLE INHABITANTS, within the re spective City, Boroughs and Townships, of the said county, that the Days of Appeal from the Assessment 011870, will be held at the Commis sioners, Office, in the city of Lancaster, on the following days, to wit : For the Townships of Adamstown Borough, Bart, Brecknock, Tuesday, Feb. 8, 1870, Ciernarvon, Cocalieo East, Cocalico West, Cotentin, Columbia, Conestoga, Conoy, Clay, fMnegal East, Donegal West, Drumore, Ephrata, Earl, Earl East, Earl West, Elizabeth, Elizabethtown 130 r., Eden, Fulton, Hemptleld East, Hempfleld West, Lampeter East, Lampeter West, Lancaster, Leacock, Leacock Upper, Little Britain, Manheim, Manor, Mount Joy, e-Thursda Feb. 17 y, Mount Joy Borough, Marietta Borough, Manheim Borough, I Paradise, ?.Friday, Feb. 18. Penn, Pequea, Providence, Rapti o, Salisbury, i Tuesday, Feb. 22. Sadsbury, Strasburg, Strasburg Borough, Warwick, Wednesday, Feb. 23 Washington Borough • ) Lancaster City Thursday, Feb. 24. And at the same time and place, the Appeals from the Military Rolls and Dog Tax, will be held. JACOB C. KREADY, JOHN ARMSTRONG, C 11. NISSLEY, .JOHN sTROHM, ittnl7-I,f) Commissioners 85 @ 90 1 45 61 70 Sc,viuil Machines. WHEELER & WILSON'S LOCK-STITCII HOW TO GET A -HOWE! C. FATE, Agent, NO. 24;4 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Howe Sewing Machines Are the oldest established of any In the world! HIGHEST PREMIUMS at all the great exhibitions of the world W Examine carefully, before purchasing any other, and be convincedof their superiority. oct29-tf G ROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, 49 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 730 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA POINTS OF EXCELLENCE. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the spools. No fastening of seams by hand and no waste of thread. Wide range of application without change of adjustment. The seam retains its beauty and firmness after washing and ironing. Besides doing ail kinds of work done by other Sowing Machines, these Machines execute the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. Sir The Highest Premiums at all the Fairs and exhibitions of the United States and Eu rope, have been awarded the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines, and the work done by them, wherever exhibited in competition. THEThe very highest prize, THE CROSS OF THE LEGION OF HONOR, was conferred on the representative of the Grover it Baker Sew ing Machines, at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, RIFT, thus at testing their great superiority over all other Sowing Machines. For sale by GEORGE SPURRIER, my2B-1y) North Queen street Lancaster, a. DAVID BAIR B AIR & SHENK, NORTHEAST ANGLE OF CENTRE SQUAB; n0204y) Miscellaneous. OVednesday, Feb. 9 }Thursday, Feb. 10 }Friday, Feb. 11, 1 r '-Tuestlay, Feb. 15 I Wednesday, Feb. 16 Machine. CALL ON LANCASTER, PA THE And have taken the Banking. B. W. SHENK BANKERS, LANCASTER, PENNA Jewelry. ZAHM & JACKSON, DEALERS 1N WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER, AND SILVER.-PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA IirREPAIRENG ATTENDED TO.