Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, December 24, 1869, Image 4

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    roMilaiggh Pits&
ScaLwirmrrowN, Dec. 23t, 1869.
Om letshta Mondog, sell is forgeshter,
bin ich aw amohl g'interviewd Witrra, un
now way mere aw gor net bong a ftertle
dohler weed krisht-kindlin tau wetta dos
net feel leit Sin de wises was sell mehnt.
Ich wills explainn. Interview is an
/English wart, awer es war shun in use
bei de Hebreaer we so om eck-shtea leaya
wahra, for' der Bobbellonish dorm tau
baua, un sell is now shun ivver a hunnert
un tswansich . yohr. De Bevvy behawpt
es weer ivver Weft hunnert yohr Bidder
seller tseit. Anyhow, es is an wart dos
shun uf feelerlea weaya rused is warm,
un awer de sickniffikeashuns fum wart
heitich's dogs is feel gresser dos for olty
tseita. Interview mehnt olleweil an
opereaskun tewisha tswea monsleit fun
puplicky pruckclivitties so dos dor cant
m onner all sei privety bisness uf an
confiddensheller we gaw gebt fors in de
Tseitung nei tau publisha. De principal
interviewers sin de ripporters fun der
Press. Wann a monn ebbas im gong hut,
odder wanner g'sentenst is tsu henka,
odder wanner mea geld hut dos de law
em erlawbt, odder wann or en bereemter
Pod' is, odder warm er en government
office hut we tali odder wanner eans will
un konn kens kreeya, so we der cholly
Jack, donn, for common, gebts an inter
Well, we g'sawt, ich war derheam om
letahta Mondog, un so about drei uhr
numtnidogs is caner awkumma fun der
shtadt reuse for mich amohl tsu intsr
viewa. Er hut so a klea bichly ous em
sock rouse, un a blei pensil, un hut sich
dort of der gross chuckle bhtool rhuckt
yusht grawd dos wanner derheam weer.
De Bevvy 'hut mich aw geguckt un ich
hob de Bevy aw geguckt, under ripport
or hut uns all tawea kt un dorm
hut er g'aawt er wow kamMa for an inter
view tsu bawa wit mer nn •aw mit der
vvy. Well, Becht de Bevvy, go ahead
r bisness. Yoh sog ich, yusht go
glawb dei nawma is Pit
r r
er—Sell la mei nawma
ewer n w er ich
flaw heasa mach Pit.
glawb aw an kleans
,was ee der Abey hcaea,
liokt er in der weeg un
- shlutzerly im maul.
der Abey an buwelly odder an
„ Sell is awer In dummy froke—a
buwelly, of course, un er guckt yusht
graved exactly we eel dawdy der Pit, un
sell sawya aw oily lat.
sip- - Was is dei opinion fun der fein
enshel qu estion
Pit—My opinion is dos ordlich feel fun
Awns kterls de shorts kreeya wanes amohl
ons of settle geat.
Bip—Sell Is net was ich wissa will,
awer was is del opinion fUn weaya de
shtocks under gult mprrickt in Nei
Pit—Bl ich denk net feel derfu, for in
Nei Yorriok hen se mer mei wateh
g'shtola forram yohr we de Seimoyers
convention dort war.
R4 ---For wenn husht im sin I su gea
for Hongress mono on der negsht
shun ?
Pit—Sell kummt uf umshtenda aw. Ich
konns net sneers olleweil—net bis ich un
der oholly Jack amohl tau an understand
ing kumma derweva. Es kennt so hap
pens doe ich mimes nei gea derfore.
aip—lch glawb du bit aw an member
fun, der ,
Litterlichy Inshtitoots debeating
soOetybieht net
ich bin.
Rip—Now, ich glawb der hent aw de
cide doh de letsht woch dos es hinkle wu's
oy leagt sei de mutter, un net de wu's ou,e
Pit—Exactly sit
,1 —Now suppose aver es wan a welsh
birkkiw for tawea wocha uf ma nesht ful
oyer, un eb dos es itertich war tau breea
dent an tux kumma uns hinkle doat
mania, un suppose dean deat der welsh
bairns hums an de oyer fabshter ocuo
breea, war or done odder 1 Male de
mammy fun de pave
Pit—El mei opinion is doe ger war eara
shteef dawdy, for so caner hen se amohl
dart in liihoolMll county g'hot, fin Ashlen
der ehteddle, un oily lest he n en der shteef
dowdy kunsiddered.
