'Local ilctoo. ITEms: Samuel S. Arun had his mhouider broken by falling off a tree, on Tuesday of last week n.!ar Partnersville, in West Earl township. Abner Armstrong, residing near George town, Ilart-twp., was seriously injured. on Christmas day by falling from his horse while rapidly tilling. one leg was broken, and. fears are entertained of serious internal injuries. Michael Shank, of West Donegal township, while engaged in killing hogs, was seriously cut with a butcher knife. While handing Cio knife to his son, one of the hogs ran against him driving the knife into his leg above the knee, striking the bone with such a force as to bend the knife. He bled so profusely that his life for a time was despaired of. L. D. Gallagher sold at the sale of Abraham Hisser, in East Donegal-twp., recently, a sow and litter of nine shoats, three months old, for the aggregate sum of S2ON. The sow sold for S6O, and the first choice of the shoats for each. The New Year's Eve entertainments of the Keystone Club and Lancaster Mainnerchor— t he former given in Fulton Hall and the latter iu their Hall in East King street—passed MI very pleasantly and successfully. A little sun of Jacob Henry, of Conestoga Centre, was severely scalded on Friday morn ing last, by some boiling water falling upon hint, bad:y burning hha about the shoulder breas,.. Mrs. Emma Tr:Lvers, wile ofJoshua Tray or Cont.!. tklgo Cent re, (lied very siblderily ,01 Fri•L;lly h ls r, diSHILSH it' the heart. Itak,r on last Friday took to the {lmmo of IZcfago a girl named Lydia Ann I,ibsley, aged about fourteen yews, on RC ..ount of hoer bad conduct. On Friday last while a number of boys gathered near the Locomotive Works, were engaged with loaded muskets and pistols in tiring out the "old year," two of the number were severely woutided. Thomas Price, aged about twylve years, was struck in the back but not s riously injured. George Hoeltzel, aged about 13 years, did not, however, escape so luckily, one of the shot striking him in the eye, and injuring it so severely that it is thought the sight of the eye is entirely de stroyed. We are in receipt of the letter carriers ad dress, containing most valuable information respecling post office matters—stick as "Rules of Del vering," " Money Orders." " Postage en Bo," &c.—all of which will be found convenfebt and useful to our citizens, and to our business men particularly. The childrens' matinee, held under the su pervision of Mr. Jmo. B. Kevinski, took place in Fulton Hall on Thursday afternoon last, and was a complete success. Mr. Kevinski handed to the officers of the Home (to be ap propriated towards the erection of a gymna sium) on Friday last, the sum of $57.55, the net proceeds of the euteratinment. The re-dedication of the Union Bethel Church at Springville, which was to have taken place on last Christmas, has been post poned until Sunday, January 16th inst. Adam Schuh, of this city, has been appoint. ed Deputy Grand Sachem of the Independent haler of Red Men for Lancagter county. Bernard Fitzpatrick,a well-known citizen of this city, died on Thursday last, aged about fifty-five years. This is the season for slaughtering hogs, and each neighborhood seems to be desirous to excel all the rest in the weight of these ani mals. We give a number which are reported in the papers, without vouching for the figures: Lewis Brown, Waketield, 512 pounds; 11. G. Gibble, Manheim, iil3 and 463 pounds; S. B. Shutnan, Manor, 618 pounds; David Wolgemuth, Mt. Joy, 49 . 2 . !. pounds; Benj. Wright.; Batavia. 