-liii no2o-Iy] WATCIIES! CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS The undersigned keeps constantly on hand a large and full assortment of the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES, of different weight and finish, to suit nil, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps also on hand a good assortment of CLMKS. Call and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors I solicit a continu mice of the same. HENRY F. ANDREWS, jam 1..1y0l Strasburg, Lancaster eo., Va. Books and Stationery. SCHOOL BOOKS, WHOLESALE: AND RETAIL! We would respectfully call the attentionof all MERCHANTS, SCHOOL DIRECTORS, TEACH E PARENTS AND SCHOLARS To our LARGE STOCK of SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY! Which will be sol ! at the LOWEST CASH PRICES PAPER AND ENVELOPES —AT— GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Call before purchasing elsewhere. J. IL SHE AFFFIR , s Cheap Cash Book Store, N 0.52 North Queen-st., Lancaster, Penna H OLIDAY BOOKS AND FANCY GOODS, REDUCED FROM 10 TO 20 PER CENT HOOKS FOR. THE GRAVE, BOOKS FOR THE GAY, BOOKS FOR THE OLD, and' BOOKS FOR TILE yoUNG BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, HYMN BOOKS, FREIsN'II AND A-MEXICAN WORK BOXES, LADIES' COMPANIONS, :kr II t Nitk, STEREOSCOPE .kNI) Checker Boards, Gaines In great variety, Sun (lay School Pooks awl Rewards of all kinds, Teachers' Helps, Stationery and Initial Letter Paper cheaper than was ever ()tiered In Lan caster. Kir New Green Backs gicen to all purchasers D. S. BARE, West King-bit., corner a Fulton Itow Now is the time to Subscribe MIZE NEW YORK WEEKLY, THE PEOPLE'S FAVoRITE JOURNAL The Most Interesting Storks Are always to be found in the NEW YORK WEEKLY. At Present there are SIX GREAT STORIES running through its columns; and at least ONE STORY IS BEGUN EVERY MONTH. New subscribers are thus sure of having, the commencement of a new continued story, no matter when they subscribe for the NEW YORK WEEKLY FACII number of the NEW YORK WEEKLY contains several Beautiful Il lustrations, bauble the Amount of Beading Matter of any paper of its class, and the Sketch es, Short Stories, Poems, etc., are by the ablest writers of America and Europe. The NEW YORK WEEKLY does not confine its usefulness to amusement, but publishes a great quantity of really in structive matter In the most condensed form. The N. Y. Weekly Departments have attained a high reputation for their brev ity, excellence. and correctness. THE PLRASANT PARAGRAPHS are made up of the concentrated wit and humor of many minds. Tan KNOWLEDGE Box is confined to useful in formation on all matters and subjects. THE NEws ITaxa give in the fewest words the most notable doings all over the world. THE GOSSIP WITH CORRESPONDENTS contains answers to inquiries upon all imaginable sub jects. An Unrivalled Literary Paper ID THE NEW YORK WEEKLY. Each issue contains from EIGHT to TEN STORIES and SKETCHES, and HALF A DOZ. N POEMS, in ADDITION to the SIX SERIAL .)STOR/E,Sand the VARIED DEPARTMENTS. The Terms to Subscribers. One Year—single copy Three Dollars. Four copies (42.50 ea ch) Ten Dollars. Eight copies Twenty Dollars. Those sending 420 for a club of Eight, all sent at one time, will be entitled to a copy PRIM. (letters up of clubs can afterward add single copies at 52.50 each. sTitexr & SMITH, Proprietors, Dec. 24-tf. No. 55 Fulton-et., N. Y. BBERTOLETTE, s UNDERTAKER, NO. 18 NORTH FIFTH STREET, READING Always on hand Earley's Patent Wooden Coffins, Raymond 8a Co.'s Metallic Coffins, Fisk's Metallic Collins. Always prepared to attend to the dead and furnish Coffins, burial cases, he., at the very shortest notice. B. BERTOLETTE, No. 18 North Fifth set, novil-tfj Readi tre ng, Pa. WATCHES ! WATCHES WRITING DESKS Dry Goods. Ho - USE FURNISHING GOOD . HAGER & BROS., WE'.4 KING STREET, LANCASTER, Pte. Now Opening a New Stock ENtILISH WHITE GRANITE TEA SMA, English %Mite Granite Dinner Set,,, ENOLI!