114.—Warsht du an suldawt im_greek 44
Pi war fin martchensy Bripde
de :gone t.
kommts dos d'net in de regu
slar NOW net Maid
mich net aw gtnumma hen.
Rejo—Ferwaeshen se Oat bat sofg'num
Pit—Zi well Joh net bin.
Mirwells so gitund
dertcicusaut =MI donna rebbaleit.
Alip--bennet 'err edereayene sei shiachia
un aier earns brodavnereht un fewer
Viersht nooks?
.I*--.ll`er duns ois fbr common selwer
iikko—Dunet der oho klnureelloch in eier
Pft—Yusht weck mit dem shtinkicha
34,--.lll4aoht ter aw ois kuttlefleck un
pitt,..viowle mum Mere
• jelV;WII! aw soar kraut?
We er awer kumma is mit so frohya we
sell hut de Bum ..iuohl awfonga net tsu
shwetza. Secht se :
Es dinkt mich awer doch noW du
warsht ordlich pertickeler fun weaya un
ser bisness. Wit net aw wissa eb mer om
nine odder om tees uhr ins bet g,eana, od
der eb ich shmeer•seaf odder horty safe
use for em klea Abely sei kleader un
windla wesha? So sacha we sell dinkts
mich sin kens fun nemond sei bisness ex
cept uns selwer.
Der Ripporter awer hut explains wells
dos er kumma is for uns interviews, un
dos sell de fashen is olleweil, un doe wenn
sacha amohl in de Tseitung gedruckt sin
donn macha so aw an grosser senseashen
in der nochbershaft.
De Bevvy hut awer contend dos er
g'nunk hut for desmohl, un Wier mehner
wissa will fun unser dummestick bisnefis
deer wog for Bich selwer doh in Schlifile
town aw rufa. D'no hut er wid der sei
hoot of der kup un of un tam loch nous.
Om negshta Dinshdog owet is widder a
meeting fin der Litterlich Inshtitoot De
bating Society, un de Bevvy hut im sin
tau attends un aw an shpeetch macha. Es
is noch net decide was for an question
fore kumma soli.
The Treasury Department has consid
erable information relating to sugar frauds
in NOV York. Itappears that soot/after
President Grant clans into oflece com
plaints were made to Secretary Boutwell
by men.from Bpstou and Elsewhere, to
the offset that imperbera at New York
were in sonte way 'Otting favors which
enabled thein to unWsi3ll those of other
cities . . • •lin directed an investigation on
every .poirit raised, and fhb has been
going on all sumnier. The amount of
the swindle is very large, but it is not yet
ascertained. These thud!, like all others
recently discovered in. New York, were
perpetmted during Johnson's administm
A list of the States which have ratified
the Fifteenth Amendment, twenty-one in
number, and which have noti fi ed the
State artment of the same, have been
furnished to Congress by Secretary Fish.
The committee of two members from
each of the States represented in the
Louisville Commercial Convention are be
ginning to assemble here. Those from
Georgia have,arrived. Their object is to
urge upon Congress the propriety of as
sisting in the construction of a Pacific
Railroad on or near the thirty-second
parallel, in accordance with the resOlu
tions of Memphis and Louisville Conven
Postmaster General Creswell has taken
steps to show the country just what the
franking privilege costs. He is going to
weigh and classify each day for six months
all franked matt& sent from here, so that
• the actual amount of postage lost can be
The second reception of Secretary Fish
took place last Friday evening.
A delegation of citizens of Utah, em
bracing both Mormons and Gentiles,
arrived here a few days ago, for the pur
pose of the admission of that Terri
to a
Id noeh
o the Sens* IMO Sedisheioril
closed. When the reeolution came before
the Senate, Senator Cameron made a few
remarks saying that he has found that in
stead of d olonel Forney, it was those whom
he trusted who were dishonest, and he
wished publicly to express that fact, so
that it might be understood. The old
chief and Forney have bladed the hatchet,
and the past is forgotten. The other night
the Senator and the Colonel attended Sec
retary Fish's gastronomieal tilt in For
ney's own carriage. • Surely the millenium
must be coming in PetunsYlvania, politics.
Judge Grier of the United States SU
preme Court has resigned—to take effect
in February next. Bs:Secrets* , of War
Stanton was nominated in his place, an .
without rehrring it to a committee t
Senate at once confirmed the nomination.
The only negative votes wore Messrs.
Rosa of Kansas, Fowler . of Tenneesee,
and nine Democratic Senators, one of the
Democratic Senators being absent or not
Judge Strong, late of the Supreme Bench
of Pennsylvania, it is generally conceded
will be tendered the position of Attorney
Genecal in the Cabinet, should the Sena
confirm the nomination of Attorney Gen
eral Hoar to the position on the Suprem -
Bench vacated by the death of Justi.
The President has removed Hon. Jas.
F. Ashley, of Ohio, from the Governor
ship of Montana, and nominated as h
successor Benj. F. Potts, of Ohio a gen
eral in the late war. The reason for t
change is understood to be on account o
his having joined the Democrats in the
crusade against the colored worde who
were there, and others who wanted to
The President on Monday, transmit
to the Senate voluminous documents
reply to a resolution calling for info .1
Lion with regard to Cuba. These docu
ments clearly set fbrth that the Uni = •
States has acted throughout with due
regard ibr the laws of neutrality; that o
minister to' Spain has acted under proper
instructions; and that, while there may
be no intention of present interference,
tne Government will not tolerate any gross
exhibition of brutality on the part o
Spain toward either American or Cuban
The Post-office Department decides that
all domestic letters which are not prepaid
one full rate by the sender must be treat
ed as wholly unpaid and accordingly held
for postage or returned to the sender; if
paid one full rate they should be dispatch
ed to their destination and charged with
the postage due at prepaid rate.
On:Tuesday night the House of Repre
sentatives reached a vote on the Georgia
bill, when it passed by a firm Republican
voice. And it is now before the President
for his approval, 16 hav_4ag passed the
Senate some days ago. The last section
provides, " That the Legislature ll
ratify he Fiftennth AmW.men propossha
ed to t the Constitution of the t
States before Senators and Reprafentatives
n Geollia are admitted to seats in
Tile Senate, by a joint resolution, has
postponed the consideration of the Cen
sus bill till February.
Congress has adjourned to January 6,
rATri3rxlt A
gather linhaueo
RECEIPTS of customs for last week
THE death of State Senator Rueeell, of
Ohio, lenyes the Ohio Senate a tie r
THE New York Herahl calls the WO
mens7 Rights Convention at ClevelOd the
"pantalunatic parliament."
LAST week Daniel McFarland svas for
mally indicted by the Grand Jury' for the
murder of A. D. Richardson.
A Purtosoruic Editor in Atiakuta re
marks: "A Ku Klux editor calls tda liar,
but we have not sufficient confidence in
his word to believe him."
Tuz Editor ot the Shakopoe (Blikneso
ta) Spy having published it a ye* and
attained his nineteenth birthday now
proposes to go to school for awhile.
A REFORMED counterfeiter has
Chief of the Secret Service,
Whitely, four well executed pla
couderfeiting national bank note
fa le folly believed la Waeblugt
cial birder that the wmild-be
°Ober Brooke were bite*
tine* to murder both
sonotout greeting t.
" Cold morning," etc., II
" Last night% bank robbery
erlli or, " To-dars defalcation kum4.
spots out of temlll
A NOTED Western express &limy
prints on its shipping receipts that will
not be liable for "any lose or damage by
fire, the acts of God, or of Ine" ther
enemies of the Government.'
been appointed Governor -
Geri. Butler's rrovost Mai
wards Chief of Staff. The
promised him ail the troop
needed to enforce the laws:
Taman are rumors of he
business firms in
Philadelphia. What's the
manarment, extravagance,
stock and gold speculations,
or what ?
Duman. General Grant
Lion, so far, the debt .
at the rate, as some an
bites, of three dollars ant
second, and nearly eleven
lays per hour.
HON. John Covode has
proving sufficient .frpud,
Westmoreland and inch
elect him by 440 MVorii
He will of course get his r
Pnaurnmarr Grant has
Capina, sentenced to one 3%
sours penitentiary, a short
passing connteribit money,
that she was the dupe of
She luts been In prison about
IN reibrence to the great
;o rats are Making Over
their ‘ 6 oslifornin victorVl
optly renm the old rks that, it mu
cost of party
Gamma, Dynan has
one reply to the article
to him by Mr. Greeley
course toward the
which Mr. Greeley
public manner.
Tun annual, levee and reception by \
Wasignq um Mtights Temphtr *as .11i
In Was ,on Thursday nigh 3
President rant, Vice President Co
and A number of distinguished Co
men were present.
PRESIDENT 411SAJIWT has again cha ,
the hours of his reception of office-hun
and favor-seeekers. lie now directs 4
on each week day morning, preylonak '
nii )
the assembling of Congress, members OM
be admitted without catthh and after,3,2
o'clock the general public shall be ad 4
milled as usual with oath.
WitANOLING hi goinght the Senate about
the distribution of appointments made by
the President. Soule Senators allege tan
their States don't let a proper share ill
the spoils, wed thaV 0 • , ,bitOti* Ski 100-
gather too r a ta• • . The conno,
ships is the •• ut Mai* hentr
so much • , and the St , ,
tie, a
ment i la lt 7be • 00 1 1 0.101 44 ,
showh3S * ,1 1 4 0 0\40 al ,
._. . ~ oar k *
the Wi n i ni°ll,#:4l4
r I
nt to
6 1 .1
The following is a complete and care
fully compiled list of the U. S. Senators
from Pennsylvania since the foundation
of the Government, with the term of ser
vice of each. The names are placed in
alphabetical order
Isaac D. Barnard, 1827-31; William
Bigler, 1855-61; William Bingham, 1795-
1801; Richard Brodhead, 1851-57; James
Buchanan, 1835-45; Charles R. Buckalew,
1863-09; Simon Cameron, 1845-40,1857-
61,1867-73;James Cooper, 1849-55; Edgar
Cowan, 186147; George Mifflin Dallas,
1831-33; William Findlay, 1821-27; Albert
t' llatin 1798-94; Andrew Gregg, 1807-
*Abner Lacock, 1813-19; Geo. Logan,
7; Michael Leib, 1808-14; Walter
e,. 1819-25; Samuel kfaclay, 1803-
Slt William Maclay, 1789-91; William
Marks, 1825-31; Samuel M'Keau, 1834-
39; Robert Morris, 1789-95; Peter Muh
lanberg, 1801-071 Jonathan Roberts,
1814-91; James Ross, 1794-1803; John
Scott, 9-75; Daniel 8t 1840-51;4kins, 183144; Amid Wilmot,
11,7 ; Se , .., , .10 rot were b yre
- • . - 11‘61.01 - 11 lit i n - ttrY
:7*, Gallatin in Swititesiand, and Morris
in England.
George Alfred Townsend says that he
went lately to the Providence hospital at
Washington, a Catholic Institution, man
aged by Sisters of Charity, and adds : On
entering the parlor I saw among some
prints of saints and the Virgin a fine steel
portrait of Thaddeus Stevens. '
"How came yen to place this face
here?" Lsaid the sister ; " are you not
heretic to your politics at least ?"
"Why he was our greatest friend; he
our appropriation for us. We think
r dear of his memory."
here was something of the church
Scan or the church universal in this.
me quiet and dutiftd steers hold the
also to be a good old man, cheated
abused; but they have neither know-
of the politicalquestions involved
the big and useless Council, nor sym
ithy with the prelates who will go there
support them. This Providence Imo
lai is managed with much economy.
me time ago the one cow whichgiv
ilk to all tbepatients broke throug4 i the
Of att old Well, and was not found
sole day. Suddenly Sister Cathe
ran in, much excited, and cried :
'Tray, sisters,. pray for the cow down
well, while I run for help."
'ey all feu to praying In est
vhile the little woman br
.., who rigged a degick " meld
,Mabmial fobt of the.hespitel.
diticlan had had charge of - that hos
t, be would have dug a new well awl
- Ad anew oow to Congress.
rho fallowing is mud to be a correct list
tbe finvernors oflbsinspivinia:
*Mak ficifibilidel-
S=a Mbar;
' • •
,1314:1=It: j!2****o9
ebel ed ll l t ; P OO lio*
t• l 2
_Aster, elected- *O Barks;
Ave ofßerks.
John Andrew Shultse, elected from
erks; native of Lelnuson.
George Wolfe, elected fromAtiorthanip
m; native of IforkliVton. .
_ ,
Joseph Ritual', elected n'om Berks; zw
ve of Washisr.
David Bitten min Porter, elected from
Inutgomerjr; native of Hatingdon.
Francis Rawn Sh*nk 4 eissiek. ikon
lo_ntigomeri . ; native of Dauphin.
Witham Dunk Johtuitssi, ejected from
' intineredand; native ot .4titaistrong.
d ; tive'
Of ßgierjeleqted th an Quanber
amen Polled", selected '4Olll
tre; native Cres ' •
_... 1114)14
4 eimalrbfta= west=
4 =atig t" *
. 41 X •
- ^
H M .
—Theodore Hook says that "railroads
annihilate time and space, not to mention
a lame number of passengers."
--A reason why a piano was not saved
at a fire was because none of the firemen
could play o I it.
—People speak of the sun's breaking
out. Will they account for the spots on
its face?
—What constitutes a lady? The New
Yor'k litnrld answers : " Plenty of money,
a French milliner, and a position in
—What is the difference between a dandy
on a spree and a little dogs tail? The one
is a puppy on a bender, and the other is a
bender on a puppy.
—A young lady studying French, and
finding that ''bellell meant "Ilne,” told
, somebody in a letter that we had a great
deal of belle-weather lately.
-- 4 1=Z zlo tarus sanglir says
may, th at while
4tr ger exactions are rapidly increasing, her
attractions are steadily decreasing."
—Sprigging says he once prevented a
severe case of hydrophobia by simply get.
ting on a high fence and waiting there
until the dog left.
i —Pat Doolan, at the battle of Chancel
lorsville, bowed low at a cannon-ball which
whizzed just six inches abz,ve his head;
" Faith,” said Pat, " one never loses
anything by being polite. I)
—A gentleman being asked whether he
was seriously injured when a steam boiler
exploded, replied that he was so used to
being blown up by his wife, that mere
steam had no effect on him.
—Low-necked shirts are pronounced the
latest "style" for nice young men. Just
imagine a sweet youth with his hair part
ed in the middle, a brass headed cane, and
a low-necked shirt.
—.Gentleman (to boatman)—You must
often, I should think, get wet, do you
not? Artless boatman—Yes, yer, honor,
we does, worry wet werry wet, indeed ;
but I'm worry dry Just now, yer honor,
and no mistake.
—" You have destroyed my peace of
rabid, ,Betsey," said a desponding lover
to a truant lass. "It won't - do you much
harm, John, for 'twos an amazing small
piece you h ad, any way," was the quick
—A New York boardig house keeper
hat ado the novel exp ed ient of putting
ktre At, cent tl.mp in the morning
0001 of hash, which•bwmas the pro
yerty'oikthi fortunate chip 'who finds it in
hie %mt._ She has no =catty now in
wig off that commodity.
e." yOu are going to keep school im
said yoft lady to lm old aunt. "
ibr my part sootier them ig tha% I would
marry a widower with nillichiWa. 97 "I
should plosihr that myself,ts was the quiet
reply; "but taws is the widower?”
--" Rai .that mil got fit.," asked= old
filmier who Wid pansod to see at young
44 go 41/4010, with her oaliatbank3 =-
min* it the wine. "No" NOW the
lienhptilikablirOnutillilltice," "So,"
eald.the 'in a. pitying tone, "poor
thing ; -hovi longts she had , em?"
—Seventy-three ago the town of
Franklin Con ., voted to hire a man to
ha t. 6 .. ; for ibur months, at 118
r .., vs- bokrkto keep
a, a , aW, and twepty- d ays
or a , .'. *atm parUatyr e need
4411 '*)0, t tr i i t... "
--St o m a ,tesii nlove with a young
° f,,1 1 .04 asked pennhotion tonsil her by
4. 1 4044,dire own of some , anims4
, tedon 'condition that she
% tot
7 ° I )110 1 0 4 444Eller iti On key
i.. ' ram saw, 5 4 00d t, deer.”
~ AiLid e , brn i t" paid B e. arown
VW up the ownpuity ory oung
. wr4.Ain eatithm editor stye that a An in
New Yorkgot Muesli. into trouhle by
12 14
marry Wit‘M"." ' A.• western otter
1 rudimi , many men had one
1014111/136 marrying one. A north?
Atm editor ea s quite a number of his
1 abilnain ' . . nod tamable enough by
', , ,Kn i tthilltni
, .- , -a.:, em= tor says tint
as' end of hie wasptettlattutitehen
he •Wite% shiki)ly fband in company with
another man's wilt.
Our gittie liokto.
—An old bachelor, seeing the words
"families supplied," over the door of a
shop, wont in and said he would take a
wife and two children.
lowsrin SOUTH QUXEN ST.,second house be
the "Fountain Inn," Lancaster, Pa.
Ortios: No.ll NORTH DUKE ST., west side,
north of the Court House, Lancaster, Pa.
• .
caster, Pa.
. ..
L c
Ossics: No. r. wilx RING ST., Lancaster, Pa.
- --- - -
jr W. JO N,
°mos: No 25 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancas
ter, Pa._
PIM With A. Hasa SMITH, Esq., South
Queen St., opposite the office of ' , Father Abra
batn,” Lancaster, Pa.
O : ;:0 'T DUK ST. iiC•
Orstoin With Hon. 0. J. Dicincr, N 0.21 SOl. TII
QUEEN ST., Lancaster, Pa.
OSPICE of the late lion. THADDEUS STEVENS,
No. 28 South Queen St., Lanoaller, Pu.
Orrice: No. 9 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster
Orricin With General J. W. FISHER, NORTH
DUKE ST., Lancaster, I'a.
111 Q •F. BAER,
. OF/ICE: No. 19 NORTH DUKE Street, Lamm
$r Pa. Mee l&1s•r
Reading Advertis,emeitts.
No. 46 NORTH SIXTH ST., Reading, Pa.
No. 604 COURT STREET, (opposite the Court
House,) Reading, Pu.
• N. R. ADAMS, M. I)., Physician-in-Chief.
Dr. Adams has studied and attended Medical
Lectures and Hospitals, both' in New York and
Philadelphia, an deen a successful practitioner
of the ~H ealing Art" loormany Years; ho is
therefore eminently qualified by Medical Edu
cation, Surgical skill, and great experience for
the position of Physician and Surgeon in
lame Health Institute. Invalids seeking health
will find at our cure every facility for the re
covery of health. Pure, soft, spring water.
healthful diet, and excellent ba th ing facilities
combined with Swesiiiii Movements, and aju
dicious application of Electricity, and alliqa
ture,s great curative Agents, regulated by a
skillful Physician, enables us to cure when a
cure is possible.
The I all aid Veinterinonihs are Considered
best for treatment, sally in oar mild and
genial climate.
SURGICAL OP BRATION 84' all kinds performed
according to the la and most approved
4;1511, as well as DyspepaleAßhewnetisia and
rer ComVaint, are treoteiVerlth surges..
1 4 4ireasr, address th e I.:mastery/boom
& &muff, Wernersville, Works Co., Po.
Oet. 2 tfj
We do not wish to inform you, reader, that
Dr. Wonderful , or any other man, has dlscov
5d a remedy tbat cures Consumption, when
Cllungs are half consumed, in short, will cure
bseases wlther of Mind, body or estate,
make men live orever,a44 leave death to play
for. Want of wor and is'a/ir i to make our
sublunary sphere a dise to which
Heaven • B&W,. 41811 be• but side show. You
have heard mintier of that kind of humbuggery,
and we do not Wonder that you have by this
time becoine disgusted with it. But when I
tell you that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will
poeMvely cure the worst ease. of Catarrh, I only
assert that which thousands can testify to.
'gry it and yon will be convinced. I will pay
we REWARD for a cam of Catarrh that I cannot
?RICO ONLY SO CENTIL &Ng try Matt postpaid,
for Maly Cents • Four packages32.oo, or one doz
en for $3.00. lend a two oent stamp for Dr.
Sage's pamph st on Catarrh.
Address the Proprietor,
ootia-Stn] Belnslo, N. I'
The Great Alterative and Blood Purifier,
inre of SonutiLa cm Killo's
am*, Pilgrim, and
[a 3 s ones F o k i _dosa
Diann; PAL•
and Fmrinlatito at the
1 sad drentdro Arne-
Ma, Mimi"(l ,l ll7,
.4 the bridtini do It
sad snow g
midof ImMcle, Ifermas
limMis, by me-
PALACEA are soon re
clined* bed , bloom and
lioniitaeturor and Proprietor,
For mie
Mai by tremble eat leankielen.aiibekoal
lin Vatted m
For ode by ALMS A. iIUBLIT
oetsl B
y S
1 7 41.1, 1 0: 1 1 . 3;
Photographs, dm.
Parents to "maim,
Father to Daughter,
Mother to Soo.
When Owe lig/it bow loft, {{be house, mentorta
such as thed*PlMPound Mat, intense.
Miniature or Qpal Pictures admitted to be
the best lathe: ,eity and nosh aptor in the State
Constanillreasing denial" and great ens
risme in tirtr oinsiniature give us greater
taailiMes bq tar resalge than any establish
mart owl et or Uwe intris..
. ,
Centre Table. Also. Prlereetto Instrument&
Limo CGolandWork , bar a the Imt Ar
tists ill Philadelphia and e were, in Cr ayon =
eat style a &haat. India k, name and oolOis, at
RITT (1144,IjilYs
lan Myr] No. IP int •Ail4ll.
$l.OO !es Bottle.