670.pciandais William Pennell ortho same township, 569 pounds; M. Weaver, Mt. Joy, two weighing 893 pounds. A little daughter of Benjamin Hollinger, of Warwiev-twp,, recently slipped and fell while playing, splitting the large bone of one leg above the ankle. Samuel M. Mylin, of Peimea-twp., has been appointed by the County Commission ers, Mercairtile Appraiser for the year 1870. An exciting fox chase took place at the public house of John Hess in Salisbury town ship, on Saturday last, affording much pleas ure to all who participated in it. We learn that diptheria is prevailing at present among the children of this city, and that a number of deaths have recently occur red from it. Parents should exercise caution in these days of changeable weather, and at the first symptoms of sore throat call in the services of a physician, thus nipping the dis ease at its beginning. A new feature at balls is a coupon on the tickets of admission, which checks hats, coats, Esc., free of charge. Managers here should take notice. The present week, being the week of prayer, has been observed by the different evangeli cal churches of this city. On Monday evening last, the saw mill and lumber yard of Messrs. Shertzer's, Columbia, was destroyed by fire. The adjoining prop erties were in great danger for a time, but by the efforts of the firemen were saved. Loss nearly $5,000, upon which there is a slight insurance. Mrs. Miller, of Conestoga township, who was seriously burned by her clothes taking tire nearly a mouth since, is slowly but hope fully recovering. The Temperance meeting held in Temper ance Hall, on every Monday evening, will be held henceforth only on the first Monday evening of oaoh month. A young man named William Courtney, formerly of Safe Haber, this county, was ar rested a few days ago in West Chester ou a charge of lobbing the mail. He was commit ted to prison. The tenth annual meeting of the "Penn sylvania Fruit Growers Society," will be held in the Orphans' Court Room,Lan caster city, commencing on Wednesay, the 19th inst., and continuing in session two daye. Ephrata's Sunday School had a splendid entertainment at their Christmas Festival, on Christmas Eve, in the Evangelical Church of the Holy Trinity of Ephrata. The whole af fair wait under the immediate control and management of the Superintendent of the school, Mr. S. 8. High, assisted by the entire and large number of teachers. The person arrested a few weeks since for selling diseased meat and tined, was not Henry S. Eberly, of Clay twp., bat Henry S. Eberle of Warwick. Abraham Rakestraw, of Colerain town ship, Lancaster county, lately killed twelve turkeys—ten gobblers and two hens—which, when dressed, weighed 226 pounds, averag ing nearly 19 pounds each. They were hatched in the last of May. Samuel Shertzer, of Columbia, long known as a tide pilot between Marietta and Peach Bottom, died a few days since in Columbia. He was about sixty years of age. A new German congregation, connected with the First Reformed Church, has been recently organized in this city. A man named Burnell, Chief Postal Clerk on the Pennsylvania Railroad, between Pitts burg and Philadelphia, was arrested on Fri. day last, in Harrisburg, for stealing letters. New Year's Day passed off very quietly, with the exception of an occasional discharge from a gun or pistol, in the hands of the boy,. Rev. B. C. Sueelerott, the new Pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church of this city, arrived last week, and entered upon the duties of his new charge on Sunday last. Rev. Isaac Be late of Scranton, the new Pastor of the Baptist congregation of this city, entered upon his field of labor on Sun day last. William Roberts, Treasurer elect of this county, entered upon his official duties on Monday last. He has appointed JoitteM. Grider, of Blountville, Deputy. A. Lyceum has been organized at Steel ville. John H. Shaul), son of Jacob 11. Shanii, of this city, had one of his hands and his held injured by the explosion of a pistol which he was tiring on last Friday evening. James Franciscus, son of John Franciscns. hai one of his thumbs taken off on last Satur day evening, while firing a pistol. Lewis Haldy, a member of the Friendship Fire Comnany, was on Saturday last, the re cipient of a fireman's India rubber overcoat, as a present from a number of his brother members of the same company. A heavy wind and rain storm set in some time during last Saturday night and continu ed at intervals until late on Sunday night. The wind blew furiously at times. The only damage done in this city Was the bre6king of a few trees and signs blown down. The new wheat crop is represented as look ing well, the weather recently having been favorable for its growth. The Lancaster and Ephrata Turnpike Company, has declared a dividend of one dollar per share, equal to eight per cent. per annum. The Lancaster, Eiizabet'down and Middle town Turnpike Company, has declared a dividend of one dollar and twenty-five cent.; per share. On last Sunday morning, as Margaret Daily, an inmate of 1110 Bishop Bowman Church Home, wa • on her way to church, she was caught in a gust of wind, and thrown against the curbstone on the opposite side of the street. ltcr collar bone v. - a:: broken by the fall. A young man named John Davis had ono of the Lowe of ilk feet fractured on Wednesday :tfteruoon, at the Empire Hook and Ladder Houso, in this city. T E REA L ESTATE MARK IT: Jacob Bowers has sold it s two two-story brick hou ses, on the west side of Sollt qUeell street. nearly opposite Middle, iill'holing a two-story frame cm rear• of lot, to Dr. James Warren, of York county, Pa., for $1,7.10. C. A. Bitner on Thursnay sold a one-stors brick house, on the south side of 3:unrs•st., between North Queen and to Jacob Reinoehl, jr., for $6OO. The Inquirer reports tho following sales, as having recently been made in Warwiek-twp. Isaac Erb has sold his two story frame house and lot of ground in the village of Lex ington, to Francis Witmyer, for $1,550. Francis Wittnyer has sold his property con sisting of 6 acres of land with improvements, to Ezra Riest, for 53,675. S D. Schreiner has sold his property con sisting of 12 acres of land witt improve ments, to Ezra Riest, for $4,000. Ezra Riest, has sold his store property, with 2 acres of land, to S. 1). Schreiner, fur $7,000. The properties belonging to the estate of Charles Lockard, near Columbia, were sold by Henry Wisler, Administrator, as follows: The first property, situated near H. Wisler's, was sold for $2OB per acre. H. Wisler, pur chaser. The other was sold to Milton Wike, for $3,810. Samuel Burns has sold 10 acres of land, with improvements, in the 9th Ward, this city, near the College, to Jacob Reinoehl, for $4,700. SHERIFF'S SALES: Sheriff Myers sold the following properties on Tuesday: John M. Kelly's property, sold for $4200, to the Inland Insurance SL Deposit Company. Adam Musser's property, sold for $l2O, to John G. Schwan. John K. Cohick's property, sold for $:too, to Henry S. &lookers. Abrahem .T. Hess' property, sold for .1. - ,oto, to Daniel D. Hess and W. J. Hess. Jeremiah Kirk's primerty, sold, No. 1 for "it;o, to John Black, and No. 2 for SC,O, to .1 alncs Black. John ihinghnint• property, sal' for to George W. Comp on. Tito USA,: Ds of ladies suffer n , itold mis, v ies from Female Weakness, weak back, and other disordered conditions of their pecaiiar systems, for which there is no reined% so pleasant, positively sure a' d reliable as 1)r. Pierce's Alterative Extract, or ( ; olden Medi cal Discovery. Sold by druggists, or enclose three dollars and twenty-live cents to Dr. R. Pierce, Buffalo, N. 1"., an.l ga three bottles delivered free. To MAKE your hair grow thick, apply Hall's Vegeta)le Sicilian Hair Reuewe. , the greatest discovery of the age. E 44 4444 TO TILE WORKING CLASS.—We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment et home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50e. to $5 per evening, and a propor tional sum by devoting their wliojo time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address., and test the business, we make this unparalleled otter: To such as are not well satisfied, wo will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to commence work on, and a copy of Time Peoples' Literary Companion—one of the largest and best family newspapers pu'illshed— all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want per manent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN & CO. Augusta, Maine. [oet2o-3m ERRORS OF YOUTH A gentleman whosuffered for years from Ner vous Premature Decay and all the effect., of touthful indiscretion, will, forsake of !mini in..; humanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Suf. fer.•l . , wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex perience, can do so by addressing, with perfect eon lence. JOHN B. OGDEN, norMyl No. 42 Cedar street, New York. TO CONSUMPTIVES The advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks, 6y a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and 'that dread disease, Con sumption—is anxious to make known to his ilbllow-sufferers the means of cure, To all litho desire it,ho will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the di rections for preparing and using the same, which they will find a suns CUES volt Cosstrue- TION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, &C. The object ot the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and Spread information which he conceives to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address. Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, novgfrly ] Williamsburg, Kings co., N. Y. MARRIED. 4 w av—WHAvint. Dec. 27th, by the Rev. E. Gree ald, James B. Murphy, of Philadelphia, to Catharine Weaver, of Lancaster city. lIAMBLETOIC—Idet 'I7I.I.OIICIEL Dec. 23d, by the Rev. L. B. Hoffman, J. P. liambleton, of Lan caster county , Pa., to Mary J. McCullougb, of Cecil countyy, Md. Deo. 30th, by Rev. J. J. Stelae, at his residence, Benjamin M. Sander to Eliza beth Hain, both of East Donegal. ALTLAND—FULLER PO N. Jan. 2d, by Rcv. J. I. Strine, Henry Altiand to Fannie Fullerton, both of West Hemplield. WITMSR—BRENICIIIAN. Dec. 28th, by Rev. J. N. Metzgar,Amos 11. Witmer of Rapho township, W to hate E. Breneman, of ord Hemplield-twp. OVICRDEER-11171116R. Deo. 80th, 1369, by the Rev. E. Greenwald, Ho _race J. Overdeer, of Lancas ter city. to Mary Catharine Huber, of Lancaster township. DIED. EBERMAN Jun. 241, Deo. D. Rbettuan, in the s.!ti year 41 hfs age. Scsuewrza. Jan. 241, John Slaughter, aged 80 years, 7 months and 2 days—an old defender of the war of 1812. Scanty. Deo. 25th, in Penn township, Harriet, only daughter of John Sun u ny, aged 38 years, 3 months and 20 days. Russia. Dee. 27th, in this city, Catharine Russel, in the 77th year of her age. Barinica. Dec. 15th, at New Holland, Isaac Bender, aged S 3 years and 13 days. THE MARKETS. Lancaster Household Markets. Rutter, fl Lard, V ft, Eggs, la do? Dressed Chickens, each..... Live Chickens ld pair Beef by t he quarter—front iteef by the quarter—hind Hogs Potatoes bus Potatoes per peck Turnips peck Apples ift peek Si' nu ts peck Beans per quart.— ...... . Apple-butter, per pint !sweet cider per gallon Corn In the car, per bus I htts 1 4 1 bag of 3 bag Philadelphia Product Market. AivolL r.:LT.IIIA, Jan. I.—The flour market, is characterized by extreme quiet, but priceA re main without change. There is no shipping demand, and the home consumers purchase only enough to supply their immediate wants ; about 7+oo bids. %Yere taken, ineiud Mg superfine at $1.254-1.50; ear ram at 41.75@5.1Vi ; lowa, Wis consin and Minnesota extra family at 0.2541 , 6.25, the tat ter rate for choice ; Penn'a do. do. it 45.2;45.V5; Ohio and Indiana do. do. at 450 6,25, and fancy Mr lids at $6.75437.50, according to quality. Nothing doing in Cornmeal. stye flour may be quoted at +51:45.12b; bbl. In Wheat there is not Much activity, but prices are steady; sales of PenriM, red at 1.30, and Southern do. at 41.300)1.32. bye is steady at tt for western. Corn—the receipts have increased, but the! e is not much inquiry; sales of old yellow at 41; new do. at si@ll2e , according to dryness, and old West ern in ixml at 41. Oats are without eitang,e, 1600 tins. PentiM sold at 56c. No sales art' reported in Barley or slalt. The last sale of NO. t Onercit run bark was at 4,30 It ton. Vt hisky i quiet; we quote wood and iron ! (mild Western at seef4 The Philadelphia Cattle Mar kel. :Vi. - NDAY. Jan 3, 1870.—The cattle market was verb dull this week, and prices were rather lower. Alga t 1900 head arrived and sold at , 9 , for extra Penn's raid Wester' , steers; 7 rii9c for fair to good, and 5“6 1 ,