‘11 WHITE GRAiiITE CHAMBER Sh•r!‘, FIiENcH CHINA, ((;old Band and Plain Wlette„) LOOKING GLASSES,' FEATHERS, CARPETS, FLOOR OIL cLOILK, BRUGGETS, MIN LINN. SHEETING SHIRTING, BlCaChed or UnbleacholL, TIC KINGS, CHECKS, TOW ELLINti s, TABLE ME SHEFAIP:I,4 LIN EIVS, PIANO AND TABLE EMB , D COVERS, DAmAsKs, are,„ &C., S4P - Which will be sold at LOWEST PR ICES-igr, fan 21-tf JACOB HARNISH, M. B. BABNISH, JOHN L. MILLRE. HARNISH & CO'S CHEAP STORE, • NO. 27 WEST KING}-ST., LANCASTER, Pd., Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, Cloths, t. ttssitnervs, Stitt ktel.ts, Jeans, Twoeak Lindsey s, Flannels, 'ricklus, Cheeks, Pla.tek,, Alpaceus, Press tioods, Ging,hatns, Calle<w or Mustins and Drills, White Goods, _Notions, & No. 1 Feathen MEN AND BUYS' WEAR, Made up at astonishing Low Prices. inir tall and examine our stock before per chasing elsewhere. [febl2V9-ly FALL, 1869 NOW OPENING -AT JOHN D SKILES' BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, WISH POPLINS', PARIS DRESS GOODS, BUKaLCOL'D ALPACAS. ENGLISH DRESS GOODS, FRENCH MERINOS AND WOOL DELAINi, BLACK BOMBAZINES & CRETONE CLOTfL, PAISLEY AND BROCHE LONG SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET LONG & SQUARE SHAWLIC:, 500 PLAID AND STRIPED LONG AND. , SQUARE WOO[. SHAWLS, CLOAKING CLOTHS I WATER-PROOk CLOTHS. 100 I'AIR BED CRIB AND CRADLE BLANKETS, ENGLISH AND A M EILIGAN PRINT , LINEN DAMASKS, WHITEREO = GREY FLANNELS, IN ALL QUALITIES A 11111 le 01 1./lilies , Merino Vests, II Osmtv innoral Skirts, &e., Carpets, Uil Cloths, and Window Shades FALL P-;Go. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. JOHN 11. S RILES is now receiving a hue s{.. sortment of C LoTHS AND CASSIMERES, Eng! • lish and .kinerican 'oalings in all shades, Met— cow nail Castor Beavers, all shades. Goods for Boys' wear, for sale by the yard, ac maile up to miter at short notice, and warritaL-• ed to give satisfaction. BEADY-MADE CI DTIIINU. Suits for Mez. suits for Boys. ina OVERCOATS for Men and Boys , of ow-' own inanufact ore. Gents' Furnishing leockh... Merino Undershirts and Drawers Hcsitry.., Gloves, Neck Ties, &c.,,tc. JOHN D. SMILES, No. 21 East King street one door east of tat Lauenster County National Bank. [oett-41 Coal, Lumber, &c. B. B. MARTIN, Manufacturer and Wholesale LUMBER DEALER.„ COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK, POPLAR, ./4.H, WALNUT, FLOORING, SIDING, WEATHER BOARDS, PICKETs, LATH, BOX BOARDS, &c. MILL AT LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY, PA. mhlte,943, EHLER, BRENEMAN & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN COAL, OF THE BEST QUALITY_ YARD—CUR. WATER ST. AND PA. E. R. Orrice—NO. 2 EAST ORANGE ST.. LANCASTER PA. [dec 18-Its, Cabinet Ware. JAB. F. RICKSECKER, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN IVA 0 6: P ail ak`kill Z 4 al Windsor & Cane-seated Chairs, AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERERs NO. 29 EAST KING STREET, Nearly opposite the Court House, over Harr* Book Store, LANCASTER, PA. Orders anti Repairing promptly attended OIL [Nov% 4ar. Book and Job Printing. RALTH & COCHRAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING OF ALL KINDS. From the largest POSTER to the smallest CARD or CIRCULAR, executed in the hest style, art. at reasonable prices. iffir 'Orders from a distance promptly attes&- ed to. OFFICE.—NO. El, SOUTH QUEEN STREW LA: WASTER, PENNA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers